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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1883)
2 TI-IE DAILY BEE -OMAIIA , THURSDAY JULY 19 1883. - = - WESTEt WONDERLAND. toiiety in ho YeI1os1ollc li&tiOllI & Park , ,1 BceneTY Along the Sidea Of CnM. n4 . Nount a1ns-.Beauttei of tbbjreat ' , a11. ; . y. 'ZImCL 0' MAMMOTh zror SI'IUNOS , YELLOWSTONE . ' . AT,8NAt PAnK , Wyoinhg .1u1y3.-Tho nIinos inystcal worniorialid wiiicii on gro3 80t npart for public enjoyment annie _ I1 years ago , under the name of the Yel. iowathno Natliirnl Park , Ia just now sot. iliig itcIf tnththo condition when kunata may aafoly atni cornfortaby enjoy Itci niany beauties of cilinato and acenory an ( wtnosa the varied vlionnnieiia which na. turo Irns hero oongregated I lrnvo beeti in the park a week anti have not rnet with a stngTh ahoworof rahi , and yet icooPlo who hnvo boon hero aicti Jcurebout for ycara aay that the acasoci is not an un usually early one. The inotdowaand the nionntainaklos are clothed in 1uxurian green , wIiLlo everywhere the verdure is Mudded with miuliona upon inilliona of floworci of the brighterit and nioat varied buos , A the aamo thuc , looking in aicy direction one chooses , the landacapo is botifllOd b7 snnw.capcd peaks , aoino of which ret.ain their icy coronets through- ouI the year. For two weeks pass the Bull's hot ray have 1)0011 sending torrents of incited suiow down the gulches and ravines and every inountain brook1o is transformed irito a tumbling , foamy cascade , along which every rock and boulder and mossy bank shadows the lurking.placo of some wily trout or whiitoflahc. The Yellowstone River , as a consequence , is icwohlon into a magnificent stream , making the grand- oat possible display at the Great Falls , whicro it icalis of1 from a 5O.foot proci. p 1co and in the Grand Canon just below , whore for zicarly 20 miles itrushes through a chasm , walled in by c1iff varying from 1,000 to 3,000 foot in height and of gorgeous outline and color. Already there arc a few cmnping par. ties of tourists in the Park from Now 'York and other Eastern cities , most of whom have come in b' way of I3oscnian nd Livingston. 'I'Iio first iiaiiic1 of those routes involves a journey of nearly 80 miles , and the 1atterrotoabout6iui1ca , to reach the gatowat of & 1u 1ark at the squattor.built kvn of Oardinor. Padios from Bosoman come into the Uplier Val- icy of the Yollowskno by way of the llosoniait trail , through the mounthins , over roads thtataro extrorncy rough and difficulL Front Livingston the journey lies all the way through the upper valley. Within an hour after leaving thu hatter place , which has rpwn to be a town of 2,000 inhabitanth in the lastthroa mouths , the road leads through the First Canon a picturesque defile , so narrow that the old mountain road and the railway line now building , scarcely find room to run along the river bank. In one place time railway road-bed wipes out tim old road , and . in another the railway has hind to round a rocky promontory on a piie bridge built in the river itself. In this canon on Saturday ia8t , while riding up the valley to the Park , I was drenched by a heavy thunder shower that WM at 1ent refreshing after the intense heat which preceded it. Half an hour later the sun was shining aslant the - valley , and tipping with silver tim snowy crests of Emigrant's Peak and other nameless pinnacles that form a beauti. fully serrated wall along the eastern bank oftho river. Emigrant's Peak seemed about five miles distant ic'licn I first saw it , but , though I rode till 8 o'clock at night amid was on the vay again before 7 'o'clock on Sunday morning , it wna nearly noon before we wore abrestof it. We assod the night at "Fridloy's , " a quiet little hostelry and farm kept by a man who caine into Limo valley eighteen years ago. For many years after lie settled hero the Indians waged war against him , and ho never wont out of the house to milk iii. cow or fetch water from the spring without his rifle in his hand. About 20 miles south of Fridloy's the valley is clipped in tIme vise of another rocky gorge , known as , the Middle Canon , a singularly wild and picturesque place , The mnoncitnins rise 2,000 to 3,000 foot by atoe acclivities , ' and tim river swoops like a millrace - race , with numberless eddies amid whirlpools , between barriers of vertical rockL This canon forms Limo anglo at which time Yellowstone flows northward , first running almost duo west for 20 miles after dobouchming froiui the park , At time south end of the canon a tolI.gato has beomi established by a Vor. mentor , known all over tlmis region as "Yankee Jim. " lie is a