Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1883, Image 5

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Th Only Perfect Bubstituto for Motheta
.1. MIlk. TheTho nonrIhIngdIetfot nv1I1 * nd
tiUrs1n mtierii. CommetidctI by 'l1 Phdtn.
R c hi all cItrnite. oId by all trught. 5 cents.
nLIfortho parnplikt. 1 M1TCAU'&CO.s
ine4u&th.2G 4t CentrI WIaT1 BOtOrI , Ma.14.
' ,
Opposite Pos ( of/Ice.
Four 1t nfl Farnani street , cach 8 (100 (
One 1t n Capitol acnue C U10
One lot on Iodgo trcet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 t'OO
One ot on avenue , Iniprored . . . . . . . . . C 000
One.h1t lot on ca1iltol avcnuc , linjroveil . . . . . ( 100
Orae.halt lot oi Cailtol arcnuc , liupro el . . . 3 t00
Lot on 10th trcct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 000
Lot wi 0th ttret t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 000
Thec ore t1l flr3t.cIa bulies Ioctloti.
, : - Resident Property - - - Improved.
1loue 7 rooms , barn , Convent street near
r trcet eIr. A bargain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 bOO
2 New house , 5 roonts , ham , 1rge Itt , near
street cara , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1 100
11 New houac , three roOm , , nearhigli i.cliool 1 600 ,
4 r o lione , 8 roonla each , on CIlIcao at. 4 00
0 7 room houMe on Liavenport atroct . . . . . 2 600
8 2 itory IlouMe , full lot on ChIcago treet. 4 1300
0 4 room house on llarney atrect , near new
c'onrt ) louo . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
10 6 room laoue on UAVIJP street , vel1
lItiliroed , Ea 14yt4YIIH . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 100
12 6 rooiii houco. 2 large Ioton Farnani it. ,
well luiproved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 000
Is I1tUc 12 rooms , rcnta for I0 ier month
on Dodge trect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 500
15 Ilouso A rooms Oil lou1s Mevet . . . . . . . . 1 600
] 0 Four room house on Fariiatti trcet . . , . . . 2 800
17 Two room house on Fariiatn 8trcet . . . . . . 950
18 Thrco rooiii house on Iolgo Ktrect . . . . . . 1 000
10 house 0 counts on 10th near Webster No.
I condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 000
20 Three houses , 4 and 5 CIO1US each , near
Ilrowncll Ilall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 560
21. BrIck house , 9 room ! , large lot , near it.
cara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 7000
23 l1ouo 0 roona , full lot , 4O0 o1 , , bal.
ance monthly PaYUCfltS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 200
24 Good brick lwiise , 7 rooua , % vellIllIproveil S 500
7 Elcen room liuse , S aes , liupruceii
l1rstcias . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 8500
28 Goodliouse&udloton St. Mary's avenue 4(100
34 Four or five rooms northwest hiart of city I 0O
35 Four or five room houae on 21st * trect. , , 1 200
36 FIve room houe , largc lot on 17th street ,
well Improved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 600
88 Three brick houcs , 5 30(1 6 rooms each 7 500
ilnuac 4 rooms , 4 lots , Vest Omaha. . . . . . 000
house 7 rooms , story , oiao block froiii
street cars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 500
51 house 10 rooms , 5 lots , near street cars
well improved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i2 COO
63 house , barn , 80 acres of ground , N W.
partofthccltv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000
64 house , barii , 5 acre In west Omaha well
improved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 500
81 Two new houses two 0011 three room each
well improved. Easy terms. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 500
82 Niso roono houae , lot 6Oh00 feet , flue con
EIccn room houac. full lot5 blockM
post oUlce , well Impruveu . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 000
07 house 5 rooms , large lot , well Improved
In southwest Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 see
103 Elc en room house , large barn , 7 lots , No.
I location , St. Marya a0000 . . . . . . . . . . . 12 000
111 house of 4 rooms , well Improved , near
7th and DougIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 600
126 Tvo h0U8C9 , 1 lGt on Dodge street , ho.
Proveflienis first-class. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o
: house 5 rooms on 230 btreet. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 500
r4 New house , t rooms , full lot , Ira north
Omaha. I 450
144 hlouae 3 roo1n , one.half lot , near street
carscaail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750
bO Four liousca , 4 to l2roonis each , corner
lot on on California street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 900
156 Three houses , 5 to 8 rooma each , corner
lot on St. Sfary't aenue , ectits for 0O.
' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lots. -
CLASS ( L. )
Lot near Farnam , bearing lrnit , grapes , et. . , $ 1 600
4 d' 4 lots , near park , $500 to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. lots on 17th strct , each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 800
' 17 or 18 Iota In west Omaha , $275 to. . . . . . . . 300
I LotaInweatOmnha20O50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
8 lot on Sfadfson ave. , facing eaatSOO to. . . 1 ooo
Lots In Lake's addition , from $400 to. . . . . . . . . 800
Lota In Lyman & Dwight's addition , prioca
to suit ) urcha.scn1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lot near 9th and Hickory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
Lot 66x142 feet cheap , Bancroft btrect. . . . . . . . 450
Choice lots In North Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
Acre Tracts ,
CLASS ( A ) .
