Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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    . 4 TIIL DAILY BEE01t11I311 uA7L'Rlla1Y JULY fl 3.
III ! . Oi\AIIA [ BEE.
tubli.hed emery tnorning ; cxropl Sunday. The
Only Monday morPing daily.
OneYa + , . . . . . , . . . ( ThrceMnnlhT . . . . . .aoo
sic NanthC. . . . . . . A.fO ( One ktonth. . , . . , , . , 1.00
TRRMA msrrAln ,
OneYear , . . . . . .9LOJ Th rerMnnthe . . , . , . $ so
61x Months. . . . . . . . 1.001 One Month. . . . . 20
Amodrm News Comlmny , Sole Agents
Cr. In the United StatCA.
traekGAoveSal , :
MI Communleatlnns rcIAtli to News end E lltorll
mattes ehouid ho addreecd to the Enron or Tit !
All Tht Ines alters end ikmhtaneos , honhl he
addtraedtoTlla11t I'CRI.I IIISn tOt4PA5T , OMAHA.
UnHs , Checks and l'nstotllre onlere to he mda Pay
able to the order of the mmPAny.
E. ROSEWATER , Editor.
Tiii : new reform is n good thing , 1ti'u
need n little civility in the pmib1io nervicu
ill Onieha.
Tit newly ulecteti eltntteullor of thu
state wuiveraity does 11tt tiecd to t'testi '
11101 1131" from Prof. Aughoy.
7'111 : will of Bishop ldcllullou , of
Iowa , bequeaths aHe thilrl of his for.
tunu lu Instep O'Cuttutir , of thin Mtntu ,
Tiu : ufliciunt inefici oey of ? tlr. hail
wls a suiliciintt ground for his removal ,
A Ituolred patrons of the Omaha post.
oflicu twill emolorso this position.
THI : people are now wattling llayor
Chase. 1YIil ho veto tlmt rotten lavillg
jot , or will ho oulorsu it , mid go back on
thogomi record ho mule iu time holly
fight ?
Tni : prpaf of the pudding is in the eat.
ing. If the U. 1' , brooch of the council
are utt'coerced , why old they vote with
the notorious jahhur. agaimmPc the cx-
pressCd wishes of their consUtitents.
lilt , ROLLiNB whip teas notnimintal by
the republican carmus of the New ] lamp-
' alliro legislature , has been obliged to
withdraw front time sunatorinl race A
C.anctls lmutlmtnatittl w ithiu the last year
eeetule to have bean equivalumit h , a du.
IT doesn't require direct preasuru froil
high Union Pacific ofiieia1P to get uuant
moos action from omploycs in the public
service. A hint of ruuioval or proumotiot u
generally does the buelmiess. In fact
bright prospoch of advanconomt to p to
nioru mnu than n downright purchae
with money.
PJIE SMPTtltlt and hontestoadurn ar
pnlnilig 11114) Northern Nebraska mu
lands in trio valley of time Elkhorn ar
conuua11dimig n handsone pruntiuui ova
time priCes of last year. With time midver
tieimi ; r , received. by the South Platte cowl
try tine Population of Northern Nubraak
would he double what it is today an
the rutunle froth her imnnest fields wool
shunt colnpariHol with those of the boa
favored counties in time state ,
TuE alleys are shortly to ho paved bu
what good will result front the paving c )
the alleys if Limo filth which how block
up hail a dnzon of our Onntia alloys
allowed by the city umarslmnl to uccunm u
h1to fn defiance of time bmw mid to ti
standing ntennu of the public henitl 1
Dirt amid disuase go hand in hand.
Unmdma escapes an upilupmic of typhoi
fever this suumor , it will not ho owing t
! the unur6 gY of time city authorities ,
IS OitA11A to Ie governed according t
the wishes of her taxpayers or in accord
ance with time duutnnde of time pockets o
her commetluiozf This ms time qnostio
which is brought hone to our people b
time seamdnlous defiance of publie Hoit m '
aunt inn time sandstone paving job wlmie
hag been repudiated by nearly over
property owneriit the district tliroug
which Bill Stout and time Union Pacili
proposu to pay their suauiy mid sknly un
Tnit capital jot begotten by legialntiv
bribery and corrupt trading has gun
through another stage of rascality th
should nlako iemiust ropublicane ban
their leads with atamie.
Evcr well informed Puraett was nwa
that Bemis Stout was bound to eucuro tl
contract for tllo capit l building. II
had time bill dnmw11 to pat computitio
out of question , But the uxuct
tivu officers chargud with thu r
spoimiihility of time iotting tvu
in honor and ditty hound to hnru Hon
docent regard for the lnteresht of ti
state , how did they discharge tim
dutyi Only two bids were prlsuntod , m
by W , hL B. Stoat and the other l
Robert Silver.
