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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1883)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . : - . - ( TUE DAILY BEE--THURSDAY . UL 19 , 1883. 7 IIARKNESS BROS. . \ \ Dry Goods and Carpet House. . . 1l.e the ftrge ! stock nd cholce.t pattern. of- S . Ever Brought lo ( ho City and at . IIcwEiE : _ ThAN EVEft OFFEIED IN TillS VICINITY. Do NU Fall to Call and Examine Stock Defore rurchasng1 ! DARKNESS Bros1 401 BROADWAY , . - COUNCIL BLUFFS. . r WI T , II YOU : \ TIME , ) . GROCERIES &PROYISIOS , -OF- : LIc1T ¶ P 16 raiii and 17 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. COUNCIL BLUFFS RAILROAD T1ItIE TABLE. The following RTO the tinw of arthat and t1epnturo of trains from the local depots , The traln dart from the Union Pacific dC1)Ot a1)tUt ten mInutes carkr ) than below tatcd , and trrivc at the depot about ton ininutea later. Trains on pool lines and IC. C. run on Chicago time , half hour fMter than local. Wahah traino run on Bt. Louis time , twenty minutes faeter than local. U. r. and Lincolo traltis run on Council Blufi time. CHICAGO , ItOCK ISL.D AND I'ACIFIC. UClart. Arrive. Atlant&Exf..5:30 ! p. m. I Pacific Exi..9:4 : in xandMalP..O:5O. : en. I Exand Des loliiciiao.7:1fa.m. : Des MoInes ac. .6.53 p. in. ChICAnO , flUItLlOrON AD qUnccr. Depart. Arrive. Chtcogo'Ex. . . :35p.m. : I Cotinail WutTs cx..0.45 Ml1 anti Lx. . . .045 m I Mail am ! Ex. .7:00 : p. in. CHICAGO aft ! roaiiwesra. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Ext . . . . . .15 p. in. I Pacific Ext . . . .fl:5 : a. in. Mail and Ex' . . .0:20 a. in. I , Iall and } x. .6I5 P. in. Accom ( Sat.5f0 : ' . in. I Accoin ( Moii ) . .1:45 : p. in. KAN8AS ciTT , ST. JO AND COUNCIL IiLUYY8. I / Depart. Arrive. . Mali and Ex..0:55 : a. in. i . . . . . . . : p. in1 ; fI Express. . . . . . . :25 : p. iii. Mali and Ex. . .0:45 : ) . in. , , Uilo1 PACIFIC. Depart. Anive. Overland Ex. . . i OvorlandEx. . .4:00 : p. in. Lincoln F.x..11:30 : a. in. j Denver Ex. . . .8:00 : a. In. Denver Ex..7:00 i' . in. I Local Ex..6:30 : a. in. Local Ex..7:25 : a. in. I " Ex..0:05 : a. in. Emigrant..5:20 : p. in. " Ex..6:00 : a. In. WABASU , 8 ? . WUIM AD . FACIVIC. Depart. Arrive. L Mai1andE . . . . .0:45a. : In. I Mailand Ex..4:30p. : in. cannon flail..50 p. m. J Cannon Bali. .11OA : a. in. CITY AP i'ACIF1 e Depart. Arrive ( For Sioux City.7:55 a. m. I Fm Sioux City6t,0 p.m. ' rorFrtNtobrara I Friii Fort Niobrara : Neb. . . . . . . . . .7:55a. in. I : ' For St. Paui. . . .7:40 : p. m. From St.Paul. .8:50 : n.m. CIIICAOO , MII.WAVKEII AND ST. PAUL. L4avC. Omaha. Araivcs at Omaha. ! at1 and Ex. . . . 7:45 : a. in. I PaCISCEX. . , . 0:45 : a. m. Atlantic Ex. . . . 3:40 : i. in. I Mail and Ex. . 7:25 p. in. All trains daily. CIUCA0O , I1LWAUK1IF. AD ST. I'MJL. Loaves Council Ifiuffs. Arives Council fliuffs. IaI1and Ex..0:20a. : in. I Mail andEx..6:55 : p. in. tiantLo 1x. . . . 15:15 : p. ui. I Atlantic E ) : . . 10:10 : a. in. USCIL BLUFFS AND OILAUA STRIIIIT IIAILWAT. Leave Councii Bluff. . Leave Omaha. Ba. in. 0 a. m 10a.m. 11 a. I 8 a. in. a. in. lOa. in. 11 ni. 1 p. in. 2 p. in. 3 p.m. 4 I a. in. 1 in. 21' . in. 3 p. in. p. in. 5 p. in. 0 p. in. i P.n. Op. in. C p. in. Street cars run half hourly to the Union I'aciflc depot. On Sunday the cars begin their trips at 0 ocIock a. in. , nd run regularly during the day at 0 , 11 , 2 , 4 , 5 , nd C o' clock , and run to city time. "FOR TABLE USE. " The Natural Mineral KAISER WATER , Prom IlirreIorn ontho Ithine. Itecommended b the highest medical authorities. FItEL'K IIOLLENDEIt & CO. , S.le agents for the U S. and Canada , 115 , 117 , 110 , Eiin street , Now York. a23.Sm , jaz.mar. itgOOa.r- of ? u.Inej.swek. mn OC Ie. .0ectiytbOIOfl.IflOt sour duties svolc night wnr t , ? . aflnrnisntsafld ura , rehrainnIrieO Hop BttY qaM4 OH If you ar. ) Un .00 IIiCII tOCi . . . ' dIicrsttOn or d4sip& IiiU 1 U you m P1,0 Ci elagla. old or ouaCVuilsrtli lug h.od poorh&thorIiJMCUt'II .g1. ; . - . . mis. r.17 on Hop UlttTb. . are jtiousni i. Whuev.r yo iili.neysr oU teal IaILI&1 troa .n. thas joisT ajiten form . , Iu needs cleanhiflg , ton. Jiseaso Wi tu or tlmul&tIflC. na.i b.nproen.a . wttbontntcixfoalng , iytimm17.U.OI Hop Hopl2itloii Lika . . - - ppia , kkft&ev . 0. . I. tT . OrIir.nOrVCCln. is a aasD piatnl. dilealo . bTIth. aith. qIoiih llO ) tie uF , tc : ; Uvftctn4rvlaJ blood dnaZ't.aEa , aaaot opio3. Ton will tie tObca1 . - r corsdIfl000lI 111rnn C&Footji. Hop BIttS Uk ) Io4oyOrt Uyo1Ir.r- iIj Weak lad ° ' ' iosvpptrttedtil NEVEft' ' it , It may ' ilIft. .nVIOUV FA' IL.ITtOil. . . , 'gaved hun I s i4 , ciredi , - - - . Ta ABIaNTOMEN : All ( ho. . lo. 1r910 iadI.crttioni , .ocus. & it ciii. , cia , , . irs tik , unsiried. 15w .pIrI1l , pij'Ish .irIed. smd to ptrioriu IItt' . .tutle. , rprIy , coo 14 ittiiI toS perml. titI7 iIU4 , wilbout . ( o.i.ct iadtiiei. V.c.4..r.4 b7doctcii , .IwsWr * II lb. I.rt.a TAt M.II iEeiU5 Tb , oto pill. ofIrtoIIig Nri , n. . . I.lIIiIi I'hp.i..I I.cuiy. .1 a. , Ii .i.IIy , i.r.ot,4 ty I.fli5l.ti1iTlt 111)1.1 P. . 