V g I'IIE DAILY BSIUMAIIA , WEDNESDAY JULY 18 l8&3. MAINE'S FAVORITE SON. A S ketch of Ilou , Jamcs ci , Blainc. IIow lie Came to Adopt the Pine Tree State The Foundation of Ills Immense Fortune- Dramatic Inter- view--The Presldoncy Lost Forever , t,1Jrago Nca a 11'hen Oarfne1d s ubninistratial cnmo to an end , every one thought that Mr. lilainc would not bu lbnr in following the murdered 1)resident , flu was v0) sick , IIIR Cl 10IIlOl15 vitality had withstood 1 too many shocks 111 Elio past. If ho had con- tinned in public life , his lentil must soon have followed. The anforced retirement has given ? tr. Blaine a now lease of life , 140 tllat now at the nge of 133 , he dues not leek any ohher than he should. ht the l Mt year ho appears to tare regained fully ten years of his lost life. Now ho IIM the ap ) earanco of being really cent t e nted with his situation , .Ito has had enough of the great prizes of politics to satisfy y nnbitiub , anti to give hint a c01ipletC oxperhunce in everything relating to the nduunlstration of public affairs , lllainu wta really prsidott nn- der Garfield , aid in his ox ) ericnce there reached the cliiaz ofd his career. lie is ono of the few suCce55ful men of this country who has gone east instcail of west tO seek a fortun0. lie was born nlnl educated in svestori 1'ennsylvnnin. lie tvas a graduate of 1Vnsllington university versity nu ancient institution of Little 1Vaslmgton , in that stlltc. At colle o Im was not specially noted for his brll limey , lie w ) a known all through his college career as "Nosey" Illaiuo on account - count of his very large nose. Ito was slight 1n those lla A null the tune was the overshadowing feature of his face. But ho has grown ( a ) his nose h Into years , so tint it 8001115 in perfect prp ) or i 011 ith his large haul and ftnciy duvol opal figure. After his graduatio11 lie be- Caine a school teauhor in Icutuck , whure there is probably as great a need for ) od- a go goes 5 in all nttatu ill the 11)11011. Tloro lee idol his wife ) who was from 1 faiue , and WhoyaS also a school teacher. It was through this Marriage that lllainu was led to go to Maine on n visit and while ul Augusta saw on opening as at editor of ultu of the local 10l)0' . It is hardly ill ba iniagiuucl tint Mr. Ilhtine went to ? fatno to seek his fortuiw. Fcsv 31 + 011 would he bold enough to go prospecting in a compnrn- tivelY occupied and welt-wont field , sV hu31 other aid more promising regions weru open to thorn. Accident the great guidu and controll- hng infuouce of too average success-had much to do in determining Mr. Blame's career , ills paper soon gave Linn a solid j footing among too hnrd grained Maine people , Blaine took naturally to politics , and with leis paper soots acquired au in- Auence with the Ilotverful political ring that has arbitrarily ruled Mauto for years. Within a few years he was to become the chief spirit aid unyielding dictator to this combination , Blame was very active at the outset of the war in procuring contracts for some of his ? Ininu friends , abd in that way laid the foundation for his subsequent , fortune. It is ono of the charges made against Mr. Blnhno that lie entered congress - gross a poor man aid 11003 retired a ntil at too close of a continuous sur- vhco tg a mblio ollicial with a salary ' + , whicht would in no car ) a the Ox ) o115C8 f1 of his private household. . When Mr , ' Blaine first canto to congress his private fortune amounted to full $2fi0 000 , SVitio great opportunities since to develo his orl itlul capital lie Iona certainly gatdr , . oreti together a fortune which is Cethuatod by sonic in tom neighborhood of $10,000- 000. 000.Ir. ? Blaine is a mad who would have succeeded anywiloru. IIu has an01toruous fertility of invention an energy which used to sweep everything before it , lid an irresistible fascination of Manner. You may not like Mr. Blaiuu in the abstract You may not believe iii ltiul , but I defy you to sit down for half 5 i hour's conversation with him turd not be conqlotoly interested , n31t susceptible to the lndiaht atmos ) hereof good fellowahil which surrounds 1 11111. In his 1)rivlltu ) mamers Ito is too model of any public man. He loots n )110110111011001 luenoly for names and faces. Tills 15 a very ingiort alt elolnatt for ot lulitical lender. 