2 . . . . .E- , : THE OMAHA DAILY BED. \ : TIIIItTEL'NTII YEAR. UIIAIIA , NEB. T1IU1tSDt1Y ATOItNING , JULY 26 , 1883. NO. 3i1 A PARTIAL VICTORY , 1 The Amcricau Rapid Company Aprce to the Tc1o raphcrs Terms , , ' Thu Wcalern Union Claim a Victory , . , -J' \Vltlr 1)Ispatchca Pllcd Up high , onniRED To wan } , PITTHBURU , 1'n , , July 2G---Thu fellow. ' ing dispatch teas received by Secretary Hughes of thu Brotherhood of Tele grapliers : "Nlw : YonK , July 25-Satisfactory arrangumo to having been madu betwemt the Brotherhood of Telegraphers of the United Suites multi Cmiada and the American Itapid'rclegrapI ( company , all members working for that cmupaiiy will resume work to morrow morning , .luly 26th. ( Signed. ) JolIN CAM i nLi,1 , . . Till : TERMS. BALTiMOIU ; , Judy 25-The basis of agrcomiunt bcfwcmt the Brotherhood of Telegraphers and the Americo Vapid cotnpaily is m [ advattco of 10 pcr contort salaries , extra pay for all work die over eight hours pcr clay and seven lours for night work , and extra pay for all Sunday work , . 11 Tin : SITUATION IN CANAiA , 11IoNTBnuL , July 25.-Tho situation in the great Northwestern Telegraph com pnny's offices cottimiucs to improve. Thu officers of the company claim they are t entirely indCpmIdont of the strikers , As evidence of retiu'tiug confidence the stock market at Montreal was buoyant and strong today with the whole list higher , TILE OUTLOOK IN NEw YORK , NEw' Yonx , July 25.-There is yet no disposition on the part of the \Vcstcrn Untonto mcctthe demands of the strikers. The rumor that a compromise had been ' efFected was emphatically denied by the oflicors of the company , They claim the situation is continually improving ; that n practical victory ] tad been won over the strikers. The American Rapid company , p having granted the terms of the strikers , its whole force which left the desks will be at work tomorrow morning. HYMI'ATHRTIO ALDERMEN. NEW Yonx , July 25.-Tho board of + allermol to-day passed resolutions of sympathy With the telegraph strikers , and demanding that the companies be compelled by the state authorities , through legal proceedings , to restore and maintain the prompt transmission of messages. CHEERING ItEPOtTS , The reading of dispatches from various parts oftho country continued today , as Usual , at the meeting of the striking telk- graphers Several conununicationscorn- ing from operators now in the employ of the Western Union company , were read by Chairman Mitchell. The showed that business was crowded , and was being handled only with difficulty. It was stated that on all important wires flies sages were piled up , and many dated July 23 are still on the file. , ispatehesfiomWashingtouBaltimore , BostonhicaPit&burg , PlilIultolj hia ; ' + , Albany and Syracuse , received by the , r : chairman , wore , as usual , full of encour- hamoit ; to the strikers. Speeches were , ' ' made by Kohler , Brennon and Kingsley. , A "IIAi'II ) " COMPROMISE. ,1 a BALTIMORE Jul25.It is said here , on the best authority , that the American . . Rapid and the striking telegraphists have " c agreed upon the compromise , and the , filch have been ordered to work to-mor- tit' , z row. , ' TILE BOSTON PLAN. BOSTON , July 25.-Tho striking op. i orators this afternoon resolved unanimously - mously to telegraph Chairman O'Connor : of the executive board , requesting him to fa' ; ' immediately order out operators on- y { played by the associated press. MEETINO OF THE MARATIME ESOHANDE. f PIIILADELPIIIA , July 25.-A special , . meeting of the Philadelphia 111aratnno Exchange to consider the interruption of ; _ business by the telegraphers' strike , has , ) r been called for Friday next. , ' wanes CUT. CRICACO , July 25.-All wires of the 'r ' Wcstern Union company m [ the Wiscot : ciil and Milwaukee divisions of the Clii- . cagy & Northwestern road were cut . at 4 rr ; , 11:45 : last night at points about six miles gel distant from tie city. The breaks were discovered , and the wires are working I all right again this morning. 'r ° , : , EDITH AGAINST TIE WESTERN UNION. i' ' 17d PlILADELI'llld , .July 25-G. E. F111101' , , of No. 138 South Delaware avenue , this 1a afternoon began five civil suitsagainst the a. - Western Union Telegraph company for ' p refusing to transmit messages for him un ' t , d or the printed co nditiGhs. Fu terntipeared eforo the magistrate this afternpon and had writs issued returnable { Monday. The processes will ho served , on SupermtcndentZenblinthisafternoon , t DeSporatc' Prize Fight , WILKESBARIIE , Pa , , July 25-A perato prize fight for $500 was fought near Nianticott last evening. The prin. " ciPals wore Paddy O'Brien , a saloonkeeper - , , keeper , and Mike Brezie , The then fought according to time rules of the Marquis of Queensbury. Eleven roqucls .t3 were fought when a crowd of wonun 1' y broke into the ring and , brandishing t.v knives and pistols , put a stop to the fight. . - - The Rornahas of Gun. Ord. ST , Louth , July 25.-Santiago Ord , son of Gut. E. 0. C , Ord , who died of t I yellow fever at Havana , left hero this morning to arrano for the disposal of his fathers remains , which probably cma not be removed before cold tweather. Ord is'aceompanied by GoverorT'ro ano it anti wife , who is a daughter of Gen. Or ( , and several other ? 