Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1883, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE DAILY BEE---OMA11A , CIIUJISIAY , JULY 2 , 1883.
Li1 BEE.
ThnrsdayMorning , July 26.
-Mrs. J. P. I1CflOT1IOfl ITt0flt01 hOt Iiu. .
with an eleven 1)ount boy , on Monday
-Tim Union l'aeltic fumt.hod 19 cni for
] ) onvor cxcur.lontst.i froHt Saur1ay to Mon.
V _ . i. SmRh hM been onloroti to npnc
at the IHtkc court anti nnnwcr the chnxgo of
nsiau1Ung one of hi. hired help.
-In the Polke courtyctcrilay one dl.tirhor of
the peace ve. . dlcinrged ) and the ce.e of an
uther tot for 2 p. rn.
. -Mr. Chri. evl. , the populer Itonseman , 1.
rojoking In tim good health of n boy liaby ,
310W abOut five week. of zgo.
-Tho gune of Friday nod Saturilay , ho.
tween tim Union 1'ncfici nud the Leadvillo
1lues will ho an lntero.titig affair.
-John A , Stlgberg , on of Mr. anti Mm.
Tohn Stlgbcmg , tileti July 2Ith , 1883 , anti v1ll
be humleti fmotn the rmltlenco , No. 1315 Viol , .
titer , treot tn.tlay.
Ifarmy Treinain , a little fonr.yoar.old boy
from North Ontalia was Iott , anti ftiintl Tnontlny
iwening , his inoUtor rocovoritig him at the
city Jail.
-Georjo Mc1oiizle , Jr. , I. utakitig fine
1)rogreMt ; With the grading of Garfield avenue.
It in an hinitrovotnont which has long ) , oen
-It I. hoiicd that the county comrni.sloiiers
will Noon take ijomo Itto1)s toward fixiig the
. low lilCO JtIRt north of the Saratoga school
hous before another wet spoil sobs in.
-The special sate ot fine chamber suits at
( Clias. Shilvorick's vihL continue. During
t this week genuine bargains are offered , nod I
it will ly nil who intend to iurchae furiti.
, ; turo to call ani take advantage of thti. .
.t portunity.
-The Sunday.nchool of the Baptist church
will hold their annual plc.nic at lfatiscoin's
Park on Friday. Cars leave the church at U
o'clock a. in.
-Theodore Elcklnntl hiwi becit bound over
In the sum of $300 to appear at the ilistrict
court for trIal on the charge of mobbing a Clii.
. cage , Minneapohi. , St. l'aul and Omaha car of
a lot of bittont.
- -Tho Sunday and Parish schools of St.
Barnabas' Church will iIc.iiIc to.dny at
Ilanscotu's Park with St. Marks Sunday school.
'rite cars will leave promptly at 1 p. in. from
CaM and 19th .treots. Lunch somvod at 2
. o'clOCk
-Mr. William Snyder , the carriage znauu.
factume , turned out an okant light , top buggy
yesterday. It I. a perfect beauty anti wiu ,
nado to order for Will. Millard of the firinot
' 1 ! illard and Peck , CoininI.Ion Memchiant.
: -"Minnetonka and Alexandria , " the most
4 iniquo publication of the sea.oti , setit free on
) .j aipiicatlon. Address JI. 0. Clieney , South
. Western PMsonger Agent , Sioux City Route ,
t Council Bluffs Iowa.
. -.Tho NobrMka Cityl'ross : It I. salil that
. .
i a Prominent young business man of Omaha
i came to this city Sunday , reclaimed h14 wife
t whowas a domi monde ; and roturncd to the
inotwpohls. They registered am J , B. Miller
t -Thoso of our dtlzens who desire to hoar
. ioino choice selection. of music would do well
$ to vlalt'ort Omaha during the lrosont sum.
i1 inor. Every day , except Saturday , the Fourth
. . Infantry band give. an open air concert , ho.
I mediately fohIowIn dmosa pamado , which take.
4 . place promptly at 6:45 : p. in.
-The Omaha poatfflco changed manage-
inontyostordayllon. C. K. Coutnntgohmg Iii as
. postmaster. lie retains Mr. James Wood.
wartl mum chief head clerk and Mm. F. P. GrId.
1e ) As money order clerk. No bettor aid.
could be chibson. both being able and pojular
-The Vi. C. T. U. will hold aspoclal mnuot
inm at time rooms of tim Y. M. C. A. on Thur. .
( lay afternoon at 3 o'clock July 20.
All piombem. awl friends of the Union are me.
quested to be pmo.cnt as several business nint.
. tom. have to ho attended to. By order of tim
-In the police court yesterday , one 1arty
paid a fine for disturbing the pence. Five or
. six bootblacks wore found alooping In a barn
anti were run G. They wore dhchmarvod by
Judge Andersoli , One old acqnatutanco of
Judge Anderson , as arrested for drunkon.
now , . Ho was before the mine official four
yearsago. IOn
-On Saturday ovonin the immany friends of
21r. and Mrs. usury 1)onohoo gave thont a
. prpr1.o I'Y. It being their fifth anniversary.
A large number of lroseilt , both useful and
ornamental vcro received. Among those vros.
, oat were Mr. and Mr. . Fat Flanagan , Mr. and
Mmii. W. Arnold , Mr. and Mrs. T. IIot.chkIss ,
I Mr. Charles Ituthor , Mias A. Baurumu , Mr.
1fans Nelson , Misses Lena and Clara Crow.
icy , Morte James and John Flanagan. The
whole affair IiAs.QtI off most pleasantly.
-Monday afternoon an interostimig pigeon
mihootiog match took place at the northern
terminus of the street railway , the contestant. .
being Prank Parmnnioo , "Nebraska' , favorite
' , lon , " anti \V. H. Ifaydomi , of hasting. , vhio 1.
an amateur , never having shot but hvo timea
, from a trap. In time Mon y Hay.
den killed 13 out of 14 bIrds , inissitig his
eleventh bird. Parmnalee killed 12 out of
:14 : , mIssing his second and fourteenth births.
-OnTucisday last , many friends celebrated
Mrs. hP. Vi. Kuebo's birthday by songs anti
, dancing. Time passed most happily for all. A
splendid lunch wu served with the usual wash
410w11. Those present were : Mr. anti Mrs.
Vos , Sr.1 Mr. and Mrs. .1. F. Kueho , Mr.
and Mi. . 0. Wilds. fr .1 Mrs. A. jior.
mosLem , Mm. and Mrs. H. Voss , Jr. , Mr. B.
Btaubery , Mr. and Mrs. J. fleecy , Mom. Lob.
5050 ifrv , Peters , Mrs. March , Mr. , heavens ,
11s8 Wu1de Mr. Vi. Vats.
