Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1883, Image 1

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T\ ,
: . .
. THE OMAHAlI : ! S DAILY ' BEE. ' " . .
: Rai1roa Operators Orerc to Op
the Cirdilit an Walk ,
A lii 1cfl1CttIttIuILDe1nyCt1 ( ho Onle
ft Dny-Tlie PrM1)eetofHtIcc (
. Not 'cry Clicoring at.
: I'1'CCflt.
. .
f ClncAao , August G.-Up to 1 O'Clo
this zLftwnooI1 no oporator8 on railroa (
. out ; of this eiLy had qtit their koy. .
; tim general offices of the Chicago an
Aton ! tlio statenieiit was nmdu that not
" of their Omploycs had left tip to tin
: hour , null triit of all oUi
roads having their Iicaiqtiarters in tli
city. Oflicials of all lines have appal
ontly guai1ed against rtn olnurgeitcy an
have arranged to run nil tr.'iliu by priiite
time tnb1 in case the ntjtnbcr of tue
going out 1tou1d make this necessary , a
t that no delay in the roullilig of train
will occur in any event.
NEw Yoinc , August 6.-Tlio Unite
St4ttes aenato committee of labor an
cducatioii toot this morning anti aljourzl
ed until tim 13th. They intended to be
gill ilivestigatioti itito the prcseit tale
. guipli strike , but witnesses , among wlioii
vcro John Campbell , John rtlitebcll ; Eu
gene Cotinor , and other leaders of th
atriko , could not attend owing to the ad
ditional duties devolving upoll them ii
consequence of ordering out of railroa (
OICtfltOrS , and lostIolloI1100t waa request
. ad on this account.
St Louis August 6.-The followin1
order , issued from hero last Saturday ,
foil into the haiida of the telegraph oh.
dais to-day : "To all operators am
agemita of tlto Iron Mounthimi railroad
Unless otherwise notified , all niemborm
workinc. for the Iron 11ttflt1tj1i road vil1
suspeii ? work at 110011 , at St. Louis
Tuesday , August 7th , 1883. Agcnt
should iiot refuse to 1)erforzn the duties
as agcnth , but absolutely refuse to touch
a key. Mtil mime at once a notice of youi
concurrence with this order. By orlei
. . of time oxectitiyo board of the Brother.
hood of Telegraphers of the United States
and Canada.
F Signed ] "N : . D.'iIAw , Sec'y. "
Chias. W. ilanunond , superintendent
of all railroad and telegraph liiie on time
Gould Southiwestermi system , received
front M. D. Shiaw , secret.iry , a commnuni-
- cation on b'half of operators on the Iron
? touiitaimi road , ( lommiandimig au imicreaso of
$10 pr mnolth on all salaries flow paid ;
that no salary shall be icss than $50 per
month , amid that all Sunday work shall
be comIllcjlsated. as extra service. ifr.
Hmunmuond says he will not pay any
attention to the domnands , but if the epa.
raters on the road go out to-morrow he
will man all iflijOrtaflt offices with other
' - mon and if necessary , close all minor of-
' tp11 fices along the lint of the road. Ho has
f ; ; . ' nofear but'bewjl1 bonblu to transact all
buineIf lho road . with butlittlo if any
intnrriiptioz , - I
% Vbashofficta1 ! have , no inforniation at
sirit&ng oyond , thjo
Nnw Yoin , August G.-Oflicials of the
Delaware and Lackawanna road say that
- tko order of Mr Campbell to operators
qn that roa'dto leave their 1oat to-day ,
waa not rcspuiided to by a single eimi-
, ployo.
1,4 CrnoAao , August 6.-It is veii difficult
to got any exact or definite inmormnation
i amid very easy to get any amount of rummier
, , relative to the lonr threatened strike of
t the railroad tclegralli operators. Care-
r ful inquiry at time general railroad offices
of thus city fails to bring to light a single
case in which an operator left his key to.
day in any railroad chico in this city or
vicinity , amid though it was very definitely
understood Sunday night that the
operators on the Wabash and Chicago
and Altn would be called out to-diy , the
faet that not a moan hereabouts left his
instrument gives color to time general be.
lief that the strike hasnot been actually
ordered for that timno or if ordered , that
' it waa counteriiianded. It ! S nOW surmised -
mised the order for to-day was not to
V strike to-day , but continue to
. do railroad business as usual ,
macrely refusing blm8iness for the
Western Union with time understanding
that. if the coimipammies jimsisted on sending
commflcrCial business or discharged any
OpenLthiB for refusing , time strike would
actually begin to-morrow hoon. Thim
seems to tally with the dispatihi fronm St.
LouiR. It is imow said that a bill of
grievances , uresented to time Chicago &
.Altoim , 1mM met with recognition froni
that road to time extent of
l-- t -t notice to tIme committee that tin
men who have grievances ahoult
aiPY ) individually to their division NU
permntemidemmta. Tha Br.thmorhood prot8
to luivf , information to time effect that titi
division suporintcndcnts have beemi iii
tructod to lend a kindly ear to such
complaints. Railway official are roticemi
as to whether or not they have reccivts
a bill of grievances , but ar
unanirnouB in saying that they are prepared
pared for time worst , their operator
can do and say , thioy have positiv
nBSUrUflCCS that very few of their iimo
will obey the Brotimorhmood's holiest I
case a a.trake is ordered. Tim" lirothiom
110041 mmmcmi profess to believe the North
western road is inclined to yield to tim
donmands and that there is a foam
among strikers not to hurry monItors i
that. quarter. Strikers here admnit titer
w08 a hitch somnewhioro in carrying ou
the intentiomis of the executive commnni
tee ielati'e to the railroad operator. .
strike , amid that the western mmmcmi ,
whomim time secret orders of time Brotlici
hood are confided , have made a ziiatmi1
of somimo sort , or have umistaken time ii
Time following ( liapatch was recuiv
hero this mimorimilig ( room thu assiatni
suporiimtcmideut of telegraph of ti
Vt , alash systoum III time aoutimwcst
"Sr. Louis , Atmgust ( I.'I'Ito stril
ordered emi the \Vabash road to-day w. .
( a commiplete failure. Only four mimeil wc
V out.
( Signed ) 0. c. relcissN.
'l'bis is understood to mean . .smdy fo
anon wotit out iii the ommtire systeum.
A * mEIUWH nummoit.
CJUCAiO , Augus
to-night that tue order for a strike
t operators on the Chicago & Aitoim was o
tunhlygiven to take otrect at zioomm to-Ui
and that a copy of the oflicial order , si1
ad by Master Workman Canipboil ,
1ew , York , amid Master WorkmnanMori
- - - - - -
- - -
of Chicago , will be PtlbliaIal in t ,
imiflhiug. Thu grievances are to the
fact flint the road discharged olierate
who refused to scud 'tVostcrmm Union biti
ness , netsforth time demands which I ]
Brotimerhbotl hindu 0mm tIme company , am
its refusal to conmpiy with thieui , aimd cc
cludes with iimstructioims to all mimombe
of thmo lirotlmerhiood iii its etmiphoy to qtl
work at noon Monday , August 6.
