i THE DAILY BEEUMAIIA , SATURDAY , AUGUST 4 , 1883. THE OMAHA BEE. r.hll.hcd oYery rrorning , except Sanday. The arty MonJay morning daily , RRMe AT MAU. One Tcar latb 711rooytnnlha , . . . , $1'a SitMonths , . , , . . , Month. , , , , , , , , :1 + 1 TIIR wfRAbT RAR , N VLITIIRD ? T1 S weCSEADAT. Txlfl roettAID. One Year , . . . . . . . - ' . IhreoMmdhl . . $ f0 t Rix Menthe , , . . . . . , 1.00 One Month . . . . , . . : tt American News Company , Soloj Agents Newndeel Me to the Unltcd States. ! IURAAelO.fDRSCR t A CommlmkxtkneretatinglnNewandEditorihl matters ehould be addrosrod to the RDIroR or Tine SeA. 'aretxRSSrLxrrnns. AU ltuvlno i T.etteN and Itemntxnecl } hont 1 1o , j addres e4(4Tit ! Uei i'veLIRIIIr COMrAxr , OMAA. Drafty Chocks and Postalice orders to be medo pay. able to the order of the conquwy. TBE BEE BIiBbISIIING CO. , PROPS , E. ROSEWATER , Editor , IF Sixteenth etreot wore Tltirteouth street , there Woul(1 bo no trouble about that paving contract. TmR government \Vashington fa now running itself. Thu president and thu atiro cabinet are out of the city. Doasnv is no doubt an unconscionable liar but ho was a good enough republican three years ago to direct the national campaign. Tnp latest flows from Iechia , thu aceno of thu Into earthquake , iR to thu effect that f,000 perelnis nerished in the great disaster of ] sat Saturday , A Fn v telegraph poles adorned with jobbing councilmen would do more to put a etop to public thievery in Omaha than a hundred injunction auite AT a late hour ] tat night a telegram from Secretary Lincoln an ounced that the president wouyl nut be tibia to atop over in Omaha on his trip to the west. Ex SENATOR PL.tTT , who figured as Conkling's "mo to" duritm a memorable contest , feels insulted because Dorsoy roforsto feint as "Tom" Plntt. S'noutraga. Mn. CIiANDLEa will now be able tore. turn to 1Vashi gton and hisoflicial duties. The legislature of Now Hampshire has chosen Austin F Pike na successor to Rollins in the senate. BRICK is cheap and abundant in Oma hn and ovary body can now afford to build solid and aubstantial buildings and store helsos with brick as good as any in the United States , lF l)1r. ) Dana will como to Omaha with his "turn the rascals out" club ha can begin work right away on the city council amidst the enthusiastic support of our tax payers and citizens. t ( Tat cholera scare is having the proper , offecb in eastern cities , where a thorough I inspection of sanitary arrangements , and increased facilities for street cleaning are now hoing put in operation. AFTa our colored citizens have con vaned in Louisville they will pass a set of resounding resolutions. Then they will adjourn. Tltis in likely to prove the net result of the Louisville convention , , h the council has any money to spare or eve , u if they have mono to spare wa r nocd a conpetunt inspector of sewers , not f 'only to inspect every connection made t by plumbers and contractors , but also to visit every house' that is connected with I a senor , TIIE death of James Carey , the in- i former , was root unexpected. Thu only lament over his timely baking off comes Iron the London Tinies , whiclt thinks it sots a bad precedent to Irishnnon , Thu Bavmmaughs and Peter Kolloys ore likely 4 to meet the sane fate. r WUAT We will not know about Yellow- atone Park by the end of the summer season will not bo worth knowing. Quito apart from the presidential ax- plorors , time park has just boon invaded by the Western Aasociated prose with its forty-five managing editors. . Tile Now York b'un nominates William B. Ifohnan , of Indiana for the prosiduucy on time ground that ho is a rigid economist mist of ton terms experience in comgrea s and comes from a doubtful state , which a does not hold an October election , 1 looks as Mr. Dana is convinced that Mr. Tilden "must go , " Tun Springfield I2eyubllcan hits th 0 speculators and corner makers a sharp rap and injects some sound seise in it romarke wllon it says ; "One cannot bu entertain a fooling of contempt for whit takes on the ltigh.sounding nano o 'trade , ' when great produce houses Iik Armour , I'lmkinton & Co , and Davi d Dews R Co , admit that time teingrapl strike has cut off half their business Of course all those fires do a great legitimate imato bustmess it1 buying and sallimm provisions , but the buaincss of watchimm ' , the