Stout's bid was $41,000 higher the
that of Silver but time contract w
awarded to Stout , In other worlmi $1 1
000 have been flamed frommi the hex pat
eel of Nebraska by eollueimm butwu
a majority of the board of publio won
and the contractor. And timim hi g 1
h an ded piuco Of jobbery was do
under Limo most flimsy pretu
amid in the taco of the runuHmstwneu
'I'Itu ' c
Treasurer Sturtluvunt. republi
munlbur of time board constituting t
uutjority , have given as their only real
for ttoir action that Air , Silver was n
able tt satisfy timumn chnt hu owned
compelled the quarries front whial t
building Htmu was tor bu auppiied.
Now' there is tau doubt that Air. Stm
would hmvo anppltol ImIr , Silver or mm
outer cobtactn with all Lie stone
needed tA ) conplutp tie building-if
ollmur quarries could si pjdy it. Thu nor
question rand time only question for
r Load was whether Mr. Silver was rte
to famish a sattsfatory bond its a gu
amity. Mr. Silver offercda$300OOObum ,
witb which no fault soots to have In
found. In any event Musers , iCcu
and Roggon lay thumaulves liable
; grate ag'Le , of contl1)t 14mTltalit Y
their undltu haeto and refusal to heed
Sturdovant's appeal 011 iOhahl of the t
payers-for further deliberation.
iI'ILf'TI ( A1 1U'ATIOX' AA'1) TII
Time attack of Mr. Cranes Frmcis
Adanms , jr. , upon the abnsuu of n clmasicaf
ealnodiumi hits fallen like n bombshell in
educattnmial circles , ltr , Adams is timil
self the prtduct ( if time training
which ltd dcultumces. As t graduate of
time Buslomi Latin schaul and of Ilarvard
ttnivursity , nn ahicted schnlnr and a
practical man of busimiuss , his view's tip-
aim the tot exclusive devotion to time aim-
clout classic. are emititled to all time calm-
sidemtiou which tley have received. Time
domuents of time press and the
criticisms 0f PI mimimiunt educationalists
show that Air. Adorns has a large follow.
ing and thant time ring of his vigorous
blows ngainst what he calls a cllegu fut.
ish are mrnkeuiug time echoes throughout
time Ictlgtlm anti breadth of time laud ,
'limo point ulnae by Air. Admus is , that
time collegu tines lint Ill its stltdemtts tt
grapl0 ) successfully with time praetietl is-
sties of time muduru world , And it fails
becaltte it t'wlnires its atwluuits tor spool
limree quarterr of their time durimig time
best years of life mum a study of lend lmumg
Images , wimichm are of little practical usutu )
hiring wren iii this living world , They
are of vmtly less value to luty nmlm 0f affairs -
fairs than German or Fromcli or Spanish ;
iudud , time latter are tools without
which a minim is poorly cquippud for time
hiismlmess of life , Furtimuniumore , time
knowledgu of ( buck tumd Latin obhtimiud
111 al college course in umecessarily' snperli-
cial. The students cmuu to pass exnuii
natinmi. Thcy know little of time immure
( If liistnty , time characteristics of time hum.
gunge they mime xupplscl to have miHu
tueed , nod tlmey forget most of timid iii a
few year , l Ic comifessud tint ltd lord
gottemi uvuu time letters of the Greek ul
Phimbut. lie does mint believe that ttniong
time educated classes of this country mmd
Europe ( the otmin in n imu ineti is stmiliet
untly familiar with the lend llumgnnges to
tell whether a given composition is n
masterpiece ! mr not , Auil to acquire this
superficial kuowledgeof Ianguagesof little
Practice ? use , our colleges compel their
stndunts to nacnilice tie hest part of thuir
Of his urn experience Mr. Adnnms
spatks in strpug language. Iii denounces
t1'mu ' classical diacipliuu of Iiarvard thirty
years ago as the diseipiino of the tread-
"I do not think it was may highu r
or any more intelligent. So much fo n
what nmy Almn Bator gave mc. in times e
of rupeating rifles , she sent Tile amid may
u classumatos out into the strife aluippet 1
I with shields And swords and javelins.
0 Wo wore to grapple with living milmestiomm s
r through time median of dead languages.
- But on this point I do not like publicity
to tell the whale of my own experience.
Ii It tmilt been too bitter , too hnnmilinting.
1 I hlive not huol time equal of umy peers.
d It wits time world's congress of today , an ( 1
t Latin and Orek were not legal temidu r
there. " Mr. Adnnis' oration is a niasterl Y
arraigmneimt of n symitcnm that lees no t
t educate , but imnolates. Time great nin 1
f of our colleges shmnuhd be to II t
mi mtiudelits time work of tli o
la wfrldi uh train them for tli o
' duties of life , to equip than for a cam
0 paigmiillwlmiclmknowledge amid skill iiiusin b
, it are all conquering weapons. Time busi
1f Huss of time modermm world requires o
ti knowledge of nederlm languages , Tin
O increase of foreign immigration and o
foreign travel ovary year creates a 111 w
dm11mml for aegnaintsmicu with modurl 1
l Eurouumttongues. .
