Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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    TIY1 D11.1LI' I3EEUMi1IIA TIIUItSD11X' ' JULY 10 , 1893.
TeT7 T ' escq ( Sand , . The
d I1np'
0 ny note ARy morning
RRYe a'f YlU
Onr Year. . . . . .r.$1oN1iThree Mnntha..p3Oo
SIRMonthe , . . . . . , 6rA Ono Monlh. , , . . , . . , Lee
fnaMSr ( WAtD.
One YeM . . . . . . . . . ,4ian Three Mnnthe I
Six Months. . . . . . . . . 1.00 l One Month. . . , . . SO
Amerlcan New. Company , Selo Agenh NewMee. .
ere In the Untlcd Stoles
A , Ootni nkUnne reteling to Rnd Iullterlal
rn&Uctllwuld be Rddreurd to the Eettos or Ttiii
DC31xa1I Lltt'TRa1l
All RuMncea Lettere Rnd Remlttaneet Ihmlld iw
4itrceeed to Tne Rfi renuenIRn COYPART , OultA.
. , Dmttr , Checke Rnd rosto flee ordere to be made pay.
able to the order of the company.
E. R09EWATER , Editor ,
MIDSUklMEf trade is dull but the av
erngo nowepapor is duller than trade.
Ir was a long Chase after the mayor ,
but ho was finally capturod. "Rum did
SmIHi > 9 are expensive Luxuries , and
ought not to be indulged in except rat the
praatcst provocation.
TMu present p1eaSmt weather reminds
some of our old sottlars that Omaha olcc
sat up n claimm as an oxcclloiit atltnlnor ro-
i. .
IN rejecting the show licensing ordi-
Hance , the council has added another to
the list of mistakes which arc rolling up
to their credit.
THE Now York Times has figured out
the iiresidontial outlook , and places
; i laino in the lend with Arthur a good
accond. Figures , eveit in truthful papers -
pers , frequently lie.
CMANDLEIt appears to , ho the dark
lioree that will win the race for the Now
, Ilmnpahiro senatorship. If ho wins
there will be an opening for Ito'jcsou in
the navy department.
i TiE paving fight is a fight of the pee
I plc against sharpers , corruptionists an d
bribe takers. The only question uppermost - -
most is whether the citizens rule Omah a
or the paving eohtractore , , .
CnoLeRA still spreads in the east , in n
spite of quarantine and military cordons.
I Canada line take : precautions against th a
importation of the disease , and it is high ,
, i time that the United.Statcs followed ho r
{ T example.
GENERAL Manager , S. H. H. Olar k
] iasreturned from the east , but the pros
p octs of the Omaha & Norther : , , which
was atartod principally to head off al
other projected road , have , not huprove
s during his absence ,
Tiu Nebraska supreme court is quote
approvingly by railroad organs in th
east fer upholding the right of a railron d
to forcibly put , a passenger off who ha
purchased an UIIliSCd oxcuraioii ticku , t
The Nebraska supreme court always l
' had a leaning toward corporate monop . o
. * .r + ' ' i 4. '
Ain. TILnEN 'thinkn that it is not sac
a difficult thing to act as president rno
adaya-whop tlto tedegraplt brings'all ' , sa
tions of the country into mncii close co
noction witlt one another : Tlie usufru
of Graystonu will never be given
chalice to try , Henri Wattorson and C
A cDana to the contrary , notwithstan
. , .
bwttxa the , coming ; Grand Army r
union Denver will afford delightful o
portuities for old veterans to ran
acquaintance with that moat useful a
accommodating camp follower , the arc
sutler. ° The Denver Trtbuno ilointed
commends the thrift of the Oolomdo's
] cr in the following paragraph :
There appoarato be anextremely fr omh
, sutler out at the Grand Army oncani
mont grounds. Hu has sold all the ri v
l0ges xenPt tllo right to breathe , and
is waiting for'lills ; on ( hors.
THE organ of the Union Pacific n
the Colorado sandstone ring says that t
question is otweenSioux i alls grm ,
1 and ColoradoA sandstomo. Tho' gdesti
' is not between any two materials or a
three. The issue id 'eimP1Y phd port
, whether the sovereign will'Qt" the pee
of Omaha is 'to rule " 6r wl'iother bri
councilmen and bribe-giving contract
are id begin a reign of jobbery and 'tl
in this city. ! Cite thieving scoundr
r who have combined to override pub
aeutimont and frown down popular
dig nation may yet discover to their
row what tho'real ' question is in the c
test which they have now forced u
the taxpayers and property ownor5
t this city ,
s .
