Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1883, Page 8, Image 8

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I :
TUE DAILY BEE---OM&UA , FRIDAY , JULY 27 , 18. _ _
Friday Morning , July 27 ,
-A law partflerl'hIl ) hM I1C4t1 formeI 1)0.
twecil Col. I. F. Smytho tnd W. M. l3cnnott ,
-Thoconccrt by the mitct inIon orchc
tr , . , i the Thou gtTIOflVOdflciIy , night ,
wis afino one.
-MT. C. 1. Smth , tim Proptiotor of a pop.
Ir bosriling Izouie , 1 the father of a fine lit.
tIe datighter.
-C. J. ( reeno , fonneti it ltiw iart
Iilp with It. W. Ircckcnrhlgo. They wIll
riko aatrong toitn.
' -In the diNtrict court \Vodneiday , If , M.
Thtwit obtained a dlvorco from liIi wife , Mary
J. Brown. on the gruund of daortlon.
-Elder Charleti 1)erry ) , of the Iteorgattized
Church of Latter lay Snlnt , will roac1t to.
* ight In the SaIntt Chapel on Cwts 8troct , ho.
twooit 16th and 17th , ttreot.
-\'ciIiiettlay , while vnricmoii wore Itoitl tig
a 4200 1ound tafo til ) the clovator ithaft in the
i3ttang building , the hoisting tackle broke , let
Ing the tiafa fall. hut little ( lanuigo wa
The county coininlsloiiern lIRtO opened a
aew cotitity road matting down the line be.
twoen ranges ii nntl 12. The road rtuin ttto
mihes through .Toffcrson PrecinCt and one utile
Urouiglt McArdlo.
- Tluo Fourth Infantry baitti vili play for
the Meennercher 1)Icuuio toho hold at lInlu8cIn
r.k next Sunday. The occiouu will tutu.
doubtedly be a very lloMauut Otto arni should
draw a good crowd.
The UnIon Pacific coal department has
. boeui moved to the fourth floor of Strang'iu
bulldluig , anl the offices thuis vacated iii the
headquarter. 'will be occupied by M. 11 ,
Cobb , purclin.'ulng agent of the LiJalout Pa.
-Tue Nebraska telephone company in about
to put in aerial cables , to rollaco the network
. ( wires heretofore required to transact Its
Jalness. The first coil baa arrived and will
lie 1)laced in the rear of the Patton Hotel.
-The special sale ot tine chamber suits at
chas. Shiverick's will continua. 1)urlng
Uz week genulno bargatuB are offered , and
wUl pay all who Intend to purchase furni.
biro , to call and take advantage of tIui Op.
-Tha Sixteenth street property owners and
x-payers want to know if their "new
wooden councilman" can't press matters a lit. .
r 116 to aecurc the asphalt pavement for them
and have the atreet in condition for doing
inoss by state fair tIme.
-A man namel Ed. Sullivan was arrested
Wodneadayevaningby Supt.J.J.NoIIgh , of
Wuitorn Detective Association , on the charge
.1 commItting a robbery In Washington coun
ty. Ho was sent up to the county jail aud
'will be taken to Blair tomorrow.
-A meeting of the iounty Board ( of the A.
0. it ) of Douglas county will be held at
Crounso's hail , Sunday morning next , at 10
o'clock. All members of the lloarcj are rc
uuted to attend vunctually at that hour. By
der of the County Delogutte.
There was ii lively runaway yesterday
pn 0th street , the driver of the lumber wagon
bcing thrown out In the mud and sluken up
coasidcrably. 'flue team ran ( Iowa the lull
L9ards the amoitluug works , anti wore finafly
.vght before they had damaged thcuiselt'ca
-The congregation of the Danish Lutheran
thurch will hold an ice cream festival at Ma.
aocloHall on Saturday ovenliug uuoxt , July
t.1i. Quite a large attendance is expected
UKI the cozninlttoo on arrangomoluts arc ex
t sting thom.olvos with enthusiasm to render
affair a grand social succos. . jy 26 3t.
-There will be a meeting of Rebecca 1)o.
gt Lodge on Saturday evening , , Tuly 8th ,
$ o test. the relative merits of several pianos , of which I to be liturchasod for the use of
i Iho lodve. All unoinbees are earuuostly ro
U quested to be present.
It jy202t Mus. It. J. ItvuMuv , Seo'y.
-A box will this week be sent down to the
Uouio'for the Friotudless by the Auxiliary
Sociot y , of thi. city. This is a deserving
u5o and it Is 1101)0(1 the liulies vlto are doing
uuo much for it will be generously socotudetl iii
their oltorts. Any whtomay desire to contri.
Lute amy Iwavo their donatLon at No. 11U2
D&venport street.
. -Tho Uiuioui ] acifia the
. - ' . t . , atluuuuucos - . following
rates between the U. P. trmsfer zuil )
Gnd , Nob. ; First.clnss , 07 coot. 1)01
1X1 pounds ; socond.clazus , td ) cents ; third.class
& 1'ccuits ; fourtlu.clasu , 45 cents ; flfth.class , l
cent. ; class A , 34. cents ; class 11 , 211 cents
cbt. 0 , 20 cents ; class ] ) , 20 cents ; salt tiC
csnta ; .
-The wedding of Captain Johuuu U , Bourke ,
of General Crook , anti Miss Mol
lie Harbach , daughter of Mr. Johtt A. lEar
buck , took 1)1Ce Wednesday morning at thut
family residence on Douglas street , the nih
.athig clergyman being Itov. JohutVillianus
Recthr of t. Barnabas church. 'rite corouno
y was tu-ict1y private. Captain Bourke am
thofair bride departed In the afternoon for
_ z month's liuropoan trip , taking with thou
the best wishue of .s host. of friend. for
lea.aut voyage anl a safe return.
