Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1883, Image 1

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fl----- p . '
. , /4 ,
- ; '
, Fa . * ' .
For You ,
Madam ,
Whose Complexioti betrays
some humiliating inqorfec-
tion , whoso mirror tolls ou
that OU are Tanned , Sallow
anti disfigured lii coiiiite.
ilanco , or have Eruptions ,
Redness , Roughness or nil-
witolesonlo tiuls of Corn I10x- ?
iou ivo say use liagan's tiag-
It is a (1C1lCfli43 , harmless
aiid ( leliglitful article , Iro-
ditcing the iiiost natural niul
eiitranclng 111118 , the artifici-
nitty or ITilicli 110 observer
can detect , inn ! which sooii
' beconies iierntaileilL it' the
Magnolia ilnini Is judiciously
. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I a-
Ii' a 1'nItIve ure
rornfl tbo.1'n1ntUIUomplaIntuan4
10 COUlmOfl to UILI best ( emala popu1oflo. .
, MedIeIno ror Vomtn. nyntc by
t'reparcd by a % Yornn.
. Or.teit IedleiI UI.er7 SllW 1)I $ Di. . . .t ItIat.t
rrlt rcvFres t droopn ! spIrIts , Invlgoratii
rftr1flOfl1z.P the orgnc fuactIon , gIves o1aittelty .1
rmno to tuG Itep , restorc.i thonttura ! 1utr .0 t
'ye. and pliuth on the p..o check ut woi.nn th
ce , of I1(08 spring a.t ! early flfltfl F tlig.
PhysIcIans Us , ' ft anti Precri3 ! it Freoy.
U removes tdntnc. , r.itul'ncy , Jestros fl crii-L-
r .tIinuInt , anti rtlltt3Vc3 wcaflcs of the toin'
thftt rciIn nthcaIng dovn , catis1tgMn , '
14 hackntie , Is nIway prmnenUy cu4 by 1a U4
For the 'ure or Kldnci CornpIaInt o eIfl i u
this Comoundl , unra.ed.
- , LYDIA 1. p1gflAjs ; r.ioon puuin
I' Ilu eradicate ov.ry vetIto r Iinitr froii th
' d 5100d.nIRI gto tofu tiul treiith to the tyttezD
: ' ILauwonha11oChLId. In4ttou 1iavthg1
p aotti the Compomd andfllood I'urtltcr re prep.i
V e.nd 23 Wcstcrm Avenue , Ljnn , , iau. I'IiC6
( Ihcr $1. Six bottIc for CA. Set b nmiI In the fr *
fl pUis , m of lozenges , on reoc1p of Irice 31
br either. Mrs. I'tntMni foe. . an3w0rftII letter. I
lquIr1. Enc1oe tup.&nctforpamp1dct.
No fnm1I RhOflt1 htthout IXDtA 1VINTA1.
. t.tvIu cIt ttIoii , btU ii
&octtorpi41tyotthuI1Vn cnLaporbux.
by vii DruggIt. 1I )
\ '
( ICQtIORATED. ? } )
FIlH OflflPtlI ) ) ' bi now prcpared to receive ordere for
* 4IOUX FA1LS JiS1'Elt S'I'ONE for
Building Purposes ,
And will inaku f1urti on round lots for prompt dcliv
try. The compal y 18 shlppin
; ; Paving Blocks
both Chicago andjOmha , anil .olicit Orrc.pOfld.
ce and orderii fro . contrnctMn engagcd in pa1ug
treet8 In my of the cteni dtlc.
8t1'tRINT1WDItTK OYVICI { , Chicago , Vest Iflv.
Ison ltalhay , Chicago Ieceinbcr ) 5 , 1882.
D. F.lwelI , 1'rcident Sioux } 'aiId Water i'oier Coin
bE.IR $ IR-I : have received from your company
ainco October 1 , 1882 , about 100 cMioad of gratiitc
pavIng block. arl have litI tbcmbctcen the rail of
our atrcet railway track. In the heart of tim city. I
liMe been uaing pvItig niaterial In thl city for many
year. , and I take leaattre ! In raying that lii RflyilIlij.
ion the granite loving hlockit furiiiolicd by your coil.
lany aru the lflOt regular In ahapo and Perfect In
Ionu , arid a. far au I bavo been able to judge , ard
poc OMa1 of alt tIuiiiblo feature as any material that
ha8 ever been ofTcriil or laid in the city.
Yours , J/I8. K. LAR } .
4 OJy.1 )
f , $ . IMtiH , March 23 , 1883.
TiuI to to certify that I have exanliiiel a ) of
granite taken ( rout the Sioux } 'aIi Uranito Qiiarrlea ,
arid , in my opiiiioi * , it It tIld bect atouc fur atrtet i'v '
lug I have evtl iii America.
( SIndd ) imxit' FLAI ) ,
t j l'rei. hoard 1'ublk Improenlent.
Stone fo Paving Purposes.
And any iersori iiitorettI in mch Imirovement
c Iii iind it greatly Lii Ili'4 ' adbantalii to commumiurdeato
Itti UL V.0 iii' . ItO eorrecjlmlikllCu on the tlbjt.ct.
r general niaimajeiiltilt amid aulcrvhIoil of the
conmpanyil bucineas h mmuw iii tlio IIUIItII Of Vin. Mc.
Addrea sour letterit to
\ , J A. C. SENEY ,
41 ml.m& Pros. of Jasper Stone Co
4' '
, a-s
& E. Cop. Farnam and Tent/i Sis
Ito Call or nd
Importllt Orcrs IsSllc by thc Inter-
1011 POI1aFtllC1It.
Tht Northern PnoIIic tItmst l'revc up
nimil I'ny for Its 14fl1111 ' . % 'Itlilmi
Three 1IommtIms.
Tll ) L. . ) , Pr.
\VAI4IIINflTON , .Iumy i. _ wing
oxpImtitms it8o1f1
Ii' . ) time ( 'nnl1ltssiollei of the ( onerat Lamiti
0111cc :
Siit-I : ctll yOtlt. attontiomi to my lot-
tet's of Mii3 17 imd. 18 last , relating tothu
Northern Pacific mutt grant , 1)rticImJallY
thu iimtlimmuity 1)t1t of stitl : grltnt. 'l'ltOSO
1cttui iittlicttctl : tlmnt the itulommimmity laud
Rllfltmll 1101 ho CltStl ( to StIttleIllelut ittly
longer than 11ecesary to citable the Cdli-
Ptmiy : to immako selection ( f lahid8 III Iiti ir
these lOSt within the gnuttctl limits. All
lantis lying witiun both linuits in thu
sttcs ( ofVseonaiui anti i.1iIi2lCott
are now stirvoycd and I meu lid ) reasout
vhy thu couiupalty sliotilti not at ouicu
euuiiplcto it selections within those
status. 1 tlmereforo direct you to give
imuiuuietlittc : notice to said conupany that
all selecioiis intist be unulo : iii those
states witlijut three titoittlis front the time
you shall give such utotice ; that at the
end of that tinie all orders of withdiaw-
nis heretofore iuuulu of iiidemuuity lands
within these states , whether lying witlmiut
the iirt or secoumd iniluntumity Iimmtit.s , viIl
1)0 revoked auitl set 1u3ido. All sticli
lands will be rctored to the public do-
umiaiiu ittuti o1ieuied to setticuitcuit tinder the
lavs relatiuig to Public laittis.