garrulous sort of chap and enjoys and talces no little pride in liii local reputation cuc a liar. But ho iaaftor alla genial fellowwiio ham lined in these wilds for 18 or 20 years , a solitary bachelor , and has had many shard ' "rustle , " the boys asy , with tue Indians Ho charges $1.50 toll for teams , timid 6Q contafor pedestrians , under a franchise grantodhim by the territory , antlii cas of anyonb refusing to pay the toll , Jiur has a i-life just mnsido time door of him cabin. Eastern people nlway nuarvol at the size of thofoo and contrast it wILL the frightful quality of time road but they fail to rcmnonmbor. that without the road , bad u it is , it W9Uld be iinpoaible to go UI ) the valley at all , Soon after leaving Jim's 1ul eo , whorc ono may got.lager beer at $1 to,1.50poz bottle , the valley widens out again , anc numerous small homestead ranches art seen on citmer aide of time river. Thu view is again b9uumdod. by now.ciau ] mountains , chief among thoni J.wing thc great crest of loctrio Peak , over 10,300 feet uih which stands \yithmimz the Nation at Park. Atpmmo point the road runs ovom an enormous proarnntory called the Poini of Rocks , cbmnpoaodof reddish yellow comm. glounorato rock. Gigantic bouldorac poised on time muouutain.aldo threaten every mao mont to comuuc crashing down on the pass ung traveler , but these Daunoclean porilu are not hooded when one turns to gaze am : the. , gorgeous pammotuna of the sunillini valley and svift-f1owing river shut in b ) time serrated muouuitain walls. The scent is a uuiemnory for a lifo.tiumuu , even to out 'who , Iikt myself , hums ramumblod amid thu far loftier ranges and peaks of tin Andes. . Time most remumarkablu formnatiomi or oh L ect im tIu valley , however , is time singu iar ooiogical fopnatmon ' kuowum as Devil' : Slide , on the aouthu.caaturly face of i bald , reddish cupoin called Cinunba , lmrountain. 'rime ; zmountaln abuts bilarIl' um a plasui abouta info wide amid timre miles ioui , amid is peahaps 2,600 ( cut ii hmeigimt , .Lt : anco formed a part of a ridg composed mainly of four strata of racI each 0 to 60 fQQt thick anti trendin across time valley , Those strata ha ouioubovo time other at dephits J probly 150 to 250 yards span In auuio great convulsion of nature tic mnounti ridge was brokemi Ciruiab IfiU wasyouuaed on time left anlc of Ui iyor , y4LIi the rock strata thrown ui 1 wM'lrJn 0(1gB , lika coInl and well de fimdUwalla. And they citauiul there like great walls tocha.y 200 to 300 feet in hcight ( tutu ! 0 foot thick , seaming the thoumitatn from its crest to its foot. lie. tweon the strat * thmero wore layers of burn. ed earth amid clay-red , gray , anti black- and the tnituration of wind nmul rain through long cycles of time hiss worn away tiila lilliumg leaving the rocky ridges which soparsted time earth strata'st.amullng up in gigantic outline. Thucro Is a vein of coal hying at. the back of LImo hill , nd the iiowor.studded lIai1 at its foot vilI ens bug boc ms time situ of a ulew town. At the ccad of time yal- Icy , beyond Cinumbar , time niouuuitauums close in upon the river and the coummmry becomes niuggod 511(1 sterile , covered ivutim great boulders and rocks , 500 to Lice acre , itummitl these barren surroundings time town of Gardner hiss Rniuumg tip witimhum the past 80 tlas , amid mmow mmuuuibors over 100 sacks , cabins , and touts , with GO0 lit- imbitants. It : is situated on a knob of a imill at Limo coimfiucuco of Limo Gardmar acid Yellowstone Rivers , and hninedcately ad. jojim the National Park. It is just now time subject of a controversy stud litigation between a man iiatiiud Stone , who ropre. seuith Limo Northionum Pacific railroad , and who acquired a town alto by luonuestead. hug 160 acres of laud as a terimihmus for the branch railway to Lice park , acid a squatlernamed Cutler , wimo "jumped Lice site acid hiss leased loth to the settlers. It is not. tuumlikehy that Limo railroad cocci- Pliny will cimooso a new situ usear Ciuunit- bar Mountaimm acid fix thmeir ternuiumus there , heaving Cutler's thwui ouitiroly ' 'iii tue cold" about tiirco uumiles away. Time hoW town will be important as the turumi. cml statloum for the Clark's Forks ciuumming region iii Wyouuming Territory , amid as Limo 011(1 of the railway hue by wimicim tuunistn may roach thu Yoilowictoiuu Park. Lesvimg Gardiuior , with its array of drimikiuig bars , gacimbliuug houses , and ulanco-hiousus , time road follows Limo line of time Gnrdimmer river soutim-westerly over very lingo Julia a distance of four nilies , to the Mammoth hot Springs , wimuro I write this letter. The Yellowstone river makes its exit from time imark at the