Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1883, Image 1

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Y ffl t ] . J OMAHA DA , BEE. . ' ii
h -
The EQorts of the Brotherhood to
Call Them Out Pro cs
: a r a'1 arcs
Less Than Flfty Respond to the Calls
of MasterM-Itallr red Olllclnls
1teJutco-The Day's 11o-
I velopmenln.
CI1n Aao , August 7.-From the Lost
'j advices aLLiirnblu it appears that very
few operatora hnvo left tim c11lploy of thu
1" ' Wabash anti Chicano and Alton roads ,
It etas expected the full ef'0ct of thu
strike would bu felt at noon today on
these roads , but according to the version
of the ofeinls in this city not to exceed
, a ten are reported t ) have quit their ! ) OSts
3 on both lines.
tvzuE CUT ,
NEw Youu , August 7.TheVcstern
Union oflcials ( lecharo 59 wires were cut
last night in this city and offer $1,000 for
the detection tutu conviction of thu guilty
our oN TILE 1) , AM ) 0.
PIrr8llttua , August 6-Up to half past
one o'clock this afternoon , the operators
on the Balti11loro IC Ohio had out quit
work. At two o'clock no third of the
operators working on the Pittsburg divi-
51011 of that road quit and are now out ,
BALTlxtotn : , August -Oficials of the
1. & 0.Tolcgrtplt company , make state.
mods that ttll npCratOrS at Camden station -
tion quit work today. Not one re-
mained. They have reports from t ury
outer station along the lines of the ad
and the nuhiber striking and leaving
their posts does not exceed a half dozen
and their places have teen supplied. Thu
strike at Camden station , they arty , is
nut of a serious nature , aS the main of-
; lieu at lialtimoro and Calvertatreots , can
' be used for all work of the Camden ata
tion ,
4 A 1'IZLL1E ,
IttcuaeND , Vu. , August 7.-Pilo strike
of operators on the Chesapeake IC Ohio
railway causes 110 inconvenience to the
company , roily a small proportion of the
men havhug quit work. All operators
west of White Sulphur Springs reaaiu
at their posts. Thu places of the
strike's between Charlottesville and
White Sulphur Springs were easily filled.
CIUCAOO , August 7.-The following
was received here thus evening :
"S'r Louts , August 7.-To B. C.
Clowry , superinteulunt of the Weston
Union telegraph , Chicago : Since the
beginning of the tclegrnph troubles , out
t , of a force of 227 uhiployc(1 by the
, of St. Louis , Iron MOUnltin anti Southern ,
a total of 19 has either been disniissed or
have stopped work on uceouut of cotutec-
tion with the strike. Every (181100 except -
cept 1'iuelald , boo. , is handling railroad
and commercial business satisfactorily to-
night. Au operator is on rnutu for Vinc-
a land. Not much of a cyt loud , anyhow.
[ Signed ] C W. heat toxo ,
I Superintendent telegraph , "
s.cCulcAno \ , August' 7.-Itoports front
railroads on w'luch the L'rotheehood of
Telegraphers ordered a stria o are to the
elfact that Menu of the roads running out
of the city , uxeept the Wabash , lost a
single man. Out that road two operators
quit ; and the uuulagers say one quit be.
cause he bcloeged to three BroLhielhm1U ,
i the other becausu ho wanted to go on a
spree. ft is 1o4s stated that the deul8nti
upon the Chicago & Alton road for a
.I general increase of tsagce and restoration
of the discharged men originated front ir-
rCSpuusible parties and that the master
workman of the local brotherhood is very
unlchl inccuscd thereat ,
CLEVIhANn , 0. , August 7.--The Leader -
, ' or publishes 811 interview with S , AI. Arthur -
thur , chief of the Brotherhood of Locomotive -
motive engineers , who says : "Our Broth ,
; , erhood haS 1o comnoctiot withl any other
labor nnoveaeut.Ve have paddled
, our own canoe for twenty years ,
t and 1 lope we shall always
continuo to do so. The statement that
we are ready to strike was made without
' , ; authority and has no routdation , I1
fact we have no grievances and no notion
of quitting our posts. If the railroad
operators should go out it would make
no difference to us. Trains were run
l before telegraph was used and if necessary
i could be done again. If there was danger
of collision or otheraccidents railroad au-
1 thoritics would not permit trains to run.
Great pressure has beet brought to boar
6 to gut us to connect ourselves with other
labor UIIIOUS , but we hlavo always refused
to have anything to do witht them , and
therein lies the secret of our success.
1 - + - -
.I Tim Iron SVorkew l1 Convontlon.
PIIILAUELrltIA , August 6-Thc national -
tional 'cunvontiou of the amalgamated
association of iron and steel workers was
1 called to order by President John Jarrett
t . at 10:80 : this morning. Jarrett nladu a
t brief address congratulating the dole.
gates upon tlto strength and prosperity of
their association , ' [ 'ho convention then
-went into secret session to oflect an or-
ganization. One hundred and seventy.
eight delegates , besides fifteen officers of
the association , answered to their iuasles
and presented credentials. 'There are
268 lodges in the order ( and Huny nuoro
delegates arc expected during the con ,
, 1Villiaui Robinson presented too fol
lowing resolution , which was adopted by
a viva vnco vote :
lie 1 ( rc8olrcd , By the National Lodge
of thin Amalgamated Association of Iron
and Stout \Vorkurs in convention nssoar
I bled , that we do hereby extend to our
striking brothers of the 'l'ulcgnphe s'
Ilotltor11opd our sincere wishes for victory -
ry in the presort struggle against ihulop-
uly , and w& d(1 h"pu that cru many day' (
yt victory to thu tekgeapluca will be noised
f all over this nation.
Upon thu aduptint , of this resolution
three epees wure give ! for thetokograph-
' ers and also for the Bethloienl strikers ,
t The ullieoy of the Cotvoltiou are thu
! euIeral oficer' of thenatio ndassoeiatios.
It was clCCI(1C'l ' to hold sessions fren 9
o'clock until 12 iu0a and from 2 p , III.
until 5 p. n1 , 7'le doors acued [ about
110011 and tutu coiv'Untion adjourned till
2 p , In. _ . ,
- - - - -
'Vur ) luterial 1hrChlan ,
SAtI F1uNcrsco , August 7-Last
Thursday 500 cases of a in iotion and
anus were sett on tae Pacific uail stoan
ship , Constanco. The au munition cases
had the brand of the United States got'-
eminent , 45 calibre , and all cases were
from Spritsygluld , Mass , It is 110W 118-
certaned that during the last eighteen
months regular shipments of an xteut-
sivo scale have beout a ado to C. Schmidt
Shanghai. During that tiluo 240,000
Springfield rifles , 250,000,000 cartridges
in all have beeti forwarded besides from
500 to 800 bales of cottons tuck , suitable
for tents , by express by each steamer for
China. Total value of the war ntator-
ial approximates $5,000,000.
