I - - -we. - _ _ - . - - . - --.n--- _ _ _ - - 7- - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - n - - - . r I I . - . TilE DAILY EEEMAflA ) , SATURDAY JULY 14 , 1E83. , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - iiii DAILY B1. - OMAHA. SaturIy Morning , July 14. LooA : ; thEvITIE -tsothcr cc.nfidcncc game wu reportI nt tio1lccbe1quaxtCr8 lMt ovening. 'tho vktlrn ? the confidence man 2O or $2. ' iiu1 the ] * tttr WM tn etire him a Job. Ito lUbO. quezitly thought If he ) the tcm1crfoot' . wMh nd chain ho eotilI do mud. . mtter for ht aflt neeorlIngIy It w Ioane.I 1dm. Money , WatC.2 and chaIn , coufii1enc man and OO(1 jOl ) are i.tlll . miMing. 1vI.1cnt1y the foot lillcr I4 not doing h1 duty anil the mayor IlIould appoint a now one. -A young hot wa arrc..tctl 1at Wght. wit ! . a pair of barber' . . pho.m , the lawn mowori. , In 1i1 pos8ORIofl. 110 chdmcd to have bought them of a tramp , but liin story we. . not gofler nily lidicve.1 nd lie waa. locked up. .Every. body took a frec knir cut * t the jail turIng the evening. -The funeral of tho'Iat.e John McFiulden , ; bo wa. . dhIe.1 by lightning lii the . .tnn . of ye.krtlay morning , will ttdm Pnc at 2 p. in. to..lay. The Tcnnmt.ers Union , wit ! . coi.i ne.nlab1e ( genenwity , rali.cil the fun.b to give him a n'iecLal.1o ljurbtl. -A nian by the naiiie of 1)ick 1)oitglnrty M 1110 over at JIMting $ on the aft.rnoon , of the 12th hiNt. by a B. & M. engine nod fatally injured. lie we. . a iovit.clinian In the employ of the COifllafly. ) -The vriMonen convicted and Heiltenced dnrltig the lroIit term of courL vill be taker. to the PenitentiarY k.day Iry 1)eputy Sheriff & 3rowelh. -ln. . Nellie Burke , the nqiieitrienne , whit. IIM been in the city . .inco the Fourth of .Juhy , Jeave this evening for 1)cnver. 4t atranger W1V4 hiehil u. on Thirt.eciithi , .roct last. iright , arid relieved of a watch. anti a itmail , .urn . of murray. -Tire heavy wind at midnight last night dried the mud up very rapidly. -Two Shocumb Were rrete.1 lent night hry the police. _ 4t lively and cooling trirowerfell about 10 o'clockyeM.erday morning. -Stravberriet. . , RaRlbeMtaJ , lilackhrnrrleti , etc. etc. ( raid , at Wiemorir. -Married n Cinniton , Iowa , July 1st 1M3 : Mr.A. Bailey anti Miss Mhrrido Lurnbcrtron of Omaha. . -The alloy between Douglas anti Farr.hrain . 12th antI 13th i. a loud Hinolhing arm. It i cuough to knock a horiro tiown. -An umployce of the Unlnn..l'ncitic Iran tEnth finger cutoff ofono of hi hirinlni at the Tenth .trect crononingThnirsclay. -A. D. Morso.neh1 . latonnt Btylo low blues. -G. B. Ayeri WM On itrini yornt rday Iorwnedulting a tenahl boy in a nrnnrcing xnan iier " , -Thu POHtPODCd race botweenthe hone coin. pnie oftiur Omaha fire .hopartmor. . will take 1)lCO Sunday afternoon front t to 7 o'clock at tim ( Iriving niark. -Tire irun fipoti which. arc thionighit to con. tTol our : ntonn evidently do not ilocroraw very faint. Some StMpR inhiould ho takcii to have the nuianco bathd. -TIm fatal stroke of lightning whhch killed John McFadden ye.nterday , itt said to he the firnt of the kind that over took inheo in Omaha. ' - L . -Tire attention of the city anithioriLIe 1. called to the ( act that Fannhiari. . Street irecdr. . . . - donning badly indeed. Th.t . thin priricijihe buinewr street of the city should ho in stick a condition ft. an outrnp , . -Smith's Diagram of l'arhianrerrtnry Rnrle 18 the title of a neat arid convenient little work 210W Ofl .tahe . at W. T. Soarnian'en hook store. It contain. . . a vMt amount of information , vhichr I prenneiitonl in a wonderfully condonitrd form and is an Invaiuallo aid to all who may ho called Iij,00 to lr01(1O ( over htuiiiosrt mtrotingn. -The hoard of nianngcrn of thin ntate board 1 agriculture vh.ited tire fair gmiinrd Fridcy morning anti decidmi If the concnt. of thu driving park iwnociatlon could be obtaineil , to ' remove the Mpeed Htablo ninth hen hiniso from tIre north to the HOOth , Part of thu grounii1 to 3nako room for the oxhihita of agricultural un. rlementt. -Sixteen hundred anti fifty sharon hay. . iM3en taken In the Omaha 1oai , ntirnl Building wo.osiation , and tire profits to mniemubon. ( miii In'emnitimnt. alone during thu first three riromithrt. amoUiitH to nearly $700. Eight hundred turd fIy Nhlaren. of intuck only roirinitiod tiunnold. It Lrgratifying to note that a large proportion of L , . thostockhiolders are mechanic. . , clerks aflnl hi. t.t tluintrloutt working muon. Iveiy 1101180 of thu iriimnnii rrcu ought to have St. .JacobM Oil , thu 1maiii curo. -Tire reported miMe given the operators of tire ' % Vcstern Union Telegraph coninuiy . .eomn . 2iot to be the right kind , being something Ilk. thatof the HmaIl boy wire trioti to lift himself off the top rail of the ( circe by lii. . . boot Htrnp. The day force get a slIght advance , but thu night force Is correrponthingly , reducctl1 arid the bulk of the operators are night muon. A. . one of them stated It1 there vru. tirot a .ath , . Lcd operator fruit. tire Atlantic cotunt to Sari Francbnoo. " There l no talk , howuvttr , of a strike , a was Intimated i-ecerrtly In another Paper. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \Vhether you vrofor tire sea broezu or tire brclng mountain air for yoursuurrncr vn.catlorr : you Iroulni not omit to provide yourself v1Ui a bottle of Angoatura IIItteri which Is tire acknowledged .tandard regulator of tire tigo. . . Mvo organ. . . . lie .um to get tire genuine article zummufactured onlybyDr. J. (1. ( II. SIKUB1t'I & 50N13. - -Among the varied amusements for tIre young , .uch or. zreektle i.1tI , shoot anti I4i ] ow.caau sociable. . , cailco soclablo.i , etc. , It : would ho thought. that Invontivu genius wunrhth 1iao exhatr..t.cd Itself. A. noW intyhi of amnruso meat in. . nevertheless keen Innugtirntcd Iii } orth Omalu. , which , If it tire attain. tentlon of the agents of Henry ] iergli , Pron lined to become quite ovuiar. As banned fruini a resident of that locality , the children ann young folio. during the day make a collection of the required muncher of cat. , say sIz to torn. In the evening tine sociable I. held or. tim brinks of North Omaha creek , where it mat. been cut ; ( dl by thesewer , and I. filled rithr back water. : 'rite Problem to be .olved IB , ' 1taM a eat rune hIve.V' It urray ho that a cat will overutunully be found which. lrmu. . , but a large number have already been sacrihlce4 wizkii failed to Ioniess the re.ttulred nine. Tire * htckhiig i : rrIed on with great zeal , arid the ( dime pop. * ulntlon In the SIXth Vard Is igImrg decimated fast. Cat. . , and cews don't seeumt to tare svcll IuOzn.ha. . . 3. Eruptions aimd mnalignemut fevers are conquered and cured by Sanmrlan .2Vjr. v1 ; . , $ j.5O . . t .t " 1)rI1kduinwud' Samaritan & rvljmc 3)ermafle.fltIy uzt..4 jnu oiullptId flt , ' .J. 13. Sale , Madutoii , Florida. ct nt your Jruggiita , . . . IIIE COURTS. Jiie Boneka's ' Dcrture for Europe. Conlcnnsc.I sews form Pistrict. , County rrnn1 1'ohitn Oturt . . . 'nuatorday wn9Jlrdgo Ihunuko's I.a day aa imlico judge truth . liii. otnmrn from Eu. rope , for which part of tire worini ire leaven to.mormow. It iii uirniorstood that . .IudgoVright will talc. , lila place , begin. lung with to.day. Judge Ihoneko I. . . now well along in hi. .ocond term of office , having gone iii by a majority that waa ninnoat without lroe. dent inn tire city. .Julgo Botuoko hiM muon aa fair nun ! inn partial a jtrnlgo M over aat on the benrcln , a. well a.i ono of thu innost popular nmnoni iii thu city. Even thin. . win. ) have had tO lie aeveroly ( bait. with inn Ida court have nruvor been hrearil to complain that they hind irot rccoiyed their juat nlesorto. lii. ninny frieunila vilI regret to leani thuat Iris health linu. been immipaired by too close npdicatioiu to hi. ohhico arid it. dtitie. amid thu city council 1ra.u uiiamnimur onraly voted liii. . a three ummonta leave of nlsenco in which to visit lii. fatlrerlaurd , lie will ho followed by tire wninnest well winnhrem. of all anud iii. speedy timid anfo ru turn amid courpluto roatoratiouu to health intrirent.ly iropetl for. ) 'IIIIJAY'H 1)onKwr. ) Thu judge had a good batch of offeuud. era to theal with. on Iii. clo..ing Itession , aunt several of tim crones vero necessarily left. over to ho dis1tused of by .Judgo Wrigirt. Arnonig tire latter are mievemi women arrested laL might by the polko as in nuate. of houses of i.rostiturtwn. . Their case. . . will be heard tlriH nftoruroonr , All vere occuptuita of tlro notorious iiia. trict about tire 'l'Irirtl ward mnclrool house , ann ! have beer. puhieni several thrum beforu. They include somnro of tire worst characters iii tirbi city arid run audi umnight befired out of time city mid if they ruturmu giveni a long tornni of iumupmunaunrent. Along whir tiresu girls six white and thrret. colored inert wuro arrested n.i mates of the irounuwu. All pleadoni guilty and were flired a dollar arid cosh. each. . ' 1huero svore two cases of plain druurk. OnrO , paid amid euro vemrt to jail. Onro mmii vain so mmd costa for disturb. lug tire vencu. Ant individual arrested n a vagrant proved hum ability to earn a living nmut was allowent to go. . ClUNK. Tinorinas Siunomu , an irrrnuigrauut wire collie. . . direct from ( lalway , irolaurd , amid has a ticket to California arrived at tire transfer ycsterhm.y , and mnhrowod sigma of insanity , raving about detectives , amid about boring hit uuort the buiLd in Hoirue nnynturioumr4 vay. lie crosseni time river last evening , amid vmu arrested at tire depot on this sitlo by Olhicur ICroghr , wino hiurtlenl him in tint. city jail. Siirmoni inns a cut uimru iii. head which look. m if 'it was recuivenl my an accident , ruin nifty be tire cause of hrisinsauuity. lie was yetmtemnhrty imnomnningrremrt to tue county jail arid will sirortly be smut before time hoard of in- sanity. it is. a significant fact thmmtt altirough tire evidences of iuisanity wore developed on the ntirurmnide of tire river , he wren shipped over hereto to be taken care of. The authorities over there are a iittlo too irroino to this sort of tiring , aird this is not the first Phntirt case of tIne kirul.t.'hu unmin ought by rigirt to bo seuit back to tire Bluffs , as Omnrnhini airerulyiras her full quOta iii tire rLsyIurn , nun fnrnhnlrcd largely iii tins exact - act way. It is ann ( nrtrage On tire tax vayers of tine county , nun the enorirlous bills pail for these unfortunates would readily chow. lunsTitIcT COUILT. .Tutlgcs Novillu rurd Wnikeloy are both irobhimig court stIll. It warn CXlOCLCCI that. the petit. jury would be dimnchrarged to.day in Nuvillo's court. but it is said that [ lucre is still one umroro jury trial alremul. To- tiny tin. ease of Olin. . O'Conmror vs. \\'Imn. I I. Cox nLuId otlrers , connuunoruced 'Jirurs- duty , wa.'m still ort trial. 'l1iris action is brougirt to recover a liihmnrcu which 0' Conner ciniunus Ccx flues out ii granliurg contract , our the Greeloy , Salt Lake d \estomnr railnetd mid it wnigoun romul lend. iurg along tire hire of tire salnro toad in Boulder \rntllCy canon. 'I'hno munouuit imr- volved is rtbotrt $3,000. C..x . doiries that hr. owes : l1i' . O'Conrror ntirythtiur . Ogden arid O'Brien ainj.ertr . for tine plarmitifi' arid Groll' & 1'.Inrrtgonrmery ' . arid \Vntkuloy for the tioferidniurt. iHMEMTIO lIIVEltKNCn ) $ . .Judgu Bunieko's [ lime Thtursdniy vzis taken % l1) iii iruttriirg the case of which irneittiort wits inmrulo iii yuBtcrday'rm BIK. : Tins wren a fnnrly troimllu , between the ( hard. arril tlrtu Ituissells , svire live ii. . Oiso'mi ntdditiorr. It. nnjpertrui tirrtt ? t1'rss hattie Russell , ilauglitor of .1. 1) , Itussoll , was curgaged to be immarrieni to one of tire ( lar'd hey. . 