- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - 1 ---r-- - - - - - * - - - - - - ? - - - - - - - 4 r - . .F'r - - ' . - ' yy _ - ' - - Tm DAILY BEE--MONDAY AIJGUSTo , i. : ' - PALACE MUSICHALL . The Largest and tost. ltdllabk house for I ; Mne ! , Toys aiift Failcy Geos. . . IN TIlE WEST. WHOLESALE AD RETAIL. ebcr1 LiDdeao and ilardifiaR PIaDos1 YIcser ! , Easter1 Cottage Durdette Organs1 ; FOil , CASH OIL ON TIME 1'AYMENTS. ; J1Lt IT . I2 COUNCiL BLrFFS , - - - IOVK COUNCIL BLUFFS 1AItROAD TIME TABLE. The foIlojti rc thetiiiuf , iurlnl ani 1cpirturc of tralii from th local dejot. The tralni st.tt trout the UnIon Pacific lcjiu > t Rbottt teit iititiutte cnrlkr thati below tatc4 , fttIi zrrLvu t the ule1uot about ten in1nute later. Frft ma on pool llne ftuuul IC. C. run on Clikao tlme " tall hour tater thati local.Valiash tmln ron o't SL Lotul tIluc , twenty tuu1uuite tatcr than bent , U. p. and Liticoiri tra1uu tutu on Couiucil Ltluiffs tinie. CIIICAQO , flocK tt.D At ) ! ' . ( clItC. liclialt. . ' .rrhe. AtlantIc 1'xt : . . & : so p. m , I'aclfle Ex 0:4 : to Rx nI Mall' . . , UO : lit. E' anit Mall' . .6 : ! P. In. Bes MOlflCSa,715ft.IuI. 1)ct Mutinci in , . G.t3 ji. flu. ChICAGO , IIIJIILIMJIOX A1) Qt'ISCY. Ieptttt. Arriuc. C1uletgo lx' . . . t:3.p.m. : Counall lVuttTt c O.4 Mall and Euc , .O4 to Mall aunt 1x . .7:00 : p. In. CttICAOO antI ORTtt K'tTIit. bcpart. Arrlu e. Atlantic Ext . . . .A:15 : u. in. Paeflc 1x1 . . . .f:15 ) : a. in. Malt und I.x' . .9:20 : a. an. utaU * nil i : . .0:15 : P. iii. Aeconu (8at ) . .tO i. iii. Acuin ( Mats ) . .1:45 : p. In. ) CANNH CITY , ii ? . JOI AU : ) ( 'JIJ.CIL. itI.IJF'H. Ilepart. Arrito. Mall and E fl:55 ft. in. F.aurecuu . Ir. : ' , i. n. Exprcsi . S:2ti : u. iii , Mail nm ! I'a . . 0:45 : u. in. tratoN rAciric. . jrt. Melee. Overituiti 1'x , . . .tIOu.rn. : Os'crIaiuulI . . . 4:00 : P. 10. LIncoln ic 11:80 : u. in. 1)eni'er Ex . . . . 8:00 : a. iii. Icnvcr E.x..7:00 : i. in. I.ocal I . . . . . .0:30 : a. iii. Local } . . . . . . . .7:25 ii. ni. F ; ' . . . . . .nu : L Iii. EmIgrant.J : ' . in. " Ex..6:00 : n. to. WARAKII , 8 ? , WVfl3 ANt ) PACt PlC. IelIart. Arrive. Mail anutI . . . . .l:45 : a. in. I Mail arni E'c..30 . p. oh. t'annort IL uJl..0 . to. J Uaiittort hail. .11t : ) a. in. SIOUX cur AND i'AUIItC. flelart. Arrive For Sioua CIty.7:5.'i : e. to. rein Sioux C1t3 O'O : p. in. ForFertNiobrnra Foit Fort Nio1rart * . . . . . . : . ni. . . . . . . . . . : . . . For St. Paul. . . .7:40 : ii. in. I Frwin St. Paul. .SO : a.ni. ChICAnO , MILWAUKEC AN ! ) itt. PAUl , . Loaves Omaha. Ar.uives at Onuaiua. Maiind ? x. . . . 7:45 : a. in. I I'aeiflcEx. . , . D:4 : a. in. Atlantic Ex. . . . 3:40 : p. nt. Mail and Ex. . 7:25 : i. iii. MI traihls daily. CIIICAOO , ,1ILWACKaI { AuUJ MT. PAUl. Leavei Council UIuti. . .Arlveui Cotiiicil 111uff. Mail and F.x. . . . 9:2u : ) a. in. rialI on ) x . 'O : p. in. Atlantic Ex. . . . t:15 p. ni. I Atlantic Ex . .ttiO : a to. COCil. hZXPg AXDO4A1IA ITRP.RT HAl I.WAY. Leave Council BluiTti. ' Lcao Onetha. S a. m. fi ii. in 10a.m. ha. I 8 a. in. t a. In. IOn. in. II m. 1 p. in. 2p. in. 3 II.11L4 I in. 1 to. 21i. m. S i. itt. p. ni. 5 u. to. II p. in. I ii. iii. 5 p. ni. 6 P. itt. Street earle run half hourly to the Uutibtt I'acitle depot. On Surulay the ears bciti their tript at (1 ( ; o'clocI a. to. , arid run reitlariy during the tlayat 9 , 11 , 2 , 4 , 5 , and 6 o' cluck , and run to city tiuic. Health is Wealth Dr. B. C. West's 'crvo and Brain Treatment , i guaranteed pocii1c for Ilycteria , Dizzinesu , Cott'uI along , Fits , Ncrvou Ncnra1jia , llcaulaciie , Nert'ou Prostration caused b the use of alcohol or tobacco , Wakefulness , Mental Depression , Soiteutin of the Brain , resulting in lotanity and leaditig to misery decay and death , Premature Old Age , Barrenness Loss of poller iii citiier Sc , ; , Involuntary Lose Spermatorrlt'ia causeti by over exertloni of brain , ec1t.abue or over.Indulgettce. Each box tains.one nuoiitlt tretlneutt. $1.00 a box , or boxes for $5.00. Sent by mail jrepaid on receipt price 'vi : GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With cacTi order received by u for aia boxes accompanied with $5.00 , wewlilsetud the purchaser our written guarantee torcfuntlthe money If the treatment does riot nlYect a cure. Guarantees is800d only by C. F. GOODMAN m&o wi Drut' it .Oinalta Neb , I DR.FELIXLEBRUM'S I'REVENTLVE .tNI ) CURL . , FOR EITHER SEX. This rotnetly being itijecteti ilircctiy to the scat , t the ilisesuto , requtret ito change of diet or nauseous , nu.ercurlai or pOtonOU5 intediciuue to be taken intern , . aiJy. When usct1 aa prevenitho by either u.cx , it i impo'isible o contract 0113' private tItcate ; but itt the case tit those already uinfortuhuately ahilicteLi We gliar. aittee three boxes to tore , or we % tlll refund the motley' . 1rico by mail , potage itaid , 2 Per box , or three Ioxc tor . WRITTEN GU.RANTEES issued by all authorized agents. s Dr.Felix Le Brun'&Co serA : 1IUI'itII'i'ORS. ) C , . F. ( looduitaut , 1)ruggist , Sole geiit , for thualta , Nob. tIule wly . DI1. HOT' This Electric Bolt vi1I Cure the Follow. iiig Diseases Without Medichie. l'abia iii the flack , 1iip , ltead or Llinl , , Norvoo flebilty Lumbago , ( leHoral 1)cliillty , ltlueuiotttlni , l'araIysl , Nenraiuzia , iciatiea , lieato of the Klitnieys Spinal I4iscases , Torpid Titcr , ( .2otit , Sexual Exhaus. tiont , Seinittuti Fuiulsslois , , Athuiua , heart liscao , Iyspepsla , Ounetipatioui , Er ) sipeias , littilgestioui , Itenila or Itupture , Iittjwutcucy , Catarrh , t'ile , Epi. lesy , Dumb Aguo. Omaha TotlmonIaI. ( ) si.tiiA , Nec. , Aprii 12 , 1SS3. DR. W , J. lloaxR , 101 ValabIiAvenue , Chlcayo : DEAR Sia-l viirchacd one oty urEicctrio Ikits in Denver , Gob. , fleccnibcr , 1t2. It relieved the ham across my kidneys aunt btengthented thotti so that they give no lucre trouble. 