Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1883, Page 2, Image 2
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - _ . 2 . _ _ . . " ! i _ _ 'fliE DAILY BEE1 OMAI-JA , MONDAY , JULY 23 , 183. . " Vitftl QtlcsttonAt Ak the most ernhionL phpician of any school1 w1it s tht 1)ost tit it the worH for quieting an a1bying ,11 , irri. tMion of tIiO nerves anil curing all form8 of iorVOU5 compWnts , gi4ng nttura1 , hi1d1iko rofroiltiz 1eop n1wny ? they vi11 ti'1 you unhosithtiiigly "Sono foriii of hops ! " vlIArrR 1. .Ask any or nil of the most oiniiiont 1)hyicLans : ' \\1at i the besnnd only remedy t1it call bo rckd on to cure B discncs of tim ddfle ) 8 J.fll urinary orgalls ; auciL ta Brigii's r1scMo , dinbctei , retention or inabi1it to rotaiti urine , atid all tIio cli. ase IU1 i lrneiita peculiar to Women"- "An1 they will toll you explicitly and. omlilhltically , ' 'Buclui. " iiik the same IiI3'iC3ti5 " .Wliat is tim iitost reliable nnl Burcst cure fornil liverdiseMc3 ordyqiopia ; con- t1ition , indigoatiO3) , bi1iOt1snc3 , ma1ar1 agile , &c. , " and they wilL tell you : "Mniidrakcl or Dandelion ! " ilenco , when thnc rcmedie are ooni Ijncd with others cpiaUy valuable And compounded inthllopllitterasuch awouderful andinystoriou curativo1ioror is developed which is so vared in pcra. tions that no diacaso or ill iealih can mssibIy exist or resist its power , and yet it is harmless for the most frail woman , weakest ihvald ! or smallest child to use. cuArrEa ii. ii."I'aUents "iUmosL dead r nearly dying" For years , and given up by physicians of Bright's and other kidney diseases liver complaints , severe coughs called consumption , have beeii cured. Women gone nearly crazyi From agony of neuralgia , nervousness , wakefulness and various t1iseaes peculiar to women. People drawn out of shape from excru. tiatiiig p'g of Rheumatism , Inflaiiiniatory and. chronic , or sufroriiig front scrofula ! Ery1peIa. ! Salt theuw , btoo poI'nIng , dyppopla , Indigo , . tion , anI In tactshn taiI dIseacs frail 1aturo Ii heir to il&vobecn cured by Ifol ) proof of which can be found In every neIIborhoo4 , in thu known world .j. NOTXfD huT UNTITLED WOM4. . lb. Uomoa OO.3 I INSI LZdffOrI7- The boyo Il . . good Iikeneu of Mn. Lydis E. Pia ! * m , of Lynn. ) .tlJL , who s.boye D.flother htimi.n b.ln. 7 b. trutbfullj c&11e4 the "Doa } 'rlend of Wonin , ' some of her eorieiponienta love to ceji ber. Sb ae.Jouay ) devoted to her work , which is the outcom 1 & lIfe-.tudy , azul Ii obilzed to keep six 14 ul4anti , to help her ajwerth lee correepondeof Uch da.ily pouri in upon her , each beering Its ipocli erden of iuffering , or 307 et roles. . . from It. * goteie Compound Ii * medicine for good &nd eye ye purposee. I he pcronUj tn.stIgted ft to 2satt3fledtot thetnathofthlt. On acooun of Iti pa-oren snezits. It Is recommend , k ad preacrtbed by thebest pisic1ns In the c000tfl 1 i.uyi , It works like , icherinnt tes mud tin. II * 111 cure enLlrely the word form of f&IlIr ( tl , th. iterui , i.euoorrhcoa , treI&r d p&tnfd . .entruailonsiiOvertanTroubie * , Inflaminttfon en n loeretlon. Floodinre , cU Dieplecementi end the oo , squent , ptn1 woakneu. ud Ia eepecli."y edopeed p eCbsngeofUte. " Itpcrmeateaevcrportfonoftb , r-dem , end glv. h t , v Ute and vigor. it remove. fe1ntueea uIenc I NtrOyI &ucreing for stimuiente , end : ru of the it cure. fllotthg , fleailecliee C . kroui I'rostranlon , Genorel Debility , Sleel1rur&ee ' kpreulonandindlzeetion. 5betfcelln of beitzIn owncauelng pain. woIglt end twckiwlio , Ii .Jwapt ermaJlcntly cured by lie uce. it will Ct eli time , , . .ni pderafl c1rcumtance , oct in 1armony with the ia bad gorerns the fcntalo e1te1n. itcoeti only SI. porbotUoor elt for & , * nd p sold L . ruggide. Any edylce rcculrcd to to special ceoe , .4 to name. of man7 who Iavo been reetored to per.d ralthbythouoeof the VegetideCompoundab btttned by addreeatng ) tr P. . eith clomp to rulj , . For Kidney Complaint of effher ccx Ui ! . vorapooMI trurpaued ft. * bundant tutimonlal. .1,0w. . . Sire. Plnklam'i Ltvcr Pills , " aay. on. , wrCr , " i , pe tmrtd for the cure uf ContipoUop tid Torpidity of tle flyer. Itw UJooi wonleralnlteppccfillnoendbidjt.5 npouud in It , populrtj. lt her a. an Me1 of Used rood to otbori. . * . c ! . i . . _ , : ; ! _ F _ _ _ i : hW ' ' iIjTIJ L1I4lI ? 