. : 3lata MOttra loPUlar 1iiauufato , pay
. . $ ry tharining receptIon last ovoiting at he
. , . . reddonco , No 1007 Capital Avenue. It we
attended by a large nunibor of her friend
from Sioux City , ( her former home ) , Coutici
Bluffs arid Outtake. A megulflcent supper tva
: tpread , and after the guests luau done unuipl
: Justicoth the seine , music anti other aoclal on
joyinoots occtuhiiotl the rest of thu eveiting
whichu wu greatly enjoyed 1)y these who weu
* 0 fortunate as to be jrese.t. Mi. Mutt I
quite a him muslclan , anti Is no lest ouugugin
U P. hestcis. 'rite entertainincuit we. an OIL
pantone lit every reejiect. and thu kours faIn
liv by until inldutlgbt saw the party disponuc
- NextVcdiietsduiy inortulng , at lualf.pau
ten o'clock , the btato coutyctution of colore
do1egiths scihl uzuet it this city at the couiuc
II4r for the iuniso of electing a ilolege
tioii to attend the uuatlonnl cqitvvuuthu n
Louisville in September tuert. 'I'hio itutero
increases more and more tlus tlnue a
iiro ches , the comunIteo on reception beIng I
rocei1it of infornuntiouu ( noun several countloi
lirolnIbItug tt $ beuud in their full ijuota of dolt
gt43tt. There will hio be a number of oxcui
onIzts from Lincoln and Nebraska CR )
Misoulo hail has been Becured for the oyuuuitt
eutert4iinneut , auth no doubt a eplendid tim
will be had by eli who attend.
Buugjens itz.juca Salve.
The gretost medical wonder of the work
. Warzmted to speedily cure Burns , Cuts , lJ
taht. itheuzu , Yever Sores , CanuersPhle
Okubleins , Corn ; Tetter , Chapped huun'b.en '
afl sklu Ut1PtIO1ta , guaraiutied to cure mover
LzWO , 0 IflORy refunded. 25 cent P
, ---a. . . .
A Ncv an Popular Mooment in
Omha1 I
The omcora of Mt. Leo liranohi No.
A few ( lays ago TILE Umu contoinod a
notice of the filing of articles of incor
poration by St. Leo branch No. 292 , of
the Catholic iCuighuts of America.
Tide is a now order in Omnmha , nod
wee first chartered by an act
of the legislature of Kentucky in 1880 ,
although it wn.s organized in the latter
part o the year 1877. l'revious to this
time thiero had boon no society or organi.
zation of Catholic lay.muuen that possessed
in it.sohf sufficient strength to attract amid
hold the Catholics together amid utiatty
-oro unitiuug wRit other onlers for inunmr
anco It has now a meimiber.
aid1 , of 12000 amid three hiutudreil
branches iii thu United States.
It has the nhproal ) of thin Reverend
lbsllols amiul Arclubishuoius of the Ijitited
States , to vhioimi it line boon proirered ,
ftutl liaR ft large number of the Rev.
Clergy enrolled in its mmuommuborshuip-its
progress iii the last six months lin.s Iteeti
more rapid thuuui over before. No ouuo
unless of ooc1 mitoral character , a prutcti
cal Catholic nuud of good health , caut be.
count a member.
Thin Onler Imuis paid iii benefits to wid-
owli amid orphans , of deceasel umiomnbers
over $40,000 and iii two thirds ( if the
cases at least , the bemmollts s t paid have
1)0011 nIl that stood between the widow
amid ouhian amid the cold world.
The objects of the order are by an as
scasmitotit to furnish a fiumid out of which
a stint not exceeding $2,000 shall be paid
Oil the death of a brother member , t lila
wife or fumnily as he may direct.
To uimuito all practical Catholics of every
profession , business occulation. 'l' ( ) give
all possible moral amid nuttorial aid in its
leer to mnctumluors of the order.
The followinj arc the olhicors of SL.
Leo Branch :
11ev. Fr. Olauber , spiritual director.
\v. A. Ij. Gibbon , president.
.1. A. 'iVhmalomi , vice.presidcmiL
itichiard. Dowuioy , recording secretary.
, Richard Mulloui , financial secretary.
v. : ii. Busluuutami , treasurer.
F. M. MeDomiagh , sergeant at arnie.
.Iohtui E. Cosgrovo , sontimuel.
D. 1. O'Doziohioo , P. Cavanaugh and
Jut,8. Perkins , trustees.
Dr. M. J. O'ltourkomcdial examiner.
It Has Been Com1otc1y Rouoatc all
1anagor Moallo Proposes to Ojiomi It
In Good Shape.
Since time eventful date of the grand
finale whichi witmiessed the cohapse of Lluo
variety show which last occupied the
boards at the Aendomy of Music , but
little has boomi hoard of this old time place
of anumsemuent. it was left in a badly
demoralized condition1 both as to its
moral repute and the internal condition
of the hall. A house which
had for years furnished the skire of thin
operatic and drutmuatic world with a thou-
tor for presenting their entertainniouits
to tim Omumahun public , its last scones in-
eluded tim Mnco.Slado pugilistic encoun-
tsr and the between Elliot and
Ilamuloy , one of Elliot's last appearances
previous to huts departure for tIm other
world by the bullidog revolver route.
ltuccntly the house was once more
turned over to its former manager , Mr.
S. N. Mehlo , and lie lies ofrectod a coin.
plate metamorphosis in its appearance.
It line boon thoroughly renovated and its
walls and coiling , as voll as the grand
entrance , ro.plqered iii the fumiest style.
The scenery lies boeui repainted by the
stifle artist who hue beoti at work at the
5lOra house , and the four private boxes
entirely ro.docorated.
It. is now even umiore attractive thaut it
was when the charming ? ulnggio
drew crowded houses there and Wiihiul.
liii drew lionvemuhy straimis from his violin
to chmarun Limo imnmnenso audiences who vis-
Rod huimut there.
Mr. Mcahio hues minnie arramigotmientum for
somno hue emitortaiummnumits tluriimg the cotmi-
11mg HeftSOmi , amiI will opomi the house
with ami attraction that will rodoomim it
froumi all the bad odor in which it omice
was. The Acadamny of Music is ouico
. flioro at time fromit and lwotiuises t stay
there for a good longtinmo yet.
A StartlIng lItucnvery.
; l'hiysiciatut. are often startloil by ronuarkehho
discuvories. Tim fact that Dr. KItig'H Now
Diseovoryfor Coinmuitiptioti anti all thmo.ut and
lung diseases Is tlzily curing iatienb that. thu
: havoj iveii iii ) utie , is startling thiin to run
iziu their souio of duty , and tuxuutuiiiio into t.hie
merits of this wotudenful dIscovery ; rosuithuig
) iii hundreds of tiuir I)13i1t citIzen. using it. Iii
. their iiracticu. ' 2niuul bottles free at C. F.
Cioodinen'ti drug tttr0 Urgular tore $1.00.
. .
Real Estate Traimefers.
h The following deeds vero tilled for roe
cord. in the county churl' ofilco .July 23
t reported for Tnu 11mm by Autos' roa
estate agency :
0 A. J. Iianscomn nuLl wife to H. A
r Riley , w U , lot 8 , 1)1k 10 , Ilamisooumt l'laci
8 B. S. Momitgommieryaumd wife to It. A
1 GrofF , q 0 , parcel sue 22-15-13-t0J.
A. Kountz timid wife to S. Cumuumnimigs
y (1 , lot 7 , blk 2 , Kotmmitze fourth add.-
F. B. Emigetroni an liar
, . July 25.