LosnoN , August 7.-In the house of
conu11ons tutu national debt bill passed
RCC01us reading-149 to 95 The bill
proposes to replace lurnliiablu annuities
expiring in IS85. The effect will be in
twenty years to cancel 178,000,000 of
national debt. Ailong the Oppellellt5 of
the bill are the Irish members
and some conservatives tvho clam that
the gain b5' the expiration of the auuu-
ties should be applied to the reductiutf of
taxation. The auskporters of the measure
urge among other things that Amcrica
and the Colonies will hereafter become
formidable rivals for commercial Su-
prculacy , and that it is desirable to re-
ducu the debt. ,
Tnu liItIT1811 IN EIy'1'T. (
Glalstono road extracts from n private
letter from Egypt , stltiug tae roorgali-
zatiol of the Egyptian array under Lord
Dutlcriu's plan was about coluplclcd.
The reorganization of the judiciary' and
police was slowly advancing. Plans for
irrigation of the delta of the Nile were
favorably regarded. The conmatdcr of
the British troops in Egypt telegraphs
that the improvement i l the situation is
maintaiited and no fresh eases of cholera
are reported.
OUT ON liAll , .
BEnrI , August 7"-lirazowski , the
Palish author , charged with beingeou-
nected with a conspiracy , WItS released
on 80,000 marks. lie remains under
the supervision of the police anti fills
gone to Dresden.
TIlE OAUsl : of Tut ; REV(1iT IN STAIN.
MAntte ) , August 7.-General Bianco ,
commander of the forces Ian Estrcnuuluru ,
will make strict inuuily into the causes
of the rising at Badajose. 'f'lue papers
severely blauto the oflicialsuf BalajuSOfor
allowing the insurgents to surprise thelu.
Tile insurgents arrested the prefect
general coumhaldiug tae troops and four
officials in their beds Sunday , nlorning.
LrsaoN , August 7.-Thu authorities at
Elvas disarned900 insurgents and some
civilian fugitives from Badajoso. It is
reported the object of the rising was to
coyer up a robbery of public nlouoy and
that n deficiency of 1),600 ) hits been discovered -
covered in the Badajose treasury.
LennoN , August 7.-Thu Times' correspondent -
respondent at Madrid says the rising of
the military at Badajos ended in the
most fudiguifiel manner. Very little
harts wills done by the insurgents beyond
slight damage to railroads and robbery of
the regimental and ulunicipallnouies. It
is doubtful whether the mov'enent was
ever serious . It is stated i1 seine quarters -
ters that the outbreak was only part of
the prograuuno of a gigantic stock jobbing
operator , induced by a certain clique
which for a long tuna have been naking
oxtraordltlary ellbrts to destroy the ilia
proving credit of Spain.
I'IIELAN AN ! ) 1'.tItNILL. :
Loxuox , August 7.-Cill iIiu Phebul ,
of Kansas City , tie anal reported to be
identical with O'Donnell , the slayer of
Janes Carey' , is sojournlug at Cork.
Parnell cabled to America , he will be luI-
able to visit America until after the coin-
fog general election i1 Great Britain anal
IIE all ) NOT U1TUILN. :
A special front Paris says that at a
dinner in that city a fortnight a4o , ltuiso
Zorilla , whose name was meltoned in
the proclahlation of the insurgent at Bad-
ajos for president of tie republic , 11111(10
a speech in winch le declared in an excited -
cited mauuer ho would not return to
Spain until a republic hadbcoureinstated
A UIuliF IhannaLIoN.
LISBON , August7-Tho loader of the revolt -
volt witS the cavalry captain. 'l'hu insurgents -
gents on Sunday placed a portrait of 1ing
A-fonso Oil the bai0uy of the town ball ,
with the idea of prOvokilg a denuonstra-
Lien against thou muusreby. TIe l ) r-
trait fell during tlau night. I4odies of
troops of all arms tool ( refuge at Etas ,
Many nluulber9 of l ) rlinmunt go to
America during the co tiug recess. A
motion was of'ured in the CO1111I1o11S last
e vening against tam policy of the govern-
Inont 111 regard to'1'rtnsvIntlalldzulubmd ,
and were defeated , however , after
speeches w'slust then had been made by
Uladstonu ,
ALEXANInITA , AUgllhL 7.-Seven deaths ( '
from cholera reported to-day.
LONDON , August 7.-A dispatch from
Liverpool says Janes McDor iott arrived
there yesterday on a vessel from Amer.
iea and was reiaided t0 jail On the
charge of being ougltg0d 1n a conspiracy
to murder public oflicials.
Jfl'N ! 14114 * I'1i$1L3 ,
PIIILAIELI'n1A ) , 7.-'file Tilnes
will prilit to-day an elaborlto answer
from Jefferson Davis to Judge Illaek's
reputed uxpusur0 of siCC8.i011 secretb , in
which l the ox-confederate president reViews
Views in rrher pungent seitusces the
assertions and record of .Judge Black ItS
President IhuchILlllell'S 0111el Cltblliot Ofhi-
- - - - - - - -
Af1NN1ArOLI ( , August 7.-Thu millers.
including Uhnrlas A. 1'illahury , .I. A ,
Christian , IV , If , 1)unwuody 1111(1 L. (
Christian , tu dny mot tuproscutatlvcs of
tae northwestern railways t ) adjust grain 1
rates 80 as to pleat rates east via. 1)1110111 ,
clainnng that tie thiflbruneu is at presuilt
50 great that they must either got lower
transit rates or clos d nw11 their mulls.
No IIOCINle11 was reached , 7'ley niuut
again tomorrow ,
Ald01anan10 Sympathy. 1
CAIOAeo , August 7.-Tae city council
last ni gilt passed resolutions of sympathy
with the striking tolobrahur1111(1
the strike should be brought to an
end speedily on account of the paean gu to 1
businss resltinl' from its COlltinua llCu , '
America's ' Rcpresoutatlyc Pressiu
Palms With the Shah of
The Ilrflllnnt Reception of Mlnb to
I3cnJanlht-Oriental Agony i'ic-
tru'cd by Illnt.elf--Thu Cere-
ntonleN and Scenes ,
WAmIINUTON , August 7.-S. G. W.
