1 _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ti --u . _ _ DAILY BEE--THURSDAY ATJGTJST 2. i. 7 ii : a W ITL E\SAVE YOU t\F \ jjI TIME , TROUBLE , MONEY : ii ( ; 1 buy your \ ' _ ' _ 'i' GROGEMES&PROYISIONS , c9'c1T 'I9 16 Miuti and 17 Pearl SLrect , Council 131u1Th. COUNCIL BLUFFS IA1LROAD TIME TATILE. The fo1lowIn thotInenf irrIvaI anI .1epttrtur of trains from ttit kcal Icot. 'I'ho tintiis tatt from the Union PBCIQC depot ftbout ten tnInute eafiler than tCIOW tatcd and nrrto at the depot about tczi mfntitei later. WFratni on pool llne and } C. C. rmi on Chiengo ttme , & half hour fatcr than loeni. Vabah traln run on St. LoWe tfmo , twenty minutes fatcr than locnl. U. ' , P. antI Liticolu trafu run on CounciL fltutTs time. CifiCAGO , aocL $ lSLAD AND PACIFIC. ' Depart. Arrive. AtantfoExt..5Op. ! : in. Pacinolxt..U:4 : : ° m Ex and Mafl. .PtO. : lu. ix ami MaiI. .C:5 : p. rn Deloinesn. 7:15a.m. : fte93101001 ao..O.3 p. in. CUICAGO IiiRUSOtO AND QUIICY. lepart. Arrive. Chicago Ex , . . .5flp.rn. : Connall fl ntTs ox..0.45 Mall and Lx. . . 0 45 in Mali and } x. .7:00 : p. in , CIIICAOO and ? IORTIIIIOITHRN. Iepart. ArrIo. p' ' . - Atlanti , Ext . . . .5:16 : p. in. Paelflc Et . . . .Pt5 a. rn. c Mall arid Ex' . . .0:20 : a. ni. Mall ami I' . 0U : p. In. Aecoin ( Sat.5:50 ) : p. in. Aecom ( Moo ) . .1:45 : p. iii. XAI4AM CITY , $ T , JOE ANt ) COCIL ULtJEF $ . Icnt. Arrive. Mali anti Ex . . , . , 0:55 : a. in. E'qlreR . . . . . . .5:35 : p. m. Express..8:25 : p. in. Mail and Ex. .0:45 : p. in. UaION PACIFIC. Depart. Auivc. Overiatid Ex..li:30n.in : , Over1andE. . .4:00 : p. in. LinColn Ex..1I:3O : a. rn. Denver . . . . : ) n. iii. Denver lx..7:00 : ii. ni. Local Ex . . . . . .0:30 : a. In. Local lix..7:25a. : Iii. " Ex..11:05 : a. in. Emigrant..5:20 : p. Ia. " Ec . . . . . .0:00 : a , In. WAIiAII , B ? . LOUIS AII PACIFIC. Depart. Arrive. Mali and FL . . . . .0:45 : a. m. Mail anti Ex. . .4:3(1 : ( p. ni. ( ILflflOIi liali , . . .4:50 : p. iii. Cannon HaiI..11O Ii. Iii. I4IoIJx CITY APII PACIFIC. Depart. Arrive Forsioux Cty.7:55 [ : a. m. FrrnSIouxCit3O:50p.In. : ForFrtNiobmra Frrn Fort Niobrara Nob..7:55a. in. , . . . . . . . . . : p. ni. For St. I'aul . . . .7:40 : p. Iii. FroIii St. l'niil . .6:50 : a. in. ChICAGO , MILWAUKK ASI ) Sr. PAUL. Leave Omaha. Ar.iivcs at Omaha. Mail and 1x. . . . 7:45 : a. m. Paciflc1x , . . . 9:45 : a. In. Atlantlo Ex. . . . 3:40 : p. Iii. Mail 011(1 Ex. 7:25 p. in. All trains daily , CflICAOO iIILWAUKRa A41) Pr. PAUL. Leaves Council B1u1T8. Arives Council IiInfTh. 1.tau an ! E ) : . . . . ' 0:20 a. in. Mali and E. .6 : & . p. in. AU&ntio Ex. . . . 15:15 p. in. Atlantic Ex. . i0tO : a. in. - cOOPiCIL aLum AND Oi&4IIL STRRIIT hAlLWAy. LeaveCouncI1liiu& Leave Omaha. 8 a. m. 9 a. in 1Oam. liii. I 8 a. in. 0 a. n. joe. m. 11 in..1 p. m. 2p. Iii. 3 p.ni.4 a. UI. 1 m. 2p.m. 3 p. In. p. in. p. In. ti p. in. I 4 p. in. P. m. 0 p. in. Street rara run halt hourly to the Union Pacific depot. On Sunday the rart begin their trips at 0 o'clock a. ni. , and cmi regularly durilig the day at 0 , 11 , 2 , 4 , 5 , and 6 o' clock , and run to city time. Health is Wealth ! . , _ P Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment , a ? guaranteed specific for hysteria , DizzineConvnI 'c' lens , FItS , Nervous Neuralgia , Headache , Nervoue Proitration caused bx the use of alcohol or tobacco , Wakefulness , Mental Iepreion , Softening of the Brain , resulting in insanIty and leading to misery , decay and death , Premature Old Age , Barrenness Loss of power In either sex , involuntary Losso Spermatorrhwa causcd by over exertions of brain , self.abusc or ovcr.indulg nce. . Each box tains one month's treatment. $1.00 a box , or boxes for $5.00. Sent by mall prepaid on roccIp price WE GUATtANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any cage. With each order received by us . - A , for six boxes accompanied with 5.00 , wewiiisend the , " ; . our written guarantee torcfundthemoney 1 , ' - , fthe treatment does not affect a cure. Ouarantcee . 1 Isiiid only by C. F. 000BMAN I into WI. Dciii' 1st Omaha Neb , DR , FELIX LE BRUN'S G G ritEvENu fE AND CURE FOREITIIE1 , ? SEX , ThSremedy ! being Injectod' directly to the Beat of the diiease , requires no change of diet or nauseous , mercurial or poisonous medicines to bo taken intern. all. When used as a prevsntivo by either sex , it is impossible to contract any.privato disease ; but in the case of those already unfortunately afflicted we guar. anteethrce boxes to cure , or we wiii refund the money. l'rice by mail , postage paid , $2 per box , or three boxes for Sd. WRI1'FEN GUARANTEES issued by au authorized acente. Dr.FelixLeBrun & Co SOLE PROPRIETORS. C. F. Goodman , Druggist , Solo Agent , for Omahe , . Nib. m&n wlv $200 A YEAR ANBESAVED IN THE LIVING EXPENSES OP ? . TBI PAMILY by the USC of Rsx MAcNtis , The iihiInietOn Food Pro. crvatii 0. It prcservesMeat , Fish , Milk , Cream , Eggs , and all kinds of Anilnai Food frosts and sweet for weeic , even in the hottest weather , This can be proved the teltilLonlais of hundreds who have tried it. Youcan prose it for yourself for 50 cents. You will find that this feats aiticic hlcs wiiliave you a greatdeai of money. NO BOURED MTLK ! _ SPOILED MEAT. NO BTALE EGGS. It will kecis them fresh slid sweet for ninny days nd doesnoc hstpart the iiitest ) foreign taste to the articles treated. It is so bilniio ) iii operation that a child can foliow the dlrection , ( a as harmless as salt and coats ohiiy a frisetiOlI of a cent to a poullti of IIieAt 5511 , butter or cliceso or to a quart of milk , This Is 10 IiUInbiC ; it is endorsed by such men as l'rot , Saii'I W. Johnson of Yale