Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 TIIE DAILY BEE , OMAHA , FRIDAY , JULY 20 , 1883.
The B1ack Bills Sketched is SU'oag '
Colors apd Framed ill
Friglcrs' ' ilL
its CltlcaTownx , Mlnea.and I'eoplo
Vrccly Outllnctl on a Shadoivy
linckground ,
Contributed to The Rex. )
The Black ] [ ills of Dakota onbrac a
district of country about ono hundred
(100) ( ) miles in length by sixty in width ,
lying n tat , 45 and 40 North , Leung.
103. They derive their name from the
Indians and wore Recalled from their dark
appcamnce when viewed from a distance.
On a bright day the traveler , coming to.
ward the hills and seventyfrvu or eighty
miles distant Wi11 sco what appears to be
an indistinctly colorcdl flttl imperfectly
outlined cloud hamigiimg ] war the horizon.
Uixni approaching nearer , the cloud
aecnms to grow darker and the ottlinos
more distinct until ho arrives within thirty
or forty miles of thou , twhei the moun
lain peaks dispel the cloud illusion nod
he learns that what he has been regarding
n9 a black cloud is the Black Hills.
The secnrry of Chess nnountainsaro both
varied and beautiful.
All around then and in among then
are beautiful valleys and parks. There
are also beautiful etreammis of clear , cool
water lluwiug front golden mountains
down into tutu valleys below inviting time
tiller of the soil to stick in his spade nod
reap a timousand fold ,
The Indians favorite h11ndimm ground
was among and around those lulls. No
wonder then thnthu fought Ho desperately
to keep the white nun away , for hero he
fountd time bear among tutu rocks , the wild
deers nrud the parks and forest , the ante.
Lupo lived anmist thu foothills and the
bulalo grazed min time valleys mid upo11
time , plaum , and a1poi time tnouttaun strcamns
the beaver had built his huusu.
Time Indians say they kney there was
gold here lolmg before the white men
cameo , but they do not know where it was
first discovered. They frequently took
specimens ofgold into time trading posts.
may properly be regarded as the metropolis -
olis of the Hills. It has an active Iwpu
] ation of 4,000.
Being time county sent of Lavruncn
county , the United States district am :
county courts are hold inure , amid pro.
sided over by the able jurist , Judge
There hro in Deadwood churches ,
schools , a number of wholesale and retail -
tail business houses , two banks , and is
incorpomted ; also two daily papers-The
Times and Time Picnoer.
is situated about three miles southwest
of Deadwood , and is noted not only for
its mines but for it great quartz.mills. It
hasa population of about 2,000and nun ,
bers about sixty business houses , also
having schools , charclmos and a bank.
I One paper is published hero Tee Lead
d a City Tribune.
This thriving camim' ' ) derives its importance -
ance from the fact that time Deadwood ,
I Terra and Caledonia comes and mills
, located hero. The camp lots a o ula
tion of from 800 to 1000 souls with the
usual public schools , which arc well at.
d teid
, is west of Deadwood "bout three miilos ,
and fs also noted for its minus and mills ,
' o- , public scnools , churches , a bulk , and a
' large number of busiucss houses ; IpoItula
f lion about 2,000
Ali' srEAnF1HU.
The Queen City of the Valleys , located
, r fifteenm lesnortlmwestof Deadwood upon -
) : on S earfmsh crook , a strewn that for vol-
tt limo and purity has no rival. A gricul-
turn an stack raising the ) rumcipal
. 1 business , has a population of over two
thousand. North of Spoarfnslt is Iron
9 d crook , Sand creek , Nig gcr Hill , and Pc.
, fate crook , all placer dm g imibgs. Ole ! ) n
per published hero , the tognster.
,1a A prettier location for a sotClotmm0rnt
l cannot be found in time hills , just out.
? side of time vain range , upon limo largest
1 and purest stream that assists in drain-
. . , in tlmo mountains at time head of a beautiful -
tiful valley. "Also known as time Gate
City of the Black Hills' " Stock raising
. antagriculture time mnain 1pursuits , Time
Black Hills Journal'printod hero , Population -
ulation 1,800. Has schools and churches
and time county seat of Pemiington
County scat of Custer comity , is one of
the most prosperous cities of the southern
hills , it is located on French creek forty -
ty miles front Buffalo Gap , northwest.
i Has schools and churches , the principal
( industries carried on hero is nuniug in
quarts and mica , one of time most prunmia
mg resources of time Black Hills. The
Chronicle published weekly by Clark min d
located fourteen miles from Deadwood ,
east on the main ptago roads to Pierre
and Sidney , occupies a beautiful situ and
contains about 6 inhabitants.
