Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1883, Image 1
- - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - . - - - - - - - - - - i- : ; ; - i. 4-Lf. ---i . 15 ¶ \ p . h L : : : zer. ' ' i ' ! ' : 'TIT'FIE j4pFj11AILY ] . BEE. THIRTEENTH YEAR. . OMAIIA"ITURSDAY MORNING , J ULY 12 , 1883. NO. 21 I 1 St . IIIYDIA E. PH'KHAM' VEGETABLEOOMPOUNI. _ 1 ; t 1't1YO 'IIO FarI1 thoat' 1'nInru1Cimp1nIntnnaV'kei.l socommonto ourbtI tcmme pUttnn. I Medicine for Vomn.nyntc0 Iij- Vreptrod I ) a Woman. b. flrpatMt .4III .cry Stu th. fls , . et IIIii LIIre,1ca the drooping pptrIt , tnIgorater , 'a : ) crmonlzi ( ho organlo tuiitIoiu , gITe eILtIcttT o 1rmuto tIo.teprostomthonaturatutre ( otn p0 , ftndtM1t3 on ( ho .o chc of woui.ui tb trA toe of Iitog prinR & 1 cony .unincr ttmo I 1VPhystcIans Usn II and Prescflbo It FrceI.V1 it mmov tintiio.i , Thttulene , Jctr3 all br aUmul.nt , and vdIoei wcakauM of the . ( om.o1 Th&t to.iIn otbeain down , causnifl'nln ( , weI id hkache , I , atwa permanently curtd by 1s uM Qortho euro t1U1ne7 Oomplulnt.oteUor u this Compouud i uuiurpasse& J.TDtA 1. PINRAM' WAIOD IIRWIEI 0111 orndlcato oyerf vetio or IIuflorI4 trviti (0 1oodandgIvn (000 atitt tLrcngth to the ) 'sIein , 4 uinwom&uurchi1d 1noIton li.acthglt. 13011 ( the Compound aiiood Purifter nxe prriii4 It 3 ftnl ( 33 Western Ayenuo , Lynn , ! ao. ( 'ne. 4 .ther. $1. Sit btflcs for e. Scnt by mnfl In the tori , t pUls , or of Iozngea , on receipt of r1ce , $1 per b lor either. MrL Ptnkhai free , aflswcr afl totter' 4 iquIr. EncIo$03C.8tAlUP. SCfldfOrPAIflP1det. No famUv , hon14 ho .jthout LT1)IA V. PINICtL(3I U 1 11.Ls. They cure constipation. bIilou8ne ot the IlTur. 3 ccnt ( p.r box. i3Soldbl nIIDrugg1aU. SIOUX FALLS . , JASPER STONE L Company. \ , , IINCOUrORATaD.1 . g , . . Th1 coinnany I prepared to recehe orders liM ' FAiLS JASPIR STONE , for Building Purposes , . . . , . ' ' . - ' - - - , ; 7' * . : . . U , - , . And will inako figure. on round ht for prompt deIi % e . 1110 compat y Is hIppIug Paving Blocks both Chicago aiitlOmaIia , ftnl soIIcit correspond Ce and orders from contrnctors cngge4 in paviti treetq In any ot the uostni cities. TESTlMOliLS. SIJOtINTENDCXT' $ Ovycx , , Chicago , West Ply. ) ifl Hallway ' Chicago December 5 , 1882. r U. EiWeii , I'reoldcn't iou F'ali Water 1'oer Corn nany. IHtAK SiR-l have' reecivetl from your coinpani since October 1 , 1882 , aleut 100 ciuloads of gmnIt pa big hlocls anil have laid tlteInletween the rails o our street railway tracks in the heart of the city. have been tisitig pavii niaterial 1(1 ( this city for nian awl I take ileaItrc In SO ) in t hat in my opin Ion the granite pavig blocks furnl'lieii liv your ci'il Ia ° Y are the niost regular in shape aiii 1erfect ii torn ) , and as fur as I have been ahlo to juti c , or possesod of as dtiralile feature as any inateral tim ' bas ever been offered or laid irs the city. YOtIEO , JA8. K. LAEI. ( Cop ) . ) S4. LOlO' , March 2 , lS&'l. 1'O lIO3i II' MAY CONCEItS This is U , ceitily that I have tuuiiInel a piece ii granite taken Irvin the Siiti Ialls ( r.uilto QiuerrIc , and , In II ) iIi011 , it Is the best , tune for street jen , log I lunu seen in AIICrica. ( ( Signed ) I1EN1LY liJI ) , Pre. ihetrd ( 'tiblic liiiprovcnieit. :7 : : Stone 1o"9 ; - : Purposes. . And any larson interested in such improvement ' will fInd It rcati to hIs tuhantngo to cointiitiilcat * . % ItlI (04. S'O invite corresjtondepice on the bthJeet. ( 'TIM , general Inatiagernelit atitl siipervIIon of th I company's business is no in the hand of 'rn. M . AlIrosS your letters to t A. C. SENEY , Pros. of Jasper S'tono Co : ml.m &e-tt I. . : t . I Have Found It ! , Wa the exclanmtion of a inarnhcn lie got a bo . .0 ? Eureka l'iie Ointment. which is a lnplu iiiiI sur . cure for Flies and oil Skin Diseape. } Ifty cents h 'jn1aIl , PostPaid. The American Diarr/wa Cure ll .tood test for twcnt ) 3ear. Sure euro fo . ' ) * II. ie'er Fails. 