Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1883, Image 1

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n ' t
1 tr. gl6a jTUATION , ,
Ncw York andaChica g o ui jii Arbi-
Iralion to Scttle the Strike ,
The lirothorhnod Begln Turning thc
j HCre1Y8-The Cnblo and 1nIl
rend Operntnrs-Tho 1 ( , &
O , 1'nralyzod ,
CinroAao , July , t'4.-Twmttyivo cable
opm1ttors went outuf Duxbury'soflfce to.
1 day , 1t was said by a Brotherhood
luau there were not enough left to dorm'
llf8i1088 over thu ocean callo The of. .
lice is practically closed. All business
I 1)Ottt'Cen this country and Europe will
now bu crowded et the French cable.
'this never worked vmy n'ell , nod will
not be ygin to uccommodato the business.
The chile ntmu wont out because the
were ulmnbers of the Brotherhood mud
itot because they lulls ( nuy l atieular
, grievance'e tvtll keep on
turning time screw now and then until the
\Vestort Union comes do'rmi , " says a
Brotherhood man ; "we have plenty of
I pressure loft yet that we will apply as it
, x ' . -is mieeded. Our ranks are as lent as a
d rock yet and will remain so. "
" \Ye are a little short of eastern wires
to day , said a Wcstorn Union official ,
1' 'omi account of the heavy storm last
4j night , but the operating force is in first-
rate shape. Yesterday it numbered 126
met ; today there are about 136 work-
fag , Applications are so numerous that
a number of operators have been sent
outside of the city where they could
1 do us bettor service than here , and nmuy
volunteers from outside business circles
have been told they need not comiuo any
afore unless they choose to do sO. We
are in good shape on the board of trade ,
though the number of working wires is
1\ \ less , for reasons I have already given.
There are plenty of operators there to (10
i the work. Business is well up , and has
been so for sonic time. I saw a special
last night which was sent at' o'clock. . It
was only , filed about ti o'clock. I noticed
the special because it was adverse to our
interest. . "
"Have you heard of any trouble with
the cable operators at Duxburyl"
"Not a word. That is so far out this
tiepdrtnient that I should not be apt to
i hear of anything until sometime after its
occurrence. I think we should have no
trouble getting our business over the
French cable in case the other men quit
work. "
At Uhlrich hall the telegraphers swore
enthusiastic today over the outlook , and
t the secretary wins in receipt of encourab
iug reports from Evansville , Indiana ,
vs'Iwre the strikers are said to beholding
/ their owui without difliculty. The company -
pany sent for some opera rF from the
4 country , but the strangers mot n t
time depot by a committee , an iifter learn
4iug the situation , joined the brother-
.4 and work. On
, refused to go to . 0
g of the men who arrived from
time interior was armed with
two revolvers , expecting to be mobbed
by the strikers , hint seeing the ) ( so peace -
able and with such umonts .h °
, r g t telegraph offices ol.flour . of the Loa
Y . of trade were com uarattvely deserted to
day. The Baltimore d Ohio compan y
1 had only one man fm , who was principal
) ly engaged in receiving messages "sub
jest to delay. " The Mutual Union pet
was unoccupied. There were two 0
three z ion in the Western Union ofc
t who said that they came front St
Louis , "ThoseVcstCrm Uuiort uim
4 , are worse than none at all , " said one o
4 the brokers , as h e carte rushing out o
the door. Tutu manager of the board o
trade reports to Colonel Clowry as fol
lows : r +
" \Vo have > t duplex to time Stock E x
'a change , New York ; a duplex to the Pr o
duce Exclimige , Now York ; a duplex
i Indianapolis ; a duplex to St. Louis ;
duplex to I1lilwaukee ; one to Grand Ra
ids and Toledo , fourteen operators , an
m the Gold and Stock Exchnuges are no
fully mamtel.
NEw YORK , July 24.-Alfitirs at tam
oflicu of the \Vesteru Union compan
i reens to be fn a butter condition thi
morning than at ally time since th
shrike. Over 300 lperutors were at tih
desks , nud all iuiportauit wires are sai
to be fully manned , The only delays f
handling business this morning were f
points west of Bufr to and Pittsbu m6
w hero it was reported that cotsiderab
( hunagu hind 6beon doe by the sevo
storms of yesterday to the wires of tl
company. In other respects the situ
trot was as satisfactory as the officers
the company could expect ,
CnIUAno , , Tdy 24.-TJw report hmvh
Leett l.ublisled that 26 cable operlito
wont out at the Duxbury oflicu to da
the following hns been received in nnsw
to nu inquiry 85 to the truth of the d'
patch : „ Ir. uw . Yon + , July 014.
'Colonel It. C. Clowry , General Sopcrln
dent , Chicago ;
"Certainly not. ' 1'lio cable Operat ( ,
arc all at their respective posts of du .
nn(1 doing good wok , One of then ,
on leave , hearing of the strike , hasten
back to the office yesterday. Ev erytlui
is running along nicely iii this divist
today. Nothing whatever of a shunt
last night.
or news 81l1CC IU message
( Signed ) "CnAs. A. TINKEU.
ATLANTY , Ga. , July 24-At 10 o'cl
this morning a pistol ball was li
through n window of tutu \Vcsterl Un t
ugrt Ili office lucre , sluiveriug a la
e b glass and striking ltecoivin bg Cl
just above tlno hip. 'I'ho ball s
, however , and the injury was
s , 'Time nutgu of the ball indict
t Caine front nn up statute icon
rkhani , u hotel across the stn
ithtirev' front the llnotherhont 1
pliers tluo day before the strik e
YOUK , Judy 24.-A largo ouu
burs of the producu exchange
( red a petition to the boar (
.lLskiIu1 then to request the
cOi lhameiu w hose uuuployes a
strike , to consider the pre
t of affair , and take atolls to
the strike , wluielt was won
ens injury to the business it (
to Country ,
iking telegaph epurators
at noon today in Clarmmlou hall , Over
400 were present. The intelligence soar-
miltee reported encouraging messages
had been received from allover too ennui.
try and that dispatches from Canada iu
formed thoyt that the Great Northwest.
eru Telegraph company had given in to
the strikers. ] t was announced the
cable operators at Duxbmy , 111nss , , nuud
North Sidney , Cape llreton , hind struck ,
el cmuuuuuicntiult front Cuairumt
Caul shell , of the executive couuuittee of
the Brotherhood instructs all o ) orators
Southern'l'elu coin
of the m lu tau
hnmidhiuu business Otu southern hues ,
take nothing cumin' from the managers ,
a gents or o lotmtors of the \ \ '
the Ainorieiun Ba ) id or Baltimuoro
and Ohio Telegraph companies ,
An address was umdo by T , B , Mc.
