I _ _ p/ _ _ r t THE DAILY BEECUUNCIL I3LUFrS , 'CIIUItfiIAY , JULY 12 , 183. } ' TIIE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Thursday Morning July 12. - SUnSmtt1moN RATK9 ; lly C'srrler - - 0 eentt rrr neck ! , ' ' 111 - - - - - - eio.a p'r Year OFFICE ; No , Z Pearl Street , Near Broadway , MINOR MENTION. Cheap liahlrad'i'icket.at Bwluell'A AdditiOI I1 local uuwsnn Acvcutli page , Tlio Coy house is being raised nod ( nr proved , Thosu w'ho 1i the Hilt paid up their pull tax nr being sued. ( hio 1ilain dnnik named lenlny paid $7.O ; for his npree. 91o'Collcndir , ( minstrels showed tit 1)ohonoy'a la.t night , Dr. 1'iii1AOi1 Iilii S01(1 hlis farm in CreB cent township , to 1edell ( Dnnkle , far i,000. Chief 'I'enipletnmi , of the tire depart. went , now wears a newv budge .iii his rest. rest.Officer Officer hrroks yesterday arrested Ins , S1'ullaor for being "SVnlluin 1 6 g" drunken on the ntreets , A. If , M aynu th Co. , are tons getting nicely settled iii their thew ulliec and quarters on Broadway. Jib's , I'helps' condttton in NtiII itiql'o , % lug , and there seem good rolsous fur believing that ahe will recover , \obody wIG9 knocked nut of time al the Baby Barnes glove enatest , except [ lie audience , They were knocked out of both time and money. The amuy fronds of Gove'unr hale , of 1Vyining ( , will ho ; ratified to lean that ho 15 inquoviug ill IlcnltIi , turd it is ' hoped will noon he all tight again , .N. , I Itl)1Il ( llll5 nettled up the judg- nicitt found against hits fur uuaiubainung a hllsalco iii the atrect , uutrrt U11iantiCu amaisttng of platfurhl scdes and unlit e , The I'.piscopaliaui ' . litdics are snaking great preparttmns for their lawn piety this uveling uu Judgu .Ionus' grounds , It will dOl1Itlea9 be n moult ulijoyahlu event. Tlie soft glove contest betweelt Baby Barnes and Jack Curleyy was tint a sao ccaa by any neana , even ntensured by thu standarl of that class of uxlidbitnina , : Is a farc6 jt was a 8uccoas , however , and ill tlutt respect only. In the uaao of Evanl , chauged with as aanlting a man nnnted Nnglo Schnuidor , thoovidonco h all been takot and thu a gurnents me to ho made tliia Ilium ingt before Justice Abbott. Aa predicted by T11E1IIar : the ollicud handbill of the city eoytea to the flout with a crawfish uxIInulltion of its ntia- 'eiresuttntiola of Aid. Keating , its onlyy excuau iA that it stolu its rupert from the Nonpareil , and beteu full into error. Colnonr Smith , who iii serving a jail iwnteiico for assaulting lita wlfu , apuads moat of his titnu in the jail yard , snoozing - ing nu 'thu groan , or sawuigiug ; in the luunmock. his health scuuus to lie roar , and the IdlYsicialt says hu lleelsthe frenlr afr. IViekhnui Bros. lunro concluded that they do nut want to build the new school Louse , south of thu rathvad tracks , for $7,775 , which they pruposcd to do it for , Thu } ward of education has Idhwed i11enl to withdraw their bid and bas lot the contract to the miuxt InWOnt , j. P Weaver , for $ Sf00. Thu I'ottawattauuiu county Normal lu atitute , is too , en ill this city next hies. da . Prof. IVnrncr of Allerton I'rof Hatch laland' iermtendent of Rock ' Su Grotrni of Shelby lecounty. . iiru to servo as iuatructora' while Dr , arstow of this city , will instruct in analogy anal phyai ology. The job dopartnlent recently established - lished nt cohttuctioti with Thu Council Bluffs BEE oflico , is nnu of thu bti lest daces of its size in the city rued order 8 have rushed in so ) lettifull ms to uucs aitatu the providing of uiou nulturial ant l more help , Its success during its there t career is proof that this city appreciate fine wmork. Aml' Dtavy complains that a big for ) itulwl { into him m J ohnson 's 8xlooui on Broadway , ohu hittin him with n bit liatll cue aunt nnotlwr with a bee' ' 