tiumrd ciumon , clear Gardner , but time Clark's wagon trail ruins through the Park past time hot Springs. Just now thu wagoner or horseback ride of about 65 miles up time valley , wimicim I have just ( loacribol , is timuoniy way of rcachmiimg time park frouim the north , acid is time nearest coimuection by railway front any direction. Time road is difficult aimd iii iummuiy lulitces ( lacigerous , butimo scoumory is woumderousiy beautiful acid time oxpeniocmco novel anti adventur- 'ous anil novel. Witicimi 30 days , however , time wagoim road and time mnountmin ride will be n. timing of time past , for the brancim railway wimicim time Nortimern Pacific road is buildiimg from Liviumskmm park will bo fimmisimod within timat tune. Before that tune too , time splendid hmotel wimich is be. ingtmbuiIL hero by a coinpmumy of whicim "Uncle" Rufus hatch is time 1)resiloimt will ho open to receive guests , and time Wonderland of the world , witim its mumoun. taiuis , caumons , boiling springs , stalactite caves , gigantic Geysers , waterfalls , obsidian - ian cliffs , and rivers of boiiimmg syator , easily accessible to tourists from all Icumds. MAILIUAGE IN CIJIN4t. How Lbs Bnido Is DelIvered to the Oroom and How its Makes HorUls Wife. } 'rolii trn Now York 3un. 0mm the wedding daytiiegucsts assemble iii time bridegroom's house. Timoum a prOcession - cession is formed , coumsistimmg of friends , bands of music , slid sedan chairs , decor- stud in rod amid gold , with bearers in red coats , and dressed in sort of a livery , sometimes - times wearing rod caps. TIme processloul starts from time house with a courier at Limo Imemul , Lie bears a large piece of pork on a tray , to kue ofl ummalicious ( leummouss wimo uumay be lurkmng aim time imtroet corners and in the alloysi Timeso demnomms are supposed to tackle time pork , amid wimilo they are tlmus busied time procession passes am' without beium effected by their evil influence. At timis tiumme time bride is at her own house , arraying herself in her best dress and richest jowois. 11cr hair is bound up aimd arranged in dime form and style by a skilled matron. Aftertimis her hamad-dross is dommmmod. It usually consists of some rich immaterial sprinkled with or- umaumieuits A large mmmantio is thou thrown ovorher , It coummpietcly coverushmer. Last of all aim enormous lust , as largo as aim umbrella , is iciacad on imer imead : it commics dowim to her shoulders , conmpleteiylmiding her taco. Thus rigged , she takes hmer seat in time rod gilt inarniago.ehmair , called kwaklau. Wimumi concealed jim thus cimaim sue is carried to her htusbandby four muon , ' \Vhmomi Limo bride is seated in thu cimair , hmhr motlmer , or seine otimer relative locku time door , and time key is given IA ) time heal milan , I suimimoso ito turns it over to thu bridegroom oum rescuing his Imoumse , Thu . procoas4omm returns witim ummoro care and cimoro sL'le. I saw omme dunimug a raummblc in a Cimmmieae towum. As the bride vam borne past mis we gave three cimeurs. I ulano say timat all hmerchmildromm will be citimem I knock-kneod or bow.logged becawo of the cimeors of time birbaniamma. Good luoli I to time poor bottled up omie. Siam imutd thu best wmsihos of all our luumrty , aswe follow. od time mrcossiucm soculo squares , to timt great astommisimumient of all time Ohmimmmunoci I 011 the street. t As time proqess'moum approumcilol tue bride. I groom's door a band stationed there struclu , up a tune , stud fire crackers were lot of ] I by time box until Lime bride was carried withmin time gate. Time go-between thou : got time key frommm time bridogroommm amid opened time door of time sodium chair. Au time bride aligimtoLl simo vn.a saluted by , small clmild at time side of Limo old ummaim , . Time groom was closeted witimin the house , I And ahmo woumt 1mm to seek huiumm. Slme stil ) wore time enormous hat mmumd immantlo ) Wimon situ found time grbomu he greotot L imer with great gravity. 'Fhmoy both , approacimod time ammcostrnl tablet umd bow. ad thom heads timruo tinies , They mmcx . took thmeim' ' seats at a small table boaniui ? two goblets tied togutimer with timread am couit.aiuiiucg Wino. Time go-between soy . ored time thread , but the bride failed tm I quecmcim her timinat , owiimg to lien emmonimmou : . haiL and mmmmmcitlo , Time two wore now luau acid wife. 