1'I'he lack of su cli n lClvur w'as the beans of defeating ? intt Car enter for ru-election ' to the snato twice Angus Cauorou was s returned. A curtain ? btisoh balker L u contributed inch menCy to sucuru Car. Pouter's election , through slicer a(1tllim. ' tuon of leis brilliant intellect. Ono day \ the banker wont to Nnshingtnn to vied Lis senator , aid Carpenter did not knoar him. The banker was stung to the very heart-of his pocketbook , . He wuut hmnt + , Uulockod the vault of his baukund told the boys to beat Carjontor , and they did. Blaine would never hnvu nuuho any such mistake as that. Mr. Blaine is fond of young 01011. He alvuys 011Couroq os them to call , and is always ready to give , tbent freely information hula Ilia grunt 5tarahouse of political experiunce. ' Hu is very averse to being intervlowed by newspaper correspondunts in any for- nal 501150. Ho is.invariably pulite to all newspaper callers and will talk with lheni very freely if they will simply premise not to print his convurantiOhl. Anything coming front Lbulsult for publication hat to bear the most rigid scrutiny 101(1 , revi 51011. Any authunzcd inturviuw witl hhua bs 0310 whew lie asks nil the guesthon and writes all the"sewers. Mr , ltlaiii doea'uot like to dictate. As ul5plen and ready a speaker as lie is , IIe 110001 too stiniulUs of at nudience to fire hie up to the elevated pitch of ml uloquen tt diction. I remember o11CC calling on ? 1r , lbinin to get ilia version of a certain publi question , I found him vCry wllluig t give Itis views , but lie was thou nt it ' 1051 tion where Lu thou6gilt there would % h 501110 impropriety ill his saying onythi11 u Ohl his own responsibility. IIu said " Vait , and I will write yo u my oIliuh nl 'Plus you can use in July way you pleo05 Oxcu ) t to say it ante from ono. " "If veu will dictate I hill write , " "No ; I prefer to write , " d'I Dlr , Blame hero satt down at his dini11g r room table , mud , upon n great pile of blu : ' " papers begaii svritiii with the greotci ' rqudity , scrnteiuhg his tllougllts with , great spluttering grey goose-quill pal d i- + that groatedcreakedubd , nlnlost squawt ed under the energetic twists of MI Illaiuu w lirua white fist. Three or four shouts wore covered who Dir. Illalno said : " 'rliero , you utay cop that. " x "But why trot lit mu have your 0411) ) I will keep it carefully , anti will value afterward ae your autOgl'apiun11nuseript. 'II should prefer l0 give you 1011 aub , , grapit lnatuBcriptOaswnoptiieraubjeel , said Mr. Blaine , If you want thr opinlon you will have to copy it , " ? ' 1Vlieititwas 001)10(1 Mr , Blaine lee Into manuscript gild , holding it in on , hand , lijAhtod 1t iii 'Jw gas jct. lie lidl ' the blaring mass in lus hand for o uu 4 < 4 ' l moat , ( gnzingatitissolcmnlyasifbewore cngn ed in 501110 tra8io cerolnoninl. Thou ho walked to the to and claimed tie burnim innscri tt down , standing with folded a as lie watched it crnnlble into ashes. The action all through , relating to a sinlplo and trivial matter , wits highly ( lrnuintic , Mr. Blaine lotus the dramatic. lie is n fine actor , 1111(1 if hu had gone on the stage mist have 11(0(1 it colossal success , lie iota a most forviol iinginntiou , a great gift of a language , a fitie sta o ) rusenc0 , and that nameless mud ( ) ulil ) nudi netisnt tint attracts and wanes nn duce to sympntily and admiration. Ito I5 one of the 11)011 ) whose mcro ) r0SCi1c0 Ill- hears to 011 in itself the Whole Scent lie is marl six feet in hei llt , lie is broad sltoulde ed dee , cllestol null ills figure is well roundedlsvitilOult iuun ) l6 too stout. Ills bend is large' his forehead full. Ills eyes are dark , with rent fullness - ness under too lower lids. His nose us a large , full-based Itouiah curve , The lower part of Ilia face is hidden by n thick , short Iron gray l uisAtclle and beard. Ills hair is quite syhtto , nnol is thliu upon the back part of the haul. Ills hair is cut short , ? ir , lllnine's voice is rich , full , resonnut and Pleasnut. Ilia novwnuuts are 5111)1)10 ) nod unfrected , 11111055 50)1110 drnomtio sltualio l is being rendercol. Then lie eouuturfdits nature 5(1 superbly the alree0ttion is lost , ' 1'1111 one ruling ) rinciplo of his life huts boat audacity , lIe has always had the courage of his opinions ; iii fighting hbe has always in the vu o 1 uitu of a Fnlyai ) ohi c y. ht all ills ctorica lie has forced the li ghtiIl , 6Whe 1 ho was first called before the credit 11ubilher iuvestignting couilnittee to be olfurod up its a burnt sacrifice by Job Stevalsal , of Cincinnati , I lr , lllainu at too vary nutlet took advnntago of to e uvidunt malice of the ulenttvisitgal , lob , and juuipo(1 on hint with Illicit force 101(1 , deadly accuracy that tom prosecutor hegan to appear 315 tire guilty 0110. Out of the cloud IIitdl dust of tills euif3n anent he aw0pt triuulphuult , no one daring to giles tiou hum , 'flats wa. Lis first jlreat clan- gur eScalled. 