Under the authority conferred by time
act which provides that selectiout shall be
iiiado under the directeout of thto secretary
of the imiterior I deem it best to indicate
at the outset what in my opinion the
practice should be imu relation to selec-
tiohis. Thu aunount of lauttis lost within
each ahite shiotmhl be made up by selce-
tirnts within such sttto witijut regard to
( luahity , if timejo be smifliciont within the
iuiiuitetliato limits for that Inmrvose. I do
uiut think it as time intention of the
granting mact , nor do I dcciii it just or
eijtuitable to the govornutent or settlers ,
to Permilit time comnimany to cull hitiitls
'ithuiti such hirnitH , heaving portiouis till-
sottleti because they are 1or and thiefi
selecting other 1811(15 further ithtiuig the
line in 1)haCe of the bUltis lost with
in the granted himnit.m of these
stumes. I tmu R\VltiO that ILt
ihic exIiration tune hicicin fixed for
comimpletion of selections thieve vihl re-
mualmi uncletcrniincil , a large umnmnber of
cotitests iuivolviiig ltiiils : in the granted
and indemmiutity liumiits ; that imow contests
vill arise , growing out of selections amid
otherwise , anti by reason of such contests -
tests the COmlallY will not be able to
coimipleto its selections within such time
as to hands which it shall lose in these
contests. As these contests tro froimi
tinie to tune determined the company
shall have equal right ( but not preference
right ) with scthcrs , to select 1ndsvithl
the indemr.ity limits in these States ,
although oriers $ - for withdrawal shall at
that titab have hecii revoked. and. for
land'1ocL4 such UI )
by selections in that way the company
haI1 be allowed to make their selections
elsewhere witiiiii time indenmnity limits
UlOii the himo of said road. I have tlnis
referred to such mnatteis a 1 now deem
it unportant to be considemed. Necessarily -
sarily many questions must 1w reserved
until the final adjustmnciit of the grant.
\Vhiat is herein said viI1 ith)1)lY to tlto
state of Wisconsin only so far a. said
road is built within that state and grant
[ Signeti ] 11. 1\ \ [ . J'1ILIi : , Scc'y.
IfoitToN IIANt1S ON.
The commissioner of internal revenue
not having received. time resigmiatumI of
0. 1\1. \ Ilortoum , internal revenue agent at
Boston , as rettuesteti , directed time restoration -
storation of imis appointuimeuit.
Ativices frommi Norfolk state there is mm
yellow fever on board time Ummited States
steamer \r.ttid.lhia
\VAS1IUOTON , July 12.-'J' . .1. llmty-
ward , of the lirmu of Bartlett , hlaywmtrd
Co. , was the lirst witness before time
lull investigating comumimittee. ( . ) mie of
their cmmmlloyees , Cimmtries I' . Newton , had
forimuirly 1)eCmi inspector of mmutteritls : of
hieatimmg aIIarntus at Chicago cuimtoin
house. Thu firma lund lIu1)tietl plaits for
heating apparatus for a ntmmmmhmer of large
1)Ubhic buildings. Time jhltmiS for the heat-
immg apparatUs for time St. Louis po8totUcu
buildiumg had hieeii prepared by time firm
ummider tIme orders of the sumervising arch-
'lime witmiess denied thott there ima(1 1)00mm
any corultiomi between 11111 amid time firm
of Bartlett hayward timid Co. Colemnami
thou cross examined Hayward. 'lime
witmieas said imis firm l'ad always been the
lowest respomisiblu bidders. Colemmian
produced a cotitmitct for nmtting in tito
heatimmg njmparatus for time ilurean ( If Emi-
gravilm amul l'rimmtiimg \Vashiimgtomm. .
flme wmtmiess said lie behioveti their biti
was the 0111) ' 0110 that eon1ihied with thu
specilicntioimx. lie vaim not time lowest
bidder for time Charleston \\'eit , Virgi-
mliii building but believed they
vero for time buiidimmg at Dover , Dela-
ware. It wai not thu lowest bidder for
gross work out time BureaU of Eumgravimmg
amid Printing. 'l'imo Utica building was
the omiiy immstancu within his recohlectioii
shiere his firmn Imad 1)0011 the ommiy bidder.
'l'iiere was Ii'i mtth'ertiscmmmemmt jmhiiishmcd in-
s'itimmg lrohmosais for mmmaking imiamis for thu
Chicago amid St. Louis btiiidimuguu , mior sns
ammy other i)018)1l ( ) oliercd time jo1) ) to hmni
kitowiedgu ,
- -
'rime N. P. 1premN Cotmmimtmiy.
Sr. l'AuI , dimly 12.-'I'imo Nmrthmormm
Pacific Express commmpmmmy ; , cmmliit.t1 I 0 , .
000,000 , tiled articies of immcorpuiatioiu
with . time secretary of state to..lay. . 'l'imo
uxii.esi3 ) comnjuIruy tvlLs forummurly rimmi by
tIme Nortlmumum i'acitic rniiroad , 'limo
fraumeimisu was pureimased by a mmummtlier of
eastern capitalists amid svill be ruin its a
separate immstitutiomm.
- - -
Ii mmitimig ' mmterionmi Cummimmiirco.
LoI1O4Jllhy : I 2-'Fhmu Nrtii ( ermimamu
Oazette , Berlin , quotes a lettot ft-omit Sar.
gumut the American uiiuiister , in which lie
states timltt Germoany's Pretence that time
intem'diction of time Amnericamu pork was
owmng t udammitary reasoims , iii beeoimiiiig
the thinmiest veil , 'l'lmo ( inzetteiu reply to
time assertion of Sargent , vuprodticcs
an article fruni Cimicimmnati , Ohio , immvhiclm
it declared that hmutlf the hart ! inantmfnc.
ttmretl in America tm15t5tA of cottonseed
tiji , tahhmw , clay cmiii water. 'l'iio 'Fiiiies'
correshilttleuit ) at Ilerhimi says it is bo
hioved time German govenimmmcmit has itow
founti tIme long sought pretext for favor-
ilmg native larti by prohibiting imiiports
fromn America.
Time Battle o1 time 1iuymo.
TL1ONTt ) , .luly l'2.'flircu timotisanil
Oraimgemmtcim celebrated time minmilversary of
time battle of tIme lhyne to-day by a pub.
lie jirccssimm , and afterwartis enjoyed
galilel. imi time provimicial eximibitiomu
groummals , Everytiming .juiot. . .
Smntmggllmig t lie heat liemu.
l'ltT ) 'l'ovNsln , .1 umly .1 - It hula 1)0cm )
discovered timtt : Ciminamimeit iii comisider-
alle mitimmmbcrs : tro leimt smntmggled into
time territory ftmmi himmtish Coltmmnhia.
'l'hmu cohiecto muieceetled iii caLumimIg mmimmt
Saturday. 'Fimo customs force is so smmmal
that it is immmi.ossibiu . to prevent themml. As
mmmumy : as fifty mute kuowmm to imavul beumu
smmnmggied itt ontutimmie.
Time Nev IIitmmmwImimt , Couitest _
Coomui. . , N. ii . , .11th ) ' 12.-dnmston ,
Stevemms , lliiggs ammd l'attersomi decline to
answer I aiiiers' let ter proposing that all
ritimdraw frommi time 8umiatoiial eommtcst.
l'itttUlStlli feli out iii to-day's bthlotimmg ,
his strcmmgthi going to Chamidier , 'l'nppamm ,
Briggs. Itrstomi : nmmtl W'huitelmotise.
