Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1883, Image 1

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    at''nU t d. , i ; : : THE OMAHA DAILY BED. " . : T-- "
iompletc Details of the Tclcgraphors
Strike Throughout the
Country ,
The Compa > ty's Subo of the Struggle
Wcll Vontllnted-The Force of
"Plugs" Quito Nunioroiu.
NKw YORK , July 10.-At precisely 12
o'clock \ \ ashhiton time , several hun
tired operators nt the \Yestcrn Union
telegraph room , laid down their utensils
and started for the hallsa. Supt. Hum-
atuue , who was present , said the nutttber
to leave tvus about what had been ex-
petted , from the reports made to the
In the o ) chitin roost wvero stationed
seventh Ipolicemen , nut these together
with the otlicials avlto were ) rrselt asked
the strikers to move out ns rai 11 } Its mos-
sible and to leave the building. Opera.
tors who remained at their keys did very
ltttlc work at first and 1
, . : " ' spectators , Long lines of operators micro
r .soon tiling down Ishtirs , their faces
depicting various motions. The
' majority were hilarious , but
there were lint wanting those whose fea
tures bore traces of unco'taihty and fears
.for the future. amity ware thoughtful
t anti evidently appreciated that the strike
might mean long ireoks of idleness tvitli
scanty salary , pl'he general feeling was
one of confIdence , however , and n toter-
' nthmtiot to win was the watchword.
As soon as the advance guard of
strikers reached the basement hundreds
of curious People ivlto were there and in
the street about the building sent up a
shout , tutus spreading the news. In a
, . taw minutes more bulletin boards pasted
the facts , andthre long contemplated strike
had begun and wits fully known at the
, snows centers. There was no disturbance
1p 1 on the associated press wires , which tip
, \Vaahington , Baltimore and Philadelphia
with their tributary territory , those
. , wires being manned by associated
Press telegraphers , who have made no
demand , and have no grievances , The
Qeneral sentiment of the operators and
otlicials was that the news of the country
would be taken care of , the operators
having only the kindest feelings toward
time press ,
Clucino , July 10-At 12 o'clock ,
lVashiugton time , the main body of the
army of operators in the Western Union
offices in this city went out on their
strike. The steno in the operator's rooms
was a memorable ode. Thorn had been
a feeling of neavous excitement for 24
hours , and it ham been wrought up to a
high pitch by the almost absolutocertain-
ty that wok would cease at 11 o'clock
to-day. Promptly at the stroke of the
) . , / clock , keys were closed , and half sent
f , I , messages were left uncoumpleted. It is
estimated that more than 100 operator
, went nut , and in the number 16 or 20
female operators. Tltoro wassomocheer-
ing as they filed out , but there was nothing -
ing boisterous , and there ions some fa-
1 . fi „ ntiliar hand ohakin ? with the-chief operators -
tors who had remained loyal to the corn-
Pony. '
15 # . + and in front of the chamber of commerce
, , which stands opposite time Western Union
+ building , a great crowd had gathered to
witness the departure of time operators
from the building and there was some
cheering as tim head of the column of
strikers made its appearance , but it soon
melted away as the operators at once
i marched from the scene to the.hoatiqcar-
ters of the union to deliberate.Vimen
I the operating roourhad been cleared it
1 ; was found that forty operators voro still
at their desks , exclusive of twenty-one
chief operators amid officials ,
cannot be stated at this meeting , as there
is a natural confusion , anticipated by the
otlicials , growing out of file large exodus ,
but it is expected the eflico will be in fair
working condition by nightfall , The
Wheatstono systeilt of the company is in
full operation b which all New York
business can ho takeil care of , Colonel
Clowry has received adviees to the effect
tint Umalma , St , Louis and Cincinnati
4 ofices are in fair shape amid
will be able to work along
with their reduced forces. Shortly after
' time strikers had left time building operators -
tors front time outside began to make
: their appearance imi time operating roomi
and were given places. The officials
' ' now confidently assert unit with the
Iorco now at their conminaud and witlm
time certain prospect of new men public
business be handled without
' can serious
; 'y i
/ , friction.
.w .1
CINCINNATI , July 10-TIIo telegraph .
' is strike in time mum office , of the W , U ,
, i , Co , occurred at eleven-thirty o'clock. At
rtt that hour the local chief of time Brother.
hood gave time signal three raps , on his
desk. The signal was obeyed by all
m0mbers of time Brotherhood rising and
going immediately out. Thieve was no
collusion and Ro exciteuiunt. Only
about a half doznn of time working force
remnaiued at their desks
MILWAUKEE , Jilly 17.-About sixty
operators struck hero leavlnb Manager
\Veller and his four chiefs at time wires.
All is quiet ,
1 ' CLEVELAND , 0 , , July 10-At nineteen
t minutes before upon all time \ \ estorn Union -
' ion operators , except five , left timoro keys
. . , and struck , Thu Weston Union Is
' steadily iillimi vacancies at time operating
tables , acceptnmg all business as presented
and expects to bn in the usual working
condition in twentyfour hours , Time
Amiioric mi In lid oltico is closed to busi
ness , The Mutual Union force was not
atlrccted ,
CINCINNATI , July 1U.-\t time Rmain
office of time Baltimore mC Ohio 'Telegraph
\ coilnlan ) g every operator went out , and ,
) . business was wholly suspended. Time
same halpusod at limo main ohlico of time
Mutual Uliicm , On 'Chanbge no Iuessa ges
were received or sort by either of time
three companies laving ofices tilers. At
time \Vostort Union uflico a guard was int.
mediately placed to Prevent nil outsiders
. entering the operating rooms , All operators -
tors about the office were sent to duty up
stairs. Notice load been previously given
to all operators not molnbors of time
Ihotlorhood to cone in ease of a strike.
:1 uwnber of res ) oases lav1 '
already , and n f rco of over q w. . . , ,
tors are now on duty. Suporiuttu. i. . .
