Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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The Lnrgeat runi Mot lloliat)1o house for
¶ Music , Toy.s aii Failoy Goods.
. .
j' ' ? /eier / , Lindefflan ad llardaD PIos1 Nestein , EsIern1 Cottage , urde1te OrgaRs1
. r. 1 % [ t3 : E I I
, COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . . . . . iow4.
The fnllowlng ro thetkioof ftrrkftl ftnil deprturo
) of trains front the IonI depots. The trii tat from
the Ufflon 1acIflc depot ebout ten tniitite erUcr
thrrn ! ) eIow ttted , Rflt arrive et the depot about ten
; ) minuteg later.
. I Traln on 1o l llne ftnl IC. C. run on Chicago tIme ,
A half hour facter than local. Valiash trains run on
St. . LonI tfme , twenty mInutes faster thati local. U.
1' . and LIncoln traIns nih On CouncIl fllua thne.
. CUICAOO , aowe ist.x AND CACU'IC.
Dcpatt. Atrho.
Atlantic lxt.:3Op. : m. PaclflcExt . fl:4 : ° in
Ex and Mall..DO. ; ! m. Lx and Iall. p. in.
I : DesMolnes p. in.
Depart. Arrtve.
I ChlcaoEx..6S.cp.m. : CounftfI I1'uffcx..9.45
) laIl and i : . . . .O45 in MaU ftmt EC. .7:00 : I' in.
) Depart. Arrive.
Atlantic Ext . . . . . .15 p. in. l'acitlc Ixt . . . .9:15 : a. In.
' Mail anti Ex. .9:21) : a. in. Mail and Ex. .6:15 : p. in.
Accom ( ) . . . . . . . . , p. fli. Aceuin ( Mmi ) . .1:45 : p. in.
. ' - - . . & . . RA..uAi CITY , it. AM ) COLCiL HLIJYr $ .
. . ' Depart. Arrive.
q Mail and Ex..9:55 : a. in. . . . . . .r.:15 : : i. m.
Express..8:25 : p. ni. Mall ariii Ex. .0:45 : p. in.
1)eIfttt. Airho.
Oerland Ex. . . .11:3Oain. : OverlandEx. . .4:00 : p. In.
Lincoln Ex..11:30 : a. ni. Icnvcr Ec , . . .8:00 : a. III.
Denver Ex..7OO I' . in. Loeni Ecc..O:10 : a. in.
Local Ex..7:2.S : a. In. ' Ec..flO5 ; a. in.
Eutigrant..5:20 : P. tn " E. . . . . . .6:00 : ii. in.
De1iut. Arrive.
Mall } . . . . . . . . a. Ill. Malt aint E. . .4IO p. in.
Cannon Hall.,4 p ni. Cannon flail. .11O : a. in.
Depart. Arrive
For Sloux City.7:55 : a. in. Fm Sioux CityO:50 : p. in.
For'srtNlobrara . Friii Fort Niobrara
Neb. . . . . . . . . . .55a. in. . . . . . . . . . : . in.
. . For St. Paul . . . .7:40 : 11. in. I Froiit St. Paul .850 a. in.
, Leaves Omaha. Ar.ilves at Omaha.
, Maliand Ex. . . . 7:45 : a. m. J PacificEx. , . . D:45a. : m.
Atlantic lix. . . . 3:40 : t' . in. Mall and Ec. . 7:25 : ii. iii.
All trains daily.
Leaves CouncIl fllutT8. Arlve COUnCIl BhtifYs.
Mail an.l Ex. . , .0:20 : a. in. Math and Fx. .6:55 : h in.
Atlantic Ex. . . . P5:15 : v. m. Atlantic Ex . . 19:10 : a. in.
. Leave Council Bluffs. Leave Omaha.
8 a. in. 9 a , in 10a.m. ii a. I 8 a. in. a. In. 10a.m. U
in. 1 p. m. 2 p. In ; 3i.2Ii.4 I a. in. 1 in. 21) . in. 3 . in.
p. m. 5 p. in. 0 p. in. I 4 p. m 5 p. in. 6 p. ni.
Street CflN rim half hourly to the Unloii Pacific
( Thpot. On Sunday the cara hedn their trips at 9
cfclock a. ilL , and run regularly during the day at 9 ,
11 , 2 , 4 , 5 , and C o dock , atid run to city time.
. Health is Wealth.
- . - . - - . TfIALUENT. _
Dr. E. C. Weat'g Nerve and Brain Treatment , i
guaranteed BpeIIflo for Ilybterla , DizzInepoConvul
ionI , Fita , Nerious Neuralgia , Headache , Nervous
Prostration caused lix the usa of alcohol or tobacco ,
, Wakefulness Mental Depression , Softening of the
Brain , resulting In insanity anti leading to misery ,
I decay anti death , Premature Old Age , Barrennese
Loss of power In cither sc , Involuntary Losso
Ik Spermatorrhtaa caused by over exertions of
I brain eht.abuso or ovcrndulgenco. Eacha it
I talus one moeth'e treatment. $1.00 a box , or
boxe8 for $5.00. Sent by mall Irepald on receIpt
. price
To cure any case. With each order reccived by us
for aix boxesaccompanled with $ .5.OO , wowilisend the
purchaser our written guarantee torcfundthioinoney
F if the treatment doea not affect a euro. Guarantee.
.5 isened only'by U. P. 0000MAN
L m&owl. Driwjit OmahaNei , .
Electric Belt !
.This Electric Belt will Cure the Following -
ing Disciuses Without Medicine.
Paine in the Back , hips , head or Limbs , Nervous
,7 , Debilty Lumbago , General Debility , hlheuinatlsin ,
Paralysl , Neuralgia , Sciatica , Ilseaso of thu lldneye
Spinal Diseases. Torpid Liver , Gout , Sexual Exhatis.
tlon , Seminal Emissions , Asthma , Heart Disease ,
Dyepepsla , Constipation , Eryilpclas , indlcstlon ,
hernia or Rupture , IIIIpOtOIICy , Catarrli , Plies , Epi.
lesy , Duinb A'ue.
Omaha TostlmonaI.
OMAhA , Neit. , April 12 , 1883.
Ba. W. J. Hoax ; 101 WabashAvonue , Chicago :
Dx.&a Si-1 purchased one otynur Electric Belts In
Denver , Cob. , beccinber , 1882. It relieved the pain
across my kidneys and strengthened them so that
they give no more trouble. Thespinal lrritrtlon It ro
hieved immediately which nothing could have done.
