- - - -a- - - T - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - - - - - 1 . . t. c ' 1 y _ _ THE OMAciz : " ' DAILY _ _ _ _ I _ _ , 1 _ ' ' t THIRT1.u ' 'T' , OMAiIA NEB. MONDAY MORNING- , JULY 23q 1883. NO. 30 ' _ A ouoo OF hoTc1oraplirs' ' Brothrhoo Practi- nally Carllr 1II Electric kil1 of the Lall , TIio StrlkorR on the Itigh Ito to SIaccc-1)cHpcrao Efl'ors of the Cdiipnny to Maintain a 1ohl Frfl ( . : I ; SATIJILIAY's MOVEMENTS. CINCINNATI , huly 21.Thuru is im ma- -hrhu1 cliamigo in the telegraph itmmatiomm , 'Thu press is cared for in good shape amid busiiioss generally ssomns to be dispatched I promptly. Thu accessions to the force since 110011 haVe not bocit sulilciumit to give aIleIuato ( relief , nmitl the macmi are working moore thami the usual uuiiiber if hours , imianagors giving theme a1 possible care by ) rocuriIIg good meals hi the oT)0 rating room : til(1 furnishing lodgings near by , to stVU time. The striking operators contimitte cotifident , inn ! arc making ar- .rangomnelit.s for a inaas meeting at Clove- ] aiitl. Ciiitno , July 21.-Ulricli hail was thronged all day and evening yesterday with ciitlntsiastic striking opelatois. vlio continued b receive 1101)0 and comfort fromit the \Vestcrn lTnioii office in various ways. All accounts received concurred in stating that the work and Inisittess of the ollice was in very bati shape. Very large aill enthusiastic meetings were held in the Lorenoomi tuid evening , at which President. Morris presiIc(1. At the evening meeting there were encouraging S1)CCChCS iiiadc by Messrs. E. Lomnoney , Dr. Collister , President [ orris and others. MeCoimolly , not an operator , made a congratulatory speech , and urged them to pecverc. "Shtiid UI ) for your rights , " ho said , "and they must come and see you. " Mr Itowo , of the conimnittee appomtcd to visit the bricklayor& meeting , announced that they had called there and the first ques- tioit asked them was , ' 'How much do you want ? " The bricklayers had said they S would help the tolegrnfthers in every way possiblo. Mr. B. A. Quoni anmiounced that Mrs. D. Anderson , wife of the assistant - tant general manager had sent a dispatch to the strikers sending her compliments , and hoping the operators would get au they wanted. This was gicetcd with deafening epplauso. 'I'lic speaker then gave sonic Judicious mistakes made by the scab operators during - ing the day , which were received with . shouts of laughter. lie predicted the sjmedy and triumphant end of the strike. They had sympathy front all classes of , peopler. The company was hiring Inca to sit at the desks and act as stool pig. coils , but they had trouble in fhidiii" inca even to do that. lIe alluded to the onor- / inoas dividends paid to the stockholders of the "Western Union , mid said they would be glad in less than one eck to beg au uielience of the inca whom they to-day refused to see. President Morris s , read a note from his brother vlio hnd 5 S talked with au assistant chief operator in the Western Union. The operator said they were simply paralyzed. Every hook J ; was lull. A stranger might think they a ' hiitd plenty of operators , but those they I. 'S\ had. were no good. t \ Tilr. Fleming , of the striking linemen , b spoke of the importance of their branch of the business , and their own strike. ' They asked for an increase of five per S cent. all around of ten hours a day , and double pay for night work and Sunday. The meeting adjourned at a late hour with much eiithusiasiu. In regard t the report that the Gold tnd Stock men on the Board of Trade were 'to be ordered to quit work by tIme Brotherhood , President Maniis said that was a matter with which they had nothi- big to do. All imiembera of the B.xothier- hood had already ( jilit work , and when an operator became a member , by his obligation ho also bocanio a striker. There were very few in the city. If thio gold and . stock men struck it would not have very much effect on business though ji might occasion agreat deal of botherto brokers to lose thio services of their tickers. lie ( lid not think time strike wouid be general all over the country although be was iiot sure as to that. ? rr. Morris said about 40 new mncmnheis had joined the Brother. hood during the day. Mommy telegrams were received from various quarter all assurixig them of the fidohity otthe inca and general paralysis of business through. out the country , . , , . The following are a couple of speci- , incus of the ninny received : . - . . ' Sr. LOULS , Mo. , July 20. ? ! 1oaitig : # S Louis solid , newspaper reports c . to thu contrary notwithstanding. W ( ( .oxpect to stand by Chicago till 'l'iiden is olectod. Signed , SILAw. ' TJmn IIALTIM0IUi ANt ) OHIO. . CJIIOAUO , July 21-Mr. McCullough , superiiitcndeiit of the Baltiior & Ohio , oI1pany's office hero , says : "We are ; 3ust about as we wore. Three new muon .Jivo comae in , which , with tIme twelve In- ( l8 ! who did not join with time strikers , gtvsme Iwo Ibi this ofhice , alid you can easily ace that with Buck a for o there is k not much inconvenience. , I undershimid they have not a man loft iii Louisville ( ' S amid St. Louis , 'l'hoy have about tim , ' ' 55a1110 number of men loft in time ouilce at Nevr York , l'Jihladpiphia , WflShIiflgti amid Baltirnoro as I have hero. " 'rho day force of messenger boys iii the employ of tIme Western Union company left time office in a body shortly after I o'clock this afternoon , thus emulating tIme striking Pullic interest iiiiiiiifemitcd in thin strko ( If the telegraphers is pronounced iii this city and extemuls to a class of 1)0011k who -arc nfl'ected veiy remotely at the best by it , Time striking operators have bcoi in bctter feather today thami at any former timmie1 amid contend that the company will ] &avo to concede to a compromise in a few S , I days at the best , They base thmeii' chaimmi S f upoim additions to their ranks and upon rvoits received fromii other cities. They liohi a largely attended uieotiimg this af. toriioon and were enthusiastic over time defection of time operators of the gold and stock telegraph , who joined time ranks of the strikers to.day , and tIm action of the