This fine military post was establislmed
under the name of "Camp Ruhlot , "
r Auguet 27 , 1878 , Major Henry Larelle ,
First Infantry , coumandimm g , at limo time.
It is in fact ammo of time most nmilltarY
posts in Limo far west.
the second largest town In Poningtou
3 county , twelve miles so'mthwest of Rapid
and tartY five miles from Custer , has a
population of six lmundrod , Itwas d
in 1877 and attained its largo growth mm l
prosperity in ' 70-80. It is surrounded l
with gulches rich fm places from which m
m large tluunlities of gold dust hav'o bee n
' s taken. "
Hayward , Rockford , Sheridan , Pactola
Hill City , ' 1'igervilo and others art
strictly gcamps , amid naturally vo ri
busY t this time of the year.
' The Rminorals or nmoro ) ro ) ofly speak
nunuroue consmstin
im g he metals arc g
of gold , silver , cop1)er , iron , lead , coal ,
salt s etroleuni mica ) sum , asbustns ,
and 1 luuiba"o. 'rime b bit been imitli .
erto for goil , amid prospoekra who ills
covered silver float throw it away. Col
Davy and his son ,
beggar developing the ittig Bul I
mine at Galorma shipping Ids ores t o
Omaha , ft was found to pay big , but tin u
Cob r low has a sumeltor and quartz atilt it um
operation hero in Galemla , mud very suc .
rcosfuiy working both smutting and milling -
ing ores.
is invigaratiug mad healthful , last year
was the coldest ever known ben , and
yet , owing to limo dryness of time nto11u
tarn ahnospliero , we , lid not feel it so
A peculiar feature hero is what minors
call tire "Chinook breeze , " fret umttl' in
winter a Worui wind will cnnu , imm
over the mountains from time west , mel -
iug Lima snore , and causing ver- fine
weather ,
The vnlleya are rich amid fertile anti the
soil deep , Corn can be raised pure butjs
net a suru crop except iii the soitlwrt
Lille , wheat , barley , oats , clover nod
timothy , are sure crops and of excellent
quftlitics. At time lnst Black Ilills fair
were aim uxhibitiomi of native green corn ,
wheat , rye , barley , oats , clover , nrul
timmothy ; pum'kimis ' weighing miinetytlmrcuy
1pounds squashes , m elons + potatoes , ( very y
fine ) cabbage ( mnmenso ) turups , rumba.
gas , and many otlmor vegetables.
STOCK 1la1Hllfi.
Greater atrides have beemi taken in the
cattle growing industry mertnimiing to the
? mills locality than amm , other awimm to time
large area of excellent grazing land
unc favorable climate
rclimi the hills , time
for stock gof all kins the sim erior fnculi-
ties for ship1pie g to time great nuarkots of
time east and to the speedy , certain amid
largo returns from investments ,
There arc today not less than 204,215
head of cattle enameling the hills , repres-
cntimm a gross v'abmeofatleast$5,020,085 ,
and [ fontY of roo11a for 2,000,000 Lends
of cattle mare.
IAKOTA ) ' .
These famous sprmimgs are situated in
Fall Rivercmmty about tweutylivo miles
southeast of Castor City amid eleven muies ;
west of Bu/hio / Gap , std min Fall River
four miles above its mouLh. The miedfcj
nnl qualities of these waters havu been
known to time Sioux Indians far years , and
thuy have been in the habit of taking
timeir sick to then when nfllicted with
chronic discasos. The country around
these springs canmiot be snrpassetl for fertility -
tility and beauty , 1Vhcmi protcrarrange
nmmts arc nmdu they are destined to bu-
como omic of time greatest attractions of
time Black hills , as a resort for time sick
amid plensuru seeker. Time mnedicimmal
propurtlos of these waters eonsistof iron ,
sulphur , magnesia , 5adn , potassiu , lime ,
etc , , makutg it one of the beat COlnpOlllllls
known to harnme amid a s peafmc for
chromiio dmsoua s such as r1 ounmtisun
scrofula , erysgmolas , indiguatton , piles ,
constipatio , syplmilimm , etc. 'lime presemmt
owners at no dmst'mt tine expect to coma-
meico a sarics of improvouoits ) of time
most substantial amid attractive ehtiraetcr.
