Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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, . . THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA , FRIDAY , JULY 2' , 1883. ,
hb ,4rebraska National Bank
4 OF OMAhA , NEll.
I Paid tip Caljttai - - - s'25OOOO
, \ 8Urplu8FundMay 11883 15sOU4'
S ft. JOhNSON , Fred.nt , of Stee'e ' , Johnon & Ce
V A. F. TOU7ALtN , Yko PteIdent of Ikdon.
y. , MORSE , ofY. . 1' . Morn & Co.
JoaN B. COLTAN8 , of U It. & J. S. COflIM.
J. M. WOOLWOIt'flfCounselor rind Attorney fit W.
L. S. ItEED , of flyron Reed & Co.
v. YATES , CMhkr1 fomany jeara Cuhtar of the
. J First Nitlonil flank of Ornha. .
ThIs Dnk opened for Fusincee April 2Z 18S2.
3 dlrectore end stockhofder ire emoiig the toed.
bu.qlnees of Omaha , end Ita buMnese La conducted
epecII reference to the beit e.nd Increacing In
of ftc mercanttle petrone.
Cot1ectIon recele prompt attention end charge ,
obtalnetIe here or elsewhere.
Interest llowcd on time upon fai'orablo
enl upon eceount , of bonke and beekers.
Foreign Echenge , ( ioyornrncnt l3ond , end County.
' 1 City ccuritIc , bought end oltI.
J. w Rodefer , Broker ,
Stocks , flnnds , Commerciel Paper end nil other
0(1 securitIes tlclt In
, ' Itown 4 , Nc. . t3 lcarl St. , Council fliulT , , Ia
t , - - - - - -
Niv Yoni. .1t113
Money-Eaay at 2 cent.
IYrlino Mercantlin Pnlor-5iM ) Ier ccitt.
, ] ' bills
' Sterltng chaiigo-13ankcrs' uteady
. $4.83 ; deitiand , $1.87 ,
c ; overinnents stronger.
Stocks oltoited strong niiit ftttVLUlCOLl to 1
.ti4 per cent. better in Rock lslitnd. Sonto sIiare
however were inclitied to bi weak , particularly
Denver , \Vnliasli preferred , nut ! Louisville &
Naslivillo.Vestern Unloit strong , rose to
'I so. During the afternoon a weaker feelitig
prevailed , but after 2:30 : p. in. Detsver etold Up
' 1 to 38k , the highest 1)Ottlt of the tIa' , vIttoh
if trengtIicned speculatioiis soiiievltat. Later
' I ; a (1mw va3 IIiatIO against Trunk lutes ,
t ! which declined from to 1. ' per ccitt. and
. other active StOCkS fell off to 1)Cr ) cent. The
t day's transaction resulted In a fractional ad.
.nnco for sotito shares and a slight , ledline in
J couIos.
3's 103
Nc 5's 111
4'8 Coupons 112k
S 48 118
t Pifie O'a of ' 93
, . American ] xires 80
' BurL , Cedar itapids & Northern 82
Central Pacific 71
Chicago & Alton 133
do do pfd 140
Chi. , Burl. & Quincy. . . . 123k
: Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
do phi , asked. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
: Fort Wayne &Chicago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Hannibal & St. Joseph . . . . . . . . .
do do do 1)fd. . . . . . . . . . .
Illinois Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
lad. , Bloom. & Western. . . . . . . . . . . . i27.
r Ksiisa.'t & Texas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . . . . . . . . 117.
! dichigan Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87.
1ioui Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Northern Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49.f
. do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Northvestcrii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
ew York Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Ohio & Mississi1,1i. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 09
Peoria , Decatur & Evansville. . . . . . . . 17
ilock Is and. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
St. Paul & Milwaukee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
do do do Pfd. . . . . . . . . . . 118
, p.- . ( Paul , Minn. & Manitoba. . . . . . . . 107
1 Paul & Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144i
If do do Pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
, I Union Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93.1
LI Wabash , St. L. & l'aciiio. . . . . . . . . . . . 25
F do do do Pfd. . . . . . . . . 39
is . Western Union Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . . 80
I Asked.
0' \
\ _ CIIIC&O O.
' \ S ChicAno , July 2G.-Flour-Improved , do.
inand firmer not quotably higher and regular.
I Wheat-Unsettled and lower ; 1 O1@101 ,
for July ; 1 02.1@1 02 for August ; 1 O4@104
for September ; 1 O51 05 for October ;
1 0G@1 OG for November ; 1 01@101 for
the year ; No. 2 spring , 101f1 01 ; o. 3
spring , 86c No. 2 red winter , 1 07.
Coru-lfnsettled , generally lower , opened
Active , closed dull ; 52c cash and July ; 51c
@ 52c for August ; 51j51c for September ;
51@511c for October ; 46(40c ( for the year.
Oats-Good demand , options easier ; 33
for cash ; 33@34c for July ; 29e for August ;
27d@27c for September ; 27c for October ;
27c for the year.
tyo-Firm , at STe.
Barloy--.Qiiiet ; 76c bid for September.
FIa Seed-Quiet and unchanged at 1 32.
Tiinothy.-Iiiact1vo ; good to prililo 1 50Q
1 55.
Pork-Unsettled , closed lower ; 12 27@12 30
for October ; 12 80@12 85 for the year.
Lard-Fair deiuniid , unsettled and lower ;
900 cash for , Jttly atiti August ; 907t ) 10 for
September ; 9 10 for October ; 8 55@8 57 for
the year.
Bulk Meats-Fairdemand ; shoulders , 650 ;
tltort ribs 7 80 ; short clear 8 10.
] Jutter-Unchangetl.
I Ergs -Fair doinaiitl at ific.
Cheese-Tratlu good , market firm ; choice
full creams , clietidars , 09jc ; full creams ,
. flats , 0 ( > tIc ; ( sir to good , cheddars and flats ,
45J5c ; hard skitnA , 2'1c.
1liles-Fairdelnanl amleteady ; green salt ,
dainoged , 64c ; green. salt , cured , light , 8.1c ;
green salt , cured , heavy , 8.1 . ; greeti salt , calf ,
12.c ; dry salted , lie ; dry altod , calf , i5J
1 t , tallow-No. 1 , 7c ; No. 2 , Cc ; cake , 7.1c.
T. . r - t
Niw Yong July 26.-Wheat-Cash @a
and options io lower ; closing steady ; jut.
graded red , i071 17 ; steamer No. 2 rod
112 ; No. 2 red I l4 f , o. b ; ; 1 17@J1 17.1 In
elevator ; 1 l0delIvered ,
Corn-Caslu lots furni and options @lC
lowercloslng ; with a reaction of A@c ; un
graded , r@a2c ; No. 2 , 63.1@03c.
Oats-Steady ; mixed western , 40l3c ;
white l4(53c. (
Jggs-Wost.crn fresh , deraand fair and
' firni at 212'2c.
Pork-Quiet AUtI firm ; new mess , 15 001
16 12k.
Lard-Weak ; lurtine stonnu , 9 20@0 32.
Butter-1)ull and unchanged ,
4 KANSAI3 Ciry , .July 26.-Wlteat-Iligluer ;
: No 2 rout fall , S6$9c for cuodu ,
Corut-lilgitor ; 39.139c forcash ; 38jc lid
forAugust ; 300 bItt for September.
Oats-Lower ; 221u for cash ; No options.