'rho I Imusbaimd took the lust scmI imiacmtio frouc I time bride , aumdfor time first time iii liii life had a bug look at lion. After hi P had looked at hair for mimic commutes h ) called iii imis friemmuls acid guests. The I scrutonizod her ammd made no boumos o m oxproasiuig their opiuiioim concerning lam : u charms , the fenmales gave tutor toumgumo fail sCope amid had no cmicrcy on time poe - bride. Site took It all witimomut pmmtkhm . mumy disagreeable answer , for fear this B the uimateim irumuulti b cuuisiilumoul aim miii : m lucky oimo , 'l'heau cruel critheismium end r ed , sue was iimtroduced tq hr hubmmmmcl' V larummth , tufter whmicim sue saluted Item' cumvi U fatiior amid fumothmer. Thu wethiiumg feas Ii W4t5 thou served , time sexOs catiuug iii thE 0 fgrouit aPartimmeumts. ' 1'1m4 uumalos wor I muumrvetl by time 1midegrooimm acmd 'hm1 imial g relatives , acid time fuicutlos by Limo bniui hr and imor inothmor-icmlaw , assisted by mmcm : f vnmmts , Time two sexes rarely sit dowum t , time same table , 0 Marriage Is very comnuimon ammiozmg tim In Cimimieso , You loudly over comae Acres 0 giil of 10 or 18 vimo is not tied doit t . I somomaum. If w woman cimimith adu tory after marriage alto is decapitated Un. den the law. Time man however , is at. lowed to keep as mnfttmy concubines as ho can support , timochuirden being lcgitimato , but coming after clmlldrcn of the wife. If time concubicmea live ucmdor time same roof , they are mere aervsimth of time wife , Some rich cnarried uncut keel ) cocitibIfles In separate atuirtinonts , Such IsmtIociB are vary eagerly sought by damumseis of very fair parommthgo. T1IF MO1LMO i'ItOIIfdt. 'mVork at' the Utah Conmmcmismmlon anti hOW It has ilceui Treated , Salt Lake Correromulenco of the St. Louis lelluibilcan , So cmmucim has been given to Lice country relative to time i'mlornmon ' lrollomn , 1)0th true and false , thud I wisim through your colucnmma to say a few words to time pumbhic iii regard to Lice Utah commumiasmouu , ma justice to a boly of mcmocm selected aumdap- pointed by tIme imresklecmt of Lice United States to oxocmmte ccrt.aimi parts of time so called Edmcmucntls bill of 1882. These five gentlemen were selected frocafivo ( lilFurccmt states , They arc nil Gucitiles , aimd , I dare say , as couch opposed to polygamy as those acmti-Mormoummm of this city wimoliave criticised their course , Their I 'oivem ' are limumited acid are all cocmthmmied iii time last two sectioims of tue law. They caine to Utah last August witim time siumcorodesirc , cmo doubt , to execute time law fully , imm good faith , They hcave gommo to time utmost verge of their delegated - gated powers , mind , in Lice opinion of mimic rnrsuns , iowa atretcimed time legal teticur a little , in order to mumnko Limo law effective. How hmavo these gecmtlemen been treated ? Aim was to hare been ox- peeLed , time Mormomma lowe objected amid protested ngumiicst time law acid the cumacumier of its oxecutiomi ; but , as could imot reasonably - ably Iowa boemm expected , time comuucnissiomm was criticised acid censured by a certain class of Gentiles fromum time bcgiumnicmg. Soon after their arrival in timis city Lucy vore told by these nuni , substantially , that they were not wanted lucre ; timat timoy couidn't legally imoid an eiectiomm for dcl- egates to cocmgress ; that timoro was imot Limo to ummako a legal registratiomi , anti they had better look orotund awhile aimd go back to where timcy cumumo frocmm , Emit tue cocmumnissionors kucew ommougim to kcmow that time laws of time United States declar. eul that every territory simommid be entitled to a delegate to cocigresa , amid timat aim ciectiocifor sucim delegate should be lucId iii every territory , oct Tuesday after time first Mocmday iii Norecumbur , 1882 , and they were fumrtimerumotificd Lust there was time enough th make a registration. In other words , time comncnissioumers imavimug takoim an oatim of ofilce to atcpport time constitution amid hairs of Limo , United States , lrefcrred to obey the laws rather thaci to violate thorn at Lice behest of a sinaI ! coterie of nmalcocitermta. This determination - termination of time cocncnissioum to obey time laws was timoir first ofrence. No , I am too fast. It is ovidecmt timat timoy gave immortal ofl'onco in coming hero at all , Time "coterie" imad not obtained time law wimicim they wacmted , anti time commmcmmission- era vcro not selected frocum the riimt place -Salt Lake City , Time commumissiommers not comnplyin with the polite request to leave time territory , proceeded to execute time law , After fracmming rules acid regulations - lations for regiatratioim timey appoiumted registration olhicers. In making timese apPointnlents they acted upon time timeory tlmat Gentiles wore to be preferred But some iuistacicoa they luaU to appoiumt Mon. umomis , which they did upon time recom- umiecidation of icitelligent and honorable Gentiles , timat sumcit appointees wore the best muon to bo imad in those