quotations every 15 mmiimiutus am swapping back and forth things knowm , ae lard , pork and bacon , which , for al 1 time dealers know about them , might b dice , is not business at all , although great many eon jive by it. Their oxi tenco divides the titles to time visible stool ' of goods among a much larger nulnbo of people than foriporly , and it is ago to doubt whether the economic evil i not counteracted by the natural opera Iron of the laws of yulup and oxchang o but that these 1)00P10 urn engaged ii "tr4d o' otiat ] "Irado" seriously suffer t when those follows are turned out t grass is all ILOmsOnau. Wheat and pre visions have not lost value , nobody win wanted to buy has boon refused , no ship have sailed onpty for lack of cargo nothing has ceased to grow , " ' ' ' ' OJfAf1A'.9.1'IIll' dNTREI'ItfSP Tlio assurance of now stock yards on the largest scale of any outside of Chile sago anal of mannmoth hoof packing anti refrigerating 11011505 , hacked by capital which is practically unlimited , is good mows for Omaha which Ttu : Iirr was enabled - abled by superior enterprise to spread before its reudors in advance of all con temporaries. Several works ago this paper gave the skeleton of the scheme thou uudovelopod but the details surpass the expectations of all but those avho were in Limo secret from the beginning. These details hrielly stated are : Stock yards in wlmich 40,000 head of Nebraska and Wyoming cattle arc to ho kd this winder , supplied with water from our own water works , and furnished with admirable elmolter amd ahadu front the beautiful farms in whkli they nre laid out , The lucatioy directly adjoining our city Ihnils , is all that could ho desired Stratclmiug along th , Union Pacific track for a distance of over four miles and extending southward to the Missouri river , the Omnala stock yards will have the advantage of two through lines of railroad to bring in their cattle fromn the far west and transport time mnnufim. turod product to eastern consumers. But what will be perhaps of ntoru in. torest to our citizens is time erection in the near future of beef packing , canning and refrigerator works , which with time stock yards , will furnish employment t0 3,000 mum. This means an addition of 10,000 population within three years to this city. It meals the ostab lishmunt of a great industry and a now market. It mantis a cheapening of meat in Omaha , and the extension of its facili ties as a wholesale cantor. For all those reasons tlto lIsa congratu- hates our citizens on this now enterprise , It also congratulates Mr. C B. Schaller , to whose untiring energy' thin result is so largely duo. Tifh' I'IWSIDfs'NT. . The , metropolis of Nebraska takes pleasure in welcoming President Arthur to this city and state. Gemieril Arthur is the third president who has over visited Omaha while in office. his predecessors wore Gonural Grant and Mr. Hayes , lint General Arthur is too first president who haq over been a resident of Omaha , and his visit on that account attended with all the more interest. Twenty-five years ago the president came hero as a young lawyer in search of a location. Fortunately - tunately for him , ho returned to a field more fitted for n man of his dimensions. While Mr. Arthur has grown up with the country Omaha ban also advanced in situ and populatiol silica the time wlmoi lee used to Luke his daily horseback ride from the villagu of Omaha to the tlmon flourishing city of 'Floronco. Nebraska is n republican state and Omaha on national issues is a republican city , but our people will bid the president welcome without regard - gard to partisan ties. They recognize in hint an able , honest , clear ] ieadetl and clean-handed executive who has won his way into popular favr against the force of adverse circumatanco andtwho to-day is the most prominently niontionod candidate - didate for rououination at the hands of leis party. Although ho stops with us but a few hours our citizens bid ] lint u warm wel- eomo aid give hiuithuir hearty bustwishea for a pluasant trip to the most beautiful pleasure garden fn the Western world. ONE of the most striking cartoons that has ever nppoarcd in print is produced in thu latest issue of Puck , The subject of this cartoon is the tournament between labor and monopoly. The former is the haggard workman Labor , mounted op the spaviuod