One-half acre In North Omaha , very dealiable 850
One aore on Madison avenue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 000
Two acres , north Saunders , Ier acre. . . . . . . . 500
Two acres , Imjrov , opposite barracks
cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0500
One acre hi northwest Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800
Two acreon Farnam street , per acre. . . . . . . . 2 500
4 acres near hlasrall's Park , PCC acre. . . . . . . . 5 200
' 1'4 O acres on Cuming street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ten acres in $ outh Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
If you have city or .country property you wiel *
sold , send terms and full description and we will find
you a purchaser In a short time.
Business property , residence lrOpeItY , suburban
lmpcrty and farms for sale at all times at bargains.
City and county property for lease and exchange.
Rents ollected and houses for rent In all parts of the
dty. Itenting houses a specialty.
mon.tii sat
1lAS'FlGS , NED.
Capital , - - $250.000.
.lJtS. B. IIEAIITWELL , President.
A. I CLARKE , VIco.l'resident.
E. ti. WEh1STCItTreasurcr.
C. P. WEBSTER. Cashier.
Samuel Alexander , Oswald Oliver
A. I. Clarke , E. C. Ycbster ,
0.0. 11. Pratt , Jae. ii. Ifeartwoli ,
D. 51. McEihIinney.j
s First Mortgage Loans a Spooialtv
ThIs Company furnishes a Ierunent home lnstitu.
tion where school Bonds and oilier legally issued Mu.
nicipal Securities to Nebraska can be negotiated sn
the most favorable terms. Loans made ont raproved
arms In all well settled counties of the state through
espouMblo loc&l oorreepondenti. cv
. a1iOlla1 Bank
Capital , - - sioo,000.oo ,
C. W. HAMILTON , Pros't.
M. T. BARLOW , CaBhIor.
Accounta soficitod and kept Bub-
Ject to eight check.
Certlflcatoa of Dopoalt Is8uod pny-
able In 3 , 0 and 12 months , bearing
interest , or on demand without In-
Advanco8 made to cuatomora on
approved socurltloe at market rate
of Interest.
The Intoreats of Customers are
closolyguardod and every facility
' . 9'compatibie with prinolpies of
" , ( 5ound banking freely oxtondod.
' land , Scotland , and all parts of Europe -
rope ,
Soil European Passage Tickets.
Collections PromptI Made.
hn D. PeabodMTi
; OFFICIS ROOMS , 3 and 5 1507 FARNAJT ,
esSdeee , 171k Douglaa . . _ omoai ob
It71)IS AT I1ONG fllAOli.
\Vondcriifly 1)rcsicd % otiiig Mcii
4trIklitg Attitudes For Au.
COITOS1)0I1IeflCO Philadelphia 1'roeM.
LN ( lIltANcli , .1 1113' 2-TIio swnriiis
( If c1iulcs Iio llftvo iilVnlcl the Brancit
ultIring tizo 1)aSt. two weeks have ojiciteul
tlj ) flhlOW the discussion of the trim ulofilli.
tiflU of the worl. It has becit ono ( If
the chief topicil of cOlIvorsatiohI ruhlolig
thu young ladic8 nt the \Vest Bud , for it
lS ill that gru'at ca1Valisurni vhcrciii is
hltIlCl 80 iitticlt of the wealtit niul letulty )
of the laini that , one also iliuls the ultitlea
as thick as bocs lit a Ilceluive.
If the WOtil I)1JfIIis 1 % young nait jlOS.
sessed of tito trtie iulct : of the beautiful
iiitil ta8tcful in ultoss then it is not : u
(111(10 at Long BEIIICII. If h lucalls it
young inais with IIIOrO lIl0fl0 thait
1)1 ) fills , with it Ircjoltlcl'atiiIg ) toitdciioy
for thu rilidulous ( ( old abstint in dross ;
a yfluhig 111811 vIto posts himself iii every
CO1181)ICILOUH placu possible to be nuluiireul
l ) ' jtSSCr5.lly ; whose had manners 1(11(1
display of il1breediiig are 1)1117 eiuaIed
1)3' hIS importhicitco ; all this IS the
true ( klilttt'loht of the word "citnic , " theit
the Branch is full of tltoiii.
A curious bet which was Iuale by two
of these Now Yorkers oiie day this week ,
illustrates , as wull as possible , the ; , tiitt
which lout licen reached in dressing at the
l3ranclt. During thu afternoon concert
at , the \Vest Erni , the son of a wealthy
liaiikur ajijicared in a curious coinilina.
tioii of clothing which attracted attentioit
front everyone. Not to be outdone tu
this respect , ittiothter young follow iinhiic.
uliatoly rejlured ) to his room , inul shortly
afterwards emerged in ait cittirehy ulifrer.
( hIlt suit. The coat was aseal brown , with
large green collar triiitnted with braid full
tWO incites wide , witile thio trousers were
" dot"lnit the ' 'dots"
"jOlka ) , so large were
Unit they ittight easily be utistaken for
S4uticurs. 1IistppcnraflCe createdit general
latight atnoiig the People assciiibleul on the
vrniidahi , and ho iniligiiantly asked (1110 of
his friends to explain the cause of it. In
reply the young lUau ofibred to bet 5O
that he tbtrcd itot cuter the dining rooni
that oveiling ill such a dress. The bet
wits made , aiid , as it 80(111 became noised
about , everybody was looking for him
( luring time dinner hour.
