Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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    . , -
- 1 T
I.i-- 0. tl
Vital Qucatlonatt
Ask the most ominett physician
Of any school1 what is the best tlitn ] in
t1io VOr1flfor quieting anclallaying nil irri
'tAtlon of the ncrvos ail curing nil forma
of nervous complaints , giving nntalml ,
ebjldliko rofresldug 81001) alsrnys ?
And they toll you uullositatingly
form of Ilosl" 1
citArfER 1.
Ask any or all of tire most eminent
phy\Vnhs' ] ' tlwbest arn1 only remedy that
can Uo relied on to cueo all llIScfecs of the
kidneys and urinary organs ; such as
llr i g' ht a disease diabetes , retention or
nunUrhtY ' to retain urine , ad all the tha
cases and ailments peculiar to Nomcu"-
"And they will loll you explicitly and
oupltaticnily , Buchu ,
Ask tire saute pllystcinns
"What is the most reliable and surest
cure forall liverdisoases ordyslepsia ; con ,
ati ] > ati ° ii , indigestion , biliousness , malarial '
favor , nguo , &c. , " and they ! bill tell you ;
" 11lanarakol or Datldelionl
Hence , when those remedies are coin.
Lined with others , dually valuable
And compounded mtoliopBittcrssuch
awonderful and mysterious curative power
is dovclopod which 1s so varied in its opera.
tions that no discMo or ill health can
possibly exist or resist its power , and yet
it is
Harmless for the most frail woman ,
weakest invalid or smallest child to use.
cHACTE1t xi ,
"Almost toad ti "
or nearly ling"
For ears , and given up bf physicians
of Bright's add other idnog diseases
liver complaints severe coughs cancer
constunptiol , have boon cured.
Women gone nearly crazy !
From agony of neuralgia , nervousness ,
wakefulness and various diseases peculiar
to women.
Peonlo drawn out of shape from oxcru-
t tinting pangs of Rheumatism ,
Inflammatory and chronic , or suffering
from scrofula ,
Ery'alpclue !
Salt rheum , blood poisoning , dyspepsia , Indlges
Uon , and in fact almost all dlsoasca frail
Nature le lick np
Ilavctecn curl by hop hitters , proof of which
anbe found In ovary nclghh0rho'd la the known
1. ;
( I r4
Is n Poaltlvo : nro
! or all those Painful Oomplaint.an4 Weakn..t
't .o commontaourbcstfemalepupul.llaa.
c FXedlelaotortromsn. Invented by alrom.x
Prepared by a 11'antna.
ft.eralyd n.dleal ehrerrrjSine. ( be 1&w. .1 nl.rp
'r ! Itredees the drooping eplrfe , invigorate , rs
.rmonlsostheorganlafunctions , elrescimlicJtr .a
Ermneutothestep , rentorosthonatural lusta . , en
pe , andplanta on the p.e ohtuk of woman thh cx + a
psci of fte'.pring a d earlr uurororr Lima ,
-Physlclane Use It and Prcacrllto It Freely. ' l
at rcmoreetalntnuyaatutencydcutro'
jpr etlmulratandrellovrtweakprtaut the atomnd
That ferfng of bearing dosrn'ea ; uing pain , welgA
µ d hackaaho , L alwaysrmanantir curulhy ft o vs' ,
he the euro of tldnel Cunrplulnf. or cttbur ar
this Compound It uu.urpas.ed.
I.TnIA P. PINialMI'a Gi.ool , PDrlrlfnl
pill eraeicato avury vestlge of Humors trim to
Mond. undglro lnao and arou lh to the t
pan woman or ckud. ln.l.t on having It.
path the Compound and flood Partner nro prrl ie
ra3wd2l5westcrn Arcnuc , Lyim , Jima , t'ite&
pthcr , 1. SixbottlctfortS.peutbymall I UietuI
up1Ui , or of lorcngea , on rocs/ptof price , 51 p r w
toraiUlor. Jtre.rlnkitamtroe , , nnswer.alllettert
Inquiry , Encloseac..usmpt Scndforpamptd.t.
Nafamily ehoutdhorlthoutLTnIA E I'ISX:1L. : t'
y 7EB l'ttui. Thu1 ruin cu"atlpatiun , Wllou.u.t
lodtorpidity of thoUrsr. 2Secuts pcr lox.
* rSoldby nllDrucalet..4
1 -
ira ion
of TIW
Mrs. S.WORLD'S en's
Is rrrrLCz'ro 'vr
Public Iloncfnotroas. Airy. S.
AIii.i-t : insJuptlyeamcdlidstitle ,
and twusindt : are th.dayrejoicing (
ttea 6ne head of hair prodnecl by
her ° ncgnuluf prrparotion ( or rettor
lnib inrigoradng , andbeautifying the
flair , 1crVurld'a ] lair Rc.torcr
quickly deans u the scalp , removing
1)atidruG , and arrestI the fall ; the
tour , JEmy , Is tiianed tout natuat
color'kwiag h lima tatre'rlhlity and
luxuriosa quantity es b youth.
