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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1883)
- - - - - - - - 1r - : - . J r . ' ' ra TTT1 Tl A TTV T11t . 1CTTNf1T1. T1ITFFS. TT EISDAYS AUGU SZ 7 , 1885. TILE DAILY BEE C OirNoILBLUFFS , _ Tuesday Morning , August 7 , sUnscnhPTicN HATES : nt Carder - - - - - - - t.o eenta per ere k ny 1ra1 - - - - - shoo per 1'en r OFFICE : o , 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway. MINOR MENTION. See Joseph Reitor's fall goods. Cheap railroad ttckots at BtI8II11e11'A. Deputy Mnralml White is on ilia sick het. The Supreme court will meat hero Sep. ( ember 17. Tlicro are now 2GO tenchors in . dance at the normal institlto. George 0. BaulOnwasyesterday found guilty of nssault and assessed $5 and costs. Wilson , the shoemaker , woe estordny fiucdo for drunkenness , but yudbntemit suspended during good behavior. Jolut W. Bolton and Martha Jane Shade , the forcer of Boschocl , W'is. , and tliti latter of Des Moines , linvq received permit to wed. Delia Robinson is to be heard iii police court this morning as to why she hit another colored lady over the head with a beer glass. The interior of the First nationmil hank is being frescoed and adorned in fine shape , Mr. G lltuan , of Chicago , being the artist in charge. The board of trade thct , Inst evening , but no btISIXICa9 was transacted for want of a r uorum. The board adjourned till next Monday evening. lie cases of the expressman arc cou tinued until Wednesday morning. lit the ntcantinnoothcrinforrimtiona ; for violation of the new tirdinminee have beet filed , City Clerk Troutinnn reports the cash receipts of hisoflice for July as $1103,85. This month will be several times that amount , as the quarterly saloon licenses are coming in. 11. N.1Vhittlesoy , sot of the old non , ' Las taken his father's place as nowe gntnerer for the G1obc , nod promises to throw even inoro life mil its eoluuuls that the vetenut cOluncl has. A eau named Iloberia was arrested last night on the charge of obtaining $12 min fnrs0 prutcnses , from A. Gration , llubcrts collected the money on a life insurance policy , claiming to be the agent. Emmett Farmer , a little boy , was brought into cotirtyesterday for indecent conduct toward another little boy. lie was given n severe lecture , and sent away with a fine hanging over his head ready to drop III n ntiuutc , if ho does not re form , Ada Williamson tbirka she ought to bo divorced front Charles Williamson , and so prnye the circuit court , They were moanicd in Kansas City on the Fourth of July , 1880 , and she claims that ho went off amid loft her in less titan a year after that. Elizabeth Mason now wants n legal release - lease front Charles H , Mason , whom she married in Atlantic or.Ncw Year's day , 1870. She claims that he has been altogether too intimate with llolln Bar- ris , and that ha has got also in the habit of tarrying too long at the cup. The oxpressman meat war to the bitter - ter end. One said yesterday that $ G00 would and in testing the question of licenses carrying it to the supreme court if necessary. They say nil they ask is protection , by insisting on all tennis taking out a license. Them they will r Jmay. 