The ( leers of the dining room had
harhly opened whmemi Ito niade his ajipear-
1(11CC , looking somewhat nervous audvery
sheepish , but iceverthteless dressed in the
same Suit. After gazing anxiously around
ttC ! room , u.s if trying to gather courage
for tile final effort , ho walked boldly
(1OWII tite roomim alll took his accustomed
seat in the iear. It was indeed a victory
over the crowd , and as lie walked from
the room two or three Ilcolhie aplauled
Horseback riding has suddenly lOconto
quite popular this season , and SitlllO
horses are in great ( lemnand. Most of the
equestrians , however , avoid Ocean aye-
11110 , Ofl ItCeoUlit of thd number of vehi-
cbs with whekht it is always crowded , and
take to time back country roads and that
along the shore below Elbcron. Between
7 and 8 o'clock in time morning is the
favorite hour , munti it is now no unusual
thing to see quito a itumnbor of young
ladies and gentlemen getting up an appe
tite in this imianner. Sonme very Imlul-
some riding habits are displayed by the
lalies , one of the prettiest being thia
wolit by Miss Ada Cowan , the daughter
of e.Alderiitaii Cowan , of ew York.
She is enthusiast in the sport , anmi is gen-
erahhy up with the stni to enjoy it.
During the month of August it is pro.
posed to hold here what is known as it
southern tournament , a ha ye knight of
oldo. The gentlemen who enter this
toitrnament will wear light armor , carry
spears , have the titles of count , duke , or
lord prefixd to thoiriat nanies , thd In
many other ways will endeavor to imitste
timbravo 'day&vhon ) Ivanhoe wielded a
lance. Every knight will be mounted
and will vcar solito distinguishing colors ,
whichwill also boadopted by the sweetheart -
heart or wife in tite audience. With
spear in hand a full score or more of
those warlike gcntiy will make a mad oii-
slaught tipo sundry large rings and endeavor -
deavor to impale them oii their spears.
This amorous winner will then have the
pleasure of crownihlg his wife or sweetheart -
heart the tueen of Love amid Beauty in
thio presendo of all time assembled maids
anlniatrons , eafter which there will be
music by time band. "
Detroit Free l'ress.
On Brady Street yesterday a boy about
thirteen years old stood outside time fence
and received a hatful of cherries from a
boy of nine or ton on the inside. There
was sonmothting so sweetly friendly aimd
charitable in the action that a pedestrian
crossed vor and said to the somali boy
after the big oitc had moved emi :
' 'Sonny , did you sell hint the cherries ? "
"No , sir. "
timeni of your own free will , cii ? "
"Yes , sir. "
"Well , ho lookslike a poor boy ivimo
can't ' buy fruit , and it was a nobio action
of yours. "
"Tlmt's what I think , too , sir. lie's
been licking IIIO all Summer , and- "
' 'Anti you 110111)Cd coals of fire on his
hteaul ? "
'N o , sir. I fixed to 11051) ft quart of
hinif-ripu cherries imitii his stomach and if
ito doesn't howl 1(11(1 twist and yell timid
tie up in hard knots before night , then
lie's too miteitit for tue colic to t1scklej Ho
is time third one I've paid off that way
timis week. "
Curious DtscoverleB by Cuntoma Officers.
Detroit Fros I'ress.
"Do you over have trouble in making
your searches ? "
Often. Sometimes our female assist.
ant , who examines sumijiocted women , has
regular pitched battles , and not infro.
quormtly is obliged to call in the liolji of
other woineli. You would be astonished
to see time articles which are smuggled.
Butter is a very common discovery , large
rolls of street , fresh butter being often
found in time petticoats of miiost innocent
1001(11mg old wommiemi ; bottles of ) momnc.mado
wines hare beemi discovered as portions
of goodly sized bustics ; while canimed
goods , quinine , mnorphine , opiummm , ititil
otimor drugs , bottles of brandy , laces ,
gloves , underwear for itiemi ammil wmmmon ,
silks and velvets , timid every sort of goods
arc ammiomig tIe list.
" " \\'liy are time discoycrics not pu1lishm.
"Partly because no good could come of
it and jmrtly because vo arc not retjimived
to tin so. "
thmerc as mtmch smnugghimmg of cloth.
ing as of old ? "
"I think miot. Yet the otimer tiny we
capturcul a very Iiimu-lookimig amid immteihi.
geimt yiiuiig lady , svhmo was 1110(10 tO ( Ii vest
herself of ii lot ofsilkssatinsand yoivets.
Site clalmmmed that time lot cost her about
$200. "
' " ' "
"d'bmo was sIte ?
"That we do imot know , and could not
find out. Time only satisfactioti time lady
would give was to toll us that hmo was aim
actress , and that site did not live at and
was a Stranger in Detroit , ama ) that she
bought time gools for her 110W stage
wardrolw liext Season. "
' 'Dlii you coimliscato time goods ? "
' 'Yes , but she settled imiatters by iay _
lug the dtmties anlcosts. "
Two freight trshm eamo to cohiiiomm In
lirazomi hlhii ctmt , i'rnm1vammhe , , rmutiroui. 'I he
elmnago ti' rolling stock nmmtl freight Is iOOOO ;
mmI lives luit ,
Time eot tot ILSaemliqett1 ) , of the 'I'ewksbmmry
immve4igatiomm is $18,600.
At 11:39 : last milghmt a larve fire wits repomiod
et 1'itctag , It. 1. Aiistnco wasP naked of
l'roviihoice. Several lwehhitIg were do.
