Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1883, Image 1

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    I , 4 ri HE OMAHA ' DAILY BEE.
1h1dh the Brotherhoorl of To1orhcrs
Will Tihtdll at ROoil To-Bay :
Thc OperatorM of SenraL itatirontis
1'rcont Their liii ! of Orloy-
aitces-No Itcs1luflf4o
NRw YoRx , Aug. i-Mn.tcr Workman -
man John CXUfl1)bOIl of thu telegraphers ,
atttes the bill of grievances preseitted
Lhio Delaware & Lackavattna Coiitpaiiy
Saturday riIl lo presented oiiother roads
: ? Jhfltlay. It calls for an increase of $10
.a month oh ucry salary ; that no salary
be less titan $ LI0 , thtat extra ity : ho given
for Sunday , that nil telcgrnphtcrs dis.
charged for refusing to handle conunercial
matters bo re-employed. All telegraph.
ers , included inciitbcr or noii.ineinbers
.of the Brotherhood.
Western oflicer3 state all wires ate in
good order aiitl all iiiesagea sent as soon
u ; received.
1 . Ciiicto , August 15.-it is itow deli-
' nitely knowit on adinissioii of its ollicittls
Ihiat the operators tflhlplOyOl l ) the Clii-
cao & Alton road presented a bill of
grievances to the company Saturday
310011 , , denuuiding 10 pr eCIIt increase ,
. -oxt.ra pay for Sunday work : uid release
front seiiding commercial messages during
the peiitling sLrile. Ollicialsof the coiii-
paily say they are prepnred for a strike
.nnd will make lit ) CS1)0IiSC WhiatO'er to
the deinaiid. In thittt event the men will
.1)0 called out Monday iiooii. WalflSht
oflicials neither admit nor tieny presenta-
.tion of a similar bill of grievances to the
inanagenient of that company , but the
.gciicral belief is a strike will be ordered
on tlut road also at the same time.
P1natnaLtIl1t , August 5.-Thu itiass
moctiiig of workingineit in the interest of
the striking telegraphers , aiinounce'l for
Fairntouiit , was not hold , the
authioriLies refusing the use of the lLrki
Pinsnuito August 5.-It is reported
3 hero to-night , that all railroad operators
liolonging to the telegrapher's brother-
itood , will be ordered out at nooii to-day.
Vowing the 1'Iatto Vailcy by
light-Arrival at. Gvccn Itiver.
Siecial Dispatch to Tin Bir.
KEAflSEY , Nob. , August 4.-The
prcsidcntial party arrived at Kctrnoy 11
o'clock this a. n and reinailiNi about
five ininutes Sever.d hundred citizens
were at the depot to do honor to the
presideat , but , notwithstanding relcatel
calls and reusing cliecriiig no acknowledgement -
lodgement was received. After the departure -
parturo of the train the people returned
to their homes feeling greatly slighted ,
tltiuhing that seine notice might hnvo
1)0011 taken of thorn. The remark 'we
-r will vote for a democrat next time , " was
' indulgcd in freely.
viawisa TILE iLtrTi VALLEY.
CIIuYENNE , Augtist-4.-The presilollt's
f . train arrived at Omaha at 4 o'clock this
morning , stoing ) only long enough to
drop the locomotive and equipment of
the Northwestern road and takint on
that of thto Union Pacifid. A short delay
t 1 j niado at Cheyenne in order that the
president iiiay see the people. Yesterday -
day afteriioon at four the ptrtY reached
the Iova line , and the 1)rcsidont appear-
.ci.I ii the rearplatform at all the priltci-
pal cities nud towns which the traiii pass-
( l , iii answer to loud calls from the P00-
pie. Frequent continents have
becit made by nfl of the party on
the wonderful agricultural worth of
Iowa and i t8 prosperous appearance.
Otyii to the early hour at vhiichi the
train lLSCd Omaha , the president was
.obliged to decline the recepLion there.
The trip from Omaha to Chey'inne gave
axi OJOrtUI1ity ) of seeing the richi valley
-of the Platte at the most auspicious
seaSon of the year. Expressions of delight -
light and surprise were heard from all
wlieii informed that to transport the COhS
of this section this year would test the
Itillcst CahiacitY of the railroads. The
gradual ascent froni the Missouri river ,
with the more rarified atmosphere and
dehightfully moderate temperature , are
'aiready having a beneficial effect on the
.cntirc party.
- inooiu :
? GnEEN Rivnn , Wyoming , August 5.-
On the arrival of the presidential train
Iq .at Cheyenne at 0 o'clock last night a
i large number of 11001)10 were at the sta-
Lion , and during the stop there the presi-
% 'lcnt , Sccetary Lincoln and Senator Vest
j wade a few remarks and were introduced
I to thiooflicialsof the territory. At 3:30 :
the ttaiii moved out front the station Un-
4cr ehiarge of General Superintendent
t Dickinson , of the Union Pacific road.
Ehiteciz miles west of Cheyenne was
assud Sherman station. 'rhisisthohtighest
point on the Union Pacific railway. 'rite
train arrived at Green River at 1030
.S nday , and in consequence of the pro-
I .arrangcd plait to 1'ond Sunday at this
jipntt the partyrettin0tl quietly on the
train.ahl day. ' 1'o.inorrov morning at 7
.o'cktck the party tnkCt3 spring wagons for
- "c.Vahakio aUl vill encamp to.inorrow
\ i3ight on the Sweet Water , 101 miles
norUi of this point. - Next day time party
wihl drive into Fort \Vashiakio , 55 miles.
11'horo are thio of these spring
wagons. The 1isideiit Secretary J41O
.eoln and General Sheridan will ride
' 4 in number one ; SemflttVVest ) , Jiulgo
itoflimis and ( hen. tagem. iii number two ;
Uov. tJrosliy , Mv. ( ieo.Test , Surgeon
T'trttoOl aiitl your repreLuntatlvo In
\ flhmflhler three. 'l'liu 1ItIty expects to
\ iima ¼ e about. ten 1,11105 , liii hour over a line
; natural road , miid tO reach ' \VashItlcio
LaboiiL 8 p. In. Augtist 7th. ti there Is
no telegraph statuni this side ofVmtslui
ide , there will ho mo fuItimer dispatches
froiti the jarty ) till after reaChIiIIg that
1)OilIt. )
_ _ -
' . Broketi 3i00 ! Mcii.
' * Dovzmt , N. II. , August 4.-Charles W
Cluiiiur.s' shoe factory was attached thus
monfiig by a deputy shierithoii two writs
IR favor of the JlOStOmIlfltmIkS for 3l,0O0.
' 'Cicmnents lund for a special partner
Fayette Shaw and hind mactot ios in Dover ,
Brocktn , Randolph , Rockland , I layer-
kill and Lynn. It is geiIOrally believed
this failure would not have occurred but
'forSliaw's failure , Clomnents' factory ma
thu largest in tim city and contributed
greatly to its prosperity.