Batt even time knowledge of language
f time art of uxprussion , is of far less vahn u
itnud imporhuicu thou n knowledge of tin o
Y great frets 101(1 forces of life attd tim 0
globe au wlmtam we live Sciuncu to dn Y
h YI.
holds time key of time most ingtortan
y trtiasurua of knowledge. Time miaerots o
plwur , of ) rogrosM , of comfort , of hualtl
C of the elemnumits that mike titan aupenio
a' to tie brute force of time globe are locket
in lien vaults. A century ago tlmere wur
e no Heiomcoie worthy of time nanme , Fift
e years ago ono professor could teach n
nt that was known nud all that wet guossu
g at in Liao whole circle of other mieiemmce e'
Now very few miiemm calm keep Pau wit
r0 the diseovurius to any single group of tit
e whole number , Amid it is out of times
0 ti m t Imavu sprig time arts amid iiivuntiol
It wllclm glorify modem life , unhamicu tit
I euutfllrt of the PeoPle and numke time ft
u turn glow witlm transcoulumit jmrmmis u
ru No college is worthmy time nnue it beat
to mud time piace it claims , Which dues n
e to-day iii its gumiural course relegate th
at study of time classics to thu roar wind giv
me its students a thoni ugim , n scioltiflo mud
, y practical tratlmimig.
'l'ire tiufuat of time llolly ivaterw mm
' pro'uleititmi ' wltuu it was first imuhulitte
y I ) time en tie of Outahum caused time 10
ou f a miiillion dollars in this city to ens
kx or its u ( t Imivalunt , it cost uboutsid
ii ringer eonnpmiu . organized to defeat it tim
loss of the water franchise or coutrn
11e whlieim they coveted , mad time nllotulo
xt of it t , a thuad , whlclm provud to I
( if such a coiloasal swindle timid it h ,
alum taken years of ttuiu and aeon
of thoutaids of dollars in time hands ton
ontime good non of time congm11y to rupa
on 1t , amd time cud is not yet , limit wit
itt clime ? A lewhiog durvlsli who , gabbl l
or tdluut the ' ' 1 loll ) ' switldlu , whicim ten la
} mu nccor'tliug IA ) level headed itAmITtN D1)1
HAM/ / time bust Proposition timid this ci t
ever 51mw , compuis the quumition ; 11'h
nit kind of tvaturtvorks to the direct pressu r
11y Plan hna Omaha tm dnyf-hletimld.
lie A million dollars lost of water won
Ito that did nut cost lmif that item-boa ]
amimm And who lost that nmilliolm dollars ? 11
tie it time gamlg of awiudiers mid timiuve5 tt
eady unaurtol with Cushing in too attempt
ar bribe time city council , lire dopnrtnu
id , chief and police judge 1 Does n
emm Cualming's letter book braid Dr. hull
dull and every man conaucted with that ii
to fanlouagangasa sot of scoundrels th
by would be banished fromn any docent co
Air , 11munlty , AHd level headed Afartin Du
a x- limn who votca to rob hie Holghlore au
frlunde by Imposing a tax far a worthml
pavcntolt , is a very proper man to vouch
for time oxcallunco of the Holly swindle.
There are those pert aps will do nut
kmiow the difFerence between what the
late holly ring proposed and what are
secured by their overthrow. The first
holly contract clmmnpioued and ondoraed
by Dr. hillier proposed to supply water
pumped through n filter direct front time
river. The extent of pipe was 21 miles ,
tilreo fourths of it four fnclmes to diamo
tun mml time'largest only sixteen inches.
Thorn were to be over 200 hydrant at
$100 n year encl.
The sample pipe when laid down in
our streets was lordly fit for gas mnius ,
'Piero ware to be no reservoirs old we
were to remain exposed to risks rusultitlg
fromi n breaking of pumps or utaclminery.
The works we did get after figlding time
tlmiuves mHl aharka have tlmirtytwo mimes
of mains with not n link less thnn six
inches , amt 11maius as largo as twenty-four
inclmcs fn ( linnmotor , hnatend of $100 a
your' time fire hydrnutmi only cost $81 a
year. We not ouiy have direct pressure
but a system of reservoirs that eomihmtn
nn augple supply of water for tom days , if
time nlachimiury should break.
But time holly swiudlu was not sorely
an attoupt to foist a Clienp John systoum
of water works nit Omaha , but it tuns u
lmigh hnuded ntteulpt to secure a franchise
by wholcsalu bribery and fraud.
Dr. Cmishillgs stub creeks , whichl
lip. Fitlconur saw , sinu % thou.
sands of dolhurs pnfd to
levul hmemuled councihnom amid political
kmtvcs of highi iumd iuw degree tvho had
contraetud to carry priumariemi and clue-
tions in time interest of time holly jobbers.