College. Sold by druggists and grocers , SaInplo IOUIId $ sent pro'paid by mail or express ( as we prefer ) on receipt of price. anio your oxpreis office. Ylandlne brand for meat ; Ocmn Wave for Ish nd sea food ; 8110W flake for niiik , butter and diecso ; Auti.Ferincnt , Anti.l'iy and AIiti'MoId , SOC. PCF lb. cads. l'eael for cream ; IlUUCIi for eggs , and Aqua.Yttao for fluid eatracts , Si I er lb. each. TIlE IIW.11STON FOOL ) I'iIESP.ItVINO CO. , Jy3Q.IO&e&isiIii 72 ElibySt. , liostorI , uses. OIEAT ENCLISH REMEDY. Delillil . - . - . , - I ( JY.IITAL I/Si 1 p MANLY \'IOOit , Sr.enhiatOrr. F Ioa , etc. , 'IIehI all other retiie 1er dies fall. I cure iisarauteed. , ' ( . . ' , . $ lj.o a httIe , brgu hottie , four \ . , . / : : all slruggt.ts. iNJlliiil : ( SiEii. CATj INST1TUT , I'roirlvtors , 71 Olbo hftreet , ht. LouIs , din. - "I liars sold 5lr Astley ( Joiper's ' 'ital itostoratlic for years. El cry cuotolner speik : * liIhiy of it. I Ulihesitatihigly entorso it as a rUbIIaiy of true merit , bC. F , GcoPeIA , DI'Ugiit Omaha , Feb. 1 1383. ylSiL&UeOdI' of the Iiuuiaxi betty CIilOIiUJ , developed and .trcligthchied. etc. , Is anflntere3tinadvertlscmeIit iocg run In our pii4er. Zn reply to ihiquhriea iso iiUi say that there je 150 evIdence , f uimbug about tlii. 00 the contrary the a4vertiser are very highly lodorsed. Intereeto' 0 persons may get sealed c1rCuiar gising all ; grtlcul by addressing Erie Medical Vo.,1'.ObCX 5t3. Buffalo viY wToieJ ieu.f tero Cornice-Norks IRON ANI ) SLATE ROOFING. . as SPECHT , PROP un Douglas St. . . Omaha , Neb. IIANUFAETUItER OF Calvanizec Iron Cornices trIoriner Winuows , Finials , Tin , Iron and Siato ItoodlIg Spcrht'e iatcnt Nctalhio SkyIiIit , l'ateIit Ii4ijiIStetl itatehet Bar slId Bracket SilelelhIg. I am tIe , general aicnt for the isliovu Iliio of goods. iron Fencing , ( 'restitigs , lialtiitmdos , VeraIida , Iron Bank it11111g5 , V'liidow lilintle , Collar (1uarii : also general I4Chit for Peerson & 11111 iateIit IlISIdO Blind. UNFORTUNATE I cLt : EI r i' 12 IS ONE OF T1ii WORST DISEASES OF TIlE 1'IIESF.NT TIME. Hundreds Are Suffering wIril it wizen xiisr CAN 135 RELIEVED AT ONCE. I will guarantee to cure the Worst Case of' Catarrh ! IN ThREE MONTUS , 03 ? RefUnd. the Money This sfleLlIClIIO Is good for only the one disaaie. By rendlogino $2.00 I w ili send the Inodkillo Iropald by exproos or mali. Do NOT SUFFER ANY LOMER \VIIEN YOU CAN BE Cured for so Small a Sum. S. F. SEWELL. ( bmro of Box 409. Omaha , Nob. M1 . RSDOL GOll'I ' IllSlff11OO. AOIIi ltEi'ltESENTS : Plvonlx Assurance Co. , of London , Cash VI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ , , . YestthLstcr , N. Y. . Capifal..I. ,000,000.00 Tile Merchants , of Newark , N. J. , Capital 1,275,000.00 GIrard Fire , Phiikiphia , Capital. . . . . . 1,200,000.05 F'ira.flehi's Fund , Capital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,200,015.00 OFfICE-Room : 19 , Omaha Natl005hlllank BulI t log. Tlmone No. 575. p. , .41v I Have Found It I Was the exclamation of a man when he got a box of Eureka l'iho Ointlnehlt , which is a sinijie anl sure cure for 1'lles and all Skill Diseases. 1fty cents by mail , P05tPI' The American Diarrhwa Cure , hiss stood the test for twenty years. Sure cure for all. Never Fails , Diarrhoea , Dysentery , and Chols. raMorbus. Bcauc Fcer an All Tolli & Coria1 , It Is Imimoselbie to supply the rapid sale of ths same. SUitE CURE WARRANTED For Fever and Aguc , and all Malarial troublea. I'RICE , $1.00. w.J. WHITEHOUSE LABORATORY , 10TH ST. , OSSAIZA , NED. For Sale by all Druggists1 Orschmt , by Express on rcnilptof ) ) rlra. Ui&O6 JOII lvi , CLARKE. , Oldest Real Estate Agent , Notary Pubhc and Practicai Con- voyancer. Clarke soils Houses and Lots , Itesilence Lots ant IIueiIIess tA7tJI all over the city , and oil additions , he. ' sited ilImiroved and uniumproscd farina I ewer than any other a'ent. mar 16- WI B. GRING , AvcIDn aod CoIssIa Meichaot , 5 , IlL AT1END TO SALES IN ANY PART OF OiL COUNTRY. 149.9. Douglas Street. . 'JAMES MoVEY , Practical Horse Sheer Slake. a specialty of Roadsters and tenderfoot hior Sc. . ShiOd , Iode atroetbet. 11th 1and 12th , Oh IBhias , " ' JOH1 CUJACOBS. Formerly Ghhi & Jacob , UNDERTAKER. BELLEVUE COLLEGL Under the care of the i'reebyterhan Syllod of No. braska. JJOjill5 Septehliher lOthi. Claeekal ( mlii Sclclitiflc coursea with ireparatory departhilcut ; Ali , Muaicah Slid Art Department , all peIl to bothi 505cc. Tuition how. location heautlfuh and hioalthiful. Ollhy 111110 nmlha from omaha on thu B. & di. 11. it. Ad. jirebs for circulars , I'ItOY. . J. IIOLLSl/sN , hiohlu. vue.Nuhi. _ ji'1.o'i _ lfl&43tW2 In Safety Fund System. lifo InslIranco perfect hO security such at thIc iowcst * cot C4ifl5i5tChi tIICrUWltll. JLAItTFOItD LIFE & ANNUITY IfAhtTFOIih ) . CONN. ANS. ih. l'IET'5 , flehiolal Agcnt. At the h axton , AIFG0Oi Agents Vauted. hui&u'hIn THE JEWELER'S TREASURES Fashion's ' Prosnt Whiffis in Costly Aornmcut. The Ciesuit Eost liked Arrsuiged In a MiihtittitLo Ot'1301tItifILl F'oruus mliii Ooltl in Artiestlu l'at. toraH. N. V. Times. D'iaiiiotiils , riibfcs rtiul aapjsliiroii spar. kli'd iii till. ) BiihiSlIiitO as it fnaltioiiablo U . ) Cr l3rontlway jeweller laid a velvet 11110(1 tray oii his show case aiid oxpIamel to a reporter , ohio utornulig recently , what were the niost fasliiinrnblo styles of jew city WOPhi this season , Oti the tray wi's a large rose , with the skin , leaves , niul flower iiiittlo CIItIrOI3 of diainoutls , hcIl together by almost iiiviaiblu baiida of golil. This valilablo oriiaiiieiit , costing ohiooS'RS iiitciuled to take the IhiCO of iiattiral flowers in 1515 evening to'ilut. . Thu desigit is original aiia has hiever becis du 1)IiCatCl. A lieCklacu of ( liahnonls , each Soils as large as thu tip of oiio'a linger , was tuarked $20,000. A $3,000 bunch of dianiond pitiks , a lnolost S1,2OO ox. eye daisy , a glitterihig cluster of tljaniond leaves with a $9,000 sapphire centro , and various other floral gums surpassed in brilliancy , at least , if itot iii beauty , ( ho hubs of the field , "These , " 8.11(1 the jeweler , "are very fashionable , but itot for poor peop1u. They are the moat. stylish goods we can sell , and would adorn the most elegant of costumes. 