ItaieaN Copies of this order wei
mnultipllel by time electric Pen tmiat1ul
NewZ York , amid sent west. by mmmii
atmfllcmi.jnl imutmiber to be distritnmtel 01
to each operator iii time enmploy of th
coflmpaimy , that copies \verc aOIIt to Cit
cage for ( listrihitition 1111(1CC tIme Chicat
( Into of time 6th , to all operators on ii
road imurthi of liioonthiigtou , Ill. , thu
Copies Wale soul to St. Lotmia fomIiStm
btmtioii titular St. Louis timite timid witim thi
signature Local Master \Vorkiiumn , f
opeuttora on time road as far imomLht ii
Blonmmitigton. By sonic mimischmiutco , hio
over , tIme orders for Chicago (11(1 lh
arrive in time , hence the opermitom's car
tilltmel at their desks. The Brotimerhmoo
maim , however , sa to-nigImI that order
are now being distributed at the office
of the COmnpatmy in this city , that mnussen
gers have beau sent dowim time hue t
Blootimingtou distributiimg Copies , imimil tim
time strike will begin tomorrow mnoriiimm
'I'htuy chmijimi the mmmcmi aim the southmerim di
vision of the Altomi amid W7abashi struck to
imight. They also claim the \Vabasht mmmci
hero % vero notified to-night , atmil that
Dut of 16 mneim lrnro ( limit sork. 'Phi
itatcinctit caimimot be coimlirmimed at tin :
ElirOugli limialimess Aga In l'a r Itloimeti
on ;
CmucAco , August 2.-'I'ho general
reighit itgemit.s of time roads imm thu North.
vestermi Traflic associimtiomi amid , Johimi
hmir , general traflic Immanagcr of time
orthierii . Pacific railway , held a Ilieetinh
mar.11 to-tiny for the iumirnse of ovenin
mites aimmi ( liVisielis ( Jim through biisiimess
0 tIme Pacific COitSt via the rOitiiOrIi
acific , amid after fully discussing thmo
natter , time fohiowimig resolntioim % va.
dopted :
lesolvcd , That this asociatioim will
ccclt ) time samoa divisions between Clii-
ago , Tmlilwammkco amid St. Louis and points
made comnmnoim therewith , amid St. Patti ,
a freight traflic to and from Pacific coast
Quilts west of Lake Pend D'Oirille , in.
lusive , via the Northern l'aciiic railway ,
5 arc hi force via time Iowa truimk line
ssociatmomi between Chicago and Council
Ilufi's ( after deducting Omaha bridge
) hI8) ) , On I'acific coast huisiiiess , mmmi coim-
.1100 the sanie in afflict , subject o any
modilicatloim timat many be agreed 01)0mm imI
10 division botweemm Chicago amid Cotni-
1 Bluffs , resulting froiii time pclldiimg rio-
diations between the Iowa Trunk Line
; sociatjonazid time tjimiou amid time Central
icific railroads.
Mr Muir left here this ovoilimigtoJay
10 subject before Conunissiuarink ,
I secure similar action ommtltepart of
mo New--York. trunk hues an4tiimijoinf.
tocutiyo committee reqarding tlortt
1 '
uitraI Pacil1crailrdimds
mtored. iito an agreement making it
tea between St. Paul amid Portland time
mime as between Council Bluffs amid San
rancisco. Time nCceltiUmcO , therefore ,
r the eastern hues of thro 1mropositioii
oposed by Mr. i1uir will establish the
.me rates and divisloima on bimsimiess to
orthand via time Northern Pacific , no
alter where it origimiates , as are iii force
i business via the Ummiomi amid Ccmmtral
acilic t San Francisco.
- -
l'oboued by ICC Creitait.
CItAmiusToN , S. C. , August 6.-At
amndcu , Friday night , immammy persoims
irtook of the ice cream at time Baptist
murch festival , amid Saturday 59 were
Lkeim Beriously ill. One child tlied , amid
rily about two-thirds of the victims two
L.omiotimmccl out of damiger. Ammother
ispatcim states 60 were poisomied.
'waive ' persons are still in a critical Comm.
itiomi. Time dauglmter of E. B. Shiver is
lie person dead. Two negroes amid ammo
romnaim , all colored , were arrested on time
Imarge of attemptimig to poison time fanmily
f Andrew Daniel , of Spartcnburg.
} 'ires.
Yfl'cENNJs , md. , Ammgust 4.-An in.
emmdiary fire yesterday destroyed time
tave works amid staves of C. F. Monroe
Co. and lumuber beiommgiimg to Rabb &
Iaywmmrd imimd Messenger & Co. , of
immcago. Loss , $60,000
FAIrao , Dmmk. , Augmisth.-A fire at 2
m'clock this macruing destroyed the barn
) f Stanford & Co. , time saloomm of Mc.
Jauley & Garvoy , time livery stable of
Vmn. Doyle , time saloon of it. Bartoim ,
ire harness shop of 'mY. J. llildubr.umd
mmmd the Buffalo P11th' warehouse. 'I'ota
.058 $50,000. Insuramico , $17,000.
I'asi4imngOr Ittito
1C.NsAs City , August 0.-Nothing o
disturbimmg imature occurred iii railroad
circles Followimig time examnpit
of time llammnibal , other roads mire sdllmmmi
tickets to Louisville amid Imidiammapoiis a
$13 amid $12 respectively , bitt this thcj
Bay is done emily to meet time $18 rate om
St. Louis to Louisville. it is thmoughi
prolmable hurt time rates to eastern jmomnb
will be readjusted upon the braia : of thi
rate to Louisville amid limdiammajnmlis.
LJICSIO lii ( lilorigo.
0.-TIme citiz.eiim
ClmwAao , August . -
league begamm ( Inc warraitto proeeedimmh
to-day rgaimist , Jnhimm B. Drake , proriuti
of time Ui-amid I'acifio lmotel , to test tim
validity ( if time om'dimiammeo pimsacil by tim
coUmicil a few days before the state hiccmms
law wont jute elliret , liximmg time ; rico
saloomm licenses at $103 immateud of $50 (
as prescribed by time state law. 'l'his
tunic to bring time mimatter to a apCClY j
' ' thimis far lmm
silo. 'J'he snloon ieopurs
been fightiimg for delay.
'ri IIoiirI fmitiitny Liiiv.
Sr. Louis , August 6-'l'lie prsccmitit
attArrmmey issued 101 wnrraiits td-liI
agaimist those wior violated tIme Summdt
law yesterday. All wii violated time lii
the previous Summilay were reported , tm
rio wore issued in their case
Total cases reported shmos's a far mao
gomwral observamico of time law thiamm
the Sundays. lit time centi
Police district , time mmiost iixmportammt at
tion , emily 156 caseawero roportotlagalmi
256 last week , timid other districts show
correspommding faliimmg off iii time imumuli
of offenders.