: -Oaind after October 1 , 1883 , letter 1ot
8go will be unhfona at two cents for letters tc
. asmy Pat of the United States. On and nft.oi
{ July 1 , 1883 , money order. for 85 anti undem
zna e obtained for three cents. The ordex
( wilI b PaYable to bearer , anti will be good fem
. I thO3iiO1itJJ from date of Issue ; after that
) tlm the holder can got var value only by
i1yiiig to the department \Vatihiingt.ou. . Ot
, . the satue date the rate of mimpuoy ortiers on all
"nuts will be changed anti not exceeding $1 (
- lie procurable for eight ccitt. , and fromr
ihiat to tOQ , the rate increasing up to 4
-Uudtw the upcrintendonce of
I ] oste ; s the Grand Union ticket chico of thi
i } Hsootrh l'aclflo And Wabath rod is behtti
. J.eeutIfuh1yntpered. . 'Pita luiudsoine.t
Li of olive anti crimson velvet , on which Is do
? . 1lctod a fine hand.paintcd picture of the St
1 ; louis bridge. On the right side Is the haitc
I ( , f iroyiiencu grasping tito sprig f acacla , rep
re.enttng F. B , Moore , the city ticket agent ,
anti on time loft ii , a cannon discharging a big
load of lies and mimarked Joe Teahon. The iii.
genimity of time artist anti the appropriateness
of thie inscriptions are uncxeohlo.i.
Vlliat is Boll1s Oflllty DOill to loU
11cr Place.
An EfFort to 01,0 her an IqimnI
Showing ' .Vitha time Rest of thio
A comiiiitteo ilium been appointed to
visit our citizotis t.o solicit funds for time
erection of a suitable lmuildhig fortho diii.
vIny Of Limo agricultural products of
Douglas county at the cooling state
What success the comiimnitteo baa lout
we do itot know. Of ono thing we imiust
never rest content , atiti that iii to ace
WnlUlhlitmgtOml , Burt and other counties ox
ccl tur. in their duspiiiy of time uroducte
of the soil. In this connection vo think
that not only tim citkcns of ) mnaiia but
every farmorimi Dougiaa county ought to
take haiti anti encoumago the commit. .
tee with lilmmal and hmitmitdiato
sU1scriptiomus. lii titus , the farmers Imioro
thaim nil others hmavo a vital interest ; as
the ctmitivatiomm of time tintihled mmiii cit
tim country wiil benefit them , fully its
much , if not moore , timiin it. will time mini.
ness immoit ( if Omaha , in the increased
vnhiio of their lands.
lint our business imicit have also a great
interest. at stake in time rapid devclopnicmit.
of the country. SYithi settlers colnimig ill ,
Omenummg flow farmns and iniiroving old
ones , towius and villages viil spring up all
around us , and our wholesale and retail
dealers will foci a corresponding benefit. .
jts Limo coimlilig fair lromnises to be time
largest over hielti in the state , reason ,
judgment. and prudence alike dictate to
our bunimiosti mmmcmi anti farmers that. tim
display ci time products of Douglas cotmit-
ty should. be among the very best ott tim
grounds , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ltolurt of time htehlof Iopartmnont of
the Ommialia City Mission for the
Quarter Emiding .himime
30 , 1883.
Durimig the auarter we hare rcccivcI
from Mr. Koumitz , aix barrels of vegeta.
bios ; Mrs. Dewey , flour and clothing ;
Mmii , Merril , book and clothing ; Miss
Pundt , clothing ; Mrs. Frost , shoes and
clothing ; Mrs. Gibson , ciotiming ; Mrs.
Jardine , clothing ; Mrs. Doati , washing
machine ; Mrs. 11111 , clothing and Mrs.
Jameaf Shoes ,
During the iast three imiouths twenty.
five children have been supplied with
ciothing , titus enabling them to mittemid
time Sunday school.
Two sick women , atrammgers iii the city ,
were cared for over night.
0mm family was given three clpiinns anti
forty cents ( $3.40) ) , ausoit lunch , to citable
thorn to go to Lincoln.
Mr. Tlouck was Ptlid two tiohlara ( $2.00) )
to take a mini to Florence to bury him.
In a somali sums we have given out two
dollars and fifty cents. Money is given
only in cases of necessity.
Time County Commissioners kindly
aided in sending two fmimnihies to distant
points east ,
There have boemi over forty famniiios
vismted durimig the quarter.
The expenditures of "time relief" do
p.utmnont amount ( .0 twenty.ninc ( $20.20) )
dollars and twenty cents.
It iii the imopo , of those niont interested
in tim department , thatduring the comn
log three months , a "home" mmmny bo en-
tabhuauiod whore the poor helpless women
and children may have time assurance that
there is one piaco at least in this growing
city whose doom always stand open to
receive thorn.
If some gemmorous friends of Limo niissiou
wiil vrocuro lilt ft suitable lot. , we are
(1UitO sure of time building.
Mits , .i. ii. JARIINE ,
Sulerintondont :
MAItY B. GooniAN ,
Real Estate Tramisfers.
Time following deaths voro filled for roe-
cord in the county clerk's oflico .July 23d
reported for Tnn Iinn by Anion' real
estate agency :
A , J. Hanscomn amid vifo to II. A.
Riley , w d , lot 8 , bik 16 , Hanacom Place
E. S. Montgomery mLltd wife to L. A.
Cr311 , q 0 , parcel mccc 22-15-13--$1029.
A. Kounta amid wife to S. Cunmimmitiga ,
'V d lot 7 , bik 2 , Kountze fourth add.-
$514.F. .
F. E. Emigetromu and vife to Jack liar-
naomi , w d , part. lot 5 , bik 201i-$16ti0.
Edward Louder amid wife to 1 Perkins
w d , lot 0 , blk (1 ( , ICoummtao 4thm add-
J. Ii. .Johnaon and husband to I-I. J.
Prtmymio , w ti , jmrcel see 10 , 15 , 13.-
B. mind 1 , . Reed amid wives to T , 0.
hirummor , w d , lot 5 , blk 101.-$500.
J.'r Stewart and vifo to D. Temimtoy ,
'V ci , 5 lots Elkhorr and parcel sea 12,15.
E. A. Lake ct at to N. B. Faiconer , v
ti , part lot 1 , bik 105-$1,500.
J. B , Boyd amid wife it ) J. McCormick ,
w d , 7 lot. hIlt 16 , Boyd's ndd.-$300.
Time foilowimmg dseda vero filed for record
ord iii time county clerk's olilco , July 24 ,
anti reported for Tm : Uss by Amos' Real
Estate Agency :
A , lCoumitze and vifo to A , P.hicnimoy ,
q c ii , 1)nrt lot 6 , blk 17.-$1.00.
A. 1.ammios to 0. Oarttincr , q o ii , part.
lot 5 , blk 108.-$300.
II , Kountzo itmid wife to T. Foleyw ti ,
pr : lot 1 blk 11 , Kotmntze'a 3rd add.-
$600.Vi. . Fleming and wife to M. W. Sto.
pimeits , w ci , lot 10 , bhk 2 , Capitol lull
E. G. Bzthlou aimd wife to M. M. Davi.
. soil , v d , lnrt lot 7 , bik 7 , Simiimn'a hat
. adtl.-$28Q5 ,
J. McVoy to J. F. Morton , ti c ti , latt
lot. 4 , bik
' 1' . Cibson and vifo to 0. .Toimnnomm , .
ci , earL hot. 7 , 1,1k (1 ( , l'ark Placc.-$250 ,
tiamite to 1l. Larson , v ci , ImIrt lot 7blk
Park Placo.-$250.
