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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1883)
- - - ' - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - . ' K. F V ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'E DAILBEETTESIAYAUmST _ _ _ _ 1188. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T ! , I - \ -w IT i 12 2. , & cSAVE YOU v 4t 3i : TIME , TROUBLE , MONEY If you buy your t iiS 7 IIOCERIES & PROYISIOS , _ _ _ . tJ. -i e 7 -O1- . ¶ J cc 16 raiit aiRl 17 I'cr1 Street , Council Blurs. COUNCIL BLUFFS F.AILROAD TIME TAflLE. The fCItOlI Itto the tiio of arlvnl tni1 departure .of traln ; from tin , local t1ejiot . . 'the tratii start friun tie ) Union l'aclflc depot aleut ten tnIinitc crIIer thati tntLI1 ni nrrhu at the deiot about tcii tnunttc later. 1'raln oil 1)001 IIne anti 1 C. nni on CIilcao tune , , t Imif hnlr faster than Ioc.l , Valjaqli trnlii run OH . $ t. 14tll tpne , tvCnty tnlnute f.iter than U. . , I , . and LIncoln tmlu riul on CouncIl lllntTs tllo. ) cIItc.tOo , flocK IML.tSIp AIJ PACIEIC. ; , " luepart. .rrlve. 1 M Atlaltlc ut : . . .tiO : P. m. I'ACIflC i't : . 0:4 : m f } : and Mall ' . . .Ot0 : ' u. lN : ni 3IaU ' . . 6 : p. in. DCH 3IIncn . .7:15a. : in. Des Moltie ac . in , 1 CIIICMIO , Iiitt.IniroN ; Al. QtlCY. S lelrt. Arnie. Clil ean u : . . . 5:3i.iii. : , C.tinafl lI'uie e'c 0.45 Mail afll u : . . . . n5 lall anti l ' . .7:00 : u' . in. cIIle.tuo and oariiwtint , . Iepart , Arric. Atlantic Ext . .15 ii. in. l'aclfle 1'd . . . 0:15 : a. in. I 31a11 aiitl E' ( ' . . .0t : ) a. in. latI fill u : . . 0:15 : p. in. 2 ' Accoin ( Sit ) . . . 5to : p. in. Accniii ( Sloii ) . .1:15 : u' . , ' , " iAM CITY , NT. JOi Afl COU.CiL iiCki's. ; , Depart. Annie. itall and ' ( . . . . . : a. in. u'nos . . . . . . . ' . :35 : . in. h'xprr . . . . . . . .S:25 : ' . in. Mail atid 1x. . .6:45 : ii. in. . UNION rAcinic. f DePart. ArIvc. Overland F : . . . . : OvcrlanilE'c..4OO : . iii. Lliicolri u : . . . . .l1o : : a. In. lener Ec..8:00 : a. in , Denver u : . . . . . .7Oi : ) P. ifl. Local l . . . . . .0:80 : a. in. J 'Local ' . . . . . . . . : . in. ' l . . . . . .903 ; a , in. Eiiilgrant . . . . . . .5. .I ) . iii. " i'c : . . . . . .6uo : a. ni. WA1JASI1 , icr. lOUIS MI ) r.cinic. Iepart. Arnie. .MatI anillc . , . . . 9:45 : a. in. Mall and l'c . . .4 : it ) p. ni. ¶ 'Cannon Ball. . .4:50 : p. in. Cannir , IalI , . 11:05 : a , In. I ' HIOIJX CITY D I'AciI'iC. Iep.'trt. Arniro For Sioux city.7:55 : a. in. Fniii Slou CityO:5O : p.m. k FonFntNlobrara Fnin Fnt Slobnara eli . . . . . . . . . .7:55a. in. . . . . . . . . ' : p. m. For St. I'aul. . . .7:40 : . in. FnHln St. l'aul . .S:50 : a. in. ChICAnO , MILWAUKnI AIIJ H ? . nAUL. ' Leave4 Oniaha. Arlvei at Omaha. ( Mall nd lx. . . . 7:45 : a. m. I l'aclfleE'c. . . . 0:45 : a. in. ? . j Atlautlo a'c. . . , 3lu : p. ni. j Mall anti l. . 7:25 : i. in. MI traln daily. CilicAno , MILWAIflIF.H AI ) St. I'AVL. Leaos Council HluITh. Anives Council fliuffe. Mall anil E , . . . . 'flo : a. in. Mall andlx.'OSS : ' . in. Atlantuc } : P. iii. Atlantic Ex. .10:10 : a. in , COCXCII. flLUFY AI ) OMAhA STREIIT RAILWAY. Leave Council Bluffs. Leave Omaha. ,8 a. in. a. in 10a.m. 11 a , I 8 a. mu. 0 a. in. Wa. In. ii : . in. 1 . ni. 2 ' . iii. 3 p. iii. 4 I a. iii. i in. 2 ii. in. 3 P. Iii. ' . : ui. m. 5 p. in. U p. in. I 4 p.m. p. in. 0 p. iii. . , Stneet ca run half hourly to the Union l'aclflc ' , 1cpot. On Sunday the begin their trips at 9 .o'elock a. in. , nail run regularly during the day at 9 , , 11 , 2 , 4 , 5 , and 0 o' clock , amid nun to city tinie. ( t _ RE ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE TIlE BEST 1W ALL who hAVE l'UT TIIEL TO A PRACTICAL TEST. ADAPTED TO ilard and Soft Coal , 1 COKL OR WOOD. , \ 'T' , ' / HANUFACTUB U I BUCK STOVE CO. , SAINT LOWS. Piere I & Bradford1 ; . ICLE ACENQT FOR OMAII/I ; Health is Wealth ! Dr. E. C. Wcit' Nerve and flrnln Treatment , a . guaranteed speco for hysteria , IlzzlnesConviiI Hiomil , F'lt $ , NcrVoII4 Ncuratgli , headache , Ncrvou. , - t'nOtratloiI cauml bc the nec of alcohol or tobacco , % Vakcfulmiose Mental Depression , Softeiling of the Brain , nesimithm1 in IiaIIty amid leadimig to misery , .Ieeay and ticatli , lrcnmtule Old A , Ilarnnmuiesa Loss of vower Iii either .c , Iiivoiiimitary Losse Spermatonrhwa caused by over oxortloim , of brain , self.alnmse or ovcr.IiIduIIcmIce. EIi box tains one mouth' , treatmimomit , I.00 a beT , or boxc4 for 5.00. Sent by mall preimaid on receipt price vJ OUAR.NTEii SIX IuOXFS To cure ati' caso. With each order received by u. for mdx bies acconipammiel with $5.00 , wowiIIiicm.1 the ) ) UrCiIaSOr our ivrhtemm giuuantco to refummd time money Cf the troatmiment does not a11ict a cure. Guarantece ssuedonIyby C. F. G00D314N :1t , into Wi DniIi 1st OIII.iuma Neb. DI ? , FELIX LE BRL/N'S GDG 1'REVENTLV } .NI ) CURE. . FOR EITHER SEX. t TIIW remedy beliig injectemi directly to the Heat if the tikease , requires no cIiatio of iliet or nam1ieotIs , mercurial or uimiomIs mnedtcimim to be takeli Intern. ally. % 'ImnuI iiseI a a ureventhu In uither sex , It ii imnIio.sIio ) to contract any IrIsate ilmecasu ; hut Iii time yf timoo already uufortuuIateiy alluded we gusT. auiteo thrco bomcei to cure , or ire will refuimul the i000cy. , I'rico 1i umiall , IostAe paid , 2 mer lio'c , or thrcu Ioxes for . VIuI'I'fE OUAItAN'rEl.S : umeul by all authorized agents. ' I Dr.FelixLeBrun&Co SoIn IltoiRlITOIIS. : C. I' . ( lOOdullan , IJflI'I5t , Sole Agemit1 for Omuuaii , Nub. iii&o wly M1 g RSDON. Oll11ll8llh1llCO Aolli 1lI'IItE.'iENTh : Lt Ph'eiIlx , &asuranco Co. , of Lomi1oui , Caih ' 1 j T 4set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wetchster , N V. . Capital. . . . . . . . . . . . , O0O,000. TumuMercluamut , of Newark , N.J. , Capital i'aoo0.o airard Fire l'hUa'leijihla , Capital . . . . . . 