Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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    - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - . - - - - - _ _ _ - ;
2 THE DAILY BEE , OMAIIA'i'HLJRSDAY , JULY2 ( , 1883. . _ _
r )
- - -
- - - -
Eor You ,
Illadam ,
Whose Coni1ex1011 ; betrnys
soulo Jiunillinthig Iniperfec
tion witoso Jilirror lofis oii
that you are Taiinel , Snflow
1111(1 ( dtsflgurol ( in coitiite
or have Eruptions ,
JlO(1JICSS ( , Boughness or uiui-
'whOICSOillO tuftS of Conrnlox
r ' , lou ITO SaY uSC Jiagnu's Iag-
It Is a ( lolicalO , linrrnless
and ( lellghtful urticlo , pro-
( Incing the most natural and
ontraiiciulg tints , the artilicl-
alit ) ' of IVIIICIL 110 observer
H. can detect , flh1L ( iviilcli soon
becOlileS nerinnuent if the
Mnn-iioliaflflhlil Is judiciously
A Skin of1eaUt71 ! a Joy Torevor.
DR. T. iiiix GOU1LAUD'S
Oriental Cream or Magical ] eautLflor.
'The OrIentft Cream PurIflc as well t BciIflo ,
the Sktn , nenioc Tan , P1mp1o , Freckle , Moth.
1tc1ie nI
ccT hlcinleh
on beauty , .nd
defies , Ictco.
¶ w * . , V , . 'tIon. ' It hM
q' : ; . the tct
, Ifs ti of yearl nod
liannics ,
' °
) -
, jr ' .O tMtO t to ,
. . . , be euro the
r ' ' , . . / - preMstIon Ic
. 4 V troiieiIynia4o.
i:1 : : - ' , r' tiI/-1 Accept no
, , , . _ , t % countetrolt pIiuHr or
, The .IIctIn.
guIIlcI Dr. L.
; , , ' A. 3avre cald
V ' a ' , J tonlaJyoftlio
HAy Tex ( a natlent ) : "Ac you IaIlo 'vIII lice thcni
I recommentfOouraud'i Crrain n the kac lirrnltII
. of all the Skin preparatlorte. " One ipottlo wUl lact
ctx menthe , ticing It every iIty. Aim Pciiilr JUo.
tile removcs cuperfluou lick without IiJry to the
' ekin.
ekin.MIUL ? f. U. P. OOUI1AUD , Solo I'rop 43 flood
St. . N. V.
For cole byall Drugglete anil Fancy Goole .ool.
ore throughout the Iioltod 8tato , Caii1 and
jTflowaroof baio Imitations. SIoQ raw ; for
arroct and Proof of any one scIIln the cal19
: rrom the fOo.ton Ufobe4
. . : a
bw , . FAlter. -
Theaboyotiaood Ilkeneu of Mn. Lydlt.PIoX
101 , of Lynn , Mai& , who &booaflother human
7 he truthfully cafledthe 'Deu Friend of Woman ,
eom , of Ier correcpondenta lovetocall her. b
.enIoui11 devoted to her work , which ii the outoom
t a life-study , and ti obliged to keep $ ta lad
altante , to help her anewerthe large corrc.ponden
tiict. dolly pouri In upon her , each bearIng It. .p.cli
erden of suflerth , or 3oj at releci. trom It. IE
, gotcbe Compound Is a medlatne for good and or
'U pi1rpo $ . I flay. pemonsJ tnTrstlgat.4 U ax
to tlefled of the truth of thic.
On arcount o ( lts proven merits. It Is reeommends
ad prni.erlhed by thobcoph7sIc1ans In the conntr
no eayi ° It works like charm and sayec mtod
' c.hL ttelflcux'o e0t1r017 thoworsttorm of talllr
, . the uterue , Leucorrhma , trreuaz nd paint i
.cnztruattonafl Onrinn Trouble , , ! nflammallon . .a
acorAton , iioodtngc , all Ohiplacemonte ami the cot
, . L quent tjlnal weakuegs , and 1 eipoctL'i adapted S
e Chanro of Life. "
: pernientcJ' everj porttoo of Lb. rptem , . .no give
jwfltenndvlgor. It rcmocc faintneoa fl'uleoc
. . struyi o.11 cratng for 1mu1anti , and reqeyea wc.k.
6cc or theitomach. ILcuma bloating , lleodacbva
roua t'm.tratlon , OeYieral DcbUlij , floepleaone.u
bpnrsIn nnI Irnt1oMton. That tcelng of bcarlnt
owiicuuvln ; pain , uelglil and bnckahe , Ic alway.
ermMInI7 curo4 by Iti uso. It will at .11 tljuvi. Im
oraItcmnnmatnnvccctlnhirinon with th.1a
M guverue the
ft cons a.aly 1. pcr bnttlo or viz for 1k , and I. , old ti
, - vvgg'ttit My odvico reqoiredna to .t.cta1 caere ,
' Ce niIiu' . Hr tnnuTM'llo have boca rc3toPod to porfec
eel' It tH UeO of th Vcgutnblc Compound , can 'o
btalr'l ' 7 addrtuoI ; ) tn. P with etamp for nb
t hit ? . . ' : o In 2401' , MOat.
' , Vr , CluOIpiit ofrffhrrrex thteromfxextdl
; 3-m'J.l RI ntautLut tectlmoninle show.
. . . , , . .nrnmIiverl'lua"eayeoMwrlter ,
. , . wrtd for the cure of ConotlpoUoz
, % . ' torpIt1r ) of the llyar. Ucr
, oWI..ratn ftc epec'.alltneonitl1fa3
: it pipuiarft' .
I ' ou.l to othere.
. c
' TUTTf.