1oToN , August 4.--The .Jourmial Con
firms the failure of Clomnents , and says
the liabilities amounts to $500 000. They
employed 1,000 haiuls in the various
BostoN , August 5.-At a mncuthmig of
the creditors of F. Shmaw Bros. yes.
terday , the lirni stated that the liabilities ,
including accomnmnodatiomt paper , Mid cv-
orything that. could caine tinder thu hmerud
of imulolitechiucas , vtis $8,200000 ! ; assets
$1,000,000 , nearly all of winch was jut-
mediately convertible. The failure is
laid to the fact that the house found it3
paier ; had to lo negotiated and chose
this means right its affitirs.
1t-ogrcs btthe Jiarvest In Iowa mid
Special Dispiitchtes to Tmuu lhia.
NiuUAsI. : .
SEwMtI' , 2ugtisL 4.-harvesting is
nearly over and uuiost. of the graiui is in
the shiock Seine of the farmers have
CIi1II1CIIC0(1 atackiuig. 'I'lue wheat is the
host ill this riection shico 1877. Oats are
very ltcwy amiti svas harvested in good
condition ; the yield will be somnothuimig
like 50 bushels per acre. The weather
hiss not becit very favorable for corn for
the JaSt WOOk. Thmo nights have 1)0011
cool , and if it does nut wutrin upitho COI )
will not be over half a crop. Some fields
hmvo comnmuenced to tassel amid silk omit ,
lUt rather short. All we wauut is varimi
weather auiul plenty of it.
ALmoN , Boone Co. , August 4.-lIar-
vest is abtut half over in our country ,
and it is atlmnitted by all hands that this
is the boss crop ofsmall graimi , especially
wheat anti ohts. Corul is not quite SO
ftrward as it was last year at this time ,
but it is looking very flue and should
Old Sol miot get the jiin.juuns too often
from now to the middle of September , it
will make a big crop yet.
l'BacIvAa , I& % . August 4.-The late
planted corn is most of it tasseling now ,
anti is very short , not more titan twb-
thirds as high as it is commonly. Take
a line through the northwest coiuter of
the towmiship to the southeast corner and
all the country miorth and west of that to
the width of front five to ten miles is literally -
orally destroyed. That is , the crojis , of
course. Thu rest of the township , froni
present aplearauico ) will raise half a crop
on what is plutuuteti.
I think fully one-half of the cultivated.
land lies idloi ; some was not planted , and
almost eveiy farmei is plowing up or uumi-
der the small corn that was Ljured by
water 80 that there is no hope of its mak-
imig anything.
The best corn we have will make over
fifty bushels to the acre , anti the large
majority of it will go all the way fromui
five to thirty buslicis if the weather is
favorable front this OU until gathering
ITAIIItISON , Augnst 4.-Crops are iuii-
proving very fast in this ( Pottawattoinie
county ) , and small grain is better thati it
has been for years , and is mostly cut-
the late raiuis having helped the corn very
munch. Grass poor.
ClncAc.o , Aug. 5.-The Swiss National
celebration by people of that nationality
in Chicago and Milwaukee , began hero to.
day and will continue to-morrow and tomorrow -
morrow itight. It consists of a parade ,
representations of national customs and
umnuers , singi mig. speeches , athletic
gaines , etc.
May Commuandery Knights Toniplar
of Philadelphia , one hundred strong ,
passed through this city cmi route
for San Francisco to take part in the
coming conclave.
The annual meeting of the American
Society of Microscopists will be lucid
lucre , begimining Tuesday next and hasting
four days. A large number of papers
will be road.
The citizens' association will , it is said ,
begin action in quo warranto against leading -
ing saloon keepers of this city to determine -
mine the question of the validity of the
011081) saloon licenses issued by authority
of the council in order to avoid the operation -
ration of the state high license law.
This course is taken in order to force the
issue speedily to the supreme court.
thue miew turf orgsiiization which is fitting
UI ) Un elegant auid costly track and
grounds on the south aide , and whuichi
will be devoted exclunivcly to the ruit-
nimug horse , announces m meeting to cover
Jumie 5 to 12 , 1884 , aud has mened five
stikea , to close October 15th next , and
will open nimio moore to close January
15th , 1885. Not less than $45,000 will
be added to the stakes and in no citso
less thamu $500. will be given. Pierre
Loriliard , time Dwyora and other eastern
horse owners have already signified thucIr
intention to make entries ,
A Canton , ( ill. ) special says , an entire
block and a portion of another , , were
burned yesterday. Loss , 27,000 , ihsur-
alice 818,500.
Interview vltI4O1)omuricIl's Brorjuer.
WASIIINoToN , August 4-Thu Itepub.
licami luI1)lishles all interview with an
Trishminami nametl Cornelius O'Doniiehl ,
who claims to be a brother of the O'Doui-
nell who shot Carey at Port Elizabeth ,
South Africa. 'I'o the interviewer
O'lonnoll said , ' ' 1fy brother left Chicago ,
whore I live , about cighit months ago ,
amiui said ho svas going to Ire.
huiti to huclj.i thio suilferimmg people
there. 1 implored Idnu not to do so ,
knowing what the m'esult might 1w. lIe
did miuit hiecti mny4dvico , amid left on time
ntcaimucr Ahasla iii November last , arriv-
imIti in Iubhin about two weeks ititer. 1
received cablegrams about two mouths
ago amlnouiiciimg Ito was going to leave for
.Southu Africa with his wife
IA ) settle there. That is
the last I heard froimi him uuntil I read the
dispatch anmmouiuciiig time shooting. lily
biotiuer was always a wild , umiunanagabic
sort of a fellow amid has been around time
world several times. lie married a Olmi.
eago lady IlaIflel Iluina , by whomim lie hiss
two children who aromuow in Chicago ,
A SIioritT lUlled.
Fear WAYNE , August 4.-William
Mannia , a deputy ahuerifi , was hoL tuid
instantly killed by a prisoner naumiod
Manuel Fox , who 1usd escaped from jail
during thuo forenoon , and who was fleeIng
to escape recapture.
C&roy & all1 Go1cra Conhinile the Cud
Topics Beyoll the Fofi.
Tue Former's l'artners In Crime Be-
fnsed a house In Australia-
The Tonquulmi Vnr-Tlte
CbolerI4 lcntli
. ilI.
a INIit ! : L IOIt IIGN NliVS.
Tilti uuuut'nmi 01' eAuiIY. :
IiNtIlN. ( ) Atugtist 5.-'l'ho utturder of
Carey coiitiiuuues tIme solo subject of eon-
versittituul iii London autti Duil.hiii. Carey
humiuself chose to go to NiltUl , I to wouhi
Hot gui to .4 tustuutlia , because lie knew
miutuumy femmiituu fearing mirrest had escaped
to that cottuitry. It. s an opemi secret
that Itrl Sjutcer , lord lieutenant ( If
Irelaiid , imi much nmuuoyetl by time murder
of Carey amid the provouttiout of Favami
aught 811d other iumformners froiui lamidimig
itt telbotirmie. 'rlueio has imeelt sommue
muigly eirrcslwnleumee beLveeut Ettrl
Spencer amid hrOuIiiiIUItt oflicials on the
subject. Tii Observer says , it is rummuored
1avanmnmgit has beomi unurdered.
i\IuLImouItNu,4 : August .1 -lcavauiaughu
anti other iumformners are still out board
the stetnier : Ptrthamu. 'I'hme goverutunomuts
of New South \\'iiles amid Victoria are utu-
gotiatiumg with a view of setthium thai uhf.
rIii tNstMiTis. :
Puui , August ti.-Iuuimiieuliatoly after
the dolarturo of the French the Amuuma-
mites reoccupied the positioums which the
French had taken in time sortie fromut Nal-
Tim COUNTRY 15 SAF } .