4 . . ! IrRLIl.1i : S il b . N1.JThr1 : L' r ft :91Tr : - - j _ _ _ _ _ A 8km ofXeautyl8 a Joy Yorever , nfl. T.FELIX OOURAUIJ Oriental Cream or Magtcal Beautifier. ThoOrientel Cream Purlflesuwcli to Ucauti the Skin , Remoyci Ten , l'huplei. , yrecklo , , Mo ' . ; : w , taito It . e euro I 1 ; . . ILu T03 ( a patient ) : 'A. you 14d151 wLU use tilt I lrin VI eli the Skin irvp&rstlorw. ° One bottle will J six mouth , , iuiiig It eyery day. hue lcudco Jt , riuuvcs suporlluous I&eIr wlI'aout injury to I Ii. ¶ 1' . GOUR.4UV , * 3olo i'op i3o orsaio by cii Druggtitp , and } 'uncy Goods e Cr' throughout the Unitad bttco , Cenel a pJ Jlewero.f bas.iznltatlone. 1.rXirow ; RAMBLINGS OF A EPiCURE. DsdllrsiYc ! Ntcs on the Hosthirios Eating llonscs of Lauou aii Paris , 110w theoor American Is Tleooe4 by the Btbo Wily English Wait or With Watchful Eyo. A Glimpse oRho l'ariaian Pauper. r'Til CorrcponIenee St. l'tl l'Ioscct l'rcp , . For a week I have beea in the very center of l'aiis , in the isrost lintel of the French capital , built since Eugonlo's insane war with Germany. It has arisen on the ashes of time old treasury ( lopart- iiiont of Louis Napoleon1 opposite the Tuilories garden. It is a signilicant fact that this treasury depMtlflcnt , the war dopartmneut , the Hntol (10 Vile , the Tuilerios , anl t.hO one or two other pub. lie buildings that were burnt , it11 ccii. tamed vouchers or books recording the PUtiUric , forgeries and thefts of Louis Napoleon and his ministers , and that the public buildings that wore sparwi ccii. thinod liolie of these evidences of trench- cry and robbery. Does not this at least tend to 1iow that the terrible conflagration - tion was the work of Limo usurpor's friends insteaI of his enemies ? I have not been hero long enough to learn much that. is at dice how and interesting - toresting , lmut I have met noiiio well. known Americans , and I have nmado it short study o the moans of living hero , as compared with those of Lontlozi ziid Now York. TIlE itOTELf. The hotels of Paris are far bettor than those of Loudnu. In London only the small hotels are tolerable ; in a large hotel there you ( eel as if you were in a balloon whose aeronaut hind tumbled. out-ui a precarious position , and uncertain where you ivill hand. hero there are twenty or thirty hotels of till sizes , whore an Amen - men cali caugo niid make huinsulf comfort- able-this oiio , the GraItl ! , the Bristol , the Cliatliam , the Castigliono , the Mcu- rico , the Biiula , ittid ninny others. The Grand hotel in London advertises : "No Americans wanted bore , " and the proprio. tor of the Langhiamn recdntly hung up on the inside of each door : "Any person who diiics in this room will ho chinrgul four gliiiiean extra. " No Paris landlord ivill be guilty of such imbecihities. in Paris , as in London , the guest at the lintel pays only for his room , if ho chooses td take his meals out , and here as there the price ofa room is from $2 to $5 a day , withoutrcgardto the number of occupanid. Ticketsto table d' hioto , at 0 p. in. , are $1.25 to $1,40 each , depeiidiii on the hotel ; but there is always a dinner a In carte served , which ( after 20 cents for the scat ) ma' be as much or little as the dinner wishes. Attable d' hoLe , of course , all the diners oat the very same things in the very same artier at the santo time. A . good many liyo at the hotels and take a part of their meals out at cheaper res- tatirants , and iii this way curroiit expons. . Cs CftII be reduced to reasonable proper- tions , The London hotel restaurants have a petty trick peculiar to themselves. You seat yourself with your family of foum and order , as you would at the besi restaurants in New York , portions ol : soup , fish , jacat , etc. , for two , spposin that it will be enough. Proentiy tin head waiter coziies to you and says quiet y "You are Americans and may not knovi the customs of this country. You ar ( not poriiiitted to cat of each others por. tioiis. If you all cat of two soups , wc shall charge von for four soups ; if OU all eat of the two meats , you must. pay for four ; if you all "itt of the one itsara. gus you iiitist pay for four. " ' 'ace hwre,1' ' you lrolaly protest ' 'iviiose dinner is this when I pay for it , yours or "It is your3P lie replies calmly , ' 'ii you eat it. in the way we direct , but no otherwise. If there was ten in yew Jftity at this table , aiitl at the close o dimier one of you shou'd ' ortlur a plate o nuts , anti eitchi of OU should take oni L iitit , we should. charge ten plates of nut I in the bill. ' ' - You