'lass. Oc1) go Brrrl ( , stud dubui JIcIillhare hecu arrested as two of the qua'tuttu , and luvvc given bail of $1N ( ) each to uppe r r oil thu 18th for trial , 'l'Iiu other tw ( are unknown to Davy , A T , Fair , late of the telephouu tic chnnga at Onuid Island , Nub. , is now h take clutrgo of the tuluphonu htisinua hero. It is to Ito hoard that sumo o these many clungus luny rcatllt in guttiu g the tuluphouu business lietuin such Slutl , u as to ; , give satisfaction to the publtu i There lus boon nnrch lgrualblui6 lion e and touch cause for 6rtunlding. A littl goneoHity coupled with attediou t ( busiueaa , std enterprise will cause tin tolepluonu busi as to r'Oviye in Cnturci Bluffs. During the firutnuu's tourunnlunt her two yours ago the council spread a biun quct at the city'a'uxpe150 fet faunio of th notable , viutUurs. Afturwunls sult w'uu brought against thesu ollictula aad judg nucnt secured out thu ground that thuu } had no right to uau thu ctty'a nomluy fut this purpusu 'Vino judgment Juts lice lutuging ever theu iudtvidualy'tor Bonn timu and lncludud $50 nttorS ; fee for C ! t , Scott , w'he wits renlouis n the , roaoeu this , It was settled eslerda the cat falliu g III 1V. It , Vuu luut , vhio uua iial'or and the Aldcraiuu l'htlliIus Sot tuaul Folmdu old Churchill. . 'I'hu jtlstiwa seems to dhffe about chunlges of eiiuiu in civil eases , Tlu Lawyers luLV' oo been in the habit of haviu thu cases sent whore they pleisu , by lilin afllda ita * f prujudieo or subpwmiang , justice as a wittiua , and thus boom hint out. Justicu Schurz 111th decided out wa ) , Justicu Abbott the 1)upositu wny untl yesterday Juatleo \1111bgun bud a us ha which Ito lint ! to decide the knott point , If there bad beett more tluut tw aides to thu question Ill ) svuuhl Iobabl S have Utkun thu third position but as 1 wua he had to coincide w'th nnu or th other he decided as Abbott and not alt appeal is to be taker to Judge Aylu worth , who will sot the trio right sots way It is n nlianotnur to call n thing it now e paper which wishes for support simpl beauao it iii a htrictl local ustitutio and Iota no circulation outaidu of the cit .hiaits , and has ao few hnhldu tlut it mu } keg ( Jr die. THE BEE tlurive8 in Counc Bluffs anti wtll strive , not aingply beuau it is a worthy local enturprisu , but li cacao it givea its reaadera and palrot nnluu received every time , It is Ixastful tau , erisnl that leads other n era to c oat 1''Give " 'IIlu p to ' lest we die , ' ought 0t something of value to sell rather tuna content tlueniselvos with whtnuha 6 g lie ginP , lapping thnwui oil the town , am claiming An I , ort , just because they belong lucre , 'ruin lhrr : : luolo11 s here to , but it is hero to do h msitles , and in loisiuiesa like ways-ant t(1 beg , Thus far this year ( O perAu/IA / have rev ceived pennisst/m in this county to tuarry , iinb ) Barnes missed it in Council Ihlutrs. llu should have nppeared in seine such role aA Ben Ifogan cnutu in. Thu tire ninon or telephone wires , or both , lay en law rill Eighth street that a luau of fair height , with a silk the on , take the ' 'luau " to lutist bradgu" dodge get along. Cupid naunullees anunng the latest 'Ikon cptivu : henry 1Vnlters , of Little Sioux , and Bust Lnngrecker , of 1Vnlnut ; Vernon Stahl and Charlotte Igrnpen goner , both of 1S'aluut , Strangers visiting the city should ou denvnr are the beautiful floral display in the peek. If they stuccoed they should rupert pranqtly ) its resideuts have not been able to discover any yet , ,1(1 , the only ' shriw unw is fur snuusta to disc wor the flowers. Thu board of education scenu5 to ho utterly igunriuu ' g Su iurinteludelt Fnrn hruu , not tiiumu about utl diet- itu g teachers or in other details whuclu he is su u roacd my kunw at lelwt n little unore thnil tlu' if daily ex wrteueu