'J'lm credit ntobiler guillo tune lad n good hold 011)011 11i111 , but it 0001111 not hold him , his next great escape front political ruin vIus tire episode of the ? itllugan lot. tons. No ether public liiell could hlavu had the Ituuhicity to coucun'e a11ti the courage to carry out his raid upon the 11001' , timid Irishman wllo cauIe to Nash. ulgton ; , with thus fateful bundle of letters , 1VIlo else 1)111 Iliooitiu 00111(1 ( iulvc 11110010 a 51100055 of the scene ietwem)111110 mud Proctor Knott ? Ills 4r'ent auccOSS in parliamentary tote- tic lay in leis ( b'luuntic powers. lie could 10110'0 logic , argutn01tt,1111(1 facts witit a stlbliuto itasllt'ailce , 011(1 paint fn SuCh wiorl , free colors n picou'e of victory , with ltiniself as too hero of the picture , tint lIe would , buforon popular ailionce , SWOe1) everything before him , 11att Car- pouter , its great a lawyer as ever sat in the mutate , used to say that 101 always load ltia hauls 111010 thou full in a bout with Blame. For if ho did not like your argumout he would ignore IL If your facts did not suit hhni lie would change thorn mid collie at you with such a brilliant - liant array of uiisro reseuhttiou of your own 1)ositinl ) as to drive a to1gieinn wild , lit one 501150 hu i5 not ti good polhtieian. lIe OWCS ltia failure to becoillu president to the lack of geilorlsllip ill lu anaging canvass. At Cincinnati it was a great nliatltke to ] lave 511011 stilt , stupid melt as IJolu and Frye ills political 11laligors. Senator .rohut Logan says Illaiuu could have bcon nominated at Cincinnati if be had had good political 501150. Logan nn ( 1d Cameron called upon lulu lntd Frye an d otrered tlono the votes of the Pnulsylvit - nia delegatint iii retur11 for a cortaitt cab - inet appointment. P11050 votes would hnvu mound ( ed Bjryinu oilttu { it xt ballot But Halo to1 Frye were confident lid Y could succeed trithout any conCessiOUx ' and so tom ofrur vya5 refused , and ? Ir , Biaiuo'il chance for the presidency wit s forever lost 1Vllen Blniue had his sunstrolro Dr. Bliss was called in , because Dr. Pee , the regular ) li stciaui , was absent , Dr. Bliss was o1Dosed to ? Ir. Blaine at Chtt einnati , acid it wits afterward claimed tout Bliss soft very dnnuoging ( lispatchus 11 - Cincinnati from0 Illai11ue sick-room. . t ally rate , ? its. Blaine charges uphoerbus. band's defeat to Dr. Iiliss,1nd has ru fused to a ) call to hunt over Since. Tin s fact tout ) licated the situation not a littl ' what Dr. Illiss one in attendance a1)0)i , Garfield tot the white louse. 'lb-lily ? tl , ilhtine is living in a coin fortahlu. large , roomy new 1101150 upon 1 terrace west of Du ) oat circle , in Wash i6 ton , lie has also a bntllla11m colntr y 110)0180 ) in Maine. Ito is workiu g upon li s Political history "I"ron Lincoln to Gar field. " Hu loblocked out other histories - tories , and looks forward to a life of bis torical Wrilin lie hits regained his liealtii nn(11 believe values it too highly to ever venture lositig it again in the ux cit01u01it n11d heart hurning , , of politics. Of course he would not rufpnsu te nom iuation of a notional cOilV01di0n 110 011 0 but Abrthai S , Hewitt would _ but lI u is not actively wolkiug for Hutt cud , an 1 I de not believe le. will , lie bins before 111111 a 11101010 IllOi'O usefull and coutfortabl u future its a historical writer , T , C. Cilnwrow , " Harper's ' Magaatno" for August , 'Another 1111(1 another still succeeds" each vying with the other in all tlmnttri ; buteS that cuunnatd pntromlgu and pro t ilotos Success. llorpor's ' id per excellene o the magazine of time ; it has its home uy I erywhure ; it is a Welcanu guest in ever S circle , allot its title page is bow as fi01nilim e in the beokBellerS' windows ubd in publi t cation Cnholubuda toll rigor Europe tau S Australia tts it 1s 311 this laud , which hold 1 the spieinl ) ride of its birth 1011(1 110 I 1nnsuful claim of the onturnisu ht tt tistie uxcollatcO , in the fiuislt o u its literary contributions nod in the bultu C ful variety of its contents , the nuulberfo 0 August is equal to any of its prcducesatu 111(1 that is about the higloest praise