1)Inrrliaca , lserItary , and Cholt : Morbu. DOllC'SFOYOr ' all AffileTollic & CoriaI : ' , it L Inipolblo o suppiy thu rapkl alu of thu amu. , . . . I SUitE CURE SVlUM'.1'Efl ( , I : For Foer ttntl ii4uv , and nil Maiarial troubles. l'iUCE , i.oo. . ; w.J. WHITEHOUS ] & , I LAIIOIATORV , 16111 ST. , OiAijA , NEil. 41j For Sale by all Druggists V ' : $ cF sent Ily Eeress ) Oil tCCOiit of irlco. tn&e6i - - . - _ lith.t ( tter' . Stoinac ; . IlitteN iiitets thu ri . . CtIflATtD tujreniepits of thu n tlunai piitelical IiIiiio r . - ( ( july whIch at Ire , ( lit irevnhi. It I. perfectly 'uro seg taIiIereineiynibrai iin the lirue irle : ties of aprestitic , toilli ) 51(11 ( 01 $ alteii the. It fodiflea ( Ii buds' aaImt tIiseaP 111 % f'cjrates aol r ittdizes thu toni toiiiacIi iinti ii e 0(1(1 cIftebs a aluUu C isiu In thu entii STOMAC . ) itcrn. Fur.alo I rniRS L a i.tssndDeale , gesierilly. , ul6rn&o.cod& Tunis & , Kneller , XI. : i. i. DENTISTS 1107 FAItN/t3 ST1IEET ( Up Stairs. ) l'ur * ) Nitro Oaide 054 kept coustantiy on band I lbs 1lniesi extraction of teeth. J12.l , . . - - - - - - THE BILIOUS BRETHREN. Tliy Gather at Dos oines an shoot Off ' ° " Mnnths iiito fIIL. . . A Long Winded Platform on Fisit Monoy- Pennylvan1a Republican. Lie Down Together In Perfect harmony. hlWfl ( rceisbitckers. i ) : \IOI } : s , , J tily 1 1 'l'ho ' gretiiliuek ttUtU ctpii'ciitiiit W1t1 cauleti to tinier ( St 10 O'ClOCk by li. I I . (1 ( illutt o , ehairinaut of I the Rtto ( ceitttiil etItltltittCo , who lillult ) si short M1)CCCh advocating it stand in Isivor of prohilitioll ) ( (11(1 WOlfltttI tilFrige. 'eflt. trgtilE'.3t1011 ) ( was elrCCtel , ViZ ClitiriiiaiiV. : . S . ICoitwurUty , of i\la. 1titsk : Kticrutry , .1. V' . 1ltiIlIey. of Polk. iIi. KeitvortIiy , oh tkiI1g the cimir , I hI(1(1O ( a (41lor ( sPeech urging cool nutt tie. Ii1)Crflte itet'ioit tipoit iill llrnttCr4 which might. coiito lcforo it. .t iitotitit vM Itiside to refer to the CCIII , Iflittetl on resolutions vithotit debate all rettlutilP olIurctl. iii the coitveiitioii , whicli , aftCr coIlsulerable diHcltSiOhI , pro. VLiICl. ( 'I'lie COIlVeiltiOli FCltPSelllhlL'l (1t two o cloek. 'il'ltu coiiiiifteo oil credeittials lclortcl sixt3'.si coltlttieS ropresenteel , tv * , t1tittls of thu Coflhltics of the state. Thu ctpiiiiiiitto Ott jOrlllLtllCltt OrgtlliL. ( tiOll rCCIlfllflCillCl the following : Chair- ltltU ( , 'V. T. Keitworthy , of IJt1Iask ( ( ; Vice President , T. 0. Leo , of llauiiilton ; Secretary , .1. Burke , of , Juiler ( ) Assisttitt Secretary , \ \ 11. JtO1)l ) , of UlIi)11 He- cording Secretary , J. A. MutIly , of 151)lk. GciioralVeaver , cirnirinan of the coin- lilittee on resolutions prcseiitetl the fol. lowing report which vast adopted with lUt little opposition : HoiiJ. , B Wcaver , raH ltOlfliflate(1 for governor ; Sanford Kirk1iatrick , \Vappello , for Licutonant Governor ; D.V. . Church ; of Atittir. for Supreme .1 ulgeanl ( ? tETS. Abbie 0. Can. field , of Des Moines county , for Superin. tonlLtIlt of public instruction. Tue liatiolml t.reeiiback labor partY of I ova , in convention assembled , declare the right to isatie lnOlluy and control the volunio thereof belongs to the people ; therefore , we deniauiel the abolltioii of all lanks of issue and stibstitutiolt pf legal tender treasury notes ill lieu of baiik currency , the volume t he strictly regis. lateti ) . congress. Second-- favor unrestricted coillage of goll anti silver. 