Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1883, Image 5

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- . - -
I THE 1)AILY B1JOMAliA - - , i uiiuit , - - -
tinfallIn circ for
Senilrnii Wcftk.
ne , Sperm.torr.
ha'a , 1rniotcsuy , -
ftfl(1 fLU
, that follow
eIIuenet ) tf
Att150 ; M li o
Memory 1iher. ? ,
n the ILck , IIfl1flCl of VIoti , 1'remntiro OM
and many other illear that tezttl to lisAtiIty or Cni.
Bumptinht mtI a 1'rctiuture OrM C.
HKWTU : of akICUkelflOflt- rctun. inonuy 'hen
( Irugg14q from hoiii the iue4kir.v I boWht. ( In nut
r/.nd , 1ni refer ou u tto tiifltiIft1CtItlf4 , aiul tim
reqtilrementq are iitcI * MIL oru t..t4hnfl , f eGr
CGmIIIil titi. ) $ eu tiitiNtnhip1nh1tO. ; . A
Of OHO Miil1u O4p ( r ( ( i1l 1'.Itk'O
the Ino4t rte I9Ttt $ .
on account 01 oiitorftithu , W C IIr C ft1O'tCL tilO
WraIr ; ( iu. 1lC.
i nr aihio , ' 4ldoli we do
Ftro 0 mona free I'iiji .ooy tUfti. , tcf1lio tje
Iflo Medicine ) by au ( kfliT at 1 r e1
nto , or lt Iakan hi , or W1i bi o1it fr liy
luau on the receipt nI.o , i ) .
TIii iS1itTito. .
sdl in ( ) iiaIia ii C. It' . ( kxbnafl. j V 1Pinto.vntt
, !
$ i
; , aINVAtJfl ,
1 ; , j,11 Only Porfct substttuto for Mother's
.tiik , The tnot tioiiriliin i' let for 111 % atkii and
nirdti : InotilerM. Cotninentleti by all ilivslcians
Koc u in niL clItn.tte , Sold by nil . ! rtItgiMt. ' 5 centi.
icn ( fortlie a1nplilet. ! r. MlTCALI'CO. ,
tne.ttitth.2Ot . 41 Central . 'harf , fl3ton , itS.
- - - - - - - - - -
2'/icPnc ! $ . ! , cqncated c.ncJuZ ( , t notice t
, itw ( lHZ enlurgcZ Scheme to be drawn 1onth1i
aIrCAPITAL PRIZE $75,000 , Tickets Oui
- . : ; . -r. ' . $5. Shares In proportion.
Louisiaiia Stab Lotlury Coillpaiiv
, ' IVe .lo hcbi certify that tee irt41)erv ) ( the a ,
rangrent for alt the MOfltht ! , fltt SC1Il.tflflUt1
Dradn.jg of tjc ! .otjna ( State LuStcri , Ca''pany. ' '
add fl jelam nta.wie aitt contr i te D.aicin.p .
thenc/veii , and that iie ) same are cointuctet wit ? .
Aonety. fairne. unit ii good faith toward all pat ,
tiI. and we authorizc the conpany to iiie this eer
teate ' tcithfac.81IlileR of our inaturea attached
in tt a'drertisenents. '
Ineorporatol In 1SO for 25 yer by the legislature
fir educational and cluuItablo tlflOeOS-ltiI a CO ! )
Ital of $1,000,003-to which a reorso fund of eve
8)5oooo ha tnce been added.
By zs : overwlieliulii loPuIar vote Its franchl , ,
, , wisa made a pi rt of the ; ) reent state constItutlo
adopted leeeinber 2tI , A. 1) . 1870.
TA. unty Lottery ever voted on and ndoreied
people of any state.
it never ScakS o , l'ostpone
, . Its grand single nunibor drawings take
place rnoiithy' .
riisi Eighth ( Irand lrawlig , Class 11 , at New Or
loLths , TUESDAY , AUGUST i , 1883-159th Monthly
CAPITAL PRIZI' , $7t,000.
lO0OiO TIC1FTh at FIVE DOT.LAUS EACh. . rae :
tioii , in I'Utli iii Proportion.
UCT OF iKI ) ' . $ .
1 CAPITAL PJIIZK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Th,000
I do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,0OO
1 do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . io,00e
2 rRIZES 01' $0000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12OO )
5 ilo 2000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000
10 do 1000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10000
20 do 500. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000
100 do 00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,000
fi 300 do 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O,000
oo do 1,0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000
1000 do 25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000
p i ArI'R0tM.ITIOX vitIzea.
p Approziination prizes of 750. . . . . . . . . . . 6,750
9 tb do 500. . . . . . . . . . . 4,500
do do 250. . . . . . . . . . . 2,250
1087 Prizes , amounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
J ) . ApjlIcatton for rates to cltth hhoulI only be made
7 50 the otllco of the Company In New Orleans.
} or further 1nformtlon write clearly giving full
ddress. Addressed 5' . 0. Money Orders or Regis
, .t ered Letters to
I Now Orleans , La.
, . Ordinary otters by Mall or Rxpress to
? .E. A. DAUL'IIIN , New Orleans , La.
007 Seventh St. Wahingtou , D. C.
B. Frank Moore.
127 La Sal/c Street. C/ica jci ,
, ' ( Fonnorly 310 and 212 Broadway , N. 'V. )
ro' Manager of Chicago Office. To whom auply toi
Information and tickets. 159th Moiitlify
Draw lug ,
Tuesday , August 14.