2,200,000th k'lremeli'a } 1uuid , Capital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I OFFICK-Itoomn2P : , Omaha NatlonaIBarIkiIui1d log. Tlphon No. 76. . . "liv _ _ . . of tli human body tolarged , developed and atrengtliened ttc. , iii andbstereatiug athertl.ement long run Iii ou paper. iii rvly to inquiries we ,4jfl uy that there no evidence .1 humbug sbou this. On the contrary the a.dvertIse arc very bliuIy Imidonsod. Ioterestui rpon4 may get cealuui c1xcuLi giving all parttcu1r Ce ad4ui.lng } : rte MeJiJ Co. P. 0. box 615 , Bu&1c .eY wTela1c Nstn Cornice-Yorks IRON AND SIfiT1 ROOFING. C. SPECHT , PROP. liii Don4Ia St. Ommisius , Nob. LtNUI'ACTUitEIt OF Galvanizoc Iron Cornices : 44rInner S'lnaouv , FImuIai , Tiui , trsn amid Slate 1toottu .Mpceht's uuatent ietslilo S iiIu lit , i'atent 1ijUt0d hatchet Hun nini liracket SlioivIum. I nun tilu general agent for the above hue of gnuxl' . I roil FemmclmmZ , Crestliugs , lialustraules'crAtudas , Iron Ilauik Ralumiugs , 'i'imudow IIllmmtI4 , Cellar Oumard' : aIo gelieral agent for l'esrsomi & 11111 iitemut Iiisiile Blind. R. HOR HORH H U RN This Electric Bolt will Cure the Follow. lug Diseases WitliouL Mediciiie. Paiims in the flack , illu , ifeati or Liunbi , Nervouc 1ebilty Lumumbago , General lehiiIty , lilucuimmiatbon , i'aralysls , Neuralgia , Sciatica , Iuseaso of the Rldneyn Spinal } ) ieeasc , 'l'orpld Liuer , Gout , Sexual laiuatus. tion , Soiiuiimal Imnk4toui , Astiiiia , I mart IIseae , Iyspcpsia , Comilpatioti , lrysIielns , I mutligestion , Ilenitia or Rupture , Imuipotciucy , Catarrh , i'lie , Ipi lsy. Dunub Ague. Omaha Testimonial. OMAhA , Mini. , AprIl 12 , 1533. Da. W. J. 1IoaN , 101 WabashAvemiuc , Chicago : DAa Silt-i purchied ommo ofynrElectnio Tielte In Ienvcr , Coin. , ieeeuuuber , 1532. It rolieveul the lain acre my kiines nu'd stengtlucmicti them so that they give no umuontu trouble. 'Iluc.plnal innitrtlon it re' lievud imnumueuliatcly which iunthlimg couuiil have domuc. Touragemut lucre has nolit thenu to lurtles for 1)1104 , .cxual veakmuos , iucumraigla , Iar1)s11 , amid fenuale weakmues , with i1uoni I suit acquainted , amid the no. aults Iui each case more tluaui meet expectatlomis. I can refer any ono to these iartIe who desire It. 1t04jue4tfUiI , iit. Id. N. t' , 1613 Caputol arc. , Omua1u.t. MAIN OFFICE-OiIuooIto I'ostolhlce , Freuuzcr Block ofForSale at C. F. Giio.Jmuui's Drug Store , 1110 i'arnaup Street , Omaha llimebauli & Taylor OFFER2A NflY STO'R OF HARDWARE FULL ASSORTMENT OF BUILDERV MATERIAL. Noweot stvlc $ lii Bronze Cood. Carpenter and 2taei1mulsts. 'l'ools. Warranted Cutlery and Buf lab Scales. 1.tos Douula. Street , . . OSIAIIA , ST1 LOllI PAPER WAREHOIIE. Graham Paper Co. , 217 and 219 North Maui St. , St. Louis , VIOLEALR ! DlALEitS IN ROOi , ) ( WItITINQ , NlVs , f lW1t.\PrINO ENVRLO1'ES , CAItI ) , BOARD AND PRINTERS' STOCK , ad-0as21 : paid for Itag. amid I'aicr S ck , Scrap Iroti arid Metali. Paper Stock Warchoue , 10 to 1227 IortIi Sixth trcet. imuay24.3m TIO1CTS TO EUROPE ! liii ) ' yotur Iuropeaul Steamuutluip TIkcts s Ia thur ALLAN LINE ! ltoYItL STIMS1lII' . , viuIcii i thu uuiuortet niuul batcst'rouutu , i'or imuforiuuatiuui , e'ircIIisr4 , etc , vail iuiu or aihihreso If. , II. hflhY , S. Cal. I'aniicmui anul iSthu , or II. S. SM I 1,1 1 , hot , 0111cc , tuupuus ) , Nu"o , - 1BILLIARD HALL , 1204 Farnam Street. P. H. McQuio , Prorioto tIAMES C. I3RYAN , Manager. SEVEN NEW TABLES. Tue linulmnest Bhiiiauul hail is Ouiuaiua. The liuuc Yinc' . , Jiiui0rs amid Ciganii ore Pr0IdCt1 for liatroums McCARTHY & BURKE , I UNDERTAKERS ! 28 14TEL'STREET , BET.4PARNA3I AND DOUGLAS. ; ioill\1 \ CUJACOBS. Formncniy 01.11 & Jaco2i UNDERTAKER. DIJFREME & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITECTS jr1tE5IOYED.TO OSIAIIAZNATAONALIIANI , . : i IJILflhNO. . j. B. SMITH , ; Expert Book-Keepei A I'radleal Book.keoper over thirty year. . WII C attend to Exammilntng , Oicnlni 11011 iloeiuig hook. I 1IuaInea Imsen can have theIr book. ket I'otedui nioeiyatumualhezpcnoe. ViiIwrItetip cienlngs an I relungi books In morning Hhuen requIred. Give. I. , .triictIon i.nul furulabe. situatlunuc. All work cent , denti&L OFIICE , 151G DOUOLVh W1'81Pr , OSIAIIA. . - - - - - - ' -F- . THUHIOW WEED. - - -a--- IlltOrCStill Extracts Prom his Auto- - biograhy ) , ltCIiuIilIRCeuICO Ut JOhlit ItItiulOhiuli- Aitroit flihrr's Iettet'-rcc. It' ) ' and 1IhiCihii , ' [ 'liurlow'eed's loiu oxpectoul bin. gnipliy is OUt , From nit advatieti copy thu Now Vork 1lethl inakt's soiuiu iuiterestitig ox tracts : 1lr.Veell uiiado his first ris'u toVnsh. . ihigtOlt ill i83 , Wllehi .loluui ( ! tIiItcy Adailis Was presitlohit. lie says : ' ' 1 had uiovct lui'cii \Vasliiuigtoii , flild hull uievtr soon thu pi'csidciut ; thu jounhioy , therefore , was oiio of uiuiieht ihlc'ideIutItl inturesL I lit'OCCCICl to Plilladulphuia through 1'iv , lrIiIIsWick' , 'l'renton , &c. , by stage coach , frohn l'htiladel1uluia to New Castle by steniniftint , from Ness' Castle through the state of Dclovmtro by Coach , 1mb Vreiiclt. tOVhI to 1altiuuioio liy stealnlRat , iititl ( miii llahtiiuuro \VitshIihIgtOhi liy stage coach. I StOhletl ) itt Giulsisy's who then ke1it. tu lintel at what. 1 thuiiik was called the Seven Buildings , situated botvceiu the \Vhitu house niul Georgetown. Ilmtv- jug heard the lirositlelut was iii the habit. of bathing early eveiy morning in the l'otolnac , I i'SI. ) lLifOVO tutu still aiutl walked tluwii to thu bank of the river , observiiig as I aprtiaehied it. mi gentlehnluil in uumuitkiit paiittlooits ; and a huiiu Ii' jacket walking rapidly from the \\'huito 110usd towards the water. 'l'huisVBI4 .Jtiluii Qiiincy Alaihus , the president of the UhIitCl States. I Inovell nfl to resjectfuil distance. 