Youragent here has sold them to parties for piles ,
sexual wcahcnose , neuralgia , paral3sls , and female
I , weaknesssslth'sshom I alit acquaInted , and the re.
, . - * . aults in each case Inorothan meet expectations. I can
refer any one to these vartles the desire it.
Respectfully , 1)11. Id. N. IOItTEII.
1613 CapItol aye. , Omaha.
. MAIN OFFICE-1421 Farijain Street.
, g45For saleatO. F. Ooo4nan's Drug Store , 1110
Farnam Street , Omaha.
llmebafl1i ! & Taylor
Newest stiles In Broom Goods. Carpenter and
fachluists. 'rools.
Warranted Outlery and Buffalo -
falo Scales.
1435 Dou.ciaI Stroo , . OMAhA
JOHN . .
Formerly Uleh & Jacobs
k . Practical Horse Shoer.
Makes a specialty of Roadsters and tenderfoot her
so. . Shops , Iodgo atreet Lct. 11th antI 12thOl
Nestr Cornice-Morks
1111 Douglas St. . Omaha , Neb.
Ca/vanizec Iron Cornices
3rDornterVIfliOWC , Finlais Tin , Iron and Slate
Itoofiuig SItePhli's lutciat 3lotafhio sk3llgilt , Patent
adjustetI hatchet Bar cmi liracket Shclviiig. I am
the general agent for the above hue iii goods. Iron
Fencing , Crvsthiigs , liclustrades , Verandas , iron flank
itaitings , Vindow Iihhnds , Cellar Cuards : also general
agent for l'oersoii & 11111 ; telit Itisitho Blind.
91c11 H
Hard and Soft Coal ,
Pierc' & , Bradford.
of the
hunmu tinily enlarged , developed and strengthened ,
etc. , is and hoteroeting advertisement long run In our
paper. In reply to inquiries we svhhh say that there js
no evidence .1 hnnibug about thIs. On the contrary
the advertIsers are very highly hndorscd. lutoresteil
persons may get eithci eircuhnrs giving all ; tarticula-
by addressing Erie 3ledhcal Co. . P. 0. box 513 , Buffalo ,
at v.'r.u.i0 Even.
S the undersigned untILl2 o'clock noon of Mon.
day , July 30th , A 1) . 1883 , for tim grading of the fol.
lowing streets , vIz :
Jackson street , front 10th street to St. 3larys aye.
Thirteenth street from the alley between Marcy and
Masoli streets to Martha street In S. K linger's addI.
tion to the City of Omaha.
Pierce street , from 8th street to the west aide of
10th street.
Tenth street , from Hickory street to Caatehiar
Fourteenth street , from Jackson street to Leaven.
Worth street.
Fifteenth street , front Jackson street to Leaven.
worth street.
Sitteciath street , from Howard street to Leaven.
worth street.
SIxteenth street and Slierntan avenue from Izard
street to Lake street.
Saunders street , front MIchIgan street to Grand
Seventeenth street. from IIovard street to Leaven.
a orih street.
Seventeenth street , from Farnam street to Capitol
Jones street , from 10th street to Sixteenth street.
Nineteenth street , front fledge street to Farnain
iodgostreet , from 14th street to 0th street.
Tenth street , from IotiglasstreettoC.hlcago street.
Coming street , front Vheaton street , running west
to the western boundary line of the city.
Twentieth street , froni Dodge street to flaveilpoit
Caphtol avenue from 17th street to 20th street.
The alloys in block , 110 and 117.
The alley. in blocks 190 and 197.
EICVeIIth street , froni Dougiats street to Chicago
Chicago street , froiti 10th street to 11th street.
Tenth street , from Pierce atrcot to the ahiey south
of the saute.
Such grading to ho thone iii accordance with plan , ,
profiles and specifications on fib in the 0111cc of thin
Board of l'ubhlc Work , , flint to be fully completed
not later tItan November let , 1883.
Rids to be accompanied by this signatures of vro.
posed sureties who , In thu event of the awarding
of the contract , will enter Into bonds with the cIty
of Olnaila for the faithful performance of such con.
The Board of Public Works reserves the right to
reject aiiy or all bids.
Chairman Board of Pubhia worfa.
J 162w tw
1204 Farnam Street.
P. I. MoFuie , Propiietov
JAMES C , BRYAN , Munagor.
'rho handsomestliiiihard hall In Omaha. The fines
Wines , Urjuovs and Cigars ore vrovhdod for patrons.
Fine Millinery.
Stock Entirely Fresh and Mew.
105 lfStli Strco , Opp. Postoffico.
Oll'1 ' Ill8llrllo 0 AOlii
Ph'enIx Assurance Co.1 of London , Cas1
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , .
' , Vestchkr , N V. Capital. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1ooOooo.
This iferehant. , of Newark , N. J. , Capital 1Z78,000.O0
thrard Fire l'hilwlclpiiia , Capital. . . . . . 1,880,000,05
Firaien's } 1und , CapltI , . , , . , . , . , , , . , , , 1,889,018.00
OFFIUE-Itoom : 29. Omaha National flankI3uIId
log. Tl4pone No 15.
Sa adly
; rAs. U. PEABODY M , 3 ,
Itesidence , No. 1407 Jones St. Oftiot , No , 150T Far.
nam street. Office hours , 12 en. to 1 p. en. . anil S .
In. to 6 p. in. Teicphone for otlloe , 97. ResIdence ,
WordN for Vnrnor.
To the ThlItor of TIlE RICE :
Tliti ihldigflltioll of soiito of our city
otlicinis ngaiiist an energetic , tliitiful
officer , 011 account of his cokir , is oiitra
geolis. Mr Warner , ns an ollicer , lins
filled 11w bill. W'lt ) ' tAkeoff his sinri If
as a jsliceiIIa1t C. II. WI1FIIOP oxucutea
the ihitics that are required of nu ollicer ,
why disclrntio ; huin nit account. of lila bus.
iiless liatt1s ? If lie earns a few uxtrtt
dillies Itoitestly when oil official iltity to
P33'lIiS doctor's bill , which should be paid ,
v1i ) kick at his energy ? \Vhy ijist stop
801110 of the olilcors front gambling wituit
( UI ( hhty ? \\'lt3' should our city govern.
nicut tutu fcuilt with t iiiaii after np.
pOiiltihig ltiiii , 8(1101) ' OIl account of color ?
\\t1ts the nppoilttiitelit for a. political pur.