'z ' The nrnchinery at time now McClur g Crncker.factory was started up yesterday , 811(1 it is expected that time first batch u f ' crackers trill be tuned out to-day or to _ morrow. Thu prelmlinary arrauIge Hunt s ro ndo intlicato that in quality and r ran _ tit time goods will be credt tu'Counci p ] fluffs. Mr. E , C. Brown , ono of Ila'lo & Mc Ictiro s ellicient clerks , Diet with nu acci dent yesterday that caum hear marrin g his beau ( . hile getting souio muri ' atic acid for a customer ho ncciduntnll got some on his face , but by n prooIP t 4 spplication of antidote prevented an r' great trouble. Complaint is made of the uproar 1(01) t U ! ) all light among some of time colorv d population housed on North Main street hero of the neighbors 1 + ho complain o f the place dislike to file iufor n ttiol , b cause of the fear the revenge will b o wreaked on them. The officers who ar U paid for such work can cagily strnigltto u duo matter out , hgwovor. There was quite a row of plain drub ke in the police court yesterday nlornin g Among them were Robert Morrow , line $7.60 cash. Ton Jufrorsot , sat amount , gave ai order on the watt works to pay whisky bill. Joseph ] from t , t tan , sent to work outhis , $7.60. Joao1 Pli Sutton , took his out in ] 'al. Mike Mu r IIli came down with the cash. The ° ' ItY4 ditto. The Young Mot's Domocrntie club hi il its organisation completed by the mile C' tioti of the following officers : Preside ) d , 1V. H. Ware ; vice president , I : . A. Tro ut man ; secretary , J. U. Ileum ; treasurer , J Hendricks. Executive committee , 1 Sr 11. Ware , chaiimal ; first wnrd , ltob eri Rain ; second ward , J. W , ' 1'cmpluto 1t third ward , Jos. Bergman ; fourth war l , J , J , Traucy , , The lecture givou by Rev , Mr. Hub bs last evening was very nnigne , omit ! vu py interesting as well. Ito exhibited b largo painting of the "Black Val to Y Ilamiroad" the evils of intenqernncv , md mid impressed upon the Minds of all a less Oil wlueh they will not soon forgot , Ii ix diseriptivo powers are fine , his nuccdot ca thrilling , and as a speaker ho is at tin eloquent. It was ht fact one of the b vat lectures in that line over givenlturo. 5 Chief Field } esterlaY received tt1 mitt I Ohio the description of four fellowa wit n ted there for the murder of n wont ' r g ltreo of then ( correspond closely wi rim three of the gang of , tramps latul nrr cs ted here and with whom time Police hi d such a fight , 'J'heio is no doubt in t he I chief's mind but what they moo the stun : lad they bent held thirty days for y n ; r ' ' graucy , as'thoy ought to have bust , tlu ey " g ' would then have stood a good show f 01' x , going back to Ohio. As it is , ihoY ha vu flown. , I , 'r'ime city council ulaY well ho termed n ' Li ks con reselonnl kindo Barton. , For a dam o t t ' cmt1C body , t follows mrott clear ] 1 ] tv . action of on in regard to back t congress pa Y ttroselvea an ttal In voting ) additional la . w 27 of$2a moltl they made itdatob a ck .L5 well as a date almond and increased t h0 n 9 m r-B s k r4 - + Y salary of the president , ( tie mayor ) nt the same ( tiuu , 501)10 relented and paid back the other amount , ofhets have drawn it and breailiodoflancowhjloothersare watt hug , not knowing what to do , The "con , uresstonal kindergarten" is surely devel oiling miniature atatemon , Tin BEE still gives warning that on less time fire alarm system is perfected it is liable to fail the tie ) nrtrnent just whmou it is most needed. Lt cane of a bi blaze i t mn coma in all right , ut it nnn not if not and t11o de is seal off on a wild goose chase as wits lately the case , and co a moping back , with the arcs otmtof the steamers , and finds a big fire already under rent lieodtva then what ? Where