. - - - - . - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ j _ _ _ - . . - - - - - - -P- - - - - - - . - -r - - - : - f- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c 2 11HE DAILY BEE.--i\IkIIA ( \ , FR11)AY JULY 13 1883. FROM NORFOLK TO O'NEILL ' , A Trip ThroilI1 t c Yalicy of tlio Wiii- ll ElkIiorii1 RemiTCb1e Or$1 of ti .t1Jacoiit Coun. try--Th3 Growing Crops In . Good Condition , COt'tIOflICICO of hUh O'NtLt , Nin. : , .1 uly 1 -Frotii Nor. folk tO O'Neill City , through Mntoii , 4fltClOtO , null itito thu inlilL of unit county. UI ) tltC course of thu winling Eikhnrn , up the garluti of the iwrtii country. Thu hui1 roll away frniii us oil each side , tlottL'l ( itii 1lrctt fat Ills nIItI stretches of tuhIler ) ; where the roat is built it 'is Icrfuctly ) level , nil tlrnt iuuiiis to liavo 1)01311 ) iioccssary was to lay diiwii the T.tIiM III(1 ( luiil a 1)ritlgu or two , 'Ilic 'O1t1 Settier"lil'OhIO Ct11 claim that tub who 11115 been iloro toil ycnr , Pcrilnls loss -will tell yeti nil lie knows , its the trnin sectIs till , of ctriy iliCuttoilt , of I iolinu scares , of tim "Ohly boys" or iior.so tlliCVOs. This is 1tt1u Crock. lit 'ti7 or 'S tlio Pawiiees bnul P. viiligo north of Froinotit ROIL stALrtiug iiorth iniulu a vobu trick of ( lCSOIatiit. ( ( I oiioral Tiiayur CoiflUlalUlud the truos ; itt that tone tiiiibur ( liverllor ) iIack. 'I'Iiu governor wns Ott (1113 SCOIIO of action with 8u'urlt1 barruis of s'1ii.skoy ho itttti ordered to thu front , so 'us salt ! , flttl ho 50011 reached that COtiditiflU that rutirutnont to Ottialia was ticcossary. TitTlyor ttiitl thu cavalry aur iirisott the liuliati catnit at ( Inwil at , this ) ( ) , aliti thu I)100tl.stahliuIl stroaitt svas kllVil thiorcaftor as Battle Crook. Further - thor on \uhIosvbtiks" , aru iiointcd (3(11 , 000 hIIinlrcl niul fifty feat hiiglibook. ills hike a vnhi \Ii1wnukuo 1rick. This is ill Atituboito eiiiit3whiic1t ChtIIIIs sovoti thit > tisaittl poplo , whteru two ycari ago there wore lInt tliroo thiousutil ; , ititil looks to ten thtotisaitti by fail , so rati'lIy is thu latul being Occtilioc1. ) IhhIOlO are hitintirotis of chums Oflt ( ) SIIIC1t thu parties havu not yet inoveol. Boil take your map of Nubraska and 'gazu tipoii Ilolt cotuity , only a sitiahl ItrL 'of the state , yot. COIItaining liloro thitiit a tinilhtoit and a half acres , 2,412 square mules-larger than Ddawaro , twice larger - tltaut Rhode Isittuucli One enuiuty a state in itself , Thu Siouc City Pacific ruins .liagoiiahly across it , itnd on this hue alone -aro six OOl towius-Ervin" , Ininan , 'O'Neill , Euuuinot. Atkiiistit alt3 Stewart , atiti from the first to the last nainoul it is as long a jourtey : as froni Omaha to Liii. t colut. General , loItut O'Neill made tito first settiotneuit in this couuity in 1874 , nuiti lirotiglit in four cdoiiies of Irish pee LIO. Thou first colony , thirteen uuietu , two woollen mid fire children , lived together in it sod house , thirty-six foot long and eighteen feet wide , which was thereafter known the ' 'CI rIul(1 " as ( Central. General O'Neill was a young uitaui , born in Ireland in 1851. He fought tuinler MeCbeliaui , and after the war boocaune iiiapcotor gull. oral of tlio Funinut armies , president of the Funinu settbeinutit nuud took jiart in the invautiout Of Cutuitoda. Ho thud hi Omaha iii 1878 , auid for huiuut the county Mint of unit county is uinuitod. There is no vacant land utear O'Neill flow , nutol lain ! is begiiiiiiitg to take a pretty good price , a.s high as twenty dol. lam an nero , unproved , Corn , which looks rather small along the railroad is saitl to be much better on the table litutols ; 0 , wheat and oats are fine and nil the itiahl graiuis Corn is reported fully nit good as thiticnoast , 'onr. Mcii tome hero and got rich speedily. Johtuu Crown has utbout five hiuiidrod acres under cultivation that : hio got by hotuunstend 0.11(1 WoUld not uitnv soil at teti ( lollars an nero. lie ituuti his SOIlS control a ihiousauni acres of fanning land. Ott ? tlcCluru'n ranch there are two thousand head of cattle and an acre to each aititnal. iSicOluro vu up four thiotisaiitl toils of iiuiy hoist year. lie is the oiuiy luau titus far vesL who Iota first clas stock , buying from Iowa and Miii. nosouta , Our western ranges are usually supplied front Texas or Oregon , Last avuok front some one of the riulges in this county thirty one carloads of catto , ( h4I Si head , were slnhlel ) to Cliicito via Blair , going at thu rate of twenty liVe iuuibes nil hour. Titus is Ouuuuihn losing bier share ol the uortwestorn tntule , Thu liutiu1e o O'Neill look to the uteiusion of tl Ijiiioii Pacific from Al1)ioIl so sooth to their attention citul be given to it , which luleauts , tijOll the eoiii1uhutioii Of the Oregoi uhiort line. Thu best thing that bins huappetied to O'Neill is the estabiislniueiit there h.i the Ilolt county erenhilery coniJany , of i croauilury ruuluiuig three or four thousaun iiotuiils of uuiiik , with ii paid tip itpital u $6,000. 