EvEm'aonY can ace that Omaha ie
toreatcd in giving this work and tor
portation of matortal to Its own pee
and railroade , rather than to those
Iowa and eastern states. Town and Jo
I railroads have ovpr ridden and interfo
} with the intorosta of Nebraska 1 a
t enough , and in this instance the own
t of the Colorado stone have reduced
cost and transportation to our city t
minimumn price , and are enl asking
and conaistent treatment , and to this ti
are certainly entitled-Herald ,
I Everbody can sue the railroad milk
this precious cocoanut. Everybody
sea that Omaha is interested only
securing the kind of pnvonont putiioi {
for by her property owners , accordim g
the city charter , and is'not interests d
patronizing ( duarrica whoso product
does not want , simply to increnso
revenues of the Union Pacific railni
These are a few of the thihigs overyb
can soon It does' ' apt take a thirty.
inch telcscppo to coo that the gyrations
i the 'editor of tiip Jfcratd are , its usu
directed towards the headquarters of i9
railroad on which ho lies hung with
the tenacity of a voracious blood-such
for tlu pn5t fourtoun years.
Twit JRAr1' AN ! ) li'AWZ' P01N1' .
The appointment of a number of
ctviUius to liottemmncios In the army has
raised the question as to the rent I1ropor
tier of the commissioned ofidcorr fur.
nishod by the Military Academy at West
Point. The Army Register for 1883
furnishes the following information on
the subject : The ( otal numberof oficere
on the active list is 2,120 , and of these
011 , or a inrity , were appointed from
West Point , and the remaining 1,2113
from civil life and from the army. The
appointments from the rankn number 171 ,
or about eight per cent , , leaving 1,014 as
the number taken from civil life , or more
than eleven per cunt in excess of those
appointed from the Academy.
It will be muted that ( Ito vast majority
of time officers appointed from civil life
obtained their military ( mining in the
school of the bivouac mud battle field or
during Limo rebellion. Among these so-
called civilimt appointees are some of the
best soldiers in the army , two of thou :
Ooerahe Terry and Miles loving risen
to the bight grade of brigadier generals.
In the stalT corps , civilian appointees
greatly outnumber the jradoates from
West Point. The former aggregate
314 and the latter only ' 221 , while eigh t
appointees are from the ranks. The
medical department mid chaplains num.
boring 216 together easily acuount for
this surplus of civilians emi tire staff ,
while a largo counterweight appears in
the cngimaers , LOG in number , who mire
exclusively from : time academy. The
judge advocates are nil civilian appointees -
tees , and time Rcadonpy graduates have
only secured live out of the fifty-five
offices in the pay dopnrtnmemt , commonly
accounted easy places. But it is remark
able that while in the quarternmaster's tie-
partnIerlt there are only seventeen graduates -
atos to forty-five officers from civil life ,
in the subsistcnco tioinirtmnent tie ratio
is almost exactly reversed , it being nineteen
teen graduates to suveut civilian ap
In the line the nppointmonta from the
ranks nro much more nunmerous thin : i s
generally mipposed , tjneru being 167 0 {
tlieso against G00 from time academy mti 1
, 70'0 civilian appointees. The mostpoto-
; worthy fact hero is the great urger
onto :1hnt' : ' subsists t botyvoomi tie
different reginmonta. Time colored
regiments all have a great majority
of civilian appointees mum oflicera. In tum o
white regiments we find the Firat Cavan
' 7 with 2G graduate , 8 civilian , and 0
array appointees , while ii : the Secon d
Cavalry these numbers nro chamgel ro -
spoctively to 23 , 17 , amid 2. So we fin d
- time ] first Infantry with 12 graduate , 1 (
n civilian , and 6 army appointees. but th e
Second Infantry with : 8 , 20 , and 0. I n
d the Seventh Infnmtry the grnduato np
poimntees outnumber time civilian , yet ii m
the Eighth Infantry tlmero are 22 of tin o
d latter to oily 8 of time formmor :
a It should be observed , however , thin
whiile the civilian appoimltecs now out
5 number those from the Military Acado
, lily , the latter are steadily iuorensin
in ratio , mind before long will be vastly i
the 6jority. In . this thmoy are lmolpa
I , ' < r Ili ,
n ot ormylMjb r'tlmq feet that f m v1) t
, .If . riAra . . .