IlE1.mtAIE , .t\ugust 5.-'l'he cabinet
mnimmisters have witlidrawit their resigns-
LeNnoN , August 5.-Saturday three
porsoims died from cholera at Alexandria
amid two at Imumiioh , one British soldier.
LONIoN. Aug. 5.-Total itumumbers of
deaths from cholera in Egypt , S.utuurday ,
870 , including 170 at Cairo , i7 at Rosetta ,
187 in the provimuce of arbiehi , 105 in
the province of Dakalahi amid 14 in Boil
Suef. Deaths iii Egypt Snitilay , 728 , iii.
eluding 160 in Cairo , 2 a Itosotta. lOh )
in Garhich , 144 in Dakalali and 89 at
Dciii Simef. Suumdays return is seine-
what incomplete , but seems to have beau
an inuluroveinellt over Saturday.
IARis , August 5.-Tue ollicial Journal
ptmblishied1a note frouui the British legs-
tion refuting time newspaper assertions
that the spread of cholera in Egypt was
caused by British neglect to establish
proper quarauitiiie regulations.
Do Lesseps deities that lie felt inclined
to oiler furtherconcossions with a viuw tea
a resuuumption of negotiations with time the
British government , relative to the Suez
Canal He said if the British govermimneuit
had amiytiuing to suggest it coulul olithiji
a fair hearing through the British Direc-
toni of the Suez Oauial coumupany.
LeNnoN , August 5-Lord Chief Justice -
tice Coleridge is strictly guarded (11110mg
the setting of the Bristol assizes owing to
threats against his life by fenians.
it is reported a military rising huts
takemi place iii the Spanish province of
Badnyose on thu Portuguese frontier amid
that ; the regular authorities have been
arrested. 'Telegraph and railway hues
between Badayose and Portugal are iii-
LisnoN , August -Midnighul.-Ac- -
cordimig to the latest report time rising ,
which was iii time repubhicami interest ,
was speedily suppressed by trooius front
lmladrid. Reports relative to time move-
iuieuit comne fromui Portugese railway cmii-
ployes statioumed on thie frontier , wlmo say
the rising occurred at one o'clock Suumday
morning. Timu captain-general of the
proviuicu wason afurlougimnt a Portugoso
wateriuig piuce.
Time Jewish residents of lcaturinoshav ,
Rusiia , vore attackel by a mnob on time
2mmd instaet. 'l'iio soldiery were called
out to disperse the rioters , ouie of whmommi
were killed and thirteomi wounded. Time
trouble was caused by a Jew insulting ut
heasammt woummn. Tlio town council of
Ekarerimioslav resolved to r'ivo the Jews
5,000 roublcs to compensate them for
their losses suid to provide shelter for
those who were rendered homeless.
HAVANA , Auguat fI.-Eluveui of time
Lwclvu ierons heft lucre sick with yellow
fever by the steammior city of Mends ,
sailed emi the steamer British umpire
yesterday , for Now York. i'irst
EngimmeerVemmt was time only death.
hose Komcm , August 5.-The French
have issued a Proclamnatiomi to time 'I'oui
promising to imuuish their opmress.
ors anti destroy time city of hue if neces-
asry. lteconnoissmtncu slmowmm Smmmitzmg is
stromughy fortified , withu guuis coummnmumdiimg
time river. Probably the decissive blow
will soouu be struck. time troops attoumupting
to calturo time entire Inmid force of time
black flags while the fleet attacks hue.
LONmION , Aiigmmst li.-'l'imo Cimimmese iroum
clad , wlmich racemitly sailed for Stettimi ,
bias beumm ordered to rouumaiui at thmat poimmt
for time hiresemit.
LONIION , Jitugiist 3.-Time 'I'iuimes jiuul ) .
lialmes 8 letter wlmiclm states time I i-ishm
imatiomual league has tlocidctl to call a
series of convontioums iii all coiuuities iii
I rolumd : vit1m is 'iew of elmoosimig a eeim-
trmI executive coumicil. Arramigemmuonts
510 being made to resumno timupropaganda
for secilrimlg Sil Irish lmmrl3muumemmt : , jietstumt
Imrhiriutmmry auth ndoimtioii of other mimosa.
uresdesired hmy time hush , It is also imu-
temuded to hold ium thu nutumuui of 1881 a
gemicral couivoumtiomm of liishm societjoa
tlmroughmout time world.
Mmu.umouluNs , August 4L , Lisa
Australian sculler , has issued a chmallormgo
to hlaumlan to row it race for time chain-
1)10115111) of time world on time P.mramnntta ,
New Soutim Wales course. Stakes 1,000
a side.
OAm'mTowN , August 4.-O'Donnell was
coinnltted for trial on time chmargtr of wil.
ful murder. In time ordinary urse of
eveuita Ito will be tried at Port Elizabotim
nasizea iii October , At time fiumal examnium-
atiomi of O'Iouuumoll a huox was jirodtuced ,
belougimig to time prisoutor , lftlCllel ( itipe-
towmm , ComitAilutmig ft WoOd ' of
Carey , nuiti isiict5 of Aiii. icaii
citizeutahilp , thittetl 'l'oromito , November
1876. Carey's semi was recalled 511(1 do.
umied that. Icolley , time Irish passomiger on
time steamer Ihmifatuns Castle , was idonti.
cal with Kavanaugh. lie testified tlmnt
his fattier was ummniliuug stud talking to
O'Dommiuehl when lie ( witmuess ) saw the
latter draw ii. revolver smith fire one shot ,
lie ( witness ) then mu to fetch his fathm.
or's revolver. his mother was
hiohmUng hIs futtiter vhon the third suet
vtts lired. O'lonnell declared C.irey
first drew a revolver which ha ( O'Ioim.
itoh ) seized itumul fired ht CarO ) ' lit self-do.
fuimse. lie described himmummuhf its l'atrick
O'Doumumehl , aged -iii , must ive of Goodsali ,
coumuty Ioma'gah , a laborer , formuerly a
LONIN ) , August .l'I'lmere is great ox-
citemnemut iii hltuimgary over tite acquittal
of time , lewu itecimsed of mnssrderiumg Esther
S'Ol'uulOSi. At l'rcslnurg a umtob of numti-
Suunitics gathered smith liucauuie ito hostile
jul their ( lemtItm1Stiitiii5 itgitimmst. the .1 ows
thmt time : tutlumrities ure compelled to
order out. tIme utmil'mtary t disperse timoumi.