11cr mnotirei' tnmiinetiorietl tue rinatcit until Sammy last , whom sire chraatisod tire young lady , nun nlcciared tire umuatcir ohi hattie there uinoir resolveti to rrnmu'ry our iir1iiLy arid to tb so witirout comrm.ultirig her umrothcr. Being seirt tIovui town err am urraurti iii tire uuromnhrig , sire reurnaimreil until afternoon north on. irur return air- nounced tinrit sue wren umrairiod. This raised ii big brueze niril seventh scerromm ensued , iii wInch brickbiito , iron booms ninth airarilrir domestics wennponrs of n'arfare were rimmed ninth Mrs. lttrssuhl , it is cirargud tirreatouieti to kill iIrs. Gnrtl , tin. rurothur- in law. : ! 1rs. : Itussel was allowed to go or. irer ovt recogruinurce to apear at tue October turin ( .1 tire District. court. Judge Wakely wreunriso enrgnigep Friday mnumnnrrg ill hearing a civil , suit nuid there will rorrrain several equity cases to be iremtrd next week. Iii tire latter court , derring tire hmresurrt week , various cases against. the Ournahirt and Southwestern ltniiwayCorrrpnurylmnrvc been tried , concerning tire corrtlumrrrmtiomz of lands. Thu cases ofVard et id. , niruti Byrout Roeti nurd Clay vs the rntilwnry vuro satisfactorily disposuti of , arid uruxt to tire tim last uric of tire suits , that of ' 1' . .1. utud F. J. Nolan , wren tried. 'I'hris suit vnts brotigirt. by tire huinhmitifla mu. air appeal frormi tire award of 8550 inane for cort.niur property of their. which. had been con- tleirtiretl. 'l'hio jury ruirtlerod a verdict for tire 1uiairrtilrs for $1tiOfi.51 , titus vir- tumilly iloubliurg tire original an'ard. Co7N1'Y ClUIt1' , ; lii tire cutlet ) ' conrrt 'I'irurstlay a jury cntso With oil trial , hr winch ii lUis. mmrs- bury stied cure Gavin for $500 for I.o1. . serial ilrjurios received iii a faunrily row between thu ttt'ru fnrjmrihies fronm. it hiluw struck irer OVUI' time iread yithr ii licker hr tire hntrrdrt of ( mviii , Time jury nwntmtlctl tire plrtirttili $2fi , about half tire suumu cirtiuried. mnltANmnitl't IUuKI:1 : , . Tire vife of Mv. J. Ii. Pierce , bettor knuwmi nun "Jtnugcr , ' formmmurl ) ' editor of tire IC8torZt Maga.dsru ? III this city , oh' talmud ii divorce yesterday at Pomrca , tine ' irur hrnisbarril nulul- cirni'go nigairtuit 1)einug - [ ( n.y n'ithr (1110 Fnunry C' . lhtikcr at Lin. ccli. ( nil July 4 , 18i2. ' .l'hrs charge vrrs snrbstant'imttenl ' by Qt aflut1avt front Mt. . Ilarker. Mrs. h'ioro wu giver. the cm- tn-sly of their child nurd au allowance of $20 11cr rurnuth ( rein I'iorcu' . ualary. .ltiilgo Waliciy is expected at I'omnc.i about August 1st , to hear some cases iii wiricir .Jtrdgo Bntmnres was iritorestod before - fore ho nnrs cicctcd judge. A happy Family. hillel front thebrea.t , .queezel from the bottle , iltorniach. Will .oiir &nul inrilk will curdle ; natty halleltmjth all that nIght , Ifoucehold bumping ht&dq In. awinil frigirt , 1)on'I .Ieny 'twft. thu. with VlrtrIa. . NIght wa Iildeonu. without CASTOIIIA1 Wirer. colic left : tot l.tccIunl , lnntnbcr , All .aId their ir.rers snul ltpt IIre thund. FATALFluE _ Which Fell from heaven ou McFadll , Arnil Kihieti hum OutrIght-A horse Fatally ? slalnureil. ( Trn ) , of tire most rcnnarkablu fatalities ever recordwl in thri vhz'rrrity is tiunt wiricir occurred nbotrUJ o'clock Fritla nnuorur- inig during tire first tirunrtlor storuri whricit precedent tire heavy rain. .Iohnni McF'nddemr was a young iuuan wino drove a tuaumr for Bradford's lumberyard. lie hoarded for quite a while up on Shrer- rimair Avenue , burt iran ire relatives to ) far an is krrowmr , uxcept iui runothror , who hived iii Cedar 11810(1. , Iowa. 'I'iris uuroi'rmirmg ire started tart to tire bar' racks with ii of hmmmmnbur , 811(1 was overtaken by tire stormni near tirmit local- ity. So far a. is knowur rio nine else was near hum at. tire tirrru , niud vlrat. thro details - tails of tire tragedy were cmuumrotbestatcd , hilt. ire vas i.ickctl . up little hater front tire road , dead , with such rmunrks urporu lila muorsoir as heft Ito niouhut that. inc irad been struck by iigirtrriuug. Oiro of Iris hermes was also struck , aurd virile it. wits itot killed orutrigirt. , is no inairnred that it. will irever be worth. . ninytiririg again and will probably 1)0 killed. Cororrer Jabole. vain urotrileni of tie ( a- tal ocenurreurco and iumitructed tirat tire hfldy be brougirt to iris place , wiwro it. arrived aiuonrt I o'olock , after tim terrible rain untormrt vaun over. Tire facto vore so aparon1t as to unnike in urrirecossary to holti an iutqtien.t. Tire body lre..oiitenl a rruost remarkable nppeararrco. The hair of thu iread wan singed its if ni Ilaruro hind been wrapped about it through ito uruark or scar wan visibio ulswirere cii the head or faco. The next sigrrm. of tire fatal stroke were on tire breast. winch looked as if it. inul been pierced iii fifty llaCC with. a red irot iron or an if a hrwtvy load of buck- shot. hirtil boeni lonrrcd imuto the chrest. , ltrst. below tire ribs anotiror mark was to liu cccii nerd a hole was burned thrrougir tire wonuienr uuiderriirirt wont by tine vie- hurt. 'I'lio charge must titeut mayo all lL8B0l down tire left birth ) , wirere Rears wure to be scent hero nuid thruro arul tIre left. since was torn to lieccs front heel to irrstel ) , tire stockimrg torn and m.corcired arid a scar or burnt left. on tire airkic. 'I'iieno is no doubt. but. tire stroke nrruat. irave been inrst.iurt.nrnuousiy fntktl autil tire P00t' fellow doubtless never know wind. Iruurt. irirru. l.r'escnrt. . it. ii ) not. kurowui whrat ( lispositiori will be made of tine body. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BROKE ifiM UP. A Practical Test of Co1orao all- stouc , lVlrIohr Iairrpencd tire Artier of Art . Ainnnirer' . A conrpie of vcll kruown gentionneir of tins city , both of whronni mayo occupied inigir olhicial IHinlititulit3 , turd are anniong our urrost resporisilule citizerrs , got. into air ar- gumurrent yostertlay itt it restaurant , ovnr tire reintive irnerits of Siotrx Fails gr.ririie arid Coionido sanidstorro. ¶ iirey turbine- qurerutly rmiut. in tire Counrty l'ruainmrur's t.iiice , wirore thru ( lisluulte uun renewed , tire advocate of Siourx Fallin steno saying to tire other , ' ' \Viry , I caur take a inieco of Colorado nuitrulnnttnru , RH thrick its third. " ( placirrg his leurti on tire back of a cimitir ) , ' 'ruin hiretk : it ill ttt'n ) witlr or ) ' Iraurtlin , mont i'll ' bet $100 on it ! " Tire Colorado intone mmii , virn , is it rite- cirnirtie , at onrce drew curt a rnrhe nund unions- tired tire tirickrress of the ciririr , winch wits airnrt tirree.fonirtlrs of art iricir thick. ' 'i'll urrrtke you a prncrrt. of $100 if you cnrr , " said Ire. 'l'ire two tirereutiont vcirt out iii search of a ritorre of tim retjir'mrctl thickness , but. could met. flurtl airy. They tlid firrul a Inject. . nor iuroir nerd tlrr'co.qnmartems thick , mud tire advocate of Siorux Falls grarrite sititi to a thuimtlparty irr tlreir conripirny , "Now lilace your foot cmi tinrut , " at the same tune uhmtciurg tire intone on tire edge of the aide- walk witir ( lute oral projecting over. lie thou raised iris irked fist. anul struck it a blow , sirivorimrg it to frag- uncut. , Tire otlrur hartY ) wits , frgnrrntiraiy speak. iurg , paralyzed arid turnrinrg around walked oil'wrtirotrt a wottl. A IjIl't Sntviuug 1'rsent. \lr. r1. B. Allisurn , 1ut.cininu.on , Kanr. : Sat ud hi. . life by a .irnnplo trial bottle of Dr. Kiurg's Now 1)ltcovery ( orcorr.trruptiorr , winch enticed ld'nn to proctnru ni large bottle tiutt corn- llt3t1lY ) ivrred blunt thenu iloetom , . , change of clinmist. , 'cml uvorytlriumg cite mail failed. ttii. mm , hur'nciritf. , Irontrsenress severe cotigirs , anrd all thrmon.t irird lunng diseases , it in. giramairteuti to cure , 'l'nIntl bottles free nit 0 , F. Goodnriani'n drug store , Lange size $1.00. - _ _ heal Estate Transfers. Tire foilowing dccii. were flied for roe- or. ! itt tire county clerk's nfl'rco July 12th , reported for' Tiuin Itam. by Airica' real estate nugcmncy : Augustus Krourrtzo aurd wife to Louise ci. Walker , uv ii , m4 lot 18. block 14 , lCrouurtzu 2 irnIti , 250. Augustus Kouutze reid wife to Joint Slreahrmrrr. v ci , rr of of hot 25 , lcotnnutzo 2 ulul ; 275. Albert II. Sitrulor ann vifo to ti , imru- innumnuntrr , v (1 , lulurt of 10.15.18 , $1450 , Fanuuriu It. Suiritir to 1) . Curinimngharnu , 1 C ni lot. 8 , block 107 , $1.00. Allen l'ilntvnminal ' nerd wife to Oscar B. Sireldern , ni C , avJ of unu , tire ao. of nw .1 north nr of of seA BOO 22-15.20. Also lot I 20-15-10 , $ .I00. Fred 11. Lowe to Cirristiminu Allison anti Nellie A. Alilsoir n' d , lot 23 , l.loek 2 , I'airk I'Incc , 800 , llernmnanr , 'l'eeKomnscirer nurti wife to Stuiihrumr ' 1' , iirnckley , u d , lmurcol in rrw 8.15-13 , 2O0. itnzrry Oznlor.q. Leave of nibsenco ( or twelve ( lii ) days , to take otruct frouur .Jtiiy 10 , 1883 is grtrurt- cii Colorrul A Mel ) . MeCook , Otir In. rnnrt ry. So imunch of tire turexpircI ( Portion cit tine sentence in the CMO of I'rivato Fred- crick Aciit.orn , trool ) C , 5th Calvary , purl ) . lisired in Genueral Court iSlntrtmal Orders No. 18 , series of 1882 , from tireso hlCaI. qurturters , as irovitio for ftnrtirer coinfine- uncut is remrnittel ; ire will be released ( rota comufiruounnouut. send returned to 4uty. Tine tolegraplnic imn..tiucti ° irs front these Ineniqtmartera of tin. date directing Act. imig Assitnnt Surrgcont It. 11. Grimes , U. 8. A. , to procceni front Fort Larnmre , ' .Vyo.1 to Fort. Niobrara , Not ) . , and tour- pornrniy relieve As..jt.'tiit Surgeon ilernry l4iplumnncott , I.t. S. , , are hroreby conr- firumued. I'rivnto II. A. harley , troop . 5th Cavalry , is recioved fronn extra duty rut tine quartermaster's tlcpartrnrent as [ ole. graph oporatorannd repairnnnn at Sweat- waturbridge , anud will relmrt to tire corn- nurairding ofilcerat Fort Washmaknc , Wyn. , for duty with hr. troop. THE UP NINE. They Knock the People 0111 of Iha llill. AL'Ctrdlnlg it ) tire larinnIs of Snitch- sidle 1tnnlc. ( C4mflmnnmnflC.tO.l ) EIIITIt ) lIEn : : 'l'ire arohxttic editor of tire herald iii iris issue of yesterday "tire Sioux Falls- mnnorntilrg states [ lint - aRIhmaht. coirnliruntionl have boon set dmvnu nh.ir . by a vote ( if ii to 3JtVircrea.'na few days since ire asserted thrat tire sand stnno arid auqhiait. , connrbinmtion hrad tntkeut tine cake anid divided it , nil of whnicht is nnmrjust. to nsphnnlt-pumttimrg it. iii all tire comhninrationumi but tire pmoncr clue , viz. : aspiralt. and tire ueophe. Tire IC0PIO and amuplralt. Inavo joined irrtnnds arnd are its onto. Tire taxpayers arc figiitinrg for it , winile tire united coinnrrunnity aigir for it. Tire Doctor is in favor of asphrnltl burt feels tIre chafing of thud. U. 1' . brass col- hmtr ire 1mm worn for 18 years arid un at onto sttnck with ndnnuir'ntirr at tine ease arid gr.tco u'rtit winch tire U. I' . sauidstouiu nine (0) ( ) wiurs tire ganno , with Baker taut , hiascall , nhrort.stoI ) , Katnfnnuannn-rn nnucsked-cittirer , FraunkVmriters unnrpire , nnrd tire Doctor referee-countest. uurder tire 1hrirqtnis of Sanidstoure Ituica. Thu. gaunt. junmut played rind forced upon tire 1)001)10 ) III OpOsitiOi1 to their exInresseci wish rernrimrda tns of a recent aayilng of Vanderbilt. : ' 'Tire 1.ubhic . be dam md. ' ' Yes , muir. Judge Lake , henry l'unnlt , Kiteheni Bros. , M. Ilellnnuan , .1. B. Boyd , Thu Croigiutoirs , B. F. Snnitii , M. Itogers and 150 otiners. ' 'You be danrnnu " the counupliuniomits of MeCiucken , ceder , liaseall , Aundemsonr , lInker , Kaufrnuauru , ' .Voothvorthi , Murpiry nnrd Durilnarn of tue U. 1' . annul stouro mmiii , wire , like our nnna- tonal are cournpesed of sarul antd nccarnry as hell. hell.Yes Yes , the 1. " . 