It wig this method of robber } ' amid knat'
cry that aroused the counnuiity agaimiat
Dr. Miller's eopareoers iii time iioiiy
swillllle , nud it is just such a brnzom
scheme of robbery which time 5nmidstolme
ring hums just po potrated through time
jobbery in time council
If the genonl traffic mamagor of time
Northern Pacific is to be Iielievcd , time
eolnpmiy will imintmgurate a new system in
the overhand froiglmtbusitmess. Iii promim-
iHes fair treatment to all parties amid no
favors to tummy. Time rates to intermediate
points will be less than time timroumgimratcs ,
wherein time prograuuuo dilfors mntunialy
from that alupted by the Union mmd
Cuutral Pacific , which makes its charges
t , its internicdinto points aitimost time
same as to their terminus as San Frami-
) , 1Vhnt the Northern Pacific will
do nit to time contract symiteln has not yo t
been determinel Tratlic will 110 ( livid
ed midway bctweuh Bozeunar nil hits
souls , rates botweemi this ceumtrml pain t
mud time mast an the west and St. Paul
on the east tO be time same. I11 thismaim
nor St. Paul nud Pacific coast a erclman to
will he plfCel111)011 equal footing.
1'ur. city tax levy for 1881 ; , as ordered i
by the council , nmouute 34 mills , o
which 12 sills are creditedto ; time genera 1e
bold , 4 to Liao water remit humid , for tim e
sewer fmmd , 3 for tlmo jndgmemit fund , 2
mills for time school fund , 2 mills for thm
school sinking fund , j of a mill for tim
library fund , 5 nmillslfor the fire and l 1 writ
fund amid 3 mills for'tho curb , getter mu
pavenioit fund. On an equalized assess
nicnt 18 stills wouhi have brought in tit
581110 revs uo.
French aggression in Africa , joined t
time tuiatlonco of a French naval cone
utimnder lnag crentel au excitulnomt i
Euglnnd , which on Ttmesdny wore a war
like aspect iu time horse of conunoim s.
Frommm the atatone bur of Air. Glndstou
it. appears that time occupation of Tan a
I. Live , Madagascar , was ncconmpaniud ii ;
violence and iuaults offered to time Britis
1residemmtmi and per tmmnjesty's conmiul
British residoita hn(1 their houses searclm
d ed and were placed tutdur guard , alit
Almmerleam miiissntlarles were treated wit
Insolomice ill their school build
Y tugs. Time amouncomelmt of lilt
I Gladstone was greeted with mite
oxcitonunt in the cununons and a d o
' nand for oxplmmationa has bunt made
upon time French govur11ument which' ' it i
o l ehiuved , will be pronptly met by th
recall of time offending naval officer , htii n
tatter Ferry , in nn interview , declares th
I. Admiral Pierre could not have tun in
ease umiomgh to have inmiulted time hiritia
flag mml oxpressemi imiulmself moat Cordhtii
0t nt favor of ferruttng time natter to tlm
0banal. In time house of lords on TImtm r
day herd Grnimvillo stated that hu ha
every reason to believe that France in
lemidud to give maple satisfaction for th
unanthorirel acts of her agents.
During time past .week time enuunun
have buu11 engngud in li5posing of a lung
ks amimunt of minor busimiesa , but nose d
(1 time weightier gnt'oTtmiuut nensures hmmuv
he hewn takeum up. Time woman suffntg
e reatlutiumi was defeated by n eh su vote -
(3 ( L'0 { to 114-the clmiunmul tnumcl michuul
ct has boon purummomtly sluelved , mid tam
nt mimiuisteninl negotiations to refereueu t
Ut tle eollst uetiou of a miuw Suez cmuml hnv
us meanltud iu nmi ussurnnu of tie early b u
1f ginning of nett project under untie
tr control , 'l'Imo incidomt of the wed k
nbm4 mmnxt to the Alntimmgascar niiiiir , tv
a , time receipt of It letter fruum Brndlaug
a nnn0uncing hiH iutmniitn ut ngnin pr
) ' suutiug himimielf to tithe time oath at ti
titu lair of time in 0usu of counno me. 'I'ii
couununicattun mvmis met by n resohmtio
kmi of the housu forbidding Air , Brullaug
h mhniesiun to time huueca \Yeetumimisl
ars until hu had ugrucd not t4) diatumrb time
at prccelitlgs ) , mfr. Oladmitumu reaindii
t ) parlimiuiomt that ou hilt2d thuy hind r