LivEIwooL , July 26.-Breadetulls-Firmor ,
- \ \ 'lueatlitter , &QJs Sd ; spring , 8s 7d ©
1s 21.
Corn-5s Sd.
] 3AITI fOUE , July 2U.WhcatWcstern
irro'ular ; closing lower ; No.12 winter rod , cash
and'July 1 i5@1 1.1.
Corui-W'estern lighter and inactive ; mixed ,
' cash , , 60G0c.
'r ' Oats-Lower ; western whIte , 43@IlSc ;
, \ mixed , 40@43c.
CIICISNAT : , .Tidy 20.-Whoat-Actiyo antI
firm ; cash1 1 071 08.
( Corn-l'irmner at 51(5lo.
T Oats-Firiuuor at 3Si36C ,
Bye-Steady and uuucIauugcd.
L ' l'ork-iull auitl nominal At 15 50 ,
Lartl-1asler at 8 65.
, Bulk Meats-Easier.
t Whisky-Steady t 1 13.
MILWAUKfE , July 25.-Wheat-Dull at
1 0l fur cash ; 1 oig for August ; 1 04 for
.Septembor ; 1 06 October.
Cui-lIighier ; No. 2. 52&c.
Oats-Lower ; No. 2 33c.
itye-Firmer No.
iiarloy-ItUtCtive and lower ; o. 2 , 73c bid ,
t. & _ _ _ _
naw onLs.
Niw ORI.TIAN , .Ttuly 26-Corn-Easier ;
mixed antI white , 60@6c.
Oab.s-lltgherat 4850.
Corn Meal-In fair ( lenuond and easier at
2 752 80.
l'ork-In good ulemustul and lower rut 15 00
Larul-Lowort tlerce , DcI keg , 0e.
hulk Moats-Scarce antI firma ,
rEonlA rnonvc.
PgonIA , July 26.
Corn-lirni ; high mixed , t'0 50 ; No. 2
inixoil 4819.
Outts-lirmt No. 2 whIte , 35c for April.
Whisky-Steady at 1 15.
Sr. Louis , .Tuly 26.
\'hoat-1'alr1y active antI lower ; No. 2 red
sold straight dowii ( rout 1 0 to 1 01h fist
cash ; I 05 i 05 for July ; 1 00@1 05 for
( .orn-liiglier ; slow at 47c cash : 4T5c for
July ; 4Tc@48Ac for AugueL 40o for SeittetU :
Oats-Lower at 20@30C cash ; 29c for July ;
2Sc for August ; 2Ic for the year.
Totgno , Tiuly 26.-\Vhtcat (1(211 ( , firm ; No ,
2 red winter , cash 1 lOfijIl 12.
Corn-Easier ; No. 2 , cash 53c bid ,
Oat.s-Iuhl ; i'iO , 2 , August , 3IJc bid.
ltyo-Quiot' now , SOSj.58c.
Butter-Iull ; westerut packed , S@ ific ,
croatutery , 1S@23c.
i-steutay . : , l0Sj1Tc.
\ lucky-Quiet at 1 1Ii. .
1CMsAM Cirv , July 2C-Cnttlo-Steatly ;
No 'l'exnuIM iTttretl and ituotatlotis unchanged.
Ilogis-Iligher at S 25@5 40.
Sheep-Slow ; uiatives , 2 25@3 3.
ChicAno , July 26.-The Drovers' , Tournal
rCiOrt8 )
hogs-Strong and active at 510o hui'her ;
mixed , S 20Q5 65 ; hoary , 5 6056 00 ; light ,
5 75 ? fl 30 ; skips , 8 tocr , oo.
Cattle-Choice , firm ; loan atiul rough , tiuill :
exports 5 iJO@6 25 ; good to choice sluippitug
stee , ti GOSjti 85 ; common to ituediuni , 4 tO.
cr 30 ; canning and butchering , slow ; iuufo.
nor to fair cows and mixed , 2 5O@3 2 ;
utiedluuui to good , 3 505J4 (30 ( ; stockers , 3 lOSij.
3 20 ; feeders , 4 O0@S 00.
Slieep---1)ull at 2OJ4Oc ( lower ; inferior to
fairs @ ' 75 ; unetlitini to good , 4 O05J4 25 ;
choice to extra , 4 505j4 00.
Sr. Loutus . and
, July2O.-Cattlo-Quict uu
changed ; exports , 3 75O 00 ; good to choice
steers , 5 O@5 65 ; coutituloul to fair , 4 756'j520 ;
butcher's steers , 1 50@ : 00 ; good cows
hieifore1 4 0Ol ISO' cominnon , 3 50@3 715 ; good
grass ' 1 exalts 1111(1 Itulians , 4 00@.l 50 ; comnuuton
3 0@3 75.
Shoeji-Steady ; mnediniut to good , 3 0O4 00 ;
1)111110 to choice , 4 lO@4 50.
CHICAGO , July 26.-Receipts amid ahiipmouit.'s
of flour and grain for thu past 24 hours have
boon a.s follows :
Receipts. Ship'ts.
Flour , bids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,060 9.000
Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 23,000 44,000
Ccrn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 178,000 249,000
Oats , bmushucls. . . . . . . . . . . . 08,000 116,000
Eye , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,000 2,000
Barley , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000
NEW Youug , July 26.-Receipts and ship.
inents of flour and grain for the past 24 hours
have beeui as follows :
ileceipte Ship'ts ,
Flour , bbls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 6,000 33,000
Corn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 107,000 10,000
Oats bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 59,000 1,000
RANSAS CiTY .Tuly 26.-ll ceipts amid ship
ntoTitS of graiii br thu list 24 hoot's have been
as follows :
Receipts. Ship'ts.
Wheat busliols. . . . . . . . . . 23,000 25,000
Corn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 11,000 22,000
Cnctoo July 20.-Receipts and shipments
of live stocic for the pt 24 hours have been ts
follows :
Receipts. Ship'ts.
Hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,500 . . . .
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,000 . . . .
Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 . . . .
Sr. Louis , July 26.-Receipts and ship.
meats of live stock for the 1)ast 24 hours have
been as follows :
Receipts , Shi1i'ts.
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,100 1,400
llogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Slieojt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700 3,000
KANSAS CITY , July 26.-Receipts and ship.
monte of live stock for the Past 24 hours have
been as follows :
ROCeiItS , Ship'ts.
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 . . . .
Hogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,800 . . . .
Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600 , . . .
Wholesale Prices.
OmycE OF l'iie OSIAIIA BEE ,
Thurssday Evotuing , July 26.
We continue to quote the prices of
grain as they js'ere at thio com
mnenconient of the tehegraphi operators
strike , as prices are unsettled nuid
5hillCV ) do not care to give accurate quota'
WItr.Ar-Cash No. 2 , 84c ; No. 3 , COc ; ro
lecteti .l5c.
BtuuIEr-Casht No , 2 , 45c ; No. 3 , 30c.
1tv-Cashu , 4Oc.
CohN-Mixed , 38c.
Live Stock.
FAr STEERS-Unchanged at 4 005 00.
FAT Cows-3 25fj3 75.
lloos-4 50@4 75.
SIIFEi'-Steady : at 3 0@4 00.
CALvKM-Fairquality 6 OOQ6 50 ; good butch.
ore' stock , 7 00.
Curcd Meats.
1LMs-Quiot and unchanged at I 1 @ 12c.