. hair is now restored to , its
youthful color ; I have not
a grayllair , lcfG. I am satisfied -
isfied that the preparation
is not a dye , but. acts on
' the secrcliuns. 4y hair
cease ; Vto fall , which is cer-
tainly' an advantage to me ,
who was in danger of becoming -
coming : l4ald : ' ' Tills is
the testimony of all who
use Mrs , S. A. ALLEN'S
' On. Bottla die lt. " That is the
cxpriaaton of many ltho have had
tsar gray haneaoredtoit.natural ,
color , at'd their bold qot covered
with hair , after using one battle of
' . S. Ft. '
1 ; . . AN AND TRUST C Dt
- . ,1250,00 ! O ,
1. JIuAItrwELL , 1'rtwldent
V i CLAIRE VIcwl'resldeat.
' SVEHSTEltrfroL.arer.
a . WE11H'iVt. faahlur.
J1lltEIi'OIW ;
idcr , OSWald Oliver
J. O. Webster ,
, . J& D. Ilcartwcdl ,
' D.VlI. HcI IiILnuey , ,
Mortgage Loans a 8peoialt q
{ "ham ref rn1a1hi a permanent Items ( omit °
" tad other IegiUy leuuod D , , ;
183 SecurftatoNebrwb e u be ! tugyHaled en
, . umrt bm ftvtmblo ten , Loom loads tut ! to ° rqv
r. au cull eetttal oonntla of the sate t > uou u
pondebta hr
SCClCS Ahont , theR oball Ilidian
1r ,
A oney . oq the Siong R cart ,
t yaliout
An Ontnha Ianco and nF'eastof Ilog
- - Soul ) nut ! Craciters.
Spectral Correspondence of rho Bee ,
Rosanun , INnIAN AarNcv , DAgorA ,
July 18 , 1883.-The thirty nub of prairie
b etween the Minnochialusa and the Rose.
bud are n bed of rases. In eery direr ,
tion this simple but beautiful prairie
fl ewer is aeon , tlolting limo grnva with its
v ariegated colors. Thu wheels of the
wagon crush then in rho teas , Not n
hauls , not n living being is mot ; it is the
I ndian country nud thin fertile snit is not
to ba broken by tau Land of the white
man , The dirty little stream which takes
its nano from the banks of rosebuds
around it compares badly with
t he laughing waters of the ] Siinnu
chnlusn , the river which 11oss s
into the Niobrara near Valentine. illy
guide across the country was 'Casino" n
anmo which is shortened by the Indiana
to t'Cnasun , " std ho gave ma the limo
e tymology of "iltinncchnlusn , ' nl which
h e pronounced the cA soft mud nmou the
final a silent. lVhml sonic Indians , years
ago , discovered this stream , they camped
ono night upon its" std butt n lire.
A storm sprang up and blow lore coals
from rho fire into onto water and they
fl oated anent anmo distnneu tvilhout being
e xtinguished. ' ( 'his immediately suggest-
e d the name ; ntinnc , the wntur , clef , the
fro cthtl , loan , floating ; mhumcchntusal
rho water which floats tw burning cool.
This is a much prettier actirntiot then
rimy of the others , and is probably mare
reliable. The different prouunctationa
arise from the foot that the Sioux coat of
th e Diissoul i use d where time western
tr ibes use l ; saying "dalrota , " an Indian ,
whore thusu tribes all say "laknln" an
] udinn' caul irouuuncu rlt Itlru tit saying
"biinno hnh uza , " instead of (
chnh ] oasn , "
The agency buildings are Pleasantlysitti
uatod on the side of-n hill m rho , valley
6f the ] losubud. They are cmnfortaUlu
fr ame structures , pniutud white noon ser '
; condos with n lugh fares. Hero is rho
rest sidence of 'rho agent , Mr , Janos
Wright std n house far the enjployastho
st orehouses , blacksmith shop , carpenter
shop , stables , office and dispensary.
O utside the enclosure are the stores of
th e throe tttidaro and the log ] nooses of '
the half Uroeda and squaw men , Up and
down the vnllay' are the topcca 'of the
di fferent bands of Sioux , the Brides , the
Loafers , Two Kettle , the Wnh yM1lt zth ,
Ogn11n11ns,1Slinnecoujou and others. At
night , whisn their cam i firc binro out
upot the surrounding hills eta the aeons
of their strange chanting , nccon1pnuial
b y rho beating of drwna comae floatin g
asvrt in the toonli gLt rho eeeuo faeoin
once one and tunas to thoughts of sav o
oleo , wliau n litre baud of white people
lobo that at the agency would not feel so
eccuro in the moist of 8,000 red mot.
The Indian agent , " \Vnc posv1 nco , "
na the Indians cell luiuu , has grunt nu
thorny upon the reservation , eta t ° hits
all the Indiana come and rehearse their
complaints through nu interpreter. In
his olliea fan always Uu tamed spoon of
too lensing chiefs , and near by is the
council-roeut , whore they have pow aowa
o ccasionally. Thu dispensary Ia iii n
] ergo mom , atoll stocked with drugs , eta
hero Dr. Grinnell seals out nncaicino to
t he sic ! : ones at govorntnunt expense ,
T hey Guku whatever is prescribed for
thou ! , sonotimes esvnllnsnng at oun scan
what suns intended far several. They are
pnrticulnfly fond of tea , which pis , often
proscribed eta n medicine. In front. of
t he ollico is the 'ullicu ' hcadquarturo , The
puliconen arc Enll bloodua btainnanrlnca
with rifles , and the do their u'oncc faith.
toll at MG a mmntl % Tha blue clothes
and the honor form the bnlaoco of pay.