fur 01115 will teach a auuunn } n' tit mull. I'Iie purpaso (1f tllia scorns to but to freeze the supeiutotuleut out , mil' to force Finn to tluxrtw up Iris cuutrsct , whiclu lullsa ; 'uur nuno to tutu , 'I'ho uvhdo't purpnsu Is to coil for the pusition , in t out a better 1111111 , iiii I (1m , n fitvm'Ito , to tvho11u it is sup. proved tlwy are pledged politically' , 'I'hlo school hoard cannot all'bnl to lot the p(1 litiud viOass ho counuctod with the teach- ers' desks nod sacrifice tluu good of the 8cluol for the sake' of awnndiug spoils , or following met favoritism sua'oly. If they want to lake the poaition , however , let tiuchu the so opotlly and nh uvu hoard like noel. hiku nil faun , Jlr. Farnham lusts his faults , but the success lie huts mot with , , the Ay'stcuiu he has starteil hero , hunts now public 01011001 ill hiur favor , led it will be n hard blow to the Mehlnal , Iurt , hluu'ely to lose hint , but to have the mutir system ovurtunbled ; amid wluit wor Iota beat done thrown away uncompleted. Still , if the bard mean to do this , lot thou openly take the respohaibtlity ike honest anal , and not worm about uhd work slyly. 'nccy have already caused the city to lose the Iindergartuu nystohl , That ought to ahtisfy . them , Not Ice. Aul those ' \rho Wuru' damngod by the cl unite explosion , also Col. Iientlu ueatoto imect at JTnx Jlahni's Saturday ovuningul 14th , Order of C. . . , Chnirnnn. _ SIF : I(1NO TO SI'CIilI. : Au Jltlengst to Ilavo a Slloe 'l'nltcn . on. Front ( ho City , A putitiuu 1ns been tiled for the eou siduratiou of the circuit court at its conning - ing 508811)11 asking that a portion of the property hoar time astern liuuits of the city be sot asidu amid severed front the corporation , The petition describes the pr.paety as ' 'all thud part of the north hirlf of the southwest quarter of suction 28 lying west of the old cluasuul of Jlus quite cvek ; tall of that part of the 8(1ut11- cast quarter of suetio129 1S4umg west of the crock ; the Southwest qunrter of see. tion 20 , the eat half III the southeast qunrtor of section 8 $ ) , the oust half of the Oust half of suction 81 , nil that part of Acetion J2 l 'iug treat of Jluaquito creek , all being sltnntod in township 75 nuttlt of ruujiu 48 ; all that part of the west half of suction a cud of the cunt half of the east half of section I ; in township 74 , 1nrth of range 43 a cat , The proved OW'uel ( signing tltu ieti- tieR are : .1 , F' , Evans Jnuues fl. ttuu luhu R , lieu , D , Ii , Clark , 1'llmund Jetlaries , .t. S. Bunkum , llnry Alyurs , J1. E , JTycrs , lVilson 1)uucau , , liteob Sclurodt , E,1 , Itresee , Siuuuul Ilollihuh , 'l'luuuts Grch , blary Itushton , U , Chilli- I foul , 'I'lueu. ' Guittar and 1' . D , Heller , ' ! 'lucre have been several atteinptsumdu . to the courts to collect cityy taxes upon this propo'ty but ill eiiclt ease the city his boon dufutud , ou the ground that it wits merely a gricuRurma proturty , rccuiv- ing nano of the direct i iuutdsof the city iuurrvuuueuts , 'l'hu 1prollurtS g owue'a lion' vant to hua'u , the slice taken oil' the city untimely stud tlto gl'oultuds nut till for this sovol'lulco are the salute old reasons , thaat this territory is wholly ttgrieulturtl mud f u'IUiu y laude I Itlttf a0 IIAort mat Ocetillicll ; thitt titu saute f hen nuve' boeii usud for any municipal purposun rutd rucived n1) benefits are std vrtuthbes from buiu g w'itltiu the eaid cur. a1)rntunl limits , putt that it is tat likely to eyes lw nuedcd for mumicfladl Inu- plsJn , p 1)r. SVenl - , 1' u art street. u - - - 1 Reel Is : t u t e'1'ra n s l i , ar4 , Thu following deeds were tiled for me- , cord in the conuty clurks's (111100 , Jnl y ' 11 , reported for''I'11e IIui by F. ,1 , Ne . N Jtahon , reitl estate agent. It. F , BryuitCt'i.l. ] IT , I'alnie , huts 8 . and 9 , block 15 , blillert 'addition , $522 r C'R , Ir& 1' , it , it. Co , to Illichao I Iingnrty , N , E , I N , l : j 81 , 77 , 41 e $450. C. It. 1 , tC 1' . It , it. Cu. to blicltnu i Ilitgnrty , N , 1V , I N , E. .j flu , 77 , fl 8.100 S Sh John JolJneou to Toter Olsen , lot (1 ( . block 00 , Riddle's sub „ $1,000 , , 'fetal saiori , $2,372.00 , ' - - ' t ' 1'hu'l'hloFol''Phuu , e Au uthur eta e o f watch afediug min g gg CUmud yusturloy , and i nullier uoloru u near was run down as being the fellot wluo took thu tiutu of duty , 'I'tuu victit tvluo thus lost time wits F. Iinrriaon , u buy wlto tugnlutus thiu cigar cso and con Y roost at thu Ogden 1101180 , lIe Lad atoj ' I led front nvork oluu'gh ' to lntlaac itintsolf in a hu11uunek anti full idea 1 t 1Vlleu ho utwuko to go on watch again Ii c 1111(1 itO watch to gootm , his sueicioa , ' t'full across the dial of a bull bo a'Viiliauu Dodd , wltoao lumdui luad ono e beforubuat on twwatch , and who out thin ocutsiot clahned to Intro caught the tint just fur sport , As Dodd know wwr y the key t'aa which would unlock to I , gate loadhug Into thu area whore the luau t y mock wute amid a1 account of other utu s et picioua erutnbtallcca , Officer Luunin II 'put his aucond hnitd on Dodd's alroulde tau aid pqt 11hu in Field's ahow caau to o Judge Ay'Iuaworth to udjuatathis luiaur u 18 'rho affair will probably chw up to.da 1 1'IitLO OP TIIiTIIS : , 11ltorce Cases Cotntna to the Front fr the Court to Consider , M Three more di4 orce caseA are just in the pigeon hole for the coining term o tire circuit court. Oulu of these is that in which Martha C. Darluull seeks to be released front M. 11 , Daruoll , after a wadded life of over 23 years , atul the children grown to years of nudurity. They wcro married in Jacksatvillu , iII , , in J1nrc11 , 1850 , amid the clainu which ) the wife makes agnittat her huabaud is ( hunt of adultery , She says hue is wehl to do , and wants the court to nut only free her fruul time iumatrimnoninl llama butt 11110W' her the homestead in 1 'nluut and $500 ill money. totvtby Coghlnn has nut bcoti ntarriud ucarly' An lung , her wedditlg day being in Jhareh 1881 butt she vnnta to be rid of her John , who site clnitns began drinking heavily about ut week after they wcro suarriud , and tuna kept it up silica till situ cnmlot stand it auy longer. She clnitns es additional rutsoun for 8 divorce tllnt he went oir to Idaho u11d foiled to support - port her , and hunt hue is albgethur too food of ether woneti. Flora 11 , Itcoette , nuntucr wuamrul tt'llObelwvea llerst 'lf tiimsmsed ( , wnuts a di. vorcu froth Charles Ieruette ( , oh the ground tlmt hue strlck mouth heist her ctuully , and oodmugoied luerlifu , JTrs , llrty's ' ecntnuruut , Nuts. 21 mid 28 Ihyuuut , its Ael'viiI' line IIICllla at 2(1 ( cents only. . sPslldtPal Ot"I' Its. A 11'1UT. ,1 Carroll ( 'ounty atua Sot 1'S ec by Judg ( ' 1t ed. Saunuel Craig was yeste'dity released from the custody of SheritI Ilitnliltou , of Cnrrol cntuuty , by Julgu ( Reed , oti n writ of haba(5 corpus. Thu claim set up by Craig , stud by which he secured leis re- leaau , present n queer showing of Jus tice. 'o'ho charge against lliuu wits for huaking thteista , audon this he vas arrested - rested early Sunday nmornumg , Jtdy 1st , by ComuRtablu 1 , Clunndler , of lionehio township , lie vita arraigned before .iua- tic Stifroe , of that township , tit S o'clock in tluu uwnrtug. Ilntltur 81 curly hour in tlue mooting for court bitsiless Craig says ho asked for time to get cumin- ad , but this was refused Linn , and then ho asked for a clumgu of vouue , and this was also dunied Linn , and he wan bound over in the sum of $500 , and being unable - ble to give bonds wits seat to jail , 7'hia took the successful limn } of crowd. smug out again. -i- I'MthONAi,5 , City Auditor