Your townsman time lion. Julgu Dudley
is largely interested in titeni.
Time beauty of this place canuot be ox-
called by the famous watering place of
Baden Baden , Germany , hmtvini ; a waterfall -
fall of sovottylivo feet , four tiles below
those springs , also a cave , ; , groves of cedar
and alma besides time medicinal properties -
ties it contains , it is also highly charged
with electricity , curing same cases in a
very short tine
bet veon the Black Hills and the east is
over the Sidno line owned by Mr. Dtarsh
tL Co , of Omuta T. H. Russell general
agent Dcaawood , D , q , ) , lhrs Itle runs
from Dendwoad to Sidney on the Union
Pacific railroad , a distance of about 280
miles in 48 hours , persons desiring to go
east , or to Colorado , California , or time
southern states , will find this the most
direct route for thorn to travel en , It is
one of time best equilLed routes fn time
wostlarge andcomondmous'stations , with
every facility for time comfort conventenco
of time , lmavin g bon erected
en the uto'ainervals ' of fronn twelve
to fourtocn nmilos apart.
Dakota hot Springs ,
Fall River Co , D. T ,
Do not forgot to add to your Lenmonado or
or Sala ten denIas of Angostura Iiltters
It hnparts a dolicloas flavor and prevents all
Smnmer Dlsoases. Be sure tolet the geminlmie
Anuoshtra , manufactured by 1)r. J , G , B.
Changes in the Cattle Trade ,
It is very evident to time close observer
or that time shipping of dressoil beef from
towns like Kansas City timid Cimicago to
time markets of time seaboard , aid oven
back smear the points of original supply ,
has proved a decided hell p to time cattle-
raisers of time west , because it has romi
dared time western nmrkots conparatively
indu' ' ondont of lluctuntions in time cast ,
whichm at tinmus were soviulentnud sweep-
log as to swallow the' profits of a season
in a very few days , and all because amm article -
ticle s ( bulky as live cattle is mint easily
tramtaIortal fomi Ipoint to point , b ut must
soil whom it reaches its dustination or omit
up the profits that ouglmt to accruu.
Upon this topic , an nitorostimg one for
cattle mumi , the Drover's Journal re-
nutrks :
"For nmamy years Chicago has been
famed as time greatest live stock market
on the globe , but , notwithstanding that
fact , she has been greatly dupundont upon
the Eatorn seabord snot to a less extent
cii time intorumodinte nmmirkutsVlmun time
New York market teas overstocked and
weaker , Chicago was weaker in symilpitthy.
Now , New York may be full to overflow-
mug of live cattle amid Chicago londed
ime nvily without any ) arco ptiblu , tvcoken
iug in this market. Now York nolun er
controls Chicago , but Clmicsgo is more and
amore getting to control time live stock
business of the whole country , It is time
ono grant distributing centor. Time reason
of the market ehango is attributable to
time growth of the dressed beef buaimiuss
of Swift Brothers & Co , , Armour &
Cu , and 0 , H , Ha11unoml & Co , ,
to say nothing of others engaged imt
dressing and preserving heats here , exert
a greater in6uuneo upon the market than
the eastern seaboard buyers of live stuck
ever did. They buy freely not uuly of
good cattle , but of te bust that are offer.
mid , Somof time finest cattle seen
hero lim nmontlms have been bouglmt timid
dressed lore title week at outside prices ,
for shipnmunt to Now York jmi refrgeator
cars. Some of time nmost bight toned
butchers in time eastern cities are taking
front these Chicago firms , 'l'hu mount is
in vastly hatter eonditioaon arrival there ,
after havnmg been almiughterod in Chicago ,
than if sent ou foot , 'Timis is n fact that
mods but little dunmonstration. It is hat-
emit to all , heavy trains of live cattle
continue to go enstwwdd ovary tiny' but
, time daily trains of refrigerator lieu ? are
rapidly growing in nuutber.
