. . L4 AJAJ l 1' 1'J / rr . . L IfI d UL 115. lt Sei. . - . . . . . -.a. a. t L.eJL ' V V 1T VA r . - 1 TLL1 + ; DAILY I3E . COUNCIL BLUFFS. iy , July 18 , BU8SCRII11C r itATF91 ny eanler - - - - - - - 20 erntA pet week By 11NI - - - - - - - Iltaoo pa Year OFFICE ; No. 7 Poar1 Street , Near Broadway , MINOR MENTION. Cheap Railroad Tickets at Bushnell's. Thu city council fa to meet Friday night. George F. W'riglit is having a big barn built on his farm near this city. A number of the amts for unpaid poll. lax are act for n hearing today , it. N , Merriam has moved his grocery oatablishub01tt to upper ] 3roadway. . 1Verk ie conunoeoti in carneston blra. Mynster's ' newblock on Broadway. The trusteoa of tie institute for the deaf and ( bulb had a session yesterday , , inures Ferguson and William IIeU. rick wore each fined $3 and costs ycstur day for boimg drunk. The now city , 'nil looms up pretty Null now and it really looks as if it was n j ) Im ) achiu6 coal t ) lotion , The Congregationalists are to indulge in a social to urorrow ovullili13 at the house of Mrs. Mueller , lime Webster Wells neighborhood , mixed color war of tire races , is to ho aired up in court to nuorrow , Juhu Boyd has given A..1 , itlurplmy the contract for buildimi ; a runduring estab liahuent near the hog elevator , t Leave to , Ived was ycetunlay given J , 1 , Anderson , of Garner township , amid Augusta I'rederika Gust llm , of this city. There was a pleasant private picnic in f'alner's grove YesterlnYs at which t iirty or forty , umostly young folks , had a ( nappy Limo. Thu ground min which Judge Itced discharged Story on a writ of habuas corpus , that there was not suflicieut con1dunt filed. Ituv , ; G. W , Woodbury is to lecture at Bloom & Nixon's mall , on Thursday uvoim jug July 19. Subject , "History and Origin of the Negro Itaco , " ' Juatico Abbott is now to organiro a post of the G , A. R , at Sidney , and another - other at Hamburgand in the near future still another at IIoderson. It is expected that John Keller will put uj a two-story brick building on the lotadlonmg the into of which the new Masonic temple is to be eructed , Mrs. Turley has complained of J Pal- soul for creatig a nuisance , b leaving a loath of manure in the strets over Si- day. T1lo case will be heard today , 0. Boacn has boon given time contnrct for con : ) luting the Hull school houau for $ ! 136' bands of $2 + 000 being required as aocurity for the faithful purforumauce of thu contract. Tile season of proclamations is now be ing followed by a season of action , Evonr Horace Everett has bent complained o f for allowing an out house in the rear o f his block to become a nuisance. N , E. Tyson has 1)0011 elected janitor of the high school building at a sal : ' o f ' 5 a month. IIe is n oed selection , and the duties of that position will n o doubt be faithfully executed by hint , g G. H. Hopkins and L. S. Anderson r have commenced suit against a railwa y for $400 , claiming that their hay stack near the line of the road was bunted b y T e'atray spark from a passing locomotive , J. H. Story , who was arrested on tin ' 1 charge of porlury and recently released lwS begun suit against the prosomitin witness , Mr. T. Cnllison , for $10,00 ii damages , on account of malicious prose cution. Council Bluffs Lode No. 40 K. of P has boot prosmnted with a luunsonru { iii ; bli by II. A. Belles , P. 0 , of the Ledge { His Iroauutation s ) uueli was restontle d to bl Deputy Grand Chancellor , J. M Washburn , Mary Butler has taken stops to recur o a divorce .froni'J. M. Butler , to whoa she was married iii 1800. She elalmia u g time ground for the same timt he 1rna s struck and abused her until her life lu : s becouto a burden. t The eighth'nnnual session of Limo North ' western Academy of Medicine will h