nag Poverty , and armed with thu wooden mallet Strike. Monop ely is a mailed knight , armed cap a pie , and mounted on a mailed animal Lwitl m the head of a horse and tlio wlools and cow.catchur of n locomotivo. his shield is corruption of the Legislature , hi s pion , is arrogance , and his spear is the subsidized press. The contest is wit . nessed by Vanderbilt , Gould , Field , Sid - hey Dillon , lhtssoll Sage , atul others , seated in rosurvod scats for capitalists and by the populace behind the fence. I Axn noW the suprunm court tuts bee I t callo(1 ( on to ifturposo its veto upon the , job which the majority of the state boars 1 of publio lands nod buildings have perpetrated potrated in awarding time contract for tit e 110W capitol building to Iloss Stout fo I $ f1OD0 show the bid medo by ltobor s Silver. Wu stall presently ace wliethu 1 thu tax payers of Nebraska have ant rights which nbutu officers are bound t t . f respect. u Couau anyone have aupposoti the rail roads of the United Status owed six an ' half billions of dollars-a n - stlih boyont human comprehension ? CiflOl7lflaf . L'oftniC7Cirrl Gazelle , g Could any one have supposed that th g people of the United Status are taxem d front 5 to 10 per cont. on this enorntou I sum-besides hundreds of millions ox j acted from thou , to pay dividends a , watered stock exclusive of time elan a Imllliotschargedupasopotitingexpoiac QTIfER LAND ) TIfAN OUIt. , r Within a sock Mr. Gladstone has wo n two sucecssivu victories in parliauluu t a However appnrett'the weakness and ii : . decision of the nifnistoriul policy may be , the grouter weakness of the consurvativ e lcadurship is still nioru manifest. ' 1'h s first occasion referred to Wtu on Fridn 0 of last week when Uleelow , a coieurvt : I . tivo member , made a ( notion exprossiu o regrets that part of the cost of th e Egyptlari war lead boon charge , to India. This was a direct a t tempt to call out a vote 0f lack of confidence in the ministry and was so taken by Mr. Gladstone , who , prier to the nutting of the veto so anti explained that if the motion carried the govorntneut would hnmodiatoly resign. The motion was rejected by a veto of 210 to 55. On Monday the important queation of the Suez eansl c ine to an isimtic. The problem which had boon troubling England since the first of July was simply whether England was pro. pared to admit the right of the Do LORSOne company to a monopoly of the waterway across the Isthmus of Suez , Mr. Glad. stone on the 12th of July stated as follows - lows time view of the government ; Iii the Government's view Mr. Do Los- 501)5 is in possession of timat exclusive advisors they arc advised by their legal amid the Egyptian Governtnent was siuti a(1viRedysonic time ago. On that sit ) os tiolt too , all the mend was subscribed niakim canal for g Lima ) resent osltioi ublio Iinioi mid on that su P ) o lets lproceeded down to time ) resent time that position nee use nostiomabl' on au t the whole of the arran romeuts imtade rro viousl with N. Do LesseIs were nbso ltttolY luimided. Ating upon this basis , with time certainty tainty that ammy other would suruly pro. cipitato a war botwoei England and France , the premmer concluded his provisional - visional arrangement with Dp Loasups , le loan the Government credit to the cx- tent of $40,000,000 for the con- strmction of a parallel canal , Public indignation ran lmlglm and Mr. Gladstone was forced two weeks nt o to bend before the atorni by asking a ru- lease from his agreement. Time tories , however , undur time stupid leadorolip of Northcotu wore not content to lot the matter rust at that point. A resolution was proparud for introduction in parlia- count , declaring M , do Lesnope claim tea a monopoly of the right of waterway be- twooi the Red and Mediterranean seas umtunablu and incompatible with British ifltorests and thorotoro not to be respected , On Monday night the resolution was rejected and an arnedment declaring it undesirable to prejude the action of the government , was passed by a nmajority of 01) ) votes. Mr. Cladstone's victory was complete and satisfactory , and will atrcugtlcn materially - terially time hands of the govurnmeit. It is difficult to see how the sober seise of parliautuut could have acted otherwise tmnun ] it did. Sir Stafford Northcoto's resolution meant war with France. Its adoption