'rho iuistittitiiut cOtiuineulcet work ii week iio atiul is utow utuakitig Lou cheeses a 01:1) : ' , vitht jurojntsils front I'otx toui Gallagher to tuko all they cat inuike , 'l'huo building is 18xG0 , thiet story , and manageti 17 A. B , 1l1ihberwhu cattle here front the 1' reiuouit creillnury It is situated near thu depot. From thil , 0110 street runs uii tojun anti IA ) this tliei't is a cross street , Out the lull is a Itugu Catholic church. 'I'his is O'Neill , Out of liii best iuistituitiouus is the halt entoiL ) batik , "iV. B , itlitunn , president , : i1. E Jciui1iaid , vice-prosideuit atiol Darli Adams , cashier. uuuator Jciui1taitl is tibia prosideuit of the Stuart state bank at Stu art , 'rhore are two excellent iuutiiei hero the Ilnuunor ituiti the Irouitier , tittit tiglil bitterly nod loire voiulerfiil circitlationu for country utewslalers ) , One of tlteii publishes this for au item ' 'l'wtu ) 'Otui ) , ' ladies from .Viseunsiii :11isa : : Bliss tutu ? iliss Jciniisoui , have citchi taken a homestead : iuutl timber claim oil 1South Fork about twenty miles froui O'Neill , aunt with the characteristic hhtue 'of the western wo > iiien have decided Li 'go it aboitu , ' They iilI hittilit a htouiui 0u1 the line between the two homusteuls : nuid will uuioyo thereon iii a few weeks , W'o wish them success , iiuitl 1101)0 ) the3 unity never Intro cause to iogrut the ste1 titus taken , " ( l1tMAN POId'I'ICS , , The Empire as , aeon Througb Amrtcai Eyea , BIinarck's Ambitious Projects , ew ork Mall utI , 1y , Edwatd. i1. Smith , Unitwl Stiitei : Consul at Ibuiduui , Ourinauiy , Wits uuiut by ii reporter for the tIttil niiol Expiess thu inorinuig. ! iir , Smith hus : been stationed at lladeii for the lass suveui years , and has had abundant Opportuititica for study 1ui ( herujaut llOltiiCs. In sieakiuig on thit subject to the reporter lie said ; h1iis. inarek's great desire , the aim of his lifu 15 ( lorunahi unity , In this lie i" ( ) ) ( ) ( iy thu rulers of thu putty b3tflt41 $ , Who SOC in , tItus unity the 1os of many . of thou ) r1v1ieged , and ho are therefore iot iii IaYo1 , : ° that unity which Blinareic is istriyiuig to 9btalil , Thu Chancellor , how , Over , i the ruling power , and only with. draws Ins schemes vhiun coulninulded b the Euuiiieror , lie is on of t1I shirovtf est statesinu living. A few years ago .111 the negotjatjoij , between thits Vaucat suiti ( leruutany hue caine very near lonising the stupJrt ) of his ouni stt'Ly. Iii order to regain that stuhuhiort he hiobol out hopes to thuo Cath6hic huarty of iuiodificatiouus of the May laws , hbu'thitts cani d the votu nuid defeated lils ttui itaity , vhichi since thieuu hitis leeuu his sorvatut , Ever siuice the time I sluonk of thieie has hcoii a struggle botveei , the Vatienuu atiul His. uuinrk , atid uui' the Catholic pitty ; claim that the tll ( Chnmiculir is about. to yield. 'Flint uiity : be so , him I I ibid it i t. I ii 1113' 1'llu1tuituit lie rihl make Ouruuuamuy uitoro and iuunre 1'rtcstnnt , " Is this socialistic ebciutcuut incrensiuug iii ' ' Gerunnuuyb' ' 'It , umiost certahiuly is. The ScoialistR are growing istrouuger every day. 'lucre is an uimnburcirrcnt. , whiichi Is at Presolut ro- strouhuel , hut the feeling Is growing more auid uuu ro iuiteuise. The Socialists are iii- creasing iii nuituibers n a rapid rate , ' [ 'heir uuueetiuigs are ullt pulllicly nuinniunced , but they CoulD togathier iii beer-halls and lis. toit to spcakiui' . Niithiing is snub that cami give nhi.uuu to [ lie fhrcrliiiiCuit , but thu hicareis tluouroughly tuuuilerostatid vhiat thu speakers say. " ' ' \Vhunt is the hreseuIt ) 11h3'sical couimliti. oil of thu lumi peror ? ' ' 'lie is ummulburing more frouti fuohibeuius atumi old age thauu : tuuythuuig else. lie is a wouumlerfuul iumamu , Last year he sat for four hours reviewing his troops , ituid he pro. 1)01505 to thu so this year , lie has abroad been III the hunting field this year , ii though hue is 80 yearn old. lie carries his 'ctis : vell , otmuul is but shigihily butit , 'fhtis is duo in it great unenoture to his uiiilhitnry traiiuiiug. 'I'ltu attack on hujiut maine years ago aged hmiiuu greatly , for the oxtractiouu Of the shitit vuts followed by great uxhmaims. titumu. lbisiiuarck sufiors front iiudigcstioui amud iiouiahiga. lie is a hmighi liver amid foiiol of rich food , while time Euiqieror is ( If VU simmulilti hiabitH , lbisiiuarek wuis a wilti stuuileuit tuiti that tells ouu hiiuiu now , lie is , I la > liuve , [ lie uibhest ili1loinuttist lii the vorid , ttiuil his advice is usoumglit by statesiuiui of oilier iuittuiuis ouu smibjeet iuot couimuucted with [ lie Ooriiuuui Emmmpire , Ills ouiihuitoui is , as I iuio siuti , ( Icrimmutti ummiity , auutl hue is not averse [ ( I a war with Frunice , lie thiiuiks tutu the ( leruiuamua thu utot take awi' enough 'hteiu they hind thu OllOittmmtity. ) I\\rhiaL mim thu jieseuit iututLe of trade iii ' ' Guriuuutuiy' ' "l'ruttle is very dull. Tluis state of af. fairs has been brought uthuotit. by the uiuw Ittissian ttirihI laws , which loire iuiuiioswl addituoutal ditties ott nuantifactuuicd gomitluu As Geruuuuumy ilocs a large tunic with Ituis. ida the etiluct has becut to greatly iecruaso the vohmmiuu. . FIjOL'EI ) % VIPII. HIS \'IFE'S 1ECE , The Sensation Which Is now Stirring up the People of Newburg , 1WHUflU , N. V. , July t-Soimiethuiug ) ( If a suuuotation htuum developed hero over tue elopuuiueitt of .Jniuos E.Vulhs , a well. known cattle dealer , 1111(1 his svife's niece , Miss Nettie Vail. They are supposed to have goiue to ) Ohio , "tVulh , wont away two weeks ago to-duty. lie saul lie was going vcst to lituy cattle. lie shmipjnal iaiue stock to New York that t'ight on a barge. lie tilso ciugaged pits. sage on time bmnt [ , but did not go dowut with it. lie was in New York the iiext uuunung , iuowuver , sa3'imig lie had missed time barge , amid hiiutl takuui thue ltouidout boat Cit' ( , f Simriiutield , to ) New York. 