are thoroughly mad by this time vei-y likely , itiitt wlmt your rejoinder i depeiitls on your temper and your bring ing up. Remnomistranco is vaimi. Yet amy cull thieiii thieves , oxtortioiiists , bar banana , what you like ; it makes no dif forcuce. A piirt of the waiter's duty i l.a watch you ; lie tiitliea tim gcogrnphi of your table , the gustatory ? refcronco of your family , and if you oiler to eacJ of your two chiltiremi , ivhio don't relial their iiiuttoii chops , a Iart ) of' the beef steak oil your iilate , you will iiiiil thiro leofstonks ehiurgeil in thio 11h1.Vhiat' ' this ? " I said , us 1 1)aStUl ) up my chock t tim cashier on leitrimig the i'domn one day ' 'this ton shillings for cherries ? ' ' Th waiter , ivlio liovoreti near anti 'whoiti hail just tilJOl ) , hopped nimbly forwar and siuti , ' 'iii see the ladies ) ick lie 001110 of the golniohmnnu's cherries , aid TIieii I runtoimibercel askiiig thorn if time iytiiildii't u1reter soimie of thimu to their bi bu rather tiiiripeatraivborrios. You flu 110 tichi 1ifhmeadetliioss as this in Parim of cpurae. MY ItESTAU11A ) XI'ElII1NCE. In London thmeio are only four or iii ' really good restaurnmita , of the high chat I of which there two twenty in Now Yor and toli ortwulvo hero. I iiiean restat rniits which arc hot confined it , the guesi of a hotel. Iii London , as in Now Yorl the waiters iii tim best restauramita mu . universally iuaaduhiiio. And there is froedooni anti fiuniliarity , as it ivarc , t thy Loiidon waiter which have not yt boon natumlkzed on our shores aiiywhiorc in the niost stylish restaurants of Loudo time waiters , getting hungry , will three c four of thoimi , sit ( leWli around the tabi next you aiid have a joyous time eatimi their dinner too. It banishes the aou I - of loneliness in a guest iiiiil niakes liii fool that lie is being takeit right into tim L m's 1osoni of tim family. American walton instead of being familiar and coit dential , arc oftunor haughty and rcservo rli th. There is that aplozitlitlly.ul.ilolatoro md head waiter a the States at Baratogi :10w ; 1w 1001(8 like a inlijister p1euiotem eQ. tinry , All the guests behold Iiiiii wit i awe , not unmnixod with fear , except Ji t'd Vaiidorbilt , the only terrestrial being torn witoimi ho over epenks. lie always looi iI over may head. Tim height of my eartlil II ambition is to catch that creature's c' and get it imoil ( roimi liiiit , If ho worn i or Loiidon resthurant 1w would sit ilgi , o. down iiext to a guest 101(1 inulu hiiiii foi : COlilfort.ablO nimil iiapiiy. xiig flU'AL lHrAIILII4IIMnTs. : ' ° i The Establishments Duval-a iiaiii i given t about twenty cheap rostauramil 10 Of Paris-servo an admirable jiurposu I us time culinary economy of the city , Em itd of these is a osthuraiit where an exce lout nical lilay ho had mit aiiy' hour of ti i day at tim lowest price at which the foe can ho served on a ctoiirncrcial basis , rot diiumorliorc costs Ices than half what is P.bout am ; good. Everything is asimeat I aII clean aiim ! respectable as can ho in an lEstablishinent Duval ; the floor is clean , the table is cleaii and always freshly ccv- ered , time tijahmos arc clean , and the wait- big maids are as neat as a pili in their ihaiii , frocks of black atufi with rt broad turn-down white collar at the throat , it white apron iii front , white alceveleta drawn over the hand to the elbow and fastened there with a blue ribbon , a dainty caim of white nitill , a top of hmur combed primly and smoothly back muni -what is this dangling by a long iilnck ribbon over the apromi ? Sure enough- that olmiiprcscnt necessity of every waiter - or iii l'nris , a corkscrew. These waiter- cases arc highly Irolcr and even demure , Iii half a ( lozen visits I have iiot seen so iiiiieht flirting aim one will ace in a New York ( lairy. As you enter the door a man himimdo ; you a blank bill of ( arc to be marked by the girl who serves you , and imnnlcl by you to the cashier , whom you pay as you leave , hero are sonic of the prices put In English-and you may have one thing or more its you please : Na1)kn. . . . . . . . . . Ic CoITcewlth milk. , , 8c Ormlhiiary lread. . . , 2c Jirniid' . . . . . . . . . . . hotter . . . . . . . . . . . 2c I'hiit o wi . . . . . . . Soup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Mutton chop..iOo Itoast beef. . . . . . . . . Cc l3cofetoak..12o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vea' cutlet..lOc ice ( for water ) , . . . . Ic Ice cream..TOe CoffoowiLh brandy. 