w e 0ould ( accord to the publication , In tiles g days of a 11,511111 , for foreign trtl'ob , ? l1 1 : Latittop's poi ) ur , " ' 1'110 heart of the All o , glnuliea " trill ) urhall5 call tip a 1)101511 O shanio gretthat suukin urru u whllu g fart , attractlone 111lieh lcautifu w n so that is is loft 111101st utieX ) loredatour own door " 'Pllu tu'ticle ' Auiericoul IIursoa ' ' ail Iii ertenits of seine rowi'kablonniiuols wi 0 be ifiterestilib to man y ' 1'Ilu sketch u 1PYLu GCr11uut Crown ! ' undo" 1t ( np0u5 u a 501110 iuturostiugdetailsof royalty in Eu f t , rope , while Colonel I ligginsou's paper o Alncroan History uutitlud " 1'lto liritie r. Yoke , " will servo us a good coulpalikl picture , W'u might ge over too 1101115 11 the table aiCOutu11ts and give iii justice y Cole ) lintunbuy notice to ucil ; , 'l'llu fuc of is tom ultesh I tionof thunmituf ( the eouttibutions , Ill t cdfler in his Itv Oink' is as usual inlet 'I esliog nnol inforiniujg , and this 111011th h , , discourses fnuiliarl' on tic Iiruokl' " Brill go tii Occupation luid the Edna l t lion of iPo11lon ntl other topics , whil the Lituntry Record gives nn noc ) tabl k gliutco of wliat our lnblh5but'e ) are 1(10111 C for us , Alto gotiurwe ulu sun u p o d wonls of ) raise in the oney Illraso ) lln r I Pun's is I arpor's. , GREAT SALT LAKE , A YoYa c of Bisoi ; Oil the Big Inland Sea , Interesting Description of the Water and the Life Therein , Salt 1.51 o TrU tine , 1Vith sovornl members of the Agassiz association an tzcursion trip was taken last week on Great Salt lake , lining out to Lake Shore on the swift little Rio ( itando train , we lnnded in about half nn hour and fouled our boat waiting for 118 , After storing away our collecting b)0ttles Intl calls , insect Meta , egg 11akots , ; , hauliers null other parn ) herualin , We breatllcot eAsier , knowing Hutt 85 long its they were out of sight no old toper to-ould ask for a drink of alcohol rind corrosive sublimate ; that no one would take us for perfu11lery aid coil peddlers ; nor wink with western shro ( mess at the idea of catching fish in the lake , At the pier we fouled tom water only a foot deep whcro two 'ears ago it was three or four. Even the laud Was furrowed u ) by boats R'hicll had cone oil , to the lanolin g. Iloistiu our sail we I mssed met toward the midlbo of the hake , For six or cibgilt Miles sv ) sailed over water that was ill- where more that two or three feet deep. Soma five or six miles out we struck broad patches where the bottom was cov Bred with the 11010(1 Rbtills of fresh water nuohhllses , ( washed in from Ilot Springs Lake ) caugllt by the roots and sterols of the salt grass and Sono bulbous plaits which forty years ago flourislled there 1(11(1 wore ' by the rising brine , mud Perfectly preserved for a 6gem- erttion. T w water 11105 50) nearly reached its level of 1840 Hutt the high waves waslt up the roots and cast them upon the iOfCii whore they are now to ho found , The storm lieu of that year is now at the water's edge , and tie ancient sa7ubruslr ; tint gran munelintuly be1ii11(1 it now stands like ghostly sentinela over their graves. For over forty years this same sagebrush 11008 stood deep bcnoath the tvntur like the subuiergod forests of the Coluu11ia River , A still' breeze soon sprang u [ ) from the South an11 we wont booniiu6 along in full view of Antclopu ( Church ) Island , toward a dim , 1"e. isluul ( Fretnout's ) to the north of it. Niglot dozed around us ; iidiiight Gino nod wont , and just as Frmuont Island loomed up in the darkness , it great rod linger rose rapidly behind tire distant IVoosIttclt , timid toworhng up , 5e0nod to bald toward us as if to warn us not to disturb tire islnud's solitude. Tile flOW mural never unlike itself as it rose half out buhin(1 the brills , . i 1LlMoNT ISLSNI ) . Ere long tune gravelly score of Freinont Island was reached , and soon all tutu party wore fast asleep oti tune beach. One of uncle hood taken the preeautimt to tie tloe halliard rop0 armed his body , and in about two hours lie found hunlsolf travel- mg toward the water , the strong waves having loosened the boat. About dawn he tenS agutin (1)11)10(1 up by the rope. 11utd it not beuu for this prccautoio , all tow party would have graced tine solitude with their presence , and the boat would have sailed alone. The next niorthug 11nSt of 115 stu(1iod the ancient beach of the ialnnol , and gntborcd splendid ailed' l leIia of spoculnr iron ore aad