'I'1iiitlare opposed to all refund. lug of interest bearing national debt which places it lCyOfll the of the governinosit to pay stt will , aiitl we (10 inasiel said dult be paiti as rtilly itS 101)10. ) - Fourth \\Te ( lemand a graduated in- CollIe tax whereby capital shall hear its just share of the public burden. Fifth--All men have a natural right to ii lortion of the soil , and as the use of the soil is indispesisible to life , the right of itli 151011 to the soil is as sacred as life it- r self. All 1)ublic muds granted to corpor ations itsiti forfeited by reason of non. performance of the conditions of saki grants , should he inunediatoly reclaimed by the government , and all jaiblic lanth I flers. Sixth-The patent laws should ho sc iLmflCIilCl as to protect iiwcntors , give tin 1)001)10 tIme 1)eflOfltS to ho derived amid iii eveiit ; the formation of mnosiopoliet which rob time inventor muid pcoile. Soventh-Wo favor civil service re- forimi muiti to that end hold all public oil. cials , as far as practicable , iiicludin I'x-esidcnt amllTICO President , shall bc elected by a direct veto of the PeoPie. Eighth"tVe favos low tariff , mmmi re- visioli of time present thrill laws , to b ; tljUStCd in thu inteicitt of labor , and I smut iii the interest of monopolies. : Niiitii-\vo tietnand the abolition ol : time railroad comimlnissioners amid the pita. I sage of ] sLwH regulating raiirod amid tele. graph charges upon aim equitable basis1 and the est.abhisitineiit of time postal tel. egrapim systeimi. Tenth-For the I)51i'lS0 of lirotectilmi time people front imarrassing amid tedioum f litigatiosis in courts remote front titcis I , homes , nil riuiroad. Conipitnies misiti ethics corportmtiosis doing bimsijiess within thu Htato should lie required by law to moor 1 > tismder the laws of Iowa , and thai sititi corporations be required to hitigati their causes iii time state conrtM in cciii lutist s itii sill other citizuiiii. Eloveiitim--WTo deiiiasnl that. esicim part having it state orgaiiizatioii shall have : tepreseiitative oh eiicii eiectioii board. 'Vweltii-\Vo itoid that. the rcprosunt.n tives of labor have the right to cyinbitmi to v1tect nil their constitutional righmtJ stud they should be protected by law ii the exercise of that right , aimil we du immand logisiativo action whereby all ilif ferencos between mine owners and lii horers tiicreiii mnity be eqmIitLhiiy adjusted Tlmirteonth-\Vo denmaiid t'itltl . cal rights for all mmmcii and woiimeii. . x Fourteeimth.-The mnsuiufacttiro almi sai' ' 0 f intoxicatiiq liquors as a bevorstgi y should be pitihiihiited , and time viil of tiii l)00P10 ) as expressed at time iuin.partisoi electioii Of .Jimo 7t1 , 1882 , be respoctut r smijil calTied out , amid we arraign the pleM out execiititi of time shito for perinittilli time will of time peopie to 1o overtlirowim ' Fifteoimtii.