messenger boys in deserting their Iosts diiriiig the afternoon. Thu action of the gold and stock operators , served to confuse - : fuse immattors on change during time day and imrovemitscl in a large degree thu dis. patehumig of immrkot tjuotatimis. In addi' S tion to the gold and stock operators , ro ; jmortor in time employ of time same corn. iauiy , shio comii1illo quiotatiIiS on Limo floor of 'cimmigo , also quit , amid four sub. stmtutcs placed there by time Western Ummmnn vcrc dommied time privilege of the floor by the aecr tary of the board of trade , on the ground that they , ore oh' tammmiimg quotations for Limo use of buckte sitoims. Simortly mifter tue messenger boys had filed out of the \Veatorii Union ohilce Limo clerks in the itehivory do1)artnment of tim saimmo conmpaoy muse mimarcimed out witim- ( lilt givimmg notice , 'hue mumnmmaeiuiemmt of time Vcstermi Union ammimoimmices its ability to fill the places caused by these tiefee.- tions shortly. lii muhiltioum the company ohhicials of time \Vostern Uumiomi lowe dis- llaYcd mmu discourammmmont amid assert their working force is immiproving daily , amid that all hmusimiess is being ( hisImtcilel rapidly , Time strikois have piaceti buhletimi boards iii front of their hall , and cmronicle ) all umattors which collie to thick' knowledge , amid which they deem favorable to their success. 'l1hmey Imave PerfeCtctl timeir organimtion iii oUier ways. Time uavcrs give all plumses of the situation at lnmgthm , and particularly matters - tors flf local origin.Tariouls rummurJ have licemi giveli ) tilhicity , imititmiating that time nulroad OlCrultOLS ) also contemmiplated go. ing out , but nothing has tramispired tlums far to imipicatu thmat any such mmuovemimemtt is iiIClit.ittOl. 'l'hie afternoon papers declare that s1cculittivo busimmess cmi 'Cimnuge is pnctically at a standstill by reason of time umiceiLaiiitity cngeiidercml by time strike , amid delay iii recuivimig qimotntiomms nail ortlinai'y umiossages. l'residemit Dtmmmhamn , of tIme Chica"o board ot trade states lie is in receipt era request from mnemimbcrs of tIme l\Iilwnukee chunimber of coummerco to call a mmmcetimmg of tIme Ciiicn o board to consider Lime sit- untiomi growmimg out of time telegraphic strike. Iii reference to tlmis request , and also an expressed desire of mnummmbers of the Chicago board , Mr. Dummlmammi says a slccmal mneetitig of the board will probably be called Momidmy or Tuesday , in case no change occurs in time sitmmatiomm. Thu Imimitimal Union imumd Balt'imnore and Ohio telegraph companies are imiakimig no attempt to tb business , amid time alice of the latter company was closed during time greater portion of the day. The striking telegrapb operators held a moetiimg , at which between seven and eight hundred were present. Time meeting - ing was addressedby nienibors of other local unions amid proposals wore extended of financial aid if miocded , Two imumidred now members were admmiitted , whelm in- eludes clerks iii the delivery departmumeumts of the Westerui Union. A number of umiessages wore reati from Detroit , Buira- lo , Now York and other cities , outlining time situation at these poimits. ? mlemnbors of the Brotherhood report a great many railroad operators comnimmg to this city to. day , but that on thmo facts being presemted to them they all joimmed time strikers. Another meeting will be held this after- noon. TiLE SITUATION iN NEW YOItK. Nr.w YouR , .Tuly 21.----Tho situatiomi in time % , Testermi Union olilce is apparently I umiclmanged. Over 200 were at work , and umono sc.ummued to be idle. Time gen. cr41 superintendent said Lucre voro only a fv case in which any delay in bmmsi- ness was reported. It was stated positively - tively there was uioL a simmglo dumnmmiy 1mm time room. Seventy-five young wommuen were there this mnorimilmg waiting to be tested. Only competent ones vero on- gaged. At a nuectimig of telegraphers to-day , telegrammms were received from various parts of time country from labor organizations - tions oxpressiimg sympathy with time strikers , amid ofrerimv financial assistance. Addresses were made by several persons. Time strikers will go on an excursion to Long Branch to.rnorrow eu time Ply. mouth Rock and to hold amiotlior mnoctimmg 01 1 their return to the city Time feeling thmmmt time i\TCstoifl Uuion conipammy cannot bug imold out umgaimmst time strikers is very confident. To-day forty-three mmew muenubers were initiated into time Brotherhood. At time \csteni Union office it is said there is still a full force at vork , amid timat messages are sent to all points witimoimt delay. It was thought timat time Aimucrican district messenger boys would strike to-day , and about fifty frommi sonmo of time up-town offices emmdeav- orel to immduco othiems to quit work. Time inovemeumt was not general , amid m'hiemi the conmpany offered to pay time boys ten cents an hour for extra work iii addition to their regular salary of four amid five dohiars a week , amid two amid a imalf cents a immessage , they were satisfied to rezmmaiim at work. ALL OF ONE lINI ) , WASIIINOTON , July 21.-Time striking telegraph operators imave timeir lmeadquar- team at time ational hotel , where time landlord has assigned thmemim moonma fiee of charge. At a ummeoting of time Brotherhood - hood to-nigimt a number new nmommubers were takeim. Time Immemnbershmij ) of time iocal , organization now mmumnbers eighty. mmmc. Cash ontributiomms amounting to several imundrod dollars are offered time strikers each day , but always refused for tIme presemit. 'limo followimmg action was takoim to-day by non.immemmmbors of tim Brotherhood , now at work in Limo West. era Union office hero : " \Ve , a majority of time operators who have reummaimmed at work here , have sigimed a iaver lledging ourselves to witimdraw our services frommm time Western Union as stated duriimgtimo coming week , . immmless time executive commummuittee of said comupammy shows a disposition to negotiate whim operators 'itim a view to nmmmicable ad. 'justmont ' of the jOmldilmgditliCUlties. Al. though noim-union inca , yo are all heart- iiy imm syiumpatimy witii the immovummont 1mm. nugurated by time Brotimoihood. 