BACON-Uhudhaiigod at llldJl2o ,
SiIouaiEits-Duihl at 77cf
Ditixo J3EEiUuichnngodwe ; quote at lie.
LAR1)-At 'JlOc in tierces.
TALLOw-Firm at 6@7o iii barrels.
Poi1tryjaiutlFishi ,
Sruuo : CuICKENS-Smnahl , dull and umn
chamuged at 1 25@2 00 ; large , quiet at 3 00 ;
01(1 lower at 3 7564 00.
* 111Th : Fisti-Undhanged at 0lOc , ; pike
and lake trout the saute.
General l'roduco
Bous-Uuuchuauugetl at 14lflc.
BUTTEt-1)uhl : auth unchuangeil ; common to
good , 7@lOc ; choice dairy , 145d6 ; sjtcut , light
colored grass , 1213 ; cookiuig , 7c.
( lIuEtN 1'EtH-Steuuly at $1 00.
( lluEN : JIEANII-$2 i0@2 25 ,
i'OTATOEA-NOW quiet and market vell .tup.
lulled at 30l0o per ha ,
OioNs-QnIet at $1 S06J5 00 lCr bbl.
NEw dozen.
] loNay-Califormuia , lit comb , per pound , 20
6j21e ; straineil , l0@l2c.
CIIeEHo-Quiot and utuchauuged. We quote
'l'eaIATOES-l'lenty at 1 00 per box ,
Gu'ctuut J"ruits.
1iLUIiEituulE415i8c Pc quart.
] iIACKIIEIIIIII3-25c er quart.
LE1oNs-Stoady and higher a 6 00f8 00
11cr box.
CInutluIis-12@lSc per sjuart.
OIIASOI4-Cahiforuuia higher at 1 CI0@5 00
jer box.
1'SACIIKH-2 t10 ier box.
OALiiouut : J'LIJMti-In good demnauuil at
2 505j,2 75 pci. box ,
( JAuEoltNIA Ai'uicors-Starco ; at 2 75 In 20
lb boxes.
IIANANAtI-Unchauuged ; ier hunch , 2 00 ®
.AiiLlOt-4 &oir5 00 ior libl ,
CAL : YOEtNIA ilAItflA'r l'zAws-Umichtangotl
at 3 O0Q3 25 uter box ,
Flout' amid I1lListmmtre ,
- WIITEIt W'HEAT-Best quality , fvatent , at
325 3tiO ,
Sfcorn QUALITT-3 00@3 25 ,
Srnnu Wnx.r-Bcst quality , patent , itt
SEcoNI QVALITT-2 t'03 50.
lIlIAN-Per ton , 11 00.
Ciioi'rmm Fxxn-Pot D lbs. 1 00.
Con MEAI.-1 00ll 10 ler cwt.
SCIIF.ENINU-60@G5C i'r cwt ,
Grocers 1iIt.
CAWNEu GooIs-Oysters ( Stamidarol ) , ie
case , 8 7O3 1)0 ) ; strawberrIes , 2 11 , , Pt Case ,
2 10 ; raspberries , 2 II , per case , 3 50 ; llartlett
lr case , 2 40 ; j'hortloberriuus , case ,
9 75 ; t'gg ldtumns , 2 Its Per c.ise , 2 90 ; groeti
gages , 9 it , , : er case , 2 Ud ; do choice , 8 tb , per
CAst , , 4 50' 1)11W ) aqdes , 2 ib , case , 4 Oo ®
S 71 ; ; lmeaetes , 2 lb , ease , 3 00 ; lo 3 Ili , i'er
case , 4 04 ( ) 0 ; tb ( pie ) , 3 lb , i' case , 2 60 ;
do tile , 6 It' , ler dozeut , 2 30 ,
ilicE-LotlIsiatmis i'ruuo to choke , 78c ;
fair , 77 : I'itt inn 6c.
l"isiI-No , I nuacerel , half hrls. , 7 00 ; No.
I mackerel , kits , 1 00 ; family mackerel , half
bris. , S 25 ; faintly mackerel kits , 85c ; No , 1
whitt tishu , half IrIs. , 7 00 ; o. 1 kits 1 05.
Svtiui'-Stausharil Coin , , 3.'c , 1)015 ; tamudard
II , , , 4 gallon kegs 1 S' ; Standard do , 4 gallon
kegs , 1 00.
boi-1ui It , lalUrs , 3 30 Iser case ; keg soda ,
Ntw : Pucgm.r.s--\Iethiuummm , In barrels , 0 50 ; di ,
in half isarrels , 3 70 ; small in barrels , 7 40 ; d ,
in luahi hiarrols , S 42therktis ; , , in barrels , 8 40 ;
tltt lit luaU barrels , .1 tO.
'I'eAS- . ( tIttt ) % tier , good , .I55'.j ; choice ( " 0
( ThISe ; gimoil lmuupcrial , 405f43c ; choice , 60@tiSe ;
' 'umung I 1 ) tifl , good , 80cts0c : elioice ,
0.'CJ ( I 00 ; .1 sIsal ) , natural leuui , 8.c ; .1 uq aui ,
choke , 0fju7so ) ( ; ( Johomug , good , 855ij IOc ; Oo ouig ,
choke , iOS5e ( ; Sinuehiouug , gooti , 3.i,1Oe ( ;
choice , 3@,4o.
ifOi'C-Si'sal itueht tiiitl latjjer , iOe , iuuchu ,
lic 4 iticlu , ilL. .
\ XIEjVAtICTjto lunop 1nils , 1 75 ;
three htitoim ld1 2 00. ! l'tul s , No. h , 8 t'O ; 1io
tucer : , 185 ; Double Crown , 9 90 ;
\Vellbuckets , 3 50.
LUAu-lIar , 1 ( iS.
So.i't-J'1rk's Savon 1nperial : , 3 45 ; 1'irk's
satimuet , 3 60 ; Kirk's statimlard , 8 75 ; Kirk's
vhuitu Ibissisut , 5 25 ; Nirk' , eutoca , 2 15 ;
Kirk's l'raiulu Quecuu , (100 ( cakes , ) .lOc ; Kirk's
muuiiuioBn , dOZ.
1torttti1ciiits.lj'iiI cans , 4 case , In case ,
3 85 ; Babbitts , ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 90 ; Au htor
ball , 2 ( IOZ. iii culso , 1 50.
PEANUTh-ltOa.Mted , choice , red Tennessee ,
12c per ib ; ftiuoy white , i2opcrlbrnw-white
Virginia , raw ile ; roasted , 13c
CNiLLS.-.Jlsnu3s , 'ID lbs lOs , 15c ; Sum , 15c ;
lOxes 40 lIes , 16 ox. , Os , ] 5c.
IIIATCI1ES-l'cr caddie , 6c ; mound , cases ,
S 70 ; siltuaro cases , 3 .10. :
CoI'Em.s-Ortlimmiry : gruttles , 39c ; fair 10 ©
10.c ; good 1O@11e ; puiuue , 12@J12c' chuoice
i313c ; Iuuicy greeti until yellow , 14cJl5c ; 1)111
governmncuit J twa , 2O@2t'c ; Levering's roasted ,
11c ; Arbucklo's roasted , 14 'c ; McLaughlin's
xxx.x roasted , 1Ic ; imuuitation Java , 10 ©
ViiaAlm-Now : York apple 16c ; Ohio ap'
1)10 , iSe.