Itnrke hupes to get away nu leis Now Mexico trip to day , 1)r. N. S.1)ndgo hunt Ineu called to Springfield - field , Ill , , by the illness of ids mother , who is rt lsrrted as nut expected to live. Thu tune of his retunu doPiOds lnrgaly upon the result of her ihluess , Jliss Lida Herten is paying n visit to frioads in Mt. Ayr. hotvis 11'estbtll , % s lie wits funuorly eight clerk at time Ogden , is now at thu Union I'a chile hotel ocupytug a sbuilnr jstsitiou. Liss ttayKileurodaughterof 1) . If , Kil more , has rutursd to Chicago with her sushi , tliss Bortie Taft , wlm lute been visiting - ing her bu time city fur three mutatlus ui'so. C. 1V. Edgertomi , Oosha's light voight , uas in the city yesturlity inking after a case tau had before JusticoSehur , In which an adverse dreisluu land boon rnmlered. lie didn't allow the defect to rufllu Trim any , however. C. V. I'ntterson , of Knusns City , w7ts at tlrc Fncifio yesterday. 11. I , , Colman , of La Cr.sso , 1S'is. , is u 1'11 cHic house guest. I t. ( t , Ihrshanore and bliss l. , Conlin , of Sai Rrnmieisco , are Patcifie Ilnrrso guests , S L , flsppil oral F. J , lhgqel , .1u.,1)f time Union stank } 'mils , Chicago , wee iu the city yesterday. ( 'luarirs IIIce , of icrenumt , Neb „ took a peep tit the city yostcrduy , ( ' , ( i , Kiwif , of St , i'utul , wits nu ( ) gdorr huusu luiivnl yesterday. Rob llnrrls , time Irrepressible bat out into. spu11siblu Jllssnnri 1'ullny serlho , wits Ito tluu city yt terday. .1 , 11 Juluistuuul Icu ) vm' , reached time I'a chic yederd'q . F. ( t , 1'owiusr11d , of 1'iuuanu , lomvu , mars m lowing tbu Ihlulfs yostcdv A. 4 , , Eery. , of Nooln , vies in the city yaw. terday. O. ( : , Itash stud C , L lhmltnnnn , Ciuciu- notluus , wuru ttyimig to keel , ( .001 itt the Ogdett yestcrlny. New Fared wits ropresmdnd mit time Ogduu yesterday by 11. SVlgghis , Charles Misc. W'illhtni A. 1Volch usud faafly and fm udly and it. II. ( iruift + . - . - . . MlnOllle Hall. At u mouthig last night of the Hhusoulu 'I'onplu aaRCllttiIii ) thu co11nuitteu et prop1)sud bulldmlig smuts 1lutr etolt to r cuivu plane usud spuciflcatuuns for a building - ing to cost $50(100 ( , 11nd to be built its anon rta lnasillfc. , Secretary 'I' _ 13. Lacy will receive plaits until August 5th for I the iututu , Our Nov Isouut maid Itnprovnnaent Co , luvestigittiou into the hulttor eonvitles us that ono of tutu uiust equitnblu , reaiun able mold feasible plait , of huildiag houses is that pruposcd and ht opurntioa by the lilcruumtrle Loan , 'I'must amid huprlve. meat cougpamy of this city. By invest. lug ill shares ill limits institution , wltielt is backed by soma of oily bust usud rlmost ru , li11ble buhniess noun , it bccnnes possible d 011(1 cnmupnrntive1y easy fur a man mil moderato utotus to wearo a eunuforhtble t' uonu for luiiusulf and fnntlg. In bskiug a a certain nuuder of sltnrua , itt a curtain ii monthly pnyuueit , ill a few y'ear's 8 11111 t cut eurn a house of his bw'R fur about the anew ua 11e pat's uuultld for runt. ' Vc ' believe the Jlu'uttmtilu Ioan amid 'Trust u cupany , , by ° r'giuuiziug amid upuniug up , fur busutcss , hits-u tilled ma lung felt u ntnut ill Coutleil Blulrs. 'Their pouts stud 8 system If ho umu will Iwar the must curd. , ful scrutiny and exnuiuinntiuu , amid w e u have no Lehitaney in ) rnuunciumjg thorn t reasonable and el uitabtu anti ineked by u geittlonoi of Fader itnd itmttrgrit . u thu con , min uzlSf8 it bucomitus at ( ncu 1al u institution of vulue amid credit to our city amid those vho dusir homes , Their pros idout is ' 1' . A. Kirkland ; vice president ill dud u I'eake ; secrete 1. It. Beery r treasurer Cut. Iloobu nd their otlic i r in the basement of Shu art .C 111o111a . lmH's nuw block , curlier First avenue hna ! Pearl street , jamm2'.1y. To Our Custom6rs ! Iii