'limo Brotiwrlmood hero requested ussumnmhuius iii other cities to take stmch steps as will leal mmoim.ummion muon iiow at romk to take simmmi- mr actiomm. Robert Garrett alml Smmporimitemmdoimt Stewamt of time Bmiltimuore , amiti Ohio coin- parmy are mu Limo city to.mmighmt. ISnumagqr Clark imas coiled oim his imuemm to immeet imimim at 11 mm'ciock to.miiorrow for time purpose of imoidiuig a conference , IIHADY ' 10 HTFL5. JIALTIMO1tS , .July 21'I'ime Baltimore & Ohio conmpaimy state they are wiilimmg amid ready at any mmiommment to hear and treat with the immomm in their own emimploy amid to concede the immost iIlom'al teiuims , bit they positively dociiime nod under imo circummistamicea will they treat smith time coummimittee of tue Brotherhood , umom' aumy person mmot 1mm their wimploymmmummt. 'I'imis statenment is immado on time authority of ofhicial of time company. Thu simperia. tcntiommt of time company states timey kayo emgimteon opor.itors in time main ofhico to. day , six of wiiomn are oflicient iaeim ( and all others can handle messages satisfac- toriiy ; that time force iii Chicago , Cimmcim. , mmati and New York has boon increased to- tiny at each otl'mco , amid their Inmsimmess is beiimg imamuliod efi'mememmtly. AT OTIIF.1i I'IT. PimovimmuNcu , IL L , .Ttmly 21.-Six of time Olienitni'S employed by the \Vestermm t'imiomm of this city struck to-day , ieaving the force at work iimtmfiiciemmL to coiidtmct busimmess. Timm-oo of time okerators , hmicim composes mmoariy time emmtmro force of time Aimuericamm ltn1id of timis oiL ) ' , also struck this mmoomm. Cn.mvaLNm , J imly 21.TimeVosteru lYmuioim force is sommmowimat imlcreasel to-day. ' [ imree operators , wimo camumo here to.iay to vork for time Westeium Immioum , joimmed tIme stmikers. 'l'imu mmmeetimmg ( ml time strikers thmim ; afterimoon was aihlresscd by , hmimmes Lmmwmeimce , ( lemmmocmutie eammdidate for attorney - torney gwmeial of Ohmic. ? mtinm'inm : , Jmmly 21.-- TIme smtuatiomm at time telegraph otlice imere to-day shows immm- lmovemmuent ) , i1nmmagor 1Iovimrd now hums s(3.emt ( operators at work , Sumac of these caine frommi immtemior poimmts iii 'L'emmmmesseo ammd M iss'mssippi. 'I'imeyame nut stmictly first ciass , bitt immaimage to hmnmmdle time bmisimmess. 'l'imo mmowslmapems were lmth served last mmiglmt anal time 'oiimtmme of busimmess is in- creasing. 'l'lie strikers are Ilium tmmd 1mm- itiated eievemm mien' mmmcmimhcms iimto time llrotimui'imooml , sommie of whommi ( 'aimme imome fur timu lmmmmlse Of goimmg to work , htmL were immuvcmmteml 1) ) ' the strikems. Timmerits of smmits aimmst time \\'estemmi Ummiomi mime to-day fmeeiy discmmsscd , at- thotmgim imo detimmito action imas yet bcemm takemm i'mlammmmgor liowaid caine dovmm shmims this mmmormmimmg , the first timmue lie imas left time mem'tti1mg roommm shim 'I'imursdtty mmcmi. lie says b0 is rceeivimmg mmmaumy up. imlicatiomus fiommi ojmeratorsat interior pommmts askiimg for 'ioik. CIscNNvrl , July 21.- ( ) immaterial cimange iii time telegraph sitimattoim. Time press is cmued for iii good simupe , amid lnmsimmess gemmcraliy seemmms to be ( iispatcimed mrmmmptly. Acccssiomms to time force smilee 11(1011 have mmot been sumfilement to gmve mmdequato relief , and time ummemm are work. imig imiore than time usual ummmmmuber of hours. Time ummanagers are givimmg tlmeimi mill possi. bie care by providimmg good meals iii time oierntimig roonm amid furn'mshimmg lodging near by to save timmme. Time strikmmmg ojm. orators continue comifideumt and are immak- hug arrangeniemit for a amass meeting at Cleveland. Time lutes are workimmg with reduced force in order to give time macmm suflicieimt rest. Time usual market reports froimm Cimicago were mmot received to-dmmy. iNCIDENTS OF TIlE ST1iUG GLE. IN CINCINNATI. CINc1mcATI , July 22-Time strikers hold uimcctimmgm at their hall cmi Court street dmmrimug time ( lay. it seemmms tlmat their organmnution is not a Reimaritte 0mb , but that time Telegraph Brotimerhood of the United States commstituto disimict 411 of time Knights of Labor. District 46 , it is claiimicd , has 17,000 mmmcmbers. 'mVlmemi its own resources are exhausted timemi time other distilets , with say two inilliomi memmi- boil are required to pay a fiscal flSseSS uncut for the support of time striiiimg ( its. trict. trict.Time Time urcss coimmmnittce of Limo strikers called at Time Conmmmiercimml Gazette ollice last umilmt , and scouted to be as comifmdomit an eycr of success. . Th y said. that. they expected the cornpany to hold out two weeks at mash lii four , perhaps five , days it would be worse ofF timui ] now , as the few good mcmi obtainable would be physically exhausted , some of timemmi mit present working sixteen amid eighteen hours ( ILIt of twenty-four. ' 'Bumt , " it was asked , ' 'in timmie caum imot time coimmpaumy recruit its force up to au efiiciemmt st.amidardV' "They calm get full service , " answered a mmmomnber of the coimmmmmitteo , ' 'ss'hien we go back , and not before. The operators do not exist , amid it takes fronm two to three years to imuake one. " "WTlmy did not time Brotherhood allow time B. 0 , mmmcmi to remmma'mn at work , tumid to divert busimmess fromim time WTestermm Un- 1011 timId provide teimmporary work for a portion of time strikers , whmieim , it Imasbeemi suggested would imavo been awise move ? " "Because we claim to \Vestermm Umi. mu men , and timey claimn to ho BaiLmmmmore & Oimio muon , and both expect to go to work for time conipaumies agai" , and be as loyal us in time past.Vimy , durimmg the Garfield excitememmt , day macmm worked at nigimt amid umight macmm by day , nmdsmmatchcd time samidwiches mind cofi'co furnisimed hI ) ' the company as best we commid-timo sammme compammy that gives timoso 'imammis' full diii- mmers , huts themn , up at hotels nmmd jtm'S timemmm $4 per day. Said ammotimer commmuitteo ' ' umman : 'Forty uuuiti forty.f'mvo ( iollar muon imavo becum oflcrcl $80 and $85 , to be made lellmiiL- neat , mf they would leave mis , but umot omie imius flinched umumywmoro ] in time couimtry. Some of timeimi kmmow , imowevor , that time commmpammy did mint keep one proimmise of time