'l'hiu stutteiuiumi [ excited Ito particular at- temutloim , and \VolIs took his cattle tutu vomut away , Subsequently , howeversus. PiCiOmt was aromused. . Nuttio Vail hind bocit out a visit to her f'tlter , mueau' 1tiddletown , whither mmiuo Oftefl weuut , mud lund lulL thmoro to ruttirut htoiuio with the \Vclls fauuiily itt utlaitut time I tjiuio her adopted father weuit away. She juns notyet. , uiiuearod ii Sutlisbimry utuid it is uuow imtijquosetl that slw vuts also a ines- unger Oil thue City ofSpringfield , At amiy rate , Itir , Vail hits received it imostuti card from huis ( laughter , telling hut thuat he ieed not svorry--.tliat she could tiuke care of herself ; uuiuui Mu's , Wells Juts received a letter fromui luer hiuumbutiud , duttcd fioun Oltil ) , tutu rhmichi told her vhcio she vou1d find souimu juii)0rs that oiibtL be of , value.Velis \Velis owmied a farm of itbotut fity notes , lut , it wits mortgaged for utluimt. , all it 'ius vortlm , tiill tiuc cretlitoni stauud it poor I ehitumuce of guttiuug amuytliuumg. l'or imoino time before his departure \Vehls is suint to lituve bought cattle t'herovur he could , I giving uuotes for time puirchimuso r lIricu , utitot tluen hue had auction 1' attics , by which lie wits able to 3 [ tint thtoumi into mumomuoy , lie is said to t lmut'p ' 'stuck" a stoli kutotvui New \Viiud. 1 ser mirnum for $1,800. mid \Ytushimuugtouu. . 1 'illu , deumler for $800. Time cattle lue shmipued to New York on the muighit lie loft Newlerg ture said to have been so- I , cured iii this way , mumiul ho is supposol to ) . Inure got enuumuideritlile unouiey together. \\'hiat little he did leave behuiiul itt time why ( If 1)rolurty ) he covered with a chat- m til mmiottgnge , executed in favor ( If his rife , stumd it tan to tlm'is olocumuuent thmutt [ hue letter fioumu Ohio referred. 'rue rtimiasvtty lttii tire trmoumghmt to hiuu'e I goiio svest on the duty following time night .u .uVehls went to New York , He is saul to , luiuvu 5(1111 out his cattle by 8 o'clock that , miioriuimmg , utnl it is suited that lie mud I Ttiuss Vail wuio scout later iii the dit' iou a I vest.bounil Erie train , 1mIi'S oils is I stated to have ( irawn 1,5OO froumu the I iughuhauiml latuik , of this city , cmi time day twtt he womit to , New York , anil it has ; been discovered that Miss \'ail liittl secretly - cretly remuuo'eol her furs tumid other winter . I cbothuimmg frommu tIme house vrior to going utuIy. 'I'lte ehiutttel umtortgnge to hits , "tVuils wasgiveit to soemuru bier $ iiOO that l'tir.VelIs ' hind lanrowed of her , 'l'he I lady is deeply niltictemi over her hiusbamid's I couitltmct. - Stremugth ttumtl hienlthi go togotluor , Oh. tam this hmnpy phmysical state by usimig a bottle of hewn s troum Bitters. How She ) ) Id It , ) "It is ii s'or ) bright pumper , " said l'mirs , I Joiucs , ' 'but iumy hiusbuitiut (1008 mgmt hike inc to rend it , It is so ( till of iuatighity wit. ' tueisuns-hmo " - says. ' , "TIiutt is just witiut umiy hutisbutuni aas , " I Kuutti imIrs. Simiuthi ; 'hut ' lie brimi"om ' lioimte ii eqm3 : uvery wcek-lmuuvjiug mneru'ly ctmt out thu uuuupropur iuuntgriumhts , Of course 1 1 > tuy auiothmur ' 'Then lie muuight as svull hmavm HlVel I hiiunsehf the trouble of stupl'iuig LI immuti. huitWl Laity , " ' 'hiiulectl , no ; it is very useful , One I iuot reuni miii untiro umewsputmer , 1 Itt ) ' his C9)y over iii'nuu , timid road through thie holes. I , _ _ Foker In Texas , - I 'rivatu 'J un"'iittersmiuithm , etuidi. I dtmte fortloorkueper of the house , tells Its of it gaunt > of loker Ito once saw iii it Texas towmu , where the PhtYOrs Pitt the I cuspidor iii tin > uitiddbo of time table for I futir the cards would be ' 'putt umm" on ' thtuiui if thmuy tmirimed their huounis to s1dt. ' 'Somnetiunes" lie comitiunuoul , wnruiting I U1) to liii work , "wimemi [ lucre itso no cus- indora the llayei arc obliged to oxpoc. toratu dul1i their vests , ' [ 'hey illay nit- , 4cr uuiibrehlas so that n sbody can look , ( i ( > Wii through 1IoO1.itolee in the coilimug and givum their hatids away.'hiumi one I 1'layor nhIIioUmcea that ho line ( QUI' kiimgs anti niuothior IlaYcr asks shmat his ido card is uitm furthiur inquiries ate inatle , It is tnkeiu for gnuitled timat there are eight kimugs out , and time rasikiuig side card takes tluo pot. " _ A bar Lunchesin a Pantry , . % ( ) , fu , , .htuly 8-'l'huo fauuuihy of George C. Ltmce. hivuumg nloumt two midies iuorthwc'st front the hteai of 2itnorhiend Lake flint mucar time vest bramuch of the I'emiobscot River , svote aromuuleI by .1ohimi Aluho , , shio lmad heard nit unusual noise in [ lie hatitrY , amid coining down stairs they saw by a lighmt shimuhig froiti 2'ilr. Juice's bedrootmi tu large bear hieipimg ! imimmumelf to family provisions , Abbe a gtmii ssiis stamud- ing uicar thue pantry door nimd within a foot of time bear , uhiicht uiucouicermucliy wtutclued the uujiroaehi of Abbu , shmile lie tested time various articles withmin his reachi , All this was gohmig on uhmile m1r , anti Tilrs , TiUCO slept , nbhiviotis to the iii- truisiomu , withuiuu it few feet of thin aceime. Abbo fluinlly succeeded in renchiing his glut , imeii thue bear retreated through the puiitry : wiuimltw , whicli Imo hind tmmmiaslued on getting into [ lie liomisu. Imi about titi hour Abbo fouimiml the Irute in tIme PutIitY again , 'l'hiis tiutie huhioi vumit to tIme sviti. ( lOW jtiL imu tiimue save thie retreat , amud wit.iumtt stomiiug to raise [ hue wituduv took ninu , fired amuol time bent' fell. QuKt ImmHutIml4WoiCl. ( I'hIlatItlpiIla NCV. $ . B.tsEuiAIb : Time report [ lint I Iutrvaud will coiufer [ lie degree of IjI , . 1) . on ui1 ralt1ates who hmiuve acluituvud diimtiiuctioui lii tIme lasebalI ) field is ut muiistaku , Guoiwa ; : A garter smmako is so called becuutisu it resutmibhes-- out secommd thtoughits , we (1Imm't ktiov ttnythiiuig about it.Vhmuut tb > you tusk such qtmcstiouumt for , ' ' . itwa3'Wuu ) SJ'UOENT : 'l'lio exprossiomm ' 'poor hog- gar" is lOit tauitological. The adjective is mmecusstry ; tO ) dintimigtiish omuu llartucumliur in- dividumal fromn tu great miuauuy other lleggars Who ate rich. Cu.tmut : 'l'hte freeaiud.ensy.going youtH" mmuumi vhmi , is vcrfectly wihlumig to waste it11 his miiouiiey eli you is of couirse it lbeutsamut comiuptuuoui ; , hut be caruftul lost utitor mmiuur- iingu lie \stuste it on saute one else. EmliTir : Yes , time emperor of China hum ; to clotlue alaitit muovumity liulios iii his lmoiiue estuubhisimiiueuit , but thou this is imot expuiisive. Time chimmmate of Chum remiders suteiu timings as mueuulskimi sutequies out of [ lie ojuestiomu. DicoN : Yes , [ lucre is one church iii Buicks comimuty [ hut did miot huive a berry festival this year , nuid no doubt more of thmcmn will go ) omit of the busimuess muuxt soasuuu , Strawberries ituuvu becomuic so huge now [ hint tue visitors get. up filled too HttJtl , uIIIol thmereisuio mmiomuey iuu it. F'ituiiOtu l'tigIlIl4tlm Iii Jcmiver. 1)oiuver 'l'ribumio , .Tiiiy 11. Chutrleuu 1Iitchmell , tue Emmghishi pugilist , whose muuumimu has bocouiue somewhat fain- ( Itili Siiuce his arrival iii this country a few mmuomuthis ago , arrived iiu Denver yesterday mitoruiummg [ rout Lealville. lie wits nccouii- lluiiuioth by his traimuer , Billy Iiuddeu , of New York , They took rooms at [ 1w St. James hutch. As is well knowmm , i'tlitcluuil is to niect Juimt Mace's Mmmii gimtiut , herbert A. Sliule , imu the prize ring in Sopteuutbur , atud thu torimus of the umuateh require that thu fight shall occur within 200 mniies of Icatusas City Oii accoumit of the echo- brity ( If tin > Mutori , the flhtt lots at- truteteth it great dcuul of attumition in thu surtitig world , muiid thue couiuiuug contest buiiug the first ' 'mill" occurriimg imi thue United States sluice time celebrated fight between Sulhiviumu mud Ityami at Now Or- lcauus in 1881 , is looked forward to with thu greittest iiitorust by all that vort'toii of thio Umiited Sttes which regards prizu fighting tot the greuttest exhibition of unanly powuis tutu ' 'grit. " Ifluat will bOthu result of thid figlrt is of course emily a miuattcr of comujecturo. 'I'huo Muon stands il feet 2u1 incites , amul is a giuuiit iii build while l'mlitchuoil ' is but 5 feet 8 incurs , weighs only 163 pouuiids , tumtd is oiuly but tu fuis' muomuthis boyomtd 21 yeats of ago. \\Thon scott last evomiing hIi. Mitcltel oxpresseti hiiuilSulf as without - out fear regarding the figit. lIe lumus a soI.y iueuuvy neck , is a vohl built yoummg uiuan , tumiti 1Ii . 1mIiuhduii ( hoclared thtuut he wits just the right age to light , ' 'for it takes a yotmmug mmiiuui to umiutke a laid tighit' ' ' Ito doclaruol. " 1 dnmi't wnmit to say aiuytluiuig about Shade , " i'ilr. l'miitchioll said , in icpiy to a ' ' 1 ( hiit't kmmow amiythiuug about his lighttiui quitihities , tumid. as far as time dilfluuoitcu in our hiuighitiu i concerulch , I cuumt't Rut ) ' Wiutut figUre [ lint viil ctmt in the light , tus I htavo uierer seen two such pee 1)10 flS we tire iii [ lie rimig. 