'fltospinal lrnltrtiort it r lheed ImmedIately which nothing could 1uao doite. Vouragent lucre luui itoid tltetit to lartiu fur plies , sexual weakness , itetiralgia , lainiysiS , and fentalu wcaltnes , with wltoiit I am acquainted and the ru. ault iii each case iiioru titan iuicet expoctatioui. I chit refer ati' oito Lu tltee iartle v1io desire It. 1Ie4jIcttuiiy , lilt. M. N. l'OltTElt , lGPhCaIuItol RIO. , Omaha. lAlN OFFlCl-Oppoltu lostoitiee , Frciuer IIlii. ( , jj'1'ur Salu at ( . I" . tJoo'loait' , irti More. I I 10 F.urnuam Street , Omaha ST. LOIII PAPBR WARBHOIIFJ , Graham Paper Co. , 217 and 219 North iaIii St. , St. Loulu. HOLE.SALI tEAbliLS : IN p 1100K , t .f 'IU'IlNfl. ' i : s , I . 9 t wJLAIIINO 1N\.ELOIlS : : , C.l1I ) llOAitI ) tNi ) PRINTER3' STOCK , tjrCnlt p11 for Eta atd , l'.tjcr S 'ck , Scrap Inn AiilaprStock Vmireluou1e , 1fl9 to 1227 North , SIxth ' tret. inay2l.am _ - . ot tie liUlV4ii bud ) ' enlarged , detioj'ed and .trenKthened etc. , i and intervsthnt gtdtertisetneot 1on run In ou paper. Ins reply to Inqulrie we t iii .ay that there J Ito evidence .1 hmuimbug about titli. On the contrary ' tLue dertIser are ' .ery itigltiy Indoreti. 1ntereits. Persons may gt tmealed cIrcular giving all partIcul.r byaddreulng ErluThdIcaIGo.,1'.O.bo tIS , BuaIo tJ.5Y.1ai4o it eD. t It Nestero Coric-Norks ; IRON AND SLATE ROOFING , C. SPECHT , PROP. 1111 Douglas St. . . Oiitalia , Ncb. 1IANUFAtfl'UItIL OF Calvanizea Iron Cornices flrlorincr Viutnouvs , l"iiiial , Tin , Iron anut Slate foolIng Spcchit'e Patetit Met4liia Mkyllght , I'atent aiIjustt't Ratchet lIar nini liracket Hhicltiitg. I am the general agent for tue ahoc line of good. . Iron } 'eiicinug , Crestiiug. , l1aluistrale , Vonuidut. , I ron Ilank 114t1itg $ , Window imlindq , cellar Guards : also goiieral agent for I'ceron & 11111 luatsutt Itislulo Blind. $200 A YEAR CAI1 RE SAVED IN THE LIVING EXPENSES OP THE FAMILY by the use of Rex MAoeUN , The Iluiniston Food I're. scratite. it ircseru euu Meat , FIshMIIkCream , Eggs , cml all kinds of Animal Food fresh and sweet for wceke , even iii the hottest weather. This call be liroCcel the testirnoitlais of hundreds who itaTe tried It. 'Von can prove it for yourself for &O cents. You vIIl find that titl. isan atticle which sIll save you a great deal of money. NO SOURED MfL ) . NO SPOILED MEAT. NO STALE EGOS. It. ill keep them fresh and sweet for maity days and ulocs riot impart the llghtct foreign taste to the articles treated. It Is so simple iii operation that a child cant foflow the direetionis , ii as Aarutless as salt atuI costs only a traCtion of a ccitt to a luouhad of nucat fiMli , butter or cheese or to a ijuart of tiuilk , This is no ttuuiiihuig ; it is endorsed by such nien as l'rof. Sanu'IV. . Joltusoit of Yaio College. Sold by druggists and grocers. Sautiple i'Ouinuls ccitt Pre.pald 11 % inaS or exitress ( aS lye lirefer ) out receipt of mice. ' .anuuyour cxlres'i , , tllco. Viatidirto branul for nucat ; Ocean Wave for fl'h tutul sea food ; Siiow } 'iako ( or milk , butter amid cheese ; Amtti.Fcriuucnt , Aitti.Fly and Aiiti.MoId , 50c. verII. each. Pearl for crcatumi.uecn ; ( or eggs , and Aqu.Vitao for fluid extracts , $1 icr lb. cxcii. T111 IIUMISTON FOOD P1IESEItVING CO. , hSO.nuu&e&wliit 72 Kilbyst. Boston , Mass. . . . . 'uPc iI M . . RE ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE TIlE BEST BY ALL who hAVE PUT THEM TO A pIbwrIcAL TEST. ADAVTED TO Hard and Soft Coal , COKk OR WOOD. )5ANUACTOR I BUCK STOVE CO. , SAINT LOUIS. Pierce & , Bradford. POLE AGENQT FOR OMAHA trn' I Have Found It ! Yas the exclamation of a man , lmen he got a box of Eureka I'Ilo Ointnisnt , which Lu a sinuple and sure cure for I'iies and all Skin l)3cases. } mfty cents by mail , Postpaid. The American Diarrliwa Cure , Ifas stood the test for twenty ycarti. Sure cure for all. Never Falls. Dlarrbaea , Dy.unitary , and Choie. ra Morbus. fiealls Feor all&Allo Tollft & aardial , It Is Impossible to supply the rapid sale of the samoa. SUitE CURE % VAIUIANTI1) For Fucr and Ague , anI all Malarial troubles. i'iuci : , $1.00. w.Js WHITEHOUSE LABORATORY , 16Th ST. , OMAHA , NEil. For Sale Ijy a/I Druggists I Or sent lv EIuresu' or , receipt of price. m&eS lliMebali & Taylor OFFEltA siw STO'K OP HARDWARE FUJ. ASSOITMENT OF BUILDERS' MATERIAL. Newest stlCu iii ilropre Goods. Carpenter an ) lachitilstd. 'fools. Warranted Cutlery and Buf falo Scales. iI' ) Iuula Street , . . . OMAHA DIJFRENE & MENDELSSOhN , , AWHIT1 ? CT rEtEMOYED.TO O3IAI1ANATIONALIlANJ I UILIsING. _ _ _ _ _ J.E.HOUSE , Consulting and CIII 'Engineer ao : Special attentIon to Surveying Town Addit oos to I Loti. } 'urntsbes Estimate. of ixcavatIoni , IZaklii MAD. , Ilan.&c. , OF11 E OYEIL 711E FIRST NATIONAL 1JAN11 ' OMAIIA , NEW RUSSIA. Tlic azr's ' Po1iy tar the Futllro A Stlbon ll sirc for ? cce. Coiniiierelnt lievelopluent a ( lreat ( ) hject. isf' hIM I'OIlO3'- Nihilist PiitR. St. l'cter.bur Letter in Now York 'fines , ? 111O coronation days of Moscow are 110W IL mnrtttur of history. C7.J'.r Aloxan. dur I 11 has oliCo more tone imito partial retireineimt at l'otcrliof , to rectiporntc afti'r the nnlmioti labors itt hum iuiciojmt capital , nun liroliably no one needs reaL more thaim the howl ) ' crowned czar , if mL bo not , thu c'triima , who ahare(1 all her hnsbaiid's joys nilti dangers dtirimig tile bug veoks of time festivities. For itov that. it is all over it. becoiiioa known bit by bit how great were the precatIttuitH that were comisidered ilo'esaary for time protection ( If time iiiiporial lives , fuel httu' near the iilhuiist coilsiurators wore ccii- Atautly to time lOVSil ) ( If the citr , \Ve know tIiumt time liolico made mutiny arrcsts of suspicious iuomiis ( lIlting time time of the fetes aunt a Bavarinim olilcur (4)1(1 lilO how ito Imati scoit with his own eyes a lackey , who stood immediately behind time omiipcror iii time pavilion us lie satcltcd time poptiluir fetes , sudtloimiy and 11015013' arrested mtiitl tAkuim tuvay. The night bcoro time czar returned to St. Pctersbmmrg it. is knowit thmuit time poiico of the capital vcre litma'ily employed iii scud- immg divers jut. the canals in places iinmime- diately bciiontii time bridges along