ThmosoaroSolki Facts.
'l'hio host blood ; nmrlfler and systemic m-egniat.
or ever pllc4ed withmimt thu reach of aufiemimi
S huimmmmmilt.y , truly hi Electric Bitters. Jmmmu.'tIv
i ty of time liver Jhlliousmiess Jaundice , Consti-
iiatiommS'cakKIdnoys , or an $ ' ( iIbOasC of time
f urimmary organs , or whoever requires an appo-
1 thor , toimlo oi immilti .mtlmnulaitt , vhil always
. fimid Electric hitters time bent amid emily cumtaln
cute kmtowtm , 'I'hey act surely mmd quickly ,
: every bottle guaranteed to Ivo entire satimmao
I tiomi or Imlommoy rebutted. hold itt t'iO ccitt. . a
. tattle by 0. J' . Gootimmmmm.
The alls1olle Nile a Injury to
fly Pigeonhiolimig tIme l'avlng Comm.
tracts for Barney atiti Six.
teomith Streets ,
It is well known that the council , some
weeks ago , ordered the Mayor amid Board
of l'ubhicVorica tAt enter into comitructa
for liavilig Sixteenth and hlarmmey street. ,
scith LImo Barber Asphalt. Company.
Thu was dotie in commiplianco with the
petitions filed by a immnjority of time Prop.
arty owners abuttimig on timoso two atrcota.
Time contracts were duiy signed by the
Mayor , forwarded to Barber & Cc , . , amid
returned with a $300,000 bond givomi by
sureties vmo each qualified to time amount
for which tlmey ohilgate timemmmseivcs.
Time contract. and accolmipallyimig bond
reacimed time city last week , omm time day or
day hiroviths to time himjtmimctiwm proceed.
tags , for time paving of Eiuvemmth nut ! Fif
teetmtii streets. Mr. Grant , noimt of time
Iiarlcr 1s1mltitlt. comupally , ( lCnirirmg to
jitmidi his work iii order to complete it be.
fore time opening of time state fair , had a
imaPer drawmi ti , whmicim wits sim'ned by all
of the coumicilmmmon except Mr. Kaufmnamimm ,
giving timeir approval to time contract. as
executed. Timms vas regarded by Mr.
( iramit as a gimaranteo that Limo formal ac
ceptatico of the bond wan assured ,
Ttiemolay mmight. after thejotmrmmnl imad been
read by the clerk , mm comnimmunication was
received iy time council ; signed
by.JaniesCroighton cimairimmami of time Board
of l'tmblicVorks , rnturmmimmg time contract.
for time paving of 10th and Ilarmicy streets ,
as exectiteti by both the commtmactimmg
? mlr. macau jumuticti tip and moved
flint time comumnuimicatmon amid the contracts
be referred to time comimmimittee on Public
I'roport.P anti Imnproveniemmts.
Mr. 'litrmume arose to inquire what was
meant amid immtemtdetl hy audi an extra.
ordinary proccocitire. Time council hind
let time contract , it was executed in duo
form amid there was no excuse for further
delaying time needed vork.
Ilascali , imm support. of time motion , said
that a suit was mmow pentliimg , asking an
iimjuimctiomi to irohibit time pavimmg of time
Fifteummthm street. . Omme of time miiain
points made by time attorimeys for time vu-
titionems is timat Lucre is aim overlap jim
time appropriation and time comitmactaumould
not be let. iii excess of the appropriation.
lie proposed to imold these commtmacts for
S'mxtecmitim amid hlarney until this mnattcr
was disposed of by the court. , no that time
charge of overlay could not. be , sustained
Mr. helm mnoved that time comitmacts be
referred IA ) the comnmmmitteo ott streets and
grades , who imad cimargo of time paving
qmmestioii before.
Mr. Dunham favored thaI immediate
approval of time contract , because it was
important timat Sixteenth street should
be paved before time state fair.
Mr. Retifield tlmougimt that tiius move.
mmieut exhibited fractioas opposition on
time part. of cortaiim oumicilmnomm , and look.
od as if they wamittt to bluff and bulldoze -
doze thu PropertY owners. He thought
time talk of overlap sounded rather strange
110w , wimemi it. was remembered that commit-
clinton a few weeks ago hooted at his
protest against overlap. If there is any
danger of overlap , why imot pave BRIm
street at once , to accomnimmodato time state
fair , travel , and lot Hartioy go for a week !
or two ,
Hascall said. timero yas no fractious op.
Position. He had as much interest in time
state fairas time member front the third ,
Ho wanted 16th street paved in due time
but an overlap is charged by time parties
iii time suit timid therefore ito favored timat
no contract be let until that suit. is finally
disposed of. Time charge that lie acted
in defiance of petitions is untrue. Thu
fact was lath street did miot have a maJority -
Jority in their petition for asphalt , according - I
cording to the decus'moii of the city attor-
mmey , but they knew that asphalt was a
good pavemimomit. for light traffic streets
and they awarded thmo coimtract to time
Barber Ct ) Other streets wore not so
voll suited to asphalt and they Imad given
time contract for iiaumdstommc aiim ! granite.
Mr. Leedor favored Beimm's immotion to
refer to time comumnittee on streets and
Mr. McGuckimi said Ilarnoy street
should have.prufcrcmice over 16th , but he
was iii favor of Hascall's immotiommto defer
time whole matter.
Boimmmm favored paving Sixtoentim street.
imimmoemliatuly. Timuro are 300 idle work-
11mg itiCil iii town who mnigimt its well be
set to vork. Beside that time improve.
muemit s'ouid set. timousammds of dollars iii
circulation aimiomig businos ooplo.
MeGuckimi interrupted by saying that
tts1mimalt. didn't. eniploy mumybody except a
few tiarkies frommm WTnsimimigton ,
J1ascthl deciared thieve would be work
for every idle mimmum iii time city in a few
clays , vimemi the coimtracts for grading are
lot. Ho rejoiced that these injtmimction
stilts were brought. They were a good
timimig because they would permitaimomitly
iiettho corbmimi doubtful legal 1moimmta under
time charter. It was immiprudommt to do
mimiytitimmg mmmdii time atmits vero decided.
Baker , iii imimi oily way , assured time
council that ho wamited time Sixtecmmtim
street pavimig to go ahmeat.i , but imo thought.
the course of curtain Parties wiio favoroti
the comitmact. very peculiar. Time ahmorilt'
hind called at his hmoimBo timroe or four
timimes to serve imijimnetioma papers , wimuim
ho kmmow his place of busimioss. It 100k8
very much like a Pt.t1I ) job when it is
borimo in mmmind timat only two Imoums be.
fomo lie had boon called ott by Bohimi to
sigmi time japcr , Other councihimien , miota.
bly Pmtr , Dmmmihmaimi , had boon dragged omit
of their beds imy time suierifi' , whmomi time
ipor could have bucim served uponthiommt
earlier or time imuxt day.