Guire , of tlue Central Labor ration of this
city , and n letter was read front Senator
William MCAdoo , of .f crsoy City , ox-
rresslui g s'un path with the strikes.
A general feeling of eoufi leuco.imtlwsue-
cess of time nroceumut no'niled mnomig
the strikers , mud was
manifested ,
1'uuAUnLelua , July 24.-Fourteen
branch offices of time Amutieinu itapid
caul tarry are closed , All business is now
conducted at the main oflicu which is do.
sorted by all but tluo manager meld two
female typt ) writers. At the oflico of the
Bnltiuoro tG Olufo cumnuy the satno
shoo of a/Ftirs / exists. All operators are
on d strike except the chief , who sty's
business is at a strand still ,
Nlnv YauE , July 2 l.--Taw Western
Union instructed its represettativo at
Atlanta to'otFer n reward of $ ,000 for the
convictioiu of the eau wino lured time shot
fat their man in Atlanta.
A meeting of the strikers was lucid
during the afternoon at Clarendon bal.
dispatches from other poiutall ; contained
expressions of tlue greatest confidence in
tutu success of the nuoveunent.
Culotao , July 24.-A circular was sent
out front the headquarters of the
crhiood in this city , to-day , to superintendents -
tendents of roads centering lore. The
of the circular is that the Brotherhood -
hood does not wish to interfere with rail-
way'traflic , but may bo compelled to do
so in self-protection , by caling out its
members unless the railway managers
cease aiding the telegraph company by
scolding their mot to work forr it.
Time roads to whicr } the circular -
cular is sort are time Chicago , Burlington
& Quincy , Chicago , Rock Island & Pa.
ciic , Chicago , C Altgn , Chicago , C Atlantic -
tic , Chicago , C Eastern Illinois , Chicago
, C Northwesterru , Chicago , C Western Indiana -
diana , Illinois Central , and Chicago , 11Iil-
m aakoe , C St. Paul , It will ho noticed
that none of the east-bound pool linesare
included in the list. The telegraphers
claim that of 16,000 nuenubers of the
Brotherhood 0,000 , , or more than lualfare
mployed by railroad , and assort tratthey
are prepare ( ( , if absolutely pushed to it ,
to call tlteut all out. They decline testate
state openly what action will be taken , i f
time railroads IaY no atteurtiot to time cir-
Superintendent Ck wryof the Western
Union says n largo proportion of time tea
egrapln operators are distrilmted sing ] Y
and by twos at small stations } vlmcro their = atrOelrOt sssmal '
includes that of station agent and mix
- press agent ; that they generally arc me nd
of standing in their communities an d
- that very few of them would rolinquisi
their other duties from which they re
I chive most of their pay to come out eve n
at the call of time Brotherhood ,
o Superintendent Frick , of time Balti
' moors , U Ohio telegmph , is in the city
f Some of tire operators who went ou
from that office state that he ] meld a cot
f sultatiom with them today and otfore Il
then very satisfactory terms for return
- iug to work , except in one particular , re
fusing to recognize tire Brotimerimood
The Chicago hoard of trade executive
tivo committee passed a resolution to
day in favor of submitting time gnestiou
a involved in the strike to arbitration ,
Other Strikes ,
iv CIIICAao , July 24 , ° here has been u
attempt made to resumn , work at time roll
iug nulls in South Ciu „ o , and 2,00 0
0 nten who made time derv 1 last week fa
y increased pay still remain alo.
is The Master Masons' not Builders' as
0 socintion , wiulehu 1011(10 sucha prolonged
0 fight abuiust time Brickley ors union earl y
ml this „ sumiuucr , yesterday iecl , d to con -
Ii chi ( du certain demands of thi ' on ro
er + spectiug time eu ploymett of n uniom t
, workumon , flue builders oxplan ( thou r
e action on time grounl tluat thu grttt bed y
r0 of uncut brought to the city to to-c thi o
l0 places vacated by time strikers ly i n
m time 8casou have silica joined time ' oim.
of NEw YoitK , .Judy 24 , 'Time to nu
cigar mnkeus sett a reply to-da tlu o
cnunmieation of the nmumfactt ' , 't rc
mg cowed by tlmenu yesterday , in wi , rat I
former say they will not return f 'q k
until time meniben of time Iutern..nt
Yer mriou ouutoyed by' Otteumburg Bro sr
le discharged and not re cnuployud ,
The sitatiom of time dress and c 1
maker's strike remains unchanged ,
The Sioux Bun Ianeo ,
ra Special Ilepatch tO Tor. Der. ,
.y , TALENTINE , Nob. , July 24.-ThoSio
oft' stun deuce occurred at Rosebud ulgol
ed yesterday. fifteen Indiatstiancing twos
nn hours without food or water , and bhowi
igo whfstlcsconstantly. These wuru tied
time polo by thongs passed under th
flesh , anti tore thonsdlves luosu afte
straggle , but mint before half ail hour
ock terrible agony. This trill probably
Tetl the last anim dance perlititteti by time g
trgu ornnwut , Agent \Vright him gone
\Vashutgtomi ,
vas I4yn uh Law to Iowa.
Les DES MomNES , July 24.-Ilmdy ,
I of Pulk City' murderer , vvas taken foul
net , at ] Ia'lam old hung by n party of nh
of fifty Raoul this nloruliilg at J o'clock.
uuol ) canine from the direction of 11Ta
' tied their horses in a grove about , 1
front town and cuno in regular ute
Whet with topu , arms mad sledges , ' 1'hoy
te- Jailor \Vatkins and utade hums wife
I of up the keys of time jail , 'Toy thlol
tea locked tie door of the cell where
veto ummmlerorwIts eonfiued , took Linn out
sort luliug laic up. \\'hilo lianglug they'
put 111111 mud afterwards tarok mum down
kluub tlu ow time body fn time rivor. film
ter' Of
Chmtburtio now has pe98C851011
body and an inlucst will be hold tor
After the nuob hftti wreaked their
tart gennco , they wont peacably away.