localities. For this time coimmmission have been ccii- stmred by time "coterie. " ' Time cocccmissiouers wore asked by timeso mcci to macike aim order that time wo- 100cm of Utah aimouuld umot vote. The coma- mcmission exanmiumod the law and found that wommmeci sufFrage imad existed by law 1mm timis territory for a cmumber of years , and during timat tiimio congress Imad in efl'ect coumfinmned utcul approved time law ; so that time cocmmccmissiomi declined : to resort to nul- hificatioci. Timia raised aciothmcr howl , 'mVitiiout goimmg jute ucmacmy otimorpartic- ulars simowimmg time ummfnicumdly and numimos- pitable trcatmnocmt whmicim time cocmmcmiissipn hiss received at time hacutis of this clique , I will call attemmtioum to a very uimjust attack - tack upon thmofut iii a little newspaper of timis city , issued last Saturday , iii an arti. : cio headed "A Farce. " Time writer cen aures time commission bocatiso icm their . Into rules ticey' ummako time Juno registration a ruvisiocm iumstoad of requiring a cmow rog- , istratiomm by "goimig froimm imouso tO hmouse , " etc. Time gontlecmmacm Who wrote this hiss certainly mower road time kiw , or ho would I know that it proviiles for only one origi- minI rogistratiouu , and that was jim 1878 , m acid that every subsequent registration m is only a rcvisiocm by alding and strikicig I offimaccies. : . A. Salt Lake correspondommt of time I GloboDommmocrat , iii time issuc of thmat : paper of April 21 , 1883 , takes time commm- . umuissioners to task for imoldimig aim olectiocm for JIcgato to congress last August , "in : spite of time fact timat Lucy voro assured , by thu beat Gentiles hero time clique ) timmit . timero was umot then sufhicicimL limmmo to an- range for it projmorly. " It simotcld be L lmonmmo iii mumicmd that tue cocmummmissiocm hind doclicmod to hold scm eloctiomi to fill time ucm , expired toruum iii Limo Forty-seventh con : gress , mmd time govermmor of time territory L' hind refused to order ammolectioum for Lust I lcrpce , bUt time comumcuuittco omm ulectionu I of Limo imoumso of roprcsemitntivc , iii I maucsimmg upon time mipplicatioui til I IY , Omuicie to be mulmuuittod to said seat , ii : L time commclusioum of tmoir ] report , said : "It , isuvident timat if time office of delegate mm , ntrictly a territorial oflico , witimin time liur 1 vIew of Lice Utah statutesu timomi time ov . encior uumistook a ilaium dimLy ici mmot calling I a special ehectiomi to fill an adummittod 1 vacaumey ; but if time ofl'mcc e not a torn - tonal oflico , strictly speaking , timon it is I. clear casus oiiisstis. Jim either ovocmt tiit , l)00P10 should imot be deprived of a right I guimrammtocd to timommi by solommucm Public law - especially wlmocm they hmavo porforniet ) thom 'dmoio duLy iii tile l)0iii1505 by fain1 us chmoosicmg as their delegate a citizen agaicia whose midimmimusloim cmo dia1uaijfIcatiomi ii I urged , " 'I'lmis ' roimrt was mmnaiihmmoccsly adoptet S by time house of roprcsemmtatlyemm amid Mr Li Cutimme adiumittod. U Now if time commmmcmissioum umro to be 11mm , valod for allowiimg time 1)001)10 of this ton f ritory time free exercise of "a nigimt gucar r nmmteod to tlmomim by solocumci 1nmbhio law" ii S clootimmg a delegate to time Forty.eigimti r coimgress , what ought to be docmo witim tb Forty.suveuitim comigress for giving tb t uceat to a mmmcm y1mo was elected at tin . sacume tiucto by time Pooimle tlcspito time umoct . action , t' tue govormmor of time territory mi 1(11 vcll cia time cocciuumissiomul m ' 1'Jmis writer uIls ( ) 853'S thmat tmanioitgotimo I , rulicmga tue coummmmmissiocm declared timmitimium - amid wommmocm wico for years had beoum oqt o mm molygammmy , and listed mt wmh a hmoi , 0 hatred1 simo mld imot 'otoVmtiows , wim U years ago hind bucim time first and time logic . - wives of icicum bug dead at time tmcmmo of tim 0 ruling , acid wimu had always othOitOl ia lygaumy , were ruled out acid mcmsuItimigl U told that timoy would first Immure to ho par a dammed by the proaimlOmmt. " 'limo rule imiad 0 by time comnmumissiom ; deprived froicu regis I. . tratiomi till peromis vimk bind over been ii : : - - polygamy. Wimibo it. mnay have operated hmarsimly in a few instmumces , it was re ceivei With favor by fair.thcinking Gen. tiles , because they kcmcw that a rumba that would have let iii one of those referred to by time writer woukl have ftlmitte(1 a score of Mormon voters. limit the crowcmimmg act of ucmfarny in tue ayes of Limbs sweet.scented fuutniot , tImi wtmhi-b official imaumgimmg emi to time ragc1 edge of hope deferred , time corn- miumsioncus made a "rosy report" to tice secretory of Lime immtonior , wluiclm