14,50 hopolc..a rgnci 5..ur , I .tctrisi isitjiII.t 10 fII , , i , , , , . fet , .iiiiIioo.I. SO' i'Ie. rrrtIve . ! , snlj , II.IIICI bso3 f.r ir..Ii. ' , Cn.II.tInn . .ITIi , l , sitiss un. H ° uMIdIN i' " . ' 5 .4 .n 511 , 5 , n. . . YnT. / I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 4.4 - BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. An excellent l1IPOtieiiI tonic of . C1liIIlteli9vOrU0WUZC10YCT ( ( ho . . . - whole world , cures Dyspepsili - : 1F ] Jiarrhcea , Fever sod Aguc and ait Uirordersofthi.fllgeitive brgaus , - W drops mnart a delicions 41- - : : fI toahIBummerdrinlI , , bewarooCOUflterfvits. A.k tour - grocer or druggist ( or the enui , < ; article , manufactured by1C. J. . ' ' - -a 0. U , SIKU1It'L' & J , , YIUERMAHN ? ? , Sole flenL euori4 J , W , homer , r a.iwnu4 513roadway , N. Y. Nstern Corol ce-Morks1 IIION AND SLATE ROOFING. c. SPECHT , PROP. 1111 Douglas St. . . Omaha , Nob. 1LANUFAtUREIt OF Galvanizea Iron Cornices rDormer Windows , FhiIals , Tin , Iron and Slate Roofing , Speelit's Patent Metallic Skyiight , l'atent adjusted Ratchet Bar and Bracket Shcl inF. I am the general agent for tim above line of goods. Iron Fencing , Crcsting , Balustrade , , Veranda , , Iron flank ltaimimmgo , Window flhlnd , Cellar Guard , : also general agent for Peerson Ilili patent Immsldo Iliimi. DR. WHITTIER , 617 Sf , Charles Sf , , St. Louis , Mo , A URGULAR GRADUATE of two medical colieges , has been engaged longer in time treatment of CI1ItON. IC , NEItVOUS , SKINANDBLOOD Diseases than any other Illysiciall in St. Louis , as city valer show and nh old residents kmmow. Consultation free and Invited. Whemm It i inconvenIent to visit time cIty for treat. meat , medicines can be sent by mali or express every. where. Omirablo C0S08 guamiitcoti where doubt ox. Isto it Is frankly stated. Call or write. Nervous lrostratlonDebility _ , 1Ienbl and Physical Wcakness , Mercurial amid other affections of Throat , Skim and Bones.fllood Impurities amid Blood Poison. Ing , Skin affections , Old Sores and Ulcers , Inipedi. ments to Marriage , itlmeumatismn , l'iios. Specialat. _ texmtion to cases fromim overworked brain. SUIWICAL CASES receivespeciallsttentlolm. D1eases arising Irons Imprudence , Excesses , Indulgences , MARRIAGE immar , siiomIma3'mmot , s1iy , caucs , consequences and cure. balled for 25c ; postage or stamps. 'd.twiy 5- 30AYS'TR1A4 ! BEFORE-AND - AFTER Electric Appliancel are sent in 30 Days' Trial. . TO . MEN ONLY , YOUNG OR OLD , .IrI1o are suituling trout Nsnvou. DEBILITY , Loir VITALITY , LACK OF NERYIS FORCE .551) Ymiomi. VAsYZ14u VEAICKEBSIIq. and all thom dIseases of a PEmmsONAL NATL'mImi resulting froimi AIiUlr.5 smmd OTHER CAUSES. Speedy r..IIet sod sompleto resto. ratIunofilXALTII , tooimammdM.5SmI00000AIAsrEu' . The irammde.O ,1I.eovery ( , ( tlto SIneteritIm Century. bend at once fur Illustmaled I'umnpblet free. Address VOLTAIC BELT CO. , MARSHALL , MICH. US AcKNowruIouI ) ro us TilS flEST 1W ALL WHO JfA'R PUT TIlES ! TO A i'HAcIrICAL TEST. AflAl'TJfl T04 Hard and Soft Coal , COKh OR WOOD. ) sANmjAcruaa " 1 BUCK STOVE CO. , : SAINT LOUIS , Pierci & Bradford. , _ _ _ _ 01.5 AOEN ° T FOR OMAlht J. E. HOUSE , CoDsuItIg aDd Civil [ ogiDeor aDd SURVEYOR. Special att.entioim to Surveying Test xi Addit on. and Lot. . FUflhishe5 Estimates of Excavations , Making l1asi , Plan , , &c. I OFICI OYEIt Tilfi FIRST NATIONAL hANK. I in 102y OMAIL't , NSJJ. i ; , ' , . , _ COUNCILBLUFFS. _ ADDITIONAl1 LOCAL NEWS. 1'1ItMONAIa. harry hatch Is able to be otm rhllng. 11. 0. .tonce , sit 1)avcimport , vas a l'acificcr yesterday. \v. F , Swan , ( st lemiver , was at the Ogden yesterday , B. 0 , Green , of Chicago , roacheit time Ogloti yesterday. F' . I. . Corwtti , of restoit , vIstotl the BuilT. yesterday. \\'ieklmatn relmrccItteil Boston at ttmo tgdemi yesterday. henry \os. , Omaha's el1 known architect , % .s.q litre yesterday. .1. W. Cone , of UticA. N. Y. , nimteared at the Ogden yostertlay , Mrs. S. D. Ioeso , the artist , Is 'isittng friends In abrivska City. A. II. Keith , of Iemmiqon , is booked for a io litical speech here iii Amgti.L Misc Ethel lvmsiis , of Malverim , is 'tsitimmg her sister , Mrs. Z. 'r. Lindsey. Frank Lowry , of St. 1ouis , imiado himself comfortablum at the Pacific yesterday. 0. 0. Burroughs , of leclltur , ill. , VM 0110 of the immany PflCIfiO house guests yesterday. Mr. amid ? dIrs. T , .1. Jackson , of 1)unhap , visited the city yesterday , and made head. qtmarters at the l'aciIic. The autograph ofil. mt , ilairti , \\'heohimmg , w. Va. , aPPeared on this big book at the Ogden yesterday. \v. E. Lmspsloy was among thu New Yorkers at the Ogdeim yestortlay , as 'ero mmiso F. M. l'hichimt ntiil 1' . Barnard. Mrs. 11. Fr'icdimmn left yesterday for 1)en 141011IC5 , to simoitti a few weokis there with her sister , Mrs. IA. ltuthmier. Fred A. Field , omie of time imest kmmovit comrn mercial tourists rtmnmiimmg omit of Chicago , WItS ill thin city yesterday , aimd at the Ogden. 