Mr. Wright has hnd a uart houao con ,
structeduch to Spotted Tail's disgust ,
but no occasion has beet had et to use
it. 'Toro is no punishment so dreadful
to an Indian as confinement.
In the "iesuo house , " whore the rations
are given out to the Indians , there is al-
way s something interestiuq to be soot ,
\Vluet the doors o pmt in the nuornhi in
rushes n crowd of s squaws-tiro oun never
condo for rations-lau bin d pushing
each other to gain thou first place. Each
brings bags for coffee sugar mud flour , of
winch too receive euou In to last no
weak on presentation of the proper tick-
ot. About once a muntu a ratan of hard ,
broad is issued instead of the flour , and
thin tlto Indians touch prefer as it saves
then the cooking. Bacon is cut our nu d
issued in largo slicesthroo or four pound s
to the fanml , and sonmtinues soap. Thu a
the , pour Indian is given ova tluiiu e h °
n eeds by Uncle Stu. Once n year the
"annuities" nru diatributetl , blatkots ,
tepee cloths , clothing , tinwnru , all kind s
of cloth , coffeu utilhss and is dolmnte "
Eva oo days cut isauu of live beef i
aide t one anittml to t HirtY 1 nee do , Thu o
Iudial rows utoro nud more du n udon t
on the ovprmuoit mud will im tbno for
of non of the acts which n ho ctisud 1
before his conquest. for fol and rmaiment
They tire slowly adapting themselves t a
fanning. havig made butter pro gru as
this ar thou nn yet , nudur clop ' o f
tlto agency fatinlur , Stanley.
Tim Inian has rnotltiut to do unlue s
lie chose , to farms which is'rars. Tht o
young bcks are quite restless and thieve
are sumo onicials who believe thatanothu y
outbreak may occur within n couple o f
care , which will be the last of all Indlat t
, The loon put. in most of t1oi tr
thou loafing ; what work has to bedone I e
always performed by the squaws , Thou r
husbnds can be sot squatted , on ttu 1nil I
tops , completely hlddmu ul their blankets
save the eyes looking out on the land nn d
lost in contemplation ; or playiug pool it t
ore of the trader's stores Dakota "Pa
niozapl'e , a game which they unjpyau S i ,
play skillfully ; or standing around it u
the stow , watching bargHiller or oagngo a
in too feativitos ] of an 'Onuuha'aauw of a
n do , feast , 1Vhun uu Inaiai utssoa you h
If hobo old , ho will enY 'How' l ° if hu b °
young ho will probably ntaiutaht aluugl u
ty silence ,
TIIE 0iiAI1.t nANI'I ' ;
Is the favorite eyeuittg emtortalninent t pf
the noble red roan and tltia lluiug the su n
dance weak we have had opportunity m pi
booing several. The first occurred in tin tl
o1pea house ' , a lob shanty btiluuginie t o
the abgoneY , 1'ntorIunto , Louie ] toubiu1cn
It cotttauus ono long , low room/ dimly lit
with kerosene lent nuundsuirounded wit i
benches , on o10 of which ant the visitor e
ladles adgontlorpen from rib agpnc
ajpprpbminn u as'ty ' loads ( ana other pps '
'limb windows were crowded with th °
, milling faces of gaily dressed LulinrRir le
and in the aoorwwy stypd ' crowd pC
bunblo haired , binck cycd children , Ono
by one duo dancers stalked int win'ppca '
in their Lcav blankets which ! ho throw
aside when ! Itoy took their seats , discloe
l ug their assartll holies in all he glory
of ss ar Hint and feathers. They aero
ucarl all naked , sous the broeclclouts
a nd had stripes nd fantastic dealna of
h ands nud horseshoes minted m their
limbs which wets also covered with aria-
1 0111 nud anklets of brass sonde or cloth.
A band of Ponca Indians is visiting
rho Sioux and Iwo camped near by. They
a rc really minstrels , so to speak , who
lrnvu ) abut giving nal rho
form n prominent figure in tlu "Omn
h its" given hero. Seine of them are beau-
ti ful dancers and are uattired.
'Pima Ponca interpreter hll long red and
greet ribbons tlringljn to rims 1cor from
his lustre , head llruss Ilia body acne
minted rca and ho nourished n vs n cltrU
w hile over his shoulders nud around his
nnclea were strings of sleigh bulls. One
nitro boy worn n beautiful bend shirt.
