Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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    rug nnrLr BEE---WLnvrsveY , AUGUST 8. 1'b3. '
'g a'r. + Cures r1iVHioAT. NlatVOUS k llehlllt
OF MANLY y10011Slerntatorr
hem , cta , ahcn ail other reme
dim fail. A etire panrnnfreL
# 1,30 a bottle , large bottle , fair
tinethequonuty , ga Ill' t
, prussto ant' ndstca. Soil hr
nil drigglsta. 1N(11.ISIi : ( UIIIf ;
CAL IN9TITUTC , Vroprlctors , TlS Olhe Street , St.
T ) uh,3ln , - -
' 1 bare snld Sir Astley Cooper's Vital fednrnllve
for ycatr. lvcry customer speaks hlghiy of it , i
ttnhealtatingly endorse It a + n remedy of true tnerlt
'C I ' . Oneness , Drnlry11t
Omaha Febl 139x , tta mko eall'
Ifn.tcttcr'o Stem
, ash llittcr , by iii.
b 9 C1tiC1A1e3 : d nod rendering the
1413 is l functlona
rcguiar and Actl + c ,
keels the sstctn In
fgyt , goo0workhgorier ,
j and protects it
agnlnst dlr0n.o , I'ur
y ( en + tlimtlnnd ) q cp'
a via nod lhcr tom
' r Idnint , ncnnu + ne + + ,
vl y kidney and their
V"t , ! untie Ailments , It I +
' iii nlnnblu , and it
T againstaalnrialIct
en , I esldew 10110 + -
OT0:11ACH : Ingall traee4 of serb
it ease troll thu s } s
1011. for salubynfl
lT yyt hrugglets at i heal.
mlamAe ual
sr Kc6en11y1 _
- -
I' t
l , rul
l 'a
Is n 1'nslllvn are
roved lbotel'alnrulComplubnenil weaknee.d
so common to our brit femaia populatlnn.
11edlrlnn tor ITnnlnn. Iarentrd by s IVOnel
Prepared 113' Voman.
M erealnt .idled pJwertr , hl a + e the pas. et lil.u. ,
t3rltreile ti , drooping apirItr , tnvlgurate a.'a
armonIze the organlo fuacllottt , gives eiaetlcltT en
Irmne + s to the steprestoroetidetI LuraIman + .u C %
pry and plants on the p..e cheek of wommt the Ors
ewe of Bfe'e spring asd early narm"r timo.
{ rPhrdclans Us' II and "ratcrito It Freely ti'
at romoyoe tatntnrn + , aatulencydulroye all earn
ir dlmulantandrotlovmWa'tluio.nof the ntnmsrl
Thal ferdng of bearing down , caueing pain , w.lg t
lIdbackacheI always permanentlyenrAbyItena
Forth.curt' orllldney Comrilnlntaofeilbsr r + 1
this Compound la umurp.urd.
+ tafnAF. I'iNI ' G1.OOD rU1111'1Rf
n eradlralo every Tnetlgo or Nomura grin , 'lb
ayntruy e
vAn .oinnorcbllcI. . In itetuniiavlugllL
130th the Compound sad Theo ( t'urlacr are
g233and21 ? wcrelern ATenue , Lynn , ouu , 1'rh.
pthor,01. $ . torn
' of pills , or of lotellges , on recclat of price , 51 twr rr
or eltncr , llrs.rlnkllamfre' . , an.wur + altletlenst
iqulry En Ionian.Itamp , Sendorianhi 1e/ .
Nofamlt .hanritonlthoetL tlLA I.I' ! T IIAHI
( dYlla t'Il.t.x. They cure cnntllntlou , IAllmunlt
tau torpU Y oC tlo l1Vm. 2M1 rentI par bar.
p r-Sold by tdlnrugatiate.r&p m
h rY'air , ' ! , f w 3rY * I , , ,
„ Iy
s C f
rr "Y i I ; ' ' ,
0 , ,
ir I
. r ,
) ii7. i , Id4l yf
) i7. : . . Y
C ) o 'l , 9 R
H 7
ll 1 ,
w e
, G . I
- '
. .
.7 C e.
Oe ' cI" ° i , 64 3
.1 , K N '
, fl , err t'
f t l .
1 tt ! „ Y . , I
, 1 , , e
, . , ' .
{ 0
, g i
4 , ) D r
Y n
An exrs ilent e l 1tl2ing ( tonic
, .
r ) - - 1111010 wntld , , cures byepepe
) ' , P'ever non A uunud
' , iP ) ' Ulgnl
" . \ T ; A fuw dap pp Impart n doUciu
; ) . . ,
= t + to aIITuinutrrdrf1111. 1'ryitI
f I ; buwaruu1tuuntrrtc/lr. / Ark yn
grucur or dnlggbt ( or the genul
s nrtirie inauufacturtd Iy
( I. U , 8iEUlflt'l' A BUNU ,
- J , 4I. \ UrrERMAN11 , Sole el
E. , . for t. y1 w , ih.nn ,
WaQ""xa n"'A
G1 Drolllway , N , Y.
DRi HR1 i'S
. l Iris Electric Butt will Curt , thu Folio
lug IismusesVillwut Mediejme.