'Pte pooled ntiluadswitlm Cuunnission-
or Fick and hfa figures , luit o miot site.
- coedud i11 their rueuut uttuumpt to destroy
this connmir sulmse mmethod of lmns tort.
log beef. IVu have the authority of to e
Newark ( N , J , ) SundaCull fom'iestatu
Went tint 'rmotwithsbmudimi g time diserim
. hmatioi of thu milroamls in ( lto frei ght
rites on Chicago dressed beef , lwhich
thu Chicago ship ) ems of this bouf , ur
rather , the Ureeita trbu ) uchasoit in
the east , tire obliged to a f'R n au1p m
sititious anoumt of olrul iii order to 1ro
tact the rich lieu dtoekshippers , tlmisbeef
Is bein6 sold in Newark at reasummablo
1lricex. This is dime to the action of the
Frio roads which transports the dressctl
carcasses , and has refused to be governed
by time excessive rates agreed a ) b the
the west yTime
oher trunk lines to ,
rates on Chicago dressed beef
are now 00 per cent higher
than the rates on cattle , but evert with
this discrimination we lmnve reasonably
cheap beef. It is now proposed to greatly -
ly increnso the rates , w mth a view of slnmt
titg cheap beef out of the eastern niar
hots altogether , Commissioner Fink
Imo proparetl n report on time subject , in
which ho recommends the higher rates on
the dressed beef alaipmetta , , cold a pressure -
sure Ima.s Leon brou ht a of the Erie to
agree witlltlmemn. f me lain , Em glish of
it is that iii order tlmt time live stock
yards oWned or controlled by the railroads -
roads stay prosper , time people shall pay
extortiotnto pncs for time meat they
comiune. Tints a tax is levied a
men and workimm men it time east to
onriclm cattle dealers and railroad oficimtls
without time least spew to pretense of
justice or riglmt.
Seven Ilrnmlred Busy Workmiioi In
time New HIIp Yard at 1'ort
Itlchumomid ,
1'hhladolplmia ] lccord.
A steel yacht conatructed by time American -
rican Ship buildhug Comte ammy. , for Dforris
K , Jussu p of Newport , Itlmodle Island ,
launched fort
was at Riclunoud -
a nd christened the "Itover" This
is the vessel that has taker time water
from Comnmamider G"rriuge's sumip-yard.
It is n beautiful specimtemn of nmarino
Many other contracts are being filled
by tutu new ecinpaty , notably a large iron
ship for 1Villian H , Starbuck , of Now
York , witiclm is rapidly npproaclming coui-
detiot. Two tugs tor time Pacific coast
will be launcled in a few days , when the
comistructior of two midoru for iiHQ at [ In.
vana , Cabe , will immediately begin.
Last week , Coumiandcr Gorringu states ,
he contracted for the building of two iron
thrce mmnsted centreboard schooners for
I'hiladelphia parties. Ono of these-for
Cnptaiu Juiumsomi-will be 136 feet hang ,
33 feet beam amid 11 feet f ] inches depth
of hold and the other-1.41 feet long-is
ordered by Captain Malloy' who will met
it in time West Ilmdia amid cuastimi 6g trade.
Seven hundred nmoi are of do 'edl ju time
different du artmerits ) of thu yard , Everything -
thing is in readiness for placing in rot
tier lloatiimg dock amid atca rivetin l ;
machine ,
It ' 'ISIt to ti Fttrtmier's Daughter iii
Ohio Who Wears the Largest
Shoes on Earth ,
Chtcinuati H ngnircr.
SANDUSKY , July 7"-Fannie Mills has
the biggest feet in the world , so far as
known , and they are still growing. Your
correspondent came hero on purpose to
see time wonderful sight , whichm would ,
under ordinary circumstances , be a very
indelicate proceeding. It seemmms stramlge
amid ratlmer unusual in a young mama to
travel 200 smiles to see a pair of feet , and
those belonging to n woman.