: "
ormdius c f lho , civil vvnr nta becoming o
in old for solectiom , for active armysevic o
rbut for restrictive legislation assignin
° - places in time line first to time graduate
1- o { Woat , I'oint e
T1rls 01'A'R lTOILW DI irANDS' .
. p
tTlmo tolcgraplmersof the United 4tat
, organized in the Tolcgrapher a Brotliu
: hood , have made a dcmamd for A Bono
o : alyauce in wages , a reduction of tl
p. hours of labor mmd a n ninmum salary
uW $ GG a month for all line builders. Whi
and the demand is not coupled wmthnn abs
my lute threat to strike , it is generally u
ly derstood that nil nmbmbars of the brotho
ut. hood will quit work to dmy unless thm0
donands are complied witlm.
: 'Phis is deplorable as it will ontnil i n
h' calculable loss upon the entire couuner c
mu . . o f Limo country and seriously downSa bu
inua3 in every sseetiom 'of time Unite
States. Time tdlogmpimic systaum is to tl
mid body counnereial what time nerve aystu
lee is to the physical body. To rant elf corn
ito mnunicatio : by telegraph simply moo
nut paralysis to 'evemy hmhistrial amid doimmimme
nY cmnl enterprise. time putse
,1Y , that time \Vestcrn Union telegraph con
plc gummy is a giant nmono ioly midd that ; i
Lad wage workers are subject to time greed
ox 'its ornmammd time caprice of its maunger
Oft mdnmittimg thmat muuiy of the most skit )
ois opurahnra are overworked and undurpai tl
imo still time dpnmammds made of time coupe
in- are so swcopimg , arbitrary .imnl umrenso I
or- able that its mmmagers could not mud
011- any ciroumtstaitcea afford to comply wi
Pen tlmom. In the first place , a wliolmism
of advance of fmfteempercmittoalloperate
regardless of skill and experience is u
in. reasonable , because while : many of
me- rotors arc oititled to an advmm
plc there are mammy unskilled 'plu g
of wlmo are gutting about all they a
red worth. The only rational way to rogid an n t
ng operators is to clasalfy tlmmu according
ors their skill mid service. ' 1'o tusk that v
its udn opurntora shall be placed on a p
fair feet equality with amen is simply abetm
and would drive ninodontlis of all w ,
mom : from time service. 'limo com pa
in would pfefor man for the aammo money
cut cause man , an time average , can we
in miora steadily and endure greater stra
mod besides beimg macro rolltblo , Eight Imot
to as a days work , regardless of vvi
in chums time aporatalr many belong to is 81
sliq rat extravagant demand. It would
limo purlmups in lamgu cities in time : min ohs
ad , whore there is work emoiglm to hoop ma
ody busy mill the time , Ihtmt in the hotels n
six ii : ammldl towmis it would be time height
of absurdity to onploy three operators to
all the wolc of two , when tlu ' actual iv
ho decs wit comtsumio more tluum front emu
all throe houra a day.
or 1Yimat the } ) rothelwod should ha
have Bono was to have made donummm
which the conpnny can afford to grant
without wrcckhmg its entire busimoss.
Thorn should have been also a fair effort
at least for a conference between time
reprosentativcs of the oporatora and
the Weston : Union officers to avoid if
Jupsstblo a collision thst will not only
cripple the con mmiy but bring disaster
on the patrons na well.
The Jfcrafd , whoso editor is owned
body and soul by time Union Pacific rail.
road amid by every ring formed of officers
of that corporatiomm that will throw money
into lmis pockut , threatens that any attempt -
tempt of time citirmms of Oumalma to assert
thmeir rights as againat Colorado snndstono
pavement through time courts will result
in a coumitor litigation whose effect will be
to put a atop to all public works ill this
city. As the spokesman of the Union
Pacific sandstrmu ring , it informs our cit.
izens that "lit , proeeedilmgs can 1 o iminu-
gurntc(1 against Colorado sands + ono that
will not be equally atplieable to asphalt
and Sioux Falls atone , " and that if coin.
Polled to draw the sword the cam : -
tractors will wage a : offensive war.