At time ciniclumsiomi of the Imahiot , hiochi.
ester , mt strong supporter of Semiator lol-
lmmms for ru.eiectiomi , rose , amid after sommie
comifusiomi anti a lively discumssiomi , lme oh- ,
ttimmet1 time speaker's commsomit to read a
letter fiommi Senator llhhimms addressed to
time rolmumbhlcami moemmuhmers of time hegisia.
ttmre , wimureiii , after reciting his hifu.lomig
loyaity to the party amid time fmtet that lie
received time catmctms nomnimmation for time
seimatorsimip , hut fromu time begimmmuimmg of
time cammvas , however , ' ' 1mm ) ' ulectiomi lots
1)0011 opposeti by several gcmmtlemnemi of
promuiimemico imi tue ptrtyvlmt ; ) iiavo to-
ccivc d hitmmumi's at its hmmtnds mmmiii always lmy
time agency of caucuses atiti c'nvemitiomis ,
amid timtiy imavo succeeded titus far iii
timwnrtmg time ciectiomi of senator. " 1mm
withmdrawing Imis mnumic as time repubhicami
imommmimioe for seunitor , Rohiiiis conchuides
"It costs mime imo heart bunt.
imig to treadi time path of duty
again , timerefore , to furtlmer tile interest ,
lmarniomiy auth imeaco ( if the hiart' in
wimose coiitimmucd ascemideney in the state
amid mmation 1 believe the best imiterosts of
( ( UI. timno are ioimmmd up auth for which I
limIt as solicitous to-tiny mis ever before ,
cspeciahiy iii view of time aroac1nmmg
presimlemitial election , time closemiess of time
1miitetI States semmato anti : uisolumte liii-
portammce of cimoosimmg a rei.tmhuicami semuttor
at timis sessioum , I desire to witlmdraw immy
mmamne as your iioummimieu for semmator mund
leave you free to select amiothmer. "
0mm time 22d ballot , time liistaftcr recess ,
time votes Were thistribtitctl ammiomig 1 pea-
Bolts.Viliiamm ) E. Cimamuiler sectmred 52 ;
harry Bimighiam , ( lemnocrat , .181.
it is claimmied Secretary Cliammdlcr to-
coived assumnanees of 70 votes to lie given
hint to-miumrrow. It is ummiderstood l3riggs
amid Stevemis had a private conference
to.iiight to arrange time transier of time
latter's su1ijioit to the formuer to-morrow.
No one believes time election will occur
before iiext week.
Time Traile 1)uiiai
PTt.OiTiI1iA. Stmly 12-.Pim commi-
imiercial exciiamige tlmis afternoon passed a
resolution calling out commgress to redeemn
time trade dollar ; tt par or legalize the
issue of timat coin.
_ _ _ _ -
iIithmgmmiHimed Ceimtrati Amimorleans.
CuIioAoo , .Juiy 12.-A party of distiui-
guisiied Cemitral Ammmericaims are exjmectcd
to arrive home to-mmiorrow , comisistiug of
Domi Marco a Desofo , presidemmt of time to-
1imbhie of honduras , and imis cabinet
( , fiiCCrH , amid lomi 1tmmmciii ltsa , imiiumister
frommm llomidumas to time United States.
Time ptrty : , eC0)tJmmg Tomi llammmon Itosa ,
ill CU route to 1mmrohmeamiti vihi proliahiiy be
uimet izmformmiahiy omm their arrival imere by
the mmiay'm ( If time city amid time piesidemitof
time iOitii ) ( If trade. 'fime purty will 1iioi-
ably rcmmmaimu lucre one or two days.
- . -
tIiimIng 'I'vouIIeH hetIIei.
Sm'ItNoVICLfl , .Jumly 12.-'l'hme troumhiies
existing iim timis district butweemm the eotl
milimiemt ( atiti operiutois are virttmahiy net-
thed.ll muimmes except time lftmticr mmiimme
imitvu settled all diliicimities. It is exhmect.
Cl uvcuytiiiimg will be arrangeti at timis
urmimme to-mmioriow. 'lime ummimiors will no-
timrmm to work to.mmmotrow.
- .
Alleged 1InlimotIumi ,
1lINNmAihI $ , 1immim. , Jumly 12.-Liiiie
l'eni ) ' , time yotmmmg vomuauu alleged to Immtu'e
beeui LLlItlUCtCI fmommt time house of fmiemmds
jim Syracumse 1) ) ' Imer itmotimer , a few days
mtgo , arrived to-day. 11cr immotimor re-
imiatneti ni St. l'iitmi. 'fimo girl was mmmot at
time dejmot by P.S Chiamberlaium , a
youlig maim iii time case , amid taken to time
residence of friends. A umiarriago hicemmse
was secured flmli time immturrilugo cerelmioumy
peuformmmetl timin evemmiimg.
It is said time yotmumg wommutri after no
covcmimmg frommm timu sumrpriuw at. lion cap-
tune , Pitt OIl a snlmmmismtive , air amid canto
witlm lmer mimotimer s'itimotit resistance till
after simo had crossed \Viscorisiim line ,
wimemi site gave imor mtmotlmcr to umnderstamd ,
simu vmu3 able to take care of herself , with
time result its abovc.
Time Blue and time Gray.
Nmw YomuK , .July 12.- General Joimim
Nowtomi , president of time society of the
armmmy of time Potoimmmue , bait been invited
to tittond time ruimumion of Pmursemn's cavalry
1)rigade ( Cemufederato ) at Dallas , Texas ,
Aug. 0th , and to respoumtl to time toast ,
"Time Boys who \Vore time Illume. " The
presidemit of time society , Ci. W. Neal ,
says : ' 'Our roummion is miot to quarrel htmL
to umicet as brothers , bury all umnplcasamit
recollections of time imast nimd unite heart
aimd imammd In time welfare of otmi' great mm-
Loam for all timmue to conmc. "
- -
Humit 1oi % IflO3' .
Nkw Yomtmc , .iumly 12r-Edwantl Bammks ,
colored , hotel waiter , stied C , 'I' . N.
( ) kummbum'g for 250 blood mmmimmmey. 1)e.
fuizolamit jim Fubu'tmivy ut fommmmd umncomm-
scious imt bed frummm gas iismmilmg. Pity.
siciammit decidwi a trammsfmmsion of blood
necessary to nave 1mm life , Eight. ounces
sLts traimafused fromu lhammks for time pur.
i1S0 , 'I'hme hatter cittimmis imu was Ltrouum il4ffll
teum cemmts a. drop. 1)efomulammt asserts Ito
paul lianks 5iimfuiifornil cimuimims.
Ntbmankmu'n Ci o1l l'ireeuul. ,
ItmLYMOUrii , Nub , , July 12.-1'lyumiotmtlm
State Board of Agrictmlturo , based 0mm its
returums timvougimotmt the shmte , timakos time
fohlowiumg estimate ( If time couiditmomi of time
Cr0105 ii Nobrmutkzu : Coni 00 ior edIt. ;
utprmumg wimeat 9(1 ( per eexmt ; rye 'J5per commt ;
( late 120 per ccitt ; barioy 103 per cermt
liax 107 iiuu coOt.
- - _ _ _ _ . - _ - - - _ _ - _ _ -
- l:1SAS : CROPS.
A Rcmarkab1yFaoIab1e Pxhthit by
the ArienIturaI Bor.
\'lmunt aiiui Corn Hmuetmn ( 1Ri
Than In.t 'ent'Htt time Yleiti of
OntR iN ImuormmmmuuM ,
'l'olr.K , , ltiiy 12.'l'hmu ' .Itmmto report of
the suite board mf agriculture was issuied
to.tlay. It gives thu cnct acreage of
wimoat , cormi auth oats , togetimer witim time
estimmmatetl yiehtl of wheat just hmttrvesteul ,
as obtaimmed froumu adotts ttt'mmsimip's as-
SCS5)18. 'Limo wimeat area is ltOOOO0
acres , being 14 per ceimt iii excess of last
yeat' ; the est'mmuittcd yield is 17.U ( ) , a
very slight fmthiimmg oil' irtmm the Nay re
lort. 'l'htu yield for thmo state is 2fi,70 I , -
lomsimeis , or it loss front time crop uf ,
1882 f 7,2.1 1 ,941'I hmtms1eis.Vith simijm.
pimmg wheat addeul , time crop is 27,9I'I,555
husimels , or 7,778,21)1 ) less thmamm was rmusscd
imm I 882.
