Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1883, Page 8, Image 8

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I THE DAILY BEE---orAllA , TUESDAY , AuGUST 7 , 1883.
8 - ' - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ - - - - - . - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . . . =
I JiE iui BEE.
I ffl4HA.
TuosdayMbrningAugust , 7.
-Vho tu-e LIptt , Leak & Co. m.c&w.
-State } 'iJr noxt. month.
-1)on' forges the bMkct jlCflio of the
] nrn' club next Stitutdy.
-The tUp1ey of pcttIroR by NobrMkft nrtith
.II1 be e . .peca1 feeture of the comhig tate
-A pirty of o1dler returning th vai1ou
wotorn 1)ostl from fuilougliR IMel ttimugli
TIieIrst M.1. churchhM hIM ! ft flOW roof
rtlt n It , nod the buhItng L now recehing a
xiew itress f paint.
-Tbe dect1O1 In the njtinctton Mult ngalnRt
the city before Jinlgen Neville and Wakeloy
1l1 be rendered ttilx morning.
-Mri. 1I1iIy E. Arnold , 1210 th street ,
JiM a nigIit.blooining Cereits at her grooll.
botiso that. wn.q In bl000i bt liigtt. )
-The German Mociationfor the benefit of
the German choo1 anti gyiiiiin.itin , will have
a Picnic next Sutitlay at lfMcahIs park.
-A. twcnty.foot vooton ( sidewalk 18 being
Ian ! in front of the Creighton 1)100k on Vhf.
tocnth street. The nit ! valk united iiinc yearn.
-Tenth street I nil 1)avcd nave a little lesn
than a block between Jonen ntrcet and the
lower U. P. track , which vI1i be fluinl.ed , up
within tii dayn.
-A young colored woman named If chol
hail , had a racket with her fellow Saturlay
night. and took poinon , A doctor navod her
by hard work.
-On the Police court yentorilny two
trampn that. said tl.oy boloiiged in Council
iIluffn were tent there , two 1riinkn fined and
one petty larceny sent up for fifteen ( layn.
-The nab of reMerved noatn for the coinphl.
inontnry tionefit to Gee , . C. Staloy , at tim
Academy of Music , 4tIgtInt 11th , vih1 begin on
SVednenday morning , \Vymaii'n ntoro.
-Charles Shlvcrlck in advertiMing a fine lot
of Chamber Suits juMt received. It svihl be to
the Interest of hiounokeepers tout artltu4 in
tending t ) purcl.aio furniture to call and nee
_ 4 % . _ chrcular iMsueI by C. 1) . 1)or3nan , Enq. ,
authitor the B. k ? t. , . rr. Paul
ilelinrich acting annintatit nutlitor during the
vacaIon granted T. JE. Leavitt , annintaiit nu
f -The game of liL'd bait between the
'Thiicks" 811(1 the ' 'Thizin"of the U. P. freight
auditor'n cHico , on Saturday , renulte.l in a
victory for the latter by a ncoro of twony to
-Rev. C. 0. Woodbey ( colored ) will give a
PUblic lecture In the First Baptint church on
¶ L'uontay evening , Augunt 7th. Subject-"The
Origin and Ilintory of the Negro Itaco. " Ad.
inisnion free.
A. short tinie inco a colored Baptist
church win ; orgimled in thin city , with Rev.
Coo. W. WontlbeX paator. Temporary
quarters were secured In Lytlo's block , where
the congregation anti iie.iibornliip , have iii.
creased rapidly.
-ldr. : F. I. Clark , annlstaut superintmidoiit
of American and \Volln , Fargo& Co'n. express ,
lost Ids book of annual passes last Friday. A
. liberal rewarl yill be paid to anyone leaving
) the amo at the company's office In Omaha or
Council Bluffs.
-All members of Nohraska Lodge , No. 1 ,
w.o requested to ho present at the regular
meeting itext Wednesday evening at 7:30 sharp
as there vlll be work in the third degree and
I buelness of an important nature. By order
4f the chancellor conunander.
-The Iluinbohit orchestra , eight men from
Humboldt , Nebraska , under the leadership of
ji j. If. ( irico , passed through on their way
0 hoiiie yesterday. They Inul beoii 1aying
for the Yankee Boblnson show , In Iowa , and
left them at Roti Oak.
Alexander 2\tajorn \ , of Sola Spring. , Idaho ,
of the oh trnnnhortatin unit of Itusseli ,
t Majors & Co. , which made Nebraska City
t . their headquarters , is in the city attending to
some iniiiiug business. lie is the man
accidentally discovered that cattle coul.l be
wintered on our prairies.
-Saturday evening a man named .Tens Nd.
13011 , who had bceii " ( lJiflg lii , " ? lniinh.g . and
liens , the agricultural hinplonient dealers , to
the extent of about two hundred dollars , was
arrested and lodged iii jail. Ito bought goestls
H a chattel mortgage , and then tried to soil
them out to other $ .
-A. stunning ganm of bane ball wan played
, at the Union l'acific grounds Sunday after.
noon by the employcs of the "only raligious , '
' stc. , Herald and a scrub nine frosii the St.
. Cluu les hotel In which the lieralti uicn scorc
42 to the hotels' 5. A Pr&nftnOnt club is t
be made of the vlctorloui nine , it is said.
-Mr. Martin Lawlor , who keeps a lintel al
] ? ort Omaha , claims that when lie returned ii
his buggy from the city Sunday , eight sd
diem dragged him from his buggy and thr.n
Iiltn under It , and that ho was rascuod fror
Immediate annihilation only by the PrOuPl
Interference of his sister.
-The reiiovatlon of lloyd's opera hous
will be finished ebout the end of this week ,
and tim bous. will open with the Chlcage
Ideal Opera company on the 23rd , 24th and
2th of tids month. Durlngthe state fair Fa )
Templeton ant ! Katie Putnam will cad
aniuse the vubllo tlueo nights.
-The depot of Markel , Swob
& Co. Is being redecorated , and several inert
tables are to ho Put In. A new kitchen at tin
cut end has been buhltd23x3O feet , with a no
range and cutting tables. TIjo % old kitchor
wllf be used as a smoking anti reading root. :
for the depot , while ) . , It Is said , will soon to
clean&l and repainted.
, -A ilvelygasnu of base bail was played on
Saturday between a . chosen ( rota tin
store of J. S. Oberfeldor & Co. and a
from Max Meyer & Co's , the former wInuln
by a score of 2) ) to 18 , aitlivugli the lattei
were the challengers. The game wan Plao
on the B. & 3 ! . groutids , and Oberfoldor' .
zilne out batted the OppouOnt4 all to l1itM0
thereby winning the game.
-A serious runaway occurred on Farxiau ,
' .terday afternoon , ono of'it tenite
. i ) xnaldng the break anti collidIng with auotliei
ii outfit In front of 'foft's cigar store. A lady Ii
kk tim carriage was thrown out but fortunatol
I not Injured. Asmashied wheel was the oni
y damage.
it -A letter received from lenvor by tto
friends of the late Michael O'flay , who we. .