1'41111. III the Hack , 11II . head or 1.16168 , Nall l
Ivbllly LUnlhage , Uwnral hebllity , ithunnatl
Paralel. , Ncural Ls , 5datiea,111acatou1llu ( litdlr
. ' , ( , Huila ) Eaha
dote , llam6tal lenl.du6 + , A.lwa ) , , hoot 1)leca
D , rhul5W , CUll4I14Uou , ErilIvlae , lndlgvetl
Itcmbn or itupturo , Iu ) x teuey , ( .atarrli , I'ilu.,1
Icay , bualb Akue.
dm atla Tostl ionlaI.
ousma , Nta , Apdi 12,1859
DL IV , ] . hoax. , IDl ss'abaIlAl0nue , 6Tl llgo :
bzaaSIK iIurdlatdttnotyeurElidricBdh
Ikuurer , Cult' . , ) kcemier , is. 16 endured ttw p
acruae Pq kidnoya all stung16c6ud ti eni w t
th.ygiu ao wuru trouble 'Itro.phial Irdtrtlwm It
Llmwl lnwudlntcly which nothing oouW Zulu do
Yourayentberollu l dd naui to Inrtlcs for pL
aeatlal ueakacw , uuuralyls , luml.i. , and ! ac
walaiesn , with huw 1 aw l..l 6tul , and the
.uIW fa oath ca.u wuru thaJunwtexlectatiw e. 1 I
refer ally one to these { urtloa who desire it.
1Weptdlull ) ' , bit , 31. N , I'OItTEII ,
1013 Ce itol ahu. , Ouuha
) ! AiN oYY1CE- gasiW 1'oetunlce , Itutmr b1
jjurHduatQ t.00odwaia brug bore
Ysrn w StreeI , OuuIl1
A Life and Death Blackened With
Shaine Qud Criine1
The 4Cnndn1H W'hleb Agitated tit.
LI/11IH / AIICI line llnrringo
\ { 'Ilh'ouilnh'o. .
\'Iol0I1l'O null I1slrneo to nil lies In.
IIti11lIC AworlntCH.
I'hllmlolphla free. .
ST. Louis , Aug. 2.-The tlotM1il8 of thu
life in this city of , hare. Shupardwlw w'aa
killed by her rOjnILed imlabiul , a clergy-
mmn'a ROn , fmi rev fork last Moadnynro
just COmliug to light lnrlim' ( lispatcICR
to 'l'lie 1'1csA gilvu bur mimlhlml mmnu as
Bitty \VBtiH , lie 'nolliur came from
Ahn ylaud , whuru Kitty ssmR born. Dirs.
\Vntts IIIIlrrieIl Nnrray , the lottery elan ,
of thou well htlwtwtl letter firm Of 161rray
Delon iC Co. Iicr daughter Kitty swam
little known uatd nbout the year 1858 ,
w11ei shu warn nmuTied to Seymour 1) .
l tor lnlsbam l tuns n native of the 1 eland
of Cnudaloii m , anti lie clamnmd dint ho
811(111113 father wwu fu gitiveae hnviti g
beet driven out of the iRlmmd on account
of the iusurrectli n , in which they had
taken part. Voilditiru ss'ns a stout , hud
dle ngcd man , with dark conpluximi ,
coah bhack hair mud beard. Ile had ouu
dclornied foot Iio was decidedly hand-
R'nnc , having regular fentureH amid flltsh
inghhtck o 'us , flu wore low Byrom
collars , which uxposod lain mitick and chest
wit ) , louse , flaring neckties , mud his shirt
boson aid cufrH wart ) generally adorned
with ruffles , lbu atl'ected a full hat with
n widu brimn , swhiich he wuru tosseii illek
emi his held , and hiii swholu appcaramcu
WaR striking
Before he had been nnuriud many
years his wife calve into pronuauliw au a
beauty. She duvelo led rapidly froml a
sloulur girl into a beautiful omn with
all tlnu airs and graces that charm the
other sex. She was of middle size , of a
figure plump , but hat at all dumpy , with
long ravel tresses that full about her
waist. Ilcr complexion was dark , but
still clear as alabaster ; a beautiful neck ,
slwulders nlld bust , n small foot , and a
carriage that mil her old athnirm'S unite in
desighutulg as quite gneuuly , compluted
her clutruis.
About 1862 Voullniru began to suspect
his wife , add front that time on his wlmlu
life % LILS colored with one idea , laid that
wits that situ erns din arcing hllo. Thu
couple hal several children , two of whoni
- 1111(1 Alphonse Voullairu-ttre
now ill New York aid were ne5eht it t
the hnmse on the day of the tragedy. Thu
father and mother nrrelud m utii unll
both had a foulydatiot for cons plaint. .
rn. Voullniru mimbered her almnirer s
by tIw dozoh , and a list of those who Wer su
smitten by bar charms would includ e
uvmy good-looking uuul who was 8t al
prounumat in business or legal circles at
tlm time.
.t Ii l'YiIANI.II.tldUHI' ) ' : .
Shin Imrsolf was slow' to hall in love , ins
shiu liked to try her pelvel's of fItseilllltiel i
amid toyed with he' s'icfinls in that skill
fail , cuquutinh way which mmadu each null
believe that ho wan lint' sole favorite.