LNuON , August 4.-Pnnia correspond
emits to London papers do not coimsidur
time plot to restore the mnonareluy in
1"rauueo of 50jjfl5 character. 'I'wo coach.
liICmI Wilt ) Wore arreateul hmmul Palois ) iii
their 1utssessioui whiehi iiitliciitotl the ox-
isteimcu of a secret hogitiunist conummm'uttee of
utctieu. ' 1ime Stamuhird this couutmiuit-
tee coimsisted of servututtim amid stuuuahl
trulesunemm. 'I'hme Paris Tenups treats the
umatter as without iuuiportnumce.
A dispttchm : frousi T'anis says Ciuallemuuol
Lacotmr , ummimmister of foreign atimim a , hits
1usd miii iuuterview with ! mlarquis 'I'scmig ,
Chinese ambassador , sail it is repuoteml
time forumuer deuumuided the witlmdrawal of
Clmimuosu troops frommi Tomut1uiui.
TIlE i'IAmL'R muiti.t : ES nANK.4 ,
ALEXANIIILIA , August 4.Thie whole
gatmdarmmues cordoui froimi Elhtryet to itos-
etta , is infected with cholera. It is hardly -
ly possible that Aloznmmlria will escape
tiio ( libeaSO , Several painfully sellout
deaths of ladies occurred Fniday. Thu
state of old Cairo is still very bad ,
FiLSR At ) utiiC.
itoMu : , August -Negotiatious lie.
tween time vatican smut Fruomee in regard
to nohighmus : tIluirs have , thmrmoigim a letter
of President ( h'evy , resulted imi accord
out time pmiuicital tlluestiouus at issue. I
strttctiuna jIm accoidice with time uirrauugo.
umuent uuuatlo have becim sent to the P.t1ish
.Nuuucio at l'aria.
- - - -
C.L'iTs1j NOTKS.
\VASIIINGTON , August hi.-W. E. ov-
elms , Ummitemi States commaul at Smmiyruia ,
rrites time muatioumal hoard of iue.tlthm titmIce
tiato of .hiuly 13th , as fiullowim : 'Newa
frommi Egypt is less ztlarnmimig thuit at time
timime of my last reJort. Fauts lowe
cmmine to light tomidimig to slunv the ha.
ease which is clectummatimig thio Phti-
latiomi of Dammuietta is imot Asiatic
chioheri , but unauignant local , _ his-
temmiper , caused by the lihlimy coumhitmon of
time town amid time imnelcaut habits
of its lower classes. whose piium.
ciial article oi footi is fish
caughmt from w.tter jmohhmmteml by
poisOn by beimmg tmsel its a recepticlo for
oflhI , carcasses of thisea.sed aumimnals , etc.
Durimug l3ritisii 00001)Stltun mmmamiy ; LutiiiutthIt
perished tumid their hoclies were dimumiped
iuito time wmtttir regaidlesa of couisequeuicca.
'I'luis thory is stremugtlmeuicd by time fyI-
lowing ¶ itcts. Time hmseaso lirs musIc its
mmppearauuce iii Duniotta : oum time 4th of
J une , but was hot imiatlu pimlihie ummtil time
20th , at .wluiclu tiuiuo the death ratt be-
Camull. ) ttRu large for lommgur coumceumhmtiouit ;
secomiti , time immortality is couitimuud zthtmmost
wholly to umuttivos tVii ( ) histcgumitl imm
their mob of liviimg mill sanitary
requuireumieumts ; third , time disease is
liummitctl to it amuuall territory ; fommrthm , its
lLCViutis ciimrte oil time sumppositioui thitt
it is Asittic : cimoleam cmmmmmiut : be traced ;
fifth , time disease ulous imol simeetd : withm time
i a1uithity of Asiatic clittiutmut. lii I 805 tIme
chmolerut was only two days iii trutvehimug
froni Daummiotta to AiuxLIn1ria. I his ) '
add sommmu of time beat liiYIicittmls Of Smimyr-
Its do. uitmt i'egumid time p1scmmt scourge iii
Egypt as Chmoiema.'itim \ stm'smmgemit ummeaa
tnes tahiemi to eomifiuue it witiiiut time hires-
omit hiummits it is fair to umsauummue its rtvumge.4 :
ill not be mimimehm further extemimled , uI.
though thuS dt.umth nato shows little dimmsi-
umutiomi as yet. "
OrdemN I ( i imiiiy ( ) flIters.
\VASIIINuToN , iiigtiaL i.-Ct1tL. Frnmmk
heath , ordmmammctu depattuimomit , is ordered
to proceed ( room OhicycumumeVyomimiuig territory -
ritory , to Itoek Islaumtl tultiulat , ' Illimmois ,
on 1ubhic bumsiumess , numd cmi the cwuple.
tion tiiuruof to return to his imroimor aLa.
tirnm. The suimerinteimlemit of time general
nocruitiumg service is ordered to cause lifty
recruits to be prepitrel and. forwarded to
Fort \Vaymue , ] 'ilichi. , for utsaigusummemit to
commipammies A , B , 0 , 1) , 11 , 1 , amid
K , 'I'emith iumfmtmmtry. ( huneruil lit. I' .
Suiuaii , chmief comnmuuumsuury of subsistence ,
tlepartinoimt of 'l'oxmut , hits imeon or-
deued to dimLy at New Y'rk its dajot coin-
iumissary of subsiatoumee. Gemi. .Jumhui 1' .
Jltswkiums Juts boon , rt1cmoc1 froimm ( ltit ) itS
chief counmmiiaIry : of aubs'istummcu , tlepuirL.
ummwmt of time [ 'luitte , whim he md m1imtrters at
Omimuuius. ( a'eum. 'J'IjomumitaVjiaoim huts boost
ttihiovod ( rout duty its chief cmnislimissimry of
subsistence , deiartisutnst ) ( If time I'luitte ,
mud ordered to Saum Ammhomia , 'l'ouuts , as
chief coummusiisssry of simbaimutaumee , depart.
mount of
A Nnii-iv ( Jmtiiiu 10 tIme Gulf.
Sv. Louis , August 5.-A imuw project
to lnmihl it Imummrow gauge rumiiioutd fmomis
St. , Joso1iii , I\lo \ , , tiuiiughs citstcrmm ICummi.
sits , umotmtwesterim JIisaotimi , utuimi A rkmusaas :
to noimuu 1miuiuit on time (1 uhf of 1tlexioo in
14)miim4imiiimL hans hicemu ettleU iil'Ihi ) amud ii
boar(1 of dii'ticLois muimd time foihmnsisig olli-
cars elected : l'rcai'lommt ' , Abmumi Nave , imf
St. Josoihm ; s'iee presbicuut , C. J401a1o1 ,
, Ji. . , of ' .1 toy , lcnmimma ; secretary , . .1.V
l'omcim , of SI ; . .Josejmii ; sUlICiimiteuilttuit ,
.Joaephm Ilanisoui , of St. .Josejii. 'I'lmo
iimtoimtioui of time boatd us to issue 85,000 , .
000 ( if hommds 80 thor ccitt of wimic'it will
ia takcmm by sum Euiglishm syndicate.
I'USIbIO % 'cmitiier.