wood have necessitated the resignation of the Gladstone ministry and tine ancceas101i of the tories. The latter , to be conaistent with themselves in order to carry out the policy on which they won , would be obliged to take Measures to pronoto time cntting of , a see. and canal thiromgh Lime isthmilus withiomt Du Lesseps' assistance. The Frenchman would resist , and would be backed by his government. Thu other European polvers that'have guaranteed the neutral. ity of the canal would not be disinterested spectators. A majority for time resolution would therefore be pectiliarily onbarrms- ing for the tories themselves , and the sensible ones preferred submitting to a crushing and overwhelming defeat. But the Norwood auondment was at least by implication a vote of confidence nn the ministry. It indicates that parlia- mod , however much it may have disagreed - greed in detail , with the premiera policy , is not yet ready to hunel over the government ornment to the .Iiugo majority. On this account it is Limo first satisfactory result of an unsatisfactory session. Franc , aeetia to be deriving fresh courage frown a cougparison of her uilitary and naval armaments Witii those of other countries amid hi consequence is less disposed to brook what situ considers ititorference with her donestic ) tutu foreign olicy. Tlfe relations - tions between the republic and England have , tut has been recuntl ) ointedout been more anti getting into a nioro Unsatisfactory - satisfactory condition. The two countries - trios have een on most amicable terms since 1854 , when they wont to war to. getlier t ainst Russia and cemented the alhaice 111 the battles of Inkoruan and Aims , and in time long dismal siege at Sebastopol. Nothtu g has occurred to seriously shako this lee g friendship till recently , but it is evident that the Fretich are be ) nimm g to lose atleetion for their loyal all across the channel. In the E } ' ptian war they were left out , while their all } ' bgaimmd all the Ionorn I and , what is ntoru , all the profits of a successful invasion of the land of the pyranida. ) Thou eamu the oppasitiei of the British goveruntnt to the channel tunnel mu time ground that it would facilitate a French invasion of the bright little island , and now there is a bitter feuliug in Frtuieo towards the English - . lish over time new carol which M. DoLes 501)5 proPOsus to construct at Suez. 'm'ho French have been mt a ) ill honor over rt since 11370 , whtnthey lost their auciont Laummniuding position iii Europe , turd r tleeir tuntper is additionally soured by y time narked political amid moral conquests o which the British bavu made in tit , oast. 'rite friendly alliance between the two nations isseriously'slakmtundufewmore ) ( lisn gronunts would destroy it altogether , - it ma be safe liovevor' hat the vote d 311 coon norms obi the Suez canal question 1 will do much to patch ul ) n truce and ro- i gel hoatllo advam es in thu chambur o f deputies. Time Tamative ntlitir ban aimnnmered down to di ) lunatic , nuiric s 0 amid time success of time iFrenchl , x , editiot I 1 in Annani where 500 natives wuro a slaughtered , by the troops eu Smday , will for the tire , direct nttotiom 1 Ii to Asia , Chinn has again t assurances of hot Y uaeeful intentions and negotiations f , s' a formal treaty are now in progress. I1 the notlt of Africa French nntbitiou ha s finally secured time formal annexation o f 'Z'unis , which was neconplielmd on'1'ucs u day iii time chamber of deputies. ' llollaud hus'tmst ) a55ed throu h u gen f eel inaction wluso result continues it u pnuor , by n unrrow ntajority of one o r u two to a snudl chanbur , .lIr. Ileemu shirk , thin able huad of the cousurvativ Y amid "clerical" ) arty. The latter repro setts 311 llollaul not the Itonal g Cnihielic , but thu orthodox protest , mutt party , which ; has been for sou o d years past carrying oa on active atom paisii , iohitiGd timid religious , agana rntumahlsm in faith and pseuds liburalistt a in politics. 'rho ceteet ins spread nvo church , university and etMo , and time hrceont , election turned upom n ) roposi tenon to extend time suffrage , which the clericals favored , because of tlmo strong infuoncc of the Dutch pastors with time ulas5cR , while in Holland , as elsawhoree time liberals drew tie line at time extension of political IPowor to the middle classes and opposed manhood r'a a or its n p electiommwill roba- , ) reaclm. xh0 rCCcut , ( ) - bly be followed by a law extendrn time sufrn o and tlmis b clmnmbers in a ] mich the clericals will enJ'sY a strong majority Cimina it is said , made the first proposal - posal to ngigotiato for a formal treaty with France , and Francensaemmted readily. 