hold in this city bopt.ll and 12 , and nea - , 1)rogranunes ) are now being smut out b Dr. A. 1' . Hrnchett , of this city , who r s I secretary of the organiizntiou , , t Thu long , one-story famine building o Bancroft. street , formerly occupied by J OLBixby , was yesterday being mpyorl 1 1 short distance south mi that street , inn will be used asa , storage room in con n6ctiori with Hatteuhauer's new car ridge factory. , The ) ro posed situ of the now Masoni to be cleared at once so tha t excavation Inn begin. Thu building i to be 00 foot flout b' 100 feet ( luej ) the shrios high. 'rho mist story is to lie six toot feet. . 'fhu tenI do whn Bonn ) loto finest buihiditf is turbo one of the s the kind iii the welt. "Mary Hayes , whose real naulo appear to lie Julia LanJting/ time ) 'outg irl fume for being drunk in the park , Is to b taken to the reform school at Mitchell vile to-dap by time sjim'iff , Judge Boo' ' having mndu tat order . Sh I is onlY fifteen years o5 o ) but he rah tIY0.4 say they caai : do nothing with : her , ' 1'hotimas McKunu , a white moat : hiavia a respectable noun , but a stranger i , , the city , Ivmis found in Low Fruwo colored house ( lours time police pulled i t IIu was ycatertkny Iluod $25 amid cost s and not being able to Pay was giver : i change to work it out , flu had n rai wag switch huy on his ersnu ofd thought Lo lovu no business with it a the clerk of time court retains Hutt in h z desk , j. , bar , 1Vard , time architect , usturdn l'ruasuri ua the plans forCouut Beuuutt's now residence on the corner I ) . Willow avenue and Bluff street , 'I'll t house will ho sixtyGvu foot long an l1 /l / t forty foot wide , and will certainly be or of tire handsomest brick rusidunces m tl Iii city , Mr. Waal inrus also the plums f ; for tire new Mynatur block on Broadwa work on which is already conunercod , L is to be a three story brick , 45x80 foot. f Sono time ago two fpllowa named Fo ester and Aadoesoim were arrested f burglarizing Mu. Davis' store , and huh ' to the grand jury , Ye5torday Fran , , Hunter , as attorney for Anderson , nu ecodod w getting lun : released arm a w gj .s + . of habeas co us , Judge Reed being con. vinced that there was an insufficiency of ev'idonco to bold tie tn oner , Amler soils roll nano is said to ho Mclume tumd lie lmM very respectable relatives in Omnalra. A trans yesterday cnusetl no little eomunotio : by visiting the house of bars. Brown , a ( leaf and dunb Ind living on Ninth v'onue corner of Sevontlm street. The tramp mndu himself purfeetly at Lorne ofd rmnumed lame butte , at leisure , dovouriim food le chose mid tossing timings about aeiorally. The woman became afraid and ruslmfn attention otlt of time house , attracted the of aneighbor , Ais , Deitrich , who : rued herself with n hntelet and weftt for time train ) , who find , Officers Leonard and Brooks were called on , succeeded iii finding the folloly hid tmdur some frcight cars , and brought iniui in. Ile gave his namio as bliko and it is thought. is sonnutliing of n crank , Tel. GAMIIIiING 110USES , Probability That Council Bluffs1S'IIl Soon l''uliOw' Onlnhn'H Isxnnqlo anti 01)011 fhu floors , Ever since the gantmbling houses of this city were closed time prediction has been mndu that tie , would not stay closed any great lorgth of time , and it has bomb a matter of surprise that they have kept shut as long as they have. Time nn nouucemnemmt that time frarobanks in Ommaha are again runliiug has rurewcl these pro. dictiois. It has nlrcady bourn mloiscd about that in sonmu of the "closed" gambling places gamines of peker have been played , :111(1 there is little - tle doubt me , to theta being troth at time bottom : of douse runmom s , ' 19rE 1len huts already given two or three iustnnces where gases have boot : phiyed , Sono of tlioso who hm'e humi stricty ) oboyimig the haw naturnll object to time oflimnls nllowiii g othurs t o run on the sl even a xpker nmme. It now rmnnins to 1w scorn whethmer timcit , council lnoamis btlshtcs8 and is duturnniycd to enforce its resohm- tion , or whether it will publicly hack down and rescind the resolution , or whether it will tak , a sly sort of a way of gutting around 'time issue by winking at a few favorites and ousting others. Thu council is in a place now whore it will have , to shrew lust what it aeons , and whether resolutions passed nro of airy effect , A Itemnrkablo Tribute. Sidney Ourchundroof PittMhurg I'a. writes ; "I have used IIt. WM. IIA , L' ' hlAL SAM FOIL the LUNGS many years with thu roost gratifying results. Thu rellovjng hrlbm once of Ilan' . Bolsame is womiderful. Tine pain smith .rack of tlo body , incidental to a tight cough soon dlsanponr by the use of a spoonful accordimig to .iirections. My wife frequently sends for flail's Bnlsamn instead of a pinysielan , amid health h speedily retsored by its use , -e-- CORNICE POLES AT COST I At Beard's wall paper ntorenuxt to post- oflico , mii w s-3t I'EIUSoNAL , hlumr , B. I ? . Clayton , was lu the city yester- tiny. George Ai. Uncoil , of Chicago , is at tine Ogden , ' J. T. Rubinson , of Alimimieapolie , fa at the Ogden. Iaoes : Baker , of l'oorin , reached tae Ogden yesterday. . Dr. 1'OUlson lies gone to ICansas City on a brief visit. John : P. Stevens was the only Bostonian at thu Ogden : yestordny. A. 1' . Cramer , of The Avoca Herald , was , in the city yosterday. J. A. Moore , of Ihuldnp , Iowa , took a brief s look at the Bluffs yesterday. IL \Vlidttlesuy , of li varlsville , Ind. I " now visiting his father , Col. Whlttlosoy of the e o Globe , . Mrs. Stiles , who lnaeboon visiting her sister , Mrs. Robhmnn , has gee back o liar home in t Dixon , Ill. Mrs , 0. E. Steno expects soon to start for California , ml nun extended visit to her dnugh- tor , Mrs , .T. S. Meggs. J. II. Stnbcnrauch , of Polln , I.nva , was iii the city yesterday attending the uleothig of the trpstoes Of the histitutiou for tae deaf ram I dumb. Amiss Amelia Enioads and ] ter sister , ? tin s Aggie , who inns betjn v'taiting their brother , I ) , l'.mnunds , has returned to t eir bonnie ii. . Iowa city. Albutt Schrador has gone on a visit to In dinnapoll. , where Ids fmnily are already visit lang. lie expects to return : In about a month , bringing has fu nilyw'ith him. Afn Ewing , wine hints bum : n professor of min ginoorhtg in taw royal univorslty of Japan fu r u numnbor of years , Is h : the city w'itlr his frma Ily'pty'ingavisitti Mr , l 'crott mod family. I lie uxpoete to soul start'for Scotland , where ho ( s to occupy a professor's chair in the uni L vcraity at Inndce , Dr , West , Dentist , 14 Pearl street. Why are you ill ( Wlny do you'suffur l c Everybody krnovs all aches amid ) airna all t languor ad debility are cured bYllrown' ' a s Iron Bitters , - - - - U . AIteimrted . d News of a shooting alliray at Mimiuool a of was received hero last ovouiug. Tine par tieulnrs , so fur as learned are to the olfec t d that ] fir. Flunont : , wimp was formerly h n 0 tire postoflco horn , aura vrlo ) is now post , mister at blimirnuola and also kuops a she i store there , got into Amami altercation e with a uuui limned Doicinlor. Thu hittu , I- pulled a revolver multi tired at Flanlomit ' who in turn tried todufmmdlmiillsolfwith , a 6 knife , but finding this in uluss , got ii shot s gnu , and cavul'img Dckhlur with this ernhiod cm : n constaWu to invest hill. 