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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1883)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - . Ti &J . .z - f . 'i ' THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA , THURSDAY , JULy 26 , l&3. ' 3 $ , : hb Ivebraska National Bank OF OMAhA , iEB. \ & Paid Up Capital - - - 25OOOO aurpluB Fund , May 1 , 1883 1D,000 S Ii. JOhNSON , PreMttcnt , ct Steele , Johnson A. E. TOL'ZAIAN , Vice Preklcnt , ot 11ston. , ) w. v. tonsi : , of V. 'r. Mono co. ' JOHN S. co1.UNs ol U II. & 3. 8. CoflIn. ' J. It. VOTWOIrIt , Counctot nd Attorney t 1.w. I _ . . S. ItEID , of 133ron Icett ( ' 0. . , \ v.'ATE. % Cashier , fornuuiy ChIer of the Fkt Iatoat flank of Omaha. ThIs flaimk 0PflCI for 1 istncs Aprit 27 , 1882. . : h directoN an(1 , tockhotl crc are mnomm the lead. buIno of Omaha , end Itim buelnes I. conducted k ( ' cimece1 rcferene to the best and lncreaImg In of It.e mercantile atromi. CotIoetIon CCeeIc jmroUt ttcntIon and chargcs obtalnablo here or elecwhcro. , . IntcrctmmhIo'eit on tIme dci'o1te upon favorable I end upon accounts of banks and bankere. Foreign Exchange , Uovernmnent hIonIC , mmd County. Clt.yccurItle bought and p01(1. 1 ' : I. IV. Rodefer , Broke , " , Stoclc , flommd , Conuncrelal l'al'cr and nil other md , 'eeurttlee dealt Iii ' I itooni 4 , Ne. 28 l'carl St. , CouncIl hilufle , Ta : FINANCE AND COMMERCE , , FISANCIAIi ' NEW YORK , July I Moticy-EMy at ; 2@ per cent ; clometl . uffereti nt 1 cent. Prinio Morcamitilo 1'ner-4jG PCr cent. Sterling Exchange-Bankers' bills dull at , , , _ I-4 _ $1.83 ; ( lcnLand , $1.87. , a.4 ( ovcrnumenta cro firm in early dea1higt. _ Stocks veru stroxig nnl fractionally higher. , 7 " \Vnhash shares were weak. Speculation dur. : ) jug time greater trart of the day va dull alIm : irregular , hut t1)Ward time cloMo a goimmi buying ' . novonment 8ot lii , anti the market gradually ' advanced to tholrnst figures of the day , which y were to 1 cent higher than la.t rmighL' j d.im1g urice. Northern Pacific Khnre were I iroriiiriemmt iit the alva000. The undertone of ' : the market va Mtromlg , partly owing to the ' : . fact that the pammsemmgcr ditlicultreM in the trunk ' S flue 1)001 leave been anikably arranged , amiti to . highly encouraging reports in regard to tiLe S ' ' corn croi. A rrnlmor that Secretary ] ? olger 1 would issue a call for bolitiM August 1 alee SSt mtinLulated imnrchne. S couroNL. c . 3's. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 New ! 'm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 m 4'mmCoupons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112. & . _ _ _ _ _ _ 4s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 ( Pacifi , 6's of ' 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 S STOCKS ANt ) flONDL. . ' : American Express. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 S _ _ _ _ Burl. , Cedar ltaIid8 & Northern 82 * Central l'acific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 S _ _ _ Chicago & Altomi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 , do do Pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Clii. , Burl. & Quincy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 S Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . 35 110 lfdaskcd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7I : _ _ _ Fort Wayne & Chicago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 ' _ _ _ _ flannibal & St. Joseph asked. . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ do do do Pfd. . . . . . . . . . . 9)3 ) L _ _ _ _ Illinoia Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lad. , Bloom. & Western. . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Knnsa k Texn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128k Lake Shore & Michigan . . . . . . . . . . . S 3liclugan Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Miasouri l'acilic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 : I orthiern I'adfic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48. . (10 do pin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 _ _ _ Northwostnru. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 S do.5 jf(1. . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . 14G NewYork Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 S Ohio & Missisdpd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 . (10 do phI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Peoria , Decatur & Evanavihlo. . . . . . . . 17. Rock Ie.mnd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 St. Paul & Milwaukee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 . . (10 (10 do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . 118 S Paul , i1iiiii. & Manitoba. . . . . . . . 104 ¶ , I St. Paul & Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144. do do . Pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 S UnionPacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Wabash , St. L. & Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ! . 'V. ' . do do tin pfd. . . . . . . . . 39 Western Uniou Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . . 80 J . Asked. . ' . , . .5 . GRAIN INI ) p1OVISIONS. . CUICAGO. .5 CIICAOOt ) July 2.5.