Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1883, Image 1

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± . . . I . ' . , ' . ' OMAIIA , NEB.WE1)NEgDAMORNING K , AUGTJT 1 , 1883. fl NO. 3t.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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.Mchitcctural llamus 1nItip1y as [ liii
Hill Inquiry Frorsscs.
The Sclicmte ottho Wily lirLton to
Shut Out AncrIcnn Cattlo-lin.
. provolnonth on the Vppoi
( , VAtlIflTUN .Iuly 81.-In tim lull
tsstigation , 1o1inVoodnii testified
, ns mi export with respect to the steam
heating tl)1)ar1tt1s ill time Cliicagocustomn
lirniso anl declared that. ho had immado a ma
oxmittiiiaLioii of all the steam fittings in
S th buildimig amid ( DUILd that they di-
vurgclj3videIy' from the specifications.
lie cstimnrttel 11. saving of fully 20
cemmt hati accrued to time contractor by
their failure to coamifal ) ' with the sped-
.fIcations. On crossux.mnination it was
.tlovoloped Woodmnan had beemi a bidder
for the contract.
! rImR PUIaLJ ( IdlIT.
r It ; is said the reduction of time public
lcbt for July will be unusually small.
Col. ltockwcll , in his annual report ,
rocomiunomids $211,000 be apmropriatetL for
imulmrovcmont of the white house.
It Immis beau reported to the treasury
.doiartmimciit that thio British parliament
is considering Immeasures to prevent the
S 5 zaitroduetiomi of .attlo front foreign cottit
tries where foot and mitouth disease imto-
vatils ; tlmt aim attctmmpt will probably be
maho to have it apply to imuportatiomis
: . lroiii the United States. It is stated at
S time treasury department that such nppli-
- .catioit.wouhl be unwarranted as the thor-
v ' .ough investigation of the subject just
.comicluded has shown that the foot
. - and mouth disease does not prevail
. .among cattle in this country. . Stops will
. : . . : .botakontobring'thia fact to time atton-
: . . 'tioh of thb British governnionl to tim
: . . . - - .ond that ordura in-coumicil on the subject
- may not be made ajmplicablo to importa-
. ; , tionof cattlb from this countr' .
- itnrnn.swrArivis 1IASKELL ,
chairman of the house committee on In-
.dian affairs , notified Indian Commissioner
Price to-day that on account of ill health
ho is'comnpollcd to declimin to servo on tim
Creek Indian comniission.
The following is the report of the engineer -
ginoer in charge of iniprovemnonts on tile
tq'por MiasiBsip1)i received at time war do
partmnent to-day : The engineer says in
.ordor that navigation may be benefitted
.on the M15518511)1)i above the mouth of
. Llio St. Croix , on tue St. Croix , Chip-
pawn amid navigable reaches of the Wis-
cousin systemmi , the damns mroposed for
-each mmiust be carried out and no benefit
-of consequence to the Mississippi below
Lake Pepin can be predicted unless the
.entiro system is carriel out. The follow-
- I ' lug is hUB summary of time work done
-during the last year : WinnQbagosiiish
- ' S dant with a lift of fourteen feet ,
to create reservoir 45,000,000,000 cubic
loot capacity hum boom : about two.tiiir4s
.complcted. The estimated cost of this
: . . . .danf together with : time nececessary dyky
- - ' t ) pront1lankig i ' ! at iflflOO
Leech Lake dam , one half the WOrk'IIaS
_ / becas completed , stlinated cost of- the
.ontiro work $800,000. On the dam at
, . . Pokegamna Falls the work of imnprovo-
L " meiit imas been delayed amid is not in a
( 4 % , \ forward state. It is estimated that it
will cost $50,000.
Alluding to the oncroaciunento of mill
. .and water power companies upon the bed
.gjf. tim river at St Antiiomiy's Falls , the
. .cngineer say : "As each year brings
. -greater deve1 iinent to thownter , powers
I of time Falls , prite works contracting
time width of tiie 1isciiargo of tile streazit
beconic hmor6 piomuinent , amid
tiie difficulty of preservii he
Unithd States works of protection -
tection correspondingly increises.
Added to this is time apparent disregard
.of tile goverumnent in preserving tile falls ,
.as evidenced by the de1msit in tiiocliiiii-
nelandby tile atteimipt at ttmnnelhiiig near
time' oasteriy end of the apron. if thtm
government is to bofurilmer charged with
the prciertimi oftiiofci1stiie sum' of.
. . $50,000 will be needed for time fiscal year
ndimig Juno 30 , 1885. The briginal
.estinate for time work was $529,72 ( amid
the amount expended to .June 30 , 1883 ,
was $603,539. Time construction of
. the lock amid damn emi tim
3lizsissippi river mit Meeker's
Island , Minn. , is estimmiated at , $022,121.
Thie object is to c6muiect wth th imn-
provcmont of the Mississippi below St.
Paul so 0.8 to secure steamnbojst naviga-
tioji up to the falls of St , Anthony. The
act. of 1873 appropriated $25,900 for time
/ -construction of this lock anddani
t// - , prop -
p vided. all rights and cbiins to tim
land grant of 200,000 acres ; nado to , the
\ . _ .atao in 1868 by congress for time sain
purpose shiouid be fully relinquisimed to
tue United States before any apropria.
-ion ; was expended. None of the ippro.
priation usa been used , the requirel r -
lmnqlmmslumlont not having been minnie. The
engineer re1)ortstiio approprihtiQfl 1mm &tit
: p r : cent of the cstiniatu of thocoat ot
timq work. amid it hans been 1ying wiusod
ion years. No appropriation is needed
for n.extyoar.
ihSTON , J maly 3l.-Soumo imiacasiness
was felt this mnurziIng in amaticipatiomi 'of
-other failures ivimicim immigiat foilow yestor-
4lay's nuspomwion , but mmme , were mimi-
iiumatmod except that ( if imfacomambur : &
.Gi-tm aiwood , amaimi im ( celimig that time waist
is over prevailed JaiLer. 11emiiors of the
twc , largest linus affected bj , ' time 81mw
failure CXpi'Cs'a time imtiiiii that they
vill comae out. witimaut trouble , 1
will be some timmie before a detailed
atatument of 81mw & Brothers' coimditiomi
' , cati be Prepared. Froami talk nanomag
t leatlmer men mimmd otimers ft is learned that
imi semite qtmarters time failure did imot cause
It great surprise. The paper of 81mw &
I Brotiiurs , with a single mmmc , for sonic
thnu ramlketi rathmor below firat.ciass by
iimu largest baiiks , and time firma has leca :
' c/ bligod to Payabout 8 per cent for fumids
-r Tnere is an immiiomio amnount of the
paper outstamiding. One Boston baii1
.alone holds for collection for Nova Scoth
I banks some $500,000.
