w - - _
Thursday Morning , July 19.
-Noith O.nith& 18 UfTCtIfl from poUt but.
-Freo oxhlblUon of p1ntIng every even
( ng8tlM2 Dodge
-Contricor Otnt ) IM c1oftne ( the mud off
of the 1)ouglM itreot vorntt
-Go , . Dawoi ha. i.uoi eommiulon to
DMtd S. Seldon and John T. r&ubm , of
Uda cliy , Wi OOLT1O1 pubilo.
-There wee iomo rockIoi riding of hor.a
en 1)ouglM atrooL yoitor.lay to the Imini
nont peril of the pocloetrian. .
-The 1atoeorganfzatton In the city Is the
Catholic Knlght43 Inuranco Co. , which prom.
loa to become a very 1.nportan . InNLtutIon.
-Charilo Kaufmann brought down z hand.
ful of lovely mobud yc.torday and , , up.
illetI omo of hI friend. % vti ) button.hote
-Mr. Frank Bryant , of the audtor'M office
of tim Pacific Jxproe , will oroot a 1.andoino .
rt1donco on the lot aouth of lion. J. L. Web.
iter'i on Ploaaant Btroot.
-There % vrui ft 1lo1y little acdinmago toeter.
day n the fro1ht auditor' . tieparlinont of the U
1. , In winch Mr. LouI * Fabit , the vcIl known
barber , I1OVOreiy chMUod Charito ( row , ono
of the clerka.
-Among the ca.oi. In Judge Andoraon'q
court yoeterday that of Amelia Lowl. , who
w1i .ent UI ) for ton days for intoxication. A
tramp WM ROUt to the amosununor roaort for
a term of fifteen day. .
-The tar idowaIk laid on the aouti ) and
woet .idoi of Ma Moyora block a fihort titno
ago In being torn UI ) and will bo replaced with
& genuine ai4inlt pavoinenL Tar ivaIk dent
'oom to bo growing In popularity.
-Shc of thoolovon convicbi who oscapoI
from the Fort Omaha guzird house have boon
CMtUi1l. ( Two of thorn were captured on
Sunday anuth of tIm city. They had ox.
changed their military .niltt. for civilian droe.
-Two little 80014 of Mr. Iloraco Newman
wont in vwirnming Tucday at tIio Natatorl.
nm , and not knowing how to swim , got
frightened and would have drowned , had not
their father jumped in with all lila clothee on
p and rcacnod thorn.
-The paving qucation i getting hotter
every day and It Ii. expected that an injunction
Will . .hrrtly . be brought to lirovent the laying
of Colorado itono ordered by the council.
This will bring retaliation , they say , and
general war may be looked for.
-There bi a rood deal of intoreating uewi
among bualnoes mon a to the future oxten-
ionz of the Htroot railway .yetorn and it I. be.
Roved that the line will bo running out Cum
log troot M fiu a the ro.orvolr before the
1ow flioe. Tblrt.oonth itroot ahouki coino
next by rigbta.
-lit iS reported that Col. John 0. Meyer
. ha. sold his farm , located four or five miles
iouth of this city , through Amos iloal Estate
Agenc3 , for time sum of $5,000. Timings wore
looking lively around Mr. Anies' ollico vlioii
the reporter was timoro yesterday.
-There bi a vast amount of talk on the
. troet concornlii ; the origin and cause
of tlmoclaing ( and reopening of the gambling
. houses , iii which the annie of a promninojit
city otilcial Is pretty freely anti smut very
creditably mentioned.
-In the district court to-day , the case of
O'Connor vs Cox , which baa. been on trial for
I whole week , was argued before Judge Not -
' t yUle , the counsel licing granted two hours on
I each side for presenting their arguments. The
jury did not got out until a vary Into hour.
-As will be soon by the despatches , the
probabitiUes are atrong for a general strike of
telegraph operators all over the country ,
which many be expected any day. All Is
quiet bore so far , but the managing officials
say that matters are ripe for a triko hero as
-The many friends of Miss Marcia Manning -
( ning , * ill regvot to learn that she will not to-
turn to Omaha this summer , but will spend
her vacation in the east. She lies made such
inarkodimprovement during thiopast yoarthmat
she has decided to remain at tbo conservatory
in order to cornllotO the course for gradua.
-Sheriff Jones , of Dixon county , arrived
in the city Tuesday night with a Prisoner
whom he was taking to the ponitentlary , 1mev-
lug recently boon convicted of mimanslaughter ,
Time irisonor was turned over to the western
detectIve agency , to be tal en care of during
thoniglit and was yesterday taken down to
'Lincoln ,
-Fhie fuiioral of tlioiate amue1 Bean touh
plado at 3 Ij. m Tuesdtmy irpnm 'rriimity Ciitlio.
dial and the sorviees at the grave svuro comm
duhted by Bishop Clarktsn tam a solemn atit ]
tmress1vo manner. Time luli-boarors wore
George "V. Doano , Lewis S. heed , 13. IL
Wood , E. :8. : Chandler , Jionry W. Yates ,
Saduel Orchard , Mr . ltono , and Ilermnar
-Three boys named Gao. Brown , Andy
Mimnnk , ami itobort Ness , wore arrostot
by the Police yesterday ca the charge of
. broaldnk OpOfl a freight car hoar the Omnahi
and St.l'aul dopotaml stoahimim a dozen bottici
otbitters. 'I'hoboxwasbroken opomiamud loft be
imind aftertime contents lied been carried away
t The boys drank the comitonts of sommiti of thi
bottles , and tried to get. several other boy. f.m
drink with thmrn , and iii tlmim. mnmumnor gavi
; kthemsolves away. They will probably b
prosecuted by the railway authorities , wlim
rny they do not care for the value of the good
but want to break UI ) time practice of btirgiar
Ixing curs , as they cannot set a loaded car any
$ whore out pf sight without its being raided ,
. -There Is a great deal of corniltdnt aboul
time manner in which the streets are sprinkle. .
now-a-days , being generally deluged until time :
are mudily froum ammo end to another. Sent
5t4IHt sitoultI ho taken to regulate tlil. muat.t.c
ta.nI we understand that OuncIhmnan ] Jciimi
, will Introduce an ordinance to tlit effect Ii :
the city council at aim early tlay , 'rho tlmi mm
has become anulsittico tmnti .omio of thu driver
arc very saucy to thuse who remnommstratu wit
them oim the subject. Time other day one o
them grossly Insulted a Icily who waste
to cross the atreet and Mr. flolmmn caine miw. .
t talmiug 141n dowu off hi. wagon amid putting
bead on him ,
- -
I .
sit. J9hni i.moigo , No. 25 , will mimeef. i
ejwcial communication Thursday evoniml
S for work in time F , 0. degree , Viaitiii
' brcthrozi are fraternally invitud.
w&t. ; IIJUJNELt ,
_ _ _ _ _
WJdeAWkO jruggists.