First Capital l'rlze , $75,000. Tickete 5. Sold In
a fr'tfths at $1 each. See full scheme elseu here.
d ed&sat.w.5w
I A regular grailuate 1
Ti H. IIENBERONS I tiiedteiiie. Oer
600nnil UO Svanilotto iit. ' I ' , cars' Iractlco--tvclvo Ii
KANSA8 ( ITV , io. I uileago.
zt' Authorized by thu , tate to trea
clIrmdc , Ner ous and 1'rl. ate dlseaes
. . , Atluua , lliltIY , 1tleunatliii , , l'llcs
, . . , 'FtPO ) WOn ) ) Urinary anil Skin Jls
, . cases , eniltal Weakncs ( ijiguit losses )
Setul lcblIity ( liu lit ctiaI Cr )
etc. Ctires guaranteed or money refuniluil. Chargei
low. TIioii'iiitls of CO5 cured. No liijurloui inedl
clnc fund4lled een tO 'iatieiit. at a tlltaice. C'iii
t4ultOtloil free aiitl ciiilhtejtlal , -all or wi lty , ago nb
_ .oapricnec are 1tn1ortant. A IlOOl fur ioth ees-
'l , . illustrated-and ereuare ! of other things sent ecale
tor two 3 CeOt etamhf4. iltEI' lUIth5l.
ill cii cod.w
A Skin ofBeautyls a Joy Forever.
DR. ' 1'.FELIX GOUJtAtUJ ) '
Oriental Cream or Llaglcal Beautifier.
. , The Oriental Cream Purifies as well as hienutific
'tho Hkin , Removes Tan , l'lnbiles , Freckles , Mot1
1)tchcs an
evcry ticinIs
. On beauty an
deflcs detc
' . , , . 'tlOb ) , It ii )
. ; stool the te
_ ; ( of 30 years an
I' , so tiannle *
. % 0 taste it
, . ho .ure t1
. , fr' , : Prelalatlor )
I. ' , W.
Accept n
\ counterfeit elbuhla nani
r ; ' Tiio lIetIi
gulehod Ur. I
A. tavru cal
. , J to alslyot U
1I.u Toe ( a ; nstlent ) "As you lallee wilt ut , tlICI
I reenounenu 'oouraud'e Cream' as the Icas haunfi
'of all tim 8km prel.arationa. " One bottle will la
'six montlie , UtbIg It cery ilay. Also l'ciidr Jo
tile rcbnuve eupcrlluoU hair slthout Injury to U
ikin , I
3lMie , M. U. 'I' . GOUIEAUI ) , Sole l'rop * lion
St. , N. V.
For sate by all Drugdats and Fancy 0301. CA
cr4 throughout the United States , Canal an
Europe ,
ji'Ilcwaro of iis IiiiltatInn. l,000 rcw h
arrest and Iriof of ably one eelliiig the sai
14.wCoW.lbbi ) 2t4w.IIT"
G. W. ROSS M. D.
. . , . . ,
V Physician & Surgeoi
- ' ' ' . 1)ItUG STOItI
r -VIi'I'EllcUSES' )
O6l n i hours tiaV 4 nlt.
Io both CIty and countr ) ,
Practical Horse Sheer
Make. I , p.cLaZty of Ito.4t.ta and tenderfoot hi
, . . b.n * . Dodi died bet , hlib ind Uth C
' - r t-- - , -
' -S
- -
4 %
'l'iii' i'tVttM1CU 1IIIgII'I ( llIL'uit ( ( ' II )
* Ii flllI8.
The tlkltiihll cOiieaVo of Knights
Telnhllar of tlni Uiuitcl St.ate taiR's tilaco
at San Friiticico on titti 2 1st iiit. ,
aroiuly large iitiiiiliurs of the cnghts
are lnoV'llig forwan , though t1II ELISIL vi11
ta1o ilncu later oil.
Ycstortltty thu Nobras1a ( hllegattoll
loft for the Onhien ( hUe. Among those
\V1li ) initlertako this ii1griiiiagu on palace
cars arc 111)11. Chits. Sowell , of Lincoln ,
iciiuty gratul cotninatieler of the Cirnnd
Coininantlery of Nobraskn ; lion , (1.V. .
I4inillger , grand captain general , neconi
Pailicil by his sife ; Sir Ii. 11 ,
Korty flIRt wife , aitil Sirs Knights ,
Fish , Cain , Darringtoii , Pierce ,
tlilloiis , , , Of iCearitey , niid Trowbrielge.
Sir \V. F. : Ili'yaiit , of Kinisas , ills. , vns
Rl5 ( ) vit1i the ( lclegatun , having beeti
visiting Sir W' . i\louiit , of Mt. Calvrry
COlUlfltli(11'ry : , for the piist few clays.
A few other kitiglits may go to the
granl coiiclavo from ( innha , but it is
iloiilitftil if either the city or state is very
lica'ily reprcseiited.
'Photo ill 1)0 11111113' travelers friiiit the
cast , liovuv'r , Wilt ) wear tine Iteci ClOBS.
- - - - -
I'OSTILtS 'I ) I'lL1tltlS.
. . ( 'oititell 1lIiifli ' ' ( , ) ( ) ( ) % IC ) t'icite
Juices Iiii tile 81tIO Fair.
Fotii teen thousand lostorn of tIle CiIll.
ing state fair have beeti 1iiiited , t1li1 eji.ltL
tliousaiid have iii ready beeii clistrilitticci.
Five thousand is the inunber that have
1)01111 lWilltCCl lIOrCtOfre. iIi' . Dt111C1 11.
Wheeler , , ir. , the assistuit secretary of
the fair , iiifornis us that biiiidles of tileso
have been seiit all oven' tile Uiiited Statc ,
to Colorado especiall ) ' niul to every post-
iiiaster ill Netraska. Five thotisuid " -
111111111 lists have becii printed. 'l'lte
prizes oilorel this year are much ahead of
ally slFcrcd before ; where SO ) and $2iO
have been iiiado up at the tune of tile
race , 110W the lowest sum is IOO atid in
the free-for-all race $1000 is ( ) l1rel.