looking over the Seventy-six days of uur oxtatence its a farm , we find that we hOSO reason to thank our friemuls for the Very Large Sales we have Had. 11'a thought the people of thin city would appreciitte a stock of CARPETS & CURTAINS C(1LL1111C11sIimit6 with thou size of the city , raid are , leased that we u-ero not nlis- takeu , 1Vc shall 1nit ill this fall oven a Larger Stock of the New Choice Styles Only , \e have arranged with sonic of time largest nmntumfaeturrs to ltaudlu their GOODS IN PRIVATE PATTERNS , Aunt Ileac call give our custumems the benefit of Special Designs , CASADY & ORCUTT , 502 Broadway , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS A. H. MAINE & CO. , iEALEIIS IN Liffle LouiviIle ? IiCuIIUAN i'LASTuII , llAlit AND SI WElt 1'11'1,1fAltD AND SUIT COAL AT L0u.ST 1'ItlCE. No , 34 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , r 1 I ' r 7i C c12 1 I at ; 1f MerchantuTailors. 7 and 9 Main Street , j nIRZZG7TORY , 4t70UNCIL $ LTI'I' , Id. . J0 IN BEND & CU GENERAL MIIICIIANDISE. } , is Mnln street cord 17 Pearl . _ _ street.- _ y L . B. CLARg & CU. . Prescriptions Compounded llltUOOISTt4. at all hours , 106 Broadway. CItKSTN 10USE. MAg MOHh1 , Urecery , 215 Mahn Street. IIetol , 2t7 uul 210 Main street , - - J..LU. BARSTO M D 0mw : , . . . , V Comer Filth street and Fifth as e , I ) B. J. F. 'V-HIE Comer Main and fifth up stalrs , ltesldencc,1500 willow acme , -JL'STICOOFTIIE1'EACI : , - N SC fIURZ , 01fice over Amoricau Expross. - - - - - - / , LIVERY ANI ) FLED , S AGVER [ t I , Will contract for fumiorals at . reasonable rates , 2i Fonrtlm street , - - - - J M S.L & CO .CA H BUYER S WLolesnlobutter eggs , pout. , . U I . try nnd fruit. mildp to to. llratt by return email , 146 Ilr awaay. - - - - - NnW BOOT AND SIIOE STORE , S A PIERCE. . . Curncratafa and Furst asenue. _ - - - - - - - - - - - - IIrnsdwny ) lent Jlarket- BERBERTZ PETHBRIDGE & , 3:711roadn5y , . _ - - - - - - - - - - /t ifRltL'ILllt" TAILOR , JACOB ( JCH Stock Compklo , Suits undo at reasonable prices. No. nay Mat , St ; CONTIIACI Olt AND IIUILUEIt , G F. S 1TH . . Corner 7th ntud Bromhmy , l'lans and sr ectfeatk Ins furol hol. _ - - - - - - DEALrR ; IN FINE IrA1tNuSS W . W SHERMAN , I Imayo the sarlety that hrlegs ratruage. , 121 Main street , - - - - - - - - - - - 1kRCIIANT TAI LOIL- JAMES FRANEYS ArtlstloYork and reasonable charges , 872Broulway , } 'UItNITUIIB STOVES , HOWE (31 ; SON , ad household Supilles. 317 Bru dway. A Tf011NEYS ATLAW , LINDT & HART , James Block. I'metlee In state and federal courts , L' STOCIILRT & CO. Mauufactiirers Flume Furniture , Uplunlstery Geal. , Curtains . , 1J. . , and wludawShades 307 Broadway. . And bath house , 421 and 423 Ilroadxay. L. Suverelgn , Prop. 1' . J , Mont. S ANITARIUM goorery.1.1).l'Iq.Ician , 1'ET1ti1N.tlty SUItGEON , WADE CA U , Oltlce , Bray's table , No. 12 Scott street. 1I - - Manufacturer of iIOIISECOLLARS , P. J flEN1'l tI I'mdo Supine 1. btlusteetb taeeii Oth and 7th are. - - - fl 111STICE OF TIIR1'EACE , EDWIN ii.Lx . : , Notary Publlo cud ( leuunrr Cunsuyantes 415llmaduay. : - - - - sstrTn & NOIITN ) , ftE v r'11E HuUS _ , nrtadxay oppo.lle Nuis Clem 11ot u , Refitted Sl , $ L50 per day. . CONTtIACrttS AND IIUILt EttS. DE CAY CASSEL & Comer Sltth street and Amenuu ( L x1. NEW AND SECOND nAND 110USEIIOLD GOODS. 11 H ALMY Boughtnudsell. 2t211roaduay SPECIAL NOTICES. N0'rlC1-Special : adsertlsouments , such as Tart , bound , Tu lean , 1'ur Sale , To Rent , Wants , ] hone lug , etc. , ssill iw Inserted rut thus column at the low rate of TEN CENTS 1'Elt IdNE for the first Insertion a11d FIVE CENTS I'Elt ' LINE for earl , sulxsw1uent Inv srtlon , i ease als ertl etnents at tour onlca , No. 7 l'esrl Street , near Ilrladway FOR SALE AND RENT. I put SALE--A house , harn.tuisounteen acrnwf , on hurl , and other lmpmremetds , 8100 delry bu. liut's bwatud st iitadof Ilnsulxa } . 