-lflour-Fjrnier , not quotably higher. . Wheat-Regular wheat moderately active and higher ; 1 02.i ! for July ; 1 03@1 03 for .ttuust ; 1 05.1 05 for Septwnber ; 1 04M ® 1 0m ( for Ocobcr ; 1 t)7 ) for November ; 1 t)2 ) for the year ; No. 2 Slinhig , 1O2@1 02 ; No. a epring , SGc ; No. 2 red winter , 1 07. - Corn-Stronger and higher ; t2.c ca.shi and t July ; b2e AuguHt ; 11j51c for ept.eimmber ; 51c for October ; 46.n for time year. Oath-Quiet and ateady ; 34@34c for ca4i ; 34Ao for .luly ; 28e for Augnnt ; 2Tgc for Sop. temuber ; 27c for October. Rye-Quiet and finn , at 50c. Barley-Quiet ; 7flc bid for September. l'lac : Seed-Quiet and unchanged at 1 32. ; S Timothy-Firm ; good to prune 1 50@1 . S. S Pork-Un8ettled , but generally higher ; , . ilemnar.d chiefly PeCL11ati'o ; 14 l014 15 caidi . ; ) and July ; 14 1214 15 for August ; 14 0 © 14 82& forSoptember ; 14 4014 42 for Octo : her ; 13 0O@13 05 for the year. Lard-Steady with fair demand ; U 079 10 S caHil for .July timid Auguet ; 9179 20 for Sop. temnbor ; 9 209 22 for October ; 8 60)8 ( ) 62 for the year. hulk Meats-Fairdemnand ; 8h1oulderi , 6&i ; short ribi 7 80 ; iiort clear 7 81. . & . \Vhlt8ky-Unchangcd. lluttcr-Uiichanged. Egg-Pnir ( ielnani at 1L@1tic. Ciioeao-'I'radu good , market firm ; choice S S full crenimme , c1ieddarm U@0.c ; full croamnHm . tlatLm , ttlc ) ; fair to gooll , clieddarN aiitl flatim , .lf@fic hard mddmmi , 24c. I llhiex-Falrdcmnaiitl and mmtoady ; green talt , " tiarnagod , ( ijc ; green salt , cured , light , 81c ; S green ealt , cured , heavy , 8J ; green salt , calf , . S 12C dry salted , lie ; dry ealted , calf , 15 ® J5ic. S TUIIOW-No. 1 , Tc ; No. 2 , Oc ; cake , 7.c. S TOLEO. 5 , 'l'OLIIO ) , July 2.-Wlioat dull ; firm ; No. 2 red winter , eaidL I l0 bid. . .5. : . . Corn-mill ; No. 2 , caahib3cbki. . - - Oat-1)u1l ; No. 2 , Aimgut1 30o bit ) . . , . - Y0ILK. S Nxw YonK July 2.-Whcat-Caslm @ 1c S , and optIomi ht1hier ; finn ungradod red , 1 0lj1 16 ; tteamor No. 2 rcd 1 12 ; No. 2 red 1 17(1 17 In elevator. I dora-Cash 1oti 1jj2o amul options 1t32kc Ii Htrohig anti higher ; urmgratloti , 5i62c ; No. , 4 2 , 62c. i Oats-jQc higher ; mixed western , 396iJ43c ; white , 141mm Ole. 1 Eggs-\veterii fresh higher anti finn at - , Pork-Stronger ; new ineat , 15 87.16 00. S v Lard-Firm ; Prilno teaimi , 9 25. . - liutter-1)nil ; drooping. . KAtS CITY. L KANSALI Otry , July 2.5.-Wheat-higher ; No. 2 roil fail , 87(87o for cMh8S@88cfor ; Aii uet ; 88o hilt ) for September. , Corn-higher ; 38o foreaimli38jc ; for Auguttt - atiti September. S. Onte-Slow and lower ; 23o for caah. No . option. I.IvEnrooL LIVIiIL'OOL1 .Tuly 25.-Broadstuffs-'i rio. W'hoatinter , tsPs ) 5th ; sprIng , $ s 7tlcj . tm ) 2mi. Corn-O' . CR ) . ' - ' L : IUILTIMOIW. m . histI.TIMOIIE , July 25.-\Vh&eat-W'esterzi \ higher ; cioaiii easier ; No , 2 winter rod , C0J4l11 I 1tS1 16. 5 , Corn-W'e3terfl ( trill ; mixed , caehi , COL ) S Oats-Very i1ulct and lower ; western eldte , S 44i46c ; mixed , 4144c. llyo-Pull nut ) easy ; how , 6kEG& , . wetoru hacked , 8@16c ; creamery , ISQ'23c. . S Eggs- Quiet at 16(17. ( " Idsky-Steady at 1 16Q1 17 , ClTCINiATI. CINCnN&Tr , July 21.-Wheat-Active and hunT No. 2 rod w'intcr1 1 071 08. Corn-uil it Sic. I Oats - Dull at 37c. Rye-Irregular at 55@5o. Pork- Dull at 15 50. i _ _ _ ( _ Lztrti-Flrimier at S 70. hulk Meabm-Quiet aiim ! tinner. "tVliiky-Firiii at 1 18. MlI.WAt1kK. MIt.w.tuIrJ , , iiily 25.-Wlieat-Strtimig anti tamnyamit ; August , 1 03 ; September , 1 Corn-Firmnet ; No. 2. S2e. Ont-Easier ; No. 2 , 3lc. 11)0lnvcr. . 1harley-Flriner ; ettra , tOc. MT. IAUIS. ST. Louis , .Immly Whetit-lllghcr : No. 2 red , I ( 06 for ca4i ; 1 01@1 0G fur .ltiiy ; J 0ScjI o0 for 4tmgut ; No , 8 reti , t)7c ) l 00:1. : Corim-Iligimer ; 47ac for ca.ii ; 44@4 lc for August ; .18a48c fur Srimt.entlwr. ( Jatm-1rrcgu1ar at 80c ; regular , ciumim , 336j ) 33l for olil , 2fc ! huh ; .hiily , 2lc ; i'i.ugtit , 22c. Corn Meai-2 SO. Ihittor-Noimmimmi. 1'ggs-tTnciianged. I'EOIil.t. 1'EOIIIA , .liily 2.Cmn'nSteaiy ; . idgh imdxeti , SOAc ; Ni. 2 niixed , 4mltIc. ( Oat..i-.Vlrni ; No. 2 white , 3li@8e. \Vhleky-Steady at 1 lti. onIg.t. Nxw OItI.g.tN , July 2.-Corii-1)iih1 ; imiIed , Ole. ( ) atm-lii good mieinaiid at 465)17. Corn \ieaI--Choicc , ISo. I'ork-ln good tieniantl auth lower at IS 02 1525. Lard-Lower ; th'rce , 'Jc ; keg , 9c. hulk 'i1cats-Scteo atid finn. bIVE STOCIC. KANSAS CITY. KAiH CITy , Itil 2.-Cattle-SLcady ; iiattvci 4 9O@5 1o ; 'l'exrupm , 3 sci : 75. llogti-llniior ; 5 205j11 35. . Sheep-Unchanged. CIIIC.tGO. ChICAnO , ltii 25.-Tue 1)rtncnm' , luitrnai report.'i : hogs-heavy15 05 1)0 ) ; light , ti 005J6 25 ; mmkiim , : hsoSo 50 ; closeml weak. ( , attle-1liik amid strong ; exhmortM , 5 tKS ) ( I 113 ; good to choice isitippitig , S 6O5)j5 8T ; CO11L111OIL to imiodinmu , .1 (30&I ( S 40 ; canning amid butchering , ittoady ; imiferimir to fair covmm anti niixetl , 2 80SIJ1 00 ; fair tO ( ) ( ) , 4 I0@.I 15 ; tmtockermm , 3 10@4 00 ; feetlvrmm. .1 106j4 65. Sheep-Brisk niiil firma ; inferior to fair , 3 25 per cwt ; comunton to gooti , I OOj ( 1 50 ; choice to extrim , 4 7S5 25 ; Inimmims , per heath , 1 255)J4 00. MT. i.OUIS. . T.OUIS . . liberal Sr. , .Tiiiy 25.-Cattle-Simptiy ; weak offeriugLi , mostly griumsermi ; light tmhmipmimig steerm , 4 85&ZJ5 20 ; heavy shipping eteer S 80 5)r , 65 ; experts 11 70@ , (10 ( ; goon to choice Texans and 1ilitiii stoeri , .1 O05)j4 ItO ; cntil 111011 , 3 tiO5)j3 75. Sheejm-Stoatly , gtnitl local aiid Rid 4mig tie. maul ; iiieHtitii to good , 8 2557J1 04) ; Primmie to choice , 4 10@4 50. - - - - - - T1tAFF1C. FLOUR AND GIttI. CIIICACO , July 25.-Receipts nut ! ehitpiiientmi of flour and grain for the piutt 24 hoiirm have been as followe : lieccipts. Shiii't.m. Flour , bbis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,000 6.000 Wheat1 busliciM. . . . . . . . . . 23,000 81,000 Ccrn , bushicis. . . . . . . . . . . . 8U4,000 100,000 Oatmt , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 133,000 . 6.OOO Rye , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1,000 Barley , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 2,00(1 . . . . Niw YOILK , , Tuly 25.-lloceiimts and iliip. montH of flour amid grain for the vast 24 itouts have beet : as follows : lteCeijtS Ship'ts. Flour , bble. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \Vheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 22,000 Corn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 125,000 1,200 Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 18,000 1,000 ICANsAS , Crrr , July 25.-lleceipt. and hiij , . inents of graiuor the 1cat 24 hours have been as follows : RCCei1)tt. Sbip'ts. Wheat bushels. . . . . . . . . . 10,000 2'2,000 Corn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 17,000 1,000 LIVE STOCK. ChICAGo July 25.