Tlta dancing consists merely in prnucing
up and down arenas the room , keeping
a ccurate limo to rho monotonous bunting
of the drum by the _ "sing-
e ra. " 'Phone are seated in ri circle
nrutunl run enormous hose arum , the head
of which is pniutca groan , and they all
hnvo 'wculinrdnun ' sticks which look like
c at .tail , With thc u they bast iuccsannb
1 nua sing their own nun 'in chorus
of molt s I1nLlea. Smnutiutes one dancer
will lurid out amnutimus all spring from
! hair eunis together , but , time alma t rho
iron1 adoliA the dancers atop nua al-
w ays occupy the anmo seats they ba
ft > r. 'I'nnhin is kept u , util after
widui ht il than they , 'n beano to their
l edges , ivahoo tin' null ulliu Thin
umtinli line notch anmo olfuct
rho rho a pen
them that it Je hits a I , ou young nleti in
civiliz'ntion ,
lion SOUL'
At these dances somebody usually
hnnhca n feast. " by giving away n box of
c rackers nud soma cellos. If ] tic heart is
overflowing hu''givesaway" n Jwny. Oc
cneioually one of rims numcroueg dogs
around hero is crncifiwd and rho dancers
and their guests revel iii dog soul. I nt
tooled an afternoon ' 'Omaha what
might be stylus n kettle drum ,
a t which this luxury was
s erved. A midalu sizes yellow cur
w its killed by n bier in the ] rand and roll ,
ed into the fire to singe oft the heir.
Some alt ! squaws than cut him up , just
out situ the "opera house" door old
throw him , head rota all , into n big ket
ti e. When the cog was acne the kettle
eta brought , in , together with two pails
cotGuning n gravy umdu of prunes , flour
and augur ; and n whsh bolcr full of
fen , 'l'imo pot contniuing the soup oath
chants of dog was dared in the mttlalo
of onto floor na an old emu crouched in
fr ont of it to lens rho attack , rho setup
re presenting an enemy to Uo conquered.
After nvorknn hitnaclt up to the properc
'point ' by a swinging motion as lie sat , heaped
le aped u p and cmnmotccd to snare slow-
1 around , pretending Inot to notice rho
kettle. ll tltia time iters was a furious
banging at rho aroma nua much shout-
ing. Suddenly rho old chap discovered
the lpruauuco of rho kettle , ease
s everal , inaffoctual anon pts
to overcome it amid finally touched it with
his stick , There anon all the Indians getup
up and dances around raising n fine duet
to settle of their edibles.
"Kola ? " oxelnjnted one , "Friendsi"
"Howl" they all answered , "Yes. "
"Iola ownsin ? " said someone else , "All
friends ? "
"How , 110w ! " was the response from
all altos , "Yes , yosl"
Thu old man then dipped a small stick
judo the soup and waved it to the four
p oints of compass , That was an offering ,
to rho four winds , He threw a nitro ,
a very little , cut the acct. Trutt prepiti ,
area mother Earth , A sprig of sweet.
grass ivns burned under the kettle to
d rive out evil spirit , nun that oleo chiefs
of these tribe , present mod the catholic
priest w ho always nttmtda these htia does ,
f aatcd from the cud of the stick , It was
d eclared goes amid the Tndituny helped in
their tin enpa..1s soon ne ther , had nonce
rho soup they were helped to the pnmee
a mid to ten , A box of ] lnrd tnclt and n
box of sotla crnchero which they had
bought with nnmwy thrown to thorn by
their white visitors were opened mil rho
contents evenly distributed. Thin governg
nuuut is trying to discourage tlucau dance ,
as well as the eon tones , , but with small
succesana , yet. The hnlf Urcca snares
cmtsiet of such1 fiuros [ ? as they calm pick
up front our quaarilla
The Indians have been moong out to
the aun dance cawp for ao ornl days. It
is situntca about three ntilos from rho
agency and rho topcca surrounding , the
itmnonse enclosure make ncircofivo ] miles
in circutnferonco. Thin Lodiata too longer
move their toPcea by amgbtinb time poles
at rho siao bE n ; tine nusv use thin
wa rmla with whpony o nra till rovidetl.
The are conuib from all parts of this an a
neighboring reservations , and it is cx
rted that fifteen thousand Sioux will
bpoe present , General Howard and fanil' +
Col Sumner , conunmutdiu g Ft , Niobrara
m il finally , with at escort of ofticurs tut a
soldiore , hve nrr'vorl ' mid are jut cant P
within the etc' . The big anYs nr Pu
neat Friday amid SaturdaY.
"Don't Hurry , Gentlenton , "
Said n man on his way to ho hanged ; "thero'l 1
by ua hw till I get there. " Wu say to the rya
e > tlc , nervous and elobllitatod , don't luu my
thaugldlosaly for nmou rotnedy of duuhtfu I
merit , uucertuhu of roller whoa you can got n t
rims druggists far ore dollar nutdork 11Gaf lilt
tern almost sure to Burp and certalu to bmt
" "Pia bettor to have loved and lust
Then never to ] lave loved at all. "
On golden haul her white hauls crowed ,
Sang she sweet as wild bird's calk '
All her soul leaped to her epos „
Wealth of joy couchoeJ ht bar IfJa ,
Cloudless wore her happy skies ,
And her sun know'nv eclipse.
"Is It batter to have loved and lust
Than nuyor to ha o hived at all ! "
On her knees her white hands crowed ,
in her voice a plahdlvo call.
I'leadl ° g looked site to the skies ,
' 1'reublml sad tlto tender lips ,
But time tears that filled bier eyes
Veiled theiruiswworiu eclipse ,
'Twere batter never to have loved
'Tda only to have lood and lost ,
Sulloxiug s koeuest pathos moved
All the words by paaalor tossed' '
liho beholds nu haven yet
WLoro her sluattoretl Itches shall rise ,
Vividly tlu'uugh all regret
F1ouW of ranter nwnwrlwi ,
--II , L,1Visemu ,
' ' .