Tile Council Bltifi races occur during
the same week 811(1 thu lilallagers have
written to the board of niaiingers of the
Nebraska state fair asking that the 1'aces
alternate ts to clays , so thai the irof'lts )
and ntteiidanco might be shared lut\VeUl1
the two cities , This proposition was un-
mediately refused and the state fair iaces
vil1 be entirely independent of any other ,
aild for tilelu some excellent horses have
iJoell secuied in Chicago. QLlito a iiuiii-
ber of hioises Xllld PC1ilU are coming hero
from the Iowa ntate fair vincii occurs at
Des Moines the week preceding ours.
The authorities of the two state fairs are
011 very good terms and accomniodato
each other.
- - - - - - - -
I'crsonnl , l'ohItIcal nuu General News
of' tle 1.VCL'JC ,
Correspondeiicc of thu lie , : .
Ol.ENwool ) , Icava , August 4.-\V. P.
ltobiiison , ILforliler editor of tue Opin.
lou , is in the pity.
, Tohn and , Jniiies Sivope have returned
froni a vFsit to their oid iioiiic at Gettysburg -
burg , Pa.
\\TII BO8lysileil , of St. Lollis , is visit-
RIg his brother here.
A number of our 1)001)10 ) are at the
springs , at Siloain , Gentry county , lilo. ,
tuid some remarkable cures are ieportcd.
, Toiiis Y. Stone aijil P. L. Stephens ,
two republican . leaders , have goiio to
Colorado 1111(1 left the boys , to luit the
Tue Iowa Union telephone coiiipany
1"'p ° to give us casterii COIIIICCLIOUS as
far as Sterling , Ill , , and to connect us
'ithi the Nebrka svsteln at Platts.
Glexwood has three good hotels , the
11 iiclsoii Ilavilig bceii reopened.
Thto hew Q. depot nears conipletioii.
' 1iiio iiot se , huge and elegant as oui
citizens mid hoped for , it will be a dodd-
cii iin1iioveiiieiit over the old one.
1'IIO Calillilig factory is preparing to do
a ftill seasi'ti ) WOEIC during this first year
of its existence. it is ill the ilands of
local calitlLliSts , 811(1 WhIch tinder full
ileadway will give eIniioylnent to about
seveiity-fivo It is expected that
800,001) ) cans of corn bold toniatoes rihl be
jit , U ! ) this seartoii.
'l'hio brick work oii the two new build. ,
. iligs of tile I. 3. F. N. C. 11aM leoii corn.
piutoti , itliti oticr llICCllalIiCi are jiusiiiii
the work toward completion. " ) VitiI ovel
b 200 illIlliltes inure room w badly
'Fiio lunlual Illeetilig ( if the i1ihls Coullty
: 2glidlIltlI1 ilI Society l'ihl lie 1101(1 hierc
. Sept 19-21. The society ilitil iL'ell
: leilgiil 1)1.0(1 ) 1)71 ii soujiti Ilizini Icial basis bId
I tilete is 1111W OVOry 1iiosject of it success
: ftil meeting. 'J'lw 01lic014 ale : l'residclll
1 S. C. Osborne ; Secretary , P. P. Kelly
'l'L'CaiClilCr , II , 0. Cihloy ; Superintendent
D. . Fariell. Aiiiiing the directors ale
y i . ARdelsOll , .1. \ , Jiiiichiiniiii , li. W.
- 1tUSICUII and 1)r. J , A. Donoinu. ! I'llt
track and gronids Ilbive heeii put in 1)rinl (
condition aild $2,000 ill cash jrelliiUllll )
have been offered. 'rile clii'ectiirs havi
deCidel to JEOiIihit P.hl wheels of foituni
itild other gaiics of chance Wilidil iiitv
Ii (10110 Wi 11111011 to bring otti locnl fair. ii
h to ilisi'o1ititu.
d 'J'J.j teaeiieis norilial ilistitiltu legins a
; Iilnlvorii iiuxt 1oluh1ly. Supei'intenden
it Frtzel 11118 stirred up a iiornotncst hi
ii ttking it frola ( fleiieoii and his course
ib liable to c st iiuiit Ills . ) fiiCitLl 1108(1 ,
I.O'AL ( l'OEITitl4
. IIbiVebt8y0t hardly asslIllied definite sliapt
0 'J'Iie 1irohiibition ISSItU has dwarfed iti
otiiers , Oil tills ( hllCRtilI ( there has bee
:1. : a niai'kctl ciiiuigo III PllliiC sciitiiiieiil
ii lIlflfl3' 'ili ) voted for tile constitutioiir
Is 8hlCllilllellt ) ( itt the special election , ni
'i 1101 % ' ifl a ( iOUbtfIli franie of or
: become the proli11llcei advocates of
. license system. 'i1ost ' of oui. coullty olU
I0 ces 1(10 to ie filled tills fall. and tilure I
d tile 1181151 8dl'aillliO ) Of Clllliilate ; $ VIl
I. EUIXUll8 to SUlVO tile (1C81 pOjilU , tIll
d sviic are illeistilIg 1)11 the recognition o
their CIflIlIls its ( hiBiiiteiCstCl Piiti'lt8. 'J'hi
'V rehillIiiCalllI of tiliS county ilavo illStrtlCtc
fw 1) . J , hIcillsildilllcr for state lCUlIbLti (
- l'iihis 1121(1 tOh1tgJlllCl ) ' tiaCil ililVo ( Jigil
votes iii tite convdIltion 1111(1 ( i1i' . 11 , 1
incetiii with considerable opposition i
1 Lontgoinory county OIl account of th
fact of hiSiiaVillgVotcdalid worked ligailli
the fllliOllhlllelit. 'l'hio convc'ntion ipeot
, . hero tile Ifith with tile chniices of a ion
xl ItIII1 storiiiy session. Among tile Itepul
iicaii there is thlk of A. 1) , FF011011 , \ \
I. Lewis , Win , Block and A , It. Wrigi
flsr representative with tileir chaiices
. securing the inzo ill about the orth
named. .in tiloaalnu' party candidat
) .i for iieriffaro H. 0 , OaborneSarn'l Doi
' 5ieU , Mast t3idtier , and It. C. Wktt.wit
. . - - - _
- -
- -
sove' l townships yet to hear from.