. 0. F , ( loodnian is always alive in liii bus
: . ness and spares no vaIn to secure time best' (
article In Wi. . line. Ito has rcued Lii
agcy every to ; f.he celebrated Dr. Ling s No
1iscovei-y for COWSUIflItiOfl. The only ecu
fain cure known for COflMUiflJtIOflm Cough. .
Ci1ds , lloarsenO Asthma lta' FcVei\lirOr
chitli oraeyaffecUOn of tiwoat and
. Trial bottie
Hold on A lxmltivQ guarante
F free. lkulsr cixo
A New Uctedive Oraniztion in Omh. .
A bong Volt Want About to Be
The frequent robborioc , burglaries nnd
otiie acts of outlawry committed in
Omaha during the Pest few years , which
are almost whoily attributed to thu insuf-
licient aizo of our police force , long ago
convinced our citizens that aomnothing
else was needud to protect merchants numil
citizens from time deprodatioima of thieves
A atop IIM nt last. booui taken whichi
vroummiaes to supply this want , anti time
imuturo of the new mnovomnont is explained
in time following circular , issued yester-
( lay :
21) tImC .3fcrohan(8 and Cit1cns of
Onnp.TINO : The undersignoti purmoso
establisiuhig in this city a 'thiercimmuuts'
l'rovont'ivo Police Force" and geumoral
detective agency , siuiiilar to that now in
pernLion in eastern cities , providing we
can obtain your auport and Jatroum.
ago. Ii ; is our iuuteuitioum to
umuqloy good , trustworthy muon ,
whose duty will lo to vmttrl the
streets and alloys , mind t.m visit the preuui.
ice. . , of each ( mile of our patrouma at least
ommco every hour ( luring time uuiglit. 'Fhiese
mmmcii will ho iuistruetI to try nil doors ,
amid see that they are IroherlY ) socureti ;
mind to be always on time alert for burglars
anti thieves , mmmi to priuiimtly give the
alaruut iii case of fire. Iutchm imatrolumumuuu
vihl be CIiuIjjCl ) viLii a phicummiaum'n climb ,
a dark lantern , and a uniforuim cap , bear-
log oim time front time legend , ' 'l'ulercimamuts'
l'revontivo Police. "
This circular is mui"umed by "Felker &
Co. , " Mr. Steve Fcfiur beiumgwell known
in this city , where ho resided for a bug
time , and his brother Imoing one of time
celebrated Pinkerton ( lotectivo agency.
\Vith responsible IarLies at time liuuul of
time movomimmit , it could mint result tither-
wise than imi great beumehit to the
mumercimanta and other subscribers. 'fimo
system will be extended so zu to cover
not only the business llockss , but time
residoumco portion of the city , and it vi1I
bo p'rfoctetl as fast as time patronage will
warrant it.
Such an institution line boon talked offer
for a long thou , and is now put in shape
to produce good results , if it meets with
proper support. _ _
It weep the Ullion Pacific Park
Nile 111 a Two flours' ' tra1e ,
St Closely Contested Gummne , Chuck
Full of l'avulyzlng Errors.
As early as tlmreo o'clock time crowd be-
gait to assounbic at-time St. Mary's avenue
grounds to witness the second gauno be-
tweeii time Port Iluroums amid the Union
Pacifies , and by four o'clock fully fifteen
immumdrod anxious spectators voro inside
Limo citelosuro , while quito its nmaimy
equally anxious were perclme(1 UOfl time
house-tops until the adjoining lulls out- .
The game throughout was marked by
slmarp viays by both tennis , although the
harmony was somewhat iumarrod by a
grand "kick" against Limo decision of time
umpire UjOii two occasions by time vie-
item-a 'fhmo gauuia was called promptly' at
four o'clock syitim McKolvey at the bat ,
who failed toreack first ; Funkimousor fob-
lowetl with a safoimit ; Bakurand V1mitnoy ,
both of wbmomn faibiui to reach first , loft
Fuumklmauser on ! tlmurd. Watkins now
faced Salisbury , amid was retired before
tea .iuig first. Collins struck a foul
which was mmicoy cuq tured , Myers couum-
plet'mng tIme trio by failing to reach first.
Second iumuings-Sumuod got first on an
error , amid was capurod aim aecoumd ; Foley
followed with a fly to left amid had a
ehuumco to rest iii consequence ; lirigga dy.
ing on first. Datum hit one \Vhuitumoy ,
wlmichm of course Charlie gathered in ,
I'imio following with another \Vimitnoy
who vuLs there agaium ; l'ulorrisomm imo' fol.
bowtil with a dmiisy and got as far its time
third bag wimeum Beck struck a hot foul
that was superbly taken enro of by Baker ,
lorrisoum scoring.
: Timirti innings-Sumlisbuury retired on n
tip , vluiclm lie kiekedin rumoring. BmmumdiL
. guttiumg to firt on humUs. fmIeIulvy liii. ii
L lint cue to short idol ) , numd found out that
Pine was just mmmcmiii emmomigh to lucid it ,
Funkiunmser 101(1 Bmiggs umow followed
, with safe lulLs , filling the bases. Thut
' munliquuce all felt moom1 uibout nosy , huh
I \Vimitnoy wtuumt to bat and pounded tin
air , leaving time bags full of imooluie
'l'iiomupeoui ( catcher ) struck hard to Me
I iColvy ammd st1mmetl , followed byVatkiums
v1io Imit safe timid got first mimud ammoakod t (
m third emi a pmssud ball by linker , scorini
' on Collins' hit. ? . ! oyers out out first
. Duumum giving lirigge a dandy fly aum
which was taken iim ' 'too slick. '
Fourtim lnniuig-b'noed got first emS
S balls , Foley and Brigge both retIrin or
) fouls to the catchier , Brigge' foul guvini
, Thompson a cimaumco to uumako a beautifu
S rummiming catiu , and nliebury being oxtin
) guiahod 4' the short ate1) .
S Pine tried Bandlo at left field with u
. fly , and found that "Stub" could uumaku m
. rimnniuIg catch as yuil aim any of timouuu
Morrison neat out cmi first , mumd Lodkii
on a fly to
Fifth inmuiumg-Bmiumdlu again oea to furs
oum balls ; 1IoKelvy fmLibwl uufaium to go
V timer. , , Fuuukhmouser following in a safe hit
II linker also hitting safe got Bundle t
r third , A little couufmmuuloum imoru botwucu
Ii time lust timid eccomul bu.umneum , being tumkoi
m advantage of by Ilioullo to iIacu his lmoL
If oum the uumneblo , followed by Funkiuumus r
us linker giving tip time ghost on socouuil an
Ii Suiced cmi first. heck aumul 'Vhmouumpson no
1 caine forwaid nimil stiuck into 51)11CC )
I ; \\'atkins following vitim a fly to Siucu
u. that was corrumlicil by timilt goimilumumaum
a t time (1110011's taste.