'l'hw COi ) is ah.ut , nil harvested. It
mmiet witit lit ) seriatiM (1mnw1bck frommm now-
lug to immtrvcst , .mtcolmL . Lime dry vcatimer of
last Fall amid severity of tim lmtst : vimmtem' .
' [ 'Ito cormi area is 4,651,0f2 acres imr aim
increase of four per cemit. mmvom' 1882.
'l'lio State as mu wimolo hmmui as good prosPects -
Pects for CO1'li 11 $ at. this tue last yciut ,
iiossiidy bettor.
'i'lme omit CtOI ) was so , itutisfactory last
year timd : a largely imrcascd areu : vini
soumi thtis Spriimg. Time acreage last year
was time largest over sown in time State ,
but the acreage this yearexceeds it. by
154,150 , acres or aim increase mf mmearly
80 pr ceimt. All timrotmgh time neasoim re
im0mt13 imave buemi tmmmifonmii in all parts 1)1
time state as to time condition , no ommo no-
porting adversely. Time average yiell
for time state is 41 , time largest iii oimr
history amid takemi itt comnmoctioum witim Limo
largely iimcrcased area gives aimmiont
pimemmommienal h1rodUe for so youmig mu state
as Kaumsas , it beiumg a mmiiIIQmm bumsimehu imi
excess of time emitino wimLat crop. Time
total estimate in busheld is 28,205,1t)8. )
'l'WO-timirdS of a , crop of fruft. is promiscul.
'lime hOPUlation of tiiostato is sot down
as 1O28,17' , being mum increase of 58,000
for time year. Timoro are 09 cities iii time
state containilig over 1,000 peoiie.
Time Canadian
LeNnoN , July 12. - ! hitore is mmotimimmg
new to report itt regard ( ) the flood. 'lime
vator hmmts sumbsided and giumms of mmmcmi are
hmumsy cleamiium" out time hiojustms amid emnica.
voring to mmmmio : such as soio toiL carried
away habitable. Active relief mneasimres
are on foot. and all of tha'dctrossctl are
tcmmimorarihy Provided for eitimer imm private
houses or at time expnso , of time city. No
moore bodies have been rccovcied , bmmt
mmiany wimo are nilssiimg hmavonot yet tunimed
up. The lropcrty dcstroyed iy 11110(113
is valued at half a mmiihhion ( lohiars.
- -
A NFi1ILS1t&ll1tFEZii.
A Destruct1voStormn in ilaummilton
- " - . , P- - _
' Cotunty
' . _
LINcois , uuturmn [ ) assed
over . . time state mutouj'c\.i. . . ' 4tiurum.
- % . at
Aurora , wlcro several houses vore blowim
down amid five lC80115 injured.
llammmilton coummmty was visited Inst night
by a destructive wind amid raium stormmm , do-
iimg great dmummumge to buiIdimm's mum1 crops ,
Itlil kiliimmg soune stock. A. lange mmumnber
of buildimmgs in Aurora sulFored severely.
One dwoiiiimg emi time outskirts of tlmetowmm
WitS ( lommiOhisimed , amitl time frmugmimemita scattered -
tered to time wimmds. 'limo umiemmibeis of
lEr. Berry's family , wimo occupied it ,
were all sovereiy injured.
TilE PA'1'ilI1tC1IS.
1 % l3villiitmmt .Imspiny of I1imIlmmumetJ
Odd F'elIowH.
CmIleAuo , .Jimly 12.-Tlmemu was a
I cvioof iCal mmd visitimmg temmijien of time
Patniartitl ; milem tlmrougim time busimmess ir-
tiomm of time city this : mftemimoomm. 'I'Jwru
wem.e mtloimL forty bodies imm iimmo rtmpmesummt.
imig time states of I Ilimmois , l\i \ icimigamm , Now
York , 01mb , Indiamma , Iowa , \Viscommsimi
and h\limmmmesota , mmummmhening imm all nloimt
I , 500 tin i formmmed kmuigl mts. 'I'Imo uumiformmi
amid regalia of time mmmemmibecn is very simmmiiar
LI ) that of time lcmmighit 'J'emmmplmtrs , save
timlit mu ltumrplo imittimmo is worim iii Ilimuco ( if
time black ome of time otimer order. Thu
street display was witnessed by crowds ,
amid it smts creditable iii mmmalmy ways. 'limo
Tcmmmpiaru , imowover , displayed mme very bnil-
iiant mmiarciming ovohumtioims.
'flue prcaoumce of uniforjneil tOflhliarfl
imcrudevoiops time fact timat ( I considerable
hotly of Limo order ( if Odd Follows ro-
fumac to recognize the l'atriarclms , and
ciaimn that time sovereign gnamm(1 lodge at
its session two years ago declined th ho.
gmulizo thmomii omm time ground that it imad
lroviou51' autimonized mu umniform degree
for Patrmauchms , aimd that while mmli its
mmiomnbemi. are Odd Fellows , it is aim hide.
peimtlent orgaimization. Otimors ui-go that
time organization is cumiitleti to recognition
wider time legislatiomm of time grand lodge
of Lou years ago.
At a bimsimmess sossioim today , owing to
the opposition of time grand lodge , it was
( lUCilCd tti change time regalia ium some of
itit features. Time report of tue secretary
slmows timat timirty-fivo teumiples wore or.
ganized during time past year , imiaking time
total imumnbor 180 ; witim a total mmmemmm-
horudmip of 4,000 , agaimist 2,500 a year
ago. - - _ _ _ _ _
A Smiuicy ltovrnmumo tgont.
lionToN , July 12.-Specimul Ituvommmmu
Agent Ilortoim nommt time following
tolegranm to Comnmimissioumor ] vamms : "ito-
cogumizimmg your imernmmmul kimmuhimens to mmmc ,
I vouic1 very mmmcii like to rehiuvo you of
emn1ntrrasimiimtmt , htmL cannot coimiply witlm
your request for mumy rerngmmatioim , as it
would lie in efreet H. CmmfcssiIum Of guilt ,
muimd I iou imot guiliy _ I wou11 jirefer this.
mmuissal , becaummie I caumnot afford to Ios (
ummy character amid omimpioymmmummt at timc
Samimu time , [ Sigmmetl , ] C , 0. 1ItmtTOW. "
_ _
'I'Imi I'mIIt(1l4 1'iuuimmitl.
CINCINNArI , .JuIy 12. - 'l'ime funeral of
A rchm-Ilimtimop l1urcolls rurmimmuums , commutistud
of four cars carryimmg llisimops O'Comiumom
ammd ( inhlagimer , ammul A rcim.bislmop.eloct El
dot amid fifty pniest , together witim muhiouf
(10(1 httimmdm'tjd otimers Ail along tiio routc
great crowds gatimeroti. 'I'Imc traimm atop
1ied at time pmmmmcipal statiomis , time caskel
was opened ammd People peratitteti to vieu
time body. Arriving \S'ostboro , witer
time body Imad to be taken frommm time rail
road , a great mmtmnmber of pcojiio iii soiui
des voro in waiting to join tim
siomu to time convent of St. Martins. The
h(0ly ( ' , ill lie imt state there tosnighmt , mUltI
the hmunial willtnkoplaco to.uiorrow.