'rhis ' at least defeared hostilities which Were then threatening mt outbreak at any nlomnent. The Prince of Monaco lms offered leis Principality to Franco for 10,000,0001. It should be ronmemnbered tleat by the eonvoution of 1860 , the passes directly to Framee in me ovlt resent lno dying out. Time ) rinco recoced last year 500 000f. for his right in the gomblittb g establishment of Monaco. Yet ho is in financial straits nuaim. Time llfommaco concession to the Blancs does not expire until 1t110. The last of time 100 guns ordered to be mounted for time defense of time Mediterranean - ranean fortresses , is being convoyed by the steatnor Woolwich to Malta. Two of these guns nre being placed in position at Gibraltar , mad the third is at Malta. The four guns were purchased from Sir William Armstrong. The amount paid , including time charge for Revel 10 umeh guns , was 00,000 , , The Calcutta exlmibitiou , it is likely , Will be very successful , There are alread 400 exhibiors from Great Britain. The Australian colonies Nava taken up the exhibition with much spirit. The uxhib ition buildings will be ready probably in October. Time Wanderer. Upon a mountain's ( might , far ( rein the sea , I found a shell , And to my curious ear this lonely thing Ever a sun of ocean seethed to sing- Evora tale of ocean seveul to tell. How came this shell upon time mountain sight ? Au , who can say Whether there dropped by some too careless hand- Whether there cast when oceans swept Lima land } : re tlte.Etornal had ordained the Dayl Stramgo , was it not : far frmn its native sea , One song it sang- Sang of the mi"lmty mysteries of the tide- Sang of the avvl ml , vast prnfouud amid wide- Softly with echoed of the ocean ramig. And , as the shell upon the mountain's higltt Sings of the sea So do I ever , loagu u and leagues away- So do I ever , waulannj ; where I may , Sing , 0 my homo-s.ng , 0 myhome of thee. -IELENA MOIlEsKA. EDUCATIONAIi. Iowa spends five millions a year for eduea. Lion , General Arnuttmnq says every girl in his colored school at llantpton wants to study Greek. Da McCosli , time presidcat of 1'rincoton college isseventy.five 'Oars of alga. Although snntevitatbowed ho Imo well preserved. Although not mnore than ono tunth of the students at Cornell university are ivumen , out of nine recent elections to the Phi Beta Knappa , three were of woman. Miss Ethel Ellis , of Franklin , for a number of years connected with Oxford college , Ohio , recently received notice of her nppoiutmert as teacher in an institute of lear11mg in the Argentine - gontine Republic , South America , Ono of the teachers in a Philadelphia setni nary relud sal a younglady for using thu word "bWaat In the follo % Ing manner : "illy dear , bear hi mind that horses sweat , anon perspire , and youngladios gat in a glow. " A young graduate of the Massachusetts lustftuto of 'Technology , and son of a prominent - nent mmuifacturer in Btmsachusetts , has been learning the woollen mamudacturing business. and hiss been promoted from the wool ruona to the wrding room fn arm of Lewiston's woollen mills. The colored teachers' mwwciatlon. which h as been holdiim its nieetimigs at Frankfurt , Ky. , tnmpares favornbly in Its discussions with other associations.Tho aessiolis were said be ltvelt and Interesting. "Compulsory ode ' Laatiori , ' " 1I ggiene in the school roost , " "Tie parent , teacher and pupil , " were somuo of tint subjects treated. Upon the "Elements of success" acolored clergyman spoke of success fn teaching as consisting of-first. selfanas- tory ; second , love for time work ; third , a thor - otgb kndwledgo of what ho expects to teach ; fourth , a klmowledgo of the 1)u ule to h o taught ; fifth , aptness to tench ; sixth , personal magnetism ; sovoutli , a progressive spirit , No Cause for Grief. They stood together at the dour Of an ice cream salomi ; A look of grief his visage wore , her face shone like time muou. Her rod llpe parted whim n smile And ties tuldnl she said : " 1)ear Charley , you are Just the style Of mom I'd like to we' ' ; For four delicious plates of cream 'ro iight you've paid for mu ; T1w treat I've Imad seems like la dreatn- Adream of ocstacy. " "Old that's the thing tint worries mo ; Those Words with giiof lie spoke ; ' ' ] 'ho crenmil you ate su heartily has loft mo-'yell , doail broe , " "Oh , if that's eli , " said site , "veil slmami t Grieve over cause so slight ; If oar dead broke , time ) I shall want Trio morn lee cream G ) nigltt. " Souterv'illo Journul SINGULmIUt1TIES. A negro boy at Tuskegee , Ga. , who is a s black ns Erebus , lugs beautiful blue eyes , At Fort Molavo , Arizona , One night recant ly time thermometer registered 112 degreed a t mnidnlght A German , Of Bay City , was recently presented sonted by lds wife whim oiglmteun pounds obeys boys , dour up In three parcels. A yatth of nineteen years , nt Big Creel gap , east 'runuessuu , Daniel Burkitt by mama weights only thirty pounds , timid is but uiglitce inched Imigim. .1 Polsoumis gas hole among the stalaeti to caved fu time Yosemltu is called Styglan tea Birds drop dead ( lying over Its mouth , amm a small unlutals enterhtg porielm at once. ammIi i filled witlm crystalino pemdauts out duup umer add hue , An 1772 a bright cloud was observed at mid Inight to cover a mountain in time Lelmmd o hmvn ; it onuttod globes of lira so luminou that time night becanmu as clear as day , I effects were : astonishing. Everything was do stroytnl far suvoti leagues around , ( louse were dotnohlslmed , dantationa wore buried ii time earth , amid 8,0tO peopl0 host their lives , ho stiles 1(00 , head t Of cattle. Capt. A. LlrCt ) reports tine discuverynslier dlstanee from San Btlguei Islaulln the Pacll uceau , n rock with a surface of about thru acres , 'I'lmo sides ate prtcipltnus mid inacces slblo except in cshin weather. Thu surface wa almost covered with el.ggsprincipally those o sea gulfs , she d , toad saltwater ducks , Iii says it was dilltiicult to walk without treadhi I Ott the eggs , lie brought away Severn bushels. 'rho P0gdo near Birwon 1Vanron county , 0. are in a state of oxeitumont over time report h sume ) wanan mmd chlldron that awild nmauwit aeon in time wooda northeast of town belet ln g t to , liwol Basore , Tuesday niordng ' 11101 were gatheimig blackberries , and carte upom the fellow sleoplumr. Tlmoy describe hie 1)e being entirely nude , with1 lung lair and board rather copper colored , and prosemtiig airlght t f111 alppearance , A party is ] being nrganlLettt i s mclt for his uncouth lmighaoxs , r A trial of tlto gl ton gu11N tit Do'er' , a slier SPECULATIONS. "Coal morning , Mr. ILanedayl" "Yes , Sne day. ' "Think It'll rain to dayT"'Well , hardly think it will rain today ; still It mayhope ; not. "llowdy de , Mr. t. , cold , isn't It ? ' "Well , yea , 1 should say it w a' cold. " Ilnvo seine snow I reckon ? " "t1'ouldn't wonder at all ; still It doesn't look like " snow ; "hello ii. , going to get a freeze , oh7"'No think notthlalsgoingtoblow ; upmmthaw. " Thero'swhere you're wrong , I tail you Its going to freer. . " The abose ate some of the empty whlms and spec. Mallon , so often on the tongues of the people. Quce tioui of vital Importance and shied theyy are intl. malclyconcvrnedsuch as health , males of living , and treatment of disease , are passed upon little , if at all. how much more sensible would be a query say like this : "WellNr. It. , how Is your case of dyspepsia coin. log on ? ( fame you found n remedy for Itr' ' Or like this ; "My'ltrerandkidneys flag in their work. Is there amediciuethat will assist them iii meeting na ture'n requirements ? ' It Mr. IL , or the other party accosted lead used ilurdock flloat fltmcrs he would reply : "Yes , I have found n rernedytrue andgood , ono that has merit and Iv honest. " Let usaddthat the reputation of ihudock lllood Ulttershi founded upon the sons fluor of Pact , nailed down and clinched by sincere Conviction. For all disorders arlslug trout or associated with the blool and stomach , till ntediciuois pvcudiarly adapted , Lind gives uuvaryIng salisfaetlon. _ time ago , resulted suceesditllly. 'rime ground trembled perceptibly from the effects of the explosion , wludnws nod doors rattled , and several thick pamies of , glass iu time ligimt ltemse were shattered , Four rnuuds were tired , the projectiles beuig nil of the 5,11110 , weight.