Au Intoryic vith th Mcn Who Bra
nil , the Missouri Brias ,
T1it'yJImm tIme Gnmmg to ( nInTimelm C4)
1II'mi'V-TIiC tmm hunt I ( ' $ Cigmrl-
zamit ot. timi' l'tami.
KANSAS Cirv , August 6.-Time Sh
this evcmmimmg primits aim immterviuw wil
Chancy Ford , mmow tmmmder $ iO00 1)0111 )
emi time elmarge of. eomimplicity iii time BIt
Cut tra'mmm robbery , iii witicim Ito recolmmm
time history of lims commimection with (1 (
.lammmes gang , amid the mietcmtiatiomm wil
time antimomities whmiclm lemi to the killing
Jesse .lniimes. 1mrd adtmmjts larticipatiu
im ) time lilimo Cmmt robbemy , but says I
joimmed time gmumg solely to gaimm their cot
tklemmco with a view of . ) &umsc's Cillttimi
mtmml timid , hc returmmeml hits simm
tmf time pltimmder to thimi owl
era after the robbery. lie itascri
time mmogotisitiomms with time governor wer
begumm sommmo tinmu prior to this tiimme , aim
timat l'olico Cotmimmmissiommor Craig , of thi
city , kmmew of imja conmmcctiomm with tim
rebboi'y , and Ptoimliseel lie should be iIrc
tected. lie Says lila brother Bob immad
arraligemmiemits with Governor Crittemidom
Imat time governor prommmiscd theimi It re
mard if they would brimig 1mm .lessie Jaimme
-$10,000 if alive amid $10,000 if dead , ama
Lold timemmi if they wammted mmmori
mmcmi to call upomi Commmmmmissiotmor Craig o
hmeriIf 'I'inmberinke. 'J'hicso timreo of
icials , Cimarley says , nssurcl Bob thmat I :
: hicy would bring Jesse in they ( time nu
imorities ) would lrotccL theta. After thmi
liUIOmI frommi time scmitemmcu of mmmtmrder foi
dllimmg Jesse , lie amid Bob rettmrmmcd t
inmisas City , amid Craig gave tiiemmm a pail
if UmmitedStates _ pistols , sent to themmm b3
ovcrmmor Crittummdoim , aimd told timemmi
4) consider themselves ollicers amid bL
rcparetl for ammy service. Ford's stor'
8 giveim the reporter is quite ioimgthmy : I'El
ightly iiitcrcstimmg. 'I'hnm above oimtlmimc
overs the immijortammt features.
lii time iiecomler'R commrt , this nfturnoomm ,
iiarIey Pam-el was tirmeil $200 for carryimm
. revolver without Prolr nutimormty.
ornmimirrsiommcr Craig amll Chief of Police
lcer testiliemi tiiey believed such jmt.
act ii necessary to Ford since thu killing
f .Jesse , Jammmes , bLmt time recom-der held it
: msimfliciemit grounds. 'I'lme defense gave
otico of aim ahmlleal.
- - - - -
GENEIAr4 IrOttIi1UN NBv's.
MATrumis i Eoiir.
LosuoN , August O.--lmi time comimimmoims
me ummder foreign secretary saiti there
'as somno fluhiuiileisttmltlimmg lii regard to
te imattmre of the duties of ClifFord
hoyt1 1mm Egypt No aipoitmtmnermt of
ioytl limed been in . Gladatommo st4rted
me clmoicra greatly delayed the reorgamu-
mtiomm of Egypt , amid that time early with-
rirwal of British troops frormi that comm-
I WftS notlikely , ah stable gQvernmnczit
ustb stabhiahmod-in.Egypt before th
. , $ rAiISiPmiIsINO. ,
iat : ; .
. ? axtUpcc1mpi
j , '
troops 4 so otust. gatms'
a fortress. A ininist.crial order hind
; w gazetted , proclaimmiimmg a stath of
ge 1mm Estremnanieni and apjointimmg
arm. Blammco cornmnammdcr If thioforces of
at Eleven lmuimdred persomis
imied in proclaiimmiimg a rulumblic at Bad-
Lies , 400 civihiamis Jmn.vmmmg joined time
lUiery. It stated at Lisbon , that Jtuez
orilla 1mlaimmicel time risimmg. Iflmumco has
ft lifadrid with astrommg force.
The immsurgemmts carriedolf800.000
aiim the treasury. An official dispatch
ublishcd here at sevemm o'clock this ovumi-
ig says time revolt is entirely emided.
lie iimstmrgefltR have either beau arrested
I Spain or have fled into Portugal.
VOUhS semit to smmpress time revolt vere
dretl to return to Madrid. Time whole
emmimisimla is tramiqimil. Time insurgents mire
ow mmmarehmiimg to time Portuguese frontier ,
hero they will be dimmarmmmcd. A few
pammishi soldiers surrendered to time gay.
rnor of Elvas , Portugal to-day. Authoy-
y is reestablished at Bamiajowo.
CtIImAN ArrAIltil.
hAVANA , August 6.-Forty additiommal
x.insurgoimt-s , liberated fromim the fortress
i Spaimi , arrived imere.
Batik bills to time ammioumit of $20,000
rere bunted in time Spaimishm bammk time
1st mmlt. , iii ltCCOrlammCo with the law of
mmly 7 , 1882.
LONnoN , August 6.-'I'hirty thousammd
COllie were iircactmt at the imioeting 1mm
rafa1gar square to-day to lrotest , agamimat
lie exclusmomm of Bradlaugh from time
LOUSO of colmmmmiomia. itesoltmtioiis favor.
mig resistammce by Bradlaugh to tiu ursa-
late , wore adopted amid semit to time quecim
bu1stommc mind time speaker of time house.
PAnts , August ( h-.Tules Avommsshmomm
wofcsaor of organic cimotnistry , has beer
rdercd to go to Egypt aimd start air iii
eatfgatioJi of time cholera cpidommiic there
DumIuN , August 6.-Michael Dmrvitt re
eived aim ovatloim frommm time population o
Kilkee , cotiimty of Clara , yesterday. Jim i
mpeecim imo smitti , time goveriimmmorit vrm ro
luced to such weakmmcss that it could rio
rotect time life of ommo of their viles
' ' letter of President
lInus , August 6-'I'iie
dent Grovy to the pope in answer to Ii
comimimmummicatioli of his imolimiess relative t
church mmmatters iii Frammce , jimatifies tim
1ositiomm takcim by time Fremmch govormimimumi
agmtitmst time attacks of time clergy , atmil say
1rammce iota mme immtelmtiomi of mnmtkiimg tv.m
Imliomi time cittii'cii , ( iirtm'y says hme hmppe
aim ngmeeiimoimt between Imis go'orlmmmiuIl
timmil time \Trtticmmi vhil 1w urriveJ at mmmi
that both limirties Lake a stmumd tijmomi tii
loyal observance ( if commeordat ,
hANK IlIjiAY ,
IANIJON , 4tmgust 6.-'I' is icgiihmi
bammk h1Jlulny mmmiii nil excimammges mu
ImouNelNo TilS sOtlIAI.IST $ .