Mr. helium rose excitedly and 1mm an
angry voice said aim ) ' immnim who imipugmmed
him immotives imm thus nmatterwasA ' 'dammimmed
liar ; " lie tiitlmm't care vImo lie was , council-
mmmii or mimmy ommo else.
'rime cimairmnaim , hEr , lCmuifinammmm , rapped
furiously witim his gavel , amid called time
speaker to order ,
Mr. Behmmn immaisted that hits conduct.
vas tmmmiimm1meaclmnblo in this imtmmttor , , lie
hind simimply mmougimt to expedite time work ,
mm'hiicii wits badly imeodeti.
Mr. Baker retorted lust lie dmtiit't imi.
temid to assail 1mm mmmetivcs3 but cemiaimmly
this timimmg VLt9 very peculiar , and thmcmi ho
charged tiiimt if itRim street. wits allrOVCl
both commtnmetmm m'oro approved , hecmumso
toth were cotmplttti togetimor.
1Ir. htcthI'meltl insisted that eacim Comm.
titict. win separate.
'l'hio eimair-Tiio gemitiemmimut frommm time
Sixth 1mm time floor ,
: fm' , Bmmkev : 1 tlomm't wamit time floor. I
immaist. that btii hlmmrmiey mmd 10th ama iii
omit , commtntet. amid call mm time eiemk to
t'ead Idr. Cro'mgiitomm's
Time clerk remul time letter ti'ammsmmmittimig
time commtmact-s for , 0th amid hlarimoy.
Mr. ltedfield-Let time clerk zond the
comitmacts I
Time cimairmumum-Tlme goimtlcmanmm huts no
busimiess to interrupt. ifo has already
simtikemt several times.
Mr. liaker-1 shall vote to refer time
whole monitor.
( This Was a next mrnpositmomm omm the vart.
of linker amid 1mm t.mla. , The two contracts
are each separate altimough transmitted
togotlmer imi one letter. )
'Fhie vote was ordered omm Ihehmn's am.
cmmdnment , which vmms voted down and them :
hlnacalt's imiotiomi to refer was adopted by
a viva voce vote , there bemng but three
ITimo immjimimction Ca.O referred to above
was yesterday contimmuod immitil Friday
to allow time pinitmt'm1Ts to file nfikhmt\lta 1mm
support of their petitiomm.
Death of the Former COll1ll1allCr of
This Bcartilldllt.
Aim Ititercathrig Sketch of Ills IIfo
asit Services.
Time imows of time death of General E.
0. C. ( Jd , forimieriy commmmmmamidor of time
Depmmrtmmmummt of time Platte , was received
imi timis city w'mtim 1mrofoummd sorrow , amid a
brief sketch ( if his career , furmmisiied us
by a fmirmnur arimmy oflicer will be read
with great interest by nil.
Cemmeral Ord was born iii Ailegimany
county , Mnrylammd , iii 1818. ills mmmiii.
fAiry career begmmm ; 17 years later , wimemm lie
rns ai)1)Oimitcd to represemit time District
of COlummmhia at time United States mmmiii.
tary ncaticmmmy at West. l'oimit. lie
griulimateti from : : time hmatittmtiomi with din.
tiimction on Jtmiy 1 , 1839 , and was at.
once imrommmotcd to time mirmimy as second
l'mmmteimnmt of time Thud artillery. Sowi
after his appoimmtniemmt. his comiimmmniid was
sent to Florida , wimero Ito was cimgagcd in
tIme war against time Semnimiole Immdmums
ummtii 1812. He took an active part.
imi time battles of time Everglades , amid
was prommmtctl to time first lieu-
temmancy of ins company , After
time cmilituiatioml of time Imidiaims lie was
setit to Fortress Momiroe , where lie wasan
active omomber of time garrison until 1844.
Time next year was apemit 1mm time garrison
of Fort Mchlcnry. He emitered time nor-
vice of time cmtSt survey delartmnemmt No-
vcmmmbcr 20 , 1845 , amid remmmained until
May 24 of time succeedumig year , when lie
, was transferred to time recrtmitiimg service ,
anti Scott after wits aemmt emi a voyage to
California , which vmis then the cause of
universal excitenient cmi accotmmmt cmf the
discovery of gull1. Ho was inactive until
1847 , whmemm time war with Mexico broke
out. His comrnnand guarded the iii-
toronto of his country in Southormi
Cmihifornia. Toward time close of time
? moxiean war lie was in time gar-
rusons of Monterey and j'ort Jude-
penclenco , amid at the latter place was
made captain of his command on Septeimi-
her 7 , 1850. Ho was again transferred
to time service of time coast survey on Do-
ceber 30 , 1852 , amid reimmained ummtil
March 29 , 1855 , when lie was semmt back
to time garrison at Benicia , Cal. He hind
bomi at the fort but. a simort time wimcmm
lie was nrdercti , with his command , om :
time Yokobmuna expedition. He returned
to time garrisomi during time succeeding
year , but. was soon again iii time active
service of time frontier , leading lmis corn-
niamid emi time Regime river expedition , and
being time priimcipal officer at time battle of
time Mttcdaimootmmey villages ott March 20 ,
anti in time assault at Citeteco creek
on time 28th of time following niontim.
0mm lila return from time expedition
ho entered time arrisoii at Be-
nicia , timid reimmaimmed for ommo
year , wimemi ho returned to active service
on time frontier. with Imus headquarters at
Fort Miller , CaL iii 1858 lie participat.
cml in the Spokane expedition , and was
engaged in time battles of the Four Lakes
oil Septonmbcr 1 , 1858. Spokuimo plaimus ,
Septemmiber 5 , Spokane river , Septenubur
8. On his return from time oxpoditiomi
imo was transferred to Fortress Moimroo as
a touchier imm the school of artillery prac.
tice.Vimilu atatiommed at time fortress lie
took lmrt imt aim expedilion tosuppress time
.Toimim Browmm immsurrectioui. lIe timezi mc-
mmmaiimcd a mmmonmber of time garrisomi at time
fortress until early in 1801 , when lie mc-
turned to fromitior duty , with hmeatiqimar-
tern at Fort. Vancouver , Washmiimgtomm ter-
r'mtory. Traimafemn to time garrison at Bemi
ida amid Sami Francisco followep in quick
successiomi , aimd lie was at time latter
wimemi time soutimermm states rebelled.
lila cmmtercd time service emi September
14 , 1801 , as brigadier general of volun-
tthir. imm commmnmmtmmd of the brigade of time
Armmmy of Limo Potomac , ivhmicim forimied time
emttire right amid guarded Washmimmgtomi
City. lie wait commminissiommod umajor of
tiit Fourtim United States artillery aim
November 21 , 1801 , amid took part iii the
battle of Drimimiesville , West Virginia , ott
Decommiber 20 , mis commmmammdcr of time cmi-
gaged troops , For his gtmllaimt. and uteri-
torious services ho was at omice mmmdc
brevet hieimtemmant colonel , amid omm 1Iay 2 ,
1802 , lie wan comnmmmussiomtcd mmiajor gommeral
of volummtecns. Ho wns detailed to time
comnmmmand of a divuaiomm in time dapartmmmemit
of tim ltappahmanmmock river. Time follow-
imig Jumme lie was placed iii commmmmuammd of
Corimmthm. During time ummonthus of August
amid Sc1mtemmmber ito inrLicipnted imm time
opemntiomms of Oummomal Grant as commm-
mmmmumder of time left wimmg of the nrmmmy.
