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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1883)
2't 2'L _ L L - - ' t t E TPESDAY A L GUST 7 18$3 THL DAILY BLf ---OMAIlA1 , , , E ; IE 1 111IA BBL , hrhlNied eter3 morntnr , rzctpt Sunday. The onll ) Inuday morning .ftll ) . ARra AT MAIL. One ' . . . . . . . . , ( vt lhreebfanlhs , , St : , . . , , . . tA ) One Month. Lw TIIR rr6RALT AIR , rUAI.IMIRD RVART RRDNRADAT. TRRSA NIrrAln. r One 1' car , . . . . . . . .tt O , fA MzAnntht. . . . . . . 1ne One Month . . 20 Amerk nNewsOomp + nySolelAgcnls Nowsdod .rA In the Unltal 8t + teA , NRRR1roNDRNCR A Communkcatlons relating to News and 1 IItorIAl mattcrtehonldbeAddrel.ed to the EDITOR DM Tim AR > L DraINRq/'L111 IUU All ismine Letter and Itomittaneci .hntit I : ' addreuedtoTltliHm I'url91IINO ( 'OSrANr , ONAhIA. DrAn + , t'hecks and i'ostofro nnlora to bu mAde pay , ahlo to the nnler of the eoamgw + ny. THE BEE BUBLISIIING COG , PROPSI E , fOSEWATE1 Editor. Tnh ( ICCi8OU ! ou the injnnctiOt Ruit will ho Lauded in this nuormiing. IVtrai over 150,000 Puoplo who cannot write their Owll nnnws , tlto rtelliOCratIC , majority in Kentucky iR nothing to bu surprised at. Ct'itnlhr : opinion in Vnshington is to time uTet ( that thu president will have to nliovo Ituvane Couunissioner Evans be. fore congress moots. P.ivtsn in Omaha has been put hack two uunltlls by the t'imigsters and rascals when the citizens have elected to guard their , interests std to voice their wishes. TnAr sanctimonious old fraud , Rev. Dolanlatyr , has given up politics audgo/e to preaching. The Deitvur Motledists deserve the cordial sympathies of the country. ' 7'nlt Ennua nlino is beginning to yield heavily. Poker Sehenck and Edwards Picrpoint ought to make another trip to ' Ienmdol All the English investors have mint boon bled to death yet. Tat Chinese in Sol Francisco are get , Ling even with the Dlongolhut oxtorni ° natoa L imndries have recently raised their rates from fifty to suvontylvo pcr . cent on account of the scarcity of help. V1L1dNO in the stagnant 1)0018 and grading and sowcring the streets is well enough in its mvay , but alloys , back yards and foul gutters must be cleaned if Omaha expects to escape the coning Opide1111C. BUSINEss I lee me taking a good deal of interest in the city council Nowadays. The proper time to interest ourselves in city affairs is just before election. Do. lays have proved dangerous more than once. Sr. PAur is crowing loudly over the l aasuranco of a million dollar hotel to be built by Denis Ryan , the Colorado min , n ing Millionaire. The citizens have do. natad $ ° 70,000 , towards the building and RQOfnnt of froat ai'Utree streets have * - ' 1 colt of 010 000 the . .r. - + R..l. it In tv1 t ir.eigjfrom $3oO O n fmut ant DENNIS KEARNEY has gone back to the Pacific coast. , Hie mission east was a flat failure. 1Vorkingutet refused to listen ( A ) a paid advocate of the monopolies who triedte persuade then that railroad rates ought to ho raised in order to onallo the corporations to pay liiglwr wages to their ' elnfloyca. Sensible laboring mcu had nu ttse for the foul mouthed bintherskitu old nuwlu no bonus of telling him so. SnArs in the Now York stock oeltango are hugging at $23,000. Two yearn ago " ,000 was asked and given. ' 1'hi s shriuku i8 a fair indication of the dull 11055 of speculation in stocks. Failing t ( ) fintl'ganibs" willing t ) be sheared , tln IVnll street brokers are forced to sell on their mwnbernliips in 'tltu Exchange i1 order to make bout ends hoot. Gnntb hung in stocks is very uncertain businus just about now , aid 11O oe scants ( his po50d to complain but the brokers. A KnAttutY dispatch to 'Foos Ili i ox presnos Dn behalf of the citizens of tint place great indignation that the preside rufusod to hake a speech its lie pasec through Nebraska on his way to the Ve lowstne park. Mr. Arthur is the guo of Go oral Sheridan. ' 1'le party' whim ho accolnpauies is a inilitu'y ono. Its d tails have been left enUruly in the Jaunt' of the oflicors w'hu phuulud it , nod tl presfdelt has nuithur vote nor voice h the nrz utgemonts. 'I'bis as muoh as nn y thing else accounts for the fueL that a a a1)cuchus will be heard or miutdu butwuu , ; ' Chicago mud the end of the trip. 'rain Northern Pacific railroad trill 1 cote1)noted ) and opened in Suptouber , ju ' r 10 years after the financial disaster tthi r ! o overtook the enterprise in 1813 , a t which preeipkbttud the lung conlnlorci : , duprosgion. 