'l'he iirsitIoiit liegahi to disrobe before he i'cachud the tree , uii the bank ( If the river , s'hiero he depositcil his clothes , and then pluiigcd in heal first. and struck out. fifteen or twenty rods , swiiiiiniilg i'apidly iiiid turning occasioiiiul. ly upon his back , seontihlg as much at 1k ease iii that eleiuicnt as nit terra firma , Coiniiig out , lie rubbed himself thoroughly - ly ss'ith napkiims , vhmich he hind brought. for that. iuiImoso ill his 1aiuils. , 1'he suit hmuid imut yet. risen whemi hue hmtd. dressed huimiuseif itil(1 was returning to the preski. ( lehitilti iItRhISLOhk. On this occasion of his lirst. visit. to W'ashmiimgton , Mr.'ecd was ParticularlY flimiOUS to see .Iohmn ltandolphi2 and he hlItti tlmutt pleasure. ' 'lb caiuie imito the louise of representatives iii the nuidst of a debate , walked to his seat without. ro- mnoviilg his hat , niud , standing up vith ii ridiuu whip tuitler his arms while ( Iraw- iiug Ins gloves. lie seemed to hmtve his attention awakened by the closing remark - mark of Gon. Vance , of Ohio , to whichi he instantly relhcd in a twenty minutes' SPeech , moore violcutaull bitter than ally- huing 1 have ever hoard. ? ilr. lamidolph was tall , httchluatcd and cadaverous. I learited subsequently that what seehiled uimerely accklenthl mumd lremnolitate(1 ( ww only ono of his stage tricks , and that lie miot nnfrcquemmtly Caitic to his selt with a knowledge as to what vas passing 1111(1 to act a part. Thu costume , imianmiers amid caprices of i\Ir. Itamudoiph iii Baltimore , Philadelphia amid New' York , frommu whichu he departeul for ] lussia , excited 'er' gommei'al surprise. Ills IrejIitlico ) grow umuoro amid inure imiteitsu mis lie proceeded north. Nothmimtg pleased hiiui OLitSilC of Virginia. Those who say his commtomn1)- ttuous mimanuer mtiul hieu'tl : his satirical ye- miunks readily recogitized the mitait who hitd : once said iii comiguess , replyiimg to a speech imottle by Gemi. itoot of his state emu flue duties oii wool , 'that he hated sheep , and would go a mile out. of uk way to kick one. ' Mr.Veed tells semite interesting facts about the corrcsloudeiico of Aaron Burr , which holearned front Mr. Matthew L. Davis , who was Burr's literary executor. For nearly forty years Mr. Davis was time only reliable friend whichu Burr had. During his absence iii Europe ho corres- - l)011(1C1I only with his mlaughter amid 1Ir. Davis , the latter being the only iiemscii ssimo wolcomimed the return of the once popular vice.presiduimt. Davis imiformned \Vced that Col. Burr'H first. immqmmiry on landitig vas for I'sii's. EllaIm , a widow lady 011cc iiajily amid l)105P01'0IiSIY situated , lLmt V1L ( ) hiuil : ( liIl'iumg ljmrr'8 rtlsoiicu slip' ptirtcd herself iuitul tw'.i daughters as a lumndross : Cal. Burrs first professiommal service iftcr his returui wits in bringing tito vell knowus uje'liiueimt suit. , which , after two years of litigation , resulted iii favor of the ? , iisses Eelun , vhuo , as lavis informed iIr.T0e(1 coiulideiitially , wore time imuttiui'al datighters of Col. Burr , Cal. lhmrr iiiadu Mr. Davis his literary execu tor , with the umiderstamitlimig that with time muatetials ieelueathlcd to huimit a history (51 his life sluoumhl ho written. 'I'hie comifidomi. tial feimutlu cu.irl'CSpOhmlCilCC of TiIu. Bun constitut.o . mu. large 1)ortiohl of these miia tennis , leaving AIr. Davis , so fur itS ho uihlderstoOmI the view of Cal. Burr , , tt. liberty tc flilLkC such use of those letters as hit thiouiglmt Says TIm.Veed : ' 'Time lmreservmutiit of tuidh letters carefully filed , amid , vhiun either mtimoiiyimotis or vithm I mm tialis , hlmtvihig the full immune of time writut indorsed , was ai act. of treachery auth baseimess of which , happily for society1 fev iiumuiiami buiiugs have 10011 fouuimd Capa. lie. 1uit. Col , 1imnu' looked tupumi time moat.- tci with UYCH , amid from tt stamllt-iloihut still 111010 uiimnattirnl , lou' out the evelhihhg be. fore his ( IUC1 with Gemmeral hamilton , in n . letter written to his dmumgimter , 1iIi's. 'l'iue. otlosimi Ahstoit , lie iset1tietttlicd , in tim evehut. Of his fall , these comutitlomutial let tens to imor , liudicatiug thto boxes iii which they woumltl be feluhul , IlmIl iimstrmicting huci to icami them mtnd burim tll such nsif iimad 1mtiblie , voiild ilmjllru any peiou. Aa however , Iiaiumiltoii instead of hun' , fell those letters ' ' freoum 180t % vore itresei's'etl t 18io : , aim then ieJucathed ) ( witiuoiit. jim. struetioiu to 1\Ir. Davis , Foi' two esu thiret ycIm.14 : before Cal , BBIT'us death , I ocea sioiuahly visited 111111 III coliipamuy witi l i' , l.tvis , tiud aithiouighu generally m'eti cent , 1w vas somihetihulus tlitwi into comuveusatiomi abut eanl amiti interesting ovciits , always iii tim mimorbid spirit. of a disajupoimitod mimnmm I I is imialulter was quiet anil mombilimeil iou nithuotigli seldoiti iiuduhgiiig 1mm hittem'juos I of language , ] mo mmevcm' spoke approvihigi' of'hIhi of thu distihigih'hsimed 111dm W'hiohhi lie luaU , becit associated , 1 wuim - fre1thehitly hui flue resitluncu of :1I : i' . ] ) avi iii Cituniy street hi1e lie was pmupamihi his life of Burr , iuiul loud free access ti time 'hue boxes' which caiutaiuictl the comm fitloimtinl femmialo corresliolmtlericu , 'i'lii lutt&im's vore from Jiuclieui remi'mtliiig in Nu Voii' , 'J'i'emitoui , N. .J. , l'iiiliulolpiijn JtiCimhiiOhll'n. . , Nev I Inveim , Alhumy ; ' 1'i'.y , ttc. , , and iiiost. of tim ehim frohi i himol hi I berM of well-known faumilics. Iii oiim CitSOit time , corresimiulobice iitem'ary 0 jiintoimic , but gummerahly of it hiholo qumes tiohmmlblo chiarietcr , In ses'umnI iimIitAtumCO time letters emhubracetI a purioll of se'enzu - ) 'CiLI' $ , cohiclLltlihhg witim clmnrgei ( of treachi eL.y , falsehood and ( leSortjoht. Em' , lavi . was IarticulRllY ( tihXiOliIi to Zestoic v.1 such letters to the poisomma yhi 3 wrote tiieiii , and tv ( ) liackagu Wy delivered by My , flv.yj lmCrs0h1IlY to ladies residing iii flue city o I. Nw York. One package wiui tramusmuit L. ted to a lady iii IttCilhhtOuld through Guui Scott. Mr. lavl5 earnestly meqtioste hue to deliver a paclingo to a highly ie- spectaluho lady with whommi I t ns ac(1uhnhhht. ( ed , but whmemi I tiechihied tlmst ton delicate duty Ito commimnitteil them to thmo