1 iiuay say , however , that fears of a futilnie to vutt 111 0 uiuut worrying urn itt nil , " ' ' 'm'm'htun ' will 3'out go imuto trainiuug , l'mlr. hEitchiull ? " ' 'AiIottt time first of Atiguist. Frommu OoIhOItt(1o ) we go to California , \Vu gave Butrriimg uxhtibitiomus tlirotmgh Colorado ulmlcr * 1 two weeks' ommgmuguutmuuut with a I'uielilo muuuuumagcr. A fter liuiishmiiig up at Sami FntiicOicI We will comito back to Ictimisas OiL3' , umriiviulg nlouit the 1st of August , nuid will thueii go iuuto activu traimuiumg. " ' ' \Vhtcuu does time light eouiuo ' ' 0mm the 11th of Septciuibor , " 11i' , hImuhdcui , w"o nuts standing by , was asked if lie lent beeii here witlmimi a few weeks to select tIme groumud br the imiatchi , ' ' 1 shmoumld say iuot , " lie replied , ' 'On Liii > 81st ( If July we vil1 toss tip vhti , hits choice of grottuud. If I viuu , then I'll mimake imuy choice ; but of cotmuiiu itollouh ) ' uill kiuow nuiythuing about it till time i'mghit CIimtCM olt" ' ' .15 thie umunimoy all imp ? " " \Ve have IntL up $2,500. I ituii back- hII Mr. IIitelmehl vithi $1,650 , amid hEr. ? mhitciiell lois $7iO of his uwim uuioney , Shade's luackums inure uuot yet 1mttt up all their litoluley. " 'l'hie gumutleunen both oximress tlucimu- sOl'cs liii highly , hcutscU with Coloruttlo , 081)CCialh ) ' LOuthVihlO , whicro time ) ' gave sovuruul exhibit iniis to cnuwdcd hotuses. 'l'o-iiight thmey give it suarriIug exhibition East 'J'turuier hmutlh , which ill no doubt lIe cnw'dcl ) with ithiuijiCiS ( If thue miuutuuly ttit : , ( COlitilitILti. I uut.u'rumu 11 , womiuheifitl tutu ? ummysteriouscurativo lOs'cr is ( leelojlCd hmicit is soyaricdiiiitsoilent. tiouimm that that mm disease or ill itotultiucami P ° 11b' exist or resist lbs IIowor , nuid yet ut is I IuWiiubCSS flIi time uiunsit fnt'ul womuuaui , weakest imuvtuhkl 01' smmtuulhest chill to use , ' ' 1iuti ntu ; "Ahunut dead or iuoutrly ulyiiig" For ) 'euus , utah givuii tup by pht'suCttuis uflirighit's tuimdothierkklmuoy diseases , liver eoiillmluuiuuts , miuvouc cutmghis called couisuiuimp. tiotu , Inure leuut cured. Wotiuun gomuu nearly crazy I Fromn mtgouty of uieuralgiuu , nervousness viukefuhimusstimtul yarious discuses lC'Uhiar to voinuui , l'coillo dnuvu otit of shispo froun oxcru. c'uuitiimg amugs of lhieutmiatisumi ( , Imillaimuiimuutornmttl chronic or stuIluriuig ( rota scsofumhiit } ryslpehnI Sa't ' iliutuimi blood olsoiulmmg ' iIys 101)515 Imu. uhigostloit , autt ImI taco almost a'hl iIIi , > e irall Nature Is heir [ ii hiutys L > oeti cured by her bitters , unwf of which cum Ut ) ftItimtl lit every nehghmburbowtl iii the known wurbd. THE COBBLE DUET , To the Talic f 1CYdll Thousn B ollars , Sung by Bozgon and Kendall to Boss Stout , IIncnln Ietnocrnt ) , ' [ 'hero was a commubci concert at the capi- tJl yc'SLcrda ) ' , iii uIu'tcIm the secretary' of state niumi time hamid comuunuissioiuer vero time Ilerforiulers and their enuratitured tnt- diomice vts 'IV , Ii , B . Stout , 1otter kmu'svui as Iloss Stout , The ollicems uiamuued , with the state treastmrer , consti. tmuto tIme board of 1iuiblic iamuls tttiul btuibul. iiug , and [ lie occuui'tOn ( If [ lie lIelformuu. ( utica WftS the loLtiuu of tin > contract for comojuletimug tiuc capitoh. 'Fltere were two billors aunt lucre are their bids I4tNOL , , .Jtuly 9 , 1883. lion A. ( I. IcnlttlI { , Chtirii > Ji ( It thU IloartI 01 I'ti II' lic lanti , an Imuildieci Sir-lit accorilniuce withu "Notice tt , Comutractors" hereto attached I llroulosu to ) fuurmuisht all time uuuaterials and per form all [ lie labor to erect and colulliote time umiaimi capitol huiboling for tue state of Nebraska according to phamus amid utpccil'i- eatiouns out file in tine ollico of [ hue conuuuiis- sioner of l'ubiic Lamutis amid Btuildiumgs for time shun of four hmttmuhrcd muul thirty-mime thtousamud ouiu htumtdrcd amid uightty-sevcit dollars amid twemity-five edits ( $139- 187,25) ) . , v. ii , B. Srour. For muamuiplos 1 refer you to thu accoimu. 1atuyimlg ctiho of rock , tund thie uimaterittls which I furnishcd [ lie east amid vcst wuuuts. To tlo , honorable imotal 1)1 I'ubilc T.nds and 1jul11. ing * , lincoli , , Nd , . Dtiu SmitsI : herewith iiiovoso to furiuisht [ lie tiunteriuti uuuil , luerformit [ hue lit- 11th' 14CCCSS1) ' for the ercctioiu tumid conu- juiutioii of time cemiter loitiomt ) of [ ito muuw capitol buu'ild'iiig iii acciurthutuicu vithi tine plaits amud mupcciticatiotms for the sanmiu itmud in coiuformmuity iii every particuhutr to [ lie tuct of [ he lcg'tshuuure ututimorizing the coui- strutetiomi of s.uid buildiuug , for [ lie sumit of three htuutdred iund mmiimuty-eighit [ limiusamul doihars ( $398,000) ) , itoar. D , Snivzii , A sammipbo of thu sauuue quuuiity of stomie as tlmat used in time Inesemut Iltuildings vuus presemited with this proposal. The mnajor'uty of [ hue lIoturl , tugutiust IiIr. Sturdevant's olmjectioits tuwarhcd time comi- tract to Stout , The Limicohui Journal 'ts'cs' this farcical ux1lutiuuutiuii of the commi- teal award : ' 'Time ( hifference in [ lie iitruts- cology of [ lie two > bids wits quito ttillmr. emit. The omie submuuitted by Mr. Stout commuphied witii time conmohitiotus of [ hue lIUi lisiied advertisement iii every particular , while [ hint of mEr. Silver was imudefimiite. ° The best cviuleuuce of the mnerits of [ Ito bids is [ lie bids themselves. The sammiple ofstono furnished by Mr. Silver was froiui [ lie same stratum of rock n that furmuish- ed by rr. Stotut and just hike it , No oute , we believe , will prteiid tliuut 