1Vhun the conpny ) ausputl ' ed in 1873 it had 450 miles constructed 1lliuuesobt and Dakota , and 105 in 11'na mgton 1'orritory. 'I'le road thheit col plutud in Suptatubor will I)0 nearly 2O ( miles long upon its main line and able . . 000 upon its branches. Thu colubrath of the completion of this now channel trade between the OCCAUS tvill ttl ; .u a place near the Mullen tulntel on tl western sIopu of the Mucky mountains ' ' Dfontana September 8 and 'will ho mitten ell by a largo patty of invited guest including leading stocklloldera fro Europa , all time living uxprusidunta the road , and many frieutls of time cute , priac and journaliats , President Villa will drive tie last spiku and William Evart8 will make at address. There Some oxloctatLun that 1Ir ! , Arthur w be tlwro. Thu Northern Pacific par ' will leave Now York August 20 and through to Portland , 0. , after the oe P lotion of the road ) and return the as way , taking about a month in all. laSs . . r..r.- . . 1'IRIITI.1JTJF1 S7"R.fl Mr , Silvers , of himcoln , is doing the public n service by opposing the job by which 1V. 11. B. Stott secured the capi fns contract on n bid of $11,000 , higher than that of the lowest respominblo bid , tier , lie has applied to the supreme court for au injunction against the sign. big of the contract and has engaged Jamcs 1V. Savage , of this city , to present his lido of time case which after all Is time side of time people against Limo jabbers and robbers who arc lining their pockets ham Lincoln , at time expemise of the tax payers of this state , Mr. Silvers is an well-known amt a respectable spectable citizen vhf Lincoln , No one trim , ham over land business relations with ( mina , doubts iris ability to porfonn his contract. Ilis bid for the completion of time capital wits in strict comimpilanco with time termns of time law. It , was accon puttied by a bond to which no oxcoptinn WM or could be taken. As the lOWeSt responsible bidder , the state board of lauds mind buildings were 1)otumd by every principlu of correct busi- floss amid equity to grant Linn Limo com tract. No reasonable man believes that tlmoaward was nando t ) dlr. Stout with a view to anything.but private interests. It remains to ho soon whether time supromno bench will rise saporior to time mnlarious atmosphere of Lincolam. 'rho case is purely 0110 of equity. It is doubtful - ful whether evemi under a distorted construction - struction of a' law , especially drafted to mnko competition difficult if miot nnpossi bhe , the boarl had am equitable right to permit time state to be swindled out of $114100 , ovum though it was not expressly stained that Limo contract was to be lot to Limo lowest bidder , A decant regard for every , public imiterest presumirod an eeoiontical , letting of the contract. Otherwise the advortisetnant for bids would have boots a immure shunt and the award a summsoless mockery , It is duo tie less to Mr. Silver himself Qum to time taxpnyers of Nebraska , tlmat a full presentinomt of the case should be mitde amid an early decision arrived at. Th1E civil service reformers lmavo hoot hollimig a convention at Newport iii which George Willians ( "trtis was Limo principitl speaker , Mr. Curtiskoents to have joined time Arthur converts if time following Ian. guagu referring to time attitude of time president to time reform nlovontent mroans auythimig : "During the year time attitude of time national executive toward reform has been upon tutu whole , and notiwitlm standing certain inconsistencies of conduct - duct , ono of jrieldly observation. Thu efliciency of tAo Pendleton bill depended at time bcgkunin6 wholly upon tlmu good faith of thu president. Ilmd he desired to discredit autd to defeat its purpumiu Ito had only to mippoimit au unfriendly cont. mission , Rut the selection its the fret named counnissioner of one of time ablest , sincerest and most do. voted frieuls of reform , Dormmui 13. Eaton , of New York , and time association Wttlt Linn of Dr. Gregory , of Illinois , nd Jud o'rhonnn , of Ohio , Ch1mikVUCa1'I1CSt , , ice to givu time refori i sMrFf ftti , ; .kp ums is the utore sigmmfcant because thu presi dent's previous course amid his faith in the spoils aysteltt as casuntini to eflectibo party orgauizatiou Imd excited great up- pr lionsion that ho would use his vast pittronngwjn a nnanmier to conftsn and aggravate time evils