, , and MALARIA. .
rroni thoao nourou uriso tlirco.onrttin o
i the dicoases o human co These
c .rirrnptometnthcnththoiroxtstonCOtLols ol
t . Xiootito , 310w011 coittyC. fliCk XIeiI
; I clcuIineuu crenttnvoruton to
.z.rtlofl of body or mhU * , EructAttOll
of * oed , IrrllssbWty of tccnper , La"
apirtU , A fOC1lRIf orb'wlng g1ccted
lomo duty , ZflzzInCii , iittcdfl ut the
: Uenxt.botI before the cyeibIirWYOOI
. , ored tJrIctu ( DNSTIPAT1ON7 and do'
S ,
ontho I.tvor .AoiaLtVor7notttOLflOTUTT'
Ktdnoy IIrott8klnii1l5OrOuP4r0m0T1t
; itfl twpurttte8 through tuc8OthrcOC1Y.
.4 " producing ape
cesgerl oC the iystsm ,
It , tito , aotUUl digoetton , egnfitr atools it 01001
4 :
' aktxigtnttavlgorouebody. TUTT'PIL
! CAu30 UC ) naueoa or griping nor lnturori
tbdt1Iyvor1cn1U1flrO vporfcot
botcleverVwIlP' tfC. 011100 tlMutrstySt..N.Y
. Onx IIAnt OR WItl$1tlIU changed In
rtntitI7 to P. aTMtRr ] ILACJ by it etnglo fly
p1tcaUon'0 lids 1)Tl. Botl by Druggisu
or. flcnt toy opi eRa on oocolpt at 1 ,
0mm , . 44'flurrny Stroct , 'ioW York.
Iho Nebraska National Ram
Paid Up Capital , . . 5250,01
$ urplu5 FUU4 , NaY 1 , 183 . . 15,01
IJItCfFOfl.8 :
0. B. JOhNSON , Proeldent , of fltecle , Johnson & C
A. E. TOUZALIN , Yloc I'rcaldent , of floston.
w. V. Mogul : , cS W. Y. ionsi Co.
, O11 % 0. COWN . of 0 , 11. & J. 8. ColIlne.
S. it. WOOLWORTH , Couni1Ior k Attorney at La
1. 1. } XED. of Brou lkd & Co.
U. V. . YATEd , Cashier , for many ycare Cosiler ) of U
rt rui tinlc of Ornah
7&c Eak " 14"l Ser 27 , itS ! .
tk.e leo4ln bii.Iocsa innfl of 0105111 , nd I
t.c1Mee 14 ci4ueta WIth cejcal rvlcrcnce o It
best d lauIni Intircetsotttsmercanttlo patron
couxcrios , ealrc ptompt attention ia
, a , , . . lowsat ob4.alnaUe bate or vlNwhere.
D1UT alfowod on tIme 4Cf0ttI UpOn tayo
siwIc ttr. and upon accounti of banki and banksr
) , ostYJoN XC1UKOE Oovcrnzneut Bpnda an
lQuQty 1404 city 8ctuttIt.s boett4 and ioU.
) , .
I\ , .
llo the Confoerte SoMcrs ! Were
Tro1c iii Cptiyi1y.
) esprn ( C . 'tt cIIIptM to 1'Rcnpo Front
Conllnenicoit-Wrltlng Letters to
1rIent1M In t ho Soufic-utaf 101cR
attn 4t1111MellentI-TftkItIg
the Oath.
I'IiIluletphIa PrCM.
ELMIIIA , .J U1) I 6.-Thu thriving HUla
city of E1miri Bes on thu picttlrcsqtlo
banks of tim Cirointing River , a few lniIe3
North of tlio boucularylicia boLwooii Now
York nod Pencisylvrtnia. It. ctenthinn a
1toptt1tioii of 25,000 iuliabitatctcc , mul it
a ltlatlill , busy trade contra , with ciotli.
log CR1)CCIflilY to ( lthtinglIiali it. front other
cities of like size bcct thu fact of its being
the Suicinior Icotice of 1tnrk ' .I'svain and
the propoted alto of a tnonuineiit to our
general ntlcoRtor , Adani. Bitt twenty
yeartt ago Elmira occupied a ProlnhllocIt
Icinco ill the eyes of the Pt1lli0. ) It wat
titan an important military post , ant ] ita
streets ovhocd to the trcatl of 30,000
ircldiors. Lying at the interooctuin of
the Erie ruul l'oiinsylvania llailroadsys.
toins , it wan otto of t.lto nioat important
roortliting ttiitioiti of tico North , and
thousacids of troops wore hero equipped
and tout out.
hero It. wait , too , that hi 18flI wait es
tablithctl one of the Ino3t fatuous rebel
Icrisons. On tim banke of tint river In
the northern suburb of thu city , nearly
two titheR from the ocuLar of the city , lay
Barra ks No. 3. The onclostiro con.
tatited abott thirty acroc , gently eloping
toward the south , aiid rite eiirrotuulcd by
a high tight fonco. At the northern cml
wore srovcral large buildiiigs used na ofli.
core' 1)arracka. 'l'lieeo , with one oxcop.
tion , Jitt'o all Iccomi romnoVc(1 nun the
whole space built nit with cottages. Sonic
12,000 confederate Rolliers voro confined
hero froimi time latter hart of 18fl4 until
the close of the var.
( I tYAIIIINO ) TIlE 1ltlL1tACI8.
Along tim top of ( ho fomico ecirroumidimig
the prison ran a iciatfrmii aevoral feet in
width. Along this , at stated intervals ,
paced armed sentinos , while guards were
tilso statiocied at oint arotmnri time omit-
sido. Tim barracks wore in time westerci
curl of time enclosure , tutu vero mmmdc
fully as coumfortablo for time prisoiIor
as they had tiroviously hoomi for time sot.
tij ore.
About sunset on Limo sultry evening of
Iuly 7th , 1864 , tue first dotaciiniemmt of
rebimi prisolmore arrived at Elmira , via time
Erie railroad , from Now York. They
had beemi captured at Point Lookout , aimd
VerO mnoatlP from North amid South Caro-
limIt. amid Virgictia. They vcro , t411iiardy-
looking muon , ragged and trmtvol.staimied ,
but in general good spirits. They verc
mnniiily from the rank and file , few ofli.
core ever being comisigmied to Elmira. They
showed great muscular and nmommtal do-
vololImidut ; a majority of titoni being
front ti lower classes of time soutim.