1)iainonds arc always fashion. able , but tiot in tim shiapo of clusters. A few years ago ovurythiltig was iiiiulu in thu shape of clusters , lroochies , , finger 101(1 ear.rilIgs ; but hio' the solitaires arc jreferred , with as little goll ins possible in thu mounting , Golti is cheap , except- lug when it is so formed as to have It gcii. time artistic value , os it han fis the Indian bracelets , each link of which is an artistic study. " The iesigiis of these beautiful ornit ihilMits are after the style of thin famous East Ilidmhl jewels , and would be as be. coliling on a Hindoo as a New York belle. There vere itiso Indian spiders , with long , crooked , hairy legs , of rod shiodo metal , sharp eyes of tliainoinl chii1s , , and great fat bodies of Alexandrite or chryaoberyl , which shionuand ghistemied as they were inoverl about on the glass case. They are hideous and yet fascinatingand as lacopina arornticlt prized by ladies to whom a real dead mouse is the most terrible - rible of spectres. A rich purple swamp rose , on the santo inothl , was omio of the miiost. Uiiitio of the Indian patterns. Its broad petals glistened as if they wore covered with dcw.drops , amid iii thio centre there sparkled a brilliant dia. iiioiitl of the rare canary hue , giving the jewel time rich appearance of the beautiful flower it was fashioned after. These do. sighs are worked Into etiff buttons , scarf pins , lace piis , and ovals fingorrings. 'rite scarf pili tray was a inimiiature picture gallery. 'i'hcro were richly colored Limoge oiiaiiichled iiiedallioiia , sotin delicate gold baiids or suri'ounded by tiny rows of diamonds or pearls or ruby or emerald chi1)s ; sInahl golden horses caparisoned with almost invisible silver trappings ; placqimes iii time French , .Japaneso amid IthliaIi styles , and a mmcturnal study iiitetided for a miiiiiistcrial scarf. It was On R golden ilncqu , itiid consisted of a wise-faced owl blinking over its shoulder at a silver miioon , while three little jewel- led stars twinkled through tim clomuls as a diminutive frog was preparing to plunge headlong into au emor.ild sea. Time price of this interesting trinket could not be expressed in less times three figures. 'Uho most popular scarf pins arc tim. liaul and gold-headed or jewelled pills. l'earls and diamonds arc thu most fitsim- ionmiblu geitis used for this purpose. Scarf pins , the jeweler exIlaiucd , have taken the place to a large extent of shirt studs , the fashionable high buttoned vests and coats preventing the former expansive - pansivo exhibition of shirt bosoms. The old-fashioned shirt pus , too , has gone entirely - tirely out of style. In cimif-buttons the double links are fast suporsedilig the sin- lo buttons. This is an old style returning - ing again , and bids ( air to have a lorn' life. J hey are made in every known an several hitherto iimikiiown shapes. Time most fashionable are richly inoumited with gems. Time Japanese faim , horseshoe amid four-leafed clover styles arc superseded by the llltiIi Rolnan amid hamnumered gold or the grotesque Imidian and Japammesode- vices. The large stone settings are sd- dma worn now. Very few sets of brooches amid earrings are sold this sea- soIl conipareel. witie the great sale they had several years ago. Lace pins are moore fashionable thami fimo brooches , and the present style is to wear earrings which do ziot Iliatcim the pin umi- less they are diamnonds or 501110 other precious stone. There is little slomnamids for challIs and lockehi , without which no toilet was thought coni1iietu several years ago. Camiicos are going out of style , limit line stoiies cll cut are , amid always will be valuable. Coral amid jotjowelry , too1 are fast disappearing. A. hmsto for colored ictoiies 15 fast dtiveiopimig. .f'ho beautiful toW'Iillahilies froni Bra'.il , s'1iich come in all colors , me Inost wormi. They are cheaper thami the chrysolomyl , wii'icii is next to the saplnro in blue atones , Its CIflOSitiOIi ( is 'ery 11111011 like that of the ' 'cat's-eye. " It liaa also various shatles of color , The Aloxamulritcs tti'o tiio iiiost beautiful of these stones. They COIlIC from Ceylon filth present the limoIiomehion of having two shades of colcr , ami olive groemi by day 101(1 a columbine red at night. Thu emnerald is rogainimig lao old. tulle popularity , amid the superstition which has always clumig to tim opal is being gradually removed and the sale of this delicate and beautiful geimi is ilicreali- , ing. Rubies and diamiiouds still hold their popularity , and icavls are ralidly . increasilig 111 value amid re1iute , Among the bracelets there wore a . mimatle fromim Japan which fairly illustrated the difference between liIongohiahz 1511(1 , ( iaticasiaii art , They were iiirgo , cuin brotis , amid rouiid like a hair of lmammtl-cuifft bore than mthi'tlmimig else , profusely orjia IiIChitetl 'itii scroll itiitl figure vork in mcd . amiti liltmo emialnel , like the backgrouhul of it .Japancsu famm , Time surface was rough , the sliiipo inartistic , iIhil the iimaidu yas IIiiiCii Ihmoro highly finished timimmi the ( lilt sub , , 'i'hcy vcre set with the mmativc'cut tliaiiiomls , wideli vcmc as dull as so ilmauy IIICCOS tiE yelitiw glass. lii time same emuic were sonic AIIlOFiuthi bracelets of tlit sauiie lilitturli , wciglmumg oimtm.Jmalf as mimucli , of gntcufiil shape , artistically umImumiolc(1 amid iiiommmmtml vitli tliainonds that flashed amid sparkled. Tue mien' chain bniceluts1 which arc liec0hiiiiIff ijiiito fashmioimsbluare stretched nut like a fob watch chain tvimeII hot jim misc , alit ! PeseilIblu timmit. article vcr much. 