will the amount neled for 6rot , ting a perfect fire alarm stand in conmpar isoi with the loss which unity , onauol N" time should ho wasted in attending to the matter , If time council thinks it can spend $ 1,100 extra for the extra services of the mayor atul aldermen , they should s urely not licaitnto at investing nn equal anmount. in gutting a fire nlnrnt system of Aomu sort int tarn be depended upon. other evening n search warrant tvns placed iii Officer Leonard's hands directing limit to search what is known as 13m1 bhrk'a gnmblin 6g esfnblinlnneht , amid ( 'seize nil anbliu devices in said held , ing nud brie theta irtr ) coat to ho dealt with according to lay. " It is n notorb- Otis fact that the said devices were found nud seized , lriht they apparently were nog hold , the common report being that time mayor himself called time officer OIL' , Senv curiosity has been felt its to whet sort et n return time efliccr will make , bivesti gaticn shows that oti the back of the search warrant appears , ' .This warrant tonne into m hauls July ; q 18fg1 , nud wilts ( hills served. No o erry takuu , S. LconnmL" Thu return bN n little un usual If it had been 'lino property found , " it Wight have pawscd monster , but there is au air of mystery about this return of "nu property lakmt , " nml tliv e vasion of rho proper question tvhotlaor no ) ro ) art was fount or not , nud if feuRltrim it was not seized its irected in time writ ] t the return was uutdu to $ ivo time actual history of the transaction , it would 1)0 still more intorcating. .f , 1V. Itodcfcr Moving been elected accrotal ' amid treasurer of the Mercantile Lunn , 'rust nhd Iwprotvmont cowpany of Council ] flull'x , has accepted the posy lien nud assumed the mmtngenent of the cumpanly'a business. Time following nnuied purnnuaura oil time board of dirocb era ; ' 1' , A. Kirhlnud , C , S. Lultertx , ,1 , , 11' , llodefcr , I , ,1 , lhllur , E , L. Shugau't. ' 1' , A , Knuu.AND , I'residuut. TI a1I'LL OI' M' . ONlty. I'IunH Suhmltled Ibr rho I'repesrtl Nett' Stt'uouic OI' Ilennly , Yesterday afternoom the various plats f or time preposcd nudemmic temple tvero submitted to the truatcea at. n meutin ; hull in ,1 , 1V , ] todufar's ollic0. 'l'imo plats wore all tine , and if any silo of them was followed out , this city ts odd bu once. of having n building which world not only do credit to time order , but to the city its n tvimolu , 11Ir. S. E , R'rtxot had a very fine look' . bug building on vapor. Thu entrance is of the Gothic style , while the front , as n whole , is a blending of dilre unt styles , the whole presetting n line appearance. ' 1'wo Omaha architects submitted plans , IIenry Voss , with whose tanks Ceuuuil Blufla is already familiar , showed up n solid , plain looking building , decidedly moduru1 s td with little of the ancient ornamentations. W. R. McPherson's plait was for a sort o f Queen Amine style of building , vary 11a11da01nC. ' 1' . D. Allow , of Lincoln , presorted time plan for n very elaborate and costly building , time front supported by COriu thfam pillars , nud the structure surwuunt ed by two telvera , It was drawn for time 101111)10 at Lincoln. J , 0. Mwepo , of Princeton , Ill , , pro- petted n phut for n nunlert buildulgg , which was very plenshlg oil pave , . Time trmistoes have poet tlmiuking of erecting n building with lOG tout L uut age and lUUfoot depth. Thu nlitiu Luild ing , with n f10 feet front , being three stories , time most ivo stories. Alr. Nnx- en's