Benjan n , first diplomatic represmltntive
of tie United States to Persia , describes
his rece ) Lion by tilt 811111 it9 Illost cordial
nail brilliant , lie was taken to tile palace -
ace in n lsudmlfuruislled by his nm'cst '
111(1 dnttvnb'six horses eah mountetl
by 1 mstilhiou. 't'weet loyal fetauslles
ol foot and run11urs clad in scarlet 011(1
wearing J1lulucd tiaras preceded tae car-
riage together w ltll a score (1f hlOISOlletl ,
acceulpanied by tire ] llolllnuedaus
and tae Necond itutsler of
cereulouies. Beljalnin arrived at
the gnrlens of the pai10o , Whlieh wete
beautified with fountains 1111(1 shrubbery
and foliage arrulged in tine artfully wild
style peculiar to the I'oraias , 011(1 was
ushered into It spacious and hau(1smuu
111111 where the first thaster of eereuuonies
1111(1 other gentleuen nud ( hgnitaries ,
gorgeously arrayed , tvcre o waiting ,
here Benjamin was invited to take the
seat of Jlollar and treated to tea' kalioun
or water pipe. . After the nnuouueenlett
was 11111(10 to Benjamin that his majesty
was i1 readiness to receive him , le was
conducted by the first master of core to-
11105 to the pahee itself. At this
Ilomclt , saps Benjamin , a salute
fired in honor of t11e United
States thundered over tae city , and on
entering "we iLSCendd IL magnifiCeut
stair case. The walls were decorated in
part IVitll the paiutingS of Europenl
enJtOt'S. Fr0n1 the stair e8SO We entl i tt
an aulieIlCO hall of vast propultions 1(11(1
roost impressive in effect , his nmjesty
stood Rt titu upper old. Leaving ill'out.
shoes 8t tie door as proscribe(1 by the
treaty of Kournlautchio , I nitulu a low
bow itul walkC(1 up to whole tkw king was
standing. " Benjvuilttllmi addressed the
king in French nud presented his letter
of credence. Isis majesty replied that it
gave hint great satisfaction to see an
Amerieul : legation at Teheran , roil 0011-
sidored both govornhlents colllu be fur-
tier benelitted by increasing tire inte -
coul'Se 811(1 dipl0111atie relationsiof the two
peOples. After this ceremony llis nmjes-
ty oxlll'Cssed strong hloiles tklitt tile United
States , now that 0110 1111(1 established a
legation ill Persia , should maintnli coo
peruanently at Teheran. At the cou-
elusiol of hits iuusieicu with his majesty ,
Benjamin 111:1(10 : a formal call upon the
secretary of foreign allilirs , and paid ills
respects also to his roylll 1ligluloss , Naib
Sultan , wile is Illiillster of war , and one
of the sons of tutu king , and thanked him )
for the military escort ,
nuulM1'TI0N ) of lloNI69.
WAS11INOTON , August 7.-9'heeo and a
half per cc1t 1)011(113 ) ( to tile anal alt 0f (
,100,000 hnvo bcel presented t" the
treasury dupa'tneut for redenaptio cinder -
der tae 121st call , 'J'1IIS call will not
nature until Novo11lber 1st , but provision -
ion ! s nmd0 for rcdeiiiptinn of airy 1)1)11(15
c01hr10Cl in the call prior to their ma-
tur1ty 111)011 In'esmltatiun with ihtci'est to
data of reduulptiou. The call is for over
$ : t2,000,000 , Molders are not generally
hiking alv'nntag0 of tutu privileges of the
circular to r ( 'deout bondsbefore neatalt } .
Treasury reserve to-day , , $154,82(3,1315 , ( ,
I'lle record of the court 11artial 0x50 of
Lieutenant Colonel 11ges has 1)0011 rc.
reive(1 ( b.Judge Advocate Gel , Swaim.
'fiic treasury dopartaeit 111:1(110 : 8 rut
ing thltt Caladilul tugs cannot tow Aule'i
Call vessels from Canhiau waters into
Americo waters beyond the first Aneri-
cal pert to which they uuddo entry.
Captain Ends has tutus far received '
$ 4,800,000 for ills work at the Mouth of
tile IlIiSSiHSiili ) )
111IUMMEitS ON t)1Clt.
Another Ibturbanco of the Big
Triiiik fool.
CrtlcAno , August 7.-7'he conimitteo of
thu cast bound freight poonottllis aftor-
I10o11 itlld coaside ed thu question of the
return of reproseltativus of certain lines i
b ) the board of trade. Five of these
Hell )11tVU ) 1)0011 011 tilt board during the
past few days. Tlucunliuitteu decided
that representatives of the Gratd Trunk , t
B altunoro t Ohio 101(1 AHOrieau line of i
steamers , the two roads nleltioued , ru ( )
plain cn the board , as they rccoiveti per
rnussion for the COnunlttOO before going
1n , but that representatives of thu Ctii-
c5go & Atlantic and 141k0 Shore , ostun.
sibly uporating for lake lutes , Rbonld 1)0 „
withdrawn from the board , having been ii
cut there without permission of the ox- t
ucutiVO cllnnIittou. Ollicials of thu Clii
Ingo , Atlantic say its representative )
will not ho withdraws , 011(1 0110 of the
Lake Shore Says ills 1111111 will stay if the
ChicapIo i1 ; Atlantic man does , it is t
c01siderablo caul1dicuton will
arise out (1f tilu Nituation , i
BusIie s I 'nllllrCN , t
BOSTON , August 7.-'iVright mster
IG Co , , wool dualen's , Federal street , ! :
failed anti 2110(10 an assignment 0f all t
their property to Lester Goodwin , at
emloyee , Thu first was 0110 of the ,
ttroiuneit wool houses of BultuII nud
Ilas thole 11 iar6a blisi11Css , i lablllius (
thought to aggregatu a heavy figuio. 'J'ill. I
concern has stood in very good cvdU ; old
hats } ) Cell coisidol'ud worth from $100 , . 1
000 to $150,00(1 ( 7'hu failuru ciulsus ,
lupriSOill tune trade ,
- - I
Thu Ilcttluoky Itlcrllnn ,
( 'l ' , 1N(1rO , Anfiwt 7.- The ro-
lilt of tae uluctian in this city is , Ifnott , I
lee , , 1,401 ; ilurrow , rep. , 81I : ; Idiot Cs k
lnLjurity 571. I' ' it co11btitltiunal conI I
1'Oil tioli ! , O7 ( , Ilg.tlliSt 11(1110 , S
Nitr : P011131 , Ky. , August 7. The
ele0tioii Itei , yesterday gave Knott for
gaturr 1,11)1 ) ; Hemets 1,418 ; Morrow' (
uajority 322. IFor Oor1titutlouitl cos , s
tun tuu 2,425 ; OgIIInst 111)110 Thu veto II
Ivill be close hotsveuu thu parties in Camp-
Moll county , . b
Bnllrnad flight of 1Va1 i
CulcAco , August 7.-1'50 ' council itlse I
authorized thu sale of a public 5011001
AOU5O to thu Clttcaco S Western Indiana ,
Phis practically gives to that road and ,
others using its tracks rho right of way
to folk street , wiiclii is two blocks
nearer the heart of tltq elty , , that a year
ago. _
Ltv6 rnotoxoen.