Exlremo'I'Irud Peeling.
A body tulle its "rho fist bottle In a
dean ut auughtyr a 6Trott dual of goer 1 ,
her load lees nut distress bur now' , ' n ° r
dour alto suitor float that uxtruutu tire 'l '
fouling' which situ did bolero btkir ug
] Cecil's Stltenparilln , " A aecupd Lott Jp
n Curp , ] Su other propurintio , t
ajnillasuch tt4oncautndioulpvilali ( in
enriching , purifying and a 'igoiatin g b ;
propurtiusita Ifood's Sturauparilln ,
The fact that 100 irls hai'o Iwmt ward ed
out aE the treasury ilu par sent within fvt tr
montta loads uq 4rouutkthat Dlr. 'I'onic r 'a
taylmn must newt yoplenlaldng shortly ,
Time Bewitching Bang.
Tito flat has at last gone forth
"Away w Ith the she bang I"
And all the girls loth south and north ,
Are filled with many a pang.
0 , sharper titan n serltent's tath
And deadlier than its fangi
Are laws , opiosed to lo'o anti truth ,
1Vhloh ostracize the bang I
how oft have { oet + warbled sweet
Anil serenaders sang ,
In winter's cold nail summer's heat ,
of the bewitching hang ,
When cntle maidens soughtrelwso
Time light guitar would twang ,
And soft upon the air arose
The . muatoof the bang , 1
0 , stamo on thatlnconocln + t
Who with his harsht imaramiguo ,
Dotlt seek to xweeIm Into the pa + t
The beauty of the bang.
Lot maids and matrons all umiito
1Vlrilc still their frizzes hang ,
And.wnvo aloft lwth duty anti niglit
The harmer of the bang.
Let not ctamnnd of priest or pogo
Or nay clanking clang
Compel them to grow satt and mope
Or "shoot" time bomniag bang.
_ . . . .
Puked sleeves ht Queen Mary style are seer
upon new French dresses.
The cohw'oh style of cmnanshlIu among
young ladles is nlonger declared
capes matched to time dress and
eniahed with n rullla of Oriental or other far
cq loco are much worn this summer.
A young lady svho desires to drop the ac.
qunhdnnco of n y oung roan carries a attic nll
vet sicklostttck { u the budlcu ut her dress.
Cowbells arc hung over the garden gate ht
rho country , mod tied with big bases of bfio
ribbon whet rho young ladies are at bade asp
pa away.
Wldto satin fnns are lend painted on both
sides with numerous litre a ciders amid butter ,
( lies. Each one must bo pn ntet by n friend
or admirer with their inlhnlsundor it ,
A young wotunn in Erie lies mnrried her
b rother's svifu'a father. ] ] y this nrrnngeuucnt
she becomes her hrotner's mothcr hrlnw , mnl
limns the young man has mnlyuue buss Imiatend
of two.
"rho things we call women" are , nccnrtling
to lfrs. Swixshelm of ChicA'ao. "simply
etnnll packniea nE ache mod pmna Bona o ,
in velvet and loco amid tapiwd of ssth ( ostric n
"Tel-el iiibir" Is a u ° w cloth for costumes ,
much rrsumbliug nlLatntas cloth , only very
mush thickrr. It coupes ht nmonucluome pnt
tcrnq and also in Lroendas , aeon of witch
a re eery gorgeous.
Palo pnlc ( lawn dresses atoned to the waist
with u Litu Iacu , rho bodice mod alcoves being
Alxe coveted with rho loco make very charnp
ingdroxses. They have thenjgwaranceufrosy
clouds through n white mist ,
String beaus cot in shall daces umay be
served with roast veal or lens in place of peso
and mushrammns with good , freer ; in fact , mnuy
, , wo , lu a hu do not ilea them in Huy otlmer way
thorn tiny give n good relish when cooked
with tlm meat ,
Time prettiest batlrimmg suit for ladies arm of
elate uAS y blur flannel , with white or red
c ashmere , hornets stitched et the collar ,
sleeves , belt , skirt and trousers , .or vise the
' , nuts mmntioned have row after row of white
LeAld ouofuurth of mm inch wide
Stewed cucumber will be a new dish to some
conks ; peel and cut iu IeugLtuisestrios [ , either
Lalves or quarters of time cucmnLers. Lot them
boil lit svatcr with salt mod pepper in it ; when
tmulerserve ontoast with nlittle butter , This
will sometimes tmnpt time nppetito of a conva-
A novel amid dressy bodice for evening wear
consists of n short zouavo locket of tinted silk
or earn , nndernenth u'hic t is ss ont a dainty
wnlatcoAt wtuly of tulle or Persian mull laid in
softest ( olds over the shoulders and narrowing
of rho belt From here time ( olds flow Inusoy ]
and strap around the hips to be caught up witlm
tf he trapwgs of the dress dirt lit the back ,
f orming light { ianlars undam'naath the edges of
the zeunvu. wtdch only reach to the waist.