1tVAHmIINaT0N , August 5.-For the up.
jor i1iaaiasippi valley , fair weather , fol.
loweti by ltitrtIy cloudy wcathwr nuid local
rumums , nontimorly winds shIfting to eastoriy ,
falling barometer or rising touumporature ,
For time Missouri valley , 1martly cloudy
woathiom' numtl local zniuma , jj jt mostly
southerly , ( shilmig butnmmmtotom , stmttioiity
01' IlSIII , tehnjet.tuio.
- -
- -
. :
Thd Proyisioii Market at the Norcy of
the $ ccu1atio Uhoills ,
Tintlo In Chicago Narrowed Iown
to liOCRI Olorntors W'hio Are
Ittibtiluig Iachm Othet--
ItevIoq of time \'cek.
Cmmmecuo , Atiguist .t.Ilcrusld Special
Atigmist 'i'o ' out 'clutmige time reverse o
favoniblu to time mill interest. All
uimarkets louse been timmll sitU tloprcssetl
dumnumug thu week. 'I'iiere utte several
rcasoums.ftum' the gloomumy sutuatlibul , which ,
sheui they shall be rouuuovod , allow hope
for a umItio satiafuictory state of iulliirs.
'I'hue ti3legrathi service it ; unit yet what it
should be , for , oh thmoogl m there is sonic-
thitt Immou'o j ui.i Outhit miess i mm coummunuuiicat ion
bof ween thsti prismcipal cities , yet tiunis.
mtuids ofsiiuall poiuits wlmielm arc feeders to
tIme Inmaiuiess of time hoard of tntde utre still
ueai.lx ! or uitmite iuiaecess'iblm. , 'I'liore is
little mmmcreaso iii time ytihsimmiti of trtdiiig
ftmmm time tumusjtlo ( , ihime to this fact iii , ait.
ititti iIltt ( ) to thi tiuuttiitutis fcehiuug prevafliuug
amitoumg emumimitry com muummissiomi I I SOIL witim
rcfumeuice tii time ummimikct _ 'I'hmo lIrS-
tratiuium of hmimaimmess oum the Now York stock
uxchmnimgo amid heavy failures iii time gout-
eu.itl tntde in time east have hmutti their in-
Iltirumee , white the ciumulerim scamo is still
used with souimt effect. Aim old operator
Says , iii 1cft3i ctmee to time umittiust iomm : ' 'ht
is the legitimate result of hii'ovknms forciumg
Of ptiees by HPecmthittimm fti. : tbivo their
intrinsic value. 'I'hore is , " ito suujil , ' 'ito
( loiImitIutl for time hirumliemLy for commaumumptiomu
at time lrices , itumul mis omitsideis have tmucui
SO repeatedly fleeced by gamnhihimmg utiamuip.
tihittitmmis , tiIc ) ieftue to couume in timid take
time hirOhiottY Its tIle ) ' htitVC boon loiiig
durimig time past tWo or thmrc'o ) 'eatS , so time
trade is umuirroweti low ii to local operators ,
s'hiui ai'e trying to rob each ether. The
Eunleutum uimarkuta being butd , amid tIme
SUIViCOS favorable for mtvuimtge crops , time
bears lowe Limo advantage. "
Thu visible supply of wheat at tIme
close of July is Plutcod itt I7'iOSfill '
btusimohs , a tiecrease of but .15,000 bushels
for time week. There are 10,521,723
bimshtols of corn 1mm sight , or mmeimnly a mmiii.
lion imummitels less timaut mm weak ago. Oats
lowe dectussud 120.000 bushels auni rye
200,000 bushels ( luring tIme saumic tilumu.
Deliveries of gesiut out August commtricts
were free , limit ( it ti0iS10mmS time ) ' were hot
large , holders comitimmuimug to carry tIme
11t'01)Ctt ) ) .
lit vhieat the disposition has beemi to
witjt fei further luvehopniemmts , tim bimlis
mtumtl bcar boimig abotut evommly divided as
to Presumit values. No imetvy pucimses
fur iumvcstuimttuit. hiavo beemi mottle , aunt yet
immoderate ittiyimmg by a few ieuuhimug houses
hiss been mtppareimt. The uumarkat is not
largely overbid , amid shorts are covoriumg
011 the weak allots , uitit catihig to take
the risk ( if timmuch further utcei&lcumt to tue
croju. 'l'lme latest reports fuommi abroad
are not of it bearish nature , mmmifutvoiutbhc
weather reducimig swumewhnt time cmi-
timuutte ( if foreign crops Time feel-
hug is iii favor of piurelmasimug on breaks ,
as they OCCUr , 115 501110 reaction Row follows -
lows every such ( lepressiomu. 'l'imimi is
equally true in oUter umiarkets. Time humus
; tLe tiummid mtimd it has required persiatemit
luyiiug by stromug parties to inistutimu prirn
c&us. ' [ 'lie filet that four or live brokers
hiutve takomm comisidonmlmltm qtiutmmtitics of
wheat at inside figures hits given rise to
time rummior tlutt a utyumhicuito 1usd beemi
formmmed to force mum upward miiovemmmemit.
Limidhrooumi , , Kershmaw , iCemit amid \Vitlker
are reported to be thus alijed. Time
foruimer , however , hiss bcemm a heavy seller
Out rallies , tiltimotighi it wits umhtted this
WitS for cimsimmier who are reahizimm" to
liii ) ' 1)tC1 ) { itt lower iigtiies mihiouid titoy
hliLve aim opsirtmmimity. 'lime utiovemmiciut of
isrices duiriumg ( hut week , although down.
ward , hiss been lhnited smith qmmotatiomia
arc itot far front timose of tue first of last
mooumthm. New wimmter wisest is Imogiminimug
to arrive a ( rule ummore freely ,
fmommi 50 to 70 cmis beimug now received
laily. 'l'lmo first coumaigmulmmL'mmt of mmciv
spring wlmetit also strived this veek.
Very little wheat is buimmg mimoved mit of
Oimicagm , amid the large atock rommmniui un-
immuproved. It would aeommm probable tiiitt
lIt ) iomimrovomoemmt CSli be imoped lot' until it
simippiumg mieiuiitmmd 8)mi11gs tip. 'i'hmiti is
miItit ) , aumul , if so , better prices
ummay bo looked for.
Nothmimig but the absence of tiemmutuid-
amid no bettor roisomm by the wily , could
be fotmimd-pmeveutta the ellectivu use of
the short. crop uirgummuent. If traders
could butt see where what wiueutt we
iutve out hmnumd is to be ithitcod , thmtuy would
consider time future ulfect ( if time simort
Corim ' 'is iuuider Limo yeathwr. " 'I'iie
warmim , aumimiy days , favorable for timu
hiuurvestiuig amid gitrmuering of graimm have
robbed it of its stromigthm. Coumtimiuetl free
mirnivals amid it falling oil , to soimie uxtemmt ,
of time uhuimiiimig deusmammtl are exerting it
dejiresaimig iuilitmemmeo. 'l'lmu bemtrs himtvtm
imammimneret Swim ) ' imiceimsaiutly durimug time
week. Dews Co. imavo been sellers ,
while Buuiigs , ( lraisauim amid Imumtmicr Immuvo
led a crowd of scaljmiumg brokers. Shorts ,
however , iiuivti quite goumcralty covered
intl time disposition is to ummovu cututiomisly.