'i'hmey are inalu iii various styles , 3 w'itim amitl without ornamnentod clasps , and L are frequently sot m'ith gems. 'limo mimoal stylish of mill for coitminon wear it time langlo bracelet , consisting ol a coil of wire from which bangles of all si.ui imd styles 11114 simapet hang ( rota these delicate little cimaijis , Thmeso coils a ; usually highly orntmmeii. ted. Somno times tlio ) lARd tIme form of a soa-sorpeiit with ft scaly 1)0(13 ? , fl fright. ful head , gleaming ruby cyos amid fangs which arc realistic enough to slmlg. Often the wire is plain with a gentle sheep's head at ono emmit 1511(1 15 hiflhiiitliIS scroll at the oilier ; but time most wimimmisical shapes arc most fasli'monablo , A great cliaiigo has taken Imlacq iii ( lie inmiufac. lure of flnger-rmgs. Tim iroscn style is iilaiii with as little gold as , possmblo , aiiml time stoiies are sot deep iii Plaiht clavii. Time old 'gallory" setting liasgono into 'ha. 1150. Amitomig tlto rings viich ] time 3ewelor had was it uumiqimo coil , ono emit1 of which COllsistel of a forty.livo.hundred dollar ' ' ' ' mmd tiio other blooV' 'pigeomi's ruby , was a omio.thmousatitl.tlollarihiaunond , The two stones were abotit thu same size ahul met at thu tOI ) of the 'circle. Thmo effect Very rchi. Amnong time necklaces there was a brilliaimt display of gems. Long strings of Pearls of exactly the 5151110 size , exceed. bigly rare collections , were mnarked $2,000 tO $ fl,000 a striiig. A large dia. iiiOhid cut iii time shape of a pear was the $2,200 peimdammt ( ill fl necklace iiiado of the saiime genla. A. string of conch shell vcarls , each as big as a largo bean , amni ins Pilmic as coral , was priccil at $4,000. A 'em' ) ' hammdsomiie pattern was of goldeim oak leaves and acorns , the cone of thu acorn being mniuho of oval pearls. Those styles of necklaces , hike fume ) aimltihmg8 or Greek statues , nrc always prizeti and eniimiot be saul to have ever otio out of fashlomi , as they are time creations of the skilful arti- ticers aiul are not modelled after ammy kmmowim pattern. Iii ladies' watches time fashion has gone back nearly a cemitury. Time chmnteiaino-ono oftho earliest of the niammy styles of watch gimards-is very PoPular this season. Asin otimer articles of jewelry , those set with dianmornls or pearls are tIme immost stylish. Time jemveier had ommo which was a blaze of thiaiiionds , with hmnrtlly a trace of gold visible. it. Wish worth $2,100 , aiitl I'I.94iiarshiy ho It safe time-piece for outdoor wear. lie exphtimmed that the old style of lady's rmttchm , which was as large alnmost its those woi'ii by gentlemen , has conipletely clmiumgcd. Time fair sex mmow afflict time other extronme , and vatchmes are minnie no larger than a five-cent piece. A very fasimionablo shape is the bale , or round as a immarble , with a heavy crystal case. Ommo of the largest mnanufacttmrors of thu ciioapergradcs of jewelry in this country was itoit visitcd. Thmostylo of jewelry which are iiiado by time hundred froni time standard patterns , ho said , had greatly changed imi the past few years. The old styles wore large and flashy ; the presolit arc smaller and richer. The mnostfltsimioli- aWe kinds of lockets , cuff buttoims , scarf amid lace pills arO inado of Itomuman gold and mounted with single dianmonds , Timbre is a great demand for aimil lily of time valley designs , made of rod gold. Few pemidamit. oar-rings are Imlado now. The iriost fash'ioimable is thu ball which lit close to the car. Camneos seem to immive gone almost entirely out of ditto. Time atylo of scarf iiiis iii cheaper grades resembles that of time higher priced arti- cbs described above. In bracelets tim old chain pattern is gradually comning into use again , while the bands are going omit. . The niost fashionable , of all , however , is tile bangle and coil Ainetlmysts amid topazcs are soldoni used now in time facto. vies. Time style of 115(1108' watcim chains most sold is time chatelaino. Next iii 1)01)- imiarity Collies a short. chain which lastes imito time bolt. the sanmo as tIme chiatolaimie , hut time watch is carried imi the atljxtcoimt 1)OClCCt. Time once fashionable leotimmo mind opera chains are hardly ever seoii now iii this city , but. still have a largo sale in time country. Gentlomimen's fob clmnimis are going omit of style. Their ux- tonsiv'i immaimufacturo ill cheap grades of plated wire has killed tue popularity. Oxydized , plain amid lmanmmnored silver jewelry Intro hind tlmmr dayammd now have as poor a. sale as time diamnod pili , wimich years ago was tlmo wonder and adimmirim- tiomm of time traveling public as it blazed amid flashed on time polished slmirkfront of time hotel clerk like aim electric light of 400.cammdle iower on a dark night. CLERKS WhO PIuY TILE PIANO. Attracting Customimers and Gettimig IimvitatioIms to Couimtry Parties. From the New York Su , , . "I want soniothing new in the lancers' line , " said a young coimmitryinami as ho cmi- tored a music store time otlmcr day. "They're going to have a barn warmimmg at 'Squiro Bonton's next week , amid 1 wamit time latest. timing out. 1 can't road music , so I waiit you