Sixth Jiuumimug-Foloy could not got ii
uuico hit Pitat shutirt. Brigge mud imov
over , and crossed the plate. Suulisbur
gave time second base uuumum a chance time
U he dochinerl , htmL who mumneuuuburod
g ngaiumat harry , amid iuruvented huiimi read
Lg 11mg that beau a few mnomnoumts aftu
Baimtllu followed , ruid by some nice woe
r. fuumnily plaumted lute foot on the nmarbl. .
Moiculyy being takeim care of by lo
flub ! .
I. Pine meow tried hmmird to roach first , hi
) f failed , ( elbowed by l.odkin , who attic
out , and Beck went out on a fly toSumue. .
r. Collins aimd Meyers scored mncunwhmili
I , . mnakiuig time score 4 to 4 and oven ii
I. niuigo.
, . Seventh iumning-Funkimoucor out c
first ; Baker fouled to catcher ; Wimutimi
striking a "biLLie one for a cent" to third
that cost him his piece ; Timonipsoum
tiuotiglmt to get one over lriggs' hood , but
failed ; Vm'ntkiumn nuid Dunn both retiring
oil fouls that Baker caltlmrcd amidst
deafening aiia1uae
Eighth iumnuuug-Smucod's grand drive to
time fencoc.mused him to tmko a rest on
third until Fold ) ' got iii his work which
lurouglmt iuini in ; Brigge , Salisbury and
McKoivy , nil getting out on first , not
until Foley managed to score , however
and leaving handle on eecomul Pine and
Morrison now scored ; Lodkin and Beck
going out on first and Thompson on rcc
end ; score now Ii to fi , and oniy one in.
umimig to hear frouum ,
Ninth inning-Funichouser , Sneed and
F'ohoy retired on fly. . . , leaving linker amid
Whuitnuj to hold down a couple of baa.
Watkins scored for the visitors and wmn
1111mg the game thirotugim an error.
An rimnusing featmiro of time game was a
coterie of ilue.coatecl adiuuirere of time
visiting club. 'Flue squatted immediately -
diatoly behind time back stop , and vocifur-
ously cheered every poimmt mmmdc by the
iottIe.green artiste. Their cumthmmmaiasuum
was so marked and mnumlicious as to attract
genesal atteumtion , hit tIme fuict that they
vcru among time recently boummiced Uumion
l'micific c.mmuIuctorr dud not teuni to unako
their rmp3au.9u aim infection.
To-day is thu last chance for time U.
P.'s to save timc'mnselvee , and it is to be
imopeti they will take advantage of time
chaumce ofFered. We hope to ace as large
if mint larger crowd lreseumt. Below is
time score :
tflo ! iiciruc.
All. IL. 31,11 tO. A. 11.
lclCelvyss. . . . . . . . . . 11 (1 ( 0 1 2 2
Fumnkhmnuser,1h , . . . . . . . t 1 2 0 0 2
Baker , e. . . . . . . . . . . . . hi 0 1 7 1 1
Vhituuoy 2b..1 0 0 1 3 1
Simeed , Cl. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 2 (1 ( 0
Foley , 81 , . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii I 1 0 2 1
hlriggs , rt..1 1 0 3 0 1
Salisbury p. . . . . . . . . . 4 0 0 0 4 1
Bauidle , ii. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 1 1 0 1
Total. . . . . . . . . 38 6 ( 24 12 10
moulT hURoN.
AU K iiiI u'o
Watkins , 3b. . . . . . . . . 5 2 1 1 2 2
Collins , 2b. . . . . . . . . . . .1 1 1 2 6 1
Myers , rf. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 1 1 0 1
1)11110 , lb. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 1 13 1 1
l'irlo , q. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 1 2 4 1
.1orrisouu ci. . . . . . . . . 4 1 1 0 0 0
Larkimi , f. . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 0 3 0 0
Beck , i . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 3 o
Thmounimsoum , C. . . . . . . . . 3 0 0 4 2 1
Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 7 6 26 18 7
Saiiiuumry out for interfering with fielding of
batted ijitli.
INNINO' ( . . . .
UniomuPacific. 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 2 0..6
l'ortlluron. . 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 2 1..7
Three Base If ita-Sneed.
Two liase hits-Morrison.
I'assed Bahls-hlaker , 1.
Wild l'iteimes-Snlislury , 2 Beck , 1.
Earned Ituns-Union Pacie , 2
'fhune of Gnuuuc-2 hours.
Not Ilelmiuid time fleet.
Lowii.L , MAm.-Thmo Citizeum says , time
mutest diatiumgiualmed looplo of time country ,
howe given testimnomuiaha to benefits derived -
rived fronm time great pain cure , St. Jim-
cobs Oil. Time citizouma of Lowell know
its great virtues.
A Statonmemit by City TrensimrerBuck
Time city treasurer Tuosdmy eveuming sent iii
to the city council a statement of time
linaimcial coumdition of thmo city for time fiscal -
cal year eumdium Juimo 30th , from wimicim
time following lugtmres are taken :
faxes col'.t , regular , . . . $225,010.33
Taxes eol'd , pecInl . . . . ti3507.21 ;
Costs 1mm police court. . . $ 2,105.90
Fines in police court. . 2,760.60
[ "iumes &c. lii inmbiie ii.
brary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376.60
ricouimcs of all kinds , . . 83,911.110
Permits granted. . . . . . . . 375
Pocootb. of bonds sold 190,729.17
lien ! estate sold or is'tI 3,300.17
Old sidewalk tax 111.01
Old road tac. . . . . . . . . . 417.51
Wood edit from park. 150.00
County tfor lowering
Imilme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2l520
Uuuitt'd States forsewer 100.00
Two horses sold. . . . . . . . 10278
Use of eumgine. . . . . . . . . 37.50
Suumdrios . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13260
Total colboctiouma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1177,059.95
Total tlisbuu-soummemmt , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1105 388
Jim coumeludimug hum reportMr. Buck says
thuumt in lmis report of last year imo informed
time CUumCil ( tbmumt tIme proumulit tax-layers
hmml already 1mumid iii over 85 per cent of
time taxes ( if time current year ; bmmt timuit
tide jCIIr they lmumve doumo still bettOr , and
) at thus elate , only sixty days after taxes
bccamne duhiumquemmt , theme remnaiuus unpaid
, less timumim 14 per cent of time toxea of 1882 ,
umimd emily 2 p ccmmt of time taxes of
I 1881.
Tucstlay , July 17 , 1883.
Court ummet to niljourmnont.
lticimrdeon cumnty vs. Miles. lielmear
lag denied. Maxwell J. tlissoumta.
: tmte vs. Priebmiow ut a ! . Leave to fib
record granted.
; 'J'hmo following Causes were continued
V flu Circuit vs. State.
S l'obirs vs. Dinmumotta.
0. & N. Jty. Co. vs. R.xtick.