Every few days for the rest of time year ,
saw additions made to the first detach-
mnont of 700 on time 7th of July , and tim
beginning of tie now year found above
8000 muon in Barracks No. 2. On Saturday -
day , July 16 , the third consignment of
Confederates arrived , over the Erie road.
The train which bore them imati met with
a frightful accident. Between Lacka-
waxeli amId Shmoimoha , time traimi , laden witim
800 prisoners and their , guards , hind beau
run into by a coal traiui and wrecked.
Fifty men had boon killed outright and
one hundred others badly wounded. The
suirerern wore brought and placed in the
hoelmitalt md well cared for.
The rules and reqvuhmtions overmiing
t1o ' Ironivero of tlo'nost ' rigid imarno
tar. A as they arrived at the. bar.
racks a careful comparison of their numn-
borawith time rolls which accoumpanied
timeimi wits made , and time mmmcmi divided into -
to companies for time beUer proscrvatiomi
of order. A "prisomi fund" wits created
to be used in the purchase of additional
table delicacies , defraying the expcmmccs
of wtwiming amid mmmending , etc. This ftumd
vaic priimcijmally made up frommi the differ-
tiuiqo between time prisoumratioumsand those
allowed Ummited States soldiers. Time
rations allowed each prisoner writ as follows -
lows : Pork or bacon , fourteen ounces ;
fresh beef , fourteen ounces ; flour or soft
bread , sixteen ounces ; hard bread , ehc-
teen ounces ; corn mmiotii1 liftoemm ounces ;
and to every 100 ratiomie beans or peas ,
. twelve amid onc.lmalf imeummda ; rice or homim-
lily , eight poummds ; soap , four pounds ;
vinegar , timroo ( lufirta ; salt , three and
timree-fourtit pounds ; potatoes , fifteen
lOtimmls. Tea , coffee amid sugar was emily
issued to time sick amid wounded , amid
titan upomi a miurgeomi's certificate ; also
those emmmployed tmioum vublio works micar
the camp. Each mmmii could draw a emmutli
ammmouimt. froimmtho pison fund weekly for
the purcimo of tobacco , etc.
In their uirisoim life time comifederatem
wore generally cheerful amid good nmi
tured , spumidtuig their timmmo 1mm wood and
bone carvimig , rcailiimg , writimmg acid r
L thmousaimd amid emma ways those iii coimfino'
: imiont. while away time weary imotmrs.
I W1tiTIf(1 ( hOME LEliiUt.
: They wore imermnittod towrite letters ts
friemmds , subject always to time imtspecttom
of an ofilcor , Macmy of timeso letters won
of couro withhold , amid tommie which wer
' not vure copied for tlmoir very piaimttmmcss
A porti9lm of one ( rain a captmvo writtom
I to a vommmami friemid jut Dixie read an fol
m fows :
- The quarters iii camup are prtesable , bu
time quarters in UI ) ' imockets are umot. Lute
imight I had ft IfttId.limLlllc , for a im1110
and covered immyscif with a sheet of watot
. : i lomig for more wlmicky barrels amid lee
gumm barreis , macro bisatmite anti. lees bul
I , lots. JIo I ysim you were here. 'I'hm
further I ut away frommi you time butter
. like you.
- Maumy were the tleyicee put into cxect
I tion ill timeir uittommipte at c8camo , sommmo
I , tlmummm showliug a daring timid ehmrewdmies
worthy of success. Most of these wor
futile , owiuig to the ciosommoss with wide
time eammip WflS guamdutl. 'rvo tiamlug Nort
Curolimmiamic , brotimers , worked a mnoittim o
a tunnel , carryimmg time dirt mmwit' jim tlme
imockct amid boots , It was fimmmslmetl emi
)0 0 umigimt allout 9 o'clock acid time mietoimisimo
tummnul workers foumirl that an ammglu ito
beemi mummule in their itolo amid they hut
comnu out on time imisidu oftimufouco. Thic
o wore discovered amid ciosely watcimud It
a tiummo , but in about two ummontims did ummuili
their escape and vure miever overhikom
One rockiest young fellow , aim cigliteec
w. year cht1 Virginian , whim time aid of
coimW1iImiomm removed time body of a ammmi
1,0 POX COjSO froumt its coffin acid Piacoti hum
auif in it , It sc'ae takemm to time ceunetoc
nt migimt amid ummiontled.Imeum lie imenu
ru time duad.wagoum boavo time grouumds Imo he
Ii his ghmmutly bud , nuid , 1mm rieiumg mmm , mmear ]
10 fmlgimtoned time two mmegro gruvo-diggo :
I. out of their semiset. lie mnatic good ii
4 escape , ammd thmo precincts of Barracks Ni
a sar lilimi no more.
r. Thu YWT AaAULT ,
i 'Zhio artillery oummbat was time vrelud
for uimuatu of a more delicatu but z
dealiy kimmd , Suddenly time timid
crash of time cammmmon ceased and a pnimmftml
silence followed. Then 8uillomily there
burst from time mmmmtrgimm of the woods
across time field a 501111 blue line , wimicim
ntlVliflCcl steady , swift amid straight , toward -
ward time battery out time .mmoli. life.
umlaut's brigade becauimo aware timmit upon it.
yna conferred time honor of opomming time
battle of Fort Ioumahlsoui , mmd its time
emmemny nimitroacimeil mmemircr amid umoaror time
Irishmen set up aim eager yell. On
the solid ( loUblo limo of Uimiomi braves ,
brokomi emily by tue ( IbstrUCtiOmis ( if fallout
timbers , Here their progress ium piaces
lecammme dillicuit. Time knoll svna time semicircle -
circle on time rebel limmo. To cover time
grotmmmd the federal rigimt nmtmst RWCC ,
arotmuid to time right. Their Ilammkimmg
mnovomnomit. was mccittle before time eyes of
ails brigade amid within range of thu ri-
fIst , yet they vcte permitted to Iowa
their owim way immmmmmoicstedViiemm their
lute for the cimargo was coumipleto all
round time coccmmmmacmd was given amid time
blue itume ummoved steadily up time hill. Time
Irieimmmmcmm lmommreml fortim their first. volley
with deadly effect , bmmt tmmmwavorimmg the
emmemny caumme on , brcnsticmg a terrific fmmsil.