-ReceIpts and shipmnenti. of live stocic for the pat 24 hours have been Ita follows : Receipts. Sliip'ts. 1ro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,000 . . . . Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,400 . . . . Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 40 Sr. Louis , July 25.-Receipts aitti ship. meats of live stock for the past 24 hours have been as follows : lleceipts , Ship'ts. Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 Irtm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,300 1,200 JCANSAS CITY , July 25.-Receipts and ship. inents of live akck for the pt 24 hours have been as follows : Receipts. Sliip'ts. Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,600 . . . . hogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,1300 . . . . Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 . . . . OMAhA. MARKETS. Wholesale i'rlccs , OFfrrc OP TILE OrAhrt BEE , S Wednesday Evening , July 25. Gralim. \Vo continue to quota the prices of grain as they were at the comn inoncoment of the telegraph operators strike , us lriccs are unsettled and shtiiiitcrs do not care to givO accurate qiiota tiomis. W1IEAT-Cuh No. 2 , 84c ; No. 3 , GOc ; rejected - jected 45c. BAItEY-CL1s1t No. 2 , .JSc ; No. 3 , 3k. ( ] tyg-Czshi , 40.c. ConK-Mixed , 3& . Oti s-35e. IJIVO Stock , FAT Sriiiut-Unchammgcd : : at 4 0O5)O 00. FAT Cows-3 2S3 75. hlous-1 5O5)j1 75. SiiEe-Stendy at 3 SOcl 00. CAr.v1H-Fair(1tialjty 6 OO5),6 50 ; good hutch. ers' stock , 7 00. . Cured Mcn. HAu3-Qmiiot amid lower at 1l@12c.I . l3ACo-ilighmer at 11512c. Snouuw.its-1)ull at 7ci7 DILIEI ) BiE'-UmtcliaI1getl ; ve ijuoto at lie. LAitI-At 'J5)JlOc 1mm ticrces. TALWW-Firiml at 651J7o In barrels. i l'oIiltryaiiti Fish. Si'ILINQ CII1cKEzH-Snrall , tltihl and mitt- chiamiged at 1 25@2 00 ; large , quiet at 3 00 ; old lower at 3 74 00. \'IIITE ' Fisit-Urichiangoil at 0@lOc. ; 1mlko and lake trout the same. General l'votluco Eor.s-hhijlier at 1.ltjiJiOc. ] furrElt-Juhl anti unchan 'ed ; Coimunon to good , 7lOq ; choice dairy , 14 a 16 ; sweet , high colored giat.s , 125)113 ; cooking , 7c. GILEEN i'EAKteaily at $1 00. ( IIuEN 1liAKM-$2 : iO5j2 25. 1'OTATOES-NeV t1mmiot amiml imiarket s'el1 sup. Ldied at 30(40o Per liii. ONIoNs-Quiet at $1 50(15 ( 00 per bbl. Ntv : Ctiintr.t-25o : per dozen. I iOKEY-Cahifornia , iii conib , per pouitl , 20 j2lc ; btrathILetl , i0jl2c. CIiEF.i-Qtiiet and unchiangeil.o quote 105Ti2c. 'rwIA1OEI'1eiity at 81 00 per box. Giecri Fruits. hhI.iEiiEiiIIIr.4-15(1'J8c ' jor cpiamt. J1LACIUL:1IIL1I'L : l ° mjumaut. : anti in gtmoml tietmi timid at 6 OO@8 00 per box. Co uuutj : t-i2iSc ( iet quart. ( ) H.uEi-CoIlfornia , uuichiauiged at 4 O0 © 4 l'.tciui2 so CAJ.uFohtTA l't.Uti-1mt good demnanil at 2 50S2 75 pr IOX. Ot.It0ItIiA AlItICOTj4-ScarcO at 2 75 In 0 lb box oi. Per bunch , 2 0O ( 4 .A i'i'i5is-1 : OO(15 ( 00 per ith , O4 1.1 tOIINLA ILILTL.I' J-'AR3-Uiiciiauiget1 at 3 0Oc3 25 l box. Florur itmiti i"Ihhlstiuffs , \ VINTEIIVii EAT-lTeitt quality , patent , at 3 25 ( 3 so. SICONi ) Quturv-3 OO@3 25. 4IILIEQ1IEAT -Ilest quality , patent , at 3 tOtt8 ( ( iS. SEcoYn QVALITT-2 t.03 50. 1lRAI-l'er tern , ii 00. Cuiorign FkEI1-l'er 00 llm. 1 00. ( 'omu4 O01 10 lr cwt. ScitEElsa-OO65opcr cwt. Grocers List. CANEEI ) ( ioon-Otera ( St.amiilard ) , her e.ise , 8 7Q3 00 ; stravherrlee , 2 him , 'r CARO , 2 10 ; ra.pberrie , 2 It' , l'cr ease , 8 50 ; Bartlett 2 40 ; vhortheberriet , l'r ca.o , 2 75 ; egg lihtimims , 2 hIm , per c.te , 2 P0 ; greeuu gages , 2 Il , , ler case 2 P0 ; tIn chiol , 3 11' , i'r 1'lOtO , 4 50 ; lmiuuo apImes , 2 lii , ier case , 4 ( XI@ C , 75 ; ; c.lto , 2 lIt , P ° eqo , 8 00 ; do 3 II , , i'cr Caste , 1 tXQt tiO ; do ( plo ) , 8 tim , Icr ca.o , 2 60 ; thtt 1tio , Ii It , , ier thttzuu , 2 80. Iicih.ottIjzimua : to chtoIe , 7@8c ; fair , T6i7 : l'at Irma ti'c. : Fusit-No. 1 mnackere1 , half brlmu. , 7 00 ; No. I uuiack.rel , klttt , 1 00 ; fanmhly immackerol , half brls. , S 25 ; fetidly mnnckerch SSc ; t' . 1 wIdth fish , half brlmm. , 7 00 ; ' .o. 1 kits 1 05. Sviiui'Stauumiard Coin , , 8.'m. , imumle ; ! tamudari tltm , .1 gallon kegs 1 S ; Standard ( Ii 4 gallon kegs , 1 60. oii.--1uu 1t PP' 3 80 jcr case ; keg soda , Ni : 1'icii.ts : - ? tledhimn , lii lmarrrimm , e , SO ; do lii half barrchm , 8 7(1 ( ; small iii barrels , 7 40 ; do itt hmihi : barrels , S l2iterkuus ; , iii bariei , 8 40 ; dim iii Ititi I iiti ohs , 1 m 0. 'i's-i : tuull , ovdcr , good , 455 rhc ; citoko 60 5i7tmc ; good Imperial , .lO5il3e ; vhuie , l305)6Sc ; omulig I lysomu , good , 865J'tioe ; choice , 6Rcu1 : 00 : .1 iu3hauu , imittural leaf , 85e ; .1 citoico , 6O575c ; Otmhtmug , good , 8.i@.iOe ; Oo.mng : , eiuoicii , 405j.t'Sc ; Sotteluimmig , gooti , 3SO1Uc ; choice , 855) 45c. hoIu-SfMal { : , , mdi atul laugor , l0c , Inch , lie ; . lmmclm , 1le. \\'ooiiw.tutu-Tvn : hioolm i'aIls , 1 75 ; thiteti hionit jtiihls 2 00. 'l'iilis , No. I , 8 50 ; I'm- ulcer VLMhIboar , 1 8.5 ; Double Crown , 2 90 ; Vollbuucket'm , 8 50. : , 1 ( iS.'s Stomi : Inipeila ) , 3 45 ; KIrk's satimiet , 8 60 ; KIrk's mmtamulartl , 8 75 ; KIrk's bite 1luslan , S 25 ; Kirk's entttea , 2 15 ; hirlfs I'iairiu Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) be ; Kirks imuaiiiohiu : , (11)7. I or.suI--1'emmmisylvntiia calls , 4 case , in ca.o , 8 85 ; liaimlitts , ball , 2 mioz. In caMe , 1 'JO ; .Aiuchuor bail , 2 ( It ) ? Lii Ca.'sO , 1 50. l'i.UT5-IlOa.MtCti , choice , red ' .l'eitiiti'soo , 12c Ib ; fuicy hittu , 12c er lb ; rt-whiite Virginia , ra % lie ; roasted , i3c . . : - , , 40 his , l6. , ltic ; 8s , 1fic ; ) )4)XC , ( .10 Ibs , ii ; oz. , Itic. : i .tTCI I us-i'er : caddie , 62c ; iuittl , cases , C , TO ; SIIILUO ( cott'M : , : ; 40. CoFFIii-Ordinary : grades , 8.1Oc ; fair lOSij lOb ; good 10@l1c ; primmie , i212c ; choice l3oii3c ; ; ? itucy gmeeIu anti yellow , 14@l5c ; oh ! goverimnient , hzivn , 205)326c ; 1.cverlng's toasted , 14c ; 4tilntckle's rastel , 14c ! ; McLaughlin's xxxx