Pineapple prepared in this way is delicious
with ice cream , or ssitheutit ; Grate rho pine ,
apple , after rmnnving Diory particle of rho
poet , or chop it ; fE taunt behrlnced so fine tb u t
any ono sarong it will lie in no doubt as to the
method of its preparation ; 'add ' sulUcient an-
g in to , warren it ; lot it story gently until it is
soft. Whet it is proiuarotl thus it can b e
eaten by mnuy who are obliged to refuse it
micoolted on recount eF its lirotucing indigos.
That nmysterious article of time toilet known
severally us the tunrnour , rho criuolatto , or th
bustle , hna rtgaht asserted itself , and fe now
ncknoselcdgod as imllepensnblo to rt coerce t
taller , It appears to rations shuiws and di
mousions , each style of dress lmavitim its own
s pecial tAurnouq large or small , nnrrosv o r
broad , long or short , to suit rho light or heavy ,
short or trained dress with which it is worn.
These are uow mndu of different tissues , Ia
eluding Ivanncrn Sntiu , mcrveilloux , netwLit u
g ingham ' orcmuLric , elastic cloth , hair cloth ,
1Lnon. Sows of the latest styles
h ave Louis SoIFO'pnniors continued over the
Lips , but these are not euemall worn and ar °
prepared to order only. ' 1'hemo is also tit a
sldrt'svltL the Andnlusicu tournour trhntued
around 'the edge with a flounce of starched
numellu , which cat be ronnovod at pleasure ,
The fasldems of the presort season are cer
taiuly eoletie. There appears to be no parts
color style witch bus become universal , ( rims r
ht rho cut or time nmterinl oEtho dross and rny
to bonnets thieve aeons to be no coil to the
variety. 1 ekes of many names amid jdnds
cnpote , toques , melon shapes , luincesse , am 1
Langtry lwuneGr mire all worn , Thostyloa are
not so exnggerao d mluerotofuro both hats ano
banners Lcing of immoderate stzo , [ nut apart iron
that fact over thing in time bnauct line is to b °
nmet with , The latest oddity is a lint with
round , low crown , time brim siashcdnndtuntc
back , and held with glitterimig Jut oruautots '
Th1a brim is ] hued with black velvet , eiiget 1
with narrow thread lace and trinunad outsld °
} vth ( jotted fantlmera or n new daacrlpttou , euf t
amid willowy , and pmvdered with a glitterit ' 1f
black vitrification which sparkle like diamond "
Time woarerg of the now lauupblack patoi t
x ur . prised eyebrows will probably oxpedeneo a
fuil.growxr tarantula shudder rambling up emi ad as
down their sphnal culunme at the latest now s
tram Now yore lwhorv rho surprised ogebrut v
gonnluatool. liuriug a severe storm , recently ,
o lady exposed to it , whose uyae wcrotnade iii '
gorgeously In Chu latest .1n moose .enl drea
eull lmnobinckor's highest art , had time ioain t
washed down into her egos , and therlront be
came totally blind for thrutm wooks. And tit °
only wmuler ( s that time lanpblack conclude d
to let her go at the and of tlmat time , On
thing , at least , la very certain-tho eyebrow e
got a gonuitmo old fasldotmd "lmold fast to ah
I gh o-you" surprise , which will supply them
during their nattrrai life.
Florida is having tweutyaix now Protests ut
Epssmpul clmurchea built.
Cardinal lslnnuhig la 73 'oat's old , amd L
canna a Ronan Catholic wilco ] to was 43 year e
old ,
Moitom hiss eight , roaperous Baptt .t
churches , all organlred wiltldmi tire past tw v
A umajority of time Presbyteries of the Sys , ,
eel of 1'eansyh'mla have adopted time dehegmi to
syatmn ,
The llaptiat church hr Patalnura owns tl no
hall whichn seas nsotl by time vigilance cornett t
tea him 1850.
Father Brazil , of Des Moinea , is aceusod of
asphiug to thu maitre uiuee vacant by t }
death of the } ate 111shop McMullan , of Dave , :
' 11mo Itlothodiat clutrehiesuf Chicago will Lu Ia I d
u canup wouting at Duspluhiua this your , b a
ginnblg ubuut August 17th , and lmwttlag or m
svuuk ,
There ae anent 30,0(10 ( Chrfstinu Indlauts tot
the United Status nud auo hnlt of those u ro
lhgotbts. Tau nnilliuna of elunorlcan Chrt a.
titer ought to lw able to Chdsthudzo this you , , ,
intuit of n duparting race ,
At n colored caret uuwllus near CuluutUu . ,
0 , , ono of the uvaulu exercises Imaa been ti m
"bronkiu ; ; of Gidanl a laugoa ; lu Illuatrut l u u
of time bible story of Gidoo ° and hna Lund , w' ' uhu
when warred u wa by the i'htillstlues ' , cat Ito
uwn ! Len at u ght frown dltforout dlractio us
aunt broke their law with agroatuoiso , can t
tug rho flight ut thciiamnoumioa. . Tha proc oat
sion of nrgru Giduuultea fvriuoa at Iloadqus r
tern and marched ihrougli time audience , coin-
l og oleo time enemy at throodittatent , ixolnts ,
when time brenklng of time lamps took place ,
It aromas that there survive in an obscure
little 4illaga in Thuringia two mono dcacend
ants t111nrtht Luther , whose linerig0 is un
dnuLted and who bent hs ( borne , One ( e n
aarjwnter in 1In + ter Allendnrf , timid the other
i s a tLesloglcnl nEudcut at the Unlecratt ( of
, Tons , Ln the lapse of centuries ( t would ho
difficult to define time exact rolntlonddp too the
llatnnner , but the line 1A traced direct , Tld +
b ranch of the Luther fatally enJuq , in rnnait
ernikonof rho services of their ancestor , n tight
that ench mmn shall on his confirmation re-
c eive fifty Ebnlcre , tar Itnnpprentlceshlptnanq
tnido or calling n second fifer thslcts , and out
his marriage a third stun of nuke nnrount. Ono
hundred art fifty thalers ono about. 115.