That she vats unfrdtllful to her marring U
vows WILR 1111 upon Miciot , imd the know ]
edge of this fact drove \'oullairu alnlox
frmutle. At tine saute times lie hived it
continual dread of his wife , and ho ire
quuutly silted to his intimnatu friomis thin
ho slid nut kauw wlmtt montuut he would
mwet his death at her lulmds. It wain I
tv'ull known filet them elm always carried i
long , thin Sptulisla stiletto , with at mix
tiwuely fancy luuidlu , in her bosom. It
mdditiou to this slw was never without
nlddlc BiZCl hOUhhc Iictiell silvur platet
revolver , With 11mi ebony luuidlu , w'hiel
shin aentetintes car'riud in is satchel mm
senetinnes hit the snmie reatiug place will
thin dm 6ger.
\'oullmirc s icmt his ( lays in wittchima g
herr 11 fog tots his nights and hi ;
ulonoy wuru used in the svnn pursuit
Detuetivn after detective wttn emgdoyui
in thin purault. At the samu tuuo it wa
IL patent htct that than husbnod laimasel
wIIR not nRoguthui bhtnnelesH , anti lti
h8bits wuru Oil some occlsions such as t
ghs'u his Wifu ample groumida for recrim' n
aatioh ill any chnr us whiiclt oho neigh
oaks Ile was still as thoroughly ii
fatuated with his wife as thin nnest the r
oughly sniittot of her lovers. And tin
fact , together withu the fact that Ii
feared hUr wrath , kept hum front uuakih
m inut'U. The scandal cnnme to a heat
fimially , about the buginnimg of the you
18i7. ( At thud time theiu vvas a re port ,
aaamed hallo vull connected with the S
Louis Deleca'at who lrrofossed to 1ev '
the tiark uyed Hyrml vi itll a pwsnioudu d
vet join.
salaiNn : moat mtn'iti I : .
Ono might in time year mmntiuned'ot
lniru invaded 'l'imo 1)mmucrmt nflico , whit
vats thou inn 1'hmal Nugent , tool naked L
Ilallusvoll , A5se011 \'oullairo cough
sight of the ruportul at his dusk ho dre
alu ; gu knifu , ud if that weapon was mil
anon gin ho n oducell 111 revolve
t Willi bout well ) Onx din dm'ell hU it
I valced upon his ltendud '
llttlhWUll ss'llS mint at all scared at tin
OAhibltiun of II udmihnturo ar13uLn1. II
8 tiresw his (1ss n revolve , amid , but fur tl
of inlcrfu uncu of bystamidcrs , would ha
Ile killed Vuullauro w'ltueo flu stood. Jed'
ell I i o mia , svho wins hutyOF of St. Louhp
Ir , the ti UIO , w ms in the oh Iicc , and ho a
Il sgYorml ollUL' gmltlemnumi , by tinnely irate
Uor fereice , ) euvOlded a tragedy. hall
or Is'clI , mhicll n aiuxt Iris will wns )
1e muulod to leave tim ollicu , 1Ic soon unite
' ward dupartcd from losvmi , svmtt to St
1i Joseph , Dlo , , aid became pro 1r10tor
the St , .lnsu Ih Igrld with Diner B
tome' . \Vlpilo nett buggy ruling iii tit
nit with ox ( lovuramr ) hancvs . Jolt
- '
soli he was thrown from thin vehielo iii
died a few day's nfterwuu d frumi tlm i
juries rcccived.
81IIir liana miusntsl , .
'l'ine nuxt time that tine skeleton in t
V oullniru household svns Itired befor'o t
St. Louis lublle wits in tlmu middle of 11
081' 18118. Amen / kTOldlnir
fnimoln lot thirst thou wa0 Isom Ruth v1
Iv. wens a clerk in that postollico at than iii
IOum. Fmllurtol vsats poshnnsto ; Intl
, , , e t tall , hnmid5omilu brnlnutte , with btm
IIII skin , turd his hair wums bo curly that
mil' ' ss'aH openl } , nllegcd that thufo was nog
e blood in his VuinS. Voullniru hind Lin
01I snutchiimg humr for some thou , mud u
1 might tvnl3 lyii4 inwait in his cuslontll
huokoat , near Carr Park , iii which noig
boyhood the \'oultairoi lived at tin
time , ltuth s(1oln cauu along , anti ms
hlryas about to toiler the door of the Von
ahu Jniro residmme , thu mite husband tired
Ilat charge of buckshot diroetl 'mat him , ltnn
111 wits struck by several slants but was n
ue , seriously injued. Dlra , Voullniru ours
a4 Liu ) all tltrou gin his illness maid urmdo
u secret of her ufl'oction for him , or of h
deep disgust at the action of hr husbal
110 A mouth after ltuth recovered 11u n
\'uullaire met one day of Fourth stru
just at she stops lending to thin main on-
trnnce of the courthouse , The details of
thu tweeting wore rtiwnys n subject of dis
Auto. It was clainied by several specta
tors that Voullnire began the trouble by
nttonlpting to usu a cowhide upon ] tuth.