'I'hmoro arrived itt the I'acilic house yestertilny five vahtamtt.s front Little Sioux , who vere cimroilto for the natiommal rommn'mon of the G. A. . If. at Domiver , They were Clark Ellis , A. M. Ellis , II. ] I. llarmioy , C.V. . Odell , isitti B. F. Croedalo. 1)r. N. bun had mreparcd ti , start tomnom- row for California , being called there on busi 11055 for the Iinmiiigration comnpammy , of which 1w is agent. Yesterday afternoon ho received a telegramn statimmg that lii. mother wait 'ery low at North Platte , and vihl visit there first. B. H. Goulding , who for a seasomi ftmrnishod TIlE Bnii : readers with Council Bimifims local news , Is 110W district agent for the Nebraska and Iowa Insurance company , with head. quarters iii Omaha. lie was iii tim city yes. terday remiewimmg some of the 1mieasammt no. quiummtanccs formed by him while ho reiided here. David Bowman , of the I5axton house , Omaha , been visiting hii father , "iVilson Bowmmiami , of Hayes township. lr. Bowimmami is one of the ( lest hotel muon that ever opened a register , and he has many friends in Dciii. soIl. lie vits forimmerly iii the employ of the Pacific house , Council Bluffs.-Demmisomm Bulletin. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Hardimlg left last evenhmmg for a imleasure and health seeking trip to Cob. ratio , exIoctimmg to be gone a month or two. Mr. llsrding bins been in ill hmealth for some tinie , and his vifo has become nearly wormi out In attending to the iiiaiiy demands iilOii her tilmlo and skill. Many hero hope that boUt will slcedily returmi in health and vigor , its both have a strong hold impon tbma esteem and affection of this community. Ho is known as one of our best citizens , whibo Mrs. Dr. harding , not content with the emlucatiomi she has received from the best electrical iimsti. tutions in the laud , hmas beeti imniking original investigations and discovered imcw methods aUl apliancos , entitling her to a front rank 10001mg thmoso in .thio 1)rofcssioil. ) During the I last six years she has gained imiucli reputation its an electrician anti lhlysiciamm , and it is a matter of congratulation that she is , on her rc turn , to reopen bier immstituto here. The Camnbrla Iron Works. Gee. L. Lathrop , iii hamper's Magazimme for August. At Johnstown , ut the valley of the Conemnaughi , we encounter tim works of the Cttumbrimt Iron Couipaiiy , whelm roar and flame proudly , as if aware that they COIlStitmltO probably the bkgcst single iron amid steel works in time world. The coiiipami tiIlillOya 8000 operatives ; kOeps furnaces going at this 1)111cc amid four elsewhere ; hits vem'hiavs eighty acres un tier roof at Johllisthwli ; mutes 700,000 tons of coat a year for its own use , and (10e8 ammnminhly a business of $18,000,000 or $20,000,000. It produced in 1881 , 45,000 tons of iron rails amid 120,000 tons of steel , saying nothmimig of steel springs ill quantity , boiler iromi , or the machinery mnamnifitcturcd for its own misc , it is worth recording that cniineiit foreign mechmnniciamis have admitted that at Johiistown three tinies the amount of work is done which would be accomplish. ed with the same plant in Europe. In did out of the shops and all through the yards wind forty iidlcs of track , on which traiims loaded with ore , coab , slag , or hot iimgots of steel are mumming every mnoniemit or two , oighitcen locomotives being kept in use for title lmllosc , itimmi several stack. hess ones for running into the adjaceilt mimics. The steel ingots , by.thme.way , are time largest steel castings nadu any. whicic , excoptim1glCrupcanhmoi1nndwuighi 5500 1)otmflds each , ilicasuring eighteen illuhIes amid a half square , 1111(1 yiuldiiig eight rails apiece. 'rime works were fotnided at this spot with the Idea of utilizing the iloli ore of the viciiiity ; btit steel line now become a aujrcino thjtiCt , niitl ores are brought front Spalim , lie. land , Elba , and ] 1ichiigitii to itmix vithi thu local lrowli licinatites , The direct coal flalimo is iiot tiseti in fiisiimg the ore , but only thio gasses generated from coal This iimtoiisifietl heat is sthred iii Whit. worth sts > ves-iiiiiiieiio iroim.lmund cyhinmlers like chmiiiiiieys , inside of which the temperature is 1700 Faiireimheit. 'I'licncu it is distribtiteci thii'oiigh pipes vhierever it is waiited ; hut fiest the buri. , ilIggitsites alOe Pitseeti through a recuplitcie clmIti'gcI ts'ithi vater , vhieii washicis the fire , so nit to relilovu vai'ious constitucimts thlItt bight coat. mmicl , ilijumo thu tubes thirillighi svhiichi it is conveyed. 'J'hu CIII. orilie ngeiit thus iI'cpal'el iitit only sill ) . 