--Tiio clainma of the bout holders lmstvobeeu regarded by the pait ill P ° ' ° ' immoro sacred timimim ti elaiiItH of the soldiers of tim iuiju. declare such ditmtiiictioii IA ) be hniniiintiimg smimil violig , mid iv I d'iiistiul ti itt congress suit1 i i ii muted isit oi 15015 siicii iiii it us will viitcu tiiti ti(1itliuI 111)011 ) Otji mmml footi ii ivi ( Ii the lii ii mill moimicis \Vo also favor the passilgu of a iawiiy tim . 0 . state legislature oxestiptitig pelmsimc lfliiiUy stud 1iomnesteids pimiclitseti these vi t ii futji mm execu t ion sisid at tad I SuCh t. Sixtutjti1- jioiiit to time acts o : ° ° ' last coligress ill mesmowing time imatinim t iii iiitiik cimarters , 1mm retlucimig basik ttxo L. toiil2,000,000 ic summmiiimi aiid IA ) timui : failure , t ( ) rtmclaiimm forfeited laimil graimts a ltiM ( , to tue escape of time star ItuiLt 5. thieves , imoimie of wimcmmm coimfesseti timui imilt , siui.l to time deveiopmmieimt of frmnu Ii. iii tue treasmimy depaitummumit SIS tiXposci l by I mu. F. I I . 1iircii , its evidence o . ; thu uiimrccdcumtwl corruption of tim r jialty in power , amid to simiiw that tim : mmmiii ic I ni iiitiys aimil jmuld ic in temests cimit im licmger smfeIy be uumtriisted t their imsirmeb w - Pensylvan1a Republicans. 11 A 14i511t11I , JLil ) ' 1 -'l'iiu rtipuhli call tit4Itmi convaiitioii imiet this morimin Luuiiuel 'I'OtIl , of Cuinlierlamid , was clod ed tcimmporary cinmirimisimi , After smppoiiml , ing the usimsil CimilmmittCCa , adjoumiiutl t Il O'clock. After receb , Julia 0. Essna wits isiad hmermiiaimt'iit cimairnuui . I Ic comigratulated time coimvciit'mon and spoke of liarmumoimy slitiwim. I Lu thought it time fort'rusm- her tosImccss in 188 1 , smisil behieve the iitfstakes or bhtimidors of today would b 1 mohitical criimmus. All stnlitrts shmoniti immdepetlent while sill isulepo mmdeimthtould prove timeimisuhes stalwarts lmort'aftcr. him felt this to be a famimily gatimeritig tinder one roof tree nmmml advised any gems. tlemnaii vhmo caine to the couveimliomi with slates iii their icketi to break theum auimi tiitoim- time p'icee.4 omit of time' wiiuiov. I 1.3 stiiimiintlcrtl upois time recent vetoes of t1mt adimmismimotratinim mmiii ! c1ststl theism as vtiii'ts to overcuimmo time cost ut time butt extrt : sesainhm. As to time extra sessitlit lie sa'md , ' ' Let time resmimsiliuhity rest viicio it. belongs. ' I I ti reverted t ii t lie tatill , miami iistimmeil it its titi' i5git , of the commiiiig caumpaigmi. 'L'Imo dat formmm of principles muloopteil by time repuhihicimim party of I 't'tmmmsylvammia mmmakos a tiecistratmomi of iriuciples as fmii. logsVem : \Vem imsiquauitiemily iqmpmoo amid tiemmisuol coiitimmtiitmmco ( if that systeum of jiiiteetinim to imoimmo indsmst my which lists im'ivt'd ! itself to lie time btis : of umat iosmsml iii.lCltCImlutieo ( , mmli imicesitive to indmmstrial skill amid olevel. tliimmemit amid it gmmaruttee : of j tist sitmil , ( le. flitto scale of wages fur lsmbor. Auth we' deititiiimco all attemimlots to rm'mltmee' thmto tiiil rates below a level which ivihl sse comimplish these objects. Any stmrphmu in time lmimhihiC tresuttmry arisilmg frtmm ieoluii'l. suit ruveumimu shmonilit , mfter pynmg time iot. tiommal debt as fast as its eoimditiimns Pet. smut , be distributed front timmie to timmme to tiit several states tipoim timt basis of - iatiOii , tO relieve timemmi fromim time bmirdcmis of locml taettiu : us m simmil urui imee it imiesimis for edncatioim of their ieopie ; ( hint as time depreciated tisulo ilollor is iargely