IIAVENNA , Italy , August (1.-Time ( cam
grass of socialists moot hero 'osterdal
'J'hie police , beimig mefused admittance I
the hail , broke dowim time doors arid di
pursed tue mmreetiimg.
Sr. I'RTRIIKmWII ( ) , August 6.-Thmu ri
at EkahiIltlOSlM' , cause by time ammimimosi
Jews were coimtimtued umi
a 'aimist the ,
te ! 3d instamit , A imiob attacked t
J0w13h1 quarters amid destroyed mmmiii
imousca amid liquor stores belonging to t
Jews , It is itow rulmorted thtt 100 p
sons were killed or woumidod during t
riot.himg in time town.
Timsi ) ArIfqLTAmI : .
NAI'LR.4 , Aimguat tl.-Achmihl wincim w
ltmfled imm time nmimui at Onasmicciohim at ti
timmme of the oarthquakotimo 28th mmli
was rescued alive IMI Saturday.
The Pope hiM decided to mna tj
nrchmbfshmop of Naples i carditmal as a mmmai
of rQcogmmmtiomm of the sorvJccs lie roimderm
to time stmlrortmrn by time earthquake ,
Nimieteomm imijimred by time di
aster , tiled iii the hospitals here durim
time lust week. Ommo hundred othmera , aim
wotmimded , vero discharged frommi time Imo
pitais cmmred.
i1AtRII ) , Atmgtmst o..rhme t'mmtbrer '
nmmumimg Spammishm trOl)8 , rcmorted 1mm 1'Om
tmgmil , occmmrred itt thmo city of Ikulajosm
citl'itttl of time province of Lime Samoa mlammmm
'I'lmo grmrrisomm Of time town nmmnmburimmg 70 (
prommouimccd for republic , time comistiti
tiomm of 185tammd ) Itimizzarilimi for lirmsmdeim
TIme troops timid imeolmie fnatorimiz , Sr
oath regitmtoimta of aoldiojmave brett chi
pmmtchmed tO ihadmijose to arm press time ri
mIcKr.RI ) i'OIIK ,
liminuN , August ( ; . -'fi Gerinaim nil
mmmirnlty have orderodmmmmmmtmders c
mmmomm.of-war to Immmut tliomrsiujmmiy of Amnem
icami Imickled pork to hiit is mmecessar
for sustcmmmimmce of crows ( frimmg time immm
sage hommmo of vessels fmmi foreigmm sbi
tiomis. Thu object of timhs order is t
rivoid time hmammmlling of til5 such pork mm
Geruman lorts. -
[ ( H Naturail I''mtlmVC4 nUll JIIm4tOm'y-
iarthmqmmmtke ( limit Ilmivo Ih.
'ra,4tatc&i' !
ew York llermiid.
Time immimabitnmmts of .Cnsmnmccioha arm
mrnmcipahiy Peasmimita wlP cultivate 'tiic
; i-ape. Time towmi Jmasii&mrly 5,000 imm
mabitammts , arid mt. is alsoiii1cim patronized
y tommrist.s amid invaiidsho go there t
mike the waters. Its bathro lzmmreiyfrc.
1miomited by stmlIrors vithihhimmig disoideri
ml skimm diseases , aiditlmere iii uI-
iays ii thmrommg of visitors at time imoteii
ichhovime armd La GraiiI8mmmtimmeiim. : 1mm
lie days of time 1tommmamtiijiiro time baths
ere 1mm bight r.eputo , armthmoir famne Imas
escemmiled to mnodurn tmnre' 1mm tIme simmim.
icr season mmivaiid ftpiinll c'oimimtries
ike time boats frommi Nijie , which rmmmm
veral timmies ii day , mtiIamhmiid at a hittie
arbor distammt about .riiiie frommm towmm
mmd hmemice rrocced on d9mrk'ybaek- Cuts-
'Uhmo towmm is time siimaltst one emi time
lammd of Iscimia , butitjlthio favorio
msort. Fiore , time Iar st1towri , huts mm
opulatiomi of 8,000'1memi comnes
ciima with 6,100 ntdCasammmiccjmrhmm
itii between 4,000 'fiO00. Time
mew jromn time immountainjs iapecialiy
tie. The scemmery is piet.ircsquo , rocky
ags timid atrcammilets amidii1isides covem-
1 with vines addjrm ttt1io natmirni
atmtyof timop1ace r t , waters of
i4opd TCk' . eai is thm&vlcano ofporneo , 2,500
at above Limo . sea. . Its first eruption
its iii 1301. There are also twelve
rather volcanoes. Time interveimimmg val-
ys arc of extraordinary fertility , 1r0-
cimmg corn , vimmo mmd frmmits in abumi-
mmmcc. The castle of Isclmia atammds on ii
ghi isolated rock of voicammic tufa arid
:1mm : March , 1881 , Casaimimeciuho was part-
destroyed by earthquake. Time shock
sled imevemi secommds. It was acconipami-
d by a noise like subterrammean thmLilider.
hmcmi canto the crash of falling imouseti ,
iimmgliimg with the shrieks of victimmis.
[ otlmcms wore foutmd aiithi infants still
iimgimig to their breasts , At time Villa
mummmmietti , two girls , lhi ( ) were playimmg
Ii a doorstep , vere struck dead by the
mllimmg mirchtitrave.rTwo hmmmmmdred hotmses
ore tlmrowmm down amid ninny qthcrs wore
ammuaged amid mmmdc 1mimiulumbitable. Time
185 of life was miot imeamly so large as omm
: i15 occa.aiomm , but immure thmami a imumidreel
mcmi , wommmmmmm amid children perished.
lout 300 1)001)10 ) were injmmreel.
'lime puimmic sIrcad thmrougi time whole is-
mud. Steamimers wore omd. froimm Naphims
ithi pimysiciamms , nurses amid mmmedicnl Bup-
lies. A detaehtniermt of mimihitary also was
rdcred to time spot timid did mmdmimirmibio
ur'iCO. Tue PoulatiJm I ad imi terror to
lie smmrroummdimig comiiitry amid alommg Limo
en coast.