plan is for three stories tlueiglmOUt , and time building will ( mrobltbly be made timid , height. It eertanly will make a grunt improl muvnt iu the looks. Time trustees could not decide vury hull a met n plnu , mix tie figures were not ver' tulinityr s td the cost of auvh n dui dt is naturlly one of Limo chief things nt the calculation. Eatimntes of cost will be node between nary mind thi s evening , tvhmt the trtetuca will nto0 t again to consider the auditr furtimur , Dr. West , dentist , 14 Pearl street. b1USW'1'0 Nlll' ' , ThO'1'rostt Prollilketi by Foreign ant 1 Idrutdl Latent , This evening there is the proviso of a rare , good ntuatcdl enturtainutuut at Do hnny'sz time progrnnnnu for which is n S follows : 1 , ' 'Polka do la ltulnn , " ] loth 311sa Nolll u nnnPs ; 1 ; Ifth Atr1 r nrluUuux , Lelinrfot ; 111 r , John Skelton , 3. Ariutiulllnh111sx,1ntu ] lhlsuy , . , n , 6ylvla ilnllut-3luxie ; 1)ollLex. ) . b ' ' .1 lie ltlpplo , " lllsx Ilmags ; 311se A'oll bo ( llnugs , s ll , "Lust Chord , " Slillivmw ; 31r , Jolm Sku 1 tun4 , D uet , Selected ; Miss 1'uaoy nndlfrl'n l' ; aaer , 7. 1'olounlso , F flat , CLoplu ; lllss Nalll ° limtgs , S , hantmulo Ilrilllaut , Arhami ; dir. Jolt n SkulGni , . U. " 1'nhn ] irnncLus" ( sacred snug ) , Fair o , ; 11r. Charles lhtlnnur m 1U. . a. ( ] rand 1'also ; Cho rht. 614uspth ' r ode , ladt1dudk ; lltes ( , 11. "Surmuulo , " ( alt ] arrnu ( oLllgntu I , Schubert ; Nlss 1'usoy nud Mr. SldolGru , 1 : . "ltccollocpuns of 11uu1o , " lulls ; 111 1s ] knmgs , CIII.AI' ' ' ' ' 1GULItIIAD'J'1011'1'S ' . , Chicano , $11 ; St. Louis , $10 ; St , I'tttm 1 , $ lU ; hnnana City , $ G , tit BuxhuulPS JuG : on IUtrruhlirbplrU iutl"r. Thu Sioux City route huts arranged ft ,1 , oxcuraiot lulcs lu Spirit Lake , uu0 of ti to Must beautiful xununur resorts bit it IC whole country , thus giving thu 1)0"1)10 ° f Council ] hull's amid vicinity an oxcuilum it oI'Portunity ' for n ploaaant ( tip amid rus I- fill pay elfaldJitilu mix'Iorse. ' 'J'ho nil o deWdtid on fs of } $8 for time round trb b the tickets to Lo cod ( rout August 7 , till Au gust 27th-lien days. Dfr , Cl nu ' the egged of the win uu y' will bu glad furnish all further ilif0rnidiion needed at his efilcu bit filmIart's ; block , , - - " Iio uioi , time China-maim , 23 Multi at , CITY COUNCIL. The Marshal Charged with Pcrmitliug the Oalnblinff bosses to Ran. Arl101CH of Iui atliuert to ho I'rc pared-Other IIuMIneSH. The regular meeting of lime city coun oil was held lost night , all presmtt except Aldcrtnnn biciSfnhon , The report of time city treasurer was p resented , ahow'ing that. the general fund was overdrawn t41 the amount of $1,787. C ash in police fund , $8,073 ; total cash in t reasury , g8&t3. Time council decided to take n drive about ilia city and note what impmre menGt of streets nud sidewalks are amiss , anrv Time contrncts to 1111 Broadway front Center iu ludinu creek , was asaricd to ,1 , I' ' ' . Boyle at 26 c , per yard , aunt the filling of Third avenue at 83c , Five hundred dollars was trausferrcd ( rout time policy ( teen to the general ( arid , Alderman Wood , chairman of time police lice couuaitieo , cannon attention to the tact that time ganbliug houses wo o ngnin rlumiug , uotvltliatnntimtl 6g time "Aura of the council to rho marshal to close thcrd : Ile olfared n resolution iimatt articles of im ) enclnnant against llw city marshal for uulnlvhdl nut knowiP gl' neglecting n tlue of a nd r0tus g to car orilorx t ime woicil