prorecmtcd Senator Edmnucmds from imaving another bill passed to give needed stnenthi to existing atuutuths , how immconaimmtent , simen It is a uuiatter of history that time very laws aougimt to be e115ct0d by Semis. tar Edmuccmds uvero timoso recommended by time coimmmmmissiomm iim thus siummie "rosy report. " limit thus corniuutmumicntiocm is already too Iocmg. Ticeso are ommiy a few specimens of time vise immcumbatiomms of time "cotcnie. " Time people of the United States are fast f'mcml. mmmg out that there is a very scmmall ciiqmme in Ubdm , wimo would rather destroy time 1'Iornmomis timnic reformmm timenu ; wimo would not care a cent for poiygainy if timoy , time clique , could imoid all time oflices , 'acid wimo for years have vilified amid traduced every federal official who refused to violate Limo las'r amid his ollicial oatim at their ( liCta- tirnu , ] 3'Aumunr.AY Gr.nttn , Far more vahmable timmumm ticoso golden apples of Ilcsicridc's nra time life , imealtim and beauty of Wocnanicood. Mrs. Pimik. imam's Vegetable Coccipoucmd restores and reserves all timesu The Neoci of Technical Training. We may easily realize time increased need of tccicciical traiumimlg over time necessity of tivo timousammd years ago. At timat time the artist imiimmself ( liii time work , Lime actumaf labor ; ime uvoived time idea. smith executed it , time brain that conceived time timougimt guided time hand that gave that timoughit substance acid simau , Every tocccim of time cicisel luciparted life , for time spirit of time worker wemit immto time atone , amid it was rnOIiCd and shaped by time gouiius of time ticimcker. Now it is mm'- cimanical : time artist origimmatos , others cxc- cute , and tlmis execmmtioim must follow pattenums , deaigcms , iciamma. No scope is given the workcuum ; ho is bound by lines boyommd which hum ( litre not go , mind imis fammcy , if lie hiss any , servos naught in tue creation of imis subject ; drawings comitrol timis crcatiomm , and time living translator of timose dniwvins , frommi what was in time I intelligent reasoner , 1mm leconmo iii time prcscrmt mmii autocmmatic inaciminc. Disposing thus of a mmmmut'a individuality , sommie ucicmums are essccmtial to convey tii thmomiglmt of time dcsigcier into tim imamid of worker , nuiti customs imave growum and Imvs have been adopted that will servo as a sort of mmicmmtal telegraph between timeso tsyo-lawa which govern time flight of time artist's fancy amid icmstruct time arti. san in act undorstamidimig Of time designer's purposes. Taking this view of Limo situs- tion , is is certainly miccesarry that talent aimoumld be teciinically tempercd.-A. Cuim- TIn BOND , intPopulnr Science Montimly for August. ANOTHER LIFE StVED. J. C. Gray , of DAnEVILLE , ALA. , wHtes us : I liava been using your Dim. Wn. HALL'S BAuulmu rocu viii : Luas , and I can say , of a truth it l far superior to any other Lung pro- pacaton in tim world , My mother was con- lined to her bed four weeks with a cough , and had every attention by as good physicians as timere are iii tico country , aimd they all failed to effect a cure' but wlmoim I got oimo bottle of oumr Dii. Vn. llAma's BALSAit rout TILE Luns , she began to mend right away. I can say 1cm trtmtii , that ur WAS TiLE MEMS OF HAV- 'INc ' huh airs. I kimow of five cases that Dr. Wumi , 1Ialialsanm imas cured , and my mactimer is better mf than site ihas boon before for twoumty years. henry's Carbolic Susive. Is tim BEST SALVE for Cuts , Bruises Sores , Ulcers , SaIL illicuim , Totter Chappoci Jlaimubm4 Chllbiains , Corns , amid all kinds of qkimm Eriiptlocis , Frecldes acid Pinmoles , Get ILEN1LY'S CARBOLIC SALVE as all others are counterfeits. I'nlco 25 cta. . . Venuor's Predictions , Froam the Country Merchant. TUE RTOILM iEn1ODS OF JULY. 10th and 20th-Very heavy rains amid generally sultry weather , with thunder and wind 'ornis throughout middle and northern states. 21st and 22nd-More settled and cool- en ; frosty iii New York state acid points southward. 23daimd 24th-Heat amid sultriness ; drougimt in portiomis of Peuimisylvaumia and adjacent states. 25th and 26th-Great heat. with scat. tered storms of rain and thunder , with hail ; hottest portions of time month. 