time Notriky , iii aearch for explosives , and whicit time imperial returned to the capital 0mm Smitulay niorning the tiunmsailla of 1)001)10 who imad stood for hours on time streets leading front time Kasaum cathedral to time ( itiftY hear time W'iliter palace wore ticeply disappointed whioti they learned that , time czar imati iiunldcmmly ordered his coacimumuium to drire down to thin river by another route. Timat , time clmtjrnror'a life was imi danger all the time is a very gout- oral belief , (01(1 the wife ofit dimutiuiguislmed diplomnatistassurod inc timat nearly all time high personages with vimoin she imrmd ccii- versed while in Moscow felt assured of time cinluror'a safety only so long as time empress was at his side. And sue went ovorywimero with imimim , as lie was driven ihrouglm time streets of Moscow , bowing - ing and smiling to time people , as if alma felt no fear amid knew that alma wits the guardian angel of time inaui vimo sat by her aide. , Ti1E PEASANTS' itOm1S , The Russian peasamitimas bug ago coino to the conclusion tivit lie has uiotiiing to hope for froiti time agitations of time imilmi- lists , whose cmmtlmusiasnm basini oti time pro- fommndest imzimoraimce mixed with chmcap Gcrinaii iihlosoiuhiy , have imotlmiimg tamigm- bhe about them , and whose adoption by Imitu linus hmithmemto brought him im3 benefit. If time Russiaui governimieumt of time pasL has been ncgiigcmmt in its duties to time 1)001510 , Czar Alexander III. has almown ever since hi accession to time thrommo his desire to rictify public abuses ammd to stois the progress of exti'avaganco aumd theft that have so long umimdorumincd time prosperity - perity of time empire. Official robbers have been arrested by scores and severe- hy Ifliflisimed. by iuiimi ; ime Imas rcllmconl time of his coum'L iimm- expenses , given up mutiny - penal palutcus for jmublic ollices amid mia- tioujal educational establmsiminents , imas set aim example of moral rectitude iim Imis private life autti public actiomm , and imas , iii simort , airciuly ilmspire(1 time peoiio witim comilideimee timat lie umteimds to labor sr'luly ' and couiscientiomisly for timeir woifare aIm(1 for time prospem'ity of Russia in time lii- timrc. i'LANS J ' ( ) I 'I'll fl 1'I'TUItE. \Viiat time emperor iimten(1s to tb in the future in not yet revealed frilly to time world. This i'iii be a matter for the conaitlei'atitnm of Imis umuimmisterut amid lmis ad- visois in time imperial council Ito Imas begun , however , by some iiot.tbie incas- ures for time bcimcfit of time peasumntry and SOiito earimest nlvice to timein imot to be len astray by time fantasies of agitators vimo urge timeiim to clainm a tlivisitiim of tue laud , but to listen to time advice of timeir naturtml leaders , time nobles , whom ( time Cv'tr ) will look to in time future to assist imiiii iii time great work of elevating the condition of time pcasaimt and educating lmiimm so timat he may be able to thko an intelligent share imm time work of lila own redciimption. 'l'hmu ilueatiomi before time c'tr was very clearly limt before imini- c'mtimcr ime niust resign time rchms of gpvonu- iiioimt and time task of elevating his people into time imaimds of socialistic agitators or m'einstate huunscif at once ammd forever aim time miglitful ruler of imis empire aimd the \vise ruler of his 1)00Pl0. And , 1mm spite of tiircatomicd assasaiimation , ito imas chosen to do as time ltu.ssiuum people expected. of him and to take the roimis of rulernhmijs iii- to lila own hmands. 5tnd ovei'yivimero hi Itussia the coroiiatioim has heemi imailtuul witim joS' , as uimam'kimmg time bommmmdary line heLveemm Limo dimi'k past and a brighter future , as time ( lawim of a new ilay for Rimsimiti. ; or 1111A1)y P0mm A ( 'ONf4TITUTIIN. ( I scarcely timmimk timat a single diplomat- 1st who was aLiIoscoivviiI oxpm'ess imiiim- self iii favor of a coims itmmtion fom' Riisusin at time jii'csoiit inoimmetit. 'fite general itti- presaiolm carried away svnni that time czar Alexnumdur ill has a mmotst loyal , cievotel aumil imoaltimy-iimimmdel :111(1 Humlerstitiolms lciil0 ) to deal i'itim , timid thmuit ito lots a itntgumificeimt chaumco before hiinm to pm''e time worth of time autocratic , aystemii whm'mclm I hme represents. lie hiss it .body to timwart hmimn but Imis ovmm uimiimistem'ui immul oflicials , huts ulimlihilited iuoer to elevate imis people ttmmd to iiuiku tliiiibly good thiti iiis ammel simortcommuiuig of thmu oli'mejmmis of imiim 1)m'Cle- cessor. And time first thmiimg time czar viih I have to aiOl'msiI hi time mucus ummir , viiicim , I highly praisel by sonic fammaticus , hi the I source of immo.tt of time evils that afflict time petsarmt , aumd wimicim huts imcmltralizel all that. i'as of beitotit in Cumr ) mlexamieler 1 1 measure for oimtttmmcijutttiiig time serfs. A iimmmulred om' IJoi , I ) ' 'pu'asuiika , " or holidays1 might also hue Ilottenl out to acivamitago imi Russia , itmil the absum'diticum tif 1tiico leg. uintioims aumd putty tmlmmmoynimec'm roimmoved LI at olive niuci forever. , As ii St. Petem'sbiir pilier ; very truly i'emimrtrkel a foii days ng till time ujimilist coiispirati's who jihotte - tigutitist time last OliilC1Vb ) ) : umil who fimmrili succeeded iii hilil m mg it 'mmmi , I i vent I a the CitJittLl ) under tlmti protection of the jtiicu ahil hmael miiost propeum' pmss1m'ts ; hilly sigritn amid settled. Jfmmt it would tnku mimnmm coltimums vere I to say wimmt ; time CZit omighmt to do tim' iimteimds to tic , I Ia has at to tb timid huts every ( thP0m'tlmliitY ( If doimi it--muiuelm better titaim either socialist agi ) tatiomm or a i'cpieseimtumtivn , lutimliamnemit because lie has notimimig to thmwimrt ii : iiiI. FC TIlE ItEuIImI 1lL J'E.tVE. - About ( JOe timing : M , Do ( Jiel's , time Mi mmistcl of Foreim Alfliirs , is decisive ri umaiiiely , III visimmmmg IOU to eimmpimasize liii U fact timat tue peiiicy ( sf time Czar 4iexamidel 111 is cssciitiimhly one of uteaco , for tim1 d reasoli timtit ime is 'ery desirous of givimm II tuvery atteimtiomm to immtortmai aflimirs nun , , iuimprovlng time couitlitioui of tue Jutitlt iiitrmmsted to imis cure. 