8c As each portion , though small , is enough for one person , it is easy to see that. one can scarcely spend a dollar at a sitting , except on wines of higher price , which I have not tabtatod. Thcso es- L'lllishlIflOfltS nm always pleasantly equip. pod with flowers and centrally located , nitmi thby are vatroiiized by the best class of peo1e-inerchmnts ; baiikera , strangers from tIme hotels , clcrs , etc.-any body who can afford , for it is of course a lux. tiry for the poorer chasten to take dinner hero. They visit hiumblei j1aces still. Tim CILEAI'Elt IAT10 hOUSES. \Vliilo rambling through the bright shops of time Pahaiso Royalo yesterday , amid iiispecting the jewelry and trinkets in that vast bazaar of vanished nobilit which Ricitelicu built I6O years ago , caine 1.11)011 fl restaurant. nutmgly set iii one of time arcades , where a regular course dinner could be had for a franc and a ( ltlnrtor-25 cents , I tried the oxperi- iflehit. Time Solif ) was hot , very Ilavorous -I 5i(1PPCl that ; the fish ivits excellent -fried soles , about the daintiest fish in tue world , A choice of meats-I took a mutton chop , and it was a success , teit. der and . . savory. Pomnnmes-de.tcrro-yes , I took some of their little varnished potatoes - tatoes , the same that they servo everywhere - where iii Europe , anti sonic asper1cs-as- pariigus , if you pleiue. Meatiwhmile they brought me half a bottle of claret and top1iccl hfl0 off with cheese. It was good , and all for a ( litarterl Nowhere in America could Quo get such a ( linnor for twice that. Anti , 1 find , on ihiquirythat , there are sonic twenty of these restitu- rants in Paris , too , greatly patronized by thu working classes hero. Then there is it four cent restaurithit hero , where every corner is furnished witit 50111) , meat and bread. I did'nt cat there , thanks , but I went to one. Iieii , wonton aiitl children stand up to a hiw counter , where bowls of SOUl ) are handed them and a bit of coarse bread and a apooii. Then the man behind the counter seizes a long . crooked fork , and with it makes a dive into a hugo caldron behind hint whore the soup was inamle. The fork catches a rag of moat , and ho drags it ott ; and flings it into a bowl. It is a straight 1 game of chance. Thio customer niay got . a decent bit of moat , and may iiot , and it is rmttiier iatlmotio to hear time expres. - ajous of disappoiutiierit. TIlE 1'AU'EltS OF PAUIS , A traveler ivhmo wrote a book on , Tavn I ( lovotod a whole chapter to ' 'Time White 'Bears of .Tava. " It consisted of one line : . t'Tlmurti mire no white bears in Java , " So 'lie stranger living iieio hiuglit write , 'There mire 110 beggars iii Paris. " Thu is almost literally true , for beggary is lumule by law a crime , and a person np f 1mrac1med on the street here by an out I stretched hand hims : only to call the atten . tion of a Policemitli to tue suppliant and flave him arrested and sent to the ivork f house prison-if lie have the heart to do it. But walking down the Rue Ilivohi , when the far-apart lamps nrc dint , ( and they always are ) , or in time shadows of time Tuilerica' broken ivali , ivlioii tin , night is tlittk , ( and it always is in Limit 8 . worst-lighted city iR the world ) , the pe- ( lostrian ivill see hero and there a phian. 1 toimi hand and hear the accents of . a low monotonous prayer. Paris has few beggars , but imiany paupers. All around S Limo Place Bastilo , is poverty wide and y deep-as it always is in a great city r densely packed. Only on ne day in thic year-on New Years tlay-iire those pau. . 1 pers free to bog. Thmehm they sally forthi -those wimohavo escaped Limo workimousc U gang ; they come with their picturesquc 13 rags about them , and withm wives and ) babies ill it wilderness of other rags , and I they 1)11811 crippled little carts before then and sing doleful nierry songs , and laugh ii miserably ILIIt1 ditiio rhetunatically , inn ] r accumulate all the petty gifts they can 'I ' On that day the t.owii turns itself Ihisitit out. Down town goes joyously tip tcwn y the St. Antoine invades time Olimunps Ely. i { sees. Omico , in a while , too , in spite ci C all larriers , this phiuperislit breaks forth : I , . vioieiitly. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The Grauigei's. 0 l'mr , II. 0. Dovries , Master , Patrons oi S husbandry , of Maryland , says : I tried k time wohidorful remedy , St. tjacobs Oil , ci : I- i inure of himlile , badly crijpled , amid a few s applications restoredhmei' so SouullleaS , : , attacked myself with rhieuiiintiaimi , am .0 severe it was agony itself , Three appli a C.ttiohla of the great paiim.ouro coimipletol ) 0 cured iiio. t - The Destroyer's Armament. ; Sun , July 17. Thto torpoilo boat built Ii' Destroyer , by 0 tue inventor of time monitors , him beer , , lying at the brewery' wharf , Tompkins. yule , 5 , I , , for a week , She ivihi starf U for Sandy hook this morning , where tin U preparations that have boon in vrogrosl I some time Ilast will be completed , amid : the latter part of this week preliminary tests will be made of tim destrtictivoiicai a of the boat when operating in ( loop 805 I waters. A target set at au eighty yard : range will be used for timeso tests , It It consists ufa wide net setoniloatiug reels , and wimicii drops into time sea , ; it will show time distance ami accuracy 5 with wlmich it is posaibio to throw tin 0 missiles. The tarpcdoa used weigh 1 , . LiQO POUIItIS , mid are shot fromii mm gun of II peculiar pomistruetloit that roimired ux it teitaivu experiments to roach its present .31 otltctiyojicss , which mIr. Ericsson amiti him eumployQa think perfect. 'limo torpedo ii 1imtccml in the liroechi of the tiii , amid ii coimical iii sImap , like a iiiiiiio rifle ball. It ) It uxplotles instantly on toueiiimig the oh s joeL iiruml at , without allowing nmiy recoil , a Time gun is p1itceti iii time bow , mmml ii Ii tomi feet under water , so that it is Immpoa 1siblo to disable it by eliot frormi the anna LI ) macmit.'Itomi time charge is exploded a two valves that fonmii the iuoutlm of tIn A gun are forced njart nutoniatically ant ] it Jot . time torlQdo Ilass out iiito time water , , - . , , I. . . . . . . , . ' , : ' . - . - _ _ sinai ! lookout hole in front of the cabin the latter being protected by heavy aLec plate armor , The range Is regulated by a is'lieel , whiichi time gunner turns at pleasure - sure , and is like au orlinmmry steering wheel. 'rhiero arc nine engines llboarl the craft , All these are under not less than seven feet of water , and can not be reached by iiot or shell. The Destroyer is 00 feet long , and imas cost Mr. Ericsson about $1100 P0V foot , or upward of $70- 000. lIe says that tensuch vesseiscould destroy the finest navy extant , and amply lrotect time harbor of Now York from the heaviest invading force known to modern warfare , GAItFUNKEL'S ItOSA. AGIn1 of SavcnteemiSiic , nThyof Sixteen - teen for lircachi of l'romnlse. y0 , York Tribuijo. lIla irnine is Alrahialn Garfminklo , and his ne sweet sixteen. Yet was he sued fmr breach of Irolnise , and yesterday tim trial wan had before .Judgo Nolirbas , iii tue city court , Miss Rosa Trnimnig , sev- enteemi years of ago , by liar guardian Jose Siegel , of No. 131 Ludlow st , , was the lnaiIemI in tium case. Of course tIm dear little boy hind to be stmed through lila father , or gllitrlian , amid Mr. Wolf Garfunkle filled both toward Lhio youth. The Garfunkles live at No. 204 Broom street , rind Miss Traunig with her guardian , .Josoph Siegel , through whom sue stmel , at No. 134 Ludlow street , Miss Traurig only demanded $2,000 iii daniages for thu fracture to her' ' heart. The entire Oarfimnkol family , consist- ilig of father , mother ant four children- two boys and two girls-were in court , alit ! Its thmoy stood in a row before the judge formed a group that would have interested a phiotograpimer. Time sixteen- year.old Ganfunkel , defemlant , was the oldest but one of the chmildnon. There was not yet a sign of it hair on his faco. Miss 'rraurig , time piaintitf a good.iook- ing , phillill ) young lady1 dressed ifl car- ( liiIal red 1111(1 wearing 'ii hint with a rod feather , was surrounded bya hiufliber of friends , imialo amid female. Only in Jutie aim became acquainted with yotig Oar- funkel , 0.11(1 Oil Juiie 30 , shio swore , lie pronuscel to marry imer. She was in a situation , 1111(1 at his urgent request gave it up , that they might got married at once amid. begin hiotisokeepimig. She went to much expemise making preparations for tIn , iveddiiig. In tim bogiminimig of July tIme boy backcl out , she said , and refused to imiarry her. Site then got a lawyer , amid Judge Nehrbas issued a ivar- rant for the arrest of young Garfunkel , Ho was takomi imito custody like any older crusher of nmkloiis' hearts and