Bothn loon nhnost iminediatoly drew their
levelvors , and each fired two shuts in
rapid succession. Muth 0sra led unlouclt
ed by the bullets but Voullniru ssas less
lucky ; lie was shot nearly through the
body on the loft silo nd full to tlio
lavlgent coveted with blood. lie was
afterwards carried to the old Sistors'IIos
dial on Fourth and Spruce streets , whore
he lay several months in n critical coalition
tion nd was owl lullotl through Imy tine
most careftil nuraing and treatment.
While lie lay there ho roh/oatedl asked
his friends to ou his wife and have her
call on him , and the desire to meet. her
Rouintid to ho thin controlling idea with
him durim his whole illness. It is said
that shim did make one visit , but that her
stay was khort , her convorsatien mint at j
all suited to the occasion , amid sin could
never n laihbe porstinrled to cuter thin
1idullnire , s'lann 1lu recovered , imistihlt
oil proceediiigs for divorce against him
wife. II n hind previously employed 1)e
toctiro Ithineliartit mid others to watch
bur. The particulars of tin case wlwru
Ithiinelmerdtcauglit her mud a wchl kno vmi
river hiai mi her shameful circumstances
were partly published at tlnu time , amid
thin ilutnils as givin by Itliiuehlarlt arc
shocking in thin uxtrwnu , AV. . Dieati ,
Who has BumicU died was Voullmiru's nttor
any in thin divorce case. Thu trial r0
vetlwl It mllost shocking state of atfdrs.
Before it took dace Voullniru went to
HOYOraI lrouliimcut citizens marl notified
thorn that they Would be aui temmcd as
witmmesses n gaiist his wife. ' 1'hreo of thin
gentlemiimi who worn no throatmned were
mot to dn , and they admitted third thin
threat caused them uch fear mud tremmi-
bdiwg , mid they all dcnlamded emimphati-
cally that their asides should not ho used
under inlay consitleration. Thu decree of
divorce was grnrrtod to Voullniru with thin
custody of thu children.
Several months ] ntur Ruth mud the
womitan worn married timid went to Leavemi-
worth , lcamisas , to live. After n residencu
thioro of a year and n half Ruth was found
dead in his bed one morning , and it was
fouml that hO hind been poisoned. A
physician named Dlcdicott was trial for
the murder amid Mrs. Ruth was arrested
tie an accessory , but mover was imidicted
for thin crime , After Ituth's ( batik thin
wlnoronbomts of tine woman was for some
time unknowmi.
Ono day , porhmps six uwiatlra ago , a
woihkmlotvli lawyer , who had boon Ivry
friendly with her , was made aware of her
ruttish to St. Louis in m very curious
mimnner. IIo wits wahkiim g on Chestnul
Street widen a woman in back and deoIl i
veiled approached mini. lb paid mat
attention to her until she Iran eouu
directly in front of hen , when she rnisei
her veil , and there stood before him Mrs
Vbulhairo , n svonnn which ho had tnuvm
expected to Ben again. She dropped hci
veil n 6mill , anti , withoutspuakimig It word
wlalkel quietly away.
At Now Orleans Mrs. Vodlmiru nubso
( uently mot nod nmtrried n Dir. Kclly.
1111 algntlt of a stCallisilii ) lint , wi h whom
shin thou went to New Yrk. No omit
knows w'hiat hecumu : of him , but ho it
ti said to ho still living iii Smvmuminh , mud i ,
Ho , lie is the only uuui , possmbly , wiiosl
nsxociatiou with this tvomml had nub
Other thorn a fatal tevminatiorm. It is now
buliuveti that Dh'a , Vodlairc's histon -
was nmdc kngww to young Shepard alto
t she had bromu to live with him i iii 1'tvent Y
secomid sti eut , and that fear of lair wa
1Olin 1 mulct of tine tragedy ,
ZOS1H rozntlIIctTIn : : coalrrlxuN : ross'Dlal
i ur infant's toilet it is an iudispmlenblo ar
I tide ltealing nil exe0Iiations iomnndiatoly'
L \Iutiler'4 511011111 wso it free ) ? ' on thulitttu Onoe
I t is perfectly i nrmiess , 1' ' or Halo by all drug
gists ,
" _ .
I 'I'ht'Yow'crof1Yntm .