Time Underwr1tor.
itt Nnw YOitK , July 31.-Tim board o
p j ( fire underwriters adopted the report am
il recommendation of time committee o
F fifteen , submitted last winter , reducini
.ci1arg,3s ill imiBuranco in case of building
- -
- - - - - -
been mado. A
p1ution waa also pMsed deprocatimimz the
. licy of time bureau of buihdhmmg In al-
.mwing time erection of buildimigs for wiro.
hmotmBes amid ammnnufacturimig
which are iiot1itormdedwith iron shutters.
NvMLEer om' rmimi opvicrM.s AND ItOIllISICY
op TIIR liltAl ) .
CIIHIAtIO , July 81.-TIme relations of
the into Thmotmmas iloyno , who was killed
iii thoaccidemit on Ume llommmeVatertown
& ; Ogdemisburg road , give a de1ornb1e ru-
cital of the comiditiomi of alfhars imi nmmd
about the wreck , aimd upbraid severely
the aIegc1 neglect of the railway otlhcinls ,
Time son of Mn iioyimt reiatus that the
traimmmnemi refused to allow the cofilmi to be
OlC1iCl to imattl agaimmat time possilulity of
mmmisLkcmm identity. ho was ummabie
by any irocess to reacim the
scene of time disaster emi mimakiug apphcntiomm
to time railway autimoritmes. ' 1 ho dmumuimter
of Mr. Hoymmu relates that iio attemmtion
was paid to the ( lead after time aceidemit ,
amid that bodies were iyimmg cmi the side of
time road , oximoseti to tIme simmi , fourtucmi
hours after the ( lisaster. It is further
declared timmit. parties wore oponimig Va-
uses amid searcimhmig time bodies of the dead
while the emmmjmloyes of time road were cmi-
gaged iii removing debris. Mr. J1oyimo
hiatt a large simmim of money with him , hut
relatives shito his watch amid nil oilier
valuabies are mmiissing , though a portioma
of them mimay be in time custody of time
- . .
BUFIALO , July 31.-At time immquest oil
the bmly of Capt. 'mVobb ' , time widow amid
several pimysiciamma , his mmmnmmnger and van-
Qua poomis who witnessel time swimmtgave
their testimimommy. Time jury returimed the
following verdictVu : fiimd Capt.
1atthiemvYebb caine to imis death while
attcmnptiimg to s\vimim the whirlpool rapids
of t ilmgana river , time immediate causes
of deatit time jury is unable to doter-
mine. "
VicKsimuno , .Tuiy 31.-The Hcmld's
Mayesvihlu slccial says , Don Iiardyand
two other men , namnbs unknow1m , govern-
imient Pile drivers , fell over time boards and
were drowned imcar-wimoro , mon wore
drowned by time.capsiziimgof skiffs Satur-
A ORILD Mu1tmmmmm.
PIIILADBLI-IIIA , July 311-Win. Viml-
ker , aged 11 , who was stabbed imi time ab-
doinen with a butcher knifeSmiturday , by
Edward Trodden , aged 8 , imas died. Trod-
dcii threw the kimifo with all imis strength.
ToItoNro , July 31.-\Vlmile Frederick
Hill , diver , vmts oxamniimimmg a suction pipe
in time bottom of time lake leadiimg to time
water worhs , time diving boll becammie mimis-
limmCCl. After being nearly an imour iii
time water iie was taken oimt dead.
BALTIM HIE , .Timly 31.-Time steamer
which sunk tim Octyvaro , was time
Ehizabcth , of the same line , carryiiir
passengers between Baltimimore ana
Fhiladolpimia. - . No one. drowned or in-
jurd. - The collisionrwims accidental. .
- : _ l-
) .1 fEoAJ ; .MTTERSM . ; '
: f.A UAmK1tUlT ROAD.4
lnade-in the Unit l i Sttoe tironit'- court
to-day , for ioavo to 'file ipetition fora
receiver for time Toledo , Cincinnati & St.
Luuis railway. Time applications were
made by Oranville D. Brannon , onoof ,
the heavy stockholders who alleges that
time roadis involved financially amid imiust
8101) busiiicss unless a receiver isappoint-
ed , , The. road ruzis froiic.Toleda to St.
Louiswith brandies to Cimicinnati amid time
coal fleidsof Indiana and Illinoisand op-
crates a total of 830 miles of line. Time
statement flied simowa $22,000,00 bond-
ddobt , $400,000 umilaid vouchers , $2-
000,000 indebtednosa for wimidil time pledged , besides a floating
debt to time amount of $964,000 ; that a
iaie amount of nigimt of way will be lost
ummless time 1)urcimo imioney is soon paid ;
timat lava hundred miles of line is niort-
gagmd amid time creditors threateim fore.
closure. Branmuni alleges time creditors
will realize nothing unless a receiver is
appointed at once.
Mr. Dwight , umammagor of the road , ac-
kimowiedges that all property owned by
time coumlamy , amid subject to execution ,
has bcomm levied on. Time court reserved
tue decision till to-morrow morning , but
iimtiimiatcd it would grant time prityor.
Time Laraimmic llooimmernmmt' of time 30th ,
says : A. collision occurnea oim time Ummion
Pacific early Sunday immornin , mmt r point
about one amid one-half imles west of
Aurora tatiou. As near as we caim
learn thofacta are about as follows : Thu
conductor of time second sectiomm of
freight train No. 7 hail .ordcrs to pa
No. 6-also afrmmigimt-at that , point , but
I instead pulled put and met No. ( I on time
mmmiii track. A simarp curve at timat
poimit prevented time emigilmeers from see
ing time otimer truimi ummtil timey wore close
togotimer , amid though aim elibrt was mimado
to atopit wasfrumtless , Botiml-lmgilmeBworo
damaged considerably , and omno fif-
teemi or sixteen box cars were simat-
tercl. A wrecking train was at , omico
sent out , amid the track soomi cleared.
'I'Imo cligimmeora anti fircnimi nil jmimmmped
amid molVCl their lives , Engiiieer Prouty
was injured sonmewinit , lIuihmning a siigimt
commcussiomm of time shine and a general
lmmusctmhlr ccmmtusooi. Brmkommmnmi ; Dami
Simarpe was iii the caboose cimaiht when
. time coilisiomm occurred , amid \vmms timiowim
ugaimmst time irookvork , cmmttimmg a had
gasim over time rigimt eye lfutim mamuim were
bromagimt ill a soon as poshmiu amid Dr.
, Harris summuoziemi. lie say8 tile ) ' will b
all might agaim : simoitly.
'i'hme ongilmes cammao ima frommm the scene of
time ss meek timis 5mfteiiummi amid wore jamit
into time s1aafs ) foriepairs.
Tim hard WimemitBelt. .