U N. Miller , tuhiurill to 0 , F. Ste
' 4 phiomis ; deed , Parcel sea , 29. 15 , 10-
6' $10.00.
I , Siiiie : to asuulo ; parcel eec , 29 , 15 , 10. .
) $5.00.
I. J. 0. Althnuso mimiul yifo toV. . L. 1'1c
t Cnguo , w. d , ; ltarol mice. 5 , 14 , 18-
It Tj , 1IcCnguo to A. S. Vincent , v
II ii. ; imarcel sue. f)1 14 , 13-82,780.
I. Fitrimeworlhu to F. ieuuuuitmghisomi
kt % , d , ; unreel eve. 15 15 , 18-$075.
it F. 1lui huhy to P. 3mniti. ) q. C. tl. ; hot 8
) . block 2 , Anittuitromig's let uidd-$3.00
ml 1. Powers amid wife to John Rush , w
, ii. ; parcel see. 34 , 15 10-$1.00.
, . John Rush to B. I'owon , cj. c. d. ; sec
r- , 11-$2.00.
P.K Omaha flatlulmig Club ,
0 Omaha is immdubted to the Oumuthuti liathi
hug Club , whose headquarters are at Out
ott Lake , for being so fortunate as t
hmavo a vlaco whore 1)001)10 ) CRU take oces
I : aiOflZLhly a good refreshing bath ,
11 'rho club lies oxpemudod comteidurabl
U mooney for the 1ublic benefit , their bath
: 11mg hou8e being again tIde season put i
excellent bhiftlC , Mr. 1.1. 0. Goddar
JiM been Plecea Im charge of the bathing
house nnd we hmavo to give Mr.
credit for the courtesies ho extends to
nil who visit time iaco. Ho will now
stilts and towels for those who
dcsfro to have thiopi and tickets can also
be obtained from him.
All O1 Project Abant to n nccess
fully Carric Out ,
And the Large Ptvor Rtoamore to Run
Ihotwoen Omaha and t. LoWs.
An article frorui the Sioux City .Jour.
nal which .as recently reproduced in
Tim BEE ahhtmded to thuo decline of eteani-
boat trallic on the Missoumri and Predicted -
ed that it would fiuiahly die out entirely
Whtho thio railroads are , it is true , invading -
vading time Numtbern country pretty fast
amid carryhmg a large share of tim freight.
and ) asseumgers , it is mint conceded by time
steamumboatmen that. they are to be dr'ivcmi
omit for good null mill , Cajtt .John A.
\Sihhiaitiswhuo comnirinmitle tim ' 'Dacotaim , "
when iii Omutahia a few ulnys ago on his
svuty clown tIme river 581(1 to tim agents
of the Commisoim Limmo here , ? .icssrs Ii. F.
Troxehl , i Co. that. lmu believed the hoimg
talked of echiemnu of ntLtiuugomi aliuue of big
lunate hotwcemm St. Lottie amid Oumiahiui wits
about to Ito established. lie
hind hmitl it utiost successful
season oil the uultimer ithissouri and thin
' 'Dacotahi" hmal mituido mmuumioy for lice
owmiers although she only mirndo two trips
to Bemutomi imistead of three as Imati becit
expected. 0mw .rcasomi she cantO dowit
so sonum was that the river tm there was
c1iiRo low and the ' 'Daeotah' is so large ,
although she drmnvs but little water. lie
lmittl pleuity to do and nit the way hind
inure uassungcrs amid freight otrored thami
could be acctummimmiolatcd , Boats mmtakimug
the run from St. Louis to Btsmnarck and
Bcnt.omi ItitY for the seasun if they make
but one straight roumid trip. l'hme
"Dacotnh" and other boats of
this 11mm have an immncnse
cutrryiuig cniacity , the fermncr being of
060 tomis burden , and. with aceommoda.
tioius for 125 passengers. ot.withiatamid-
hug them are three uicarly parallel himmeui
of railroad froma Omutaha to St. Louisutli
are muaking mooney , and Capt.Vilhinnis
hiiiiks that , the vast. crops of graiui in No.
braska and elsewhere along the river ,
whicharo to be moved to the southern and
casterui immarkets vouid furnish a steani-
boat. line with all it could do. It is a
fact that Troxoll and Comjrnny every day
receive applications and inquiries its to
when they ivihl liavo a boat along , and on
ovolt one days notice imave to refuse to
take alt tIm froi"ht offered. Had they a
regular line fld' advertised it. they would
get a constamit. supply to handle.
Cap. Williams says tue owmiors of the
limie at St. Louis are strongly inclined to
try the experiment , and thuR the channel
between Omaha and Kamisas City is as
opeui to the utesngo of large bpats as that
south of Kansas City , where there is already -
ready ii. line estabilahed. It votu1d be a
good thing if they , would make a strike
in this iiow enterprise , amid would help
out many thirivimig river towns.
080 are Solid Facta.
'l'hio boatbiond Purifier iLmll system reilulat-
or over jilaced wItluiii the reach of sulkenimu
Itumnatuity , truly itt Electric Bittom. lnactiv
ty of the liter , .hiihioiusneas .1atuii&tico , Cotusti.
pation , Weak Kidney. , or any dinaso of the
tn-mary organs , or whoever requires an appetizer
tizor , tonic or mild stimnulamut , will always
Ibid Electric Bitters the best and only certain
cure known. They act surely and quickly ,
every bottle guaranteed to ? ivo entire miatisfac-
tioii or money refunded. bold at 50 cents a
bottle by C. F. Goodman.
The Glee Club Concert Tour and Cenoral
As was anmioumicod in Tim BEE several
weeks ago , thin Omnahmuu Glee club will go
on a big hiumit. and concert tour in this
state dimeimig the mmionth of August.
The commnitteo of ariangoumiemitmi is very
huummy miow laying out. the route , emigagimig
halls , &c. A brief muLlion of thio juro
gruumumne inul l)1tmi3 t1iu far arranged. will
be of interest to our readers.
'l'lnm club , nuuiiltcritug twenty.eight
umiemiihers , vihl leave Oiuuahmu' Tuesday
mnormuimlg , August 14. 'rho transporta.
tiomi will be furnished by Mr. J. H.