Dts Moines , August 7 Fountain 1V ,
t COlgu , sentO lced to be ulunuged Friday ,
will not ho executed , the case having
been 11ppealed tot io suhrene court mid
n stay of exoeution Issuers ; '
111iU11TFUL T1tAl1 rev.
ItusTouulrotv'N , Md. , August 7--At
131oontiield , tire miles froth pore , hno of
tae must frightful trnge4tes that over
shocked the connitunltywasenacted there
bast night. ' 1'ltu invalid 'wife of lauis
Lawrence Corral , a well known llalti
more lawyer , is n lit ofEiusatlity caused
by disease , 8het her hltlsbtnd slel'liluL by
her side tliv11glt the 1te ad , killiii hint
instantly ,
stlrclnt : Or A l)0N ) 'IcT.
CulcAno1Atigust7.-Tl n ntor-Oceans'
Juliet special says Geotu Kellogg , a
eoitviei in the state ponItuntinry front
Loglut county , at work ittttlio wtrc drtty-
ing mlachiuo , eounlltted suicide this
murraing ; , by throwing a coil of wire
a uuud his neck nod sullerm' hlnlschf to
110 drtnVR ngaiist the xt1 Chiiae. Thu
wir0 was enbCdde(1 into thio flesh , Just
before he eouuuittOl tha4 deed ho strut
to the boss and said , " 1'nilfthe tnau who
couunitled tile double nturdcrat Atlanta ,
llltltois. "
'l'ie ] ntcr Ocean's CedijIlapids ( In , )
Special says : An 01(1 ihlll used for
storing hay , bunted cnrly11lis huotiug
and tllrQy unlalown trautpssleelliugthere
were burned to death. Only one of tiw
bodies have been recovered.
13UITALO , August 7.-Eihteeatit annual -
nual nleetiuu g of thu Buirtlo driving ) ark
aSSOciLutiOn ( lormd ) toda ; 2tit : ) class ,
; flax Cobb tton i1 hells
Ileob secoll' George ' \ thin , ltitlA' '
L etches fourth ; Limo 2:21 : , . , .o , 2:20. : } .
Class 2:2.4 : , Sloop ) Jack Louis :
N , second , St. Cloud third , 13urlitra
Patchen fourth ; tine 2:20j : , 220 ; , 2,21 , ,
Six year olds 811(1 under , pulsu $3,000 ,
, Tay Eye Sec tv0u , Diret ur scold , .
Chehunio B , third , BroncoEiud Alcyitu
drawn ; tulle 2:22 : , 2:2I : , 2:18.j : ; 22t.
The famous pacer Johnson is out of
order and will not ll lC here , t
nAsi : IIALL. ,
SrlnNoruoai , August 7.-Spt'ingfields
12 , Fort Wayne 5.
'I'OLlilo , August 7.-Toledos 0 , Bay
City 0 ,
P EOInA , August7.-Peorna 6 , Quincy 0.
l'ulLAiuLFnrn : , August 7.ssNyw Yorks
4 , I hlladelphias 1 , 11" 11
Pit0VIDnNCE , August 7.-Boslons l3 ,
Providence 4. {
DETItoir , August 7Dc ret 6 , Chi
cages 0 ,
CLEvsrnnn , August 7--Duiialus 1 ,
Clevelauds 5 ,
Desu ud 1'i „ ji , . ,
PIIiAnnL1'IIIA [ , August 7.--7'liu lvnre-
houses and wharves of the Knickerbocker
ice eullueLlly , uxton ing along the river
front from Front at3'cet to Ielawaro aye-
1)110 , below 1Villuw street , and the stables
of the COnlpuly : , which occupy a largo
part of the block bnmltded by Delaware
avenue , Beach street , 1Villoty and ltul-
tonwoOd streets , burucd tonight , Only
four of the lift--ollu horses and 11111109
were saved. lu t.ytllreoh01'ses 1111(1 ( four
modes were Sufi ) cated or burned and
2,000 tons of ice destroyed. The roof of
the 1'hiladulpiia , C Itoalnlg rnilw It )
freight depot adjoining teas burned 1111(1
cuuSidcrllblu freight danagel by fire 811(1
water. Less estilunted qt $ (0,000 , ,
( laving " 1' 11 i 1inc
'Vi rltrhnAliu : , August 7.-A seiiuna
ctvu nl ill file Ilidgu niiuu of the Dub-
111(10 1111(15(0 Company took place tor
lay. The disaster was uxpocted for
0)1110 ) 111110 811(1110 loss of hue occurred
1'ho caving is confhllCtl to the interior of
tae 1111110 , and the surfncu at re 1)1(100
Vila atlcctel , 1Vt rk was sUSpolded in n
ago portion pf the colliery until thu ux-
tot situation of atiairs is aseurltuued ,
[ 1110 loss will be groat.
Ireprov0d ltcd ) ICn ,
BLooAIINOToM , August 7. = h'ho great
council of till Improved Order of Ited
Ater of tam st to of Illinois is in session
rat ISlnominton. Tleru arc uiovon tribes
n the s1ltCS 1111(1 all aru rupreseidud or
will ho before thu turniiuatiuu of the
cnulcil. 5085101w are huid i1 secret at
Sluthhona lodge Itleeningtul toidored
he visitors : t Imlluet 011(1 ball this even.
11g. 'l'o.rnurrow ltvill occur the election
f atatu ollicors.
l + uliy 1G,000 , ) crselx attended the opcnhig
f .JItfl L , SUliliVInl'a adJOOu iii JJostun last
ight , 1Vushhlgton strrut , iii tilt Viclitity of
hd bar-root , was peaked with people , thu
egll ( eiIiient prudomitultiog. Tbo services u (
le cutiru reserve of pollee statlou No , 4 , with
11(11 a dozen inuuutod otlicers , were nccesvary
preserve order and coup the street clear.
No news yet of tlae aLuaiitxblp Ledwlg , ouw
1)rc0 weeks aver due.
iticharl Wellerk , wile arrived ht New York
n bark It , 1V , ( hitlitbs , tVts stricken with
chew lover , he has Ixeu suet to tlaaoa.
to e.
ituturis of the Kentucky elections ate CClll ;
g In slowly , but it is 110W nhnoxt u.'rtatl
inott'N majalty far guvenwr Will be not lees
1001 40,1100.
' 17e Ainelean i'Ilutgrnphur'x ' fIIuth nn.