For galimumt and ummeritorioun services
itt tue battle of Imuka , in ? mlussias'mppi ,
imu was uurndo brevet colonel omm
time 10th of Soptcmmmbcr , 1862 , and was
llaced in comnmimauud of time district of
Jackson , Temmn. lie retaimmed time coin-
mmmammd dmtrimmg time mmmommtim of Septemmmbor.
0mm October 3d lie was engaged imi time
battle of time himitcimie river , imi vimieim lie
wan severely woimimdcd. A sick leave of
nbsoimco wan granted imimmi ummtil Novommmbcr
24tim , whomi lie returned to iii. commmmmmand
amid was mmmdc a mactuber of time commmmmmua-
siomm to investigate Gomi. Btmohl'mc cammupaigmm
iii Kemmttmcky amid Temmimossee. At. thu cx-
lit-atiomi of' time service of time commmmmmussiomi
ho was givcmm time commummmnmid ofVest
: L'tiint , Vim. lIe ivas tmammaferred emi Jimmmu
18th to time comuummammd of time 'rhirtewitim
arimmy corius amid was cmmgaged iii time siege
of Vicknhtmrg frommi .Iumie 18th to July
4tim. 0mm July 10th ito took part iii time
assault wii'mcim termmiimmated iii time capture
of Jacksq' ; , Mitts. Foilowimmg tub ea1dt.
ulatiomi imo was with time armmiy of \ \ ont
] Iouislmuum ummtil October 28th , mvhmomm lie
m'as excused for sickumes amid rummmzmimmed
absemit. uimtil time last of Dcecmmtbor , 0mm
Jammuamy Slim , 1804 , lie was immado commm.
mmtmtndur of time Timh'teemmtit corps of time
armmmy of time Gulf , He wan tmnmmnfermotl
aim April Ohm to time commmmimitittl of
time troops that had assemumbleti itt
Omaftomm , Tobator nuiti Beverly , W.
Va , Fromu Juiy 21 to Sold. $0 ito wan iii
comnmmmaimd of time oigittoemmtii corps , mmd
participated in time opoiittmomms before
lticitmmmomid. His services emitted with a
severe wound received in time assatmit amid
capture of Fort llnrtlsoii. For imi gal.
lmmmmtsorvicca at Fort hlarrisoim Ito received ,
aim March 13 , 1805 , thu commmmmtussiomms of
brevet brigadier gemmemal of time lJmmited
Stittes at'imuy mid brevet iminjor general of
IiULT. AN ! ) Atim OUT 01' 8ItT ( $ . TIIPI IS ON'
01' THAT sI'AILK.INO ! } 'OAMINU iit'ECII'I ( ' , Tar-
rant's Seltzer Anorhent , TAKON BORItO
ImImIA : RPAMT , SVJ1.1a MM EIIATEIY mmpmI'r:11 : 4tT
ItEIINIi4 ( ml. ' II EAVINESS , mminovn : OENTIX
imtrl siriiitx : TIIECAUSO , 1N1i ( UiCm < EN INTo
lIIAL1'IiY AiTltN ovummy minmim. or' TIlO 0Y8.
TFM. } 'OIt HAI.O 1W Al. ! , IIWOOISTt4.
time United States volunteer. , From : :
February until .Jtmime 14 , 1865 , ho was
cimgitged in time operntmomms about. l'otera-
burg wimicim tem'mnimuatcd 1mm tIme cnpittmla-
tion of Gem : . Leo ar Apvommmmtttox court
From .Jumiy 5 , 1865 , until Ammgmmst (1 ( ,
1860 , hme wait in commmmmamud of time depart-
imuont of time Ohmio , mmd received time coin.
mission of iieutenammt colonel of time 1st
artillery , amid brigadier general of time
Ummited gtates mtrmmiy. lii March , 1867 , hue
wait mmutde comimmmmammtlcr of time 4th mmmmimtam'y
clivusioum , commujmrisimmg time districts
of Arkamusas amid Mussmsnippm. JIma
stmbsequment commumumand vao3 of
time departimmemit of time Piatto
amud mf time dolartmmmunt of Texas. Dtmr-
imig time ndmmmimmustr.ttiwm of Prcsmdemmt
Hayes lie was iiaced , emi time retired list
ts'itit ( ito rank of mmmajur.gemmerai. Simuco
lila retireimmemit lie hmmiti beemm cmmgnged mum
cmmterpruses ctnmicctet with time develop-
imiemmt of l'miexico , amid lie Imits miot. tiicd to
mmmaimmtnimt 1mm arimmy rehatimmsVhmiio hme
was imm comnmnaimd of time tlepartmumemmt of
Texas , his ciatmgimter mmuarrietl ( lemmeral Tre.
vammo , of time Tolexicamm army.
A ReliaMe Real Estate Adlloy all
0110 That Will Will.
No bettor evideumco of time prosperity
amid future greatness of Ouimalma camm be
furimisimed tuna time fact. that miumneroims
otiterprisea are being established , new
buildings in a state of erectiomi in nil
tarth of time city , large amid constant
tmnimsfcrmm of city amid suburban property
on all sides , To atht in with time tide of
prosperity 3fessr .JcIl W. Bedford and
A. it. Souer imavo euitured jmmtr , a partnership -
ship for time purpose of carrying on a
general real estate bumsimmess at time old
atatuti of Mr. Bedford , 1213 Southi Four-
teemitim street.
Mr. Bedford is well and favorably
knowmt jut time city , where Ito has carried
elm a large coat business , both wholesale
amid retail , amid is a pleasant. gentleinaum to
deal with , and is thoroughmly reliable iim
every lartictmlar.
Mr. Soucr has been bnsiness manager
of time Ban for several years past , and
ummder wimose mmuanagoumont time lumiper has
prospered. In resigning his positioiiMr.
Souor leaves lila hate charge in a flourishing -
ing conditiomu , amid enters huh now field of
labor withi bright prospects , and has time
congratulatiotma of time Butt iii securing a
vartmuer who is iii every way worthy of
his steel ,
Parties who have lands to sell , houses
for saie or to rent , taxes to be paidmonoy
to loan , etc. , etc. , and timose wishing to
invest will find time new firm imt every way
responsibleand prepared to supply their
A Startling Discovery.
Physicians are often startled by remarkable
discoveries. The fact that Dr. King's Now
Dhmocovemyfor Consumption amid all throat anti
lung diseases ho daily curimmg patients that time
imavogiven up to die , I. starthingthcm.ri to men.
ho their sense of duty , amid examine into the
merits of this wonderful discovery ; resulting
in imundreds of olmr best citizens using it In
their practice. Trial bottles free at C. F.