nt jucfcd a plow which would have taut tl
at difiicupty , 'I'hu goeml political eutioo
or continuea hazy , with time nministry ati
ahtlossly drifting with time rurrun
at - . -
n. Mr , Gladstone takes pahie to any In
a . recent letter that time Liberal party
not now disintegrating as frown 1808 I
Ida 1874 , when it entno in on one tidal wa
Ce5 and was ewopt oat by atotleri but t
issue looming in En lislm politics at prea
eni is not the strew tthl of Liberal or Con
miorvntivu inetie , bttut time passibility that
time Irish iaiI will sweu , every scat in
Ireland blurt aydozen or so and hold the
balatmcu of power betweml time two oppos
ini 1Aarties tmi lxlriiament. In 187'1 illr ,
iusmaeii secured a. nuttjority ever all ; Iii
1880 , AI1. (1lndstone : but if At' . l'tu imcll
llns nimiet y seats behind liim after time next
general mid time llon8giIat result
hooka like this midis lmrl to see hair n
tlmajotity ( i et nil calm ho secured by Con-
miervativo or Liboni , Mr. Glndatone ad-
mllits tinnt time got'enlmttmctmt Bees time lmeces-
city of senlo nmimeuhntnt to time Irislm Inu i
act nod ( titillates that they will consider
trio Subject when time Bute serves , hat
mimenntrhiie time lards , thringli their euur
nlitteo , prananuce time tvhoie act a
failure , nud time Engiimilu Immil
lotda seem to bo nuassnmg their
forces to black father legisiatiomm nil the
subject. Time t ttestinmm of time Idlnhitiatm
of a heredimur y peerngo will he
, nslud to time front ii this ( drstructiolmlat
attitule of the lords , just na time o I H/sitlu Hl
tf the btsho1ms ta time ylate act I Iernmittimm g
nmarringe whim a dcccese(1 : wife's sister' has
sta tud n mnvoucnt ttl favor of time ninth -
tifln 0f time right of time bishops to vote.
'l'ime ngitatton meets with such favor that
the bishops are fri luiened , It is evidem t
that they ecru nut um favor wilim time peo-
p1u nut legislators. It iludicltes a gl'Owili 6r
feeling tgatust thuum as hi lr sahtnied
ofliecrb ii of time state. It is but time be Bin-
nin , of time end--disestnblishmnomt. l'lmu
I : piseolnl bishops nud clergy tviil lmnve to
de emu for their su , sort umi time voluntary
offori6 s of their cmitgadbrttiutms : nitimimi time
next tom years.
Comet do Clmnbord , time last of the
hitltmrbolms , still lingers ( Ill hut death bed
at Frolimidurf. 'l'imo frcgnoit reports that
his cud wan approaclliug have fitted France
to ueut mmy emimrguucy that any arise
from his dcdlm. It is generally admitted
that time Count du 1'(1'15 } , son of Louis
Plmillippe , will assumie time stnmibu d of
the Legdnnists as a clniuntnt for it etusti-
tutitul(1 mine bat there are ruuora
that Priueo Jo unme Nnpoluon will issue n
manifesto nssuntlmig his claimims to the imperial -
perial tlmnoue as time micphew of his male
tumd time sueeessorof NnpolcmliIl. Fruum
'l'ongnib comes news of tlw arrival of the
Frenelm reinforcements amid time entire
proviucu is in a state of amiarchy. 'l'ime
caugxign to subdue time country will
hegira at ouee nil Faumee will occupy the
entire ' 1'ongnin ddlmg. 'l'ime Hministr of
foreign alfaiirs has iufurmed time Fremicl.
channbur of deputies that pacific relations
will be mnintaiuetl with Clmimia. But
China's objection will not stop time course
of France , Avht is powerful emmou rb to
execute hr ] projects ill regard to lbn
( win without waging war with Clminn.
1'rancu douauls of Chimia not to onbnr
rlss her actiolm , Siam lIropored xub5C
queutly to ctmielude n cmn'eutiuu with
China with a view of insuring respect for
their respective frontiurs , If Cllina ,
contrary to uullcationa , should follow die-
nitrous nlviu ( , time chaumbors will nut
hesitate eumergeticaily to defend time imu-
terests of the country. In rcfereneu to
the reports of Fremiehm umsult.s to time En-
, fu lLadagascar time ministry has
egniphed to Zanzibar ordering a thorotm gum
lnvestm rattan. It is believed that the
rumors ] wive been greatly exaggerated.