'l'lmfs desire foi Iseaco with forogn ustioums is vor clearly exisresseel by the Emperor iii hums rcacrmpt to'Zt , Do amors , which , his Majesty a - anros time world , hiM been chosen to ho time oxpressiomi of his wishes .s agalmist Europe. We all know that this rescript hind a very aootimmmmg Immiluemico , inoro especially in Viemmuma , wiucro time fear of a conflict witim 1uissia about. time scttleimioimt. of time Oriental quo.qtuium hind becoimue chronic , M. Do ( hers' msto to time to. iresemmttiS'ca of Russia abroad uimcroaacd time s.'itisfnctioum felt in other capitals at this peaceful prop for time future-nil time mum Lrncaiise tue mtimmistor of Foreign 4tl5lt5 , vimoso duty was merely to thmammk time sovorcigula of foreign l'owors in time mmammme of time Emuponir for time proofs of friemidshmip timoy had Himswmi 1mm somiditig re- ureseimtativcs to time Moscow fetes , wont mmrtiior to assure timoimi that. timoso lsr4mfs of friommulalmip vlmichi time Czar Imad received vero regaretod by iiiimi ( time Czar ) as zi pledge of harmony and peace , time mmmiii- tiiimmimmi. of which coimiculed so conipletely witim imma owim wislmea. - * Ammusng time most. efficacious of remedial - dial agommts are time mnedical lmreuParatiomua friimi time lalmoratory of 1drs. Lydma E. l'immkhammm , rymmmm , Tunas , , , t cbFVE1t COUi51sI. Two ' . % 'csutorn ? * ten "u.'imo Bought lint. tory 'rickets lii l'flrtuiCrI4iIlp- Aimil 1)hielelriO ( ) Be- tveoii Them. T''ev Oricans i'icnytmmio 1umly 1.1. Yesterday afterimoomm two gemutlotimon of gooti apserunmce prosomiteti timemimselvos at time ofilco of Time Lommisiana Sttte Lottery Commmpaimy to collect $ lii,00t ) , omme.l'mftlm of time capital prize drawn by ticket No. 37 , 318 , at time Inst muoimthmly t1ral1mig nit time lOtim inst. Oimo Gus : liotto vropriotmr ( Sf time Orammd Opera Saloon , Caires , lii. , timid time other A. B. Gibson , of Carmmmi , Ill , , a 1 massumiger contluctor on time Cairo Divis- mliii of the \Vmtbasim , St. Louis 101(1 I'ac'iflc RailroaI. ' 'Wo're iii artmiorsimiii ill this tichet , " said omme of timeimm to a reporter. "We've beomm takiimg tickets together for SIX mnoimtime. About timree weeks before the ( lrawmg we contributed live dolluirs apiece aiiel invested in tout ommo-lifth tick- eta. 'We emily iaitl omiedollar for timiit lit- tie picco , but it brougimt us ( $15,000) ) I 'if- teen thousand ( lolimirs. " Mr. l3otto explained tlmat lie imaui bcumm playimmg lottery aim his owum account for ten years. 1-fe woum $ lhiO the mnontii before last , and has also got hum mimoney back on miii approXimrmatiOmm prize iii time drawing just. over. Mr. Gibson milso played before and simmcti time iirtmmemsiiip ; , but hover han time good fortune to win until imis hmmiuml of hf- tech timousauid dollars at one tiimme. ' ' 1Ioi' did you beeoiiie aware of your imaviimg vomi ? " "A dispatch reachicel Cairo soon after time nummuber which drew time calital urize of $75,000 had bceim announced , " tumid Mr. Botto. "Mr. Gibson was on his traimi timid was tclegrapimcl to conic to Cairo imimmmiediateiy. lie caine , aumd together with Messrs 11. 11. Melimer and .J. TuE. Booker its invited guests , we started off for New Orleatma to coliect time mommey timid have a little fuum. ' ' I\Ir. ( ibsoim is it 1eumttmckiaum and mimam' . neil. lie into been iii im'um present posi- tiomi oil the maulusad simice 1870. TuIr. ] iotto imuttu bceim iii Cairo since 1865 , and huts always been emugagel iii time saloomm husimmess. 'i'lmey said that they immul imot decided vimat to do witim time immuiguiticent moturim nif time one dollar iimvcstmnent. Botim are coiiifom'tmtlmly ostabhisimed , but. it 1)OSSible timoy immay forum a iiartumurshiiis to coimduet , soimie bus'mimess iii the hear fimtui'e , . . \s time relsarter simook lituids with time lucky strauigerus , $15,000was imaumde over to timenm across time couimtcr at time isttery ohilce. - - - \Toi.tigo , hysterics , Coimvmilsksmms-mtii miorvous ( liSOi'dCl'tu jim fact-mmi'o cured , by S1flla'UIt .i\i tiizc. "Timis certifies , " writes D. D. Ciu'ist- luau , of Otuwego , hid. , ' 'timat. .Sunaritan .Ncrvinc cured moe of Epileptic fits. " At Drmmgists ! , $1.50. - A Novel Clocic. Eight years ago ( ieom'ge 0. lleu'inaimim , of Newport 11. I , rum imomiestmmid industrious citizen , a watcimmnmmker by trade conceived ii novel idea iim time muimape of a clock. 1-fe drew frequmeimt elesigims upon the white walls of his kitcimeim , one of witicim met time ahmlroval of imis cstimmmable wife , who died about four years ago. He carofuily stuidieti time miumitter , bmmt never auiowed his most iimtiimiato friomids to kmmow what lie was emmgaged in doing. lie devoted Imis eveumiimgs to time task before imium , amid act- ummilly counuiimimeri 170 days of teum iioumr oacim immperfoctimmg a'clock time like of wimicim caim imot be foummd iii tue world. 'Jimta himmisim. big tOilCimelt w.turc atlelcel to time tiimmekeep- em' ii few weeks ago , mmmiii time mimommimmiieimt of shill , iimlustm'y 1111(1 emitorprise of aim adopt- ad citizemmtw siioii'ii to his friends , nil of vimoumm imutti becit immm oi'mmmm t of ivi mat i m e imuol liceim doiumg imm secret. Time clock has omm- iy cue imioveinunt , beatimmg omue second at it tiiime , timid frimmi time intuit part of time mmmnsvomimoimh , mill time otimom lmmtuds.uigimteemm iii mmuiummber-imm'e com m ii ecb'ci , 'J'imo device is fmmm'umisimod with nine dials , iumdicatiiig time timmue at St. l'utornburg , Newport New York , Saim F'i'ummmcico , Bostout , ( iemmovn , Tufecca ( Arabia ) , Ruitme , lmiml Lommdoii. It immmuu fifty timree i'imceis. Au time imaumdrm al,0 ( hi'iVOIL by ommo ii itt i I m mm moveui I elm L , w' ii ici is furnished vitim two ummumiii.imjjl'iimgs , aimil caicuimitiomis have lie im ummado to imuive all the tiiie iumehicatom's nih for umimme coimusecim. tive days witiminmt % i'iiiliutg. 