It vtms first BUlposCl ti 'it time disaster
rums connected with time v rthrg eruption
f Vcsmmvimms , which occtrred two days
meforo. Bmmt l'rof. Paimmmmeri stated that
iesmnographiie itmstrumoiiitmfiiVO HO imidi-
atiomma , wheimco he was I emmett to think
Imat the catastrophic was tie to some ho
in1 jiimenoiiionoii , possibl to a aUldOIJ
iinkmrmg of time groummd thmr tmglm mmubtorrami-
iamm corrosion caused by rntinual work.
mmg of maimmeral waters , Bimortly trefom
i.e first shock of Lime ear hqm.qiko mmmitmermrl
prm were observed to be in a state ci
Another eartlmqunko a mmrred at Ciumsa
: mmiccioln iii February , 1828. As tin
norlmimmg brokoVesuvius cut forth amnoico
llmmmmto and statics , but t a sjmrimmgs 1mm tin
Jamnpagtia gave rio mmdicmmtiomms , at
they usually do , before liii
eruption. 'l'hto teimipo Lure rommmaIiie
ummchiaimged , although seven imourt
previously slight limit .imrga occurrw
Fit several imlitces itt he kimmgdonm o
Naples. Smrltltmmiy , al fiftocim mmiimmmmttm
after 10 a , rim , , timmee lou oximinmiotms ( WOn
heard cmi time coasts ( if C mimmicciola , mrs i
time ) ' cammmo ( room betmeatlm upmvnid , or fromm
timmm imitenior of tire EP : Jet ) VOictilmi ) omit
vard. Jim three 500(11111 tIme fatal tiimmliihti
tory slimick emmimme , huiyirmgm unit of time t'nvt
ill ruins toni kiiiimmt' ii mm amber of itcoimie
- - -
I 'oi IHI(11114 lii mm I fIti I i i m
'lVAHmllNiTON ( , AimgmmsLIG. -'l'imu trcumsmIm'
.lelartnicmmt itmeimi eitmt I cmnly 81 ,000t ( ) )
iii imcmmlmiomm accounts milieu time liii
of time mmiomitlm. 'Jim Second Coinji
troiler of the ' 1'reaur passed favormmbl ,
aim time cimmimmi for OiitJ ) tJ ' 5 ) ity of Cmide
Emigitmeer Arnold , rec tly discimaige
fromim time mmavy , under iw Pm ° "mmt ° tmmm
time act. of Auuat 3 18 . 'J'hiimm is tim
fmrstof these cases LL ( mU tijioli iiy tim
treasury. _ _ _ _ _ _ - -
1)eeilnes to 1)1 'mmmiig ) ,
Sr. I'AU1 , August 4) . W. W. MoNat
noinlimated for goverlmol l.y time Into tlenmm
cratie commvormtiomm , dccli s to accept ti
mmomnirmntiomm , and. his i , ccessor will 1
ciwseim by time stata c 'itrai commute
which iii not yet apoii mU.
- -
The Impor1e Maori Sinor Kllock
lip an Ocr the Rapcs.
Similivami I4ays hlitit Otmt. in Short Omh
-'lime U tout ( nmcImt Crowded-
Other Hporihmmg Niites.
Nrmw Ycioc , August 4J.-'t'imo boximi
munIch betweemm Julia l. Smmlllvmum , c
Boston , antI llerbcm't. A. Slamle , th
AInori , CaIne off thiia ovemmitig 1mm 1'IImtIIS < I
Square ( hardemi aimd rommuitci in Slual
huimmg kmmocked omit 1mm time tinmU motmtf
1lutvcumm 10,000 nmmI lti,00 ( ) l'eople ' lit )
imssuimmbkmd iii time gardeim. About 11
policemmuomi preservemi om'mier iii thu ai
dcii amid mis immammy immure ottleers were oti
side , 'I'lme peottlu flocked to time build
lug as early as ( I o'cock , two hmommms be
fore time ulmolming of tIme ilooms iii ommli
that they mmmight seeum-o good positiomu , ti
see time moatchm. No semttmmmg room , cool
[ mu Imuid in time buildimig at 8 o'clock aiim
stammdimmg roolmi wiw at a llremmmitmimi.
Time llmmtformmm wits emected 1mm tIme mmmuddl
of time buildimmg timid cii this was it rum
twemmty.four feet iii length timid lnemulmlt
Time receipts of time affair nrc thought.
lie about. 1tiO00 , of which tIme Imlimari Wa
to get 40 ier ccitt. 'l'hmo gemmommtl Opummitmi
iii tIme gttmdemm was timmtt Smmilivmtn woimli
t'ommte oil victorious imt the immatohm , tinmmmgl
moimme _ thought thimmt Slimdo m'ouIi
Ivo himim immore trouble tlmamm ammy u
his previous mumtagommists. Bets er
illicit ) early iii thu ovemmilmg five to ommo it
uIIivmmmm's favor , timid timnee to otto this
lie would kmmock time Muon out iii twm
ouiids. All glasses of society \tcrc rep
csemited. Soon rifLer 8 o'clock time aimot
icgari. There vure ii mmuimmber of aimar
lug comitcsta between omen famimommim mmdl
lie gloves , yet. those oxciteti little litter
, st mmmiii seemmmed mmot. to comimnmarmd mmiucim at
entiomm. At lemmgtli the mnamitei' of come
imormieti ummimoumiceil , aimmiti ehmcursmmmmmt ycliti
lint time evemit of time crtmimimmg , the mnutel
etmceemm Sullivmtmm amid Shale , mtms im
viler. 'l'lme Botstomm boy was lust to niaki
mis ttipcammLIIce , through a mmmc olmeimcd imi
lie crowd with somimu dillictmlty by tlm
molice. lie mimounted time iiluttforimm amid
topped butwecim time ropes , whichi wore
onsielerattie higher Ummimi tim fomniem
matcimes iii time gmudctm. Suil ivami was itt-
fred in a wiii.te undershirt , flesh ccl-
rcd tights , white mmtockimmgmm ,
mmd black gaiters. Shade soomm foliomved
ullitaim. lie was mm iimtmcii heavier look-
mg itmamm tItan Sullivmtim , amid Imimi moose-
tents were immoro nmvkwnrd commmpmmred
rithi those of time Bostomm chmammmpioii. 'i'lio
uteri wore a white ummdersimirt , white
timid black gaiters , with low white
: ) 5. They took seats imm oposuio ,
nmmeis. A mmtmmmmbcr of spovtimmg iiicimds
mmd backers clustered arotmimd lmmihivmtmm ,
hue .J011m Irtlace wits itt LImo back of Shade.
uckDaviswas minuted timmme keeper , Banimoy
umrsomm referee. Time amimmotmmmcemnemmt
asmade there was to be imo wrestling
liumttarmt timust obey at one
- e break.
. . Jniaijl
illivun tind heavier ,
Ift tippoaranco. Slndc'a face wore an
' hid
ilious allearamtCO , while Sul Ivan's
comitented' look. After cautious spar.
secoimd Sullivan delivered
of mm few
' .
[ 5 lirat. blow s(1uameiy 0mm Slade's commit.
mmammce , followimmg it by ammothmer cit
to neck , drivimmg hmimu into his corimur ,
stormmi of cheers greeted tub
rfonmmummmce ( > 1 Sullivan. 'lime mmmcii soon
emo at close quarters mind mm raimid ox
took imlaco. A break was Called
mange the referee. 'I'imey then slimerred fet
which Stmlhivtiii obtititmed mmmmd
it opcnmmmg ,
U drove tIme 1\hmmori , fitmally kimockiim1
imim tiowim. Sprimigimig up tIme tw
uLiIt ciinchcml , but time l'tlaoni scum
ad enough , nmmmlmmimmg to time ropes.
uhlivmui tissistilig 1mm time mmiovemmmummt. hy m
blow on tIme back of time imonil ama
envy eck. A vell directed blow ciit tiim
mini betwcemm time ropes timid oil time pint
rmit lienit first. 'I'hie ' Imhlaou soon re
aitmed time piatfonimi amid tiimeo immilmmmtut
xpired. SYimile sparmimig Slatla smqicmuce
rinded , Sullivan till right.