Mtroyed. Time ihietmict Is lcyimmd time reach of
time force l'tmlmmPM f tlui imilhis ,
'l'lmo cholera Is shmlftimmg touarI , , time mntro ,
thickly iinmlatm1 quarters cii Cairo.
lanlci II. l'Imiihi , a v.ii kmmown ovangehit
of llostn , , troimbleti for soimin timmm with
hmI 1105(1 ( vomit sttmmstrokc , lmsmmged hmimmiseif 3 eS.
tcrla ) .
Cemierol Sir \\'illiamn l'emmwick Wlhhiaims , Is
( icahl.
Cold t'i7.OIi.
, lObldiT , .1 mily 2fl.-Over ( IIO humnired
1)Ol'SOiis ill attcmiulaiice itt a Ittwmm jmrty
Ilere last ovelmiimg vero imiulo surioimsiy ill
1I eatimig ice crualmi , time ilavoriimg which
is believed to Imave beemi poisoimous. None
( If time victimmms intro died , thought several
arc imi a critical contlitiomm.
Wreck of'l'iie Itob Itoy.
KAi4AS Cmrv , Jully 26-Tlmo Jotmrminl's
Booimsvihie , ( Mo. , ) sjmecimil s.i.'s , time ilob
Roy , a small packet boat jilying between
.leikrson City mmd Arrow Creek , was sunk
iii time ? ltissommri loire this evenimmg. The
water is sevemi feet over imer deck , ammil it
is thought time boat vihi be a t.ttl loss ,
Time boat , is loaded witim wheat , which is
imisurud. Loss imot Itssurt2timIed.
Seit'lmig i"Iitcliiites blmmgoul.
1311100 Im'oItT : , Cumin , , h Imi ) ' 21.-'lime ox-
temisive terks of time sewing iminehmimme
commmpamiy were mmearly destroyed by fire.
'I'ime buildimmgs destroyed occimi' three
sides of a 8ltmtle ( , were of brick amid four
stories bight. Time comimpany cmmmploy 400
Imamula amut were turnhmmg out : tbout 110
mimachummes per day. Loss omm buildimmgs ,
mmmachmimmery mmd stock about $ ? 50,000 ; imi-
stmramice 127fi,000. Time large live.story
lrick ojjosite , occimpied iii i1mtrt by time
machue eommmpamiy , was saved , also a part
of time fotmmmtlrv. 'I'hme fire was seen Imlaimi-
ly at New llavemm.
Time Leativillo Batik GIne.
LIA1vILLE : , , July 26.-TIme Bammk of
Leadville , Col. E. L. Cammipbehl president ,
assigned this Inornimig. Oilier Colorado
lianks , it is thmougimt , are not seriously af-
A New OIL I'le1t1.
Pzrrsmmuitv , July 26.-Oil aammd was
struck by a party of prospectors
iii Pimme Creek Valley , a few mmmiles north
of Pittsburg. Time drill is dowim to the
deidli sf 1,850 feet mmd the party is comi-
tilent that a new oil field him been dis.
covrcd. J. N. Htmkihl , a veterami Bradford -
ford prolucer , Imas leased a large quantity
of the land.
Thu' tloimtem-ey Outrage.
( ; .tLtMrox , 'fh hXts ( , .July 26.-Reliable
minces front Monterey say tlmat , follow-
big the recent outrage ott the Amnerican
consulate , two attemnlts were mmmdc by a
mob to force an entrance into time ofhice
at night , bmmt were frtmstratcd by bolts
amid bars inside.
A School Uomt1 In Court.
Bo1tnENrowN , N. J. , July 26.-TIme
public school board of Burimigton ] , N. J. ,
is cited to appear before time suprelno
cotmrt on November 1 , to show cause why
a writ of mandamus should not be issued
compelling thetis t , grant permits to time
colored huldremm of 4ev. Mr. . Pierce for
admission t4) time Public schools.
heavy Rebate.
KIN0STO , July 26.-A Kingston mner-
chant has obtained frommm time United
States governmncnt a relate of $ lfl,000
unjust taxes whmiclm lie paid upon pressed
hay imnportcd into the United States.
Possible Wcatlmo.
\VAsIIINOT0N , July 27 , 1. a. mii.-For
the Mississippi valley : partly cloudy
wcatimer and local rains , variable winds ,
stationary and rising barometer lower
For time Missouri valley : partly cloudy
weather , local rains , stationary or rising
temmiperaturo , wimids mmmostly mmortlmerly ,
statlonary or rising barometer.
Ioiva Imismmrammco Commmpnnies.
DES MoINEs , Juiy 26.-Imm time case of
time Home Mutual Life Insurance comnpa.
fly , of Burlington , and the Security Mu.
tual , of Des moimmcs , time petition of time
plaintifFs for a mandamus to compel time
state auditor to reissue certificates of
authority to do busimiess , which were
Imeretofore revoked , was refused. y time
court. Time opimlion takes time ground
tlmat time present law was fratnd before
time existemmce of co-operative life imisur.
alice companies in the state , and does
imot providefor their recognition by time
Friend Crops.
FIIIENn , Nob. , July 26.-Harvest is
being' pushed ahead with all vigor , nmmd
will be completed next week. One of
time finest crops over gatimered ut timis pamt
of Nebraska is a reward for their sumim-
iner's work. The fine rain now failimmg
will place corn beyond time possibility of
a famimmro amid every one wears a iJrmlmt ?
face and fecisricimer timami timoy ( lid ( ltlrlmmg
timoso dry sultry ( lays which gave ovideimee
of time simnoon from time soutim , Farimiers
in Sahimmo county only ask for prices this
. A California I'ool ,
DzNvslu , Jmmly 26.-It is learned On
time best authority that a coimferommee of
railroad managers is being Imoid in time
city , time OljCCt of which is time forum.
tion of a pooh oim Califorumia business.