PiI.'l I. ? iletz is nkii , to secure tile
treasurersitip , while iiiir1oy Oihlilland
wants to lie , itichitor , ,1. S. Frazee or
Prof Moore , of 1nlveiii , will be the
llolltitieo for SCiURd supcrinteiitlent.
AIllong the democrats there seems to
ho but little activity iiicl btt ; fes aspit -
ants for oti'ldial ilOllorS , I f lilly ( lelnocrat
vniits the noiitititntioii for senator his
lillIllO has iiot yet bocit iilillJClY 111011-
tiiiiied. Jfl.g , S. Ilencirie 1111(1 Ii. E. F.
Kelly are lllelltiellcl as possible candi.
i1ate for representiitiro 1) , A. Farrell ,
the ; resent shorilrwill be nientioncd , W' .
ii.S'rigid. . ii ; spoken of for school stlier-
iIltClidellt , Neither party have yet called
their county ClIVeliti)11.
SAItA'I'OGA ( 'I I I i't4.
( I'lII'rai I tiiiiiil Aitclt&'sst's ( lii' ( 'Ilitu ;
HilIlIIlt ) Si'liiiI.
The seating Caadity' of 1ycelllll hill11
' ,1tB far from being Slltl'lCieIIt to aCCOlli
inocliite all \Vli ( ) desired to hear ( leiientl
1 toward iii his iichtltess before the Union
Stitulay aellool last eveiiiig. 'Fite gen-
oVal gave oiie of his cllnntetelistie talks
Vll'id1l are alvnys pleasillg 1111(1 eloqtiettt ,
LI ) which tile IiII1'IOIICLI listened with close
flttOlltiOfl , 'I'ile floral decoration of tile
hail , under tile slIlervisiilll ) of 1) . W' .
Christie , as elaborate. Of the tecita.
tiolls , ' 'litla's Letter , " i..hloated by ie
i1tiest by ? 111.ViltOlt Crowell , was well
'iliss ItlIstill's ' ' \ '
s1iokeii. rcitatitiii , 'i\13'
'l'llllIdhe 'ied , " vnn good , as 1116(1 ( , "TIle
Queen's ( 'iift , " by Miss Nettie McKay ,
atici ' 'Not , Deiiil but lUsen , " a tVbUIShbltiiI1
froni tile Arabic , by Miss Kittie Avery.
rVlle IllItle ituartette , 1essrs. SlnitllCiu'is-
tie , ? iloitroe ; ind itiistuii , IlitlIg ilCCelttlhly' ) ,
SChOOl inttters are liable to be vnrii
for sollie tulle to CollIe the school board
ilaViIlg ilired J. i\l. Bailey , Which 501110
of our best , peopie ( lisliko on aCcount of
his itillictioit of the pugilistic lIlt 011 a
nuinlier if his scholars.
Tuie select iitiLy at 1tCIlllfllI'H glove
Saturday ellL'llillg 1111icr tile lllallllgelllelIt
of ? ilessrs 1ir0vll tiicl LilttelllUtll , was
reil attended 1111(1 1llldlt Cl1jO'el. 110
Fourth I nfalltry orchestra furnisiled tile
The h.Tllioli Sunday school will picnic
at I'ries' lake \Vedncsclay , Aiigtist
2lld. .A balloon asconsiollia one feature.
'l'lle COlfllllittCO of arrah1ell1olits are
Messrs Avery , Monroe , Christie niid A.
0. Sniith ; transportation Messrs. D. .1.
Smith , TilcKoii'.ie , Lawton and F. Till.
Smith. Cucoo ,
it Silods its Neliowed OIl a
Thriving T'll 1(11(1 County.
Correopotidcncu of T le lli'.ic.
YouR , Nob. , Allgtlst 3-Like the traditional -
ditional counterfeit pCllIiy , I have turned
Up agaill , itiil tuii lie % ilk tiis thriving
towii of York , doniiciied with iiine host
Ballt8. it WOl1il do the heart of t11y'
eastern farmer gooil to ride over York
county and see the IillCfliid crops. Such
ricit fields of wheat nud oats was hover
khlOWil here lefore. Tue farillers are
very busy just 11Ol' with their biliders
1111(1 realCrs. ' [ 'lie recent raiis Ilave iti-
ready iiijiired the coning corn crop.
ltoastiiig cars appeared on pur (111111cr
tabio to-day.
This is one of tile most thriving towsis
iii Nebraska. Evei'ytiiiiig about you do.
notes thrift and energy. At the present
tune 501110 six 110W brick buildings are
being erected for business purjoses of no
mean pretcllsiolls. Sonic thirty new
'dwelling houses lLO jU process of coinpie-
tioii. TInny of thorn of tito most jill-
iroved ty1es of architecture , that would
do credit to a city. Lands within three
bIllIes from towii tilat two years ago could
, be bought for $10 per acre cannot now
be bought for $40 per acre.