Time Fremmeh amaniber of deputies have
refused to etmtcrtain a emotion to grmmt
mnneety to Louisu Michel amid time Mont-
eunu dca knee rioters.
f Jamimes Carey has been driven out o f
1 Ireland , not by the mom hme betrayed ,
but by time Goverunent whicm ) line 11 s
I further use for hinm timere , and has no
wish to see himim assassinated. The Iris ] 1
e infornmer is either a monster of whmut i
a called "nerve , " or ho is in the hands o f
u nni nvengiui mmto. Ue declined.titu olfe r
1 elf time English government to send hie
to sown foreign country , and asked 0111 Y
to i)0 allowed to go about his business it
u Dublin like other citizens. England' ' 8
fear that his enoluies would put him ee
of the way if they got a chance nett wits
a response like 'that of time dying duelist
who , being exhorted to repent and for
, give his ebonies , replied that le Imo
- u"le ; hu Imd killed them all. Jame
Carey could not be persuaded to leav
im time acunu of his crimes and treachery
but was fnnlly turned out
s.e Time cholur'a bullotimis show no aigua 0
time abatement of the terrible scourge it
Egypt. Tlulraday there were 156 dentin
Y at hive ditfcreut localities , time large inn
lm jority occurrilmg at Damietta std Mausu
rah-ninutysiI at time forlimur town nn (
fortyogimt at time latter. Friday timer
were 160 deaths. Damietta fell of
eight but llmmaurah increased Hixteomi
h whlle hind deaths occnrrcd ill d no w
- place , Saninhoud , thus indicating tlia
time disease ms working toward Cairo
Meanwhile it hna broken out at Swato
in China amid is raging violently , time
time genus of time old epidemic last yes
e still lilm gar in that part of time world. 'l'imi
a makes new point of attack amid un
w nmmuet be guarded against imot enl
o to ) revont it from acting m a feeder tor
Egypt but fromm n111proaclminb frou
ngt mionme new quarter. There hew suouH
ho little hope that Alexiiimdria will b
spared as deatluslmuve ucomrred thure dtm r
h nlg.tliu week , limo libedive himself ha
y taken time alarm and ) hna aide his prop a
e rattlls to fly to Naples ilmstuad of ru
I.nmmiinimig at huts post to co uperate withtlm
Euglislm um caring for his pcoPle. 1'oo
d Egg' It mieunlli to be douml afflicted , first b
a cruel war nil then b5 tliu still miner
e cruel iuestileuco ,
It Friuicu is in ar : n iu funr qulu'ters o
U time globe-'T'unis , Alndngnsctr , 'I'amqui
lE amid time Congo. Nit war scoua anmiss t
lie nor eler'bgy of &i rice wlmiclm'feu1H mibl
a to vdnquur , but has nuver bean miblu t
U cdulllru7 llathatgasciu' mlole aceulms lieh
to fall n pruy to l'rcnclm aminunttol 1
11'itli tlm Bova gov'unmmmmuumlt celumpehted ( I
0 auu fur peace , the Freumelm , uveu if time
e unit' occupy a strip of time coast , will i
o mime time pmmtanmotlut power iu time island d
Englmmd has begun urn ii smmall way tlm
work of debt ruduuptiunn , amid time t 0
h cult is that time three pier cents shad r
, lativeh y live per ccut nearer time two nu
its n halt a colttt than timey othurtvis
itswould milthouh time great hulk of tlm
cotta Ihuutel
tbruo ter aruab ( y secure from
0' disturlxumu mmdur the r sent mlmum of r
e doom mtioim ii . absnrbitm i curbmiui nuuuitic
ms its ice fall in , It itt now clear thml if th
Eu exchupuor chuou it could refumi
nl two and a Imnlf lien celmt , a cluumg
h Ivlmieh would lift nn oernmous lead m
ur Iaxntion and appreciate time curremmt prie
it of suomrities adumuat as much here ars i
England ,
0' Thu North Gurmimn Gazette , ruferriu
e to Canhillal JmtCObini'a latest hotter to tim
k Prmabtnn government , says : Diplomatic
II nt the 1 ateg11 are try amp , to miiltnv the th
nuw Churelm bill fmm of value to tl t
t Cumin. Ile Prumiiam gorermunent exiled
the Vatican to nmku the next advance
n If noun are made , I'rusaln will contint
is her present eollrao of imidu1yaiulomit legiel a
ties as far as feasible amid requisite. 1
vu would havu boon butter amid um ors ekillfm
me on time , pert of the Cnria'e diplom ati5
if the im t.e heel been left Imnwritten.
There oximited at the time no absohmte no-
ccasitq for its disp > atclu. The arrogant
grmimhlium s 1111(1 criticisms coutlincd
herein nilitrl a fresh ) roof that it will be
imim osaihle to satisfy time ddutnuds of lire
Cumin amid it situl owl result in , retent-
inb i'rmiamid from miuakinb father cnucilin
tury' ndvnnces.