Time roads represented are tIme Union Pa-
clime , Doumvcr & Rio ( irammde , Central Pa.
cific , Soutimerum Pacific , imicludimmg time hue
lntel' cammipletod to El Paso , It is cant ? .
demmtmaliy 011)eCte(1 timat time , eel vll bo
formmied , tijioim whmuitbasis is not known.
Money Plenty at Chicago ,
Chicago New , .
'l'hmu 11311(111mg Chicago iaimkers imow wsy
that tmummoy was scarcely over so plenty
or bammlers ever before so omsy ; as they
are itt present jim time city of Clmicauo.
'rho trouble with lenders Imow is to
iirojicr amid safe emnpioymmmemmt for thmuh
stirphmis ( minds. As a coimsequmenec , rates
( if immterest flTC mimmmisumthly lev. At time
ih mmuo time , cajiitaiimtts appear to lIe re-
luetamit to mmimike lmig loamms , One m'casomm
for this mummy be that they teim' : tium calls
for fmumds to move time em'ojs tlmis fail will
be umumsimally hmotis , amid tima this mII
cause thu moumoy ummarket to be more
strimmgemmt and nmommey to ho lii better ( Ic.
manual at hmigimer rates of interest , For
time juesent , Imowover , time pletimora of
money is imaving a tendency to restore
mercantile and .
oven mnaumufiictural eon.
fidenco , icsides creating time feeling tiiitt
the depression of time Ilastlewmontimswihl
n0si k0 ? dace td lrorO olastho himsjness ,
coinlitlons in consequence of time revival
of eomit'mdemmco ,
itAiIi1tpATi ; Arvi1ts.
Tim lliflhf.JOIND POOL.
Nr.s Yon , July 26.--Thmo , Ioimmt Ex.
ecutive Coimuimittee of time trunk lutes , to.
( III ) ' aWftrdel ( Ih1l'eremttlal fares oil tmrst
class mhi SC miger lmtisiness over time mmeu
Baltimnoro & 01mb' , via Now I ork Commtrttl
or Erie ammtl ( irtumul trunk Immmes , commimec
Limmg at Niajara Falls. Time nato Imctl is
$18.60. 1)mll'eremmtials wore also , fmxcd
betweemm Btitltlo amid Chicago , Cmmmcmnmmati
and fL Lommis. At tue request of tlmo
Iaake 1rioVosteni road time regular
( liflerontial fares westward fromit ililirahI
were awnrlcl to this line after co"sitler.
alle oppositiomi Oil time Part til' the trunk
himmes. It. t as decided to estal'hmsh ' arumle
hereafter seCmlIl ( class passetigers ho rc
strieted to simmokimmg c.trs ftnl imt l , af.
forded time salmme facilities as first class
Imlilnans SWn1t AWAY I1Y LOt-IS.
Dnrnotr , Jtmly 26.-Time calaimilty
timrcatommeil at ( irnmmd 1apmds thte iast tWO
or three days took jmhtico timis mimormmiimg ,
Ait imnmucimse jalmm of logs , oxtemmdmmmg up
Ornmmd river for mumiles , has bceii lodged
agaiumst time briie of time Detroit &
Gramul llavea railroad , near thmis city.
Time liridgo succmmmbed to time tremimendous
lids nftenmoomm , amid vcmmt dovmm
with time crasim. Time brmdgo of time
( iramid Ilapids Indiana amid Chicago &
West Micimigaim followed smut. 1iiiioums
of feet. of logs imave gommo ( lowmm time river ,
aimul rill almmnist curtaimily sweep every-
thmiimg before timommi ammd go into Lake
lttichmigami. If timis proves trtmt' , a large
tublitiommal mmtmmmibor of logs will 1o eaariel (
omit at Graimd liavemi , as vell as all the
bridges thmere. Time tmltimmmate losses , it is
feared , viil reach mmmany hiuimdred timomm.
sand ( lohiars. Time calaimmity is unprece-
( lefltel 1mm exteimt.
( : oSti'ETITION rommimbu.
S.t FiIANUISCO , .11113' 26.-lmm view of
time possible comupetitiomi for ovoriammd
freigimt , it is stated this ovemimmg time Ceim-
tral l'acilIc imits decided to erect a large
warehouse timid oflices in time inmaimmess
ccmmtro of time city for tIme COmmVeliiClmce of
mercimamits. It is rumored thu Nortimermm
l'acific Imas jnmrcimasol a large jiece of
roummd in thms city , paying $276,000 , amid
15 going to build largo offices.
\YAsillnaixN , July 26.-By virtue of
time authority conferred by law imou time
secretary of time treasury , notice ms hereby -
by girds that time bondH imeroimmafter immdi.
cated will be accepted for surrender amid
oxcimammgo iimto 3 Per CcItt bonds ; that tIme
; mrnmcija1 amiti accrued imitorest of bommds
Imercimi below ( lesigmmated will be iiaid at
time tmcasury of time United States in time
city of 'Wmtsimimmgtomi on time first day of
Noveniber , 1883 ; that immtercst on said
bommds will cease on timat day , viz : All
registered bonds of time acts of .Jumly 14 ,
1870 , mmd .Jmumuary 20 , 1871 , comitimmimed
durimmg time imlcasuroof the governmmment
under time termims of circular No. 52 ,
dated May 12 , 1881 , to bear interest
torest at time rate of 3 per ceimtmmni
pcr ammmiumim , from August 12 , 1881 , amid
which constitute time residime of those is.