1)050 ? If the lilnyor is satistiud with itifi
oflicial ilutius , why sqilcal because ho
(14)08 It little jthlitor'a : work ? lie is not
the ( ) h1l' IOliCChilithl Who carries oii a busi.
18855 otitsido of his ollicial iltities. 'Fhero
is scarcely one on the force , front the
chief tlowii , lint what does. I ctit oven
cite you tO his honor , tite IiI'tyor. If 0.
II.Vnrnor is not. retained , vill the
mayor cold c ttiicil IlpOilIt nnothiur colored -
ored 111811Vill ? they nppoiitt. him as an
oflicor niul itot aa a political tool ? Wu
want rohrcsdntatiin , but wo ( to not want
P011tiC11 slavury. 'We leave it with our
city oll'tcials. A CoLolun : C1Tlal.
I , . s.-c. II. Warner is on iiighitthity ,
COUNCIL Bt.urs , July 26.
Crops iii SaunIierH.
Special Ilspatches to Tim Befl.
WAhIOO , Jtily 25.-I wit. out for a
twellt3'.tivo 111110 drive east and 11oCt11 of
this place 1111(1 found whti'.at aini oats
ready to harvest anti as good as 0Vc1 Such
III this CoulIty-Straw heavy , heads well-
fillet ! anti stiuttling up well. Corn is
hate , about 20 per cent. too late to iia-
turo. Tue reinailider is strong , of good
color , LtIIcI with one good rain within two
weeks will Inak' ) a good yield. Corn
Seelils to be the favorite crop. Three
years ago the same tract showed three
times the acreage of wheat in sight iiow.
They Call on the Jitilge.
SonIc time during \Vediiesday night
some of the sneak thieves who have of
late been botlioriiig the citizens hero
visited the residence of Judge James ,
alid vhien tim family drouscd yesterday
morning they discovered the evidences of
their hiavmg Feoii there. The fellows
coiitentetl themselves with a raid on the
refrigerator , helping themselves to enta-
bbs for a niidnight lunch , but cliti not
tike any iliotu valuable Pluhidur.
To the Piabife.
COUNCIL BLUFFS , Ia. , July 25.-This
is to certify that I have received through
the trustees , G. M. Wahiburn , E. Rose-
crans , F. D. Budkomper , of Pottawatta-
lIth3 Grove , No. 23 , U. A. 0. D. , the sum
of twelve hundred and fifty dollars ( Si , .
250) ) , Iii full of insurance due my late
brother , E. Togstadt , for wldcli the Drim-
ids of Iowa will please accept l1l lasting
Signed , IvElt TOOSTADT.
Roy. 31. Arnstromtg : , of the Broad.
way Methodist church , having bcezi grCuttel a
vacation , irolioscs to 5ieiid it in Iieliigais.
Arthu.z Ryckinan hint , resigned his position
as caahier of the 0. M. & St. l'aul , and accepted -
cepted a Place in tIm Citizen's Batik. l'aul
Thompson 11513 becit apIointol to the place in
the railway office.
.1. 'V' . Squire anti family have returned
from their ideasuro trlii northward.
H. 0. Mend , of St. Paul , took the corn.
forts.of the Ogden yesterday.
H. E. Keoler , of Chicago , arrived at thin
Ogden yesterday.
C. V. 1100(1 , of Sacramento , was tunoiig thin
Ogden house guests yesterday.
C. C. Morse , of Lhicohii , svns in the city yes.
terdiy. :
C. T. Roberts , George Iluntloy , and \V. S.
Barker , a trio from Edensburg , Pa. , were at
the Ogden yesterday.
B. otniian , front across the river , was
shiakiiig hands with Ide Council Bluffs friends
S. C. Rose having closed imp his business
ninttors here , heft last os'oniiig for thi east ,
iittcntlliii to make his future healqunrters in
Boston , anti hIs home in omie of the beautiful
surburban towns near that city. Ills svifo ,
vhio is already with her friends lit thin east , Is
reported as being somewhat Inipaired in
health. During thin short time In whlchi I1r.
Itose and tnmni1y have lived hero , they have
inaslo inaiis friends who regret their departure ,
and whose best wishes will go 'lUi thient
wherever titoy iiiay go.
11. A. r. Iteyiiolde , of i'lano , Ill. , was vlsi.
bIn at the I'ncific house yesterday.
lion. M. 0. Logan , of Logan , was among
those at the Padlic yosterday.
Charles . Roberts , of Nohlgit , Neb , , took
in thin city yesterday , anti made huenseif coin-
fortablo at the Pacific.
B. 'tV. Bergstrom , of Neenah , WIs. , Is at
the l'aclfic.
'ru the surprise , yet gratification all , Mrs
G , T. Phelps has contInued to IlnlirOvo in
health , anti It hi expected now that shin will be
fully recovered ore : nany more weeks have
' 1' . Cowily , of Btiriihaii , , Tulloys & Co. ,
has gone west on a buslitess trip ,
Dr. Seihierf hiss goiio to Chicago emi a brief
F , .J , Cressy , of Dots Moines , was one of yer
terday's I'nclficers.
An Elastic Laccuer.
A lacquer of reat elasticity , perfectly
StIpple amid hot liable to peel olr , itiadu
ill the following mnimitei' ; About 20
PC 110dB of oil of varnish iii heated Ill Olin
vessel , amitl thiirty.tbrco P01h11d5 of tiuick-
hiiiiu is 1ttmt iiito twenty-two louhIds of
vater in iuiothier , As soomi tot tile himiio
causes itti ellervescemlce , fifty.two l)01111d8 )
of nielteti India rubber are added. 'J'Jtis
juixturo is stirred 1111(1 I lieu poimreti into
the vessel of hint itrztishi. Thu whole is
thou stirred so as to be thoroughly mixed
thtomi atraimtttd and alIoved to cool , hlul1
it ; has the appearamico of leadVhcn ro.
e1tiirod for misc it is thinned with the ziac.
csSaI ) ' quantity of varnish , amid applied
with a brusil , hot or cold , Preferably the
former. This lacquer is useful for wood
Or iron and for walls ; it vill also render
Wa tcrproof cloth , paper , etc.
The Financial Iltitory of the Weatorn Union
Telegrapb Company Conildered.