of tlmt system. But this npprohemsiomi has not b0ou justified. in certain instmices , indeed , and es pecially in time removal of time late naval otlicur of Nuw York , one of the most efliciamt and oxpuriemcad ollices in time public service , there was a Ilmgratt dmsru- gard of time essential prineiples of rofurnm. limit time ingeliols tiuuufor in which this disregard was veiled in nn mliarant ) do- I sire to promotu time interests of reform lvlis iii itself w'kduucu of time prusidunt'a n cnnsckonsmmess of Lie publiu expectation . that tried avid capable officers shall nets s bo runnoved wider the plait of the expirt- . tion of tlwkr tarns , But on time otltu r hams , the presidu11t's steady refusal to satisfy time faction of hka par ty which duuuumis that tin u t pubhe'patranage shall be prostituted to I mt fnational interest , is maost honornblo ti ti ate chief nmitgkstnttu , timid w'hmtcver oxeel 1 I ; Ion lima ) bu justly talcum to nuumy fucks , ) at ito udnminiatrittiou hl regard to tippoimm t ii t tents and renot'als , it { yIll not budonie o by fair uton of ui'ory party timitt it pies s dent , Whose accession by muss of a mot mu tnagieul uvunt , w ats genuntlly regarded a ii a serious Immisfurtulle , if not calanmity , hl not only allayed all nppruhunsion 'of ye e gross Itmisusu of Limo plttrnnngu of the go mm ueilnuait , but by Imis pnoifie ami tomimpu mite aulmimitmistrati0n huts gained the goner : npproval of time country. " 10 st 'pImR ol1Icu IIIukurs mire non' miutkiug f ( chi time Yullowsteltu 1'iu Ic its fast assteau as i stage will carry tlmen , d' Tlcr Ohio dcumocntts am'u buguuung iii strongly suspucttlutt .fudge Iloudly h Im. kicked over time pnikticnl bucket of mi In' iu that slatq , stud tlmumo is notch disati 0 faction oxim cssed os'ue thu outlook whi ut a uiadh ago toms su brillkaut for dent /ii cratiu auceess , In time first place , Chia of nuy Fistem' , , svhrso eye is steadily rivott c ) of thu 1'0ndluton succussiomi , is forcing le vigorous camuptiiglt , and is making in thorough canvass of every county' with d' lmgmIi7ation that is a lutittod to be sure s , itr to timid of time bourbon couummtto ai 'l'ime uttlamwn Fonmkor has blossonrod o of like tutu rose , as a full blown anti catist ratmnp orator , amid is hauling Judge Hat tl ley's roard over time coals iii time livulit' DI , sort of a manor , while tilt speuelmes is lie judge have lost him votes in eve ill section of the state , To cap the chinas ty comes the story' of the purchased nomnl go Lion , which has placed tie democracy m the dofemtaivu , amid which is generally b mo liovod , It requires a very largo tntc S soopo to see time 20,000democnmtiotnaj o ity in Ohio , which we were promised less than two mminths ago. TimItn is setup senseless talk that the defeat of Chandler iu New Ilunpshire , w as a repudiaf ion of time administration , 'lime ' result wouitl Ima e boat the mistime if Dir , Cllandlor hind not beets a cabinet officer , 'Thoro teas no pretoflso that Lima navy department or time executive depart. nment or any other tlopartment was attempting - tempting to iulluonco time canvass , Dr , Clmamnblor fell omm his record and on leis mierits , New Ilampslmire republicans repudiated - pudiated loin for precisely time astute resaons that tlmoy repudiated Rollins. They were tired of time rule of political bosses , Both hind boasted lee freely of timeir propriutorslmip of rcpublicanism in the ( lranilo state , Rollins hind been for years a notorious tool of tutu Pacific railroads - roads tied Chandler had beem equally notorious - torious its a politicnlhuckatoramid thimble rggnr. Time reptmblicuus of Now hump. shire showed their good sense in repudi- ntiug both , limit time question : of an ei- dorsumunt , or of arepudintiom of Lima nil , ministratinu was not at any time involved in the canvass. 'Cal : Sioux Falls granite fn Chicago Memos to he giving good satisfaction , 'I'me ! Chicago Ilrrulrl says : No better sanitary work hiss ever done ku any large city than tlmat whkclm is now going forward nnler lima eye of time do- partmimunt of public works m paving the streets in time business center of Chicago mvitlm granite blocics. Tlmoro can ho no "more ellectivo ally to malarial disease that soft , spongy pavoumonts in tluo busy portion of n city. ' 1'Ifoy absorb till time moist dul'louont ' that falls upon a street. 