in time imands of our hsiborimmg people : timd is a disturbing clemmieimt in time bimimmess of the cuimmitry , we ilcelsue it time dimly of congress to sidolmi such legislatiomi as will imisure its full redesimp- tioii amid coiivertioim into other cciii for circulation ; that su protest ngstimist the lr.Lctico of foreigmi govcrmmiimeimtii iii nidiimg or enforcimmg emmmigrntiomt of their msttiiem itliti crimmiiimnl classes to this coimmitry. and we call upon time geimeral govermmimmeumt to take proper mutAps to proveimt time istmiiu. Time republicans of Peummmaylvsumism immoat. heartily eumdorae time wise mid consorva- live acimimmistrative policy wimicim has , un ( jar adverse circiminstamices , duemo mntmcim to secure time iircseimt imappy amid of time coummtry , aiul thus we recognize in itimit it faitimful amid wortimy stippuurter of our lammmcntedimmartyr president , Jaummes A. Garficid , \\TC heartily approve ( If time lirovisiomi inside by time republicans iii coimgrcss for giviumg time patritit ioldiers of time late war preference accordimmg to qimalitica- tioims for lositioima uimdor time goverumimmesmt. Soldiers and sauioms , their widows smumil their orpimans , umave time first. claitmm iii case of notectioui smmmd gratitude of A mmierican 1)ciie. \Ve coinmimenti every ethirt to immasmgur- ate it timorougit amid cormect civil service rcformmt iii all dcpartmmicsmts of natiommal ammtl state adimministratiomms. Vtte icqimire . that ; all oflices bestowed within the Party simall be pout time sole imasis of fitness ; that ; competent and faithful ( ifilders simall I miot be removed witimout c.-tuse , mind that time ascertaimmed poiular vill simall be I faithfully carried out by timose Imolding of. . .lit. hjy remii ; party is usmequivocally commmmmmittcd to I ecoimoimmical admninistration of affairs of I time coimmimionwesiltim amid nbolitioim of all L taxes imot required for time imecessities of I time state govtmrniiicimt that silt laws to prevent fraud aimtl waste simould be rigidly - ly enforced aumd faithful care givemm to time immultifarious imitercat entrusted to time state goversmnmont ; that. time republican ; iarty of Pcnmmsylvaniit imereby plutiges it. self to secure thu passage of such iegislmt- . tiuiim as will tcimd to reforimi time govern. immeimt of time state and its municipalities , I stud moore pmmticimhirly : pledges itself tO provide fem cities smmchm reforimm of cimartems silo will cormect existiim abuses timid imo. . immote good and ecoimomimical govcmimimmuimt ; timat. time demsmocratie pamty ut time icgisia. tome of Penutsylvanist is respommaihmie fem : motardiuig icgitimmmate amid necessary lnmsi 11055 of tlmu legisiatimme , cauaimmg time cmiii , big of aim eXtIli session itt aim expense ol ; tItan $200,000 , stud preveimtisig ii : fair soul just sipportionumment of state mmml cmismgmessioiial , tegisiatve amid judicial dis I tmicts , smimul se imereby heartily colmimimemmil - time stctioim of time me1mmmbiicsum scummite III I timese immeasiilc8. 