Iii time aecemid rouimdSullivan boat Siud
11 around tIme rimmg , kmmocking hmimim dowi
wicc , Joe ( loss mmhioimtimmg to Sullivan
'lilt Imimmi iii time belly , , Joinm ; give it tm
immi iii time belly , .Joimim. " Slade foul mm bet
) WI ( to immeimil aiim1 Sulhis'tmmm wits jim 11mm
aria itt time elml of the ccoiitl round.
1mm tIme third round Sullivimmi led ofl wit ]
terrific right itmmmmder stlmmmmro imm time face
vlmich mmtnggercl Shade. 'I'imc two clinch
U , but Sullivan breaking away , mmgaii
attled away mm ids ammtmmgoimiat , whose mt
dies were weak. Time Maori was finahl
cnt. srmmwliIig UI)0I1 time 1ihiitformmt , 'mVhie
mu hiftea his head blood wmum imoum
rig ( room his nostrils. Lie appeare
lazed anti uncommscioutt of his Imurrommmm (
rigs. Srliivcnz atocd byimimim. Immmmjcch
Fhummme amid CaptalimVifiuimtmmm timoim rushe
Jim time 1immtforimm to 4op time fight. Slmmd
nude their immterferwmcmm unmiecessary-l. .
mat1 o.nomigh. lie was helped to his comm
mmmd time gloves runmoved. Sullivmmmm discarm
d his glovea amid aimook immuida with Simul
Limo oimmiimrjmiolm was loudly clamored. 'l'i. .
wo lmmemm titan went to their qmmrtui. .
mmmd were 50011 dressed titid left the gim
Ion , fooym1 by time tittamimamuls of 1)001) )
who Wi iessutl the battle.
SMONMOLITII I'AItn , August 6.-Ella
Lietit stakes , three-year-old fillies , mmmi
111(1 IL ( mustier , Camnalluim woim , lirec :
secmmml'immtagu , ' third ; tinmu 2:12. :
i'rcultuli ( utmmhccti , mill ages , utile arid
lmmmif , i')1o won , Itfommitor secoimel , only tv
stmmmtcml ; titimo 2:36. :
Free imaimdicap , immilo amid cm quarte
, fmmck of hearts wt , 'I'oMy ) second , ( hi
ofla third ; timimo 2:12. :
idilu , 11)1mg ) Icmiight. Woli , ( Jhmeckmmmmm
mcecoimti , I I eel miimtl 'j'ou ' thud ; timimo 1:13 : ,
.1 Infltiicitl ) IltttUllO ) chase , full coimma
Icitty Clark smumi1 Pusumir secomul , Cmqmt.n
Yonic tlmirmt : titimu 5:18j. :
BItitIIION ( liImACiI , A vgimst fL-Il umd
mmmcc , nmile amid mm half , m1ommcow svo
lIeu 11mvmtmdmm secoitti , itamigor thin
thou 2:49 : ,
hub , liamm woim , Lowinaky sucoim
Emimimimi B third ; thou 1:4(1 : (
1i1e , Ihmiiestrimmg mvrni Cahieron secoim
Miimim'mo K third ; tmmime
mliio tmmm(1 mm tjumtrtor , Nellie l'oyt4ni wIt
I4ittio F'aglti imecoimd , Maimmie Fiuid tlmir
thno 2:11. :
Mile timid a fur1omm , Newsboy we
Aremmie soct.mid , I' ii tlmim-d ; timmmo 2:02. :
Mile and mm furlomig , auction race , Flit
ilont womm , Edward second , lii
cock tird ; tiimme 2:18 ,
Nsm' Yoxie , August 6.-.Eullott , t
lot-amer chmammmpiomi of Engimummi , was ansi
defeated by ( ioore ( mmxci , of New Yor
ill a three mile with ttmmn boat race
too Passaic river ; timimo 21 muimmuks ,
PUUIIi1STh IN l'ltANiN ( ; ,
Ryan ( letting iii Forum Ibr ILlim Hot
vIthi SIiIIlm-ami-loo Cobmimu a
Jianitlo Ilium.
. . _ ,
( 'hmicago Nrnv , .
Charles B. 1)it'j , time "I'nmaomm , " It
for New \omk ammel Bostoim unstimight. 1
goes to immeet Al Smimitim , Joimmi 1. . , Siui
\'mtmI'H Immicker , mmmmtl to sigh time ngrceumti :
for a glove itmuitcim betweimmi Ptultly flym
amid Smihlivummi , lie svihl also mirmnmmf
mtbotmt tIme buihl'mmm , mvimicim will be umo
likely time Mecimnumme a Immatihmto , seatim
20,000 eophe , in lfostomt , As there is
fair mmcmv lmeimmg holml there lie enuimmot ,
cLime it beftmm-e October , amid timlimlis ti
mmimmteii will be minnie ftmm- about October .1
This is time atomic btmiitlimmg ito lund for ti
six tiny walk last Ammgtmst. lie will at
witness time Simule.Smmhhivaim love mimati
iiext sreuk. lii comivursatioum sm-fLit
ln'miy News retmresemmtrmtjvo last mi'mglmt. ti
I 'l'ittsomi" said :
"Yes ; all time ) ) articmmltmrs of this 'loi
immicim mm-ill be ammamugech when I get.
east. ltyutim slmow miorvil iii fmmcmmmg Li
Bostoum boy umm imis ossim 'mouumds , nimtl
timimik atammds a most exce1Iieimt slimy
mmimmmmftmg time immatehm. I feel sure 'hint i
his hmreseumt forum Ito cami alumni before Su
lis'aii as mumuimmy rtmiImts as he likes. R'nm
Imowover , is a favorite 1mm Bostnmi , mum
rmmuicl out whmomi cast time 1ast tlmmme. 11
mmcmit there amid aamred whemm traimmimmg ft
his fight ssltii Sully , amid hind m-ommsiut
moimses. "
' ' 'lviii Ityuimm imniui wellV' asked the r
' 'Yea ; lie itt mmow mmmmdergoiumg soimme ens ;
mom-k , amid tithes mm 'I'imrkisum bath ovury tin
Ii. Mm ) ( mu lathe o11 Ilcitim. I Iti lis'cs mutt ii
[ 'weumty-rm'mmttlm tim-eeL mtmmd Cotbige ( it-os'
Lvtimimlu holy , until takes mm walk to Sommt
I'nrk daily. 1 to started imm to mmmiii mmiihtl
V .1 1113' 23 , amid hum temi pmmummls I
1 itit tiuimu. iTo now weigimim 215 pommmmdr
ommi will light at 190.