MIrcNEAioLIH , July 31.-Time Tribumme's
peciuis from all 1)mmit of 1inmiesohm aimal
; soutimezim DAkota , say time wimeat Croji iml
I time humrd wimeat belt is practically secured
- from danger mona droutim. Thu imam-vest
begimms next week. 'i'lmu average of time :
crop will pnmmlably exceed last yemmr's , amid
a tue acreage is imicreased about 20 pci
coimi. _ _
Iakot it limillaim Itesom-yatloims.
ClueAao , July 31.-Senator Dawos ol
Massaciiuaotta , ckainimmamm of time aelect
coimmmitteo appointed by time senate t
f immvestigato time inievancos of time Indiana
1 on time Dakota mnountaimm reservations , ii
f in time cit' , Qtimer momobors of time comma-
mnitteo-bonator8 Logan , Veal , Cammmeron
( Mn. ) amid Morgan ( Ala. ) , amid Itepro.
semilativos liaskehl (1cM. ( ) amid Delegate
Mngimmnin ( Mommt. ) are oxlaocted to arrive
to mmmorrow , whmeim a luau of futurQ adieu
wll ; be outlined. it is OllOcted the
coimmummittee will leave for St. l'atml to.
mmiorrow itighmt.
- - -
Cuttiuig Telegraph Wit-c.
lImclal tkptcl , to TmIs Iis.
Nuw 'omcK , Jtiiy -Ofiicbmis of time
Western Ummion 'l'elegnmpli comimpany state
timmit twcmmty.fivo wires have been etimer
cut or cemnmwct.utl with flume wire RI ) as to
be for time mmiommmoumt useless , between ew
York ami Newark em : time Ilackeuisack
nmeadows ; timid tlmirteemi wires have heemi
cmmt between Now York amal'iliinums'
Bridge alml betwocim time imitter place mmmmml
Scarsdale , ami that mill wires eam time Fort
\Viiymiu u-cad helm Emmgiemvooi , lIlt. , have
uilso been emit. 'I'w ( ) malone of time strikimig
olleoltors retmmnumed to work. 'I'lmu
mmmemm mit St Joimmas vimo emmt omit
hmavu IL11 ietiitmleL Nmmnmbers at halifax
imavo mtpplietl to be reinstated biut foimud
tlmeir places filled. At time imeadmiumutema
of time stnikeu-s it was demmied time
ss-ires Immd : been cmmt by stmikiumg lineimmuim.
If time wires hind been emit by timemn time
btOtileiiUOd ) vimuld cm-them' them repidred
free of cost to Lime company.
imEsomUrioN4 VolSi ) iflW.
ILtavistoimmI , dimly 31-A maccling of
time com mm ammimi flour excimmumge was called at
imoomI to-mill ) ' itt time relhliest of mm mmaeimmber
of time imieimibois Wilt ) comoplaimied of time
telegraph service cii time floor vuts iimef-
flcieuat. A comimimmitteowis ; appointed , wimo
reported resolutions , cmiliiimg 111)011 time di-
neetci's of time \Vestermm Ummiomi amimd haiti-
muore mmumd Oimio Telegrmiih Comampaumica for
better service , declaring timat the imiem-
hers were simbject to lass because of the
defecta of time service. Time rcsoltmtiomms
veme lamid Oil I iie table. l'u-oimmiimeuit uimemmi-
bers of the oxcimamigu stated that time corn
ammimi flour exchange imad umotimimmg to do
witim time difiiculties cxiatimmg between time
telegrapim comnpaimies ammd their emmapioyes.
Nn1v YolcK , July 31.-Omit of three
dress and cicak manufacturing firms
which were ho'ldiimgouEagaimm empioyes ,
two gave in to-day. Time Manlmattaui suit
amid cloak commmpaumy is time oniy frau holding -
ing cut ; 124 outside contractors out of
24th have giveum imm , and a mnmijority of
those holding out have signified timuir wii-
liugnesa to grant time terimms demmummmded.
Only about 200 muon mumd girls arc now
oil a strike.
CIIICAOo , July 31.-Time working of a
umummiber \yesterum lJniomm viros was
seriously imiterfered with to-day , time
circuits being brokemm by coumumecting lines
by menus of line COlPOmwires. . Time
cause ( if time trouble was finally located
amid remuoved. Master \Vorkmmmn Mor-
na intummated that Lime Brothmorimood would.
imrobauly commipeiled to order out
mimombors workimig for time railroads very
SOOIi. Ho demiies the mmtittomeiit timat
fifteen mmmcmi returimed to work iii New
York yesterday. Ho says only twO mmty
five have returned over the emmtire coun.
try since time immauguratioim of time strike
, . ,
* St & *
CLzvELAuJu1y 31.-Th9 grand mr-
cult yacc batoday be tttifuleat1.
9t : 74L
; , . George wonumu 1e.lthZt L.jv-
trot 11I 2i21 , AiiegiThny Boy secommd
Maguire F third , Felix ( favorite ) oightiu
Bronze won the first heat in the 2:40 :
trot in 2:21k : , St. Cloud Becond , Nellie 0
third , Edwin A fjurth.
Class 2:20 : , trot , Marcy Cobb won ,
George V. econd , Alleghany Buy timird ,
Felix fourth ; time , 2:21k : , 2:20k : , 2:23 : ,
2:21i. :
Ciiss 2:24 : , Sleepy J00 won , Neilio 0.
secomid , Broiizo third , St. Cloud fourth ;
tinie , 2:21j : , 2:21A : , 2:21 : , 2:10f : , 2:20k.
MoNnouril PmK , July 31.-Time do.
feat of Monitor by Topsy a surprise
to kumowing ones to-day , and occasioned
a deniomistratioim. m1ommitor was a imeavy
favorite. Time crowd timommgimt lie was time
wiimimer , but time judges posted time mmamue
of Topsy , causing disappoiumtiiment to time
bac1era of Monitor.
Oimo 1111(1 onc.eigiitlm mmmile , Amnazonwomi ,
itica secomad , Pafattie ltutltUre timird ; tiumme ,
1:68. :
Timree-ciglmtim of a xiuiie , two.ycarolds
Ilimmimhaymt Woii , Louisotta second , Biuc
Belle timird ; tiumm 1:15. :
Palisade stakes , timrce-ycar-olds , mimilo
amid a furlommg , Gonfaloum won , ltemiegimde
second , Little ? lirmch timimd ; time , 1:57k. :
Mile mmmi three furlongs , Topsy. won ,
i1Ommitor secoumd , l'muolu third ; tiiiuo ,
2:24k. :
Auction race , seven furlongs , Hickory
Jima voui , Amatniuum second , Quebec third ;
time , 1:30g. :
Hurdle race , mile and a imalf , Buster
won , Rochester second , Canlylo third ;
Limo , 2:48. :
NEW YORK , July 31-Tho foruuial
opemung of Track Island rqad took place
to-day , continuing three days.