111111 COllnnll0ull , 11pcaod III AIIIn'IUukuo yes.
terday , Nearly 1,011 deluglttux ale preet. (
Tbo lraluui ai , ' , , of Chicagu , held it hwut.
rag yesterday nlt'rlaanl , rat which olluglul
vela prou"RUe'.I . .q , ua the IIt'I ' 1'houlax
loynui failed I . tie r.dlruud accident lit Car-
yen , Auw 1'urk , end 1111 upproprhtto menu.
isl ; lasnud
'i'hu a rtilicatu of incnrpuratinn of tllo New
: ogbual telegra ih c nupany tras filed ill Now
Valk yesterday , The Ihles run ( runt NOW
Vulkcity thualgh vauious citius nud titvasltu
( augur , .lltbw.
'iglu pa1)er mill belonging t , JJrl4uet , Smith
Cu „ of ( : iiicagu , at 'i'luun 111vcrs , Allcll. ,
mined , ' 05tcday. Ju.25J0 , ( ( ) bisuraucu ,
„ 000.
'J'Iw prnlhnhery bl1piuosl aorsluu of till
lnlorlc ll IiuAuty Of uileric i itts was hold In
Chteagi' . 'fhlS Is thu'lxthnu0nal
c8sfea of the suclcty. About 1fU nlunlbex
ru pruaoat ,
' 1'110 pru-idwitlel party arrived at Ft. 1Va.
11akie rat t :8J : yl ster lay aftorlOOui. All well
end wuJu ) ing the till .
Indicatlonsr Jlr : , till nppor AUxsisefppl val.
oyfalr ; wuather , winds nw4ly tontleaytcrl ,
ewer barwnettr , nu ducidul ) cbaejl In the
tuml'e'rLturo. For the Aiixxuuri valley , partly
cbnldy' weather nud local rafus , winds utostly
outhorly , stationary or riditg barumotor ,
iearly btu0omry ( tomperaturu.
All All Night Scssiou and a Ycr Y
Busy One.
The TransactlonN In ( : rnrral of nn
1nll ortoht Natter.
At the regular uwoting of the city
council last evening , all the tuelubors
wore presort.
Front the mayor approving tae 11th- !
uanco locating 110W hydrants. Filed.
Froitl the mayor 8rpOiiliag l'iutriek
Desmond nod JiuuOS O'lkylu pulicculeu
to serve for the current year. Itefered.
From the mLy0r ! noulinating Jacob
ileituuut 1o be a special policeuan ill
aull about the SIaven 11ouso. Couliruled.
Naliliitatiig hairy P. Deuel nppraisor
of damages by Change of grade on I lar11oy
street , ColltirInod ,
Front the gas eoun pally. 'l'ie'u ' were 202
hth1ps ! turned rot lie strcuts in Jnly ,
liefurrud ,
110111 tae nlayur ; Iteturliug the ordi.
i11111CC nppropriattng 11101103' to p1y July
habilttes ts'1tilotlt Itla '
itpprovnl , 'Thole
teas a Il/fig tllxctlesloll , aunt o1 the uOliui
to iuws the utdLnaneu over the iuLyOl 8
vote , the vote Was a tic , stlidiug as ful-
hOn s :
Ayes-Anderson , Ilebm , Leedor , Mc-
( lulkiii , ltudlidld nud'l'lu'iuw ,
Agues-Dunhuhl , Iluseall , ] Murphy ,
l aufe1nnn , 1Vood1w01tit nod Al' . frost-
( tent. Lost.
11(1111 1V. J , Ilronteit 811(1 twmlty-ale
OtlerS : Ahkiug duet tutu contact for
paving ItIunC3 htt0et be itpptoVed no that
work Might Cuhu0OitcO Itt aura Filed ,
Fr(1ni I , . V. Morse 111111 others : Asking
tlutl lhu cut'tnuy nit 1'lfteeuth btrcot be
extoudcd ft'oul 1)Odgu to ( ' 11pitIll ltvenuu ,
ft nluke 00un001iuhs , ltefutrud ,
' 1'110 rcpntt of the ntieet CO111111isSiele1' ,
: ii iullnei Mcnnuy , I.Iq , , vr 1tS received.
'l'ie uxpeudtures , for teams and 111011
1vel'e 3,235.9S ; ktn11ber 1111(1 aullplios ,
; 81,0.28. llefurrud.
'l'lIe mushal's list of liquorlenient (877) ( )
1111(1 druggists (14) ( ) was fled.
Thu city piyaiwin : s rdpert for Jul } ' ,
showing 89 deaths 811(1 80 births , was
filed ,
Froul ,1. II. ] l1CDlnold I& Co : Asking
letaui38i011 to (10 certain grading at their
own Cost , 011 Tllirtocith between itow-
ard and .liwkson streets. Grantod.
Front SLOW nud lliunnlold : Aslciitg
thin judgalont ho paid i1 tie case of
EVauS Itnd 11nw0rd VS. the city , $83111(11(1
costs , So 01(1(110(1.
Froui Sitp0riutuudellt Smitll , of the
Olhaha llOrs0 railway colnpati i asking
ICUVO In pare alto Cumpiny'a trtchS be-
tteeil 11015Le' au(1 Citss .st oots on 16th
with SIOtX hauls granite ; also the curves ,
' 1'110 re.lsun fur thus request is thin } wavy
grade at these poilijs on which the grul-
ito t.uuldiiitk2n . bettur0otiitgtJr1iii &I
' 1'10 } Jkarbcr Asphnlt COUgruy ) enlorsgd
the request. Itefered to city atorlluy ( .
Front hilly Ptnidt and others asking
for tae iuititediato esabliSluuullt of a0w-
etage nea' the now Cevsu nssocinttan
5011(101 building. lteforred.
FO11i'tOo11 putltiOnS for alley pat'iig
welo refutred without rulwhiIlg.
FrOlll 1V. J. Cunucll , city attorney :
Stating it would be itecebsary for 11f13 o
more legal 1'OICI'S of each ward Li , putt.
Linn fora ( Ii tiinit into Vol ing precincts ,
before it eclld legally ho ( It lull' . tiled ,
1'ro l C , F. Uooduuul : 1Varnmty tired
dedicating n glut ( If ' 1'eutll stiedt feu ptlb
lie 1151. Ordered to ho rvcurded.