, limo ( lunette. s
1 ' 1710 propueties of water arc only par
titlilel'Stooll those who have '
1 tially by imev'
or seer it uwdut' higi pressure , Th
, Vilgiiti11 City \\'lotter Company guts it
Bupply from Dhnrlettu Likn : , on time 7'nhto
, shin of time luountnhw. It gets it thromgg
1 by n lung tunnel , is then OI thin erest of
S high nuIitnbti o , lositoMoumitDmvidsoi
I with \ \ 'nshooTitlle ) , butwonmi. 'Po crow
B this valley by m lhmmo would ho almiml
o iutpOnnil > lo , HO thin w ttto is carried dev
thin numuitmht sidu to the bottom , alt
it crosses tinder the V , aid 'I' , rtilroa
I track , ( Iii time divftiu between Wushwn an
Ealiu ; Valleys , thou up agafn to the ri
riH glwrctl heighit in iron pupus. Thu dupem
u 5ieu created in the liun of carriage is 17
g feet , null tim prossuru on the pipe is 80
, Pmhals to tine squtue inch. One pipe
tr ulevemn undies fn diamueter , anti is quartet
tr iron , lmp wcldcd , aid oightuol feet lee
I , with screw 1joints. Thcru is little trout
'u front it ; but the other , whic11 is twels
e. niches in diamineler and is riveted pups
nmtkos more or less trouble all tinge , 'fli
110110 ill laid with time scam down , tut
I whemvovt crack is mnQe by the frost t
hi sun warping it , or from any othur cans
it thin strcuuh pours forth with tromemlul
it fence , If lira joint , is brukom opus , I
vv couttO the svhoIO stream is 10(150 nod got
t tearing d(1wv thin m m iiutnln , but usual' '
V the OnetpU is very small. 'Pin break in
d srcuk wits Ness tllalm lise vighitlis of tor iul
in dfaunuter , aid yet thu Wate' in ti
is 1umiu urns lowm'ed Ali inch amid a half 1
e it , and thin peessuru event down iiftcun I
in tts cnty peundd , Captain Overton sir
1'11 that lift ) ' Inches of water vunt throw
it. It has been pi lIlbly a yea' in ml
tit timig nut , tad seats monde by m little
iil hm'dly visiblu to thin naked eye tiint e
r emend though n joint mud struck thin llil
0 , tvvO On' three feet nil' , cutting away the et
e1.- until thin hl'C39ttt'uimltldulmtmkn itthreug' '
\\'liein sucht a broth occurs the noise rl
, be blown furr half a ) vile , and the nor
of shnkesforhnndiudsof feat aruuoti ,
itbrcmh thin situ of tt lmittiug needlu w
at cut a hole in the 111110 in half nn boo
in. Such heoaks lire ruptured b ) ' indting
ml band ueouud time 10110 , puurmmigg ut Iuoltl
ii. 1(111(1 mad tlunpiag it mil. Smelt m siren
bores through m rock like n saw bliu
'I'lm flying winter is as hard its iron , an
feels rile glt like a file to time touch , It
h u 1111 poaslhlte to turn svitlt tine hamid , 3113
iu tears thin Mesh oil' the hones and if 0
n hiiigers iil'o stuck iii thlu stronlmi , lvithi tl
21 , ' "milt up , the nails Itru instautly turn
o back anti sotnelinnes tore 1(1050 from t
lIe Ilesh ,
t in - -
sn \'urtiggo -stories Co11vulslonls-I
rI nervous disiIrluna inn feet-aro cured 1
Ire Srfmrnrltor a\2rrhlc.
Oii 't'1'ids certifies , " wrjtes ' 1) , D , Clnii
no ' man , of llamvcgo , dud , , 'thatS'rfnutritr
Aeri1 , tk envoi usu of Epileptic fits. "
I -
it Druugists , $1fi0 ,
d. i nui' } ' IrIiiIn I Venn ,
it i'ru6I llw 5,1,11 I'rnHCiwu I1tet.
Ihi A 110111) saloomm kept w bottle of pits
ut 1000 s diutuie sulked in B lirita Of tor peed
od jinn for thin use Of customers who tell ( t
no bar-keeper to humig it up , but the buvoa
er becanu so poptllnr mil Reno tlunt it w
Ili , considered totm good fur that elites
crostouure , tvhro are new regaled with
mid decoetlom of ' 1'tuckee River water ,
et , wvhich old gum bouts hare bcwm souks :
ncc shop in Which Uucic Sam Prints
Thcm AR Immonsc Estali
Au Army of 'Typesetters , Press.
Tewders and Ilookhlnders-
Hpleulhl J1aOliluery ,
San Chronicle
\ eToN , July 4 , 1,883-Porhinpa
ono of time inmost intorestmg objects to a
visitor \Vaehington , and one that will
repay hint better that any other for the
fatigue incurred by its inspection , is the
rent national m bookbindin g
establlshmmlt numhhtune corner of II mud
North Capitol strode , which given mm
ploynnent to tine buisy of morn than -200
parsons anti which nccempaty time oit'rn '
official printing mud bookhmtbng of ome
of time greatest nod most exlolsive governments
ernments in existence. l' ) to 1801 the
governmment lrintin wat3 let out itt con .
tract under reviser , ins Icction of a
sit lnrmtundent of Irimit mi g but the work
svgs 1orforumcd so umisatiefactoril lord
511311 vextatious duln 's occurred in its
execution that thin government detormimi
ell to or .aizin aim establishment of its
Own and tlaoreb' reulcdy and avoid the
mnah evils of thin contract a'stonm. Ac-
cmdln gl in the year nbovo named , the
su leriutarnlmlt of public rintul g b'
virtue congress authorizil S
of an act of S
hint tedoso , purciasetl the promises now
occupied by thin govern11oit printing
ofiec at a cost of $18i,000 * liicln included -
ed thin building amt all time nulcliinery ,
type , paper , etc , , IlcccsAary for n coin-
Pluto rimitin g o1l1cu of that da and gmi-
oration. 'Thin building 0 thou gln const6der-
ed large at tint time , has beet added to
too stnch an Oxtmit that it is now min fact
au immense institution , Thu blliblumg is
now iu the forum of a rectangular quad-
rnigln , with au upon court in the center ,
amid covers IVOr 41,000 square feet of
ground , The 1I-street wing is 300x00
feet ; thin north capitol or cast wing 176x
60 feet ; the west wing 176x51 fcet'aid
the south wing 1UOx0O feet-all four
stories high. 'ho ' flooring spacu covers
fouramd one-half acres !