7lxtnns low and bug thou 11 de.irrd. Ingadru of 7lwmas Jolumson out pn'.dsw , For Sale. 'limo fmnnlture cagxts and housekteping uulusiis ill Imou u No. 813 sltth As ante. Ahuet noww cud care. ( lulls' used. limo /uruituru / xamI umadu to order by A. II , ihsvemirert , llo.tuu , lLs + . and carpets are Eiigll.h si1crn stud hulartur by'lotucy , Bright S ChIsn of Iio ton. Can be merit each day Iwtxct iu 4 and U it to. 'limo dsellhmgsmaSltlhAseawlafor male or roil. l.srly lww eHimi tall l o gis con , , Utlu 1 llsstdahl lsdtrrn buggy built by Emoud k ( uinslcr of lle.lu , ) iasw i bind ru , mumtnl light tiunblm lunua.,1 gold tuountol tlmnnit Ilannss. lies or beeu tsed. 1 buggy Ilame..liadiad aoine n u Carrlagu stud hanmisa can bu sera nt liny s . is. U , hose , ( NllllII ( lumuils , la. July 2. ) o1 ' ' IIussollttlon Copal'tllet'nhlh , Nultee Is iiererq gisto that the lathmenhiim Iahly otiting ; istxccit H. C. hose and 1. J. Mo Mahon of Council luuas' Iowa eider time tine of Itu.0 and Me Malwn et .Ind on the thintrth dayy of June 18x3 pnnataumt to time terlus of llmo anicleuf eotannrnidp. ts , host. I , . J , McMnhoa Tlw bt Ii ew x111 bu camducted fu hrturu by i' . J. Mo llahorl , rimes otca. , a. Ii. rraar. OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS i Council Blurts , Is. Establislea - - 1856 I Ikalen fn k'urgleu and humretl0 Eadasago umd llumu Securllivs. ODELL & DAY , Loans , Reai Estate AND INSURANCE. No. 39 Pearl St. , Ooulloil Bluffs , City Property , Wo haw vncaut lots hum all tart. of the city at fron 150.00 up , for du on monthly raymuntr , No. 5'A Itouse , 6 roams , xetl , ebtenm , 4 range lot. , pleat ) of felt am lientoi street ; cimeup.ut'ra V , Na36.-Adesirable resldencoon Suscuth street 1war llioomur echomml , Inuildiiugs riearlm' ilex ; e5,0)O. No. 42.-Ninety fret ( rout , comer Pearl St. sad se rand a'enue , oprsasitu court huuw ; t15 , ' , + O , Bualnoss Chances , No. 26. . For male or tradu , a stock of harhmaro , at a gust bulueu r alit In ouster , buss. Will ludu fo r farm or cit' , rmwrl' . No. M ylttotci , time only nnu hmtown of 7(101nirnh rtents,2.Srrsnnswith gssll.anm , acll located , ail bell cheap or trade for a lama. No. 16A Ilse republican raper hi tvtu'tenr buss onlclai roomy ialwr slid large patrouagu , uerychear u sold . mw lm , \.u sl.u has a uu11d er of choice lunar in a ester m loss a , for sale cheap LOANS , w'u hiss o money to lave out fanas and City' prorwrty , nt trout 6 In 10Iwr cent. Fire and Tornado Insurance , blest of couyuules rcprascmitud. ISrultablo rate and fair treatuwnt. Lasses mlju.tcd amid pall at thl e ulna' . tlIi's.11 , J , U1lton I PHYSICIAN & SURGEON ass Broadwaycouncll ; Mute. w.R.VAUCHAN Justice of the Peace. Omaha amid Council lBufrs , Itesl estate and rorluctlon sgracy , ha Odd Fellow' . block , ours Sasingshank. JsnStf 9 To The Trade ! t 11 e take pleasure ill calling your attention to the fact that wehave madti such arrange. uueitts as hill ennb10 us to soil you Ruhiliei' i Lc. Here , as Low as you can buy them East. ' \Vrito fur further infurnmatiou. . CO. , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , . r Ice CreaiiiFriit ! & CoilIeclionery Parties , Sneutbles 811(1 Ihaacs supplied on short notice , turd goods delivered to all j parts of the city' , w. T , BRAUN'S European Restaurant , 404Vest Bruadwity , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. R. S.COLE &C0. 