kiumd made in 1870 , but soon reduced time 'plugs' who rusimed in to help timemmi out to what time yero worth , and timat was 1mm Bomb cases umothming. " 'I'lmo member of time press cnmnrnittoo who was speaking said hue hind a iivimmg ox- veriommce of this policy , Ho wont to their aid as an export iii 1870 , was given $125 uumommthm , amid lied simmco been coma- pulled to work for $70. There is little question that both sides are coumfident , amid that it will take sJmmmj Linac to Iimmg nboumta colmmpromniso , If such imito be reacimed. It iscq.ially certiuimm that time strikers would have imni a mmmore universal public syimmpathy if they had givemm time commmpany a longer timmmo to comm. sider timeir claimmms , which ought to bear exaimuimmmmtion by time country. It is urged by those takiimg timis view , that the C0mfltu1iy iu emu veIl aware of time uimthiimg stmiko ammyhmobv , tumid that , say' a timirty ( lays' mmotico votmitl imot imave prejudiced time cause ( if Limo Itrotimerhood , while a shock to time busimmess of time coummtry would hove been avoilei. ( Busimmess continued lmammuperet to sommmo oxtommt yestem'day on accouuit ( if time stmiko , p articuiam'y speemmiativo businmess. 0mm Chmaumgo immatters wore sommmcwimat easier thamu mm time day before , 'Fhmu call board deahinmgs were suspeimdtul , but timu immarkot rcIOrts ) canme timrough at mumucim longer in. tervals thami usual. Thu bramich ofilces of time telegragim coimmpaimics on time floor of Limo Chaimmbor of Comimmimemue received dis. patches , but seid timeum by mnmosseumgor to time mmmiii ofhiecs , ' [ 'imo buekot-siuojms had a slow tiimmu of it. 'J'imore was jiloumty of timimo betss'comm ( luals. 1"ortummateiy , for general busimmess , the strike commmes at a time wimumi cverytimmiig ma dull , timid the iii- convonmieiicu Call PrizutlY be bettor borne hOW timani at mummy other seasomm of the busi. mmess year. IN NI&W YORK , Naw Yomuc , Juiy 22.-Two vohiceunon were on dilL ) ' yesterday mum Limo rocoivimig i-oommm of time \Vcatorum Unioni 'l'ohegrapii coummpamiy , emi tim first floor of tIme build- lug , amid two mmmoro wore dotaihet t , the oporatiimg wont on the sevommthm floor of Limo building.1 There vzus mm call for their services , hmowoyor , Timero were six young wommmumm on ( lint ) ' receivimig tmmcssmios nib the hewer floor , cmi at cccii whmulow timero were fi-oum five to eight ler.omms uvnitiimg to Imamid in their imiessageit. At eacim whmuiov a imotico was dis1ihayed tlm1it flmUs&'tgcS bOtmlt ( liii ) ' tie received ' 'sitbec , , to ( iola3 and waiting to poimut. of dostimvmtmomt it necessary. ' ' (1mm ( nil bleohloctit nhhMages soimders were rim- quired oIsign Umomr muummue on time timuek of time mmmossttgo , mtqrtieummg timmit it ws souL ' 'subject. to deIa ) ' . " Auimommg timoso wini hmuummded iii mmues'mages time umummutior itt mmmes- semmgor 1)035 ) vfl.LuImtuLStmail ) ' large , 0mw bright. eyed yomumg hid , about 12 years old , said to a veporter , as ime sigumed time mmmummmo ofmnsemlder of a mimessage ' ' 11cm' - : " ii\br0 have mm gm'cat ammmoummmt ( if womk t ) ito to-dumy , 'I'boio arti no tel- gm'tphm ( , hi'mcos opelt imp touvim , Immmi hems0m15 tire scmmdimmg mumessages down to timis olilee fruimmu time Distilet' Mcssemmgum' ( mhhices , I. uiiguicl this aj'rimqmiommt for time seimder of this umuess.igtmf beelutise I thought it , could not lie ammbjoctcui ti iimmy mmmom'e (101mm ) ' timamm it. % i'iuld be if Ihiaul to go miii tuwum , hmmmumt up time nmonmdorofitmiumd , Coummo down toiu'im agaimi. " I ; , t 0mw gemmtlemnou said , nufter wnitimmg for umbout tumi orliILqvn mnmummtes , in omtium' to hnmmd iii his mnessnugo : ' ' 1 semmt it miummibor of dispatches to Ciiicmmgo ammil tmthem' 1xmimm tim iimt mmmght , nmmdmns'o mmot yet. meecired aim auiswcr frommi onaof : thommm. This iumtem'm'mup- tomm of telegraph is coatummg tue commmmtm'y a large ammioumut mf uimnmuy every imomme , htmL 1 do not thimkit ; ! 25 might to itoh time op. orators mespomisltdo it hi time ohl'mcurs of this commipammy 'ln are t e biamime , immmd time ) ' arc Liuootmes to uv konm I for ommti slimull look for reimiimnoratiomuriir mmmi ) ' loss I mmmli ) ' sits- taut iii imm' bu1)mmtlss ) because of their failure - uro to trausmtilt.mdessnges. " 01mG pithio openutors said , imm i'cspommso to ( illt5tiOimS ottlp reporter , "There mmmli ) ' be omio-htnlf time usual umummmbor of mmmcmi timid womnemu umsmnufly emmipioyed now imm Limo room , but a lam'gc prortion of timose are dmmmmmmnies , muiidtiio oflice is commmpietely do- mmmorahzed. 1Imny of time macmm miow at time desk umover souL a mumessago in tiuuim' lives , and could uiut receive one if tile ) ' were paid fifty dollars forso doing. Theme are not tweuty gmpd operators in time roommm , amid these are , officers of time commmpmmmmy or mimanagers of ub-stitioims thiroughommt time city. They arc commmpotent to scud mimes- sages if theroro good'mmmemm at the other mid of the line fto ; receive Lime mmmcssumge. " Another operator said : "There are probably 250 dcks occupied , lout of those present in time roouum fully 150 are inferior to good repomid chums operators. Time conmpalmy nmay . claimmu that time ) ' have lmahf a force atwork , but they ate not doing - ing omme-haif of t.lmu regular busimmcss , by amid. furtlmum' hiumm- aimy umiealis , they are - lmored by thobad muamiagemumant of lines jim (1111cr cities , Time' commmmei'cial mmcmvii &le- rturtumieIit is utterly demnou'nliztl , " Omme of time 'omuig wommmrnm who voro pum duty at olme of tim receivimmg windows , said , ' 'I tSresummmo Limo mush inure this lmmom'miimig is caunedby the closing of thu Ui ) toWli ofi'ico" Another gemitlomnan titter hmammdimmg iii a immessage , said tm ) a reporter - porter : "Tma ! mimuikes five amessages ] mioh l lrnvq hm.j. : ( ; . Iii for tlioiumiim pimr- semis iii Nnsh'imio sluice 4 o'clock ) 'ester. tiny nftcrmmoon and we Imavo not received a reply to mummy cute of timumum , We tumually imave front thirty to forty mmmcssages every aftei'nooum in the ( Iflice front whicim 1 commmu , but yestesday we only received one dis- ltmtcit , u'liicii was dated Albammy at 9 o'clock yesterday muorumilmg , mmd was re coivcd at 7 o'clock last uvemmimuc. One mmmli vimo hind bocmm iii time busimmess since 1868 , and imad beemm receiving $75 a mnoumtim froumm time \Vostern Uniomi coumupaumy , said : ' 'This strike is not a deimmamid for eximorbit nmmit wages , as time couumpaumy would imavo the ptmbiic believe , but a re- (1U05t for a Part of time muommoy which has beunu t.akemm mum ) ' fromum us by comisfamit reductions dum'immg the last Len years. Ton yeah's ago I reemived $80 a mmmommtlm , altimoumgh I imumd not half time oxporicumce ox xmbihity I imave umow. 1Iy tumi years' lmumrti work amid faitimfmuiimess have resulted iii a rcducliomi of $5 a mmmontim mm mmmy salary. I fill nimo of the rospoimsiblo l ° sitioims amumommg Limo operators , mmmd ammi kept nit w'om'k , uvemy nerve stunned from 8 o'clock iii time time morlminmg till 5:80 : in tine nftcrnoomm , with twomity-five mafimutes for iuumchepmm. Eiglmtcomm ( lnhiau'iu a i'eek for muiiuo imours om'k mm day is commsidcred good pay jim time office , 1 s'aumL to get t22 a week fin' eight imturs work , amid III ) ' demimnumd is called ox- travagammt amid iunmreasoiuabie. Look aroumid you mmmiii sec imoir ummaumy ( lid mmmcmi are auubong time strikers. Out f .100 mmuemm imore timeronre not five muueii ummomu than forty years old , time munson being that nun ojm. rater always tremuks down liefuro lie geLs to that age. ' .Fhmo fimmest operaLors I imave kumowmm have bccommme useless at thirty- five years ago , timrougim umervomus lrostrmi. tmoum , dime to time strain. 'Fime better time operator , time mnore severe time strnimm ; for it is a pimmt of prilo to be able to receive as feat an Limo nmamm at Limo otimer omid of time wire can send. Frequouitiy I ama called uIen to listwm to erie hmummdrod mmmcnsagcms aim hour , writimig them ofF as they are ticked ( if fronm time imistrunment in fromit. of moe. 'J'lme wear timid tear upon time nerves is terrible , and umo mmmiii who imas mint been in timu bimainmess cmiii uimduratanid it. " t4tJIIIStT1I DOINCH , Tuna OUTLOOK IN NHb % ' Yommmc , Niuu' YomiK , .July 22.-Time Cemmtral lAbor Ummioum voted the teiograjiimei's Imimautcial aid to commtinmuo time strike , Time l'iymmuouthi Rock WtiI ( croivdeti with striic- mug tuiegraphmem's nit aim oxcmmrsionm to Long Jii'aiichm thiiy. A force of fib ( qierabus sei'o tnt timuty at time \Vesttmrmm Ummion chico Lo.lay. It wits zoliorte(1 mill iimmmi'mmess , In ilmuhiortalmt jiinmts bvaii clear ; Limmit umo do. lays arc mmcmv umucessxmry. 'I'ime coummpaniy clamimms to be nub to caumy QIi hiusmmmesii maid no commnlrommmtso ivihl bo irtivosod , vii a sI'ruA'rmoN A'I' JNIIAmi.u'.ms. I N1flANJ.I'LIH , .July 22.-'L'imu telegmaphm situatiomm commtinues uumcimamuged , 'l'imu stm'ikiumg operators ate CuImfiiCmit ( Of multi. mmmate success. Several public immeotuings were held , n(1lressed ( by Prouninemmt citi Zeus , amrmomig wiioimm weic Limo editor of time Swmtimmol aunt ux'Mayor Caycum. Ar suImi'muis , Mmnrimns , TENN. , .Jmuiy 22.-No eimammgo iii the sltuatli'n of time tolegrapim utriimo. A fuuumd for time relief of time atrikums is being raised. A mflmUS maccling of several trades uniomms will be held to CxIi'ess syuumiumtimy amid pledge support to the strikers , Nine mmmcmi wore out dtt1 iii time ohOratii1 ) , room to-umigiuL Business in inovilmg mmsru raidiy timaum Imoretoforo. it TItS L1MIIEN OuT. ALL5NTWN , l'a. , July 22.-All W'ost. I em-ti I.'muiomi iiumemmueuu itm Lids district , ox- topt foreummeum , imavu gonna titit. SsvAN.um , Gui. .1 muly t22.-TIme operators at llrummswick , May Cross atmii Qtuitumucuu , mumnulo npmlicat'toum to thmo'estermm Uumiomu ( tim' reiumstiiteuneumt to-day , cla'mumuimtg time ) ' immuti beeum led immto time mmmovcummemut liv Immis- rolmesemutatiommml. , 'l'lmoro iii Imuw mme utter- ruptioum tO bmusimmess ium timis ohhlee. A mtmxnuu Am' Mmn.wAuKalu. imlmIw. ¼ ttKIu : , .lmmty t22.-TIme telegraphers - ers Imolii a public mumoetiumt to-mmigimt , nut- teumulcl ly , sevenmi imumumim'e ( ( ( people. Eum- eounigiumg sIleeclues bide ummaile II ) ' several umew'simupem mmmetu. 'Vito sittuitiomm is mitt- chiatugeti. AT K.t4tH CITY. 1CtNStH CITY , htnl ) ' 22.-Time sitlmctiImm telegm'mmpimiemil : ) ' is tummeiuiumugeit. 'l'hiu coma- taumy is , thmlu to lmulmilo mill btmniumess. Time limmhmlie mmmcctiumg ( if opuintous mmmi tmnties tumtiomms to-day umus 1aug01) ' nttemideml. 'I'lmo Smmmmtinty iauv utnms very gemmemnily cmmfom'ced to-dIm ' nmml . sti oh- - ) , ( was uu.en immure ictiy sem'vcd ( mmmi last Stuimdmuy. Auu'Aiui : $ Am' t'Lfl\'liIANI ) . Cn.nb'au.tN n , .1 Itt ) ' 22--'iue [ telegemuplm situat mum is mmmd mmmnttemitmli ) ' eimmmmmgini. 'I'lmo \Veaterum ttumiomm imnmd all the opematom'us fiit' Silmmtia ' bimsiumoss amid Imecessmry : ) expect soimmu ummemmibem's of tIme bm'othumimood to go to ui'nmk to.ummomrov. Thu stiikums nmppear cmiii hidemmt maul cliii mmm to lie i nut immt irig mmev inumumbems dimily. A report was rpcuxved horn that time Itnitiummore Ohio vmlmoso I ( neeeie to time ilemmmumds of the executive eommmmmmittee. Tint : t'tiMi'I'T mN ( JiIiCtiO. ( Cmi iu.tno , .ltii ) ' ti2.-OhIkials of time \\'estemmm tmmiuui say ovorythmimmg is imm good simmupe ; tlmtt : time3' immive imad ti.dmiyammt to- umight mmmore macmm timaum time ) ' cotthil muse ; thtmit dispnmtcites are going prommulmtl ) ' . Ili' . 1IIcCmmlloehm , if I lie Jtnmltinmtm'e , ( him , says Ito linus received nilvices frimmum lmeahtlmmmtrter to time oht et that all umegotia- tion bctwceum time commuptummy numd ollomatorum had lieumi brokemm ( ) hl as thu comumpmmmuy womuld urns iecogumizo tIme lirothier- hood. 'lime striking telegraph- ems itch ) mu muioetiumg thin aftermummm which was largely attemided. Time ) ' mmow claimmm to imavu 1Xh0 ( umiemmubers imm this city. Time immeeting was devoted to rendimmg cmi' couraimmg letters amid tolegraumma from ether - or cities. Advises froumu llmmrrisburg , Pit. , said it was not trite , nut hmmuti beeim stated , timat Lime strikers timoro rotturimed to work They vrfess Limo utmmmostcommfidemmce as to time jesuIt. Ohiieimuls of time telophmoute conupaumy say soumme ummmkumowmtpermiomms imnuvu been etuttimug their vires ium time Lest boxes amid cumlumias at five difroromit pimicos iii time city. Aim aggregate of aliout fifty wimes were sev- ered. Large mmmmummbeium of hugs were chmmmumgcd , so Limat i'epairom's and limmomumemm will Ito greatly Imammupored 1mm ummeuumiiumg time trouble. All wires cut were priuntte litton , so that time fact u'as imot at oumee brommght to time comumpaumy's kmmowicdge. 