slate. Our leologicnl ; books informed us that the laluud was n uteru pile of rocks , barren and without water ; vioat , was our stir- I price , therefore to find it aulooth and rounded wilb..but .fptw. ) ills and dotted with 811001) , which of course nieatttot least one good aptilig upon it. Do.seundiug to the shore , we found the sapid to be an gu- lnr like dint of the OCOnu Iuld Most fresh water lakes , this being alulost tue only place where tile poculiaroolitic ( egg-situp. Od Saud of the lake is absent. ooh We were oti our way toward the hazy western ahmo. As we 1)10550(1 along the sea gulls circled oiround 115 or bloated 10)u the their whtitu ) luaubo shin- , - in the Sunli gilt. Every ( ind then hawk-i would b' 11it a - otio flit ' alight on tune boat , drab Ilies would stop 1 long eiiouglt to gaze at us curiously 5011(1 ( thou I apiu oil toward the distant islands. Occa- slounlly n suvuntuuu ycar locust would Inuit pl1St its if to mock at US for uvor dulling to believe titnt this is the "HEAD SEA of AMBinCA. " As the bow plowed through the avatar ' Inillimis of snutll lhpterw ( flies ) would rise frmu the water , where Huey were rusting , nut ! Cover tine body of tloeheattill quarts of than could be collected , 1Vllur- ever we wont we observed the aauio thing , The tvntur of the lake is their llonlo , and they tore ns nlueb at etsu sitting on the lvnter , 105 a 51uppur 18 on an eaeturi 11011(1. In some pbtces , lwhen it is calm these flies darken the water for miles , limo ( not on the beach ) they buy their eggs ; bore they hutch , nlld 1101e tom larvuu live by the nullion till ready for the pupa state , Wiluu tile ) ' attach themselves to tutu sea- steed ( tlonttng everywhure in the water ) and runmih till they' engorge its perfect flies , Thu lnrviv doubtless pre a ) on the almaIge little allrilu is that live iii the wit- ter , ' [ 'hero tore infinite uuutbenroof these , los thuru is scarcely a pl ce in t11u lake where a bucket of tvntur cm be dipped willmut taking up from twenty to tire huudrud of them. It is sh'augu that pen ; plu ahould call this a "cloud son , " for though the number of 8pociCS (1008 not , uxeued tun or fifteen , there is no lailo , r fresh or salt , hit the world that contains half as 1111011) living things us Great Snlt 1 Lake , SMALL 1SLANUS. S O lh thecouraoof the foronoonworonched , and explored several small ishtnda noa r f tlm wistorit shorn , thou pnsacd around . the nurthorn aitoru of r STANakiOY ILANDB. , 't'his is the most Intereatltlg of toll the O islands of thou lakel'e , had previously O explored ittindingsouiovery' rare plauts , l11SOCta mud fossils. Thu eastern side is f in01outed by nuuwrous spun bays , which swCOp front point to point innresorcircles td like Su 115113' burled bows. Pile borsch is eompOSOtt of jibe wloitu nand free froun ' boulders , and 8101)05 ) quiekly t0 the water o wwhore it forms a beautiful bottom' a fat y Il rods from 810"10 fie w'ntur is ( loot ) enough f to satisfy the Most fuutklioas , thus mak- p ulg tlm 11iost delightful b oothutg places oI tilt lake , ! ! te view obtai11nble front tl l e It iSlanot'S lofty puais is uhoxcellud , 1 1 LetviugStuonsbalybeiliulwesailedfo , r the utorlh ahoru of ui a AN"rEL0I'E LAND , t uassing over the deupoat , Sutter in the a lake , 1Vitol we rcaeiwd the shoru do e bfcnkuts there tulliii so high Hutt „ u ' coulolilotland , 191ssutgaro01mdtilepei10 t u w u 50011 rc0cied swum springs of unto r It wboere we quonciled our turst std rolif1 cot Our empty cnsk , here we saw- con - U sidumblo stock upon the IiillQ , o ' 19tu t otnniudur of our trip to Lake g Shore twits without incident till we ilnd ur nlr11ost reached the landing , when a tor' riIho squall dropped (1)On 115 from the 11luutdautS near by , altt almost lifted u 5 out of the water. The wttes htisse(1 ly' , and almost laid bare thle bottlon , w llen they struck us it se01ucd like so tunny Titan sledge hammers trying to shatter the boat , There is probably but ono sea in the world where the shock of the waves is so terrific , not front the force 0)f the wind but from the extreme heavi- 31055 of the water. Thought the lake Ilia the reputation of being treacherous , we 50(111 learned that it lens 5(11110 very good p0htlts. Front G n. iii , to 4 p. in , the wind usunily blows steadily from tine north or northwest , then there 15 a calm of an hour or two w llou it blosvs front the south nearly all night. Our three days' sail of one lulndred aid tell tilibes