-1,100 rounds-but the charges of lsms'der varying Iran L" 5 pounds to 450 pounds , tire latter being a full charge. The projectiles struck time water at distances varyimig from 150 vards to four miles , according to the elevation , mid the recoil varied front four to seven feet. The carriages not aiming npparatus worked ad. tnirably. 011 Lookout uunnitain , near Fort Payne , Ala , there is said to be one of time most Iron. derful subterrauoan cavern's ever discovered imi that country , mid which bids fair to outrival the famous 1Contucky Biamitututh cave. The elevated fountains of crystal seaters inter. spersed throughout this cave furmiish mjniaturo cascades , whoso fnllhmg spray is wonderfully bcmttiftd , while its lofty tiomes , atndlied with i stalactites , atmr31awl till ) cerulean bites of the heavens , dotted Kith its sparkling geums. The pa sagusvays iii the cave are so largo that a nrsomi calm explore all its parts without stoop- log. There are also several fine springs him the cave. cave.Abeautifullq.carved , matclm safe made of fine white sluidstone was recently found fn the Nevada state prison quarry. 'l'ime safe was carved by BL n convict , and je an elaborate alimur some ten inches in height and the aaltie In width ) , witlm an arch over ail. ( In time arch is a gilt cmmon , and mm the basu , mega panel , is a bas relief represemitation of an eagle Imelding ; spears ju his talons mutt resting mu time angle formed by the crossing of two Ainurcan flags. This Is also gilded. On the ands , which are nearly four inches throuFh , is time reprc- sentatiou of time stars and strpes , surmounted by time monogram " .T , E. C. " Time ends of time bat arc also lmamisomely carved. IMPIETIES San Francisco has a firebug who is a girl of 14 amid a church member. Trade dollars will still be found useful to drop into the contribution-box. The heathen will not know the difference. "All flesh fa grass , , and Perhaps this is the reason why the mowmg tnachmne occasionally ch"ws up the harvest field. The boys wltogoin swimming after Sunday school probably do eo under time impression that "cleanliness is next to Godliness. There is a camp meeting of Spiritualists near Phihadelplmia , and at njeht time woods are full of spooks who blow lmurns and julep amiong time brmtclies of time trees like squirrels. It ii ) not true that preachers amid sextons Imave formed a brotherhood and inteimml to strike against Sunday wgrk , althoughm judging from timecmptiuessof fashionable city churches ht summer they might as well , At Grcermsboro Ala , a negro divine is pod- iout among iris people ' 'A Copy of a Letter - tor font Jesus Obrist , " at 10 cents a copy. lie tells his brethren that whoever buys a copy' "de Lord will abide mold 'tint an' bless 'urrm. ' Worsitipemin St. Bernard's Churcim , Co. hoes , N. 0. , were anmzed wlien Jolnm ltaffor- ty1 during the services , walked up to time priest , anuouuced he was Pope Pins IX. , nod ordered his reverence to stop time service. 1'o lice Sorgt. Snmitli locked the Pope up. These are the echoes of a family circle in Springfield , Mass , according to the Ite ui hi can of that city : "filary , you little brat , " came hardily from tire window of a clean-look. jug house yesterday , "conic here and stop that racket or I'll pound you black mud blue all over"-then the sane voice in shrill supreme , " "I will sing of my Redeemer. " When time late Col. Isaac 0. Barnes boarded at time Brumfield house , his jokes and quaint remarks afforded great amusememit to his fellow-boarders , One Sunday morning , just as the congregation canto out from church at the next tune , the sidewalk being covered with lee and very slippery , a large , dignified maim como down cu his back quite suddenly. 