in rubnrtly closing the gmu bliu g luaxuA Pared by he Iolicu cODU Thu nutlnaual' tilts. was 1 } ' carried , No action svns taken by Limo rotumcil in regard to time buck-pay grab , and time I11C1111)eCa will coniiuuv to draw their $25 extra for committee ntcutiuge. Adjourned , A [ 111'F AWAY. The Youth l'ul llorxclhlol' CnpUirod lu ) IlsuOUrl , Could Hxt H , Frcd Ulcn , who was lately captured in iliiaaauri nud brought back hero on a ch arge of stealing n valuable iwrao frmn 1V , 1I , Sandurn , of Knox tou uxhip , hna waived uxanirntiou , and nosy lies iii jail here nls niting the action of the grand jury , ] [ v box node mm statummicimt of time w hole allitir , which is to tlnu ull'uct that lm is only aixtcem years of age , old is a entire of Missouri. Ilia Luther and IllOthe' 11W Ill SVCALCCII Knllana , si ts , where his Btthor owns n fitrm of 11i0 acres. A unite named Tole llolvard ctautu tlu ough'wiih ] tint time night lie tebk time lee aoutul sold 110 w011hI 111Cet ] lilt iii .5't. Joe oil time following Saturday. IIo got aequniutad ; with this turn in the aiste'u part of the state , amid had launvn him about soeol months. lIotvnrd utta a 61rut ] nud , They came from Sioux City vin Council Ifhdrs , llou - nrd had been working on n farm mica. Sioux City , and was n ma 1 tvho dram ; sumo and gaublcd. IIo lnu ] suet bia ganblo in Sioux City. From Avocnr llosnrtl had went east and ho had not aeon him Hiuca. Time night that youuq Ulen stole 11i . Souders horse he eutar0d two other stables. 11'hel Inskedjts liy out et fourteen ] torsos he could pick the bust our iii the dark , lie replied he was n good judge of horses , std that by feeling "f them , told espucinlly of their legs , he tie- tided time one due bad was time best of the lot , old so it proved. The young follow s ays lie has worked out over suite ho was h + ulvo years old , and that flu box not bend From his futhur or mother for the peat five months , ' .i , A. Ross 537 Brond- ny a very Went nsGnutnnt which ho hna chriatoucd " 'l'ime Clifton , " Ito sots n rumthug table , amid his prices are cor hotelY rcnaonablu. 1'IItSONAL , lh , and lfi s. 1V,1t'amigham nro spmtdhig limo week hl Dux lluiucs , Ccorgo 11 , Femgmsou , of the l'aailic lt ° to e , hnx rotnruwl crow his Chiungo trip , ] [ u ro parGa orurythiug rather dull ( ham him congniri xun u Ith the uxunl rush of bnsluoxx , It. I . Potter , of Frwport , n'aa at time I'A. cilia ycxtm dn } , 1V , lv. lhmy , of Chintgu , way a Pucifio helm o guest ycxtanlny. Illra , lluono , daughter of 1r. amid 21irs. It. S , Cole Is back , frown tli liellmm agency imea r YnnkGrn , where nLu ion beet tenchhtg , ] Ie rr 'nmttiomi is for a mouth , nndmnnyfrimid x gladly wolcomiw her hero , 1V. IL 1'lurcu , of Shelby , wits In the city yesterday , , amid stopped at the Ihtclfic , , Safi llna Lis ratmmed frmn time west , I ) , II. Snloumoa , the nttornoy for tlmoYa Lash , wits In the city yesterday oa legal bud Imexx , S. F , 3Gndtcrl tad wlfo , of Clumnvood , were nt time Ogdmm yesterday. H. J , llayden , of llilw aukee , was rcgteterod at the Ogden yaxturlay , 10WA 1Tl.3IS. Vail hna purchased it lire u6 giro , COrming chdiule to be n Simon pure tuwpurnucu town , bat time nutnba tit eases of sickness for wimiclt spirits frutmiunti is a specific , ae nicronx lug so rapidly that extra darks arc necessary at time drug stores on Sat- urdnys , nodal Snturhay's express cnn trained sixteen gallon jugs mill of which rrur0 cotsiguol to rarticn in Cocain g , [ t ix n dry Suudn whoa the average ctt slake izun his thirst witco Cll juice , A terrible disease hna nppunrud nxd is raging aur"mg the horses mum time vicinity. of Chnrital proving fatal in almost every case , Thu uyroa and mouth and the ox- of tluu bodrulx stroll a'1 ' , uhnu5t mix if by umlg'iu while the nuiuutl is bit nIt in trout hemilth , uuusiug death bu n , short tinw , 'flee crop prospOCts of Iowa Cengliled by lime secretary of time state tagticultuntl society report a umrked iuereasu bit corn ; time area is pbtcud at 7,000,000 acres amid time product ix giver rut 200,000,000 bush. mils , 'Vito whmemmt crop trill rctlizo28,000 , . OUO buahulx. 'l'imo ' oil crap will roach 77,000,000 bushels. All smimll grnbn amid gl.asxus promise a lxuntitnl } 'fund , } 1'hilu n alkhtg hi limn road near her ltumu in Cliutan county hlnh Adana ls ns attacked by u savage hog , which so in- jurud her that recovery is doubtful , Thu ulevomtlh talc tit time IIommozia , county ugriculhlndl society is at Outwit min Suptouubur 211 , 27 told 28 , ' A train oil the Bur11ugtat road nmado time 116 utiloe between CrOaton and 01 , . tumw In three ) mourn Inst hilndaY , Now Shnron , a town near Oskaloosa , Imd a $10,000 lire 'l'u nduy night , J , N , CASADY F. II. once-rn. CASA DY' & ORCUTT 602 Broadway , - - - Council Blulls , Iowa , IVIIOLF.SALE AND HETAIL Carpets and Oil Cloths , CURTAINS ; , Curtain Fixtures , AND A CGMPLETE STOCK OF CIIOICE Fllrlishll ! ! ove1tie a Mail Orders Promptly Filled , CASADY & ORCUTT , - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. A. Ha MAYNE & CO. , DEALERS IN BarrelLiffle Louisville IIIC1110AN I'LASTEIt , IiAlit ANU SEWER i'II'l : , IfAItU AND SOFT COAL AT LOWEST 1'mcr No , 639 Broadway COUNCIL BLUFFS , IDW.L tt 110a 4 r i - E-4 ' , tt If' j 1 k tl t 4 z s rl ffr 1 = , _ : ; . , - _ _ --t Merchant ors. " . hl - 7 lord 914fnin Street. 4 , YR > cC3T07Et Y , cc t N CIL , IBLV7 ° I' 5l , x19 . JOHN BEND & CO ° , ami . , , 18 31n1n str d17'earl treet. L B CLARK & CU n. ataTg , . Prescdpttats at all hours. 100 Drandx ny , CItESTON HOUSE. MAX MORN , Oroecry , nt 3aln Street. Motel , 217 and 2W Main street. J M BARSTO' . M. D OFFICE , , , . , , Comer Fifth strectandFifth a'c. i ii-- : OFFICE , F WHITE . , , Corner Maui and Fifth tip-stairs. llestdunce , 009 Willow nrcnuc. JUSTICE OF' TIE [ i'EACE , N. SC1IURZ . , 0111ce miter Amcricau Express. S. S PAGNEIt Ltvnity ANU FEED , , , 1S'ill contract for funerals at reasonable rates , 2 Fourth street , J , M , SI'JOH t > v & CO.Cgt.H BUYERSI Whotesalobutter try andiNlt , Clilptous. eggs , ; ool- Iraftby ) return 148 Broadway. NEW ROOT AND 5110E STOitE , S A PIERCE , Comer Slain and First avenuo. PETHYBPGIDGE & HERBERTZ , Dro3327Broaadayarkct , HERCIANT TAILOR , tACOB ] KOCH , Stock Complete. Salts mule at reasonable prices. No. 805 Main St , G F S M ITH . Corner 7th and Broadway. CONTIIACTOII 1'Ians AND mtd BUILDER speclacatlons , fumished. _ . \ 1v.1w . SHERMAN , 1 taro the t arlety DEALER that brings IN FINE patronage. ifARNESS. 124 3faln street , SIEiIC1iANT TAILOR. JAMES FRANEY , Artistic Work and reasonable charges , 872 Broadway. II OWE & SON F'Ul1NITUlIE STOVES , t amid IlnusdwW Supplies. 