to pick out time hive- host set you'vi got for mile. " "Could you toll what you wammt if you hear it )1nyedl" "hear it. 1)layed Whiy , who's going - ing to play it ? Of course I could tell. " "Here , Miss Molhie , " cahie(1 out time dealer , "picase play these three sets of lamicors for time guimtieinamm. " "This way , sir , plense , " said Miss 1'Iollie ' , a very pretty amiti pleasant spokemm yOllflg pcrsoii , as situ walked toward tIme rear of the store , followed by time young cOuilltryInhLli. Sue opciietl aim upright piaflo aimd dasimed oil' one lancer after zumotiier. ' 'Guess : i'll ' take thoni all three , " said time eommntryiiiaim , ' 'amid I guess tim folks would like it. if you'd coiimo up and play for them. That. is , all but ? slitrii , Larkins would like it. Sue's to ph' herself , zimmd it. would mimako her kind of mad to hiavo you there. Slum can't force time tummu as you cliii. But no inatterabout. Maria. I guess Iiemitomm's folks would be glad to have you I 1 "VciI , " said Miss Mohilo , "I don't. witmit to hurt. Iiss ? , Inria'a feelings , aimd 1'it afraid l'imi wiumted here , but immy sister will be glad of a chammcu to go. She llays for Plirtles. " "Caii sue swoop tlowii OR the tuimo as steady as you cami. " ' 'Steadier , " Bai(1 Miss Molhe , with a laugh , amid that's how bier sister camue to speimd Sunday iii time country with Be mm- toim's folks. "Aro there mnamiy dealers who enmploy mimusical clerks ts IIIIY the piammof' ' we asked. "A good many , " ho replied. "You , sues a great. inami' cwmtoiimers can't. tell a tuiie by reading it. froiim the sheet , Timoy have IA ) hear it , " ' 'But woultl'mmt they take it on yourro. comnmncmulatim , ? ' ' . ' " 1'he , IIiigIIt. . hut. 0th See , MillS Tilol. lie hiatt just. 81)1(1 tiim'eo sets of hmimmeers to that youimg follow. I could have sold bini ommly one. So it. v' ' to engage some omit to iiiimy , " .Jiist ; thou a youhig holy emmtoroi time jmtoi'o. ' 'I vaii buyiiig winiethimig mioxt door , " she iomitl , ' 'imini ' hait1 somimo oime playing in hero. Iil like to buy time tummu .1 hmcmmrd lt1a'dtl " 4 'Jooi tinit often immmpiwli I" asked thu r rdllortor ( If the tlcalem. \Ct oftoii. So often tiiiit whmoim bus. iimess is slack I get Miss Mellie to ltJay Oil the piamio. That attracts customnes. ' "Cuim Miss Moilio slug ? " r "Ne , 'time ' docu't silig. 4t' very diii. cult to filid a cl9rk who sun play aimd simig a too , Of course singing would attract . hliflImy muiciru , but I doubt if the Prit - - - - - - - - - - - - wouiidn't bo eaten up hiy ( ho extra s'iiui I would lumvo to PY iii"oF. I timimik a ltiahiist is hmioro satisfactory. " " 1)o you va Clerks who P1Y tue lilailo higher wages thinti ordimistry clorhsl' ' 'Oh , yes. Timat.'s only Just. There's Miiis Mollie , Sue's wortlt at least. ton dollars a veek hmioro than aim ordinary clerk. Sue mused to l'1Y ' for dammc'ing at. oveimiumg Parties. Now she enim make al- iiioust as mntmcim hero wfthout. having to ho % ij ) hate a mmihit. 11cr sister tilays for parties , aumd ill stiiiiiiiei' she Imumimiagos to get a good miiammy eumgagemimemits suit of tnwmm. " , lust thou aohmmolody asked for a waltz , nut ! the dealer tuuiiieil to serve hiui. Pius customer had hardly tieparted vimeim another entered the store , and said to Miss Mohhie : , .Il like time ' ' ' ( 'Misery' froni 'Trova- tore , ' " 'l'iio rdlortcr ) watched 'ihiss ltihlio with adinratiomm ( as , without a immoinomit's hiesitattoim or thio trace of a snub , sue imaimiled down the ' 'Ztiserere. " ' 'Io licOille often itma'ko mimistakes like that 1" ' 'Ohm , yes , " she answered , ' 'Seine- tinmes they sloii't. csnio so hear time title. Thie ask for time 'lilisory' without mimemi- tiomming "Frovittore. ' You wouldn't. ' ho- hove it , bitt. somno ommo oiice asked for tIme 'Commvict. Song , ' iunl tlwy oftomm vaimt time 'l'risoim 'l'iiime , ' imll of which stnmmd for time 'Misurero. ' I 'Do thioy ever mt time singer or PlaYer mixed up with thu comimposcri' ' ' 'i've often him ! them come in and ask for 'that pretty soimg of Camnpaimimii's' or "NUsson's' called 'Coimmiii Through time Ityo. ' limit time mimost ridiculoims katuro of the bimsiiiess is that time3' always seeni to tlmimmk i've booim to time opera tim imighmt before. yeti let un have timimt. sommg Gahimss'i sammg itst miight wimwm lie put. his head down amid butted like a bull ? ' 'I'imlmt is a s1iiestion thiat. is ofteim asked. Everybody - body who itsks it. waumts time .I'oreathor's soiig from 'Carumoum. ' 'Of course , tIle ) ' tii'mmmk that 1 saw ( litlassi at time Aenslumumy time imighmt before. ' 'Domm't. you sounetimimes get. tue keys wrolmg ? 4\\Toll , I should say so. The oilier day it lady caumie iii here nuid said : 'Camm you lot inc have time first duet betweeim Piiyl- has amid Strcpimomm in tIme iirst act. of 'lol- aimthu , ' iii two fiats ? ' " ' ' ' \Vell , sorry , ' I meplied , 'but time duet. is iii major , tWo sharps. ' " " 'Tiimtt.'s too bath , ' she said. 'I can't. simmg iii two sharps. I've only learimsid to sing iii two flats. ' 1 Bliploose Iflflii ) ' of your custonmers him ) ' only dance immusiol" ' 'Most. ( If them. And it's reilly re- mnmirkabie how rabid thiuso 11001)10 are. They thmiimk everything ought to be turned into a daimco for them. They wammt. 