Thto telegraph strike goes oii , and so
fam withiotlt tiiilawftml disturbaiico. Both
shies , thin COflipiihiit'S 8111(1 ( ho strikers ,
express thteiiiseI'os satisfied with the rc
stilt amid determined to hold alIt. That
is the usual Va ) ' . Very soomi the contes.
tahits vili , it. iii 14) be hoped , commic to
gethiur to discuss their ( liIFOrCllCCS situ
sitlihiiit. tliemmi to arbitratIon , or iii 501110
other wa % liring about all ainic.iblo set
tiCihltiflt. For the pruseilt the strikers
have PtlliIio SyiilpLtli3' : with them , thioy
need to lie careful ill all their ChldilCL
mul language imi order to rotnimi it , 'i'lie
1)111)100 iltics iiot. COiilplOhiCmll the details
of their duiminiida , but it sees that somiio
at least of those are reasomiablo , suit
liuhievu the gemleral foolimig just , that the
W'esterli Uihioll ought , as a 1osverfuh cor.
poratiomi , by kindlyamid cOhlahtIeratu treat-
lilohit. of their workimlglnoli'fI sbltohilemht. of
izriovancos , to htavo 01)011cct the door to a
1riumidly arintration. No lmrmii eami over
COllie from stick a itioderate smut comicihia.
tur , course Ott the hart of corporatiummls
wInch are great OillllOyOrS ) of labor ,
'I'lie foregoing is the CoiilhiloIlCelItCltt of
alt editorial iii the New York humid of
lust Saturday. It titoll replies itt lellgtlt
to thu positions taken by the Tribune
anti Evenillg Post , itittl COlItllltmes : lint
viioti a prohmlillolit jottriiitl plose laws
tA. ) forbid thu servants of telegraph aliul
railway companies to ' 'strike , ' ' and when
another p'miiimteiit jothrllat tihiliks the
liiaIillIer in which the servants of a great
corturation prosomiioct their grkvamices in
this otsutits 'estsecilly objectlommble , "
it is timnely to call attention to the fiiian.
cial history of such a corporation.
Bec.'ttise the qttestioli is tints fitiseti
whutlior , if the c.' of the \Vcstorn
Union eolill)5hi ) rOIlPesonteti 0111) ' time fair
value of the protaitY itmid its framieltises ,
it ; could iiot at pi'eseiit rates of teleralii- )
.iug , earn fair and cr011 large ( lividelIds
oIl stick capital , even thotihi it acceded
to all the rcqthireliiOlltS of its servants.
The presomit capital of the Westorii
Union coniany is 580OjhO,000. how
hiss it mised to that protligiolls figure ?
By building telegraph limios or acquiring
other proPerty ? No ; for it. owns but. it
part of the lines-and not the larger part ,
we have uiiderstood-wliicli it works. It
holds a great part under lease front Lhtc
owners , railroad colnpltflics itiitl others ,
aiitl it owns colnparatlvely little real es-
bite.How , titan , canto about these eighty
mnihiions , oIl whtichi a djt'idelnl is regularly
declared ? Last year nit iigeiiious pahllphi-
lot was issued. to doliiOllStl'Lte : tlto ox-
traordiiimny value of "iVestern Uiiion stock
as nit invostineiit for country geiiticinoii.
In this the prosperity of the coinpamiy
was sot forth at length , and there ve IIIIU
thin following passage :
Thin ntthiorizud capital of the cosipamiy
then wits $500,000 , of whiichi only about
three-fourths had been issued. On Aug.
10 , 1858 , the first scrip dividend was
declared , being 33 per ccitt oh $369,700 ,
thin itmnotit of outstandimig stock. On Sept.
22 of the smno year , after the anioumit of
the authorized capital had beau increased ,
a scrip dividend of 414 40.100 per ccitt
011 tue calmital s'ock of 5485,7000 was
husimed. Three snore scrip dividends were
issued pro'ious to tim purchase of other
linus by issuing stock. 'ritcy were as
follows : July iii , 1862 , 27 26-100 per
ccitt on the capital stock outstanding of
$2355,000 ; March 16 , 1863 100 per ccItt
oh the capital stock outstanding of
$2,079,300 , and Dec. 23 , 1863 , 33 per
ccitt oil the capithi of $5,962,600 , increasing -
ing the capital stock to $7,950,700. About
Jamiuary , 1861 , au itrraiigeniomitw'as umde
for the ptmrchiaso of the Pacilic telegraph
coilany , a corporation chartered iii the
state of Nebraska , and authorized to buy ,
build , amid operate a tohegraih line from
501188 point within a territory or tate east
of the Rocky Inoulitains to Sail Framicisco.
its caitital wits $1,000,000. The purchase
was ofi'ccteui by au exchange of the VtTest.
cr11 Union stock issued for that purpose
for the stock of the Pacific telegraphi
comnpnny , the amoumit being $1,277,210.
Hero we read of one "scrip dividend"
after the o hicr-33 per cent , 414 per
cent , 27 per cent , 100 per cent , 33 per
cent. And then we read of the purchase
of other ColillafliCS by issue of Westerit
Uniomi stock. A writer who , last Dccciii-
lor criticised the sthteineiits of this
' \\rcstcriiUiiiori paittlhilet in a letter to thin
Herald , which , so far as we know , was
ziovor noticed by tue conipany , roniarketi
011 . this :
it is nowhioro that thto l'acific Polo-
grap company ow'mied : iihy wires or haul
ally line actually built , thought thicy io-
cowed over $1,250,000 for their charter
and supposed property. That in the psir-
chase of the Uiiited Stotes telegraphi
stock the $7,216,300 paid for it was , ne-
cording to good authority , fully five tilnes
its true value. The capital of the Amen.
cami telegraph wlieii it was absorbed was
alluost Its IntICli inflated as that
of the Wrestonn Union , and aiiiountctl to
53.833,100 ; yet $11,833,100 , or a bonus
of 58,000.000 iii Western Union stock.
was issued in exchiango for its property ,
In these ways the stock vius watered to
$41 ,000,000. Iii.Jamiuary , I 881 , thioiamphi.
lot shows this prodigious ' 'water" vas
again watered , and the capital of thu
\Ycstorii Uuiomt was increased from $11 ,
000,000 , to $80,000,000 , by the pnyiliemlt
of $15,000,000 in stocir for thu pronerty
alid ( ramiehtistes of the Aniuricami TYnion
tehegraph cOliqially , tiot worth then
$3,000,000 , At tiu saiiio tune the At.
lantio and Pacific telegraphicoininny was
absorbed by Yestorn Union at the ex
po of $8,400,000 mono of stock for
property , also worth 1ilout $3,000,000 ,
51111 thieit ii , scrip dividend ii'as issued to
the stockholders \Vestorzi Union on
top of all this of over $15,000,000 more.