Al'0b14 ( ) i ; PII.ItiMAiF.
Tiut' ' $ IOHI I'u-etemi ( I4)tmR 1er Unulpr-
taken by mu ' * 1ot1ern Hotly.
CuuIoAoo , .1 uly 12. - . Aiuhln Cimtmmuumtlery
of Kmmiglmts 'i'cmmmplmirs , 1 lii strong , itiarcitt'ul
Omit of their n.syhmmmm at. 11 o'clock this
mmtnrumimmg , titus mmtonimmg tmptin a ph ignimmlngo
the imtost. hmtet0mtti0t1s , pssiIiy , ever con-
tmimhlmttel l' a imOIheVml 11(111) ' . 'l'Imev nut ,
kmuiglmt8 of tue Red Cross , with 'black
lmltmmmme. 'I'imoy wemo escorted to timt
. \ticlmigmumt Comitral ( Idiot II ) ' a large imtmimm-
her of muctive immoutuhmurs of Ao1io , vimicim ,
iumtmmmemicahly. is omin of time stmommgest 3)1'-
tiers jut the coimumtry , anti a special escort
of fit ) will mtceommmpamly time tourimmg imiigimts
Its far mus Now % 'turk ( 'ity. whmero time mmiiuimi
hotly vihl ixamd , time steammmcm"City of htommmo
for Liverpotil ,
It is oximecteth timid timt inuhy will l
semmsilly , atmgmmmemmted at New Voik , ummak-
immg time ttital imtmmmih'er ' cmmhistod for time 1iil-
giimmmago I ( IS. 'J'lme kmtiglmts carry with
t lm tmim timeir futi I tin i formmms to be tmsuttl ott
occ.usjomm of Ptiilit ) thisiiityii mimi mcccl-
'l'Imo Alamllos immuvo becmm imotitleul t immmt a
reception awmuiis timomu in time city of Lomm-
( lout mtt tue ltammds of mmmtimmile's , ( if tue ortler
tlmcie. Frommm thmmut. city time toumrints will
hmmeitk up imttt ) simiahl lmmumties ( titti tmavel tin
time cImmtiiiOiit. for a verioth of two ot' thmrco
Itmluithms , xtccortlimmg to thmeiu own dictates.
'limo special tr.tiit cmurmyimig tlmemmm left
time depot ) ) ) ) mut 7 , munmid titti cimeor-
mmmg of their friommuls ammd mu must general
Time Cattle 1)m'ive
LI1TLUItCK ( ) , Ark. , .Iuly 12.Iteports
frommm time cattle rmummgcs of 'l'uxits say that
carefuml estimumutes lilitce tIme mmuimmlmcr of
cnttle dniveti ump time trail frtlmmm timat see-
tmomt at fiOOOtJ ( ) hmeati , aim immereasu ) of
2o0,000 over timoso of last. . year. 'lime
bulk of tue cattle will be dnivemi to ICaim-
sits , Nebrnskaamnltimowestormt territories.
ICtIAMAZO0 , .1 tmly 12.-Track heavy.
2:25 : uimifimmisimed race of yesterday , Stramm-
ger won , Imia (1 secoimul , 11immimioVarremt
timirdVmtiting fourth ; time , 2:2'I. : ,
2:25k : , 2ti : , 8:2fl. :
Class 2:31) : ) , l,1oihio Ci won , flrowmm
V'mekcs secomtd , Polka Dot timimd , otimers
distmtmmced ; timne , 2:2 : ( ; , 2:25m : , 2th7j : ,
2:28. :
2:20 : mItCO , Ovemmummtmm womi imu strmuiglmt
heats , Aleck Wmigimt second , 1mute Mc-
Cull timirtl , 1 ! amnbietoeiamm lhuitimiuu fommrtim
best time , 2:28.1. :
1mm time pacimmg race 1lora Bell womm ium
atraigimt imats , Gout secouitl , Lucy thmirti ,
IltitIttli ) ( Jul fotmrtiu ; beat time , 2:1 : 7.
lmASI imAL.l.
Cmumtoo , ,1 uly 12.Clmicagos 11 , Pros'-
iulcmmces 5.
Cmvmi1..Nm : , .1 Lily 12.-Clovelammds 10 ,
Phtiladeiphiamm 9.
BUru'ALO , July 12.-BtmIiiulos 9 , ? tlii-
watmkecs 8. .
D'ram , Tim1y 2 ?
tomis postjiomieul on account of mimi.
PEouutu , .Jtmly 12.-Poorias 5 , Gramiul
Itapids 2.
SmmtINtmrimul , , Jnly 12.-lhay City's 11 ,
Smrimmgfichis 4 . Eleven ilmumiumgs.
Fv. July 12.-Fort Vnymmes
1 'l'oiedos 8.
CuuIcAoo , .J mmly 12.'l'hme : umimmtmal regatta
of time 1I ississiii vmulley nimmatotmr row immg
associatiomm , omme of time strommgest orgmulmi-
/.atiouml ( If tim o k i mmd i mm t lie comm mmtny , co mum-
Jmnmg over timirty climbs , vihl lie itoh ! mmt
l'tmi lmmmamm time 27 tim mu mth 28t im i i mitt. , w i Iii
Hic races etclu : duy. : As atm iimtiicatiomm of
time nmmmommmmt of c'nmmjictiticmm ' , the fact immay
be stmuted that 211 crews have emmtoted for
time fotmr ( ) Iutei shill maces.
MONM ( I tJii i IA ltK it 4 U OH.
TlItNMOUlmt l'AmtK , .J tiI' 1 2.- I ile null
Ii 'I ' tmant em , l'em II , ) % 'Oil ; Cl , ii m fmmlom m , t1CCltd (
Norti mimum id , Li m i 1(1 ; I iimmo 23 nuct > mmds.
'i'v ( ) yeai 1,1(15 ( , mmmile , ' vomm
1mim ignium it , see' 1 1(1 ; I I mmmom m , tim I td ; t i mite
1:18. :
'l'lmmee year ohs , iii i Ia mmmd mu fmiiloumg ,
lhmmckRtOmmo ttiim ; I I aniult , mleclJltI ( ; I I eel
ammd 'J'oe , thud I imimo 1 :0) : ) .
'i'n'ti mum iles iii m d mu . timiul um , j % unit or
) % ' ( lii , Erul Hecommh ( ; timmmo , 4 ; 0l.
ci tmi Lieu men rid ems , I a ii e , 'muvumni : , uoli ,
1itmwei' of h.temutim . secoimmi , Niummmotl Litimd
tinme , .1
Seven furlongs , Chmickmudce womm , CImtr. ;
Icy lCemmmplnimd sec"mmd , Little Katie timird
tiune 1:80 : ,
Iriumitilcap steeple cimmuse , over nimort.
course , Jimim 2t1cIouvaut ( won , Snimuumci : see.
mid , Itocimester tlmird ; timmmc , 1:80. :
LeNnoN , July 12.--'l'imo immemimbern of
time Ammu.mriciuim rifle twummi fired at 800 , ftO ( )
mUlti 1,000 yards range to-day. 'I'lmo fol
lowing were timim scones :
800 yds. 000 ytIs. 1000 yd.
I'ohlard . . . . . . . . 2.t J3 18
Aider. . . . . . . . . . 29 2' 20
HtMwart. . . . . . . . 28 21 ! 15
Vmummilemusen , . 28 19 'ill
, loimmer. . . . . . . . . 28 2t 2 !