Wilson vs. Omaha ,
m Time following cmumeee were eubmaittod
Ilolluumbeek vs. Tmmrkimigtoim. On mao
, tiomm to diuuuumias.
Lewis vs. St.ato.
McCornmick vs howe.
hlryaumt vs. Estabrook.
Clevulmiumd Pumper Coumupany vs. Bairku
elm trial.
Comirt adjourumed \Vednestlay uimorum
tm 11mg , at 8:30 : o'clock ,
heal EstntoTm-ufev.
t Time following duc.1 . voro filet ! for rue
'I Ore ! 111 tIme county churk' oflicu July 1him (
) reported for 'fun Bumr : by Ammmea' tea
i estate agency :
ul 0. P. Benmms umImt vife to .Johmim Imtar
.5 taihm : , v ii , lot 5 bik 'A' , Lens muld.-$100
ml S. S. Caidwolt to Lucimulum Conrad , w d
'V ' lot 1 bil ( I , Lakes adii.-$1000 ,
.s , S. Cahlwell anti wife to Lucindi
Ii. Coumrad1 iv ml , lid 2 , blk 0 , Lake add.-
0 $1000.
D. F. htieimards nimil wife to Swceelisi
ma Lutheran Chmurcim , qe , loUlblk2l-$3.00
r- S. IC. Jtotlgcra amid wife immmd Natimau
7 Simultomi and wife to City \\'ntur Work
it Cci , , v d , iuut of bhk 'B' , ltosen'oir add ,
it $ (1522. (
I. Nmmthiamm Slioltoim amid wife to Saimmuc
F. 11. J olmimsun , ' .v ci , vimrt of bik 'B' ' , 1toum
k voir add.-$1.00.
- - - - -
ft ThmomusaumilaSay So.
Mr. T.v. . Atkins , (1irard , Kaum. , vrItes
m " imover Imesitatu t. . recoimmumemmil your Ehix
trio hitters to mmmy customiiort , timoy IIYU eumtlr
a sati.fumctiommammd are ralmill I oIlers. ' Electul :
LI. Bitters are time purest and best mediclu
C , known aim. . ! will ixsuitively UntO Kidney an
Lu. Liter cumupialimbi. l'urlfy the blood and rc
ulato the bowels. No family cami affwrd to h
without them. They wiU save Imuzmdrods
umm In iIetor'i bills overt a Soldjv
my 110 comds a bottle y C. F , ( soodman.
All A11eo Onsc for Ilic Conno1r' '
Bsdharo5 !
In WImlehm thmo Conimorcial Trnolcrs
( ut a Big Figure.
Time grczmt sensation lately has boon time
whuoherntlo betting out of the passenger
conductors along the 11mm of time Union
Pacific railway , atmd uxtonding all time
way from Ogdomm to Omumahium , and over the
Thirty pas500gcr conductors between
Omaha and Cheyenne alone have
boon stmrnmnarily bounced amid
flu ) one of timouo , left kmmows
wimat day hue will got Imis time. On time
Utaim amid Northern eigimtoeum out of time
tWenty.oImocommIuctol-Sluavo : ( beeum botuumcod
Various reasouis arc miasigimed for titus en.
cml slaughter of time ilmimOeclitS hut it is
doubtful if any one outside of time cciii-
iumru ) ) officials or time victims thiemnaulvos
know time true teasel ) .
It ; is claimed by some timat it is an rid-
vertimuing job , "mtnythmimmg to get time hue
before time public. " Timia does not sound
very reasonable however.
Time latest story is that time conductors
and time "drunummiers" lund fsrnmd a g'm-
gmnitic uucimome by whmic' they were to be
uumutually beumefitted. As nimyone knows
time couummncrciuti travelins ride oui 1,000
mile tickets as a general timing amid it is
stated that time plan was to got one of
these tickets muse it a tiummo or two amid
then keep it on hands bitt instend of
imuiving it punched out by time conductor
to divy Ui ) with lmimn , hue taking half fare
aiim ! pockotiumg thmat amid time drummer
saving time otlmer half. Time company
was time party which would thus coumue out
at time little cud of time horn amid as time
sale of 1000 mile tickets full off very
rapidly timey soon "summeiled mm large sized
roIont" anl fiuialiy ferreted hmiimi out.
This is time story most exteumsively circulated -
culatod but wimotimer there is aumy truth
in it. or umot Tim Burr dent know. It is
hardly likely timat sucim a bummgling job
would imavo becir uumade of it if it had been
lion. S. J. Alexander I. . . In time city.
Mrs. Co1b of Beatrice , Is at the Paxtomi.
0. Samson , of Oakland , is at the Millard.
F. K. Atkins , of York , Is at the Millard.
lion. L. F. Milton , of Blair , ii at time Pax.
ton.C. . Cook , of 1"remont , is at the Motropohi.
Mrs. Greenloal , of Trinidad , is at the Mu-
0. H. Carson , of Wymoro , is at time Mil
J. B. Jenkins , of KImlall , B. T. , is at the
P. S. hfencock , of Fails City , is at time
L. C. Richards , of Lincoln , is ii gmiet at the
P. B. Raffner , of l'lattsmnouth , is at time
\v. F. Dvls and wife , of Citcyonimee , are at
time l'axton.
B. T Phillips , of Todbumiseiu , is at thc
v. ci. Hills , of St. Louts' , is a guest of thu
14. 1' . DoGitto , of Nebraska City , is at th
W. T. Mcllvain , of Brainard , is at thu
Bruce B. Smith and wife , of Frornoimt , art
at time l'axton.
Jeff I.m. Stone , of Piattaunoutim , Is at tim
C. 'iV. l'ierce aimil W. B. Baird , of Lincoln1
are at the Paxton.
A. B. Slater and fatally , of Wayne , ert
guests of time Millard.
Robert London , of Wyoming , registered al
time l'axton last niglmt.
liom. , F. S. Pusey , of Council Bluffs , was al
time Paxtoum yesterday ,
J. Jr. Luuld and B.V. . Bill , of the army , I
urn guests alL time Paxton
Misses hail aimd Ella. icturned safely froir
their triji east yesterday.
; N : . J. Thmoinpeoum , of Fort Edwhrds , regis
L tered at the Mctrojmolitamm yesterday.
Niumo U. 1' . couttlemetora whose heads m'crt
cut off by the recent nmovemneuit , registered a
time Millard last muiglmt , as tlm ox-U. 1' . muino.
' ( ioo. A. . , ' . , Proirietor of tb
Motroj.oiitarm hotel , returumed yesterday froum
a tili' ' ° Colorado Mrs. Joslymi will reummail
501110 VCC1Ut bommger
w , , II. II. Stout Is imm towum.
S. C. Mills , U. S. A. , is at time 1'axon.
) CIM ) . W.l'ost. , of York , is at time Millard.