'Lucia' waltzes 'Carlmmeim' 1)olkas , 'Trovatore , ' lammccrs. " "Do you have anycustoniors who coimme iii amid expect. you to tell what they wammt. froumm a vague ( Icscri1itiolm of time mnus'me ? " "All ) ' mmummmbcr of thiens just ask for time bird or bell piece. There are about three hundred of each kind.Vo have 'Monastery Bells' 'Crystal Bells , ' 'EvoIm- imig hells , ' iii fact , all kimmds of bells ox- celit. dumb bells. Others really have no idea what timey ivamit. . Thuy just conic iii amid Ioolc over time immusic until time3' collie across soinethimmg that. strikes their faimcy. Swmie people buy a piece siluiply becaimso time ) ' hike time 1)icture ( Ui time title .fust thmelm a yommmi1 Imiami mitered amid asked for time son" with the picture of "a fellow imuid his girT in a boat , " itiitl ? IIiss Mollie was obliged to loolc through a stack of sheet InusiC. . _ _ A PALtENT'S BItUTAIj1TY. A Cherokee Coimmity F'Lmrmmmcr Irlyes Ills laughmtor to Simicisto anti Refuses 11cr Chirlstlnnflurial , Time ChmerQkee ( Iowa ) Times of the 20th tilt. . , colitailis time followimig revolting arm- countef a pareimt.'s brutality to ida daugii- ter : 1mm section 21 of Tildon townshmil ) lives Johns Wittis , a Swede by nativity , but. of a coarse amid unfriendly imaturo , so that lie is not. Olil ) ' disliked by his couimtry- imieli but. feared by tliuni , lie is time owiier of 320 acres of hmmmd. hmium good buildings and is iii a prosperous condm- tiomi. [ us fanmily uumtil recoimtly commsiat- od of himself amid wife , four semis growim to mnammhmood. amid tWO daughters. Now there is but cue daugimtor left. for the umi- imatimral father to vomit his wrath tlpomm. lie has boon noted ili time imeighborlmood for hmeartlesscruelty towardhmis daughters , kicking alid imimmitreating timeumi lecauso lie could not extort mnoro work omit. of them. Iiiiiiio : wmiss waii ayoilimgvommmiimm imboiit 20 years of ago. She had beemm working at Sioux City , ammd buiumg thken with ill healtii , camiio to her fimthier's house , time natural refuge of a child. Instead of kiumd treatlimoilt , LImo ) oorgirl was shmauiiu- fully used , iiumi iumiule time subject. of treat- lilemit that. drove lies' to tlesporatiomm. Goluig lx ) Iieigimbor's , Iiailiel ( l'ctersoii , sue tolil thiclim tiiat. utime was so ill.used at hiolImo that she ivomild conminit. suicide , as uclie felt. curtails that hiur father would kill her. It. : iipuars timlmt 1'IiiiIiii 1115(1 liii elder sistey \ViscoImsiIi , sviii hind scuit iier niolmoy to go to her , but the old \Vimss is saul to have got hold of time letter amiti kept tim Inouiuy. On Thursday the W7annes gave out that 1 1iumiii" iiiul t1nwmiud herself iii thu iveil , amid time circunmstaimces couiiicctod with liar tlcathi iseru so suspicious that. Curoimer Dubus is'lis sumiiiuioimud to iumvcstigImto thulIum. lIe weiit. to 'l'ilduum omm ltoiiday , imuid hue learned that tueiiss fauiiilyclitimuied that I'diIihilO seized the lUCket. rope imimd slid down to time water , whore she sercamumed , aimd that 011(3 of time brothers slid down time m'ope after her , but. thuumt site sammk lIm tomi feet of water aiid lie could mmot rescue her , lie iumimnagctl , however , to get oumt hiiuumsulf , lenvihig iuin sister to drown , By sonic mumealls they fished her to Limo surface , tiioim fiustwuimig a m1pu imrouummtl her hotly throw her ° ut. Neigimbors ity this t'iiuio hunt arrived , amid they say time heartless father m'efused to allow the hotly of his dead child to be taken into thu house , 'l'iuey then asked to hiavo it 1iuit jul tue grmmimiui'y 'I'Imis ivats imlso mufimsd , ltit ho ClIisehIte(1 ( to mullomv tiucium to t , stretch it. iii ilim ttuuiiity corjm.cril , , 'i'iic P1"1 irl houd us , clothiimug 0fl except. lice , chmeiuiisu vbieii tlrowjied , aumd tue fimlimue would not. itlltas' memo titan a cahicti sliess to ho mmcd iii pieJariuug hum' for luiriitl. , 'I'lwie was Imsi fumieral service of uuumy kiumd , She wits iiittiiied on thu fnm'uli iii , the Pm'CSehiCO of a ( aim' imuiglibom's mvho forced thuellisulves UllOli time fmmiuuuly. Ssii iue of the iieighmIois mIskol hiuu i to SiuuuiiulOli time eniolmum' utiitl huii'u 105 li' sjuast , but. lie delicately refuiseil uui thmu gni uuuid that. hi u himml ItO ( hue to w'atst U. I t is itiss said tiiimt. lie iiiucluiud a cofhlui at ! tlnreims , haul. lIt tinier to urmOuioJuiiZu Liuuiu lie took iieuiuu a reaper at thu simiumu tiuuie , 'l'lmoro are imot a feis' of IVass' noigliboii I 1 vhmo thmiiuk the girl uaiiiu to her clcmtlm by oilier timami fair miibamis , iiuul his licarthen , conduct mnigiit. vohl hity fouimditiomm : fez much nuspicioma. Coroner Itmbus , after hmcimriumg what tiic ; neighbors hind to say , hicid aim iuiquust. _ - - - - - - FURNITURE ! -TIlE- CHEAPEST PLAOE IN OMAHA TO BUY Furnit'u re ISAT DEWEY & STONES They always have tbc largest and best stock. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB ELEGANT PASSENGEI ELEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT . FLOORS. 'l'hue following is tim 'ert1ict of the jury : ' 'That Mimimi'uoVass caimme tt lomr death is ) ' tlrowmmimig iii it vuhl on her father's farmi : in Tilden towmiship , Cherokee cuuim- t ) ' , .1111) ' 10. \\o further 1111(1 flint. she was sleinoimted at time thou , amid further fluid timrmt thmo commditioui of liar mnind ivas C.iimisel by iil.treatunnmmt froium her father , aiitl fuwtlier ciiarge her brother Cimarles \tass with eriummiumal imeglect iii lint. saviiig said \ rimmmmie'IISS , nuts ? fuuthier chmamgu . .IoiimmVitss , fittliem of time deceased amid her lrotiwrs , , Chas.Vnss , Fred \'ass aimil August.it , is'ithi imihuuiumimmm treat- niemit of time bosh3' of time deceased , iii allowilmg her lml3' ( to lie iii a ctsrn.crib aimd grammar ) ' exposetl to time oioiuiemmt.s for 48 hours , amid buryimig lice witimoumt. a ciiaiige of chotimluig. 