StiCl under the act of Jmmly 14 , 1870 , aimd
Jnnuary 20 , 1871 , knowmi its contimmued
S's aini which have imed hieretoforo been
called or which intro imed becim oliimrcd for
surrender amid exchange into 3 per ccmittmmmi
bonds of time act of July 12 , 1882. TIme
bonds emmibraced in this circimlar mire timoso
last dated and numubered as required by
sectiomi : of time act of .July 12 , 1870 , and
imiciudes those wlmich hmave becmm issued on
transfers simice time 120ti call was issued.
Time three niomitims itmtorcst due Novemubor
1 , 1883 , on above described bonds , will
imot be paid by clmocks forwarded to holders.
of bonds , but vill be paid with primicipal
to time holders at tietimmie of presentation.
Any of time bomids enmbraccd in this call
wilibe rcdecmmmcd , prior to thmeir maturity ,
upoim jresuiitntioui to timis departuient , in.
terest being paiti to date of mmcii redemup.
tiomm. Bommds forwarded for redeemmmjmtion
simould be addressed to time "Secretary of
time Treasury , Divisibmm of Loans , etc. ,
Wasimiimgtoum , D. C. " All bonds called by
this circular should be assigned to time
secretary of time treasury for redemption.
CIIAitLmss J. F0LmEll ;
Time amount of bonds eumbraced in the
above call is about $31,000,000 ,
is expected to return to Washington
Satmirday night and leave witimimi aday or
two to attemni time opemiimmg of time Louisi.
alma exposition , August first. Secretary
Fohgor vili accompany time presidential
party to Louisville mind Clmicago , wimertu
lie will leave to visit Minmmesota on private -
vato busitmess.
A Thirteen-Year-Old 6 rJ Compelled
to Marry a Ciminamaum.
Citmclnmiatl Commercial , July 25.
Mrs. Elizabeth Kast , a widow fromim
Louisville , with her timirtoen-year.ohd
daughter Lihlie , 1mm bcomm bonrdiimg since
time 5th of last July at Eichmemilaub's
boarding-imouse , No. 32 McFarland street.
Time womnan cammio imere for time purpose of
buyimmg or cstabhisiiitmg a laundry , but ,
not finding time outlook proinisimmg , sime
concluded to go baclc to Fails City ,
wimero simo 1usd been engaged in time laumm-
dry bmtaiimoss with a Cimimmaimumn called Sam
Kec , as jartmicr. ) Yesterday site prepared
to leave time city , but found a stumtmbhimmg-
block in time way by time refusal
of imer daughter to go back with
her. Thiromits were of imo avail , and Mrs.
Kast svemmt to police imeadqunrtcrs for as-
aistamice. Officer Smaliwood was detailed
to bring time young girl to time chief's
office , and after she arrived amm investiga.
tioit of time immattor unearthed a peculiar
story , or nutimer stories , for there wore
two of timemo , Thu girlisaid. sime would
not go to Louisville with lmer mncmtimcr for
time reason timid. 1mm July last site wan corn-
jmehlcd by her to marry Sam leo , time
Cimineso laummdryrnoim , Who was Imer mtmothm.
or's partumer. Sue said timuit sue imad umot
lived with time Chlilmamnhmlm itt itli , but her
umotimer imad forced her to time marriage
because ime immul limomoy. ' .L'lmmj iuimmmatural
tnatclm ivas oleiimmiizcd jim Jelfersommviile ,
lrmd. , vim time .hl of ltmst.Jimiy , Time girl , who
1mm immmusmmnhiy doveloctl , j1mymmicaily , for ammo
of her ycimrs , is evmdemmtiy a very shmrtiwl
little party. 3frs. Kmnit says that Samim
ICco was her liturtimer in the lnulllry iusi. ,
11055 , omm time corner of Fifth amid Orceim
streets , Lommisyitlo , :111(1 ( wimmie 1mm timat co.
pac'mty YOII time zmlleetitmms of imermhatmgimter
Liihio , amid limo immtimnaey between time two
reacimemi simcim a point thrit her mmd her mumm
thmommgimt it hiest thud time girl mmd time Ciii.
Imammitim 810)01(1 ( iiilimiY , it. 5.ft5 time soim's
stmggcttiomm that time imair shmomulml he iiujti.
rated immmimm diatoi' mmftyr time ceroimiommy.
'rimis wits domme ; ' 1 Imey were untirried mm
July 23 , amid Mrs icast says sime immimu.
diatoly took imer dtumgimtor away froirm time
aitnommd oyedImusbammd armd brought imer to
this city.
The girl c1aimmm timat hem- story is time
stntigimt one , and ; iisitivuhy refuses to go
home wIth bier mother , Slum said , Jmow.