Fannie Mills is 22 years old , mid re-
sales cir time dairy farm of lair father ,
George Mills , two miles fromn Sandusky ,
Your correspondent called at the Mills
Inoue at evening , and the head of time
household wits standing in the yard. His
greeting was kindly and he entered into
conversation on time subject of his daugh-
ter's big feet. Ho lauglmingly remarked
tlmat people didn't generally believe time
semnnm ly incredible atoriss coicorning
Fmnie s ihnneiue pedal extremities , butte
to prove that they were really so largo he
invited time reporter into time ? mouse to see
for hinself. Time young woman was called
by her father amid wabbled , rather that
walked , into time front rooum. She wore a
long gown , which was scarcely long
enough to hide the deformity. She sat
down it a chair amt exposed her foot to
view. It is altmostimpussible to exnggor-
ate time marvcllons sight. She removed
her aitoes and then great white pillow
cases , which were wont as stockings ,
Time foot look like two innnunse hams ,
Thu toes are irregular , timid time little toes
are represented by two little knobs ,
There are no too nails , although time p1a-
COB where they slmouhl be are clearly do-
fined. Your correspondent undertook
the delicate task of measuring time feet.
Time right foot is one foot six inches in
length , mend the left ono itch sumorter.
Over time imistu ) of time right is twemity
cite inches amid. over the other one imcim
loss , Time big toe of time loft foot is
eleven inches nt circlunfounw , Time
right foot is ] onge tint , time left by arm
ineim , but the latter is heavierand thicker.
The foot are rosltoetively seven timid eight
incleswide. , I' ram this actual measure-
mort of Fammy Hill's foot tinny can roa
ily imngiuo what umarvolously largo
shoes she must wear. Herototure they
have beer nuumufacturod in Alban N.
Y. , but a Sandusky slmoe firm lmas time
lasts timid it pair of slmoes on exlmibition
'w'hich have attracted great altontion ,
11or foot have incrensed in size since time
display iii time shoo store window was
'i'ho left shoe is I0l inches long , time
right 18 inches in length ; the left shoe is
7 , inches wider and tie ( timer 8 incles.
' 1'lme ' right instep of the shoo monsures ltl j
inches , and time loft 17 inches. Fauniu
Dulls weighs lOl ) pounds , turd , althouglm
delicate looking , says slam has rood
health , It taks twcalf hides to luake
her a pair of slices , amid mill her vitality
goes to sustain her nmassivu limbs and
feet. The girl had unusually large foot
when sue was born , and they Imavo
tinucd to grow nlarntngly fast over
since. Time girls of Chicago , whose big
feet are proverbial , must now surrender
time pahit to poor little Famie Dfils , wlmo
heart her hand - fate cheerfully _ ,
A Thrllling Scene ,
Now Yurk Semi ,
A shapuly girl appeared at a fifth-story
window nn Boston. Her lomig luiir vitas
loose , and her gown was white , so that to
the uncritical eye slme looked like apeman
rigtmt from ) bed ; butt sue wore shoes amid
stdckmgs , as umis subsequemtly observed ,
uud there were uuumerous touches of mm
careful toilet , however , site fairly represented -
resented mm girl Imstjly amunsod fronn sleep
by fire 11ur umuvemettswere mmmpid , too ,
timid her mnunur wild , Situ thug u ion the
amain mind climbed out on time sill , Thu
squuro frcutitg the building was alnmost
instantly crowded , 1Vitlm mm ; shrill cry- , she
( lro p el herself , A thrill of horror mu
thton'hm time mimidtitnde , limit time girl w as
nut tlasltod to pieces ( n time sideivulk ,
Site descended with great but haromless
celurit into time minus ( If a nmau + vvho ho.
gimme at once to uxpatiato upon thu merita
of his device , which colmsiatoil of mm single
wire , attached to a kind of harness , amid
pullutl out front a box by time tvui ht of
the person hitched to it. Time girl eras
liked , but nobody cared ami ytlmin' about
limo am parahms and its imi serious uximibitor
did not nmku a single sale , mho ! eo1de
disa1i 1 icarill6 its ao01ras she id ,
iEijUGIJ OF IltlNl(8.
Clrloalllea anti Yarletlca of Summer
Drlnking-Ilottied Bovoragcs.t'
Iloston Herald.
"I have been amusing myself by talc-
log a census of the occupations of 500
hlo whom I met consecutively to
"Cold you fluid any 500 consecutlvo
Ipea de in Boston who wore occim tied ? "
' I took 500 tvbo were dome6 some-
timing , "
" 1Vlmt wore time results ? "
"Fiore way I carne to do it was thromm im
seeitq nine men , all in a luni ) , going ur
to take a drink. I wondered wlmat pro.
portion of time crowds could o along he
streets without 'guzzliimg' ' min time a .