Tile sod iloilse is gottilig to ie a thing
of the iast , for all over the country you
. vii1 fiiid substautiiti frune 110(1808 tillit
wiiild do credit to an old state like
liiinois ,
' Across tue way from .Judge i'ost'n resi-
deuce lives a iiiiii srho is one of tue rising
111011 of the state ; a iiiitii frolli S'ilOlIi tile
state 811(1 ( county will swiie tulle ill tile -
future dolighit to honor ; ut mall vhlt )
already stands at tile hoa(1 of the legal
profession ill this part of the state.
' It iii said that I'ost already looks s'itil -
jealoUs eyes over across the way at the
ilalidsOhfltl , new residence , opiositu IllS
' 0lll fearing that its owner iiiay sonic
tulle out-strip hUll ill uoIiica1 honors ,
Quito a iiice event took piace inst
evening ut tue residence of itcv George
\v. Smith , lt.being tue silver wcddiiig
, of Mr. and Mrs. Snlitil , liolIle fine
things were given tileIn , ( ill 0 ibOticeaik
presellt ill the way of a silver tea set
from tile congregation , over which TiEr ,
, Sinitit has so iong aiiit alYecttoiiateiy
iahiored ,
L Can't. Siiy Ellougil.
' 'i CSilhit ) HI)0111C ti , ) ) iligiliy of ! tiirdot'A
. 1oui flitters ; they iiavu been as great. Iiiessi1l
t ; ( ) 1110. ( ' , iied tRIO III liii iillollIiP'M 1(11(1 ( hYkilOl
, . Hill frolil vhiicIt I ilaVo HIlffirL'Il for Ileuly peals. '
l1l' . .1 . 'il III , iIi , BlIllic ( If 'I'orlIIlto , Out.
3 _ _ _
3a 3a
f and MALAA.
C From tIieo sources arise thL'nifOUrtllfl of
LIio ( liscilsea of tile liunian race. 'rlioso
y Eynlptoln9 lndicatri tholrexistonco : Lou of
AjpctItc , luivvJa coitlVo , tlc1c Jlnu.1.
S oche , ruliou i rtcr CrLtillg , nIcralolt to
eiitIoit eIX botly or inlud , IructutIoii
of foods Irrltallllty of toinjier , Low
aiiIrIt , A ( ecillig orJkaviu5 neglcctcd
Biilnti duty , Dlzzlueeu , IfIutterltig Ht tile
II 11ca Iloth lcforo fun cycieJilglsiycol.
0(0(1 iJrInn , CONE4TU'A'I'ION , itnU do.
Ii euunltlie IIC ! ofit rebflmlytllilt lLCt.S ( lireoll ?
Oil tim 1.ivcr. AHaIAvorilctlicino'i'UTT' ,
i l'XLLS JIIWI ) 710 ( illillI. 'L'ilelr V.Ot1oil Ofl t1I3
Li Kidiloys 1111(1 ( 3l.iii iis 15150 IlromPt ; rdiflOVlfllr
(1 liii inIpurItlee througil tlicso three '
U rierd Of' thu eiy.tern , " producing appo.
tito , 50110(1 ( IlgestlOll , ri'guhiir i4ools , a door
a skIillUIUaVIgeiOikiIOdy , ! VIJ'1''H PIIJ.S
. cause no nntaoa or griping iior Illturero
WIth dully work and are a Prtect ,
(1 ( tboldcvcrywlure,2io. OlIlep.4 I 51 irriiytt.N.Y.
ii '
(1 GRAY hAIR 011 IVIIISISIas clIlIilgot In-
. StalItly to a ( Jh.0135Y ilLACIS by a slllglo op.
. lilicutloni of tilts 1)111. hold hy Druggists ,
it or SCIIt lip oxprosis on rccolptof .
00km , 44 it urmy FitrIbot , Ncv York.
II - - - ' - ' - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
t Vor coiitruetlon of iiiaiiholeii.
5 Q RAIEl ) l'ltOl'O4AI.3 'II1 , in : IIECEIVRL , 11'
' l ) thu uliderelgIlud Ilibtil 14 o'clock IlOOJI of Mtiiitla
g Aligiit 6th l83 fur the ( ) uflstrilelIoI , of iiiaiihics
I- IIIC Vi arlog Cyctelil of eesoraiu in accordanr wit
. ilane ant ti1.eclflcatioi , Dli lila Ill thu otlkii of tti -
iloard of h'utilc Works.
it lllds to be lLC000hliaUiod by the Mignaturos of jri
) f suretIes who in the event .1 the uwsrilligi
the contract will erIterbt4) tioil. lth the cIty I
r oh $ III IUCh.UU ) . may bti dusigiied by the cii
18 hoard fortiiSilthlul performance of the contract.
Tile Doacd of PubUc Work. reserve the rlelsti
.etany orili bids. JAMIOI (1RK1QIrON.
11 ha4 V cwsw Cbz * . Dosid of I'ubUa Works
. - : - .
The cirk It they nre poor , sre wreitling lth rest
hinlshl1 , . They are betwein two fires O the one
dIe ineatialle ili.eae nianee tiIitflflttftcic ftnlletroy ,
whllcaheod of tiicti arc thb lisme Soil tIsiiw cit tiieil
leltal ) ilIilbttCTy , q1laClCrY , iTItI ( tortion.
It Ia ft l1Wa of irnu Injustice to ikceiie the etek ;
11,07 , nicrit CtIr 53 tfl1).ttl' ) and a5.itar , , 5iwa35.
lclectrlo : Oil wse ohl lil'flfltilc' 5trcntt ,
of a fal.ehooI ; t1i qucilty of hR work atil tii ttuii.
entiq oftcatlnoiia1 receicet from tlio'e ) bfllfl it tei
bet efiteti are its cob rccoiiirnCiiiIatiofl.