Ito Not hove Blind ! ) .
fo carefully in purclmasing medicine , } fnny
advertised reumcdies can , work great injury-
-are wuntu then unite , ! f urvfuck 1llurxl Ifitfrra
mi re purely n vegetable pre < tnratbm ; rho anutll
oat child earl take tLmu. 'l Iney kill disease and
c ure time patient iu n solo and khully manner.
During time past nineteen years time Iowa
City law school ! has sent out 1,01 ( ; lawyers ,
Of 1'Iw ' five Iowa youths recently aunt to
West I'ulut two ( allot ! W pass time nccensnty
( nspectlmn ,
About 200IGiman Catholic children were
recently ordered to leave the public schools at
Toronto , umilcs their pareutx pay public schuul
cos ,
Up in Clackmnrts county , Oregon , siren the
s chool teacher scants the boys and girls
to cons to school Nhu blows a hurry and they
come piling ant of rho avnyona coward rho tent
pie uE lenrnhig.
Two uuedical schmools for women are to lie ca-
tablislued in the prnt inea of Ontario , ono Dm
Toromtu anti uuo in Hhngstun , and Time Turuu
to Globe xaya in this respect tire women of
t he province will ho better nfI than Choy
a re m the matter of higher education hm gen.
Tim exwdtnouts , at Amherst mod elsewhere ,
in sul > stltuting sentbnvcrvnnent tor faculty
governuwut among cllege atudcuts , rue not °
now faun. Lt the Illinois State Ultlveraity
rho plat tuns triad net years ago , nud n furnrnl
r eport mn rho waits of the system was made
t wo years since , llr , Gregory n [ the civil ser-
v ice cmnudssimn was president of rho imiatihn
tier , Legislative pusvars were grnoted rho
s tudents its n whole , and ] c islniimn mtgasust
olfenNCe suns dhdy ulfectcd. F'Imo lines ht uo
case exceeded five dollars Time president ap-
p ointed n marshal nud three judges , mod these
gautlonen acted as n court. Trials bolero this
court ss cro ssithout a jury. 'l'imo prealdaut had
a veto , and authority for suepenswn or expul
sion was among time reserved rights of the
faculty. Later , for convenience n senate of
t wenty-one uwmLararapresmtted the etndents.
I1uch oppusitiou suns oncnuntored , but time
plan vas rcasounbly successful , nceordiuq to
the rolwrt.
Time new dcpartmcut of philosophy , which ,
through time active hmstnummmtality of 1'reai
dent 11ICfeN1m : , ( s about tuLucomo mt important
( estate of Priucatun , is already pretEywell ad
snncod tuwnrt nrgnnnzatimu , Dr. bcCnslnvnl
b e attho bend of it , giving Instruction in pay
chulogy , ldstory of phllUaodly ; , dIaCUNNWmrB ell
contemtcrazy ihilnsuphy had aesthetics , Pro-
foaeur Charles V , Shteldls hill lecture on Iho
relAtiuu of Iscienco awl religion. 1'rofossot
Wllliaw B [ , Sloan lout been apiwintet protea
ser of the philosn'phy ' of history nud of politi
cal science , Professor Ortunud , lately a pro-
l essor fu rho State University of 1hmasota
has heat nps { ntod professor of logic and will
also roach , tines. It is intended , if possible ,
tinting the cetnhng year , to utopoint n professor
of neural philosophy ; , tlneoretu + al and prnctical ,
and also n pmfcasnraf juriepnulottca and poll ,
tical economy. 'fhesu six cLnint will consti
tuts a school of philosophy.
First Itate Evidence.
"Often amiable to attend to hmisiness , being
subject to serious disorders of the kidneys.
Altar a long aeries of illness triad Ituvlack ,
J ibe' ! hitters end was relieved by built n Lot
tlollr. If. Turuerof , lluchester , N.Y.takea
t he pains to attire.
1Ldl-way in Love.
You hasae coma , then how very clover !
I thenght son would scarcely-try ;
I was doubtful nmysolf-however ,
You have come , and so hate I.
Ilasv cool it fs hero ; and pretty ! '
You are vexed ; Ihn afraid I'm Into ;
You've beet waiting-O what a pity !
And it's almost half past eight ,
So it is ; I can hear it striking
Out there in time gray clnrelt tower.
Why , I wonder at your liking
To wnit far mna Iualf an ] tour !
I nun sorry ; what have you been doiug
All the svliilo down hero by the pool ?
Da you hear time wild dove cooing ;
how nice it is here , and cool !