Goodman's drug store. Regular size $ l.00
13. Slmanimon heard From.
I imope time public , andproperty owmmurs
and all decent residents of block 70 , in
thus city will condcnmn time action of Ccii ,
Easterbrook , John Edwards and I. S.
macall in usimug their influence and vote
imm time city council , allowing lewd or fast.
woimmoum to reside in block 70.
B. SmfANoN ,
Ommo of time property owmmcrs in the above
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
BucKien's Itrnica Salvo.
The greatest unotlical wonder of time world.
Warranted to npeelily cure Burn , , Cuts , Ui-
cars , Salt. Jhimouimi , Peter Sores , CaneursPiittm
Clmllblaitm , Corns , 'rotter , Chapped hiandsand
mill moklmm eruptions , guaranteed to cure in every
Instamice , or money refummded. 25 cent. per
her _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Time U. 1' . hospItal at 1)cmivcr ,
Dr. S. D. Mercer , time Union Pacific
pimysicumimu , left for Dcmmver on time umoon
traimi to-day , amid it is understood' timat Ito
goes for time imriuosc of ntartimmg a imospital
at thmat place for time use of wounded
commujunimy cmmipioyes. This trill be simmiilar
0 time institution commtrtmlied by Dr.
cor iii this city.
Mr. Ed. J. Breimimnuu , mm tvell known
auiuerimmtemmdemtt of btmihd'mmmg , of timis city ,
wemit to superimmtermd time erection of time
new hospital , which will be of Colorado
atomic amid will cost $25,000.
Dmmfronce amid Memmdelssohmmm of this city
drew time limos timid time work is to be pitt
through at ouicc to provide a rcfmte for
those tvito on time imiamuy miles of Immie in
Colorado mnay be mmmmfortunate and need
care amid attention fromn skilled uhysi.
ciamms.BALL'S '
Even Corset is warranted atis-
factory to Its wearer in . .ver way ,
or time money will be refamiod by
Ui. person trom'wborn it was bougtit.
n. oiiiy Oor.t irene by our mMamn pby.tetna
5,1 isiurIsu. to thoWca.r"r , , n4rndoredY1 m& .i. . as
ill. iootcotrtbie &nd pertct aiming comet eras
PitICESby ) lati , I'o4z 1'tiii
Ueait Prv.csvmag. S1.5O. Seif-&diU'UDS. SLO ( extra Leery ) S.OO. iunisg , S1.O
U.&tt l'rcasrvlug ( See costlil i.oO. j'asg.a
5m.irl.upp.rtIu. S1.CU.
ras sal. by lasSing UcWI ) ci4rs .vsrmrwhS.
; Infants and Children
Without Morphine or Narootino.
What gives our Children roqy cheeks ,
What cures their fevers , m&kee them sleep ;
rls Onstorla.
When flables fret , rind cry by ttmmns ,
Wbat cures their colic , kuhn their worm ,
But Catorln. .
What quickly cures Constipation ,
Sour Stonmeb , Colds , Indigt'qtlon :
lint ( lntnrtn. ,
Farewell then to Morphine Syrup. ,
Castor Oil and Paregoric , And
hail Castorla.
Centaur LlnImont.-&b-
sointo cure for Rheumatism ,
Sprains , Burns , Galls , &o. , mmml sui
instantanoons Pain-rollover ,
Spocialn will Posttmvely not be inserted
unless naid in advance.
TO LOAN-Money.
TO LOAN-The OmnahmaSatings ibiikI
I ' 1ONOY rroIared to make loatis on OiiusIa ely or
iotmglas cotmimt real estate at ctmrruimt rate of
No commitissloti charjod , : m. , it !
ONES TO LOAN-The lowest rates of Iiut.rtt
.1 Itenis' Loaim Atency , 11th .t : 1)otmgias. : iItf
'I ONilY TO LOAN-Call at law ollico ci 1) . I. .
.1 v Thomimas , reemit 8 ,
ONIW LOANOP-tm Chattel titortguge , roommi 7
.1. NeIrmuoka Natiomml hiarmit imuulling.
ONEY TO hOAN-J.T. ikatty loatmi on chattel
1 omolert.v , 213 South Htlm St.
geol barbe rs for at eady work.
V Y Uood aaacea Comito immitettiately. Coinimmercial
Barber ehn , Ltmmcolm , , Net ) . 702.26'
IXTANTEI-'l'wo good girls at Carey's , mmorthwcst
V Y cor. of 11th and liamemiport.
room girls at the Canflold
\ \TANTEbmnhmi
house. Vages $ mi ! icr uiommth. 712.11
\ STANTEI-OImo iood. .teady harne.a maker , that
, tmnderstantis trumimmoing. ( lund aenve. , steady
eniplotimieimt. . A. nmtt'rv ,
7i'J at Aurora , sob.
ANTEI-fliri forgenemal housework In ma1l
vy faintly , cor. Caldsehi and l'ier streets , one
aquaru % a .ot . of Saunders street. 7i4 27'
TANTOU-Oirl at euqloymnemit chime , 2i7 N. 16th
street. No ottlec fee. 716 3i1
M TANTED-A coimipetent Mnericaim or Swedish
girl for nurse atid lady' , niald. nerercmmces re'
quired. Inquire ro4 north 22d street. t19328'
Arrn-A girl to do general houesork. Mrs.
N. N. Edward. , 2ist ma. and hlelleyue road.
1'7ANTEI-A good cook at thoSlavenllouse , 10th
y V street. Gdi-20'
1XTA"ED-Tcn tcamo at Florence Wages
V S tS.50. imiquire of .1. C , Murjh.y , at thu works.
yANTED-HY thmo promr1ctor of thmo hluekt'ye
V Meat Market , corner of 3lasotm and 16th trcets ,
near the nail work , , a lIve , actiac woman tis do and
superintend general housework , to whom will be
glacmigoodpay. it. II. FXANKI.IN.
TXTANTED-A gin for at 2008
V V Burt streeb 694.25 !
trron-A glrlto do general hoii'o work. Apply -
ply at 2121 Califormila street. 606 St
. 1ANTmiu-Threo good dtmin realm , gir1 at Met.
' llotei. tYages i5 rer mnth. Only
flrst class waitent imem.d apply. 6DO.2
ANTOD-IIrhfor ( general housework iii small
W family at 1913 lougias St. . 609.2t1 I
ANTED-A second womnami cook at the Emmet
ilouse. 058-28'
WO Girls wanted at New England Iiemtaurant
1418 Douglas Street , 683.25'
U 7 ANTHD-OlrI to do general housowork. Albany
vy house , S. Tenth street 020.251
XTANTED-A good gin for kitchen work. inquire
V S. 11. oor. 18lm and i1odo or 1318 Farnan , St.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 580-ti
% TANTED-F1rst.clasa woman cook at the Gault
y y House , neargovurmmmemmt corraL
iTANTED-A good feeder for double climider
y y m'res. at once , at this otlice.
1TAN'rED-A dining room girl at the Occidental
TV imumetliatciy.