1' . is runrnirrg all tire sure- coasful ninres iii Omnnaiuu tins season. 'Flue ganlu just played 1. . ) ' \VmrltersMillor urine was conceived in quarry corner Out arid Farziinanni. fly tIre vny , whit has becounro of tire hwayiurg little Burro that edits AT tue republican ? Tire last hieu'd of muir Ire vm's annusinrg iuiunself amid [ nunnery- kinnball by sirovelirr aspinalt. fronni Doung- has street onito tire arduwalk. Aliah is great. Nine of a kind beath aspiralt. The U. P. ira. her Trirrity.banne bail urine , sandstonnti nrine , and Judain nine , anidif there is arnytir'riug lit this city and state tIratirmus urot been captured , a mimic will ho nut. once organized for work iii the new degree. Yotnmv , Or iu NiNnrv o NINc. - . IIureKnenn's itennica Salve. Tine greatest medical womrdtnr of the world. \Varramntetl to speedily cure .Btnrntnn , Cuts , Ui. car. , Salt. 1hetmnmn { , Fever Sore. , CaneeonPilan Clrhlblninr. . , , Cornet , ¶ I'ctter , Cirapped hiannisand , , all .klir crupthmnrs , guarautecl to cure Inn every linstanco , or imioney refunded. 25 .euta Per burr BANDO N E U. A Three Ioutlls' ' O1 Babe Loft at a . Boarthll iloilse , A Story ( lint Is lieeonniimig Too F're- tlurcnut of Ijtt it iits ; late becounue a frerjueint occnmr- i cnce to record tine story of motirors nbtur- : tlomuinrg tircin' chriidiemr and little vrnifs mti'e being left every few weeks out door ste1. . , hr tin. depots or elsewirerehy hncartlcss or irelinierns nrrotirers. TInny nuingo all tine Tny ( rout a tiny tn ) IL yerr : old , amid tire yormnnger they are tire inroic ineipicics their case is. ' [ 'Inc latest nueconmnt of ilesertionn wan re- lioi'ted inst overhung. By tins it scorns tlnmtt nimourt thrice veeks migo a nrnnn claim- inng to hi , it rnnnrnur for tire ? iIetiOlmiitail luintel vrorrt to tire bonndiumg inounse kept I ) ) ' Mms. , l'arr , urn Tweiftin tumid Jacksorn arid tried to get lusund for nu wouuuaun and baby , whonmr inc represcurted to ho iris wife north chruld. lie gave irs nu r'encsoui tint ire could not ntlhncl to board nut the hroinso as it svnns too expeuns'rve nrrid ire mad to look for a chrealier lnittce. Mrs. Parr nleciiiteti to take tinernu as Ioanlema , as situ mud ire rooumn , but tire fellow - low begged that iris farniily nmnight. stay [ inure fry tVd ) or three days until tirey couid fluid sonrue 1111100 else to go to. Tinis threy were allowed to do , anal mnubsequrourt. I ) ' , threy word. to Couurcil lilull's , frouni wirneir jdruco tire wonnrart wunto to lifts. Parr askirrg hner if sire did nmot. desire to ntdont ; tire child. 'l'hiis favor liims. Parr declined. Yeu.terthny tin. woitiani returned to Onnnzulnmu mruul went to litrin. Parr's irounso. Almint tlinnncr tunic sire said sire waurteti to go eli town and would rotumnu iii a little winilo , arid site left lnor baby iii care of tire kinnil-heauted lmnunhlady. Up to a late irotnr bust ovenuinug sire hind not retrrrnned trail it 'is lrlallo ) thrat sire will mnot nrund tirat it is nt clear case of desertion. it is all tin. rrnoro crutol as tine cirilcl is jurst of that ago wineru it utiost mneeds a nnnotinens care , ntuttl it. cried nrhl tire afternnoont for tire attention winch a rnuotirer ntloune CAnt give. A law ounghmt to ho crnntetenj , severely punnrisirinmg tumchi RU mrct irs tiujun , which is ii en uric as rnnucir irs mnutury otirer unmr r'rshmahle olrenses. Finre sprung cirrekensat .lortont's , 10th tunuti Davemuliorl. . . For White Lend nurti Mixed l'ainrts Go to Geotlintait's. Chroico fre.slr mea5triIrg1)0nt1t5 , cuctmuu- borit , sliuashn , etc. , etc , , at Norton's , 16th mmiii liaveuulort , - - - l'illabunry'n. \\'inshbunrmt'a flour , tied rock linices at NELSON'S,20tir uric ! hlunrt , An nbundrtnttsuppIy of fresh htorruo grown vegetables at \ \ JEInIEII'S , CROOK'S CAPTIVES. An Intcrostiu Iiiterviow with the ills. 1ill1liShO warrior. % ° hint lie Timinku or tine F'tntnnrc ci Ills Words. Tine fainuihirur face of General George Crook wits aeon our tine streets yesterday anti recalled tine old thnrcs wiren it we. an every day sigirt. lie rniects frieridi oil ovary street crossing amid him. tune to atom anti corivermue witir all. ( hrrnoral Crook imas conic arid will go as victorious nus ire was on tire alkali plaint. about. Sonora , hravirrg uccecdcd in iii- dtncinng tine adunnintistratiort to adopt iris views , 'I'ircre is pretty str.nnrg teasoit to believe [ mat mis 1ncriatonce itt iuavimig tirns policy nuloptetl aiises fiormi [ ito fueL timat tire Apacires thil not. tnnucorrditiorunrliy stir- reunderi [ lint , iii fact , tiney curly mugreeni to go to tire Saut CarIes reservatioir , nmrd that they are still puirnuitted to retaitu tlreir antis. Secretary ' [ 'oiler irs hr cute senuso carried iris poinut , for ire linus dccl'inrctl to Tire oxpcricnrco of tire govtitnrnnrcrrt ii. . tins instaurco would scent to show tint tire Irnuiiant iuurreant is nuot. uell cquiped to pro. vide for ntun' except tite unrest ueacefnnl Jir- ( banns , arrd tine renault of Geurenti Crook's cannpaignu will pci irrps : give it fresh inter. est to tire inquiry winctirer or riot tine Inn. clianra m.ironrld be wirolly placed rnnrder tire charge of [ Ito war departunnent. It is Genienul Crook's opiruiont tirat tirey nnitounhd be. lie tlniuiks [ lint tire iranud tirmut nnrust pnrnuisli aiiotnld be tine iraund tied. feeds. Oeunor.ul Crookanid to a roporteryostor. day : " 1 am giant to get away from tins othicial talk. It is tirtee urnonuths sinnee I irave outjoyctl a inigid. of tnntinrterrnnptcd sleeju. I rrow irope to be able to take a .molonrgcI . rest. " liecarnie rosponralinho for peace at tire Sari Carlo. agonucy after 500 of tire wildest ipacires are lnt there. The experiumrcntt , threrefore , is tObe tried of mc joint occupant. cy of