: killed at Denver iat week , states that th
. accident occurred while the unfortunate ma.
. . wsa trying to make a coupilug between tw. .
coal cars. One of tim cars was standing ci
the track and the otheni was thrown down b'
a au engine. O'fly stepped in between thei
-4 * ud his foot eaght In a frog. lie ws
unable to eCfllO ) until ho was run dnwii by the
car asid fatally Injured. . The rieddentoccured
at 10 ociock a. in. attil the fellow liveil
until 8 a. iii. , being consclois t.o the last.
- -
Beautiful litliograplied fatis , 7 per thou.
sand , including printing. Sotitl stamp
for namplo. A(1lross "ltetMhala ) Co. ,
Scimeca l'ahls , N. Y. " atmnOt
1'EIth NAI14.
Ben lialtagher left for Sidney yesterday.
Ifight 11ev. liishopO'Conn.rleft for ] ) envcr
Coo. E. I'ritchctt left for Norfolk , this
I Ion. } tlwnrd ltosownter , editor of Tn BEg ,
loft for Chicago yesterday.
lion. S. .1. Alexanderwas in the dty yes.
torday , en route home to lcnver ,
A. II. Bishop , of the Consolidated Tank
Line company , left for 1)cnvcr
C , M. Leighton and wife , of Leighton &
Brow , . , I.iflCln , are at. the l'axtoti.
C.V. . Ilibbel , with. A , 1) . Morse , left to.
they for Buffalo , N. Y. , to ho alrnont. a month.
Mrs. C. II. havens , wife of thic U. P. so.
perititondout , was a west. bound asseriger
A. M. Collett , Mrs. Collett and children
left on yesterday's tral for the cast , whore
they wIll romnrihti a couple of weeks.
Senator Saunders ran ilowit IOtA ) Sarpy
county , to look at "some of the hino5t.
mmiii in theworid , " thit he owiis there.
jIrn. A. A. ( ilbbon , tlaiigliter , Miss Ida ,
and sit. . , larthti , loft on yesterday itnon's
trait. for D two itinitthi's trip through \Vyoniing
auth Utah.
. .1.V. . Marshall and Mrs. S. M. hays of
l'lattsmnoiithi , S. Schwab of Lincoln , S. lb.
Galoy , wife auth child , Lincoln , spent the tiny
iii Oniaha.
lion. , . Morris , the register of the
United States land office at. Valentine , Ne.
brnska , in In town ILitti returns to.morrow
Coo. If. Thummel , S. 1I.Valijachi , tutu
, Ihuit , I. . ? uientis , of Oranul Island ; 'tV. 11.
lInker , of Platt.smnnuthi. and J. Ii. 'uEcCall , of
lawson CUitty , are at the Millard.
It. 11. Ifoso , a very vleasant geittlemuni anti
no aeconiphishied journalist , who Wan fur some
thtim cotmimected with the Kammsas City .Tourmmal
mu ; City editor , lees connocteil hinmnchi with time
local tafT of time laIly Umilomi. It Is hmo1.od . lie
hhi fitni Omimahma a pleasant field of work.
lick rhitmi.m1msomm . , of the liasthtigs 1)oiimocrat ,
wliut lies been taking in the good timings of
Onmahma , returns tlmi evening to hastings ,
which ho himsists is time mnetrtiohis of western
Nebraska , allowhtig Omaha nimly the oastcrmm
1tIr , ( leo. Satiforui , tim enterprising hmunillorti
of the Letilmi lintel , at Ilmuttimugs , Neb. , Is so
.1 umuriming at time l'axtomm , umaldug extensive
preparatiommn to feed time whole country duiritig
tim reunion , which comimmuotices on the : irtl of
Soptomimbor. Vhat .tr. Sutmiford tloim't know
about feeding the imubhie is not worth know.
BhiuKiun'H ItlflICLL Salvo.
Tim greatest medical wotuier of the world.
Warranted to speedily cure Burns , Cuts , Ui.
cern , Snit hhmeunm { , Fever Sores , Ca.icersi'hien
Chiilblaiiumt , Curtis , Totter , Chapped handsamid
all skiui eruptions , guaranteed to cure In every
hiistanco , or izuonoy refunded. 25 cents per
box _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Real Estate Transfers.
The following deeds ware filed for reo
cord in thocounty clork'a oflico Angust4 ,
reported for Tim Bnn by Amos' real
estate agency :
.J. A. McDougall anti wife to Wit : . S.
Myers , tj c d , lots 8 , ( I , 10 , hlk 13 ,
P. A. Croigh and wife to E. G. Patter-
Boll , Y tl , lot 4 blk 8 , Hauscoin Placu-
$ U50.E. .
E. 0. Schliof and wife to 0. F.
Diorks , w d , part lot 1 , see 5 , tp 15 , r 12.
11. 0. .Jones tuni wife to W. Lorcnzou ,
'V tl , parcel in ace 11 , tp 10 r 12-$1,50 ( )
S. li. itogers 811(1 who to heirs D.
3luumaimami , ii , lot ( I , blk 10 , S. B.
Itogern' adul.-$200.
A. 11. Dailey anti wife to B. II. Pont
w d , larCel Soc. 10-15-1'J-2.300.
F. 11. hail to : li , iloorath w d , ptrcul :
see. 5-15-1 I-$3300.
I , . 1' . Alien muiti liunbammel to Ii Myers
mUlti L. Raapko iv (1 , 0 lot 2 block 1.18-
0. Ulury to II. Myers and 14. limuipho
I (1 , Y m lot I llOCk 148-$7750.
A. J. Hanscomn and wife to 0. 'tV.
I4oomnia and F. 0. Ituvinires iv d , lot 10
amid 17 , block 10 Ilanseom 15laco-$1050
Aim Aimwwer Waiitetl.
' Can any one lnlimg Its a case of kidney or
liver CotlIlhmthlIt ) that Bloctria lilt.
t term. will nut speedily cure ? We stay they cast
hot , LOS thousmouls of cases already lormmmalleult. )
I y ctiroul and who are tiahly recommnnotmdln
Llectrlc Bittern wilt Itrote. Bright's thisomuso
( llahatCt4 , weak back , or any urinary comoplalu
quickly curoti. They iturify the blood , regu.
I late the bowels aunt act directly on tim din.
. emteti Iterts. Bvery tattle guaranteed. For
sale at ( iOu me tattle by 0. F. Goudunmum.
Our great ado still COtitiflUcs. Goods
, itt every ulepartiimciit reduced in ilcico.
I Ibiurgitins for all , Duimmg the presetit
I week we ask time attention of our luitromia
! to the Domestic Dopartimmout. In this
I dulartmlIOtlt We ofror aomiiu of the greatest
bargaitma of time sale.
Staimdard Assorted Prints 8c , former
I flue.
r Stanaard Selected Fruits 5o , former
I Sue.