J , S. Edwards of Wilber , is at the Millard
: .i0. Ware , of Ogalalla , is registered mit tim
Miss Faumumie Little , of Chicago , is at tb
l'axtoim ,
: H. 0. Swatrtwootl , oE Silver Creek , Is at th
- Mhilard.
John Ii. Coimrat1 of Wyomniimg , is a guest o
the l'axt.omm.
Dr. A. ii. Sowermu , of liastiuugs , i.m a fuest 0
m time Paxtomm.
. :1) : . 0 , 11. Cmmihhmg , of Aurora , is a guest o
time Millard.
B. Sparks. of Vaiontimme , registered at tim
Paxtomu yesterday.
Ex-Soumator Seummdere left for Mt , Pleasant
, Iowa , Tuesday.
0 , .1 , Stowoil ammil wife , of Aimburmi , voro a
time Millard yestemibmy.
- 11 , V. Llvlumgston , of r5i1i.thui , D. T , , wa
. at thu I'iixton yesterday.
Mr , N , Morrimun left for California yostem
hay oum ui leasmmro trip.
- Scott liiuug , mum olil timmie 'V. U. operator , I
how farming out near Millard.
m \ V.Y. . Fagami , aupcrlimtcmmilcnt of time lilli
- sommet l'ialhio railway is in time city.
im A. 1' . Ilowos amid family , miami ( irzmumt Cool
of Blair , dined at tIme Millard yesterday.
Aimtiy McAushummil , reromseumtiumg time Wit
l chester 1lo.oatImmg fire Anus Co. , of Now Ilumi
. . en , Coumim , , is iii town for a tow days ,
llomm. C. 1' . Matluowsoim , N. A. Italubolt ,
a. l'ohlack , tIme U. P. eemmf. and Dr. Aiw
1 Bo.mr , of Norfolk , were mmli 1mm towum yesterday
; Dr. Somimems , surgeon gemieral of time depumi
o mneimt of time Platte , loft yesterday for Fe :
t Niobrargu. lie goes to attend Dr. Lipplucot
: of that ioat , wimo Is lying dmmngorou
15 IYI1I.
Capt. WeihiMillard , C. S. , lisa been grammtc
mm beao of aboerwo ( or four months cmi au
goon's COTtiflCAtO of tilsability , and et LIeu'
tenant O'Brien. of the 4th infantry , hM ) .een
ordered from Fort Omaha to Cheyenne to
take ciumrgo of the depot there poring imhs ab-
srnce ,
B , F , hlottel anti wife , of Fort Collins ,
Wyii. , eta In time city , called lucre to attend
the ( mineral of Mr. Snn.uoh Bean. Mr. lint-
tel wa.s a former business Partner of Mr.
Miss Mimmle Adams , of time U. P. freigimt
auditor's office , loft on the \Vabisim Toes.
day for a six week's visit to relatives in New
York City aml l'arls. Miss Adams' health
hiM been poorly of late , and it is hoped timat
the sea air will improve it. That .imo umumy
fully recover is the wilm of a host of friends.
A l'icsuunnt Treat 1mm Store for Ithc
I'ubl Ic ,
l'rof. W. S. l3lh , of Boatoim , Mass. ,
one of Aummerica's ciuammmpion Liberals , will
deliver mm lecture upoim time subject , ' 'Lib. '
urty and Morality , " at 8 o'clock p. mu. ,
Friday , .itiiy 20th , at Masonic hail , car.
16th amid Capitol avenue.
l'rofessor hell 1mm delivered lectures
at variomus poimmts tlmrougiiotit time west
anti is oi7 highly spoken of by time
press everywlmcro , Time Denver itepumb-
ijenim of rccemmt date says , t'1ime irtmfes- ,
sor's lectum'e was replete with trutim amid
Slmmutl sense. Ho is mmmi eloquent aiwl forcible -
cible orator , amul can win imis way into time
hearts of aim aumdieumcc as quick as any-
one. "
Time lecture vil1 be free timid all are
Time Longest Vatlc Ever Ilmidertaken
by it Cow.
v. B. Joimimson , from Eureka , Iluumi-
boidt coumity , Cal. , arrived lucre yesterday
im1ornilmI , traveling witim a imorso and
buggy , in eoriuimimuiy with lila cow , toVor -
cestur , Mass.
lie left California .Jmmiie 1st , 1882 , amid
not buimmg iii a hurry lie mmmdc somne bug
stops. lie mmuide time distance fromum Eure-
kim to Ogden iii 47 clays. 'I1hmero he win-
tOyed amid heft for Oumiahma Mumy l7tim. lie
traveled this distance , not figuring stops ,
in 88 days. He loaves to-day and eXpects
to get home by October let.
A City Editor Captured by Cupid.
In this city , .July 18th 1883 at time real-
dence of time bride's parents , by 11ev. W.
.1. Haralma , Sands F. Woodbi-idgo to
Fannie E. Wijeoum.
Army Orders.
The verbal iimstructioims of time department -
mont commander directing Lieutenant
I Colonel , Toimn E. Suninmers , medical director -
tor of time department to proceed on pub.
I lie business to Fort iobraiu , Nob. , and
return our its completion to his station at
I imis lmcadquartors , are hereby confirmned.
First Liommtenant , loummi .1. O'Brien ,
Fourtim Infammtry , will proc.cd to Cimoy-
enno , Wyo. , and relieve Captain Welis
Willard , commissary of subsistence,1
( granted leave of absommce mm surgeon's
certificate of disability ) in charge of time
) subsistence depot at timat place.
Lieutenant Colonel Edwin 0. Mason ,
I 4th Infantry , Acting Assistant Inspector
Cenorni , will proceed to Fort Robinson ,
u Nob. , nndForts Laraunie anti D. A. Rums-
ecU , Wyoming , on public business , and
on completion thereof will return to his
m atatioui at these headquarters.
Time following imamned uneim enlisted at
I Fort Douglas , Utah , and Ommmalma , Nob. ,
are assigumeci as follows :
John Copeluumd to counpaumy D , 6th In-
I fantry. -
John E. Hull to the 4th Infantry.
Iii compliance with paragraph 4 , special
orders No. 160 , current series froni time
I Adjutant General's office , the command-
ilmg officer Fort McKiumnoy , W , will
grant a furlough for six mnoumtims to hoe-
. lital Steward Thomas N. Gunn , U. S. A.
Buwuen's Arnmca Salve.
'The gr.iatst mumedical wonder of the world.
Warranted to speedily cure Burmms , Cuts , Ui-
core , Salt. lilmoum , Fever Sores , Can.crs , Piles
Obhlblaimue , Curium. , 'letter , Cimappeil iiantiutnd
mmii skium cruptiouus , guartmmtced to cure in every
m lastanco , or money refunded , 25 cents per
- "Coal Oil .Jolmmmny" Agnhmi.