Ilaiumes. I t is tIme to time mumemnory of immy oIl fricimmi lavis timat I should say that , altimuuugim a P ° ° mali , lk'imug impon the weekly coimi- iiemmSatimt of two gummmmoaS , received for letters written to the Iiiuloui 't'iiiie , his lmniuir numel ilmtegrhty roistctl large oli'i.'rs ( if COmmilOmIP1ltiflml for CoL lhmrr's ctunl'utkmi- thai ciiTcsIolmlonco. ? .Ihime late , \laj. \ ? iI. : t. Nov.ii imot ( ) mu1' hibctiil in itis of' fers of imiommoy , 1)umt. ilmiliortumnatu ill Ilium nIpeals to Mr. lavus. AIi Iunwover , prvetl immeirccttial. i1r. 1)avms ummauhti nut ChIt ! to the mmmv.tter l' coumsigmuiumg nil let. ters to the thuummos thmat. hind imot tohi tthrhietl to time 'i1ters. ' ' Ii'Veeds jiitk of Ins tmrst fleiltmajmmt iimmce with I lotaca Cireoloy : " Plie Itoiiti. cal success imi the election 01 1837 ehicoihr. mmgi'd the hope that time \Vhmig lIti'ty : muight t'ai.i.y the presittemutuiti eleetmomi of IS 10. \Ve tlmoreforo detei'hnuiiL'l upuimu litmulgum- ratimmg it vig.rous cmumipamghm. \ \ ithu tluit .iew a cheap weekly vtlier : fiu' t'xtiiiiilel eirculatiuit wits opeiiel. 1mm castmmmg mtboumt for an ehitor ( it. occtum'red to mmmc tiitt : timcmtj V,1.S , itihiit ) ) Ct'mt comtmuccled vitht the Yorker it literary ) oumhmal puml'lmumlmcd iii that city , 1)ossossimig the qmimhitios : mietuticti for nun' enterprise. tim meuiiiig the Now Yorker nttemtmvely ( , its I htuI : tluiie , I felt sure that. Its edmtiiu' a strommg tatili'mmmii niut , rumtlly alt equially strommg'lmig. . The clourmimmut of tour state cotimimuittee , .i'ti r. Lewis IlohIedict , accoimm- Ptitietl : mime to Nuv York. I tt'paired to the olilee at Amni street , where the Piiuei' : wits pimhuhishied , itmt1 iiujumred fat' it. etlitot' . .A youmlg 111:111 : with mutt. hutmr nod Imlomul cImnhmlexiohm , amiti coat. oil mtmmul sleeves tolled up , workimtg at time 'ctsu''stick' : ut hmammd I lei tee ( Ireoloy.'e \ sat down iii tlte comlmpostmmgroohimVheii I iii. forhmted limit of time obect of mmiv visit he , il5 of course surprmseul , but evidently gtttitiel. Not' were his surpuise itmmtl gratit'mcatiomt tliimiutilied to leaumi that. I was di'iiwmi to hiimn withioimt. lummy other iii- climmatiomu of leitsomi thinmm such as I iit&l : de. rived from time comittimits of the New Yorker , " Thue outcohue of this interview % .its the jetl'orsou'iami , amid later the Log Cabium , Mr. Weed confesses that. lie vei'y Illicit dissa1moimitcd in tue eiectiomt of Abrahmtmmt Lumtcolms to the presidency , 1111(1 \vai ; imot. at all illelihietI to 1)11) ' imimit a visit at ; Springfield ill the ihmtOrest. of the juuty. lie , howevei' , was iserstimitleti , amud there lie foummd .1 udgo David Davis mont \Ir. Leotmard Swet.t. They tlwroughly dim. . cussed the situation , amid he fumummul i\Ii' \ . Limmcoliu smtgaciotts itutti allhbie ; he ' 'dium. imlayed tlmrougliout the comiversitiuii : so miimmclu good sense , such intuitive Imiowl. edge of ltnmnamt mmutt.tmre mutul stmdh fammmiliarit.y with the virttmrcs amud ihmtirmnities of iioltticimtimm. that I bOCahhtO ilitliressed very fitorably his litmmess for the dumties whichi Ito was not unlikely to have to d" After l3uiltti IL'elihmuihlill'Y ) cumuvorsatiomu I1r. Lincoln romimirked : to 1ir7ecd that he sumpposed lie huul summue experiehtce ill cabimuet-ummakimig , that he lund a job on hand , amid , its 1w immud itevur leanmueti the trale , lie usits simplsell ) to ittitil hmimnself of the suggestiuhus of frieinls. 1r.1T00(1 itekmtowletlgtitl the truth of the reputatiomm , and tiLe ) ' hut. their heads to- gather to forimi a miew cabinet. ? tlr.Vced StAyed iii Sprimmgliold a few days , mmd , vhteii to start , iiIr. Limmcoln said : ' 'Somite geittlemiteit who have beeii quito nervous abotit time object. of your visit here would be suhrpriscI , if not. ill- credulous , wore I to tell them that. dumr- ilig the two ( lays we have passed togeth- en yell have ummdo Ito apmlicatioui or sLug- gestiomi as to apoiiitmnomtts. " I it mumotltci part of the book PtIr.rced tells how he \raS ( lilcO disappointed iii the begiiinimig of liii. career mtboumt an olilce , amid that hmc mimade up his uimind jut the timite that. he would never seek nor accept. any political - cal appoiutttutent. Mr. Weed devotes several chmitpters ol his autobiography to the story of tim yb ductiomi ofVilliitimt Iiorgitn , but tin mmiost. of this himts iueoit already Plimited. ii regard to the cammiaigmt ) cry , "A. gael ommotigit 1Iorgami until after the elcetioim , ' Mr. Weed says : "While talkimmg with hint ( Oustavims Clark , of Ciarktowim ) Eli emiozer Grillithm , Es9. , one tif the of the "kklmmaiijiers ' wimo was goihmg t Batmts'ia to coimdumct. time exnmiuimtmttmomm , oh servel iammgluihlgly to iou : 'After we imtv : proemi that the 1otiy foummul at. Oak or clmaie1. is that of 'i'imuiothy ? ilommiou what will you do for 1\Iorgiut ? ' .1 replied ii time sammie spirit. , "i'iiat. iii ii good enough l\iorgami for us mmmmtil you cami iiriiig u back the one 3'OI ( carried nil ' OIl thm , following day ii atragramhi itupeai'ed ii the Itochoster 1)aily Advertiser sayfii timat ill the coimversation I had iusteu ( ) : . titat. tue body referred to , vimatuve : mmiigiit be iroven to the contrary , was 'i good emmough l1orgtmt mmmmtii after the clue tiomi. ' " .As time oimly moan who 1111)1 Immure about this iu1Itir thiitim iIr.Vue did before lie dieti , ' 'ito evidence of tht ' fate \Villiamii i'torgami ' moore direct. o I reliable titan that. which , vithi aim eatuies desire to vomiehisafe tite exact. tniltil , I iio record will never ho obtaihied. hiitl Ca ru't lit , Cii i'tuiI "IumHt , Ito Jii L Iuii'cti , , , This old ailago .11,04 mint sigmii fy that t iiium4t sumlior thu Imuonio.4 of ilyspe isi a , tIiuuii I iimilei ito vi Ui tins t'uiratlvo lirl icmt104 of ltsui itlooiihera iui nvtiiahlo. : h t i ummti i thu mumtust mi utu4tamItiuti mimmul ruliutijie ieumoulji 51)1(1 triiuiy. - . iitoi. I ) iI n Its. i'lulluhcl1uiuia : ( iedlcah 'Iiumiciu , \Vimiie pi'otustihig itgaiimm.t. the cmmimuih L' itbmisu of meuti lmvehlLgtitt in hot % scultiteh S whichi scu feel botmmmtl to tb fresmii ohmservii tiomt ititd experwhmco of their bail ell'octu ' we would rccoiimimieimil ii moore tuuiipom'tt , ait1 ratioiumtl eimqloymimumit. of ice. I t. mint. mieccsstry : tiiitt. ilihids 5110(111 1)11 coolu to thu froezmhmg Piihtt. ( imm oI'lor to lie in . c01)tnihe ; time om Ililmummy teiiipoi'attiru I cool spnihug vntui' iii imsmmaliy : u how as on . safely bus drtlihk flu Istuhumimier with duo re I gaul to tue stoiumacii. Soda wiutum' as coli mmmoimiy 1401(1 ( flItt he not mu , imehi better ti iii Li lull it too oftemi is coumt.amii minted to it iiiigurtsus ( leghee 'it I coipur , lOS stiuted by a correshm.liluhtt ( ( I it ommr last. issmmc. Icotmiimysm. emumgiit. to Ii ' miiohu )0Jm11ltI' ) ) 1114 IL 511 III IliCi' d ru i k ; itil i fi'tusit iitmtterumilk , oz sweet miujik an t Vichy st'mtter , WOhlil ho very it000litmilk (4 ( III il , at. a rcatioumulIti , tumi u punittmmru , m mat. i I jmtniotmm. . Sweet. ehdor in miiodui'ntu ijuultu ; tities , gerhuilmIs miispliurry viuiegnu' , 1uuiiom . ado are v.18(1 grateful amid i'ufrem.iiimmg. 'J'ii Li iuuily objuctioii to lager beer as it simimuhihu I. ilrii ik is t lie alcohol vh i iou i t cantaim it , 'I'imtt great dusitieratlhmmu for ii voiiuilmtr hUll mmmci , beveIngu tt'u should eoiisidei' to li ommu that m.lliulI have thu PleLahit. bitti U huttu of heem t'itiitut. thu iieatiuig effect , time iilcoiiol. 'I'iie bitter in a I tommie , hum t I i i tii Iti fan ii the dnimik m imay Ii hegamlol by htOihiUILIct.0Ot.OJtje. I Nistt' ( JI&uliumttmtt , ' M 1 , oiili I toiiiii ) ( calm , It. iii said tlimtt it lit muot safe to write ( I hhtv.lh'S history till he is dead , chiefly , v S JOhiUhitU , 1)CC1LUIIO there is mto tohliumg who it m.tralivu things ii luau hlLiL do after hm f b'togrnpiiy iii writtAuhi. In the C1LU I . wealthy New Yorkers it. is not safe I . write the bmogrsmhiy uvumm at death , hi Li Caust , there i mme telling whst lie wit's i uk hifotlimie , It. is several years simmee Peter ( loelet , it bachelor immilhiomma'uro of thmat city , thud , amid , as lie left Imis large PiPortY to a few Imeirs , it wits suuqitised timt w'hmmdihmg imp of luis estate VOtml ] be ami easy amid simmmple mmmntter ( if forhn. llimt. a Ntnvmk lawyer inur cIImies forward as cotmmmsel for a voimtnit v.1. hegeti to lie living iii lmmdiamma who declares herself the dauughitor tf ( he siupposemi laehmeitr mimillionairu , aimd chaimmus time bemi ellis immeiilommtal to thmmtt imttercstiumg uciatiomi. 'Fite nIiegmttitmt is thmat imm 181(1 ( the rich Yorker visited imutliamma nitti , wliila tln'ie , mmuarrieul ; that two yemurs iilteruvnrtl mu femmuale clmild , time logitimmmato fruit of this mmmari"mago , brim ; that time mitotlter survived the hint It of her imifamit. . OhmI3' three weeks , bumt the .imihl lived , grew lull , lillImmied (111(1 ( barge Iyers amid is muovr limo claimmimuit to ( lie ( mulct. estate , 't'iio ( hoclot. miephiows aimtl the otv'ork lli'CsS nlflct to tumiko light of ? tlvs.13'ors' \ lII'&itt'hmsiOmts , numd imttitmmide tlmv.t. lieu' citimmt : is it lilacliumiitilimmg sehiemnu bmmt it. is I4tl counumlomu for 'euv Yorkers tO lt3i.l itmisuu9octed , commmieetiuims vlmiclt nmt brouighmt. ti , light. omuhy tlmmoumglu till ) iimti1uute court , timat. vu ahttll : lmtvo to uitit for ( loveIililmlemtts luftiro comieumt" iiumg i hi tim is est immmat u of t ime I iuliammt , claimmi. amut. . - - - - I iouuds SavsaIutu-Iila Is desigimed to mimeot tIme svnimts of tlmoso vlto need it mimed iciimo t o bum ilul timemmu up , give thmummu itmi appetite , lmtml'ify tlmau' blood amid nil tIll t lie lmmtchih , 1013' tif t lmci t' bodies. ct ) other article takes hull of the u.ystuiit itiutl hits exactly time suot. } like Ihinul's Samsmtiiur'iila. : I t vot'ks lIke mmlagie , reach. 11mg uvei'y Iart of t lie Ittulmlahi hotly t hrommgh ( hue blani , giving to all rummuwetl life mmd emlerg ) ' $ In bottiesixfot' ; $ . X ( ) SpottI TIIOu'e , hotI'nlt Fico h'u'e. . It began to rain itgitimt ssoui itftot' din' imer yesteiday , amid a disgusted citizen vhiu eiummme tlowmt alt \\'oodliuiul itvemnme cmti be. side Itmi ( mlii milan reiiun'ked : : ' 'I pt'esimuute thiitt this is ouimmg to those P't Oil ( he summi. ' ' 1 ieyl" called tue other , aim ho put hum imaini to his emtt' . ' ' 81)41(8 ) ( Oil the stmmt ! " yelled (1111 ( other. ' I eyl S1nt. \\'hmere mui'e tlte spots ? " I , Ohm time stimi. ' ' ' 'hoyT' I ' ' ' 'Oii time stilt , 'lime 01(1 iltitit rose up , crossed ( lie car , aini looked out of the wiiulnw amid squtimit. . 0)11 iu'tiutittl for t miiimumte , utmiul thou rettmrit- ed amid said : ' 'Cami't see time Still 'ttll : , 1 low uliti the spots cotmie therel" 'ii domi't know. " 4 ' 1 ltt' ? " "I dhi't kmiov. ' ' ' ' have you SuCh 'Chil 1" S ' ' ' 'llitve oum ciii' " 1 sitid mm. " ' 'Oh I you havcmt't'iatt. ? s'as yomir object iii telling mite tiierti were spots on the Stilt ? 1 amit mlot so (11(1 that. I permit auiy one to mmtakc mu fool tif mmmc. ' ' The looked out. of the win' dow amid itsumummied a cmtieiess air , btmt. the old mmmami vas riitt. itfiur limit with : I ' \Iui coumie iimto tue car wlteit I aim : mmm'imuling umy ovlt hmumuuimmess mtimd begumu tt tmtik aluout. s1tOts ait tue suit.Vlio iur you siil ] ) id you to got. lime imp ti 1tick imiy iscsciet.1" ' "l'hioy SLy : the rainy veittiter Comiie froumm spots oil the simn , " expiitiimed thi other. ' ' \Viiu says s ? iiumoe the miiaiil l'mmi aroimiid all the timne , iumuti I liavemi't. liemird , f itimy su ts oil the Hill i I 1 f 3'Otm t ii iiih ' ( ) ti Ctttt vurk iumty gulte : au mite you ttie badly soidi" 't'he citizomu got ump to chiamigmi hums seat , but. the old gemmt. pulled imimmt down amid u said : ' 'You wanted to work sommie sort. of ii gamite oil imme , amid I know it. if I ever catch you vitltimi a rod tif inc again i'll ' tie you Ill ) lit a kmot in two mhliitUtu.M. 2 I'll jmuit 51)Ot.9 Oil OU till you can't 'I'he citizen immade ( I break amid got. out1 itiuti thomlgh he haul mm umbrella in ( l1PlCtl ) off in the midst. of the i'mtimi 'riti ' - tue look of a mmittmm 1iutd to mmiake time ox 1 chittiigtm. lie ititti ) uist reached the cimmi ) viieii the tilti mimmtit caine to tue phittfor'm - aini cailed out. : I ' 'I'Oi ( Ic inc for a greehmitui'mi , tl iduu't. ynim . I v'isli I 'd walked you right. to the poiic t. stmitioit ! th yumm mim'mm.erahlu swindler Spots oit the 8(1111 ] Imtyhe yoU mimittit I soiiuutiuiimg omit. of sweet-oiling ituount S I im 'L'liti St ILBIeS , L Cal. F. 1) . Fergumimoim , Seo'y 1fmtu'ylmun Li .Jockey Climb ; ux4s'ov.Odeii liowiu , presi 1' jehit ) of the sammie ; l'tlr. Calvin Til , Priest 1. of the New York Chub Stables ; I'ulr. ' II : - ° uriIms , of tue Toledo iumd Chicago stmibhs V tue great paimi cure , St. , , Jncobm. Oii [ I amid eitdarsts it. (3 1' 114AHIImiuItO CoiitItiullhIe , ? it l'Ali Mall Oazutto , .hui y 20. v uumimiiiiuohms t.iikuii OlIt. by ? ulrVmttsomm distiiet surveyor of 3t. ( leorgo's , ngnihhs 'tIr.Vny , builder , for C'enihIg IL 0(111 cioto fliut. vitli asphualtu mit. the house Nti 'I I Ialf-uimoon StltJtJt , l5icc'atiilly , 0 Iiiougiit. before I'd i' . 1)e itmIEzell Itt iii 11 Itrlhui'omiii : l'oiieo Coiimt. yesteltimly. h1uh i :1Vntsoii samul lie fommuiui it lint. at. the iitiimm. is in qmmoutiomm cI'LII'Cl with coimcrute : iiitl iiii I Iitt : tim. I I a cal mtidciuitl ntuj il al to aim i mm I Iuimm : Im umtbiu hi material , h tucitmisu it. iiiul I ed iu a pamtiy hmmnmmuitl w'iieii ii piece of it s' lieu ill IL guM jet , hull that itut it. ilmtsileul i t suI ill Id sot. I igitt t (1 ( 1111) ' th I I I I coimib imstabl iietm' it. .1Ii' , C'imiuitt. Nicliultu , nmchitect I- siul : he i'its umugageul ill the limhihhihigs ii I , J ialf.'tIooii Street. I Ic comusidurcol as e juhail to , as ( Isetl in uavoiiiuuits iu 1(1 ( for flats is the best. i I Icliimimtstiiie ) I natonitl , lii ( i hat ( I or tiithI : a lend covering. l'rofessor it tt : - f ulti , I. I t , 8. , stated that hue haul itmmal if yzea amid tcistwl iuujuiiiilte. I t. coiitmtimme I I y su mm ii I puurtiusit f lii tu huit'hI % VlI iou , i 1'iS Iti'actcul , Vmill ( , him , it bOil t. mu lmet.y poI I- ( .Liilt ( if nil asjuhuiltu wits enrtiiy uiinttei ! t wimicii WJmIhl it11L omit. flalnu far I. thiamu unter. hI ClOuIii'eXlihliilhIttiOi ! , tii Im suitmiesum uuikl thiat. imu lLhl CliMe iL.11)hlttIt ) hi u'tjmmitl lHst' ClmVO , % ' fime , After fiuntite IC evideiicu iu htmltxeul stateul titiut. Ii Ii t'iiM e1tamIy of tue api ii 101 I ti mt nrqhhial d i hmmsti 1 tIe , u'i thl im I the jimeami I mg i thu u ot. , nil ml ihismim issud Li Ic shill uimoi IS. I- - - II I ' * A mmmi in the mimost. lhuliciLcilhilS of mem lii I. iliiul ngemmts are the mimeuiieil : iurevLrlitiohm : (5.frimn . the laliouatony of Lt1 Is , Lydia E i. l'iiikhiamui , Lyihll , 1ltl4.s , I' Ijutimiehit of I him Ilaggiugotumoim. ( I .loiuruusl , . II. 'J'j Ic d mqq ul mug Of tue ieiimiuk th itt. : i t Yi : 5 uuou' itthiui : iotigiI tihlmtis fonliiggiiguiimcut : i it. the t.'mmioit iuput to iiuiike jIUiUiH'1teS ( ( , ii t , Mth'iet stILs the Union Comui1ialiy its regmild the colleetioli of exciss baggage miioiie , onileti forth fm'oiit ( SilO of the baggagomime tue IohImiI1t I "i'llILt'H 140 ; all theme is heft iiow is tl a rojuimug of trllhtks itt. tVehtty.f'mVo comds 0 1)10CC , 1121(1 We aru working ( lint for a ut there is ill it.Vu colitu ut. thu tnltvohiihm is minut with tue rumIIamk : 'flutter have thti If trulmk roped , ' if it. is mint strapped , boti o tnitmik a good ci. iliClliCiemi oitu. If a Ic Li' low iiesitittes amid is ltOhmiUVhiat green Ii bout travelling , wu tell 111111 that. U FURNITURE' ! ; -Tfll---- - - - - - 4 ' CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAH4. TO BUY e Furniture ' IS AT DEWEY & STONE'S They always have tbc largest and best stock. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB ELEGANT PASSENGEI ELEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT FLOORS. tt'UItk will be carried itt. owutei"s risk if itot. Iiruitemly t'tied , aunt if that does mmot liriumu lIilmt htuimtt it weak 11111cc lI the tliiImk , at' coummo omie of ommr utihiuky twists ( ill jL , ititti toll 11(111 ( WO will have to mnark it. 'lad aider , ' inuil this generally bnimgs time quarter. \Ve ut. oitl' ten 0011(5 ( of it , thtoughm , ( lie tumomm italway Commmluaml fimrmtislmoum time mite , ' ( 'his costs .1 ot ii commts , iuiitl time tttitut 10 tit' I 1 editH gijs ititti ( lie trea.stmi'y of tim 1)0(51' ) ( i'inoit lail- 'lty Commiptmty. : 'the fact. is" mithlcul ( lie liagagoimutut , ' 'we tnmgitt to liitvu ( lie whole i'evemitie t1em'i'etl frolli this sitirco' wliemt time immeagre stlitt'y : they fay is commsttloncil" ' ' ' tmiimmkslt ' ' ' tilt ' ? ' ' 'ilo' , mltliuty ( ) , 'Otml'OlIe it ) , isked _ tue reporter. ' ' ( _ ) , have gone mIs bight v.s fort ) ' or fifty , lmtmt. u.iitcu U conga \TeItmiuitum itlmlxiumt.- cii Uoiiei'ii ihuggagu Agent. the loys doii't. ( itre : to lull it. its stnomtg its thtey uiumeui to. \Ve don't ttutmohi Icautst.M : City or St , laotiis , thtothgim. 'l'lmure the hutys let. tue trimnkm. (110)11 Ott lilmrl)0S0 tt bumiuut. thmeimi amid got. a citumco : to tie timolit imp yitit 11)110 , ltmftl whiumu tile ) ' catchu a woitman who vemirs good clothes nit a 'gnt ) ' muck' the3' salt. theumt tot' i i0 citmits , litit. itt these liimtt8 he did not. tit'mmtk the btsyut tii'itloti imp with the Umm'ttilu laiI'a ) ' ( iommipuumy. : 1"reiilcs ( st IuIglitmulimj. . L'mgittmflhtg struck a pub ( In the river iiutk : miear where iluitry iioyutte , of Oceomt l'ommtl , ( iit. , 'as fi.shtilmg ill v. boat , 1111(1 ( julmiping front time tree , uutrtick Iloy' otto alt the mmeck , iuimmgeimtg imimmt tinwmi to his feet. 1ighttImilmg stitmek it ioctist. tree hear the hmoumsu of Hu' . l'tir. Perry , of Loxingtomm , li ) ' . , passed immto the house througim a window , wtechiltg time r.mmmt , amid tlielt foiluwed time iron work cuuimpietuly nrotmitd ( lie Itouse. Nolto of the imtimtatous vct.e hurt. I lit goimmg frommi it liayliuioi , vithm v. 1)itcii- fork nit ltium tuhiotmidur'iillimlmlt \Vmtiiter , of I ,1evse'vilho , N. .i . , was killed by a stroke I of l'mghtniim. 