Stauaard assorted Ginghams 5oformner
lirico 10 amid 12Io.
Omie case 4-4 isloachmed Muslin fib , for-
Imiur priCe 7c.
One case 4.4 ] blu.iclmeel rtmahiit flc ,
I former vrico 8Ao.
One case 4-4 Bleached Muslin 7u , for.
111cr lrico lOu.
r One case .1.4 Ummbhcmwhictl Ititmslin Sc ,
I former price 0e.
Ommo case .1.4 Unbleached Mtisiiu ( Ic ,
forumor price 8uo.
( ) mio ensu 4..f Uiibkacimcd Muslin 7c
former price OAc ,
m Also a full hue of Bleached ittiul Umi
S bleached Shmeotimigs. h'ncumi 1mm pro.ortinI .
r to the above jrtat rttltietions. A special
I lot of Striped $ cersmmckers and Solectol
p Gimmghamns at 1)o ) , fonmiurly 501(1 at lflc
r 25 jdUCCS of Sumnimier lress Goods sold n
our last sale for 10 ammd l2Ac reduced t
Sonyard , - A. OItUIOICSIIANK & CO.
Time geniimmo ; : ltrs & nros' . silver.
S 4o10t Eoimou.r &
V have your wittehcs , clocks and jowe1r
us repaired at Eouow.z & E1tIcySoN'm. '
n ade3t
All Affair Pc PorsonsLio to Enjoy ,
SliV'I HOhIM for Cnitaln nod ' $ IrH.
A picasammt afflir amid otto not commonly
time lot of mmiortais to enjoy took place Sat
tirday at the residence of Coi. John B.
Foray , in North Omaha , being the golden
wedding anmmivcrsary of his fattier nod
mnothmer Mr. and Mrs. Council , Fimray , Sr.
Council Furay , Sr.was born in March ,
1804 , and Mary , lila wife , born
March , 1815. They were married in
County Donegni , Ireland , August 4 , 1833 ,
and are therefore married 50 years.
Timoy hmnvo imiul ton chuielrou , eight of
whom are imow living , six married.
Time children iivitmgaru : Mrs. Caldwell ,
imow of llillsboro ; Col. Julio B. Foray , of
this , city ; Mrs. St. Clai , wife of lion.
V. 1' . 1' . St. Chair , 110W su1morintcmmdeut.
of time Utah t Nortlmern railroad , rcskl.
log bit Ogden , Utah : ; 0. P. Furny , resid.
iimg iii Ontario , C. 'tV. ; Mrs. 'l'aggart , wife
of Chins. F. Taggart , postal clerk ; Mrs.
Cannot : and Andrew A. Furay , who re
51(10 hear Iillard , this commnty ; \'ill
Filmy , ommmploycd in Limo general office of
Limo U. 1' . railroad at Ogdemi , Utah , ammd
Miss Bliza Ftmray , who resides with her
Itarenta imi this city
8It'ER citit:8. :
Ammotlmor haimimy event occtmrrunl on Saturday -
urday , being time twcimty.fifth annivor-
nary or silver wedding tiny of Capt. Ii.
B. l'nimmu and wifo. Capt. l'nimio caine
to OlmIalma fifteen years ago and has
1)0011 for over fotmrtccmu years an emnployo
of time Ummiomi I'acific , his silvery beard
amid his genial face being fnnmilinr to all
overinmmd passengers as well its to old
residumita of Ommmahma. Itirs l'muimie's mnaidoti
mmatmme was Sarah A. Limivillo and tlmey
were immarried at Itimmimiouthi , Ill.
Time lmnpy event was quicilybut lcaa.
amitly celebrated , and among tim picas.
ant tokensof remembrance ivere a couple
of imamldnomno bouquets fromiiMrs. McCon-
mmdl mmd Mrs. Mmdgdluy.
Capt. I'aino has the warmest wishes of
a host of friends timat the silver bells lisny
turn to gohi , amid that they may help lmimn
celebrate 1mm fiftieth ammuiversary ; amid
Tmi BEn is a sincere ivell wisher of the
samimu. May it be mmmamiy years before "the
silver chord in loosened or the golden
bowl 1)0 brokemi. "
A IjIt Sa'iiig l'resont.
Mr. M. B. Ahiinumi , hLmtclmhimson , Knit. :
Saved his life by a miummmplo trial bottle of lr.
King's N'iw liscovery for commsujiiptiotm , which
cauncil ) ui'n to procure a large bottle , that coimi.
piotniy o'mred hmhitm , whuemi doctors , change of
cliinuut.i thl ovorythilmig else Imasi failed , Asthm.
mite , ln'ticimitis , , evoro cotmglmn , and
all throat cud king diseases , it is guaranteed
to cure. 'rrial bottles free at C. F. ( loodimman's
drug store. Large size Si.00.
Lbt. ol LmuurH
ltcunainingutmcaiirnl for iii tlmo Otumaba post.
office August .1 , 18S3 :
Auikrew.TL A .1
Anderson 11 1'-2 Amulersomm J T
Altree S Arnott. It
Amidorsout A Aimuhinw C Z
Banke .r ii hhuilcy J
Bimslmmieli .1 11 Bowers 11
Batmchnmmumm , T liimcko B 1'
Browmi I. ; F hierumett A
lirtimie" 0 lboving R
lirodorick 'tV Ilullmnuiti .T
hiolsemi P 0 liradmord S
Becker T Ibuckner ' 1'
Byordbal T-2 Bumnker W
Brummer 'tV ' 0 Bassett U M
Bighumun F .i'-t ; Ilonta C B
Backinaun 0 Bray 0
Blitz F it Chandler J S
Clark 11 0 Churistiansen J
Cross 1" B Coombs H A
Connally P. Candish W S
Certain SV J Cart1giut L
Caine 11 (1 Canfiold G 'tV '
Chalmers ' 1. ' Conoghuc II
Davis .1 A lavls J
Dexter J DoVitt M M
Day \V Donahue ( I A
1)Ittbormmer (1 ( Javls 0
he l.eo B 1) Thmgelko H
Rudy J-i Ehmimnaum liE J
Ehlinoti A F Flltt.o L
I4nter it ii Fhumniory P
Franklin N 0 F'bhor C ,
( irimn .1 .T ( imurretson J J
( iiiimes "IV ( irek A J
( iarrmsomi : [ tirmilimi A
Iiarrbt .1 llmurris Ia J
1111cr .1 Ileibel .1
limuins J 'r hlegerty B
hlmuimsemi lE 1' Ilummgamu l'ttr
11111 'tV B Ilaituem 11 S
llolmrceker T lichen G
ilaimuiumummnl ( lV l Ilmurin C
iltwes I. Iloyno t .r
I Iuuive B .lacolniemi .J
.Jnckson U .lellroy ( I
.1 tO .Iemiiumnchuelb l
.lmuntiiii , C 0 .lommes U
Kemuinhi C NI lCnmio F
IColloyV 0 Kollog Z Itt
lClser 'tV ' IL iCiumimmier 1. '
Keifer V Kelly V. ' A
Lytic J Si V ] iyoimtt Z B
l.utWtiii ) C J Logan B S B l.icberkiumcimt C
Ltmdhmaimi M Lewis I 1)
LiobkeuJ 1) 1.uumme W F
McMullomm J-2 McClellan Ii
Memo J Myers .1
Miumciucster 0 Meaglier D
Moody V. ' C Manker S
Mack C Maguire FV
I'.yoT NlaclmtmitaJ It !