Ilowiurd . . . . . . . 27 2i ( 27
1)r. Scott. . . . . . 27 21 2i
Johamm . . . . . . . . . 21 ; 24 21) )
Ihbhii . . . . . . . . . . 21 $ 22 13
l'iummi 1)immg. . . . . 20 21) 23
$ cott. . . . . . . . . . 24 22 11) )
Cmu'.im. . . . . . . . . . , 21 21 23
ltabbttthm. . . . . . . 21 21 2i
lilimummin . . . . . . . 23 20 13
limikessof . . . . . 22 20 25
Brown. . . . . . . . . 21 27 21) )
t3nmIth . . . . . . . . . I ? 25 1)1 )
% Ventimor naimmy amid gusty , 'I'imo shoot-
jug wits wmLtehIe(1 ( with grtat mmmterent , 'lime
average scores were 'ury htmgimcomisttlermimg
time unfavorable weatimer ,
- -
Itmurmdimll ri Cnmtdltlato ,
I'JIILAIliuiIIIA 12-ibummdmmll -
) , July tin-
sorts lie uiiI go before Limo cammcmis for time
shienkeusiulI ) itmmtl is flot. a cammmhithiuto , di-
reetly or remtuotuiy , for iumty other oflicu ,
CFII1IH 1mm Illhrmuts ,
Smam NOI'I 1:1mm : , 1 ii. , , July 1 2. - 'l'iuu mu.
P ° 1t Of tue lihiumoin departimmemit. of ani-
r emmituru cuiceummium , PnoshltCts for growiimg
L crops of cormu viil ho issued i mm ii
. clays. 'Flue reports of comrcspondemttm ( siuau (
( } ' ( ill mull Irtiomms J ( time state.
: 'lime area of griwiiig crops is animmt ! nevemt
I mmmihhiomm six ittimmilmud timoumsammd nemes , 'J'hmo
. lim08i10et8 tutu emmeotimmigimig for ii crop of
Omit ) itumidred amid eighty mmmiiiiomm btmsitolu.
, An time eommdition of CEOlIS i rapidly mmii-
) Provilig , time rulort iS likely to give cmi-
couutmgommieuiL foi' mt1nmmL two Imuimdrctl
. mimihliomi busimeis foz' time I 883 cormi crop
Fallce llispose to Make Amends for
. the Ilisnits at Tamatoe :
I'I'ri-3 1)t'tInrs's , tlio.Htory Preposter-
( ) Ite-PrOgleSH of tIns Cmtiit-
lmtlgtt imu Tonijumin , cte.
(1 EN 1lLt1 ) [ ( N NE\'S.
'rim MAIIAttSrtlt 11(1W.
L(1tN ) , 1tdy 12.'lie [ Freumeim
eriimmmemmt 11104 tclu'grapimetl \'an
for details of I ho ttnthugiuscar mttflutn
muhltmded to itt panhiantemmt estemtlay rela.
t ie (0 ( tIme ( heatlm of t hue Ihmitisim cnmmsttl.
itmning ) titO sessiomi of thtt imls ( titis after.
ilOomi Lirtl Sthishitmt-y quteshiommed Lord
Grnmmvihto , foreign secretary , as towimetimer
time Bnitisit fomves in Nmuulagmuueat' wmttors
wntmll * lo iiterctscd. : Gnunihlu , said hue
vtnmltl Hilt murike mu statuiiiemmt. wimicim imuigimt
he imiisctliStluICl. tIomcovot ito had mcii-
Molt to believe time lremmcim govermimmimmt
wits williumg to do wimiut was right iii tlmu
immat for.
uiunNuli : om'mNmoN.
l4ONIiO1 .1 1113' 12 , - S. . cmnrcsltilmlcmmL ( md
I'muls butt aim iimtemview witim l'm'imue 1\limm-
istom' Forr Ferry declared time excite-
miiemtt iii i'uigimmmmtl over time 'l'tmmuutmuvo ( affair -
fair imiti sL ilmuvo itriseit fruimum itiiHCOiiCeltiomm
tmf time fcehimmgs of time Freucit eahminet ,
Wimost ) uimiist severe wisim was cultivation
( if cordial meintions witlm Emugiammd. icrry
liehieved time Ol.'cmrrcumco ( itt 'I'itmmmatave ox.
ngerntetl. ! 'I'inm idea thud mum' 1rcimeim
mtdimtirnl would iitsuit. time Bmmtisli flag
Ferry declared to be prcposterotms , ammul
ho asserted AuhmImirmul Pierre cotmid imuit
itave vummtumed to mtdoimt the extrmturdimmtt-
m.y cotmmme mutttibtmted to imimmm.
'l'lmu .1 otitmmul : l4eimaymi , CIII mutmoti Li mmg
umiloil tIme latest imovs fmommm l1mliutlmtgascmut- ,
says ; It. 1 , ; immtpossihilo to dummy titmut we
Imiuve ommtored tmpimim aim mucutu stage of
comimlhicatiomis witim litghmuumtl iii regmim'tl to
Freneim actiomm itt. 'l'mumuatavie. .b'mamico
mmpiIatmds Atluminil Pjemr. .Vhcmmever . we
imct. viiomoimsIy otmr mmoigimbors will iimnult
ha , humt we mmmust be careful umot to imimitum
outr etmemimi's aguimmst. : tin.
nh : cutOhEmtA.
LN iOf'I ) , .1 umI ) ' I -'I'lio govermmumummt
itiu'm detenmuimmeti to senti to Egypt time
Bnitisim nmimemmt gemicniul , wimo hits humid
imitteim expermemmce in time tmeatmmiemmt of
cimoiemn iii India.
'l'ime mtgrcemmmcmtt of time linitish govemim-
mmiemtt amid IeLessups omm the ) ) ) (
miov Suiei. citmimul is based umpomt time gemier-
iully received idea timid liuLcaseps ios-
senses time uxelumsive rigId to emit time Intim-
limits of Suez.
I1AItIIAI41Nl A Pt'mi\'M.tN.
1)umiI.mN , .1 iii ) ' 12.iemnmis Field , tome-
mmoumm of time juity whmicim eotmvmcted ilyimes
( If itmumider , amid Whit ) % S'lLS iufttitwmti'tls
Mtlui)1)Cl ) , is in commstaumt receipt of letteus
thrcmutemmimmg iiimim witlm immjtim'y mummtl Imis wife
ammd daughters mmmc ofteim immsimlted omm time
stmcot. Aim muttemmipt. mutmmde reccittly
to cuter imlit ltotise , butt. time mmmamiuumders
tied wimemm 1'icll fired upomm timuimmm.
/t umANitutUll' IIOAT.
1IAtTA , July lq.-Thmo Ecuituioumiamm
Btelmnmlir.SmmL Liit'i' w1Ji \ , , ,
amid oilfcurW iui barth , iiiiivtmtl to-day amid
iakl alommgside I 1. ? .f. Ctumst.mummce2 , mumid
o1flred to give up time stemuimior if time
wmtges of time crui' mtimd OXIt)1i505 ) from
Gtmyiuqumil vere gmuutIuumtue(1.
LIMA , .1 umly 12.---Gemienul tIoore , Limo
Auiiutictim : commnmii itt Ciulimms , died hiustumigimt
( if yellow fever , Ahi simiins amu itt hilt-
iumust ; t-(1It ( ( ) ' .
'l'Ime C Imi t iamm imneniuicuit's itmessiuge ( lit time
ittuiiject of iiemce : witim igiesins is bitteiiy
them miommmceth I ii I lol ivia.
I thAi ) IA 0(1 ( I I 'H ' ( lAsi' .