Of the 500 and odd people u lmo were -
ing sometlmin besides walkimmg and talk-
iti " 217 were drinking. "
"That "
semns iteruilible.
"I know it dues , but it has been a very
lint day , and I was in am umiusttally favor.
able locality far taking a guzzling eomi-
Sims. "
The above conversation and a glimpse
at time immense shipmnemits fromim ar + ox.
tensive bottling estaldislunent smm + cstcd
an inn uli not omit into time dr akin g
teumleicieao do artier
of the but amore )
larl into the o u mitit and variety of
drinks consunwd in tl is vicinity during
time wane season , One gentleman interviewed -
viewed said : "Tlmoro are well nmrkel
eras in this business , and while it may
not bo said that the progress of civlliza
tier in America has beet imidicated by
time drinking habits of time people , it is a
fact that society amid industry mid the
general health have been considerably
atfecteti by time prevalent drinking
habits ( of each getoratioi. And
tlmen , tlmero are the eras referred to , well
defimied , interesting , cold evomi amusing.
Thu ( iriukimi gg habits of early colonial days
in Now England were characterized b
that abstciri outsuoas which accorded with
time severity of discipline and sobriety of
life wlmielm made the future Amimeriea pos-
sible. In limo southori colonies convivial
imabits wore store prevalent , although
r1utility , rather than qumntity , regulated
time consumeltier , As near as can be
learned , for time first centu of colonial
life in New England , time forefathers
drunk very little f ammytlmin g save water ,
and s taring ? of that. bm time early days
of time last century time , Vest In.
din tttdu revolutimized time drink
question amid time itlmabitants of New En-
glamd bectoo a ruln drinking people. It
was plain unot wmiskY ) , not bramd Y +
not much wino ntil after time rovoluticin ,
wmom time holey alcoholic beverage came
into 1150 wtereverluxury ) prevailed. Another -
other century epoch came when the
1Vaslmingtunial movemnent almost destroyed -
stroyed rumii drinking. But alcoholic
drinks revived , and since time war lager ,
ales , etc. , in various forums , have had an
amazin" consumption. Almost everything -
thing t rimikablu is now in dommmd , and
those wlmo drink at all drink n great deal.
Amnericars are said tube fast becoming a
nation of guzzlers , and tlmere is 501110
basis of fact for time assertion.
Some one has said that it the days of
the Pilgrims two drinks a day sutticed ;
at time timiie of time revolution men drank
five times a day , While immediately after
time war of time rebellion time American
people averaged thirteen drimiksper diems.
How far the accelerating ratio will go time
gout "mid dyspepsia of time future will
doubtless determine. On one of time
scorclming days a little more than a week
ago , a Boston nian drank fort-ono
times , ail tlmat is "small potatoes' of a
story when set beside time marvelous ab-
sorbnig power of a Now York Dutcunun. )
Curtain it is that drinking or not drinking -
ing Ais pretty much a.inatterof habit.
Time writer prows persons wlio take not
a drop of fluid from time morning to time
evening menl , aid who are in perfect
health , . It is no questioi of control nor
solf-dominl , for time , question of drink is
often not tlmought of throughout time day.
Time growth of time drinking lmabits of time
American people is uvidemiced by the statistics -
tistics covering tea anti coffee. The iui
portation and use of these articles have
increased rapidly. In 1800 , 26,326,028 ,
pounds of ten and 182,005,206 pounds of
coffee woe coisuned in time United
States. In 1882 , timd consumption was
of tea and 435-
77,191,000 pounds , -
579,289 pounds of colleo. That is ,
thirtoor years ago , ton drinking in
this country mtounted to sevet-
eights of a pound a year for each adult
and infant , while five and three-quarters
pounds of coffee per cnpitawAs time allow-
auco , One year ago each person iii time
lammd used ore amid ome ] malf poumis of too
timid eight amid ono fourthpounds of coffee ,
Fran 1860 to 1805 time consumption of
bout ton amid coffee decreased each ear ,
oOh account of the high Iricos incident to
time tvar , but since tlmen they have yearly
jumilps in figures. In cite year after time
war time cotsuinption of tea timid coffee
more titan doubled ,
As an evidence of time remimarkablo increase -
crease iu lager beer drinking may be
stated time fact that iii time month of Juno
1876 , a leading firm in Boston sold sov-
outyeight barrels of lager. Durhmg time
saint month of time next year 2,000 barrels -
rels were sold ; mud the trade leis boon increasing -
creasing over ainco. This tire is now
bottling fifty barrels of lager per tiny.