I'.olhikofur B O'lbriemiV
Oakley 0 1 O'Connor E
Pattee .1 1) l'erryV lj
l9ckerhimg It-2 Paimim A A
Pearl F B l'nrko II W
I'yulne .1 Porter B
iloomley J itubelle J
hicynoltis It C itooves "tV
Ryan \V F iftmvell N C
Ifoilahie Mfy Co hfappal F J
hells 1' W $ imaugle J B
Simeokels .1 Schiumiulug F
imytlerV 11 Simunk V
Stookoy J C Smith J J
Simekermuoster J Smumimpson S
hiimitim J 1' Segentoon A
' Staeio S Straittoti C lb
Schmurr C Singlotomi Itt F
l4mmilth 11 1' Slmehly Ii S
Smmmltht II N Sheldon JV'
' Scuff .1 E Sheb J C
Stuckel I : A Sammdorv N
Stramisberger B $ tevoinomi , B B
' Siuiitloy UV i4wislmer W
Talbott A 'ritommue. , J 0
't'hoimmsomm J Ii 'L'Imissotm Itt
Van \ luck \V' \ VatnonV
Wilson \V 11 Walker S
Wooluertomi S BVcinck ' 1'
Wootirumfi 0 \Venchlor Ii
\hhliford J 11 \Vlgmrlns II C
Witikor ' 1' B Wilkimi U
' Yates \V S
LA1)IEtt ems ? .
Antiersoim IiIin A. Allen Mrs Ii
hhyrimo Mrs J U Blake IttIj.s K
Couramu Mat Itt Chase Miss F
Carter Miss Itt M iicknumim Mist. J
Fitzgerald Mrs U hlitmes Mr. . S I
limummseim Miss A Itt Amuwklmis Miss N
Illekmnamu Itint B .Itihmusomm Ithm's It J
. Juumes Miss ' 1' Jommes Miss 11
hi.twuiikt ItIrn I : 1) Kimig Miss S
I } uummg Mrs 14 LittleMbtsF
I Morrisomm 'hIrn ' J 0 McCoy Mat F
L Miller Miss Ii ! tlmeson Mrs lb
tiyrtle Miss 0 O'liriemi Ithins lj B J
O'lhiieim Miss 31 Olsemi Mis B
, Olosoim 'tIm's 'I , ' l'etorsomu B
i'CtCtIttii Itliss II hock Miss C
Iotmves { lilies U ifaguumi Miss Ii
Sjellimiami A Schmruier A
Shelton Mrs lit D J Shea Miss D
. 'l'borimtomm Mrs 11 Twadoil Mrs S .1
Voilcker 0 \Vead Mrs I ) 1)
Whmolc'ii Mmii Itt Weaver Mrs 0
i'OURTII CL.A ) lAVriii.
} 'JSl'oar JMCarrohl
P ] boudiup IV hansen
lr L F la hbougim ( 'dlviii & Cu
Mrs VI' N 'raylur 1' F Ihmurtlug
_ _
lb lb Smhley It T George
w v I'ond C Scott
CuAS. K. C4tt.NT. l'ostmnmm.ster.
having tiit ; ; icyftiio Oneida Coin.
mumility packing of Fruits , Vegetahileti ,
Jaimis , Jellies , Sweet l'icklcs , Preserves ,
&c , for time foilowimig towns amid cities
Blair , Tekamna , l'iattimmnoutim , Crete , lien.
trice , Limicoln , lIntimmgsFremmiomit , Sclmuy.
Icr , Cemitrni City , North l'latto , Column.
him , Grand Island , l'apihhioii , 'sVoopimm
Winter , Atilmiand , Wahoo , Omnaima an
Council hilulFs , will , upon nppiicatiomm ,
seimtl lmHcu lists and blanks to all who may
wish to lay in a aumlimly of these excellent
goods for wittIer use. I'It'asc call orsend for
Price lisLe , as all orders have to be outer-
eel by a certain timo. We sell tlm goods
at Oneida Community list price , adding
freights at car.load rates.
Ii. V. Morse ,
1508 Dodge street ,
. The Ron1ar iIOe1ill br August.
It ! lNIOlIlIiNti5 Tvatistutt ItniM of Zmmipti'
mime , ' Olrwlse. ,
At the regtmiar immeetimig of the board of
edumeatioti thorn were present Parker ,
Commmmoyer , Gibbon , Livesey , Points ,
Siecimt , amid Prcsitlcmmt Lommg.
F'rommt C.V. . Cain , tcimdeiimmg his resig-
imatiomu as janitor of the Central school
ivan icceivcl iuiitl resignation accepteul.
Froimi Trumimuimi Buck , treasurer , report.
imig $5S:323.Oo : onhammd.
Promo F.,0. Festimer cmi lmuhmalf of time
Germmmamm Ltmtimraim ehtmrcim , askimmg permnis-
Bioti to use time .Jnckson street achol
hoUse for Iivine services dumiimmg the time
they arc mmiovirmg timeir church buildixmg.
( riummtcd.
.iANITomun ar.EcTmui.
Time following janitors were elected :
Itir. Tlioimipsomi , cast sciiool Mr. Quimi-
mu , hit'Iu school ; .J. C. Christimimson , ivest
scimool ; C. B. Beshilson , south school ;
Mr. Colenmami , Jacksom street sciniol ;
Mike Ford , Eleventh street center
school ; Stun Darmmuhl , Cass street school ;
Itfi. lioiml , addition school ; Mr.
l'tialstroimm ' , liartimmami schmonil .1. Ellis ,
north school.
By Comimmoyer : That the secretary be
authorized to dniiv a warramit for the summit
of $2,505.10 for the scmimi.amimmual immtcrest
on $50,000 indebtedness school bonds ;
By Connoyer : That time secretary be
authorized to see all old iron accumulated
in time ( hilIcEelit school lnmildiimgs ; carried.
By the oamiie : That time secretary be
authorized to alvertise in all the English
daily papeis for Iroposais to furnish
is'ootl and coal , statioiiery , supmhics and
mrimmtimmg sicedeel for the emmsuimig year.
By the same : l'hat all persoims teaching -
ing mit time high acitool tumud not already
oxammmined be examiiined iii trigommomnetry ,
mmsoral and imiemital , lmilosopimy , physics ,
geommiotry aigebue , commmposition amid rite-
tone , English literature , chemistry ,
Umiitcd States vomistitumtiomi , botany , ummi-
vernal history and geology. Carried.