McShiamuo amid will consist of mie carry.
all with a tetun amid driver ,
two large , covered humitimig ngomus amid
( limO baggage wagon , with thio necessary
numimlor of horses amid drivers. A large
streatmior , ilmuiming towmis nod dates of
couicerts will be attached to time carry.aIl ,
amid thus imitrodiuco amid advertise tln
climb all alommg time line.
'J'hio party will drive to Freniomit. the
first day amid sing them in tim evemiimig.
Thin trip tutu time second ulay vill be up thin
beautiful Ehkimorn Valley toVost I'oint ,
whore the boys are gnaiiuitocd an ova-
tiomi. After hmuntimtg amid lisuiimig several
. days iii the vicinity of West Point , the
I club will drive across into the Logan Val.
I hey , and frcmmi Uieru to Tekaninh and
Blair. Oommcorts will be given in both
Tokamahi anti Blair.
. This miingiiifmcemit numsical organiratior
haviuig built UI ) a macst emmviable reputa
tion throughout the entire west , azi
. knuwui nmitt recugmuizecl ( imi the cast as out
of the very luest suligimig societies in tin
, country , i iil dntv lumiumiemiso hiouse
- wherever utmuit whuenovor it Is amimioumicta
to npwtr.
. \ o shall hioiio amid exited. to hieitr tiut
the luoya have uiucceede(1 in drawing fuul
. hituumse and gatlwriuig iii large iimma mititic
- of gnuiio. _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Flies , roachws , amita , bed bugs , rats
. lmiicui , gophers , chiipmuiunks , cleared nit
- by ' 'Juugh on ituits. " iSo.
, 1)IEI ) ,
] illtGQUIS'r-- this city .Tuly 2(11.1) ( , Ammo
L. uiaughuter of Mr and Mrs. A. ii. liei
I ( t4tMi 11 ituoutlus amitl 12 ulays.
Fumieral yesterday at .1 p. ma. from thio res
, ulenco on miorth 1'Jthi btreet , hetweoti Lake mu
El streets.
El.SASSEIt - Othiieloa Matiuilda Eisassc
ulatigluten of Cites , and Kathmoriiui Eisassei
dieui of sumnuuor comuiplaltit auth braImi fova
aged 13 muiomiths amiti 14 ilaymi.
Fumiorel ( ruin linus" . 1021 aouthi 11th atreu
. How to HhLortomiIIiIto.
, . . The receipt is aimnulo. Von have emily t
take a viohouut cold , suidnegloct it. Abenliethi )
0 the great Englbuhi sumgooiu , asked a lady xvii
tout him she tumuly haul a coughuViiat woul
- yell birch The 1'lsguu ? " Bovaro of "cal
000glus. " 'flue worst casee can however ' I
cured by 1flt.S'M. . HALL'S IIALSAM' f
. the LUNGS. In Wiieopliig Cough amid Crou
I. Iimnnodlatuhy allays irritatioii and is sure I
ii prevent a fatal termInation o the diseas
a Sold by all dniggt.ata end dealers In medicin
- - -
- '
- - - -
A b1othr's ' 11cr Bahy ,
Which Is In Better l1nntI Titan
OMAhA , Nan , , July 22 , 1883.
Mr. E'.lw. ltoiewter , V.dltor of Tile flsi.
Stit : I called nt Mr. llinchioy's resal.
enco to sea my balmy but lie did not scent
disposed to let iou have it now. There is
always two sides to every story. If I hunt
of deserted mny baby to slope with sonmo
scrub of a maul , fi. would look altogether
different , but I did not do that. 1y
imitcntion as to earn mnomiey enough to
get. necessaries to go to keeping house
withi amid in that endeavor I luive been
successful. Matuy a woman supports her
family 1)y washmitmg and I cami suuIlort ) my
chilidremi I kmiosv. I citiiio to timnahia a
perfect stramiger timid I was uuuncqtmaintcd
with thou law or I suiuiuctee I hOWl hOt have
abamudonemi umiy child. I never hind to call
on time County for assishimice nor do 1 now ,
but i'hicmi it comimes to a muiothier begging
the strccL vRhi tlmroo little chuildremi , it is
a hard way of mmumikimug a livimug nmi(1 I ant
situated imow so I can koo1i toy chiihdren ,
as sante poolile I live near are very good
to me.
There are worse cloircdatuomts tutu that
comnimmittod in Onuahia , and nuorcover , when
you are without fliOiO ) ' , you arc without
friends. I'Cohmle unIty si' : a great. mnaiuy
tliiutgs but if tIme ) ' tiere in may circumn-
stance , thou , it may be , they would have
clomme worse
The baby fell into voty kind hiamuds ; ito
kinder imenimle can be foumid , 1 omit
not able to donate very munch toward the
keeping of the child . . . . but it will be all
right some .dny.
As 1 uuarrk'd agaimist may jaromits
will , amid they are as severe
on mmio as 1glamud is cmi Irelamid-jiust the
sauiuo-I have gommo in a ladylike vuiy
about it. I only ask to got my childromi
together once niore. I think justasunmuchi
of ummy baby as any mother , although I did
not do a christiami.liko act. I kmtow the
best of people err sometimes.
I ama firmly rcolved to have my child.
omo ility , as it is my. own flesh and
blood. I decline givimmg may miammw as I
have rlatives imi this county that caine
here since that happened.
FnoM TilE . .Moruuiimt.
Mayor Chase Goes Back On the
National Colors.
The barbers of Omaha have been considerably -
siderably excited of late by a new freak
of Mayor Chase , who issued an order
compelling the removal of thicir poles
froun the street. , which itwas claimed was
obstructing the sidewalks.
Tim barbers appointed Howard Cossley
as a commnitt.oe . of ouio to imivostigato the
matter and a protest was circulated and
gcncruJly signed , which thin mayor , for a
womider , had sense omiough to take into
consideration , amid thereupon rescinded
lila orler and left things in statti quo.
What the next freak of thechief executive -
tivo of Omaha will be is difficult to jut-
agino , and tIme history of lila admuinistra-
tiutut would read like a tale front "The
Arabian Nights. "
-Cards are out announcing the marriage of
Gco. Ileymu , the well known photographer of
thb town , to Miss Sabina Hirschman , of Detroit -
troit , to take viaco at that city August 8th.
-Tue Brotherhood of Telegrauliers give a
calico 1)op uuext Timesday muighut , July 31st , at
Crounso's lush. Tickets , Si each. The Ogden
telegraphers gave a ball last night and sold
roe tickets at $2.50 each.