Over , llmtit if tier br4hor wotmhl cotmio for
hior sue Wmthld ( ) with imimu. She Insists
that imot mimlhmer v1tlmts imer to go back to
time Cimlimmumman , wimicim she refuses to do ,
Simo particimiarly demurs timat of
her mmmotlmor's statement , that reflects omm
imor chastity. A telegram was semmtto her
lrothmcr yestenla , mmd Imo viii lrbalmh
arrive frotum lanimsvihle to take imor 1ac
( IIIAI1A NATIOA1. DANK , 110051 ix' ' .
'I Now Houses , 7 rooms mcii. ecliare , cistern ,
L 511(1 out all eniipleto full lgt , whim oak
, daIo , trees ; ihehr Letcnwuttli sUeti-a rice ciiante
Hou son , In gotsi eoetItkn , , full lot ; rents for
isle jeer month ; , 5)Oi bmilea , location on 16th
it reet-a , , , ( ( ,
H ouso and Lot ( n' N. 13th 8trct , 12,800.
C ) Now Cottages , cistern , . well , ( hut houses ,
L sul , all lii first (1R , ( , pler : fill lot iii , mivi
stiieit , tree. : gtatl loeatlomnear , Leavenworth street
H ouse and Lotoncalhforniastreet , $3,000.
11 Good Houos , 8 rooms cad , , ct ( ) , all eel , .
L veleees , , , In Nt' . 1 chil1ItloI , ; rent for $55 ler
itiotith ; hear St. 3lary' . Atciiue ageod investuieni-
H ouso and Lot In South Oniaha. $1,200.
Uotol In South Omaha , near U. I' . le1it ;
Ii a gottI Oi'lhoTtthlmhty for t lie right iii , , , to itiako
money-easy tcrmis14,750. .
Ijouso and Lot 1th ban , , in Kominte' , addi.
Ii tie , , , $1,400.
tIne Realdonco and 7 Lotsonst. Mary' .
F Aeitme-a , itumutIfhmI iotime-lbuoo.
2 Housosand let on CalIforila , street , 62,800.
I 2 Lots in a body ii , lianseon , l'iace , fine Inca.
tioiitear , street ran , ; t'aay teriii67,2t10. .
3 Lots in ll. V. Siiitls attlition , earl , tOOt ) .
2 Lots lii South omaha in Wiioot' Addition-
mctii 6750.
5 Lots In Siiint , , addition , all for $1,800.
Dosidonco Lot floor Leaewortl , St. , coeraI
II olti , f1o , , oak anti haItt tmcc-mnaku olftr.
3 Lots In ilanscomim l'laee , cad , $750 ,
4) Lots fronting oim iiansocm i'nrk , beautiful bus.
L ( lou for reidcimeo ; easy termna-$2,000.
5) Whole Blocks on Cumings street , musks
I ) oiler ,
flesidonoe Lot oim ( icorgia Ave. , nicely locatoI
II near street ears , In J , I. ItedlCk'sAddition.i,2fiO
3 Lots in ( flack's addition , each $1,300 to $1,500.
Acre Lot on California St. , near Arademy of the
II Sacred Heart ; would emit ui , Into 1(1 city lots-
iliako offer.
'I Acre Lots cotitalnlng a vniuablo sand bank ,
L Inside thu city liiiiite-$2,500.
I ) Acres ni,1 , good house in South Omaha. A bar.
mJ gatii , * 25(10. (
I fl Acres near Fair Iiroimnds , well aLaitut for
I U ganlenbig or nursery ; will ettall ida-mo
G oed Businoas Lots on Principal Streets.
I rn Acre Farm ii flougbasoounty. six nille.
I U U front railroad ; well Iniproved ; two story house
orcIardbari itu LI out liouscall mnplctc ; thrice $4,500
,2400 ctmh , balance mit 8 iwr cent.
( fl' ) Acre Farm six nmiios from Orimaha ; 620
I hs ) l'er acre.
I' ) ' fl Acre Farm l0niicsfrom Onmalia : house
0 I U antlotlier Iinhirovcnhcnti-l2.5o , icr acre.
I ffl Acre Farm in lfamiitoi county ; good
I UU liiiprovemncntii , hioue , well , sheds , &c. ; easy
eruis-$12.5 ( ) rer sOtO.
inti : Acre Stock Farm iii flamiiton
I U J J County , cii Platte river ; good range ;
teriime-L5O icr acre.
C I fl Acre Stock Farm in Mteiison cominty ,
Ug + u near railroad ; excellent huid. good outside
rango-$5.50 per acre.
I /n Acre Stock Farm in Sherman county ;
I4LIU good landwith iiice strchmifl of water running
through it ; tsido rangc-$0iko. ,
tnn nnn Acres ofcheapstocklandein quman
I U U1 U U U titles tosuit , in Kansas and Nebraska.
320 acre farm iii Kearney county , $6 per acre.
160 acre farni ium Furmias county. AU valley band , B
nmllcs from county seat , 61,000.
MIS acre farmim in Franklin county , 2 miles from
railroad , $ T meracrc.orle fifth rash , , balance oti time.
200 acre farns in Iltmtler county , S mites front rail.
road , $ m2.bOper acre.
Improved fan , , , and Ranches In almost crury coun.
ty in the , tate at the lowest figures.
YOUNG CA'FFLE told on contract to supply
x 0 1"sT Li D : L'J 1 ID
oil iteal Estate Security ,
llouos , torcs , all Offlccs to Rent ,
( 'nh at oflico ajiul uxummiirie full list of jrop.rty
fur cole.
OnaIa , National Bank , Room 20
United States Depository.