1)liC.s tim furnaces , but rutis ( ho hydraulic anl other ciiiiies , Itlid is iii part cau'iel back to the stoves to begiii over ogani , ' 'So ' that , " said IifrVulb , the : general sulerintelmclelmt , ' 'we coiiiu Its iieai f- lifting otintelves by 0111 owli iOOt.StI111113 as is lSSihIU. " At Johinstott'n buy be sccii a J000.hiorsc l)0VCr engine ZlIIIkillg IlilicIty rovoltmtiniis a niiimutc-soinethming hardly attempted ohsewhoro ; time meawimig of rails , hot amid cold ; the pmiduliiimg i' ; the Beitsemner syatoni ; and the l'erimnt opcn.hiunrth imiethiosi of oxidation , Time most interest. big amid impressive is the lleasoiimorwhicim ticcarbonizes iuvltd iroit iii huge convert- ors by forcing alt air atreinu through it. First the scilicon rushes out. of time comm. vertor in at thick volume of orange tialimel then time carboim , like white tire. \Vhon that is over , a rut of snap. 1)11mg , sctimt'mllatiiig spiegol.iromi 1. let Ills to mingle with the litmre iroll that lies catulescomit ainhl its Owli rfllmIttIolIs of light ; antI after. sraNl thin pcrfedtcl steel is l)0tICl into qtiiirter.teii ingot. as easily as if tiimly creamn.causly tirops were bemnj made. lint t'hien the converter Is turned for potirilig there is ii rtisht of spnrk cIer across time feumidry , Rtc1iel ) Iko thu rainbow amid fiery as a COlnot. Time effect is as beau. tiful as the whole work is fierce and pro. digiotis. For the l'ciiiot process the Sienieds funmnce ma iicd , prodiic. ing time 111051. intoiise of all terrestrial heats. You look into a pcop.htoio of the opemi.hieartht extldrona through a Plato ( if bititi glass-without that ) . ( ) fl eyesight wottid be extliigumshetl-nmtd see the iromi there muelted iiito a tletl vhjte wm'inkied semui.llijimiil , which has llrecisuly time appearahiCo of a smioweirift , Finally time hrothtet is teatesi ; how thmorotmgitly may be judged t'hunt it is mentioned titat steel for time Brooklyii bridge was ru. ( luirell to bend dotmbho in immchm.siinaru rouls withottt. breaking. 'l'lme Canibria Company's mmmoimster hits literally cateii tiji olie slob of a hill ; time grotmud on which it atainla is nil under. imiiiied , amid time pith of ammothier bill across time Comieimiauhm is gratltmaily being drawn out. by the uniter's pick. A fine library ill a charmingly designed building is placeti at. time service of the nmecimumics : by their eimmployers ; but , Joimstowim itself lit it dispiriting borough , shabby anil dirt3' . Dinkimess amiti tlesolatioim are smut to spread where mmrnimufmmcturo gets a foot.hmold ; lmmmt time factories timemmiselves are grandly CiCiImClitItl enough to conipeimsate. it is muoro iii time streets amid hmotmses of the working leOl)10 tiumt thmu imeed of beauty is felt , to ovorconme the discord which the works bring into time liCttlresque lmighiammds. - Making Love to a Fmalo Medical Student. Max Athiler. iliss 1\iary Flynn was attld3'ilmg mmmcmli. chic , amid being courted at time sanmetimue. Tmlr.Vimm. . Budmi was attending to the latter - ter part of time btisiiicss. Omie evemlimig ? tlr , Budd WItS timimiking imow ime simould immanage to roposo. 1'lias F13'imn was ox. pimxiiming certuimi physiological facts to Iiiiim. ' 'Do you know , " said sue , ' 'that tlmou. sands of people are actually ignorlumt , timid they smimuil with the olfactory potlmumcieU' "Iilihliomis of 'onm , " rdli'licml 1ir. Budd. ' 'Aimd itmiit l'iiary womildmm't believe inc vhmeim I told imer sue could not wimik without - out a spimincter imitmsclol" "Bov mmmmroasommablei" " \\'hmy a jmertoim ciiiimiot even kiss with. otmt a sPhmilmcterl" I 'Imitleed I" "I know it is so , " "May I try if I canT' "Ohm , Mr. Btmdd. it is really too bad of you to imiako ligimt of such a subject. " Mr. Budd seized her hand amid kissed it. Situ porimmitted it to remmmain iii his grasp. ' ' 1 tlid not notice , " lie said , ' 'whmothmer a-a-what do you call iLl-a apimimmctcr imelVed inc thou or not. Let inc try again. Them lie tried again , amid wlmiie he held imer site expiaimmed to hiiiii about time nius- cbs of thmat portion of time human body. ' 'It is remnarkablo how nmuch you know about such timings , " said Mm. Budd- S treally wondertmi. Now , for example , what is time bone at time back of the head calbedl" ' ' \Vhmy , the occilmital bone , of course.I ' 'AImU what are the names of time intms des of time armmm ? " "Time spiralis arid time infra-spiraiis among otimors. ' ' \Yell , mmou' , lot me simoyr you wimat incaim.Vhmcn I limit immy infm'a.spiraln around your waist , so , it is your occipih't bone timid rests UpOIi my shoulder blade , in this way. " ' 'Y back hair primitively , but the oc : cipital bone , of course , afterwards. But Mr. Bmidd , supoee va should como ill ant ace "Let hmiimi could Wimocarcel" saidMr , Budd , boldly. " 1 timiimk , I'd exorcise ii sPililictor again amid take a "Mr. Budd , how can you ? " said Miss Flynn , after imo had performed tim feat , "Domi't call inc l'iir. ' liudd ; call mt Willie , " lie said , drawing her closer , "You accept iime , don't you ? I know yor do , tlmtrlimmg , "syillie , " vimi8iorccl 1Iiss Flynn1 faintly.Vhmat " \Vhmat , darling I" ull can hear your hmcart beat. " "it beats ommly for you , mmmy angel. " "Amid it sounds to mime out of order. The ventricular contraction is not uimi form , " "Small womid.or for that when it is bursting with joy. " "You mimust 1mtit yqtmrsoif under treat. ! 