LINIJN , ) ( , .Jtmly 12.--'l'ime spemukem of tIme
I moumso ( If Ctimmm mmmomms humus vmi tt em m i tnut- ;
iiui mglm , i mm ( ( i I mg I ii m mm I m u vii i be cx ci mmded
fmom m m tim i. , i 0)11130 Ii I I Lii I t o umigmugus Oi it. to
itt tumm t It t mmk a ti mu , oat I m i m m ii ism'cgamtl Ill
Lu (1 mescl , mm tioum tlf t ito i mouse. I I tad Iatmgl
It' ' i Ii I ed , dcci mmmi mug I Ito iuctiomm of t i ic imotmse
jim time case illegal , muimd nays ho iiit emm-
tleii'.m Iu to Ink o ii in eitt i m i ii me. . ! iem mcmi t Ii
limit , ; uimd if exinIIcd vi H mulmilulul to f lie
clectoms imm 1mm commstittmemucy.
5m1X'roN ( IN AMis1miI : i1MlliLN'Il4.
lulmlmN , , .1 mmly 12.AL mu mmmuutiitg hunt.
1 t igi u t of Li m o I m mit Nmmtiom miul hemugime Li e
i'ceei1it of 2,0t1 ( ) fmommm Ammntmmuliu : ivies muim
I mliii I mcetl . StIX I elm , Id . 1 ' . . et mtmmm ty
SI igi ( , i m i ii s11eecim , sit id Em mglammtl loud
I cummeml ; by her slut nt. em mco mmmi tom' vi tim
it immemicnmm iil i lieitmmmn 0mm the niu 11cr cmiii-
gratitimm ( lttCstiom I timiut. I f timumo vmun to imum mu
clemumammce if I mimiium md , i t votild imot be time
minIm pcop1u % % ht ( ) IVulimiti Imave to go.
( : ulImAN mIJiNIImTM.
ILtYANA , Jmiiy 12.-A sluect. siumnmd by
Chief 1oImnhItlll ! , immcit'mmig time peiiiie to
rebel limIm , Imiut heeim pum L ii i ci rcmmhmutimn.
It. t4II13 hands murti Immuug mecrimited with
mmmci i , imonsoit imm mu arimull , for revolum tiommary
l'P ' ° ° . No immiportrnmco wimmutover is
mutt.tchmutl tO time simeet. by time lmoolIio of
Cuba ( lesirimmg It. umiurely simuwn
that ummimumy imammtls of rolIhlenus ticaire to
gi ye timei r mmuivenmommtn a jomi i ticai ciuimiue.
ter. Vi , , the Culnu tmmgen time govermmmmmmmt
to ( inglummizo gumenilla coimijoummies to stmpmretmt
time baumdi tii.
niim MW $ Iii'2. tANA1. .
141 IN lION , , J tmly I 2 , Jhi o L4ommdomm cimammu -
1 or of Clilut m mmorce hits untuumim ( mumI4ly ( decided
timiut time tugicommitiutt. butweemi thu hinitishi
govermuimieumt mirth To 14013501)8 for time calm-
IitrtmetiIIm ( ( If III ( It I mom' Suez cmtmmimh is i mmado
Si imiuto amid tmmmsmitiafiuetomy. it immcotiuig of
imimili owimems itt .Simmtderhiimmh mmii Vest
l4iverpJol ( Vit0tI timut : Limo mmgmcenmeiit is
dotrimmcimtitl , to liritisim coim mecinl , immtor
ests , .t'um umuroims otimer si imi lIar I mtul ion
t ii momigimoim t time call ii try fIasscI ( Ieuulmmtiolmm4 ,
Iit ti IC tummm me ci mimmiuctum' , i tmdellumulemt tiy ( If
politics ,
( IIm'.ltArioNH IN 'fONQl'lN.
I 'A itiS , J mmly I 2. - Advicon fmommm 'l'on.
( I im i mm , .1 imly : i , say ( 1 ci mermul I toui et , t'omtm
mmmiummler ( If Limo irommthm trt.IIIIt ) imm 'l'.nm-
I ( II I m m , mmmii veti at. I I nmmai , .1 ii mmu I S Li I 'lime
( lofeimKto3 itt I Iiui 1il m ig mule COm II 1iettil , ( iumtd
t im 0110 mit. Niummml I i tIm tim md I I am mimi mire i ira-
L'icnnimmg rImjillly. ) ( ) mm time mummivai of 8,001) )
mo-Ill m foncmmtetm tn timeimm tiommum iv i I I hiegi mm
I mm mimmtai ilmttliy mtgLi : imnt. Somttiui
smojim ; ltATii8 ) ,
A 1mxANiImul : % , .1 uly -Clmuiemit
lullpttlmtCl ( at Ziftel I amiti Ulmi 111mm , ( oiLy imi mm !
thirty miles illslIoCtiVtily , fmoumm ( Jaiio ,
Ituviseti lists HlmVk5 ( time mmummmmbem' of dtuutlms
( maim , tlm'ts disease at. I.Imummsumnmuim . yesteiday
to imavu houii eigimt-mmimme immlmtomul of lilly.
mmimme mom Imuforo mejtomteuI ,
itoMn' $ IuUIJ ,
, Suly 12 , - 'i'lw Itimasisum govumu
uflent , noIosos to ItlIlOimtt ) an ommmbmuasudoi :
. . - . . _ - - t , -
- - - * - - - - - - - - - - -
to the Vatican. Time pope humus sumunmonod
the Frencim bishops to commmo to Itome for
the purpose of comtsuilt.immg witii imiun in to. '
gnnl to tue comuli't.ion of time church in
DulmuN flL--l'atnick Hamilan
, July - - ,
01)0 f thU meim arrested for Jartici1iatlimg - '
itt time mmumrdcr of Imlis. Simiytime , iii Aprul
last year , lout tunmed imifonmner.
Ptttmn , July 12.--- Lotus Pasteur , tlm&s
well knownFrcumclm elmommmist iias offered to ' '
tugnhmize a niisaioum Witit tue object of imi-
vcstigatimmg time nature or onigimm of ( lie
ehmnlert ut Egymt. 't'ime hygiene conimnis
sioum Imas ttittlIit'el time scheme amid l'ast- '
him' imas allilhieti to 1lil Griumvihic , the
lhmitisii foreigim setm'ctamy to fuirumialu Imimim
witlm time , facilities fiW catryimmg emit his '
It ) iRtOl
mtunt'simI. '
AiuxANmImulA1 lmll 12.-Egypt imas re-
tinted ( meat B.1t1111r5 ( miuir of imuculical aid.
m-1uONClm FmtIARH.
LN1IN ( ) , .itily l2-Advices ( llitcdJmmno
0th , Ii otmi ( btbtnimi , time capital of tue '
French colomi' tf timat limmmmt : , , omm time umest. , . . : .f . Afmmca , stmute tlimt : time Froiich ,
commiimmiuimduuit : timeme umbitnunily searched
t.lmo Eiigiisim itiercimmtmmt , amid Iiimt'tl those -
) maiimg aimmms itt their pssessiomm , auth iii-
terfered with time sclmool of time Ammmunican
mtmissiomiitnics , meftmaiimg to iletmmiit. time temucim.
ing of immiy laimgmmage mit Fmemicim.
LONIuN , , Itily 11. - 'l'itum iargu Imall at
ielft , lloilammd , erected for time culebra-
tiomm of Limo amimmivorsmury of time ncmuloummy
theme , ltlniled , l.oss Imeavy.