SVimile time thXltietittiohi iS geumeriti timuut time
conim cro ( ) will be mum umuuaimaliy large one
if nit cutely frost. lties mut immtorveimu , yet
obsorvimug mmuemm iim time trade wim ( ) have
tmuuvoled tisromigim moore or less of time commm
bolt state that there wilt ho
mmmtmeii disimpioiimtIiieumt iii time yield ,
mmotwitimstmmmmdimig time increased acreage ,
timitt whole district vihl umot muveuumgo two
stmuils to time hill , time ciflict of time poor
Seel COCI1 jtbUitCd Leisig veuy uIiparumiL
\\'um.t ) it mmot for this , they say , it fuuvorable
fall svouhml ills mm ic mu 1imemmmimm , meimumi hsium'Vest.
Oats have weakeumcd umuitlur time siummtm
I utilti ummees its ooim i , 'lime bmill m imaumij mumla-
titiui , % % iiicht as iStitfi soil Li mu 'I umiy ( mJmtimmI )
iiimtil time lust ss'eul of last mmioimtii , ma moms-
iuig mmow. Altiumitigim mathiur lirmis at time
doelimmo , is ahigimt rally wmmuitl brimmg ehlers
Ltmll moore wcaksuess
Quite a bimausmesa hits spniimsg imp rye
( if late. 'I'hmoio is a goomi sjmeculatmvu du.
111551 tumitl a liberal zmiovemmicumt enat , l'ricemi
are lucId firmmm.
Time inoumtiily tumteumioumt of stocks ,
given out cmi 'I'imurshuty , dimi itot
help time ) i'ViSihL mmiumrkct , as vits nuitmem.
imatted , bummig sonsewiiat imi excess of whmaL
was expected. 'J'imo report shows there ma
in atGro lucre 140,000,000 his. of 11rIIICt ,
agiubmat. 17.1,000,000 lbs. dm0 mimommtim ago.
( if limimmie steumimed lard there is ( 'mm ' imauth
57,405 tierces , a decrease of exactly 50 , .
000 ticrees itiumco July 1 , Jolt suhuout 5.000
tierces more timati was calculated eu. 'l'hmii
iiulictutea ii yield of over 85 lbs. liar hmo
dtirhmg time mmmoiithi. 'i'imo stock Of mmen :
prk is 175,010 bhils , ; of tibs , iIi07,37 ,
lbs. , smith ( if hiammumi amuti ahmoulthem27 150 , .
lit ) lisa. The iimovouiuoimt 511(1 mmiamuufac.
turo simow a decrease of 81)00,000 ( ) his ,
iii time 5111)1)1) , against 25,000,000 lbs thmr.
hug Jtuly , 1882 , bitt time xtggrcjpite product
hero us still lS,000)00 , ) lbs. in excess of
tim nunotiuut out imaini a year no. Time
oumt.go dtiriiig tIme mmmommtii uts 1)9,000 ) 000.
Prices of i'riolucts were on tIme uiowim
grade all time week. Itummuors timid. Ar
uuuotmr vas sellimmg lunvo bocum used by time
bears , 'I'hio lackrs % 'cre hmuyiuug t1tiito
freely , but not iiravuiy. Simortit Imave
covered liberally out all breaks , The hog
uuuarkct , however , vuts over ustockemi utuid
hiroke sharply early iii lisa veek , whIch
mtIu c1ieaptut corn , athcteuh provmsoim.
'l'iiero us still it free omovesoamit. of lard amid
tiiets , ICX,7o0 ) tierces umf time formmuer , auth
400,000 liosnuls of time latter being mihi1i.
POOl oust if Cimitgti uluriiug , l tmly. it. is
geumerahly thought prices are abomut. ltw
emmotigli , aimul a rally ummumy Ito hinked for.
Suimuiui . ) mimckors chIme tImid , wimilo light lmoia
a.o brmisgmuig tI.\e \ , tileittO takhmg their
luck of fat. omues at SAc , mimimi they would
t'tchm mmutke : 1(11) iomuimtls of lard. Other
Pitcl'us avei' laid is too cimeap whmeum , hutuun.
ilL. ) prothict is mitmliiimg out a hitsis : of .tc
imogs. _ _
H1'OIt'L'INl SOTl.
rmmm : itmNlTtiNm. : mmu.ii'mt. :
? ltiSNO.i'im.lS , Amigmmst l.-Tim first
rowimig race omt 1sku ? iliumumetou1a for a
lmtmuo oil Si00 , it immost interesting
event. Ilufote the mwco inummhuutii the
futytirite iii time ItOtilS. 'i'te ) 'courseViLS
( list. ) sual one.ftimmrtii utile stmniglmt away
amid returuu. " start vas utmutle itt. two p.
iii , , ( iuumtliumr ttldmmg vater first , qtiiekly
followed Ity time ( itimlirs , I Iismimor , ( hmut-
diuur , Lee iutmd 'l'eemner quickly vcuit to
time frommt , time two formimer hmiuviumg a lust
light. for first place. At time first mimile
'l'eeimmur ii ) ' it spleimdimi spurt ictchmud : tIme
ttmrmiing bmioy first , itumd started tom tIme
imotmie stretch withm I Iosimter close tuiioit
lImo , tlmo otiiimi followimmg not far : nuty.
'Time race butwecim I hisummor amid Toemuier to
time two iihlo flag wmtmi close , time former
slowly dravimig to time front , aunt cross'mmmg
time ilium iii Ifl'JS : , Toruumer two luumgtims be-
Imiumil , vitht Lee a good close
timjid , followed by ( iituitlstmr , i'mukor ,
Itiley mimud Phmiated , iii the orolr iiuumuel.
A secomil nice was rowed out Crystal
Bay for mtumothmer of $500 , time entries
being time saute as iii time first race. ilimmu.
lint wits ( mile of time judges. The course
was itui eveum thmteo immiles with mu turn.
liosummer wits time favouitc , at. $100 to $20 ,
with few takers. A start viis mimmule at
( ; o'clock , ( iimndmtmur being heat to take
water fohhowcd closely by the rest. Gun.
datir led for time first imaif mmmilu pressed by
Ilosmuiet' auth 'I'eeummer , aunt at
time tiireu.quntter buoy I ltsuImel
umatlo a iqimmrt smut ! canto aloimg
side of Giumhutuir , Teenier thmemt let
stit smith mit tlm tmumt ( Iiumdaur , I losmaur
aumI 'l'eumtier tuurumed tlmmuir mespective
lumitsys , ( sum eViiui tormmms iii 10:30 : , folioved
lit' , 1400 , Riley , Pitcher amid l'hitisted ,
F ( it' it ilozeim 1. mmgthms umo omme hmaul atmy pe
cm.uptible uuivmtmmtimgu , mit 'i'etummier , vlmo
mulhing in fume fommmm , sooui drer almeiid two
iommgtiis timid eromsacil time hue teut IcuigLImmi
aimeumi ( if ( hiumhituir , Iee timird , liosumer
fourth , Itile ) ' fifths , Pinker miixtlu , l'hmtiumted
last. Teemmier's tiumme was givell at 20di0 ;
butt outakie jiatties ciitiiui lie mmmdc time
three immiles in less timitn tvoimty unimmutes.