1loxtclns , 'rile ) will 1proceed at uucu to Now York , - The Ohio Rounlml , o { COLVMIIUS1 July 25.-There were about ' [ 25,000 visiting citizens and ox-soldiers 1' presort at the national reunion today , several of the state officials being rople- a soutod ( ! y delegations and representatives of the Urand Army of tlio Itopublie. m Twenty-five uimubers of the Confederate Fifty-Fourth Virginia are being enters - s L9inotl by the Third Ohio , who diyidcd , ratifins with thorn when taken prisoners. I At the reception ilt tire Capitol square , speeches wore madu by Governor Foster , t ex-President ] ! ayes and others , 'l'ulu- ' grans of regret wore read ( rein many dis- tiii0guishcd soldiers and citizens of thu p i , country , At C s "isou , this after. 110011 , R ICCChes O r"akge For. akor , , dudgu lioidte ) , day , "nn and others , Ex prisoucra a. , reghmctal meetings weru hold tins. . fug , and a granil display of fire woi'k closed the day. To-morrow will be the Grad Army day , anti it is expected that 8,000 utonbers will be in hue. - , S "CGlt1)L11 , Clt1USTI tN. ' Brother Mercier EvoluteR Sueclnet- ly mad Unequivocally In Chicago , CnICAno , July 25-Last Sunday ltov , , J. Spencer 'Kennanl , pastor of the Fourth ] labtist church , took ocenshon of ltov. henry Ward Boecher's prenoeu iii the cityy to deliver a pleasmttly timed surmon combatting thin views of the great Brooklyn divine Today the Pipets published n brotherly letter from Beechor to Brother ICellllald , pohn ps the Best succinct and utle muvocal stale- moit of Beecher's views 'et made IuLlie. He says ho knows ho orthodox mud evangelical as tofactsaudsubstanceof Clu istian religion , mtdkuowsequally trell le is not orthodoxy to ( ) ltloso1)ml' > which applied t these facts. lie cil s him. self a cordial cbristiau evolutionist , but (1005 not agree with Spencer , lduxley and Tyndal. Hu believed the aninml mart of man evolved front beings below while in spiritual yahoo met is the Son of God. TJalt ho says , is not sinful by naturu , but voluntarily. CAPITOL NOTES. TimC hILL INViSTIUATiON , WtsniNoroN , July 25.-lit tlm 11111 investigation Coleman read m1 aflklnvit reciting frauds alleged to have beml committed in connection with time stone- dressing contracts , setting forth that testimony essential to the prosecution could be obtained at Quincy , Mass. Ile asked the committee to go there. The committee reserved decision upon the question. Coleman asked tluht Ring and Woodman if Chicago be rudhorized by telegraph to examine the heating appara tus in the Chicago building in order that they be able to testify clearly whims they arrive Friday. Hill took the stand and testified that the committee of experts reported in favor of the Hale elevator , lie adopted the committee's report. Adjourned until Friday. T1Y. CALL FOR BONnS. It is moro than probable that a call for bonds will be issued before the close of time present week. Tie cal ( is vary likely to include all outstanding 34 per cents , not yet offered for exchange , autounHng nearly to $31,000,000. TT u amount of 3 per cents , oxchauged into 3 per cents. to date is about $305,000,000. Tlln STEAMSIII1' AUiEAN , With yellow fever , arrived at Newport and has been ordered below quarantine station. All foreign vessels emmtering the Capes will be sapped if there is sickness on board. THE DENVEIL REUNION. DENVER , July 25-A fitting finale to yesterdays masntfieott pilitary pageant was thin grade of the Flambeau club of Lincoln host , of Topeka , Ias. There is nothing in the range of pyrotechnic ox- Imibitions which ever equaled it , Twenty thousand people witnessed the display. The delegates to the encampment held a business meeting at the Tabor Grand opera house to-day. The commander- hi-chief Paul Vandervoort , delivered al address giving the condition of the organizationss throughout the country and the number of posts andg members g by states. The election of commander- in-chief will probably take place Friday morning , It is stated Gen. Barnum has the support of 21 out of 25 of time Now York delegation. Nashville and Minneapolis apolis are struggling for the uuxt nation. al cncam mcnt with the chances in ) favor of the former , s - GENERAIi JYOIWIGN NEWS. BERLIN , July 25.-A great sensation was caused hero by the suicide of Dr Zupulitz , professor of political economy of Berlin university , CAIro , July 25.The khcdivo visited all the cholera ] hospitals today , In time last 12 hours tbere has bocii 307 deatlms from cholera lucre , and 71 at Chibui , VIENNA , July 25-Time govruor of Eastern Siberia has asked for eight additional - tional regimiuents of Ittmssiiul troops be' muse of the superiority of time Chinese frontier guard. LeNnoN , July 25The bmmquet giveum by time British volunteers iii honor of the American rifle team tonic place at the Criterion tonight , Thu American and British rifle teams wore present in full uniform. About 100 perswtx were at Limo tables , A DEAn ZULU , 1)UIIIIAN , Judy 25.-It is reported Catuwayo has been killed. SOUTH AMERICAN MATTI Its. LIaIA , Jaly 25-General Lynch published - lished a decree calling uion all oflicers and chiefs in Limn vvlto were with Caco- rco , to present themsulves within five days at Cunrtut , on pain of being treated Rs SpoS. 1lUuNOS AYUEs , .July 25-After con- sklerable dissension in the chnmimber of deputies , Saturday , the religious inatrue- tion bill was rejected by a majority' of 43. Great floods have caused much damae in the country , TIIE C110LEILt , LONDON , July 25.