Moved amid carried that the salary of
the janitor of the south school be raised
temi ( lohlara ior immontlm , as the school
building is iii nit tmmmhmcalthy condition for
hutmi to live in.
By Mr. Cominoyeri That the Imresitlciit
amid secretary be muthorizcd to draw a
ivarrant for $20 each in favor of Mrs. 3.
D. Grovy and J. J. Christianson for Ink-
imig care of buildimmgs durimmg vacation.
Omi motion of luir. Points , the connuit-
tee on property and improvements were
authorized to receive lids for laying outside -
side sewer lilCS on tue high school
Omu motion of Dr. Parker , time secre-
t.try was authorized to receive bids for
pumttimmg sinks otto the high school. Car-
ned.By Dr. I'arkcr : Timat time three roonmi
iii the soimfit wimmg of time attic of time high
school should be fnrmmishcd up ready for
use whmoit miccessary.
: l'tir. ' : Speciit thought that ott account of
time vecumlitur commstitmctiomi of the roommi
they WOUll ( be ummmfit for school h > urhses.
Dr. I'arker thought that if fimuisimed up
imu white they would ho 1mimt omiuughm.
ifefeired to the commmmnittce cmi public
ropurty amid imnprovcmmients.
I'iamios timid Organs sold on l'tIonthly '
Paymnemite at Edholmu & Erickson's.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ jy2B.8t
Fresh Litmie .Juico at 50o per bottle a
I will soil at auctiomi ott Tuesday macrn
log , August 7tim , at 10 o'clock , at the
formner nesidommco of C. F. Catiimm , on time
southeast center of Cimicago aimd Nimie-
tcenth streets , a Imurgo lot of household
goods , ctnumistimmg of parlor sets , bedroommi
nuts , carpets , stoves , dimming roolmu amid
kitchen furniture , etc. , etc.
a4.2t Saieamnan.
California Plumits , by time box , fur lire.
serving , at
Silver Moustache Cups at Edhiohmu &
Erickson's. j31 fit
5O ( , GLOVES.
See timia bargain in Gloves at
One miico buggr Imorso for sale at
a4eflt lmItoI.M & EmucmciuoN'n.
Shoulder braces for gomita amid ladies at
\Vmu \ , Evonjtt , Carpenter tumid litmild-
or , mmd mmmammfmtcttmror of Screemi Doors
amid \Viiitlowmt him vemmioied. his almol ) to
1121 Douglas , hear 12th ttcct. tf.
-After tOdavs ) of r.uimm , flood amid maud ,
the Liomi hits comime to tIme surface agmtimi
utmul will comitimiuit. ) to nar for IStooru's No ,
1 hlturmiessent tumid Saddlury.
_ -
-Paterson eh ! "Qamiomi City" coal , $7 Per
-Best cigars , 3 for 25 at Jenkins' .
-Charles it Whdnuery , dentists , 1314 Yaxniuii.
-Scamnlinsvla. drug store , 10th & lougias.
-F. N , Conner , Dentist 612 N. Six teemith.
-Who are Li1m1mItt , Leair& Co.h iu-C&W
-Scud for catalogue of Wymnami Ceizamnor.
cial Coiiege , Omnaiia. Tito Institution is linus'
perous. Julytbeui.m&e St
THAT TIIt'5ANI)53 ) or' oimt ittsiNIss MIN (10
TO ThEIR OtFICCS i ; 'iii ; ? .flitNiu ) ArnImL : AN
t'NFASY NIOIIT oft T.tTi insniu , pIgitNu :
iVi.Tj ANti ALt. OUT 01' SOuTH. III1S 15 EN
TmmtEi.Y UNNECE.SgAmtY , Foil A i4INOI.E hOSE 01'
roni : IImIIAHIFAST , wIi.1. IMMIl'IATEI.y : ' illS.
I'll. ALL } 'KEi.tNOS ( II' hEAVINESS , ltmOVE !
niNT1.Y : malT SUIIE1X TIlE CAtisi : , & qulcKIN :
INTo iimAi.TIIY AITitN nvmmtv : 1iliit : OF' TIlE
California Plums , by thio box , for pro-
afrvimmg , at Bunvsrr's.
Machine Oil in quantities to suit at
AtEaton's : Cabimmet Photos by Bloc-
tric Ligkt. $5.O0perdoE.
See this bargaimi imi Gloves at
Silver Presentation SeEs at lidholmn &
Erickson's. j'JI ( it
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Fcr White Lead amid Mixed Peiuita Go
to Gocehuami's.
If you want repaired and
warranted , take it to Edhohmmi & Erich-
somi's. j31 ( it
OnocarloadofWimidow Glass justere.
ceived at C. F. Goodmmiami's.
I ( Clocks for flOc ; ; ) at
a4elOt Emioati & EmucKKoN'im.
See this bargain iii Gloves at
Plenty of clmoicefruit and veotalics ,
of the season , utVmn. . Gemitlemnami a.
Latest Sheet Music emily Sets a copy at
Edholma & Ericksomi' - y28-lOt
For the purpose of afrording additional
roommi on tue first floor time large ofhico has
becit remimovcd amid the center coumiter cx.
temided tue whole lciigth of thu store.
Upomi this counter is miow placed
As the 81(1l1JhCI' in pricc.i sii ( ( coninuc.u.
\Vlmile you have the opportunity imimiko
your selection from the following
Corsets , Baskets , Button , Artificial
Plamits , l'lacques , Applique l'atterns ,
Tidies , Belt Ribbons , Cloaks , Colored
Skirte , hose , Belts , Fans , Gloves , Lockstitch -
stitch Rtmfhhiiig , Pocket-Books , Flowers ,
Mcmi's Straw Ihits , Lalies' Hats. Baby
Lace Caps , Bustles , Perfumery , \Viuite
Dress Goods , ZepllyV , Mitts , Lieo : Goods ,
Hair Switcimes , hair Frizzes , Bonnets ,
and all of the immuclise stock AT AN
CaiiforniaPlummsbythio box , for pro-
scrvilmg , at BUPFETT'S.
Buy a Columbus watch. They are the
best. Sold only by
4elOt ED1loLI & Eiticituos.
Sec this bargaimi in Gloves at
Guild & Mclnnis have just purchased
from the largest iinportimrg house in the
country fifty pieces of Bon-Jours cole.
brated Black ( Jashimores. The best in the
world. Those goods are very wide , made
from the fittest Cashmmicre wool amid warrn
ranted three ply dyes ranging in prices
from 45c to $1.25. Anyone in iieed of a
Cashmere Dress canmiot afrordto buy those
goods anywhere else as we can save you
fromit 10 to 25c peryard. Our supply be-
11mg tmnhimmiited we oiler oIlier merchants a
full line of time above laid down iii Omnahia
at less than they can buy them for iii
New Yuik.
I O Guman &
oo : ; North 16th street.
Latest sheet music oimly Sc a copy.
alelOt & EumeasoN.