-Mchugh & McGavock have begun work
oh thueir contract of laying a stom-mn water
sewer from Nineteenth and Homey streets
north on Sixtcoiutiu to Chicago , anti thence to
the river , for which thuoy are to be paid
sitroo. Thu dpo that is being laid between
ltarxiuy and Dongias is 20 inches in diameter ,
and from loiuglmui north to Chicago a larger
rizeil P1I ° will be laid. 'l'lue jiie-himuo will
emniuty iuuto a brick sewer , 1800 foot long , ruin-
imitig thinuoghi the Uiuion i'aciuic yards , which
11 to be built by the Unioui l'acific , aiuil to be
paid for by the Cit ) .
-Tue notonirnis Sadie McBride , who lies
recently boon coniiulaiuued of several tinues for
robbery auth is still 1 > enuiitteti to maui ot large ,
lICYCII another lucid trick yesterday. She
entonoil the mnllliuucry store of Mrs. Gray , in
the Millard lintel building , amid selected a list
for $3.50. . She tomidered a five dollar bill iii
psymmiemut. The bill was changed cud Sadie
got vosessioui of the mnouioy , utual then coolly
wahhmeth oil with the list , withnuut paying fur it.
She was nurested , lout Jutigo Andersoti let her
go out the stuteuuieuit that she iiul iiaid for the
list. 'rho judge nuiido mu uuiistaluu , whichi will
probably be corrected by tue rearrest of time
womminu ,
Mr. . .1.Vhuit esitle , ropresentimig thio whole
bale dry goods huouso of Carson , Pinio & Co. ,
of Chicago , Is Iii the city emi business nun ! will
remahti two or three days yet. lie is an oil
fnietni of Mn , N. B. Falcoimor , who is dolmug
, the honors of the city for hIm.
Coal Near Llncoin.
I State Jourmuil.
Mr. II. 0. Billings , who lives about
L live muuiles southeast of Limicohmi , hiss beumi
umideavorimig toget a well upon hits farm ,
. , and has been compelled to go very deep
S t'r trator , having reached a depth of 105
1 feet yesterday. Yostorda' afternoon ,
while boningstoadily at titus depth , Mr.
t Frank Pingruw , who is doimig thin work ,
1 noticed thuR. the borimigs that camiuc imp
11 front the buttouui of the hole vero of mm
lUemilimtr chv.rnetor. lie stopped amid ox
uumiuimied uttuiru closely amid. discovered thiat
lie rius umidoulutcdiy boriimg through ii
, , eimi of coal , 'l'hio vein is variously esti.
t , iimnted at froma sixtco iuichies to thirec
feet thick , as it. is lined to tell the line ol
demnareatiomi between tue slate mtmitl cuol.
specimen of the coal luroimghit tip it
t . cmi exhibition itt C. L , Haunt's hinedwari
stoic , nmnl time ( htmuuittY PP ° ° ' to be excel
i. butt.
ml If a good paying velil imi developed , a :
ulliearauices indicate will be thu ease , i
will be a valuable find for Mr. Billings
r , amid for Lincoln as well.Vo trust thin
r , Pleasures will be takemi to tlioroughtly teal
r , thu t'uiltiu of the discovery.
t. -
The charge of bad faith made by M. A
Dauphiimi agaiitst Assistamut Attormicy-Gemi
0 oral Freemiuan of tIm Deparimutomit of Jut
tico attract no little itttemittoui , amid ina
d lead to imitorreating results. Thu chiarg
ty uiiailo appears to be substantiated by thi
, . letter of. Postmnaster.OcuiOral howe
) C SPeakOr Koifor , which is published wit
Dmtuphiin's card. This niakes a zoriou
ii. charge for Freeman to inect-Now Yor
5. Star , July 20 ,
TO TIIEIII Ol'FlCI. IN TIlE Cli ) , . lNU .teTORAN .
UNEASY lt1IT , Oil A 1.A'Fmi flINNEI1 , ) : fl
I hULl. tNlP % m.m4 OUT 01' 501118. TIllH IS EN.
rant's Seltzer Atuorlemit , TAKEN ltF.FOIi
FIum.mNns OP 1iIAVINE8S : , mtmmovm ii ETl. '
IutrrsumulbY : TIIEUAUSI : , ANt ) UlOKEN INTO
'rmm. FOIl 8A1.E flY ALL tIIU(1UISTh. (
. Chinso aurymau 1ngc by a
lloer ,
A Boi1 Amtauult amid amu Unsuccessful
Oiic ,
Framik Cloud is the nmimuo of a party
who recently umuado a desperate attummulit
to slug and rob Wahi-Leo , a Chincac
Inumiidrymnan emi 10th sheet.
Cloud hind loft a bumudie of clothuimug
tt jthi 'iYmthi-Luo to be laiuuudried , and ott
calling for it , inmuminged to got the Cobs-
tial otut.imito the back yard , whicmt ho felled
hujimi to the ground with mt samutl bag , a
favorite imistrumnent of sluggers. lie
muinnagcd to giveVahiLeo it
bad. woumud utear the immotuthi ,
but did not rommder htitmi insemusible ,
as Ito doubtless intended to do , amid the
victiumu yehlimug for help his assailamit ran
away amid June miot since been scemu. lIe
undoubtedly thought. the fellow had a
sum of miiomuey stored away amid that he
could down hiiuuu timid secure the booty.
The saud-bag is one of tim muiost tiami.
gerous weauomus used iy hiighwayuuucmi
and it often results fatally to the parties
; 4lh- NIt' . & . 1 - .
: n ' 4 t
. ,
, - - . * .
19l ji < '
- , - . : - . .
Mii4ard Hoti Iock ,
0. F. DAVIS & OO ,
( sUccEssOmts TO DAVIS & SNThER. )
( .ennri.I Dealore In )
2505 F.tUNASE ST , . . . OMAhA.
lIars for .alo 200,000 acres carefully selected lands
In Eastern Nebraska , at low price and ott easy terms.
Improved farms br sale In Douglas. I'odge , Colfax ,
Platte , flurt , Cumulag , Sarpy , VasIuIiugtomz , MoricI ,
Saunders , and Outlen Counties.
Taxes paid in alt parts of the State.
Money h'ancd on improved farms.
Notary l'ublic Always In othce. Correspondence
803 S. 1Oli St. , Omaha.
Make Braces for the correction of
Physical Ueformfties.
hip and Spinal Diease , , Club Foot , Stiff Kiucea ,
flow Legs , Enock.knecs , etc.
Trusses of the Best. Make kept on Hand.
Trusses repaired. .
Crimtciues lioudo to order. ' . .
Small julia of nil kiui'is done in steel , Iron and wod.