aria till they micarly reached Chic works ,
hut feeling mmatmgimt. before timomn but
death they fell buick for protection
acucoTmg time branches of the timnbcr. 0mm
time left of time battery time ndvnumcu was
mmmdc witim heLter advammtago. There was
cml ) foiled timmmbor ftmml time ad'ancimmg ann ) '
foucmd irotection , amnommg time trees tmndcr
Limo brow of Limo imill , wit.imin fifteen
yards of our works. Simummmltammwumisiy ii
volley was givcmm froumm Federal amid rebel
sub , time assailants ciimmgiumg to time grnmmd
ammd time assaulted , rotectilmg timomuiselvus
IeimiIml the lrcastmvorks. For half aim
hotir time battle raged fierce emu this side of
time hill. 'I'Jmo federal builets lodged in
time rebel bmcastworks or passed imarm-
hossly OVtJmimu1lmd , while time rebel bullets
( Iil little oxccmmtimm , , A smmmnil ummummiber of
duuul timid 'mytommided was the reemmlt on time
Federal 51(10. limit imot so bcimimmd time bat.
.t nn.tir.Y , coNFr.ltrr.
Timr'e tinmes time scattered rnmmks of time
foderais vere closed into solid imimalaumx
amid tint bravo mmiemm nmarcimcd up the bill
to thick certaimm death. At inst time couum-
mumammder mcaiizcd that time assault colmil re-
stilt iii umotiming hmmt disaster amid rehmctammt-
ly witimdmew , leaviimg mmmaumy deati utmiti
wouumdotl on time fleid , soummu of timemmi with.
iii a few yards of time breastworks. This
mutsammit VnR evidently ill.advised amid
imamuty , as time result prtvcd. It was ,
nu'ortimelcss , mmii examnpiu of imernie dar.
iumg that vuum time ndmmmiration of time boys
hi gray for time iu > ys iii ilmme , , vimoumm they
imad mmever seen ummmtil timey mmmetfumce to face
to t.'mlto cacim otimer's hives.
THu WO0IS ) ON imm.
After time battle followed a woefmml
scone1 timat stirred time iicarts of this rebel
brigitte with pity. Frommm time btmrstimmg
simelis'time woods iii front caught fire amid
time Ilanmes spread ever time battiefield ,
wimero lay mimany a woimmidod oidior who
could notsave imiunseif. Piteous cries for
help caumme to our ears. We wouid save
timeumm , but vo could not. There was no
trucu , amid time woods iii front vero thick
with simarp.simooters. Timey mmiigimt have
aprciated our nmovemnent. to time froumt
ummder stuck circumstammces , but timey did
not , ammdseeing tlmat it was certain death
to leave time works we were oblied to re-
maul iii time ditches amid listemi with a grimm-
uilio sorrow to these agolmizimig cries. It
was coumcludcd timat many a poor follow ,
who otimo. wise t otmid have been saved ,
perished jim time flaummes :
Time lire raged uumtil near nightfall ,
wimemi a storimm canto amid the rain poured
dowim like a deluge. Snddemmly during
time nigimt a simiftimig wind broulit sleet
amid show , amid before umiornmng the
drenched clotlmimmg of time soldiers were
frozen to their bodies.
It was then Friday , the 14th. All that
daybotit armmmiee of immfantr'Jai mit rest in.
the snow. But there was great activity
at the fort and in time Federal umavy. A
few occasiommal shots were excimammged iii
tlmo mmmormmimmg. A few umminutes after noon
tIme fleet of gunboats eteanmed imp time
river close to time fort and formed a 11mm
ummder a terrific fire frommm our gcmns. Thou
a terrible mmavai battle emmsued. Time ro-
stilt was disastromme to time Ileet. After
and hour's desperate figlmtimmg two of time
vessels , becomniuig disabled , floatimmg dowui
time river. Bmmt for this circmmmimstnmmce
time entire fleet woimliL have passed time
Timmit. miigimt. timere was a mcmoveuimemmt all
alommg time Federal hue timid it became
kmiowtt that preparatiomis were cumakiumg for
ii general atthck. Timoro was a gap of Imaif
a mmmilo between time Rebel extreme loft
amid time river. Evidently it was General
Grumt'tu imlaim to timrow a imeavy force to
timis point by a think mmmoveumiummt amid close
jut U1)tU our rear , thus taking time armmmy
catmvo witim little ligimtimmg. Anticipatimmg
thus design , Gemiural Pillow put time entire
left wing of time rebel arnmy ummder march-
immgorders as cmmry as four o'clock in tue
. mmurliimmg.
$ ATLJmtlAY'rt ( limmiAr flATrLE.
Just at dawn time order , "Forward ! '
writ giveum arid 5,000 mmmcmi boummdod ovum
L time breastworks amid mmtoved in himmu towart ]
I time emmemmmy. Iii time mine Jmotmr time Federal
lute was advnimcimmg uimmi time OliCit roumcm
toward time river. Jtmst at eummrisc tim
two umrmmmice mmmc ! . iii close proxiimmiiy , amid i
.1 torrilie volley was imoururl immto eaci
I otimers rnmmks. Thou followed a fem
I , nimmtmtes of steady firimmg. lioth arummie
I stubbornly held their ground , amid thmi
simots weme cxcimammgud witim mmmmmrderomm
1 eil'ict out botim subs. Thou imegaum thu
. scotia of mmwayimmg to nmmd fro its each titlu
would successively cmulenvor to break timu
t. nmmike of time otimer.
u . ' At 1imst very few of time prisommero vomdm
. tithe time oatim of allegiance , time spin
S utmmmommg timemmm at that tinmo bcimmg very bit
L. ton agaimmst time mmortlm. In a hotter writ
U ton to time licimmnomiul Exammmimmcr , by
i : lmionor Win ) escaped by diggimmg it tutu
umol sixty.five foot lommg , time foflowimm
I. mitroim" words vere foummd :
If "u simoumid fight forever before beumm
Is stmbdimetl by sucim a mmntioum , timommgim I can
' 0 mmot see wimuru tlrl Abe is to got imis mme
ii call frommi. TimOy are scancer , frommm imerot
im t Elmmmira timamm 1mm time eommfetlumacy.
im tlmimmk thmmtt it is they wimo are iminycti ou
Lr mmot tie of time , iommtlm. ' '
0 'I'o'ard time last , however , time ) ' mmccopl
a ed time varolo amid were released by tli
a humimdrods.