SLT-1Jray loads , per bbl , 1 'irs ; Ashton , in
sacks , 3 50 ; bIts tlaury 00 , Ss , 3 50.
Sutits-l'ovdered , lOAc ; cut loaf , 10c ;
granulated , tc ) ; confectioners' it , Ojc ; Stand.
ard extra C , Sgc ; extra 0 , 8c ; uuuediuin yel'
low , 8lc ; dark yellow , 7c.
STAIICII-l'enrl , 4c ; Silver Gloss , Do ; Corn
Starthi , tIc ; Excelsior Gloss 74c ; Corn , 8c.
Si'ueas-1'epper , lVc ; ahisitico , 15c ; cloves
25c ; cassia , iSe.
ChEESE-Full cream , lie ,
Lyg-Amnericami 3 4 ; Greenwich , 3 40 ;
Western , 2 75 ; Iorthi Star , 2 00 ; Lewie' lye
4 65 ; Jowell lye , 2 75.
lry Goods.
BuowN CorroNit-Athantic A 8c ; Apple
ton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; hoot Fl' 8c ,
Buckeye Lid , 4.4 , 7c ; Cabot 'tV , 7c ; chitto.
amigo A 6c Greatl"allsE 8c ; 1irnsier,6c ;
liouuesbidtfusc ; Indian lIeaslA,8c ; indian
Standard A Sc ; Indian Orchard , uh. w. , 6c ! ;
Lawrence LL , 6.c ; Mystic Itiver , 7c ; l'equot
A , 8ie ; Utica C , 5cVachiusutt ; 33 , 7c ; do
A , Sic do B 48 , 12c.
FiE ButowN Corross-Ahlentlalo 4-1 7c ,
Alligator 3.4 , 3c ; Argyle 4.4 , 7c ; Atlantic
1414 , 6c Badger State X 4.4 , Oie ; Bennington
C 4-I , tijc ; Buckeye S 4.4 , 6c ; indian Orchard
9-8 , 8c ; Laconia 0 39 , 8c ; Leluighi B 4.4
Oic ; l'eppercll N 30 , Tc ; do 0 32 , 7c { ; do it
30 , 7c ; do B 39 , 8c ; l'ocasset 0 4.4 , 7c ;
Wanusutta 4.4 , 13c.
BLEAChED Corross-Androscoggin L 4-i
9.c ; Blackstone AAiuitperitil Sic ; do do hual
bleached 4.4 Uc ; Cabot 4.4 , 8'c ; Filolity 4.4.
9c ; Fruit o the LoQifi , tJjc ; do cunubrio 4-4 ,
12.1 doVater Twist , 1Oc ; Great Falls Q , Oc :
Intlian Head shrunk 4.4 , 12c ; Loiutdulo , bc ;
0 cambric 37. 12.c ; New York Mills , 12c ;
Pequot A , lOc ; l'epperel , N G Twill , 1c ;
Pocahiontas 4.4 , 9c l'ocasset 5.4 , 8 ; Utica ,
lic ; Wamsutta 0 X , 12c. ?
DUCKS ( Coloreui-Albany , ) B brown , Sc ; do
a , drab lie ; do . .X striites and vlaids , 12 i.2c ;
do xx.k brown and drab , striics and plaids ,
12 1.2c ; Arlington fancy , ilk ; Brunswick
brown , 8 1.2c ; Chariot fancy , 12 1.2c ; do cx-
tra heavy , 20c ; Fall RivoF brown , extra heavy ,
11 1.2c ; Indiana A brown , b3c ; Neponset A
brown , t5c ,
TucuclNos-Anuoskeag A C A32 , 19c ; do XX
blue 32 18 1.2c ; Arrowanna , 9 1-2c ; Claro.
mont IIB 15 1.20 ; Conestoga , extra , 17 b.2c ;
Hamniltoa 1 , ii 1.2c ; Lejviston A 30 , lSc ; Mm
nehalia 4.4 , 20c ; Omega , super extra 4-4 , 28c ;
Pearl River 32 , 10 l.4c ; Piutunini XX blue
stripe , Lie ; Shctnckut S , 10 1.2c ; do SS , 12c ;
Ycomnaui's blue 29 , Oc.
DENIMS-Amnuskeng. blue and brown,1fl 1.2c ;
Andover DD blue , 15 i.2c ; Arlington X blue
Scotch , b8 1.2c Couucord 000 , blue amid
browuu , 12 1.2c ; tf ) AAA , do do , 13 1.2 ; do
xx to ito do , 14 1.2c ; llnymnakor's blue and
browut 9 b.2c ; Mystic liiverDJstripe , 161.20 ;
l'earl Iliver , blue nail brown , 16c ; Uuucasvihle ,
blue amid brown , 14 1.2c.
Otuuuuucs-Bazitnrd , SAc ; Eddystouue lining ,
21 inch tlnublo fiuo , 8ct'utrner ; Aglazed , 5c ;
sanhtattan glove finisit , & .c ; Nowpwrt do. 5c ;
do glazed , 5c ! ; Pequot do , Sc ; Lockttood kid
finish , Ge.
Coutsmr : .TL'.tNs-Amulory , Antrmscoggin ]
sattceui , 8c. Ciatendon 0c ; Couuotogga sat.
teemis. 7.fe ; IIahlowehl , 8c ; Indian Orchard , 7c ;
Nutrrtgauisott , lutupunvoil , 8c ; ] 'opperill sat.
tech , 'Jc ; Juckport { , lie ,
l'iIINTt-AhleuiH , 0c ; Amnercan , 6c ; Arujobl ,
flc ; Berwick , 4'c ' ; CChl000 , 6 ; Couuostoga , 6c :
1)ankirkc. . liututiell , G4J7c ; Eddystone , 7" ;
( I loucester , 6c' harmony , 5c ; } nickerbockcu ,
6c ; lorrimnno 1) , 7c ; Mystic , 5e ; Spraguos ,
0.e ; Souuthubntlgo , lie ; do Ginghams , 7c ; I\larl.
bow , hc ; Oriental , Gc.
GINGIIASS-Ammuoskcag Ole ; Argyle , b0c ;
Atlantic , 8c ; Cummulierhuutl , 7c ; Ilighiand , 7c ;
lCeuuihvouthi , 0e ; l'lunktt , 'Jc ; Sussex , Sc.
Cor'uONu ) Es-Ahbervlllo ) , iie ; Agate , 20c ;
American , lie ; Artisian , 21k ; Cairo 1) and ' 1' ,
13c ; Clarion D cmiii T , 17c ; Docaut Co.
etumpee D and Tbile' Keystone , l3jc ; Nutut
tuckot , lOc' Nonpareil , bOc ; Ocean I. ) nuud T ,
13c ; lioyaf , i0c' Sussex , 12c ; 'rioga , Wachuu.
sett ehtiutiuug cheers , 12c ; thu Nankin 12cs
York , 1'ltiiui Nankiu , , 12c ; do chocks , tripes
ami fancy , 12c ; do 8 OZ , 20c.