Bcn er Beckcd with FlowersI F1ags 1
E crgrcc11s ald Bolting ,
A Gorgeous Greeting to the Veterans
-Time Glories of time War Re-
vhell In :1lottucs and Arches.
Dr.NVCIt , ,1uly 24.-The pre ) aratious
for the larnde and roviosv of time Gruel
ALTO of time 1o ( mtblic nt the national ml
cuunoenL lucre nrojust couelmded ,
Never has a vv'ostoru cif' wibmessed so
brilliant a sloeeitelu. Alt the 1)rimici ) 1 ) al
streets wore epaumed with uumerous
arches of bunting amul evergreens , to
which are Rppuudcd badges of the difler-
ent army eor Is , with tire nnmes of the
rrinci ptl battle , taw' souk part fu , Frou
eve wim liouso to
lov mil ) are iloatiui g
thommms' ads of sulnlle ila t ; gs , sibguts of avel
cone , pictures \I'tsinngtun ; , Liuculn ,
mad ( butlheld , together witi stmehl ilmse7p
tines its ' \ VelcolueYulcemo to the
BraveVelconu to Colorado"
Brave , are uu-
nmerous , 'I'm udl standing min Fiftemtlm
looking up Lariuuer , thugs amid evergreens
and ropes appeared to forum a couylete
covering over time atrcot. ' 1'svo priueipnl
decorations in the city were two largo
arches eor Curtis street , On tha one
betweemt the opera house amid St. Jauues
is n star nmentted by a picture of
Grant nod Sheridan of horseback
meld nwunted in evergreens , amid of time inside -
side is the famous "We will tlglut it out
of this dine if it takes all suumncr. " On
time other , "Forward , to tlue right I" The
largo eve green coluunis' contain time
mnles of the principal battles of taw war.
Other nich es um front of the i em lquaeters
are also covered with evergreeums , mid on
ono side isVelconto , comrades , " on time
other , "Fraternity , clarity amid loyalty , "
Among time flags e'erywlmcro were slut
toes , such as "Union forever , " "In tmmot
is strength , " " R'eleouo to the bravo , "
"Our army amid navy , " etc ,
Deuivcr is im gait attire tllrouglouttime
length mud breadth of the city. Thu ua
tiolal flag is waving front busniess block
to time smallest shop ; frmu nmmisiun'to
cottage , ran ? nil ecemmis to be such ( greet-
imigaud welcoumo as will forever cake time
mutual micaupuoent in Dea'or mitoumn-
ble in time history of the order.
At Clung \Vaidervoort , this morning ,
gents recalled the sluubecrs totho'duties
of the day at 6 o'clock. Shortly after U
breakfast was amnoumiced. Front then
until 0 o'clock the tables were coustamitly
crowded. At half-past 0 the reveille
sounds ( ( for reception exercises. Thu
throng ass01nbled at time grand stain 1.
Judge Syles was elected chair-
ntau , In ft brief speech he fu-
troduced Governor Grant , who tie-
delivered mm address of welcome in behalf -
half of Colorado. The response was
nmdo Conuuande-imi-chief Vatlder-
by ) - - -
voort. General Stetson svdcoucd th o
veterans in behalf of time deportment o f
Jolomdo anti was followed by Genoia 1
.John A. Logan , His speech was n.aster -
ly and frequently called forth time wildes t
applause. _ _ _
r1,1.r T g o4.-Another
Fariaud , ofthi , gene tl minoil cc n
registers amid receivers of United tote s
land offices and special agents , cahlin 6'
, their attention to time unlawful inclosur I
of public lauds , and directing tlment
promptly report time nunbcr mud extern t
of all such Gases , witlr tie necessary cop -
- roboratiug evidence , that they may b e
transmitted to tie doparfnemt of justice
t Time circular concludes as follows : "Thu s
department huts no athority to renov o
fcumccs or prosecute trespassers , and whoa I
cases have been reported to the depart
mmit of justice for appropriate lotion
time duty of this dopartuueumt is perfume'
aid its jurisdietiou ceases. "
I Secretary Folger decides that time 111 ] I
iua'estigatiug committee cannot go t o
Chicago , Jut has telegraphed the sullen
tor of that port to sell out witnesses it
) governnmeuit employ amid ask others i f
they will cmuu it their expeumaes are paid
1n time hill inquiry today , Chairuna n
r Now naked ] hiss , who was present , if im e
Lad any iuforniation that would aid th e
conunitteu in its inquiry. ' Bliss explain
ed imis reasons for nttcudinb taw Session
of time eoeuuittee , diselauuuig any desir
to avoid au appeannco , Assistant See
rotary French took the stueud and testitie (
that time eomumitteo. of svlmieh hu svns f
nteuber , appointed by Secretary Slier
man , to consider time proposition to mod
ify 16 per cmtt. of time Stone contracts
thought such modification would be fu
the interest of time government : Tlwnmp
t son , of the architect's othice , roviewc d
Stufmuetz's estimates of Stone's cot
tracts in detail , and alleg ;
o ed they wore erroneous n
mnu y particulars. Thompson said h
I had heard Steinmetz umake three to
o agaimmst the aupervising architect's ofitc
} n his lmoarimig , iii n restnuramt , Sloiit
1 umotz asked wher0 time eonvcrsatioi u c
carred. Thonupsot answered naming
. curtain restaurumt , stating m certain po r
son whoa he named , would corrobont
him , Tlmeroupon Steiumutx flatly cn11e
urihonpson "a liar , "
Cy During the testinioty Secretary Fulgo
uttered time room. IIi stated , after col i
y gRation with taw first comptroller , thus
n b found but $74.12 ( au unuxpetdud bate
to a of taw fund appraprintcd tocomplet
cir t Chicago building ) was available
r a I" I mc oxolses ) of time commuittooif time
{ we to Clmeumgo , lulu appreprfutiort f e
° 01 lgemut CxlcIt8C8 was a0 81leCiflo thl
be it r umot be availed of , He had tea u
as'- gripe to the collector at Chicago
to sand witnesses in tae guveriunentmi
hioy , d ascertain if otherpumeou5 cane
ter w''d couuu if their expenses svu
paid ,
tine os A i1ALL 1'Olt fONnd ,
jot Estium hnvu buem uatiu at tl
out Iaril'trtiumlt ; which , tilougim mil
Tito flul , ) ted , sewn tea indicate taw po
, a ) , of eah fur 3k per cunt bands
mile a colisudol'lo ' nutou t , about e26,000
rder 000 , befor' ' time close of the preset
tied Iaonth.