Three mmimnuto races Porte won in straight
heats , Faimumy second , Fm-ankle B. third ;
tiiuiu 2371 ; , 2:31) : ) , 2:34 :
Class 2b6 , Efilo 0. won , Chancy Wood
mmecomidDumnel Webstertimird ; tiimme 2:33. : ,
2:31 : , 2:32k : , 2:32. :
Cmmiuumo , .July 31.-Cimicago 0 , New
York 5.
BIJYPAI.O , July 31.-llumfhitio 8 , Providence -
denco 1.
lsijuoi'r , July : ii.1)etroit Li , l'imila.
duhiaimia .
OLIVELAND : , .Jtmiy -llostomia 8 , Cleve.
beads 4.
vita CQMINI l1t1ZI YGhi ? .
Nus Yomuc , July 31.-i'mlitclmell ' won
thu toss for choice of ground for time bat.
tie witim time idumori Slade , Soimme liaeo )
umear iCumimsits City it is expected wilt be
Fimiici ul mmfTlioiimiis Iloyimo.
CiIiuAcmo .July 31.-The fuuiezal of lIon ,
'l1iionmas Iloyne , killed in the Canton ,
( N. Y. , ) railroad disaster , occurred to.
( lay. It yica attended by a large ccii-
of rcprescmmtutivo citizemms.
Nount horses itmmnumod ,
OltAwoEvIr.LE , Omit , , July 31.-Time
oxtoimsivo at-aides buloimgmng to Limo ( br-
don imouso were burimod to-day , 'I'imo
: celebrated trotting horses , Gen. liranisim
S and Higiminumul , Jr. , with several other
: valuable imorses perished. Loss $1,000.
A St. Louis Poilcemnaim simt aim unknown
zmegam dead * for resLcg aural ,
No nowic I i the stasmimi4ifp Ludwig , 20
. days omit tm-cue iverpool ,
- . -
1iii ORtD
The ndcn Pernj o1 Iliforifier Crcy
YariOllS1yGO1rn11Cflte Upon ,
Time EasthqttakO.3)Oath ItoH t'aiomos
.toonuc1tor1brtho Himirem-cra.
Gmu ra1 . ' News ,
, . . _
t rvnEJq.jSFon1CNE. "
1ANmIN ) , JuIy , 31-O'DmiiimeIi , iim
shot , Jauiles CnruyUmO inforiamer , wits ac-
comlammiutl fromur Etmglammu by his tife ,
imiuta appeared to bo0oma iimtiimmto terms
Witil the Carey fatm1y duriimg time voymmgo.
'rime [ iines proumO1imCOs time tlemutim of
Carey a pulimcimm5tcrtummu. . It aas he
ills beemm an imtstutiuioiit of jmmstice , Time
mmmtildor is cm4cuiat tlto ulucomiragu ibuting
amid lawless spini9t1\5coimmmmuit nets of vie
iummcu. Tiiojy cuutsl tm lreiaimd by time
immfommmier' deatimts1mroo.f that immaumy ale-
mimeumis of tlamigerstiiI nxist timer.
' 1 II m : iyumlrMmINT.
. Third eiim bittiom 0it the stt'ammer
Ithuufunmims CMtio1mva3r ocimrctl .1 mimue $0 ,
itt tiit , lnbiht ( ifiiU'f $ Dommaid , ( nm-rio &
Cc , , for Port Efittlotim , , for a iEr. I'olvcr
mmd. lila wifeathdsdfl eimildmcmm , mmiaicim it
uI well kmmtnvmm wxumtlie exact mmuimmuinjr of
Jmumics Cureya fLi'fltluiv 2 O'iommimell
secimnemi passage for himself iimimh wife cii
time Bammue tetuiiot.1)thimld ) : , ( 'tulle & Co.
were not . nmvnr 1 thlitil tstemdmty of time
idemitity of l'ower.Tammmes Cnue ) ) . Carey'
( hell Witilftitt spedkfffg after lie was simot.
O'Dommneil is iumlnioii-Amneuicamm. lie do.
muics tlmimt ime kuiey * 1mb Carey was provi-
( HIS to his arrival inQtiie 'l'owmm. It is ro-
prtcml that ami ahiformmni uimitcimlimu wis
found iii O'Donnell's Possession.
nil : . ( ) l m'utmv. :
LosnoN , J UI ) ' 31m-A eorrcspondemmt
at Cmmpetowm anyq , Q'Doumumell omab took
passage to C'mpotayn , but learuuiumg that
Carey waa a fhht pemger lie comi-
tinued out the jo.mrnoy'withJmimmi umu the
muteaumez' Melr sO4tfld shunt iiiumm when timat
st atner cfOOt ? Algomi bay ill thu
Ire5eio. of flm mnforimmer's fiumilly.
O'Donnojl is lie is strongly
guarded as , runqr4 are afloat timid aim
attempt to , rcsthmo , imiimm will be imuade.
Ftmmmds to be tms3.Jn defeimdimmg imiimm are
beimmg C0ileCtCd.f
LONnON July)11-Time statumnomit is
opeimly muncie in2matioumzdist circles , to time
effect timat. it imadi1oonjroarrumimged to kill
Carey oum tim 'ist Sumiday of .itmiy.
Autimenticated. rtimmiors are cumrrent that
O'Douinehl is a reltitivo of Joe Brady , cue
of time Pimuumilx iak mumurderers imammged
recently an timattflo immvincibios arc cog-
mmizant of time abode of Peter Carey.
( JSLEImflATIfl TilS RVmixT.
DunLIN , Ju1-31.-A mob euitcrcd
umoumme houses oiiA'bboy street to.mmigimt ,
seized boddhig1dnimitumo 1111(1 mitlmer
anticies to immai u a'biinlire iii ceiebratioml
of time death Carey. Tile
efligy of ctug ; ; : t5' burned. Mock
fuimerals was lmm31diii variotma Inisim towns
to-umight. .
Bight Onormoh onlires blazed around
Careyam . 91d roai tno. . 'ilOre were also
1hi : s. ii ahda i'wcimod
+ ) pghth'o , . ; 1
.118 tJte7 na ber aiugximi mai
imipowtaumd [ time
police ut1ciaIs. If is 4LIL d he Fenians
MIll be ucii eummbdencd , . by these dem-
CAI-JI TOWN , .July S1.-ODommne1l was
examined before a l'ort Elizabeth imiais-
trate to-day on lime charge of ummurderimmg
Jaimmes Carey , time informer. According
to time evidence given-Caroy and O'Don-
nell imad been drizmkmmg iii time secoiid-
ciass cabimm just before time mmmurder.
Wimeim time ateammier was imaif waybetween
Tabie bay mind Aigoa bay , O'Donnell
slmddeumiy simot Carey in time imeck with a
revolver. Carey . sIggercd away.
O'Donnell foliowod amid shot imimn
twice iii time back , Carey died
ill tweumly immimmutes. O'Donumelh says
imu was a California goitl diger. lie
had lost largely imm a silver maine. lie
vuw umnaule of Carey's idemmtity ummt'ml he
HIIW it shitcu in at Capopaper , wimo Power
vas. lie timeim detcrimiiimcd to kill Jminm.