was voted a success by nil , The breezes wore cougnrntivoly gentle , not frightening anybody ( as they ( hot on a former trip when too waves were seven feet llighl , the heat was not intense , the $0) 5001110(150 like n fresh-water lake , and animal life was 5o11buulauthtaunt nround it that we shall hover again call this the "Dead Sea of America , " MAncus E , , ioxiv. . - - - - - - Poultry , hairy and Fann Journai , Poultry-i. o. , cllickcns , turkeys , ducks , geese and guinoas-are osseiitinl hl ovary wall regulated country fanily- more especially chickens. No houtsowifo eau do wall without eggs , turd a spring chicken is often handy fora stew , a fly , n roast or a )0)t ) ie. It is not firshitonable to have geese about the pined but we know of few ol soils Wle do not luke to ales on n 6road feather b0d , especially hit cold wootther. We have sllokolt of how llanoly it often is to lave cluckelis , but IIOW we will (1o vote a little apace to the profitableness of Ilaviug thorn , It is said tint what 811 III- vestuient pays 100 per Gout it is a good aim. In our calculation we will tithe (1110 dozelt hoes as at cstiuiato , which sv'il ) give our readers al idea of the inun01isu profits in keeping cilickons. It is an es- tablisied fuiet Hutt oil chicks htttche(1 ( before - fore Juuo will culamence laying by the first of the next llhtrcil , if plot so01ler. 1Vu have a full blood Pi'lnoutlt Rock pullet , to year old , huolst , tint up to that date laid forty-two eggs. Situ would likely , have conbn need eoouer l11ul she hot 110011 moved , 1Vu will , in our estimate , leave out tune liner in cods for too present , mud take the eouunon stock. Take twelve Puliets coming - ing a year old in .Junc. Tine ) will nvor- agu , say , l ) eggs per day until thte first of Judy from ? Iitrclt 1st , making nn0lunt Bred and twenty-two days , at 9 eggs per day , which gives us 1Oi2 : , or 8 ( h dozeilat ; , 13 cents per dozen , gives $10.78 for four nuitthts from one dozen h011a. Four dozen ices would give $43,12 for eggs alaue for four mouths , w'itll the common chickens. Forthuwhole year , four dozen lima will , above feed , catO , etc , , clear $75. Say they cost you $3 per dozen , which would be $12 , leaving , at the lowest - est estinuoto , $ ( i3 clear money on an iu- vestntmtt of $12 , We know of 11o better investment , But take the nmi settera-tlie white or brown Lighorns. 1Vithi lIlo ) dozelt inns wO caul count on 305 eggs from each hen from llhlrcit to ? larch , provided they are hatched on or before Junc 1st. ' 1'svelve hurls of the Leghorn breed would lay in anu year 305 eggs apiece , which would make 4,380 eggs , or 300 dozen , which , at 13 cents per lozou , would autount to $47.45 per year from one dozen. Front four dozen liens , eggs alone would tuaouut to $188,80 , at 13 cents per dozen. Our favorite is the Plyntnith Rock. 1Ve hove tried the common chickens and white Leghorns. The Plymou Rocks are inure iutrdy , larger ( and , col quont- ly , better for tableusand , v arty as good egg lIrodb , . . ha $ n brecdt Friun one nriuu nltoc pullet above hniued up to this , tire 19thn daY of June , we hnvu had 52 eggs , a have tlu'ee dozou chocks luttched. T pus lion cost $2.50. The chicks , at the ordinary price of $3 pcr dozen , would bring $9 ; but they a0) worth a great deal uuure , as they are 1'itkin and Cobgor stock , and full-bloods. Now four dozen hens would produce 48 times $9 , which would be $432 for four months , ' 1'luese tiny seem htigh figures , but you ctu see that from tie 62 eggs laid there has been a loss of 10 that dud not Latch and they died after they wore out of the shells , under the usual causualtics. For the investment of a few dollars , I Ci111110t sou wheat cal be nioro rmnunera- tive than poultry. In the ? fay nmuber of tow 1 aucer s Gazette , a gentleman states tint lie is raising cattle and poultry - try , a11d , for the amount invested , his poultry bringa Ilia the most money , ll'o are convinced that tow fernier does not give tine attention necessary to the poul try , to get the best results. If a1 acv count of the proceeds of till poultry wore' kept , 111811) would be surprised at tow rev suit. And we are further convinced that tltn htigher grades of poultry pad' as wall Its thou higher grades of stock ; iii other words , it costs no nioro to raise a good chicitun than a poor one , but it will cost more to gut the original stock or eggs to hutch front ; yet it is clearly the interest of