Since tine ostablishmeitof the govern-
wont printing o ice iii 18tiI there have
been but four dilf'ermit mar to occupy
the position of public printer. In Diarch ,
1861 , presirlemmt Lincoln appointed IIou.
, iohn D. Defrees to take charge of tine
I nosy oflico , and lie occupied time position
up to Septem ber 1,1800 , when presidmrt
' Jolunsomt removed him and appointed
I CorneliusVeiidell in his stead. Congress
I then placed the election of the public
I printer in the iaude of thin Senate , and
mn March 1 , 1807 , Mr. Defroes wage rn-
' instated. In.180U tine Senate again rw
' liuved Mr , Defrecs by electing A. M.
, Clap 1 in his stead , DIr , Cla ) p hold th n
dace until Jnuu 1 1877 , whmi csidnla t
' linesr in tnlraumncu of a law tpmassed b y
, Congress the year before , again vestin g
a inn tine president thin power to nppoimt tl i gu
I public printer , once more placed tli
I oflico under tin control of D1r , Iufreea ,
f On April III , 1882 , Mr. Iefrees resigned 1
I and president Artlu r appointed the pros
' amt incum bent , Iot. [ Sterling P. Round s
r of Illinois , to till tine vacancy , Fur. Itouud s
has shown uvidenee of great executiv u
t' ability.Vhoro ticre was confusion ani c
disorder before , he hits established system
I amid order , so that tine work in tine variou n
duper its of tine establishment is noes
mil pGr t unison.
Tiii 1'Iux,4-nuo : ) m.
'To tine visitor this is perhtipx to a moe
. iliterl sting portion of thin wholu oflico. I
is inn tine first floor of the maimn building
mind is 60x200 feet. There are sixtyomi
1105505 of various kinds aid description
in this room , and a purfoct wilderness o
bclt'ng ' amt shafting. Thorn Is oils prey
alone that hat a capacity fur 26,000 het
- pressions nu hour. Time nmciiuer'y of tin
mntiro ollicu isdrivcn by a 150 hmorse powo
n Corhise engine , which is a model of per
fectioi amid runs without the leant jar o
h noise , 'l'huro are shout -40 enlployos it
IL tine dupnrtlneint. Thu pressdcetiers a
I all ladies , vvho reeoivw for theme service
f 18j cmnts per Hour. There is one press
uuui to every' two presses , Most of tin
m presses arc rumling uiglnt timid day. , and h
I lox wonderful svlat mar amount of vo'
d they accomplish , Only the other day on
'I ' job of over 3,000,000 impressions Wa
Iconmplotcd. . Utn the first 11(101-s ( of tine va
o rio a wings urn also situated other d u
, vex , , thin paper wat nlwusut11
i0 cliino Shkop , thin stiptuum court do11art
uncut ( wheeall time pnautumg of Bupruni
t'- court mid court of claims cases is doe )
t , the prihcipltl proof roeu , the stevotyp
e vaults , etc , lu tine dopartniotts luL
e above uamee there are about 1Ii0 cmi i
o pioyes.
'rmia smtcoNI } 'Loon ,
, Tim dupnrtnmnt of chief iutueeet o
this floor. is what is called the "docuuima
ie room , " It oecmpiCR the Il sh et fron t
If uumudilttely above tlic la'C5ntnutu , amtl
'S said to bin thin lumgeuL coulposfng roeu i
ly ( lie world , bcilag ! ( xU ( feet , At tin
fnout end Of tide room io time idlico t
st : ii I Captitm II , ' 1' , lh iau , ss ho is uniwe sall
iu ineknun lcdged to be to e ablest foeunuua i
) , printing the otlieu has eerllund , lu tin
y dupartimeut there lire ( 'p0 ralloys , -0
' 5 "fl'aaicx , " 2011 "cases , " and Imnniun'ot
hn "imnsfug ) stoics , " pra0f pressue , et
't There uru about.t50 unlphOyCs in this tl u
tnmlt uncitul n g several ts'onteu , ' 1'1
51 ' 'mtime" ' lmimtis is
on th floor 6get 10 tun t
par ham' , while thin "pioce" lmtihls eucei %
in (0 routs per 1000 "emi5 , "
in 'Plme "record roan" is on time secon
m flout' of thin 5(111thm 11 iiig , 'l'hia roOlu
tin 60xt10 feet and is lighted with uluctr
\ fight Dnriug thin sessions of eougre
iii than "Itecord euou" ix tt busy' locality , ni
r n largo nnmunt of work is mccoiiiplishei
n It is untie that all time eoagrcss0omial pr
, ii ceeRilgs itl'0 { 1l'illtell ( ruin tiny to day.