Miller says this is time only office imi has
district seriously crippled ; that but one
maim struck at Culmnbus while at Da ,
toty Springfield and otlior 1 points they
have a full workiug force ,
Nii s YoliK , Judy 19.-Time Toleggramim
says : Time signal to strike was a whistle
winch was blown by Frank ] t , l'llilliis ,
of the cable department , at 12:10 : 'limo
minute it ivas blown the operators nose
In their scat. old cheered. Dispatches
had nmeanwhmlo been soul to ottices in
time prmcipnl cities to be ready for the
signnl. 'ho timnl ulessag o wits ' 'Wu are
qLgoumg , " Chicago , St. Louis , Cincinnati ,
lkstOIi , Philadelphia amid lhaltimor' soon
rcpliel , "All right ; we are going with
ymus" Circuits ivero o emmod. Out of
47J upentturs iii the Now York nllice 37
men and 23 ivouorm remained what time
whistle w as blown. The force wits soon
imict'ensed by arrivals of male amid fenmla
operators who hid been previously secured
cured b ) ' time company for time anorLgene ] . ,
Thu Evening Post says of the strike :
" \\'hatever the nmeans at time company's
disposal play be to tide over this crisis
without vary serious injury to time inter.
ests of time public , tlmoro is n strong im
h ressioim abroad that the strike oim Imt to
have beat prevented and time positun of
the opemntors uumkes it appear probable
that it niiglmt have been. "
Time Comwuercial says : "There is no
safety , no protection , while time principle
of tradli unionism prevails. The duty of
time company is therefore i lnum. No
ummi or wouuut who is connected with
0110 of these associations should be given
The Mail amid Express , arguimig for the
company , says. ' 'Operators will have a
chance t0 sea how strictl and sternly
public opinion will hold tlmom res1)onsible
for being to blame for time stoppage of
telegraphic facilities that are timelife of
business and journalism. "
Plrrsminlo , July 10-Thu telegraphers
strike was inaugurated at 11:47 : this
morning. At that hour , at a given
nnlevery nientber of the brotherhood
quit work , anti coping out of several oils
ces formed a procession and marched to
iieadquatters , where a sleeting was hold.
A canvass of the offices a few minutes
later found three men at work inn time
\Vcstorn Union , three nioi in time Balti-
moru aC Ohio , one in the American
Vapid , and none in time Mutual Union.
The muumber of impel who came old are as
follows : 1Vesterl Union 07 , American
Rapid 10 , Baltimore .ti Ohio 7 , lliutual
Uniom 4. Time Western Uniam are re-
ceivnig bllsiltess us usual , wad say there
will be Imo interruption , and claimm timid
within twenty-four hours tlio'fono will be
increased materially. Time Balt.uiore &
Ohio are also receiving business. Time
Illutual Union and Amierican Rapid are
refusing c orythimg. The strike created
a great excitemnett , mmd time streets in
front of the telegraphofticesweruthrougcd
all day.
LOUIBvILLE , Juiy 10.-The telegraplm
operators here all struck at 12 o'clock ,
\Vaeliington time. The Baltimnore and
Ohio ofieo is deserteiLr ; Of overthirty , , in
theWesterli ; Union , four remained.
ST , Louis , July 19.-Fifty-four of time
selcntyflve operators of time day force on
duty in the \ \ estorn Union left their in.
strumients proptly at 12 o'clockVash -
ington timmo , quietly loft time building and
marched iii procession to n hall wlmiclm
tlmey will niako their headquarters during
the strike. There was nu special manifestation -
festation of feeling on time part of time
operators as tlmey filed out of time oltico.
W.1sIIINnToN , July 19.-It is rumored
Toro that time report that Gemetil Grant
dropped dead on the street in New York ,
was time signal agreed upon , to eonimumi-
Cato to operators to strike , it being well
um ierstoed the public at largo , as well
as time operators , tmght be relied neon to
spread that story rapidly. . An active effacer -
facer of the Brotlmerhood is authorit , for
the statement tlmat no strike is to be a m-
prehended from operators of workiu
wires leased by brokers , n ows1pa1)ems or
private individuals , wlmere such operators -
tors are auployed and paid by lcsseesun-
less an attaltpt is made by time W. U.
Co , to utilize tlieso opoittors in handling
smatter not connected whim time business
of such private fmrms
At one p , um , , ten non of time day force
in time \Vastii11gt0)i ollice had stopped
work , nine wore in the ufhicu , but time
manager was not sure all would remain.
Nearly all manbors of time night force
are congregated on the isiidewalk at or
near time ofico. Members of time
Brotherhood connected with the Baltimore -
more S ; Ohio company are all out.
NEw Yom c , July 10 , Owing to time
rummer having boon put in circulation at
yariola Places this morning that General
Grant had fallen dead , inquiry was made
at the General's oltico in Wall street ,
wlmero it was learned Ito was at Long
Branchh ilt good ilealtil.
Cl1IOAO0 , July 10.-Time situation jn
this city growing out of time strike of time
tele'replmers showed 110 immaterial change
as tire daywore on save in time working
force in the Western Union olticog which
become gradually enlarged , mmd at five
o'clock nt time afternoon ninety low hmcm
were busy at time key's. Time night foreo
had not yet reported for duty , and time
officials ] mad no data to guide tlonl in
estimuating ) ho number which would re-
mmain loyal to the company , Nomtu of
time chief operators abandomed
llmeir posts , and no Ono holding -
ing ollicial orsub oflicial rank
115 time Clmica g o ofjcu event
out with time stamkors. Viewing time
situation from the standpoint of time
great strike of 1870 , when every operator
orator quitted time o llcc , Col. ( lowry is
copldumt time comnpany has already carried
its ) mint and that the strikers will ho dis-
cGn Bitted. Su1)orilrtundemmt ) Clos rY had
also received ndvices front St. Louis ,
fhnalma , Cincinnati , Ilmliamapolis , Clove.
land , Minneapolis and Sam Frammeisco ,
which indicated almost similar condition
of afidrs ; that all tltoso main distribut
ing points will be able to hamullo time busi-
mess witlmoutamnyntatorialduiny. Additions
tO time working force in this city mninly
cane from outlying country towns , Time
Baltimore & con pan was badly
crippled by desertiomis front its oltico anti
made no attempt to trammsact business
during time slay. During time afternoon
, . , l -"Mnors of time Brolltorhond
at their hell , but tints.