O'Doummmull ss mmccoinpamiied by a young
wommiami wimommm lie calls his aucico. Ily is
six feet , with grey eyes , dark imnir , is
abouil 45 years of ago amid pmtraiyzed iii
olme hmflfll. Tue aup1ieacd mmfuriuitl nun-
chine wimicim lie hi-ought vitim imhmmm is
wordy IIIL ordinary galvanic battery ,
NAPjzs , Juiy ' 31.-Time ommiy American
known to be injured by the earthquake
dm011 time isiazmd of lachims , Saturday , was
a Miss Vaui Allen amid she only slightly
hurt.King llumnbort , who has boon sojourn-
ilmg at Meiiza , imas gone to Caaaiinicoia.
'l'imo scam-cit 1mm time ruins for bodies of
victiamma of time earthquake in Jscimia con-
timmued dunimmg time nigimt. All bodies recovered -
covered were buried inmmnediateiy to
pruveiit lImimLsmmiLl. An eyo-witxmeaa do.
srribea time imeouie at the timeator at Cassi.
mimicolim whelm time eantimqtmako occurred as
mmii awfpl cue.rrjte cuitzuimm had just tiseim
yIiun it tuomnommdous aimoek ss'na felt. A
fearful ioar followed , time groimimd rocled
like a SCiL U ) V. stormmm. A gremmt cm'y of
terror arose from time audjoimee wimo
were tlmrowim iiito U ilelmi ) Ilimmi large
ml mitimimbor buried beneath time tiimmbers of
time bumililiimg , wimicim fell oui timeni. 'l'wo
llm)1e shocks occurred Mi who could ,
mmmsiied ( alit of time tlmeatre , mmml litimidmods
elimimbed immto trees in time vicinity for smite-
ty. Most' of time le01)i0 , imowever , es.
cajawl to time shores whore boimfizos were
higimt.od a signals of ditre. Ilummmlreth
of imalf immkd imien timmml vonuomm , wild withi
terror tmmmtl gImef ran to and fro numong
time muimma 1th torcimea during hut
imigimt , seaiciiiimg for muissiimg fiieimds ,
Aiimommg time pursomn who wore ( in lsimmmmd
Ischmia , Saturday immgimtandwiio imave beom
immissiuig since time emmrtimquako occuirud
vns a Mr. Soimimmuer. an Eumgiisim ( Jr Amour
ican gontlumimamm. lie resided at thom imote
Meimzi ,
RELIIIF yoitHjl shiYEmlmwI.
VIENNA , sluly 31-Time mnuimicipahit.
has voted a lam-god swim nommey towar
time relief of the carhii mm sutIrurs Ii
uiV1tl or TuB VIOIXMII.
NArLEJI , July 31.-Time burial of vie
tiin of the , .artiLquaku coatizmuud
'Jmroughbut3io day 280 bodtoa wer
buried' at Caaihnicota , 00 at Lacco , D a
- - - . .
- - - - - - - - 4-
Fonie , Time latest estiimito places limo
mmuimmber of deatilS at botweemi 4,000 iumd
ii mum a state of eruption , lAva Is do.
scetmdimig front time crater in limo direetloim
of time t4ummii of Terre Del ( ireco , at Limo
soumtiuwest foot of time lfltulmtahli.
( iENlilt ; FO1tliGN NEWS.
A 1'I'.A'I'.ILII. . amm. (
l'Amums July $1.-'I'hio action of limo
ilritmsim itemise of comimmomma on time Suer.
eamumi ( pmestin , gives satisfactiomm to limo
1)1-call amid P00liO cut FlnimCo , amid is ccii-
51(1cm-ed a gmunrammtco of Peace.
, 'l'hiu treaty betweemu i.nmimcu amid Tunis
mll be simhmnittuml to time cimanubor of
mlo1mtitia tO-mllOmTOiV _ I I cnimt'mm-mns time es-
tabhisliuimemmt of Fmemmclm lrtectOnito nmmd
says time lacy' will uIulcrt4uke rofoummis.
Framicu viil gutiut Timmils a loan.
viii : u-i.uuji : .
) ) ( , .Itily' ---Special dispateimes
state flint timere lucre eigimt mientlis at
Alexaumdrin fm-omit cimolonmi yesterday. A
iItli'gell lumma dieti iii the llritislm eutiii , at
Elwenuhmiii. Time coimmmummumder mf time hIm-it. .
isim forces at Cairo , teim'gnmpims to time % vmmI
, ollice timmit t Ime gomuoral Imeuiltim of the
ttOL)1)5 is good. lie sisa : tlmo cimoinrim is
less irititummt mit Cairo acid flint. eases umuler
tncntmmmmmt auuc miiome iltfCflli .
AmxAmIa1mmA : , ,1 uuly' 81-Tsvo ilentlus
froama cimsietmi occurred Imeto y-eslermlmiy.
mnuimaber of ileatims ' frommm time uliseimse at.
Cairo yesterday , 275.
LeNnoN , .1 iiiy' -Icatims fmuumm
cholera mnumomug time Brilisit hoops in
Egypt , 1tommdny , muummborod six at Tsmmudiin ,
omme mit Cairo , 4)110 at Ilelommami nuLl omme at
Elwem-dnmu. YJeatims mummomag imtires in
Egypt , exclusive of timose at Cairo , mmummi-
bored 427 , inchmuling 17 at Rosetta.
CosrANniom'm.m : , .1 ely 81Two CMOS
of diloiorL are reported at Ln.zarehim mcmiii
came at Saityrimit , one fatal.
YONCOiti ) , N. II. , July h1.-rim tue
timirty-eighth joint ballot for United.
States senator to-day , Pike gaimmed 15
over Friday's vote , Bunmms 12 , lilanuitomi 2 ,
Ciinuulier lost 15 , Tappan 2.
IXAYANA , July 81.-Gun , Pciudergmuut ,
captaium gommeral of Cuba , resigned , owing
to ill health. Cimiimeimilimc , vico.caimtaium
general , alsu resigned. Comm. Costello
hams been appointed Geum. I'ondergast's
BosTon. July 31.-TIme state ropubil-
can COuiVeuitiOIl will be held here imm Sep-
ALBANY , .Tuly ' 31.-Tiuo deummocratic
state commmuiuittee mmmeuta mit Saratoga ,
August 23.
lfAnucIsImuuo , .Ttmiy 81.-Timedomumocratic
, conveutmoml to-ummorrow , to 1)0
largely atlemiduiL No coimccuutratiomi imas
yet been umado on any camrdidate for
aumditon.gemmeral or state treasurer.
llavll PO11F out Prasrity to the
Pooi ,
in the Bimapo of Bountiful Crops at
the Farum. '
time Douglas County Poor : Farm , this
morning mtd in coursoof a conversation
with imini loarnedsomething of the con-
dihionof affairs out there at Prcselmt.