1'Ir. Silver is miot a perfectly safe and icspon- sible bidder. Tin. , explamuation lit time Imuorniiug organ oxlllaiius notititi. No reasonable juan who reads time buds and the law of last winter , unuder which they were called for , will hesitate to say [ lint Mr. Silver's bid was worth to the state $41,187.25 more tuna Mr. Stout's. The state's represemitatives accepted Stout's. hir , Silver tilso furnished Cottonwond Falls stunpies for the board to choose if they preforrcol. When we call to mind that the reasons given two years ago at the letting of the cast snug of thu state house , at wluicii tune Mr. Silver's bid ruts $10,400 below that of Mr. Stout , were that he proposed tousCottl Fahlp stone , and the sanuphofuntishteo1 (11(1 nOt corrcspcnid with time stone tised in tue west wing , the ( ltieistiIii ( uccurs , what was Silver doing with a sample of Platte river stone at that letting ? There huave becit no rout- somus worthy of comiskieration givemi for tuvardimig the comtract > u for building [ lie eucut wimig amtd the center hlortions of tue tate house to W. I-I. B. Stout for $51- 500 abovu what Mr. Silver oIlirs to do tite sanue for. Explamiatiomis froni tiue board are iii order , WALKMORE AND SLEEP SOUNDLY , Mr. Jo ) , , , uv , Cule , l'rlncipnl of tlio Gale School , Troy N. Y. , wrltc ilu- : 'l'noY , N , V. , Am.rll 7 , 1858. 'i1a'i , , bcei nimlicted for unit ycars ulti , 111c , , , , , , the OaI4U % of s IIc1i wa tikiovi , , to mie , for a iou tlue , , , od , iiiy colItlIlIlotI tihaldilty gcttliig to lie of 4o , CIIOII , aint tlitrcoIir , eIiarcLcr a to caIuo great 5i1x1et3 with niy taiiIu niul frlend , I 1eeniu , , , .atlsfleti 1u10u1 cloo muctIgatlu , that tln eaIIO of III ) Hicklics , , , .as tlitl t11.ea..cdcou.IItlonof miiyklileysaid : , liver. At tmI thou u.y aeeldcnt a friend iiad sliitUar syiIutoiit , to melee Inforiiiod moo of thu great Imni'rovo. illCit ill I'ls ' health by takmtu , I ILiuit's lueuIely , atom per. stiadedino to try It. I Iuunedlatcly COlHIfleIlCCl tflklllg It , at , , froiii thotjrst bottle Iicgai to Improve , atiul its contInued use aorl ery citeoumagitig mesumis. I can stvej souidly , , walk better , a'it ' free froii * aIIs ! , aiid thu , c'ero attacks of Imeadaclie from lilch I titYcred so titiieI hate iltsaIlearet1 , ntitl I IecrfuIly rectlInIeflhl hunt's itcietiy , for all purposes for , llcl , , It is adver. t1cd. I tIi aul.lii elOsinig that mit Ifc has useit It very 5tutVf1lI [ ) for .rcvcntlg , the attacks of sick hvau1alnu vIUi a tdclt shu had t'i , atfllctetl froiii yotuth , " ALMOST DIShEARTENED. A I'ronlineut , eltlzotu sut1 ins the folio lug stats iicuL "For seeil 3CSFO I lone beti very scrIouly sOhlo- teim nlth a suicru lalli Iii thu back , whIch I long sup. I.ogd to Io tuuiibago or elicuuniatisem Iii thu tack , Mono reccuitmy tlt i.altIs Iiai tiecoino ilOto , sia cue , so iuncl , so that It sas It1i itlifleulty that 1 was aijIe to get out of bud Iii thu , * , , I 1o.I ii iou vaulous retnettles a Itliout aily apparent relict fly the carucst , oIleItatIon of a folesui I COIflIIICHCL'tI takltig hunt's iteillud ) ' , about thuco teuks uo , ittlil Its Iiistatao. , , 004 heieIlt : err wouicrfttl , , for I ino ha.l tie Ialis , Iii ill ) ' lack Iiueu taking Cbs tlrst three , lose , ; , ama melluvod front the utrIs , eIics aitI oaustIvo ) lies > , tlio ialiiful syintoina that usually act'otIIbnny tllstis of thu kidneys. Miii I vouiltmeintmy e\jsct to hi , ) eolIIleteI ) ' sail permuaiielitly cured 13' the ins of it , I Iuat cmeerfully , recoinmuiend hinint's 1teitctiy to all shIo are aiflictod wIth aiy , klIiieyor liuer tilsoase. S'ILLI.tM AIINOI.hI , Walnut Street , I'rotitieice , It , L 3IarcIl 20 , 1153. _ -tyIr.k ; % Tills nr.mr o i : : I I l'i I S , , , I. , I.aiiy 'l ' so 1101 , Ii , OUt lOIIfflulII ' 1 uIiIs simm , t1.ctuio 1. 'I. P1 N ' eNL U' ' I il. UI irs , jh ii ez I UU itoriaaio , , a I I , . Li , , tt.ttt . > lilt to , PC t'iiiuIuuio , , at , * ; i''cugu. ' mu. l 0 mno.tuth.iat ALMA E. KEITH , DEALE11 IN Fine Millinery , RAI8 GOODS , WAVI1 , IIANOS , 1'FO. Stock Entirely Fresh am ! I/ow. 105 lttii Street , Opp , rostotilce , Failillg I That is what a grcat many people arc doing. They don't knowjust what is the matter , but they have a combination of pains and aches , and each month they grow worse. The only sure remedy yet found is i3now's Jion BITTERS , and this by rapid and thorough assimilation with the blood purifies and enriches it , and rich , strong blood flowing to every part of the system repairs the wasted tissues , drives out disease and gives health and strength. This is 'hy BRowN's IRoN Bzrris vi1l cure kidney and liver diseases , consumption , rheumatism , neuralgia , dyspepsia , mala- na , intermittent fevers , &c , 503 S. Paca So , , hialtimore , Nov. aS , iSS , I was a grcnt sumFcrcr from Dyspepsia , nnul for several svccks couhol cat nothing and uas growing weaker every day. I tdetl llrown's Iron lhttcrs , and nun happy to say I now have a good apleute , and am getting stronger. S Jus. MCCA\vLnY. BRowN's IRoN BITTERS is ioi' a drink and does not contain 'hiskcy. It is the only preparation of Iron that causes 110 injurious cf- fects. Get the gcnuinc. Don't be imposed on with mutations , Railway Time Tab1u. U. I' . IL It. , SLAIN LINE. mAvr. ARRiVd , t'acltle Exprcso.12:05 : P flu ttlaiitlc Eirsos7:3 : ( ) a m 'I'ostern Exprcs. 