tire rcservatioit by tire war ( leprrrt- rnenrt nunud tire interior departnnrenit , tue agent innvirrg cirarge of all the Indians cx- Cold. tire wild Aptciies actimng in the capacity of a fiscal agent , tririlo tire war dclnrtrtnrenrt , inntinrbuints , , front its appropri- alien for tine care of Indian prioniers , [ ho savage Apaches , arid agrees to keep peace 011 the cirtire iceervatinur. Contend Crook 'mu ' evidcnrtly sincerely convinced tirat theme wildest of tire savages cain leCOurle civilized. lIe nines iiot tinink tint a good way to begin to civilize tirena is iy breakirng his vonl. lie vili , after a few days' rest , proceed directly to Arizona. lie ireeds inrumcir more rest , its iris irealtit is sonnrcwhtat liroken , owing to Iris cxinaumstinig canni- euigni. his stntroll'ncer , Btnrke , is nearly brokeni dvn , as so unarny ohl'ncen's have hreeri vluo mayo heeni ztssiguicii to General Crook's conrtmarrd , aud ire ira. bccnu corn- 1)0110(1 ) to ask for a long leave of absence. ' 'Arc you satisfied vitit the outcoirre of tire conference I" was asked. ' 'Perfectly , " Ire replied. ' 'Tue Clriri- cinitrmas will be lad upon tue Smut Caries Reservation tititler tire stmpervisinn of [ ito \Vai' winch will be Doputnnnenrt : , respoui- 8)1)10 ) for their gooi beinavior amid will snipply tine feuds necessary to take cane of tircnmn. " ' 'Is tinere ittt trnnth in the report third. sovet al of your captives have escaped aurd joined tineir follow iii lihevico , amid tinat tinny arc agitini onu tine wamatir 1" "Noio whatever , as far as I know. 'rirere ahsolutoly / Ito trouble annurnug tire Inrliari of Arizoina at. presenit , and I have no canmintigni on initial. ' ' 'It. . at iliac wnn.s relnorted one , general , tint yonrr allies irad niutimnicd , arid that. yotn hind been mnnnrdered. Dint you ever have rutty fears of such art outlre.tk 1" ddNover. I inul coirfinlence ill tirern , aind rut rio [ inure feared treachncny. Tiuose stories vcie circnlated ly , persons vhuo knrcw riotlnirtg wimatever about our nnrovonneintin.r0 covered our trail as conrpieteiy as inssiliie from tine start. ' 1'iris vas absolutely necessary ; for hind tire hostile. , or event cute of therm , suns- pcctel our unioveinenitin or scent onnr trail , Huui.li.itnc would have been innrpossihlc , and unriess we enitnini snnn'prise tine Ciriricahnuas ntnr eIirts wotnld imavo bccnn in vain. " Geineral Cnok believes tinat tire captive - tivo boy will be broungint iii as soon. as tine inidinits learn tinat tire Govennumient mu- tend to keep faith with tircnnn , rend thud. ito functiner trouble need he fcruned. WOItK I NOMEN , 'iii jinid our shines to ho mull solid lentiner amid for loss runonney [ hiatt tiroy earn buny tire saline style of shoe nmnade tnt. witit siioddy inusuies munni counutermu. ' ' 11 CiS1l Can buy ( itt (3he(17) ( ZRt t1ltfl. " A. Ii. ioitsn [ : , 14th Strcet.opu. l'nuxtour lIntel. A FEW of tirosu eiegamtt Five cenit Lrtwnns left at Wiig & W'tnstberg's. Call nnrd got sonnuo before they nrc till gone. TFIE FINES'l' line ofgcnrts low slices hr tire city at\\'l I i&VESPBE HG'S. JIurliuonouc. ( . Tue mew limo to Cruiiforutimu is now opent for bunsirness , arid unsseniger.n . en rounte to tire Pacific coast viii tins linte mayo a ciroice of iniore ronntos [ iran offered by arty othrcr lute out of Onrirtira. 'l'ourist tickets to Colorado at greatly reduced nutes now on sale. Good to return - turn until October 31st. Great cinoico of recites. Call nerd see. see.A. . F. BORDEN , Cornier 13th arid Fannanni , Ticket Agcnrt. l6eodtf BALLS .7 II/Iill4'I/IillIW' / ' % CORSETS Every Corset is warranted aUs. factory to It. wearer in evun7 way , or' the money will be relunued by the Pcn'BOU from whom It was bought. The oar , on.c prcaouuced by our Ieadtng r'bytetiDa . 1st i.Jurl..us no thowarer , p4idtfldOrMOU7 riiu. as Ue ' most omutoru.ini , a4 p.rf.nCt ittnthg UVr $ $ Yu ) nusde. " l'flicEs , bi Maul. l'o.taie l'aId S Ilcaiti. 1'restrtug , * i.DO. tdtlt..tdju.tluk , S1.$4) AL4ve.iasS ( citrubtavy ) ILOO. ? 'iur.Jag , 1.O Rt< l'rcemrving ( nab touUl ) s.oo. l'arszu. ar.rrt.rninppurtlog. 1.ao. V. , sat. bs lading iietiiU Uealers . , eTWkcZS. IO.tlt ) VOLUI.tT 00 , , VhtOl.LWl W. _ - . for Infants and Children. Castorlgyrornntcs1)Icntion and overeennreum Fhttulentcy , Coustipa- tion , Sour Stoinacin , Diarriroa , and Fcverisinnea. It. Inusuros health and iratural icep , viLliout morphine. 'S Ct.ntoria Ii .o well adapted to ChIldren that I rcoomnnnnncnd Itnnsanrperior noany prtccrlpUoni known to tao. " 11. A. Ancinnur , M. I ) . , alI'ortand Ave. , lJrookhyn , N. 'V. What gives our Children roey cheeks , .Whnt cures lInde foyers , mnoxar thorn rn1es 'TI. Cnwttorln. . 'When babks fret and cry by turns , What cures theIr colic , kiUi theIr worm. , But Ca.thrln. That qinickly cures ConatlpatIon , 8our Stomnnnclu , Colds , indigeetlon , Unit Castort , . . } 'amn'welI then to Morphine Synips , Castor Oil arid l'iu'cgorlc , andhail hail Cns.tortnut CENTAUR LINIMENT-an nubsiuto cure for lthounua- tlsnni , Spraluns , Btnrirt , Galls , &c. Tire irnost I'owcrl'til and. icnc- truting l'ntln-relievhnug nuul Ileitliuig flennedy lcitowni to man. TltE4T TIIl' IIUMAN MACihINi ( ' , FST1iY. NnrTnInut : : C0XSTIr'AThO , col.n' , nnAuuruhnnlA : , nuvsisi : tttv : , Oil OTI u umu : nun n\vnh : c.nr . r'l. % l C.tN 111 ctYntlr : ) niv AunulNu TIlO fl11.lC.t fI , M.CuIuNIlt' oh' 'n lIE syirrEnVm I U UiU1 , l'untoATIvn:4 : , Thu lFI' A 1) SA'l't' IuII.1) ) i'tit'rucun.uuu.v tr ' 11115 n.rAnuNL : us A t I.- Hl'OnNITI. OF' TAaRANT'S SELTZER APhIt- lENT , TtKEN IN A dlT.Atu OF WATEIt. VIimulI vmnr (1FNTI.Y iurn.unvn : , viiur.n 'roisu u llE.LINU TIIC nlUunT.T1D I .TESTINn. p SPECIAL NOTIOES. tWSpecia1s will PosItively not be inserted unless paldin advance. TO LOAN-Money. ONIY TOLOAN-Tlno Onrnmnha San Ings ii.imrk is "I . now 1irelared to irrake loans on Omaha city or Iougla. monntity real estate at current rate ol lnteret. No commnisnion charged. . 