The expenditure of Boston dgrimi A time
Inst year for sim ii intoxicttiim g
indicates time inunomisit of this drinkib
capacity. Time outlaYas $51000 + 000 ,
Mr. 0. II. Draper , of No. 223 Main Street Worcester ,
Mass. , voiuuteen the followUig- :
"llavtng occaslon recently to use a roumedy for kid.
cry disease , l .ppliet to nay drugry lst , Mr. D. R , evil-
Ilunr , et Uncoin Hgml mru , thin city , and remue.t.d hhn
to fsrni.h ors the hest kidney medicine that Ito knew
of , and ha handed ins a bottle of llmt's , Remedy ,
stathig that It was ensldcred the beet becaao ho had
.old ninny bottler ul it to his customers f" Worcester ,
and they all . , esk of it In tie hlghest terms , and
pronounro it eisays reliable. 1 took the battle lmomo
Bud cutmneueed takhsg It , umid and that It duce the
sock eacetmmlly ; anti I am plcssal to rccotmunend to
all who lame kidney orlher dlrea.u the use of hunt's
Itcnmedy , the sure cure. " .
April ii , 1853.
Mr. Ooorgo A. nunduu , No. Los Frutit Street , Wor
tester , Mass , , its. Jest sent us the following , directly
to lhulaint ;
"Ruing atilictel witha allmnunts to shiclt all human.
Irv Is nmbject sooner or later , I road carefully tltu al
Serttsmnent rvgardlii the remarkable corittivo how.
cn of Hunt's Iteualy , and a. it .cetned to apply to
u , ) ea.e exactly , I purclmasud a bottle of the mudlelne
at Janncry's drug store In this city , and luau lug used
It tItla must benenrlal results In may own rase , my
wife and ronalso ronunmcod its use , and It laS uwet
ducldedly lumpruted their health , and wushall conthm
( me Its use in our family antler rush fuvurable re
suits , "
April 1T,1833.DIll1GOhItT' ,
' ' .
Mr , George ti' , ilolcomb , Iugtit , 12 amid 151
Congress street , Troy. N. Y , wrltos'Apr11T,1893m-
"I am constantly selllug duet's [ remedy fur die
eases of tire' ' kldnev ) , live' , Madder rod urhtnry or.
gatutomg trade and friends , and amid that It give
general .atisfactlen to all who pro it"
is given by using BROWN'S
IRON BtrTERs. In the
Winter it strengthens and
warms the system ; in the
Spring it enriches the blood
and conquers disease ; in t11e
Summer it gives tone to the
nerves and digestive organs ;
in the Fall it enables the
system to stand the shock
of sudden changes.
In no way can disease be
so surely prevented as by
keeping the system in pcr-
fect condition , BRowN's
IitON BITTERS ensures perfect -
fect health through the
changing seasons , it disarms
the danger from impure
water and miasmatic air ,
and it prevents Consumption -
tion , Kidney and Liver Disease -
ease , &c ,
H S , I3cr lirl , Esq. , of the
well-known firm of H. S ,
Berlin & Co. , Attorneys , Le
L roit Building , Washington -
ton , D , C , , writes , Dec. Sth ,
i88I :
Condemn : ; I take pleas.
ure in stating that I have used
Brown's Iron Bitters ( or ma-
? aria and nervous troubles ,
caused by overwork , with
excellent results ,
Beware of Imitations.
Ask for BROwN's IRON BIT-
* tyRs , and insist on having
it. Don't be imposed on
with something recommended -
mended as "just as good , "
The genuine is made only
by the Brown Chemical Co ,
Baltimore , Md ,
IiSCOmrexATED. )
This company is now prepared to recelve orders for
Building Purposes ,
And wIU make figures on round Iota for prompt doUrr
cry. The compar y le shipping
Paving Blocks
to both Chicago and Omaha , and solicits correspond-
cnco and orders from contractors engaged In pavlug
struts Iii any of the western cltlcs.