27th and 28th-Cooler ; storms along time Huidsomi to New York ; heavy rains in umorthiorn aectiomis , 29th to 31st-Cooler for brief period , with pretty general storms at close of month anti euitry of August ; heavy raimma and floods at Western P01i1ts , AUOUST. Time first week of time niontim is likely to give heat acid some severe local stormuswhmoro timoso wore oxpeniociced isat I year. Hail should be guarded against in western sectioums. I ticicmk time fore per _ tion of this nmocmtim ivill be cimaractcrmzcd by wide.spnead heat. First change to : cooler weather after the lOtim , wlmen a very decided relapse of cooler weather I many take place , with oven sumowfalls iii immountainous rogiona. TIlE PROFESSION A UNIT. Mr. C. U , Draper , of No. 223 MaIn Street Worccbter1 Mass. , yoluntecre the following- : "li&ving occasion roceiitly to use a remedy for kid. . fey disease , I sj1tiet1 to n. druggist , Mr. D. Ii. VIi I Ilanu. , of Unctiln 8tuaro , this city , and romuest"d hin : ) to fsrilim ) ins the 1est kidney iiudicIno that ho kne , I : of , intl he handed nmo a bottle of lIuit.'s micinedy , pstatingthat It was considered the ljestbecauo ho hail I p sold many bottles of It to his customer. In Worcester , fr' iimd they all arcak of it ifl tmo highest ( aria , , and t Iromlounee it always reliable. I tot'k the bottle Iorni and coinmnemmcod takitig It , Slid flint that. it does tit ) B work effectualmy ; antI I aiim IdcasetI to recomnnicail t. all who have kidney orlivcr disease the use of Hunt' , 1 Itonuedy , the sure cimie. " . April ml , 1853. WEALL8AYUO. Mr. Ceoqu / , . liurtlott , No. 161 Front Street , Wor m cester , Mass. , hM Just soul Us the following , dlrecti ) m to the point : 0 "ileing aflilcted with sIJuiuits to while ) , all hunman subject sooner or liter , I read carefully the at ! L ) ) ucrtIeimeit , regarding tlio ruimatkablo curatle P ° ' . Cr. Of Iiuut'a Hemcdy , and cam it scemuedto apply Ii may case taactmy , I rureI a bottle of the inedlciii , atJaiiiierys daig atoro hi tliI city , and hmaylni : ue it wit ! , iiiost beneflelal iosults in may ow , , ( ase , Iiu r uvlh , aid son also ooiiuicticO'I its use. and It has nice decidedly hupmvctl their health , anti uuslall contin & tue Its uc Lii our faumily under such favoratAo no April 17 , 1893 , 0 rnmuouIsT'B EVIDENCE. Mr , Oeergo W , hIoloomb , ; Prugglst , 12 anti 13 V CommgrvustrcetTroy , N. Y. , wrItes APril T , ici23- : "I Ito constantly sohhinF mmunt's tteuimody for dim 0 CAses of thio Liduyl , Ikor , bladder anti urinary or - gaas , tmiiy tr&dund frlemmdm , and that it givei im general atIstacti n toil ! who use It. " New Life is given by using BROWN'S IRON BlrrEis , In tli Winter it strengthens and warms the system ; in the Spring it enriches the blood and conquers disease ; in the Summer it gives tone to the nerves and digestive organs ; in the Fall it enables the system to stand the shock of sudden rhanges. In no way can disease be so surely prevented as by keeping the system in perfect - fect condition , BnowN's IRON BIrrEIts ensures per fect health through the changing seasons , it disarms the danger from impure water and miasmatic air , and it : prevents Consumption - tion , Kidney and Liver Dis case , &c. H. S. .Bc'lin , Ecq. , of the well-known firm of H. S. Berlin & Co. , Attorneys , Le Droit Building , Washington - ton , D. C. , writes , Dec. th , x88i : Gentlemen . I talce pleas- nrc in stating timat I have used Brown's Iron Bitters for ma- lamia and nervous troubles , caused by overwork , with excellent results. Beware of Imitations , Ask for BRowN's ' IRON BIT- and insist on having it. Don't be imposed on with something recommended - mended as "fist as good. " The genuine is made only by the Brown Chemical Co. Baltimore , Md , SIOUX FALLS JASPER STONE Company. ( ISCORIOBATSD. ) ml , company Is now nreuarcd to receive orders for Sioux FALLS JASPER S1'ONS , for Building Purposes , And will make figures on round lots for prompt dcliv' cry. The coinjnv y is shipping Paving Blocks both Chicago and'Omaha , and BolicIts correspond. Co and orders from contractors engagel in paving trects in any of the westernchics. 'THSTIMONIALS. ' Surr.aIaTEwr.NT's Ovyics , Chicago , West Div. Ison Railway , Chicago December 5 , 1882. D. Elweli , Prculdent Sioux Falls Yater Power Corn pany. DK&a Sin- : ! have received from your company since October 1 , 1882 , about 100 cazioad , of granite paving blocks and have laid thenbctwcen , the rails of our street railway tracks in the lcnrt of tue city. I hav , been using raving material In tii , city for many year , , and 1 take nmeasuro In saing that In my opin. ion the granite paving blocks furnished by your con. manr the most regumar in shape and perfect In form , and is far as I have been name to judge , ard possessed of as durabmo feature am any umatermam that has over been offered or laid in the city. Yours , JAS. K. LAKE. [ Copy.i us. Los , March 23 , 1883. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN- This is to cortmfy that I have examined a piece 01 granite taken from the Sioux Falls Oranlto Quarries , anti , in may opinion , it is the best stomie for street paY. ing I have seen In AmerIca. ( Signed ) IIF.NRY FLAD , Pres. Board Public Improvements. Stone fo Piig Purposes. And any rcraon interested in such Improvements wimi flat It greatly to his advantage to communicate withi us. We invite correspondence on the subject. 'Flie general management and supervision of thc company's busiiieas is now in tlio hands of Vii. Mo Deja. . Address your letters to A. C. SENEY , mnl.m& Pres. of Jasper Stone Co 1SITANI1OOD Positively Restored in from two to IC .1Y1 days by ' .foxlcaxi Vegetable Confection. Foi nantlcuiars address San Hotco Medical 00. 1' . 0. Ilex 2181 , St. Louis , Mo. jell.d&w.2m UWXjXj VAPOR COOK STOVEtI The Pioneer and only Vapor Cook Stove that ha itoo.I tue . , st of year. arid gicun entire amid perfec satisfaction. : Over 100,000LmNow in Use Now Patent Hull Oven. Patent cemnovabie 50(1 interchangeable Jet Orifice . rendering our burners IiIcstructiblu. Now One " , amy Burner on two New Sto em. New Safety lieservoir , ) For Summer use these stovs are Indimpensiblu For tunas to agents , 1rice blat and catalogue , Address hULL. VAPOR STOVS Co. , L jo 26-t nto 2ui.wws Cleveland , 0 : . , 31Lt the cure , ) r , ieritt'tii , 'D Wi , % i" - ' ¶ this ii , struinent , lbs cog , lJC1t5 L' IinhiorMmaIorEuEu F 0 Ft cmuui , , , Ii , , ' nag me , ' . It . 'it.t 0 I .gn to ie.h1i ' at tII , lhi 10j condo' , , , , ' , I IIia itli 11e'etglc Is't ' I . .IclmMd % to cur , ' eli iii .g.OUL . . ' rpli. , l' t jo uii Inforisisilo , , addirsa. ( Lgvovi a F.ict , 1 u h tu. , mu ) ii .makiayu su. , ; hicgu. iii. In Omnetu th.sat . . DURflG THE NEXT TWO WEEKS I WILT. CLOSE OUT FIFTY PATI'EItNS OF Fine Chamber. Suits -IN- WALNUT , ASH AND MAHOGANY -AT- GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Tills is TIlE Greatest Bargain ever offered in Omaha for such Goods. . CHAS ; SHIVERICK , 1206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omaha Neb. . J2 % _ PERFECTION . IN Heating and Baking Is only attained by usiimg w-- CHARTER OAK : i Stoves and Ranges , F NIE GU1E OIE O1B1 ] For sale by , . 'vjoU , j r MILTONRO1ERS& SONS' ' OMAHA. y 1 ' I TIlE OLDEST WHOLESALE & RETAIL JEWELRY HOUSE IN OMAHA. Visitors canhero find a1ltiio novelties in SILVERWARE , CLOCKS , ItICIX AW STYLISII JEWELRY , TheLatost , Most ArtisticandCiioicest Selections in Xraai tQ23.o to AND ALL DESCItI1'TIONS of FINE WATCHES , AT AS LOW PRICES As is compatible with hmonorablodcaloiu. Call and see our elegant new store , Tower Building , CORNER 11TH AND FARNAM STS. MAX MEYER & BRO. , MANuFACrunERsOF : SHOW CASES ! A large stock always on hand. NINE LEADERS IMPORTANT TO BUYERS OF Pallo&Oraans ! Out of the many hundred manufac. tuners of this line of goods , we isy claim to representing the leading makers , and can show a more complete and larger line of Pianos and Organs than can be found ill ane ONE House in the west. Our NINE LEADERS are time following well- known and celebrated instruments. STEINWAY PIANOS , CHICKERING PIANOS , KNAI3E PIANOS , VOSE PIANOS , PEASE PIANOS , ,71"CN ) PIANOS. , ' SCHONINGER'OYMBELLA ORGANS , . - CLOUGH &WARREN ORGANS , STERLING IMPERIAL ORGANS , 'I We want everybody desiring a i'mano. or Organ to call or write to us for infor. mation and GET P9STED . W can sell you time best instrument made forthe least money , if you will give us a trial and want to buy. All we ask is to show you , as we know we can satisfy everybody from our Nine Leaders , whicliaro racog. nizod by those posted , as time best made. ' Send for catalo'ue and urice list' MAX MEYER & BRO. , , WAItEIIOOMS , Cop , 11th & Farnam Sts. , Omaha. -w-M : : S NrD- . ' : ] , , ' MANUFACTURER OF OF STRICTLY FU1ST.CLASS , ; ; , f a , % 7 L\\/W/A \ / ° ' o ' ' -I / I V 'YI \/Li. . . C' 'qJj a : . 0 First-class Painting and Trimming , Repairing promptly domie. 1319 Harnoy Street , - - , - OMAHA , NED. w. F. CLARK. _ _ YALL PAPERI PAINTEBI PAPER IINER AND DECOTOA1 KLSOMINIII CL1IM : And. work ofthis kind will receive prompt attontion. 4 CORNER SIXTEENTH AND DOUCLAS - - OFdAIIA , NEBI _ - - . ' LIj-- A. M. CLARK , ' &Porffluier SIGN WItITER & DECORATOR. I I _ _ _ 4 _ _ _ _ VJIOLESAL1I IIETA1L . , PAPERV , WALL - , . _ ' ' . ' ; , - - ' . , . ' 1' WINDOWSHADES & OUITAUcS , I , ' . - . Cornices , Curtaimm Poles and Fixtures , t _ _ ft PAflTS , OIL & BRUSHES _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ - - ' 101 South 14th Street , - - - - - OMAHA , . . - NEBRASAK . LOUIS BRADFORD , , : DEALER IN ; Lumb8r Sash Doors , Builds , S11illles , Lath [ ETa- LOW PRICES AND GOOD GRADES. Call and t My Prices Before Buying ElsowIere , YardsCor , 9th ana' Doug/as , Also 7th ana Douglas1