'Ph I . olluur inesitatuti , w hua Duichlur firct 1 stl again at Flmuont , wino retuned tire fire , I but neither shot took elect. Doiclmlu r his fired a doled time at Fluuront , but iusten d 0 of hitting him : struck a brick rniaku r i n mn nmud l.innont , voumirting bin : quite surf ously. Thu parties couccruud mite neb 1' reported its under nrrost. Domoruellos ; Determination. ) r ) f And It Is agts/d quality' for hock at alottery' , e At 10 o'clock A , n , On 1t udnesday , J mire kith d tltu day after the 167th N01dhly'and the Jul Soul-auuual Grand Irmringof the I nisiml a Iu SuiLe Lottery , Mr. Jun. . Dennntctu ) ( of Duel mu urut + llu k Cusachs , dealers in building areterl ut' mil. ) tnvsontud also at tine Comlarly's odic 0 unto lialf of ticket No. 23,131 , whleh hind win the lirat capital prize of 8160 o00 , sad l : ' prmuptly paid b : ( intl. lie Is $4 y nrs pf ago and lnas bleu in : bu.lnes. sauce lie was 92 year uid. lie ltus boon ludustrious , and Amu been r at the head ufthree dlfferwdfirm. , suecuodinn g or In earning a comfortable income. , lie , hi s d father and grandfather wureall hour In Ne w Orleans , and is of oreof ) the oidewtpreolo fanii k 1101. , du.ccndants of Du Venray ; one of the u D 'doucers ' of the colony founded by Bleuvilla it A41o Ork fns lticayun4 June 17 , THE BODY FOUND , The Myslcrjons Disappearance of an Avoca Man Now EIp1aned ! , Tentpornrity Insane , lie Throws ltlutsclfinto the itiver. Thu ettaugo disappearance of Johmmn dcakes , the well known livery man of Avoca , was nnnounced In Tim llEF on Satuniny morning last , amid it was then conjectured that ho hind cmnmitted sui cide. Tine conjecture proves to have been well founded , his body having bcern found in \Vest'Botua about n mile amid a half from town , Mr. Conkes was evidomtly suil'criug front some neutral malady , On tae night before lie disap pcarcd ho appeared with his clothes all 1 bedraggled amid wet tllrougln , amid hind a very sensational story to tell as to low lie uune to be in that cornditlorn , ho said that three met attacked htmir , threw n sack over his ( lend , went through his pockets , trkiug eighty cents front hill , the : dragged him to the river and threw him inn , but Inc hind muunagcd to crawl out , amid escape , 't'ho ' friends could hnrdlyde- teramine how much : of this story' to credit , it oats so strongly iingn'nhabio , but later duvelupmients show that it vats w'lnolly n fabrication , uitlner of a diseased iuulgina- Lion or else Purposely fnTmed to conceal suicide , Thu mext morn Iug at ohout 3 ; o'clock , Air. Conkes wes heard to lnivu tine ( tome , but nothing was thought. f it , especially tint- til as tine lours 1vemit by lie tailed to re- tint : : l'rttties carried the search : in : all dtrectiois , draggling time river , amid leaving no steps un- durtakun to got rat tine facts. At last , On thin folloaviug day lira body vans found , he leaving evid01ttly thrown him. self in tine river , while tonpontr'ily ilnsitne. IIt1' . Coakes hind lived at Avoca for 10 or 12 years and was widely known ill this part of time slate. His business wits that Of a livcrymnn , lIe leaves two chiidrun , a boy and a girl , nud other i'eiative5 for whom ( : great synllpathy is felt throughout this community * Fnr inure valuable tlutn those golden : apples of Ifesporides are tine life , health and beauty of Wmuauhood , Mrs , Pink ham's Vogetnble Compound restores and reserves all these WINDOW SHADES AT COSTI At Beard's wall paper store next to time 1)ontolhice , mm w s 3t --s-- Whei : you feel life is a burden , and nothing you try alums to case your dyspepsia - pepsia , find a sure relief in Brown's Iron Bitters. Itcai EHtatc Translcrs , The following deeds wore filed for to- coral in the county clerk's cube , July if ; , reported for tie BEE by P..1. Mc- Alahun , real estate nguut : Jaulcs M , Meredith to A , E. Meredith , s e ,1 D e j 13. 