Lot Limo war coma amid if time scoundrels
wile have boron tanmperiug will : time city
comicil wamt a : airing iu time courts they
will be welcomed. Let time managers of
time Union Pacific beware how they further -
ther exasperate a patient and long suffering -
ing coumutmity , They leave already outraged -
raged all decency and turned time thmumumb
screws om our people until they
are ready for alnnost any
revolt. Let thong remenmbcr time fate of
time Iloily thieves , with : whoa souma of
these rogues were linked in a sclmmno of
robbery amid plunder.
If juatico had beem done , smno of tlmese
infmvnous scotnmdrela would leave beet : in
time pmmitmmtinty , Sul if justice is slow it
is aura iii time drug rum , when appealed to
by nu outraged people.
SeamS obscure sheet ill Ihli/loin is suggesting -
gesting David Davis for the pr ° sidomcy.
David is looking forward just now to nil.
ing nn increased holaehioldnnd ( lore 1Vhito
House liaa no elmarms to sootl : his savage
The Popular t3clonco 1lmdhly for
August , 1888.
Time August "POL'ULAit SCIENCE
MONTHLY" is the most vigorous and bril-
liant of limo year. . Itis fairly sensational
in time striking attractivemess of its varied
contents. Its most important article is
the last , and it is likely to cause considerable -
able excitmn ° nt among time holders of
ephone stock. It in notorious that time
, utmost unblushing and imicousidemto monopoly -
' poly in time history of patent-right exter-
tier is time Boll Telephone Company.
They say to time public. 1Vo hold the
patents of a now art ; we have patented
talking through a wire , and the courts
promoumce our patenta valid ; now help
yourselves ! " But , if time tsatemunts ix :
this article are true , time whole claim is
t now exploded , amid uotlming remains fo r
time courts but to reverse their dcci-
simma , and make time telephone free to
time world. Time art of talkin g
g ( luaugIn n wino was invented first , not L Y
n Bell , but bY Itais , of Germany , vvho de -
nano of the cotrivancos mica v
d 1150(1 , ran tlmoir essential principal ami da
working effect. Ho dosiguod it fore a
talking telephone ; lie and others hilko d
through a wire by the aid of electricity ,
and ilia machines will now do time sane °
g thing , while hisinv ° ntioims are long an
s tenor , to Bell's patents. Professor Syl
vanus I' . Thompson hems gathered all th a
proofs of time case , making a volume o n
time life hhd invoutiveresenrclmes of Pro
, fessor hair , and Dr , William F. Clan-
; nin b , oflProvidonco , Imas summarized tin °
. work for this number of "Time Po uln r
'x Science li1onthl1p" with illustrations o f
time 0 p aratus and explanations of i
mq tporfaruanca tlult forever settle' t1) °
of question as to who is to have time lion
to or of priority in those brillian tt t
nmvemmtions and uleniomstrate that tlmis an t
o- should be 0ponod to unrestricted pnbli D
1 use. Dr. Natlmn Allen discusses the u
r changes that are going on in time nativ
mr New England population in time light c f
time results of time last census. Thera ms a
masterly article by 1V. D. Lu Suour cm
The Anarchy of Modem : Politics , tha t
e will bo read with profound interest. Am :
5- acoount is givemm by Professor Tyndall o
lmis experiments to ascertain time effect o
d atnmosphorio moisture in 'restrniuimi g
mu the radiation of ] moat from : time enrtlm'
ni surface. Professor T. H. McBride des
cribes time geological structure ° f "T1 :
' Little Missouri Bad Lands" as a nom :
ns of accounten for their origin. Dr
r Oswald continues his valuable paps
t , of "Time Remedies of Nature , ' an
Mr.'mVilliamu T. Honmday has au into
eating ammd suggostiyo paper on o
to Mental Capacity of thmeElcpliant. , bth0
of articles of inturoet are on "Time Goolog l '
a , cal Distm'ibutiou of North : Ammcrican For
od oats , " "Locusts as Food for Man , " "Tim
Climnistry of Cookery , " "Technical Ed u
p cation , " ate. Thu election of Mr , IIe r
iy bui't Spemiccr to mouboreimip in tim
) , French Acadmuy is discussed ii : the Ed i
tors Table.
th or New Yprk : D. Appjeton eC Conpnn y
Fifty emits per number , G per year.
rs Time Presidorglal Outlook.
mm. New York Tinmes.
pC. Time opportumity which : we give to on
readers this mmmornlmn to stud time drift
co publioo o pi ion with rrefdronce to presider
s' tial non mintiom iii bath martiusand i
no every state In time Uniommm will rove
au valuble ono. Time mmtlumon to who
our illguiriea have been addressed havu m
to every case good mneama of learning the p
vo liticl 1pruforencua fu their not6hborho o d5.