, ( l Slmomtly itfter time hirat commaigmmummemmt
my arrived jim Elmmmirn , they wem
) r attacked with cimrommio tliumrnimcea , acid i
u whiter of ' 61-5 time dread scoimrgo I
I , hmmmulll POX immuide its nppoarnmmce nmmd befoi
m. time tummslmimmg spnimmg imad mmmatlo turrib
a ravages aummommg time mnumks of tIme Coimfod
I. into cim1mtivumc. At mmii tlmmio timoy died
IIat the rate of twemmty.five or thirty a da
7 amid time itnisoum dead-wagon wits bu sy froi
d uaniy mmiormm til aught bearing tIme victimi
ft to timuir fimmai neetimmg mlaco , In ? mIarc
I . ) ' 1805 , occurred a rise in the Olmemmmtmmg am
I.e SusItmuliauilmft ( mumummmoi'iabie thirotmgiuout cam
is enim New York amid Pcummmsylvammia as tl
Li. 'qig flood : " 'limo water commiimmg up su
demmiy , surroummded time hospital in Ut
racks No. 8 , uuml time mmuarly hmelpioss m
Lu mutates veru in great daumer of huh
o drowmiod. 't'lmhs would imayc occt
- - - - -
: '
. - _ . . . _
red ilal it not been for the bravery ammd
imummmanity of several pnivato citizeums of
Elmira and several officers. Mindless of
time contagion , they imeiped carry time ccv-
era ] hitmcmdroil cmmmail.pax , ationtzi to zmpinco
Of safety. lInt time cxposumro was to immmcim
for mmlany ( if time paticmmts , amid time next
day mmwamiisoffortybreatimeol timoir last.
"Iomt'C Itmirry , ( icummemi ,
Sold a muon etc iitc way to Im imangcd ' 'there'll
1,0 Ito tint till I get. tiiom'o. " We say to the dye.
icptic , ncrouq atmi debilitated , don't hmtmrry
timoumgimtloseiy for coucue rommuedy of .hiubtutmI
mnorlt , umimeertalu of relief wheum yotm calm get sit
time druggists for one , ioiar ! Jurock ! , i'loocl hit'
IcrA ahmmmost mrc to corn auth certalum to boum.
cfmt ,
Semite Uses \Vlmlolm flue Arizomma Iii-
diane I'uit time 1'Iami ( .
Arizona Cor. Ilostoil Trauiecript.
All time varitics of cacti bear fnumit ,
wimicim isi valued by time Jmmdiaums for ford.
Time ) ' also cook tim Ilcelmy heaves of tue
pnickly pcar 'wimcim yolmlmg , whelm are saul
to resounimie strimmg beaums in flavor. 'I'lme
Imidians also use time head of time mnaguey ,
0. r ccmmtimry plammt , for food , It us fommmmd
evjrywimcre iii time territory acid is cmmltm.
vuitod for rereumue 1mm Mexico. it coli-
tumiume a large nmmmommimt of sacchmariime mmiattcr.
'l'hme ccmmttiry ii'potiICsit 1mm regard to mis
bloommmimmg is a uumytim , imowtivcr , lommg smmmee
exploded. luistead of reqcmmnmmmg a iitmmm-
dred years to nttaimm mmmatmmnity amid blot-
coumm , time 1aumt blossomne iii seVeim ) 'Cals
frommm makmumg its utppcrtrammco.
It. thou rites , its mumissiomi emmtlcd. Time
leaves , wimicim are Ilesimly aimd stilr , witii
ilium edges CoVeted witim thorium , bm'aumchm
frommi time root iii long iammces , gruwimmg to
time height of timmce or four feet. 'Flme
centre of time ; miammt. comisietsi of a iarge
imeaoi , sommietiiiumg iike a cabbage. Froumu
timis eprimigs a ; mole , eigimt to twelve feet
hmigim , wimich brnumcimes mmcar time top , hear.
lug a yellow flower. Time Imidiamme lre.
putte time head for food by roastimmg imi nmm
ovemm mmmndo of stummes summk 1mm time grotmmmd.
\\e had aim utpporttmumity to taste a piece
of time mmmutgtmey tin prepared , amid fommmmd it
delicious , sweet amid nmmtritiozmu , tastiimg
\'ery ummucim like old.fashmiommcd Imomne-mmmade
ummoimisses caimdy. If timat was a specimmmcmm
mmmorsei , time luidinims deserve mm S'mflpatimy
0mm time score of their diet , as it was really
a luxury
Time juice of time piammt is also comiverted
immto syrimp nun a fermumcumted ulrimmk , called
tizwium by time immilimums , amid ? mfexicauis die.
til it , mummmkiumg an imitqxicatimmg liquor called -
ed ummcscai.Ve also tested timis hqrmor
burmmt on miii omielet , utud foummd it as good.
rue brandy for that purpose. Jim its imat-
ural state , ummlnmrmit. it iota a stroumg , smmmo-
ky taste , rcsemmmbiimmg Scotch whiskey.
Many imsofuil articles arc mumade from time
filler of time mmmagtmoy , ropes amid evcmm pnmer
imavimmg been mmmrnmmfactrmred fnoun it.
110w iIiclt VIfl 414) it. ?
how umnmch of i'honum' Eclcetrie Oil is no-
iitmired to cure ? Ommiy a very llttio. A few
drope vIh1 cure any ldumd of aum ache ; anti hut a
trifle mumoro is mmeeded for spra1n anti isinmoumess.
Os. lthmotmmnaticmi. is not so readily affected ; aim
ounce anti sommlothImOM two ounce are required.