Thu stnl savings bmtk -stem imm
Irov'el very snccessfrtl in Malin rlthou dl
it has umil ) ill o1oration a little Over
ml year. 'l'ime ' hanks were established over
l rtes of India April 1 , 1882 , mid the
symiton will he uxteuded over time whole
lmidinn onpire its 50011 as arrangotoits
ego be 'merfected ' with the bnuks of Bengal -
gal mmm i Bondpa'm which have hitherto
lucid umonn polies } Dunn time first vine
months of Mime s , accounts
were Opened , of wlmicli 28,770 were iiy
nolive. 0Decouber 81 1882 , the
lalmmee 011 deposit atnottutnMl to D1Ottl ; ,
380. An one many du sosit a scum from
four cents or n tlntti1de of four , lrovided
mum ) flume exceeds F2iiO in one year , amid n
depositor can draw frollm huts deposit. any
days provided lie rives at least three du .s
n o . 'Pte ititUCst i5 at 11m'esetut
3 per edit for every fall sum of ii rupees ,
nud on lbtrcim 31st time interest is added
to time principal , Twelve per colt is
ustudiy called very low iutemest , and time
success of time Postal savings bank systou
is a very gaud showing for IHdin amid her
cousurvittive puuPle ,
For taking care of time poor lierlium 'rays '
nmimiually - S1,032,000 , nu tutonnt wlmiclm
has doubled within time last tee years ,
'there are 1.1,231 per5ous recuivimmg rug-
mime support ; ' 7iOO is laid oat for fuel
and $ ft700 fur misimig Potatoes , Although
time state iltspitals gmutmt nlnituallhy 100,000
a0 talldd free days to time city , time lmtter
has mtiil to Pity $210,00t ) for 1umwhical at.
teutiomi , etc. , fur time imligcut pupulatfom.
Idll'i1 1'(1'75 ,
StatuhiuI , in the front Pew dumi'tliolpmm nann
surd in tie , book of life.
The Burlhigtut Free l'rexa deimies a "Salt.
bath dny's juurtmey" as time diitumce : betweml
any plnco itnd the nearest good fishing ground ,
"The work that I ml cotupelled to perform , "
xaid a diesathitied minister dnriutg a serumon ,
' 'would kill a nude , net I dun't believe tluit I
calm etamid it. "
A religiose exchamiqa toile a story of a cur.
net- layer employed by n liaptlst churehu , who
position by play inv time wcll kuown
nmelndy , "Pill fur the Shore , " at the b.mptisni
of a number of cue erts.
A Pliiladclphin clergynimimi Proaehed on the
text "Thuut shalt out touipt thu Lord tlmy
Cal " and illustrated it with " 11'o prnv to the
Lord to give tie health , mu ! tcumpt Ilint w itim
filthy xtrectx , sourer gay , amid bad water. "
An exchange thinks it is "a strange Frovi-
deuce that blowx down church steeples and lots
the shot tower etaud. " Not so strange wlmon
you reflect a little A ehot tower is nmdc for
use amid a church steeple for urmniont.-Nor.
ristow n Herald ,
"boy friend , are you prepared to die ! said
n ministerial luokiug maim to n geuitleinan wlmo
eat next to him in n horse car. "Good 1ra.
cious , o ! " exclainmed the gentleman , terribly
alnrned. "My policy raw emit last Monday ,
and 1 anrnow ( Ill my way to have it renewed. "
mmd , jumping up ; ho violently pulled time bull.
Talmogo repeats the old idea against a
gnnrtet choir by saying : " 1Yhen I hear that
four angola are doing all the singing for Heaven
1'll prnit four pee ,10 , to d (1 the sing1magfor my
cungregntimm. " Talmage will Lear that as soon
as anybody hears tlmat ono preacher is doing
all time praying 1111(1 sliolitiug for Heaven , es
Taltnago does for his taberutolo.
Church services inIurkansay are occasionally
receded by slight lmleasmmtrles peculiar to the
inhabitants of that region. Last Sunday at
New hope cLnrch in that state , just before
the opeauug services , 0110 comber of the cult-
gregatien accused another of circulating bad
reports about hint , and , notwithstanding the
charge was deuied , the necaser fell upon the
necusod with a knife and mortally wounded
defiedanti tlmeu , flourishing the bloody knife ,
defied arrest and emeapod. The next tuao we
lmoar him ho will probably ho the central
I fagur iu n pecktio social.
8t b'loridn turtles lay 150 eggs a day , and dom
not cackle n bit about it.
Charles Ifenddck , of Lexington , N. C. ehot
' an eagle which had black back , wings and tail ,
- while its neck tad breast were as white
I as xnow , It measured mievmm feet from tit , to
s tip.
u William Morthimer , a one-handed coteloe
I itr fu time office of time Carbon Advocate ( I'a )
fastens lire stick diagonally acrosstho "t" Lox ,
and sets , corrects , mil distributox eight tlmux
f mind euis of solid minion each day.
T. D. Jones , of Durlmam , N. C „ huts is his
I P iiies.imm a long , black whisky bottle out of
s whfclmfleuorale Juhneon and SLeruau took
their last drink after singing time articles of the
aur muler uu time 20th of April , 1865. Thux
I bottle Svims left with Mrs. Bmanott , who lives
four rnileir west of Durhaum , whore Johnson
F surreudered.