Feuhl the coy ellgiIeer ; Urging do
l'cpAur of law rutitiuillg troll (1f the sewer
line through grounds of Ism barbed wire
WnrkS. lIeferred ,
l'I'OIII Ucnrgu 1V. Donno and ( Bets :
1'r0ledtig against the pav'1ug Of tle1LUCy
in block lflu , I'ruul'I'wulfth tu'III Iirtcoitll ,
at the Present time. llefea al ,
Frua Janes E , 1103(1 Ro111 101) others :
ewlorsing tae putiLiOll of S , hi , Fulkur to
b0 peanittul to Orgnnizn a syslunt Of 111o'-
ciunlS police , 111uV0(1 to iefur to puhieo
Alr. Ih1501111 thought the matter 560111(1
be referOl tO the nut'o .
'I'io ! 31111301 stlIted tier le would like to
preheat to tllu cuunnlttuO 011 police ce'-
taiu ] utters thruwiil : light u1 time eliuruc-
tul of the lIrlIlused Ir60hizatiun before
any aOtiuu 01(5 taken , llefo'rcd to the
Mayer and 0(1uiuitee.
A JlClitInu from the Sampiewn' huirs hit
regard t ) c8ncChlIItion of taxes nn lots 1
nud 2 , block 02 Refused.
A uuutbor of bills were referred ttith-
out roadiulg.
P1'1011 L , P , llnniiltou and others : Anhr-
hug that the alley in block 148 bu , ltvud
with IiitlctaIo ulacadnhl. Jteferrcd ,
Flan the isard (1f public works 1hrnnn
nlitLIag the 1111111 estinntu of thu city ui-
guheer , I)1 work dune by the Barber As-
pluilt company , nn Douglas atr'eet. 7'liu
tlIxall1O fronta on the street , within
paving district No , 11 , is : iouu feet , rlulk-
ing the tax rate $10.53 per aquitru front
foot , playable i1 f'v'e ' intlalhnIll te.
'f'oal cost of pav'iug , $00,246.14 ; cost
of illtui'suctlII8 , $21,849.04 ; total aubjuct
tI levy , $38,896.11.
'foe ' rupUrt has referred.
Thu city uugilluer5 estiimdu of work
don0 0R thu 8th street 1 r11lgu , $230 , nud
, f u'urk (1111101(10 the Junes stict stel'H
Vs atcr setter , was rufurrel ,
' 1'110 city ungi11uur's ustinnatu of sidewalks -
walks cue51IOCtci , was referral.
'I'lliu cuOt'act 111111 baud w'itlt I'att ick
DIOArdlu far ulcalinglaa'ultul stloet froitl
NiuUi to Fifteenth ; witb'I'V , ' 1' , Rich ,
ltrl5 fur IiiIIislsing cstiigs III d Iron
twork fur huu' iolus , aplu'"vul ) vith Ale.
lluglt . AicCitvocL fur coustruetion of
senor across SixtIO11fhl street , refeacl ;
tvitlt .1 , 0 , Corby for Ouuhtruuticn 0f
men holes , iefurred ,
7'liu ' cout act std baud with 11'm ,
Fitch & Cu , , fur exleiding thu Norllt
0utahlt storm tt'atc aUltol' WItS appruv'otl.
sly Velure : AuthOriziug time pnrehasu
of tht'cu ' the (1UluutnuIIt 11(11505. Adoptul ( ,
sly Jluhlnl ' 1'o rubeil i catchn811151n )
.hICkb011 (11td.101105 streets , how ton fuw ,
ltufurred ,
lay 1nnftluuI : 'I'll cluulgu the locIltiui
of the hydrant oil time nurtltwest cone'
( If 'I'wulftll 1111(1 Faritun , wllicll ubsttaletS
tliu ailluwalk. Adapted ,
Jly i'hrano ; 'I'll IUIVU the ordinauc0
rugulatiug gairliug o0fnreed , Adopted ,
Jay Jueder : ' 1'11 ' 111150 the band 51111111
011 Jufl05on Square six feet and make
other inlproveuuuts.
By ] .uu(1ur : Cllangiug thu limits of
the territory allowed to loose females ,
wino have been driven from their former
locality t ) law a'icluity (1f the Cass street
8011001 iluuse , 113' this the licit is unu
block east of the Thirl ward school
110(181) . AdoIte(1 , ,
B ) ilawcalb To nuIrovo the culvert
1111(1 npproilciles (1n Thirteenth 81141Vi1
hums streets , Adopted.
By Baker : 'I'o lake stops toward
eknngilg the course of North Omaha
creek near lhu Military bridge , Adopted ,
ltll'ollra : 01' ( 'OIt111TTE9 ,
On finance : Recunnnendill ; allowance
of B. it. Overall's ' elaiul for allowance on
taxes. AhJtel. ) ) '
On f111allCW ltecumuluudiug 110 fur-
lhur notion to tae m11lter of n secrotu'y
for iho 11myor. Adopted.
On tiluance : ' 1'u aural certain taxes
nod interest agntllSt the Dlulish Lulherut
church , Adopted ,
113' Anderson ; itesolution to hate
Sixteenth bridge rcuwvud. Adopted ,
On streets 1(11(1 grades : lleeouunund-
ung empluyulent Of Lewis S. Reed to
pt epe10 i plat of the 111th ill paving (1ts-
t'ict No , l1 , AdOptCd.
Out streets aul(1 grades : Grautiug the
expressulel's ptttion.
On police : ' 1'11 the e01ilp1aint (1f Iburly
AfltiIOUet ' ' vs , 1'uliCeitan Douglas.
AdoltOd ,
The stlbjeet of the approval of the lt3t11
street p11viig contract mtdbond wits next
btOIght up , )111(1 ) elicited Nellie dubiatu of
a lttill1Ol'O118 hutllre , after which lwtlt tam
lout street 1111(1 parley street bonds
1111(1 c(1utnctitnote approved , 'l'hu report
of taw coluulitlCe Vas signed by Messrs ,
iuudituu ou111(1 I l ascall,1111(1 recuitu11eulcd
111111 tvurk be couitlolced inuuediittel , '
1111(1 prosecuted sinlulhueouslY on both
Messrs ? Iiciuckin a11(1 Mnrplly wore
tae only (11105 voting in tilt negative.
Thu couunittee 011 rules , forms 1111(1
printing r/p01tOd / i1 favor of lolling the
contytet fur taw city job printing to 11011
ry 011)5(111 , Aduptcd ,
A nusjoeity and nlinolit3 1'oport W(1ro
11Itli ( pt'e5Ciittl in the matter of tae bids
for legal 11111.1 1(10111 al o'tising.
Ile htiuority report--was sig11Od by
Messrs llicmlekill 101(1 llnscltll , favored
tae hut tlug of local "Ri5. " nod registnt
tiolt lists ( (1 ( tune Union Pltldiskllllg Co. , 111141
tllltt 1111 bids for legal notices be tUjcete(1
011(1 110W 61(15 alt'Urtise(1 for.