'l'hte built. struick the fork , I simmuttenihig it to mttoimts v.imtl tear'ummg 'iVmti- I mtui"s clothes COiIm)1Utuiy frommi hum luaiy. \Viuile Isaac Iteddimug 'if lrayt.on , ( lit. , I hutnimg ilt a hold with hilt wife , a I stonimu camuie mm ) , amid its. Reddiiig drop. } 10(1 deati itt , lien liuslamtl's feet. frtiimm it stroke ( If highititihig. 11cr clothmimig fromim heati to foot. vits nmpied on one side its if ; by it kmtife. lim iauisiilg frommi tue barit to time iiotlse 'itht it steul carver ut his IlmumitiViltiammi \v. Slilith of licinpstead wits strtmck by ligittmting. 'l'iie bolt. . mit.rilck titu knife , L hmiohtimmg the ioilmt fiommi time blade for miioru thmitit flli iimcii. 'l'be knife s'as iiot. forced fromii lmis graaji , luut the mliii imt his 11:111(1 : wits imitemise. lie was mint seriously ut- jumred. Liglitmmiiig struck the 1)arhi ( \Villiammi , Bmmckluy tif Noi'tvieli , Comm. , mtmud killed 3 time liaise iii the stable iumt'I the dog in the i kemmimel otmt.m.idu , Thu bolt. cut. it cletu' ; , . Hi htmhouls Pittit down ti tu horse's fore I i4iinulltlet' miimtl log , luaviimg imot a particle of I iutim' , ill its course , ititti iVOke the tiog's neck. I t. tripped tip the firo-nlurnt tele- I graph 11 mie , suuimided the big gong iii the S lire tiwei mitt set. all the telephtuimo bulls ! to rimmgihmg. Durihmg it tiitmmuleriitouiit recehitly at , Jamimaicn. , Ij. 1. , thin dwellilig of 1Er. Clifton vis stitick by iigittiiimmg. ' .Vlue Ilutiti entered an opemi wiiuiow oil the 1 SecOiil stat' ) ' . 'h'hiere it. destroyed thic fii t'mm i til le itmiul ni Immost. eve ! ' ) ' tim nmg i It reaciu. - 'I'hieii it. tore its way dowlm thiroIlgik the 1 fltnur itial ceiling to the hos'ei story.rjj5 : . ocemirreul itboumt. 2 o'clock itimul tin , fanuily i. were at. dihliler , 'J'hue dilhihmg l'olhlt u'lts itt , alIce chiti'geui : with electricity. Tue food uhilOli time table assuiIIhel tile itppeitl'ithlco of hlavilmg iieumi coated with laIhmpblaelc. ( Timulur the table , aiotiimtl which tue fitmimily vui'e seittod the carpet. s'as toimi itmid tiic , floor charred. None vure imujmired , t . thioimghi all wetu tuuimporarily stilhulled. i hiui ) v8i1 sewillg ill ii. neiglmlionihmg Imotmute , ' 'i'lie lighititilIg mIIItie its vay lIt amimi r .9 1 il tie ilium i I U h4Uuiim ccl to bhitze froi Ii oil' tin ) needle in lien hmammti. - U - - - - - i- TELEGRAPIIW MATTER , Our latmt corroo.iurIiisiicu , .1a ) ' IIJ , 1533 , Iuniiigs tu 1 tluu iuuu'nuttli u of I lull ry Ii. Iiugi nun , thu ( idlers t HluIlcriuuteluulclutof tlmu l)1.trlet Mcboeier t : . of Nov U I I.tieu , , Cumu ii. 31r. Iiugramn cm s : ' ' l'r muuau iuunutlui , I I 1usd loeui 41)ruiy ) trotuldel inithi a weak aiid tIre I feelliug aci osN time 11,1114 , nhuuIu,4t Iivarlaluly , utucohllpall I' leul iltlI a huauluuciie , , I Ituuil mIuticul ale tlustmut otate , : itilluwl iu tluusu hal us mimy umriuuu % vOlIhl Iv , . highly i'oloruul , niul leave mu IILal y'loroiI sod [ ' luuucmmt 'i lueri all ii , oil ti ) staluul III the essel , I couui 1 ( mt work , auiI , I is uui , l14uouI raged tiuauu aiAniuhlml ul'grco ; Nothuiuug luelpeul 1mw. I was irescrlluel for by somiso o . tihu be.t IIIsIcIamu4 III Nuu ' , rlc cIty , a hens I 'is : . licatcui at that tlnie , lint , ierlieil ( ho iieiellt ( IF reilel 0 Viuoi : aihihilit ready to gi so tmj , III iic.Iair amh amiulain 0 Lance sAid to iui , , 'fwsiit yiuI to try Iluiuut' lielluelly ; ( liii 50 , niuul luanIly to ouuty'tiuiur 11011 rum hail olaluce 'U unIons i tuhtal rued i lIcf , 01111 Ii , tiurco a eelu' tilmIC a if the aforo.ahl all iuuciut. lust d lszuiuIiCatuil , aim' ' ! I Imi luroull .teauIiy , uiuI tmuftIseul aitli pew life , I. cujlui rt4iIuhuuj imly huuihuui agalil , 1 % IIIe1I li 1)130 tIn slulujout'i : mo , LI ) t raimus of all I. Imud'i , u lukli aru likely I 5 eiTet time kllmueys , iiaiumol : 1:1 : cotliug tvlegr.uuhh nh . to kIIuomuu limues. I I uuuutd liuioeily Juan. uCChhiuic II ullolt huouorcl tilacu III ill ) valuiiuct ' 'I ' mmuedlclmo , , . a ouull iuot be uu itiloilt It , 111111 1 theerfimhiy ahuil Imuar llv rucohhhhulemmt it to all a Imo are trou'jluit ii ltiI uIIcmis , of tluu liter , 1Idiuoy , or ihrlnary orgullus. Itiltuor fat II. o cure , 83 Cututru Street , ut It ) TOWN CLERK FORTY-TWO YEARS. Is 'hiuu foilowliuit If tromhi Mr. Otluhluli ( lager , tlu , , ue1 IuhhOWlm III&uI rusliectel 'rouuil CIek of Norwich , Cull I I'm lr , ( lager Is SO yolurd ohil , 111111 has 110111 tiil. i'ositIc guf trIIt hit 42 years , aumut lmI aurd l a good ao hu lxuuul. On hmiy 3 , iS3 , lie arltcum as tuiiuw 411\ IL ) " oars I imsi u , Im0ervul u'ItiI diseau of tluu kiutmmoy.mi IL lulnduler , al'l , hIutYC 110 iue.itahu ( ) ' III r000iilmiuommdhli 11 , hlumut"i Itoihloil ) ' ad ii slitelhIe fur thus , , comIuIih.ulhlto , Lh lout 1114 OiII hiudil the Ihi05Il of relict In hue of tori Li blo imalii , but iua cured a IluilIlluer of iiy acqualntai lie vue. Tu.uIa3 I sum 1)erfufl1lI1l thom dutIu of thu elSe . I. of Town CIrk , which I lIal a hell fur forty.two yesu II. Hlmichl I COUII luot ho ohIo to d iuero I hot Iii a fa it , state of turaithi o1mi to tim , use of tluiit' loruJy. ( ' TIus 'uqu' of the terin ° ' Shoib Iliio" lii ( OlIhIeetIihI , iiItli thin S H 0 Riul CirI'OmlluO ilmihuto titmi groAtrosil , como 0)5 miii lulea of juhit a hat l relumlreit ly tIle traveliImg 1imb. lie mi i4uu.'rt 1,1110 , QuIck 't'imo I N E atuil tIme best of miceounmodu % . tlomu.