) r Lm umauy cases they have very supori
rl , : moans of deiug so. In every iuatanee vm '
, believe that theft reports are candid am
o careful. It follows , therefore , timat time :
ny Iottoe give a mooch better view of ti :
'O- situation than could be got in any otl
rk way. We have prepared a sumnm5 r
in wmtlt tables , of time stntennemts of our co
g resipnndmts , which will 1)u found into
ins ustmmmg ; but the reader who cares to stud
mitt with nuttcntiun time eouditmou of pmmrti
ap thivnlghuut time l'uicn will 1)u w ull rope
dim far thu puruslal of time luttuom themselvc
It tobunt a year bufom'o time Autionm
ees convention of either icu'ty will assmnbl i
elm 'l'imo direct interest of time people in tl
ud choice of c imm didates as al upw n by o u
of widely extemmlud reports , is armada nn
consierable that ught ( have boon su p
do posed , Time Demmocrats who last Fa
crk secured a majority mu time House of Re
to roayntativcs are naturally lgokimm fo
time eomtost
ward with ernes to
next year. ] hut we tlmink that time o
vu server will ho struck ; b time si gulm
us vaguemmess with which : tlmelt ec6artl ma 1
rected , They lmavo among their leaders
no moat who stands for any definite prin.
ciplo , or whoso electim : would foreshadow
the adoption of any intelligible policy.
Their thoughits turn more decided.
1 toward Mr. Tilden than toward any
uu sbecause the believe ( hint he
might renew time success which theY claim
to Imve obtained in 1870. But time obvi
ois consideration with thorn is avnilmbil
ity ; their conception of nvaillbihty ranges
from ( hint scoured by Mr. Cleveland by
means of republicvm revolt last year ,
through ( hat which ulay ho achieved by
Judge Ifodly in October if he should
carry Ohio , to ( hint credited to Gov , .
Icr on various grounds , The iudispesa
ble condition , in every instance , is clearly
that the candidate shall not Imvu berm
intimately connected with distinctly
dcmocrttic measures for a dozen years at
least , and tliat lee slmall be nccoptablo to
( ho indopemdeut republicans , wlmo partmc
ularly drone and detest tiioso lmeasttres.
That is not a very strong position for any
party ta ) occupy , but it is the cute uunms
takablY imidicatcd by our inmdreds of
corres'mondcuts. '
{ { In tlno republican party there is a less
definite tendency toward uveu ran
proxiumato choice. Stmclm as there is , mm-
chines toward 11Ir. Blame , who , in the
strong ropubliatn sections , has decidedly
mcro popularity than any other ropub
licim now or recently in public life. Time
eotiunaut wlmiclm lie has awakened is one
of which may political leatler mm lmt be
proud , for it nthiche3 clearly to his own
iersouality. , IIaving never held a position -
sition iii vvhiclm ho cmnummmded mach
patronage , and loving for nearly , two
cars been out of 1abhc life time at-
G chmont to him wlmich is strong and
extended nmst be credited to time force
of his own . It is notof a kind ,
however , an which any serious cauvnss
for time noninatiom can , under time
circumstances , be based. It is too gen.
orally accoupmmied by time cmmvictmon that
lee would not be n successful candidate.
Next to Mr. Blaine the indications
tained in our letters point to Presidun (
Arthur , Ho bids fair to control , if h ° so
desires it , substutially time entire vote o f
time southern delegates , wlmiclm is a very
promising nucleus for such additions as
many be necessary to secure time nomuiua
tioL His administration Imes unques
tionably been more satisfactory to tim a
party in all parts of time Union thou : ws
expected. It cannot be denied , however
over , that at present time degr0u of predi
lecticn : for hen as a nonnineo does not ar
gun corresponding strength : as a candidate.
'There is as yet very little evidence thn t
him pnssusaes thoidind of strength essential -
tial to success next year nit time polls.
AReminioconce rolated'by Ex-Gov. Auet ! n
Blair , of Michigan.
Uctmlt Free Pros , .