( : imNiurroNm AT eI.EVEI..ti1u.
Cu.m1rAsm : , August . day ,
Chimmgstoima trotted utmm exlmibitiomi mimile iii
2:24. : lIe s'uut aiiecdetl time host lituutrtcr
iii lt secoumds. 'I'hme 2:20 : trot Stramuger
l.omm , llammdieiup miucommd , Citty I'ittclmemm
timini. Iticnzi ruuim'd nut ; thou 2:22 : , 2:24 : ,
2:22. : 2:22 : , 2:28. : , 225.
tu1Atim : ANI ) SULLIVAN.
BOSTON , I1flS5. , August 4.-.Joimn L.
Simhliviumu expresses tIme imtmmmoat coiilidomico
ill imis mtbiiitr to mimimko short work of Sluide
itt Ciilmmmoro a gardeum lilomiday ovomilmmg.
' 'I : itimi go'mmmg to ( ihiChi mmiy uiev place at
lhmiatoum , 'l'miL'illiLy , imumut yell but I didn't
1mick that mmight if I timoumgimt this big fallow -
low vuts goimmg to bout mmmc , Yotu catm say ,
toti , thmimt I simm glad imu vihl be imeiuviur
thmumum mile , for Pcihile said I could emily
lick hittio uncut. I'll slmosv timemmu timis timimo
viiat I caui (1(5 ( vitim it big ( mmmc. "
Ilis nttumiditimta were ouuuthly comilidemit ,
Jot , ( loss bciuig of time olsilmioli timitt Ohio
rouumul would settle time Itiutoil.
? , IINNmAmouIs : , Atmg. .l.TImu wumgui of
two imimmidtetl doliuirm ; betweemm llnmdaum ,
time ( imrmimlmitui : , amid it mmmamm mmammscd O'lhrueum ,
tiiitt time butter cotmld umot take l'laiatcd'n
imehl , delirivtmtl of oumtrigqers , ammd sit or
mmtitmmd iii t utmm&1 imithuhlo mtrommimd ammo ummimmuite
without tmpsettiimg , was vtiui by O'Briemm ,
511(1 succeeded imi mmmauiitgilmg it both sit.
ting smith umt.xiumdimmg.
4.--'l'hmu for time
Ciuietoo , Augummit - - race
Fishier cuis for 51(5mpH mtmml cutter yaoimta
over it twtummty mmmilu commrsu , occurred today -
day , witim a fair wimmd. 'I'Imo emmtiiemi wore
time Aiicemi , of'rtrommto , Atiaimta , of Built. .
vtsu mcml 'SVnsii : uumd Cons of Chicago. Time
muctumiul saiiimig timima wits mus follows : \Viuip
four hours utmud timirteemi mmuimiutes ; Cons ,
four bourn nmmuliuveummumimiutea ; Aiheemifour
immsmra amid mmevemmttmomm mmmintmtumi ; Atlammta ,
foummiutiiunmi auid mmiumoteemi mmiimmutcs. Atm
mmli ahIOWaIica ( If temi ummitmutes was mmmnile ut
favor of time Corn she wits declared time
hAMS Il/tLI , .
PEiiIA ( , Atmgimst 4.Pcoriuia 0 , Fort
Witymme 1.
CJuLuAeo , August 4.-CImicagos 5 , Now
Yoik : i.
CI.SVSLANI ) , A umgust -Bostomis 7 ,
Cjevohummmda 8.
BUFLO , Augtmumt -Ihumfihlo 1 16 , i'rovi-
dommco II.
Iwrjmom'r , sigmuat I'iiiiiuielpimia 5 ,
Detroit 0.
'l'OLmmS ) , A imgmm6L 4.-'l'ohot1ti 0 , Sagi.
mmiLwa 5 ,
I4ouusvms.i.ii , Jy. , August 4.-iiiuy ( lILy
17 , ( imuummd ltmijiithtt8.
'rmmm $ iiiuluiy lJutv I ii HI , I momuitm.
Si' . Louis , Asigimst 5.-Itlore muiloomma
vei.o kept oisumm to.hay timmni last Stimmdimy.
'l'imo disposition eu time jmurt of time miithoomm
keehtema to resist time Simmuhay law is moore
geuieral timitum it week ago. 'l'lmere m..j a
closer olmservomice of time law by somali
shop keepers thmummm last Stmmidmiy. All umow
violittiomma will be rotiorteti to time Isroso.
cmmtiimg attoniwy. Neauhy 1,000 wumuraitta
imavo beemm svimmi out so fur , two-thirds of
which mumo ngmuimmst siuloomm keepers , and
time work ( if JmflSeCimtiIlt ( vm1l eommmimmemmc
timi 'week amid be 1musiied as rapidly mu
1msibiu ,
Capul's 1)ehimt.
Nsw Yomumc , Atmguat
Capul'a thistimmguiahmud Pielato ,
lu'ia first sermon hero to-day at church St
: Fniuicia Xavier. 'rime edifice was crowdos
I auth hummductls of tiersomma voro uumablo t
L guilt udmimittiumec ,
- -
- -
; - - - U
OfflcII RdparE of the RM ou 1li
AiFortrcss _ , :1 :
Ssueecet'ul Methmotin or Civilization- .
Time General Confident That
tIme itentatisitug hlmiimmis
\VIIi Coiumo lii.
- _ _
W.SIit5u/t0S , .Atmgtist 4-General
Ctliik'tl report of lmium cammipaign against.
time iii MexiCo has iseemi reccivCl
at the war dopnrtmnemit. After reciting
the factii which led ti time purunuiimg of the
hmmdiituis smut dosenihing his mumnrim into
ithexico , mud stipiort so wiIliumgly oflbrcd i . "
isy 1t1exiciut ( mihIemutis , Crook says : ' On
time 15th of Ma ) ' tIme scouts thiscovorcd time
cilumips of Cimiefa Cimlo and Bonito. "sYc
wonlti have mimmurotiuttled Limo catimpa but for
time fueL timid somimo of time scouts mean-
tionsly fired upoum a muck. 'rime auiupnis
ivi coompleto , smut ut time miubsequmommt.
t4Iit , witicim lasted several hours , time Indiana -
diana veme tlmmmruugimly beatemi tue caujqimm
aumil tlme'mr coimtemmts capttmreti , smith tivim ;
hmnif.growmi girls auni yimummg boys takout .
lmmia.muera. Nimmo domtt limhiumums were found '
nftorvmmrhs which 1usd beomi killed iii timut
tight. Time extremuuely ruuged imaturo of tiio
Ctsmmtry , time cammip bcmimg situated Imuilt
way up a lircciliitotms uumtmttimtutjmi gusimeol
witim uutviuies , isu'evommted any oitct conuit.
iOiimg uumade without extummie ( hanger
fiommi lumdimuis hitm utiglmt. ho votmnded em.
hmkldomt km time rocks , who could have killed
us at their will without uxpos'mumg timent-
selves. ' [ 'here ias comisitlerabie property ,
atoleut frommu Aunericimums mimmd muxicalms ,
fouummml iii time cauimp , suit ! about foit ) horses
nimtl mimtmlemi. " Crook thou emmtei'a into ii.
tletmiiied accotmmmt. tif time defeated CIi'uricap
imuuits emmtotiimg itia cinmmp utumd surromiderimig
thmemmusoives , amid describes lila returiL
immnrchm with tiuo sturreuttiered imostiles.