givu EX-CO4atmzSr1AN IESENU01F ) ,
uu now in \\'lt5Lgt4n , has written m lett
time accepting thtalairufallship of taw \'i
( nmd giuiu ropublmc state central conttaltto
and riwrrsimmns , ,
eritt' : ii : , A , Daupl. , of the Louisiana , to
time tort' company , tday entered auit'in t
day. district court tpuglm his attir eys ,
m'eu- \Y , Moulton nnu0Ir Cluandler , again
\\alter 0. Glcelul postmaster goner
f ur Q100 r 0 0 I1is bill sets forth taunt hess
ed iu a legitimatebttsine ss , has
isonaq ;
Gnn I died with all the ie l requireytents
ut the state imt w lick his Insm-
mesa 's ' comuctod ; it rCcites taw
action of the postulagtor general
in directing time postmaster at. New Or.
brims not to pay nay Iuonoy order drawn
in cmuplainnnts favor , mid to otltersvise
refuse lumittlm privileges of the mail , ,
and the subsegurtt order by which this
order was rescuuled , 'Then charges ihnt
on the filth of July , 1883 , defendant with -
t ut reasonable cause , Irithuut hearing
time evidence , mmndo nn order prohibiting
the payutemt of money orders nddresscd
to ham , ,
Frejleh PnbliC Fceli11 g Bocojjjilig Ex-
lre joly Bitter Toward E11g1ald1
Io ) vuti mtL ofi'resent Euglislt Goveru
nteimt Predicted-AU Europe ha
Ireatl oftho4lpjltltltuit'
of Cholera. ' '
Nlav Pout , ,1 my 22Thu 18wiug
my extracts from time Stint's Louti uitcablu
letter : t
Public feeling in Franco nmwng nil
classes has bccomo extremely li' er to-
vnm'd England , and time relations bjt\reun
time two countries is beconiiu b depilledly
umu ) leasamt amid uucoufodnTde , i Time
causes of it have boon eumularivo , inclu
ding Engla d's general hostility to ovum'
stop takeut b' Prance in her foreign poh-
cY , the En gtish attitude in rule : min to
1 rwtch prutmtsious in Africa , , .iadnims- ,
Gar amid'1'mtqufn , time Pukenlmnn Ihcilop t
ad Tauatnve , mud tine Del int.
limo two countries aepantted widely
when time Egyptimt war opmled'at d cfr
cunmstances havesinconmlt.i1dicdta siden
the broach , Time canal dfllicult + time
latLest diifutmtco tid has mismi , b
muru mu' uoore comnplicatcd , nndas rat
elmmelt political difidculty inEnngland ,
proniscs fit ) be the iu unediato occasion of
time daivnfall of time present goverunotit.
It iJ said , amid appnrently with some
authority , that Mr. Gladstone will exhaust -
haust every uneana to induce M. DoLes-
sops to make satisfactory concessions ,
and that , failing to do so , as he coitainly
vv'ill fail , lie vil ? submit time ngreeniouit to
time houeo amid go to time country.
A ctmpitmlatiom which would shift every
political burdelt of time day to time shout-
dos of time tories , and practicaily'stddle
upon them the duty of mouthing the an-
nexatiot of Egypt formal as well as ite-
tual , would be as good rat exit as Mr.
Glalstono could lmopo for atpresent. He
is a very weary statesuon , and with the
house of commons unmatageablo and dis
tracted , domestic legislation affords n
lope of rehabilitation to his got'grnuuent ,
amid no national misforttnto titreittens tim u
country from abroad to call forth his out -
orgies and roinstatohim inn tltn . fullnes ,
of lmis pomve . ' "
Europe is agnim iii a spasm of apore
hensiot at the approach of the clmolern '
It tilts spread to Cairo , attd is mgin
tlero with a virulence that nay well ox
cfia alarm , the deaths being Immidred
dal'ly , acclrdmb to n trust ) ' server
doubting the'trutlms of th vcrt
wlttp ,
' ) s , has ins'untignted ' f th
, fib' ; 'ti
' min ; , . , l oar roporh , co mq '
fortimnmVocommti " , durcJ''Lti ' , rt
' fn obedmunce to't u or ! Y2 of tlio E X111 ;
government has isohat d.
Heretofore these 1lfusselunn' chic s
have met tire plagu with their uma 1
fatalism , amid have recovered. At 'ti u
worst , time people have gone into' tam C
desert tuitil the pestilence has passe ti
over. Now , a British sanitary whim ,
having its origin in officialism , and no t
fn medical science , cmmfnnes them to thei r
walls , but sends thous neither food mio r
The rich to a roan escape by bribery
the poor take their chances , ur rush odl
time bayonets of tlmeir guards to timid
prefcrablo death or be driven back iuu
the pest-house.
Damietta and Mimisourah nit ) chnrun
I hmomses of mltrifaction full of uuburie d
dead and stnrvium g thotaauds , nmonummtt
to time new civilisation of Egypt's no v
Phanolis , Time Indian mails nro no Jon
gar larded at Brindisi ; but am taker di
reedy to England. There is consequemtl u
n great outcry in Franco against ti
I probably transfer to French territory h y
I l lvay of England of infected goods from
- the east
L - -
- rt Speculator Who is Wiser if No
Buttm Oar
r _
CnxcAUU , July 24.-Last spring sour
- lending dealer in butter ran Now York nn
Bostom mitt agents through time west nn
m bought up utll butter obta(1iumblu , at nm
u average Arco of 21 eeuts , tumid placed i
nn Cold storage in this city , to til
u ( unount of 10,000,000 pounds , it is said
. m time belief that time 1aKvt'vvould g
- up timis moithbutowuig tapl0ntyof mf
, a mad contiuumued good graziiu , cows hnv
continuetigiving plenty of rich milk of (
ro thus far in July there has beet a lnrg
d produetiaut of butter , equal in quality
Juno butter , with time result that It is fu
sale in this market at 10 to 20 cut I
t Thu cold stored butter hums iu time Ii
itt tinto bust dcprcciutiuig ; iltralllu , mad
is said will have be sold nt 10 gg 124. TIm
ostunated aggregate less on time deal
to twecn $600,000 , mum $1,000,000 , ,
'rho Sunday Into' In Ailssourl.