In a recent address at Behlevuo , Mich ,
ex Gov. Austin Blair gave an accoun
of time convention of governors of north
can states that : met at Altoona , Pem : , a
time thou o { the issuing of time emancipa
Lion prolamation by Presidmmt Lincoln , ii
1802. The convention was called to brio
an inhlueco to bear upon President Lin
coin to induce hint to issue n proclamatio n
or do Sono act ( hint would set at libort
time 4,000,000 slaves ; brat time Presidon
outwitted the 22 govrnors by issuing ( ln
proclanation the saumu day their convex :
tenon mot , tlmagovenors then decided toga t
Washington and present to the President
iot time urgent resolutions they had in
tended , but an address compiiulentin
him : upon time stop Imo load taken. Timi
address was 'prepared ' in an able manne
by Gov. Andrew of Maasachulsetts h
red it to President Lincoln as he sat
dais desk , while time go emors sat aroumm
time room. A rfer that an incident hap
Ipemcd that Gov Blair said lee had nave
before related to an ono Gov. Kir k
wood , of Iowa since a United State
Senaor and Secretary of time Interior
rose cold said :
"Mr. President-I should be delighte
could I return to my home and say to tim
people of Iowa that time Presidottrof tim
United States believes Geu. George II
McClellan is a loyal man. " He branclie
off upon otlmor sub o is connected with tit
Warr and tlmon closed by repeating wit
more mnPhmasis : "I should a glad , M r
Presidenmt , to be able to tell tlmo people o
Iowa thatyon believe in tlmo pntrotiam
George B. McClellan. "
Taking hats feet down from time des
upon which they had beau resting , M r
Lmeoln sprang to lima feet and straighten
ing up apparently two inches tailor tin
usual , acid said witlm ouch force and e x
citability : "Loyal ! GoorgoB. McClella xn
is as loyal as any of you. " Than sto
ping a moment time Presidents taco mum-
1 sumnod its naturally pleasant look , and h
continued in a natural and pleasing tun o
f vu t toll you , gotmtlomon , Goat MCOlohla
E na an exceedingly well-informed Gemora
and Is very careful , mum fact , too carefu
amid time great trouble with : Imim is thm
a wlmetm lie wins a victory lee docsmm't kno
' what to do with it. "
° ' ' 1Vhy not try souobody olsol" mildl
a suggested icy. Blair.
" 1Vo n ght do that amid loose am am
d by it , was time quick response of ( ii
1 resident , whichm Gov. Blair admitte
"complctelyLunlmorsed himr' ;
r I'olltlos in Pennsylvania.
Spdngfleld ltepabllcan.
- Time Panne lvania republican cone
0 time WeduestlaYalthough it presents
nothin like a contest of principle an
noammmiated mil minorotlicere take mlac
o as time miost siggimificant political moetin
- of time } year. It failed to bo a battle b
cause time war was ended , ; the ecru gloci
. making time ticket were based wholly upo
personal preferences and time work
cliques , and all acquiesced in time rosul ta
just to time way wlmiclm would bo a matt
of course at moat gatherings of the kim
u and trout this fact coumes its immportanc
of Bossiem was not present , For a
most a generation the action of a
n republican eonveatioms in Ponnsylvan
a has hinged on Canmeron , father or son
n talk hoe boon simply as t ° what Cauioro
n would or could do , time boss Imes boom tie
o only issue , mmd bossism lms almost a
. Ways won , But thia tinge Cammeron h
er dropped out of sight ; the older Camor o
'e stayed quietly at Imono , while time you r
d ger amid active one had gamma to Europ
r and Col , 11IcCluro telegraphed h
e Timmes timid time two mvero as little fo
or mild discussed in shlnpimlg time work of t1
, convontiou as was time hnumblest republ
rcm in time state.
r rL''lmo lesson of time indepondout cam :
y' , xu ns of 1881 and 1882 nro lmecdel , m
us Ioasisnm inns relaxed its hold. 7huu
and struggle may be reposed , but th" robe
5 , have woo time fight for time time , at lea
d amid tlmoir work is a rovohution. T1
o convcmtiom made a foetal reunion of ti
mu factions , but it was substantially npov i
r dupomidemit ground. No great muumber
r0 lenders tams citimur side wore prose
theme were a great pi portiom of i ; U
ll faces , and the action constantly simow
p mmmoXpeniemuce , bunt-tlmo coilvontioi nano
rtime candidato.