SIiEiriNns-Androscoggin 10.4 27c ; do
04 , 23c' sb 3 4 , 32c : ( . .ouitinental 0 42. lie ;
] "ruit o ? the Loouut l04 ; 27c ; New York in lie
98. 35c ; do 78 , 30c ; ti 58 , 221e ; l'omuuhroko
10.4 , 25e ; l'e1tuot 10.4 , 28c ; do 74 , lUc ; do 49 ,
joe ; 1'eupeaell 96 , 29e ; do 67 , 21c ; do " 7 , iSv' ;
Utica 90 , 34k ; do 58 , 22c ; (10 48 , lTc ,
Duu.'os ANI ) CIIKIIICAI.S-/tchI , Carbolic , 45c ;
Aciil 'l'artnrrn , 55c ; Bahama Copabla , per Ib ,
70c ; hark , Smusafrais , u' Ib , 12c ; Calomnel jer
II , , 75c ; Cinohionidia , ver ox , l 05 ; Cluloun.
form , thou' ll ) 85e ; ] ) over'e Powders , per ib ,
' 1 25 ; EIHSWII Stilts , POt II ) , 31c ; Glycerine
lOire , l'i' Itt , 80cr Lead , Acetate , ier ib , 22c ;
Oil , Castor. No. 1. ter gal , 81 35 , I1 , Castor ,
No , 3 per gal. $1 20 ; Oil , Olive , imergal. 1m1 50 ;
Oil ; ( rugutmutuiu , SOc ; Ojduuu , $5 1)0 ; Qutiutluto , J ) ,
& \IT. stud It. & S. icr ( ) Z , $1 1)0 ) ; l'otasslum ,
loihiulo , ver Ib , SI ( iS ; ilahleitu ir or , lOc ;
Suuhihu ate of ? tlnrphuiuuo , PCi UZ , i3 7ti ; Stuhithur
hour , PCi Ib , 'Jo ; Stryehtuuizuu , icr oz , $1 2t ,
l'aiuits , Oils aunt Vuim'uilshues.
Oir.sil0c carbon , jer gallon i2c ; 150
hicailhighit , iter gallotu , lic ; 175 luwolhighut ,
ler gallon , i9c ; 15tJc water white , 18c ; liii.
seoul , raw , tier gallon , SOc ; lluiseod , boiled , ier
ahlon , SOc ; hard , winter str'd , lcr guillotu , SSc ;
, lo , I 75c ; ii. 2 , 7r ; castor , , \.XX per gal
lout , 1 35 No , 3 , 1 20 ; sweet , tier aIlon 85c ;
sperm B , , per gallon , b flU ; fish VJ , ii. ,
per gallon , ( iSo ; noatsmootextra , her gailon , Doe ;
No. 1 , 75c : ; lubricating , zero , iior gallon , 80e ;
summer , 15c ; gohilun machine , No , 1 , tier gal.
Ittum , 35c ; No. 2 , 30c ; tvnuu , sigmual , per gallon ,
SOc ; turpuntijie , iser gallon , fitic ; naptha , 74 ,
1)01' galhm , Pie ; ( jJ , ire
I'AlNTh IN Omu-\Vblto load , Omaha P. P. ,
Gc ; white lead , St. Louis pure , file ; Marseilles
green , 1 to 5 lb eamie , 2 c ; } 'renchi zluic green
seal , 12c ; French zinc , teil seal , lie ; irouucli
attic , In varnish tuist , 20c ; Fienchi zinc , In oil
aset , lSc ; raw and burnt umaber , 1 lb cauts , be ;
raw and burnt Sienna , 1o ; vandyke browmm
13c ; refined imuruphiack , 12o ; couch black , am !
ivory black , ICc ; drop black , iGo ; l'rnssiaui
blue , 30c ; ultramarittu blue , lSc ; dhrouno green
14. lii. & 1) , IGe ; blind amid hmutter green , J ,
M , & 1) , , 100 ; Pmuis green , ISo ; luidlaut red ,
ltc ; Venetian roil Oc ; Tuscan rel , 2'2c Amncr1.
can Vermailbon I. & P. 18c ; churome yellow ,
L , M. , 0. & 1) . 0. , 1fe ; yehiow oel'ure , Pc ;
golden cebro , 160 , Patnt dryer , 8c ; ralning
colors. light oak , ilark oak , walnut , cnitumut
antI ash , l5c.
White 1CM ) , Sc ; French zinc , lOc ; t'arie
whiting 2c ; w'hiitiumg giblets , fle : whiting
coni'l 14c ; lamnpblack , Ucnumamitocmm , 14c ;
latnjtlmlae , ordinary , IDe ; l'uimssiaui blue , te ;
uliramnarino , iSe ; vuindyko , brown , Sc ; tmnber : ,
burnt , c ; timber , raw 4c ; isiennut , huuruit , 4e ;
sleummm , raw , 4c ; I'ar green , getuuituo 2t'c ;
I'arls green , ComInofl 200 ; chronic gr ,
20c ; chrome it. , 12c ; verinllhiomm , 1uug. ,
Toe ; verunitlAmerIcatm , iSo ; Indlamm roil ,
IDe ; rise isink , 1401 Venetian roil , Cokmsoss ,
2c ; Veutotlaut rod , Atuericati 1c' red leash ,
7c ; chromno ychlow , geutulno , 30c' ; climate yel.
how , K. , 12c'ocluro , roeholle 3eochre ; , F'rettcht ,
21c ; ochyc , American , 2cS'Iuutor's ; unlumeral ,
2c ; lelmigh brown , 2o ; Simanishi brown , 2e ;
I'rlncn's muitmerat , 3c.
VtolsIiEs-hinrrel per gallon : } 'urni.
ture , extra , St 10 ; fnrutlt.ure , No. I , $1 ; coach ,
extra , $1 40' coach , No. I , $1 20 ; 'iamnar ,
extra , $1 : , , TOcnstdialttmmm ; : , extra , stic ;
shellac , $3 ISO ; hard oil tiutisui , $1 50.
Oak sob , SSc to 42c : lmnhock : solo2c to 35c ;
lucflhhlCk kia , 80c to 1 00 ; rununer ( 'iSe to SOt' ;
htOImuht.Ck call , 8.'Sc ' to I 20 ; lmemnlock tipper , 23o
hi 'tic ; oak upper 24c ; alligator 1 00 to 5 1,0' ,
calf kiul , 32@85 ; dreiseui kiti , 2 to 2 75 ; oak
ku , , SOc to 1 00 : smtk calf , 1 20 to 1. 30 ; 1remtehi
ki1t , 1 10 to 1 55 ; French calf , I 25 to 2 00 ; rue.
aCts , tstsOto 7 50 ; hlmuimigs , 000 tolO tiOl to1i.
1IiIIR ' I ) ( it ) to 10 1,0 ; II. I . . ilnnceo , 3te to 3.'e ;
pel'll'e 0 , 1) , ? tlortcco , : lSc ; siuuiomi , 2 t'0 to 8 00 , 1 star oahc , 42c ; No 2 sIn ,
$ ltem No. 1 OhIo oak , 88cm No. 2 tIn , SSc ; No ,
1 : ililwtitikeo , 37c ; No. 2 do , 8k.
mm nsbeu' .
WflOu.EsAtm' ,
\Vo , note hiumnb&'r lath until shiuugle.e on cams
at Ouuulut at the following irices :
,1oit AN1) Setri.iu-1i ( It , nail under
2200 ; 18 It , 23 1.0.
' 1'uMmumms-l6 feet antI tumutler , 22 00.
TuMmuuut : ANI ) , lotsr-l8 it , 23 50 ; 20 ft , 231.0 ;
22 It , 241 50 ; 2 1 It , 26 1.0 ,
iieia-No. 1 , 4 alit1 6 in. , 21 00 ; No. 2 ,
2'J 00.