1'ime result of mmcli trcatuimoimt. was stuck that after the hod3' 11'ltM iimterretl four days , it was 55) decoiim- posed that time suirguoiis wuro muimable to perfornm a 1)0at. mimortoiim examimimmittiomi 0mm it. " Then Uumhmappy Ititilwn3' Comimmmmissiommcr Chicago herald. Time life of a risitromul conmimmissiolmor in California is mmot at. all it pleasmit one. The other ( lit ) ' it was ? umbhislued hmow one of timein , Whelm III othcial sossiolm , WIUS Peltered with rotten eggs. Sooim after time pmmrty whm'icim elected tue commission- era to chuico held a mass immootiimg amml llitssetl sundry aRti ( livers rosoltmtioums of a moore or less exascrimtimmg mmatmmro , imi wimicim tIme comimmumissieners were hold up as larceuihsts , hmomse thieves , wife beaters , aiitl about overytimiimg else mucaim utmid coum. teiiipt.iblc. Thou the tommimissiommerim were culled 111)011 to resigim , wimichi , it is hutrdly miecessar to say , they have not dommu. But it. is not alomme time oxisteiit commlmmmissiommor who is badgered. his predecessor's life is mmmdc equally mmmisersble. iIr. Iloerstecimur , who be. cnmmme a rimilivay coumimmmissioimer umidur time 1i'eariiey reg'iuime , a gemmtlemimlum who vommt imito (1111Cc w'ithu a pmtir of spurs amid a linen duster ammil camimo out of it withm a $75,000 rammehi , hmas been compelled to isp. Peal to the 11mw for ProteCtiOii frommi one Fisher1 who for four years Iumms followed hint ithm a dirk timid pistol. Itfr. Fish- er's grievalice is that Mr. h3ecrsteciier did mint , while imm otlice , Itrovitie sufhiciemmtly for his friommds-mmotably Fishier. So , take it all imm all , we svonld rather be wrong ammy tiiiie thmami ho a railway coin- mimissioner of California. COOD NEWS FROM TEXAS. Sir. Thionias A. ih1ovanl'of ilneyCroc , i'aIIin , , COUIlt ) ' , TCXIIn , iirnler datu of April 5 , itsi : , vrltos a. follows : 'l hiavu boon . , , ffuriig , iirIi , , several years from severe ihines , hIll a general breaking , lowri of soy ihy.lral syatelli , lihith hive tried the treatloehit aii preocriitii1e of , uaiy doctors far linti hear , Slut tray. clod to tue hut Siring , ani , other flulhmcrai I'prlllgs famoiis , for their ruiiiotiiai 1liaiItlC4 , drisi killg the % vaterd and hiathitig systclnatlcahly in theIr cIe1tIa , , but all to no avail , as I steadily falltd in health ; anti aItioiii , , IIforhietl by 1113' ihyslclansthiat my all- iliclitH 01131 WuakIlcasos % vero the result of kitilloy tiis. 000 of a miahIgorotla character , they could give 1110 lothiilg , tocuro Inc. IIrlsg ) , ( Ito last two yearc lIlY sufferilig. at tillied here ( ircalfill ftId I loil time most IIIlccrilaliu , , ill the rcglola , stout Il,7lkldnuys , , the hAFOXYHIIII of which were 140 SUVOrO a , to render it iIIi1ttHOIlhlU ) for too to .ieei' . Vhule III thii lopiora. lie atl , ilscoraauti , , COlltiitiOIt I wail to try Ilint's , itOlIIIldy , atiti after ilaing loss than hitmlt a hot. tIe , , iy.grcat stifTctiigs auth aroxyatma sf itaiti were eitireiy , rchIo oh , alll I coil .Ieu ; letter tid longer titan I lai , in tiS'i ) years Ieftrc , , and aitiloilgil I ala hOW ( II lIlY third 1ottio ( Iii ) ' Ill ) ' iIIjrtIVtthileIit , Is very relnarkaitie , aiii I regret that I till hot kiiow of titt' wohliorful ciirtmtl 0 lWer of 11tnt's , iieInoiy before , as it would itao , asul , , noyuars of smitfuritig. I heartily iLCOllIllieflIl Rail afflicted with , any kidney dlocaso or .llacaso of the urinary orgalla , " "HIT MY CASE EXACTLY. " I'ieMii ailow mu to s1oak Iii ( Ito htiglieet terIlis of ' 'I Ilit' , , iieIIOtIy , , ' ' for it hit itiy ease exactly. I hal Imhilloy tttl thrinary trouble I'rettY lath. I was rucon. IItelldttd Ilute , Iicluely. I took OIlS teliei000fliI artl I felt a ( iecithttlchtaltgc at thie first tiode , I took two bottles , nil htaic felt hike a jica' 111511 over since. l'leaiwroceiie ( lie slItceru thatiks of myself for the itCIlCIiLI4 which I so'lglit vainly for slid found only iii IlIiflt't lolhte4ly ( , I siiI chicerfuily gio ( lila shine opinion of hIsmIIt's Iteinuly t' ) hll 0iO who wishes it , by adifruesing iromiintr n. Miciiilu , March i4 , 1883. Sit Liallard St. , i'hiilatlelphiia. V W VWVWV WYW 1W ANEWDISCOVERY. tFor several rear. o have furnished tito Dairymen of America with sri careUstit artu. tIdal colorforhtutterg so nIeritoliotll thtt It Ittet with great suretac everywhere oslyftir ( lie utloutest aimd only prizes at both luternatloiiai iairyFalri. tdrJuut by gallonS and sefentiflo chemical ro- eearvI4weiavultnuroyifn several points , anti aowvircrtiijtswcolorasghe t.csfu ( Is u'orltl , It Will Not Colortho Fiuttermhlk. It will Not Turn Rancid. it I the , Btrongost , rlrughtoimt and I Cherspeat Color Made , ftrAntl. wliiu ireu'artl in Oil , is .ocomnpountl (3(1 I hat ut us Inut.sItlu fur I I it , It coot. ' reli hi. tI1BEWAR ct oil ItltilaUon , , UItd uS all , ttler cli oiors , fur ( icy are iObIs to Ltvoiu , runcii all suttil ( it , hutlvr. I ' -ut you (111114 IC ( I. ho 'Llitroyti' , ' write tie to liOW wleruand bow to it wlihouicoiru .xItelsct. ( (0) ) 5 , II ii.i.N : , liii lIiItll0 A I ( I. , It.rllsjio.t , I. _ , s a a p . ' ANITOOD i'sitii ely ilustored iti SrI , , Iwo tu If 11 tiai b Iuxiini % 'ugot.miAo ( lm3llfumtiohl. Foi ialticuf.lrS ailmirees 530,1 , Slctom. Alumiic.ml Ci. I' . 