Time imouse is imow fulL imavimig forty-
five immummatea , an unusual imtmmmmbor for this
seasoim of time year , aumd a full conmpleimmcimt
of time wiimter seasoim. Of these , items'-
ever , fifteen are iuopeiessly immsammo pa.
ticuits , returned frommi time asylummi at Limm-
emAim.Smmpt. . Pierce Imas beoii buiithimmg a deaul
imouse , tuim by twelve feet iii ize umoar thu
mmmaill building , imm Wilicil to licy out time
ummmforlummzltes smimo over time river by
this route. It will be pdintcd red.
In coimmmectiomm with time commufort of time
living 11 spieimdkl 1111W 1,600 1)OUliI ) rammgo ,
twelve holes immum just becim put iii time
kitchen , nmmd , it is a ' 'daisy. " It is mnaulu
by time itimhler COllllflhlY Cf Cimicicgo , of
wimicim II. lE. Brigimt is time agummtimuro.
Time crops on time 5mm-nm tIlls year were
icnumukably flame , time wheat especially , of
wimich timero is twemmty.oigilt micros , boimmg
aim fume 115 ii1i ever iiiiaed iii tue state of
Time corn , wimicim was of time early in-
riety , is mill in silk amid looks very woil
ilmdCCl. Timor are sixty acm-us of this
gram mm
Twenty acres of oats wimicim wore ready
for cuthimig sootmer html were beaten dowmm
by time heavy rain of Sunday , began to
fail ummdurtimu strokes of time soytimo timia
'l'imu garden was exceliumut amid timeru
are oiglmt acres of IotAmtocn , a
first class crop.
It may imot lie gommorally kmmowum to time
jumbhiC , but mit time last session f time lug-
malaturo nil act was ilamMed "legimlizimmg diam-
BCCtiOiit4 ammd for otimer pmmupsus , " Timis
will be foumid on ) nge 244 , gummoniml laws
of Nubrilaka for 1883 , cimaptor LV.
Iii ilmis it is pmuvided timat it shall
iu ll&WfUl tii carry mum (11118CC.
tiomma of time immmimmmum body tot-
sciemitific , tultmctmtiOlmIll amid legal pum.
iIJseI ( s'itimiil limo stale of Nubiaskil , uimdur
Cdit.illll ucstrictioims.
' "J'lmo iOditfll ( If all i)1l11l)0i5 ) ) dymmmg wilim.
iii thus sImile , wimosu iumso1ms are umm-
ciiiimimed miller deatim by miiuy iclatives or
friemuis tom time jmimisu of immturmmmcimlsimmiil
lit ) timmimed ( asum to imimy itugamlly omgiummized
. imieahictl : coilee , tn i.imy lmysieiimmm oi atmr
geoli nutilorizwl tijmdumthu laws of timis
81:110 : to jIiilCtICe timerulmm , ' ummilur time fml-
lemming ctmmditioiis
'J'iiu jmmmtius mmllmmme(1 mumay prCumrO time
iadius of tlceitsud wimosu 1)0(1105 (
I mmru umchiuipimed , by relatives friuiida for
immteniimummt , ii ) ' fiiimmg ilim mmpphieatmomm timem-u- _
accoliilllimiel by it hommtl iii tue immimil
1 11111mm of $500 bimmdiimg time apmlicaImt to 1mm-u-
ctmre , convoy numtI dissect time body or bud-
1 lOS apljlied for iii a mimamimmur thumb simail be
private timid in imo wise aimoek thu tiumumiibml-
utica of time coimmimmunity wimero audi body
. ii , rocurud , commvuyud or dissected.'t 'l'Imu
object for mvimkim time body
I reimuoveil must be stated
l imm time bond , aimd UlO1i all time rotluiru.
inonts 1muui commmplled with tue Couimty
clerk simalfbsue aim order upon time autimo.
. nity having such i.ody iii charge to tumnim
. time aammmutvtr to time applicamits timoreror ,
mu No bodies so 1)ikCUled eu be transport.
t ; cid out aidu time himnks of thu slate and
I -
violntiomm of time proviaiohs of tie nct.wlhl be
luluimaiuablo by a line of ( mmmi $10 ( ) tt
$300 or hunprmsonmnemit frommm one . hi , six
mmuommthma _
As the Limo approacimos when time nmcd-
ical schools niul colleges will mqen tludr
fail term it is prolmalio that ' .
will soon be taken by 1mliyslcians of the
Provisuomms of timl9 act , wimidil will soon do-
crditso time bttfinis at time county Iobr
ficnimi ,
Toy Prcict Oily hail a Crop iu
obriiska ,
Though lmo Inum-ciusemi Acreage ittay
imuereaso time Total Yield.
A mnoot'mlmg of tim leatmmg gm-aiim mmmbtm of
tin ) state was hbIl last uvomuing at. time
atihlard hold , to take itutim ccimsiduructiomm
thmo corn crop hiroipects for ( lie puesomit
year. No chimer Cm-Ol)5 vere comisliieued
oxetiiit corim
Aimmong hlioso pmuseuut were Col. I. W'
Simeer , ci lhliciatima ; .1. ,1 , Conimor , F. E.
\'tiiito amid It. S. Dramper of Caums coummty' ;
tatsmm ( buegg , of Litmeohm ; 'l'omit.rJowry , of
Limicolmi , amid ii mmuimilcm' of ohImor3.
Commaidorable timmie ivag spummt 1mm eoimm-
pmmrimmg mmotes amid disemmssimmg time cimmimice ,
pro aimi CoIl , amid the coimehims'mon fimmaiiy
icumived at ms.i.s timmit limo , yield remacmu
this year would iuut exceed mc half ii cr01) .
'I'immct iii hunt whmumemus time mc'omie yieid of
butt year sits fort bumsimels per acre , it
woumlil maul this year exceed twumity buall.
cia 1101 iiei0 ,
Timure is , imowover , aim acreage largely
iii excess of last year , 1mm cormi , amid there-
fort. ) time total yield timruugimout time state
mmmii ) ' cotime ummucil umearer to limo figures of
tins nsroiciiimm or 'rmmn ( i. A. ft.
Dmimtvui , Jtmly 31-Time report , in dr.
emulation yesterday , that time tmniid Arusmy
of time Republic oxcumrsiomm , tm-alum imadbeoi ;
wrecked iii Black Oauuiomi , cmi time Denver
& Rio Gm-nude railroad , nimil a great numn-
bumoflives lost , him mint time least foumidA-
tiomm. In fact absolutely nohimiimg occurred
(4) ummar time plenaummo of time excum-sionista , , July 31-TIle following mila.
patch was received imeru this evemmimmg ;
"DsNvnml , Jumly 8L-P. Lowell , ( lumI-
em-al Imtmmseiugor Agemmt , 0. II. & Q. H , 1 ,
Chicago : Aim imufermmnl seimii-ummalicioims
persomm immis somit a relmoit to time eastern
J ness , of ii fuiglmtful accidemmt ou our iiimtm _
rimore is mint a wurmi of tuuutii in time sammme.