'rime , ilicials also state time mmiapum of their circuits immuve tiisapjmetireti. Early timis ummorumimug a ummmmmtbor of hiimemmmuui wore cut- gaged iii rmu'ms'mumg wires to let a imoumse he mmuoved ummdcr timeumm. 'l'lmo3' were set upomi by twenty or thirty pcisums until their work immupeded to uoh an oxtcmmt that the l)1ici vemo called puk. , amn time uutlh ilma. permiod , Time leiuphnoimo cciimu1 iii51i1lbu's a m'owtrmi : for time detection of lull ) ' PC10ii imuterferiumg with its Property. TIIH 5NATH COI5fITTiiiI. \VAIIINOTON , .Jumly 22-Semuator Blair , cimairmmmamm of time sub-conmumnitteo of time seumate coimminittee cmi edumcatiomm mud immimr , linus sunmmnoumed time comuiummitteo to ummeut ut Now York at once , to comusidor time pres- cut strike of time tulegi'mmmhmers. Mammagor Young , of the 'iVesterim Ummiouu , relirtS 110 immaterial cimummigo imi time situmatiomm. A co-om'mxmtATIvE COMI'ANY , BOSTON , .Jtmly 22.-At a meeting of time strikers to.day time liroposeti osta1sii. intent ( , f a co-operative te1egraiim coummpaumy was tiiscmmnsed very favoi'abiy , time capital iitICk to lie $20,000,000 jim uumtu'aumsfurra- blo shares of $5 each ; tlmree-qumarters of time entim'e capital stock mnmust be hmtiid by operatom's timid moemmmborum if labor omgaimiza- tiomis , It urns stated at time uuueetimmg timid bankers tumid mimcreimumts : immiti nmht'eady agreed to ummmiscrihme over $11,000,000 , mmmd II comnunittoc s'as npjioimmted to nrrnmumge details , - S1'OILTING NOTES. INTERNATIONAL 1tII'LIi SIATOII. 'mS'ummmmr.auoN , Jtuiy 21.-At Limo 800 yards ramuge tlm Amnericamms seemed : jiil , time British 330. 'l'hmu Amimericammum arc mmciv 24 poumt almond. 'l'imo Anmmericaum teammmum aggregate score at time cud of tine 800 yards simootinmg wins 1,424 , Limo Enmghisim 1,400 , Score at 900 yarls-Ammmcricamis , 203 , British , 277. Timis intakes time aggregatu nit time eumd of 900 yanis : Anmmuricmiu 1687 , British 1,697 , 'I'hme lirititmim toani woim the mimnmtchm iy ' 111 pimmts. Time grand totnis were : British 11)51 ) , Aumuericcums 1900. ( iranid totals for thmu ommtirc mimatchm- British , 1,651 ; Aumucriczmnmn , 1,900. 'Fimo Britislm Limos wimm by 45 points. Uiitm conclmmsion of time ztmatchm time crowd broku timromigit time mopes. Earl Browumiow , in a simort spuecim , timumumked Limo Amimeu'icaums for coumummg to Eimghmmnd _ lie said imo imoped time humid Of ahluctioum will be moaimituuimetl , between Emmgiaumd amid Aunt. erica 'I'imo ronummurk was greuted witim great cimeeiimm ; , Cci. Jlowtirml m'uturmmed timmummks ium iwimmuif of thu Ammmum'iemimm teimmmm. I lu said the A uimericaums lmopel to ttulto timitit hcatitmg gracefully. 'I'imoy lmnd bmuck- 11(1110 eumougim left to join km cimoomimmg time I fuitisim teamui mmmci , mmmtlon. m'IIICAOO JIACM. : CuuicAnmi , , hmuly 21--Sixth tiny Of time mitt umm I Il Cl Ii moo Li mug of time ( flu icago driving liamk , 'l'lmo suemiti mom was I imigi it mmmci s'armmm imimtl Limo : ittemmdmmmmctm svas good. 'l'lmo tmmuclc jut Limo Ctmmi ) ' jimirt of tine afteriuooui svas % 'ery heavy ( mount thu mmimms of Fiitlay tool iust mmight butt immuptoved later , but at mmu tiummo less tiimum : fromim timmee to f'ivu secoumils HiOui' 'J'Jmu tmottiumg s'mun necessarily 1mm timu mmmhldlo ( if time track timimLy to forty foot frommm time iiio. 1mm view of this fmuct the tune mmdc 11) ' .Jiuy Eye See timid Iim'cctor brims rouimaricmihiy gooml. I'mmrsu $2,600 fem time 2:35 : dims , $500 extra to beat 2:23. : l'riimee smus a sticuig favorite iii time pools eyomm niftur losiumg cum'n heat , AlLey tIme secomiti heat dm'jycms were citammged cmi time I gm'oummd thud Ito wmms miot beiumg ( lrivon to wiim , limit it ummiutle mme npprcoiuibio dihiur. I ommeu Fieetotmo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , .l 1 1 I I'rhumee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .4 2 AleYmimme..2 4 ! mlauilt , . . , . . . . . , . . , . _ , , . . , , , 3 3 ' 1'Iumu-23Ol , 2:3l : , 2:28 : , l'ursu 83,000 , for fivo.year.olds or un ti9r ; $110 ( ) extra to beat 2:18. It was .111) ' l'C See iii mulvanco cud was luracti- Call ) ' it walkover for imiumt , his ( irher beimug comumpolled to iill lmiimm rulummost to a stauid still hi time first two heats to avoid dis- tmuumclmig Limo 1101(1 , Iii tIme tlmird heat dis. tnuuce was vniu''d ammul Llmoimglm time track was slmiw , ammd time horse trottct on omit- side of tIme track , fort ) ' or fifty feet frommm time tumilo , to avoid time SOft gnnmmui , hue immado time mule hum extromuueiy gooil timuto. mutiltitAmmy , , lft'l.m'0S4.'O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 Auleialtlo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 111,1117,0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 't'lmuo2:29 : , 2:31 : , 2:81. : 4slammd stakes for timreu t'ar old colt. fillies , l00 ommtmamuccs , $15 forfeit , $111 ) ' ) I1ny 1 , $20 .1 ammo 1 , time m'emmiaimm- dcr imy starters ; $1,000 umlilemi ; $ ilOO extra to heat 2:21 : , Closed with 211 mumliscribems , of which loin' declmmm'cd otmt 'iI ny 1 , timir- tcomm follows ; Iiiutdum Itiuso by Electiomueur oiimett ii ) ' ( ha' . iilmtmud Stamiford of l'mllt ) ' field , Cmii. . Nmmgum by lCoumg ltvmme , owmicd ii ) ' I 1. 0. 'dclcnel1 , of Leximmgtomm , Ky. ; moot Eivirmu , by 0. Cmmylum , euvmicul by , I. 0. Forum tt Co. , of Lommisviile , Asiui time fommi' ) 'emur old race , emurliem' imt tIme mmteotiimg it bi.lts it comitest botuveemi Califommmimt tumid 1'cumLumcky fmu' hcoediumg sumpmeummae ) . amud as befom'e Califormmitu vnmi. Eva , time vium- mmer of time foam' year old umuce , is by Smml- tmmmm amid is oimmeui by , IV. I . IiTmiekay , of Smumi 1rmmmmc'msco , liimudtm Itose , time wiuutmer ( if' the time thmmee year old nice , is by Eleetioumeer nmmmd Owitel II ) ' 00(1. Stmmm. foid. Site won easily. I lhimdtm Ikoc , . . . . , . . . , I I I Ehuhir. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Nuliltiti . . . . . . . . . . , , . . , . . . , . 2 diH. 'Immmte , 2:31 : , a2tl , 2:31 : . I'iurse $3,000 , opeum to mill stailicummt ; $1,000 extuiu tt , imemut 2:111k : ; uummhimmislmed. 'Vito starters were Motmroe chief , Dimector , Santa Chums , Black Ciuumul amid Fiammeis Aicxiuumder , Iiloumroe Cimief was time favorite - ito before time beginumiumg. ' .I'iut'ce imcmuth were trotted , time eoumtummtlimug houses iii ommeim heizmg Drector amid mlommroo Chief , amid all Limo himuisimos vere close amid excit- I lug. Director won time hlust amid timird heaLs ; timmue 2:3 : , ti:1tj : ) ; Msmmroe Chief time secomul ; tiitie 2:20. : Time nice will be hlumisimod ] Itiumuinty wlmemm time nice bqtweomm , St. .1 uiiemm , Edwium 'Vimorutu amid 1' ammn'mo Withmemslmomwillnlsulm trotted. Seizure at' a Pool fox CutmoAco , July 2L-Two ( ieptmty shier- ihilu seized time heel box at time l'mulutcr iiinmse to.imigimt witimjmm a feiv mmmimmutes af- tar it humid beotu lmroumghmt fromut time race track Time box wmts mum charge of Wmtm , IL Arummmutromug aunt Ira B. Bride , otlicial jtool sellers , amid lund been imlacemi uumder time table imm time dimi'mmmg meoumi while ibm cutstodimtmumm wino eatitig slipper. Time seizure was immnde at time untiL of , JohmimV. . Coumley , um'hmoimnd mu claimmu of $5,000ntgaimmst Armmistrommg amid Ethic for alleged bmeach of contract. Time liox was fommmul to colt- haiti $70,000 , tumid after abstracting $13 , . 000 ammd recciptimug for time atmmnmmmmt , the box was returmmed to time owmmetum. I'om'mmmntI lout of' a Tm'alllc 4ssocIn.t mu. tIulucAno , .Tumly 21.-Time comuumitoc imp. poimmLed to commsiler plmtns for formnatiomi oh a traflleassocittmon : eover'mmmg business fromi time mtortimwcst to time QJjc ; river roporteC r 1ift1j , outliiies of wimicim hmavp horetufomi bcemm given mu timesmi olispoutelmes. Th wit : ltCCeltid Lo by mill butt ropresomitatives ( ii time Louisville , Now Albany & Chmicag road. It now goes to time general mmunmum agers for timeir rejectIon or adoption 'I'ime plaum eommteummpiatos timat all motels is'ml ummaiumtaimm rates amid ho subjected to hteav ) liommuilty iii case of ratu-cmmttimmg. Time Oroli hum Seward County. Speclili IIst.atcim to Tims Imium. SixwAIw , Nob. , .July 21.-Time wouithmem hunts boenm favorable for cr0115 , eslmecinuil ) corum , and if frost lmolds oil'ummtil afto : Solmteummber 10 , corn will be imimmoty p0 : emit of a crop. Rye amid barley iii mmoasly imarvemuted. Never saw mummy bettor limos poet fur wimemit anti omits , mind if womutimen commtinmimes dry mdii iiam'vemmt is over timi yield will ho lmeutiy _ Stock is lookimmg finn tumid feed liielmty. Time I4utlmeu'an Auntlemimy itt \'nuimoo Spcchmii Jinpmmtchm to 'J'mis : i3mr. \VAmtoo , Nob. , Jmmiy 22-Time Swedish Lutimeraims Of Augustania Synod decided , nit. a ummooting held iii Sniomuvihlo 11'Iircim : 61 1885 , Lu loeto mimi academy jim Wahoo. At mu nnmeutinmg Of Limo directors held jim Wmuhmot March 27 , time articles of aumsocia. tioim were atloptud amid filed. 'I'imo b mmrd coumsimuts tiE. . A. 'I'ogolstronm , of Ommmaimni J. P. Nyqumist , \Vcstonm ; , Tohmnm Brick. scum , of Swedhurg ; .lohmi Olson , of Sired. burg ; P. N. Bamnimug , of Mend ; Abra. hanu homing , \Vmuimoo ; N. P. ilolL , oh Stroinmuhum'g ; Julia 0. Liumdt , ofVnuimoo ; , Jwmnus B. llmurtliimg , of Oscuoha ; , Tohmn 'mr. roll , of Omikiaumd , timid 0 , J. B. lloturius , of Saromtvillo , 'l'imo lIrt of time actideummy to be buill this year is 40x43 feet , baseunmummt timid two Sf01105. 'limo basemmmommt imi imow ui ) , bumilt of atone , amid time two stories arc to bt brick , 'l'imo corner stomme will be laid on Monday , July 23 , at 3 o'ciock p. m , ' [ 'ho l'reumldommt iraws $ UO,000 him time iiottoi'y. 'fhmis womuiti hio time 'IiO55" atlvortiso. mend , simould time prosnleimt omm hmimt visit to Limo Louisville ] xpositiomm imurcimtusu a. ticket. jim timu Commmumonmwenilthm Distribution Commtiammy theme , mmmd iii witmuoumsimig time liolimlitmm mmmonmtimiy drawing s'lmleim takes ihtic .1 mmlyil : , see time imuimnhur out imin ticket hmmthlctl fronmm time wimool with time $30,000 Pri'o oimawn to its umutmuior , or imc might dmaw Limo $10,000 , or $11,000 prizes1 for timem'tm miuti 1,950 lit'ies to ho otravnm , mmmmmoumitiimg to $112,400. 'J'ickots ommiy cost $2 umicim , 'i'hioy cmiii ho oIiLuimmetl : ii ) imdiiressiumg It , I'd. ' lloaudmmunumm , Louisville1 K ) ' . S _ _ It 1)1mm. , Novel Bhiuzim , Nuiui' 'OitK , .July 21.'i'imo two ppoi stories of i'mI umiuuo'mm l bumildiumg. 17 to 2' Vmmumdewnter street , wits gutted by furo Limimmmufterummoum. 'i'lmo floors liolour svorm hiomideol with biatemmummd ovom'y temmamit suf fumed macro ci' hens. Total loss aboui $300,000 , Mtumy imarmow escapes occur I mcml limit l ( ) lives iruro lost , mummd mio one se ' i'ioitsiy iumjutod. 'I'hme bumildimmg is eight I stomius hmigim. 'J'imo h'mromumemi worked to i I gt'eat disadviumitagu. The vrimmei pnul los wits inistaiumed by George Mutna Ott stock amid mmmntCtimmory ( $100,00 ( 011 building , $30,000 ; fully iimmmtmrod 'I'hmirtuemm him'ummmemt were cut ohl by Lime fir timid sumoke on time eighth floor. 'rime ; I were tescumed by mimoamus of a rope. Niti other firemneim , immtprisotmod emu Limo sam . floor , veio also ruscuod in a similar wa A DEATH BLOW. : Sonthorn hlinnosota wept by a C- cloiio of Troollous Povor at 1)ozen Persons Killed anti a Scow or More Wouuntleit-Towss Level- S oil amid Trains Iitcimcd , MiNNEAL'oImum , 1umly 22.