-It is reported that quarantine has been forced agnuiat yes- ads arriving from ports afllieted with cholera. A dispatch to time Tiuues says time nmmber of deaths from cholera at 11ansurah yesterday was 13 , Clmibin 113 , Zaftey 24 , Muhallut 43 , Glmizoh 1)5'r'au ) , talc 111 , Two hundred mid eighty-four deaths occurred at Cairn within 12 hours. - - ' - - - - A Bevy of ItondboldurH , DES DIuiNEs , Lt. , July 25.-J , Ii. Brown , of t ov York , J , L. l'imsou , of Ahisterdain , IIollmmd , aimd llowhumd Ia , is and Chits. K 1Vhitohead , of New York , prouuiueut ottIcinls and bondlold e.s of the Fort Dodo toad , are iii the city to-night. 'Thor puposo is not know u , but it is thought to Im vu sonuu counoetiot with the sabbu of the Fort Dodge to time Itocklimlaumdcomupaimy. _ Time folk Case , NASHVILLE , July 25-Judge Allen d0 his charge to time jury tit time folk case this aftoruoon. 'I'Iiu charge wits un- unistaknbly unfavorable t the defendant 011 uveiy count in tie iudicbneat , A verdict is not expected before to- morrow. rWEBB'S ' FATAL FOLLY. do NOtO Swimmcr Foolishly At' tcmpis to Broasi the Cnrront o1 Niagara , The Mighty Torrent hurls Ilium tutu Eternity in aAtuumlmt-1)otatls of time Triigcdy , NIAUARA F.ILts , July 25-1.p to 10 to-night tuotlmiug moro has beou learned as to time fate of Captain Webb , who today - day attempted to swan over the rapids. It [ reply to inquiries before setting omit oil his fatal sera , he said ho first thought of mnvinulming time rtpils last year , lclmcu Capt. Paul ltnymitou was titlkiug of doing it , however it ' ho w'um only lately ru- solrcd upon atteuqtimig it , lie Caine to time falls time first of .I my and examined time course , amid then nuwle up his mind , le said , in going clown lie would be carried uuuler time water by the eurrmnt aimd if lm could hold his breath until le Cane to time surface again he would be all right , 1111 mad could easily hold his breath uder water for a uiiuutu mead a half , lie would have to fight to keep at the top , if he could not do so , he said it was alt tip with 11im , 1\'hon asked if hu lutd tvoil considered time matter , lie said it was a curious thing , hmu did not bother munch about it. Be was going to chmee it , it was all hick , said lie. He uuulo propmisitunis to railroad coapanies to have uxeursions , but they would not cone to terms. They thought lie was going to emnumit sumeidu mud they would imot encourage it. When asked if there was anything partieular he wished to ban said on his behalf , to replied tlmnt the only timing was that ho was not going to stake auyttuuig out of it , but wanted to slow time people be could do it. Captain Webb mitered time river above the rapids , about half a mile front thu falls. Hu sccumed a inure plmytiming iii the irresistible current. Apparmitly Iw umado no attempt to 81181)0 his course , but was hurried to time falls inn a few minutes. He disappeared minder time water several times before reaching the precipice. Largo crowds lined time banks on both sides , and were horrified at time spectacle of death passing before their oyes. On reacimimig the edge of tlefalis Webb throw up his hands anti disappeared in thu avalanche lancho of water. No trace of the body ] mas yet been found , though a number of persons have bemm watching time river , TILE INTEREST IN IIIS FATE. BUFFALO , N , Y. , .July 25.-The interest - est in the fate of Cupbun Webb is una- bated. Time belief is almost general that lie perished in time whirlpool. His nmaua- ger telegraphed Mrs. Webb to-day , "Poor Mat has not turned up yet ; imop0 to fluid liitn before uo lunb , Kyle said possibly V ebb was alive in sonic inaccessible - sible place. Bete arc said to have been made that lie is alivo. One geuitleman sakLhe believed it was a dummy that went down the rapids , and that Webb will be found sonnowhora below thu whirl- pool. Eye witnesses insist that there is no ground for sunk talker , for a bope that lie is alive. Time l'for Disaster , BALTIMORE , July 25.-Thu bodies at the eastern police station were identified this afternoon as those of Alfred Burgan , 18 ; Miss Kato lves , 28 ; and two children as those of John McAnary , leaving alive but ono of that family , a little boy of six years , who was rescued. The bodies of two moro children are said to have been found , but mly one of theta , time child of Bernard McGahan , has reueled time city. At 8 o'clock last evening Cornier Larfet began an inquest , at which Fatlmer Starr , pastor of time Church of Carpus Christi , was present Jacob Bonnet testified lie is a special officer at Tivoli , He locked time gates on time wharf about 8 o'clock in the evening by order proprietor of tlmo place , to keep the pee plc fromi getting eu time wharf. He refused - fused sonic young ladies , who wished to return to tbo grounds tlmrough time gate , because ho feared that others would get through , 'rho boat roaclied the wharf between 10 amid 11 o'clock p , mil. Witness - ness then opeumed time gates , and time people - ple rushed through. He begged them to keep back , as the wharf was not time best. Soon after ho heard a crash , ran baekand saw a mmnher of people in the water. He polled his clothes of , woutbite time water , told rescued 12 pe suns. Ho also rescued - cued three dead bodies. About 100 per. Sons were on time wharf when it fell. Fully 300 were in time water. 