11.CIIL " for it. I will gie you somimo immcml iclimis. eIt's our mvii property , darling , ( IC whilst you please witlm it. But sommmohmow time sphincter oporntiomm hs time one timat strikes me the 'miost fnvorabiy. Lot. Inc isce 110W it works agaill. " But why procecl ? Time old , old story was toldagain , and time old , old r'erformn ' nmmco of time imuisclwm ( f 1"ir " , Budd's mimoutim was eimacted again. Anl about eight years later 1fr. Btmdd was wishmimig that fitry would catch sommie ( lisemulo nmmmommg her paticmmts , ammd I'dmtry was thmimmklmmg the best 1ossmblo , use \Vihliu could be put to wciild ime as it subject for thit , dismmactiiig table , Capt. Erlessosm's lestroyor. N. Y. Silo. Time now series of trial trips of Capt. 'Ericsson's torpelo boat , tue Destroyer , caimimot ; fail to awakeim uxmivem'msai interest , Thu central feature of time jmow immven. tioli is submarine artillery. If it is proved iii practical oxjmuri1mmcmita with time vessel , tinder circumstAnces analogous to those of actual imostilo operatiomis , that the Destroyer Call dischmmmrgo her gun umidur water , lim such a Wity , a to take etroct agaimist time hull of umm timiomny , this mmuw immstrummiommt of s'nrfare will be oxeceding- hy importammt. 'l'iio series of oxperinmummts ( If this soiL commtltictcil SOIIIC timno ago , undem' time aulmcrvisiomm of a naval ofilcor , were promimisimig , aimol nitimougim soilie Coil- ( litiollis 'oro tlmemm mlilfavorllblo , mtmmul the othicer iii ( jtiUStiOll doa'it'ed fuller ( lelliDim. mmtm'atiomis amid somne iii1pI'o'ommioIits , lie did imot. fail to coimimmlolmil time results uetmmnily achieved. l"ullor isatistttctiomi nitty mmow ho ux1wctetl , as imnp'ovomimommtn ; have buemi effected , 'lit ) timu tmmitwl States this nimidiimmctm ii shmucittily iIImpOi'tItimt , Itil It mmtay time tilstittitu tot' uxjicmisis'o irommciauls , a lotomlt imnm'isor dcfemmce. .Simouitl it. ho as H1lu cessful as in imojmoti , tue Jestroycl. viIl I miinrk tt revolutionary epocim mu mmmtvmil w'aifmtru mutt hose immummmorabie tiiumm timat , of the Monitor , , - 4' "l'ls iseatity trimly ijloimt whose rednim'l ' white' Nature's OWi , sweet imitti cimnimiog humid laid oil , i'wizomii's iowdcr imparts ii 1chmmicss Imlakbnytiiu sklu Its soft as dowim , TIlE WOMEN' OI CIIINt. 110w They Are Made to Stiffer , as flolated by MiasFieldi , Lioni ( lit Dens or Tyibmmne , tis. Fioltis , for time Past sbventcen years a mnissonary at Swatow 'iuissiomi , China , delivered ami iimtorestitmg iulress be. for thu cimildremm of tue Snbbnthm.sdmooi coiinected with time First liaptist cimurcim. ' [ 'lie stibject of hmcr lecture was , "ileathicim \Voimiui , ammil'lmat Chlristiammit ) ' Iocs for 'rimemii. " The lady ctiiiiimoiieotl by .a'iimg that a few tinys after imor arrival in ( ihmiua , wimlin omit. witlkiug , shio mimot a Cimincso woimmu c.'irryhmg a covered imaskot vitil three girl blics. , Shmo was asketi to buy timcimm for $1. 'i'iml. stim'pi'isetl her , amid on immaking immqmliries she discovered timid she couhi ly aIm tmiiliimiitctl smmpIy , of girl babies for twenty.t'mvo ceimts each. Sime 'klmew of htllmdredS tif CItseS vhtortm nmotimers hind timrown their balies , into deoji volls . 11(13' imabies are better tlmutmgimt. of , because wimeim gm'owmm , time boys remmmaimm at hmoimmu wmtii time paroimts , niut whmeim old age over. hikes tlmemii , assist iii supmortmmmg timeimi , wimereas time girls leave whemi immarried , wimicim usually emcctmrn at. a very early age. Iii time Chimiese cahsndltr eacit day atul inoimtim is mmnimmed after smimme wild bea.L or nmi'tmnitl , and by it vectiIimr mimethmod time ) ' stimtiy time hmORSCO1)O Of wimitt , they call their famimily history. if it girl is born iii it mouth time imOl'toCOlo of whmicim porteiids tleittht she is sold mlmtu slavery. Aimotimer tViItl time tiris imItVO to tiimtltiro is bimulitig of timeim' oct imy bmttttlmtges , nmakiimg time feet of a girl iou years of age appear not. lmiggcr timlum if 0111) ' olme year of age. 'I'hme slmcitker thou traced time suisitpnma. rltmico of titeso foolish anti wicked customs wimcmm time kimovietlgu of thu one Clod is iniulo immaimifest. ' 'Time 111(1110) ' sent to Clii. lift hot 01113' spreads Citristimumity btmt also saves Imuimmnmm life. " 2lnimy of the gins convertemi imiul commie to imur itimd saul : ' ' 1 ant yommr child , for you sltvel mmmy life ; if yOU imItl imot. tittmgimt 1113' PItremmt timat it WIt ! ; wrong to destroy imumumum life I wouisl not imow be alive. " Time reason wimy time Cimiimose destroy their cimilmiremi is lmucauso of timeir fItlso re' liginim. 'Pimu slmeltkor timeii gave a detailed mtecoiiimt of time still'eriiigs exlmuriummceil lmy time gimis w'hcim timeir foot were 'Imaimmimaged amid Pi'essetl imitim time msmmmall 81111CC t'CmJtmiII. ito to stm1m time eircimimmtiomm of time lmbond nimd tlestm'oy time jrowtim of flint mmmemnber. At first the girl is nimalmle to stitmul mm , . rigimt. 