Latest SImeet Mimsic only 5 eta a copy
at Edhiohma & Enicksomi's. jy28-lOt
- -
Time ( macst tumid largest .assortmuieiit of
llarmiess , Whips , Dusters , Sheets amid
Turf goods of every dcscniptioii to be
found in tue city at 1412 Fainam St.
Please call amiul cxammiimmo stock.
25 mi. D. It ! . WELTY.
I , uouo' ! YARDS.
To comitractors , builders , plasterers , oLe :
I nut how 1)rePared to deliver sharp ,
clean lit saud ata few hours notice iii
quantities to suit the purchaser front otto
yard toone hmmmmidrecl yards per day in
any punt of time city at prices that defy
comii1ietitlomi. Domi't forget that I give
every yard. Leave your orders with , or
aderess , John Steel at the ohlico of tue
Nebraska lt5e comnpamiy.
For buildimmg mimaturial go to C. L.
Bradley , cur. 13th and California.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ jun14 !
-Cards mind wcddinm.'sthtioiieryat Cotton'
Every Coreot Ii warranted iaU.
ZaCWTI to It. wearer in every way ,
or the money will be refunded by
the person from wtiomn it was bought.
Tb. only OOrst pronounced by our ei4iaj .byq1otsam
. .
.5 IJ(14SI to Ih wcarvr , zi4rn0or.4 07 i&oi. 1
rub. amiu usmtortal4s .ul etui.g OunsiS
w&4 . " P. t.g. I'niJi
M.slih Pr55O1'Ti. $ I.5O 8cit&djsiti1 , 1.U
Ab4.Ik1L ( cziia cavi ) $ LOo. ? 1.L.g
V. , si ! . bt I.a4I * UL ) 1)caist * .y.,7v , S
tm..oo tJQWI clii. . I ,
L _
Infants and Children
Withoat MorphIna or NnrooUno.
Thmmt gives our Children rosy cimeeks ,
. What cures their foyers , makes timeni sleep ;
'TI. Cnstorla
When Babies fret , and cry by turns ,
'hat cures their colic , klihs their worms
What quIckly cores Constipation ,
Sour Stomach , Colds , Indigestion :
lint Cnstorla.
Farewell then f4 Morphine Syrups ,
Castor 011 and Paregoric , and
hail Castorigi.
Centaur LInlmont.-&b-
solute euro for Rhonmatism ,
Sprains , Burns , Gall. , &o. , anti an
iustanthnoons Pain-reliever.
AWSpoetalB will Positively not be inserted
unless paid in advance.
TO LOAN-Money.
AliitOAil ricimT4-T , , amlmiommti iii rciiuceui
R rates. A. mOIIMAN , 213 snttiilstmi St. 9I bit
ONEY TO l.OAN-The Omnaha Saving' . ibmik is
1. lIds lurclared to make baits on Omaitu city or
Ioimgias cotitit' reI ostatAm mit current rate o liacrest.
No conumuission cluerceul.
ONEY 'ru LOAN-flue lowest ratis of Imuierest
j , lieinis'Lctami Ageimcy , 15th & Iotmgitti. 28411
ON1 TO LOAN-Call at law chico tut P. I. .
. ? lji22i 8Crcightommbliock.
' LOANED-On Chattel mortgage , room 7
.1V _ Nebraska National natikmnmilummug. 184.11
ONEY TO LOAN-.J. T. licatty toasts ott chattel
.1 proery , 213 South 14th St. 844.lmn
WANTED-For cutting the bruiui of ! of
B about 25 or 30 acres of huid , 1 12 unites irons most
, , tlice. Also for ciuttimug the trees 05 of the streets
and ttIIes Of salil loud. Amily to
ImEMiS' IIEAI. ESTATE AGENCY , lilt. amni Douglas Sts.
- - ) iii tmmts
! tate. 217 N. idtIiSt. 8821l1
[ ) _ , dining rooni girl amid dish.
Vt % % asluer for hotel lit 1latImgt. , 217 N. lUili St.
, ' 7AN'rnm'-A ' gooim bi'e maul n ith somali capital.
V 'ro call at. 2t7 N. 16th St. SOu.71
' - ox1ieiIemiced track iuiemi for Oregon
, Short hue at mice , 217 N. 16th St. 8870'
_ baktr single maui to work eccommil.
y 4tPi'lY met bakery Cajiutol eve. bctnecii 16 amid
17th Sti. 883.7'
AN1)-A girl to do general ) moumseworkiuma
V somali family. AlPIY at omico corner l'ark Vi lide
avenue anti lVaiaut street , south Omalm. 883.7'
.TANTU-acrman girl to do lmousework. In.
1' ( cure 015 suuth 18th btrcet.
' ) - first cla.s barber. Inqumla at 1413
1armiamii street. JOSI1ll FIOItELLI.
I /ANrEI-A / first class took , onmaum irefcrretl
' Address or ° Pi'lY itt CcittraICity ibouteCcntral
City Neb. 87,7-10'
) ltlNTmltSVANTEIToo good printers can get
steady emnploymitrmmt at good stages at the " [ 'miot
001cc , " JIlair Neimasha. 8.8.0
yyANTFn-t : girl Ii , a fanmily of tan for general
I houses ork. 1:1) : S. 24th street. 8U-6
\ TANTE1)-r0 laborers , % iagcs 1.73 and 2. rer day
board 3.78 per week. 11 MANNWE1LEIt 11 St.
near } 'armiaui. Ku 1.71
.S TANTEI-Nurse girl at 810 N. 20th St. Ilefer.
y cord required. 8030
1TANTED-A girl competent to take charge of
yY diimlng roofs at i'tammter , , house corneniCtit and
TANTED-Tcn experienced men to soil an article
miever before Introduced in Omaha. Address
1 ! . K. W. lice . .Ifice. 88(3.7'
\ TAN'TEn-At 2210 CalifornIa St. a girl to do gem. .
V eral housework. 83510
- gin Mrs. iV. M. Himihummami 24th &
V Iiarmmey St. 886.11
WANTED-An experienced dressmaker , one iluo
V ummderstaudu draping. Apply to 1517 floumglas
street. 8400'
- ITANTEL-An e'clicrieuieed grocery clerk. Mm.
V dress "Grocer , " lIce otfic , , . Must collie well rc.
coiuinietmded. 83311
) - flrst.claui carriage blacknimsltli ; also
\ \TANTE1)-A
a horcilmocr and woodworker. Address Lock
Box 178C.rcston , Iowa. SiSti
AllIES Oil YOUNG MEN Imi city or conmmtry , to
_ .J take mmtce , liglmt amid P1catmt vork at their nomi
homes ; 2 to 5 a day easily and quiet ) umaile ; work
sent by mush ; mit , catilasslng ; no slant ireply.
t'Icac address Iteliabie Mamnmtaetur mmg Comupammy , l'a. ,
draitor 'iT. 800.tu.eli.tuat.Aug2St
. . _ agents for the 'Qumeemm l'rotoct.