303 Broadway. ATTOIINAVS AT LAW , LINDT & HART _ _ _ _ , _ JamaBBock. rractice In state and federal courts. Mauuractdeer Fine Furniture , Upholstery Coeds , Curtains , E STOCKERT & CO. , . , 5ud\YlndovShades 307Iroadway. Mid bati , house , 421 and 423 Broadway. L. Soecrigu ,' . J. Mont , SANITARIUM gamer ) ' , U1. D. I'hyslclan , YY ADE CA RY 01IIN , Rry's etabl0. VETERINARY SUROEON , No. 12 Scott street. - - - Manufacturer of IIOIISE C01LARS , Pr J , HENNESSY , Trade Supplled , 8lhstroetbetwcenethand7thtoe. JUSTICE OF TILE I'EACE ' , EDWIN J , .ABBOTT , NotaryraullonutdOenerat Coneyaicor. 415 Broadway , SIeI a NORTON , REVERE HOUSE , Broadway opposlla Kow Opera 1ouse , ltetitted em , QL50 per day , _ CONT1tACy01IS ANI ) IIUILHE1IS. DE CAY & CASSEL Corner Sixth street and Avenue 0. NEW AND SFCONU 11AND lIOL'SBlOLll UODIS ) , W. H , ALMY , Bought and sold. 212 Broadway SPECIALNOTICES. -NOTICE-Spcclal sdmertlsoment , , such as Lost , Found , To Loam , For Sale , To Item , wanla , Board- hug , etc. , x111 he Inserted in this celunur at t e low tale u1 TEN CENTii I'ER LINE for the xrt , lussrtloa and FIVE CBN'S I'ER LINE for each subsequent ln section , Lena ah orllseu ants at our ctllco , No , 7 ( 'earl Street , near liroadw ay WANTS. WAN'rEn-Etcry' hotly iii Council Mugs to take ruemi r , Uellrered by carrier at ady tocuty rents a reek. 1AN1'EU-Arongwtcntgirl for general house .11 work lrmsmirallfaudly. ( mod wages. Address 1' , huts trllcr- ) TAN'rEl-A hey , with Pally , to ddher Tua lies. lANTom-line tlnner and cute rondco msker , at 11 mHO.Ik : _ Urahl , IW _ Upper Ilroadaay. , FOR SALE AND RENT. hAIt11 FOIL SALE-Elghly acres hnpmi xl , eight midles from Conned 11 uttr. Address yn lice cities I 0ltiiIU''I'-'l'nostores , 10b'04)ou lauur Mel , street , oplxssltt loumtdnt bapmlro of John Shii- ( mucm , , ' I OIS liA1.E Saloon at 215 Uruadway , I 'iOltKA1Jl-louse ) situ lot , uorthaeat tumor mil - - Teeth and llnwdray. - JmlN SY , Ilsuuti _ runs. oaten , u , H , cLSST. OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Cuuncll Illuas , Is. Establisbea - - 1856 Dealer hr Furgicn and Domestic Exchange and llomoSe udtfes. Fish , Wholesale and Retail No. 1011 Male Slnct , Nctt ISock Soutlsol 1'ostoi lco , Cuuucs Dluss , lows , ODELL & DAY , Loans , Reai Estate AN ! ) INS URANOE. No. 39 Pearl St. , Oounoil Bluffs , City Property , We have vacant lots In all lwrts of the city at from $10.00 up , for sale nn monthly Pwyments. No , 511 house , a rooms , ucll , clsteru , 4large lotx , plenty of fruit oh liontorm street ; elicit ; , , t)2g O , No , 30-A desirable restdeucu mm burcuth street , hear Dloonwr school , buildings nearly new ; Q5oo0. , No. 42.-Nhtely feet front , came I'ear ) St. and sw coed armutu , opposite court Reuse ; es,50o. Business Chances , No. 2a-For 1(510 or trade , a stock of hardware , at a goal hmrshwss Iwint In wcstcnm Iowa , lYtll trade for farm or city , rom rty. Nit. IL-Hotel , the only one limatown of 700lnhsh. Itants,25rannswtthgood hen , , Weil located , will Yell cheap or trade far a fern , . No , 10-A IImo republican paper Lm western Iowa , ' ottlcial county paler anti large patronsgo , .ery cheap If sold sour , 11'e also have a number of cltolc0 faints hum wcslem loon , for sale cheap. LOANS , 11 o have mousy to loan mm farms uauclty property , at trout S to 10 mwr cegt. Fire and Tornado insurance , best of eonquudcs relrrevcmitcd. Fa1ultable rates ahd lair treatwcht. Losses adjusted stud paid at this ullltw. - - - - MrS U. J , lliltonf M. B.1 PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 122 EroadwayECouncll Bluffs , w. R. VAUCHAN Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Bluffs. Rea ) estate and colnctlonagcncy , In Odd Fellow's block , orer Saslugs hank. x - ; Janell 1 a To The Trade ! 