SUPERINTENDENT' . OrncS , Chicago , West Dir.t
Ison mtailway , Chicago December 6,1&9 (
D Elwell , l'res/dent / Sioux falls Water [ 'ewer Corn.
DEAR Spm-I have received from your company
since October 1 , 1632 , about 100 carloads of granite
paving blocks and have laid tbembets ccn the rails of
our street railway tracks in the heart of the city. I
have been ushig muavtg material In this city for many
ears , mid I take picasure In saying that in my opin
Ion the granite paving blocks furnished by your cum.
any are the most regular in shape anal perfect In
form , and as far as I have been able to judge , are
possessed of as durable feature as any material that
Imes ever been offered or laid In the city.
Yours , JASK , LAKE.
[ Copy. ,
Sr , Loris , March 23 , 1833.
This to certify- that I have examined a piece of
granite taken from the Sioux Falls Granite Quarries ,
and , In tnyoplnion , it Is the best stone for street ray
lug I have seen in America.
( Signed ) HENRY } 'LAD
Pros. Iloanl I'ublle Imprormcnts.
Stone for Paving Purposes.
And any person Interested ht such tmprovementl
will and It greatly to his advantage to communlcato
with us. Welmitecorrespondencoonthesubject.
The general umanagcument and superrlshotr of the
conipaii s busltcss Is miuw In the hands of Wm , Sic-
Address your letters to
ml m&e tt Pres , of Jasper Stone Co ,
The Pioneer and only Vapor Cook Stove thst has
stood the test of years and gh en entire and twrfeet
sstlnfsctlon ,
Over 100,000 Now in Use !
Now Patent Hull Ovon.
Patent removable and Interchangeable Jet Orifice ,
rondermng our burners Indestructible. Now One Valve
Darner on two New Stores. New' Safety Reservoir ,
For suuuner use these Stoves are indispensable
Fur teems to agents , prise list and catalogue ,
Address mitt VAl'Oli STOVE Co. ,
Jo 20s1tn&e 2m w10i Cleveland , 0.
All kinds of Upholstering done to order on short
notice. Furniture repaired , Chairs reseated , ete
Nor ' " w'
nth street
John D. Peabody , M. D , , ;
OFFICE ROOMS , 8 and 61607 FARNAM ,
Residence , 1714 Douglas . . . . . Omaha , Neb'
I will close Out , Fifty Patterns o
Fine Chamber Suits
rws In rue
Greatest Bargain ever Offered in Omaha for such Goods.
1206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omaha Neb.
. , Heating and Baking
: , a Is only n6tnineS Ly using
Stoves and Ranges ,
For solo Ly
Visitors can hero find allltho novelties
The Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest
Selections in
Prooiousss Fjtozsor9
As is compatible with honorable dealers ,
Call and see our elegant new store ,
Tower Building ,
A largo stock always on land ,
Piallos Orau
Out of time many hundred menufa c-
turors of this line of goods , we lay claim
to representing time bending makers , and
can show a more complete amid larger line
of Pianos and Organs than can be found
in ammo ONE House in time west. Our
NINE LEADERS are the following tvoll-
known and celebrated instruments.
We want everybody desiring n no
or Organ to call or write to us for infor- .
nation and GET POSTED , We can sell
you tie beet instrument made for the
east money , if you will give us a trial
and want to buy. All we ask is to show
you , as we know we can satisfy everybody
from our Nine Leaders , which are rscog
nized by those posted , as time best made.
Send for cattlopue amid rice list' J . "
Cop , 11th & Farnam Sts. , Omaha.
0 Ca
16 e .
\ '
0 f
First-class Painting and Trimming. Repairing Promptly Done. .
1319 Harney Street , - - - - OMAHA , NEB
And work of this kind will receive prompt attention ,
x. Cornices , Curtain Poles amid Fixtures ,
' ' (1 ( 11 PAINTS OIL & BRUSJ ES
L - 107 South 11th Street , } l
Lll1llo , Sli $ , Boon , B1ius , S1iill18s , , Latli
Call and Get ley Prices before buying elsewhere , Yards , corner 9th
and Douglas. Also 7th and Douglas.