Itedtkeld , AOdclruu ) old Iloluu in their
majority report 1eenhnneitdu(1 luttiig tae
Union have thu locals nud registration
lists an(1'l'li : IhE : have the tut all notices ,
'I'Ilete teas it lung-willed (1ISelaailll O1
tae quesi(1u ( , which Would ho of no in-
tueest to the uublle , and tae n'C5 1111(1
nays Were 011110(1 upon the ndoptiutt of taw
minority report , resulting 115 follows :
Ayes-lbtectll , IiaufuuLini , Leede ' ,
1)1cUuchin ) , Murphy , 1Vuodwortlt 1111(1
Mr. President-7.
Nuya-.A 11de son , 13clun , Dtulhnin ,
ltedliuld an11'I'hrnne-5 ,
' 19w 1i nobly report was (1001ILVCll
adopted ,
OtthNANCE8. !
Thu July npropriuttoit urdinaneo w'ias
rCttl 1(11(1 501110 Oljueto11S ) i1Lhh1 to it was
I It wfls'n1o'o(1 1111(1 enrrucd that when
the council ndjufrn it adjour11 till 11
o'clock l + rihity II lurulitg , ) then time n ) pr"-
1rriatiou urdiiaueu will t o considered ,
Au (1rdiuitmu OrdurllIg that part of
Fnru(1u steer , butwcun 2liLlt and 29th
streuts be brought to ginde , tvas read
tit ice 1111(1 l efoa ult.
An urdimulcu taxing all owners of tvo
II/(150 ( vehlieles kept for line , ten doilars
cool , tsar rend rani referred.
Au lilt l11tucc ( urduling tae conatruo
thin of IL NIX ilehl NOIVOI' troni St.Jo4Opll'N
hnsplhLl to tau sever , to be
1150(1 by that institution 111(1110 1111(1 free
of charge , stns reed twice 1111(1 referred ,
A11 "Idiutn0t ( delwnlinimg that a m11-
joelly Ill all uwae'8 of lots 1111(1 1111(15 , to
the full depth of 132 feet 110111 the street
Line in etch paving 1lIIt'iCt , slutll he rev
quuled to d0ter11li11u ti I01 iud ( If hutturial
t0 ho used for paving , eras road uul
1 OferrCl.
An ordinance peescriiiulg thu duticS of
tbu 11,110(1 of pulii C tv(1rlS 101(1 ( Ii xiug tire
Nitlal'ics ( If illellllel'a , w7181)11550(1.
An ordililt ! CC providing for R1 iSnuu of
100,000 bonds for pia'ing purpoC5 , i1
lion of those recently isstluti under ordi-
muicu No , h75 , WILS read tuticu lull
An ( lydioancu creating sewer dlstrict
No , 10 wits passed ,
Au urdi11Rnce iicrcaillg the polieu
force hen 20 to 24111011 was lost.
An ordinance to do curtain grading on
5t. MIIIy's av'e11llO wa.i 1)aSNud.
'J'oe old ordiululCe Icgulating thu run ,
ring at large of curtain uniulu5 and the
appuintnunt of n pound uutstur wall ill-
dclinitely 1111(1 OVUt ,
Adjourned at 11:56 : p. in ,
Itoal Estate Transfers.
The following deeds were filed for roe
Lord i1 the county clerl''e oflicu August.4 ,
reported for 11111E Ihsii by Antes' real
estate agoey :
J , A , McDougall and wife to Win , S.
Alyoa , q c d , Juts 8 , 9 , 10 , blk 1.1 . ,
Waterloo-$270 ,
' 1' . A , Creigh and wife to B. G , l'attor-
Sou , W d , lot 4 blk 8 , JIRUacon Place-
$ (350 ( ,
E , C , Schlief and wife to 0 , F
Dierks , w d , part lot 1 , sue 5 , tp 16 , r 12 ,
11 , 0 , J01es ail(1 wifu to W , Lorutzon ,
w ( l ) arcol in Nun 11 , tp 10 r ] 2-$1,600
S , Iii , Itogurs nu(1 wife t ) hers I ) .
Shlulahnn , tv 4 , let 0 , blk 10 , 5 , 1 :
ltogel5 ads , $ „ 00 ,
A. 11 , Dailey and wife to ] 3 , 11 , Post
Iv d , pIU'cel see. 1O-15-13-$2.800.
F. II , 111111 to M , lluuritth w d , i ucul
500. 5-15-11-$3300 ,
L. P. Allure and hushand t ) II Afyos
1111(1 L , lbulpke tv 11 , a let 2 black 1.18-
$1,00 ,
C , Ulur' to 11. Myers 1111(1 L , ] tBRpke
w (1 w ! lilt 1 block 148-$77ii0 .
A..1 , 1Ilulseoul and wife to (1 , 1V ,
LOtulis 1111(1 F. C , lteviuires w d , lot It
1111(117 , block 10 lluli5cwhl I'lace-$1050
. Au(1utrr Ii.
iI , Spicglu and wife to Al. Abluhaun ,
w d , plot lot 2 , blk 121-$2,750.
J , A , McShale and wife to B , .J ,
1'ossrull , w d , lot 9 , AICShalu's sub ( liv.-
$11 5.
,1. h , IuQaguo and wife toV. . Flouting -
ing , w d , lots 1011nd 11 Itogera' 11dd.-
$000 ,
1V , Fle11iug nud wife to 11 , A , Dowd ,
w d , lot 11 , Rogei's' odd-$300.
S. P. Joslyn aid wifoto5AI.P1lillips ,
yr ti , pnrcul in lot 8 , Capitol add-
1' , B. Elsaser 011:1 wife to 0. Elsissur ,
wdlpartlet2 Kuuntze's'ltltadd-$300 ,
Details of a Brief , Bat Bloody Bat
tic With Winchesters ,
Charles Shelton Kills Ills Mae and
IN Iihasetf Sove'oly Z'U utied
-Iet lbm of the Tragedy.
l.arahtlIo Boomerang , Aug 11.