of Coakling , Canmeron mad Logan , ti
b- three bosses who somnod all powerful f
it political nmiseljiof a little mloro tlwm thr
dm- years ado , whore arc they ? One wlmo
rogantly invited dcstrlction thrown
squarely out of place and power in his
own political house mothercom pelledb
n revolt to drop thio null Lo am
alone-tho ono who alomo realized wimat
time Chicago result meant mud instantly
dropped bossing-remains comparttivoly
uninjured 'rho Pennsylvania canmpai gut
will 1)0 fought on old lime and it is
mm time mmblicans
no means mlil el tlmat ro
tlmat will
will win , Iii event we see , as to
ono 1)035 , whmether the devil still a imonk
wodd be ,
11 by They are dot Printed anti 1)Is
trihutcd ,
DAVID Crrv , Nun , , .luly Li ,
To the IARIor of the lie , .
As a mmnbur of time last session of our
Legislature , mil to gratify many of my
constituents who are anxious to have time
" ' ' mcumber's
complete "record' of each
stewardship , I will venture to emupiiro
why time smmato and house 'tlournnls"
are mint yet primitecl mid distributed as
the law directs. I au : infarnmetl tlmt time
copying has all bemi demo far weoka , and
if I luistako mint , the laww provides that
time copying shall all be done and time
"manuscript" re , tdy for time printer at the
cud of sixty days frmn time adjournnmmt ,
and within tlmirty days front the tinro time
primder receives tlmmn , the work slmll be
cmnplotc(1 And further provides that in
case time printer fails to comply with limo
provisimms of law , tlmoy shall forfeit their
Now , time legislature ndjomrmed o : time
2Gth day of I' ' ebruary , and 90 days , time
full time allowed , expired on time 27th
day of ? days , making ; , , at thus date , 48 days
over time time in which this work should
have been finislmeL Now , sir , lot us
hope that the state board , who have this
duty comnmitted to thorn , will see to it
( lint time law is complied with : . And as a
member of time legislature , representing
the Fourteenth senatorial district , I most
respectfully and earnestly demand of said
board that those "journals" be completed
at an early day , or also that said board
see that time law be enforced for such : for
foittmre of contract. In conclusion , I
earnestly hope that further inquiry in regard -
gard to time publication of these public
records may be unnecessary. In time
meantime I am , inmost obediently ,
S , S. Rrvxotns ,
Anarchy in Politics ,
) L D. to Suear. In popular Science Monthly fOr Au.
Principles are moro thin : ever discred
ited in political affairs ; parties no longer
even profess tlmon ; and govcrnmmmt amid
legisiatt011 arc carried om at mere hap.
hazard. The great object with : many
party nmanagersis to get all important
t questions taken l out of politics , so that
there may be nothing to mnbarrass time
t scramble for office. Time New York Suu
lately romimdod the Democrats that their
1 business was "to elect a presidmmt , " not
r to reform : a thrift Seek first , it says , to
"elect a president , " and all good things
will be added unto you ; but grapple with
a great qucstimt like time tariff , and your
Yt opponents will surely get the better of
yo : . Another leadingorganobserveslint ,
now that time offices are no longer gamier-
1 ally available , owing to the passage of time
Pemmclleton civil-service bill , for time row'mid
' - of political services , thereromnainsnotiming
for a victorious party but "a darned
g barren ideality. " Time strop th of time
a lauggua a which we reproduce with abso
v lute faitdmfuhess , may be taken as a
t gauge of time disgust which m time average
d politician feels when h0 secs nothing before -
- fore him butte chance of doing Iris duty ,
r without any special reward therefor. Tim e
- novel , Democracy , about wimiclm e
s much has been said , does not overstate
time case in the least , When Mrs , Leo ,
' in that lively story , tolls the senator , who
d pays her time cmnpliment of consulting as
0 to tho'bcstcoursetotakeinacertainconmpli '
0 cation , to do "what ismostfor time publi c
good ; " her counsel falls utterly pointles s
d and abortive , simply because "time public
0 good" lead notlming whatever to do with
Ii time matter in hand , The senator himsel f
could not pretend to toll her at what pain t
ri time two things came into any kind of reef ts
of nation with aacl : other , Time question s
involved were questions purely of self
interest and what taken
k ; , over course was
time country had nothing to gain ,
If we turn to England , signs are no t
n - wanting that there too time absence of p0
- litical prmciples is leading up to a crisis.