No mumedtciume , hmowover , Ic so sum to cure with
time saimie nuuumbcr of appilcatiomme.
- -
ElectricIty In Place of Steam.
"Time ago ( If steam is lftimt ! " Such was
tue sommicvhat oracular and startling mimi-
miouncemmmermt. immado by Dr. Siemens , of
London , time president of the British
Scientific association , in his opening ad.
dress at its last annual mneetiumg. The
statemiment. appears so extncumme that it
secuims as if it mnigimt licmve boon spoken by
way of paradox. But Dr. Sietmions is a
maui of too great a learning , and his P0
mullion in tim scientific world is too higlm ,
for imimmi to deal in sensational absundities.
He smmpports iiis iositiout by imroofs , if
tiioy do not. comtviumce time mmiost skeptical ,
must at least. set theumi to thinking. According -
cording tcimu , stcamm1 imas had its
amid a great day it has been-a day of
signs amid wonlors , and of mlmighty cimammgcs
on land and sea. It nmay be said immileod
that eteammi hurts revolutionized the world ,
It line promnoted imnmmmami intercourse caus-
iumg it to overleap time barriers of umiommn
taimms , wimicim it cliumibs with its fire-drawn
cars ; while it lends wings to time great
ships' wimicim pass to and fro frommi hmemmmis-
iiimore to hmeummispimere. Time it. line
brought the ends of time earth together.
It has set. time wheels of industry flyimmg iii
touis of tlmousammds of factories , and furui-
isimed occmmpation for mmiilliomis of immmmmmamm
imaumds. Tiume it line boon time greatest
unecimatmical force , wimicit time creator hint
permmmittcd to be drawum omit of time ole-
nmemmts , to be time servant of nmutmm and time
immstrtmmnent of civilizatiomm. Btmt wimiio so
bemmeliciummt , it is yet a very destructive
p0ver. It comisunmes mighty forests with
its ever-itmrning fires , atidmmiiumimmg beimeatim
, time groummd , it literally feeds oum time bowels
of time eartim. Now there are signs that
before imuimmy years its llaCO may be supplied -
, plied by ammotimer agency , less dcstnmmctiveu
I amid yet mmot ices effective Wimat timud
agemmcy is to be imidicated in an articlt
CuihiiCd from omm of our city lIniment , wlmicii
shows how electricity immay take the plact
p of eteammi as a motive power eu railroads ,
We trust time vision timore presented tc
I our eyes is riot to be nlwuiys a picttmre elI
I immmagimmatiomu , mmor to be witmmensed mmlorel )
L witimium time limumitod spuice of aim industrial
I uxiiibitiomm , but timat electricity is to b
I put to practical mmmcd daily use out time ale
m vatod nmmilroads of our city when time lou ;
r traimme of cars , which umow whirl timrommgi
S our avenues , ummay be c nveyed : as mmtisu
I leanly as if bormme cmi wimmgs. It. sceumme al
S mumoet too good to be true1 but so grea
.3 wommdera in the way of swift locommiotiom
3 imave already commmo to we hare fimi
1 faith that. we shall ' ct see , acid tlmat be
fore very : lommg , tide cvowmmiumg mumiraclo im
time npphicntiomm of science to time practicut
1 imsea of life.
. * jrammy a sicksy wommmamu , whmoae sad ox
, . imad demmmomistrated niike time fail
tune of commccitud doctors and poisommou
g drugs , line obtained a new lease of hifi
for a few dohiara worth of time Vegotablu
g Commmpoummd amid line gomie on liar way no
joicimmg amid praising ? mrs. Lydia B. Piumk
o lmanm , of Lymmmm , Mass.
Summmmmmom , floartlems ,
, Now Oriosimme Picaynime.
L. ICoepers of swell watering ; ilmmco imotei
ie commld mmmake sommietimimm by cimmirgiimg tim
dimiles a fee for regiatunimig timuir mmuimmmes mc
mf time hmotol whemm time ) ' ; mru bondimmg ii
'e cimenp restummmm-.mmute timid boaudiumg hotmeos i :
time village ,
1)1 'rime atmdithu
ro ti ) time auditor of time state simow a toh
Ia . vahmatiomm of the state for tcmximmg pur
U. . of $ .l40O18,3D , time report two years mmg
dl buimmg $4l2,78U02. Only four coimmith
y , exceed $10,000,000 , of 'which Polk coum
mu , him which is time city of Doe ? tfoiumee , ru
Its ; morta $ lO,220fi.tO , mmmi iimcrease of abet
Ii , qooooo. Cedar Itaphtla coumies nez
ld itim $10,750,308. l'ottawnttammiio roper :
mt. $10,67l77U , * umd Scott reports lO
d. me 521,453 , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
in- Contagious dbcasee , umialaria , liver con
mm1laiuit , are all hTovemmted by using ti
mmg gemmtlu but powerful tonic , Brown's Ire
inilitterti. . ' 'I
( rneeimoppers'aro reportnl tiolog carmehiem-
able domingo it. gnr.leum crops 1mm time vklmiity of
.Itihlnui , Samm Diego coummty.t.
A bigoak tree on Chico creek , Is twenty-
l'even sect in circimunferenco , etande about. mO
foot , high , mud epreruis Its lranch1e over a cm-
ciou of 100 feet iii diamumeter. 'l'huo. (1roohuIg
branchoi touch thou gromunul on nil tides.
Near Sahimmas ( 'ity last week a ewnrmn of
bees attacked a teamum of lmoroi attacimed to a
freight wltgoul nuni stung one of time ammlmnhs to
death. Time driver rind liii , romnurimming imorso
"Black the mimmmcim somiiut etsigo rob-
her , was teen 1mm Oakdaho inst week arni'ehl , ,
Fargo 1t CO.'S iotectlvcs snore tolegrsiphmed for
lnmt. got there too into to captmurrc tlionmamm.