7'Imis is givumi forth again in vapor or in dust as time street. , is watered , and dries in the sun. lam wlateyer fora it rises to the nostrila old is tnkeu into time systeu , phymiicians tell us it is equally obnoxious , Two years ago , when the Iferald begot time ngltatiomi for stoimo paveuuemts in the business streets of Chicago , it laid especial stress upon the ldmasu of their superiority over any material subject to decay. Their durability nrd comisequont cheapness ms as imisistcd on , amid time result is time gratifying sight of perDnotamt gram- itu pavements going down on SVashung- tan , ltomdolph , timid other heavy tmfie streets. So fur as time llcralrl is informed - formed time work is being earufully' done , and each of time streets , as completed , will undoubtedly servo to eoufrm and advertise time ndvamtages of stone pa'o moots. The Cry of Lime Bosses. A1.utoN , Boone Co , , Nab. , Aug. 3. To the Efturof the uric. I leave got throughfor time present murdering - dering weeds and I have got time to tlmink , amid I think it is about tuna that the mmn- ngers of the trunk roads got together to tleteruimie how' numclm of a raise its rates time blmsirless will Dear. I also tlmittk that it is abort tine unit time republican lOSSLS got together , if they have not alb ready done so , to agree on time kind of twnddlo mid talloy to be used this fall. Last fall Loran Clark and his crowd said tit the difiore nt school house meotiugs nvlmiclt time ) attended that they were time 'true ' auti mitonopolists , they sat 'n r God aako , s m k fi Tmnr'piri4. , T er rijrhiu yuil , Duty we commmtd you to stick to your party , " 'shay said that the ropub licau party had stet and grappled miuc- ceasiully in time past with every issue which Imd presented itself amid would (10 the saline in time future tlnd after the legislature Adjourned without doing any , thing they cause houiu and said that they could net , because time amities herded by thlat danued llosewater prevcntcd them by blocknding legislutiou. Now t lie re- publieaus , if 1 ronember right , had same sevettylmix votes in the two hou5ttS agnittst time democrats and mnti'a lift ) . votes All told , six , or hIfty-eiglmt ' 1'Ime rupublicamts hind enough totes to elect Lime nine of their choice speaker. They hind enough votes to elect that sweet scented coot , from Fullerton , clerk , ( Intl Slaughtur , tlmu man w'ho imi vantO(1 it 110w systutn of nuatheuuttics , and they elected time mitan of thesr ehoice United States senator , and they cud time ) would have elected a denmocrat before tilt ) would have allowed an antt to 1)0 elected , 1Vo all know they would have elected a demuocrat or time devil before an anti , evils tltouglt lie bud boot it life-long rupuhlicai , and one of time dufendeu o f little Round Top , time Thornopy tau o f Autoricamm history.Ve had conatdernbl t funwoantis , , after time senatorial election , 1 about time way Clark ptdlod his strimlg std kept ha iug Iltirrls amid 'Vlmonmsol I ) jump into fmmit mimic bunt and thou nn otlmerul time suuittorial race , but fitiliu f to , get then iimto Dutnderson's boat tumti after ho hind got it full crew. Scum u d the buys in A1bnn fairly groaned limey hoard tlmt Dltindui'nuu u'us clectet I inatcad of Dlillarl or Chink , it 'I. \VmI.ICINAoN , t3' ( One of time ntggedasscs. ) is Cuban folios at Saratoga. a Nuw Perk World , y. 'l'luu nmakdoms dress becouuingly in high silks amid ennWy swiss iilmd hltitterilmt 1'Ib r 1)1)119 ) , and thuch' little feet are hiddeum ii ml mast einboyttuly embroidered slip items front Ihivanu. 'l'imuy ' appreciate , i is snail , time harudess samsation they hat' w atusud amid are alertly tngive ft fuli dres hop in which they trill favor thuirguest u witimsonme miative Cul nn thmmccs , 'l'lmuso Cuban fmitilics aerive here cm'1 ) itt ; duly , lutviumk couiu directly , from thoi to isklnd home , 'I'hoy are usually very rid itsamid ate pltimiteie , tabteen : merchants an ( its ofussiomiul own , Of into years time ik tnave beau cunt l doinib of hard times , bu s it is tlotkcud that thud ammo still as feoe iuu chi r,9 gummerous with tlme11' tiltnroy as itny alas hoax. o 'l'ime dark uy'ctl bemuities , nod , indeed I' ' time Wholu Cubam pupalntiolt , mitingl ed umitlmitsimtstieall iu the life and gaiety a time plncu , 'I he appenrnnee of tutu emu I ma fauuiliar oil time streets of 'New 1'or a with their I sauna lmida , swath ) con mit lduximina nml mrhitu liuom suits , r Imi Septuubor these diunauls with mkt o , niglmt oyca , thu ulotlmum anal fathers t ; ; t childret , all go book to New fork , whom it ) thu ) ' atop for a mouth , and thou rusmi that yourey houtewards. During th d period time ) ' era t uty' liberal in their pu st clusus , mid return to their humus meld of lndom witim pi'cacuta for frionda , Sono ( these are purehisud at Saratoga , amid tl r " smnnmur ahopkoupora hero receive minim r , nmclm needed patrouagu. Ibut tiicsa In n smiles help time tradeemou out. , bon Hood's Sam aimrklls givee an apputit e and intparta now life fwd energy to all U : ro funetiou of time bod1' . T4' a bottle mum ; r aline it I'E1tONADITIIS. Ueminfmi ICearnoy will auuttnor at the gas works , . exton.l'endleton I + said to he nu occasional victim of time gnat , The l'rhtce ofS'alcl h reported to be an expert banjo player , Annie Bcsant , Una frce thinker , is to air her views iii America thus sIIIII1nor , William K , Vanderbilt fimirls it necessary to keep a stable of twenty horses tit Newport Queen Victoria is four feet eight inches high. l'rinco Albert was fifteen inches taller Steele Mitckay a author of "Hazel Kirke , " Is inventing a chnjr for theatres and railway cars , Mr , Burt , of Hartford , hating been mildly' struck by lightning , says it feels like a blow its the back , Bonanza Mackey was fnod $20 mud cots for concealing cigars front the customs officials at Dover , 15mglnml. General yhcrmatl goes calmly before the camera , ] lancock looks gritu , Vanderbilt mmniles , and Gouid looks sad , Oscar Wilde thinks "itmust be glorinns to die in time Niagara rSPIds , " All right , Oscar. Buy your ticket. 'lime rapids are st 11 them , % . F. Duller , n pair newsdealer of ] 'star , sou , N .T. , ha' this death of relatives in Now York , has faflmm heir to an estate of 43,0,000. Edison says lie shan't "go scar a laboratory or de nil ) ' more invcntimi" for a year. " 'r his will give the patent oltice a clmnco to catch tip. O'lnnovnmt ' Jlossa sat ill his ahirt sleeves while diseusalng tvlth friends time Nhouting of Carey. When ho put emi his coat his valuuhle gold watch owl guile. 'rmurlnw 1Yeed was nu inveterate smoker , occasiooally took n chow , and taco in a while it ditch of snnf , hut homer used tobacco iunmy otter loon. the oftou spoke of the plant as a snore lopmlar weed than lounself. Frederick tlobkard , n Neu' Yorlc 'fhlyd avenue cigar dealer will petitimm Elmo legislattro to permit iii iii t o rlmmigo his nano. Sonmo of the eneoiei of I.ily'n rreddtu are said to ho egging on the cigar dealer , Editim Twcntyman , a bar-maid tit the Nelson - son wino vaults , Keswick , k claimed t" be the haulsormieat wommi in Emigmamd , and her good soave iH agual to her beauty. She has no idea of posing av a profegsinnal nr taking to the stage. Taming , who utaoages time mmt ) intcrests ijm Europe , reutaitta its dress a Cldnese nohlumiami wearing shoes with w'lmito soles , n violent tunic , a yullur waistcoat And A fur cap with three fox tails attached , lie huts one wife umly , Dr. DcCoxli , of l'rincctnu , is one of the lions at Mt , Desert. 'l'Ie old gentleman comes in oftmi late to tea witlm llls hands full of wild flottorx gathered on sonme wayside path , Ills Lair Is ( limits white , hat mh dark , line eye. me bright with kindly , plcammt light. Time Iuke of Narlborough imnv left everything - thing that lie could leave in his milli to hats younger surd favorite sun , Lord Ilandolph Churchill , Tito entitled estates , time uationnl pension , anti certain Ieirloomsg" , of course , to Illnndfonl , Time will was read pd' vatoly. A remarkable scarf in hiss been built for the king of Simu. Time central atone is omen amid a lslE inches in diuumeter , amid is encircled by a ruby , an eeernld , n sr pphiro and five other stones , it iv believed that thno Icing Is weary of royalty and is preparing to take a foreign tour disguised as a hotel clerk , ' Vhetm T. It. Venter , tit Iiuntington , l'a. , Hatsa atomme tom large for hinm to move on time railroad track hoar life mono , and hoard the roar of nn approaching passcn er train ho wont crazy With excitement , lieu succeeded , lmosvvcr , mi stop ling the train , limit with not a foot to Nlmro. 