mil is lieu that nil time speeches that arim ri
It livered in ceh Ness , mud Setuotlurtaro no
mtl luau tlneir way into print. During tl
is busy. season about 75 pe'sons tied cm
it IIl0ynurt on time Itbcord , amid miotw'it
1w sbunduug that it is mimic subject to''fu
Inn lougi than otlmr dulnrtiuuhts and tl
Liil puny 111 the snow as 111 tlm "docuulm
Imo renal , yetitisconsidueedtlme 1.11 dy def a
of the CetabhislmiCnt ,
'a'lto job ollicu ix also xitualcd Ow tin
hone , in time HOUthwcst Wfag It 15 6
I ll 100 foot and is a larsy quarter , It cO
Loins 0U0 cases aid suverltcer iulposlm
, btomiee. Itish one all thin uxcentivu jt
t ja'imiliug is duuo for tlm deparhaemt
I1t mat 1'he ' onru Bixty hiVU employes m ( )
uaan , all ( mane ! lauds ,
Adjoin'ng ' time jobtootn is thu ehuetu
type Ilnd stereotype foumidry. It is fre x f
feet mod mn11hoy's 32 amen , All time loath
slugs amid nwtnt Au nitueu used imi Ii
II. ullieu into nano b ' them , boeides all no
n esmurr' etCk'eut ' ) in' and oloctrotylilll
' 17w thiCO5 of thie publfu lrmutur , clmi
gou clerk , ltlslnio' , trto , , are also on tl
as flour ,
of 'rill lvutu FIAon ) ,
a TIris flout' mu entirely occupied by t
mu bindery amid excites special ilttorest lit t
d , visitor , In may mldoayor to convey
Inca of the extent of this deparhnent
I cannot do better than quote m paragraph
front a letter writtml by the Iresont chief
clerk Cadet Ta lor to hits Mono la for
W onomia ( ill , ) lildox , a cepY [ of wlmtcli ho
line kindly furnished 110 , iii which ho
thus dcscribee the bindery ,
" 'I'heru is a great deal of interest on
the third flour , which is wholly occupied
ax a bindery' , The north capitol win is
00x315 foot , and is usorl as n forwardin g
room , anti is tilled with mmiachine ' , inn
tinielled work 1111(1 bus workulcn , Tiiero
is also an alditional coons fi1x90 feet
that is also used as n forwarding room ,
Thu next is a storeroonm , 00x00 feet , amid
is leaded with matcninl for usu inn thin
bhulery. Passing on around , we next
find n room 65x00 feet , which is m per.
feet beehive , The goldroon is mlu'pped '
with first-class mnchimiery for donmg tlm
Ghost gold lettering , mho bus } , haunt of
scores of sowing ulachihcs and ( lie live ]
m ovummlts of four or five dozen irl
sewin g books b Laud all go towards
nlnkilr ti I a very ' livel ' branch. Tine
rollin ggroom is Ox113yfont , and do rut-
ilutchiutre turn out sohe ver handsome -
some s ) ecinlois of tvurk. 'l'1misfoor ' do.
voted to bimiditlg in all its branches , is
umicqualed in time whole world , There is
belting and shmftimig in every romu , and
the network of nmecliinmy all over time
bimidory is syomlorful , * \Vhile
thin floor swaths with girls , the ceiling is
tlcwlated w itlk pulleysl belting mud shafts
hero , there aid nvorytwhcre , all devoting
Power amid oicrby to the hest Monett of
Auielicah industry , Among other mama-
chinory , thin bindery is equipped with 20
Ilickok ruling imaciiillcs 1v'tthl colurlum
strikers ; 6 embossing presses , 17 priutml
work tviru book sclviing nmachines , 10
nuuborhlg haclmihes , 8 paging mint.
chines , II book backilg hachihcs , 41
stllimhltlg pC05BCR , I lint-ge giue hcating ap-
pnratus , togotho with the minor nut.
cliinery necessary to do first class box.
snork , Thin dmnaul Of congress and time
execution dcpartittehts nlnku it necessary
that tile opine be fully equipped with all
modern mimclmihcry ° for doing time best
work iii time least ppssible timmu ,
There arc at tlmis tinmo about 210 jour-
nuyuioh bookbinders , 250 weinen and 150
other em ployee iii time bindery , in order
to convey some idea of time extent of its
growth it Amy lie stated that in 1801
thorn wore only 40 euploycs in tine buu-
dory ; now. there are over 000. In 1801
thm'o were but 0 machinee of all kinds in
tine bihdery1 now there mire 180 ,
Till : } 'oUInTII FrAen.
This floor is aimost entirely used as a
folding dopaltinmit. It is divided oft'
into timrco rooms , onn 60x300 feet , ono
00x113 aid one GOxOO , and still thuoy arc
very ntuclt crowded and cramped. In
tlmis depnrtmmit there are some 380 girls
mud wonen nmgiloycd anti about 70 mcn ,
Nearly all work by the "piece , " and
the amount tinny earn depends upon tlmeur
proficiency , It is particular work , as all
thin books , maps , pintos , etc. , are hero
prepared for stitching iu the bindery be-
low. In former times all than folding was
done by huaud , but now a largo part of it
is performed by folding ntaclmines. Thin
only other dnpartmiloit on the fourth floor
is the specification-room , hove it is
that all tine specifications of patents are
printed anti all other printing connected
I tvitli the patent ellieo , It is quite a large
printing , ollicu , giving euploymient as it
does , to about 1110 persons.