Sitiimuu-No. : : 1 (2d ( colmimnoim boards ) , 20 00 ;
No. 2 , 1800.
IAMu-i'er : barrel , 1 25 ; bulk per bushel' 33c ;
cement , html , 2 25 ; iuisui plaiter , libl , 2 tiO ; balm'
tor bsm. SOc ; 'l'uuTcd felt , 100 Its , 8 50 ; straw
1 earl , 8 50.
heavy 1I1uiu'e List.
Iromi , rates , 2 flO ; mdow stool special cast , To'
crucible , Sc ; slecinf or Get moan , Ge ; east tool
do , 15@20vttgoum ; spokes , set , 2 1i3 00 ; hubs
lIce set , 1 25 ; felInes , sawed dry , I .10 ; tongues ,
eutchm , 705783e ; nxl , each , TSe ; sqmmumm'o mutute per
Il , , TSijllc ; washers , POt 11i 85618c ; rivets , per
Ib , I ic ; cull chain , per Iii , 12c ; mmialle.ible , tic ;
ii'oui vedges , lie ; crowbars , lie : luirrow teeth ,
4c ; spring teI , 7@8c ; ilmunleut'sliorsehuoesS , 25 ;
Burulen's muamlesitoes 6 25.
ilAumuEn viuug-fui car lots , Ole Per 100.
NAII.s-ltntes , 10 to 00 , 8 : .
Snot-Shunt , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; , .riental
l)0e(1er , kegs , 6 40 ; tb , , half kegs , 3 48 ; ito. ,
ltuuirtor kegs , 1 88 ; blasting , kegs , 3 35 ; fuse ,
P ° " 100 feet , SOc.
C0AL-Cumnberlamul blackantithu 12 00 ; Mor.
rhe run illossbum'g , 12 \Vluitsreast ; lutuip ,
4 \Vhitcbm'east ; nut , 4 (10 ; Iowa luimup , 4 00 ;
Iowa nut , 4 00 ; 111)0k Spring , 7 00 ; Atutlira-
cites , ii 50@12 00 ; Cammomi City , 7 00 , per tuit.
horses nn(1 Mules.
Extra draft horses , 175@225 ; conunomi : draft
horses , 100150 ; extra ( anti Iiorse , ilO@1'25 ;
COuijmulOil to good farm horses , UO@lOO ; extra
pltlg5 , 60@75 ; coinmnon LtltmI , 20@40. , 1255.1150 : good , 100140 ;
fair , 75b00 ; common , 30@75.
' "ALeouoL-1S8 : 1not , 3 2bltcr wiutm' gallium ;
extra California spirits , 188 proof , 1 25 icr
proof gallon ; triple re.tlistihied ) 187 piof ,
1 23 vet proof gallon ; . svhikies ,
1 OOC1 50 ; fimme ulended , 1 5O5J2 Si ) ; Rout.
timely bouurbomts , 2 O0@7 00 ; Kentucky timid
l'euuusylvania rycs , 2 005J7 (10.
BuiNnu s-buuported , 6 005j16 00 ; dounestic ,
b 40i 00.
Giss-Imnportod , 4 50S6 00 ; slour.c.tic , 1 40
3 00.
IIUMS-Inhlrnrtwl , 4 ro@o 00 ; NewEuiglaud ,
2 O0@4 00 ; domestic , 1 5OS3 50.
1'utcii ANus Ai'i'ax BuANnv-1 75tJ4 00.
CIIASIrAUNES-lmnported l' " case , 28 00 ©
34 00 ; Aiueinauu , p' case , 12 O016 00.
Merino unvashicd , 11 'lit , 145J16c ; heavy ,
13@115c ; muodimumn uunvumsiied , light , 18@20c ;
washed , choice , :12c : ; faiu' , SOe ; tub antI washed ,
28c ; burry , black amid cotted wool , 21 less.
FINE Cur-Coniunoum , 20@SOc ; good , 45@
60c ; Rose Leaf , TOe ; Prenuiuun1 6.5e ; Diamond
Crown , SSc ; Sweet Sixteen , 47c.
Sauoxiso-O. S. , 20c ; Muskovy , 25c ; Dur.
laim , 8 oz. , SOc ; Durham , .4 oz. 52c ; Durham ,
2 oz. , SSc ; Seal if North Carolina , 8 oz. , 44c ;
Seal of North Carsihiuma , 4 ox , , dOe ; Seal of
North Carolina , 2 ox. , 48c ; 0. K. Durhamn , 4
suE. , 28e ; 0. K. Dmmrhiair , 2 oz. , 30c ; Uncle
Ned , .1's ' 24c ; Tout amid Jeru'v , 23c.
Pauo 'Toui.cco-Cliuuiax , IOc' Bullion , SOc ;
horseshoe , 48c Star 48e ; Itutidy , 44c ; 11cr-
soy's , 48c ; Iilac ! ( , 38J40e.
Paoi'uurrotts Uxiox EEvAToas A. * xD II.
receivers and ,0mlitiier of gralim , OmaluaNelu. , Also buy
unit ecu gralu , nni'I ir0V1510115 ) on marglmuslui New York ,
ChIcago ! , Iisatukeu , St. Louis mumd Toledo. Special
tilegraphie faciiltie tim 0111cc. tIarkct rei'orte reedy.
ed i's cry fifteouu uuiIiittc , i Iildm we yfl furnIsh bit ap.
hIlmtiOit , together is Ith our sieclul dreular , Iridicat.
lug the teniloncy of the mn.irkets. 0111cc corner of
Douglas mid 13th street. EstalIIslucd , 1870.
_ _ _ _
_ in itI.Z. L ci
. . ( , ' ' ; . tr I , . , , , ( ' . ' f ,
. .
. ,
- I 5.t iILi. t ii ) I
Ip8- . tcs'ati , i ' ' ij , J.ti5
- ( E CV .1 'i ' . js 'I , , iIIiiiii. 'hA- , , ) ) .
' . . . te Zmiii'.jt , ii , ,
' ) c \ , I. . 191'IJ 5)1. ) , 'tCt5iIi .r :
. I I
ii vrv
, - . " liii . , ; , , , I IlL' . taule
ii u i , m , , .III Iii
c-- ' ' 0 , , tiot
' tub Litejuic , 'Ii ,
P1 Eti L I . , ) ) ' , tO , hur. nil tI :
' 5 , , iihi h' iil it. I , ) . , It I. fur
I lii' i F s'i j tic , ) , . , , . .
oriIreiti , zisI , . , , , .i , it.u math , , , , iluuIti''s ! IiiI ( titer
Fjectrtu lie ) ) Co. ) fit it' , , , .li'i' . , I ) )
113 ONl0F TilE
Hundreds Are Suffering
wiTh ir wiles riley CAN liP.
I tilli guarauuteo to cure the
Worst Case of' Catarrh !
In 'i'niti : MONT1D ,
Or Rofun the Money !
7hi , unoulidno is IOOI for emily the one tiieeaeu. hly
ceusulitugitie $2.00 i still scud the uiucdlcbuu irelnid
by exIcd or iiaU. ,
Cured for so Small a Sum ,
U , F. ilES'ELL
Care of box 46 , thuuaia ) , keb.
thudor the care of the l'resbytorian Ii sued of iu.