Ilepairing of all kinds doie cheap , neat aid
vrouuIet ! .
J.P. WE1 & co. ,
. O3 S. 10th St. , Onuilia.
jylD.o Im
File Nebraska National Bank ,
Paid lip Capital - - $250,000
Surplus Fund , May 1 , 1833 15,000
DhllEeToits :
S. mi. JOhNSON , Irealdeut , of Stcelo , Johnson & Co
A. E. TOUZALIN , Vice I'resident , of hioston.
sy , V. MORSE , of W. V. UOIICE & Co.
JOhN S. COLLINS. of 0. If. & J. S. Collins.
.1. Si. WOOLWORTH , Counsellor & Attorney at Law ,
L. 8. lIKED , of Uyron Reed & Co.
II. V. YATES , Cashlerfor many years Cashier of the
First National flank of Omaha.
Tlul flank opened for busliueasAprll 27 , 1832.
among the leading business men of Omaha , and its.
business Is conductcl with esieclal reference to the
boat and Increasing Intereatsolttsmercantile matrons.
COLLICOTIONS receive puonut ; attention mmd
charges lo\vest tbtalruable lucre or elmuahero ,
INTEREST allowed on time deposits upon favor'
able leans and upon accoututs of banks and bankcu.
EChElON EXChANGE , Government Itomuds and
Coututy and City Securities bought and sold.
CoRsulling and Civil EoIncer and
Special attemution to Survolng Town Addli nuts toil
Lot. . . Furnialies Estlinatea of E.catatiOns , iIakLn
I Maps , llatus , &o.
. me OIIAIIA , NEll.
t. AND
MI kinds of Upholstering done to order on sImon
. notice , Funmuiture retained. Chair. reseated , etc
N. " ' . ' imth .truetJ1 1
w. B.
Audlln and Commission Meichants
k omtoouiiTItY. :
1 Ai2 Douglas Stroob.
I 'ILl
J- -
. . -
: '
PAY hui i i' ;
LIiU !
for Infants and Children.
Ca.qtoria promnotea DIgestion
am [ overcoiuies Flatulency , Uonstipa-
tion , Sour Stomach , Diarrhnxa , amid
Feverishness. It insures heitithi and
untutuil sleep , without iiiorphilne.
S. Castonia Is so we'll nnaptnt to Children that
I recoimumemud liassumierlor t'nnyprrscripuon
known to tue. " II , A. Aktius.n , M. I ) . ,
g3.roanit &vo. , flrhkhyn , N.Y.
CENTAUR LINIIV1ENT-ams nbsolmitt. , euro for Bhioumt- .
tisimi , Sprains , Bunts , Galls&c. Thin most Powerful arni ICnO-
tratimig 1'timt-rcliovimig nmitl licalimig Reiuiedy known to inane
_ _ I
tirspocials will Positively not be inserted
unless iald in advance.
TO LOAN-Ittonoy.
_ _ _ -
ONEY TO LOAN-Tho Onunlis Salngs Hank l
I ilIW lirellaroli to make loans oim Onmalia city or
louglas cOUut real estate at current rate of interest.
No comnuuthemoui charged.
ONOY TO LthtN-The lowest rates of imiteroat
I hietiula' Loan Agency , 15th & Douglas. Zm4tf
ONOY TO LoAN-Call mutlaw office of hi. L.
I 'Iluomnas , ronimu 8 , Creightoim Imlock.
ONOV lOASEI-Omu Chattel mortgage , rooni 7
I Nebra'ka National Ilankiuuuthling. ISItI
ONEY TO LJAN-J. ( T. licatty loamut on chattel
1. urouerty , tsS South 14th St. 544.luit'
1jTANTEO-Servaumt girl 1123 N. ibtlu itrect.
V 7 72-2T'
7ANum.Tstcnty laborers.
Y ! 726t II. MANNtVEILEIt , litltstrot ,
\TAh"r1D-A good noonu anil board In innate
V fanully for a lady. Address , 'J. II. II. " 1209
hlarnoy street , 724-1
\ ' TANTED- unto who uunderstands the brenkliur
of colts. l'eninaiient Poltlouu for the rIlmtjmmami.
Iteconimondatlons requIred. SprIng % 'atley Stock
Fnrmuu , 1 l2 uuiles West of FaIr Grounds.
710.21 N. I. U. SOLOMON.
UTANTED.-Fst1 mnouldera to work on heavy
y work , SEATON ii LEA.
713.11 Lincoln , Nob.
' 7ANTED-A German boy ti wait on table at
V Coop's restaurant , 2h5 S. 12th street. 72O-h76
' 5,7ANTED-Two good barbers for steady sork.
V I Good wages. Come Immediately. CommercIal
Barber shop , Lincoln , Nd , .
17ANTED-Two good girls at Carey's , northwest
C V cor. mit 11th amid Davemiport.
XTAN1'ED-Dmnlng room girls at the Canfield
I V House. Wages $15 per nuontlu. 712 tf
ITANTED-Ono good , steady harness maker , that
V 5' understands tninimhng. ( loud wages , tcatly
employment. A. HEATTY ,
713-31 Aurora , Nub.
' ANTF.D-lirl forgcnoral homework iii small
'V fanuily , cor. CalLiwell and 1Ien mitreets ,
square \sest of Saundcr.i street. 714.2 ? '
ITANTKDGlnI at eiililOyuiieumt 0111cc , 211 Il. 10th
I street. Nootlico fee. 716-OIl
- ' 7AN1ED-A girl to do general homework. Sirs.
t N. N. Edwards , 21st St. amid fleihevue road.
602 2 ? '
T\7ANTED-A good cook at tlieSlavcnliouso , 10th
street. 0d5-26' :
TANTED-Ten teams at Florence cut.ot ! . Ivagos
V V $3.50. Inquire of .h. C. Murphy at time works ,
VITANTEI-fly the lirohinetor of the Buckeye
V V Meat Market , corner of Mason and 16th streets ,
near the mmalh works , a live , actic woman te do and
superintend general housework , to whom sill bo
given good pay. IL 11. FRANKLIN.