every one to have good stock. Give thmu too required nttontion , and you may thou eXpect hotter results , It , S. SSIEDLEY. Nichols , Iowa , llorsfilyd'o Acid l'hospltato , Dewareoiimitations. . Ilnisttons and counterfeits iuavo again appeared. lie sure that thm sword "BO11k- r'Olti" is 031 the svrnpper. Nonunru gout- uine without it. THE PROFESSION A UNIT. Mr. C. 11. Dmpcr , of No , 223Mafa Street Worcester , Mass , , vulunlevrs the follawhig- ; "Ilaving occasion recently to use a reniedy'tor kid. hey dlsuaee , l appliwl G ) mydruggbt , Mr. D. 11. W'il ( lams , of iJncdn & ; uare , this city , and rlsuestrd hln ) to fernleh ate the best kidney t"nhcine that ho knuw of , and he hauled mo n bottle of 110110's Itemmll' , stotlugthat it was conddereiI ( lie beet ttcnuw lie had sold many battuea of it to bile customers In Wurceelcr , mid they all speak of it In the hlghie4 ( crone , and pronounce it always rcII oLle , I took thu bottle home and comnienced taking It , suit and that It stoic , the work cffcetually ; Cud I ant plcascst to rcconuwud teas as who taw kidney orlh er dleuaau the use of hunt's Reared ) , the sure e0ruP. April ii , 1853. WE ALL SAY SO. Mr. Ceorgu A. llurdett , No. 103 front Street , Wor aPtcr , this , . , has ptst scut us the follow ing , dirertly to lhepnilit ; "Ilehig aiilleted until asumnls to sldch all huuan ltv Is subject sooner or later , l read carefully ( lie ad. scrtiscrncnt togardhig tlw remarkable eeralleu how. Ore of Ilunt's llcnredy , anti as It IeeriWd to apply to toy caeo cxaMly , l purchasal a hottlo of Elio uiodtclno utJunnery'sdrug store In thb city , gild dal lag usat I It withuwstL uettclal rocuus iii ay0x11 , ( rieo , upI xtfu and son alee rnmunenlxxl its usu , aid It liar u n et I douldedly hnpruud their health , and tousled couthu us Its uw In our t + mfy uudcr such tauuablo re suns , " April 11 , 1883 , DRUOOIST'S EVIDENCE. Mr. uecrve W , Ilulcoinb , Druggist , 123 aid 131 Cougreu tav $ , Troy , N , V. , w rites April 1 , h853- "I sir constantly sulllng hunt's Inc netly for d1- eaww of the kldneys , Il1er , bladJer aid urinary or Bans , to my tnhosid ( friends , aid gad that it girce guaeral satlsf.oUoa to s0 mho use It. ' a Life is givcn by using BROWN'S IRON BITTERS , In the Winter it strengthens and warms the system ; in the Spiting it enriches the blood and conquers disease ; in the Summcr it gives tone to tile nerves and digestive organs ; in the Fall it enables the system to stand the shock of sudden changes. In no way can disease be so surely prevented as by keeping the system in perfect - fect condition , BitowN's IRON BITTERS ensures perfect - fect health through the changing seasons , it disarms the danger from impure water and miasmatic air , and it prevents Consumption - tion , Kidney and Liver Dis- case , &c. H S , Berlin , .Esq. , of the well-known firm of Fl. S , Berlin & Co , , Attorneys , Le Droit Building , Washington - ton , D. C. , writes , Dec , 5th , 1881 : GesUenun : I take picas. arc in stating that I have usc& Brown's Iron hitters for malaria - laria and nervous troubles , caused by ovcrsvork , with excellent results , Beware of Imitations. Ask for BROWN'S TRON BIT- = l Rs , and inSlst on having it. Don't be imposed on with something recommended - mended as "just as good. " The genuine is made only by the Brown Chemical Co , Baltimore , Md , SIOU % FALLS JASPER STONE ComPanYe tNCORloaarSO.i Tlds com ny is now re rcd to receive orders for SIOUX FALLS JASI'Et ( ' , for Building Purposes And will make agues on round lots for prompt dolly' cry , The compar y Is sb1Pp1"g Paving Blocks both Clilngo andOmaha ; , and solicits correspond. Co and onions from contractors' engaged ht paving treets in any of the western cities 'ni' Nl'13IONI tr s. SerSatxrrsurxr'e Ovylca , Cltica-o , West Div.1 ise „ ilaihiay , Chicago December 5,18S2 D Elwell , l'reeidcnt Sioux Falls water Power Coin Patty , laARSun-i have received from your company since October 1 , 1882 , about 400 cnaloads of granite Pas Ina blocks and have laid thombetweeti the rails of our street ralhsay tracks In the heart of the city. I have hceti using patng ( material In this city for many } cars , and I ( like pleasure in sayhig that in my opln Inn the granite paling blocks furalslied by your co n- Fcony are the most regular In shape amt perfect in form , and as far as I have been able to judge , art oeseesed of as durable feature as any material that has eser bcon offered or loid in tw ) city- . Yours , JAS. K. LAKE. Leo ty.I as. i auus , March 23 , 1883. TO WIiOM IT MAY CONCuItN- Thie ls to certify that i have examined a piece of granite taken from the Sioux Palle Granite Quarriee , and , ht my opiulo" , It le the beet stone for street Pav lug 1 have seen in America. ( Signal ) IIENIY FLAD , Pros. hoard Puhlic Improvements. Stone far Paving Purposes , And any person Interested In such improvements x111 cud It greatly to his adiantago to cnnununicato with us. We Invite corecepondence on the subject. Time general nraitagmnent and supervision of the comtany's , buslueos is now br thu hands of our. Mc. hair. hair.Address Address your letters to A. G. SENEY . . 9 ml 1n&o tf Pros. of Jasper Stone Co i'oeltively iteetorud in from two to 10 MANROOD tfualrun t'egetable Confection. For articiiiars addrees San lieteu Medical Co. I' . 0. Box. 2181 , St , Loins , too , jell d&w.2m $ 'VLaL VAPOR COOK STOVE ) 4 - A e tek t/sd ; gwf The Pioneer and only Vapor Cook Stove that has stood the test of years anti gn en unmro and Iwrfuct satinfactlun. Over 100,000Now , in Use ! Now Patent Hull Ovon. Patent removable and interchanFesbhe Jet Orifice , tendontgourburners ) huleetructiblo. New One'.nlse Burner on tw'o New Stowe. Nuw' Safety Ileacrvoir. For Suuuner use Ihesa stoics are hidbpeusiblo For terms to agents , prlcu 114 aid catalogue , Address HULL VAPOR STOVE CO. , Jo 264 m&o 2m wtOt Cluteland , 0 ALMA E. KEITH DEALER IN Fine Millinery. IiAllt GOODS , WA1'FS , BANGS , LTC. Stock Entirely Fresh and New. 1o 15th Street , Opp. Postollice. DURING THE NEXT TWO WEEKS I WnL CLOSE Ol'T FiiTV I'AITEll1S OF Fine Chamber Suits -IN- WALNUT , ASH AND MAHOGANY . -AT- GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Tills is vim Greatest Bargain ever offered in Omaha for such Goods. OHAS. SHIVERICK S , 1206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omaha Neb. Za ua PERFECTION IN ; Heatmg and Baking Is only attained by using = - wry - nm - CHARTER OAK ' - : Stoves and Ranges , li -J - WITH WIflE GAULE OVER Dfl03Sl t ° _ _ " For sale by J r- MIL TONROGERS & SONSt OMAIIA . Ate , . R 0 . ' , TIIE OLDEST WIIOLESALE ( C RETAIL JEWELRY .HOUSE IN ; OMAIIA. Visitors cihere find n11tho ; novelties in SILVERWARE , ; CLOCKS , ItICio AND STYLISIr JEWELItY , ThoLatest , Most Artisticarid Choicest Selections in ProoicELI 1 tc XLas AND ALL DESCRIPTIONS of FINE WATCHES AT AS LOW PRICES As is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our elegant new store , Tower Building , CORNER 11TH AND FARPTA1 1 STS. MAX MEYER & BRO. , ; MANUFACTURERS OF ; SHOW CASES ! A largo stock always on hand. NINE LEADERS ! IMPORTANT TO BUYERS OF Paiio ! Out of the many hundred ma ufac- tuners of this line of goods , we lay claim to representi11g the leading makers , and can show n more complete and larger line of Pianos and Organs than cut be found in ano ONE House in the west , Our NINE LEADERS are the following well- known and celebrated instruluents STEINWAY PIANOS , CHICKERING PIANOS , ; KNABE PIANOS , VOSE PIANOS , PEASE PIANOS , tr11ON PIANOS , SCHONINGER'CYMBELLA ORGANS , CLOUGH .C WAIIREN ORGANS , STERLING IMPERIAL ORGANS , wro want everybody desiring a t'mno or Organ to call or write to us for information - mation and GET POSTED , We can sell you the best ) instrument made for the east money , if you will give us a trial and want obuYy All we ask is to shiow you , as we know we can satisfy everybody from our Nine Leaders , which are racog , nized by those poshtl , as the best nnade. Send for catdouuo and price list' , MAX MEYER & BRO. , WAREROOMS , Cor,11th & Farnam Sts. , Omaha , MANUFACTURER OF OF STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS . s. s.Vol Vol ci 0 10 V First-class Painting std Trinuuing. Repairing promptly done , 1319 Harney Street , OMAHA , NEB. W. F. CLARK , WA LL PAPEI N PAN I TERI PAPEN NANGEN AND DECORATOR KALSOMININ G GLAlIN G ' 1 And work of this kind will receive prompt attention , CORNER SIXTEENTH AND DOUGLAS - - ONAHA , NEBI A. M , CLARK , H3LEBA A , FAltaras ; , SIGN WRITER & DECORATOR , ' SYIIOLESALE k RETAIL I WALL PAPER r - i WINDOW SHADES & CURTAINS , a t v Cortices , Curtain Poles and Fixtures , t' : ' PAINTS , 011 & BRUSHES It 1 101 South 14th Street , OMAhL1 , NEBRASAIc . Q LOUIS BRADFORD , DEALER IN IjilillhjOIl Sis1i llhill i S11ill1o 1 , f , b , ETC"LOW PRIOES AND GOOD GRADES , i i Call ana Get MyPrices ; Before Buying Elsewhere , Yards . + Cop 9Sana ; i t Douglas , Also 1t11 ana Douglas y t 1