, Ioehumm Porter , a clerk of (1enem-ai Crooks
dtmriumg time late Imithinmm campaign , attemuclit.
oil to steal 1.OOOO iiommhidt of barley loft at
time etipply ctntlomm at Silver Creek , lie Is In
Time Oregiimm cimort line is nrnt' nmmuuuuttug pas-
tcnger cars 62 mrmilcs this chic of Shmohomie , at a
iiimmt us immilo timid a imaif thm'mt aide of ( I oummc'e
Ferry , or half a mumlie 1)010W ) tlmo stage stzmtlomm
1)11 LIttle Cammyoum creek , ilmisimicts mm time road
1,4 , i1umlto lively.
'I'iio school comismus of 1ng1o 1ock distrIct ,
siminsi 18U ciulidreum of tclmool ago amid a pomomla.
tion 1mm time towmm of 550 ,
Two mmmcmi flhtmncl ( It.V. . 11lackleti'o , a hovel :
er , aged aleut 22 yearsnumd hismiiiumg ? rommm New.
timim , Iowa nun .i1nrtimm LOVe , a cimaImnmaumaed :
_ ' ' ( ) ye.mrs , mniiing fronmIt1 City , l'a , , were var
clod over Snake river rapids amid iirowmmed.
Ammioug. : thmo griovammce. of time chief ( Ipemator
of tico ikimmo alike , now on a etriko , is time re-
fossil of time great ummonoioly to eumppiy Imimuc
with mm 8alIlhClUrte ( , cnmjiletl : w'mtim time tumforuma-
tioum timat ' 'walkingvzts ' good , "
'limo ' l'iumto Immtiiais atm thin Pyramnlil Lake
ltWietVtttIui ( ) loire dug live mmiles of ditch for
irrigating , mmr1oso this yea : amid they vihl
raise 1000) bushels of wimoat title nmmuimnmer. A.
umummiler : ) of time chuildrcum are attoittitmig time
biarth1mg.ecimioi : wim'mchm was begumum last fall by
dimectiomm of the ( ioveruumnoit :
It Is repomtel iii 'I'ruclcce that. a squaw died
in chulilbirtim mmear that town last week ammtl time
mother of tlmo wouutmm : chockerl tue Iimftmmmt to
death , saying that It woultlbo ! too ummmmcii bother
to rmtie the brat ,
" .VymimIumg.
'rime govonummmmoumt has called for tra1mssirta-
tinmi for 100,000 jnniumds of freiglutfeomimIeoker
tO lnwiimiu { , projnrab)1y to the abaidomummucmt :
of timat post.
Time county assessor's rolls s1mo' time mmunmbcr
of horses iii ( Jarbomi cotmmty : to be 4 700 , valued
at 311U,7tiO ; cattle , l01t5I , vahmmel mit $2O5 -
080 ; simeep , 43'lV4 , valued at sIoss5 ( ; ; tota ,
32,253,515. I his mumakec a pretty gooti show-
There hots heemm roceumily a flue strike in time
? utimumtaimm lAoum bile , situated in IlartviIle
( histrict amid niutmost west of the govermmumoumt
fmmrmmm mumd nbommt two inilet ( itetamit. At time
(1eitim of 35 feet' they have struck s1deumdid ore
-Copper amid silver. 'l'lme ore is of superior
Cheyonmme banks now refuse the trade del.
iar. Laraumle bammks continue to take It at
lIar.Time Smiako river romumd.up Is over. No dead
cattle were fommmmd on the rammges , anti time calf
crop ii mmmimmsmmally lange. Grass is iii splemmthid
condition and cattle are fat.
The assessed 'raluatiomm of Albammy county
shows ma decidid iumcreaso over 1882 amd jirovea
commciuciveiy that not oum1r Laramie is growing
bmmttime cotmumty its well. 'lime grand total is $3-
Adisputed section of hsuid mn'4tr Laramie
caused the ( loath of George W. Bailey. lie was
idiot by Jaummes Corn ,
The assessed valuation of Cheyenne is near.
two mimillioim dollars , train whichi $25,600 vihl
be netted ,
1"orty-one quartz locations were niade in
Madison colmutty In Juno.
Time "Juice rise" in time mIfesouri has lasted
longer timme year tlmamc for several years past.
Twobraumehies of time Nomtimermm l'nnlfie road ,
one front helena , aud one frame some 1)oimlt
iurttmer cast , coining by way of time Jutlitlm-
wmli be built to , 1"ort Bentomi.
A contrsuIt line been aranletl by time Yel.
lowetoime National Park Impmoveuument coin.
Iammy to run a line of stages front the terminus
to time National Park branch road through the
The coal fields of Gahlatin cmmnty are most
valuable both 1mm extent of volume amid quality of
coal. The primmeipal vein imas been numcovered
to a length of 3,630 feet. At a depth of 30
feet a coai deposit is fouml 4 feet mmm widtim.
The secomid veium , at a ( iepth of 14 feet , shmows
a body oj 3 feet in width , and the third layer
at ; a simnilar deptim , 1 foot.
Thu helena Indepommdont lou been enlarged
amid otimemwise improved to keep pace with the
gr3wtit of the Capital.
It Is stated that $3 000,000 will be oxpeimtlcd
on the ueluctiomm worics at Anacomuda. . [ numy
of time Jimmtto liCOflie are prcparlmmg to move
( lOivim to time new camp.
liemmtoum timisycarwillbuilda fine courthouse
uiuitl vrolosos flit , ) to have a $10,000 hospital.
Beuctomm ilIetropoiis expects ti ) * 41111 , in all
, about 1,500,000 pommumle of Wool this easouc ,
Time Intoumse imeat last week so expammdomi time
I raii at time Mumhlmum Pass titling amid Blnckfoot
wltciici * that they could miot be worked witim
thitt Invert ztmmd hail to be drivomm lover with
sledges , utfter bemidimig time rails. "
Sevemm commvicts escaped froma the peniteum-
I tiary at Deer Lodge week.
L The govormuummemit bnimigo across Tougim river ,
at ulilos City , broke dowtm omm Snumdtty , July
I hat , while mm hmt'rd of cattle vas crossing , amid
that 150 of time ammimnais fell into time river amid
) vere drowumed.
r herd of 12,000 cattle recemmtly sold for
r $100,000 1mm Meagimor county.