11cr foot mtro kept. oim stools , by whmich sue is able to mmmaku slow progress around time roomim. Thus coutumues for two or timree years , wlmcmm imur feet. lie' collIe imealod aimd there is imntimiimg iiantic tmlari3' belov time knee mit a muashied and deforim1ed commmpnmmimd of skimi and mime. Oiice , time spc.kcr said , sime asked omme of time wommmemt so lmouimd if her feet imtmrt lmur , but time Pltiim site oiitlurcd mtS so immtemise that sue could not answer. bmmt imiammaged by sigims to lot. 1mev know that. sue commld only endure time paimi for a few hours at. a time. As a , resimlt of timia treatiimeimt time b'O111Ofl wimeim gmowmm , are immcapabio of walking , Si ) timnt viiema imiakimmg calls timoy ride on time backs of fcmmiaie slaves. Their foot uncovured two so horribio bookimmg timat they arc very careful to keep timeimi . covered. A Monetor Spider. Ilaltimmioro Smlmi. ltsIr. B. D. Todd , private wntciimmian at time conmierof l'iIosmiicraimd Calimouii streets , caught 1IIunday iii timid locality a immwmster spider , witim a dianmetor t'iicit spread of over four iimcimcs. lie brought it yester. day to the Smum office. Professor Ott-i L Lugger says it is time "Mygalo llemmttm ; ' an Aimmei'ican species of time gigantic bird. I spider , amml it IS StippOsed to immLvo beer . brought to Bhltimmiore iii a simipnmont o banammaim from Florida. As time animal ii nocturnal iii its habits , it inity be imm ammy locality or wammdor about for soimmo timc [ without being discovered. Timis spider ii 4 erroneously called a tarraimttmia. it ii I found timrougiiout all time drier portiommm of time western amid soutimwestenmi states p oxteiidimig immto Mexico , t'imcro it is repiac . 0(1 1)3' a still larger species. It is consid p cred a very lis0mm0t18 animal , though I wimethor truly so or imot is a poimit still tc be domnomistritted. Like all spiders , itt fammg.iko ! mmmammdibles are penforittod , aiid n I canal comnimmunicatca witim a bag af poison located iii its base. Wheim they bmto time 1)018011 Iii iiijectetl iimto time wound , Frommi time fact timat its maimdibles can imot be sop. I aratcd to nmiy great oxtomit. it is questiomm. able whether it even could immihict a bite I 0i a imumimami linger. Thmo habit of timis spider is to iiide during the day in a eloise. I ly.wovomi tune of silk , wimicim is either stis. 1)Omided hOLWCOmi foliage or botwecim stones on the groummil. Iii time tropical parts of South AmericA timeso aimulers are very mabmiimdant. in houses , where timoy feed upomi vnm'iotmim kimitls of . dommiestic insoctpesth , amid are not dreaded itt all. Large mmd fOrniidabio as it up- pears , it immum a deadly cmmommmy in mm large of ' ' . " Whmicll Peci ( lifgor.w1ms1l stimmgs . amid iarmmiyzcs it. Time "tliger.wasj , " is time so.thled ' 'tarantuihm-kmhier. " 'i'hmis M'aSIm timougim living itseif 010)11 iiotimimmg itit. imoimey , still imeemls uimimmmmtl food for its , yomimmg. 'l'hmu nmotimor vmtsj , after lmavimmg dug a hmsbu jim miommie hard imimil dry soil to I time depth of seveim incites , flies aimotit iii search of ( mile Of thmeso large spiders. \Vimen foummd , it tlitrts hike lighmtimiimg tqmim time spider amid stings it. 'I'hmo moisomm in. jected iimto time spider imits time Imeculiar property of pmraiyzimmg : vm'itimotmt kiiiimig , rime hmuilmiosii spider is tiragged to time iml'o. pared mmcst 1111(1 a liquid egg deposited itis soft pmmrts nmmd time imoie closed , 'lime inrvam Imatcimed fromim the egg feeds upomm time still hiviimg lint defeimseless spider timm til foil growim. If sucim aim egg 5110111(1 mint Immitcim time s1idor , will reimmimmim imm this hole for mmmi iimdofimmito imoriod witimout. dyimmg or aecaying. Eftorts have been mimadu for a long tuna by scieimtists to imimitate mirtiticitilly a fluid of timis Imectlliar elmaraett m with a view of trentimmg 'Texas cattle m'.n wasps treat iqd. doris , for trammajmort.ntmomm to Europe , \V ) mlii im' the iarniyzed state imimil imot lmcchimmg ammy food or viiter , timuy could be placed mmm Kimijs like sai'tiimmos , aimmi killed tee vitmmt- el after their mmrnivmmh iim 1tmroiie. It imius beemi isimots'mm timid such Imoisoim takeim km. tonimtmily is pem'feetly imam'immuuss to time comm- mstlilmei.S ( If time meat. 'i'hmo mmystemmm of mimeilicimmim kimowmm si Iiatmmnseimuidtisiim Imad iii ; origiim iii colmeelluenee of lhtummmmsciueidt. imciimg cmim'ctl tmf nimomimimimtismii amid lImralYsls by time mstimmg of a coumimmomm ' 'digger t'asp. ' ' Time Aged PhIladelphians Who Died. lmmniimg timu first isix mmmnimtims of 1883 time deatimis mum immimi I iced I ii tim ii mhitmmmmm'y ciii mmiii mms . of time l'tmblic Ledger of lmcm'smms 'imi , inul lived t or heyommd time advamiceil ago of eighty years mmiilmmiMil'Cl 60'J-217 iimuim immmd 292 ' timlum imlul ' . ts'ommmemm-Im gloater hml'uviomis. I I ) ' heomm 11 ii I mliii I mccii ii ii ii m mg am my com'respommd. ing pom'ioil , I"oiim' t'em'u cemmtemmttrimmmis-j'mltmr \ mmmi ( ion iitii , it I mttt I vu of I ttvziria , am md mu ict ( if I fell' ) ' Cimmittl , it soldier mimmmhur Nit. ) 1 IiImitmIflt'tU ( , iii iiml .1 aim. 20 , H lie [ svmts 0110 imim mmdneil tmmil tim iou youi' . omm ii . mimommtim hull three dmmys old , ummd ieft. tu'pmm. ty grammclcimilminemm nimmi twelve'ammd. cimihmli'omm , liEns. T4lImrthIIm lim'mest (110(1 Fob , 14 , aged oimu ittmimdi'ud immmd fotme yours , Sue .LtH iiorxm 1mm Irciammil , imimd wimeim sue nr nivuti itt Castle Ciamdemm , iii 1803 , iue even tJmtiim presemmtod so mmgetl liii lIlIieImr.IIICO ) tutu time ( , olmmlmmissiolmums of oiimignut iomm w'ould FURNITURE ! -TilE-- - - - CHEAPEST v PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY Furniture ISAT DEWEY & STONE'S They always have thr largest and best stock. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT FLOORS. iiot Penmmtit imer to imumil tmmmt'mi sccimr'mty was given timat sue would not cmi accouimt. of Imer age lm o collie a cimar e oil time coimmmty. Josiah ( iaiiiraitim , a native of Ireinnti , died Feim. 17 , at time m'optmted age of oiu immmmm. dred nimmi seveum years , itud va.s snitl to imavo foliowml time sccmi1mttimimi : of it 'Iioblnmm. tvitmder imimtil Imo vrs smile Jmnimdred amid two years ( us ! . lie was imm good imenitim tmmmtil vitimiim a few mimays of hmis deatii , wimicim was caused by parai ysia , nuil was simrvivcd 11) ' nimly omme of hmis six cimiidrcmm. Time fourth of time coimlenanimamns was l'irrmrgnret Cuhiwimo died i'itlerchm lii , at time llwiio for Aged amid Inl'imimi Colored l'orsomms , aged mmme , imtin tired amid tiireo years. DR , FELIXLE BRUN'S GG i'itnvi''n'.n AND CU1tR . FOR EiTHER SEX , Timisrenietly being injected directly to tIme seat ot ( Ito disease , relmIires 110 cliamigo of diet or natieous , mmicrcmmrial or liUfl0tI5 miietlicimes to be takeim intern. all. When ttocd as a i'retsimtitu hr either sax , ft i iIli1tOISitiO to coIltritet any lirisato ifiscase ; but In the case of those nlrumuiy mmmmforttlimlttely aliiIctetI u o gmmar. antea three to cure , or so wiii rehmmt th niomley. l'iee by mmiii , iostago , paid , t2 l'er box , or three bolem , for . vmtmrrnN GUARANTEES jsstmnt by all ntmtm'irieotl ) ' aciits. Dr.Felix LeBrun & Co ISOIn PROPitlE'rOitS. ? 0 ' 0. F. aoImn , Druggist , Sole Agent , for Omali , , Nob. mn&owiy Health is Wealth. Dr. l. C. Vest'a Nerve and Brain Treatment , a I guaraimtoetl , lieCiflc for hysteria , lizzimmessConvul F sions , Fits , Nervous Neuralgia , Iieadctclc , , Nervoui 5 l'ritratiomi catmeed bx the omse of itleolmol or tchacco , VakefuliIess lejiremtsioii , Softollllmg of tlmi flralm , , resultlng iii Insanity ammil leading to , mit.ery S , lecay miittl , ieatlm , l'remnatmmro Old Age , Ilarrenmices Lost , of 1,011cr iii either sex , Involimmmtar3' Ioso I Sjicrmimatorrliioa ciumseil by over uxurtloims of I brain , elf.abuse or over.irmdulgenco. I'acIb , , I tAitlil ( ISIS immoutim's treatment. $1.00 a box , or bo.os for 5.0O. Sent by mail itrupalil on receipt , . vrico5 WE GUARANTES SIX IIOXES . TO cmmre any case. With each order rct'civetl by ui for six boxes liccoinpnhiied tsitt , &OO , wowiliermd the I ptmrcilaser our written guaritmltec to refimnmi ( lie mnons , if thu trcatmeimt iloe mot affect a curo. Guarantee , Issued OIIly by U. F. GOODMAN' m& , , wi . . lirmim' it Omaha N.h. UNITED STATES Natiollal Bauk OF OMAHA. Capital , - - $100,000.00 C. W. HAMILTON , Proa't. M. T. I3ARLOW , Cauhior. Accounts sohicitod and kept oub- Joot to night chock. Cortlfbcatoa of Dopoolt lasuod payable - able In 3 , 0 and 12 montha , bearing Intoroot , or on demand without In- torost. Advanoos made to oustomors on approved socurltlosat market rate of Interest. The Intorostim of Customers arc closely guarded and every facIlIty compatible with principles of sound bunking freely extended. Draw sIght drafts on EnglandIro- land , Scotland , and all parts of Eu- ropo. Soil European Passage Tickets. I Collections Promptly Made. United States Depository. First NallOll Bailk , -OF OMAHA- Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts , Tlio Oldest Banking Estab/islmonf in Omaha , RUCCESSOItS TO HOUNIZE flitOTIIF.Rs. Organized In l88 , Organized as a Natiommal Bamik in 1863. CA1'I'I'AIa . . . . . . . $1OOOOO HUltl'LUS ANI ) PItOFITI4 . $150,000 OVEmcY.Ith Aim ) vmmtr.croits. llr.itssx lCommnrzis , i'restdeitt , I Jells A. Cmtr.moliTux , 'ico l'reslicimt. Avuusrms mouizs , 24 Vice irtiSltImlt , A J. Iori'm.oius. . I , . II. DAimi , Cashier , v. if. Meoqleu , ASSistamli Cashier , Trammeacts a general halikilIg lomstrmess. Issmme thmmt rortilicattis itearimmg intcrtst. iratte , irimfts on Saim i'ritimcioo multi urimmciial cities him ( lit , tiiiitud Stated. A 1st , Loitiloim , iluhilimi , lthmmiltiremm , anti thu lirIiiciisI cities of ( lie ooiitimmemmt of Eurt'pe , M1 R. RSDON , [ oll1Insll111Too AOll1 11miIIiiti Assmmramco Cu. , of Lontiomm , Cash Assets. . : I Vestcltuter , N. Y. , Capital , , , . . , , . , , . l,000,000.O ( . 