' ' \\'ime1 got. brick ste sviil ( tm ) tiiirL
miles a mitt ) ' , 55111mg climbs , ligimt dtmummb
tells , nmmd light the foot.ball nmul suimmd
:1g. : 1 will let Imimu timmmstml mime itboim
imwm for exercise , " stilt ! time iaraomm
' , \Vhmo will itmt time fimmimmhiimg touclmet
mm himim , fur 1 timpso ito svill wutimt to bm
II imtter shape tiimmmm os'ei' before 7"
' ' \Veli , 1 ssmll try arid girt , Joe Cobmmrrm
mmmi tiiimmk 1 will mnmccecd. lie svill coni
mm about it muomitlm loforo , the mmmntcim usmmm
'oi'k smith lymut. I will look this uj
'hiatt east. "
' 'Suppose Shade gets time bettor of SmmI
van mmoxt week mum thuemir mmmittcli , wlmum
ttbct will timmit iumive omm yommr nrmammge
teimtaV' asked time meporter.
' 'None svhmatover , " said Davies , ' 'Ityam
nnth this mimmttvhm with Smmllivnmm , and svil
LaTe it. I camm't say whether ho wil
lien cirall ngo Sl do or not. 'W ciii
milyait armd too. lJLell void1mqsmg' ;
'hu1511'1 Umiimk of the
FLDuI citr am ' .ma k'
_ mI ! rutty , ilowovur , S rpiiso alitho kmi
t ) ommea after nil , its Ito must iciiew titus
imis is his ommly chance. Ho will drop in
0 oblis'iomm if miot. mIace is cmurmmmimig air
mmay have jmmmt imp this job b ,
met lettiiig people really see whit
vim imi his ) rotcgu. lb mommy have iii'
rovctl Shade's skill 30 lCL' ) cemmt 1mm times
veuks lie iitt hind htimmt hunt. lie is mmmii
0 be trumimmimi ' lijuim iii great umhmape , rum hi
105'01 sm'orktm mmdli a rimaim bofome. I at
ifiutid timmtt im1ico juierfeii'imce ( will ste
lie iiuuttcli , reid svu svill ties-er kimoss' while
14 tIme best mount. All mmf time old storim
If S u till s'tiim 'ti cluasiptiti tig tile couiimmg ml ]
: ) mlt l) ) ( ) shimmikti limit ! better pttlil
mmmcl thtiiik of time wuty ito cmmmmio immtu LI
Ling witim 1\1 itcimoli , as ficaum as mm dais ;
mfter being credited mm'itit ' being aimno
lemiti front tlt'iimkiumg , I I o sviil also mmmi
) Iise titcium miii. I thtiuik lie mmtuimmtla ti
Lest show to ssim. ) lImit immy iuitarest r
: ouitcrs jim his mumoeting with ityan. "
- _ _ _
ltriIgIuim ; 8ortices aimd ( m.reuumnumles 1
I Ito iimdmotvitIi litocleatle.
'rot.uuO , , I' miguat 6.-Frtmmmk . Smumiti
foimmuorly a prisoner of time svnr , at Amide
mmoumvillu amid Millen , ( hum. , Blucksimo
Florida , md Florence , N. Ci. , 210W gO
oral secretary of the railroadYoungMeui
Christlimmi Aumaociumtieum , of this city , iv :
hold religious sot-vice next Stibbatim at ti
fatuous Providence spring , with
broke omit. within time mutocku
wlmile lie was a prisoner
Ammtlersommvillo. Mr. Smmi'mth takes wi I
htiumi 14,000 national flags , one to I
ulmicoit UiOIm each ( if time 13,716 graves
time imatiomual cemetery , natty time old aLoe
ado. 1mm this labor of love Ito wilt be u
slated by sonic of those svimo svoro t
gray. Next 'l'hmursday time ladles of
ltmuitmt will maceL at Limo Y. M. C. A. row
arid arrange flags for thm'ms immemnorablu am
vice. 'rime Continental guards , of Nm
Oniosmis , dmmriuig their recent visit to LI
city , intuit. Suumitim a commtnibution to aid
jurclmimsmg flags.
CItIME ANI ) 49tJit1TY.
4 JOU Poll mlsMl' : .
lIlon ! CLAIILE , ill. , Ammgust 6-A pmm
of rouglms , rettmrumimig fm-omit time isis
' " ' " thus ci
kmmowim ItS "I'm-item litrmm , imeiii
yesterday aftarnoomm , entered the grout
of lily , Ltivctt , an old rimt ! i'eajiucttiti r (
tltiimt , mimic ! limoceetlet ! to (1081)011 hits ft
trees , lie svmu-mut ! tlmonm to leave , wi
5011)0 ) of Limo rarty asmiammited hmimim mm
iumissiiemm , Oume of which struck hminm at
Isume of time bniiim , iimshmimtiy killing Ii
'J'iiu eitizeuimm immivo oigtimmized for ptmm't
No arrests yet. mumade.
A jimisuy ¶ i'iiIW. )
NIAoAILA FAiLJt , Omit , , itmgust C
140V1 I ) . Jmmrrud , imhtmcondimig tm-czmsm
froumi New .Jctsuv , svmma tmrrested lit
l'roeuediimgs for hum extradltiom art
A % 11111 b'Iglititt iCilirif ,
MEXICO , August 0.-Feluntous M
time famumous bull figittar , was fatally I
vemmterdrrv. lie was tossed into time
) y a bull , syhijehi a 'alit caught hun em :
hmontma as hmo ful' . 'I'liu buildimig
crowded at the timno , and the greatest
citeumumimt provimilcel.
Koutnoky flcmocrals Take No ReDubIi-
can llgr in Their's ' ,
l'rOetcr Knott IIsXMtI tO time /Aiimlthi
ofI'ower l)3 40,000-Time iJsuaI
Iisplny of' ltli l'octket
I' it I I I'm-3.
I4oUisvmLl.u Atmgiist 6.-Time state
eioctiomm svmms ioht ta-thut' for a foil state
ticket amid legislature , 'flmo chief interest
iii tim'ta city was betsvcomm local cammilidatos.
A great crowd aurm'ommmmdctl time poiis.
There was rmnmcim stisom-dor timid drummkemm-
Incas. 'l'emm PrOIumiiielmt lOhiticiatms svcre
arrested 1mm Limo Sixth svnmtl for bribery.
Time vote oim time state ticket is hiImt , with
l'roctor Kimmtt , , doumiocrat , ieatlnmg Imlor-
i-ow , meltmbiicnhm ) , 800 imm time city at 2
o'ckmck ,
A Bryuimmttiviihm usisceiti says an election
rosy occurred thmtim'e tu.dmmy , mmm which two
mim'groes smere killed , two mmmortniiy woummd-
mx ! uimmd timn.'e otimcrs-tss-cm whites.-seri.
01)81) ) ' immjurtal. A white mimmimi svhmo had sold
his vote to Imothi Parties was time cruise of
time trouble. lie attempted to votm , but.
a mmmii mmummmmetl Jemmnimmgs imitemfered , aims !
a svngomm heat ! of mmcgm-oes commmiim up started
ed Bimomtiimg. Time killed are Phil Fry ante !