I'or core throat , eo1l , aittima , ciat eatartii , flijia'
Flectric Oil is no tnlstnAe , the beet kioi n tcbncd3 in
tiio so1t. "A few drop cotiffed through the no , '
Cc , , U , I' . Crane , of ( 'orry , l's. , ltrs "sill eienicnt
aiit euro thocry on.t ofeatlIrril. " Mn. R. It. Per ,
1,1111 , of Creek Centre , N. V. , tAICs hit' l'allq to state
that die a titt1cti slth n'.tiima for , care ;
1'horna. ' 1eiectrie (4i ulttlnatel. % ' elTotel a
owe. " a cry llcasStlt cOlIlllillIllc3tloli from I' . 0.
$1arlles , a tlfllggi5L of ilariso , , , OhIo , lie et.tei that
"will , otto bottit of 'ilioma , ' 1etectrl Oil a neighbor
ca ttred of sire throat of Light ) ear ' .t.iilI , , ,
iCse art' ' ( Iliy avcragu MInliec lietol fr'ii ttiiiirils
( if testlill ' nla1 Oil t he itcak bctoro , ,
United Statsflnpository.
Fills ! aliOlla1 Bailk
Cor. 13th and Fariiarn Sts.
T/113 Oldest Banking Establishnient
in Owoha ,
sUccisOlls : TO KOUNTZI : 1lltoTllilis ,
OrganIod in 1868.
Orgallized as a National h3tiik ; in i83. {
CA ' ' ' . . . . . . . . . ! ( ) , ) )
sU1uL4tis ANI ) i'ItOFLTH . stroooo
0YVIcXR1 ( ASh DiltCCTOlt $ .
11555(5 Kounr , I'reshleiit.
Jells A. CciolIms , , 'lco l're'itleitt.
' 2d 'VIce ' .
AcocstL's KovsTzJC , l'resllent.
A. .1. Porrl.CTON.
P. 1 ! . 1)'is ) , Cflhirr ,
v. it. 3tWUChl'l , AsLtant Qasilcr. )
Tralisachi a gencriti banking inilifirSI. lisuri time
ecrttfleate 1.oarlng Interest. 1Iras iiratts Oil iali
rrandsco au4 irlilcipal citi Ii , the Ulted , ElItes.
Also Loitlon ltibiill , I'illlll1irgll ciii tlio 1rllclti
cities of the t. .ntincnt of Euro .i' ,
Naliollal Bailk
Capital , - - $100,000.00
C. W. HAMILTON , Pros't.
lvi. T. BARLOW , Ca&hiar.
Accounta sollcitod and kept subject -
joct to sight chock.
Certificates of Deposit Issued payable -
able In 3 , 0 and 12 months , bearing
interestoron demand without In-
Advances made to customers on
approved securities at market rate
of Intorost.
The interests of Customers are
closely guarded and every facility
compatlblo with princlpios of
sound banking freely oxtondod.
Draw slghtdrafts on Englandlro'
land , Scotlarfd , and all parts of Eu-
Soil European Passao Tickets.
Collections Pi'ompf/j. Made.
0. F DAVIS & CO. ,
( succussoits TO DAVIS & SNYIEIL )
( iciieral Dialers In
1505 FA1lNAMST , . . o3ithfA.
Ilasu forcalo 200,000 acres carefully selected lands
in Ea'Itcrrl Nebraska , at 1(1W 1)rl'u anil on cay terms.
hinprivcti farilil for sale Iii loilglas , liolge , Colfax ,
Platte , Burt , clImIlirIg , SariyVashIlIIgtII , Merlclc ,
Sailmilers , 1(11(1 ilutler Counties.
'laxes hold iii nil harts of thu Elate.
Motley liariel Oh lmnprovel tarIs.
l'ublic Always III othlco. Corresponilcuco
For luvyimit a special ta for the contriictloii tImid re.
rair of iieulks.
Ba It oriiaiiieI by the City Council of the City' of
Oniahia :
8,5.-noN , I , That the several iilIfl'I cet olloslte to
, the folloIng ( le'.erlbclt ) rriiiises , to.Ilt :
H. ft. & J. II. I'oloii , , iortii umiehalf lot 5 , hIck
(8. Omaha , 816.31.
.luqtiu Van ( Irillail , wct 100 feet lot 2 , hick 70 ,
Omijalia , 89.52.
- Lot.ii 0 , 0 aiil 7 , block 70 , omaha ,
.loiii MiIrtIIgii , lot 7 , block 71 , Omnatia , $ l6.6 ,
, , 11 Eutton , cast 22 feet lot s , block 71thnahia ,
85 emit.
II. Ii. & .1. II , I'oI..imn , lot 2 , block 1'O 1 Jiialia' , l .10.
lark A , itlre s , lot I , liuck PU , ( ) iiialii : , 5.Wi.
Al lii Saunlers , ii (16 ( feet it 1 , block 10 1 ,
: $25.10.
I 1 I I. Ifarri , lOt :1 : , ihick Ill , ( liiiaba , $ i. 10.
Jcnnic llekiiicorm ) , tuortli tvu.thilrd lot 4 , lIock 01 ,
, Ommialia , $11.00.
ii. H. Callucli , lot 7 , block 91 , Oneilm , $ l..2l.
( . 8. 1 I lggIii , % est oie.tliirti , lot Ii , thick 1112 , tiiiia
us , $7.07.
Cuss. i. I'e , kilO , cast twiithird It t , bI , d I 21 ,
$17. (2.
Lizzie C. ( IL'rC'r , lot 8 , lInde 150 , Oiijialia , $1. 0 $ .
1101)11 riiiie. .lioics , lot 5 , block I ( ii , 0 ) iiials , ,
11 , Ii , W'eIth , , et ci. , lot I , liock 165Oialia$3l.l' , , ' ,
J. I I. leahoip , south t I'o.tiiIrd5 lot 5 , lilock 1711 ,
Omaha , 81 0.-li.