Williamum McNulty , better known as
Johmniy Steele or "Coal Oil .Tohmmmmmy , "
who iuma(1o a barge fortune during time oil
fever and sqemamidored it mmlmmmost as fast as
0 lie mumadu it , line turned up imi hlariisbmmrg ,
audi is said to be imuimtimmg for ovidemuce to
m ) back sommie of time mmmonoy which was
illegally takeum away from himmi. He ciaiimms
to 10)1(1 ) 0. large ummortgago against time
Coimtinoimtal Hotel , , Pimilaulolimimia. lie
expresses Imi c nfutleimco timat ho vi1l be-
comae us woalthmyasVammderbiltyot. Being
asked where hmia fummmmily was , lie said that
I. they were iii Woyunert , and timat ho had
0 reunt1y semmt thmeun $25,000. He hind
been up \Vihlinmnsport , ime said , about
) aix : ummoumtims ago amid hmappeumed to be at the
Crawford hionse. Somebody was talk lug
aboumt a mmckago ooumtaining$25,000 , "loft
S there by a fellow nauntid Coal Oil Johnny
about ' 05 or ' 66" to reniaimm timers immitmi
r railed for , lie ivemit to time bank and
succeeded , after seine difficulty 1mm estab-
r lishming Ins idemmtity , in obtaining time mao.-
: BALL'S '
C , Every Corset 13 warts-aCed siUs.
laotorytoltumwoaror 1xi..uq wal.
or the money wiil be rc4unaed by
the percsmjxomwbom itwasbougbt.
r. 4 , oniy Ourirt pw.ounoe4 by cmmr 1oeLUn pby.tlsai
. . $0 Lb. . , aniitDdoredDI
rt .I tJrt.us w.axv
. . tIm. ' moel , , . , .eorrumo ammO perle'l autmig Lr..i va
' PflIVESby 1sUI' .taga Pails
a. s&itPt.rtag , 1.5O. 54 iZ.A43S&UI. Ll (
bI.m1U1 ( extra ) cary ) $ LOQ. ? ( niag. 4LI
koal1 l'rc.ertI.d ( Sas asahi ) $100. Paujai
I kIi45.r..t1a ,
V. , . .1. by i4Ial 115111 De.its svssyw4aI
II.VQO oMt VU , , Qk1911' . IL
, -
; Infants and Children
1WitImont Morphine or Nareoflne.
I What glycs . our Children rosy cheeks , - .
Iwhtcuz.esthotr : tevcrsmnae. them steep ;
'TI. ( 'astoria.
, When liables fret , and cry by tin-ne
I Wh cures their ooUc , kills themr wrni.
I- fluit
That quickly cures Constipatlos ,
flour hiLomath , Colds , Indigestion :
1 1It Ctmstnrla.
Farewell then to Morphine Syrups ,
Castor 011 and I'aregorlc , end
Hall Cmutorln.
Contour LInimoflt.-jflft. .
solute cure for Rhoumnnti.m ,
Sprains , Burns , Galls , &o. , anti an
instantaneous Paln.-rdliovor ,
NIF.flS NO ItlONSTIt.tTlON , ANT ) iIt viIo if
ixI'EmuINcI : usowa Th1i ypjp ot rn-
NE ) : ! ) TO imr : TOT.D 'mIIAT miu irs iv WIThIN
ills i'OWRIC TOVA1II ) OFI' riviits : : , iuILiOlJS
A'vrAdIs , hhIAlAClmES , ANI ) Al. ! . TII hI.tS
ml IOWit.S. A vctm'oosi'ur. IN . nl.ASS or
VTI1 , imiromtt : mATINU : , . ' .OTS 1.1K I A CIIAIIM ,
ANI ) NO iVii MAN \Vlt.i. 1m1 WiThOUT IT.
irspecta1e will Positively not bo rnsertod
unless paid in advance.
' 10 LOAN-Money.
fONEY TO LOAN-The Omimalma Satngs flank Is
. . : mi nw ITCP'TeII to make loans em. ( ) umahn , city or
1)ouglas county real estatuat current rate of Interest
No coniunksuoui charged. 3S.tf
IONEV TO LOAN-The lowest rate. of Interest
LVI 3emtule' Loan Agency , 15th & Iomiias. 2ittf
'jONEY TO LOAN-Caiatlaw office of D. L
Si. Thomas , room 8 , Greghton Block.
reNE LOANED-On Chattel mortgage , room 7
11 Nebraska NatIonal flank BuIldIng. 184.tt
, EONEY TO LOAN-J. T licatty loasm. on chettel
JI1 lroporty. 2m3 South mdth St. 544-mm'
C ! aunt he a good cook' best of references rc-
quired. Inqulrcat lOiSCapitoiave. , S. } corner.
7ANTED-A gIrl for general houcwork In a
famIly of two ; good wages ; 104 South 2Mh St.
1 % 7ANTEL-A butcher. Address 31. II. Ilegarty ,
I , Neola , lova.
) - , girl and , ecund cook at 1ICO
VI yANTEl-Lauudry 500-20'
TTANT'good ( lermnati boy to wait at Cools's
T\TANT'- , 215 12th dt. 58S.mD'
' , - . ' good gui for kitchen won , . Inquire
WANTE'- i . lint amid lotige or iems Farnaun St.
1NTED-A umnusolccpcr for sIdowcr svlth two
' cimildreri 3aumd 5 yearsolui. Address MnchliIt , ,
lice 0111cc. 504-181
t 7ANTEI-Oullce girl 15 veers old. Call at Dr.
V lillilmugs , OAlOlt0 P. 0. f93.20t
1TANTEI-Oor75 men to workatFiorence Cut-
1 ! off ) ay $2.4 ( ) for 12 Scums work. inquire of J.
C. Murs1ty at time works. 500.211
7ANTED-lmmncdiatei7 , , a good dishwasher at
vi the MetrupoUtan Hotel. 501.10
t7ATEI-lIning room and kitchen gIn home-
1 .liateiy at 117 14th St. bet. Dodge and Capltom
Avenue. , 5o7.io'
"ANTED-One female cook and ohs girl for gen
( V eral housework at the California ilousa
1TANTEli-A1lnt-c1a terSer. ( boO seagcs raid.
'I y llerald Dui1d1n Barber Shop , 1413 Farnaui.
tTANTED-A tirt.cias.s .wmmnsing teacher , corner
! y 0th and Farnaisi St. 571120t
7ANTED-Lady housekeeper for getmticmnaii and
Si V daughter. i'refcruzmcs gircn to otis she con
Instruct daughter In famicy work. Address 5 ! . D. ,
box 710 1' . (1.- , . with reisreoce. 578-1
TV'ANTED-A girl nt 1514 ( liuIfonila St.
vy 581.1St
't7ANTEI-Good girls for gesmeral housework and
V V cooking. aood chance to select good place.
217 N. lath St. 581.18
tTAN1'ED-Two thoroughly exIedemmced sewing
V ! mutumebinc canvassers ; aDo good farm Iiau"ii.