3SS.tf iroNEY TO LOAN-The hosest rate , of Interest Li Itenuls' Loan Ageincy , litin & ioUgln4. iS4tt \fONEY TO LOAN-Calintlaw ottico of I ) . I. . ilL Thoina , , room in , Crclghtonr Illoek. - - ONEY lOANED-On. Chattel mortgage. room 7 I Nebraska NatIonal Bank nuIldlrmg. 1S4 tf HELP WANTED. I or goncraUnounoe ork Inn a am. V I ny of t.o. C.OOd Imnqnmuro at Dr. Oscar Itoffni.anm. ' . , 120 8. 24th street , utter I ) a. in. 6O.i4 flANTED-An experlemneed antI corinpetunt noan vv to drive carriaKe anti take care of lrores. ltd. erences required. . inquire tIuI.TON ItOGEItE & RON'S , 51210 i4th arid F'nnrnrumni .tret \ ) - flr'd.clmt.n. bread and make ha'cr anti \yArEt-A V cumnilvinaker. ( oed nage silI be galir. . 'td. tnre..4 " 0. II. " lieu olricu. 7ANTCt-1miimnrettlatc1y , a good girl for general ' hotmseworkat72u south 18th street. 4l4.r3l IbO laborers at Florence Cut'oIY Wage' . 1\7ANTl day , Intitnireof J. C. .Mtnrpnry at the wor1t ; . 492.14t ' "AN'ruI-A : , blarkamnitln nit Floremice ctrt.ofr. In.- . , , truireof .1. 0. Mtrrrlnyat thewurks. 453'lt tTED- . good Shoamnaker One able to do fImst.dIa.sswed and peggl work , earn obtain a situatlomn by ntddrtnsimmg .1. J. Jitnifack , Yankton. Ia. ) kota. 4g1.iS % 7tNTED- Ten , ladies and young muamu to Instruct 1 inn book.keeninng. , ( loud ndtuatlomi' furnilshed. J. in. SMITh , nanti Oonrlan. 456.j4 17ANTaD-tni asistarnt liook.kec1 or. 31n..t , s rite ' a goodinamid. l'crnn.amncirt situation for a dorm- udtent nnmnmr. Adilre'.s 1' . X. lieu ofilcu. State .almry ! capecteni andreferenice. . 45T-14 \p.NTcI-Lady rujtsi.t. Only tern days work. y Addres."t" Itcootilce. I TANTEI-A good feeder for doubto cyllndcr S V r'r ca. , at once , at tlni oltkw. Jy.tf - ' \TANT1l.t girl ht 2423 capItol avenue. \7ANTR1)-A mrnrpetenrt girl for general house. I work. Iteference' required. Cain at 1922 ChI. cagostreet. 501.161 ly.tNTED-Mithllo aged wonnamr a. snarlIng horse. ! keenter 0mm a farmnr. Must hate refercnnces for character amet caradit. Inquire of A. 1. i'OiitietOml. 411S'i3b 1yA"rlD- e'qterlemrced tiry goods salesman , . V George 1' . flnoss n opposite n' . 0. 471.tf As"FFI-Twenty tdanrstcrsSO trackinen tOO Ia. S boren. . ni. 3rANN'FIn.nnn : , 474.1St 11th St. near i'armhain , , SI 001) STNl .MAit INS--Car , IiitI , work . 'itl , ialn. liar. . & Heck , Crostoin , Iowa. Apply ntt Chat. Ed. gertomn's. 441-13 ' % y.\NTED-.nny a lads' anti gcnntAeirran stitin , nn.arr , child , onto or two roorni ss itli boarti good shrub anti lsnsmr desired , ; itrice no object ; referemmees cx changed. Atbrircsn. .IOIIN ( I1tANT 3IiILrd hotel. soii : it - ' \raNTrn-uirus : at time Sianur Itoinse. ( rood stages y 147.iSt \ \7ANTiIA dinning room. . girl at tine Occidental Innmrmrciuiatdy. 44S.tf ' \rANTEL-A good general blachsnnitlr. dtif , wages antS strady work the year rouuI. I.OWItY & SIAIIREY , Fremriont ch. 958.13 - ' \TANTII-r'rIvY sannit , , sinks , arid CC5ltOttlt to clean with sanItary eheamar , Satisactloir ginar. anteed. J. M. Snitlr box 422 Omnialna. iiO.Imrro \ \7ANTEnuir for gLnIcnaI housework. dnrst It , goal cook mnnnil Iautntbress. Apply at 1708 Ccli. formic street ' . ' 14'tf \ \TANTEDTO EXCItAN(1l-Uemnrrann tesiton , for vocal lessons n1 latly csIeriencc.l hr thu Ha- Your or coniverietlonarn.etmrod. , Address 31. City. _ _ _ _ _ _ 29Snthntt L ADIES dIR VOUNO 3IEN In c tyconmrh , . take nIce , light arid pleasant sc uk at their ossn homes : 2 to 5 ada ) easily arid q.nIetIy nitade ; stork sent by luau ; no canna . .nimrg ; nno stitinip for rently l'ieaee atItlress Iteliable MsiiufacturlngComniany , l's. , rarr. : iSli.tu.th.sat tilIly 21 _ _ . _ - SITUATIONS WANTED. , lTtAThON WANTEI ) . A young couple lately ar. L rln cii frnmnn HwItzt'rlantl , without dIillJrcn , In is botch or any tither Itiace .uitable. ilu.band to do gm. ' eral'Oork , sthloas took. Inquire of II. Meer.7 S. 3tln street. 452.13 * \TANTF.l-A situation. a a short hand annanuen. V ? sit. to.Jerate salary. Address"X' tlnin. oltic. . 47313 MISCELLANEOUS Wtt. V V tostn , county seat. Address C. E. Hmmnith , Nest' Market , TaIurcounnty , ta. Foil RENT--houses and Lots. r 'o LET-Unifurnul.ial ) roomnr. , 1724 1)ougbas Street. 5ii.n9 . ItENT-hiousu wIth 4 root. , , seeonitlljuus. , sontnn of VIctor Park. hnmthuire of lulils inn .t lnebnnnr. w7.14 'OIt IIENT-Dstimbbu cottage , 20 n.nontnn , 2210 caitfonuia strict. L Iluniso stItlnn.ix rt.onmn , . InquIre 25th ireet , betstucni 1)avcnhtort anmnlClnleagu. 4S0'13l Foil IIENT- new Itti , room entta'e , * 12.0' ) u o imnontir. l4outlrcat.t 'ur. ufdtlramnil lirekory streett 457.14 limIt hlIN'i' linus , , lvtsttcn 14th amntl 15th. oin Clrl. ( 'ago stitet. inquire 'Or , Ctuit'ago cliii IStIn , 4 'l II L"OlL lIuNI'- .1 . % tllrelkaldeucethamnd i1utt.o. " , , iRtlistreet , 4' 0 1tln street , 535. 4' 'I lihhnstreet , utmo. : : l'so1 recur humnse , iio. EInnn niew S rcsnru hmon.nes. 120. . - InAI.l.oU IIttOS , 1121 l'unnantn street. ) I' * "tnrnlshud rntorno fur light house' I keehmirig. Frorru : ruouu , 'ottir gaott , 1mw ci brIdge. us er cmiii UurmncU Ilitiffs. Hlratly , a cli ' , errtlbated arnl ( it ) ' Watet amni setiuge urn isttnto door. Very desiraide , , eldoinn rind 1101 long vacant. irctenrer's lriock , merrier Stin and Ilostand. 50014 * 1)lt ) htIN'fhiouo at S. E. Dorner lOnIn 'arnil I'acl. . i _ nb . irrqulrc 919 l'aeitic St. 113.131 t4'ort'iuiN 1uruTJual T'asvmotnut i1f1)Od .1. street. 4S1'lT 1 ronnue to Rent and l'urniture for Sate. Near busl. .iL _ ness e'emntru. 