'J'htoy ate nil . i.mmmm by oscillatimmg ' - itt td say , that nil time imine mmi't'mmmeumts forum time pcuiclmmliuimi bail , wimicim is coumimectoel with Limo pemmdiiliimim rod. 0mm top of time pond. uiimimm rod jim time poimilmilmuimm sjn'iiig oh I wimicim time wimole clock rests , I t is uvom I four feet ioimg imumd aisomit ti'o feet iii wid. I tim. Time dinis itro set iii a usuvoum.isoiimted stamP , a dial iieimig iii each corumei , m'itlm time Newport tlii1 iim time ceimter. A New- ptsi'L dial is also set iim the back , this be. . Immg for Limo special use of tue utiuther , who L imutu time clock set in Ii' viumdoii' of imius P jewelry store oim 'I'lmtiitmes street. Thu 'I immaimm JflO'OmmlOilt is fastened between two I islates as iuu'gtu as time v1muuio star omm time V buick timid tue iVOI'kt4 calm be t-mh cmi out of eacim ciock aimel CiCiiII'i 1mm a few mmmimmutei V'iLimOUt ilimuturiu'iuig any of Limo Otimum'si , I 'limo % 'uthivnrk ( i'upreseumts the oi'der of , OtltI.l"eiioivuui I cif ivii icii 'ul ' i. I I ei'i'im tiLl ill ; . immeiimber. 'J'imo cmm'i'iumg of time bom' 1 timutl iu'rmiws , tue nitejilieril's 01(10k , tiit , biimidio of sylient , time thmi'ett hiimLs , etc. , ii : vcli diumu. Jiclm part of tii ciock , immcliuihjmmg the ivoodss'om'k , ecupt ; tii , is mu itide fly Tu1m. I I errniummmi m1 ii'iiis , immu mimughmt iuo tuxIuCeteti , iS ) of time success of his ytmtl'A of ttiI niiil iabom' , 'Jiuo : clOck nttrmictus ii tiemmi tif uttetmtioim , tli - sidewalk imm fm'ouit. tif 31 m' . J Iau'rtimiitim'i ; Pimice of ) ummsiimuss beiumg mopuatedly blocl i ed w'itim people. Tuft. 'Joseph ( \Vttltoui , druggist iii Shierbrooie , Caima , , says that time coum 1 ( lueror of pain , St. .Jacubs Oil , is time bosh , seiiuuig aiticie lie ever hmuuidlcd iii hum r tI'imiO. WAShINGTON NOTES. Brcr Pctcr , Ai i O1-Timc Here PrceIllll' . It l'rnetleai 'JOkU I'inyeul On Htithmci'i llov ( rnimt Secured 1lli Ap. Puslmmt moent to ' % Ves l'Oliit. \'xsltiuugtomt , ' , torrespoiu1e'ut to l'hitaulciplula llt'ord , 'l'ime old.timmie imegro pm'cachmers , time lunch , fat , dlii ) ' old s'mmimmors , witose kimmky grimy wool csvi'retl so mimimcim w'msulommm , are fimat dying out 1mm time s'smmtim.Ve see aimd hear less of tiit'mmm every year. Tlm&mr lmlacoa are Itassimig to better if imot bm1ghmt Cr mmmcmi , time ) 'Ilmmmmg gaulimittes of time I1st. beihitim colleges amid semmmimmaries , amid they tiieumuelves mire swiftly crossimmg time rtmslm lug ' ' , i outlami , " vitim time fields suf living greemi ( mmli jim view. Iii timeir day tin'ao simruwtl tiitl Africitims i'oro ii vver. 'l'imoy COllIe ) des immure with time lmnif.starveel soimls timtuy miii to fecil mmdl guide , timuimi till time white lmtuim1mmda imi time coulmitry put to getimer. Uimlearmmeel uimmd immmtntveled , timey ezemi cdl a trommmeimlsmms imillimemmee , mmiii 1 hike to timimuk that cmi time wimule it vas imsed ( cur g.iotl. \\'iiatu'er mimny ime time trimtim of imistory iii tltltt lsartmcmmlmir , it is ctjrttiimi timttt. mmii simmuilar sot. of muon ever diii so mimimeit to mnuike time voritl lmitmgim mmii gm'oiv fat , 'l'Iw imoat stories youm hoar jim time somitlt tile aboumt flue 110gm lureImelmern , mmmcl time best aumumsu. iimemmt y(5 calm ofFer iii time mmventgo sntmth. crum town is ii scrimmomi by time local Briur 1aalmer , wimu mmmoralizcs with soul ticklimig gravity nbommt sommiethimmg of which lie kmmowa mmotimimmg mmmmtil yomi feel your smiles ache with simpprc so ii latiglmtor. Otmo of these timieiemmt vort1miea is before mumy mmmimmd mmow. I to timmawers to the gummoral eloscrip. tiemmm , faded mud greasy briiadclotim ammil liattercel heaver immehmided , amid we'll call imimmi llror Peter.Vrmoim time Fodral mimmmiy amid time tinimy of smmticrs wimichm followed it , first struck time black ilistricta iii time muomitim time muegrocum of those districts first iuimdo time acqummiimmtaimeo of federal iauucm mmiommey. Tulammy eif timemum ivere omimployed iii tue qtmarteriuuastoi's or eomimmimmnssiommary's departimmemit , timid at time emmd of time mmioiitim were paid $20 cm' $10-oxtrmivmigmiumt wages to mumoum whim hmmul umuvem' immiti wages liofore , timid woimhl have imucim perfectly willing to serve ' 'Liimcummm'tu sogerul" for ratioima miii clothes. Time ) ' were paid iii saper mmuoiiuy. For time first six weeks or so iii every ( listrict the iuiit.ieis flomirisimed iiko greeim bay Lrees. 'I'he umegroes coimiilmm't tell a $5 liii froimi $1 lull or a SO-cuimt mmote fnnmi it ( Immarter. 'I'lmey bommgimt. fromum time ammtlurs for time sake of buying ; imd gave timeuum what timey naked for or wimat looked like it ammil soimie cimammgo , timmil they who imati everytitiimg timey vero miccimustotimed to imave before timey weumt to time stiller ( lilhi't care wimetimer lie gave timemmi two 01103 or two hives iii cimmumge. lIter l'eter , Wim ( ) Ivita umucim almaimmer Luau imis flock , 800mm foimumel OUt that time ) ' wore beimug Iloecod rmgimt tiii&l heft. So , omm a Smmmmelay unormmimmg i'imeii imis little mimeetiiug-imommse was hilled witim soldiers mimmd smutlors , lirer Peter amuuusumIccd ' ' tex' ' will ' ( : 'lfy be foimim' iii time book Of Gemiesia , cimapter lust- 'Now ( Ic saipiomut wits sutlor claim de 0(1(1cm' bomis' oh tie lid , ' " timid thou ime ri(1llcd ' 'clout smitlers" for aim imour. It wits Bier Peter wimo m'eforrcd to tim mimysteriomis wimys of mimi ' 'muimscruimtmloiuu l'rovidemice" after imis imoumse vmis lulrimud tlowmm ; rime lmu'evemmteel a glib iimito recruuitiimg otlicot fi'oumm liiiiiois ( losiroums of muldressimig time flock , vitim it S'IUiV to liliiimg tue quotas of ' iuortlmcrum ' 'liii' somiue regimioiuL its ' gadeim Oiimeral Littlehiclel. mis it were , ' mumd wimo asked time Loid iii a lruLycr fol loviumg time stiupiti sorimmomi of a w'imitc brother wimo imad , imivitod imimimseif to liii liror l'otor's uimlpit to "bress time vomula which imab fallen fromim time siiufnl ammil 151)1' luted lips of timimu ummmwortimy tuervttumt. ' But Bror Peter's croit'mmimmg itcimievomnemif vuts 1mm time ummmmtter of time itiarriagu