\Ve imave mmmt itmjtured mc llumsacumeerfor oser
it year. Time emily' ( letomitiOmi of our litme
yesterday \sas caused by mc al'mgimt wuumimout
wimicim lmiis beemi rommderetl limmasablo , mmd
time entire iimmo will be imp ill imimmimbor one
shape by to-mmmorromv.
F. C. Nuns ,
Goui'i. Pnssommgor gemmt , Demmver t' Rio
Grzmmmde Itaiiromul.
itattillig itziliionlers.
Amnomug time miiilroad mmuemm wile frcqimeiit
timis great railroad center , no moro agree-
cblo and popuia gontlonion visit the
GaLe City than two who wore hi time city
traveling agent for limo Union Pacific rail.
way , with lleadqeau-ters at Chicago.
Mr. Quinlomi is a stalwart
six footer nuni a fimme lookimmg mmcmi as well
as a good worker in his dupartmmmunt.
Time otlmer is Mr. Mr. N. Vanderpool.
travelimig ngtmimt for tue Now York Central
amidliudsomi River railroad , wiio also is
statiommeti at timat wicked city cii tile
shores of Lake Micimigami.
Time latter gemmtlomimamm reprcseuits time ,
great Vamidurbilt systemic imm time eat ,
"Time groat. four tm-tick roumfe. " lie is cmi-
timusimu.stic cmi tim su1)jeet 01 imia rend , amid
says they umow scm-bushy Limimmk of mmddiimg
two immure trucks to timeir hue ,
giving tiiuimm six imarallul hues
froimm Buffalo , anti Niagara Fulls
to Albany , fm-mum wimicim a double
track ( ) mmiy is used , as time ioamlwiiy zuumsso
close umiomig time mmmoimmmtammia , timut timey cail-
mmot gut iii il1l immole tracks. 'I'imo N. Y ,
C. , is imoms' mumnkimmg mc speciality of rmunmimmg
ratio dining cars , wimicim fact I'd.r. ' Vmnmder-
lool is hum-u to brimig to time mtttummtion of
time public , lie ssiii , imeremtftei , visit
Oimmaima every sixty or mmilmty days , and ime
will always be welcommme imero. Messrs.
Qimimmiamm aimil Vmtmmderpool vure bobim
immitiated into time Cimmilk Cliii ) lust mmigimt by
Dumuly Gm-amid I'atriarcim Tcaimou.
l'ollco Court.
Time folhuwimmg cases wore ( hisimosect of
by Judge Anderson iii time police court-
yesterday mnorumimmg :
Two persouis voro convicted of disturb-
hag time jCMO amid each fimiod $2 mmd costs
wlmichthmuy 1)aid.
Two females wore charged witim lullio
immtoxlcation. Oumi , was diacimarged while
time other wemmt over time lmihl.
'l'imreo sUslICIOUS cimarI,4I4lru WUrI iocl cd
ump Mommday by Olilcur Ruamm , Two were
timsciiargeci html time other , Timoimmas Itumby ,
wall hold on suis1itdoim , of beimig itmmplicatetl
ivitim Tommi Carroll nmm(1 .Jolmim ltoonuy iii
time McGumckemm bmmrgiary.
'I'imuir exaumiiimatiomm commmmuiumucd yesterday
fim-euiooii , District Attorney Goodwin coum-
dmmctiiig time proatucumttoml nmmtl ox-District
Attonimoy himmmimhmnmmm aeucmimmg ) ) tom' time
I iiisoimers. At imonim time case mas ad-
jouimimed until ten o'clock this ummoin-
lug iii cmmder tmm ouiabio tim ( leftilise to jmm ( , .
clime witmmcsses.
- _ _
fliCi4lNE ( ) l MAN.
Ncivomms'CilkmituH , Dyspepaium , iumuluit-
dice , Suxlummml Dubility cmimud lay ' ' \Vuhl's
hlealhil ltemmewci. " $1.
A \V1141l 1)fl1'FltMIN/lTlON.
ltebukmiim ( legrem ) lodge , I. 0. 0. F. at
its mmmeutiiig Satmmrthicy ovuluimmg , imeld to
consider time qumesthoim of pmmrclmasimig a fume
viaImo for time lodge , hind several instru-
immootm before timummm. After mm kih1ful test.
amid careful exulmmimimithim into time ummurits
of all they detunimmimmed to bimy cue of the
, splemmthitl Ciiickurimmgs for 'utiiieii
Meyer c : BrIm. am-u uoimeral at'umtta.
At a barber shop 1mm Gloucester , 1ass , ,
wimilo a fenmale barber was aimavimmg a cus-
toimmor , time iighmtniimg kumockod tip .razou
ou of 1mev hand amid cut' a , 1)letU'Of hii
L earoft -
' 44'
. . _ _ .
- - - - - - ,
Prtolls : , ! for 1& : odllIfl . at tht.
r 111ff Shot at LOhisll1e
)7 1Nclyoni1otc ,
Time City n. Mass bC tFI % int1t I'iagi
atuit i'ortrntui-'ArrIvnI anti. ito-
. . Cohititmu of time l'rosidont
auth l'arty.
LOUISVII.Lil , July 3L-'limo expositknr
is iii a far nmoro forward state timan tlm
uuiost muitligumilmo imopod for. To-ummorrownt
mmoomm , wimcmm time Prcsimlommt starts the'
imumiehmimmemy , time ( hiaplay Will be fuller ,
comiipauictmvely slciikiii , luau was the
Cemitemmuini wheim i'roamdummt Gm-nut
, - per-
formmmd. a like seivico timore. Time city' is
Illicit to dverflowimig already with
stramipirs , auml ( m01 traimu bvhmgs great
crowds. 'Uo-mnorrow will withiesa Btmeim ( in
lmnmimummse tJmromu mis imas mmot been lii Loumis-
villo 51110(1 tlmo armies of the Uumioti.
immaicimed timrotmgim its maticets. Time city is
one mmmltss 'of i1umimimlmi flags.
l'ortraits of Ismumcohui , lam-field ,
( brunt iumd ArtlIur greet time eytr
( (11 every' bunt as if it were a mmorliiurn.
city mmlstcad of a tiuomoughmly souititermi
( mile. To-iiuorro mmiglat tummimnparemmcies ,
fireworks amid artillery iiil be tue cimief
femitumnes , Time tOWil will be a blaze of
higimt ammd festivity.