75 , 38-$1,200 , Frank J , llingin to Christian Teufol , lots 1 to 16 , inclusive , block 27 ; lots 1 to $0 , inclusive , block 28 ; lots 1 to 10 , imi- chtsivu , also 21 to 80 , inclusive , block 49 , Brown's sub-$2,000 , M. Turley to J. 1' , Cassady , lot 11 ii : Mount Lincoln , Eidemn's sub-$300. Sarah Bean to Charlcs Robison , s n 0 } 2 , 77 , 38-$3.040. J. S. Howard to Jesse Hogate , w s u , j and w n o 30 , 70 turd 41 , $4,800. Francis McWilliams to Andrew Piplner , lot 3 , block 22 , Walnut add ; $2,000 , Andrew Pi tier to W. A , Houls , lot 3 , block 22 , Walnut add ; $1500. L. II. ilredt to Henry Krohn , n o soc.10 , 77 and 41 ; $4,70U. J. M. Pinillips to Ind , school district of Council Blutfs , lots 23 and 24 , block 19 , Burns' ndd.-$215,00. E , S , Kontner to Mary S. Gardner , lot 1 and part of 2 , block 29 , Avoca- $550.00. 1V. B , Mayes to Ind , school district of Council Bluffs , lot 1 , block 19 , Burns' add.-$75,00 M. W. Saideutoll' to 1 artha B. Masao , lot 8 , block 3 , Stutsemti s 2nd add.- $ .5,00 bfartlna E , bGtson to Louise Feuurhn ken , lot 8 , 1)100k 3 , Stutsman's 2d add , -$1111 , E , D , Jones , Sr. , et mil. to Alartin 1Vil- liars , s w j amid mm w' j , 4 , 77 , 44- $1,400 , .J. A. IIontld to C. A. Tibbits , part lot I , block. 8 , herald's subd , of block 8 in Mill add.$06. Total sales , $21,1180 ; total sales for the week , $3,09,9 ! ) , Vii ii ( , IteNtiOIiH11 Ask tire most umincnt physicinu Of nay sclooll i 10tt is tie bust thing hu time world for qumutimg amid allaying all irri- tatiuu of tine nerves and curing all forms of nurvous complaints , giving natural , cbildliku refreshing 51001) always ? Andthu will tell you uuhcsitutm 6Y "Sono forum of hops ! " e11APiSlt L Ask any or all of tine most uutfnmt physietuusl " 1Vhat is the h host , rumudythat can be relied cm : to cure all diseases of tie hidncy s amid uriuary orgmrs ; such as Ilrighato disease , diabetes , rutelmtion or imiabilit to retai : urine , ad all tae ( us. oases alul aihnonts peculiar to Wonuu"- 'Anrd thewill tll got ox 1N eill ) y mmcl muphatically 1 , " ] luchuy" Ask tine.atiln physeinlia ' Vhiat is tine most reliable nud surest m curu foridllil'urduseasosordyspupsiacomi- ; stipalionindigustlunhlietlstluasllntlttlell fever , ague , &c , , " and they will tell you ; "hhuulnwkul or Ialuleliuu ! " l luncu Irlneu those rmuudiga nro coin- - binned with Others etunlly vmduilblo And congnaminrlednnto1It' ' ihi ttcn'ssucln nullder : Adnudnq'Stenousetlrativepowcr isduyulopelwhwlussyvitricliuftsop0nt- Lions that no disease or Ill health : em lossibll' exist or resist its honer , and yet tt is llnnnless for time mast fniil wonuum , weakest invnlid Or snuuiiest child to rise , ' cnmAI'tElr n , "Patients "Aluiest dead or nearly dyhlg" 1' ' mr y'unrs , end give : up by physicimts of height's omd olhor kidney dlsoasos , ' liver coeiplaiuts , suvuro coughs called constuuptimm , have boon : cured , ll ommun gone nearly crazy ! From agony of nuuralgla , nervousness , wakefulness ruin various diseases peculiar n to women. ' I'coplu drmvn omit of shape from : oxcru- thutuig pnngs of ltheunatsiu , Inllanrnnatory and chi'onlc , or suffer-ling from serofula ! Er .I claet Salt rheum , bloat mol.uning , d'ei.epsla , hldigc.- . lien , and /art.luo.1 all diuatle $ trail Naturu it heir to . lisvobeencund by Ilup Bitten , prod of wldcli can b5 found in eucry udghborhuutl lu the known world. J , N , CASADT , F. Ii. OBCUTV. CASADY & ORCUTT 502 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa , WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL Carpets and Oil Cloths , CURTAINS , Curtain Fixtures , AND A COMPLETE STOCK OF CIIOICB Filnilshiliga 0 Mail Orders Promptly Filled CASADY & ORCUTT , - - Council Bluff's , Iowa , A. H.1VIAYNE & CO. DFLttllts : 1N Lime Louisville& DIICIIICAN 1'i.ASTlilt , I1Allt AND Snlvlit : : 1'Il'I : , IIAII ) AND SOFT COAT , AT LOWEST' i'1ticm. No , 34 Pearl Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , - - - Fgb1 lI I l L l v ll 1 114 I E-i f . , . i \ 1 f } I1 , 1 f , .I , , 1 t 5 'j ' . 