'lima two gates were not where time boat lauds. Ho examined time place wliuru the break occurred - curred amid found time timbers pretty rotten - ton , Tlieru were six to eiblmt lights on the wharf and they burned brightly ; did not think immure than 250 people could mitand cii time space where time break occurred - curred ; hail full view , of time aeeidont ; saw time people mitrutigliflg in time water ; had thrre been a rush of people nmany moro would have been thrown into the water ; thought it a fair estimate to say there were 1,300 people on the cx- curslott. The per is a mans of patching front ono mad to time outer ; after the crash ho found time rptttur gate open ; thought it ens closed five uminutemi before. Time testimony of this witness will doubtless cover mill time facts to be brought to light. The Funerals , BALTIMORE , July 25-Time funerals of mummy of tlmosu who perished iii time disaster - tor at North I'ojnt Tivoli , Mmulny niglmt , took place to-clay. They were him every section of the city , aunt one , which at- trnctcd a j iecia ( attention and synypnthy , was taint of time Crouch family. 'Piero were four hearses in hunt funeral procus siou , Scarcely a Catholic parish of time city escaped , amid in those iii time northorim and northeastorin suctions time funerals 110ronunierous , Too Nearthe1Vitternmeloum . CiUUAOO , 25--Richard , July - - Connor , privnto watchuman , shot amid immortally wounded Alyn Ftnmkmi , 13 yours old , last evuning , and gave ami an excuse that the boy was um too close proxiutity to a railroad - road car comita'umg ' ivnturirmolous. 'l'imo watchumamt i8 tinder arrest. Fatal ttccldonten the \1'uilaHi , . Sr. Lees , .Judy 25r-A special t the I'ost Iispatclt , from St. Joosaysariglut- ful accident occurred lust ( might on Limo \Vubaslm railway near Lawson. A freight it'ain with one ( uassongur car ram oil' time rails. Seven passuugers in tlmu coach. One , u paint right elan from Lathrop , was killed , Mies Wands , of ltiehmnoud , hind her aria broken in two places , and her ahouhcier blade broken , Amiothur Indy , who lives in Lawson , and was in a delicate condition , was scrtousltr injured They cannot , be rmnovml. The other four paasuugers , onoa KnnssasCity drum' muter , were seriously injured. hntal Colllsloit of' Trains , ScmniNECTAnV , N. 1' . , , July 25.-Time passoiiger train which left thus city at 5:20 : this afternoon emi time Saratoga rdad elate into collision with a wild freight train coming from time north about four miles north of this city. Sult in Rim immoral , of North Creek , was fatalt scalded , and six others serioush' iu'uru ( B oth mlgines were wrecked , setting fire to and burning mimic pmasseuger car , one baggage and femur freight ears. The ncei- dmd , was caused 1)y' time tolegmplt mi lmin. tor at East Glemville giving wrong dim'- tions , SVOItTING NOTES , 1'ITTHiiUIIu ( ut.tems. : PxTrsuulto , July 25 - l'lie sun nur meeting of time I'ittshurg Driving Park mtssociatioi tmas inaugmuted to-day ; tusk good mad racing miptrited. Thu notable feature was that mill winners were by Blue Bell : 2:23 : class , Gladiator non , St. Cloud second , \Valnut third , Kato lllc Call fourth ; time , 2:24 : , " . :21 : , 2:234 : amid 2:24j. Fat the 2:40 : class 11attie H , tun iii straight heats , Brick miecmtd , Havthornu third , Allan Aluout fourth boat time , " :2114. : Li time paeimm bg race Billy S , won iii strai6ghat heats. Fritz second , Iii Ball tliii'd , Juliet fourth ; best time , 2:22j. : BOSTON RACEH , BOSTON July 25.-Second day of July meeting , Beacon Park ; track good , 2:28 : class. Ella Doc wail , Hcrmioy 2d , George A. 3d , Holaud 4th ; time , 2:23j : , 2:231 : ' - 2:24k : , 2:25 : : Class 2:38. : Flora JefTcrnnn won , Boston - ton Boy 2d , Captain 3d ; h. L. D , 4th ; tinee , 2.32 , 2:80 : , 2:28j : , 230k ; , 2'32 , 2:34g. : was MOINES iLAOES : DEs MOINES , Iowa , July 25-Ono thousand eo to attended he races at time old fair bgrouuds to-day. Time eumin innry of time three events is as fellows : Three minute class nlilo 1tic ads , best three in five : , Pat'Agin , Stuart , b. e Phyrence.,1 1 1 B. IIy crs.tdol , b , s. harry Glen.,2 3 4 Dr. J. A. Cmnpboll , Des Muinea , r , m , MolhioM. , . , , , , . , , , , „ , G G S. McCoy , Adel , b. mil. Kitty Strader,3 2 3 C. M , Couch , Des Muffles , b. g. ! Pont Douglas . , . . . , , , . ,4 4 2 Time , 2:4G : 2:4tL : 2:461 : , Free for alt , mile hmeats best tire oft live : C. H. Colby , Des Moinceb.g. Chaun , coy II . , , . . , 1 1 1 W , F. Bo , Des Moines , ss g. Snltmi,3 4 4 \v. C. . , b. m. Lady . Belie. . . . . . . . . . . , , , „ 5 C o SC ) tt McCoy , Adel , b , g. Barneyy B..4 3 3 E. B. Woodruff , Knoxville , g , , m , NellfoW . 2 2 2 y y y lime , 2:30h2:35 : , : } , 2:3G& & , .rr - Itunniog race , half mile heats hest two Gm three : a W. F. hlarrts , Des Moines , s , m. Lucy Johnson. , , , , „ , . . , . ,1 1 Cenrge Ilarnoy , Dcc Mofees , digTerry , Spaikie . . , . , " 'l Time , 60 , . 4 11Rim1TOx 1EACII a&uI ; , ' BitlauITON BEAelr , July 2fi.