Three iutmmmttred aumd oiglmty-foimr Chin-
esimasumi camimo to cummp nuiti surretmdared ,
linimhgimig with thmemmi six 1ttoxicaui captives.
Plum Imtdiamum stated titat mututumy mnoro hios.
tiles would aurremidor if Crook would waut. ,
Jim time niotuimtains a few days tuntil they
could be gathered together. Crook no-
fused to wait , mis imia rattoums were rtiuiuiimig
very low. hlioronymimo , one of time sur-
roiudered cluiefa , stitted that with Ciialo'a
humid vius it mmmmuihl white boy corrospommd-
big closely with the descriptiomi of Char-
hey 1ilcCtmmmtiu'm. After the attack on tins
immohiauma tile ) ' scattered to time titommutniuma
auto ! time wimite boy wemmt with the baud of
olti sqtmaws.
Crook comiehtided hum report iii time fol-
ioiviimg iusgumgo : : ' "lo atteituist t imuimisht
( lime or a dozen of time triio for deeds of
which nil were equahl ) . guilty would be a
gross act tif Lynnimimy.Vimiie to attemmupt
to iitunisht it11 after tIme ) ' bath suurumulercd
in good fmmithm , would lie utot eimly perlithi-
titus , but would involve mis jim a war with
it smmuitll immut desismeate imammdful of mmmcmi vimo '
w ihd thmeim tigitt with time recklessness of
hiucunmecimi uumdur time Ilack flag. TIme
chief is Itt ) more guilty thmami every uutouii-
her of his binmd , being ummerely their
inoutluiiiece. 'jo Ptmmmishi iimhtvitluiils , no
jmarticmihumr crinme would be done , vorc it .
1ioasiiilo to get evideutce , hut froni the '
mmittuuu-e ( if thmiumgs thus is iimmpossibho. The
Time Ciiirimsihitmiu , will Isreseuit muo ( hiflicumlty
wimatever iim time vork ( if auhJjoctugtt !
iseacefuul amid good discipiimuo. ' [ 'hey wqra
imot ioprived of their umimmua for flue beat
roasomma. ithi umot advisable to lot amiIi '
diamm thmimik you are afraid of iuimn tuvuui
wimeui fully untied. Simow lImit thtmtat ,
his best ime its powerless ut
your iminuds mmd lie will become
yoitmr best fnieumd amid cheerfully obey
all imum is instructed to do. It. is uimfumir
too , to deprive imiun of time umicans of pro-
tectimug his iuomumo and property ngiuummat
wlmito scoimndruhs who , armmmed to the
teeth , immfest tIme boiler amid would comi-
aider mmtuthiiuig sacrel its vrolserty if it ho-
longed to ummnrmnctl Immdiaums just bcgimiuuiumg
to imlamit or raise stock. Sm ) lomig as wiuito
horse amid cattle thmievoa roaumm time eouui-
ti ) ' , SO lomig umimoumid the Indiamma at San
Curios imo ahiowod to cari'y armum for their
01111 iirotectiomm. Furtiier it is not pnute.
ticnbio to ( hisarimi time Immdiauus. Their .i
anus iii almost every imimitimmuco out record
Jmaye beouu a fmirciitl failure. 1 lila ) ' add , .
tiiimt time futet Lust tim' Indians left behind
have not collie IR is a uumatter of ito sig-
imiticummcc. Imidisums imuvo ito idea of the
ymulume of timmto. Meimuliers of Soco'im baud I ;
who caummo into Samt Caries 1mm May last '
were days its ummnkimug Limo jour-
hiuy , thmosmght tiiuy iumd fifty mmmiies less dimu- ,
tauico to travel timamt timoso wiihImi we left
iii time Sierra Madres.
[ Sigmied ] Guo. CitooK ,
Brigadier Communal _ Comnmmiaumdimmg. -
NEW YomiK , August. 4.-At the ammnual ,
uumeetiimg of. time executive comuintittee of
time Niutiommal Union league , hold imt Pimihmi-
dolphin , Marchu 24 , 1883 , a remmolutiomm was '
midiijstott titat a comiiuitteu of tiuree be imp-
hi0imtted by tIme cituuir to prepare auid issue
utmi address to time pojm1u on the politucal
s'mttmimtion of the coummtry. Messrs. C. A.
lkmutehhe , William F. Cook aumd Cimas. II.
Grosvenor wore appointed suelt commit-
tee. 'rhtoir address will be published to-
dim7 ,
lime address is three columns Ioumg , It
recites the orgammization of tIme Natloimal
Ummiomi League , its objects arid purlosoz. ,
Time ndtlresa earnmmthy appeals to all re-
iimmblicamma timimt any dmfloronccawlmicil have
Imuretoforo existed ut tIme republican party
kibtmld be speedily toninimmatcd so thmi4 all
emimbitterud foehiuig may ease mind time ,
success of the iiimrv secured iii time future .
115 lIt Limo Imast. It also recoimimmuemuds tlmiut
time mthmlVOhuitLtO ) ruhiresemitativo commumit-
tees of time party usmeot at aucim timimo and.
1tiitce its timey nmay select mumd commaider
whmitt plaits or mumotimods cmiii lie adojmteul to
) ( ) herhmmitumouit peace mumtl lrosPenity
iii time rupubhicaum iarty. 'limo iuldroums is
strongly pttttiauimt iuu its humiuguago. Tb
dommotiumees time heummocratlo iuirty as ,
amm emmemumy of free electuomia imd
ml lsmommmotum of dishonest cleetiismt rotuuta. ? ,
It says time hmistom'y of thto rtpublicau
Party is ithl brilhiiuitly studded with geimma
of righteous govermommemit ; it hiss not imes'u-
titttitl to reummedy its own mistakes , umid
has never dodged bohiumd dovicoafor teuum-
P ° 'Y etfect. '
m - - -
Cotimi In Texas , j
GALVESTON , Atigmist 5.-A special front
eighty poimmta ill time Texas cotton bolt
report cotton suifunimig from continued. ;
droutlu. Froumm thirty joimmta it is omitiummo.-
I te(1 Outh ) ' imalf time usual cm-op will be niadu.
From fifty poimmts time crop is placed at. '
1 two-thIrds time usual ammmouuit. Time cotton. 7
wonumi hits 8PP0ar01 in some aectiona autL 1
is doing ummucit damimgo ,
' - -
- - - -
- _ - . _ ,