_ _
1TANTED-Privy vaults , sink , , and ccsspoolt to
y y clean aith sanitary cleaner. Satisfaction guar.
anteed. J. 51. SmIth box 422 Omaha. 8l0-lno
Sf' . ANTED-A situation ty aflanihm girl to dogen'
V eral housework In aim Ammiorlearu faimmlly , Aiply
Commorciahllotel , 0th street. 701-2..t
W AN'rEu-uya lady , situation as cook in board-
log hioue or restaurant. Addre.s "Cook" lice
'iTANTEt-SItuatioIi a housekeeper and over'
V 1' seer by ) ouiglady. ! inquire mat 1417 Cast Sb
, TANToD-A situation by a tlrat.chass coachimmian ,
' ! Apply 217 N. 16th street. 715.20'
TANTEI-By ) a lady recently arrlvedhom Swit.
zerland , situation as comamiion or govcrmiess.
highly accommmphihcd. Malar' miot so much an object
as a gorsI home. For parttculars , apply at Amnes'
real estatu agency , 1500 Farnamn St. 830-30'
- TArEn-ny an experienced avonman , a . .itna
ttomm to dolmoimsoworkor cook lii a boarding
house , Simiall towim or coumitry Ireferi ed. Can gla e
good referemmces Address Lou 1k , Onialma , Neb. ,
No. 1560 Shertnazi Ama 676 20
I 7AN1El-A , Ituatimn by a girl In an Amerkami
V family to do generat housework. Apidy at
Scandinavian Ilotci iithSt. 584-25' . . .
\tTANTED-Situattomm as houu keeper by young
\ V luCy , Atidro. . N. II. lice office , 580-281
UTANTEli-AMtiitln Wo.fbaker f fliem
V V yemmrscxperlemwe. AddressJohn l'cter.erm , list-
tiimgi. Nebraska. 6(31.281 (
sr Ol-Wefl broken gen tIe pony for ItU girl
vy prlcemnoderato. Apply N. 0. coiner 19th and
California St. .
yANTEI-miaery body to take i'hotographs by
Electric Light at Eaton's 1320 Farnamn Street.
TRAYEL ) ( ill STOLEN-A , tnahl roan cdiv , , Imort
S horn. suit ehlte Suet Oil breast. A rewaril will be
iaid for Information or her return to 'l' . J. } 'itz'
uxiorrla , 042. H Sovonteciuth Street.
I'Oit.IIENT--flouaes and Lots.
work. , on south lvth street , U1)pOtitU the llostomm
stoma 70i'20'
iOltltON'l'-ltooiii , cot. 10th stud iioutafreeea
iliquIre at Drug .tor , 709tf
'omm IIONT-1'tmrimtshe.l room , ISOS Farnamim btreet.
F Oil. IIENT-Furimlahed roonm , 1002 Fanmaiim .itreet.
OOlt hOST-house eu Climmago street , bet. 14th
.ini 15th , Inquire Of .1. Swift , Clikago , c-or , 15th.
; mout utisi'L'icasant : ftmrnlthmed rooms , Ileetner's
block , cor. SUm tout IloaarI street , 684.2Sf
I "Uii IIENTA hiuuu of tummy ru'mims In Iheant lo'
11 c-sIlty. Address , aifti reh.'rcicea , , " 31. 22 , " Ht-
ottlco. 0j0-20
Foil IIEN'i'-A trout rectum hmanttsonmely furiuMied
atitlm bath roomim omm saint floor at 1013 llodgu St.
I Oit 1lENT-Nu Imousumeawi rooms , f20 per too.
inquire 240t1 t.bjttol ate , ( iST.tI
roolim S liii bay wlimdw , gas amid bath moon , , also
few fable btarders 17113 lodgc.
U1itoNTThmreo roomna at biO2 CahfomiiastmtIlS
? ollltEr short time a furnished cottage
clteimIbUOt N , isthOt. 048.25 ;
jmINOLY lurniahud rooms for rent. Chicago street
.L hut , lOthamid 17th , No. Sal. 054.27
-t'oit itONT-OuTtagu.Oroonw , 10th slid ll1cko ;
.1 , house , U rooms , ibtli and taaenpomb Inquire
of .7 , i'hmIps simm and Spincu. 63m.tI
itl.i,7.0 : houses fur rent at greatly me.
Lowlilt metes. 1034-201 Li0000 11125.
L AW oF1C11 , well furnished , with good hibriry , . \
for sale cimasi' , JOhN I. . .tOOltl1 ,
SOS-mm' Crete , Nob.
' 1tIJilsls1lED Poem to rent , 2112 CAIII.imia St.
.1 587.28'
jooIm RENTIclmn1lo fnttago , $2t' ' ior month-
.1. 2210 Oshifornia street , 435-LI
Olt ItONT-New roonmsfurtthr,4 ! or unitmrnlhed.
aalthm Int. Iteferenc-es reputed , 1010 1Me
port. . _ _ _ _ _ . - 4&6tI
'fj'Olt htEN'T-Two small brIck siore , and baaoment
I Just being finished $30. three doorsmmorthof Nab.
National flank. S. bEllMAN. 346-ti
JOlL 1IONT-l-'lyo room cottage ltt , good barn.
.1. All 1mm otcellent condition and well located , C. F , nltlscOl. ( . .
_ I _ high , broke to saddle , single Stmd double harness ,
For further laformasitomi statable ttth and ChI-
cag street , 703.27
1"Olt SALO A fine llack pony , sound and kind.
.1. ( load torlde ordrhe. Apply atllide ham , i6th
, treeb 700-26'
1 SALE200 head yeamliig , halters $ t7.&O , 200
head 2 sitU three sear olil heifer. , 24.OO. 400
Calies. All shea. , arelowit cattle.
srI1ANOE 11110'S ,
Cattle Contractor. , lll.le , Wool amid 'lbllow ' , lealer , ,
Smut City , liens. 032-mm
tcult IIAI.O11mmca ieligreei1Jorse.r Bull. , record.
1,1 lii herd l"otc. Six imuontimi tti ( Urea ) cars old.
l'rlce , lw amiul iectrdlng to iireo 10mg. sjidmg , Valley
Stock Fan , , , I I'd tulle. nest 'if Fair Urommul. .
580 25 , N. l.i' . 1301.OMON.
'tOlt SAI.5-Commmplete barber ! hturei. 3 chaIrs , .
iingleorwhoic ( nina. 2003Ctmmhmig ML 683-251
'tOli HAI.t-4acres : geol farmithrig lan I adjoining
city , Address W. C , Martin , fl.mnter Uioc.
( iSD.20'
; 'uolt stu.o _ llrt-elas , I'riIItlnR rriiiwrtiti Chey
colic , tVy.-lally timid tt'eukiy. Addrc. .
"Luider' asaboac. tL3t'26
tOlt SAIO-Clmuap , l'Iiaton , nearly mien ; milto open
bumrgy amid s.rilqf wagon. No. 44(3 238 SLiet.