ut ST. Loins , July 2.1.-iov , CriUendc
. amid party left .Jeifurdom City yosterd
ute of n trip tm Salt Lake City and oth
u- places iii Uhth. Last week , in nmiticipu
d tion of leis depat turo , he wrote mm lutt
r0 time poiicu beard of this city , which wu
red this afternoon at out uxeemutivu sin
slue of tiunt body by the city coutisullo
mu that thu Sunday line had been ducinu
it cnstmtutional b limo supronu court at
nest mud shall oo otforced , 'Time lets
h ) is vcry pointed and in effect imitimat
that taw nlenbers of time oliee bon
' st cithmor execute thu Sunda law (
I t
, \Vhat the wlicu connniesiono
wihl do fa not known but it is Lhot6
Iuo ba6lY that souu ) of tlioni will rue b
' .
I' A 1Vrccked le'antlly ,
EATON l.ti'IlS ( , Mich „ .1a1yg 21 , -A
o clone ut noon cstoda' deatolislmed t
t louse of Eu grams Ilunrjfive miles sout
Cic east , Mr , Humey was'se iousl in'ur
C , aid will , rubabl die , ' 1'lmco of 1
st cimUdrel was killed and his wjfu auatain
mil , serious injuries , but linty recover , ' ' "
The Beadl Pcstilelcc Spreading Aujong
British Soldiers in Egypt ,
The Nov Suez Canai Agnln Iiseussed
In the Comuuons-Omtornl News ,
GIF.NEitAlt VOItEWN N13\1'H.
LONDON , July 2.1-1u limo connbmts
this afternoon , ( ilndstouu , rc1tlyiug to a
q mestiou b g Cha ( lain said taw -
uneat hind mum iutonticti to le6gist to f
timer iu regarl to the importation of eat.
tie unless thu law now existing w'as found
to bin inadequate ,
Sit' Statlbtd Northcolo gave notice tint
ho would shortly 5011(1 Jut address to thu
Queeut , prq'fng , in may negotiations mein-
tive to time Suez Cluud , saw will doeliue
Co , mccaomizu ; , nuy clnluu of the SuezOanal
to be such its would exeludu other umdur
lukiugs designed for time p1tvposu of opeu-
lug time way between the lleditm rnnenu
mtmid the lied Sens ,
'I'ho Queen has gone to Osborn ,
Thu Swedish luouito' , l'hurdon , line
fouu im'ed hear Norro hoping , 'limo emus'
wore saved. Thu'Viiorluuls-as of about
1600 touts burden.
Tlu : JEtvlsll .
VIENNA , July 24-1u the Jewish trial
at Nyreghylmvn , 111ugnry , to tiny , lam
court at the request of time public iim su
cubrr mtd cuumiecl fur tlwdeletse , refused
to allot' time buy Moritz Scharf principal
witness fur time prosecution , II ) ) U sworn ,
oil ( mceotmnt of his irruligiems ntltl hmeal'thcss
comduot , led comtlietiug stutuutmuts nro
lead already mnde.
SuEz. July 24-The euolera has brokolt
out anwug tine soldiers of time British 4':11
reghnent , which recently arrived hmu
front Cairo. Two members died ,
A Eueopuami line died at Aloxnndrin
From olmelera. Fivu luutdred deaths mire
reported at Cairo yesterday , amd also one
death at lsunnlit , , mutd o e nt Suez , yes-
ALE\ANInt1A , July 2l.-It is rupotded ,
that clmolera lu u appeared among British
soldiers mtt tue citadel in Cairo , amid (1(10 (
soldier died in taw ntilibuy hospital at
Abassis. Time British loyal artillery mad
10th hussars , which are stittioued at
Abassis , is preparing to go toOslunoousyu.
During time 24 hours gilding nt 8 o'clock
tlmis ntor mig 403 tlentiis front cholera occurred -
curred at Cairo , 23 at lifLep , 10 at'l'am
ba. I ) at Shmirbin , l4 at Ilhtitsuralm,117 at
Chlbin , 43 at Mebrallet , t)6 ) at Glmizuh ,
and 7 at Clwbar.
LoanoNluly 21-Tho Stantbtrd says
the opposition mit time crnuulgns will tut-
deavor to obtain the timme gfttlto ltousuot
11londay amid Tuesday of next weak for
time discussion of the motion which will
probably ' .eclnro that n0 nrrmngmneumt ; for
4gltkiml g a now Suez equal , which rocog
iim a flme monolwlY of De LessuIe ) ) trill
be tl iltC
CITIw : + s'o
s Dum mAN , July 24.-'Thai roper .
, victory ati ibapu over Cetewayo is &i
- finned. Cotowayo , htowuver ; - is mio t
+ r , unde"d andnmado ids escape front time
o etjtan ' , till lmamlonse nuimiber of his ale n
IirO Bf11Cd. yw
'ttiw J..l4itP'stcnmsiuip obtnined a cot-
sfaCt t0 carpy m ails oet Havro nj1t1
Nov York. It receives a subvi5iition
front the govornntont ofv648000 francs.
TIiu : AMERICAN TE i , 'tT LUN01 [ ,
LoxnoN , July 24-Time Auuerican rifle
tonnm woo entertained at hmcueon today
by time Lord Mayor at time Mansion ( mouse ,
On arrival of the teaun , who were meson-
panied by some m elllels of time Cautdiam
rifle teams , nt theLord Mayor's residence ,
i time ll1ayor shook lends with am ad-
I dressed a word to each guest mmd intro-
( laced tltmu to his lady.