'this was tbreo mouths ago. Ito lost his mind through the act , amid lams just dmOl a rating maniac. hiss Ada Parker is a girl of 19 , who lives Ou m certain plnumtatiua two miles from DTon- run , Lit , For the htst heir years she has land foil chugu ; of the plnco , upon whtelt her widowed mother , Niter mind two yuun cr hrothenr reside , supporting thorn nil by her induatry. She is her owum overseer , supervising - vising all work dumiebm person , and no hruwny sou of Ceres kmiow's better how t" raise a crop. It is said that the czar of Russia lots become - come a partial conert to the faith of ntodetn spirituamismim. At aicance time other night a spirit claimin p to id that of a oucqprominent miihillst pl , pem'auce , but tutu czar was dmibmot ton , titoded pruof.'I'IN cabinet : T { ' lulgaitq tf38 T ' . threwflgu.t1 rgyaA a _ ' u'xpro v ,' and hhnmsolf a r . " ( Inv. d l t s'cr stout cor tmleut' one of his eyelids drops low ue to nearlyhkle time eye ; his milntiois are slufgisht and appnr edl'irresohneand ; with sus physique it is hand to assuciatu time cerymy , mmpotuosity , courage , andacitiy , and oxeettmvu ability which lair lie displays. ' That is the ] lev. lroneus PaieN neturt of Imllmm , as mmde while viewing Lim at the Williams college couunencemnent. Dl r. Prints doa + not adumro his mimaunx of spsaking , bat says of the matter : "Every ox- passion , whoa it did txnne , was front a cata- pnlt , mel it struck the mark with precisinu amid force. " _ , tuxtin 1".1'ilce. Time somttor just elected in Now Ilmnp shir'u , Anstili I' ' . Pike , of Franklin , is a wcll prese'vcd mmt of (15 ( , mm lawyer , mks mint honest nun. his 11utku u ) ronniuds ono of Senator Eduruuds nltbiom"h his lair is still hardly tinged with grimy and sus bcmrd : is black. But he has time tall , stooping figure awl tie scholarly face which d'stiugukslmes the Vermont seta- tor , Mr. Pike huts always beet a good party min , but wits never accused of nay "umachine" tunderoies. As long ago as 18,1051 , and ' 52 he was in time legislm ttmre , to which he maws returned in 1875 i ; , iu bnW of svlticlt years ho was speaker , ht 1857-a lie worms a member of time state suuatu , mud time litat year there ho mvmts presidint ohlicor. After' his turn of speaker tf tliu house , le wits for tbreo years cl urumiui of the rupublicum state comumitt u , mud in 1883 wits elected to cor 'mss fromm time 2ltlm dos tract. , Vlmol time timn of ru ulectk mmi f canto It was counted out As part of I tie iuf ous 1leston steal of time state l demmpera , ie 5th that y' m' 1u time buavy mvard , f 11lanehester , time polls wore kept open + til after time retu'ns from time rest of lhu district we10 ii , mud at tut early hhar time uuxt nmo ninr thmt ward trims nude to give duumoertttc majority L omuglyt. ) ovorco me Dlr. Pike's lend , Time gcler'nr esaimeli huts certificate to t Mr. Ik'l in the fticu of these facts , Mr. I'iku huts it large litmv pitetic0 and ban act - t enmtdit 'd at lmumdsune forhue , 110th t hu amid r , ] hmrns uuu self cdueatecl umun , a Spent Fifty Dollars. Jim duct m , for rlmummatisut bolero I tried 7'dovGt lrrh'1C flit , Used a ! ' 4J-cunt bottle of ' thin tie be , amd got ant in ono weals. For r burn n s lraium it is excellent , Jns , Dur- Imambrolie N Y. m hum , ' .r d Q I'rnlt In Nuuunrr. t ltritialmlediaai Juurnnl , ' I Liglt css imi time first essential alike iii a time fro and drink taken tit Wam'm wcnth- er. ' 1't ru is that loss work to be done , less w a A of tissue , less need of time pru ulusclwfornmmmia anti hottt , o euniuctm y pro If ducimg mbstauces moat mid broad ; mull ( fruit , rkioth being pulatatblo amid eimskly k'obtninrlo , is nulelm air usu. Ito adtawt- I. , twos 'b that it provmlos ( a sonsonable cllamgt diet , laglmt and Whmolesonlu if 1. w ult clhd , amml a palatable tonic and if atimlml t of digestiot with aperkoit pr- e cities. Thuro art few who cannot uim oy iu it in ftiymui nm'inmpthor. 1' or diabetics , of is time vim' lout desirable kinds , its curtain r nuts fd mdutonda , are available all othorata containing subar , bang forbid- I , f dun , tillururs from acid dyapepsiu trust It auluctirefully and hmkt their consuutp. mo lion blue least krktmtkon-a few strav. iie iiu or a tow grapes , Diarrhea amid dyeon'y preclude time use of all fruit , On Um thor Maud , for couatipatoll per , oti11ee the o111Y rulanblt o , sous is Boni , u reumet' ' which they cats list continuously it iralse of benefit in roust d with ttlfort ; ; dlaeai ( by its aeUou ou the iowul , i SPECULATIONS. "Good morning , Ur , tLnteday , ! " "Yes , flue day. ' "Think it'll rain to darr' "t'ell , hardly think It will nin today ; still It may ; hope not. " " 1105113' do , sir , C. , meld , isn't Itt" "well , yes , 1 iilouldmy Itwnr cold , " Mate aOmo An01r i reclton ? ' "Wouldn't under tit all ; still It doeamit look tike " snow : "Ildto 1. , going to get a freeze , chY"'No think not ; U Iiis going to hlon' up n thaw , ' lucre's where you'ro wrong , I tell 3011 Ita gohg to freeze. 