' \7ANlF.DLatiy
or. ' . A new under garment for ladies , unaule of
soft , mlexlblc rtmbber. Sure lrotectloul to time under.
wear , % ) men necessary to be worn , ftetail for 2.U0
as fast as agcmmts cam. . show it. 1.argo eronts. Address
walt stamuup , 'Ladles' Uumndergarum.ent 3tammuacttmrirmg
Co. , No. 0 8. May street , Chicago , IlL 706Smii
7ANrEO-Fmrst.class wo.namm . cook at the Gamut
S Rouse , neargoserummncnt corral.
\A7AN'i'ED-Thrco o our good iualiiter , steady
y y work , Inquire at ntral City house , Centrai
City. Neb.
? . ANTEI-flood nmaclmimmits at Novelty Iron
' ' works , Fourteenth street.
\ ) ' TANTED.-A cook and welter , 1015 Itarumey ill.
873 Of
S ITIJATION WANTEU-Uy single man. hood
driver can immilk , tumid Is ) manily about time house.
Sm. A. Adams , Omaha , Neb. , care lice office. 8700'
ITANTEiJ-A slttmatiomi by a young mnmsmm an chick
S ! In a grocery. Ilest rcfereumces glyen. Address
' .5. II. " lieu allies.
TANTED-A situatIon by a lady Just arrived
, V from France a , Chaunberu.aid In riate family
or to emitertain chiidrrn In ( lernian or French.
Sieaks mmoEmgil.h. Apuly at S. W. corner 18th and
Leatensorth HU. 807.7'
% fANTED-Iermanemmt board sautod , In strictly
V S Irivato family forgontlemnan , slfe and child , 3
year. old. Address , stalling terms , f. ii. " lice
olliec. 577.0'
1TANTEU-To occupy , August 10th , quiet , con.
, V tralty located furnished room , for one gentle.
realm , at 87 or (5 per nmomith. Address "A. .4 , ' lice
oSice. gl3.6
FOIt 1tENT--Uousea axd Lots.
lENT-A f tint shed rooni f or one or tso gen.
tiemen , 1313 C.s . , treet. 87081
; olt RENT-A luieasanmt furnished room. . ° .lo aim
ummfurujithed one , Irons -i to 30. 8. W. cdrmier
Ilarmmey slid 2ttli street. 878.11
11011 IIENT-liouse 0 roomit. * ' . . ier mm.onth. Iii
.1. . tiulnu 28th St. bctweemm iatengort ammd Chicago.
I Oit RENT-IAmo hall , Cenifral locatiomm , brick.
store ammd liasemimemmt m0tl St. brick store , roommi 1011 ,
St. McCAU UFoppoItui'ost ouiice. 881.16
V O l.L'T-FurmmIsltcd parlor 1724 Douglas St.
_ _ _
JfOIt lENTTThiTIncrji (
sitli ciosetsuitable Ion too , 1311 lh.vemuiiort St.
_ _ _ cOld
r iloues for remmt cimenim. Rollins. and Motter room
5) iiuomalmaNatlommalliammk. 81001
'OI4 ItENT-NIerly furnished roi'uo , , silth tin sIt ) , .
outbuani. hay heartier. wammted. 70(1 ( 18th St.
lutr-yunmmisimei : ammd ummfurmmtslteti roomna.
Flea iwatiomi. 1ECI , Opp. 1' . 0.
1'Omt ; IIENT-Four menu. new stud ileamtt , micar
1. street car limie. Suitable for a smuall. quIet famni.
ly. 1. iV. 11011 ,
54091Eitmgbt. , bet.Cusrlea ) emit ! Siisard.
I OR RENT-Nice , large furumislipul south front
room , 11)04 ) } 'srnsm,8reet. 8238
I L"0lt ltET-louae , 6 rooms , 16th and Davenport.
I . inqulnimof .3. lhIups hoc , ithanul Slimed.
, ibtt ; IIENT-Funtishod room. , 1810 Dodge.
I 810.7'
, on RENTl'uroIhed rooms for gemutltmcmm , at
No. Ill north 13th , trcet , near Miiiamml Hotel.
1011 IIES'T-3.nvtni cottage , mew : renard street ,
.i. betweemi caimmpleli amid Irene , Shinni's addition.
_ i
_ _
t)1L ) Tmi1ir - ll.iincvi mInii storo1dflui.iiihi
I Poll ! ) & noVEll , 11cM Estate Agency. Office
east sluhi 14th street , between Farnam armd lougles J
_ _ -
1011 itiNr-l'mee.antly : furnished roonal 105 north
18th street.
.12 - _ _ _
: : : . O11'lCE , sell furnIshed , with gnust Illras ,
.i..i for sale t-mcAr. .101W 1. . 11001111 ,
000.ltmi' Crete , Nob.
-nell ItIINT-Now rooms furnished or unfuirnlshod ,
II wIth board. lefcrencei { requIred. 1810 Daven.
port. 456-tl ,1
Foil SALE.
, !
1'1 harnesi at honors ) l7tabrook'stock yrd , 10th
, trret , lttiuecn Capitol atenua and Davenport tt.
. % olt SALE-New 7 room house , barn and oUt or
4 imnprosoments , corner lot 33xb23otmo block front
school ; grand view of the city. A bargain that biahi
them util. Pont wait ; come and see how cheap you
can butt a good honie. UtTered for only mu few dsy.
88-1.7 l'ECK , opposite I' . 0.
1Olt HAIl1-Large fuirmitihed front rooni forono or
LI two gemitiemnen , H. W. corner Izard and 18th St&
I 533.10 !
- idt gAi-i-chr ; box.
nest amid mmewplineton or viii cxclmanig for oUmer
Property. . J. 11 EIlVAfti)8 ) ) , n
844g. till l"artiani street
-uolt SAiE-ne ( of time brst lee Creani hurlers amid
iteutauiralits iii the city. 'Flame elm lhirt , if mmccci.
, uatV. iliitcmultli cause for selilng. , Call on address It
C. 'felimpiar , 1335 Dolgestreot 8-11.0
tomt SAlE-l'ltme farm cioso to th city.
843.11 l'ECE , Opposite I' . 0.
F' ° R HAIE-flarter shop outfit. For partIculars
c-nil on or aduires , l.H1 EEIIS ;
_ _ _ _ Iunlaplowa.
FoIl SALE-Nerutly mmow , loather to
bugg3 , at No. 2.110 St. Mary's atetlue. 822-S
J3AmtllEmi SmlOl for sale ii , Gemoa , Nmunce county , - -
Neb. ; good mtandomily ; shop in tosmi ; reasumms for
selling , sick. mount school starting up ammd a tiew
raiironui starting iii bumsimiess. Will soil reasonable
for cash. Addrcat Ii. WOOiWAIIE ) ,
' .7 _ _ UunorNanrocountyNeK
; toit HALE-Ftmrmmitimro for light 1mouiokeeping.