Ireeka. liegirte Setitcuober 10th. dauieat and
Heluultific courses with preparatory dcpartunout ; also ,
Mu.ical anti Art Ierartuiwuut , iI Opwm to both sexes.
TulOoti low. LeeaIon teautlfuland healthful. Univ
iiisu utile , trout Ouuah& oil Uuv H. & M , it. it. AJ.
dcesifor circular , , meuot' . W. J , HOLiMAN belle.
vu , , Net , JylSd.eud w&ew2m
RailwayTimo Table5
U. P. Ii , U. . tAlN LlNI.
L5&VL .eiIfttmtI
I'sttfl F.xprrse. lVO : % p am Atlentlo Exprt'as O a mm'
" oetrn IapreM : 8t'O : un Eastern EmI'fts. , 3:30m : at
Urend Isleed i'ais 4t : , at (1. Islend i'i..see It 90 a at
Lisayli. ARR1VL
Lincoln E . . . .12So ; ma I tinrotn Es . , ,12:5 : p in
1)UMIII' ) TIhdtS-flhiIDUE 1)1 VISION ,
lmummny train. lease Omaha ee follows : 8o : am ,
9:00 : a in , 10:00 : 1 mtm , 11:00 : a mn,2OO : o mnS:00p : mu , 400
p mc , 5) P in 6:00 : p in. , 1010 1' . ifl.
Iummniy tralute lease Coutioti liliEs eq fOlIcc.t S:2 :
a nmD:28 : a am , 10:2 : e in , % I:2. : a ft5 l:2 : m , 2as ;
p ma , 3:2. : ' . ; m in 4:2.S : P iti , 52. p mn,0t.Opmn. : 1Ols : ) Pat
8onl-The ntimmy tretn leave tntithu at thOO ,
11:0) a am ; 20O ; , 4:0 : , ) 5:00 : , 6at ) and ltLI m' mit.
1eycq Coimnell Imimiti. , a ) 9:2t : and iIb : a in , 2:25 : ,
4:25 : , 5:25 : and 6tO : ant 1020 mm ma.
trAys osatta. lisavN ( 'OSJSCIL PLCYTS.
Puss. No , 2..7:55 : 5 in Pass. No. P. . 7:25 : a at
'I No. 10 . . , . .5' .15 to " No. If. . . . . 1tt : a itt
5s , 4..5tfls : am " No , 8 . .11:20 : a ma
l'ass. No , . . . . . . . : " No , I. . . 7:35pm :
.5 Nt'.6.,0iSaimm
' : .1
8IOUX & I'ACIl'IO-IEi'OT ) N. 13th Street ,
1eme Onmalia for O'Neill ia St. l'aul lIne
ft Imisir. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mu
Amrimo fromum Neiih . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I , mu
C , , it. & St. I' . It. 11.-U. 1' . IEI'oT.
LEtymi ,
bait& E . . . . . .7:45a : in leil& Et..7:2.3 :
AtlatiticE.3:10 : , as I'acifl 1'i . . . . . . .0:45 : a me
ISali ) ' leiiy ,
, , Il-U. V.
nit'oi. :
Omnelta..7:45 : a at Onmatue..11:30 : ii in
5 , 3:40 : p mu , ' . . . . . . . . . 1:20 : it
C , , fl , & Q It. 11.-U. P. IEI'OV.
' . . . . . . . . . . . . : a in . . . . . . . . . : ii it ,
} ' ' . . . . . . . . to ' . . . . . . . . . . : ' i' mm
N. 'V. IRI'ruse : heasceCetummeil Iiltmfts mit 3:17 : i' 11)1
'I Ii arrives SI S 8fl : a nut
Stuutileyn , , tflimuda time.
C , , IL I. i : 1' . Ii. iL-U. P DEi'tT. )
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , a tmm : ' . . . . . . . . . : a ma
. . . . . . . . . : m' mm . . . . . . . . . . . . : ) p in
C , .t N. V. II. IL-U. 1' . IEI'or.
' . . . . . . . . . . . . : , . . . . . . . . . :
Iircre. : . . . . . . . .3:40 : Ii tit lId. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i ,
'Suiuda3s ueeitel , 'SuiuiIais'ited.
S. C. & I' . It. IL-U. I' , 1)18'OT ,
81.011 . . . . . . . . . . .0(5) ( ) ii flm ' . . . . . . . . . ) : us in
. . . . . . . . ( : ) i' tm Smut . . . . . . . . . . .7.0 p sum
tSuiIlas eice1tel ,
Dl1'OT N. i51II ST.
No. 2..S : ( ) a tim No. I . . . . . . . . . . 4:50 : p mu
No. 4 ic:45 : P iii No. . . . . . . . . . . . : a ma
Sumilal excepted ,
, , r , .joi s ; C. ii. It. IL-li. & 31 1)EI'OT.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : a tum ' . . . . . . . . . : a at
. . . . . . . . . p ma Itali..0:1.0 : m in
11. & 11. IN NEDI1ASKA.
Dcuiver Express. . .8:15 : ii alt Atlantic. . . . . . 6SOIm : mum
I'acltlc Express. .0:35 : i' ' mm , bruiser Exruss.a:40 : : a at
" ' . ' . ' . " ' -
P3"'AuiRiVE. t'.311I1' muuuttr. Iir"-21-t
Express..050 ii em ixprass..7:23 : : v at
. . . . . . . . . . . . : p in Mall..5 a mu
Trattis leaving at 7:25 : , in amid arrim 11mg at 0:50 : a in
III lame I'ulIuiinum slecicue. , , , , , i fl
OpenIng and Clostng of l1la11i , .
If. , " . . ftO7E Oi'EX.'CL0sE.
a. , , ) , e.uIt. I.nm.
ChIcago & Northwestern..Iioo : 0:00 : 5:30 : 2:40 :
clmIcugo , hock iIauil& I'aeiflc.iiOs : ) 0:00 : 3:30 : 2:40 :
Chicago , Burlington & quiacy..11O0 : 0:00 : 5:34)2:4O : ) :
SVabasli. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 12:31) : ) 5:30 :
SIoux City & l'acI4lo..L" 5oo 7:20 :
UnIon Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:1st : 11:40 :
Omaha & Itcjublicaim % 'alioy , 2:5) : liio :
II. & M. in Nebraska. . . . . . . . . . 0:00 : 7:40 : 5:30 :
Om-nalma & Northwestern 5:00 : 7:20 :
Missouri i'aciflo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0:3' ' ) 5.30
Local timalls for Stahi of lemma leave but oumec a day ,
viz : 4:30 : a. m.
A Lluucoln imuxil Is also opened at 10:30 : a. in.
OllIce open Smindav. frommm 12:00 : mum. to 1:00 p. ma.
_ _ _ _ _ _ tEIflS F' . IIAI.L , i'ntnmMtor.
fluscoarogAriw. 1
This conmpany is now Irciarcd to mccciv orders for
Building Purpoea ,
And will nmke Ilgurce on round iota for prompt do1Iv
cry. Time commipar y is eluljiplng
Paving Blo ks
to both Cluicao anti Oiaaiia , mmmii solicits corrosloull.
ethel , mind orders frommu couutractors ciigsge,1 lit Paviug
strect iii any of tue western cltlc.
TE.'tIIilONIA 1.8.
Suurjmistr.xuoctrs Ortier. , Chicago , VeL Div.
Isoru Railway , ChIcago It'cenihot 5 , 1882.