Gao. Smumitim ; mmiortthly wommmmded , .lmunes
1immknid and 'iVihliammi 'Dummnm ; seriously
msoummciccl , Gm-comm lirougiiiumamrVmmm. . Ar-
muold amid Robert liolhistomi , the last two
Itettmrmma fromim time state eiectiomm count
in slowly. A light 'mmio himma beeui vohled ,
with imo fallimm ' off of time democratic mm-
jority time state as far vs
heard fromim , Commmities mmsmmmmlly elcctimmg
ilutmiOcIlitic legislators tmns'e domme so to-
tiny , , wimile time republicans lmavc hold
their Own iii cotmmmties generally carried by
timemum. Tue moajority fmmr Knott. for go'-
eniuor snihl be nfmoumt 45,000 , which state-
mmmemmt is bussed iih)0)i mehirmis umomv iii , in
COiuilmarisoml with time i'ute of time sumac
commmitiets tsvo 'emtfl4 ago. lii this city a
aummail Vt ( ) smmms ilied , but hlmmtt'B ama-
jority will be 4,000 or 6,000. , A solid
tleuimoemrntic tlulegtttitmm , is-as elected to time
usoimmite arms ! time lcgirmltmtmmre , timid Thommmp-
Soil ( thmmum. ) smas re-elected city jmmlge.
llemmry Clay , grmumdsmmi of time gm-eat henry
Clay , wits defeated for time legislature
mftem tIme hottest political fight ever hind
here. Both lie amid Caltiwehl , who do-
tented imimum , rite demmmocrats.
F1LANliFOICT , iCy. , Augimst (1.-Time (
tlcimmociatje cemmtrai comuimmmittoe estimate time
ilemmiocmatje miitmjonity itt .10,000 to (10,000 ( , (
mm'itli time -
legislatmmm-o oversvimelimmimmgy
JImiiiiest i"mtiimmm'es.
BOSTON , August ( k-A .i nmrrma ! St.
Aibtmns ( Vt. ) ecial says : Bradley Bar-
toss' , prosidemit of time Venmuomit imationmal
bamik of St. Albamms , amid presidemit of Limo
emmthmeatern railroad , states he hints failed
rind thmmt tii batik. mis ioscd its dee .mm . ' '
1lan1osy , says liisenibmtrpumanem'W ' '
itOt-IrimiOti , ,
sn _ _
iiWand wnurh ,
lvi , ) of.tanaula , mind it ' '
faikd amid that nillimia property is in Id'
ammiouiitloaumed . . .
boijelca a considerable by
bnmmksnnd immdividvaimc to ammamst iminLimi kin
rumilrtratl mmmummmngenicmit. Barlow says lie
has assigimeti mill his mropeiLy to time bummmk
for time benefit of , , anti tlmat
his fmrltmro is elmue to time unsuccessful ro-
suit of his attemmmptto mmcli Limo Sommthteastemn
railway to time Ctmiuuliarm ; Pacific coinpaimy.
lie uxiiected tit ) to a few days ago to ac-
commm1dish time smile , bitt faiiimmg iii timis , ho
sm-its COmmlellL'l ) to sL181)emid. Time bmumk
discotiimted about $82fiJ00 ( for time south-
easterit ioati mmd a mmmii syria tmmade emi
bommdti of time lioatomm , I'loimtrcmmi amid Portland -
land n-niin'oul. ; Failing to raise mmmomioy
1)11 tine Imrmds , , , it svns deemmmcd beat to close
time baimic. 'l'hte deimsita of the bnmmk are
aiunmt $320,000 , timid Barloss' thiumhcs the
tlefOSltmS ) ( sm'ill be paid in full.
1)innroi'r , Michm , , Ammgust 6.-Bm-owri
Bros. & Co. , hmmmumber dealers arid iimsur-
ammee ngeiils , this city , have assigmied.
Liabilities $100,000 ; assets $110,000.
Brown Bros. & Co. nimake as vet. mio
furtimer statement titan that already title-
graphed , except timat time liabilities svill
hardly reach $100,000. For several
years time lirmmm imavo struggled , alwaya
ltopiumg to pmmv in full , but finally ivero
forced to yiotI by time unexpected fore-
clomitmre of a mmmortago Iambi by .1. D.
Stamitlish , of this city , armsmgmied to D. B.
Prescott. Time iiidebtcdncamm is wholly iii
BosToN. August 6.-At a meeting of
the creditors of 0. 11. Ward , boot and
shine nmmmnufacttmrurs , to-day , the liabilities
were stated to be $745,000 ; macta ,
CIIIOAOO , August (1.-Ira M. J. Craw.
ford , imro rietor of time Crtrsvford house ,
commfesseJ judgimmemit to-day iii favor of
Charles E. 'rwerk , Cimiougo , for $10,034 ,
tiiii iii favor of Otto Cl. Scitulftmmborg , St.
Louis , for $23,749. These are umitler-
lltmd ) to be about time extent of the
liabilities. Assets estlummatet ! at $40,000.
Humumiggied Ciminammicim.
Poiw TOWNHENI ) , W. T. , Aumgust 4.-
Suventeerm ) iiOro Cimimmnmtiun ammiuggled
fruits Britihi Columnba near lucre yestor.
day. 'l'imu mittemupt to capture themmm was
uimsticcesftti , 'rids mmumkes time third lot
mmiiuuiggled over time border witimimi a week.
r'orabmr no ( von of t1beao ti Ito enem1ly sits.
, Scrofiia
I tdbtiict among our hois rrumnuon n .
kixnoL every mfldtYmdfli Isas tuttalatent Iotson cottes.
I mu las veixta. Tmio terrlt'io sitiferOigi endured ii
. tisoso tiflticttd with , crofulotts sores cannot be
. itnder'ioOi by otimol , ( mitti ti lflnItttt7 of their
1-ratttutIS wtieti Lucy lieti ii rcznedj td cures
there , A1tOflW1 a wcU reron. e nrer by pet
mnIuioim to 511.1
H d S Sarah C. WimttUer ,
- of Warnec , . 11. ,
r a who was cured by
' " ° ° " sansrmmm
: dl' (4 ci iittcrofalaSores
whlchconflfle4 her to lbs boa. . lot
two stan. SI 5sonth ( prOtIOUI to t&kthg lIoo.1' . , ,
Sanapatifla use coultt not get * bout her rooaz wit-
outcrutcbee. 11cr fricuiti saysu " 1 dt4 tot thlnkli
tuOnUil she ira. re.
, to.1ib1e fottter to live rims !
dueedtOS mere ke1etofl. tier cure is hardly Issa S
L han a unirado , " Slots wonderful cons than Oils "ml
r Seen effected by thIs medicine. ittero Ii no
' Rave th. moat
mm dotibi that to hood'S SariaparWA we
a rexnatksbto piedlcineUsat bu eTer beeii pro4uoed.
. a.nti s pOIUYO CUTS for Scrofula ( a ii. numerous
: forms. J'rtcesm.tO , $ fat i'reptute4 only by
. I , hOOD CO. , Lowell. Slass , Bold by ruggtta ,