'l'lie Merchants , of Newark , 1' , ' , J. , Capital 1,275,000.Ot ( ] irarti lire , lhiUatlei1ihia , Capital , , , , , , 1,200,000.OI Firomnen's Ii'uritt , CapItal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , OFFICE-ittmmmm : 10. OmIlahIalSational'liSImk ? huh Id lint. vnphons Iu. 575. ; , ' * I ' 'H eve edly . . c - - - - - - _ l - _ _ _ " This tmse of the tersi " Short 1.1mm. " iii eoinection t ith Uao H 0 RI" S corporate . tdmt greatrood. comme.p an idea of just whatis required by time trntellmmgjub- I I N E lie-a Hhrt Line , Quick 'limo mmiii the teit of ncromnmod- U tlom-alh , of wimlcim are furn- iimett by the greatest raihs'ay ii , Aimmerhmi. C HIOAG0MILWAUKEE And St. Paul. It owns amm,1 operates over 4roo imitles of road io Nortimeni lllimolsVlseommsi , , , , Minmiesota , Iowa anti Dakota ; maimil mis it. mualmi hues , iramiche amid commneo- ( iou. reselm the great bmmImieie , eoimtme' . ot ( ho Ntrtliwost amid Par West , it nattmrally amIsvers the titvtcriptinhm of Short ! , imio , anti Rest Route between (2hik'ago , Mllsvmumkce , SL l'ammi atiti Minneapitlis. Cimkttgii , fit iiwmumkee , IA Crosse and \'inoima. Chicago , .tilwnukeo , Aberdeorm ani Rlleimilate. Chicago , , lilwiumkce. F.amm Claire ammil Stllhvater. Cliicagti , Milwammltce , 'ammsntm ammil Itenill. Chicago , Miltvtumkeo , Heaver [ laimi anti Olihcoh. Cimiragmi , Milwaukee , \'atmketima anti Ocoiittnmwo . Chicago , llilwammkec , Mistllsoim nmmti i'rairie ii , , Chico. Clmicagci , lliiwatmkee , Owatonima amid S'airlitatit. Chileago , liolitit , Jamiest i'to ' aitti Mliicrnl moint. Chicago , Elgimi , Itoclifoni amiti mmmmmmmimme. Chicago , Clinton , Rock iManti StIlt Cedar itaplils. Chtieagti , Commnctm filmIlY. aimil Omtahizt. , Clmteng * , Slomm' City , Siimmm } 'all. amid 't'amikton. Chicago , Mitwamkeo , II itchiell aimil Clmatnherlaiim. Itock IlanI , ltmbmique , St. PattI ammil stinmieapt'lis. flaveimliort , Caiimmar , St. i'atml ant Miimmmeapolia. Pimitnman Sleepers nnii time Fiimest flInlngfare In time world are mu ( ill the nalmm Ilime. ofthto CHI CAC MILWAUKEE&ST.PAULRAILWA ammd o'icry ntteitiimm is Itaiti to pameimgerml ( my court. . Otis emmmpioycs of the comnpany. 8. i4. MEltitIlt , A. V. Ii. CA1ti'ENTEIt , ( Jet'I Maitager. Oeni Pass. Agent. J. T. ChAitE , ( lEO. It. IICAF'Foitl ) , Gemmi fr4tmp'L Awst Ueim'i Pass. Ag't. I - Swift' , Specific hIM been the means of brimmglng health aimli Iimmppimmcss to timoimsanils t'imo were lIrO- n2unced incurable of Blood ammml Skin Iiseascs. HEAR THE WITNESSES. SA\'ID FROM A IlOlUtIlILE iEA'l'ii. Ui' to May last I hail pitent at least five hundred dollars for treatment by ninny of the best imiodical mcmi , witimout mommy itenetIt. I itmifereit excruciatingly aiitl all iiiy boat friends advised me that the icy banI of tleathwasfnstmmplroacitiIIg. I caught at H. S. S. like , it * iruwmmlng imiamm mtt astraw. Attertaklmigtwo bottioi p 1 could foci a change for the better. Time sores began S to milselmargo freely anti time abate. When I 1usd taken .ix bottmes every mrs hail hmealeti and miy sklti began t , , assume it natural appearance. I Porsisteti until I had takeim tweltu botlc * , Iare site , aIl , TIlSIlS IS NOT A tIl'1Il'TOM OF TillS DIHuASE IIEMAININI ( , aiiI I feel as well a' I over tilti. I have gaiiiei twctmty-ono ltommnis 1mm Ilesm. , and mmmy friends tsonder mit amy Imoprvu , I condilon. I Imato rectmrmmmiieimilei it ilmammy , nviii iii every lrmstan wIth cOmmijIltitO simecess. I beteu , that 3. 3. S has sareil , , le/rom ii horrible , feat/t. ( .5. Ii. SMILEY , ; Quincy , In. I aiim sure thmat Swift' . 5teciflc : inved my life. I . was turribly itoisisned with Malaria , and was given UI ) to dIe. Swift's isnociflo lioved mime iiromptly anti entIrely. I thtmmk it is tmio greatest remedy of the age. 0. 0. SiENCE1t , Sup't Gas Work. , Itommie , Ga. Write for a copy of the little book-tree. S 1,000 Reward will bo pail to ammy Chemist who still Slid , 00 LImo amalyls of bC bottles S. H. * 3. , ono vortlclu of Mercury , iodldo i'otameiimin , or any imiiimcrai substance. TIihi L3YIFV SI'ECIFIC CO. , Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ga. NEBRASKA LAND AGENCY. 01 F. DAVIS & 00. , ( SUCCESSORS TO DAVIS & SNYDER , ) Germeral Dealers km REAL ESTATE 1505 FAIINAM ST. , . . OLtIIA. have for sale 200,000 acqa carefully selected landi in Easterii Nebraska , qt low lirice and mm easy tories. Imoproveil fariims fur sale Ira Douglas Dodge , Colfax , i'mntte , Hurt , Cunmimig , Sarpy , Yashirmgton , Mcrick Sausmilers , omitl Ikatler Counties. Tate , natti iii all harts ( If time State. 3loiuy Itianmoti tom Improled forums. I'UiiIto Altva' . iii ollice. Corresimomlenos JOIIN L CLARKE , Oldest Real Estate Agent. Notary Public andPractical Con- veyancer. Clarke sells houses amid Lots , Residence 1oti and Ilusinmess Loth all over time city , anti oh additions , be. cities immiproveil anti umitmmmprovtxi farina louver than mar 10- 11 - J , : . .t..Aux1.xH , S. E. Cop. . 1-arnam and Tenth Sts. HUTS CAIIT.OFF CLOTIIINO. UIGBEST CASH 3RI ? PLD , nI $ , ( lail or 851111 , , w , B. GRINa , Auction and Coffifflisslon Merchants , 'ILL ATI'lND : TO SAL1S IN ANY i'AItT 01" OR COUNTRY. l49S1)nugla * Street. 1IAS. U , PELL13ODY Is. , .1 PHYSIC1JIN & SURGE' ) Rcsidono , No. 1407 Joins St. OIflco N' L haItI street. 0111cc lmturs , 12 mu. to I 5 ' , in. 'i'olelioime top uit1c , P , 'luau uu4L45 1154. - ' . . , - . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ ) . : - , , , ,