S + ( , 5t110aa aild th110 was 0011
suiult-4g -rang reports from outside
districts , lie strikers 015 their Part
claim to be contidont tlmo coupnmiy will
have to accede to their demands , smut
contend that while the couipau is utaking
a show of havimm n farce cmi tmoml it is
nmade tip largely of unskilled ntou , who
aatmot care for the btmsilloss pro moel , , At
'tlmitr tent nlon
the railroad offices eve '
au usual all the cut1toYcs remainimmb nt
their post. . All hotel olllees arc closed ,
and'ersous ' nnmkimg iugairiesmro directed
to alto ) rindpal otice of the telegraph t
coo pat , Nn distarbanco of nn'
growimm out of time strike was relported
durinb thmo tiny.
Tlln N101tT G.1Nns.
CIiIAuO , .July 10.-lteports received
front the supurutmtdcuts at various
Points is to time f miloving ell'bet :
Cincinnati-Evemythilmg is working ele
gently dm this district ; every office is fully
euipped except Cincinnati. Ilave
thirty-live opemntes now uud more are
St. Louis-Workiiige e ycircuit ; sixty
nitro npmntos , full tiny futce min duty.
Cleveland-Good working forces on
doty at Cleveland , Detroit uud 'Puled (
nod miomD coning m.
i1 nneapolis-All circuits were utiuuied
by 3 p. iii.
Omutha-1Vi11 have newly full force at
time principal points by toauormy umrn-
iug. Any number of volunteers ; don't '
worry abort this district ,
Sant Francisco-Full regular force of
28 operators , it ; jointed time strikes all Va
caucies will be filled to nigld.
St. Joseph , llio-Full force returned
to work , claimed it was thtnugh nyismiu
Des Moimmes-Only one striker.
Buports fron time Indianapolis district ,
anbodyimmg Indinwt , eastern Olno , mud
western ] llimois , shows all points except
three or four with full forces ,
F , II. Tubbs , eupcrintcndamt of the
Chicago district , reports 80 good operator -
tor at work inunediatuly after the strike ,
and business practically clear at 3 o'clock
with constant accessions to time ranks ,
Time Wheatstone ayatetn between Chicago
and Now York was worked to its fullest
capacity over since time strike and doing
excellent work.
Reports from the Chicago district , embracing -
bracing most of Illinois , 'mYisconsim , Mun-
nesota. Iowa and Dakota , show nearly
full forces at most points and business
generally clear ,
KEOKUK , Iowa , July 19-Thu entire
force of operators in time Western Ultioli
oltico in Keokuk , Iowa , are at work amd
will riot go out irit ] ) the strikers. Mam-
ager Dolbear is sumiling serenely and time
work in time ofifu here is rmming as
smoothly as usual.
TIi1 Ol'Im.tT0It8' allE.
NE' YOUR , .lily 10.-Thu executive
connuittee of time Brotherhood , wlmich
had beam in session this morning , sent a
letter to General Eckert. It said : "Om
Monday , time lfitlm Inst. , a committee of
time telegraph , operators submiiitted to
your consideration a petition entrusted
to them for presentatiom t0 you by the
Brotherhood of Telegraplmurs. You expressed -
pressed your doubts as to the authority
of tlmat committee to speak for time emit-
ployeS of vomr company , and have failed
to rvelu raj to that petition , and your letter -
tor to R. C. Clovey , gemmeral superintendent
dent discloses to'tlmo public time fact , that
you were informed of time nature of your
employcs' grievances before they were
presenteI. Under ordinary circwn-
stances , it would require but a short
timnc to arrive at a conclusion as to what
steps you would take ; but knowing , as
we did , that this matter had been ther-
oughly discussed long before we waited
on you , was it unreasonable to expect au
early reply ? It is duo to the interests
ou e esmt and to time general public
that ese inittters ail
tl be s ) o y adjusted ,
and that tie responsibility of any future
action may rest wliero it properly
belong. It it with an earnest de-
size for a lmarimionmous suttlcued
of these difliculties and regard for time social -
cial amid busiuoss interests of time people
that are scud this last appeal for mecogni-
tion of time rights and redress of time
grjaanccs of your employes. No reply
received to time address. Time connmittee
which met at I1:30 : took no action upon
it. It ivits decided oily to hold a pre.
limtinmtry meeting this mmriming , amid after
u short session adjourned. Nothing wait
doe except to issue directions to nil
heads of de partmwmts and chiefs in the
an1to ] y of time cornnamiY to notify the op-
cutters undertlmeir change to present tliuir
griuvitnces , if tlmoy had ammy , to the committee -
mittee and timid such m action would be
taken mw might be thouht proper.
limo Executive committee of time Broth
erhood of Tolegraphas , in their paper issued -
sued today , publishes an anal al statement -
ment wlmich justifies their Petition for increased -
creased pay and assails time tolegrnplm
cOmpanius for reducing tlmeir salaries mmd
refusing to raise then again.
A general order hums been issued from
time Western Union office , stating that nil
busineaa will be accepted subject to tie-
At a meeting of time operators this
afternoon addresses were made approving
the strike , mid a resolutiam wits passed to
abstain from time use of iuhxicamtts dur-
mg the eontinuamoc of time strike. John
Campbell , of time telegraphers axecutivo
committee , received letters front time
president of time Aumlgamuatud Iron and
Steel V\orkors , of Pittsburg , ivislming time
telcgmnpimere nmovenent every success ,
Lillie Devereaux Blake sent a letter of
synqutthy. District Assemnby No. 3 ,
Knights of Labor , [ 'ittsburgtelcgraphod
frutcrutl grouting.
TITUSVILI E , Pa „ .July 18.-This is time
only city iu the state whore there is no
strike nwoug the \Vestcrn Union opera.