At time lutcbeon Colonel ILovnrl , clip-
tafn of the Anwricnmi teuu , sat out the
I right of the hostessnnd , Liuutenmuit Cola-
nul Otter , captain of lime Camiadinmi twun ,
s rat her loft. llTnjgr ILm mphrey , Lientou
aunt Goluucl \ \ altuml amd otlmer uuemibo's
of time British National association , were
- also present. 'limo lord uuayor hastod )
time queen and President Arthur , lie
paid a bight tmii utu to time hos ntnlitg
winch hu expofieoeed while iii
4lmimcriua , mud spalio omlugistically
of time Into President GarJmcld.
Ile then toasted Cul. Ilowanl mud the
Anericmu teutim , mud Col. Otter amid leis
toaut. Cal,1oward in res ) omding in bur
t half of time Anmcricans called nttmmtiomi
to time fact that America was still young
in rifle shooting. IIi said his teen ely
e ropresemted lulu state of taw Union.
1 lIe said lie loped the day would
d cnnme avlucn overy' A10oricami would bin , ro-
n liciont in rife shooti6 , ITo thmmkud
; ; the lord uutyer for his hoapitality mad for
e the treatutmtt rcceiycd siucu his mrrivnl
in Eoglaud. Liout. Co1. Otter in his
, ) spuccu , said lw hoped time Cnnndimums ,
it would wilt mil sumo future contest , Coh
0 Howard thou toasted the lord lmayer ,
i Who invjteti time termms to inspect ti 0
e lnntmshll him uisu
r Nisv : ORLEANS , .luly24.-Variousco(1n
' laurcial bodies in tams city a few days mfg
i adopted timefoliowing resolution wiucl
it seas last eight approved by the board o f
henltlm aimd forwarded to Uovommor Ilia
is Emery
llcsoti'Cl , That tune Lomud of henltl
be rcpostod ( to putitiom time governor o
Lluislftlla ( to brivu rill infected vessel a
tm uow in time waters of the stmmtu remove (
ay mad Imo issue his proclommation that hemc0
ur forLmo vessel from any infected lion
t buy , Ilowcd in tam waturs of tlmu state ,
min SI'OltTING NO'1'17S.
a s
mid ihHTUN , , Inly 24.-First day of th
and July umcetimig mat ileaeop pm'k ; tree 1
or goad ,
us l'neorri race , Pniucoss won , \Vild 1 ( 0
rd sucun i , Violator third , ( Ikleou foutl
il' host tillio , 2:27,1 : , h y' PI'ittcuss.
I's 'hies 222 Juol David woe lie
ht tud . 1\'l'lkces secoo , Corualia'thur ' (
ii , ( hmwa fourth ; bust tine , 2:22jr : b
Judge 1)uvi5.
T11ONuUTU PAltK , Jul 24-Sa ) lii
Iw stakes 2.Y0ar oldso , nu b , 1 Duchess wo
ItBlos5on 2nd , ' 1heknry 3rd ; titno 1:18 :
mid Harvest handicap , nine mil a quart
mis Rolla wgim' liuckstonu led , I'arolo 3r
ed time 2:16 : ,
Milo and a sixtumitli , liella won , T ,
falgnr 2nd , ? Jundelssohn:3rl : ; tints 1:64 ,
Selling race , ntilo and n furlong ; , Col ,
\Vilsuu won , Iiostago 2nd , Chuckadco
3rd ; time 20:34. ; :
Steeple chase , short course , Jim Mc-
Gowan woe , Abinhmn 2nd , 1 olottat 8rl ;
time 8:20 : ,
C1uuAno , Judy 2.4-The Illinois State
Sportsuuen's nssocintiou begnut its teutlu
nulutni uleetlug amid pigcon shooting tour-
uauont in this et'to-do' , Thueventof
the duwas the hoot for Umo boar } o
trade ilfauond Ladgo , rut rresottfng the
individual chmmpumsluj ) of timu associn-
tioul Thorn were 1)1' ) ' conlcstants ; terns ,
16 single birds , 20 yards rise. Seven
enlitcshmtt , kihhcl , 16 bids each. In tue
shoot oil' time badge was woe by Abno
Trice , of Cluicn go. 'Phu nnuulnl business
meetinb vmis lio(1 to ui gimt.
IiASI : MALL. , July 211-Chietgos 7 , Philn-
dulphias 3 ,
Iimi ra.o , July 2t.-11utfnlos 6 , hies-
tons 3.
CLEvni.tsu , , July 211-Cluvulnnds vs.
Providmtcu ; gmuo postponed on miecouut
( if min ,
D1Tnolr : , Juiy 211-Detroits vs. New
Yorks ; gams posipuuod en account of
. , hdy 24-Grand itnpids
_ , ) , Spriuglulds ( ,
Cheering Reports Irout Several
l'otnts to Nebrnslca.
tipeclsl D'lpntcimOw ' to TuE line.
, Osuem.A , Nob. July 23-Crops time
bust ever kmiovm in the county' , rat good
shotd , umstly cleat and well filled ,
l lomie grown bum-rice eounng into market
No clmimtz bugs , hoppers , drouth ur hail
to speak of ,
13yo-hnrvested nttd partly threshed.
B arluy-mostly harvested mud stimeked ,
Oats and wheat-vary Imoavy-begun
harvesting last' week.
Cart-there are about 130,000 nores of
cultivated land its time county , mud careful -
ful estimates give over two tlmirh of this
to corn , Waking about 1)0,000 ) acres of as
good corn as Gut be found iii time ulttiou.
falls County today beats time world for
good c'ops.
1uNrAw , NEn. , .Judy 23-Crops stun
doimig ilmio , Barley nil emit and must of it
in stack.Vheat edtfug cononcmices to-
day. Thu prospect of No. 1 wheat is
good. Croat doing well on old'ground.
( hat piantod out new gmotnid poor , but if
time weaUmer is favorable front this on it
will mnko sonic corn , 'l'oo ' dry just non' .