'l'imo colonel and a facetious boarder saw time fall front time window where tioywero sitting. "I say , colonel , " observed his conpanion ) , " ( ho you believe that man is a member of thu church in good statmdillol" "No , " replied the colonel , "I should say lie was a backslider. " A colored sisterof the Btothodist faith who was looking en at time immucrsion of a company of Baptist cmmverts in an Alabama river time other day bacame so iuterestod in time specta- ele as to venture close to the water'sedgc'rIme olliciuting clergyman whether through malice or ignorance will prolably never be kmiown , seized and seised her into time water before she Imad time to object. She canto up too much out of breath to speak , and under slm wont again. After the second dip slo onlerged , clawing the air wildly , and shouting : "G'way from here ! Dem't you chock meunder ag'ln , you nigger But time clergyman was inexorable , and sett her to the bottom a third time. 1Vhoit finally site lad escaped from his clutches mud stood upon the slmoro , slut slmnok her list ant scremned : 'Oh , I'll ' fix yowl 1'11 bust the bead often you , you or'nary truslmi soushm' Ise and nearly drowuiti' time , when you know'd well unough all de time tint l'se a Methodist mmd been ciristuned by dent dat's your bettors , mmd le msva ' ' ) Baptists dat ebbor sltomited , youl mmis'able black scum ) and mo got du rhounmtiz emu ; it to set me crazy' ! I'll see tvlmat du law kin ciu for youl I'll ' have you arrested dis very lily , or my nmune's not .iohanminJolnmsouyouwamlyJtuadodhmoriu' ! You hear ate : " and .tohuuna ) vent houto to chamige her clothes , mul thu wrumnety pro. ceoded. ceoded.jw , aoc. r M4Rk r.l .vi ' . ' ? I i 5 a si' f gvv ys1M + ai , / a THE GREAT s1 h a cuntS Ahoulnatism , Nouraiaia , Sciatica , t Lunluaga , B ickacho , licadacho , Toothache , t Noru'A'hr"al.Navlihlu..Npr"hslmsnlsea , Iturl.eaa.d. , l , uat IIir t Axn ALL arilall LIIImmm.i mtmbs AAIAlmmis / , SuUbl1)narbl..i enu rrr"Lae , Flit ; c.uNaboWe. C III'i'wisIl ' ( 'uruun , ( 1'111 ; t n hilt : ' .t , t'liel'Lvit ( ' 1) . ( a.M.M. , , a //M , II.IIIron. . t.ln l' R , A. - s , Ill8llrllO b 1tEr aFwENTS : r h'h'enix Asdmmnco Ca , of London , Cash t Assets. ' . , , , , , , , , , , , , , f3,96tfA4 00 Weatrhtttet , N 'Y. , Capital . , . . . , . ,000,000. Time Merchants , of Newark , N , J. , Capital 1,276,000 ' OITAId Fire , Phllvld Ihla , cah IW , . , , , 1,200,000,0 6 o lbeaten'sFund , Capmtal" , . , , . , , , , , . , , 1,259,816. OFFICE-Room ; 10. Omaha Nattoaal".hank Build lug. Telaphoos No. if6. t aw.Jl n He WESTE I a.ANN & Coe : It , i IMponTEnS OF I I r Q.UEENSWAREIy i China an Glass , 608 WASH/MGT ON AVENUE AND 609 ST STREET St. Louis Mo. ' meam Dry Goods ! e SAM'L CO. , Washington Avenue and Eifth Street , - - - ST. LOUIS 1140 , STEELS JOHNSON & Co. , -'tr Wholesale Grocers ! AND JOIIUEI iN FLOUR , SALT. SUGARS3 CANNED GOOJi. ND ALL GROCERS' ' SUPPLIES ' A FULL LINE OF THE BEST BRANDS OF Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco. AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO Ja .Ae WAKEFIELD . WIIOT.PSALE AND ImTAIL DEALUIC IN LuMber , Latli , Slia1es , PicKets , SASl STATE BOORS , BLINDS MOULDING S LIME1 CEMENT PLASTER , &C GENT FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB Ca F , GOODMAN Wholesale . Druggist ! AND DEALER IN 1llt8 , ¶ 1IIO1ff fflSS g OMAHA. NEBRASKA. : E cT"rt c ® DEALERSIN Hall's Safe an Lock Comp'y. r FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF . 'f / SAFES , VAuLTSLOCKS , , &c. 1020 I'Larbtum t tx cae t. Oane.hu. HENRY LEHMANN JOBBER OF Paper auftVliO \ ! Sliaes. ' , EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED , , 1118 FARNAM STREET , OMAHA NEB. M. HELL MAN & CO. , 0 Wholesale Clothiers ! 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET , CU ! ? . 13711 , OMAIIA , - NEBRASIC Anheuser-Busch .SAh t ' ' - . : + , r , { tu".c r' CELEBRATED t * r s ' kctu".c RATED } kc t , i s 't , [ I'r ' , Ke and Bottled Beer . ) brl r.rf , f This Excellent Beer apeaks for itsolt. J' - ' ' , t \l y I ' Iv : a t (1" , tiI .EI n c p N , . ORDERS 1 ItOlII ANY PART OF THLr . STATE OR. r rIIE ENTIRE WEST , 1 gzIAU15h1D. r- ? 1 Will be Promptly Shipped. ALL OUR GOODS ARE MADE TO THE STANDARD GEORGE HENNING Solo Agent for Omaha and time 1Yost. 011icc Corner 13th auu ilarney Streets. SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock andOthers. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO a Our Ground Oil Cake 0 It leho fed and chcapastoat tor stock o/ any kind , Ono pound Is ogual to three pounds o1 con. Stock pod wdth Ground 00 Gke In tba FaU and iv toter , Instead running / down , w ill tnereasu la welgl mod be to . goal marketable oondltlon in mho sprlnB , 11,1q mnaD , as wall ae others , x ho use It can tall ! J ( . . , . Ise merits. Try It sad Judge tot younelroa 1'da t:6.W t > er ion Do dlargu for sad. Addrow ol eud me nY000MAN WNd1ilDjUIL : OOMI'AA'Y , Otnaha ! 1