Lois. ' 1'imu'l'itusvillo ' Union will give to.
uleirow a 5tateinont of ono well posted in
telegraplue circles that the nmovenmeid
was time work of designing leaders as'ho , it
is thought , will make out of it thcnnsulvcs
and leave time rank and file jm a lurch ,
No panic in the oil market , Time oxpec-
tedeli'ectoftlto , strike had boon already
CuIoAao , Jul' 19-At midnight busi
helms tm time A usterim Union olticu was
moving with sumall delay. Ofijcials express -
press conflencu iu their ability to beat
the strikers. Thu striking Hperators
held meetings most of time day std oven-
ing. 'lime timie was chiefly given to slmort
nddressos counseling moderation and good
behavior. Committees to prevent any
over imdul goimoo 115 liquor amt control cents
ree strikers asswnbliim
mittens t ) from
iu bodies arommd the Western Union
buildttig vero aiPoiutal , \Vluonover one
of time "loyal' operators appeared lie
ions surrotlndod by strikers who tried to
persuade hint to quit work. All comm.
cimetetl tlmeniseives ( uietl , however , No
cases of violoneo arc reported.
NEw YORK , July 11.1 Time goucrnl
busiuoss of time \Vostarl Loon cen4lnny
was in such sntisfnchry amdilion this
evening that Gonornl Eckert , acting
ideut tvmtt home as uuia to Long
liranch. Late to ili bt it was re oricil
eve tlmimi g was remmm suuoollml y sit the
\\'os cru 10ni0mt olticu that time usual
uumlwr of operators war at work ; Hutt
work which had nccuitulattal dttrimm the
afturw > tro was being mim pidl } y tiis mosettl of.
Ui ) till 1) ) o'clock there wore 100 olparntlas
at work. After that tittle the force nthn
beret 80 only , a few short of the taunt
uuutber of femnalo operators , whu were
all scut lmmnu in eomohes. Cots wuro
provided for those that memoined during
time night and supper provided far then
at time uxpepso of the eompitny , utamly being -
ing tiny men wlto c ii euted to ruuutiu.
Itelwrts from duiferumit points at 1 p , RI.
slowed every office manned , 'I'he only
erituiumtl act thus far ropurtud , is that of n
lieu trait who cut a uaro at Asllhury
mow IT vvO1tKH AT NE V OIthAN5 ,
NEW. On1.n.tNlm July 18-Of .12 oil-
antors umnployed time \Veslau Union
comtpmuiy jm thus city 37 st udt. 'l'ime
conpnny obtniuod five other operators ,
enabling it to hnudlu press reports and a
quamtity of germemimi httsimes. ,
KANSAS CITY , Jtmly ltd-The might
tannager of the Westcmm Union milieu iC-
ports the force et duty to-mmight sullickut
to take care of nil busuiess. Of time ftmll
working force of 80 openttnms 34 me-
Imlalmmell ivitlm time coma1parry imtd 11 recruits
hove beam added , nm kiim6 the total 1 cores-
omit force 40. Reports front St Juscplm ,
Leav'emiwortly Topeka ; dtciisom , lane-
reuce and other places state that all
ofices are itt fair shape thunglm sontevluat
cramped. At Fort Scutt , Kau , , and
Springloldt. lllo „ none of time arum
Other Strikes.
ClucAno , July 19.-This afternoon the
employes in time Bessemer steel works at
South Chicago presented a dummmam l to
time eunipany for a change frommm work by
time day to work by time ton. 'Ile come-
imay refused the domand. Two thou -
siulc man struck. Time oilicors ebaimt time
advance asked by time mar is about 100
p0 cent. 4
BnTIILEmrnu , 1'a , July ltd-Tlio steel
atilt mad two furnaces of time Butllolmem )
Iron company started tlds morning. One
huudrod special police rveru mm duty , but
there was no collision between the Anal.
gummed iron workers nild others , though
a bitter feehmg exists , ' '
NKw Yolul , July l9.-The loci-out ; of
cigarnutkes still continues. Neither
side slmows any signs of yieldjng ,
Accklatt It ) C1def'lustico Waite ,
BIHilAmu K , Dakota , July 10-Wednes
clay ( of timis week ) , wldlo Gtuoral Terry ,
Senator Ednnnds , Clmief ; Justice \Varte ,
amid a ) arty . ) f muTny pfiicers were ridimi g
around Mount 1Vasltburno , in the Yellowstone -
lowstono Park , tholponytiddeu ; by Chief
Justico\Vajtcr 1inche(1 . .tul t.lt1'gw . hnn viii-
leimtly to time ground. Ho struck out Ilia
side , mpmrin $ and probably fracturiug a
rib. A special train was seat to thQ ' ! mmd
of time track for the party , which Willpass
eastward ,
to-day m
"General Grmint Dropped ] ) end , "
INDIANA1'Oi.IS , INIJuly 10.-Prompt-
Y on receipt of time smilal viz "Gonoral
Grammt dropped dead , „ two thirds
of the operators in time Western -
ern Union olticu left their
desks. There are now 18 first class
oporatus on duty , and time ranks are
filling up rapidly. At the large afiices 1mm
time state outside about half time force
left their desks , Logansport , Lafayette
and Riehmiomd boiug time exception , at
which points a full force reotumed on
duty ,
Time Big 1'enl ,
NEw York , .illy BI-Time joint oxecu
ttve committee of thlifreiglmt depiutmmemtt
of time ' 1'ruull lines , met today at time
ottices of Comnmiasiome'Fimkamid decided
to ulmjt the Chicago & Atlantie mmd Now
York , Chicago . St. Louis ( Nickel Plate )
into the l)001 , Time pnimeipal discussion
was upon time alletmumt of percentages
which should' be nwnidcd thump , 'Timis
question was mot dccidod.
Till : NICEEL m'LATI'a IniMANI ) .