- -
I. Secretary Teller has written : an explan
mumatory letter to tune commissioner of the o
o gmmeral laud office , touching his recent or
: dens relative t0 the Northern Pacific man a
m Jgrant Time secretary says that all lam
1 , 1 imb within the granted and iudenmmiti
t , linmits im Mitmcsota and 1Viscomsimi an c
at now. surveyed , and tlmat time coatIan
w must : make its selections witimimm timid
mouths f rum time timm that notice is'given A
y time emmel of this time all lands within tin
iudenmity limits will ho restored to thi
y public domajn amid opmmed for settletnmm
o under time gener l ] and laws , Laud Com
d mnissioner'Lanbarn , of time Northern Pa
cific , says , in refereiuce to time matter ,
that time letter is of no practical momemmt
According to hint time government survey a
are not yet completed , and time conmpan o
are only waiting for time govm mnneat t
fmmmislm the work now under way. Durim G
d time past two rlmonths 4,000,000 , acres Imav d
o beem selected , and time whole work of so
ig lection will be completed within the spec
° ' iced three moths. provided time ovorn
a immishcs its part of the work within thin
time-Pioneer Press.
or Judps Iscariot lioarmtey ,
1 , 1'hlladdphlRTluua
o , Mr. Kearney is a dolnagogue ammd care
1 no more for time real imtorests of the etas
11 whose self-constituted chmnpion ho as
ma sunmes to be than Judas Iscurot carcd fo
u , his : master. Indeed he chmupions tlmei r
n case for tine saimmo identical reason-hi
e want" to make mne chmidise of thole t 0
1 the highest bidder ,
a9 . . . . .
: T
o /
l8 , , Df. MAlk , '
l jj , %
ld = - -
st ml I , r
n of bL1AN REMt
mv DI
eLd l RheumatismCi eufalgia RES , Sciatica ,
Lumbago , Sackacho. headache , Toothache ,
Sore Tlnrsnl. N , cha n ge , Nprol ua.Imrulica ,
to Lure. , NN1/.1. . YI'oat rrace $ ,
1715 ILL etllEli mlou16Y I'AIA5 lea llllrl.
Or ga11igmausa1)4.admk.l.ruur1rane.rmjC.uUtWltS.
. . . .
Ulncnous la ll 4..r..r"
OD . . IWEI.ulm Co.
THE cmnlti.Rg A. t
ar W a. voecuaa Ce. ) a.111.un , ale. , C.LI.
China an Glass ,
St. Louis , MO. mt2.9m
Dry Goods !
SAM'L C. CO. ,
Washington Avenue and Effrh Street , - - - ST. LOUIS M0 ,
Wholesale Grocers !
AND Jonnnlts nN
Cigars and Manufactured Tobaccos
- f
Luber , Latli , Sli1es , Poket ! J
Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA NEB
Wholesale Druggist !
1 1 Yallflisheso \o t ifiass
Hall's Safe an oc om f
, , , .
1020 Fn.rnam Strout. Omaha.
\kTall \ Paper and e Sliae.
t M. HELLMAN & Coe f '
t Wholesale Clothiers !
11301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET. COR.13THr '
B s r Carpenters' Materi als ,
sash , Boors , B1iuasI Stair s Stair Raiin sI Baluster s Window & Door Frames , &c
Ylret claee hcRltlee for the manufacture of all klnde . at MoulJinge , Planing and Makldng a epecJalty
Orden trovs the country wW be promptly executed.
Address all eommunlcatione to A. MOYER , Proprietor.
Bllies . , Carriaos aM SDril ! ¶ aolis 9
M ) lieIwamtor ) G eonetautl ) 1111011 w Ith a select Block. Beat 1Yorkmanehlp guaranteed.
Office and Factory S W. Corner 16th and Capitol Aventie , Qmalia
Grower of Live Stock and Otherz.
It to the beet old cheapest food tor stock of any khld. One pound h cquaf to three pounds of corn , .
stock fed wlth around ( M1 Cake In the Fag and Winter , inetead of runntng down , wlii increase In weight.
and be In good muarketabio condition In the apring. Ualr'ulen , as well as otllertl , who . use it an testily to
Its merle. ' ' . ton' for aacka. Addreue
Try it and Judge tor y'vurselyea 1'rne EY5.inper no charge
' ,