141cc neIghborhood , AUdres' "Ii. P.1IkoItce , ltt.l.t3t Oht luINT : Ness rooms fnnrnlslal or nnnrfumnitlied , , I stitlr board , tieferertees remulresu , 1610 Lavcn. Port. 41,6.tl 1 OR rirNT-liatrrtsouiei3' : tnirnrlsliih roninri wit ntotlemnn conisemileirces. Apply at lOn3 lhstgo St 4f'9.lCt . , ont IIEN'I'-Nessly fmrnteircd recur' stitln or stIlls. onitbttartl , 414 titlu St. cornier Cast. 422.14' UltNlHiiEI htoomrr to remit 21 12 Californnla St. - - - - - - - - - - - - - rJ.oit ItENT-Tno sninall brick stores ann Itasernent ; just bclmng flnnlslr'tl , sOO. three door' north of Nob. NatIonal Inark. , S. l.IIIMAN. 3S3.tt ; oit IIEN'l'-To hatly only a cozy little furnished rooinr , stith gas , only 1O.Oojernmnomitlu 2009 ass St. 375.tf. 'diCiiEV-Itoomrs with board , nortinstect conner I 19th amid Callformnia tnt. . 6rt - roan. , cottage snith good barn. .4 . &rr Iii uicmllerrt condition crud well locateil. 163.tf C. I' . DItiSCOLL. I UltNiSltEI ) runosis AND BOAltU-Malern con , [ 4 , entlence5.1812 iodire et. _ _ _ _ 9O4.Inrrt roa SALE. 1 noru SALC---l'roperty P. E. corner I3tlr amid Capt. 1" tel msvontue , Intmuirc on ltrcnuises. SOOlno SIIOP Fort SALE-A good l3 Ing shop flAI1NESS for , aie in a toss In of 1,500 populatIon. Only one utfar shop in tows. , Stork still nvoico front See to $1,000. uuo.1 roa.'omrN for selling. .tddress "F' care of P.11. rtinaO , &tton , ( ) unalua'neb. 489'181 . .1-'olt SALE- 1 ft room. . liornee err leased ground , 'nio. 4 roinnin boone on leased groumrtl , 3270. 3 roommr hotse on leased groumnd , $225. in. 4 and S acre lots. and a large nurnuher of choice cltylotsmrt tiocial bargains. nuAr.Lou liltuS. , 49i.11 i42i } 'arnam Street , ; 'oit SALE -A first class rentatirant. l'art cash , tinne on balance. Write to or Irrqtrire at Ii. U. 'Fran is , svceing Water , Neb. 499'141 _ 1n EESE FEATITEItS FOlt SALE-Mrs. Ijoon , Izard ' - , treet , bet. 19th antI 20th. 430.161 ; 'tont SAI. } : Ott ltF.NT-A11uroom hoinso , barn , ted ! , clsternm , large hot , good location. Apply to S. C. Stevemrnori , No. 1013 Cas street. 43S.U 'onu sti.n-t. ot1 set of heavy wagon. Immures , nutil two 5llCnrli1 hnorecs-st ill drive double or sin. gte. Call at aorton'sgrocery steec , 16th amid Daveni- rort 454 tt . 'uont SALE-I.otS W , cor. 16th arid Clark street , 00x200 feet Intntnire of S. 0. Damon , orW. V. ore. 1319 l'arm.amnm street. 447.16 FoIl SALE-A good htaino at rca'.onablumate. Ad. tIreen 1914 Webster Street. 3Jotf. TPOht SALE-horses , 'agonis , Harness , Etc. , at i nmnlgratrt : Stable , Cimnrriirg. street. 259 lmn OR SAI.E-Old newspapers nm large amid small quantities at this olttco. tf Pelt S'ALE-F1ar mill nntaclrimler'comlslstlmlgof brake , 2 dusters , beater , licker. Itress , etc. Can work either rotted or green. stock , also slmftlrg , Pul' hey. , anril belting for drlsimrg tIm above , islet. one 35 In. i' . engliic stitlu boiler , smniokeetack and all fixtures connitlete. Addre'e.VILLlA.1 'i'AiT , Charles stity , loam. . 299Sna * . FoiL Stl.E-.A tlrst dat , . second hamnii top buggy. . Caliat i3i9ltcirimnty street. 397tf IuIISOELLANEOUS. I I MeNarrire , still be thannkfnrily tecehed by 1.1. brother. .Jamnes 1' . 3ieNrsr.mee , Los Uato , Samnta Clara Co. , Cab. 91024' - otthg ss mite ntitkh ctai. rr'tl spotted an it LOST-A trlninni.td tail. liewari at 603 N. 11th street. 5th4.14 1 (1STSlitnitay , Jinl ) ' ttin. is large black St. ilemuarI' .1 hog , stitbi strap xml chain. 1.U ) restard will be 1ttid If rctmmrmrcil to Martin Contort , wlreatonn street , iii block miortin of Crmnning. street. 505.19' S tanteringamar allbpeecir bnn'lciimnlemrtshmcrnnatmently cured , byhr. ) 1 ! . Iutvemnburghat.thc Carnlield house , Onmnaha , until August ftrst. 'line doctor has made sjteecbn hmnjcdirieni , % a secittlty the last term years , and Is so ss cli aiitnailrtoi with. tIm natinru , catrse cmel cure that lie guanitee. all cac' takenu ruttier treatirrent. Circulars arnirett'reics , sent oiu apu hkatiou. 418.2w & , v 2t I I TOTICETinali siioeur : lccsrs or nersomis selling A. hiitutcatlmng liqimors to .John Turtle after thin dat. ' , s , ill n tlrrel to t ho Drib extent of tine law. i17 uriler , , f lii , true. 3I'htY UhtlL1 , 49.i4t Jniiy 12 , n53. I vounlniku tin flint ! a gmnol hiunmie im , a good fannnlly for a boy of 13 year' . of ago , anti girl 14 year' of age. .tptly of F' . ( I. , 1201 i"arnain , street. 702l 4 I IOR SALE tilt EXCILtNl ( 1-n'rnii hit and three dssellinigs corner of lltin amid I'aciftc streeth. NIt , . . lots Inn .nonntln Omaha. . % lsc , 160 acrts 01 barnS near Samntnmn , Ncljraskn , anti Ituiltiinmg nmrd stock of cbotliimrg No. 801 Temntlr street. % 'iil e'aIiamgo for Iseliraska fanin hurl. , Further lartlcmnlar at Ceo. It. l'eter'sour's Clothing Store , 504 'I'cnitlr street. 466eo.l.tf Its. .lInlIA tiCIIItDEit ( ) , Chilengo , tire iniostpOw- .i erfnrl imiagnetie ilnysiebami , locates all inilin and 4 disease. Cures all throsuglsemi up by other PinYsdb ConsultatIon. free. H. V. car. IStIr and Capitol eve- nil. , . Itoomu Ic. 461.17 * 1nIt1m ; : tISl'ENSAItY'Die free dlspemrsarv ni eon. .j mention ss itlr tIne Child's lnoepltah arid fionre baa tiecir located on , tIc corner of minOr unit Douglas stroeta nurtil tim mew lstrij.lhnig Is fimnished. Attendance still be gIven ever , nnornrbnng ( Sunday exrtnhtul ) frour 10 to I I o'dok ( or the treatniremit of the niee'dy , 'tick and. nSutterinig , 373'tt EDWARD KUEHL , MACISTEII OF' I'ALSnYSTERY AN ! ) CONDITION. ALIST 498 'rentrr street , betweumn Frurniarn and liar. rrey , will , stltlr the alt ! of guardian spIrIts , obtaIn for any one a glance of the latt and ltreaenrt , and on certaIn coniditiomnin In. the future. Boots amnd Shoes trade to ortier. I'erfisct satIsfactIon , gtrarAitcUd. ROYAl o ? AK1$0 POWDER Absolutely Pure. ThIs lostnlemruener vittles. A marvel of p ruty , itrenrgtm. . nnd stlnolesorunenres. 3I31e CtMin)1ii1I5 ( IbsO tim yrdbniry knrutr. , arid cijiotbe * old tnt cennp 't tlomn 5n iOn the rmnnilnitutbe of lost ttsL , I lu mt stuight , .t r a 0 pmtusrnurte pois dn'r ii ' 1.4 omit' Hr mann. 1toyAl Is. 1 uweanc Vt Wa 2trsct W York ,