2IVNorth lOtlmSt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7ANLI3)-Ladios and young men Instructed in
I 1 bouk.icee.Immg. Situati.nu. furnhhed.
584.1St .J..ll. SMII'li , 1510 Domiglam.
U7 ANTED-Two gIrls at NewEngiand ltestaumumt ,
1 1 1418 Douglas street. 542ms
7ANTI1D-First.tass ) womnasm cook at the ( lault
\ ' lionsu , near govcrnnemmt corral. 543.tf
U7ANTED-Two dining room girls inimnediately at
Y'i 1518 Dodge St. Cood.wagvs. 552.15'
'flTANTRDTwo dining room girls , one compo-
v tent to take cimarge. Ifl.ammters' house , lULls
autO . Dodge. 555-IS'
7ANTIW-A gooti smsoeuner One ab1eto tb
' 1 tirsL.classsewed.uimd peggjidwork , can obtain a
sitimailoum by addressImig J. J.1)udtark , Yankton , Ba-
2 ? 49148
VITANTS3)-A good feeder for double cylinder
ily l"ss , at oncuat thl.otblce. . jy.U
' % 7AN1'ED-A dimuirig room girl .t time Occiilcmtal
V V bmnniediatey. ) 44b.tf
1XTANTSI-A gpo.1 general bckmith. Good
, v wages and steady work theyco.r routaL
LOWRY & MARULEY , Frcuwmii Neb 358-IS
UTANTEI-i'rivY vauit , .inles , and cesspool. to
, , clean witl sanitary cleaner. Sottsfactionguisr-
anteed. 0. Ii. Smith box , k2 Omaha. 310-iwo
LADIES Oil YO1JNU5tEN in c ty or country ,
take nice , Ugst and pbeaaut w uk at their own
home. ; 2 to 55 a.lay easily. sod quIetly made ; work
, ont by uabi ; no cams. samuig ; no stamp. for teply
llvasu address Itehiabi. Masiimheturlzsgcounpaimy , Pa. . ,
draoer Ti' . 185.tu.th.m.at tIll i' 21'
17ANTlW-To buy a drug store in a good , live
V I t4SWtI , county scat. AtUress C. S. Smnmtl , , New
5Iarkt , 'fuior'owmty , Ia. ILOI.18
A.ltm.ItuLn : ICnO ' 5 ithlittlugirl sbxteeum montimu
It oitltlelres a position as Imomnokeuper for one ox
two ) crsnus uvbmere there are rmo other cbmildren.
Itefereumee ghmcuu umumd requIred. Address , Q. ii. , flue
0)11cc ) , 581.18'
y it RENT--houses and Lots ,
I aU comneimtomees on iTtis street , befssees Nlclmoiss
and l'atul. Cousi cuittiust to LI. I'-blIoLts Jms'iuuire ' at
1122 N. LOUs street. _ 512.20'
1)1t lSNT-SI' ( room house In that-class order ;
_ L good wtI1 ammil solt saber , , uear U. P. fl.iput.
Ai'ii ' at 818 Sourim lothistreet.
5.1.20' A. ! .IcOAVOCI ,
1'011 ' 1IENT-A lmoioo situ II rootms , and barmi,171t
1 isLet St. Inquire mit 000 8. 13th St. . 0O1 20
; 'oim iiEN'L''l\susO.r ) docilixig , 1718 Burt street.
Cimeap. Apply N. IS cur , 20th and Cailforaba.
iUmtNiSh1EL ) ROOM-First floor to rent N. W.cor
iTtim aiid Doumdu.
31011 iiI1'-'urmmisimvd runsui fur light house
I LMelsitug , FrOmt reoumme , wlthgood ylear of brIdge
rIver amidCoimnchi filet ! . . Slmady , weii entllmted ata
city % s ater and sewage oum seine tioor. 'em ) ' desirabl ,
5 seidomi , anti mmot long iaeaut. ilceumer's Block , conisi
5th ammO lIoward.
IIENT-A good house and barn In a du.hraLi
m Foil , Emsqubro N , ml. corner 10th and Ilou (
I 15a.
I2'OIt ItENT-Furnisimed rooms , with or wlthou
S board , at 1751 Cais st.b4v.een 17Umumd 16th.
I T"015 ftit-Itoue In good repair , lt23North lOtb
. * j street. 58145'
j ; " -EIegant furuibed roocs , 18i8Dode.
0IlIflNT.OI6 jics ; ; ; hr room , turiisheda !
I I Cuming St. , itIr , 583-ri'
8P.NT-Oi1 * between 14dm
potEron Inquire cc'r. ISiS i'sl Chicago. .
, Uh1NbiirIhJ Itoom to rent , 2112 CalIfornia St.
I I fST.28'
ORiIENT-Wit1u board , large fimrni.hed froot
I I vith bay wjnI.sW , gas and bustS room , 1715
hedge street ,
rp 5.57 .Unfurnlimcd 1724 Douglas street ,
non ltF.NT-Iesirabtd eott.g's , $20 per mouth ,
.j : ' 22iOCshiforniastreei. 43541
FmiffNTNew room , turii1ir uufurnihed ,
ith board. ltcferenca , requIred. iOiO Ilsien.
port. 456-U
riuut ) flENT-Tmo.sasilbrick stores and baoineos $
L4 just being tlnlheb 30. threc dour netiu of Nob.
NaUonal flank. S. I.R1IStAN. Sid-tf
; 'out IIRNT-ltoomt , st } Toard , uonihwest comet
10th and California .t. 20741
; -'omt - IISNT-Fiyo room cottage with good barn.
All In exceibcuut condition and weil located.
i03.tf C. P. DRISCOLL
1jUiiNisImED _ % 10)0115 ANI ) lbOAllD-Modem con i
1 % enbctsecq. 1812 lodge ) st. 004.lmt ' 04
' -i -
roll SALE.
ing lmouc. Addrei. . II. , hoe 0111w. 000-21t
Olt SA1.S-A boarding house , corner 16th and
3hm1i.o1. ! . _ 570181-
F ° 8.11,5-A , barbershop ,
doing mm good buslime.m mu iruuuiIsmuig toss-mu of 4,500
itulmabltant. Apply or atidrelem Luck Box ( .22 , flea.
teke ( lago Conuty , Neb. -
OItHAt.t-Cottago , S room. antlsumuncrkitchen ,
lot ho by 11)2 ) , ltbs St.50,300. .
Two story imouse in Council iblufT.m , lot 100 by 100
feet , shade trees ; wlbicxcbiange fur Omaha property-
Valuable 1nusinem corner on 'flmirtcontiu street , and -
on I.3' ternss-J,000. - . .
\VaRtcd for a custounrr 40 to lOt ) acres of land
within 7 mIles of Ounaha. SillilVEmi & IIRIL.