0 , iiox IIM. ill. iuie ' Mu , luil.d&w.2iii , JOI1fl D. Peabdoy , M. 0 , , PHYSICIAN & 31JRGEON OFFIIIR iwosis , s tsltd S 501 l'AitNAM. itCideliUC , 1714 bough. e- ' . . TIme * is , of the terni " Short H RI liaf' , ill ( 'OhtnOCtiOIi wh h the S 0 , ( ( 'h'pol'ato Itanil of a gre ml . COliO5 Sn itleauf jIlut hath. reiulrc'I hty the traveling pub. I I N E lic-is Sh.rt 1,11,0 , , Quick Boa alIt Limo lteit nt Sc000ImodS- I tioi-aii of which art , fim- lehieti by this greatest railway in Anicrioi. CUIOAGOMIIWAUKEE And St. Paul. . It onus shill Oitert'tc over 4t,00 utiiles of road Is Northern Iiiiolel'iIColtsilI , Mintcota , Iowa anti makotts ; ( kIll as it. ItIlillI lilted , hrancftc , sIll coltuec- finIte PCtWII all the great biiillesl eChttreS of the NorthtwoMt anl i'tmr SVet , It ltriiiIraIl3' OlievelS the ( ic.criittioIi of .Siort , Lic , , , tlttl Iheet Route itetween Chtieago , lfllanukee , SL h'atml anti 1.hincapolis. Cltlcagc , , liii itminu , ha ( 'rolso iitl 'IVIIIOIILI. . ( : uilragt , Milwaukee , Abcnioen ai Ellontiale. . Citlaigo , 'Iillezomkee , hbsu Claire atti Siiiivater , Cltksmg , , Miitvntmkeo , 'IVatitaii anti Merrill. Chicago , Siiisakee , miraver Italli anti Ohkosh. Chiieagts , 3iil atike , , , 'I'I'atikcshta anti Ocononlowoc. Cmticogo , Milwatii.ec , 'Iladiom oil l'ralrfodmI Chico. ChicAgo , i1iis aukee , Ou lmtoiilta atti , gairihImuit. ( likago , imcioit , Janeawillo and Mineral Point. . Citleago , EigiIl , lttwkford anti lilltutiuo. Chicago. , ClitoIi , , , mmok 1,15111 mitt Ceiiar itaplls. Ciikngti , Colilicil h1l0Ts aItI Olnahta. Cllcagti , Sitiix City , Sioux I'ails anti Ytumkton. ChIcago , Milwaukee , SI itchtcli alit Citanmltvrltmilm. hock 1.15111 , iihiit1ue ) , , St. Paul antI uuinlteamomlL Davcnort , Cailnar , St. . l'asli and Mlnlieapoiis. Pimllnnin Sirepers anti ( lie Finet Dining Cars in tha worli are rtis OIl the inaili Ilties oftlte CHIC 0 MILWAUKEE &ST. PAUL RAIL A . tuni every , % ttenttoll I , Italti to seIigers I. ) ) COU. one ClllitlOy't3 of tue L'Illitt'.lll' . S. i4. SIEititlI.t. , A. V. ii. CARPENTER , ( ical 'Iiallager. . ( ) cn'i Pass. Agent. J. P. Cl.AItl ( , ( lEO. II. IIRAF'OlmD , (1Cl'l , 8ihi't. _ _ _ , A'.s't ' Ocil i'ass. Ag't. r , ' ( , t . Swift's Specific Is not a triulli1tml of , clcce , , , ltut Is a rovtIatiotm titromighi thni inetitlct of the tilItlitoreti sa'IMCc. and is a collilleto Rlttitftito o all kinds of Bloat i'oieon Slat Skin lIlllltrs , , . Swift's Specific las clIroti mc of Serofula , whIch is Itoreiltary In 1111' foully. I ) mvu suffered withl it for mtany % m'ars , mIll Itaic tylci a great In113' phiyslciala anti all , , trts , (1 treatunont. hut. to hlU iturmioso ; and whcll I hegail to take Swift's Specific I wa-I ill S imor. rihdo eondltic.i , btt tltalik , t'tiiis great remedy , I IOU ni of the , ilscac. Tier , . ' ie no tiutiltt that It ii the greatest hlteilIClIlo ill existehipe , anti I 1,00 , afl' who doilttt will write to itie. E. Cl. IIA'IVE'l , Jr. , Clarksiiilo , Ga. After auffcriltgtwcltty.tivo yearc with a Itainftli dry tetter , atni tryltg latin ) ' miiyslclats , , , I watt at last re liood by the tile of Sm ift's 8'uclfic ; , alltl cheerfully clflliiolli , It (0 all silliliarly afhilctetl. S I,000 Rowa rd will le laid to any Chemist , hio s iii lInti , OIl the alttmlysit of lOt ) btties S. S. S. , 5)110 ) larticla tIf Mcrcilry , Iodide i'ot.asslum , or any lititteral ltiiilstallCe. TIlE SWIET SPECIFIC CO. Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ga. . , Write fir a copy of tIme little ltoolc-freo. l'rice : f4lnali izo , $1.00 iter hottie. , large sire ( hold. ilotihlo ( ( Utilitity ) $1.75 ltottio. All druggists sell DR. WHITTIER , 617 Sf , Charles Sf , , Sf. Louis , MO , A ISEOULAR GI1ADUATE of two modlail colleges , Ita , , leei ostgaged longer in the treatment of CIIiON. IC NERVOUS , SKIN ANIiiLOOl ) Dlscasoa than any ctficr uihosiclan in St. Luis , as city apcrs show and all oIl residents know , ConsultatIon free nut invited. Whici it. is incinvetlent to vleit thto city for treat. mtient , IlletlicilieR can ho seIlt hty Inall oroxmrest , every. where. Craltlo cases gIlarahItcoti' where doubt ox- istt it Is frankly st.ateh. Call or write. Nervons i'rotitrattn , , lolillity ) , Ilehital Slid I'hiy.icsl 'IVeakics , Mercurial anti otlter affectIons of Throat , Skis aiii 110110 $ , Blttni , illllUrItii3C sIll liloutT'Foison. lag , Skiim aficctiots , OIl Sorce anti iJIcciiIilpedi. bouts to Slarriago , hthiCiIIttImtiSllI , i'ilos. 1ocirt : (511(1011 to mace tromii omerworkoti brain. SURGICAL OASib4 reoti' . u spucrai attellfftfl. Diseases nrlslng frIltl iliprtllieiIeu , Esccese _ , , Indulgeii c-t7xxII. : miorr'M Ito why , causes , Colt5CiiiCliCCd antI c re. baiictl for tIc ; 22tau trbtJlltiPS. "d&wiy _ ega-TT -.z' o WY5'TRJA , ( BEFOREANDAFTER ) Electric Appliance , are lent Si 30 DjIym' Idil , . . ' .o MEN ONLY , YDUNO OR OLD , -triJ ( ) arc sutrering fron $ IPIYoUs DEIILITY. yT' l..ST VITAI.ITY. IAce or EltVX Fohes 511 Vroli , IVASTIMI ivxgsesses , gal au titoso , iimcaees , , f a l'EltsoWAl. OSaycims rretiiiln ( nilti Attvses and OrIlEn tYAI'sICd. 51ttiy reli.tt ntj roniltte reeto- 1011011 of JuEALTli , 1(1111 nIti IIAXII0011 lLIAKAttTlC5D. 'Slim' gralitiolt tIl.cu , cry itt I lu 7IneieItti , ClltUl7 , biti , UI UIICU for 1liust mtmd i'ttlItItliICt tree. Address VOLTAIG BELT CO. , MARSHLL. Micli. _ _ m ATH Ill tIe. lItu ( rtu , itttiI..trtlan' , C % , , . . . ( , Iitet ' ( SNI 5(5 . uk si. II .plritrt. 11) atrIll , ' dr.led , set usbld (4 t.3rr..ru on. ' . 4,1 I , , . 1rot'rl , , ii. . I , . rl.nh , .1 .errs. lhll , u.tri , l..t. & .tt.l .1 , itt 41ti. . i locmors . . .I.t.i. .3,1 I. .re. ' TO , .Vdtn4 , , ( .st. . " Ti. DII p3.5 .0 , .O35 ( i'rwl.o' Ilm % iIht ) . I i. , si lIt e , , , .50. . I. I t. 3 . i . . . .1. i Ii bIll : ii tita ill ? . Ilt.i.t'P.vss S ( * ' . . .n,4 ( i'o3. IPllOfIti t. . 131 . . .1 . .pr. ( C , . s. . . , , . I , C . I. , ( . , tiu l.toly. .l.a.atl , Ered id . . , , yil , ' 3Cklal. frsC. . . . - ' 4l II IIflS UI , . F. 4 , % . - - . ' .5 5 . . I , . . . ' . ? , . ' t I It , tuI , . . , I't I .IIOIY , M'w1d ' ! . m i i , i , 5 , , , ,3I I let , t.loil .1 I l.vl er lOwillU iteiL ' U. Iii .i .1114(01 , hi. , ( .iitriutt , Ii ,