The growth of thegovc'11moutpriutfmig
othico Ins booml relmmrrkablo , In lr 14 con-
sgross mach its fumst appropriation for pub.
lie printing , anti this is time clause hn time
appropriation bill of that year , lavimg
m reference thereto :
For the expeml9oi Of fireanod , stationmy
and priutiag ; wnrk , and all other colmtialgeut
oxpetsee of time twro houscul of congress , i l0 ;
000 ,
Bollold the contrast ! Last year the dis-
t bursenomts for printing mind binding , to
t say nothing of "firewood , " were $2,035-
0 1511 , Tlmero vvas paid to employes during
e tire yea fu wages $1,4801,510 , The pay-
f rolls now amount to itbuut $5,000 per
duty , and than nvnrk is still increasingwitln
S . ho indicatholl of reaching its hmnxiunun ,
Thq ] ours of labor in time government
e printing otlieo mare b ou 8 a , m. to 1 p. m ,
and from - p , al , to 5 p. m. It is the
: lUHICBt public office nt time national caph-
II tml , amid tine governumeut comes as hoar
I gutting vnhmu received for its niortoy as au
able nana4uuelit amid faithful onployes
S con nutkn lt , _
u * :1miwh thin must oflicacious of reume-
d dial agents are time Medical propuuations
k from than laboratory of Mrs. Lyduit E.
y Pinkhlun , Lyun , Dlass ,
At a picnic party at Canton , N. Y , ,
tweimt ) 1 lc1BOlls w01'u struck b ) , lightuingg ,
O Four \vero badly burled , and ow lady.
land her. shoes torn from ) bur feet.
, A hmun sullcring from debility mud loss
u of apputito ; took two battles of IIotxl's
xt Sa'saluar'illw , gained tom powmids and got
w nil.
y' OF O11AIL1 ,
0e e Capital , - - $100,000,0
is C. V.I IAMiLTON , Pros't ,
c M. T. DARLOW , Cashlor
io Accounts sotlcitod and kept oub
o Joct to sight chock ,
Cortlfieatos of Deposit issued pay
nblo in 3 , l3 anti 12 months , bonrln
Id Interest , or cn demand without In
is torost.
ie Advnncos mndo to customers o
5s approved socurltlos at market rat
Hl of Interest ,
1 , The Interests of Customers ar
e. closely gunrdod anti every facillt }
it compntlblo with prInctplos o
0 sound banking freely extondod.
t Draw stght drafts on Englandlro
io land , Scotland , and nil parts of Eu -
min ropq.
it- Soil European Passage TIckets. '
r Collections Promptly Made.
II . a
ug ( GUCCI SSOIt. TO atViil SNYUEat. )
iii Ocnemi Bualere In
ist r '
10 m
t tea t'.UINASI fir , , . . OMAnA ,
Iha 11a1o fOt solo 900,000 acrua carefully belectol lan tit
Iii Batlcnl Nebraska , at low prirv aid o6 coy tern
lueprut mid lamas for sale Iu Iutaglel , Dodge , Colla
t'latteUurt , Cutulug Sary , 1S'e.eidu'twy Merl rr
Heelldera , aid Butler buw11ka
Ino Thzee ) uk1 In all 1arts of the Htote ,
Ito bloue'l.antrnmllmprutedfuwa .
Notary. 1'ukiIOAlways In otace , Corrcrpuudeu 01
nu * n .nv'
Has the Best Stock in Omaha and Make&the Lowest Prices
have just received a large lot of Chamber Suits. All New Patterns , /
anti the Most desirable styles , amid nimi otlering tltclil at 'ntuclt LOVER
PRICES than such goods are usunlly sold.
' 9
1206 , 1.208 and 1210 rarnam Street , Omaha Neb ,
. s _ ,
' ' '
kQ A
First-class Peimiting lain Trimming , Repairing Prom ptly Done.
1119 Street OMAHA NEI3
Barney , - - - ,
31y Beposltory is constantly filled with a select stock. Best worktlunsldp guaranteed.
Office and Factory S. W. Corner 96th and Capitol Avtnua , Qmaha
1x-9 , A. M. CLARg I
SGs , Ilk' ' I + t , 1 t (
, 1 ,
_ ' ,
, . e
, . . n ,
, c. r r I
' t a : . + s ; - Cornices Curtain Poles and Fixtures.
P d ll / r
f yr . ' , kl L 101 South 19th Street ,
? crr i's Ova' Brand 1
I'rosh 3E'isfh at QV holobsalo.
D. B. BEEMER , Omaha.
w. F. CLARK. ,
And work of this kind will receive prompt attention ,
{ { { CIBSOA
Jul . 9 9
i 11
c 1lX kxI. . I. - - - - - - IIlU'IS 1'
i'articniarattention 1100 toa-oaldng. Satieert'cneunrantetd , i
I I Aliti f I' ; Stock
I \ \ r KINDS
\ \ ll l/ / / / FOB SALE BY \
I OA ' } i t
.LO11Ia MQ
- - - -
Double and Single Acting Power and Iland
-p 1 '
Enutu t'minmiag , Dliaingu bilchinery , , Bolting , Hose , Blass add Iron Fittnigs
Stcai Packing at wholoeunie mud rolmd , IiALLADAY WINDMILLS , CIIUItOII
Corner 10th Parnam St. , Omaha Neb , .
- -
. . Heating and Eakin
Is only attained by using
:1 : = ® K
Stoves and Ranges ,
, I or sale by
--vT -