It is ii very geiieral nzid freely express.
cii belief nimtong telegraph oxpert.s that the
whole Vestern Union plalit could. ho dii-
plicateti for $20,000,000 , or at
iiiost $25,000,000. , To 1Jhlt it at 8.10,000-
000 scorns to ovary expert wo luwo heard
speak oIl thu subject-which is one vary
fi'cqiieiitir diseussetl-laughiably uxtravic-
gant. ' 1 hone would i'oiiialn oven iii that
case $40,000,000 of 011 ss'hichi a
5 Per coiit dividend is imid. The jouniials
s'hich think laws should be passed to for.
bid telegraph olinratora froni striking
would (10 vell to consider whether laws
should riot. first be pissel : to forbid great
corpolations froiii vatuniiig their stock ,
Strikes of working macti and womiien am
tl'isagi'ecablo events , but they are often
thai only mneans they lowe to miiako their
grievances kiiotvn to the , lubhiu or to got
them remnedied at the hands of their ciii-
PlYcrs. 5(5 long as strikers coittluct
themselves in a lawfihl maImer , wit out
i'iolciieo , and without trying by liitiiiiidn.
tioii to lirovehit uthieis froiii takimi" that
hIlitCes they have vacated , thiuy are w'fthiu
thicir tights , amid 1retty certaimi of the
sympathy of that geiteral public , especially
whei'u , iui In this case , tlioy aieiii against
a corporatioi which pays dividends cmi a
heavily watered capital ,
\Ve do iiot thiiiik it wise in such corpo.
nationsby their haughty and supercilious
conduce tott'srd their servaiita , to hiastoit
the raisihig of the issue botwoii wages
iiiid wiiter , which is $ llFU to come ujtsoiiio
( lIly , Our ailvico to that mmtanaors of thin
\Vostcrn .Union company is to comae. to
terIiaiitli th'eir atHking rt41te ts teen
55 liossiblo. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'I'hic Italibit. l'cs ( In Australia.
Melbourne h.eaicr.
Thu rabbits , despite the ninny ruthless
i'iittl ihigolliOus methods devised for thicir
exteruhinatioli , iiiaiiitaiii their hiolti in
Victoria , Now South \\'ales amid South
Atistiitlin , niiul now there arc prehilollitory
5mi11tOIliR ofthicirravagesbeiiig extended
to the fertile Plains amid h1tliro lamuls of
Queeiislamid. Like the plague of locusts
that scourged the ancient Egyptiitmis , this
heat thireateims ulthuiately to devour evem'y
greemi thing. sit that it. behooves ( lie urlinmi
lid ) less thiami the runil iolitilatiomt of all
the cohollies to heini a hioliing hiatul for
its stipprossiomi , It is absurd to suppose
that nil ) ' Veniiiili call clef3' the efForts of
111511 to uxt'irpate it , smut it. 0111) ' requires
a Vigoroths niiul uluited ciusade on tue hart
of tile coloities to Stahihl ) it. out as elk'ct.
tially a.s .siitall-pox or niiy similar chisteni.
var. Qucemisland sqtittteriu : have Iinttlrally
becoiiio alarmed at ( lie appm'oachi of their
ilisitliothS ( ) liCIity , and hiavo beeit resorting
to the usual means to avert that .haiigor.
An nasociatiomi has linen fonitied , omitithed
the Rabbit. l'ruvemitiomt Association , tint
mmielnbors of tt'hiiehi tti1oo to kce1 , out
the imivaders by a tviro tietting femice alomig
( lie bouhidnry between the \\'ellington
niid Liichilan districts , a distance of 178
iiiiles. As trehl might. they strive to kee1i
the title 0111. of Iinisbtliu : harbor
withi a 8l)0li. As StOht as feed liecotites
scarce emi that southern side of the femico ,
the niigi'atoryhiordes of amiiinitls , with'thio
stroiig ihistillcts of their species1 will find
it thtoumsaiid weak points in the line of do.
feiise , amid soon settle down to their notv
habitat.'hiat is wanted is a coiiihnmieul
oiislnughit on tue mitt. of ( lie goverhililOilts
of the several coloiiies. Let ( bent all
Ciilt111tite , as they have doiio in rootimii.
tuit the liiYilxut1 , tO it cOhiuhhiOll fuila
tiitt : shudi he devoted to the destruction
of ( lie rabbit systematically and liliOli all
extensive scale , Thu early squiiuttors iii
this colony are respomisible for the l1lcs
Chico of that pest. 1\liuiy of those html.
holders have sought Qucenshinul to escape
the effects of their duvasttions , amid it
only scents like Imetie justice if thio
should lie followed thither by the luhl
sauce. hut thereby the inliocelit would
suffer with the guilty , amid the coumitt'y
geiiorally be iiivolvod iii time losses stis-
titiiied. Already thu raimbits hiave beau
seen 011 the Lztchilan plaiiis llCitL' Cobar ,
180 miles froni the Queemislainl bonier.
There is thierefeiro Ito tiuiie to be host ill
sectiriltg that general co.opcratioli tobrhig
about. the extuletion of the pest.
Army Gambling.
l'lttsbnrg Dispatch.
' 'It was during tint war thiat I learmiod
to P1Y iioker. " said Lawrence Cook iii
the Union depot last iiighit.
' 'Yes' ' said ' '
Ofilcer Zimniiieriiiaii , 'that's
where 1 learned it. "
Aliti thou thu two officers started ell
imito I'Oihiiiiiscciices of the dit3's of the twar.
"Ve used to luivo big pots , I toll you ,
then.Ve wouldii't get paid sometimes
for months , amid vlmemi we did gut our
illolmoy it added zest to the card lilit ilug
to make the stakes big. i've womi $300
to $400 in a day or two , and lost. it again
as fast. Alid then time chuck-a-lick-- "
' 'Chuck-a-luck , " interposed immimmmermimamn ,
"Yes , I should sayso. Why , I know a
follow that would brimire out his chuck-a-
hIck mid sweat-board every timimo we had
a ten hiiiilUtes' i'est oh it mimarclm , You
kiiotv we tised to have a ten mimimuites rest
in every hour in a 101mg immarehiVeih ,
thhis fellow would play every tilue we
stopped. You'd see thie mcmi gathering
arouiutl like a lot of ( lies around a drop
of imiolasses.Velh , sir , I kiiew that fellow -
low to iittke : $1,600 in ommo day's inarchi.