-mllI of vidcii ) are furn. IIol by the greateit railm.ay In Aliwrka. C HOAGOMLWAUKEE [ , And St. Paul. It owII uttuit operftte ( flier 4ro mitIIo of rau1 In Nortinrml IIIiuii , , 'i'uOu'iII ) , MIiueeota , , , Iowa mind iakota mutul ma It. 11111111 1iiue , brauldimel anti comiulec- tlolh. resell nil ( lie great hultluie44 olmtm'e1 of the Nortluwe4t nild i'or'est , It , iutimraily amu.ncrum the ( iu'icnIItlumI Of Short 1.1mw , antI lme't Itouute letween Chiuau' , M IlnaIlLeC , St. I'.u'uI alId Mlmnuespolis. ClIlcaguMllwauiluu..I.a Crse atmit 'Inomua. cuIl'tgu , , l llii alIkeC , AIerIll'nul momuti Rilemudsle. cmilcuwo , Slllwalmkoe , laim Claire atiul Stiilwater. ( iuit'5tI' , l IIii utthlCU'auatI aulti Merrill. Cuuk'utcms , Milvuuilec , mission Iatmt minut Ohkoh. Ciulcagu , M Ilwaulkee , W'mauiketlma ahid OcomIotnowoC. Ciulcagu , , SI ( hvallkeo , Matti.omI utmud t'rainlo dum Chloe. Cluicuigo , Mllivuiukeo , twatoiimua ) aIld S'aIrIbauIt. CIilcap , , Iteloit , ,1tiIiui Illu moid MlImeraI i'oitut. ( i1lClil ( , mlgim : , Itoc1fonl SlId IuluiItmo. , ClIieain , Cuimton , , Ibsuk 1,1511,1 uiIlui Cu3ar htal'hiL _ CIhiuapI , CiSilluell ltIIuiT nuui Onmalma. Cimlcap , , SIIhI' ( City , Siouit Fails auuil'ankton. . ( uIcsuI , , MllWutlIkeO , Mitchell noot CiianherIatii. Rock I oiainl , lumhuiple , St. I'AuuI 0101 MImuIheajIOliS. Iaieuu1'urt , Caliiar , St. t'AihI anti Millmueapolts. I'ihlImmuftlI SIeeh'crs aIld time FImiet 1)imIIIiCars In the ivorlul nr ( , ruin on thmo tumain Iiluo.4 of thom CH I C C MILWAUKEE&ST.PAULRAII- 1(101 uier : mtttehItIi'mI I , . lutiui , to assemmgerum ty coUrtO oil , , eiuuiIoyoi of tile comulpamly. S. ii. MCilltltTu , A. V. ii. cmum'uNTRR , (20111 ( Mauuager. (10111 1'ai. Agtvnt. . J. T. CAhtR ! , aio. : ii. IIRA1'I'OilI ) , . ' Ieuu'I i'as.o. Ami't. ( lou Supt. _ _ _ _ A.s't ( \ ' ( ' ' v1.i ) \ ; " _ A , \ ' c : ¼ , - - - " ----s - _ = ; . - ' . \ ' Svift's Specific mint a trIlmhiil)1l , uf sciemuce , lint 14 mi revelatIon thlrougll tue IIltllmet , mf thio IluIttItoreil saiaie , amuil I'i a , 'iumuuiulcto UIutluIitll tO all kIlhilum of 111ut , i'oison aild Sklum 1 ItululIrum. SIft's Omseelfic ha. corel nue of Scrofhuls , i'Iiciu , Is imureiituurv' , In iiiy faimilr. , , I 1151 u smtleroi ; irIthi It for 111)111) ) ' rears. alml loire trIcil a greAt iiuuy huhm.lciauhl moud miii surt'i of treatmimomit , iImt to un muunI''ic ; anul ilmen I IICITSII to take Swift , HIeciule I % rae In a lIar. rlhie romulitiil , IHIt tIlsilk. to thu. , great remedy , I 0111 nil of tIme iIhua4e. 'limer , , Ic Imo tiouuht 1)1st ) It Is the greuutet Ilutollciule lim oktemiue , ahud I hmomo ally who uloiilt svlll isrlte to Immum , i : . e. if.tVES. Jr. , ( 'Iarkevihio , ( Ia. After sImtTCniIlgtiClhty'lliU 3eare rIIi a painful 1Iry totter , lull trylmmg iuuamy ) ) $ , I iia at last ro' lioi oil by thuo umo of Suu lit's 51eciiIu' , alud cheerfully , , , , , It ti , all simimllanly ahilicteul , $1,000 Reward iil Itu to miIl Chonm1t i ho ii iii hiuuI , , on thu aiualysbi of iui huuttie'i hi' . S. S. , , ummu IlartIcie of .ierchlry , Io&iiulu i'otaumiuImI , or any imuiIlOhlll suibstommec. TlIl SWll'T SI'flClFtO CO. 1)rmuaer ) 3 , Atlanta , Ga. , S'rItu fur my coil ) ' of LImo little hook-free. l'rIe : Huniil size , $1.00 11cr hiottle. I.'ir o size ( halt ! . g liolhiultu illIahitIt ) ) $1.75 bottle , All drittgIsto selL DR. WHITTIER , 617 Sf , Charles Sf , , St. Louis , Mo , A lilOUflAIL (1ILAIUATR of two inodical coIiegc , huM iuet'ii cilgagell lnumger Iii thuo treatuiemt ; of CItRON- 10 , NIBLVOIJS , SKIN ANDB1OOD Diseases than any other hlhysiclaTI lii St. luuiis , a. cIty papers show and , all 11111 resliluimi , , Iumiow. ( Jmlsultatloml free ammul Invited. Whom , it It Iumcohiyellelut to vIsIt tile city for treat. lumellt , mlucilcimId , can lie .dlL liy mail orexircsum , everywhere - where , Cuirnhlo cases giusralItceiP iilucro doubt ox- lots It I. fraimkly stated. Call or inlte. Nervuums I'rostratloll , Icblllty , SILiltal amlmi Phlysicsl ; \Vnmikiueo , , iercIuni5I 10111 tithuor altectiormut of Tluroat , SkIM aumul liuImo , lIIouI lilupunltlet crud Iliousi l'obuori. S lig , Sklmi aiTeetlomu. , ( liii Sores amid ijlcersTiiiupedi. imucut. Lu , 'dutrrlaue , Ililelumlustism , l'lIe. Special at. ! tLIItIuiIl to cacsfroImI ( ii'rtttrkeui braTul. IiIJIRJIthAt ( JMII3 reculvu hb0dA1 attemutbitu , 1b.eaea arIsIng ( ruilmI IhiuImruIkumco , Rtccsc , IloltIlg01100s , . MARRIAGE u' 't7I. imIarryIuOlnayflOt , shy , caomou'i , L'Iimm.eIIhicmmc'i ahmd c re. SaIled for 25o ; 4 pootago 'IT stulmhhilIl. , 'd&wIy U ( ml Ito. , .1tm Irotfl iimiicrIou $ , , tim , . . 'r outer c.n , . . crc cut , ulurvl , I , , . ( , I iI5iCIiJ dFIIt5J. cutS , ncbs I. merloril mire' . , hthi. i'romriy. ' cii It , ccruc.mlJ . , .d prom. . itiuiI on.l , " , , , .10 , , .lu , , uelfrmnr. . cu4.r..4 b0 .Iocori mniui.t.s cwi II , irs. . Ii .11r41c. . . ( H.LI , u Thu. emi pl.i .rt.ul ( 'trv.nJ IrhiIIt , l'h.hni , Iheay. .te. , I , , h.luy ld'it'jr.I Ii 'Ill l M.tIt'uiIs JiOh.L' $ , " Eves hutlo.e , 's.o. , . 'urri ulecrial , , rEflhIIOO L' ( oil ieS tier. f tort n.smu.l. Sile. , ITvtIs. elramuly , 1meaanu , . , lc , 'I , I'c , I , , . Cnnl'uI , , , , , milk pl.IcI.u tro , , . .ifu i rex III:3h1Iy : : Cl ) . . III tO , ilil. SI. , .o . JJ3'fzcf" I thi iutlI : or I it'tt'l'ra. - : . 4 ! ' ' W tar i e .i Ill ( 'I ) ' 1J L , . , I u , .1,10 ihthI , I Iie.iUiuy i , I 5 , i I I'll , I ) , , , , , , ' , : otLY 1 il II . , , , It , , , , , t , , nr , , , uiuthiu , , , iilu's , limucini' : q 't ' I I Ic I kIm I . , 110 ivuiutiunui ( , 1'1. , hutojun , , I II. iii - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; JIPWEBER&CO is 893 S. lOUt St. , Omitirn , Make Braces for the Correction of : Physical Deformities. Ill 1111) alld SpInal Iisessut , Club } 'utet StIll Knees , Ic lIow Legs , Inock.kiuoes , etc. , 'l'russua of ( lie Best Make kept on Ilazud u t repaIred. ig Ortutcluc , iuud to oiIer. It 8111511 jobs of mull kimote done Iii , terllrohi Slit ! 1' Repairillg of all klaUs done thueap , heat and lr0miII'tIY ) , II. : : J. P. WEEEfl & CO. , tn 803 S. 1OLIi st , , Omahu. , , ju1s Lui