cer tificmttes. lie caimmo to a fi'ieimd of mmmiime , Who itail a primitimug BimtJ ) iii hum towmm , out day and. asked iii 1o' amid imoimmuwhtuit umuys' toriounu tones wimetimer imo imuid aumy ol "timemim jmrctty imicilires , 'st'mficatcs ot soiui iuttmume iike that , time u'imite people imamug or time wall to siuow timnt. thmuy'i'e mmmmimriud. ' lie hint ! ' 'sect ! " timemmi , imu said , niud iii wamiteel soimuo like timemn , Tuly fricmmd Itai ( ] lie could liit immrtko them ; they w'ere cmi giavod. "Yes , yes , " bunko in Brem l'etor , maim amid t womimami stammdiimg to. getimer and a iircacimor joiniimgtimeirimmmmuduu. \Tery pretty , very liretty. " "Yes , " comm tiumued iumy friend , "bmmt you'd have tc SOim(1 to time imorth for tiioimm , auuel time W0UIl be expemusive. " ' 'All m'igimt , ai " sai(1 l3rur l'oter ' ' 1 thiummi rigimt , ( , wamit , Scud for timemim ; setiti for a lmimtmelrcd , timid tiuemm primmt IL iiummdrod cheap ouuos witimoul any pictures fur moo. " By-mud-by ti uumgraved cem'tif'mcmtes of limtmu'riage rmm'rivc ( fromum time imortim. 'I'hmey' weie ionic ox pumi sive tlntmm immy friemud imiul expected. ' "J'imu cost 25 cemmts ii piccu , " hue told Bror l'etem' i'atimer oxpectiumg timuit imo viiih1 , lmuive tn Litemim hack. ' 'All ' ' scud rigimt , till m'igimt , mutiid Brei' 1'otm' . 'l'lmey'i'o ' very pretty , Ii crc's time mimiumi cy , ' ' timid oil ito w'emmt i m imigim feather. l'uly ' fm'iemmd tlmoimgimt llmtti two immimidreti iimarriumgo coitibicates ougimi to ittust. cute imcigro pu'eaimor a year om' tivu at lutist. . hum ii little immoi'o tlmmui it imutuiti Ihom' l'tuter isuirpriseel iuiimm by ruttuuiuiiut ivi tim : ' 'Caum't you go L m m io solt me m iuouo ol thcime stihictitcus , 'J1huuy'ro goimmg like imo CIIkCI4. ' ' ' ' Yes , ' ' saul it ty ft'iemmd , I i m a zied % i'tiy. ' ' \'os , ' ' ucJuoel ( Brom l'ctur ' 'tmtutl , boss , I svaimt tcs timmiku a bargai r Vitil 3'IImi , I eloim't ' mammt yomi tA soil timesi stihlicmtcus to itmmyluuly else , mmuu' to Lid umoisody eisa wimuro I gets timommm. , Juust Jul it be ii secret imtiveemu immo tool you , nimtl I ' 1 give yomu ro cIuumts ti piece for timeuim. ' ' ' 'Al rigmt ) , ' ' said ituy fz'iemmd. ' 'Yes , " sait Brom' Peter. ' 'aimd got a lot of timcium , s I call coimie to you imumil gut as mmmummu7 as I wumimt every tinuo. ' ' ' ' Very ii'eli , ' saul . lily friuiiel , tool he d it ! . I I a solt : himor l'tuter ii timoiisaimI in mm iittie over ii year-IL I mimumdred or so at ii Li ii m t. 'fluemi Ito bogalm to immvcuutigtite. lie foimmul thmui tue simirim't. iultl utiscal imati gone to ovem'yoit tIoI. ( ) couple i mm time colt Imt1) ' side for mmmi Ic , tool mules , had 1(51(1 ( tlmomim that Geumeum ( J i'mmmt imuol declined nil thu imumto.bollumi umuam'u'iages ' 'no ticcoui ut , ' ' imuici issitot ii mstuiuctioim LI mutt they iii ust be m'o.ptumftrummr. , ill order to vaii1ate timcumm , :111(1 Imad suimt aiullliy of cem'tihicatcs to him'ui' I'olit , wimmeim imuimg tipoim time 'iiils ( if time cumbmmms , i'ot'i to atuthiumiticato tue imew 1tItti't'IiiUim to uI futuirous gtuimomntiiimis. 11 is muuws Jiowum fully affected time ii'tsttiomm oven iu'Jmtuiu ci iii I m 't tisicim tI i is i jituru , iumd o iumy otto o thmetim vsmimtet1 timttt ' 'im'etty pictitmo. ' "i'Jtc I it-for ccmmlimutmuil ilmor ' ' got - fifty ccmmlim - l'oti'tgii I tin tidlitiuimitl utiarria'40 fee of J2 iii (1t1C1 I case , I to uses iii time ctmimfoitmmblo itilmiR , oil the spmiciol lb lot I to imimmde suit 1)1 ) t im i i nguumiomia traffic , 'l'Imcm m , tom I 1(111' , ( ini m r to com mj ii mu % vi tii i ii LI to islac districts , - 'i'It.'J'G 'VI ) ( ( 'It IXA , 4 , ( uisu.'e I .VhmfcIi Is A Im'mitiy Ititi 'I'Juoiiuuitd I'iumI 1)001. . : \Vitoeliitg ( W' . Vii. ) ltugl4cr. 'fhtu Mciuigtmmm gas.wuli , tue light froi which camu be scoim fuotum thu tJl ( ( If 'Iioe FUIIEru : i1 ----'Julll- - - - - - ' CHEAPEST . PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY . . , Furniture ISAT DEWEY & STONE'S ' They always have tlic largest and best stock. ' NO STAIRS TO OLIMB ELEGANT PASSENGEI ELEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT FLOORS. ilig hill , is the li'mommeer gas'wcil of this vi- cimi'mty. I t. led to all of time othora mtow immmmkiimg such a tmmrnmo'ml in this valley. It vits smmmik fur (511 , mit gas , mini the great gaseolma reservoim' was t4mppcd mmmmavares. .1 tmst three uimilcs miearcm' us time ltmmclmttmiamm vo1l was smmnk , mmmd is mmiv time deepest. vel1 iii the voricl , immiviiig reacimcl 4,800 feet , nuuti is still goimig dowmi.'imon a dcimtii ( if milumut 8,000 feet imuid lioei rem1m 'ii time timols liroke amid wore loft ( lucre , tuid fiim' stmmmme timsme time well wits deserted. 'l'lmomm it muos eoumcermm took Itoh of it uiuid iii mmow 'igeurommsIy elrillimmg for time greasy tumid. Time rope broke iii Tutnrchm , tiliti the cable , imotwecim four tout hive thmomisaumd feet iii heimgtim amid weighmimig several tommii , Immirted several iiumidred foot frommi time toli , timid miii efforts Its ctttcim hold of it aumel e1rat it out. wiUm the great iromm mulmafi or drill mit liii lower cmiii fuiiied. 'l'Ime worimmioim were timemi diacimmirgod , mimmel time ptmluiic mummpposed the vcil mibammdommed. Smipt . Crocker immid mmu tlmommgimt of i1imittimmg time work. . 'udili- t ioimtil tools vore prcmcuretl , mmmcl out time 11th immust. work wits resumed. 