Oci , . U , SI erIch , lot I ilodc 2 iS , ( liiiala , , $5.25.
Arthur P. iiiiitii , Itt l , hiicIc 21 $ , ( iimiltii , , $ l. Ii.
.1 olili KeOt , lot 4 , liltiek 2II , Oiuala , , $ I 1,55.
Luther . I larnia , , , lot I , liluck 263 , OiiiatU , , 521) . lii.
C. C , I lOli'ii.l , ' 5 Cat half lot 5 , lIock 3 1 I , 0 ) iiiiiia
.1. N. I'aIner , , lot C , block Ii 12 flmnaliii , $ J5.711 ,
Ii. 11. & .1. II. lolsuiii , lot I , Liock 2111 I .2 , ( ) , m1di.i
8110. 00 ,
II. It. & J. II. lo1oim , lit 1 , 1Ioek 21 1 I2 I , ( ) iiziIia ,
* 32.00.
I : . ii. Cob , I t 9 , hlock 1 2.1 lllaril Ilare , $12.01.
Izrn : iI llllrII , lot 12 , lItirk I , lii Ills , d Il.'e , 81 $211. $
.l. .1 , SItu etligumi lot 1 $ , I'rcstoiiiIIIiiuiis' iIIl I- -
till , , , ; 7.35 ,
Iblig tile ( ' 1)4 and ciio uses. u lru ) ci lii' I tie 0 'it ) -
Council for enstructlrig 1(1111 rcaIrIiig I lie IiiiIIl icik ,
lii front ( if aiI , aIJoiiiiiig cclii IreIIIlse lip % 'IlIlu , ,
'l' . Ilaliiiger , , I ii Piirsuaiieo ( if II onitrui't ciitertii hit' '
Ii ) ' ( ho Cit ) if (1imiali , % I Itli SVliilaii , 'I' . Ilalliigcruiid ,
after the tiiluru , of 1110 nicr tiiere'if to ilo the cause
after ilimu uiitli'u. liu auji the eaiiu nyu lserIl ) ' reslirel
I , . ely ici lol 111111 lUISOs'.ell agisluiit each if , calil lots
1)815 of lots , isliti Isremislee , , Inyallu to list' ( lty 'irea
dIrer S ithsii ility ( Ii ) ) 11:1)5 : frouji tisi ditu.
hp.c , 2. ' 0 iii oriiliseicu , cliall talu effe I aol lu ii
' ( uric trIll , ) aisti aft'r its Jass. ge.
I'iisoii Jul3 17 , 15811. W. I. Il.kFll.
l'rclieit Clt Coueil.
Attest. . .1. 1. . 0 , JiVl7l'l' , City ( 'lerk.
Ailirliled .11113 Olct , : .
C. S. c1IAl , 3iay'r. '
Tisecu tilacs are miiio unit lian1Io , to Cit ) 'rreturcr
aisil Ill lecimisu IielllilltueHt Hept. 10th 1 SS3 , sIte
% 4 isirli iI.itii , I lsiiliIlt ) i1 tCII l'er'et , SI Ill lie alduI ti
gether w liii Iitorut : at thu rule . of one jer tent
unomithi 10) idle Iii udi slice , ' 1.11 L'3h A s ii i''K
5511.12 151 , city relSilrer. ;
Tllatter tif 1liiillcatl4il ill 'i'hiiis. FaicOllel fo
1 Iilllsr I , ICOiIsil.
- Notice Is hercliy gIreil that Thomas V.lciiicr iii
ulioli thu 2610 , day of June A. H. 153 , Ilie his iii
lhlcatloub to thu usisyor aol Cit ) council of ( limialsa fe
I' llcciisu to ccii iialt , ti3lirltIuOll $ 1(11(1 I luiuus illiborll ii
y N. E. cur. 14th aumsI Ikaiglas street , dril saril , Ooalii
ii Nuli. , troTh this.ltIi day of August , 3b(3 , to tiieltli iha
of No ) eiiil'er 1t.t3.
-U U there ho uio objection1 , cirioitruicu or protci
flied itlilii tie wcke ff0111 JeIy 2let It. I ) , l $
) . the call llci.'iiu.Ili hi , granted.
) f 'I'IIOMAII vAi.coIit. ;
:4 : Aiilicauit.
1 'flu ) ( ) Iuiaa lice ubewslaisor will publish ( he atoi
notIce oriel each week for two euki ci the eapeni
ref the 1,1'lIcnt. The city of Omaha is not to 1
changed there tth. I. J. 1. V. JIWwrTcIty Ckhc.
Beilloril & .SolIell
( iFillthlAhtAiSS IN
Businesi Property ,
1esidence Property
Suburban Property.
I ii l'iUfl' ii : A N lZt'N 1)1 l'ltO11)
Lands oai Omaha !
Farms in all Parts of Nebraska.
1. , 0 0 a xosnftoI.ocI
\VUICII wi : ot'i'
WITh .
Rallc of Suvr1 Thousaii crcs ,
hIEll"OItl ) ) & SOU'EIt ,
213 S. 11th Street.
Seiciel 1'roPi1aIs I ill be received by thu hustler
cigiseil , until 12 ocock ! nnoiu of Saturday , Aug. 18 , A.
1) ) . , 1883 , ( sr tlo curbing ausil giittcrlug of that IlIrt
of lath street lii the city of Onushia , fruii , alley iioutli
of liarisey itrL'et to l.ea , cuss iirtli etreet Iii iiitlil city.
Hill , . to ho lrcseist ci fsr either or all of LIsa fiiilowlisg
uuaterials , , % lC Ii raiiitc , 1Iuisestssuio asl Eansietiise.