-rite . track was muddy. Three-quarters of a toile , P , II. won , Chili second , Lewinshi third ; tim e , l.2Qj , Three gnarturs of a muile , Boulott won , Ben Wooley second , Biddy Bowling third ; tittle , 1.21 , } , Ono mile , Annie C , won , ltuslmaway second , Iifenk third ; time , 1:4 : $ } . Omi0 mile , Fair Barbarian won , El Capitan second , Pilot third ; tinme,1:48k : , Mile and oue furlong , Major Hughes won , Barney Aaron second , Edwimt It , tlmird ; time , 2OOL : One mile , Switt won , Centennial nee- end , Harriet third ; tiuic,1:48. : IIABE IIALL. PEORIA , Iii. , July 25-Peoria 3 , Bay City 2 , QUINCY , July 25.-Grand Rapids 0 , Quincy 5 , ' 1'oi innings. CumwAam , , July 25-Chicagos 11 , Plnil- adeiphias 2. Eleven innings. DETROIT , Judy 25-Detroit 1 , Now York 0. BUF'ALO , July 25.-Boston 0 , Buffalo - falo 0. CLEvELAND , Judy 25-Providence 8 , Cleveland 0. The ] llorgnu Itounion , LEINaTON , iCy. , July 25.-Time re ration of Jolflm Morgan'sconfederate ' com- mmumd is now in progress lucre. Several hmldred menmbern of that notable farce are now in camp on a part of the estate of Henry Clay , in tents furmmimilmed by the war de partm ent , .Jelferson Daviswas jn vited , but sent a letter sa ing ill healtlm prevented hint fronattemytimu gtimefati gun of no lee g a journe and l'tho excitonment of no 'o 'aus nu occassion. He continued Time mimiuo of y ourassociatimm in elo iuuutly commemorative of the during deeds per. formed , of dire sufrering borne , amid barbarous indiglliticmmi- inflicted rat mom who fud bravedy struggled in au ulu e(1cal conmLat to vindicate time ri6tints tlrimit fatimers ( eft tlmmn. " A daughter of John Morgan is among time uests. Addresses wuru madu YesterdaY p Y Frank Walters , Gmm , Preston , Gen , Duke , ox-Got' , Mc- Creary , Gram , John S , Williams and oth ors. At night Rev , \V , H , Jones , of Itiemnumd ) , Va. , gave a lecture on "Time Boys iii Gray , " Tine reunion coudimiues to-day , r---- Chlcago Cleaning Up , CHRIAno , July -Uimii application of the city health cotnmssioner the city coumieil Las authorized time expomditureof $10,000 , its additlon to time regular appro. primttion , for use ( if Limo heath de art- umiont old time cormnnissioncrs state time rnmourmt will be increaaed as nccosmiity dunuuuls , 'l'imo Couunmmisiouer has engaged a largo extra force of teams mad ummt 10 rid tie city of all garLagu and' rufuso , with a viumv to intprovui j its smnibtry condition nod to guard utgumtat iimteodua- tioi of contagious diseasus , - - - - - - . The Longlollow Eatmrto. BoSToN , J uhy 25 , = 1'le : tppmisal of time property of time pout Lougfullov shows value to be about $35000 0 , of which $ .00,000 is personal property amid $150 , 000 real estate , - A''arnlug to Prayer llloetbigs , ttlmUmxn , Vn , , July 25.-Night before fore last a boat contaiimisg eighat mimun mad two mi ouug girls , nil ollurod , that'wore cross g Jamnes' river , at Olao { awort to tit t 11(6 1 prayer mneo.t at Samid Point upset maid eight pf tie 1 ) arL were drowned , THE HANGING OF HARDY. The Last of the Polk CilY Assassins ThOFOlhly Disposed Of , Ile Is irngged front Ills Cell , Bung , Sint null 1)rowucd-Thu Last Act of the Tragedy , Shelby County ltupuLlicnu , , Tiny 21 , llAmu.AN , Ultra , July 24 , 1883-"pis dowel AliOtlier sou ( hits beou humiuclled into etornityl Auothe' terrible warning huts bemm given to those who start min a eaoar of crunu , Thu last of the mummer' era of Pomitnuastur Clingan amid .1 , \ \ ' , lhuhly i8s amid time dcbt of nature , and leis soul has gonu to its Maker to be j udgcd , At 2 o'clock this morning , the tmugedy that Las beou niglmtly expected to occur hms tkun plncu , amid Brady , thu noun whu tuns received from time hinds of a nub ou Satutnlay , .1uy,1.1 ( , , and brought to Ifar- lmui to mwmil trod , wits btkom out by mt baud of mcu , utd killed , ' [ 'hue cirmunstnnecs , mmi we kmnuw tlmon to be , front being a pu : tial witness of time occurreumee , tuid whim iuturviews with pm'8 uiS who wuru nearest connected with time case , are as follows : About ter o'clock in time evunimig llrs , \Vatkimms , wife of JailurVatkius , thougimt she herd some one prowling aroumid tie jail , amt Deputy Sheril ( Geimgu ] huuuutt , mad \Vatkius went of a search , but ills- eoveriug nothing they trout to their rest ngain ; but hnut tire o'clock time jail ens suddenly surivnnled by a body of unasked men unuiberuig ( ruin uiglmty ; to one huudrud , wino s1eedilY mitered the 'ail , over- povuredVatkius , aid tied hint witlm m cord-supposed to be a piece of check. roarer rope. They then took the keys fronm hire , 1Vmttkums [ mull smuclily ( upuu' ed the cull inn whiclm time prisoner wa , amid took lien out , tie whole trmmsactiun oceupy'ing but a few mommits , and little naiso beimi g nmdc. Durin8 this , DeEnut ) , Sberulf Bunnott wits corralled up stairs tit time jail , rand of course could do nothing , but as naon as time umob wont oil' with time prisoner he fired several idiots wlmieh aroused the neighbors. Hmtry Ash , the night watch , Lail also well time snob amid 1e rang the tire bull , whielwbrouglmtout quick a crowd of morn , nmmtwh ) gemmerallyseemed bewildered amid did not know 1just where to gn to fluid an thing , The mob , with Hardyin time meantiuno tit ) idly y nmdc their wu tovard the bridge near.lud ' . gu Chatburit'a mill , leaving time rill b thu street goib toward the s(1imam ( turuimi g time corner b Y Ziuunernman's livery , and going south ono