Cluciao , dimly ltt-It is mmdcrstood
time Nickel Pinto road has nmado a formal
dcinaul for 12 par teat , of the castbuuimd
dead freiglmt business , and that time matter
will conic before the next meting of time
toint executive commttee for cormsideru
j ion ,
NAsimvum.E , Judy 18-Swain , time eau
arrested for stealing time ledger so important -
ant in time Polk trial , has confessed ho
took it at time instigation of Ex-Treasurer
Polk , also that lme received $170 for time
Time 111exicnn Outrahc ,
LAREIO , TEx. , Juily 18-Advices froze
DTontorey t0-day , throw little additional
light ohm time murderous assault al Ile. ,
harry Slaw teinPOraritly 115 charge of time
U. S , Consoidu itt thatpomnts. It seems
that time muob had taken Possession of time
olticu during time absouce of Simav at amp
per. Om returning to wilx fulled t ) time
floor by a blow from a six shooter aid
lay umconaouious till mm prise by lmeaed laic
groans mad coup to 11is relief , Thu furmi
turepnputs tumid Auiericum flog was stronn
ovum' time ilo"rSlmuv is reported doimig swell
to-day lead it is thought Imo will recover ,
\\'ASIIINITON , D. 0 , , July 18-A tole-
gruh rceuived at time dupartant of state
to-day from Cuttgpbell , United States
eoummsel ; imt Muateruy , dated Laredo ,
'loxes , coulirami the Press report of au assault -
sault a I sot Simuv : wlmlle acttimb consul at
Weather l'rOHiIetitH.
WAsmNrroN ( , July 20-1 a. m-Igor
the 1lississippi valley-SOuthorly winds
with stationary or rismg tompurnturu timid
falling baronuter ; fair weatlmur 1mm the
south , partly cloudy and local mimms uu
time north. For time Mmsaouri valley-
Southerly shifting to westerly winds ;
falling followed by nsmg baronmoter , ala-
tionary or lower tern ) eraturc , fair
weather preceded h local ruins tim time
nortlmerl 1lortioms ,
The Gathering of Flcet'Footcd Horses at
Chicagu. 1 r' '
Terrlllu Trotting 1511(1 1'nehtg-ltncrs
Elsemvhore-ltnse lint ! lteuord.
Tun ( 'um tut MtrtNO. :
Cun'AUO , .1umly l0-Tho fifth tiny of
time Cltien gro Drivumg park sumnncr umeol-
imb furmislued litre slnmrt. All rnuditiuus
were utmost fnvontble--time weather warm ,
very little wind blow iog , track um mslrnlly
fitst , contests close aid excitimmg , amid time
avaegu time wade rove hufoty egwtled
for amty one lily nt au ) ' Place. hxehmsivu
of ouu jog , nruutd tue track nhmme , eight
heats iveu trotted mutt ! paced at nn avur
it ggu of little less than 2:111 : } . Thu avenige
of four trvttimmg heats is butter than 2:18 :
: aid the average of font' paeiug lments but.
than 213A. ; Thu most suusatioual
event ( ml time day mitts time nmeet-
imm g betwoem the fnuuums New fork
guldimm g , 11n'olicn rand time rent R'iscom
silt stimihioll Plmallns in whmmeh time Itttur :
ions victorious , ruveisiug time v'edict itt
time Gedluumon's tirivimg 'ark ' , New Vomk ,
afuiv weeks ago. 'l'imo ' followirmb is ahrief
outline of time tmcim
Pumse$2r)0 , for three nminuto class
$ l)00 extlim to beat 2 , ' 0. llujoliemm trims a
stromig favorite agitilmst time field min time
strumgtiu mf having trolled in 2:11) : ) in lmis
first nice. blajnlica avur time first heat
n'ilhout ntgilmg ; at mummy Paint. Ira Scoring
for time second Lunt time judge gave time
\Vmrtl go , aid i3 miistahu
the mcctll bel at time aaome
tjumo. All caumo back uxcupt
11lajolica teho was jogged mumauud and
gtvem time heat under time rules , time others -
ers being allowed to start , 'lime third
! moat tuns trotted ut oucu lllnjolka wont
away fast allil vats suveu lemgths in front
of tltallas at time half urilu lpost' diem
Phallas began trotting very fast amid
overlmauled time lender nt time lmrce.mtuar-
ter post , trotting lmiut to a break stud won
time ] meat iii 2:10A : , umaking n stallion
recent tutsurpassutf except by Smuggler.
amidequallod only by Jeroume Eddy , 'l'imo
nor1 two heats were a reputituu of time
the : hint , except that Majslien dad
not sucuru such a conunnmdimg
lead iu time first half mmile.
sumBAim .
J. I. Case'sbbPhallns. . . , . . . , . . 2 2 11 1
,1 , Bituplmy's N , 1. ) b MaJelica. . 1 1 3 3 2
,1 ] ) . O llemm ( Pittsbup ) I g Felix. , 3 3 3 2 8
\V. Ii. 3mouulers 1N.11 b g Index. 1 4 1 4 4
Time " ' 17 3:11 : " .Ili " ' 20 2:211 ,
Purse $ ° ,000 for 2:20 : pacers , $600 ox-
trii to bent 2:1I. : Biclmball , favorite , won
jmt strniglmt hosts , Bcssur Till behmg time
time cwdendnmg horse at time finish ill ! nett ,
Iliclball ) . 1 1 1
2 2 2
\Vestumcnt 4 a 3
LomieJack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dis.
Thtio , 2:13 , 2:01 : , 2:18. :
Jblumstou , the Pleuomonnl pacer , cane
out between heats , trotting a race mutt
avunt a wile far a pulse of $2,000 to beast
time best paemg time , 2:11 : , mmnde by
Little Brown Jug at Hartford in 1881 ,
He went to tl o quarter in 33 socouds ,
to the half' fir 1:00k : ; lir6 quarter in
138 ; and full mile in2:11 - : , ] 'ust equal to
time best time , but not winning. Time
milo was done without a skip.
St. Julien also appeared etween time
Louts , and was jugged slowly around the
track iii a walk over for the stakes to his
watch of $1,000 aside ngaiust Clirmgstouo.