No raimi for two weeks to almtomiumt to ally-
thing ,
SAu lrNT , Cmstur County , Nob. , July
21.-Farmiiere begin to fool omeouraged ,
Crops nro coining nut bettor thous they
ex acted after beau g cut ofrb' the hail ,
'Flu het weather for time Ipast uuonth bus
caused Cann to grow very fast , Wheat
will make two tl u'ds of acre ) and oats
about omio third of a cro . Time crop of
1iotaitous will be immense , if win Set rnin
man 'I Mover saw crops grow faster
q ! g''t $ r psont tome.Ye lmnv uad
splelididcro ° thru + yl + + # !
country for mho 1past fuu'r ears
e _ tgb
he Crops of tll o Northwest. ,
Ciek i oarJelly , ' : f , l ' flaw ,
rtlVg j 4 ' ' ,
; im Dakota anti Illinois. The w Tt'r ,
wh oa iarveat in Nebraska is declared
bottom than over before known mid the
corn crop never prouoieed better. Tit ottgh
out Iowa time prospective yield of corn
Las grown mere emmeeuunging ns the season -
son nthauices , with time expectation thmmt
the yield hill exceed that of last your.
Thtouglmont\Viscoisimi theta is at present
serious dupreesiou uunug tie fnruuers
awing to time into heavy ruins , which
have bnuly lodged emnll gram but whieh
danumge clew weather uuld eogl winds
would la gely tend b ) overco10u before
harvesting. Favorablu reports eomimo
front Dakota for nil kinds of grain amid
thoru is also reporLud improveinemt
throughout 1iiinlin ,
- - - + ® - - -
Suicide 0l nn Ilxpeulurt Bride.
1)ouv cr Netvs , July ° l.
7'l0 ordinery run of auiciles have
aleut , ns little iuturost to thou ( its awci
dentin deaths , Crutks , nisnutlieopes and
tirauuknrds when tlmey take their lives
gmorully ) mcceivu the helmrty eouuuetda
tiou of time public. It is felt that at least
ouu moro act has bout performed by dicer
fn their lives-time oulimg of thorn. Oc
casionally , hewove' , a suicide occurs in
which time warutest sympathies are ad-
vamieed , Sucltwasthat of yesterday , Yes-
terduty smuts fixed for the wedding of n
bright youg lady'of Denver to time moan
slmu loved , Iout imin ; situ Imnd lavisimed
all to a wealth of her warn ahlections , ] n
lent she luau. uobonudcd coufideaco , hfis
word to bar was law , and slue lived only
in the realm of ] m's ' love. But Limo wed.
( ling day came ail brought no groom ,
She wmtiled , howevul , without fear oe dl
trust. Ile was only delayed , she said ,
and her friemda had mm reason to doub t
timid this was so , 'l'ime ' home lungthmed
however , until time time for his appear
mince bad ; gone , by , IIi hie eLead came I
letter , \Vlat it contained is umi
kmwn to ary outside time your
Inds fmmuil g ut with tim
rendiu . of thatyletter of time 'o ran
bpi gittuess fn her ouug life vcn elu
cover to return , Tl a 111num situ loved met
f in' whorl slue hind placed leer trust , i
whomt her wholu sell was locko.i up , wa
1 false b ) ter , , Thu grave could mono co t
sale item ; life hind no plensuru for Lo tr
t death no tumor , Situ longed to cut o
time dreadful pnin which had settled i
he' heart , A (1(150 of morphine did tim i
for lion effeetunlly , laid of time oveling i
time daythnt was tohave madelmermthapp
} aide she hay it cold corpse.
'l'ime yiuug ( lady whose bright hi speu
, 0(1(1011 nt such deep Moons w'mts DhSS Je
nie ] irnzloton , who resided with her si
tor , Mrs , Engles , at 481 Chaulpn since
Su Same vwts : a tennrkably bemumffd au
I , luibly ; ; accomplished your ; lady , the o
nnnieut of tlio elrele nt whlieh sue uun'e (
1 N5atmrally he' frieuls here sough
, kuup tllu painful circuutstutcu forum tl
Y public , ' 1'hq great heart of the pub l
w'al , ltowuvor , go out strongly to time
iii their Idllictuen nod tugninst tie fnl
mg ] warted cruyum , whin wuta jut n nmuu.u
! m , time cause of the intuusuly painful ovui
or , lliuch.distress mad siei imess rtttribut
d ; to dyspepsia and cluromie diarrhoea is
casiunud by' humor ht time stoma
ml hfood's Sarsaparllia is time reutedy.
An Occan Pier Crowded with Pcoplc t
Crnlthics 11110 the watcrr w
Tire Uurkness of Niglt , , 4111(15 to the
Horrors of the Sane-An Un-
knuw'n Number of .lien ,
IVOTIICll and Childrut
11AiTtMoute , July 24.-A terrible
calamity occurred at Point ' 1'riv'oii , nn
excursion resort , on time Pnlupeco , ten
miles front this city , nbunt 10 o cluck last
night , by wldelt ninny lives were lost , mho
nuutbur beimt cetimnted Letween ( i0 and
70 , Time ncedcnt was occasiomied by a
giviu g men' of time oule' portion of time
tiler tit viuiell several luuul T(1 oeralmis '
wee eon gre gated awnutiim r the lemt to t
ruttirn to this city' , Time locality y is on a t
n small tiny , distant about two
mltiles front thu North l'oiat higimt liouso ,
It tvas formerly known mil Maly Grove z
and tvns time first oxconsion dace Ittml } 1 )
ti1 t about iftoou } 3eas nbgo mil was a Most , rat
popular resort at th at time and for soy- ' 1
unal years afterward. Yestourlay the ox- '
curafun tree given to Tivoli under Limo
ummngunwnt of lilt. Royal beneficial society -
ciety of Carpus Christi , of which Father f
Star is pnstun 'lho uxcursiom went
down umi tlmu bar ge Cuekade , of this cify ,
which was totted by ' the tu6 Amnuula
lnwell. } The bat , ge was furnneniq an old
eanol boat' refitted with double clecksfor
' I
excursmomi ( ) ur ) uses and os d for suchsev- ,
oral 'earn , \jeate'da situ undo throe j
ti ls , time last Leing front this sit Y I
botweet ( i and r ueiock last
ovoniug mid reached Tivoli before 10
n clock , Durimu g tam dui' she had takes I
nbout 600 enum and nit item lint tri
shout 100. . A In a num ber of those
who wtmt down dmttrib the dutY had ro
m ninul , intmndiub to return the lnsttrip.
Wliuu time Large apptoaelmed all timeso k
made a rush for the eod of the wharf ,
wlnclm is several feet long ,
and were closely packed
eat the gate , about 26 foot from 'time mad ,
ins mtiuntl wnitiim , As the ba a cause
alumbreide mud struck the it stid , '
dum ' without wnrnin g , guvo wa . amid a L
lar b go' Iwrtiou was tiroci1iitmttod iumte the
tvatcr , which is about tea feet deep.