1TANTED-A girl to do general house work. Ap
I TV plyatOl2l Cahlfornlastroet. 009.31
TANTED-Threo good dining room girls at Met-
V V r'polltan Hotel. Wages $15 eec m.nth. Only
flrst'chasa waiters need apply. 0D92S
ANTF.D-A second woman cook at the Emnmuet
W house. 658.23'
girl for icitchmen work. Inquire
S. IL cor. lSeh no.1 Dodge or 13114 Farnaumu St.
TANTED-Fmrst.eIaso womaim cookt the dmuht
V V 11ouummeargovornummemmtcorraL _ _
j7NEmiAooi feeder for double cylinder
V V press , at once , at this otluco. _ _ _ _ _
iXTANTED-I'ni'Y vaults , sinks , aimd ceespools to
1' V clean st'uth sanitary cleaner. Sati.ifnctionguar.
anteed. J. lii. Smith bo , 422 Onialma. 316-imo
7ANTEt-1iya ) lady , situation as cook in board.
V V lag house or rustaueaiit. Addresi "Coo' " lIeu
ollice. 703.27'
IyANTEDSltuation am luouiokcol.or amid over-
, seer by yiummglady. InquIre at 1417 Cuss St.
7t 5.201
1yANTED-A sItuation by a ilrst.class coachmmman.
V Apply 217 N , lIJtim street. 715 26'
) - an experienced woman , a miltus :
\7sTANTEI-ftY meork or COOk in a buartihmig
house. SomalI town or coummtry Preform ud. Cuim gI' . u
goutl references..itdrcss l.ou B. . ( Jummaha , Ni.b. ,
No. 1500 Sliermiman Ave. OiO.20'
ATANTEDSituation as house keeper by youii ;
' V hatly. Address E. Si , Bee ottlets. ijiJiJ.26t
% jANTlW-Asltuation by good baker of fifteen
I V veers experience. Address John l'etermieiu , hiss.
tinga hebraeka. UUi.23t
TA7ANTED-Ladies amid gemmtlomeu who wIsh cor'
V respondents , to mattertiso ha time "thimiomi. "
Cards not us or torty words inserted for Silo , l'ostage
stamnis gciod. Copy of ° Vmiloui" aenitocach adverti.
cur Iurthrue itmontimi. ilatter for Insertlyti must be
recei'.ed bcfru this 25th of oath month.
. FOSiElI & CO. ,
717.281 " iT ? LaSallo Street , Chicago , lit.
UTANTED-Every body to take h'hotographs by
V 1 Electric Ughmt at Eaton's 1309 Farnamu Street.
TILAYEI ) 011 HTOLF.N-A entaIl roan cow , short
0 horns , mind shite Shot on breaot. A reward will tie
3iuid for iiilormumatioii or her return to 'I' . J. t itz-
morris , 1142. 5 deventenutlu Street.
F iikT--1touses and Lots.
: six roomims axid barn , 17 18
Burt street. Inquire at 006 8. lhthSt. 721.13
: - . ; ) ll mtur-i'unmihsmiedhmoeso , or roolmu. Sloiicr
.4 uito hrie , 1803 CalIfornia atneet. 722-8
1011 itt.NT-lour routes shtii clo.ets and ssmutcr.
I 'I scuiks , elm south IUtiu street , oq.uito the Boston
store. 701.20'
lUiI ittNl-itoommm , con. bum unit Iommglaa strcets.
1 liimlmuhruumt hirug store. 709 tf
: -von tiFx-r-F'urmiishicd : rosin , 180.5 I'arumaun street.
1 77,3j
" ; 'tii ; 1IINT-Fturtuhshed roomim , 11102 Faruiaimm tircut ,
tOtt hilNT-hIousu ultablu for reotammrani amiti
, tiosnihhmig luouse , lit i etreit , hoar N. W. deiot ; ,
0.11 , htahlou or Joe liednuan , ] iithu t. 721.251
. IIINT-hlouau out Chicago etu-umi , bet. 34th
and 15th. Inquire tif J , Sit lit , Chicago , cur , h83ii ,
ChtEN1ileaaaumt Immnmaished room , , 1lceimmer.
hjlockcor , 5th auth liosanit street. 831.281
4 OiL hiV.NT-A houic of tuimmu rooms In pleasant ho
eaitty. Address , whim references , "II. 22. " Uet
0111cc. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0t9.26I
S % OhiIENTKimt ( roommu hiandomehy Iurihsha
snitli Lath room emi same duo , at nuts liodgu St
063 23
'molt IIENT-Ntmw liousosuseim rooms , 120 limo ,
- J htuquire2100 _ Catitol ate ,
iiIrWlrd , hatve murntshed $10111 $
1 room with lay window , gas .umd bathu rooni , ala
fewtablo.boarders i7isllotlgc. 81228t
j liiiNT-'h1mrvu rooms at 1102 C5hifOnmil amid 1
Gl5.27t _
lNKI.Y lurnusitee rocas for remit. Unteago Circe
bet. 16th ama ! 17th , No. 303. 05421
- ; 'oit ILENT-Cottagu. 5 rooms , lOOm amid tiici.ury
' house , 6 ruou&s , 15th amid iMuolijort. Inquir
of J , l'hifli8 liQu , Sib anti Spruce. @ 31.11
What gives our Children rosy cheek , ,
What cures their fevers , makes them eleep :
'TI , Castorla.
When babies fret and cry by turns ,
What curds their colic , kills Uuelr wormn ,
flat Castorbs
What quIckly cmmres Constipation ,
Sour Stomach , Colds , Indigestion ,
But Caatnrla.
Farewell tluon to Morphine Syrups ,
Castor Oil and l'aregotle , amidunit
unit Cnstnrlai
T OSS'Eit IIENT-D hmoiue , for remit at greatly no-
L.4duccd mate. 10.14.201 kOGOS & milL ! . .
L AW oFFICE , wehi ( uurnhstmeml , with good library ,
for sale ciiaxm. ' JOIIN 1. . 3100110 ,
0OS.Iin' Crete , Not' .
I iU1tNiS1lF.DJioomntorent,21l2Cai1l rniat ,
- - - S57 , . : . _ hi
Foil FIEN1'-Ieslrnbio cottojo , $20 i'or mutouuth ,
C2l9Californla street.
; ioht 1IENT-Now room , furnlshe.h or mmmufuirnlstueti ,
with , board , itcfcretucoa required , iaio Dos-ems.
Port. _ _ _ _ _ _
011 IIENT-Tun gimmall brick storom atsil basement
F just being finished 330. three doorstuorth of Nob.
National Batik. S. bEllMAN , 010-ti
71011 IIINT-Fls'o roimu cottame , 'Itlu good barn.
All him excellent commdttion nmmI ssehh ticatud. C. F. DIIISCOLI. .
- - - - _ _ _ _ _
CalittOl tVciiUo iota , l,0O0 cmli. ' .
CluicisZo street lot , 8i3J0.