No time tinker.
iticidutll , time winnarof to-day's pacing
race , was bought before time mien by
Frnmk Sherwood , secretary of time
Gainesville ( Tuxes ) Driving A4soeitution ,
uud ouu or two other persons , for $10-
000V , B. Fasig , secretary of time
Cleveland Driving l 'ark , has been here
some days , and to-tiny nrrnugcd a fee-
for-au race for $1,000 , with St , Julien ,
Edwin Timorne , 7'rikut amid h'iuumy With-
espoomm , t0 be tmutted ' 1'harsday of time
meeting there , during time lust week fu
August , lie had also nearly comclnded a
watch race of $1,000 mm side , with $2,000
added by the associutiomi , between Mn-
joliea mmd Jmuy Eye See , hilt it is said time
former is showing signs of laumeness and
time Probability is he milt not be in condition -
dition to trot ,
' ! 'ark association lmns
7'hu Driving arranged -
ranged a tutu for a pulse of $4,000 , t ) be
trotted Satuedmy butweam l.dwnm'I'hornu . ,
Si ; . .1ulielt rued 1''anuieVitlmcmspoou. .
Shi'HTiO 1'AIIIC RA'E8. (
BOSTON , .July 111.-In time 2:23 : class ,
Cuoturion took time first , sac imd timid
fourth heats and ions second im time third
heat , which was iron by John Lore ;
line , 2:30j : , 2:27j : , 2291 ; , 2':28L :
Clnas 3:26 : ( ultlnishcd ) , 111ugic and
Spectress took two heats each and Imdy
Martimi ono heat ; time 2:20j : , 2:261 : ,
2:241 : , 2:261 : , 2.20k , 2:24j : , 2:26j : , 225 ; ,
MONMOUTIi PAImK , July 10-'t'rack
good. Three-fourth wile , laeonstaut
well ; Constaltiuu second ; llleulelsolum
third ; tine 1:10. : Comist mmtjna was us.
qualitied for foul ridjng , aid Memdelselnm
given second pnec. )
' ' olds tlmeee fourtlm
J'yt'o stnkos , 2-year ,
mule , Reveller won ; lilessout second ,
Emigrant third ; timme I1t ; .
liurnega stakes , 3-yctr olds , umiho and
a half , Renegade won , Gonfalon second ,
Bing lrike third ; times 2:8t)1. : )
iltlu mend ml furlong , Brunswick won ,
Ilniedon secomil , Biurnnut third ; tittle
l:117 : j.
111nu mace , Bancroft wum , IJoel mind
'Pau sccolmd , ( liroila thine ; Jimmie 1:13 : ,
Steeple choke , shot course , Guarlo-
uagme wan , Abmhammm second , lfurpoomur
third ; timimu ; i 'OA.
CiiIOAUO , July -Ch'cugos ) ' 0 , llus
tons' .
' 19.-i'ravjdelmce Be-
DE'rnoiv , Juiy - 7 , -
Ii--14 ,
troils - - inhnmgs
Ci.YVEi.AND , July 18-Clevualde ; ( J ,
New Yciks 4 ,
iburrAIA ) , , July 18-Pldladalpbuas 6 ,
lhufhiioi 16 ,
I'EowA , , Illy 18.-'l'olodos 10 , Peortas
G ,
NEW YouK , July 10.-Tho Suu says
harry Mounagnu , Mace's secretary , drew
up amt agrcaooit which was si'ed b
James \I'ukoly for Sull van anal ii. JY
Rice for Sludu , 5ti1)ulatio that Sullivanm
and Slmdo stall 81)1 % t' with soft giovuim
four ruunds , Marquis of 'Quoemmsbmm rY
rules , om August 0 , at somie place to be
hereafter agreed upon , 00 pet cunt of time
gate mtotuy to go to Sullivan amid 30 per
cent to Slade the ) ' s to he ahnrnl
ch ) ' time two e lm ally.
ai iitu , FOIti31GN NEll'S.
! 'oar Situ , July 10-Thu cholera lens
CCMCi at till ! pliucu ,
A1ENANDmiIA , .Jul ) ' 10-Tho Wombat
of death at Cairo yesterday from cholera
ivmts 18 ; also , during time same limo , 21
deaths Gino cholera at Dntniotta , 32 at
ilhuwuralm , 2.1 nt Sa mamuemd , 30 at ( lnizelm
nod 22 nt Chibin ,
Over mime luuldred deaths there. At
lhalak a special umesseugur counted 80
fuuends batveem 8 mud 11 o'clock 'l'Inmrs
lily n , nm , 'I'lmirty dctths iu $ hooblay
quarter , 'Pave deaths wcre otllciall' ' ru-
wrteti at AbdimvVednesda } . It is
uown 2e at least died , 1'tttimmts whu
aru mu woad stages ofi imim disease wen
carried to hnspilnis tlmvugh crowded
strcuts. The People of Shirbjim protested
against time iumpropem' observance of ftum-
teal megubrtiums , amid temps vivre sumt-
muued to pruvelmt tlu'etutetud revolt
ngnimst time authorities. It was decided
tam forty mm cndmr mtmrtmil Aloxnmdria to
lmmevmrt time inllux of refugees front time
nmfeeted districts ,
Ollieinl rehurms mmmemmtjmu time towns in
footed with cholera. It is stated that
s'neu ' the last metuns 200 iem > + uus have
died in time Bulmk quartets ut Cain ) withim
twoutyfuur hones ,
TIIE INTimN.tTioNAm , MATOll ,
i.oNDoN , July 1t-'l'welvu ) ritlmnet
teho mire t1 shoot mugitinst time Amenicutms
in time luterualiomnl match \Vinmbludmn
Fridim' and Sntunlay wm or'u selected timis
niurmimg ns follows ; Prlvate ille\'itie ,
Corporal Bttes : , Corporal l'eiTy , Sergeant
Dodds , i'hujnr ' Vouu , Mayor ! 'muse ,
Qmarterm imstem' Goldsanth , I'rvnte Gibbs ,
Captamn (1odsal , Private Lowe , illtijor
Ilungpheey mad Pm'ivnte Long ,
Thu shooting for time Elcho shield took
Place \Viniblcdon to dny between time
lrislm , Scotelm and Fmglish teams , TJiu
Irislm rdlmuet wueu victors by n score of
1,000 agimimsl 1,089 for the Scotelumet
and 1,0(14 ( for time Emmgiisimmmmemm.