Maly were able to save tuomselves , floe-
iug toward the shorn an the otter mud of
time pier eruumblal mumd lull. Tutu dark-
uess added to time cotfasion mud terror -
ror , and little could be Bono'
at uucu to rescuu time drovlmiing ,
most of whonm wore waontmt mtd elmildrco.
The first uows of the disaster reacltod time
city a little after two this umrning , wlion
the barge ] ( faded rat IIoude son'e salarf ; ;
buinging n naumbor of bodies of time
wouu led. U1) to this hour , it is said efx
ty' one bodies hi tVO boot recovered , ,
IIALTIMOILE , Judy 24.-Up to noel O6
bodies humid beet brought to the city , and
all except feu' have Leer ideuttigct , Tito
list , so far as aseurtaiue'l , slmows time
grouter proportion of time dell to beyoung
ladies mtd children ,
BALTntonE , July 24-As , soon as the
bodlos hind boon deposited on tie wharf
hu bat , o wont b , ' q rl ana be ar , , . '
' ' , l'tvitl 4 wr a C rttif ; . = g ' ° 'M'r"
g , f H u 'graon'a - ,
30 ,
' < tlend 'numbering over
r e tlfo Howe of mho calamity , hind ; p w ,
„ ugh Lhe nity ofd tLouenilt le gp a litiml
.Tiauuglir'ut' ; ° .l ro = ni li wuurayjrrl ; J t , , , . . . I
fatlterd brothers ant friends wnuoL'ty
with the excursionists-load gnthicrGd at - r
Light street wharf , wlmero time lnmgo J
usually mutds , mmxiuusly nwaitiug her arrival -
rival mid apprehending disaster when , +
time boat did not eouo at time usual timme , y
As the hours wore out past uiidmight and
timer o woo yet no tidings of their friends ,
their fears wore increnseti almost to con-
viutiom that sonio dreadful accielent had t
overtaleii time 1umi'tY. At a hater lour I. .
tlwir felon wmv realized avLun the facto .
bceuno known. As fast as time bodies
wore idmttif'ed ' by relatives amid friends , ,
they were taken to their respective homes.
Thu uuidemitiled bodies were carried to
time eaetcnt polka station ? to rmunintnl- ,
til recognized lr otlterwlse disposed of t
lima coroner sal h commence mum oilieial in- ,
vestigatfom tlmis evmtimi .
gmac ,
St Ittomiocmts in re h io the iminmodinto
cause of Limo accidout arc conflicting. It
Is stated by saute that time barge wits ml- ' .
reedy lymig ahungaidu time wlmimrf and time , '
gong iflamk being tun qmt ; when it gave I' '
way , mid it fell front time sLecr ' imight if
the crowd upon it , Others mee of time
opinion the vylarf was carried aiaay. y
conGtet v tlitlj6 Large. ' , I
" 'Tisaset ffeatures acotit0oxion
'fbo thuctgre of a eidmi that 1 mlairo , "
In uslog Pozzumi's , complexion powder ,
Fmthicst eitnnns you wI1i aratulre. {
Memorial Ilcsolutlop. , a.t
\VIIYIIRASItllwp1easetiAhnight God"4
to sumuvo front our midst our belv d1 '
brother , William Carnnby ; be it , there- i
fora , ,4 t
Resort'edThatintholosaofourestcem- ,
Resort'edThatintholosaofourestcemj j
(1(1 Lyother we , time nwmbors of St. i i
Cmerge ' aociety , tender our lmoartfelt ;
s nmpmtliy to time bereaved funnily in title , , l'
- t mein 101(1 hour of affliction , +
a IlcsOlucd , 'Flint a co ly of time aboyo
resoluition bra furwnrdeal to time bereaved
i family mf time ( IOCCltBed , amid tlmat n copy ; ,
e be published in eoelt of time Omaha dluly
I paper's. It/lumeuir lleltTON , ,
, I1551W MORT1N , , let
ll CllAltm'Es GAnmiNEn , iY
n The Special ' Conunitto.
t8 July 23,1883 , f ,
I " .4
its OOD'S ' ARSAPARILLA r. . ;
Uaeurefuliyprcparedextractot the Ucet remedlee j
is of Uevrgemblo Ling.lom . 14,105.11 , to medtcat act- + e
m , coca ae .ltteraUvea , Mood 1'uiUlera , Dluretlc , sari
Toulca , eucll ug earwparllla , Yellow Docksumtmnnta ,
e' DaadellanJuniperlerdeeMandrnkewadClterry (
t. nurkarulotherteuecttd roohbatke and here , . A
Id ineIk imo , like naytling , elan , can he falriy Judged ° '
r oalybyitsteeulte , Wepoluttvitlueauetaetlontothe
glorloue reseal 10011'4 Sulvaparllta lut entered tor
itxU urea thu hearts of tLouaauda of people hum low '
t0 Engtauntwlmohavepertouallyor lnhreclly beenra
me UBre1Of terrtwosmi erlnmuvulra 4u oUmnrmnatiee
io fadlwitoreadi. 0 ' s
Meeere. C.I.Iioo,1 do fet ( lent.-rhea rend me ' )
ran by nxprca two hutgca oed a Nnrenprtllla and a fnr I ,
se Look Iuoka ( for dLtrtbultou , Your preParuUari 4as
worked wuudei lit the cats of my wlro , who
fu LxnlroubuedwimnleikleattariuoaQ ; , Llltoutueutoe '
Year , , ebaonlrtookoqu-5amftoapooafulutudoun , II'
It. and ha + uotlxenro + vel/ / for avona now bLa
touad thatWEW NWOCltLftarlakma ahstslvcry
mucl + hctOr anSiinow entirvlyfronIIrma , oeeto-
Oll rerohendyran. , . a hat not take n yo1 ao- '
cOUatdnariaat , wdwha Ut s
UO 0th u von '
chi ,
.Lll D IcgCO. tLe + ariee Lowell , iua. . '
1'r a , il , tOti5. . w AtluMi ( Na. , ,
; d
f + a
lap y , l _