1 . 3 We fake pleasure in callingyoursttendon to the fact that wohavomndo auch arrange- nteits as will citable us to sell you Rilbiler Boots Slioes Etc1 , t ' ' Here , as Low as you can buy them East. 1 j ; 'Writo for further information , + { . , , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. m t I CreaffiFlhlli , ts Coulectiollery Parties , Soctnbles and Ptcmcs supplied on ahort notice , and goods delivered to all parts of time city. W. T. BRAUN'S European Restaurant r ll 404 West Broadway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. DEVOL & WRCHTa ! 1 l , ® 504 Bi'oadit'ay and 10 and 12 Ma ! , , St Council Bluffs. PROMPT ATTENTION AND CLOSE PRICES ON MAIL ORDERS. Broadway ear Laundry r 72 w73R P 7 RS 'CJJ13 ' . A. C. LARSON , - - - - - Proprietor. . LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY. JOHN R. MARTIN , 1Jillc1iIllh1 P1l11llO11 , i ( I Filter. Ilas n full line of IInth'htbs , Sink , hollers , Brass mid Lead Coeds , Lead and iron 1'Ipce and fittings. Joh blur promptly attended to. Ftrst class work guaranteed. No , 11 Pearl Street , - - ' - COUNCIL BLUFFS. . 9 LOTS 4ND LANDS ti I Qi Mt caxx.rd " ri lca. \ Money Loaned , Abstracts Furnished ! S. T. ivao1Vi19.xxc T No. . 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , DEALERS IN ,1 oce1hos ! , IM1 .GR19'3'IOIiT 13sGr3. .N'r'5 . DItAiTS ON Tint BANii OF IIIE1 AND , DUDLiN , FOR SALE , 1113 DIIOADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS CRESTON HOUSE MAX MOAN , - - - . - PROPRIETOR. w u , 27.7 4bncll 27.E . I9lg LiI3. 5troot , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - - - IOWA. 1 MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , - TILE LEADING DEALErmIN 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. r Little Windsor. 531 BROADWAY. Ietrnr&iit - ' And Day Hoard. All the DelhucIes of ( he season , and the finest table In the city. A D. A , BENEDICT Sign Writer & Grai er. $300 worth of house pahuthg , traps for sale cheap for cash. Omoo 1337 73roadway , c7o naji 3i1u.fT , In. P. Overton , DEALEIIIN Hard Wood , Yellow Pine and Red Cedar Lumber , oak amid lint Cedar I'IIIngCcdar Teltgra dr L'olesand Fmtw Posts , Oak Dluicidon Stop , llddgo liatcrlal of' all klmids , at nee heck Pitts. A Specialty In WOOD AND COAL for brick Sand phq.oscs. A lull supply , of sot-xi std fur coal elwaysnntumid datyard a seale out Mahn street , Oilicet05 First AY seen ilsin and 1'earlstrrots. WINTIJERLICH BROS. I1'Oll Bi'118s Follllthy Cop. 6th St. ahld lift Ave. COUNCILBLUFF , , , . . IOWA. MOROAN , KELLER , & CO , , UNDERTAKERS. Thu ' nr.tst quality , and largest stocks cat of Chicago of Sl'oadca acid Metallo ( 'sacs , balls attended to at all bourn. Wo defy calm. ltlon In quality of goods or prices. Our 51r l.omguihasserved asundertaker for forty ' scar. anu thoruugWy updentands hie bust. newt. 11'arrroonts,811 Broadway , UI'IiOLtirEIIINO In all Its branches promptly attended to ; also carpet laying and luubrequlnr. Telegrphlo and mall a erttilled t-t , H. MAKHUFI = rl z'tr' ' rI K tJ , - 1t , Iri , li CI1I9tl l l tll - , h Bir'llil ' , ( t ! ofd ' J 1 . r r c MANUFACTURER , WHOLESALE & RETAIL. Millard Hotel Stock , y l OMAHA. . NEB. MRS. LOUISA MOHR , Graduated Midwife ! 1508 California Street. JAS. H. PEABODY Star D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , Residence , No. 1407 Jones SL Odies , No 1501 Far- naw street. Oxice hour , 12 m. to 1p. us. , and 8 p , m. to b lx ax Telephone for cities , 97. liesldeoce , Y ! 1 I