Iiosv that elder piles and masses
Her great bluouts snowys veet ;
Do you see tltrouglm the serried grasses
Time forgetano uuts at your loot ?
And time fringe of flags that incloses
The water , and how the place
Is alive within mhuk dog roses ,
Soft-colored hike your face !
You like then ? shall I pick one
For a badge and coin of Juue ?
Tlmey are lovely , but they prick one ,
And they always fade so soon.
Hero's your rose. I think love like this is ,
Timid buds botwcet two sighs ,
And flowers between two kisses ,
And whet it's gathered dies
It were surely n grievous tltiue , hero ,
'flmatdovo almould fndo ht one's eight ;
It were butter , surely , to flhig love
Of wlmilo its bloat ( s brigltt ,
'fho frail hfo will not linger ,
Best throw time rose away ,
Tlwugh the thovas , huvlug scratched ana' H
ftuger ,
Will Imrt for half n day.
What ! you'd rather keep it , and xao it
Fade and its petals full ?
If w ou will , wlmy Amen , so be it ;
1 ou may be right after all ,
-Lave ( n Idleness ,
Nervous 1Vonkness , Dyepopaia , Im
patuucu , Sextual debility cured by Wull'
"Health Rmtewer , "
RuLimmatuhr'a "Nero , " Hnlvay er's "Itiduar d
Ill. , "I Idtuani , " by 1'onchlollt , and " 1 . a
Almpgno Rapitn " by Irigu , will h ° rho opera ,
to novelties to lk I'eturaburg not seuswm ,
Ilon Diuult 1V111 du It ?
how much of 7'Jwnwa' Erlatrtc Oif is r '
qtlil'ad to cure ? Only n very little. , A fa ; Y
dro u + will cure airy kbul of an ache ; nail but A
trifle nmoro is noedud for sprains and lammtea 8
es , ltlteuutatista is not so readily affected ; a 8u
ounce and sometimes two uuncea are requlrot 1 .
No nmedichin , lmowever , is so aura to cure wit h
time ammo nonbvr of np dicatlow ,
Max Strakoaclm will alter Sulupi Morse's tot n ;
pie mi Twomtythbrd ttreet , New Yor g
itrla a theater duriing the summer , rand now n
it In the autuuw with time now opera , "Lett o.
Epilepsy ,
EVER FA1i SI i ConynI-
oleo , , ranting
Skkruu , i3t. Vitus
Dance , ditrohor-
faro Opluta Eat
? NEGRE T IngmSUphrrrfr ,
Scrofula , Kings
N E R Y EvtJ DlscnscerDyrpp , Ugly Blood
eta , Nenauanesa ,
CON QU E R O R Rheum irk IlradacAr n t tam , ,
2Venotw l f eakneu , Brain Worry , IifoaJ Sorer ,
lilllouanrse , L'arfhtrresr , Nervous 1'rostratlou ,
b4iruyTruubkaandIrrqjutarUicr. * 1.110.
Nanapl Testl'aoululs. ,
SamatltanNcrvYaclsdoing svondc r
Dr. J , O , fdrlamota , OltAla ,
"I feel it may duty to recommend It. "
Sir. Vla , L ° ughtln , Clyde , Iiaaase ,
' ] t cured wboru ph failed , "
or J d Pa.
Cono.pondooco finely . '
For . .
The Or. S. A. Richmond Med. Co „ SG Jgaoph , Nor
Sold by all Dr.gRlde. (17 ( }
I will close oat fifty Patterns of
FineChamber Suits
Tills IS TIiB
Greatest BargaiY ever Offered in Omaha for such Goo&
, t
1206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street Omaha Neb.
i. , & f ;
- Heating and Eakin g
t. Is only attained by using
- - i7 cr.rt . , > 7f CHARTER OAK
, , Stoves and Ranges ,
r J
; it For solo by
' . s
N 1
Reina Victorias Es eciales Roses in 7 Sizes from 60
to $120 per 1000.
Combination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming and '
. 1
Brigands. '
, t
. ) 1.
A .
Wholesale Grocers e
, 1213 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb.
Double and Single Acting Power and Hand
Engine Trimminga , Mining Macitinoryi Bolting , Hose , Brass and. Iron Fittings ,
Steam Packing at wholesale and rein ] , HALLADAY WINDMILLS , CHURCH
Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb.
r I
. , - - - tJ ;
P .
Hulk ! all kinds at Steam ISoIIcn.Aumaka , Slack , , nreahing lard , water and 011 Tank , , and do a genera
ptate iron 1uahteta. ltealrbig , dune fu City and Country. All work ,
Done at Eastern Prices and Warranted !
Secondhand foilen will ho kept or hand. llarhug liad many years experience hum the traduIn different parte
of time eamutrv IautronadentIcaglue , .atlafactioiu , Imam ing the het shop and tools In time State , Shop
con Iothmudl'Jarcustreete J M. WILSON 1Proprlotor.
I Corics , MIodov Fiias1 !
Skyllhte Sal Tlddccnth Street art Ncb g y ,
A. . I3 : ELLILJE 9
CnTios S1'ill
Sly itepotutery U aonstaatly filled with a select stock. Uost Vorkaanaldp guaranteed.
Office and Factory S W Corne , r l6tb and Capitol Avenue , Qmaha
4 ' 1