' 1'lus evermmtg 17 more corpses Wore re
covered frwn time engine ruout iumd stoke
hole of time summkcm ateanmslmip Dnphno.
imltAiLAUhl AGAIN ,
Time Scrge amt atArms of time hotmso of
commons today reported to that body
that llrndlanglm had broughlnmi iujuuction
agiiinst ( mint to restruu him free pro.
vuuting Bradlauglm from ordering time
'l'ime GoveTunatt stiles time Sultm of
Turkey claimed time right tp samctioiiug
change ter time character of Sites canal ,
The Coauuissionur of time llmturmmmmtimmmmtl
Litemitry Association has pt opnred n draft
of time interuatioualcopyright cntveimtiou
for time eoufe'enee in Bernu in Suptan
bliDnlm , glumly 10.-A credit of one
million pesutus were voted to time gove n-
nlunt to ILGity time cost of mill possible
measures to prevormt the intruduetiot of
cholera into Spniu , lfiug Altomao iu-
fo mmed time cabumet to will sbu t for Our-
mushy Septommmber 1 , Time sumatu voted
time budget ,
TIIE .im wmsmI TUTAL4 ,
VIENNA , July 1l--At ) the trial at Ny-
aregliplmaza of the Jews charged with the
nrioxlr .nf u Cltristiimrtl girl , a cgmmmitahlo
deposed tint he was congmolled , tinder or-
duns , t" bastinado a prsonur amid tortmro
Imium ivith tlmulnb-scrows. Time public
prosecutor deutandcd that the anti-
$ enietic deputy , nanmed Onody , be sun-
mmwmed as a witness. Ouody had threat-
ormod the Irosocdor with a stick in time
street turd ehallemm gull hint to a duel. Time
1prosecutor declined to accept for time
BEULIN , .July 10.-The unmpress of
Austria is 5ullbring front purtinlparalysis.
Titus , .July 111.-A nuntbor of French
iiuancirl imolsca oifumed do Lesseps all time
umouoy required t ) coustuict time now
cuutl or widen time presamt om.
LONDON , Jody 111-t is ruuorcl ) that
cholera has tuppoared iu'l'rieste , Austria.
11f ueh doubt , Ilowevur , is expressed as to
the truth of time story.
IIsttirbtumces 1)own South.
101MA , Yuen , July 19.-A strong amd
arolomgud shock of enrthquaku was felt at
half. east 2 o'clock this Morning.
'l'hme folluwiii6 letter front Colorel
Garostitmgu to llmmentl Lynch , dated uit
llwunaehnco heights , July 10 , is hub.
lisped : 'After a two (111)5' caimtonude
iumd furring , time divisinn under lily eoni-
mutiul engaged time mailed forces of Cace.
res , Itoetl aTuu , Jglea'as ' tumid otlmer
chlef5 , obta'ning ' a complete victory , tumid
ontiroiy dl posing tlmwn. All their artillery -
tillery is in our joascssimn. Details will
follow shortly , "
Bulletins front time battlefield say
Caceres hind 4,000 mmensix Kru ppcanhon
amd an nbummdant supply of rifles , while
C01. GorOatingo him d only 12,000 rnon ,
Caceres thought he lost 1,000 kilied on
the hoightm. Caceres , Ittlabaren , Igliius ,
Prate amid other chiefs tune said to have
escaped unlutrt
Vlrghmla t'ot' Blutno.
IthemmnoND.llily 10.-Time state wn-
trim ! republicm cenmuttce elected Jolur
F. Desemidorf chnirnuuml vice.1. Cuchrammo
resigned , 'J9o resolut Was endarso Des.
eudorf , coudemmum time nmttionnl mmdulinis-
tratiam f"r tlu'owin $ its imliaemou uguiust
time republic im camdmdatus at time jest imce
of time bosses of time retudjustei' party tumid
jm ruumovimg front olticu rupubbc rams who
huuvu always been active support of thu
party , tumid plncimg in their posit0mis niem
who refuse to aclntowiedge tielmmselves
rupilblicums. A resolution declared Jas ,
(1 , Jlhtiuu time choice of the rupubliciuts
of Virginia for president ,
The Cotton Worm ,
I AUSTIN , 'I'ex ' , , July 18- TIme cotton
wore has tqpciu'el trust of Austin ou time
railroad to ham Almtohjo and is doimig
mach harm. Its utrl : ) appearance causes
fanny of grunt dmtmage.
SEI.MA , Alit , , .July 1t1.-Throe cotton
cnturpillur lmna inndu n general njqeur-
nnce um this section. An examniuatmou of
the crop sour thu city shows tlmo top
leaves brolly riddled ,
The Cblcugo City Railway.
CIIIUAnO , July 1q I'liumes Adams ,
counsel to time corporation , has presorted
to time couueil comnumittee ill ) opuuon on
the question whether time charter oribi
wally granted 30 years ago to time city
railway canpamnos by time state to gisla-
tune to rat 20 years remained v'al'id or
Was lmuoursuded byyears subs uemmt act ox-
tenduimg the fr mmluisu to UJ Years , Ho
holds time oxtonsimu valid , '
. .
Spicy InterTleWS With Dana , lloi an ,
The Great Edtors { ilhmmhmato the '
Dark horses-Arthur lbr time
Itcpubllenns , McIonnld
tor the 1)omocrnts.
Nniv'oluK J ul , 10-Time Herald
pu''iut ; interviews of its reporters with
IdltOFs Dann of ' 1'ho Semi , of Time
't'ribune , and Hastings , of The Cittcinnnti.
Commercial , ou time presidential sitaa-
Mr. Dann Said'l'ildeh is omit absolutely.