Tile im-ositlemmtiai PartY at-rivod this
evening mit ; 7 o'clock. A few immoumlemuta
after ( beam. mmmmd ItEm-a. Phil Simuridaum
iCitdime(1 time Gait imotuse. A battery' of
artillery fired a saluito oim limo arrival of
time party. 'J'Jle slreot. were filled with
Ii large crowd. Details of police mmmmder
coumimimammil of lob. Taylor kept limo way
clear Mmd limo party reacimed time imotel
witimouuttlelay. JetitIestime , , Presidemit there
Yuro Secretaries FoigoramidLinccimm , Post-
master-tiomioral ( Iresimaumu , Couimumisaioimer
of Intenmial Revenue Evnmms , Surrogate
Roihimma of Now York , Semmator Bayard
amid Coumgreasmiieim Irry Belmnoimt , E. H.
Oroomi ' and 0. tJ. Ihaidwimi of Now York ,
and lou , Siucridmum accoimmpamuictl by Mrs. .
Slmcridamm , Ccl. ? liku Simoradami and wife ,
Col. Touiupkina and several friends. To-
nigilt at. the Gait house time preaideumt
amid varty amid ( ion. Siucritlamm amid party
amid a few gommtlomuuen of Louisville dined
Witil B. Dupoimt , Prcaid flt of the exposi.
tion. Time ( humor Wits time moat elegant.
uvor set jut time Call house. . The nu.unmber
of guests rime sat ( lowuu to dinner was 37.
tt 11 timia evemmimmg time 1rsideimt and
party atteimfieti a recuptiomi givoit imi honor-
of Perry Bohmmmont , of Ner York , at time
rosideimcoof Francis - D. Corloy. .
Convent ci' GoumnaiuTeno1mnrs.
CmuioAoo , 3 uly :11-Time : fotirtecmmth
ammimuiui coimveuutkmmm of time mmntioua1 Gem--
mummimu-Ammiminicaum Taclmem & associatiomm
begaim imero to-miiqiml , $00 delegates urea-
emit. Piof. 0.Y. . Zimmiunemumuammmm , prcsi-
( lent of time local commmummttee , delivered nit
address of WOlComuiC , Muyor Carter lIar-
naomi .wuicomned timemmi in behalf of time
city' , amid I'rof. B. 0. Deiammo , assistammt.
sumimorimmteiudont of schools. oil behalf of
time jnibiic scimool beam-cl. Horrmnanum
Sclmumuicimt , 1)m-eaitleumt of time association ,
reported thmo forxnatiomi of a bureau in
Milwaukee for time purpose of securing a
Picu for teachers amul that it was success-
feE Time report. of time Secretary allowed
a ineiarsldp 0 , % The report of
thotro anrer wmmaal..tmy - I - . .
The following offlcesa snore ciectedL
President , Louis Solden , St. Louis ; vice-
presidemmt , 'H. ' A Thdterimumn , Cincinimati ;
secretaries , Max Grossimmnmi , of Milwaukee ,
mmd Emmumumui Giatz , of Cinciimmmati ; treasurer ,
August Emuclm , of Cleveland.
Time commvomitiomm will last four days amid
will discuss time kindergarten system ,
nmuntal idenis , study of ( herman in time
imbue scimQols , etc.
Time Teas Cotton Plant.
Sr. , Iouii , Jniy 31.-Time coespon-
dummt of timojmricultimrn1 departnmcnt for
I mortimorim Fcxas reports early plaimted. cot-
Lou well fruited , with faces now blosamn-
immg imear time to1) , but imeething mmmi.
Should nium mmot fall witimimi a fems days
time iinumt will stop growing , aumd almould.
this Ilnihleum rain would be of little bemie-
III , as it would comne too late for" tue
plimmit hA ) immature. Tile later planted is
(1(111mg ( limmely , time cm-oi' ten to fllteemm days
late , with 10 to 15 per ccmit less acm-cage.
No ball vetumi yet.Yimeat is a gout !
average , both in quimiity mud quantity.
Corum imacs beeim immjumted muomume bydrougimtil ;
time early ilauitetl is a fair crop , bitt latert
imlammated is beliovud to be cut. off ommo-imalf ,
yet there will be imlemity to SUly all
iiummw domnammda.
lrainatlu Stars Mated.
DENVEII , July 31.-Osumiond Tearlo ,
time luadimmg mmmamu \Vauiack's coummpammy ,
Wall mimarnied timia mumornimug to 'Minnie Coiu-
wmmy it iveil kmmown stage beauty , Thor
wedding occurred in Miss Bose Coghlan'a
roomim iii time ' , Viuudsor imotol. Team-b was
recommtly divorced imm New York , and MIss
Conway was also recently divorced froin. .
lion hmusbaiudJuiea Lovjrtimo fatuous
umetist. Time afrair produced a sensation.
Miss Conway arniyod frommm New York
iiiit nigimt. Aim oflort is being mmmdc to
hoe1) time dotamla oftiiemmmarniago quiet.
Smmuutil Pox.
Srituuwistn , ill. , .Jtmly 31.-A case of
tummmmcll POX 18 reported at Avistoim , Clinton
coiiiity , believed to imuivo beomm mimmportod.
[ rein St. . Louis. Tile miocessary measures
5m time prevolutiomi of iiuiy ajmmutul of time
commtagmoim imii'i'o been 'mmmforced.
hoes not get is-eli or Itmeif ; It ze'uIrea careful , per.
mlstent attention and a mcznedy tiat will aud ! nature
to throw cit the cauees an.i tone up the digestive
organs till lucy perform their duties willingly. 1.lrs
Jmowortii , Of ArnileOt , N , II. , utter trring many
uro corel" withoul belielit. bend that
Hood's8arsaar'illa. ;
l.itthe : n&U on the Jead anS rcmtored ) ertobra1th ,
Amnong the agonleB experienced bj time dypepUc , are
I iCitreal beoreOr alter catingIou ofappetite , Inegn.
larityotthoboweisWlrntorgalflflspalmula the
StOIflAOh , imeart-burn , aour atomnacli , c. , caua1n
mnenud depnulon , nervous irrftabt11t awl sieepitza-
aria. ityouaro diseourmmged be ot good cbeeran4tr7
Imoor. sapauam. it baa cured hundredilI wilt
I cureyomiifyouigtveiliit&ICCIIAEOO.
11 ua. C. I. JJos .5 Co.
nlieuwi-i Will perit2aded to tn IIOO4 Sx
FarIna for my ytre wbo ass lieeq troubled vit1i ma-
Stge4tjon ricO ocethmy or severam ar. . wiicim jiai
reILiiren.iere.t hrftebio. ' )
) ( isetuOs ie 5a4
taken the lki bomb her II.&IUI oo.umneme4 to rim.
orove. She ii new tlng the fourth boute. sail
Sealti imis tcild11 am ii nasa , ii tinorered. . .
i're br o.i.ijoon tc jo. , LoftUi&U. Pubs
$ soi4 byiiragtsts , . : . - ' 4