11.tN1'FAl'T'ItClt AND imEALEILt IN A1J , 7 I I Kinds Amid Ommnnsents , Also ' wool nod fray 1'u11gw , mVosl 1'ihing 511,1 Ua , Pipe and Pipe 1'Ittures , for both No , 004 South Imlain Swusl Street and . . . lmn . . . . l'uugw. . . . . . . . Ostlers . . . . . . sill . . . ret . else . . . pmiumpt . . . . . . . atteluttoii. . .COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. , n tel 15-sod-ti M. CALLACHER c.7f" : E. ® n . I. I dJ Ness Store , Freshm ( ends , Lox Truces omit Polite Attendants. First Door east of Hotel i' ° ' 11' vsY Metropolitan , } 'c n lcu ni" , PETER C. MILLER 1t'fIL:5Aid.1Nn ( : : lET.uI. ( t Wall-Paper and Window Shades and Painting in all its Branches , FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE. NQFt.18 and 20 N c rtb. Main. St. HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS ' t k iBOU ht and 301(1. Money Loaned Abstracts Furnished . , , Ar . ] E' J McM1iIrION , ' No. 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS ' 4 SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , . , x , , lv DEALERS IN . . rooocos ! , fO'V1S1OllS , Boots o.ii Slioo 1 , , IMMIGR1LTION ACi aNT15. c i r DitAFnt ON TILE DANII OF IRELAND , DOBLiN , FOIL SALE , 313 BIIOAUWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS CRESTON HOUSE. 11111' MAX MORN , - - - - PROPRIETOR. ' 2133 , 217 and 219 SI. Main 35troot , COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA , - - - - - - MRS. D. A , BENEDICT , Tr1E LEADING DEALER IN 1 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Little Windsor. 531 BROADWAY. Ietftwft1it : .1udlaylloanl. ) Allllrolklicadesotthusra ouandthefinest table Inthecity. P. Overton , DEALEIt IN Hard Wood , Yellow Pine and Red Cedar Lumber , Oak and ittsl Ctslar l'IllugCedarTelegra mh Polesaud 1'cntu I's ts , oak Dimension Shutt , ltrid u Material of all khmds , at iced hock Prices. A Spohuity In WOOD AND COAL forbrick yanlpurimests. Afullsupplyofuonlaud c ma151555) . nn hard at y arlSO2 and &m)4 ) Maui street. Oltice , ( 'Os First Avemiir , betxcell Muslim slid tear ! streets , WINTHERLICH BROS. IOll & Brass Follllry Cur , 6t11 St , std 11th Ave , COUNCIL 11LCTFS , - IOWA. MORGAN , KELLER , & CO. , UNDERTAICERS. Time flnrst quality and largest stock west of Chicago of % wntwla'll umd Mctalio ( 'secs. Coils attormdhl W at ail hours. nSe defy eonq.etiliui ill quality of gelds urprices. Our Mr ltnrggnn has.erstda.undertaker for forty ) cars sun thoroughly nuderatams tmI5lusl. ties. . A'areromms,3t1 Uroadsumy , Ui'1tOI.STEILING hr all Its branches pruraptii attends ) W ; al.o carpet is ) hug and lambroruhi. . Telegraphlo and mall rlun anal xithoutdelal' . DUFRENE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITECTS 14rREMOVED TO OMAIfA NATIONAL BANK UILDINO. A Skin ofBeautyls a JoyForever. DIt , T , FFLI % GOUILAUI'S Ortental Cream or Magical Beautifler , Time Orleidal Crcam I'urlfles as well a. Beautifies the Hkbn , Removes Tan , 1'Imple , , Freckles , llotiu latches and every liuemiah orleuty and deflce detec lion. It ha. stood the teat y of 30 y ears and 1. so harmless 'vu taste It to ' be sure the 1 propsratlon is r ; , rmperlyrraJe. t ! . , Aoaupt nu rauuterfelt or aimllar flame , "y r 5,5. The dl.tmn J " . * gulshal Ir L. wit { ? 1k A , Sayre said to a lady of the line Tex ( a 'atlonti ' ) "A.you lamllea 551(11 ( use them I recmmneli ' ( Joumuds Crean' as time least harmful of all the Skin preparallon. " Oiie bottle sill last eta tnontlu , ush.g . it every day. Also i'oudro Jun the remove , superfluous luamr without injury to the skin , flan , ti , D. T. GOURAUD , Solo Prop , 44 11ond St. , N , Y. For sale by all Druggist. and Fancy. Good. Deal. en throughout 11w United States , Canada and Europe. Lrfllcaaro o1 base Imitation. , 1)1,000 , reward for arrest cal proof of army ono.elling tlw sane. , , . . r4 weew.uw 2t.ew-Oum ST. LOUIS PAPER WARBROUSE. . s Graham Paper Co . , 217 and 310 North Mali St. , St Loula 1 WNOLELtLE DEALERS IN News IIOGE , , } PAPERS ! { iVIIAIltQ ENYL1.OPe3 , OutD BOAIW AND PRINTERS' STOCK R Cash paid for flags and l'aper Sj ck , Scrap iron asst Metal. , . 1 a er stock lYarehoastw , 12.23 lu 1227 North Sixth trod. wyY4 Jtq