block , thou east two blocks to ' 'hird street , which timey followed out mail the road branched oft toithroe mnill , They probably thought of hanging time la risonor on time way down , for quit a a tree in front of Mr , J , C IIard- mail's house was broken dawn , Mr , Hardnuu sayslio hoard the crowd when they came up towmm , and about half of th em stopped at the tree and appeared to be doing something , whilu tlto rest went .towards t 9 jail. Th en the olmea went away cone back to Limo true , ammd time wliolu crowd started towards thu jail , It ncems , however , that the must have changed their minds about fan imi g Hard in Harlin m for they wont on to we'd time brid ge. Num ) ersomn ( ivinb along the streets tilrou gin wimielm tloy 1msse it saw and heard tkunr , and the Y variously estimate time nmmiberat from 50 to 100. Judging from time footprints wo nay in the dusty road we should tlmimik 50 was about tine number , Passing Judgu Chatburn's house which is about 200 yawls west of time bridge , they did nut wnkom mmyono umitil they couunotccd firing shots near and on time bridge , 't'his arousotl time occupants at Clmatbnrim's , and .Jmdge Chatbur n and Sheriff Chatburuo , lea son , who was staying - ing there , speedily gut up , before they could see nny'thumg time neb had couuplet- ed their work amid 6ollu , 'rlmo writer hereof happened to be avmko whuu tau firing comnleteed , maul distinctly heard evei'y shot , of w'hieh tlmere was mearly a Inmdred fired. 1Ve spuclily shook oil drowsy sluulbur coal w : eH out investigatilig before time lire-bell ruing , and somm gmttlmcrod mi0u'fh infornnt- tion to urge umi forward to time bridge , which we rightly supposed to be time ncce (1f tie ti'Itgudy , timid we woo ac- comnpmmied by mmbout 150 persons , Arrtviug tit time bridgu no h acu of time mob or tie prisoner ens t be mieeu , mend a fear pcrmiuns who wino there in advamice hind turmiml bade , sayumg Ilardy was oat to be fouml , llumi did not sntisfy time minds of all , amid vmmriommi mipeculimhons wm'u indmiiged in regard to what had been dons w'itb thu prisoner , It was aunmmised iie fud either boom shot or hump bg , mud thmou tiroirn into time water amid Ind probably floatCl down atrenmiu. .1 , ii'ecka volunteered t go into Limo wmtei , amid div'estimig Imimnself of h'H ' clothes le waded once microns time atrmiun , about fifteen feet below tie bridge , without - out remiultmi. Ile tlmmm waded back to tie west side , timid them turned back towards the cast side , closer to tie bridge , amid whmi lie him i got i'itlmmn ubmit tout feet of the cast side of tie creek , lie oxuaimed ( , 'h ome Ito imil" 'J'he spucbitormi imuncdintely mmdu a rush for the mast smile of time 11mnk , and the writer , with Shorifl' Chntburn , drew himu out of time water , mind with time hulp of several othcrmi , crried binm up the bank , IIc wins ieunediatcly cxamnmmied and his hauls were found t he tied behind lint w'itlm a strong tarred eom d ( the cord we now lumvu in our posscsniom ) a piece of time saumu cord wimich was used to bind Wmmt- kins whmml he ems oVUrpOWOred , It ayes found tlmat a rope hind beou nrouud his mock , maid it Ind Tuft its mutrk hdrukun on timu skim , amid hums neck was also , Eleven slmots weru lrudiutn his 11(1(1) ( , tutu of which wumit into his back lOtwumm imimi shomddmn , mud omo wont inn his brcamit near tie ) wart , It cannot be 101(1 w huthur lu arms first shut and than hung , or vice vm'ni : , but certaimm It is LiUtt time job was done tviti ( a vengeammeu amid in a mist thorough mi1uuer. ( Coroner Chntbum'n took clmtgo of thu burly , and , after miiakimig ami uxuminumtiou , it tray brought to town amid pat iu chum gu of Ilwry Carl , tie mmdertakor , maid rat inquest will be Imuld tlmimi fot'mmoum , 'l'imo Corpmfu pm'wiunted a must ghastly mid horrihlo , sight melon dragged out iu wiur(1 nmoouhgbt ; and the set teeth and con10rtod features bore eviduimce to thou agony Imo nmmit have midured while mt time way to the score of the execution , 'l'ime prisoner was dressed in his shirt mid pats amid had en a pair of socks , Thu rape with u ltich his hands were tied is about three feet long , 'rime crowd who dad Lime lynching wore uvmdently toll prepared mad seem ed to be trail aimed with revolvers. They Caine frmn time dircctiomi of Tlianme , mm horse. ba , k , amid halted on time road east of the bridge , about 300 yards , where thmey tied their horses and came ou foot to town , a distacu of one mile , They land smmti' nula posted around , timid wore provided with nledgo hnmuiers and other tools to break open the jail if ueressmy , It Remus that the door of the coil iR which ldnrdy was hind a camimbhimatlomi luck , but it tuns tmUt set , 1'ersunR n'h0 hreard time mob mssung on time wag to the bridbge sag tlu" henid award ' ( deaditig far itemc } ' , nod they mint sag to urn" hint. I'lmis is limo 1 act o ? time tra ged 'I \\'hu did time 1y uicbing1 No cue knn'rs ; and r hiabl ' tlmo ' arc sworn to se recy ad music mtt thmoimusolv'es t vill uccr know a limit t1ney tvuro undnublully mint fromm 11m no mad vicinity , amid lieu- hips mmc fronm Polk City , I'OLiTICAL NOTES , v'llwmNL ( fmMocILtTs. i'Nuumnma'A. , July 25.