iThthtcd , i4c ; imitation Java , 1G. © 18Jc. VIEIII1l-NoW York apple 16c ; Ohio ap- 1110 , 13c. S.t.T--Iray loads , per bbh , 1 75 ; Ashiton , In sacks , 8 50 ; iIils dairy 60 , ( is , 3 50. Sutns-1'ovdcred , 1OAC ; cut loaf , lOAc ; gialtimlilted , 9c ; confectioners' A , Ojc ; Stand. tti'tl e.tra C , 8gc ; extra 0 , 8.c ; medium ye1- low SAc ; mlark yellow , 7c. STAILLII-l'eatl , 1.c ; Silver Closs , 9c ; Corn St.arih , tic ; Eceim.ior Gloss TAc ; Csrn , 8c. Si'iCi'4-PeI per , lie ; allspice , lOc ; cloves 25c ; cwmMia , 100. ClIFasg-Full cream , I Ic. LYE-AineriCan 3 4 ; ( reenwichu , 3 40 ; Western , 2 75 ; i'orth Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' 1ye 4 65 ; ! uvohl lye , 2 75. Dry Goods. BuvN CorroNs-Atlantuc A , 8c ; Aqtlb ton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , Sc ; Boot Fl" fc , Buckeye Lie , 4.1 , 7c ; Cabot W , 7jc ; Chitto. imango A 6c GroatFalls E 8c ; hoosier , 6.c ; homiest \itltfu , Sc ; Imidinti 1cad it , 8c ; indian Standard A 8c ; Indian Orchard , d. w. , 6c ; Lavroiice iA1 , 6c ! ; Mystic livcr { , Tc ) ; Pcqummt A , 8c ; Utica 0 , S.c ; Wachusett 3,7c ; do A , 8.c do E 48 , 12c. Fia liltowN Covroxs-Allemulnlo 4-1 7e , Alligator 3-4 , 8c- Argyle 4-4 , 71'c ; Atlantic 14L , 6c ; Badger 3tate X 4.4 , GAc : Iheumumingtomu C 4.1 , 6c ; Buckeye S .1.1 , flAc ; limdiamt Orcluard AA 9.8 , 8c ; Laconia 0 39 , 8.c ; Lehigh 1' 4.4 0c ; Popperell N 30 , Ic ; do 0 32 , 74c ; do 36 , 7c ; ( It ) E 39 , 8o ; l'ocasset C 4-4 , 7c ; \Vamostutta 4-I , 13c. BLEclItn L 4-I CorroNs-Androscoggin - , 9)c ) ; Blacketomie 1S.A. imimperial 8c ; do ( It ) half bleached l.4 , Oc ; Cabot 4.4 , 8c ; Fidelity 4-4 , 'Je ; Fruit of the rttcun , Ole ; do camnhiric 4.4 , 12kdo Water Twist , 10c ; Great Fulls Q , tic : immcfiaui head mmiirnnk 4-4 , 12c ; Loutmdale , be ; ( I cammibrie 37. 121e ; Now York Mills , 12c ; l'ci1uot A , 100 ; PepperelN ( Twillt , 12e ; l'ocaluntus 4.1 , iJ'.c ' ; 1'ocasot 11.4 , 8 ; Utica , lie ; WTamsmmtta 0 X X , 12c. 1)ccKs ( Colored-Albany ) E brown , 8c ; do C , drILl , lic ; do XXstripcsamudplakls , 121-2c ; do NX ± brown and drib , stripes itniti phaid , 12 1.2c ; Arlingt.omu fancy , itic ; Brunswick browit , 8 1-2c ; Chariot fancy , 12 1-2c ; do ox- tnt heavy , 20c ; Ftll Itiver brown , extra heavy , 11 1.2c ; Indiana A brown , 13c ; Neponset A brown , ISo , TIcKINGS-Amoskeug A C A32 , 190 ; do XX blue 32 18 1.2c ; Arnowanmia , U 1.2c ; Cinre. mont 1B 15 b.2c ; Cone.stoga , extra , 17 1.2c ; Hamilton , 11 1-2c ; Lewiston A 30 , lOc ; 3limi nehaha1.4 , 20e ; Ommiega , super extra 4.4 , 28c ; Pearl River 32 , 16 1.4c ; l'utuuani XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shictucket 5 , 10 1-2c ; do SS , 12c ; Yeomnan'tt blue 29 , tic. DENIMS-Amtitskea. blue amid brovnl6 1.2c ; Andover 1)1) blue , 15 1.2c ; Ailimigtomn X blue Scotch , 18 1.2c ; Concord 000 , blue anti browmu , 12 I-2c ; do AAA , (10 do , 13 1.2 ; Ill ) XX tm ) do Lit ) , 14 1-2c ; Ilayinaker's blue amid browmu 9 l-2e ; Mystic JtivcrDIntripo , bOl-2c ; Pearl liivcr , blue amid browim , 16c ; Uncwtviile , blue amid ltiuwii , 14 1.2c. CAimliIicH-Bantard , Skc ; Eddystone himmiug , 24 inch double face , 81ctJarner ; A glazed , 14c ; Marulmattait glove finish , Oc ; Ncwpmrt do.,5.c ; (11) gbtzed , rm:1c ; Pequot do , Sc ; Lockwood kid fimuishu , lie. COIISET .JENs-Amnory , Amuthroscoggln satteemu , 8c ' Clarendoit fc Coimetogga bat. tectis , 74c ; .I'Ialhowell , Sc ; lmidian Orchard , 7c ; Narragansett , imuprovctl , 8c ; I'epperill eat. teen , Usc ; Jloekport , GO. l'JIIEi -jUleits , ( il : Aiuuer.ciiii , flo ; Arnold , 6c ; Borwiek , 4c ; Coclmooo ( ; ; Cmmiostoga , ( ic ; Damikirke ; Iiimmunehl , 65j7c ; Eddystorto 7c ; ( flotmecster , Okc ; I I arinony , Ole ; Jnickorbtcotr , ! , 61c ; tlcriimntc 1) , 7c ; MyIo , f4c ; Sprmgi : : . Ce ; Southtbritlgo , Ge ; tin Giuigliimntm : , Vc ; 'ii.i1- bore , 5c ; Oriental , 6c. ( hKGittilsjmutoketg : ftc ; Argyle , ] Oe ; Atlamutic , Sc ; Cumherlm'.uJ , 7e ; hlighlaiid , 7c ; ICoutllwortli , 9e ; 1'lurniktt , tIe ; Sussex , Sc. Co11oAIns-AbbervIlhe , b3e ; Agate , 20c ; AmerIcan , lie ; Artisian , 20c ; Cairit 1) amid 'I' , i3c ; Clariomi .1) and T , 17c ; 1)ecau Ct' . stripes 1) aiim ! ' 1' , 16c Koytitom&e , 13c ; Nan tucket , liJo- Nonpareil , 1Cc ; Uceiut 1) mitmil T , J3c ; ifoyal , Itic Sussex , 12c ; 'l'iogiiVnelnm - ttott ithirtimig ciueeCcn , 121c ; do Nauukin 12c York , plaInt Namiklun , 12c ; do chocks , strIpes itiuti fancy , l2c ; do S mm ; 20c. SIIrIEns-Anuilruscogiuu 10-4 27c ; do 9.4 , 2k- : dim 3-I , 32c : Continental C 42. lie ; Itt-nIt of tite 1ooiui 10-4 ; 27&cNew ; York ma Ils 98. 35c ; tin 78 , 80c ; tin 58 , 22c ; l'emnuhroktm 10.4 , 25c ; l'oqtiot 10.4 , 28c ; do 71 , Jib : do 49 , itic ; Pehiltoachl 90 , 29e ; do (17 ( , 21c ; do 7 , iSe ; Utica ii , 30e ; do 58 , 24o ; tin IS , lie. Jruigs 1)itL't1si ( i1iiIIcAI.s-Aclh , Carbolic , 45c ; /tchtl 'l'iirtimie : , ( tOe ; Bnlsauiu Copabla , P ° ' Ib , 70c ; Iftirk , Sausaframm , per II , , 12c ; Caloniol lor lii , 75c ; Cimmhmumiidla , per uz ! 1 05 ; Clulora. forum , her II , , 85c ; Jtiyer's ] 'oll'ders , jier It , , $1 25 ; Epsomut Salts , iter lb , 3c ; Glycerine , iture 11cr lii 30cr Lead , Acetate , lC ii , , 22c ; ( ml , bastor. I ; o. I. iter gal , $1 85 , OIl , Cattor , No. 3 , ter gal. 81 20 ; oil , OlIve , Itergal. $1 (0 ; DII , Orignmmuuiu , 500 ; Oplummm , $5 (10 ( ; ( uInmine , 1' . & \ ? . ninth U. & S. yor oz , $1 90 ; i'otasslumii , hhItie , P ° Ii ; , i hO ; Sahicini oz , 40c ; Sulphate Of LI mrj id tic , 11cr o ; i3 75 ; Sulphur Ihtmu , tor lii , 'Jo ; Strycituiimiu , jtcr oz , $1 26. l'iuiuuts , Oils and Varnishes. Ogis-l10 ° carbomu , Iter gallant , 12c ; I50 lteiuihlgltt , Per gallon , Ille ; 175 hIoullIgh&t , 11cr gallon , lt.ic ; 150 ° vater white , 18elImu. sooth , raw , ior gallomu , SOc ; llmuseel , boiled' , ftor gallium , bOo ; lard , wInter tttr'd , per gahlomm , 85c ; No , I , 75cNo. ; 2 , The ; eastr , XXX , icr , gal. loin , 1 35. No. 3 , 1 20 ; sweet , icr phlumi 5c ; 5110011 is. , Io1 gallon , 1 64.1 ; tiliS. . Ii , , per gallon , COo ; iwatfuutext.ra , gallon , tKc ) ; No , 1 , 75c ; luinlcating , zero , 11cr gallon , 80c ; sumniitcr , ISo ; golden titacijiuto , No. 1 , 11cr gal. lou , 35e ; No , 2 , 8c ( ) ; siltirimu , sigumal , oi gal lttn , SOc ; tmuritonthmue , iter gallon , SOc ; ituptlia , 74 icr gallomm , IGe ; 63 , ir I1AINTM IN Oii-Whlto loath , Otrmahna P , p. , Ge ; white lead , St. Louts , pure , Ole ; Marseilles grecim , 1 to 5 lb camis , 20c ; Fioncit zluic , green sett , 12c ; Fenchn zinc , red seal , lie ; French zinc , imu varnish , 2le ( : Fiomicli ittic. in oil Last , ISo ; raw mmml bunut immmtlier , 1 hhcans , be ; raw ninth burnt Siemimma , lOc ; vamudyko brown 13c ; rdfinol Iamnpblack , 12c ; coach black , amit ! ivory black , Ilic ; drop black , We ; PrmusiIamu iihiuo , 30c ; miltramnamino blue , ISo ; chrome green 14. : bI. & 1) . Ilic ; blind umtti green , h , : u. & 1) . , jOe ; l'amimu creomi , iSc Imudlan red , ISe ; Venetian roti tic ; l'itsearu ret , 22c ; Jtnteri. camu Vermnillion i. & P. ISo ; chromite yellow , Ji. M. , 0 , & I ) . 0. , 1c ; yellow ocliro , the ; golden nehru , lOc , itatent tlrycr , 8c ; gralning coloN. llgltt oak , IbaIk oak , wahuuut , chucstnmnt and , iSo. Dry l'alntsu. \\'hlto head , Sc ; French zinc be ; Paris wliithumg , 2c ; whtltluug glItters , le ititImtg eoiii'l ijc ; lamnimimleek , ( ierutmammttvmm , lie ; launitlilack , ( mrtilummry , lOc ; Pruusbiaml litie , t'c ; mmltrtmuuarlno , lSc ; vamutlyko , bnvum , Sc ; mumilor , imurnt , 4c ; imuutlor , raw ic ; siemumma , itmiruit , 4c ; sIenna , ra % , Ic ; 1'ars grecum , gomumuimme , 2t'c ; l'aris groomi , communion 20cchmnmmmmogreenm , N.\ ' , , 20o ; cluntmno groom , h. . , l2c ; eruuiIllioim , Emmg. , TOe ; serunlliloum , itmmwritaum , l8c ; I uuthlamu reti , lOc ; rose 1tiunk , 14c ; Venetlnmt roil , Cmtkustise , 2c ; Voumetlan. red , .tumerIeami 1'c. roil loath , 7.c ; ehurtmno yellow , gemmuimie , 0c ; cltnoue yci. lttv , K , , 12c' ocimn-e ; roehu'lle 8e ; mtvluro , Frommehm 2'c ; 0(11113 , Amumeric.ui , tie : \ \ iumtor'm unimlt'rlLl , 2c ; lehigh ltrowmi , 2c ; S1miutislt 1nWII , 2c ; I ritiv&s inhuieral , 3e. ? .luisliEs Barrels ir gahtomm : 1'murmd. tune , extra , $1 10 ; furnIture , o. 1 , $1 ; tacim , extra , $1 40 coachu , ito. 1 , $1 20 ; iaummam- ) , extra , $1 7tm.inlmamm ; , 70c : nsimhuaitmumn , extra , SSe ; shellac , 3 50 ; huartl uiliiuulsiu , $1 tO. Lent tier. Oak tm1o 8So to 420 ; Itemumltmek stlOtSC ! tti 35c ; ltemumlock kp , Soc tO 1 (10 ( ; rummier ( iSm.i to SOc ; liemumlock calf , Stto to I 20 ; henmlock upper , 2k : to 2flc oak iuitpcr 2ic ; alligator , 4 00 to S ho ; calf kIth , ! @ ( reLscn kiti , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kIt' ' , SOc to 1 00 : oak calf , I 20 to 1 30 ; Fuemichi kilt 1 10 to I hiS ; Fmemmehu calf , 1 25 to 9 00 ; riLe. mmt'tjt , S 50 It ) 7 50 : lInings , ( I 00 to 10 ItO ; toil. tiulgs , (1 00 tti 10 50 ; B. \tontcco , 8O ( to 8.c ; itebblo 0. 1) . ? tltmrocetm , iSc ; slunomu , 2 10 to 8 00. IIAIIEIsS-No. 1 star oak , 12c ; No 9 do , : hpc : No. 1 ohm oak , 8c ; No. 2 tI , , iSc ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 37c ; No. 2 tIn , 8 Ic. Littuutmer. VuIoIIa4AI.I. . \.o mimoto himmmtbcr latin and shingles on cams at Ontalia at the ftihiowiuig lriccs : , loti' Ni ) SCASTLING-lO ft. attd mother 22 ( it ) : 18 ft , 28 50. 'I'uiituns-Ifl : feet aiim ) immitler , 2200. 'l'i'iinun : ANn .loisr-18 ft , 23 ItO ; 20 ft , 23 itO ; 22 ft , 26 itO ; 24 ft , 26 itO. FiNCIEti-Ntm. : 1 , 4 mimI Ii tim. , 24 00 ; Ntm. 2 , 22 00. .Sil TIKu-Nn. I (2t1 ( colutmnttmu bonnie ) , 20 00 ; No. 2 , 18 00. LIMI-l'er : barrel , I 25 ; bulk item ttuehtel' 85c ; cemuinuit , ltbl , 2 25 ; Iowa tthastcr hbl. 2 itO ; hair P ° ltu. hOc ; 'i'arteti felt , 100 us , .8 50 ; etra % Iioul , 8 itO. htcavyhhuirtlwnrc 141st. into , rates , 2 (10 ( ; jm1os st.oel3 SPeclitI cast , 7c ; cimucilio , Sc ; iqecial or (1 etmutamu , t'.ttmi ( It ) , l5@20 wagon spokes , set , 2 258 00 ; huts met , 1 25 ; felltteti , envetl thy , 1 lU ; tttngiuos , each , 7O5iS5c ; axlo.u , onehu , The ; square mints iter It ) , 75)Jllc ; vthiens * , per Itt , $5)jlSc ; miveti , Ib , lie ; volt cirniu , Itt , IJ5)J12c ; mnahleaitio , Sc ; Intli vodges , tic ; crowbars , tic ; harrow teeth , Ic ; t'trimig eei , 7Q8c ; Burtlcn'sltorsehoes , 5 25 ; Buirtien's imutlodiocs , 6 25. ItAititEl'iin1n car httt.'m , tile iter 100. NAil.-llntes , 10 to 60 , 3 85. SnoT -Shtttt , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; . .riontzml ) ( , kegs , Is4O ; tb. , half kegs , 3 48 ; do. , tlmiaithr kegs , 1 88 ; blasting , kegs , 3 85 ; fuse , ltcr 100 feet , SOc. CoAI.-Cupulorlauud blacksniltim , 12 00 : Ttlor. rim nut itlos.sburg , 12 \'hItobreast ; lumnm ) , 4 \Vhitebrenst ; ntmt , 4 00 ; Iowa Ituummhm , 4 00 ; 1tWfl , Omit , 4 00 ; Itock Sriug , 7 00 ; Auttltra- cites , 11 5051J12 00 ; Canon City , 7 00 , her tmm. 11ors amid Mulee , Extra draft Itursos , 175@225 ; comunmon draft horses , i0OJl50 ( ; extra farnm ) utrwat , 1iO@l25 ; COilitilOil to good fariut horses , 905iJ100 ; extra tltigs , ( tO5)J7S ; c4flmtnrntfl ) plugs , 20@40. MunF.s-Extra , 1255zJ150 : good , l0O5)J140 ; fair , 7f41100 ; comnnioum , GO5)J75. Liquors. Atcouroi.-i6S vrttof , 3 2t1mor ; duie' gallon ; extra Califormiia spIrits , 188 lrtof ) , 1 25 lr 1tisf gallon ; tiiple refitted spirits , 187 jmroof , 1 23 per 1troof gallon ; re-distilled whiskies , I 005l ItO ; fine bleiitIed , I t$05)J2 $ 50 ; ICcum. tueky bourbons , 2 007 00 ; Kentucky and Pemomsylvtmuia ryes , 2 0O@7 00. BILANIH ES-.iinlOrtCl , 6 O0@J1O 00 ; iloint'tic , 1 40h4 00. GINS-Imported , 4 505)6 00 ; ( loinestie , 1 40 @ 3 00. 