locked up in Ludlow street jail in default of bail. There Ito lay until the trial came off yes- terday. The boy's story underoathi was that on Juno 30. Joseph Siegel , time girl's guar- dunn , callel after him at his father's house and maccLing him in the hallway asked him to conic over to his ( Siegel's ) house , which time boy did. When Ime got there he found a good many people , muid Joseph Siegel , lie alleges , gave him beer and whiskey till lie becanmo intoxicated. Ho was Limit made to sigh a paper which lie was not. iii a conlItiou to understand or overt to read , but which lie found afterward - ward to be a contract of Imiarniago between 1Tiss Traunig amid himself. Time first time lie saw lien , he swore , was two imionthis ago at his elder brother's . wedding. Ho ( lanced with her on the cc- , elision ftfll never spolto her or saw her , since. Judge Ncimrbas first took up time question - tion of time i'oy's age. If the girl and her friends could mint prove iiiiii over sixteen , they could not hold him to his promise , even if lie hind mnaIe one. Both sides , therefore , braced thwmselvcs for the effort - fort , Miss Tritunig and her abettors to prove hmimu over that figure , or at least that lie iiititle thiomii believe lie was ; the I boy flIRl lila folks to bring him withiiii : that limit. Time latter assumed the onus of catablishimig their case first. Wolf Garlunkel , time boy's father , took - the ataitd and swore lmirnself seventy-five years of age amid youngAbraliamn aixtoomm. - Tim boy , lie said , was bormi iii 1807 in Oallicia , in Austria , and the Garfumikel L family as a ivimolo were only two years iii L this coumitry. Sarah Onrfunkoh , time lad's mactimer , I likewise swore him sixteen. Yet whemi I the lawyer asked her how ahmo knew sue replied that "they told her so. " This . was comisidered evidence emiotmghi for the boy , On the other liamidJosopii Siegel swore L Unit lie know Abraham Garfumikel five or L six mnontas , and that time father had told , hilimi lucre tlman once that the youth was m twenty-one , Leonard Traurig testified to like effect , i amid Miss Tmtunig herself being recalled , I said that young Abrahimmmn had assured her I contidomitially he was as mnudi as twenty. I two amid perfectly able to contract imiar- I ruige , Ito hind told imer that Ito was in I the jewelry business aimd had mt store of L his own , As to his beimig made drumik at I her guardian's itouse , it was all false she said ; lie drank iio been or liquor thiero , I HO Imati begged her to niarry hint at chico ; amid tIe ; comitract of marriage was drawn . . at his request site said , mid sigmmod by 1. himmi voluntarily. sJLldge Nelirbas foummd that the boy was under ago , amid on that groumid dismuissod timocommipininant and gave him htisliberty , wimereupomi timero was Inucli rejoicing r aIuong the Knrfuimkels and a correspond. I jog depression of spirits on time other I aide. IIU3IAN BLoO-.Oit time purity amid vi- ) tahity of time 11100(1 depomid time vigor and . health of the whole system. Disease of r various kimida is often only time sign that nature is trying to rolmiovo the ( listurbin cause. A remimely that gives life an vigor to the blood , eradicates acrofuls amid othior immmpuniUes from it , as Iloomi's , Sarsaparihia umuloubtodly ( ! OC5 must be m tue IIICLIIIS of provuimting Imialmy ( liseasea , tlmat would occur without its USO Sold by dealers , : INDUBTI1IAL p ARBITRATION. L The Success of an Effort to Ilarmonhse Dif ( erencos Between Labor and Capital , New York Tttno& The success of the efforts to settle time differences betweemm the coal hhimhiora of weatenmi Peiisylvamiiiia and time comnpahmies which employ them is au event of no , small imliortalico. On time first of May I tliooperntors liroposeti toreduco time price P"1 fcr mmiin'umg coal froimi 8 to 3 cents a bushel. Thu humors did not acuiescc Iii tIme ruductiomi but to the nuimiber of eight thilmilsalid dotermimined to strike work. I Shortly afterward it bill time Puiimi- I sylvaimia legislature providing for voluii. I tiny tribunals for time sutthpmiemit of dma. lUka betw'aimi omniloyer amid employed. It was detenmuimiedatomice to teat time prime. tical utility of this 1musaadro , and the I uiilmers resunmed is'rk puit1mmmg time arbm. . tiatiomm , 'l'ite tnibtmumml appiintod for time urpoau , timid made Ui ) Of tepresemitatlves of both aides of time oontrjversy , iamb mm I thorough investigation oil the