Such 'ork to lie lIiiiO lii aecortlauicu i'Itli iIauis suit
cllL'ClllCiItll > iis ) ii tile In the ollicu . 'f ( lie Iliard of l'iib.
lIe l'orks.
llIih to mi arcounpauskil by the signature. of irs , .
l'ilSCtl etiretles is lii. iii tue ci cot of thu awarilitig
of the contract , i Ill cuter Into isond. ehitli the city
( If Ouuaha 1i tue dun ef aim tiiousaisl , dollars for the
faithful lerforiusauro ( if audi contract.
'iio Iboaril of l'uishlo V'orks reccrh Cs , the right to
reject aiiy or all bids.
Chalrniam , hoard of t'u \S'urlcs. .
aO2w 2tiiw
I , . _
I .eJ(1J4-'iI $ Jy7yj .5- F
I t- II II. 4. (
I ff-
: 'J7N4
I 2e
S1IEEttlu : :
Port Grape Wine !
tjse.i hui tb iriiselinl cisturciies for cointiiuilori
III rllOi's.
'CR1.LRN1' Foil LA III is : ,
, itNEjIlE MJED.
Speer's ' Pod Grape /ine /
I'OUR 'IAhLioh1) : ) .
I Tonic and St'onythcninq Prop-
, are uiisurpa.ceil li any other litith o s Inc. ilciii
I the lure j 111(0 ' 1 thu ( 'raie , trlililcch under hi r
S 8j'r's own PCI PIilliii ) Hli , ( 'rI'isloui , the ihirlty aisI
I gcussiliieziess are gaarniitoe'I. , 'l'lio yisiiigest chill
nih I uu-tko If Its gelisirosis qiirslltlcf , auuil thu weakest
, iuivahil use It Lu aiivaitiigu. , It I. Iartl'iilariy lause.
ileI.l to tue agtd lIbil , ieiIlitateii , , tuiil eiuit.'iI tO tlsc
I I lsrlills ihiisvuits that clfct tiiti seater i'eX , ii , Is Iii
eRry resiut a iIuie ' 1(3 ( lll' i1ltiiiJ1(1. ( .
S11ilt'S 3
; 'I1ie I' . J. siiiitity : is a slio of culierilir ( liaraccr
, sl IartakL's ( If the rid , 11iihlltiOsi of thu grape froii
hI hk'ii II Is uriade. I 'or illiritY , rkluiess , lla or an ,
. iiiudicluial It will be burnt uuiicei1tti.
3' rtslrauiili' , etanI' uunrhialieI ill ti'ls ' oiuuitry , hein
It tar superIor for lilClhiciuiiIl lU11 < Nt.
I , It Is a rurs ditilistiui from thu grape , and con
talus itcluible lulCdla1 iroiwrties.
I lisa's a delicate tiavor eluiiilar to that of the grape
hlch It is dl.tllicd , ad Is 10 great fIne
'a ataOn tirt.cisa tariIIllC $ .
Is the tliA the aignituru of ALFIII'.I ) SI'ifEIt , l'ssalc
N. H. . I. over the cork cit each bottle.
lioki b Keanird Urea k Co. , U. Parr , 5chroer
lpWfaxeiJameeYorvvth.aadJ $ , 0. IaMer.
IM1'OhtTFlltS OF1
i'ltOPltlE'rolls OF TilE FOLLO\VING
Reina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $60
to $120 per 1000.
Combination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming and
SENt ) FOlt PItlCl hAS'I' ANI ) SAMPLES' .
I i
_ _ _
LeIe I14 !
. I
Carpenters' Materials
. Boors , B1iiis , stairs , Stair RiIiii , Ba1llstor , Wiiio & Boor Frames. &c
l"Irst.clttei fsirllitiesi for tim uiiauiilfacttiro , of all , kiuidii . of Moulliiige. l'lauiimig ausl , Matchlru a apecIalty
Onters froul tile country sill be tr&iitt11 eaeeitetl.
AilIress all eomhsnluuilcntiols , to A , 5OYEtt , ProprIetor ,
Ttq Flour . Is 1555110 at Saleus , , ltirharit.ioui Cor , Nebraska , ii tue CoilIlsislotI holier Stone System. W
give EXC1.USIVh . . cole of . our hour to , oiio lirm In a place. We have opunul as branch ust 1018 CapItol Avenue
Oliuhisil. 'rito for i'ricis. Ailires either
ilIllills&OCfl % Eshiliul or Omaha , Meb.
Itl.Ett IN
Liioi' , Sash , Boors , Blllls , Shili1os , a1li
Ciii ! aiid Gob my Prices before buying esew1iere. Yards , corner 9th
niid Doinxlns , AIim 7th ii'i'l fliiiizl1is.
w. F' .
These Stoves took the proniliuun at the New 'York State Fair in , lbS ? , wheic thucy were put on actual trIal b
uxlscrle000h juilgos , , lii COIllIletitlOul with loadluig , Eatoru llrands , which are far superior to alt
Sl'eateru Utues , opccially Iii quality of Irot , Flnellakliig ' ecsnouiy In all kInds of fuel
IIaIdv.raJe !
521 South Tenth Sti'eet.
Fllysiciau & SllreoP
OlIlce over the Omimbi Netionoh Ilamik.
Ejiocial attontl.ui gheui to dlseso of the hr
anti , . liuigs. . 0111cc hours P to 11 a. lii. ; 2 to 4 and . to
H imi. liii b.ood 0
. , . , Invitc4tiio attention of the'pubhic to liii
Large and Well Selected Stock
Embracing a/i the Late Patterns in everything in the
Carpet Line ,
attillS'Oi1 Glotlis aild 'NillaO ' Shades
: cyt-t : cixi Eric
! J J3E'PwIIaEIFt : , '
k 1313 Street , - - - Omaha , Neb.