-A terrific cy- cloume struck soumtlmerum Mimimuenuota yostor. tIay , ummaimuly alomig time hue of Limo Cim'ucngo I ; Nortlmwesterum , Time towmi of Elgin , Olmmmstead couummty , sas totaliy destroyed , evci-y bumiiditmg beimug biowmm tiowut or ummi- moofed witimium omme ummitnute nuftimr time stormmi struck time toim'tm. Mrs. Timayer wait killed mmii seu'emiti woimmmdcd. At W'atonuta great dmtummntge m'as tiomme , especially at time fair groumttls , wimeme all lntmlthiuigs ivoro wmecked , Several persomms were imujumreoh ( ) ummi utile vest of timat Itiaco a pas- semmger truuimu i'as lifted froumm time track ammtl tummiud clear oVer , Twen- t-ll\'O ( it' thirty Imersomis voro iumjmured. A. \Viliianmts , of Rochester Mimtmt , , wn.s immjimreml 1mm time back cad. bmenmstV. ; . ltogora , iumtemmmuully ; S. Dedlo- mmuaut , skull ciimshmeti , 'l'imese mute the only flutes feared to liti fatally immjumrwi. At lcmmsaomm time cylouto stituck one ummile west. ( if tAWmm blowimmg tiown school Imoumses and. sovom'al other bmuildiiug in its truck. .At I"taumtom'ville " timmee were killed amal eight svotmmmuli'tI. Of these timreo are fatally. \\'muuuntu timore was great destt'umctiomm. ( ) mmu iemoti ivas killod. Chmlet' Justice Waite. Tonnmio , .Jtuly 22-Chief . ] umsticoTzuittm arrived here last imigimt frommm hits western trip. ito mupcuut Sumimday witlm relatives here. Ito is smufferimug frnmmm imijurics ru- ceiveul imm imis recemmt accideumt , lutt it m not yet decided vhmoLimor his rib is frau- tuiteti or imot. lie goes Imeitco to Cinema- uuitti , Gout. Ord Down % VitIu Yellow Fever. hAVANA , Ju1y22.-Doatlms froumu yei- low fever iii havana dimringthe week cud- ed to-day , 81) ) . Time butcher amid coal limussor on time stemumier City of Waslmimmgtoru tiicd to.day. One of the two sick hlassen- seth timid. wore rcmmmovod fromim time steamer us ( lent. E. 0. C. Ord , vimo is very dami- geroumsly 'mIt. Comm. Ord , with others , dowmi with the foyer , imavo been placed mu Ii good vrivntte hospital. Time Cautmmun litmil 'L'vahmu 'Wrecked. KEIKUK , IOWA , .Iiil 22-A special says time camiumomi ball passemigor train , vlmieii rumms from Mobemly to Des ] 'miomimes ' jtumntlmcl tIme timuek while umear'mmtg Relay , ummo utile hoyommd Cemmturville , this uiuoru- itmg. Two coaches mull btmggago car were titt'ouvmi emi their shies. Several passeum- gem's vuto iitjtmred , miomme fatally. A coal muulmuer mmntumuctl Alimeit Nuvemus , who rode frommi Cemitcrs'ihio to 1101mm ) ' oIl time trtuiut over ) ' mmuormtimtg to work , was iutstnumtly kiilcd. The trnimm bvtms mountliuuga _ curve nut higimtuming speed when the accident oc- eurreul. Conductor Wilatack was in charge of thmti traimi. S t - - - - - Siting it Gas Conmpa.ny. I CuimuAco , July 22.-to khmo1doxs rcp- I rescmmLimmg sommmetlmimmg over half ii mn'tllion I ium stock of time People's Gas Lighmt and Coke commipany yesterday filed a bill , agmuimmimt Its presidcmmt , A. M Billings , C , 1' , K. ( immrrisomt , 'mV. ' ii. Gmii'riaoii , of tue West Cimictugo Gas commtpauuy ; SamnuolO , Wheeler , of New York , and tluc Umuton Trust cemmipmumy of Now York. The corn- 1ihiujnamit alleges Billings amid Garrison , as directors nmumd pt'immcipal stockholders , r illegally issued amiti sold $4,000,000 in r mmmortpiged boumolsof Limo comnpauuy ; that on r certmuumm iargo amuioumits of stock . held by timoimu mio asscssnmentmi I. linive becum paid , while other , stockimolduts ivure forced to pay ; that time . large atmrplumu carmmed by Lime cotmmpany was ' itud ; imuto time cumatody of time bank owned. I ) ) ' time oiefommdaumts ; that mm dividouid hams 3 beeum Pail for uigimt ycluus , thougiu time company lmaz b2o1 iithiii hiurgo summum , niumd thmat. time defemmdaimts have no righm fT lease time use of time company's pipes to . Lime West Oimicmmgo Gas company , alleged. to lie owmied by time tlefendamtms ; , to time damage of . counpluimmatuts. They ask for 1 receiver , for an accoummtin , and for a cnimmcollmitiomi of time bonds illegally issued. Sceitei him Dcumver. DgNvr.n , July 22-TIme streets are full of G A. R. amenmibem's , aumd time hotels are fast filling. Time gramud parade takes place Tumesday. Time oximositiout building ; i lookiumg gay to-day. Three car loads of exhibits nmrrivod to-day. - Struck by Lightning. Nnw Yomuc , July 22.-During a storm to-day twelve liminatca of Bohlevue imos- . 1iital , seated on time balcony , wore prostrated - trated by lightmming. One was burned on time arm. About lutmif the ntmmbcr wore picked up umicoriscious , all mmioro or less : mufrected by time shock. Nomie seriously ; injured. Itching and Burning ! Itching and Burning ! 'flCZKMA or Halt itimeum , with Its sonitzizmg itch. leg .ini burning. iosiantmy relloveim by s warm tm ) with Cumcumu t3om' , and a eluiglo application of tuLlTmcLtttA , his great Skirt Cmire Tiit repeated daily , with twi , or tiireu do.es of ( mnmcva& mmzomvs , thu New lilood i'urttiur , to icccj time bu.od coolj thu ur. i.Iratiot' euro amid utmirritatlor , thu bowcI open , thu ilvur smut kidneys actlio will ut eedlly cure czcmum. I 'I'cttor , Itlumgwurui , , i'aorf.tis , j.ttiiwt Pruritti , ticalil I liclLdlanidflmfT , smut uycry .iiecies of ltclitmir , . Scaly anmd t'Inmipmy lluniiori of tin Scalp and Skin , whcmm thu bui't ) myietat1i aunt ailktiowum rvmedios faU. ITCHING HUMORS , Haker's , Imarbcro , Grocer's , and Washierwornaa's Itcim , Itcithig t'iles amid 1).ilicato itchIng liumoms , , iicullarto both aoxe , which arc particularly dl.- ticslii tit thu mc.iomm , arc fii.tamttly ruiiycd iumtt lcrtiiilienitlv cuteti I'm' Ilie a'poio treatment , Now 1. . I ttu tli , , . , , when thu iro. ar. , opium and U mcr.olrmu- 110mm mdiimnttaimt. to civauiu thu hiloot ol Immijiuitlo. ( uii1 bkil _ ! of torturtui amid tUoliurlng huunoi. . CUTICURA REMEDIES ' Arc thu grcatcat muediclimus onm esitim. J , w _ Acuim. , Ncwarlc , 0. 'Flie Imalt imium imot boom tolil as to their curative joours. (3. A. WmLuAmsm , 1'ruyideiic _ 'lucy ruro hi ciury cau , . IL. Y , Itmtocmmw.uy , M. P. , F'ranklium , N. II. L hIcmum. uow I suffered front Salt lthoimma. with cumrcd b Iliumit , Huts. A. H. ilimows , Maidens , . Cured men 01 a Scrofulon. humor of thirtemt . durutloim , J. I. . flmcmtAmuvsoxoC. it.ewOrIcatiL years CirrmcvmmA Itssmonimss at elm Irug1t. l'rico ( . CUTICUmIA , ( .0 cemit , ; tIasoLymisT , SQAm' , 25 coats. I I'OTTEII VIIUG ANI ) omiauoALec I3OSTON. S & mau1 fo/tnucu / , babies , thu cusscs Of sisal ! , Astu , sail I , hearitig frliOn aUected , I ( evil . tisu head , throat , Sum brunch. : lattubea cif o1Ienlyniatter it sweeten. an4 miturUtus thu breath , Itc1 the cough aim1 ancst4 tiiupogreti of I.Sitaerh towards coussunupUon S ent.witlm Inhalar , m.uu. Mkfoc - -S