'rho shore are some of time empty whlns and qeo , ulatlon , an often en the tonvee { of the peoPlc. gnes tiom of vital importa0ca and wldeh they are Intl , umatclyconcenmediuclm as health , moles of living , and treatment of disease , are passed mgrn little , If at all. Itow touch more aerislblo would to a query aay Ilke this : "Wclibfr , ll. , 1105 Is Sour case of dyspep + la cony Ing on ? ilate you found a remedy for Its' Or Ilk this : "Slyltverandkidneya nag In their work. Is there amedicinethat illl a + + ist them 1r meeting na- turo'a requlrenuonlar' If Mr. It , or time other party aecoltal had u + cti nurdock illrwl illttera he world reply : "Yes , i have found n remedy true andgoalone that has tnorlt and Is honest. " ict usoddthat time rcputatinn of flnnlnck Afoot mutters Is fronded tgwn the solid floor of Pact , nallcd domain and clhuehed h3' sincere Consletlon For all disorders arlsIng froua or assoctated uilh the blond and stomach , lids miiodlcinoia peculiarly adapted , mud ghcs uaarying satlsfnctlon. Atonic persons generally take it troll , amid feel the hettur fur its digestive Pro Pert . Those in uornlal hcultla almnost any ripe fruit , 'imo 1)1511(1 varieties are most wholesome timid miutritious-straw- berries , ; ttiqles , pears , grapes , and gooseberries. The last named , however , with eurrnnts mid i'aspburries , are less wholesome thine time ( ithera. Stone fruits are apt to disagree with' time stout- nela , but time more watery , as peaeimes amid large pltuns , time mutter tmau time smaller and drier , as apricots amid danmsats. Time pulp of ormugcs : rmtders theta heavy. Aluong other foreign fruits , bauanns are wholesomo. 1)ried fruits , amid tire skin of fruits in general , are imlil estible. Nuts , the edible 1)51t of which i is really the seed , coutaims much albunwn amid some fat iii a comdemised forum , and are particularly diilicult of digestion. Fruit piny be taken with a ideal oren on aim empty stoltmachm. Iii time former case it promuotos digestion by its gently irritating eflect on time Dulcous nleubr ; mo of time stonancli amid intestine. If mot aperient effect be desired it land better be taken in time morning before breakfast or betms'eon mreabs. A succulent and pleats. aptly acid variety is best for both of these purposes , wlmile it is also a food. Time quality of fruit which should be taken do loads on the kind. If it belmnr to the bland nutritious class , a 1mealtlm ) person may raw amid them partake of it as freelyy as of any other wholesome food ; but lie will gain most benefit if ho take only a little , and takuitregularly.Times.uneniay be said of time invalidwit'nwhom fruitagrees Cooking removes pinch of the acidity front crude fruit amid renders it ligimtor as well as store palatable. So treated , it is productive of good and no smarm ; but it ms a fundauneital principle that whatnver fruit is eaten uncooked must be fully ripe , amid not overripe. This may sound ' 'trite , and , indeed , time principle is commonly - monly admitted ; but not , it would seemmi , by all , for w0 still fall people , and not ti few , who will titenlselves deliberately take , amid worse , mvill give to their children - dren green gooseberries , green apples , &c. , time very , harmless of wimiclm , apart free their acid ptnmgcncy , suggest their unfitness for digestion. Stroh p00- plo use as food an acid irritant poison , whose necessary action is to cause excessive intestinal secretion , with more or less of iulammntion. Hence arises diarrlmua : On the other Band , fruit , which is overripe , in which fernat- tation has begun , is a frequent cause of thisdisorder , amid equally to be avoided , nifdlperhnps also ntoro ditliqult to avoid because the imsidiotms beeimiuing of decay is not easily recognized. It should never be forgotten by any who imclinc to follow time season in their feeding , that time want of such precautions as time above may produce that dysiuter'ic form of diarrlmaa , 'British cholera , " whiclm is occasionally as rapidly fatal as time amore dreaded Asiatic type of timat disease. _ Very Wolf limit. 