D. EiveII , 1'rihueuut Sioux Falls Water I'oiser Coma.
tituS Simi-l : have received from your comnammy
slmmco October 1 , 1882 , ubotut 100 cariumtis of granite
iat hug Ikucks aiul lets u isil tluiimmmliettt ccii thu rails of
, murstrcet ruiliscay tracks itt tli heart of the city. I
hate icemi tusitig izmg mmuztorlal iii timlis city for trinity
years , anti I tutu Ileasmuro Imi sa itig that Iii amy ( ' 1.1,1. ,
iomi the granite nViiug lu1cl.e fuiismislici i your coil.
Into. tire thu imiost rcgmular iii shale utmul perfect Iii
forum , ant as far as I hat e heemi utile to Jiudgo , ars
usseesni if as iiuralio feature as any uuiaterlai tint
las Cl er beeuu iuflerel or liii iii ( ho cIty.
Youmrm , , JAIl. IC. LAICE.
[ Copy. I
Hr. Locus , Marcim 23 , 1883.
' 10 % 'liOM iT MAY CONCEiIN-
'Iluls Lu , certify tint I have uxniimlmucui a tuicco sf
graiiltu taken fren the Sioux I'nlls ( Irutimito Quarries ,
amuil , iii lily , jiuiioui , , It is the lest istouto fm strict pay.
lip I lint o Cccli in 48uIierIca.
( Sigitid ) IilNitv : FlAi )
I'rc. hearst l'tiiilm , liiilirOm'iulcilts.
Stone for Paving Purposes.
And aiuy iorsotm intaru't.otl ' iii such linirovdinents
will find I ) grvntiy to liii usitauitagc to cimiiiuiiuilcate
with mis. SYc Invite correejiontleticu on time inibject.
iIio general mnauuageriueiut amid smupervisiutu of tIm
comnpamuys bushiest Is now lii tiio Iuaud of Wui. lie.
Addrcs your letters to
Pros. of Stone Co
mnl.mte.tS . Jasper ,
Cur.Vntcr umndcongrosa Me.
: ' ' ' . :
CAPITAL , - - . . 4O0,000
SURPLUS , - I- - - 400,000
Tramusactis ageruorni 1anklumg bitsinese. Receives ( him
itecomumits of 1amtkscarukcre niud others. Irnws forcigri
cichuimigo alIt untO , caiilu trarieferf Iui Eurah'o alil
teitgruiuie triiiitfers of tumummy tiiromigiiotit ( tie
Uiilteui States. Itus , I amid sails got oniimiciit aijul otiuer
lmiwcetiiicuitC securitIes , ant execute , aiiy busiluess for
its correepotidiulte lit thu line of hamikitig.
AI4A. 1' . I'O'l'lEII , l'revitcitC.
J. J , iiwv : , J. v. O'tlI '
Casl'isr , Ama t. .asuler ,
I Have Found It I
Wa , titu cxclauuiatiout of a inert whet , tue got a b x ,
of Eureka l'iiu Oimituiiviut , wlulclt Is a eiuii1ie aijul sure
cucu for l'iIee aui1 nil StOut iliscesos. Fifty ccitt. by
utah , poetuiid. ,
Tlo , American Diarrhwa Cure ,
line stool ( lie test for twurut ) ' years. Sore core for
all , Never I'aIi. Iiarrhaua , Iysuntary , autO Chou'
rut Slorbus.
BOllS Feiir all Auo Toiii & orIa1 ,
It Is lumpoesiblu to supply ( Ito rapid sale of the iawe.
For Vet amid Ague , uuid all Slalarial troubles.
1'IIICE , ei.oo.
For Sale by all DruggIst6 !
Or sent by E.xireee on ruoulptofcicu. tn-1t
Granite Ironware.
.i .1:1) flOILINO , f'1ulsEnviza ,
' "
. Tue Best 1Varo Made for the Xitclten.
1 , , .
Fo a1o liv all tovo , lliware , aiid llouofflrlli11illff Boa1cr.
( Chiongo , Burlington 8. Qulnoy Rnllroad. )
. . .
- - -
- - - -
: : - - . - j ; - .7
.2 I:2- ---M-.i' 41
Ele"ant Day Coaclmcs , Parlor Cams , witIt Iteclin Solil Trains of 1iegant Day Coaches anmi Pull
fag u1aias ( ks'atf free ) , i4ntokimg , (7am , mitit ito. tuna l'alacn Sieeplimg Cars are rmmn daily to and
Viltiflg Cimnirs. I tilimmimin i'alaco SIeemiumg Cars autci frommt St IMuIq , VI. Ifatmutibal , Qmiiacy , Keokuk ,
tIut , ( amnoima C. U. . ' Q. iImming Cam run tInily to ani imt'riitmgtnn. Cedar Rumplis itmi Albert Lea to St
from . Kzmmiae , ' , 'ouncli I'ntul '
Chicago City CImk'migo ( . amid Minneapoiism l'atlorCarswith Reclining
lilmiuTis , Chicago , ' Ie.q Iloitues Chicago , St. J0. Clinics to attit from St. . Louis and l'eorin and to
dliii , Atcliimon , Topeka , only tlurnmmgh lute ho. nuul from St Louis and Ottumwn. Only one
tw'cfl , Chicago , Lincoln & Denver , 'I'ltromigim cars change itt cars between St. Louis nut ieis
imumtween immsiianapoiie . Council ilitilTs sin Peoria. Moiuues Iowa , Lincoln , Nebraska , anti bunTer ,
All cotinectionmi mmtnmln In tlmiion 1)ommuilq. it. is cotorado.
knojtim as tim greatTlIltOUGil CAll LINE. It is uutvcrsliyadmitted to ho the
Finest Equipped Rnllroad In the World for all Classes of Trav l.
T. J. POTTER , 3d Vico'l'rc's'tenit ( leni Mitanger PERCEVAL LOWELL , Ode. Pass. Ag't , thicagO.
-vc7-M : sNYDH R , '
( , i1 - UI
, -
, ,
I-Ii .
aam r
n I
I . 0 '
Firs-c1ass Painting nncl Trimming. RopniHiig Promptly Doiie.
1119 Hariiey Street , - - - OMAIIA , NEB
Reina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $60
to $120 per 1000.
Combination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming and.
I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1 ?
Booth's 'Oval' Brand
I 3'roIi 3'ib. nt WbQ1oce1a.
II. ] DAII1Err ,
Buggies , Carraos ! , axid Spru ! ¶ aous ,
My Repository is ootutamutiy filled with acoloct etock. Beet Workunansimip guaranteed.
Office and Factory S. W. Corner 16th and Capitol Avenue , Qe'naha
wu F1 CLARK.
And work of thmi kiid will rocok'o vrornv attention.
jfS'areiiousO amidItefclgcratore :130i : , 803 , ; tos , soi Ilowurdstrect Ommmatua , Nob. Apply to
D. B. BEEMER Commission
. . Merchant.
Catsrrh is Olue of the worst diseases of the Prmt time , Iluntired , are su8mriiug with it ) men tkey an
him roisived , sI to the worst of Catarrh jut three ,
at once 1 guarauiteu cure case month or rcfuuud the money
Timl ituetlicino is good for only ( lit , one disease. ily .undiug ins 1 wIll echO th inodidui 1wCI'4 is
dines or maO. Do not suffer any looger smcn you can be cured for so small a coma.
S F , 1IZWELL , care of box 403 , Omaha , Neb.