Emmqtmlro secouiul ulcer ot of Crtilglmtomi lintel ,
Capitol aemue. 812.71
0lt SALI-Clmeap-l'Iutetonm , nearly mmew , No. 440
23351. , bet. liarnoyantiSt. Mary's ave. 818.7t
8ALE- . snail iioimco on icaseul ground , Call.
] JOlt
formmla street , oluiuo"ite Crelglmtoum L'ofltige. 770.01
? - amiul btiincss lromeet , ma
all parts of Omaha , and Farm Lamidi 1mm nIl iarta
of tIm State. flE1)FOl1) ) { & SOUER , 213 S. 14th St. bet. Farmiami , amid Douglas.
SALE-A well establiilmeul Wagon and Car-
niago Silo ! , , located lit one of the best towns ii.
soutimeasterim Nobm'ke. Address "A. ' care of l3ce ,
Onsaha , Ncim. _ _ _ 738.13'
) ark Avenue lots 815)0 each.
Capitol Atermue lots , l,000 each.
Chicago street lot , 6JO.
Centre Street lote , 525 each.
McCA(1UI1 ( ,
720-tI OPiiiih ) l'ostomflco.
? SM.E-200 heat ! 3camling hollers , $17.33.
I 20i ) head 2 and tlmreo year oI'tl Imeifers , $24.00.
400 Calves. Al ! above are Iowa cattle.
ST1tANIE l1t0S ! ,
Cattle Contractor4 , hide , Wool and 'Fallow dealers , '
1OIt SALE Oil EXChANGE-Full lot and three
dweliimigs cUrlier of 11th and I'aciflc streets.
Nine lots 1mm south Omirnlma. Alco lot ) acres of land
nicer Saumtomm , Nebraska , and building and stock of
clothing No. $01 1entli street. Wilt exchange for
Nebraska tarot latitLi. Further lartlcular3 at Coo.
11. l'etcrsoui's Cbotlmiimg Stoic , 804 Tenth strcet.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
u0lt SALE-I'ropcrty 1. 11. corner 18th amid Calut.
tab avenue , Inquire on 600-Imu.
4 011 SALF.-Oid newspapers in marge auid small
qmaumtlties at this olOce. If
- tim-st class second imanmd top buggy.
Call _ at 1310 Ilarmicy street .10711
flOTEL FOIL EALE-Nearest to time U. P. Depot ,
Columbuq , Nebraska. Excellent braimiess.
Good bargain to right moan. . Reason for selling , fall-
11mg of lmealth , or ! tulil sell tIme furmmiture am. U rent time
building. Address , S. J. slanmnoy , Cuumnbu , , Neb
liquor dealers not to sell liquors of a m.immd to
my wife , tmerchildrcmi or my clmlldrem , . 11. kKEIL
r AKEN UP-Dy Dr. S. J. Chambers on ' 8liornuan 4
aucomme July 3lt one bay horse sevemi yearn
out , whIte spot the back and small white spots on thu
belly , weIght about 1000 lbs. and In fair condition , has
Ito shoes on. gaJj.7
T AKEN UP-Two pigs , sill the deliver samno to
ott-nor on payniemmt of dammiages ann ! costs. W.
J. llahn , Court Iloummie. 882-St lewk. ,
' want a pus foundation to your bulidimig see ' ' '
'ty. ' Boyd , Caimfield Iloumse. 004 lm
UP-A 3 year old blaek mm-marc , about 000
IfAKEN uteight. C. A. Jenscum , on , Military Road ,
4 mmmiles from town. 803-it luwl 4
118. LIVESOSICEY , Reliable Clalrwoyaotanui
I 'rrmummce 8totliumn , is liennamenmtllocated at 11313
Ctmleago street. l'rivate sittimmgs daily. 780-0 !
JIOUND-A book contamnmimmg Iiaumlsui letters , some
vhotogramlus and oIlier pomuers. O.vtmor melt imavo ' a
caine by calling atthlsoillce ammmt mayimmg charges.
_ _ _ _ _ 733-tf I.
I F'you want luliOS driven. for aumy Iurposo see % V'I
lloyd , Cunmilcid house. 6051mm.
F' . 1)AVIS , nmemnber Trinity College , England ,
S gtuesMusicand Singing Lessons. Address 800
SoutlmTemmtl , Street. 503.1w
'tAKEN U1'-Jtmly 20th , a bay liorbo. Owmmcr cams
get lnmforummtion by calling at thin 0111cc
040-St 1 each vi , -
IJlSl'ENSARY-The free dispcmmsarv .mu con
p1110 with the Child's hospital moid liomo lets
been located out tita cornier of 16th ammd IJouglasstroete
mmntll time mica building Is Iluilalietl. Atteniulamico sill
be glucmm dory mnonmiing ( Sunday excepted ) from. , 10
to 11 o'clock for the trcatummcmmt of the needy , sick and
sufterlng. 37341
TIIAYEI-A light built black mumare , about 1 u
S hands high. Time Onider will be suitably rosard + ,
od upon returmmng ! her to time govermmnment stables ,
corumur of Chicago ammul i-icvcntli streets.
AL1ST 405 Tenth street , betwewm Farnmun anil liar.
ney , sill , sith the aid of guardian spirits , obtain to , c.
any one a glammce of the past and present , aumd on
certain conditions In the future. hoots sail Shuoi
made to order. Perfect satisfactIon guaram'te'd.
a NERVOUS n . ,
SI I iires I'IIYSICAL .ic IIPfl TV
. - ' "u' OicsmmL LOSS UU1J IJ
- - , OF MANLY VIGOR , Spermnatorr.
lmimi , etc. , shen all othet remne.
C , Ol ; dies fall. A cure tswaritstced ,
, - l,8o a bottle , large bottle. four
times the quantity , 5. fly ox.
. to uuu84rces. Sold
' pre mummy by
tmildruggists. ENU1.ISII 811101-
CAL INSTITUTE , l'roprletors , 718 OJito Street , lIt ,
LoulsMo. -
"I have sold Sir Autiey Couper' Vital ltestmratiye
for yearn. Every customer speaks highly of It. I
ummhesit.atingly endorse It as a remedy of true merit
, , , c. 1. ' . GooDMAN , Druggist
Omaha Feb. 1 1883. vlS.m&o-eodl'
rex You ,
Madam ,
Whose Conlploxion betrays
501110 IluinhllatilIg illlJ01'fOC-
lou , ivlioso iIiii'i'Ot' tolls you
Ihat yOU iii'o Taiiiiod , Sallow
auti disfigured in counlo-
111111CC , 01' hILTO ErliptiOlls ,
Roiliiess , ItO1lgIhlleSS or ill-
vho1esouio tiitU ot'Com1o- , -
Ion Buy USO liugnu's . ;
110ili aLrn. ' 4
It is a delicate , Ilarmioss
and de1Igkt1i1 article , pro-
thleillg the niost juitural niid
ontrflhlclilg hiltS , tIio artlilci-
nifty or vIiIc1t hO observer
call detect , anti which soon
beconies iorrnancitt If the
MagnolioBulni Is judlelOuBly
used. .