8:90) : j ni Iaster , , Expros. . 3:301' : un ( irand Isuaiim , mass 4:5. : ) jI in U , ilanl i'asss I i:1O : a III OMAhA ANt ) LiNCOLN LINE.-U. I' . DEPOT , rstvr. LIncoln Et , , .1' 230 ; ' in I LIncoln Et . . . .12:55 : p in DUM.LY TitAiS-HhimDOE Dl VISION , Dunimiy , tralits leave Oiitaia ) ai follows : 8:00 : a mu , 0:00 : a iii , 10:00 : a mu , 11:00 : a 111,2:001 : , ii,3OO : p n,4OO : P ma , 5:00 : p in , 0:05) : p mi , , iOiO : I' . ill. Dtuuiiy , , traliis ica u c.iuicim , hlliiffs as folks , : tca : a mu , 01:25 : a ii , , 10:25 : a ni 11 :25 a in , I :25 iii , 2:5 : 1' ma , 3:25 : n' mu , 4:25 : u' iii. O:2a : P in , 0:51) : m' ma. , 10:30 : i' in Suutiavs-'fle , , Dillilin ) ' tmlio teat c Ounlia at OOO ; , 11:00 : a in ; 2:00 : , 4:00 : , 5:00 : , 6:00 : and 10.11) p in. Leacs Couclm , , l1ltii1 at 11:28 : antI I1'.S a iii , 2:25 : , 4:23 , 5:25 : ai , 6,1 : , niul loF.o : ii in. TIIIIOUO II ANhI LOCAL. t'ASSENOEIt TIIAINS. BIUDUE DIVhSION. LCAYX cuuult. mFAv5 coUNCib Pa , , . No. 2..7b5 : a nu I'os. No , 0 , . 7:25am : , , No. 10..8:45 : u' " " No. 15 , . . .1itO : a in 'I No. 4 . . .a .50:11 : n ' No. 3. . . 11:20 : an l'as. No. S..8:50am : , > " No. 1 , , . . 7:35 : u' II 'I No. 6. .0:15 : a in SIOUX CITY & P.tCih'IO-DEt'OT N. 15th Street. Leave Omaha for O'NeIll via St. l'aul Liiio - for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : a mu Aurlvo froiii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p In u C. , M. Ii St. I' . It , ILU , I' . DEPOT. LmLivmo : ARaIVE. Stall & E . . . . . .7:45 : a in : Mali & lix..7:25 : p i'm Atlantic Ex..3:40 : II Iii t'aeifie Ec..0:15 : a III Dali ) ' . DaIly. WABASh , ST. LOUIS t PACIFIC It. R.-U. P. JEt'OT , LE.tVr. Oummahia..7:45 : a in Omaha. . . . . . . . 11:30 : a in 0 3:40) : I , hI ' ' . . . . . . . . . 5:21) : n' mn C. , H. & Q it. it.tT. P. DEPOT. ARhtiVS LEAVC. Stall' , , . . , , . , . . 7:45 : a iii . . . . . . . . : a mu , . . . . . . . : i , iii ' . . . . . . . . . . : p mu N. V. Expreso Leaves CouncIl Immumrs at 3:17 : p tnt I' arrIves " " 8:21) : a mt Suiidays exco1tetl , tOnialia titus. C. , It , I , a ; P. it. 10.-U. I' , IEPOT. Asmuvie. LEAVS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , a am . . . . . . . . . : a mu . . . . . . . . . : p tim ulaui . . . . . . . . . . . .3:10 : p iii C , & N. V. It. ht.-U. I' . DEt'OT. Mail' . . . . . . . 7:45 : a 10 . . . . . . . . . : a am Exprcs . . . . 3:40 : p ili ' . . . . . . . . . . . : mm , SiIltias eeeted. Sum.iays , eceited. S. C. & I' . it. it-U , I' . IE1'OT. . . . . . . . . . . . . ; a III Express . . . . . . . . .9:50 : a mu Express..6:00 : u' mit 3ialIt . . . . . . . . . .7:20 : p mit fSw.la3s , eacepted. ST. PAUL Li OMAhi.t-.NEDIIASKA. DIVISION- 1JE1'oF N. 15Th ST. No. 2. . . . . . . . . . . 8OOa : mu No. I . . . . . . . . . . 4:50p : mu No. . . . . . . . . . . . : ' iii No , . . . . . . . . . . . : a mu Sunda ) , excc1itc.i. K. C. , ST. JOE & C. II. it. ht.-B. & M. DEPOT , . . . . . . . . . . . . . : a in mi'reds . . . . . . . .6:00 : a in Exiress..7:2' : ' ) i' at 3iaii . . . , . . . 6:10 : i' am 11. & 7. ! . iN NEHItASEA. Dcmmver Expreos. . .8:15 : a iii AtlantIc..0:30 : m' ma I'acIile Express .6:85 : i' in , Deiiver Expres.OO : a am lISSOUhtI i'ACIF'IC-U. I' . DEI'OT. Liutivie. IdiAiLT. . . . . . . . . . a mu . . . . . . . . . : jm mu . . . . . . . . . . . . p in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : a mu Trains team lug at 7:25 : p in ai.l arrls lag at 0:50 : a in iil have i'ulluai , , sIct'ers Opening and Closing of Malls. moourr. . oiia , ceoms. nil , . p.mli. Sill. .imm. Chicago & Northwestern . . . , , , 11:00 : DOO : 5:30) : 2:40 : CiIcatct , , , itock IsIatmi& l'acllicItOo : ) 9:80 : 5:30 : 2:40 : ChIcago , Ihmrliiigtinm & (1uiiIcy,11:0O : 0:00 : 5:80 : 2:40 : Valjast , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:34) 5:30 : Sioux CIty & l'aeIIic 5 : ' ) ) 7:20) : Uiiomm ( h'acltlo . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:05) : 11:40 : Omaha & lttj'uh1ica ' , , Valley. . 2:00 : 11:10 : ii. & SI. iii 7cl.raska. . . . . . . . . . 0:0k : ) 7:50 : 5:30 : ( Imnalia .t Nurtluesteri , 5:00) 1:20 : MIssourI l'aciflu. . . . . . . . . . . . . t330 5:30 : Local uiialis for State of Iowa leave hut ounces day , ' , iz : 4110 a in. A Lticttlii immali is also opened at 10:30 : a. in , Ottiu t > .ci , Suntlays froum 12:00 : mu. to 1:00 : P. am , 'rnos. F. hALL. i'.stnnster. , MA VERICK NA TIOIIAL BA//K. Cor. Water andCongress Sts. 'II c . CAPITAL , . $400,000. SURPLUS , - - - - - 4OtI,000 Traisact.s ageneral tankliig ljisiucss. Itcecivos the accounts of baik , , , caiskers and others. Ilnia e forel'i , eacimaiigo antI iiakes , cable traeferf , , 1mm EIlrr.i'o iui , teie'gralilo tralisfirS of inoIne ) ' throughout the UII1tMl States. hOi ) f and sail > gin erumel , , $ smut other limvtatiiients securities , amitl eet'tites aim ) bUblflfU for its corresh.QIdents in the thimo of l.aiikitir. AS.5. 