'lime north Gcrmminum Gazette n1imiui imidi-
rectty attacks tIme Ammmemicmumm mimmuistor in
nil article relative to time Into report of
Sau'gemuuit ( lit Aimmericitmm lOtk _ Time Gazette -
zotte iii time saiti article quotes aim murtielo
froimu a Cincimimmati ppe' relative to dis-
covomics of mmulmultermutiomis ut Aimiuniemun
'l'liu 'l'immmes' Berlin tlispntcim says tIme
itumudesriutim will hitlllthil' IltSS a immw for-
bidthimmg time immiportimtiomm of Ammiorican
LONISN , Jmiiy 11.-Thu News says i
mtiuty imo safely nssmmmnetl that time lmladmm.g-
oscar mumiuttur is ommgagimmg time attemmtioui of , '
time Gunimman nmul tjumited States govern-
mmmemmts boUt Of which imod Coiismmls at
'I'munmative vmemm time towmm wan ocuined by
time I"rcmmcim. 'I'iie 111111Cm anticipate timat
a hmyitl hull cimmmdjd uxphimmmimt'msmm of her
nctiomm iii Tmlnubmgitscmur will s1meedily be
giveum by Fmummcim.
- . . o-
- - - - - - - - - - -
Soldier Cit 3't. ( 'I'ormimtdo.
KAAMAM Cmv , .ltmly 12.-A Leaven- '
worth sPecilti repIlit frommi Soldier City ,
time sceimum of time tommmuhu : 'l'mmcsdmuy umight , '
estiumimites tIme loss of Ilmoperty mit fioum
sbsoto : ) to $10,000. F'ifteen llmmilthings ,
immchmdiumg time iIiiimcihlltl lmmiimmess Imoumses ( f
titti tnvim m'omu mlemmmolilllmed , 'l'he lanlios
of 'mhms. ( ) 'lImmtmm.IIhm'n. . \ . \Valtern , ithirs.
Oweum muimtl htcnimmfmmmmttimreeinommtims mld , ere
tmmkemi 111)1mm thin rtmimis. A. 'l'opeka d'ms.
l)1ttCm nuys : time main ntommmm iii tlmut section
oh 'l'umcsdiuy umiimt ; ltM 0110 of time hmemui'iest
ovum. kitOWit mIt time ctmmmmity. tImummy .
buitiges vure vimsimed muwny mmml time dmtimt.
age to wheat ut tue immurvest field zunommitta
to several t.lmoumsamid ( lolhiurs. ' t '
, '
' " .Vlseomislus VImuln. : '
vJmid v .
stormmm pmusseil eVOr limo state lnit mmigimt ,
stmikimig I'orlage about 2 a. mu , ammd' do.
miihislmetl time brick bumiidimmg for LImo
Guppy ( iumamdmm. 'I'ime storumi neacimed ] riil- '
wmmiikee mit .1 a. mmi. , limit. uhit ! ommiy mmmimmor
- -
Tue I"ioodn.
LosnoN , ( Jmmt. , .lmmiy 12.-tip to thmo
iliesemit. time followimmg mtmo kmmowui to bt
1(1st ( by tue flout ! : l'iim's. ' 11.hiimIl . } ) of ICon-
simmgtomm amid foumr chtildmomm ; it. F , Cia ! ) ' of
Lomullomm'cst ; a woimmimmu , ilitimmu tiimkmmowmm ,
aimul her 7-ycium-olti datmgimter ; F. A. Orr
( If Aummi 2trcut amol three eimiitlrumm ; ( loom-ge
Stimttfomd ( If illiuck Fmiars street null one
child ; \Vmiu. 11oyhimmi of 4\111i \ stmeot ; Jmumios
Spmiihdimmg : vifo mumd :1-ycum'-IiIl : : EOii tt4tl )
I 1. . -
- -
' 1'111 lIgCimmemt.
Cmiii un , , , J mmly 1 1.mluimm1mems of time
Society of Onmmmgummtumu of ties city to time
It It mmi lIen ( tm m a It iii mti 10(1 ( i iiutletl tim i s iii (1111- (
i I I i mm ii m U tI ( If Lime iii m mmi vu mnury ; of time
laut [ ho ( If time lhiymmu. 'i'imey iufturwiumd took
mu tnmlilm ( lilt of time city for time imumu'iioso of
lm ( miti i mmg ii pi cm t i e , NI d isttmuiimm , mee of iumy
m mitt ii me i'ius cremuteti to u ti me I I mm u of mm march
imltlmoimgim Lime ( ) i ii mi iii mmt Li mimes vtus nub- '
j ccl eth tA I 1101 tIC immihujeuri m mg.
1 % Hm'eak In mm. Imumim , , $
OmiA't , ibiS , .Jumly 12A imotimer cm'ib ,
of time Cimni 111mm m ( ilult I , t CII fee 1 jim iumm gtlm ,
Imiu iiouim ciurmieti an muy tiukiuig mtlimmt forty
feet of time . 'l'hmu break
21(1W ( lit itbIltit lmfty feet aide , hut
time imigim st-mute of Lime immiuiui m'ivei' , time wa.
ter lit time ciummal Imini hIlt. ( muiloum to aim ) ' per-
Celtille ) extent. Ivcm'y addmtion to time
opetmiimg itt Limo diuiit iumemeitsen time dithicumi-
ty of mepitiniug timestnmicture. . . .
TiIl i'Ofu ( Cmlv 'rmuAunny.
iis IcIINmM , Judy 12.-A moport
t'tmaclmeml imeu.eto-mmighmt timid twt ) mmmcii Immivo
imeemm imjmpnoimuiitletl mit Cooim 11muiiitls mw time
mmmttmulemumms of Ciemmgimm ; itt l'.lk City 'l'tmce-
.hmuy . ovemuimig. Tehegnimimms imave beumm utemit
[ ( I i'olk City' iiutkiiig for Ilmurtitla to idemmtify
themmi. I f tlmey utlmmmil ( ) be itlemmtifiud they
mill miimdommhtedly lIe iymmcimod.
'nil : 1OK8ilFiW iNtJIitY.
BomoN , .Jmmiy 12.--'l'lmo takiumg of ovi
( ltlimce imm time 'J'eykmtbmuy oxaimminmition
CiIMl ( to-day. 'l\i-mmmoniow , time immumt day ,
iiil lIe divided but weemu Commimsel Brown
aimd time govumimor fcii mumgummmummts , Jhrown
tiukiimg time flmumiIom ( , Ihitler time after.
mm ii'mm. ,
I'rohably no fonmi of ( iiMM i hO enemaily dli.
trltjuto.l nnioii5 cur 1(11010 iOPU1tOIl at Scrofimla ,
Almioitt cyer' individual ha. ibm. latent poiaoim room-it.
tug lIla velmi. Tilt. tcrlbIc atiffemInga entlumed by
1110114) aflikol I aim cci tOh.II * torei ciumnot 1)0
Illdem'&tOOd by otlier , amid the intenMty of their
'ratItimde Wheim they fliitt a renmedy that cures
tiozim , ULOItISlISlI 0. weil I'ursomm. We refer by mcr
, mittislomm to ? ifl.s
0 0 S Sarah C. Wijittler ,
or Varmmer , N. 11 ,
I who cured Ly
thoseveultyof thichconflnct her to time Imotmae for
two years. Siz muomitti rrevmous to taklnU 1ioods
fiimlapactua 11113 COuld not izu about her room with.
out crutches. her ( riced taysm 'I thu miot Umlnk it
Iottiblo torhcr to live illally moonthil aims mo-
duced to a uncre Adicton , her cure Is hardly less '
than a mn1rnci , " Ioru woicterful corel than tilts
hue becn effected by this mnediciuc. There ii n
doubt that iii 1Iood 8amsap.mriU. wetiavo ti me4
uinrkabio umedictno that has ever been produced ,
anti u potituivo cure tor Scofula Lii ita aumerous
fumiM. ) 'mcojm.coatx Zor03. l'rearvd only b
I' f , I. IIQQD & CO. . Lowell , Mu. 8(14 by Ilruggtst. ' .