1 I t.- ' U i'j I d ri i i' x t4 JS .r - s-- - arc an aai ors. H 7 amid 9 Mnin Street , nI1 CJTOR Y , dOt axx SL LT76'FS , x. . JO ON BENO & 00 O laNE t ' i , , 18 Slain , and 1i ' stoat L. B , CLARK & CU. . I'rescrlptlon. Compounded DItUO0191y at all hour. . IDO flroadway , - - - - - - - - - MAX MO H D1 , arocery , 215 Maln Street L'IIESTON , Hotel HOUSE. , 217 and 210 Main street. -y -T--- J M. BARSTOW M D. OFFICE. , . , . , Corner Firth street and Fifth arcO iiui , j. F , WHITE , Comm Main and I lfth upstairs , Itehdence , 0001Vlllow avenue , _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' 1 OFTiEPFLiCE , N. ( FIURZ . , Ot11cu user American Express. ) . . S AGNER , 1111 contract for fnncrals at rcasnablo rate , . 22 Fourth Street. _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - J M S I C JOHN & CJ..CA.H. BUYERS 11'holu..ale butter eggs , pour , , , . . . . , tryand fruit. Ship to u. . Draft by return math 148 Broadway , NEW ISOOT AND 8110E STORE , S A. PIERCE , Corner Mai , and Fdrst avenue. PETE YBRIDGE & HERBERTZIIroadway Meat Market , , J AC OB KUr . Stock complete , Suits made at reasonable TAILOR prices. , No , 805 Main St. ) G . F. S H. Corner 7th and Broadway. c0NTRACromt flans AND and BUILDER speclawtion. , furnished , DEALER IN FINE IIAI1NFJS. w , w SH GRMAN , I have thu varlet ) ' that brings lutronage. 124 Maln street. JAMES FRANEY , Artlstlo Work and DiEITAILO reasonable cha es. 572 Droadway. II uwE & SON FURNITURE STOVES , . , and Ilouselold Supplies , sea Broadway. . ATTORNEYS AT LAW , LINDT & FART - iT- , James - Block _ Practlce In state and ledaral courts. , Mauulacturers Fine Flunltuno , Upholstery Oetxls , Curtains , STOCK ERT00. . . a11d window Shades 307 . 1J. , Broadway. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ And bald mouse , 421 and 423 Broadway. L , Sovereign , Prop. P. J , Mont SANITARIUM.And gumcryS1D.1'hyslcian. - - . - _ . _ - WADE CA .1Y , Olllce , Ilroy'a stnll0. VETERINARY SURGEON , No. 1- Salt street. _ _ - - - Mantrtacturer of FIORSE COLLAity , P , J , HENNESSY , TrailsSnppllod. Sthstrcetbetaeel0thand7thnve , - - - - 1 JUS'l7CEOFTIIIPEACE : , EDWIN J..9BBOTI , Notaryl'uWleaniiOenural _ Conroyaucer , 41511rcxldway , - - - - - - - - REV 1 r.ItE HUUS 5 rJ , nroulway oppostu New Open dues , , Befltted 81 , 8650 per day , - - CON7'RAC7'OIS ( AND BUnHEDs. DE CAY & CASSEL. . Corner StithltreetatsiAvenue 0. _ _ - NEW ANI ) SECOND IiANII 1fOUSEIIOLD 0001)9. wt . ALMY. lloughtmul.uld , 2i2liroadway COUNCIL BLUFFS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. The tollowhg , are the th.u of arrival and departure of trains from tint. leers ! depots. The tralns start from the Union Pacific depot ubonit ten minutes earlier tins , , below stated , cud arrive at the depot about ten u inutua later. Taints on 'ool tiles and K. C. run on Chicago time , a hall hour faster than . Wabash trains run on St. Louis 111115 , twenty mhtntes faster limit local. U. 1' . mod Llacoln tralua run un Council Bluffs thno. CIIICA00 , aoCX INLAND AND rSca'nc. Depart. Arrive. Atbantic Ext..5:30 : p. uL 1'aclflo Exi.0:40 : m Ex and Mali' . . , D:5ON : In , EX and Mail'.6:55 : p , u : Dos 5lolne.ae',7Ibam : , les ilolncs ac.6.53 p. m , cntcAOo , NVNIJSUrox Asu.unscy , Bcpwrt. Arrive. Chlrngo'Ex'.b:3Sp.m : , Counallmm'uff.ox , , , .0.45 stall and El . .D 45 m ! Dlall abut Ex . .7su0 p. min , enIncAOO and NORT1nwa9TXItN , Depart , Arrive. Atlantic Ert , . .b:15 : p. m , I'aclilc Ext.,01i5 a. rn. Mail and lx' : , „ 0:20 u , mil , Mall and En'.0:15 : p. m , Accoun ( Sat ) , , , . ,65o ; p , mil. AL-con. . , ( ilou.145 ) p. nn , XAa.'N CITY , $ r , JO ! AaD LOUNCIL SLVr ) . . Depart , Arnie. Ball and } : x..055 ; a , no. Ex tress , . . . . . .5:35 : p. n : . Express..S:25 : p. in. I Mail cud Rx..0:45 : p. m , UNTO. I'ACIVIC. 