Centre Street hots , $ O2Ocachm ,
72)-ti '
Opposite l'ostoilhio. '
Ofl8ALu-A black inane , 4 years ohil , i4 hands
high , broke to saddle , shimgho amid double harness.
For further infornmatlon apply atstabhim 11th mmdChii.
cisgo street. 709-27
JOlt SALE-A flue black pony , sound and kind.
Good to rIde or drive. Apply sit lJluo Barn , 16th
street. 700'09'
oil SALE-200 head ycarlimig Sellers , $17. & . ice
I head 2 antI tlmrco year old hollers , 524.00. 400
Calves. AU above are lowacattlo. ,
STRANGE 13110'S ,
Cattle Contractors , hide , Wool amid Tallow dlons ,
Sioux City. Iowa. 032-jot
iiiomt : SALE CIIEAP-hmiggy , neanlynow. .lust the
_ I _ thing for is family of four or fivo. call hide store
204 N. lutlu street 723-4'
-rioti SALE-4o acres good farnshng land adjoining
.1' city. Address W. C. Martin , Banker Block.
-t'tOlt SALE-A tlrst.class ininting propertyin Clsey
_ I _ emmne , Wyo.-1)aihy amid % 'eokly. Address
"Leader" as above. 831.26
FOIL SALE-Cheap , l'luxtoim , nearly now ; also open
buggy and sprts' wagon. No. 418 233 St. , bet ,
ilarney amid St. Mar9s Avenue. 633-hot
OIl SALE-A COmlileto boarding house furniture
, Ilave 14 boarders , a bargain. Inquire 1515
Ciutcago St. 083-28'
NE ( if the ilnet inujinonci lrOpQrtIce for sale at
a bargahim , umeat ton days. Ualhosm Bros. , 1421
Farnam SI , 633-27 a
O'I'EL FOIL SAI.E-Neare5t to the U. P. Depot ,
Co1umnbu , Nebrasia. 1cohlomit business.
Good hergismim to ihhit maim. fleaomm for selling , fall A
lug of healthm. Address , S. J. .Maruiuoy , Columbus
Nob. 536.28'
- .
.tolL SALE-New 7.rootsm house , barn and other
Improsements , corner lot tIOxIOS , one block
from school ; graimd view of time city. A bargain that
beats thorn all. Iux'T wAmi ; cuimso amsii see how
cheap you camu buy a good home. Offered for o.'tr a
few days. I'eck , opp. postoillciu. 625-20
lOll SALE-Foummdry. Machine amid lllacksmnith
Shop In flue best town in Soutlsatern Iowa.
Shopsand tooha are new and comimplote. Manufacture
steam engines , portable and stationary ; house hoots ,
&o. hat o contract to furotch iL it. castings. Terms
easy. Address SI. 0. , Dee l'ubhiohlng ( ho. , Omaha. "
ijiOht , SALE-house. six room slid half lot , near
_ I _ street car-$2j0O.0Q.
hOUSE ANt ) LOP , near Uancomn Park-
J1OU8I2 AND FULL LOT-beautiful vIew-only
All Bargains. Call soon. MCCAGUE ,
517.23 Opposite I'ustottice.
OIL SALE 011 TJIADE-No. 1 farm of 83 acres , 3
I miles this aide of Belhcvtme , 7 miles from Omahaomm
Bellevue road. All umuder cultivation , ten acres fruit
orchard Imi full beam-big , 23 years old , 2 good houses ,
18 acres of thmmmbcr. Inquire on premises.
533-27 iY. 11. iECKlfAi1.
; 'OR SALE-Property m' . K. corimer 13th ammdCapi.
tal msveimtme , IniluIro on hcimIises. 500-Ins
F OIL SALE-A oed set of heavy wagon hmanumess ,
mind two spleimdid hiormies-wIhI dnis is double or sin.
rho. Call at sortoim'sgrocery store , lOtlr meal Bayou.
port. 454-ti
_ _ _ _
1.oit SALF.-hlorses , Wagomma , Harness , Etc. , at
I Emlgraist Stable , Cumummgs stroet. 259 lns
OlSALE lifnewspapaiiu large amm&.sssali
_ _ _ p2AImtjties at LImIt 015cc. tf
JiiOlt SALE-Flax maUl mnachmineny cumislattag of
brake , 2 dusters , b ater , picker prcs , etc. Can
work either rotted or gm-roil stock , also ehafting , vul.
ieya , amid belting for dnising the abuse , also one 35
hi , i. enghmmo suns bolhr , simmokostack unit mill itaturos
CUifllhCtC. Addicas WILLIAM TAIT , Charles Pity
Iowa. 295.'dmimf
JiOht SALR-Atinsj class seeod band top buggy.
Call at 1319 Ilarmicy street. 310(1
TILA\'Ei ) OIL STOLEN-Soildblack timnee ycarohil
S 1 inane amid reml aimd ishmhto cow. i'um'tles still be mo.
wardu.i by retuimiimmg to Steele , Jolmiusomi & Co.
723-281 - -
tITRAYED O1tSiiLEN-A m.mnaldmmn cow , short
k imomns , and sshiho $ sot on forehead , ammd white
knee , . A rosard wIll bu pal8 for iimlotmatiou or her
meturn toT , J. Fitzmonis,642 S. Stiventeemmth , street.
OST-Omu 10th , botweemm Chmlcago ind Leaven.
worth streets , a lad and brrecisiimg of single
hianmioss. howard svihh be giveim if left mit Kane & Co's
stable , IlIUm and Chicago streets. 700-25'
X } 'eW gemmtemcmi ) ran itnd first class day board at
IVm. W. L I-si. : ey 1712 CapItol aye.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 603-30
fPAKEN LJL'-July 20th , a bay horso. Owner can
_ 1 _ get Information by cahhiuig at this ofllce
640-St-i each w
I you waiut a pimo foundation to your building sos
W.IhoydCanttehdlfouse. 0044mm
'it'i-usiu ; AND SINGING lessens given by I'rofii'
_ iy1 F. Dasies , 805 South 10th fIt. h'lanoj carefully
tuned. 503 list
F oti wamut hIidrivci for any purpose sue
uiiyd , Comm old house. 605-list
' 1 ! '
4K1f10 ;
; 7 2
i Absolutely .
Thu tiowder never irarics. A muanol of p nuty ,
strength and whoio.omemmcs. . More uconomulca than
- tIme ordInary kinds , amid esammutbe sold he cuumt tion
1 wIth thu multitude of low teat , short weight , m i o
C 1'h"ihuate powder. Solil emily In cans. ito ,
_ isu 1 oweas CC Wa ltuoct New York.
_ :