First Naioli Batik
---OF OMAHA- .
Cor. 13th and Farnam 5th.
The Oldest Banking Establishment
in Onwha ,
Orgamilsed iii 1858 ,
, Orgntmized aim a National Bank in 1863.
CAI'ITitLi - - . . . $200,000
ifrawse lCousTzs , i'resldent. S P
, 'OIhs ' A , Cgr.muiuros , Vice I'reeidont.
Acoesrue Ifousres , Id Vice l'gcident. !
A J. l'oiCLSTOS.
p. II , DLYII , Oa.shier.
tv. U. Mr.omumaa , Asttstant cashier.
Trauucocts a general banking business. leuce tune
certifIcates tearing Interest. llraw. drafts or , Sam ,
Francisco au't lhrlrhcpab titles In time United Stabs. .
Aiei bondon Uumiiui % , i5iIibimrhi and thu erlzuciiab
tii4 ( if thus . ntineuut iif lmmrojwu.
aa.x..xtr.xs. .
S. E. Cop. hirnain and Tenth Sis ,
sin Call or cool
For om , stmuetioi , of mumanholos.
S llAl.b1) 1'hIi'O8A1 , Vh1.b bill ItECii'II : nv
i the mimidersigrual until 12 o'clock muooum of Monday
Augumsi 6Pm 1551 ( or tim onstrumetiumm of m&aniolem. . ( ( I
tiw Vsrismg wysthiim of soseragu iii aecortiaumec sitim
timne ami CPoiflratiomu4 Oim Ills In the ofiku of tlu
hoard of 1'ubilu Works.
Ititis to ho aooomnpaiied by the signatures ot pro.
l''std uretie Whihi iii the event of the awarding of
thu contract "iii enter irto , hurmd with , thu thy of
( Jnmah , Ii , as iuiay ho deslgmmed by tin , 551(1
boaril fur thu faithful jerfonnaimcu Of th contract.
'lime Ike.rd mf I'ublto % Vorke reserve the rights ,
cci amit orail bid. JAMES CIIEIOIITIN ,
J824 2ew.Sw t7mmn. l50ard of Public Vork ,
'nh :
Visitrs can hero fiuiul mmhi'jtime novelties
1(1Cm ( ! .tNI ) STYLISII .tnVELltV ,
TimoLntest , , Most Artistie&nd Choicest
Seiectiomms ut
ANt ) ALL 1)ESC1t111IONS of. :
AT AS 1A % ' l'ltlCES
4s is commmpatilmlo with imommorable dealers ,
Call amid see our elegant mmow store ,
Tower Btmildiimg ,
A large stock always emi imabid.
PiallO & Oraus
Out of time mnatmy imimmuired mmmanufac-
turers of timis 11mm of gmds , we lay claha
tO reprcsolmtnig time lcad'mmig makers , and
calm simoiv a mmumre commmpletc and larger line
(11 Piamios ala ! Orgaims tutu can be found
111 mimic ONE Iloimso hi time west , Oar
NINI LEADERS are time following well-
kmmowmm amid celebrated instrumemmts.
\\rtm want everybody desiring a l'mano
or Organ to call or write 14) us for imifor-
mnatirn , mumd GEl' I'OSTED. We camt sell
yo.C time best ilmstrummIemit made for the
least imimmey , if you will give us a trial
anti want to imily. All we ask is to show
yotl , tel we kmniw we eamm satisfy everybody
frommiour Nine Leaders , which are rsBog'
lliT.Cl hm3. timose 1tsted , , as the best mnade.
Seimd or CathtlhITtme aiidjirice list
Cop , lit/i & Farnam Sis. , Omaha.
'i'.is lIoumr Is mumnuis at Salem , Riclian1simm Cor , Nebraska. mu , the (7oiumliluuout Itoller Static System. We
gho UXCI.llSlVh sale ci mu Ibour to one flriui itm mm riaco. We hate opened mm bnumch at lOIS Copttol avenue
Omnabu , . t'rito for b'ricee. Adclree either
] 1J'rx tt , 1wxEa-- : .
muut9nu&e.Om Salem or Omaha , Meb.
Invitesitlie attenioim of the 1itmblic to lii' . .
Large and Well Selected Stock
Embracing a/i the Late Patterns in everything in th ,
Carpet Line ,
a1liuis 011 Cloths aild iudo Shades1
: cD-t-tcx3 : :
! J. : . PWIII. ,
1313 Farnam Street , - - - Omaha , Neb ,
Wa F' . PII
These Stoves took the vromium at the New York Stats Fair in 1582 , where they were put on actual tr1a '
exjuerienoed juuiges , Inuomniustitiorm with leading Eastern Brands whIch are far superior to ill
Western SWyc , , luslueCiSIly In quality of Iron , FIneUakIng ami ecenomy iii all kinds of fuel
ZI11dATft1e !
521 South Tenth Street.
11. 8 , FIS//BLATT ,
Physiciati & Siiroou
( iSlets over the Omaha Netionol Hank.
Special attemulls , , given to diseases of the throat .
reid l.ummgs. OtSes hours 9 to 1 * a. mu. ; 2 to 4 and to
it P. m. Ian 5 eod t
Limber , Sash , Doors , Bliuds , Shiu1es , Lath
CutU anti Get my Prices before buying e1sewhere Yards , corner 9L'
aud Douglas. Also ' 7th antI DougIw. , °
t %
4- - - - - - _ _