It was a mighty good thing it was paper
lliOlley jtnd didn't weight inucim. "
"Yes" said Cook " 1
, had a friend thiat
raked in about $2,500 in three or four
clays oii a iitnrch , and lie played agaimist
the game , too. "
"lhmt thiero ware lots of follows that
lost too. added Zinimerniami. "Just after
I had re-enlisted and had got part of time
bounty inomiey amid back hay , and was
taiting for a veteran furlough , a frieimd
ef lame who lived ts'hiero I did , amid had
re-enlisted too , gotto playing Polor. lie
lost every cent and wanted to borrow $25
from iiie. I wouldn't loaui it to hintbut
ho got it sommmo place. Thu next imiorim-
ing ho haul $500 ; the iioxt evening ho
hadn't ii , ccitt. That's the way it vuiit.
But the tuna whoii time boys hiked to il:3r :
thin best was dunimig the ten Inilmutes rest
oil a march. "
A Telegraphic Blunder.
i.iostOn CommercIal.
Telegraphic amiecdoies being in order
rcmmiimids us of a dispatch which somnu
years ago a btisiitess nina in this city sent
to his corrospomitlont in Now York , ro-
( uestbmig hint to Iowa a i'ooin reserved for
himn at. the hotel , as lie should count oim
that afternoon.
Arriving hate at imighit lie stoml serenely -
ly behiiimd the crowd at the old Astor
HouBe who voro registering their nalimes ,
evehi till the clerk began to turn apli.
caitta iiwiiy for lack of roomim , assured that
hils disjmatcli iii advance must have secured
accoiiiiiiochiitioit , but trits surprised nuid
immuligimituit to timid thiat no order for a roohim
lti.i : hiceli received , mind t'tts obliged to
hiummt imp lodgiumgs for the night elsewhere.
ICui'ly iiext Immoi'ning , in reajiozise to tIme
( lelhiSlitI if his ( lispatchl had been necuivcd ,
his correspomidaiit replied iii the afhirhhla.
tive , 1111(1 said that a store-house had. been
hired for hiiiii in Beaver streetas ordered ,
"A storum-housul I iiever ordered a
store.hiouse. "
'I'hie dispatch wits Prodlticedl. It read :
' 'Shall be . have in
cmi to.iiighit ; rooni a
store-house secured at oumet' . "
A1)JliClLtIOIl , III. the telegraph oflico no-
vealed the fact that the young s'oinami
who received time itmessagum as it canmo slowly -
ly fi'omii tIme wire supposed the operator
had been abhreviatiiig , uimd shiti therefore
corrected (1) ( ) ( lie spehliuig of thu message ,
which i'cnd ' 'have
originally : room in
Astor house secured at mice. " The dlvi-
idoit of A-skin 111111 additioii of an us vro-
( IUCCU quite a tlifFui'ciit. mesult thami was
desired ,
A Wonderful Dream ,
Iiostomm ( Jlohe.
. .1' ilatmghitor of tue late I Earvey Jewehl
( whit , was so iveil and favorably known in
Bostoit iii legal itimd biuliie circles , and
was a brother of the hate Narshinil Jewull )
had z'ecently a % 'ory ujuicer niid linlIsillul
experniiico , amid tijie cahetilated to iminku a
deei iimipm'ession upon thiti strongest hImmni.
Sriuiie weeks ago sIte hind ii tlreaiim ii which
she diiitilictl ) satt' an undertaker drive imp
to her resitlence with a hiarse , lie u'iis
U Imecihhiar loakiuig mimaui , his queerly
Iiii1med 11(150 which looked as if it hiiud
becit broken amid t'as twisted to one stub ,
gave his couhitohmiuico an ttxiressioii whik'hi
Would hiavo uiiitulu ideiitil'mcaiiomt easy and
cei'bdmt. lie caine uliroetly toward her ,
mind as lie said "Are you already ? " situ
suddeimiy awoke.
' .fimo dream 500100(1 ii peculiar ommu , but
( lid not attract very mauchi attention iii the
household uhhitil a few uiays or a week
later it was repeated with oxaetly the
551110 chinractoristics , dotvn to the "Are
you all ready ? " Slid the awakening.
And now COIIICS the stratimest Part of
! ' J'
They always have tlic largest and best stock.
thme story. Somne little tinto afterward
the young lady uvits visiting iii Ciimcimtmmttm : ,
anti wemit tO Sit apartnieuit hotel to call
tmlmit a fniemmub , She stepped ilito the
elevator with others , anti was startled to
hoar "Are you all reaiy ? " froimi time luau
iIi charge. Shio was still imnmre startled . 'ui
looking , trotihtd nmtd liehuilding the oxat
Picture of the miiati of that dream , even to
time misshapen nose. it iiiado such an
ihmmpressicin tmpomm lien 1011111 that she no-
qilestoll to it let. out of that elevator itt.
the first landimmg. She atejped out , amid
time other occtllntmits weiit tuit at time mioxt.
binding , nimd the imiami reunitined. 'time
elevator mminchmhmery gave out ; stmduieimly
tint car wemmt tij , , amid timemt down , amid thin
hitltit Wits imistammtiv killed.
Titers are nmaiiy elicali cimmuitetics offered for
caIn , vhiIcii datum to cumutnihi mtothilng Iimjimrltnis
to the sldmm , 'I'iis is all tss ? , mill , or 'ery hear-
13' all are comnlnmtimmileti fans tito iiiost tielotor-
itmti mcmiii 1m0iq0mt0ims drugs in the mnateria imted
Ion. They ilestroy thin vitality of thin skill
making thin cmmisiimtmer prentitturely tvltlmornd
nmol old. I. .ti. I'ozznnl gimaralitees his immeihi.
cated ctmmimplasioii lmts'4ler entirely free frmimm all
Ilmjimritmimll iiimtttor , itmiti t'tll gladly pay 5tK ) to
niiy clit'tiilst trlum can (1 ( ad tipuim ammaly.
s1 tiio highitest trace of white lead or arsomile.
Useim umo other aimil ytin ttihl tinier regrot.
Price (4) ( ceimt atutti 1Ot ) Iter box. Sold by all
druggists sail DCrftiIiiCrs.
Tlio Terrors of an Epidemic.