1' . l'tIVrKtt , l'rusltlent , .1 , J , ElIIV , J. v. u'I > 'uc ' , Cast Ass t ashier. i&tii.Im , , EBRSKA LOAN AB TRIIT CO hASTINGS , NED. Capital , - - $250.000. .JAS. It. It EAIIrtVEi.Iu. I'resldcnt. A. I. . CI.AItEE , 'Ice.i'rvside'ut. ' K ( .7. rEt1sTEuI.1rreasuror. i : . 1' . u'EhuS'1EtL ( 'MIller. IIItEYrOluS ) ( : Samuel A1eander , ( h's aid Oliver A. I. . CLicks , 1. \S'etater , Coo. 11. l'rott , Jig. U. Iteartwelh , I ) . M. SIcElILiuzie ) . , First Mortgage Loans a Spooialtv ThIs Vomnpsmmy fuonIihie s pennancumt honme lustitu. thou shier , , schuol , flon1a and other , legally tasued Mu. itcIpa1 miecitritme. to Nv1raak $ can be negotiated sa thu most faoraW torums. Loan. made ott Imnproicd I&nm : * In all sell iettlti cuttutte of the ttate thirouh responsIble lec&l comseipundrots. cy . llA TIlE BEST 8TO1K IN OMAhA , AiDNAKE TilE LO\YEST \ PRICES. Important Improvements. Ilate nou been flalsbicI In our atore , malJn it thi largest and roott complete FURNITURE. HOUSE I Jut tito west , Ah1 nthdit'tomual story bias beemi built , and [ he five Iloors nil conmuected with two HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS. ' Oiue exclusively for tlue lisu of passengers. These imnmenso wnrurooimis , tlireo stores , are ( hO feet wale , are filled witit Limo grattdestdismiuuy of all kimids of household anti 0111cc Fuurmuiture ever slunvmu , All ate imtvited to call , take the elevator on [ Ito first floor amud go through the bttiihilug amid imisluect the stock. CHAS. SHIVERICK , 1206 , 1208 and 1210 Parnam Street , Omaha Neb. , ( i PERFECTION . , rk&i.t1 IN Heating and Baking \j Is omuh3 att.utied 11) ' utsiimg 4CHARTER OAK Stoves and Ranges , ITF1 IE D1)OESm ) _ _ ! LO b MIL TON ROGERS & SONS' - .5 OMAhA- w. i _ SELLS TIlE BEST COOKING STOVES ! IN THE CITY. TurBo Stoves took that preuniumu at the New York Stto Fair iii 1532 , wlmero they wore 1tmt Oil aettual trial by experlcitcoth jtidgeo , Iii conmpetitlon wIth lca4lng hastcrn lurands , which are far superior to all W'estcri , Stoves , especially iii qomality of Iron , F'inci3akIi , arid ocailomimy imu all kniids of fuel ' - ijftidvraie ! 521 South Tenth Street. COLD STORAGE FOR BUTTER & EGGS IN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES AT SMALL COST. JWarchmouso auti , Refrigerators 801 , 603 , 805 , 807 Ilowanl trcct Onialia , Neb. Apply teD DVt9Ufl ? CommissionS D S .LD. Merchant. A. II. ] DAIT MANUFACTURER OF FINE Bll&ios & , Carriages Sprill ¶ aoilS , It My iepository Is constantly 1lled with a beloct stock. Best Worknmnshijm guaranteed. Office and Factory S. Wi Corner 16ff , dnd Capital Avenue Qmaha J..H. CIV3SON , CAlluIAE ANfi ¶ AON IIFACTOIIYI CORNEll TWELFTh AND IIOWAIOD 'JItISlIS. 3.vL4LXT4. , - - I'artlcular attentIon given to repairlmg. Satla act e euamanteed. . III. IN-IIcx1D , 3IANUFAOTUUE1I oi aIvaoiied Iroo Corics ; NiDdoVI Cas Fioials ; SkylIghts &cI Thlutceath , Street , mao Neb , - . _ _ _ TIlE OLDEST WHOLESALE & RETAIL JEWELRY HOUSE IN OMAIIA. Visitors camiite'ro fiuiohnil tue novelties in SILVERWARE , CLOCKS , RICh .tNI ) STYLISh JEVEL1tY , ThioLttcst , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections imi 'roicrti tcxioiti AND ALL IIESChtIlTION8 of , FINE WATCHES , . Ar AS LOW 1'ltICES As is COiiljatibhe with hiomior.ible ( healers. Call amiul see our elegant iiow store , Tower lhuildiiig , CO1LNEIL , l1TII AND FARNAM SI'S , MAX MEYER & BRO. , uIANIJFAirUItElIs OF SHOW OASES ! A barge stock always cmi hiamid , NINE LEADERS ! IMPORTANT TOBUYERS OF Piaios&Orali : Out of [ ito muany hutidred mnanufac. tiurers of this linu of goods , we lit ) ' claim to ropreluemltimug tine hcaol'umg mm > akors , and cami show a Iuiore counilletu uund larger line ? f Piitmios amid Orgamis [ loin camu be found 1)1 aiio ONE house imi time west. Our NINE LEADERS ate tine fohlowimig well. known amid celebrated imistrumujents , STEINWAY PIANOS , CIIIOICEItING PIANOS , ICNABE PIANOS , VOSE PIANOS , PEASE PIANOS , MUON PIANOS. / SOIIONINGERCYMBELLA ORGANS , OLOUGIE Sa WTAIILEN ( ORGANS , S'I'EILLING iMPERIAL ORGANS , Vo wuutit everyhody desirimug a i'iano or Ongami to call or u'rite to us for ilifor- umiuttioii tumid ( lET POSTED , We colt sell 3011 thu bmest imlstrutmnemit muatlo for the least umioiuey , if you vi1l give mis a trial amid wutiut to buy. All we ask is to show yOU , itS % t'C khiow t'O cami satisfy everybody front our Niiio Leaders , which are rocog' uized by thioso 1uosted , as thto5lest mnado. Send for cataloi'tme amid jI1iCC list MAX MEYER & BItO. , Sl'MIEiIOOiS , / Cop , 11th & Farnam Sfs. , Omaha. UNFORTUNATE. ' . ; ( tarrh is oils of the norat dlseames of the preecnt time. liomiIreds are sulierinuf with it hmen they I.e rilelvisi at once , I Ul guarantee to cure C is worst Case of Ctrrh In three IiiOiIt II Od retuiif.I * 1,011110115 This limedicine is 1oo11 Q OUt ) ' the one disease. imy setidlimr ins 2.00 I U iii .iOiiIi . the imwtllcimme l.rePid I vXPrc or mall. Do act suSer ami ) lomiJer shetu you can be cured for so mail a slim , S. F. SEWELL , care 01 box 453 , Ouuaha , Net > .