commdmtmon I of time trade and this claii'45 of both liar. . tics , but failed t agre0 ? . The smiattem ' srqi thou rofrr'mt1 to 'ho um.'toire wimo hat le n agreed upon , a ptomimmeiit batikor ( , f Pitthbimrg , and he ( leCided upon 8j cents a bimshmel its tim price which time op. craters could afford to pay' amid still hmmako a sinai ! piofit by adopting certain practic. al ocommomics in the conduct of their business , ammd wimicim the miner's under time circumstances of tue case , to be will- 11mg to accept. Time miners expressed their satisfaction with Limo decision and their willingness to continue work at ( ho now rate , and it. is believed that time oier. atora will acquiesce. INvAtibs as well as cimlhilrcn , fimmil Molten's Food a mmoe , eatitictiry and mmounisiiltig arti. do of diet. Its method of lrcparatklmi , alapt It to time most ilehicato atomnmtcii , while Its strommgtlioimiimg irolrtIes are % % ommierfmml. it Irmny be ilal ( If your druggist. - Torn Thumb's Life. Stratton camno to the notice of P. T. Ilarmumimi in Novemmmlmer , 1812 , and time shownman describes hum as being ummtler two feet , imigim , weigimimmg less titan sixteemm poummds , bcautiftmhly formuemi ; a blond , with ruddy' cheeks and imiirthmftml eyes. Barnurmm imitroltmceml Stratton to the pub. lie on Dee , 8 , 1812 , by time minnie that afterwards precctlcd imimmi around the wonhd-Uemm. 'rommi 'rhmmminb. lie paid himmi $3 a week , with expenses for lmiimmsolf and mimother , for four weeks. Tlmon lie was ro- emigaged for twelve nioiithms at $7 a week but long before his term expired Mr. Barnum PaiI Imimmi $25 a week. In Jami- unry , 1846 , 'rOhmi Thumnb iv getting $50 a week and exiiemmses , sot sail with Bar- nummi for Europe in the Yorkshire , a sail- imig ship , 'rime little general irovcti , a lilt ill Emmgland , France amid Gorimmany , and lie was exhibited. "before time crowned heads. " Imi the autumn Toni Thumb returned - turned is'itii his imiamiager , who was then proprietor of tim museum that bore his name , and early ( lie next year time mite returnel again to Europe. Barmiuni took imi $5,504ti ) imi twelve days withi liimmi in Philadolplmia , and $97fi,97 in one ( lay in Providence. Mr. Barrmumn took lmiimi to Havana amid mmmdc a great deal of imioney there , After ( lie dwarf was put iii charge of agents of Mr. Banmitmmn into had no desire - sire to spend his life in travel. In 1857 Barnum took Tout Tlnmmb and Cordelia Howard , a child who was famous as little Eva iii Uncle Toni's Cabimi , to Europe , and imi 1802 lie engaged Lavinia amid Mimi- sue Warren , two tiny sisters , to the. for- muer of witoimi Toni Tlitmmb lost his heart at the showimiami's home in Bridgeport. Time fact that Torn Tltummib amid Lavimmia Warren wore to be married redoubled time popular interest in tliemn , and Bansiumn off- tmrcd them $15,000 to postpone the wedding - ding a month , This was indignantly r - fvsed , The showman resisted ( lie temmip. tation to have their wedding viewed by tIme public at so much a seat , thought lie said Ito could have smiado $25,000 by exhibiting - hibiting the coremmmoiiy in the Academy of Music. They were married in Grace church and humid recoptionafterward in tim MotI o1)oliast hotel. This was in 1862. Of late years tim miamue of Tomu Tluimnb occured outside of the mmiusount show bills. He and his wife escaped with their lives , but lost somno.mnoney and Jew- dry jfl the burnimg of tIm Newhiall house at Milwaukee. Ccii. Toni Thumb long ago grew in height , became stout , amid ceased to be the smallest mortal on cxlii- bition. Ho wore a smiustaclie and a beard. He was prudent , lived comfort. ably and saved hmioney. . RI A SPECIFIC FOR ' - AIL slons , Palling I I 0 SickncsSt.Vitus Dance , Alcohol- Scrofula , Kings I N E R - V E Ugly Blood I Diseases , .Dyspcp- na , Nervousness , COIOINIQIUIEIR1OIR ) ' .Ncrvous Weakness , Brain Worry , .IJtOOd 8orcs , Biliousness , Uostlvcncss , Nervous l'rostration , Kidney Troubles and Irrcqularilles. $1.50. Sninplo ! iYeplioninhi. "Samaritan Nervino is doing woulderL" Dr. J. 0. MeLemoin , Alexander City , AIim. "I feel U myduty to recommend It. " 1) ; . V. F. Laugmilmn. Cl7de , hansas. "Itcnrcdwhero physicians failed. Rev. J , A. Edie , heaver , Pit. * - CorrOitidonCo freely unawered. For teatimonlali sad circulars send .tamp. The Dr. S.A. Richmond Med. Co. , St. Joseph , Mo , Sold by all Drugirists. (17) Thu ECONOMY AliT Farllirs' ' PriiiiT I