- '
ioII s.tru-ciueaj , , I'hztwm , smeariy new ; msisooiwn I
buggy uuud , sprinj wagon. No. 410 23d St. , bet.
ilarimoy timid St. Ibarys Amemiuc. 572-20f
J3Obi SALTI-Spocial bargain ; 12 beautiful lots In
one block , east , outim amid west froumt ; 54700 each.
595.20 SilitIVEit di DELL.
1'omt SAT.m-liomw. : , six roommmndhimlf lot , near
_ L street ear-82iOO.OQ.
IIOUSR AND lOT , near ilanscom Park-
Imoudr AND FULL LOT-beautiful yiew-only
All Bargains. Call soon. McCAOVII ,
541.28 Opproite Postotilee.
FOIL SAI.E-Nearest to the U. I' . Depot ,
.1 Colnnbiu , Nebraska. Excellent business.
( lout ) bargain to right umsan. Iteason for selling , fail.
bug of healtim. Address , S , .1. Narmnoy , Columbus ,
Nob. 68628'
1 SALS Oil TItAIE-No. I farm of 83 acres , 3
unblo this side of ilellevuc , 7 mIles from Omahaon
Believes road. All uuider cultIvatIon , tots acre. . fruIt
orchard in full bearing , 23 3ears old , 2 good house , ,
18 mmeroo of timber. InquIre on premises.
558.27 Y. It. l'ECKILAII.
ILENT-Pleasaut roommis at 303 Chicago street '
iomt SALE-Fine stock Larni o 455 acres , 0 miles
.1 from po.mtofflcc. 200 acres cultivated. Balance
hay and pasture land. Fenced and well watered.
Good house , barn , etc.
515-17 PECK , oppsit. P. 0.
t'oIt SALE-One lot In Clark's addition. Aiso the
.1 best improved 22 feet Os ) Fmmriiamn street. inquire
of II. 0. Clark. 521-19
Foil SALE-nuggy. nearly new , wiLls single or
double scat. Also hone , Itarimess , saddle and
bridle. Call 204 north l6tlm street. 522-IS'
1OII SALa-I'ropcrty ' . Ii. corner 13th and Capi.
.1 tb avenue , Inquire on rremmsiscs. 500-Isis
flARNflSS SHOP FOIL S.tLT-A good pcsyiusg shop
forsais itt a teen of 1,800 population. Only one
otmier shop iii town. Stock vIil .ivobco , truism $500 to
sm,000 _ O.rnd reasoims for eUing Address"l" care
of 1' . 11. Slmarp .i Son , Ommiaha , , cb. 480-181
FOIl SALE OIL 1tINT-A five room lmou s , barn ,
eII , cistern , large lot , good locatIon. Apply to
S. 0. Stesemisomu , No. 1013 Cass street. 424-tf '
; 'out SALE-A good set oTiThavy wagon harness ,
und two .iIemlib horoe.-wili drIve doubt. . or sin-
gb. Call at Norton' , grocery store , 10th and laven-
port. 454.tt
i-oa SALE-Ilursea , Wagon , , harness , Etc. , at "
.5. Emigrant Stable , Cummilumgs street 250'lm
4 Out SAUl-Old newspapers mu lasge and small
qunustltbes at this otbico. Cf
ioa SALE-Flax mill machinery consiatthg of
brake , 2 dusters , beater , picker , prmr.s , etc. Can
work either totted em- green sLeek , also shafting , pub.
hoyt , , and belting for driving the above , also one 35
11. 1' . engIne wIth boiler , suisokestack tosdall fixtures p
complete. Address WILLIAM 'rAIT , Clmsrica iity , 4
Iowa. 205-Sm
iOit SALE-A ilnut class second hand top _ buggy.
.I _ Call at 1310 llarnoy street EDItS
S tamerlngand all Speech bmjsesllunonts permanently
cured , byflr Jr. Itlvcnburgh attlo Cantleid house ,
Omaha , until August 1104. The doctor Raw made
speech insiseliment a specialty time last ten years , and
is o well acquainted with the nature , ca.usc-aad cure
that he guanitcea all cues taken tinder treatment
Clrcuiars , and references sent on applIcation.
TILAYEI ) Out STOLSN-Irom Shbeiy's Packln
home , a lay , mare with black igs , inane an
tail amid arm uncousimiioniy long foretop. The ozuly
white being a miiall star out forehead. flea-ard will
be gIeim If left with 11. T. IJASCOMIIE ,
502-101 at Shiely' . I'acting _ ISeimse.
A 1)1 ) PrePared to teach emitting from time O.K. Tay-
I- ' br systeisl elicits. l'rico 58.00 , iuicludiusy chart.
Call mit 512 N. 14th street , between Ca. and Califor-
umla. 575-191
fI-USlu ANI ) SINOING lessons giewi 1 l'mt. H.
lvi P. Ba , ito. , 805 South 10th St. 1imuio cmsmefuiFr
tuned. 583-I us
) EIISONAL-Auiy bmifos-mnatioi concerning. Thomas
McNanwe , mviii be thankfully received by isis
lrotumer , James F , llcNaunee , Los Uato.mOJanta. Clara
Co. , Cal. 680-24'
JO5T..Stmubay , , July 8th , a large black StBensard
dog , witbm steal ) amitl chain. 83.00 reword siil be
iaid if returned to MartIn Canon , lsoatoss street ,
In block north of Cuumsitigs street 605-18'
1011 HALE OIL ENCIIANOE-l-'uii lot and tii
_ J. dweiiimgs , corner of 11th and l'aeiflo streets.
Nium. lots iii south thisaha. Aho 100- acres of land
mmcar Santots , Nebraska , anti building tmid stock of
clotimbmig Na 1404 Tent ! , street. Will exchange for
Nebraoka farm laiiibL Further particular , at leo.
11. Peterson's Clothing Stow , 801 Tenth street
465-eod.tf S '
IltEli fll13L'ENiiAItY-Tho trodbs.eji.tary . .n con. ics
iseetbos with the Child's hospital mid home has
been located on the corner of 10th and lougasstreeta
until time new building i Imbibed. Attendance will
be given every mornIng ( Sunday excepted ) from 10
to I I o'clock for the treatsnemmt of the noudj , sick and
sutlcring. T3-U
- -
ALIS'F 408 Tenth etrectbetween Farnana and liar- f
ney , will , with the aId of guardian spirits , obtain for
assy one a. glance of the past and preseat , end on
curtain conditioni in the future , Boots and Shoes
inatie to order. l'orfect satisfaction guarartothi.
, . #
; Absolutely Puree
. % TItle powder nevsr varies. A n.snd 01 p m4ty5
strength sail wholesorneneas- More ceousomica thi.n
- the ordlimary kInds , nd canrmotbq pubI In coripet ibis
I wItl time uiuititidu of low test , . .hui t weight , .4 i is
PhtItC powder. Soul only In ca-nt. lteut
ice IrOWSSmt O WI. ftesst 5w YQz ,