-Thudmuu- cretic shiLe com'mmtion net mrt the opera house tlmis aftormiomm. Eve y county in the stet was fully ropresouteti 'I'bu hall was crowdeed. Tenmpoumy otganmza- tioim tens had by time election of Corbin M , Reynolds chn'rmn ' um. Aftm' recess ( ben. , ( notes A.1Vnikur , of Pulaski , tras mmmudu pm'mmnummt clutirutafl , Tle couvon ti0n uminuinuwimil ) ' elected Jahn llarboar chnirutmt of tie slate cmmtrnl couunittue Barbour accepted , amidst tromimendous cluueimig , Adjourned till to mitorrow . ' muu NEw' ImAMm'HIt11mE ( 'ONTEST. Coseouu , N. 1I. , July 25.-Second ballot : Cimandlcr received 65 votes , ILtrry Biugbanm 111 , ueeoussary to choice , 157 , At a conferohco might l'attersou declined to be ceualdered a cmmdhdalo any longer , Time votes for hiui will scatter - ter to-murrov. Grnftomi county mcu tor night agreed to tutu fur Finko to-mimrrow , it is stud Secretary Chamidler will nut withdraw , TEIEGIttl'11 NOTES. Careful huquiry among loading butter dealers - ers iii liostue developed time finet that the Chicago cage dispatch statinmg Boston and Now York dealers had tou ght heavily of butter fn tlm west mid stored time aatiiu , Is wholly fallo , ledicatinns : Fur time Mhsourl valley , part. Iy cloudy weather and local nuns , followed by clearing weather , southerly slmiftieg to west. erly vviudR , fnlihmg follawod by rising barauie ter , nnmig followed by Galling teageraturo. A nmcottmmg of the mammgers of western rands is buiug hold in Denver , whim tire object of forming n California foal , Tie reunion of Morgan's mm ( I.iuthmuud at Loxbgton , Kmttucky , yesterday , Fftmnihun- droll morn marched by titu grnvo of their ieadur , Jotmh II. ] Iorgaui , ummtovuring their heads as they passed tire grnvo amid decorating It whim tfewcrs. The Leotard .C Blocies twine factory , at Piqun , 0. , burned last night , Loss $40,000 ; msurameo $10,000 , A wall fallen on four firemen , injuring all sovcroly , . Robert Need , Samuel 'Harland".and William , Dunn wej'o shocking y' burned btan' L1 pisimi oftimm Ldnilor.bl t } atatime Crane Iromm works , Catasnuqua , , a , 11leotnng of Iowa Minors. DES MOINES , July 25. = rho Iowa miners mad nmimiu operators held a joint Convention lee te-day. There wore 20 delegates prcmioit , represmttimmg about 3500 ruiners. Thu mur msu of tie con- vtntion was stated li time ) residentj F. P , O'Dlee to hot bring about a ust settlemmit lmtweelt time miners mid time operators that would bo just tonll parties and by wimiclm strikes iuiglmt le avoidm { mail dlleronces amnicably adjuated , 'rho OpurttrH premieidcd a rosolntion , declur- jng their willingness to moot time m miners 111 a spirit of good folletwlmipmmdthatthuy wore reuly : to dimiemmsn all gmwatiune of mimtunl iutcrnmit within viuw to mum mni- cable settloumit , old rcconuuomding a committee of minors tutu operativcmi be appointed to confer with each other to devise wmtys maid means fm' tie nccou - plimiinnent of those midmi , by which time questiomis of w eiglming amt sc'emming cod , etc. , nut be satisfmtcto'ily settled , said comminittee b ) report not later thou Aug. mist 2Uth. 'I'mimi proposition was agreed tommd thin connnlttees were appeumtd. Almotbur meeting is 10 be lmuld ut n tinmo by be agreed upon by thin couuuitteemi. The Big fool In Session , NEw Yonu , July 25.-Time joint exocim- five eonnnittue coutillued its session at thu othice of Comumueissioner Fink to-day , ' 'imu priucipnl subject Of discussion was protoctimm of St , Louis lilacs front emitting of rates by lines wemit of Chicago , It was ngreed t hnrmonizu time difhieulty by re- quumitimig 1111 western commectiona of time trek lutes beyond Chicago and St , Louis t discomitnmu time pnymmmt of connmia- sious at ull dulr'crontial e'm ' to iii Limo must on all west bound husimiuss , amid to abolish tie smile of orders on tickets issued by mummy 0f thcso roads at seaboard p01utH , Apphcatiola , for diffurmmtial fares rat third clmm busuuens between Now York and Ch icago' by way of Ur- bona over the Grand Trunk , \Vubasli amid Ohio & 11iSSissippi lines , as well mta be- tweuu several other tints in tlwintorior , were laid over for ( limieussioum uit t-Inor- rom"s neotiug. Other Htrlkeu , NEwYoumc , July 25-Contrary t ex- pectatiomia , time striking dress amid cloak. makers did nut rotunm to work 10 day , 'l'imo strikers aeo still dissatisfied , and say they will not return t work until the clumamds of those working for anmll out. side muploym s or contractors are com plied with , 'Flue ummuufactururmi say they will nmtku n0 further eouscasimis to time strikers , liimihull's Iunations , l'ItIvumINIA : , R. 1. , July'25Time will of the late flem'y L. Kinmball leaves tie Auieiicmum Uhitariu m mmisoeiatiou , of lion- ton , $0,000 ; time llmnmpton Noriual and Agrimmltural mnstitutu , of Virginia , $25- 000 ; I'rovidumice publio libt'nry , residumu'y logatce , upwut'dm of $176,000 , Variommn local eharmtnblo institutions receive abort $37,000. _ _ An Etiltor Comtvlctcd , KANHAS CITY , Judy 25 , = 1'lejury in time emusu of time state against Orthstmn lath oily editor of tliu Evouin6 S te' vhmo kmllPU Gee > g0 Fredericka ) p prietor of time Coupuo , theatre ih tutus city Jutmo 0th' returned u verdict of niurdemu ut the suwnd de6r vu , fixu ; , hIS pmmislununt ut 25 years mu tie penitentiary , , CROPS AND TAXES , ! The Nar CSE jn Fn11 Blast Ill Iowa anti Nchraska. A TIntoly Questloo i1 on n Tnx I'nycr of I'helps County , Crop Notes , $ peclal Dispatch to Tmmn Itsr , VaNUH , Neb , , July 25-Ityo has been harvested , and is extra , Wheat will ho emit within tot days. It will bo extra , 111th iu quality mid qumttity , Corn 1mm taught tip with time season , and could not bo doing better. Thu crop outlook could { not bu immure mteuuragiug , FONTANILICE : , Iti. , July 25-Ilnrvcnt has conmimemiced , whiim n prospect of ono of time largest yields over experienced in p tlmis count' of bath wheat amid oats The la' cro ( o is timn best otor hall Corn ms ' , dommg , well mud faruers are 1jubilant. ) , 1\Li.tmmsulun , Ihelps Co , , .July 24- llnrvesting has connnutmced lucre in eant- emit , 1'armtm's are cutting niglmt and day , 1Vlmeat is excellent mad will make From 15 to 35 bushels per acre. Oats are i vmy good , and twill average nbout 50 busheels wr acre , Conn is lookin ve well and if we have llleutY of ran for the next few tveoks , it will 11iako a largo cnm ) , 1'e have hind two or three ] igimt hail stornms , ono on tlmo 1511 [ and one emi time 21st aid 22nd , but they did very little Baran so far ns lmeanl from , If we only lad n ntilroad to ship our surplus crops , we would have ono of the umSt prosperous comities in the Stite. I see bp Limo papers that time courts have duckh cl that umi ( mtoited railroad lords are oxmn ) t from taxation , NevI I trait to ask 'ou ri ht hero if th e Comit ' comninissiotmors lmvu an uthorm- t' to tax thin laid after the railro aad coma InnY leas sold it and before tie deeds arc issued , . - e-- A SUCCESSFUL VENTURE. I UllCgpCCtCd SlCCCSS of , thc Omaha Bniid' toy Association , A Last Chance to Take Stock In het Company. Tle OuinlmaLoan and Building assucia tint , iiieorpurnted abort three mottles age ui thus city , is nuccensfu ( far beyould the uxpeetatiomie of tine most sanguine' origiuatora. Thu charter empowers tine assoeimttion to issue 2,500 shares , of $200 caeh , and time ineorptmttura expected to issue them in several series , That hiss now become unnecessary and all time shares will be issued in one series. There are now 1,800 shares taken amt only 700.renmain , Six thousand dollars are loaltcdout to monbors and bearing inttotitat'8 par cent , ahcl the profits for tlii } shoe spacoof It u months' ' amoult. { u vr u lit'oJu'ol ) , calk aluii , . , Z c y The board pf drectolt hi their last meet- hug ordered that the rmnaining'shares shall be sold at art advance or pren unt of 75 cents per sh are , thin order to take efreet om time first day of August. Time object of the association is , to offer - fer a oed o ortunit to those who want to to ) rove ro ert to of a loan a ( witlmautpintor at umost because tie monthly paynteuits of Loth thin principal and iuterest go towards paying for the shares mid time cacollation of time ( lubt. Thom wino intend t , join time association will hove a clmance to do sobeforethefirst day of August at oribginal , 25 cents per share for initiation fee and tlmrea 1last clue tit eats out sl'ares of 81,00 1er shares cult Ycar. A BRIDE IN TROUBLE , - A C so for a Writ of 'Nahcas Corpus , A Clouded Honeylmu on In the Upper Ten , t Tie social circles of time upper ten of t ouu of oar well known streets IRLshmd its atatosplmere somewhat agitated fur a week pitst over a little dorumestie drama being played in one of its famihios. The parties are all very ratieemtt about tie atfutr , ao it has bewm with difhicultywe leave obtained oven the meager particn- lars we are in possession of , althorgh it is predicted that the public Inay know' more of the affair 111 time future. Soma months sluice n young married cou plc took u ) their resitfomco with the brie's aranta and all wont mo as time nmarria 6 a boll until an older sist ryof tine bride , the wife of a subordinate attache of a railroad , concluded Line hmone of pa- ter fmnmihins was a breezy cool resort for herself and accordingly n few weeks since she ronmovcd thither , Not liking tie bumibamid of her sister she commenced a wriemi of petty dinsagreeaablo incidents tlmftt made life altogether unbearable for , time young couple whole' the timernmmuoter ranged in time OOmi Puttiomco ceasing to be u virtue , they decided to seek anothner hone and leave time elder sister in undisputed pos. session of time paternal mansioim. Anangeuiomts were umdo for removal , whom time parents of tne ) bride interfered to prevemit its comsununation. At last accoimtts time'youmi ; husband was making things lively , accusing time wife's rolnticns of restraining ter liberty , The denouc- moit nmay be laid before our readers later uRlemis tine partiemi interested agree upon unconditimutl snri'oodur of time bride , A , 11L E. Church Coutrlbutiona , Amount of money received by time A. N , E , Church sinew time nmontlmly report , July 0th , 1883 : Fromm time Trost l'rosbyteriau Church , , Suvmntootmth and Dodge , , , , , , , , , , , , , $14.47 1 Mr-e tlmrou lm Thos , 1argrtves , " Olllaba ) IatIUInd bank. . . , , . . , , , , . 20,00 WillianmNmuiy , Nebraska Citpy , , , , , , , 10,00 F.l 6ghtouutlt Street M , B , church , , , , , . , , 6,00 Collection Smmday1July 22umurniug mu ( , . , l'ald of s bacrlpttun ' my 22d , Marla Glvens. . . . . . . . . . , , , , . , , , . . , , , 4A9 8ubseriptloutwokNuW , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , hlU r . _ . _ . , , Total , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , gt1 9.U4 'd9