11u31s-Imnportcd , 4 50@6 00 ; NewEtmglancl , 2 0051j4 00 ; domestic , 1 5O5)J3 So. 1'EAcII 'mNi ) AIILE ButKnY-b : 7Sij4 00. CuI.trAuNis-Imnported : per ca.e , 28 OO4 34 00 ; Amne'icamm , per case , 12 005)j6 00. Wool.I Meriflo umiwashied , light 14@1tli heavy , l8QlltSc ; medium umiwasheti , light , iS@20c ; vashed , choice , 32c ; fair , SOc ; tub and tlicd , 28c ; hurry , black and cotted wool , 2tSJGe less. Tobaccos. PIKE CUT-Commnomm , 20@30c ; good , 45 © COc ; Rose Leaf , 70c ; l'remiuimn , USc ; Diamond Crown , She ; Sweet Sixteen , 4Th. SIoK1Ko-O. S. , 20c ; Muskovy , 2tie ; Dam. ham , 8 ox. , SOc ; Durhiamo , 4 oz. 52c ; 1)urhain , 2 oz. , 5So Seal of North CarolIna , 8 oz. , 44c ; Seal of ortht Carolina , 4 oz. 46c ; Seal of North Carolina , 2 ox. , 48c ; 0. k. Durham , 4 oz. , 28c ; 0. K. Duritair , 2 oz. , 30e ; Uncle Ned , j's , 24c ; Tom anti Jerry 23c. Pave TommAcco-Chiuuiax , b c ; liulhiomm , SOc ; Ilorscsitto , .180. Star 48c ; Ruddy , 44c ; 11cr. soy's,48c ; BIacc ! , 88J40c. JIIMEUAUGII , ME1Ut1AI & CO. , I'itouitmcromtsUsmox EIXVATORS A. Asu II. receivers nd uthitpcrs of grain , OmnahaNob. Also buy amidsell grain amid vrovlsioms cmi mnarglnuln New York ChIcago , Mhintuukco , St. Lottie ntmtl Toledo. i3pcclai telegraltimic facilities In olhiec. Market reports reedy. 1(1 every fhltecmt unlmmtmte , , OiIcli we wlhlfumrnlsh emi ap. litcatlomm , together itlm our spcclsl circular , Indicat. . lag the temiderey of the markets. Office cormter of Douglas aid 13th , treet. Estallhmbed ] 870. ju2Otftmno IIt7XX VAPOR COOK STOVE I The Pioneer anti emily Vapor Cook Rt. vo that han utood lImo tent of yearn amid glvcn entire and perfect ratlef action. Over 100,000 Now in Use I Now Patent Hull Ovon. I'atent reiruovalmie ammtl Iitorchangcoblo Jet OrIfice , rermdorumig our turners Imdestructtbhm. Now One Vahy BLunter OH two Now Stoves. New Safety liciorvoir. 1"or Mlmmimmmcr tao tbcsu SUtVCH are : imHpemiuahie For term , to ttgemttm. jmricu list ant eataloguu , , &ddree &ddreehULl4 VAPOIt 8TOVE Co. , is 200 nI&o 2mn-wlot Cleveland , 0. BELLEVUE COLLEGE , Under the euro of thno I'renbyterlamt Synod of No. bianka. Ifegimtti Heptiurnler 10th. ClassIcal and Scientific courses with ltrelrAtitrY tlelmartnnment ; sine , Munical anti Art Ieltartmteitt , all nien to botlu noen. 'I'ultlomm low. Locatbtii beautiful auth ttealtlful. Only unite rniiln ( mmii trnimhma on the ii. & Z.l. it. ii. ltd. dress for circutarn , I'IIOF. Vt' . J. BOLLMAN Ikhlu. you , Nub. JyiSd.eotl rn&e&w2mu JAS. H. PEILBODY IY , 2. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , ItenIlernec , No. 1407 Jonce SL Olflo , No. i&G' Fir. nammi street. Ohtico huur , hE in. to I p. m. . rml Sr. rte fi p. In. Teic1thnor. , for ollicu , 97 , Itenlt'encc ' , ALMA : . KETH DEALEIt IN Fine Millinery. IlAlit 6001)8 , WAVIS , 13AN118 , lTC. Stock Entirely Pros/i anti Now. 105 lfith Street , Opp , Iostouflco , - B , B. FELLOWS , UPHOLSTERER ANT ) MATTRESS ANUFI All klntl of Uiholsterlrtg done to order on niroit notIce. } urmmlturu relairud. Claire tuseatttd , tte. No. r ' - ' ' .si ' ith bteect..iI , I Railway Time Tab1. 11. P. it. 8. , htlAl UN. SRAVL AVLRiVLI reelfie EPrr'cl2C' ' % i' mml AtlMmtlo ; : S ur Vcetermu iair : 8.tkt , 1mm Etutern Il'rts. : . 8iOp : nu Ornd llanmI i'asi 4ki : p in (1. Itanmt i'smmm's 11:10 : a in OMAhA ANt ) h.INCOI.N LlSI-U , 1' . OEL'OT , L5AVm. AIlRiVS. ! . ! ncotn ' in I tlmweln ) s . . . .12t : $ p in ItJMM ) TltAhS-IIltlIKl Ii Ill VISION. Pumnimny traImt heie ( Lunaha s folliws : 80fl * en , ; OO a 1mm , iOt1o ; a en , 11:00 : s mmu,2OO mnTiOO P rem , : OO p ni , : ® p in OOt : ) 1 , tfl. , 10:10 : ' . un. Imutnmny tratn , leame Ctttmnchl limITs as fahirnmm : 8tb ; % 5. mu , P2 ; , ft mum , 10:25 : a mu , tl:2.S : a mm , , l2t , iii , 2:2.'i : p ne , 3:2.S : , ni , 4.S I ) un , to2.'i P lU , 0M ) I , ifi. 1050 I , ft sluntlal mt-lime Imunmmnmy traimu. leai e ( lmntnra at 9.00 , tieo : a mim : 2:00 : , 400 , .oO. & 00 ntl 10.10 t' n. * Cotmnehl lifuit. at 0:2. : mini a en , 2:2 : , 4:28 : , ti:28 : smtd flO : anti 10:80 : t' mu. TlIitOUuiI AND lACAI ) , PASSENOIlt : TItAINS- flitItl TLIVISION. . . . LRAVSOS1.tumA. LsYKcOtfltctLPtCTrs. I'saa. No. 2..7:5 : a en l's. , . No. P. . . a't. mmi 'S No. 10..5:45 : t' tmm " No. itt , . . .hltO : a nit , , No. . . . . . . . . . ' No. 3. . . .il:2mammi : No. . . . . . . . . . ' ( " No. 1. . . :35 : , mit 8 No U..fli5 a umm SIOUX CITY & 1'A0il10hmEiOT N. 18th Street. tAMe ttmurht& for O'Neill i Ia St. Paul Itmro for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Aerho from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : , 1 , tO C. , II. & St. . P. 8. It.-U. I' . 1HP0T. : LSAVL Akilums , Mvii k ii . . . . . .7:48 : ii m Mali & } . . . . . . . : p in AtlamttloE . . . . . . :4O : its Parific } . . . . . . . : a mmu Ialiy ) ialiy. VA1IASII , Sr. LOUIS & l'ACtFl0iL 11.-ti. P. IEPOT. ) LIA'L Amutiys. . . . . . . . . . : Lb fit Ouuatta..11:30 : a 'S . 1:40 : p mit ' . . . . . . . . . 5:20 : p C. , Ii. & ci Ii. 11.-U. P. IEPOT. AIIRiSE. I.KAL ' . . . . . . . . . . . . : a mu : , ' , . . . . . . . . : ! a uum E.trt'tt . . . . . . . . . . . 4(1 ( , tim 1m1tI I' . . . . . . . . . .7:28 : p mum N. V. 1x1reen I.eae5Cotmtmell ititufTe at 3:17 : p nmt , , , , arrh es ' ' " 8:20 : a mutt ' 3ummtlas oict'1teil. tOntaima tlimre. C. , It. I. & P. it. IL-U. I' . hEt'tTr. Amnluvx. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , a mmm . . . . . . . . . : a itt , . . . . . . . . . : m' 1mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii mum C. & N. V. It. 11.-ti. I' . 1)ILT. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . : a mu . . . . . . . . . : a imi . . . . . . . . . : ' mm Mail ' . . . . . . . . . . . 7:20 : p uuu 'Stmmtdayn ocepte.I , 'Suumtmlss cct1ttctl. iT. C. & P. it. 11.-U. I' . IIt'OT. ? talit . . . . . . . . . . . .5:00 : a mum . . . . . . . . . : ' a en : . . . . . . . . . : p mu liMit . . . . . . . . . .i'2o i mum I StumttIals emcettmI. ST. 1'AUI , & ( ) M.IIA-NIiiltASlA DIVISION- ii3'O'L' N. 18tlt Si' . No. 2. . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 : a itt No. I . . . . . . . . . . 4:80 : pitt No. 4 . 