1)epart Arrhu , Oerland Ez..11S0a.m , Overland ix.4:00 : : . p , in , Llnculn Ex , . . . 11:3e : n. in. Denver El . . . . . .00 a , in , : . , . . . . ) tn. Lo camEr.,0as0a.in. Local Er . . . . , . 7:23 : n , uL " El . , . . . .0,05 , a. m , Eudgrant. . . . . S5. : ) i. ii : . ' ' Ix..ooo : : a. in. II'ADA.II , ST. 1.0015 AND rAcYIC. , Deart. Arnie , . Mall and Ft ; . . . . 045 ; a , hall and Fx. : . 4:30 : p. m. Lauuu , 1101.,4:50 : p. in. Cauuun mall . .Il:05 : a. nL SIOUX can' ANu .Acme. Bepmrt. Arnie For SloutCnty'.7:55 : a , in. Fret Sioux ( It)6 Oii.in. Furi'.rt\lubmra Frrnl'ortNiobrara Nub' . . . . . . . TMha. : mu , Neb . . . . . . . 'OSOp : , tti. For St l'audV 740 ; p , u. Froln rat , ltml..SbO : a , m. ciIICA0o , MU.WAVXNS AND ST. rAUL. IcanroOmaha. Anihesat Omalia , Mall and Es , . , . 7:45 : a , Iii. I I'u lllohx. . . . 0:45 : a , iii , Atlaultc Ex. , . . 3140 p. m. I Mail and Ex. . 7:25 : p. m , All trains daily. VIIICA00.ILWAVKXe AND 9T. rAV4. Loan' . Councll liluS. . Arhus Cutrnicll liluff. . Mall and Ex 'D : ) a.111 , Mall and Es.0:55 : p , in : . Atlantic Ex . . , Ib:15 : p. _ uL ! Atlantic - - Ex. 19:10 : a. m , rilOS orrncSK , Ii , . , rcSXT. OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS , Council lUuff. , - Is. 1856 Establishes - - Dealers inn Furgleu and pomextio Exchange and dome Securities. ODELL & DAY , Loans , Reai Estate AND INSUBANCE. No , 39 Pearl St. , Counoil Bluff's. City Property , We have , acant lots in all lurts of the city at from 850DO up , for sale nn madlily raymuols. No , 52 , Ifousu , 0 rooms , cell , cideru , 4large lots , plentyY of fruit on Ilcnton street ; d.uap , $ ! , I00. No , kg.-A tleslrablu residence on buienth street , near 111oomer school , hulldlngs ncarly incur 85x)0 ) , No , 4'L-Shirt- front , corner ! 'earl M. and so. coed acnue , opposite court Iouse ; 85,500. Business Chances. No , .8.-For sale or trade , a stack of hardware , at a good business point In western lose. 'Ill tradu tor farts or city ' , roIarty. No , 51-hotel , the only Otte Inatoun of 700 hhab Itants , 25 rooms , with goal burnt , well located , situ sell cheap or trade for o fans. No , 10.A the repnblkan palwr in western Inua , nttirial enuny minor and barge patrouaguery cheap if sold sae , 1Vu abe hao a number of choice fauns III wentunt boa a , fur sale cheap. LOANS. IVu la , u moneyy to loan on fawns and city InnOp rty , at fruut 0 to 10 mar cunt. Fire and Tornado Insurance , leest of eonganlea represented. E.1uitablo rates and fair treatuen6 ( awes adjusted until paid at tinitl onfai. Mrs , H , J1 Ilillout M , D.1 PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 223 Broadway ; Council Bluffs , W.R.VAUCHAN . . ! Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Couicil Bluffs , Real estate and collection agcaey , In Odd Fellow's block , over Sailing. Bank , jarn8JT r v J' 1 To The Trade I ' take pleasure in calling your nttcution to time fact that wo havomado such arrnngo nnemits as will enable mid to sell you I Boots , Slioe , Eto1 , 1 Here , as Low as you can buy them East , rVrito for further infonnntim : , . CO. e . , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , j , Joe CrealllFrllits , y. I r 1'articth Soctables aura Picnics supplied on short notice , and goods delivered to all parts of the city , W , T , BRAUN'S . European Restaurant , 404 Brest Broadway , COl1NCIL BLUFFS. R. S. COLE & CO. S3IANUFACFUIIEIt ANU DEAItlt9 IN ALL ! Kinds Lightning Mud Ornaments , Also wood and iron Pumps , ll'oab Tubdng and Gag Pile and I'lpe Fixtures , for both No , 004 South Main wood Street and . . . Iron . . . : . . l'umps. . . . . . . . . . Orders . . . . . . . . llireceive . . . . . . . . . . prouiptattention. . . . . . . . . . .COUNCIL BLUPFS , IOWA , t 0 lob 15 eod tf I M. CALLACHER New Store , ( 'nosh Goads , Low Prices and i'olitu Attondantr. . - First Door east of Hotel LO WAY. ; c-1 Metropolitan , } LOCoRnomi l3Aj PETER C.MILLER , WIIOiESALEAND RETAIL I Wall-PaPel and Window Shades and Painting In all its Branches ( FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE , 1'i c .18 LLnea 20 North McLi . St. HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS iBought ca.sid Sold. d Money Loaned Abstracts Furnished ! P J MoMASON No. 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD DEALERS IN , Oi1 ' ! ' , Boots aii Shooi a F . . . k IMMIG'R.ATION .GS 17NTJ5. DRAFTBON THE BANK OF IRELAND , DUBLIN , FOR SALE , 343 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS i CRESTON HOUSE MAX MORN , - - - - PROPRIETOR. 2113 , 2 L7 and 21a S. Mars. Strout , COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA , - - - - - - MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , THE LEADING DEALF.It IN r 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. , -i Little Windsor. s 531 BROADWAY. Amid Day Board. All the lelitaclesof the season , and tine finest table in the city. P Overton , DEALER IN Hard Wood , Yellow Pine and Red Cedar Lumber , Oak and fled Cedar 1'IIIngCcdar Telegraph 1'olesan.i Fento Posts , Oak Dimension Still ! , Bridge Material of all khlds , at lieu Rock Prices , A Specialty in WOOD AND COAL for brick von ( pugeses. A full supply of weal and for coal allay' . on ltald at ) 'art a scale as Main street. OflieeR ) I'Ir.t Av wean Male and Pearl streets. ° F WINTHERLICH BROS. I1Oll & Brss FoifflO.lry Cor 0th St , and 11th : Ave , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , MORGAN , KELLER , & CO. , UNDERTAKERS , Thu finest quality and largest stock Neat of Chicago of w'otdcn sad Metallo Cases. Calls attended to at all haute , w'e defy e nnpetlllun iii quality mil goals or prleeu , Our Mr uorgan ha. served as undertaker for lurty' years situ thoroughly understands ids busl near. 11'areroouw,311llroadw'ay , U1'11olsrEItmNo do all its branches promptly attended to ; also carpet la , leg and Iaubrclulns. Telegraphic and mall r en flllwl witlwutdelay , DUFRENE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITE CTS t REMOVED TO OMAUA NATIONAL BA2 R IBLDINO , , h A Skin olBeautyla a Joy Porever , a 1)11 , T. FELIX GOUIiAUD'B v" Oriental Cream or Magical Beautifier , The Oriental Cream Puriflee as well a. Beautl8ea the Skin , Renoves Tan , l'Implea , Freckles , Moth. patches and every blemleh on beauty and detle. detea tier. , it hoe t stood ti10 test y f 1 of 30 ycars.ud ° 5V is so harnileas ) wa mete it to , air be aura the , . .42 : ( ; : , - V preparation Is tx. > . ro era m : Accept no ( / : { f counterfeit or s' sinillar name. 4 J Thu dlatln gulshed Ur. I. . A. Sayre said to a lady of the IlAU Tos ( a patient "As you ladies will use them I recoaumenu'Gourouti s Cream' as the least harmful of all tine Skin preparatlona" One bottle wW mast sir ; utunths , using it every day , Also l'oudro duo. the rcuuves superauous hair without Injury to the skin , Mar. , SL B. T , GOURAUD , Solo I'rop , 48 Bond St. , N. Y. 1'ur sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Deal. en throughout the Unitcd States , Canada and Europe , .td'lieware o ) base Imltatlons , $1,000 reward for arrest and proof of any one selling the same. , _ , , / i4 wcow ma 2t cw Om _ _ VVV _ ST , LOUIS PAPER WAREROUSE. Graham Paper Co. , 217 and 210 'North Main St. , SL Louis , WilOLESALE DEALERS IN I\ 1100K , , } PAPERS ! { wium'Gra ' 1 ENVELOPES , CARD BOARD AND PRINTERS' STOCK , antcashpaid for hag , and Paper sj ek , Scrap Ito. { Stock tyarchowotl , li'2J to lttl Sulk t.1 riorth ae 1 t