Ilarney and St. Mary's Avenue. 638-sot
, Olt SAI.O-.t c.ntiilcte boarding house furniture . ' ,
hate 14 loa&tiert , a bargain. Inquire 151
Chicago St. ( $86.28' $ (
SALI-liio : dmok'cst "illnck" lii StimIth's addi
I. tioti 1iett ccii i'ntitmi and Douglas St. , In a at mmdc.
or I acre lots , Addmu.i ( iso. A. Llruumon , 2203 Olive " "
mit , st. Lisis. OLs.25f
O st : of the Itimest limiirovi'd i1ro'rtiw for sale at
a hargaitm , imest teim ilacs. Hiiou Dro , . , 142t
Farnaum Uso-27
_ : _ _ . . _ _ _
Joro1 , Foim h4ALu-Neamoot to the U , t' , Depot , '
Colunubms , Ncbra.un. lcchient liusIness.
( loot bargalim to right luau. itcaoim for soiling , fail
logof health , Address , S. J. 3armooy ! , Columbus
Nub. 5313.28'
-'omt SALF.-New 7.roomim house , barrimati,1 other
lmnproacmnemits , corner lot dOxiOi one block
( remit school ; gmatid view of the city. A lmargaln that.
beat. thetis all. DoN'T WAIT coma amid see how
cheap you rait buy is good home. Offered for only a
few i'cck , up. Itostolliec. 628-26 '
14ALE-Foummdry , Machine amid lmlacksuilth
S1ttl , iii tmiu best towmm In Southaae.tem-n Iowa ,
Shopsand tools are new and complete. Manufacture
strain engines , lortalhe amid atatlomiary ; 110000 front. ,
& c. 1liocumitrac-ttu furnish it. It. coatings. Terms
ea.y. Id. 0. , hoe i'tmbilshliig Co. , Onmaha.
3tOIt SALlI-Ilouso , six room and hat ! lot , nmr
street car-$2iOO.0O.
IIOUSII ANt ) LOT , hoar Ifanscotn l'nrk- .
42,800.00. S
110080 AND FULL Lor-bautirui vIew-only
z50o.oo _ t
All uargatru. . Qdl soon. SIcCAOIJE ,
547.83 Opposite t'ostotIloe
J700lt SALII Ott TitAlO-No. I tarot of 83 acre. , S
_ L mnhloim this ldu of Bellotue , 7 miles fm-urn Omnnhaon
Belletue road. All under cimitlvatioti , tell acres fruit
orchard hi full bearing , 23 years old , 2 good houses ,
18 acres of timber. inquire on premises.
628-27 lv. 11. mECXiIAS1.
-IJ-'oa _ SALE-A good 5 year old hmorau for solo at
_ I 2OiSBurtSt. 0i4-25t.
elm SALL'-Lots In west end uihiitltmi , easy tenu , . I )
1' 61(1-24 ( SIillIVEIi.t 1111.b.
FOIt SALII-l'roperty S N. cormThr l'Jth amid Capi-
tel avenue , inquire on premises. 506-ho
FOR SALO-A good bet of heavy wagon harness ,
and two splendid Imoracs-will drib 0 double or sin-
gb. Call at Aortomi's grocery store , 10th nod Payee-
Tj'tOIt SALO-itorses , Wagons , lint-news , Etc. , .t
.1. _ limigmantstahla , Cumuhmigs street. 25i3.lm
F ott SALE-Old newspapers mu large and small
quantities at thl chico. tf
Oh SALE-flax mill mmiaclilncry commmiittimmg 01
F braLe , 2 dttaters , beater , picker plow. , etC. Can it"
work either rotted or grout stuck , also ahaftimmg , pul.
Icy. . mind belting for driviimg the above , also tine 35
Ii. 1' . engine atith boiler , sniokestack and all lixture.
complete. Address WILLIASI TAIT , Charles alLy ,
Iowa 205-Smut.
-loll SALF.-A tim-st class , , eeoimd imamid top buggy. '
Call at 1310 liarney street. 397t1
_ J1 worth streets , a id and breecliltig of slng )
iiamno.c' ' . howard n-nm be giveum if left at Kane
stable , 10th and Chicago streets. 700 20'
Few gent"u'"i-can timid ftrst class day boardut.
Win. W. L 3oley 1712 Ca1ltol aye.
098 30
. , tamering and aim Speech Impoiluments iorinaimently
cured , bylr. II. iuvonbum'gli aqthe Cammileld House ,
Omaha , mmiii August fIrst. L1io doctor hiss made
spech Impediment a specialty the last ten years , and
1. so atoM acquainted with thu nature , cause and cure
that he guamutees all cases taken mmiider treatment.
CIrcular. and references sent elm application.
418.2w & W .t I
rrAKEN Ui'-Joly 20th , a bay horso.iiiT
L get infomnuttion by calling at this oflico
640-it 1 each w
its. JULIA SCilltODI-i1 , Chicago , the tncat .ow-
.1 erfulmnagmicticthyalcian , mocatas all pain and.
diseamie , Comes all those gIven up by othicrplmplcian
Coiiultatlomm free. S.W. car. 15th amid Capitol aye-
flue. Roan , 3 ,
I ' you want a l110 foundatIon to your building , ee
v. lloyd , Catmileld House. 604-im
" AND SINGING lease : , . giteim by l'rof. S.
.1v ItJ" la' . lee , 805 8outh 10th St. I'Ianos caret uhir
tuned. 563'lm
I Fvou want lilies drlmon for army purpose mmcc WI
boyd , Carmtleltl ilouto.
SALIS Cli EXC1IANUO-'uil lot and three
Foil corner of lltiu amid l'aclflc streets.
Nine iota lit , outh Omaha. Also 160 acres of land
near Santoim , Nelraska , and builditig and stock of
clotlihlig No. 604 'i'uuith atreeb Will exchange for
Nelirtuika Lam-mn beids , F'urtlmer partlctmhars at Coo.
ii. l'etersoim'a , Ciotimiiig Stare , 804 'resmth street.
; uitEIl iJIS1'ENSAitY-Iio tree dlsmenntmy .mi con
tmectloi , with the Child's hospital mmmd 1(0mm , has
boeum located on the curlier of 16th amni tiouglas streets
limitS the new buildiimg Is finished. Attemitlanco will
be given every mimorntng ( Sumiday ctcci'ted ' ) from 10
to Ii ochock for the treatment of the needy , able and
Lt1 ! . ! ' _ _ _ 3L3. : !
ALlOT 49(3 Tenth street , between Farimamim and liar.
hey , will , with time mild of guardian spirits , obtain for
any one a glammce of the past amid present , and on
certain oon.iitlons In the future. flouts aimd Shoes
iziado tc order. l'urfcct satisisOtloli
Akin I ;
Absolutely Pure.
7hmIs powder titter au lee , A ns.riei of p ruty ,
stremtgtmm amid wlmoleanmnencss. More ecoimonitcit than
thu ordinary kinds , minil cannotbe sell In comaliet lIon
will , thu mnult1tud vi low test , a1ort sulglit , .1 i a 0
l.hoplmate iw-tter. OvI.l onmy in cOis. ItorAm
i'vwmtast' _ Wafteost New\ork.
Johit D. Peabody , M. D. ,
OFFICE 1100113 , 3 and 5 1507 FAUNAS ! .
Itealdescu , 1714 Douglas ' - . . Omaha , N
. - ' _ .L _ _ _ : '