12:4.It : imu No. . . . . . . . . . . . : $ a In Sumttiaymm cxclttt.I. . , L4F , JOi & C. Ii. ii. iL-ti. & it. 1)El'OT. ) sTall. . . . . . . . . . . . . miu } : xIeee..5:00 : mm flu l'rLt . . . . . . . . .7:21) : ) t umu . . . . . . . . . . . . : p en ii. & M. IN NiIULASKA. ; lemuver Ixprete. . .8:18 : a tnt Atiamitlo. . . . . . 0:301) : mu L'aclflc Epres. .0:35 : It mu. Iteeer ItedM.o:4o $ : a In tilSb'tUitl t'ACIFIC-IJ. P. Di1'OT. tr' , AIUIIVX. wuu'AmtT. txmmres . . . . . . . . .6'o a umi . . . . . . . . . : P ifl . . . . . . . . . . . . l , itt . . . . . . . . . . . . : mi mu 'I'raItm lealn mit 7'z5 l , in mmmttt urnlmlrtg at 6:80 : a tim lii haic Puhitnan , .ICCIcN , , , , Opening and Uloatug of Matis. it. , " . ! . . itotrrs crieR. . . . 'ht cr.onn. ' S I'.mmm. a.ulm. P.m. ( Vtlrao & Northwestern..Itto : 0:0) : hso : 2:40 : Chicago , Rock lslammI& l'aclflc.ItOt ) 0:00 : rSo : 2:40 : ( Thlcagoliurllnrgtomm&Qulmicy..Ita)0 ) 00O ; auo2:4o : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . : 8:30 : Sioux City & I'acidc. . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 T:20 : Union I'aclthc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:00 : 11:40 : ( ) nmtaha .t iIiaubhIeamm Valley. . 2:00 : 11:10 : p. & 31. 1mm , ebnutkrm. . . . . . . . . . fl:00 : 7:40 : 5:30 : Omaha & Northwestern 8:00 : 7:20 : 1ltweuurI l'aclflo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 : 8:30 : Local mmiaII for St.ato of Iowa leave but omico ii day , viz : 4:30 : a. mu. A Linctitm mmtaii I. also oltened at 10.30 a. m. 0111cc oitenm Sumidmtm. fronmm 12:00 : In. to 1:00p.m. : ribs. F. hALL , Poetmanter. SIOUX FALLS JASPER STONE Company. fIscOPiORATED. TItI company In miuw mtreitaretl to receive orders tot SIOUX FALLS JASPEI ( STONE , for Building Purposes , And will make figures nit rounrtt lots for Prontpt dells' cry. The contlam I. Is , IrItImtg Paving Blocks to botlu Clirago smith Ommuiha , muttl solicltn corrct'pormi. cmice and orders from cttritraetttuit cmigugetl itt lavimig streets in all ) ' of tie Rcsterm . citletm 'rEici.l MON IAT.H. $ trEmlrsTK'tnr.Ni's , Uyi'mcx , Citleago , Vest lily. 15011 ItaiIviy , Chicago heccmnicr ) Ti , 1882. 0. Elacil , l'rcidett. ffiomtx Falin Vater l'oucr Corn. , Iaum . Iiy.Aa Sin-l : itavo receivetl frtmn 3tttmr etmimpany eince Oetttier I , 1882 , aljttttt 100 carltaI of grarmitc laying hlxl.i emil liamo lalil titcmn ltctwetmm thu rails of our triet rmtllmeay tracks lit the heart of tito city , I have been libimIg % imisterliti In tils city for ittarmy leant , cml I talc iticastiru In saying that 1mm irty ojin. bit the granite uvImig ltItcktm ftir mtisiteti ity your cj'mu. latry arti tie Intuit regular In shaje anti Iterfect. lit forum , amil at far as I love hecmi aitlu ttt jittige , Cr. , IosssecI of an tlmrmnhio featmmro atm arty mtuaterial that Ian cm cc bcrm olTereti or ialtl 1mm thrt city. % 'eurs , .IAS. i ( . LAKl. [ Cti3' . I hr. Lonie , March t.'i , 1888. 'iO WHOM IT bIAY ( JONCEIIN- 'J'iiln tt ) certIfy that I itaic exanmimiod a iticro ( f grattitu takemi frttru thu Sioux 1'thIe Uramtlto Qierries , amid , itt mmty itilaloul , It Is titu iet.t stitno fur street iav. 1mg 1 itat C neemi hi Airierlra. ( SigmmCd ) hIiNny : nn l'ree. hoard i'Uilltr Immitrovmtdiits. Stoiio fol' p11 ; ; ; ; Purposes. Anti mtny Pers ° m Interested itt sucit Inhiirot macate ciii Third It. greatly Li , hi. atli antago to comniltumIcato with ui. We lmtiltu currespomiderco 0mm thu subject. Tue gcrwrul management amud nulurylelon of tue conpafly's bualnet Is row Itt tire iuamrds of Yur. Me. Haiti. Adtlresn ) otir lettern to A1 C SENEY , Pros. of Jasper Slono Ce , MA VERICK NA TIONAL BANK. Cor. Water auri Cmngrcen Ste. 3 'II CAPITAL ' - - . . $400,000 SUIt1'LUB' , - I- - 400,000 , Tramusacts agenerni 1.auikluE luriluose. htocehes tie aeotulitn ( If tamtkn , cmtkcrn and Otitre. irmtwe forctni txcilammgo 51(1 makes citilo tranmferf lmu Ftirepe : amui t.cIegraIiIO trtmtft.rn of macamy tiIrotuittut. the UmiIte.I LTtatts. lluyf ant satin gui crmmn'mt ant other Inyostirerte imectirftits , amid extuctiteti army Iimslmtens for Its corrc.puidemitn iii time 11mw of lamklrtg. ASA 1' . l'tY11Cl ( , l'robIient. J , J. EIIY ) , J , V. VuttK , Cajti"r. As t. 4slulcr. m&tim'mn m&tim'mnw w , B. GRING , AvcII aRd CoIsslo Meichaots ILIATrENDTo 8.tLl8lN ANY t'AiIT OF alt COtiN1'ItV , 14q Dotiglas Stiect. PAL.t.OI BILLIARD HALL , 1204 Farnam Street , P. , H. MoItire , Proiotor JAMES C. BRYAN , Mantgor. SEVEN NEW TABLES. 'flue ilamldSornent BillIard halt Lii Omaha. Tie timie , Wines , l.liUOrs and CIgars are provided ftr iotruit. JylT iy.4p _ - - - - - - . - _ . . - - - - . - , - - - . .it ranulfnaffoa ot Tr- fbXh1 of.Zr'oit , 1'-rutats ) tmIrI2 nod l'ho.spiwrms.i is. t2 'miZflfthlO forum. .Por JebilUy , joe , eJ 4 'pc- tile , J'rrfratIoi of 1'mucrj U _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bZo. 1.VAflOi1B3 Wrftoa I1EV.3 , L. TOWN1I , Afte'r a thorough trial of the IRON TONIC , I txako . . , r.ftrto- in ato.ting that I lmvo boon 11 coc:1or it ii'oat benefited by Itim cxcoliont romociy tar ammo. utinietorn stud Fub the dobtUtat tlvito.iforcnt.i. of lb Spoakorq the greatest will valun find it _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ where a Tonlo is necos. flMy , I recommend tt ft a reliable romedlal agent , tOernenaing ian. doubted nutritIve and restorative 1r0Derties , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .LulsTIue , K3 , , ks. Z , if.'e2. ZU.FAUD flT 8 D. IIAILTER MEDICINE CO. , 13 IT. hAul . , CT , LO1. Granite Ironware. IIPOILTNG : , BAItING. FOR BOILING , PRESERVING , 4i\ \ rq LIGHT HANDSOM1 , .L. WHOLhSOME , DURABLE. Tue Best Ware Made for the 1iteAieii. ? A.'UFACTURED oNLr ny it ; \ S ST5 LOUIS TMPNG OUMPAi , St LflJS5 ( ! Fo 1o h oil ll1h1l\Vi1 \ IiOi1fllhuIlIS11I11 ] 1ta1r. , HI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "BURLINGTON HOUTE"j j . ( Chlcngo , Burlington & . Quincy Railrond. ) a. . . . . , . : &tE D AIi 4 0 $ l.a IIIle . , le , 't , z ' _ _ _ _ _ _ I o : T -FL r-- : COINC EAST AND WEST , Elegant bay Coactme , Parlor 'trim. with Itcolin mug Chairs ( imoatmi tree ) , Snetoklng Cars , with ito. volvlng Chairs. l'iuhlrmmauu I'aiaco SICOIittg Cars auud thun tammitti5 C. lu. .t Q. Ilrting Cars run daily to antI ( mum Ciilcago & Kamus.uu City , ChIcago . ( 'ourmcll IiittiTti , Cilcuo .t Ios Moines. Chicago , St. Jo. 50111 , AtchIson , Topeka. Only througit lIne be. twt'tmt Chicago , Llneolum . Denver. Tiurinmgut cau betweent Iuuhtanapoiis & CouncIl Bluffs via l'oorta. . All cormtmectlons nuitie In Union Iepota. ) it 1 $ knownautlo groatTliltOUGit CAR LdNM. COINC NORTH AND SOUTH. 