1'a 'dp0Seseee a ctmrioxity is trio Person of
I a bhimmd Mexican , twenty.twe puar.of agn , who
lust his slght when (1110 year 1)1(1 by small-pox
IL which completely destroyed time pu mih. of both
eyts , leaving hint totally blind. Today ho Is
used by many who knew hie as a messenger
boy , being able to go to almost any hou.o in
tIm city without assistance , even ofa walking
r stick , and Is recognized as duo of the bet rulers
a hi town.
o A curious .xperlmeut was made recently at
y Paris to determine the lower of a crocodile's
Jaw. The animal was fixed on a table with
is Imer jaw counectod withi a dynamometer ,
1 Au electrc shock caunedhium to give a sudden
I ) . Three htmndrod nail
xaap. eighty pounds w
u nmirkod on tlm lnetrutuont , Itwax calculated
that this contractile force of the minmecles cites.
rIs lug the umvenment was 1,540 pounds. The
- uutecle of an Ordinaryxlorting dog had 3 00
ponnds of contractile force.
Quito n curiosity ix on axlmibition in Dnven
C port , mown. ] n May , 1882 , Shumm Snyder ,
while hivhig in I/hio / , injured hie hand so tha t
y num mutatleu way ( mec + ssary. 'Phu hand win
yu bunled. 'Pwo weeks miller , over the place of rt
burimd , was feted a fungmis pi utt , the exac t
blma of time covered haudtlmu forefinger blmort-
ertlle it should be , bur. SImTler lust his flu
f two ) 'ears before the nngnmtatiomm. Mrnnd
.er . . Snyder , uimn their rcutuvmml to Iowa ,
brouglmt thu fungims presurved in alniiml.
I ,
Shcrummm'\V. Platt. of 5evvtown , Cumin ,
C fanner , about 3 , fell lmitu a deep sleep Iu jd a
I , bed just before Christimmx , mad ayht it with
y out roushig , till tie last of January. Toward
, spritug he mauifesteil 1111 inclimintlon to muvo ,
II but did smut opal hue cy e. , and duruig ; tlmrc u
months ate scarcelyy enough to suxtaft lift' .
Y . Jim \forch thiu faumily succeeded iu pgutting hh11
I. dressed , and iu April h0 walked n little , bu t
, during all thie tinee h0 uevor stoke l lu was
cared far like mm hifmmt. After a while li e
0 scented hits way to the pamitry , mil now li n
Howes from his ciair to time cupboard elmlrei ,
' bleePhig betweotm ills locale , ills lethargy hal x
Lasted 101 dnvs.
, p . i + al1k
aPOt ,
= T
is u AEPAtUI
iso o OR PAIN.
Rheumatism , euralpla , Sciatica )
e' Lumbago Bacache , Ileadaihe , Toothache ,
le r ° taea ,
- MoreTLaii. , treid , aroet nlir.r
L e.i4D/Drauum.a.4U..h"r..qNmrlaCsaaabotas.
Il DIr..Mou le rl 4.gnN. .
to 11.mro..w .toel4aaca ) aohaawgad.C.S.A ,
H' V6 1RMANN' ( ,111 CO. ,
China an Glass ,
St. Louis Mo. m2Z.9tn
Dry Goods !
CO. ,
Washington Avenue and Eifel , Street , - - - ST. LOUIS. MO ,
Wholesale Grocers !
dollnlits : IN
Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco.
Latli s Pickets
, , J
Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB ,
Wholesale Druggist I
Pllts , Oils , Yarilislios aid ¶ ! lldo ifiass ,
Hall's Safe and Lock 'Comp'y.
1OSO 'arun.m troot. Omu1tzis. .
Wholesale Clothiers !
1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET , COR. 13TH ,
Materials ,
Sashf . Doors Blil s1 stairs , Stair Raiillgs1 Balusters ! ll a s & Door Francs , &cr
1'Irst.eiass facilities for the tuanufaeturo , of mill Linda of MouldlIIte ; Planing and Matching a , Pochlty.
Ordure trout the country will be roug4ly ezecuted.
Address all cotunmunicatlona to A. If0Y1I1 , f'roprletot r
-C 4 III.DA.II Er r
. uANUFAtrfulten o1' FINE
t Caraos aOllS
bb > ,
My itepoeltury le constantly Hlleti with a beiect stock. Dent worknmushlp guaranteed.
Office and Factory S. W. Corner 16th and Capitol Avenue , Qmaha
Grower s of Live Stock and Others. ! L
11 Is the host wad cheape.t food for stock of any kind. One pound A equal to three pounds of corn . ,
Stock tad with around 00 Cake 1o the FaU and WInter Instead up running down , will Inereaeo In weight.
and . he in . good marketable condition in the using , Dairymen , as well a. ther.w ito . nee 11 an twtlfi W
It. merits. Try ft end judge tor yonreolra 1'rico m1r6.00per ton no Charge to , .acks. Addreae ,