'lime eii , which was dr1y , was fillet ! witim water , to assist iii Itoatimig time cable , a proiier in- struiiimmmt. was immsem'tol , aumd time rope was caught nmmdjifted omit. It wits smiIlOsedl timat after gettiimg time rope taut. a ' 'sucker riuti" woumld imuivo to be sent ( town to looscmi it. frommi time ilrill at time bottom , as titat. wits fast. aunt cnmld imot. be lifted with time weakemmeil 1(51)0. Forttmmmatcly time rope cumt.itscif bhl' where it wrisntthcimtud I time shaft ; , mud thins saved Ii great deal of trouble , Time mmozt timing to (1,5 , vIlum to remove time wtttor fromum time t'olt tumid puuiimpimmg % 't1R resorted to , whmeim mmeariy a barrel of vemy hue crmmile oil vtuc obt4tilmetl. ' [ 'lieu'ell iii cased to time depth of twelve Iii. foimrtccmm imtummdretl feet , amid is di'y. \Vlmcmm time water is rommuoveil , which will be domme in ti ( itt ) ' or two , a ' 'tulmemir" will he seimt dowmi riftuu' the chili , itimil mm ditl'mcmii- ty is timitici.outuel iii brimigimm it to time suur- face.'iiemm this is accoiuupiislieth tiu'm wsm'k of deepemmiiig time vehl u'iil lie recommi- uiuummcetl. Tuir. Croekor states timat. lime mimacimiiuom' he imas on time gm'omiimd will cii- tibia hm'mmn to go 500 feet. deeper , tumid by illcreaaiiug itt ; po.er ime could go to time deltii of 7,000 foot , but lie itillIetu. to reach oil iii payiimg ciuaimtities mit ii simitill muhit- ' Liouiiil depth. _ Iteal 1stttte TrutuuNI'em'H , Time folhowiumg deeds were filed for re- I comd iii time ciumimity clerk's oliice , Aumgmmust 1 , roluorted for time Bun imy 1' . .1. Ne l'ulnlmoum , remit estate agent : , .1. P. Castidy to Immi A. Spuagmie , iltl 1 , 2 mid : i , block 15 , 'uViiiimmims's , 1st tiekl : , $1,150. 'J'Jmoimmtiuu ltowimmttmm to ( corge Nowiumnum , : lot 22 , biock 23 , limirius , add ; $50. C. li. I'orkiums , trustee , toV. . Shill , ; bits U mumel 7 , islock 10 , Eubamik'tu , umdd . $150. LommiseFemmembaker tojamus C. t'ciernuohi , I lot 8 , block : t , Stimtsumunim'mi , 2t1 told ; $ J 20. I aumd ' 1. N. Cttsmuly , to 'uittrgmtret I 1eiI , lot ( I , mdock ii , Curt is itmuti I I aimisey's , adil ; $500. \v. 11. itootim to lhirmmiim E. lioiutim , 5 ime , 8 , 74 , 89 ; $700. : letLy liareisley to D. .1. Simmitlm , 1mw j , . Imo 1 , 20 , 78 , 42 , $700. Tultmry E. Totteii to Peter Brcmiiiolimm , : hot. 2 , block 15 , hlmihI's , nuld ; $150. I , ' ] iardusley to D. , J , Siimitim , sw'j , ! mieL 26 , 77 , 4'2 ; $700. I Cluittemubucic to ,1. F. IItnmmilttnm iot 11 , block 5 , Streets's acid ; $100. henry ( iittimms to LarsJemmusumi , mmej , sw.f , 85 , 77 , 48 ; $800 , ; Eiimmmma C. TuIiiheit. toVmii. . I lots 18 timid 1.1 , block I , Stuttmiuttmm's , 2d . 11(1(1 ; $80. i'm ! . Itogeus hi ; 'IV. Siedemmtopf , hilt. 4 , liisck I , 1 1 iilsdale , mmdcl ; itt hot. 7 , block ' 2:1 : , Tuliiiiimm's sub. iim lot I 8 , block 48 , ihiddie's smmb ; $100. Tummy 11. .Ssu'mmmm to Tulartimm lbilicm'somm , 'm ' hot 2 , block tf , imiiliilivisiomm of iSlihl hot L $250. I , 4)1111 Ii. I I owe to . .JtmmmmesS. . ( m'egg , lol I 1)ICk 3 , Cnstidy's multi ; $1,000. m 'I'iitnl immiles , $0,820. - TELEGRAPhIC MATTER. I , our halt st ' , May 10 , 1 S31 , iirliiga tt . ii , tilU , iarruttiio of liuuury 11 , Iuugralil , thu ( ieiierut , 8uhleriiiteitlcutt'f , ' thu Ifltrlrt 3lcsscuger Co. of Non ii I liii cut , Ciu ; I. .l r. fuugr.tiut sa N ; 'I'r ltiaiuy mutturithi 1 I had loom tireiy troulileil ttltbt te sienk uiuI , tireil Iet'lluug , tcros I Ito louts , lii uuiot lit vusrial ly accoinpa , , I I&'tI iu lUi a lucatiaclic. I tool iuuticetl alsi that at state , I t,1lu lOg ( luosu JIRI nil , muiy ii duo would bu I iuiduly c.lottsi , , ttuuil ie.tmo a lutaty brick.eolormwl sod Intent t hint ahi4lS eI to staiucl I , , the t 055(1. I cool , I itut wurk , , aitti I Ira's iII'oii ragoil to aim aiutrnuliug tlturee I NutmiItig iut'IJSJt ( too. I wai Irt'serliuoI ( or by .omuiu ii I the lucit phtyslciitits in New \"urk city , itlicro I iva hoomtinl at that tiiii' , bit tlorh el ntu ienihlt ijr i eliot I \VIteii niuutut rvwi3' to i s U itil tnt despair an ausmulalti 4 talicu acid to toe , ' I untuit you to try m hunt' , hieiumeiy 1 I did so , xliii iuar.lly ta otitytiuiir Itoh r luau elalMel m lefore I oht.altiol reliif , anl in t lureti o cci. ' , ' titus mt tile afortusail uiiItient , liti : carol , utiti I hmmi it ( it ci steitilimy , attul Iii iisoI svlth , nuelu lift' , iiI i I ( ' (1,1111 , rosumltue lily iuiiuu , is uugtl ii , su huh ii l outu tiux Pt siilJet. , , ilium t , , treimus or cii kitims , n mtlct utru likely I dIet t thu khItucy , ilthIleil : : I retliug I t g , aili ott . ttie1itou , , hut's. Ilutut. lIe i'vIy hOtS . , ' u.lt'w , flu t ittost hiuiuuorti litcu in tmuy caliliuc of muediriiues. I 01 ii.i ttu4 b witiouut , It , usuuI I i'2tcerttiiy util lucat I . Ii I eeoiuuuue'nil , it to xli ti 110 are t rou'jlol , sitit tlisra. ( It I ho iii or , hiiiiioy , or itni , iar' iigatu , It lius or ( till tO ( 'hut , a ( 'utitru ? diet. e TOWN OLERICFO1lTY.TWO YEARS. II 'lie lolisi , big if froti M r. ( ithinurIl I .uuger , this u ti S Liutut mu miii rcicitul 'ftwiu ClurJt (1 'OrII lilt , ( ' 0111 I 'i r , ( .ager i WI ytard oil , sTIll Iut help I ium IoIth ) if trust for 4 uar , aol h , . tv irl it m ; . itoi a's it Isruuni , ( Jut My t , I i 1 , us tvrhto i , ( ellIot' , : ' 'J'o .i tars I itittu hut'erui ) u lIlt disea. of the I.iliuu ii tot liadilur , aiI list u ho iteiituira'y Iti recosnnurtlii , m. I I hut' , I liiuietiy ni is s1eelflo br tt"su ) t'ttuujlxlut. , ha. lit only ( ( titu titesmuw of relics hu , ! tutu of term lie lilti , butt lix. euurti a iiitiuubcr of Ill ) ttcjtiaiitt4il 1'05. Tudsy lain peufurintluig thu diitic of tie oiil of Tos ii Clerk , t'1uhit I hat ii itch fir ram ty.tus o yuai Ii huh I coutlil itot be nblu to tie iteru I itot in a I- stiutu of hteattit us itig to thu mini of lhiiutt's ilexuiedy , ' " The utn of the tursi " Short , " llutp" hi e'ontectltin , eIIim thto S H 0 R"1 coimorato 115,110 ofa greatr' rohietys alt ilea of Just wtia repilred by tue travciin tub- ' N lic a tuh.rt l.Iite , Quick 'l'tmno I I E aiil hue best of cctrninotta. U tlouui-all of which are him' islucul by the greatest raiiuu xy Iii Aiieri'a. , ' C ULOAGOMLWAUKBE [ a And St. Paul. ' ' 4 ! II owius auth nieretru. over 4.rAs inllci of roadin Nortitern mmuluiou. , Vlseonlui , Mitiewitx , , , Iowa anti lakntut ; altt a Its ntaiii liut' , , braiicliei and coiineo. ti , , , , iraclt all the great luisinieqi eouutrui of the Niurtiiwe't aut Far 't'st , it. iuuututraliy answer. the th-'ci iitiiui of h4itort llir , , auid liest Itnuto between ; ( 'itlengi ) , 3111s slikee , St. i'auil auuii Mlic'xioli. , , . Citicagn , Miiwaukeo , La Cros"e anti \Vimonx. , t Ciuiesgui , Milwaukee , Aiterdoeti aiitl Eiiuutdutlc. Ciuirago , Miivankeo , Exit ( laire omit ittummuator. Cikagi , , i ilts utmtl.e'e , Yitttsxu auui Moirlil. , Cmuit'ag , , Milwaukee , Itcuiver iauii ant Oslikosh. , Chicago , Mlix mitiket' , Yattkoslus , an4 Ocoitomowoc. Chicag , , , Mhlwatikeo , Madisoit anti i'ratriutti Citlea. Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatoiinaand 'utirlbault. Chicago , Iletolt , .late ilie atul Mitteral PoInt. . Clilcago , Emgin , ltckforI auit ISimbuiqima. Citirago , Ciuitton , hte.'k ilxiit and Cedar 1laitl.ts. Citicago , Coitiueii mmmiiius antI Omnalta. Cluingu , Sioux City , SiiU i"amin ututi Yankton. Cincago , MIII alikL'C , B itcheim toni mtaiitierlaIn. hock I slninl lituloique St. i'aiiI aiil Miniucapotis. iat'eimport ) , CAlniar , St. m'aul anit Miiiiieapolts. . I'umllmmtn Sleepers aii,1 the Fiiest , lliiim Cars in the norlim art , ruin ott the iiuutiniiuitM ofths CH lCAcQ ' - MILWAUKEE&ST.PAULRAIL.WA ' , aitui every atteittion Is haIti to i1seiigers by courte- . ' ' Qua t'itt1uiO iw of thu vtiiiumatiy. . . ' - / ' 14. 8. MCltltlI.L , . V. 11. CAutm'ENTIBi , ' ( hemt'i damuager. flemi'I Pass. Agent. . J , T. CLAIIK , ( lEO. II. IIEAFFOIIU , Getil Suimlt. .A'UIeii'i l'aas , Agt. ' - , I 'i , . EI t i I. ' . . I . * ) ( : ' 4 t . - : : : . - - - E. . l - Swift's Specific ii iiot a tiitiuiilt , of science , hut Is a rimvelatiois , titrougmi tiiis itistituct. if the tuutimtnrcui sxvae , utitti I. in . a ( otiti let , , utuitllotu to nil kitl , of ltloxl i' . > isitt aIII $ ' Skimi liummurs. Swift' Sitciflo hits enroLl , iue o ( Sotiutila , s'luicIi is hereditary lii toe foully. I luavu sufferci n lilt it tOt , many cars , utiil have trici a grout iii toy hysiciao. atti all sort , , of trcatmiieutt. huit ii it' , tutrmsae ; anti iuoti I ittat to take Swift's i11ecitli I wxs In a itor- nIb eouiiihn , , lint titaitks I , t iii' , greit. riutitetly , I a , , , ill of tlut , ilkcn'e. 'Iliurt. Ii in , , i , , t't tlxt , it i tue greatest itt'mi'iutu iii oi'teutu , nut ! I , , any uviio 'Intuit 'ili lIrittu to it , , , . F : . C. h1.\VES , Jr. , S 0iarkvllle , Ga. After iuiiferltug twumuty.flt 1 ya ui witit a painful Iry . f totter , ani trying , aity llt sliaiii , 1 wt at mx ram - : : m u ti uiu of Swift's ipecil1c. alit cheerfully coiniutoni it t , , utIl , , iiuiiiariy afflicted. $1,000 Reward 'sill ic halt to auiy Citeinist . selto will fund , t'it tue auiaiysls of itO bottic'i 8. 5. 8. , ( ho liarticlu of Mercury , Iodide Potaisiuutm , or any initteral sutistutnee. 'nun swirr sm'ncurio Co. 1)rawer ) 3 , Atlanta , Ga.u Write for it co y of the little hook-free. i'ricc Small .ze , l.OO icr bottle. Large size ( hold- lug douihle immutittity ) l.7b bottle. . .lI drtuggiMts sell it. , I DR. WHITTIER , 617 Sf , Charles SI , , St. Louis , Mo. A ItiXIITLAI1 ( lliAlIJATE of two nmcdlcai colleges , mt becti ctugagei mincr in the treatment of ( MIltON. IC NERVOUS , SICIN ANIliLOOi ) Ilsenses ) than any other rio'eiclani lit St. 1.ul. , , as city taI shuow and all eli rceiIctit , , know. Comisumltatioi tree and hinted. WiuLni it I. iuutomiveiuleut to iisit the city fur treat. I iiueuut , iticiilciuies cxi , lie ccitt by mail orexiress every- where. ( jiiralle roses gtmaranltethl % tiucro doubt ox. 1st. Ii lu fmitki.s' stated. Cxli or write. ; Neri ouie l'rrsi ratitiui , Ileliillty , 3lenital ann ! PhysIcal ' ' \Veakiit - , , Mercurial ititil other aiiectloius oi' 5i , Htdu ututi Ilouce , , IlmsIiptjurftIos tout ! HIoutL'cIson. u mug , SkIn ahlcctiouuu , Old Sore. aitil tlleereTmpcdl.I I moutH to Marriage , hieuuiuatTsmii , , 1'lIes. 1u1edai at. , . . tcntioti to otsee frouti oscrorkt.ihrudi , itiiidiAi oAsmt recolso st'cfaI utttiitIu. , , fl1scasoearfjij trimu Juuijruleiice , , , Excesses , Incfiiig ii it ) itgcttito whole ; MARRIAGEt 'welloltL Many rveelts ; usIIO may -T.7xI : : . iiuarrywluiyno wity , cause. etulteesItuciucee aitil a to. Eatte.i for 25o ; I , r l.t.anuupi , V 'd&wiy Aii.TH4EN' LI g tlo. I.e fr. , ueit.cTlloa. , 5fi4 'r the , PswI 5,1k , uoi.i. mw p Irtt,1 , .I.IcaIty , Ir.Id , ah4 uebI. is ! t1or , , iir. ' . .m , i i. . i'vt-'rt , , cxii I. . , ut.IsIy . .t ; 'erLI. (5tIy Cu.i , wIIht . , i'dtito. , Kotr.i bdoctofl xIau.n. n.m Ii , . inn. . , Tt. Medkat t"ily . .v. ' lbs oL S p1. , , ( Nrvoi. IlP.lill V. IIy.I'aI ik. . 0. . I. t.lI .u.r.ld ' b 'Ill I : 1.tltI4'I'ilN umum.Ft. . ii.a hot.yP. ' . . . ( iI'tS . . .UTri otrtiI5 rvtor.ti (0 tUtu 54 pep. f fast , , , , , Isui. $ nie , , ffette. , & . , , , . Ses4 , r-iiI. , , , , ( fli.ul , 'In wIt , lilcian rn. , 'I " ; 'oN umiimmnv : ci , . . 45 tY , 11th lii. , x.u Tew. - - _ _ _ _ - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I . II' miii.1 : , fl'ii'ra- , i , , I. , % II , I .it for I I't' llIi' .i , II I te'III ills of ( lit' it , lirulil , , ' ' ) tVsltS. 'Dfi/CI4EEVL .1 lit I ' iw In , lIIsIt.r 'ibitit I I' , . isu I'tIt's'Ii. . I I. . ' . , , , t. SJCBLrJ I iltte . , , Utli I i . ' ' ' ' I i' ii I nuesitng . OR i' iiIl'8I"Il II. ' . . , , : l..I1A 1O-b t:9.J. : : : S . , , I Il'tii ' I , , lltliy , : ' , , I I. , , ti , lui , , , ueto.nd 0 7IYiiIl'8I"Il , ' ! l'lrIi' Lilt , \ , , . , ' , ' , I , , , 'IIn' aim ii. t J U i I . "lll , , . t'i Ii .sI ; Is1tlI I. , I , . I l I. tor 0 ' ' ' ' , , ii I i'iIIsiiui , iitili , , , i.tu'cvcr : 'I , l' . ' J'tt ' ii i'll ii ' ' , , , it I bt-jr' , . lii. 'I ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'JP1WEBEico 'I 8 03 S. I 1) ) Ih : St . , Oiunhmi , rakeBracesforthieCurrentjonof , I.t' Physical Deformities , 4 1 0 antI Siltual Ilsraso ) , Club Feet , Stilt Kimeci , Is 1Jo , ' Legs , iiiock.krte , etc. It ( i 1'timsses of time Ilost Tuftile ko1ul cii Ilztrd , Tnmtsaes repalrrtl. g Cttitcuus iuad to truer. it Summali sob. ( .11 all ttiuueli tioiiu Pb hteI , frau anti weed. . ileiiairiit of all kimu&Is duttu 't 'I. cheap , itcat mad , : , , PrOmiItiY , It , to 3' , & CO ' it 8fl3 3 , 1 0th SI : , Ohitmulium. 5 , ,1 , , Jy19e1mo ' a . , Y . ,