80111 TrnInu o Elegant Pa' i2oachern and Pull lumen I'aiaco steeping 'irs nuo run daily to and rrom St Louis , via llammimibuil , Quuhnmcy , Keokuk , hiu'rlimigton , Getter hiapIds nnd Albert Lea to St i'atil amid Minneapolis ; I'ariorfarswIttt itecllnteg Chairs to and froumi St Louis and l'eoria rind to unit uronmu St Louis and Ottumwa. Omiiy one change of cars between St Louis anti Des Moines Iowa , Lincoln , Nebraska , and Denver , Coioratlo. It. is univcrsaUyathulttod to be the S Finest Equipped Rnllroad in the World for all Cla8O8 of Travel. , . J. POVI'Elt , lid VIcc.Pres't and Ocn'I Manager l'EItCItVAL LOVELL , Gen. rau. Ag's , ChicagO. Fl UNFORTUNATE. C'nmearrhm Is one of the worst diecasca of tin jreecut time. Iftummdredu are eufferlrmg with It alien they an bo relelsod at omen. I s III guaramitce to euro the womat caco of Catarrit In three nontlu , or refund tire itioncy Tiule imemilclmit , lit gottmh for tmly tie cure diseao. fl1' neridliug no $2.00 I wIiI , , cmutl tue enediciria TreitaId b express or mail lie not . snuffer any longer vrent you camm be cured for so entail a simm. H. F. SEWILL : , care of box 400 , Ornatra , Nob. -vc7-M : S ] SVDi-'l ' P , ISIANUFAOTUREIt OF OF STRICTLY FIRST.CLASS r12I I 1' \ % I I I baO ( N\ I I 1/ \ c I'- ! 'rD ! n g4amt . c \ . \zrj\\1'LL \ ) ' o ) Firt-c1iis Painting 1111(1 ( Trimming. Rcpairihhg Promptly Done. 1119 Hurney Street , - - - OMAHA , NEB COLD STORAGE FOR BUTTER & EGGS IN LAIWE OIL SMALL QUANTITIES AT SMALT400ST. jffWarohouuio amttlIlefrlgerat.ora 801 , 803 , 3o , 807 hlowanittrcet Omnairn , Nob. Apply to In 'D T'1Ifl'D ' ; Commi3sion LP. J. Y.U.JL4i1 . Merchant. c M A II k Medical Dispensary I Officesand Parlors Over the new Omaha National Bank , 13th , Between Farnam and Douglas Streets. OM.AIIA , . . . . NEBRASKA. 'A. S1 FISIIBLATT , L B. , PROPIETOR SPECiAL A1V1)ENTION GIVEN TO DISEASES OF THROAT AND , LUNGS , CATARRII , KIDNEY AND BLADDER , Aiitl FdllialU Bisoscs , a ¶ cll as all Clirallic all Nrons Bisasos , : ID : Et. i' I ii i. 'r. 'r IIa , iii.coiorttI tlioi'eatest cmiru lii the worltt tom weakimene of the back and ilnbe , involuntary diochargee imiputuricy , gomicrat'duhthlty , norvotitmoss , languor , corifunuta of itlean , Iiailtitctlttmu itt tiu heart , timidity trcmii.iirg , dliurvwe of sight or gitldimest. dinesitt of tie lead , throat miosu or nklm , , alfection. of the liver , lungs , .twraeii or biweis-thosu terrible Jabite arialmmg fromu suiltary liabite of 3motII , and secret practices Iuuoru fat4t IA , tito tictimin tiumi thu itomigs of 8)10115 to the uarirrore of Ulynse , bIlgimtlr thielrmnont radian iitt1tti ci amttiei1tatiunt' , ruidorlng unarniaEu Iniponnibic. 'lhosuthiatru buffurlig frorti thu cmli Iracticon iiiilchi dcotro _ tielr Enuertalttaird thhubiCal 5 _ ' , stems cauittiig NEILVOUS DEBILITY , 'Ito C1mlritOrIiI ) ( If which ace a dliii , distrusattI muiirmd , Riifcii urilits tiremn for rformutIrmg their lusinene and stcial tititlcs , itiake liality Imiarriago IntitossIbie distrunars tie action of tue iueaut , eausiii flUih , of heat tititresnioti of MltlrItB , ciji forobodimIgs , conanlico , fears dreamun , reetiem mtigittn , dluliitimi , forgetfuimean unnatural tlischargci , Itiitt lii tie back amid lilis , .hitrt Ireatliirig , iieiamciiuly , tire easily of company sit1 Itaic itreferomico to ho aiumu , feebhig an tlremi 1mm tue muormilmig ten miimemt retirimtg , beunhllal weaknose , [ oat man. itoud. shitu bumu , Iultosit lit the unite , mwriouentss comifumiori of tlmotigiit , treuitbllrig , watery arid weak eye. tlyntinia , ctru.tiItatIttum , Ilcries. lath cmiii uuakmtou itt tint ihiuhis , etc. , iiuuhI cimutult inc inttrediatciy snJ 1u rebtureti to iteuluct health. YJUNG MEN Who luau bectutto lethirms of solitary m Ice , that dreadful and destructive habit ihrcn tumltlually es cops 10 an iitiiiiiUi ) ' grime tiiomtmauds of 3OUit tell of zaiteti taleflt all brillliuit imlttiket who tuiglut Otilerwil , umitrericu Ibtvmtlmg striCture with the thurudurt of their dIotluencu or vmko to ecatacy tie himlmig lyre , waycai . . w .li lull curihliuttee. MARRIAGE , Married Ioromie ( tt youmm atom coittommiatliig mnmarrlago to alaro of physical weakmws. lobe ci proccer.tIye 1105cr , luilitutOmiC ) ' , or any mtitvrdisiuahiuicatleil nmctdhIy relieved. lie Rho PiaCea htnMf Wider the care oX hr. l'lnblatt ) nuiay reiigioui y ritk'u iii iii loiter tie a geiitlvurtaim1 amid cuILtiddrti- rely ulolu bin skill si lthilSlClamr , OROANALVEAKNESS lnmmnmcdiately corel atti vlgttr restored , 'liii. dItcesetrg aullletluit-whlch rcnthe life a burden and miiarriagu Iipt.stbIu ; , let itcIait ) itaiti by tie iethnt for Ititiruier Iitduiguuicu Youuig IetVIU ace apt to coitiimltice.uc trout not buimtg ammuru ci tie drui.ifuh c4triequcitced that many canoe. bow aba tha urtlerbiami. this subject sill deny that imrcratiuim is lot sooner by tito tm ( ailhtrg into ituprp1mur tabIt than by itrudeiti hitaidt.un being de1triied of the iluanuru of healthy viTsitrilge tie Uost serioun anti destructly .yuijteaus of both body auti mitid auke. 'flu syntom hedonIc , dernuigod , time 1th1icl Anid mental fuctioni Weaken , Lun * of jtrocre4ivu uern , mwrivuj inabilIty , d.pepsia , t.lItltation oX the heart , indigestion Oomiitlttthoiai debility , wastimig of thu friumo , cough , ooutsuutihtlomi ant death. . ' t OU1tEWAItRANTED , 1'eNOiltrtlirLutl iii ! : altIt by unilomrntrd 1retort11 erwlto keep.tiiena tril1luijumonth after month takin IbOiUUC cii iiijurluesoutapuuD , .micui.l Chilly umuwdiatiy. 4 I - i\L