1Vhy de we defer till tuanorrow what we ahnultl du ( ? } Visy do we neglect a cough till it thruivs us into commsumnptiomu , and con- IAIdIS brings its to time grave ? I)1t.Vit . [ 1LU SADI is immure to Cairo if taken i5 awasmi. It laws never beat kneWmi t" full. Use it thommugldy itccordmng to directions , Perse tore till the digcase is comaluered , as it is cer- tats to bo , wren if it aholdll require a dozen bottles. 1'1meru is no better medicine for Pun mouary disorders. Sold everywhere , STILL SMOUIdEIUNG. Burning OII Still 1'erlunlimi , time Bus , . hness Center of Lincoln , Time eorgpr of Ebovontlm and 0 streets , in LiueobP , whore the heavy fire occurred a week ago , is a desolate spot , still burn. ing and smoking a little. The different oils stored imi Leighton & Brown's whole. sale drug store have been inextinguishable - ble , mud have scented up that locality with their vitrious odors , time unmoko blowing - ing mostly into time Commercial hotel. Dir. Iutholl ; who w as in California at the tines , Cain consider himself fortunate thiat the hotel did not bunt ' 1'he row of stores opposite time fire sutl'ored unmeim danuta"up but lmn'o been me Iaiuted amid time window glmss reset. DIr. Ii. 1V. Brown , of time first Leighton amid liromrl , nrrim'od in Lincoln with his info amid dummhtcr Sattmday night fromn near .tugasta , Dfmtiuu , wlieeu hu hind been visiting his fatlmcr a family. 't peculiar 'fact is celuocted with thus atataueut. Six yours ago the retail drug store of Luightom amid Brown was burned in Limi cola and Dlr. Brou'm was visiting in time samme 1)1000 and received it tolugmni umiuomteitmg time disaster emi 1ouday , time same tiny mold the sane season of time yulr : that hu dial this time , DG' , Brown loarnud no pnrtiatbtrs of the evaut until within a hmundred miles of honmu , His wife wits prostrated b ) time news and time long j ) urnuy. ' u 1 ' lmi t t 'r f t , { . . r i' ' C t RAN - GREAT REM C ES Rhcumatlsm , oRuralgla , Sciatica , Lumbago , SAckache , Headache , Toothache , Not-cTlsroallnetilu . Nprnlu.Jerahse. , Here' . . Nea/d. , rru.A Rile. . AAe mu. UTDIS UUaiLT rand AAU 111111 e.1e l ) D..L.T. . ) 'tmir Cwaaktl. . Itsau.u I. mm Loewe. . o..amt.aTWatai's 1'T4ms4SSir,4A. . 1 . . N , WESTE ANN & CO. ' I3iPOitTFRS Or III China an G1as , 608 WASH/MGT ON AVENUE AND 609 ST STREET St. Louis , , mryo , m74Sm Diy Goods ! 7 CO. , Washington Avenue and ElIth Street , - - - ST LOUIS MO , STEELS JOHNSON & C ® . Wholesale Grocers ! I AND JOflfll itS IN FLOUR ! SALT , SUGAR1 CANNED GOOJI. ND ALL GROCERS' ' SUPPLIES A FULL LINE OF THE BEST BRANDS OF Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco. t. h . AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO j J. , A. ' WAKEFIELD f LWIIOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN LuMber , Lath , Sha1es , PicKets , SASH DOORS BLINDS MOULDINGS LIME , CEMENT PLASTER , &C' . STATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB C , F. Druggist I AND DEALER 'IN Pllts , Oils , Yarilislios ifiass ( OMAHA , NEBRASKA. P ' i ' rE1' ' } p DEALERS IN 1 Hall's safe an FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFESVAULTSLOCKS&c , , , & ; 10201' t5trorst. Oi a Iizi. HENRY LEHMANN I JOBBER OF . Na11 Parer allif ! llO Shades. t EASTERN PRICES . DUPLICATED , 1118 FARNAM STREET , OMAHA NEB , M. NE LLIVIA 1CO. . , Wholesale Clothiers ! 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET COB. 13711 , OMAHA , NEBRASIC Anheuser-Busch LOL it MAR BREINGASSOCIATIoN : I t ( ; ' .r' CELEBRATED 4fr J . ; - I , , y ke and o ttled deer 'M1 r , k ; , r' This Excollur t Bocr a ) eakv for itsoll. . . 5R [ EWI . c I O1tDL1tS FROMA1 ' i ' TART or THLs ; , ; r pia. . . ' 1. , , ' g , S1A'h Olt r1IL Ltiq'IRE 1VEST / I t ou smho , , Will be Promptly Shipped , ALL OUR GOODS ARE MADE TO THE STANDARD ' ® fULr ULrGEORGE GEORGE NE J.r J.V 1L.L , G , 1 f $ olc Agent for Onmlms n.d ; the 1Vost. , 011icc Corner 13th and Ifannoy Streets. i SPECIAL NOTICETU ' Growers of Live Stock and Others , WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Our Ground Oil Cake. ' It u the Twat uud cheapest food for stock of anyy kind , One pound U equal to three Stock . fad , with Oround Oil ( kka In the lab aad Winter , Inatead of rancher down , w Iu pounds of Dora ! o tro1 , i ands ii good a u lab co dlUo p Iryupee w wau w ulhen , who use It tea ltd 1 y toe : no charge Utlt ltdsod me U wooDSltrN LiIsxiioit. WIdIAAAddrmi tta t n e I 1 .w