Lust evening a wagon etto'ud Laranno
O1 thu North Park road eoutniuiiu three
nee'I'wo ' of these occupied the swat iii
front 1111(1 tae other Ia'u pol a bed of
blankets in the box , ' 1'he party haltel at
Ur , llarris' otlien n few aunonts lend
then drove cut to tae hospital. Thu man
lying nn the bed w'fR taken olsitlo. Isis
11111110 Is Charles Shultou , old last Friday
uigit le shot 1111(1 instantly killed a man
11ahwd l cys , at Snyder's ruck , on tae
Little Grimly , forty miles west of Tullor ,
in North l'Au'k. Isis companions were
Messrs. August Andcrwn and Lawrence ,
1111(1 the Ictrticulnrs of the trngcdy , as
luorned front the tiISt IIltl11C(1 ( goutleuay
! 0 t about as follows :
Charles 511011(1 ( is the proprietor 0f a
horsn ranch i1 the park , and lltst l'tkhay
tsns RI. Frluik S11ytior's ranch helping him
to put up hay. , lnether man nnnle(1
Boys , whose like Intllle is tkloltghlt to be
I , 11111)- , " and who hits an iitorest n tluo
Snyder tltnch , wIOI present , its was Snyder
himself and soveual others. 'l'Itoy tvero
elLtiilg their 5uppur i1 a small tout erected
hear the cabin on the ranch. During
the progress of the meal Keys asked a
boy-a herder in the employ of Shelton
-to g ( ) into the cabin and refill the teapot -
pot , 1111(1 taw ley refused , saying ho
tvls ant in his ( Kays ) ouploy , and
ho had 110 right to order ] aim around.
keys cotuulenccd to obtuse the boy ,
Shelton interfeted in his behalf , and a
gtutrel uusaud lwtween thu two utwt. '
Il'inully 1 uys left the table , 1111(1 taking
the 10511(11 , tveut into the cabin , return-
inyi i1 is ill ommut Wttit the Ica-and a
1YluleitCSte' title , flu ant the teapot
d011'Il , nud tiruiug to Shelton , said :
"You - - - bI have 11 notion to
kill y'Oul"
Shultou nroSO front tie table and (111.10(1
slim to Shoot bit lioyu 111111113' Stood the
WCRpou up against tilt silt of the tuft ,
110110(1 out the tea , 1(11(1 sat down again.
Shultou thus walked cut of thu tent , got
nitotkur 11'iitchesto at the Cabin , loaded
it , 01(1110 back to tie tent and , stuitling
in the door , stid : : "Now , 11-11 you , ! f
yOu want to aioOt , d0 it. "
heya jumped up from tiio table , saying -
ing all right 1(5 he did so , seized his
title mid brought it to his shoulder , and
at that iloliuett , two 1.011015 rang out a-
hlost together. Keys fell backward , and
Shultou dleqpe(1 ) its gnu 1111(1 ran out
Rm oss the prairie hold11lg his hands up
to his fllec. Snyder started in pursuit ,
while Alndel'aOll raise(1 Keys' head. Tito
Wellllded 1111111 gas ICd oneu or twice shad
"Oh , toy Gudll' 1111(1 fell back dead
Snyder returned i1 a few nli11utos with
Slelti who had been shot in tlto chin ;
tae hail ranging bnckwnrd and to the
right. Ills wound wits bleeding badly ,
1111(1 his coun lanlon thought lie , too ,
would die. Ile could not a1)Call ) h 1r
nutdu signs for his coat , which was given
hull , lie took paper nud pencil from
0110 of tutu 1)Ockut5 and wrote :
"Is Keys hurfi"
Snyder wrotu beneath the question the
ts ( ills :
"flu is (1001. "
The ball from Shulton's rifle cultured
Icoys' side , in front of the left auanpit ,
pltHSCd thriugh ; , the bo(1y nud came out
just above the I 1 iblt ) sh1 pltiur , Shelton
lhtll IIrell 11111 weapon twithout brui6mg it.
to his luiuidur , which accounts for the
upwind ralgu of the ball.
A messelger s's sent to 'I'clker for a
Ilhysicial , tvho dressed Sheltoi's wounds.
lulu ball vas (01111(1 just beneath the skin ,
at the base of the neck , on the right
side. Saturday 11ig111 , ASessrs. Anderson
1111(1 Lawrence ntartell for La alilie with
hiul , nud by ( lrtviug alitust coutiitutlly
1111(1 ehltmIgillg htIr SCa aotorlll tilues reached
the city lnst evening.
Dr. llRrris , tu'hu 11115 ehargu of Shelton ,
Says thu chance ( for his recovery are
good , tleuglt such result is by 110 lucnuu
certain. A hI rtloil of his lower jaw is
shot away , anti time Wuuud is ntlerwisu a
iadoiu , Shultou is not unknown in
Lar inie , hinting 1)001 in tie city on bu-
5111CN5 frequently , lie is tt brother of
. N. Sheltm , who'tvfS casiiur of tutu
11111011 Pacific road fll'BC Oral years , meld
VVIII ) 1n ( new Omaha.
Nathan Skuhou , of t11l5 city , foralurly
cashier of time Union I'acifc , accompanied
by Alts. Shelton , loft for Lununie on yes-
tehny's this , called thuru bytilo terrible
news tint Olulrles Shelton , Lis brother ,
had heeu shot in R ( Juorrel with a man on
his rancho null had killed his assailant.
It ucenrrud Rt a rancho at North Park ,
about ono hundred miles from Laramie ,
ni Friday eight , and tie news was tole-
graphed in as neal as it reached Lurarnie.
Mr. Shelton received the following private - '
vate dispatch yostorday.
LAIIAAIIE , August 7 , 1883.
The row was over a little boy wilt was
working for Shelton. Skelton and Keyes
wore eating a lunch lIt the ranch of a
farner alld during progress of the meal ,
Keyes asked thu buy referred to to go
into the adjoining 01111111 and refill tire
teapot. Thu buy refuted , saying Ito was
net l1 tae (111111103 Of Keyes and that ho
1001 no right to older liint about. Keyes
began to abuse nud struck to
buy , when Sllullun interfered
in Iris beluilf , 'filet wow the way tie row
brgal. Finally Keyes left tlto tdtblo ,
taking tie teapllt iittu the cabin , Returning -
ing IL 1111111110 Puber with toe and a 1Vin- .
uhuslur rlilu le set the tuaput an the
181(11) ( 1111(1 turnilIg to Slwltou , said : 1'1'oi '
5- of a b- , 1 hive : a uotiOll to kill you. "
Shultou Lien II ISO froul thu htblu and
(1111011 111111 to 5110(11 , Keyes placed hut
wuapos 1101055 his knees , 1111(1 pouring
out ale toll , sat down again , Shelton
then walked out iitd got another 11'in t
Chester ) licit he loaded 1(11(1 studing in
the door he said , "Now dam11 yell , if you
tvnut to shoot , d0 it. " At thu Iuwlnnt
Kayos junlIled up mind both fired almost
tIgothul' . It is tha1 it to ni 6 gat tlfat '
Keyes was 1fa t alt. Sy unJ r arky is with
Shelton' wku it is thou gilt will recover ,
- - - - - -
? ltealoret Iq'nehod ,
WALLA WALLA , W. T. , August 7.- )
McPherson , murderer of Oununhls at
New York , was hung by yigilattos in
tae jail yard at Dayton , Saturday night ,
flu protested its innocence , 3