Fx-Uov. lleumdricks , of Indiana , is invesil.
I gatimmg time mmuInos of tim territory.
; Dakota.
riioro are 512 elmlitlron of school age Ii :
. ilugiies cotimmty.
- Time commmnlsslommern of Sully coimmity imavo do.
cidod that there is $70,000 worth of persommal
PrOPerty 1mm timat cotmmmty muiomm vhIcii they will
i levy a si : mmmiii tax.
1 The govermumuit'mmt buds \Vzmlwortim county
- are bebmi' smut eyed.
m A site imas huemt luurclmiuetl for time tool
I torimil iumsumse : hospital to be built a Jsmmnos
This year l'hmikiutomm . exioets to iunprovc
. $200 00(1 ( worth. , Ammioumg other bettermnoumb
vIIl Ime ii $12,000 grist mmdli ,
- 'I'ime Ithie ummhue mmuihis 1mm the lithe country art
C beimig rnbbt'ii of everything mumovable.Vhmoh
vagomm loads of mmiuchuimory tue hmatmicml away
a antI sold for ohul iroum ,
1 Iakotmm , mmorthm of thmo forty.sixtim parallel
- cinimmuii 11 miattommal banks , 21 jim'lvate btumke , it
. flnumnlumg mumilie , 7i ( cinmrclmes , 2.i1 school imouses ,
I'2 iaIly Imumpers , 40 woekites 71 1 mimiles of rail
muati. Its asivessed vaimiatfomm is 834,744,000
iioiuulatkumm , 1U3,52fl.
nlime nsessmmuemmt of Lawreumco coummty ii
$2,420,585 ; iersommal 8l,55,03l , ; totol , 83 ,
B 771,017 ,
U 'fuvo inmummired amid fifty thiotmsand Toxin
cattle Is expected will hue drlvomm iii to time cat
't , tie nmtmlgcs of weetormm ] ) akoti : tide sumummimer ,
mm l'uiisuollsuumenimum ,
Time OiyumidaV. ( . T , ) Courter ut ii rocemm
5 date ammysm 'lhuuwe are nmuw miot ices timiiim 12,004
Cimimimoimemm 1mm iirltlsim Coimmumibia anti the umummm
I , I her Is lmmt'reaslmmg fmmiiy 100 per ummommthm by tim
8 arrival of simiploatis imm Victoria.
0 At Fort M.ujave , A , T. , one mmlghmt roceumtl
Is time timerumuijummetor rt'gtsteremi 1F4 ciegrutus a
i. mnltimmighmt ,
- In ummamiv ( Ill t1mu flume of the Cimmumuila
it l'uwilic railroad time weumthmer Ic so Imot. time
t , labomcni are tmmmblo to vork.
All muervommum anti blood diseases are iii
I variably cured by time use of Sanmrlln
.A'rv1ne ,
5. ' ' 80780r11mfl A'ri'zsc ( would be elton
me at $100. a bottle , It curc fits. " J. Stem
In hog , Cimanlostomm , B , 0. Only $1.50 p
bottle , Druggists.
I will close on Fifty Pateruis ( of '
Fine Chamber Suits '
treatest Bargain ever Offered in Omaha for such Goods.
1206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omaha Nob.
Wholesale Grocers !
1213 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb.
Double and SigIe Acting Power and iland
Engine 'Frimmnings , Mining Maciuinery , Belting , hose , Brass amid Iroim Fittings , '
Sicaumi Packing at wimolesaic amid roaii. IIALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CILIJIIOH
Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb.
. ,
, '
, ,
Ii ' ,
, ' '
. . I ' :
. ' . . . ' _ _ I , - '
I - - ; - . i _ ' I , '
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_ . '
, , : ! .
. .
- ' - -
. - ' =
- - - - - -
wIIx , '
Boiler aiM Sheet Iroll VJoit I '
OMAHA , - - - . - - NEBRASKA.
BuIld all kinds of Steam . . Boflems. Smoke , , . Stacks . , lireecluing Lard , Vater antI . omm Tanks , and do a genera
pl.ttu.lron bulest. ltep.ulrluig uiono Iii City and Country. tmi work
Done at Eastern Prices and Warranted !
Second-hand floilers will ho kept on hand. miaving had moany years experlencolum the trade In tllffercnt parts
of the . country , I am confldcnt . I comm give satisfaction , having the bott shop nuid tools I , , the State. Shop
cor. iOth auidi'IerceStreets. J. M WILSON Proprietor.
a1vanized Iron Cornices Mindo Caps FioiaIs ,
Skyllghts &c Thirteenth Street Neb
& - t- . . ' - A. M. CLARK ,
Cornices , Curtain Poles and Fixtures ,
! -
I - - - - OMAHA , - - NEBRASKA
Carpenters' Materials ,
-ALSO- '
Sash , . Boors , B1ills , S1air , stair Raililigs , Balusters , Willow & Boor Pramo , &el
Flrst.clace indm1tIc for the manufacture , of all kind , of Moumdlnge. rianing and Matching a epoclalty
Orders front the country will be prelnmtlv , shocuted , . . ' . . . .
Addras all conunuolcatlone to A.EMOYF.It , I'roprletor. -
On Long Time--Small Payments.
At JIE1llifCtlffOrS Pf100S. A. lloso , J . '
: J. I-I. CIBSOU /
4 COltNtiIt TWEL'TlItND ll0W/tItD 'illIt'lli.
- - - - - T'J. .
- ' .
I'artleuthrattuumtloum lion to mu nInny , Satla ut e etruranteod. I .q
I . 'I
PE'aTIoN /
Ir :
. '
t IN . ' 1
iir Heating anti Baking
1s only attained by usimmg I
t Z ? ' 'CHARTER ' OAK ,
n r' ! : OXfleste' '
It - I. Stoves and Ranga3 , 'u /
; - 4 * YITII iIFIE lllE DYER LORS r
. I V For sale by /
mr 'Li OMAhA.
I , . , . ' .
--I-- _ _ _ I p'
. -
- a- _ . .L