Zioss and Straw : : PRESSES ! Hr. . . , . largest flay i'reitm Factory , Ii this Country. Scud for lilutrat.ed circular , CEO.ERTEL&CO. , Quincy , Ill. I 45't r' f Ilostetter' , Stomach . ! JrllAJml eli r i Lt imlttcmiect. thei nI- w CLLESRAILII ' quireneta , of tlio re- .5 tioul mietlieal 1.111105. oihy i hlch et l'ros cut jroaIls. It is a wrfectly pure vege. L . , tabieremuodyeinbrae. lug the hreu ProPer. , . .j ; . tie of sproventivo , a _ : ? i--1toilo and so alters. - . . n 'ttre. It fortifies the : body agatmist disease , Ic ! / iiinlgoratcs and ro- . . . . It&hizee tie , torpid toncli and iii'er , effects a salutary change in the entire ' STOMACH system. } 'orsaie by : DO'dtfldDeaJCr $ nb. : ) j e ; j . geaereily. , miSm&e.eod&s THE CREAT ENCLISH REMEDY. , Cures pmo& Debility J : "PjOF MANIX Yluomi , Hperiuiatorr- Ics , eta , wIeii all other rcw- ¼ ? tiles fall. A curs puarasif red. , i.f.0 a bottle , Iaryo bottle , four . tlme tue quautlty , , 3. liy cx. - . I'ras to any aIdrca , . Soul by all druggists. INuLmslI : MEl ) ! . CAIjINSTITUTE , l'roprletors , 715 0l1e btrctut , St. 14)ulsMo. - " 1 haie soil Sir 4tStley Coier's Vital Ilestoratlee fur years. Entry custoiwr puake hi'hly of it. I wilwsltatltgiy cdorsu it ass rciedy ul truu miwrit. "I. , . F. Gootumax , Irwrriet Omaha , Feb. 1 h833. ylB-ui'te-txil BELLEVUE COLLEGE. t'nder the care of the m'res'ytorlaui ) Hyott , of No. braske. Iucliis Heptcumber 10th. ClassIcal ail , Seientlf1 eour4c t' itii l.ru1mratrY tieparttneit ; ale , Musical a.i , , Irt iei'irtre'it , all om.ei to l.tti SUU5. 'juitlo , , low. l..oeattiu beiutlful atti healthful. Oil I iiliu iilici ( rotc Omnhi oui ( ho ii. & M. It. 11. A. dresi for cireutars , 1'IIOF. v. J. liOLT.MtN. 11db- ; tue , Neb. JyiS4cod John D. Peabody , M. D. , : PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. OFFICE IIOOMS , I end S 1107 FAIINAM , I Itesidosco , 1714 Douttas . . . . . Omaha , Nb DUItIIM THE NEXT TO 1EK ! I vi11 close Out. Fifty Patterns of FineChamber Suits WALNUT , ASHAND MAHOCANY GREATLY REDUOED PRICES. TillS IS TIlE Greatest Bargain ever Offered in Omaha for such Goods. CHAS. SHIVERICK , 1206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omaha Neb. . E. B. CHAPMAN & CO. Wholesale Grocers ! 1213 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb. . . Double and Single Acting Power and Hand PUMPS , STEAM PUMPS , . Engine Triniunings , Mining Mmichiimiery , Belting , I-lose , Brass and Iron Fittings. ' Steam Packing at whiolesalo and reiail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb. wIIcN- : ' Boiler Sheet 11101 ! erR I OMAHA , . - - - - - - NEBRASKA. Build all klds of Steam . ilollen. , , Smoke . Stacks , Brcechlng Lard , , , , iVater ad , . Oil Tanks , and do a genera 1)latc.lro busluiciem. itepalrliig done in City a,1 Country. All work Done at Eastern Prices and Warranted ! Second.hniI fallen , viIl , , be , kept , on , . baud. Staving had nany years cxperlencoli thu tni.iu I , , duferent marta of the . country , I an cofldet . . I Ca give satisfaction , having the best 5)1011 ) and tool. . in the State. Shop aidi'Iercontrecti. _ . cor. ioth ' J M. WILSON Propriotor. IxrIIcxI3 , MANIJFACTUILEIt Op aIvaDiled Iron Cornices ! Nindo Caps ! Fiolals , ' : . Skylilith &c'i Thirteenth Street ' Neb .A. M. CLARK , Paliltor & Paper llalle1' , . 'F'1 , . _ . : _ ° . SIGN WRITER & DECORATOR. , - . _ v. - ' . , WHOLESALE & RETAIL _ , \ ! J I : ' WALL PAPER . , _ _ : . . . 'e 'I ) 1 . WINDOW SKADES & CURTAINS , . . ' Cornices , Curtain Poles and Fixtures. . - : i ' : 1 PAINTS , OIL & BRUSHES , , - - . : - 107 South 14th Street , - - . : - - T OMAHA , . - - NEBRASKA. GATE CITY PLANING MILLS ! MANUFACT RuB OF Carpenter& Materials , : -ALSO- Sash , Boors , BlilliTs , Stairs , stair Raiills , Balilsiers , illiTOw & floor Frallics , &e Firstela , . facilities for the manufacture . . of all kind . , of MouIdin , . Planing and ifatchiig a specially Orders from the country will be 1.ronll.tlv executed. Address all couuuzilretlon. to .uoynn , rropriotor. OEtcrA1\Tt : On Long Time--Small Payments. At o.iiuotiirors [ roos. ! A. lloso , Jr 1510 DODQE STIlE J. H. CIBSON , CARIIIAE MIfl ¶ AON NUACTOllY. } CORNEll TWELFFII AND JIOWAIII ) ' 1111175. - . - - - - Partleularatteutlon ieu to a , ainin , . Bath nt cc guaranteed. PItFEOTION : ; ! Heating and BakIng I - Its only attaiietl , by uaimmg OAK Ranges , ' 4c WITH - J't - , Forsaloby MILTON ROGERS & SONS1 I OMAHA. '