Nemthiimig is muoro curious Luau the fact
thm dying mis oie of it crowd scouts to lie
Inure terrihmle to a luau (11511 ( siimtply dying
his own imidividual death. Unquestmon-
mliii ) ' there semns to lie uio kind of dettii :
hilore dremuleul hmy limen thnmi detthi : either
froni sudilemi catastm'o1mlies.-liku thimtt. of
the rimig theatre at Vienna itmiul that emi
the Clyde , for ilistamice-or front 1csti- ,
heumee. Nti doubt , it is perfectly true
that detthi : caitmitd bo shinned iii the aamiie
801180 lt which a cni1 or a Pleasure call
be shiareul ; you cmiiintmt. in all probability ,
be conscious of the stremigthi of ctmnlnmi. :
iommshmip miftor life begins to flicker low ,
nor ale thieve above one or two people in
that world with wlmomn mutest inca would
covet thie 501150 of comnpamitonshis in such
It muuumicut , as that of death. Still it is
somimewhiat curious thmat ( lentil oIl a graiid
scale always secimis to be Imioru terrible ,
Ovutli to the separate ijidividumils , thaui the
ordinary deathi hy uimits. Of course tor-
ron is'ory catching , inul , therefore , the
terror of a crowd always enhaiices the
terror of the immdividual. Btmt though
tlmatexphains the supreme agoiiy of asiimk-
immg ship or a buriiimig thieatro , it does not
Ill thie least explain the ndditioimmtl dread
of ( lentil whtichl plague seems to inspire
in ilidiVilUiils , for betwoemi the inhiabi-
tants of a phague-ati-ickoli city there is
always very much less symnlathiy than
there was before the pestilence appeared
amid. it is rather through the grou'Lli of
mutual repulsion tlmauitiirough the height.
outing of a coitiunon symmipathy that the in-
fluemice of pestilence is chiefly felt. As
a fact , very few patiomita stricken with
ortliumary disease tu'hio are told thmiit death
is immevitablu , show any paiiic ntall , ts'iiilo
the perfectly healthy mmmii , surroumusled by
pestmieuice , Is too often consulned with a
terror which renders him absolutely Uli-
fit for the discimargo of lmis duties.-Lon-
cloii Speculator ,
In time I'all of 1876 lily siifferlngm were terrible. I
was swollen to such mroportIots that I teared my
Ilnibs 'otiIth burst , I had 0,0 , best enedical talent ob.
t.inabio , and at thu worst stage of lily illness , ssliee
lily himsbniid anti immarmy frIends bail given me to
die , tue late Dr. Jell11 Woodbury made a thorough
OXflilliimfltIOIl of immy suitor , anti pronouiiced mimy case
acute kidney disease , bordering oti Bright's disease ,
accolili'anied liy gravel , almil recoiimimeritieti , the Inmmo.
iihatts use of hunt's Ilelmiedy , At this tium I we ,
suffering limOst terrible iaIn Is may back , Iinds , , and
head , toni could flupil no rust day or imhghit for weeks ,
anti I "as groohiig weaker daily until thii kind
PhIYsicinIl ordered 1110 to take Ifuimt' , Itemnetiy. lie.
fore takhg , half of one bottlu I comnmnellced to un.
anti after takIng slit bottles was entIrely
cured. ' 11mI was nearly eight years ego , amitl I have
hail no return of tIm dIsease , I havu recomimmendtei
lIUlht's Itemimedy to others in sImilar cases , and it hiss
Imever faIled to cure. I have also iieetl it for SIck
headache , and found In Ita sure relief , I think It the
best miotiicine , lisatle , arid cheerfully recimlnend It to
oil. SiltS. V. II , R'I'ii.SON ,
No. 16 TIler St. , Iiost9n , Mass.
Aliril 18 , 1883.
Ifumit's Iiellmniy hmathimg liceri recomiimneritied to hat ,
for kIdney end liver colmipisints , I lurclmaseti sonic at
the "l'copie's Drug Store" and Used It in my falnhiy ,
511(1 foUlId it to be a very valuable medicIne , and I
gladly recommend Il highly to nmy friends , knowing it
to be hemcllclal , to those troubled wIth kidney or lIver
Itespectfuhly yours ,
April 14 , 1883. _ _ J St. , So. Iloston , Mass.
I hmato tistal hunt's ltento.Iy for the kidney coIn.
plaInt , stidhiavlng been fully restored to health by Its
use , I can testify to Its use inlime.
JSaiIy I rccoiiimmmeitI , It to semimu one of Immy frleimti. , a )
of tOln , I know hiatt been ieiefltctl ; by Its use ,
Gratefimiy ,
ciio. : i' . cox.
Slabieii , liass. , April ' 23 , 1883.
A - - . - - T _ _
All O.o.o . . , , , . .
who Som teil.rrolio. , its. , or sitmt clew , ITS
.tii uuIT54 , I. . . , jIuiI.i , , . ' , Iuin.4 , su .maili. 14 iirc' . ii uiI irvi'rlv , no I. eritIuiIj LIS iwrma.
51141) O5Vh , IImLoi .IIkI.CI SntIw. . Kad.r..i by.loei , , ; ,
i.4 it , re , , T4s i/iitc.i lllId si Tb.
' . ; . , . . . ' . . , , .
i' iTtrs.tluj : rreou. It.i.ilin. i'I.i .lui , , . % je. ,
'I sl.oiij II.r'2.h lv 'I'll I : sims'i Ole 11411.V8. 1. , . . ,
iiutI , ' . . . . .5i of t.tIII , , ft Id.rn , ioi , 10 (5I ( 54 per.
fict , imiuud. Shu,1i. , , ii.eltve , . , , ' ; . tied
I , , 10.11. . CflflU'Iifl , , WIh lt , ) .lriss 0 , . .
" ; 'rs11PIIIY ( o. . do 'C , 1db SI. . 5.w rl
Expert Rook-Keeper
A lracticai liook.keepvr Over thIrty years. Wit
attend to txamiihrilmig , Opeihlng uriui Closimii : hooks
hiUbilitIS 111111 COil hate their hooks kept hosted Uh
nIcely at 5111411 ( IXIIeIl5O.S'liI writi , eli ovemiimigs amid
cturmi buok In liiornhmig tihmem , rwtuirud. Oh cc In
struietloims imd prmmishes situatlumis. tll % , 'urk vumnii
dentin ) .
" The u.n of thin tersi " Shoti
S H 0 R"I l.Inc" Iii eouimmectlon with the
coqammato mmmc of ii great med.
con'cys mimi Idea itt just whmstli
requIred by time traveling pub-
I I N E lie-a Sh.t I.ilie , QuIck Time
amid the best of acconimimoda-
I tlommi-ahI of tthmich are fore-
isbed by thin greatest raiisay in America. .
And St. Paul.