' 'If it lay in any hand to decide who
almond bo presuleitt , it Would beVillinnt
S , Hollmman , of Indiana , JoolllcDmtald
has a good chance. Jolut I'nluror , of 11
linnms Would bu a capital cnulilatuVnn
English , of lmidiaua , huts nut time slightest.
cluueu. ! landau world d0 well. Patti-
son is out of time rnce , I don't know that
Clo ulamd is thimikimig of time prostdatcy.
( ht time republicui situ Arthur might be
ablu to carry time united dole atio front
Nov fork , Cornell Would like to but lie
enli t. Do nut think Conkling rvill help
Arthur , Comklhig's attitude is to be that
itbstentiou. Bhtimu is out of time qucs
"On whist issues will time tight be ? "
I"I'o Put time rim nlblic cols out , and time
rimlulhlieaus t'iil 1jblmt to keep theuisulves
iii. "
"Bel time tariff ? "
"Nonaence. Time tariff inns jumst gone
jute opcndioi , and no party will know
enough of its oil'cets or nthitims to warrant
its inthtmtces with it ; it is a party mcas-
uro Pro or con. As for 'Tilden , I know
that under no circunmstwccs ms ouil lie nc
ee ) t n noniinatiomm for president. "
Mr. Reid said ho hind nut found his
pre ideutinl preference yet. All look
with interest to time October eleetiotls in
Ohio. Tutu candidate wlmo cannot make
Ins party strong imt that state hiss a large
ulmstnclo to orercouo at the outsoL I
don't think Hoadley will be elected ; if lie
ho does not , his Loon will be ended. At
presert Itandnll seems to be uu the van of
time duutocratie cmdidates. As for Arthur -
thur , ilu stands better before time country
to-day that ever before during his of ciaL
Ilastiugs said Arthur is making no ef-
fort. lie needs to make solo. Events
are shaping th'mmgs ' for him. Cornell is a
dead dug. lie lmas a few fr'ends ' but no
patronage. llai had his tiny. They are
out , Blninu is out , Sllernmat is out , Conk-
l'ug ' js out aril means to keep att.
Arthur seers to have a walkover. Joe
111cDouudd will 1)0 ) the strongest on time
dornocratic side. Ilandricks can't control
Imdjana. As for Tildou , his declnration
is a part of time gaiuu ; time old Sovmour
dodge over again. Dana is fooled when
lie Hays Tildem is out , nod ] nu is just
the kind of a eau to be
fooled by old 'Tilden. He can
iu1hayed on very easily I Kaye known
Tihlem its mart amid boy these fifty oats.
Bless my heart ) I raauber
hue peddled grated turnips , for Imorsd'rad-
'sit , , ! ' What 1 Yea ) sir ; exactly It
is just fifty years ago when I as a lad
in t Ins my store , , Tildon'a father hnc
n kinil of'patcnt merb'storo imi Lobalioii2' , '
on Broadway , just below State strobt.
Job Gonad had at steno and ErastusCorm- ,
ing's place ivns directly opposite , and time
boys used to point out Sam Tildetuas the
fellow who sold grated turnips for houro-
radish , and him has been in time saulo busi-
mless ever silrc0.
- m
TIIE 1O1Yat .
Time Jolimt Ilisousslon of time Candidates -
dates for Governor.
Dims MOINES , July 10.-Since arrange-
umeimts have beun made for a joint discussion - j
sion botwceim time republican and democratic -
cratic cuuhilates for , govermor , Getoral
Weaver , time grealbaek candidate , has
asked to be adumitted to time ( letuto. }
Chairmamt Dormum , of time republican
state comitral emmnittoe , in answering the
greenback chairuai uud declining time re-
gmest , says it is very plain to evoty ono
that time real contest is betweemt time ro-
pimblicum amid democratic parties. Time
tmw uecessaril occupied by time candidates -
these two
dates of arties , in
ammYthib like at full discussion
of time umammy issues involved' , will
reorder those meetings inevitably long.
Time ( luestiamms ut issue betwoat the ro-
lmublictumamid democratic parties at'broad ,
and in settle cases squarely antagonistic.
No spcim varimmces exist between the
parties you and I represent Tlmo green-
) ( question appears to have been ra c-
tically settled by the people themsotves.
Upon time saloon , which so man
regard as time issue f time cant pai
amid wlmieh they are ready and anxious to
have fully disussed or ) arty has arraigned -
raigned iself rat tlmero ublicans'ldo of time
issue , 1 therefore very respeetfulh ' and
courteously decline your proposition.
New llaumpshire Sonatorslmlp ,
CoNcolue , .Jnly 10-Two ballots for
United States senator were takam today.
First-100 votes nucossury to a choice ;
Chandler 70 , lhinglmuut 114 ; socond-103
votes necessary to choice ; Chnndlor 74 ,
lbinghant 110. Time rcnainmg votes of
each ballot were distrilmtod among a
dozen other candidates.
icoarmoy's Grievances ,
Nuw YouK , July 10-The Sun amid
otimem' journals tlmink Deiulis Kcarnoy ems
at bast a geimuimo grievance jn his treat-
muimt by time park connmissioners and
other city olhcituls , who foist gave amid.
them wjthdruw ormission for h' ' mm to
s rock as Union ' ( uan u , lie 1a mai6
0 little cut1)itl ) out of time oceunroltc o ,
Spceulatori Caught.
CIutA(10 , July 19-79me corporatiOn
coummaul dscides that saloon licohses are
not trmusfenuble. ' [ 'his leaves several
pels0rv , with as largo number of licemsos '
on then lmouds , taken out as speculation.
at $ l0hdohlurs ; each beforeJulylat , when
time state law nmakimg time foe $600 went
into force ,
- - - - -
Thumb's hunoral ,
BlmWEPonT ) , Conn „ July 18.-Time
fiuuornl of ( bit. 'remit 'l'huunb took place
to-day with Masonic curentonies , Full Y
ten Imoolpro viewed ( the rentams. '
A Grommrmdless Roport.
NEw Yoluit , July 19-Time report that
General Grant is dead eras no foundation , . .
. , .
.w. aeau
uuututt nla6 , - g + -