It owns auth operates over 4J.00 miIe of road in
! tortimerm , Iiiiumois , VI.romi.ill , Muumninota , Iowa an4
Itakota ; aii,1 as It mmmdii hues , brammchie' aunt ooumneo.
thins reach all the great buslmiess remitrimi of the
Niirthutve't atm ) i"ar West , It tiaturally ammwera the
( ieeriptioml of Mlmort Llmmo , miii , ) Heat Route between
Chicago , Milwaukee , St. I'aui antI MInlisapolls.
Ciuit'agim , Milwaukee , Li l'rt'se amiti Ivlnona.
Chilcagim , Miisailkee , Aberdeen nnt , Ellenilalo.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Eaii ClaIre aim , ) Stiilwatcr.
Chicago , , tYausau and Merrill.
Chicago , lIilwiuikee , Beaver haiti anti Oshikoh.
Chicago , Milwaukee , t'julkeaha nut , ) Ocolmomowao.
Chicago , Mlhmvaiul. et' , .ladiolm and PraIrie , iii Cubit.
chminigo , 3iilwatii'eo , Owatomimma amud 5'airibaiilL
( 'hmicago , Del .t , , Jmimus lilt amiti Mineral i'obnt.
Ciiiciigc , 'rmgIn , Itockfoni Mitt lnbtmiue.
Cimhragm , Clinton , hock Islam ) numil Cedar Rapids.
Clmicitgo , Couuicil fluffs antI Omimaima.
Chiit'ago , Sioix City , Sitniic Falls amid Yuiktnim. ,
Clncagi , , Milwaukee , B itcIucil ainl ChualmiimerlaImi.
Rock Isiaimti , Iutitmqume ) , St. h'atii alit ) Mimmimea1olia. .
Iavcm'ort , Cnlnmar , St. Paul anti MIlmneapolis.
Ptmiiiiman Sicepers alit ) the L'iiueot IiimlumgCars in th.
womlil are null tim thu nmaimu limuci ohtliu C H I CACO
auti every attemitiomu Is 1aitl to passemmgers by courto.
ous ( 'iilitlOl'OS of the comumitaiy.
S. ci. ltEitIthl.L , A. V. If. CAItl'ENTIit ) ,
( lemi'I 3iaiiager. ( ieim'l i'ass. Agnimt ,
J. P. Ci..tltE , OEO. ii. mIRAFFOItI ) ,
tlcIl'l Silil't. Ass't UClh'i i'imU. Ag'S.
Swift's Stecii1a haM Icon tim humeans of hmrimighzmg
health alit ) liabibihmiess to thioinaiml who were pro.
nounced Incurabi , , of Blood amid SkIn Diseases.
SAVED FhtOlI A lIObtlUIlLF. PEAT ! ! .
UI ) to May last I bath spent at least five hundred
dollars for treatliment by umiarmy of the best ineiibcal
mdl , Wltlmtut aimy benefit. I sutTored excruciatIngly
anti all uiy best frlemitls atisIsed inc that the hey haii
of uoathuwasfaetapproaehihmtg ) , I caught at S. S. S. lIke
a drownIng luau at astraw. Aftcrtakhimgtwo boicic.
i could fuel a change for time better. TIme soresbogan
to uhischiargo freely amid the iiimeiuumiatlsin to abat&
When I had taken six bottles every sore had healed
amid imi3' skllm to asuimio Ii fluitilral appearance.
I mershsted dllitil I hind taken twehto bottles , mamg '
size , anti TliitbtIi IS NO'i' A Si'lIil'OM 01' TI1
ISEASE ) ! IIEMAININO , auth I fee ) si well as I ever
, IIti. I have gmeiiIei tuvemmty-one bouIriiis in flesh , and
imiy frhemitms woultier at miiy hmlmprovu I andithon.
have rccommiinentled it balmy , etmil Iii ovary Instance
mu'ith conuimlstsi Bilceess. I betters tlt'mt ' S. S. 3 has
saved , stefrom /oriUc demfh.
Qulucy , I.
I sen SUIF tint Saift's Si'oeiflc saved my Crc. i
wag terribly htolsomled withi Malaria , and was gIven
iii , to tue. Swift's Sveebiic relieved imio prousjmtly amid
entirely. I thiimmk it Is tue greatest remedy , mf the
age. C. (1. SI'ENCEiI.
8up'tOas Works , itonie , Ga.
Write for a COhiY of the little book-free.
S 1,000 Reward will ho 1tald to any C1eot1g
who will iimiii , on time amuahysis of 100 bottle , 13. 5. 8. ,
one liartlclo ( if Mercury , lodhdo lota.sslum , or any
Inlnermil substance.
Irawer Cm , Atlanta , ( is. ,
617 Sf , Char/os St , , St. Louis , Mo ,
A IIEGULAR GRADUATE of two medIcal colleges ,
hums been emigageti longer in the treatment of dIllON-
10 , NEIVOUII , SKIN ANIHLOOI ) Diseases than any
other uhmysiciau in St. Louis , as cIty itahmers Bhiow and
all old resltlellts know. Comluitatlol free and invIted.
When It Is Inconvenient to vIsIt the cIty for treat.-
iuient , niedicimmes can be sent by mail oroxprese every-
where. Curable cases guararmteed' where doubt cx-
lets it iii frankly stated , Call or write.
Nersoiisi'r.etratlommliehtility. _ Mental and 1'hyuiot
Weitkmiess , iEidila ) smith othioctioums of vt5i
SkIt. amid I3mnc. , Iitdii himmjturltlcs and Blood i'oi
illifSkIn affectioums , Oid Sores and Ulcers , hiopedi.
meumt.s to MarrIage , lthieuniatisiiirIIes. Special at-
f7flon to cases from overworked brsliiTUltU ICAI.
OASES receive Pecteh attention. , DIsease aiIii
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G-tTx:1a. : : marry , wliotnayno
why , causes , consequences and c re. Salted for 25c ;
postage or ItSimihls , kLSw1y
Leaftvilie 'Blues
Uuioli Pacilic I
Friday , July 27th , at 4:15 : p. in.
Saturday , July 28th , at 3:45. :
AdmIssion 25c , Grand Stand 2Sui extra. jFrc
List positively iiuej'iidemi ' ,
Oldest ItealEstate Agent.
Notary Pub/ic and Pravilca , Con-
. Pr Clarke sells Rouse. anti Lots , Residence L.ti an4
. liuslneu Lots all c's er thu city , siiti a ) ) , oiIitior. . ho-
litcs improved and unImproved faring lower thu.a
IC ' OUmer a"unt.
) , , niu 1-