3 \Vimurcas , it. is time sense of time cosmvwm . iiomm timat time freest and fullest exprcssiom 'Sf ' mcpmmbhicaim seimtiimmeimt moimould be elm I' commimged ; soul sotmglmt iii pmiimmsmry imieetiimgs L wimicim are time foimntaiim of patty smctioi stumil time source of lil)11h11m rule , stumil timsil . timimo object. lmroilitel by imoldimmg pri Li ummmtiics fium eloctioim of delegates to tin state coumventiosm tlmrommgimummt time state mu m far sum imracticabie aim somumo commveimiuii - dmiy not relmmite fromim the commventioim ; Limit - time state commmnmittee lie zimuotruettd to iii . ( fiire ( iimt.o time expetliuimcy of fiidimg i ummiform ( iay timrommglmommt. the state fii . imoithiimg priimmsmries for oiectioim ( if delegates gates to time state coimveimtioim. Noimnimsitioum for state trcsuoimrurVmmm Li Levisoy. _ _ _ _ _ _ ThIF Pit'I'lUstlLOhIItIjCllCI4EL Aimimmial Sessloimoltlme Umnr Tcimdosm ; Of 0(1(1 F'cIhvNImIp. , ( 'mm ' AOO , .Jmmiy 1 1 . - 'I'Jme smmjrreinu tommm I iulu of time Patrinrclmal Circie , mum adjmmzmc . of time oitler of Odd Fclbnvs , a nimifommimet i scum -mimi i I I titry orgaim izmitiu em , i imot i m m itimimusm D session mmd coitclsivti iim thmis city to.tlny estiiimsitctl olmu thmotmsmimmd mmmi i foriimeu : a Li kimigimts imavo smimeady lmitCstly arrived , mmmii . will take pmmit iim time lummmsLlu tO.ilimii ( ) % H aftcrimoomm. Tue fchlmniiimg cities arc rap remtaimted by teiampies ; Ciimcimmmmsiti , Dm ; , 1) ) tomm , liliimm , Ohio ; Itocitentuii , N. ( iraimd ltiipids , : licii , ; Bay OIL ) ' , ? tIicim. - Jmtst Smmgiii av , 1t1 iou . ; i'd i mm mmeapoiia tliimsm.hiivitukeo ; \ and lincintiVis f 'I'ituiu is milan si hmmmtiliioim of I 00 nmoiim frosi Syilimey , ( oidemm aimtl ? tliuumii temimples ( i a m ic. 'I'l I is I mien mi 1mg time visitors was 5 escorted tui tiio hmusmultjmimimttmIM ( if Occidejm tai toiimpltm , this city , vImeme they jure seimteui cieticiatisils aimmi wuso sifturwsimoi ( escorteil to timuiP respective imotuls sit I tl o'clock. Occidaimtiii teiiipiu , 100 Htmim ; I hervini lot escort. f 'I'ui.iiigiit citiiimeimt Icpreseimtsitives 0 time Patmiarciial ( iimciu were escomied t C (3 tue smipreimmu tomilluiti lit time ! t.Itmtimodis t eiitimcim lmloci. ( ) mm iirmival timamo tim I. l'atrismrciiai Circle wuimt imitim avecutiv suitaiflim miut imeail ieimomtis ( if time sujmremim ( ) r.LCiC , thu sisprimimlu scemetary mmd su I. pmutlmme tmeasiimer. g 'I'imi. afterimocim ii mtmceptiomm jim Imonom' C . time visiting l'sttriarchms uiimd timeir iadic . iitH held sit time imeatiquartors ism tccitlumi ( I tul ttimiipic. ' ( 'lie 1mmtrade of time con mimmiimdericn will occur to.immomrow amid Lb u prize (11111 Oil time fuulowimmg day. I " ADREAN'S ' iijii. The Posimastorolllalilmore S1is llp oil the Clyil Sryicc Ribs , Greabain EnlIghtens him on the Era of ie- iorni-.xamtntug Appitcanta-.Mte. cellafloO'mI News. C1'l'L'OIa NOTIM , CIVil. mO mirk imuitmmt. , \ \ Ali lili'X , .1 imly 11. - l'ostmmmmmst em' : tlreomi , of iimmhtiummott , recoimtlv nmte l'ostmmmsisttmr ( cmmeriiI Urcsiiammm , timmit time civil semvice etm1m1niMiommur was & * ummmlmmtmlmi- I eative tlirectmy with mmmemmmbems .uf the In. I estl exstmmmimmimmg I untml : at 'I hut mit ut-c , vi mu veie ommmpiIcs : mmm htp uilut'e , stud in imis ( Atlremtim s ) ( ullmiiIimm this w mis du'tmi- mimummtai to time dt.pociphiime of time otlice , and eosmtumry t41 thoctistomu whmkh requires of. ticiai eommmimmsmmmicatmoims tO simluomdimmttes tote to first to time imeimil ot oleimsmrtmmmommts , 'l'Ite 'l'tistimmiemtcm ( emmerdtl hat. mephieti to Adremmim flint lie ces , ' idmsmtover lii time civil lii ) immiroiim'iety son- V ice vu ummmmmmissiiimelm4 ( coimilim iimmicmmtiimg di. rcctiv with limo local buond exnmimiiie'ms relatuimg to thick' oltmtles iminler time law , smutwitimstiimmmlimmg they ore eismployos imm his 0111cc. 'I'Ime postmiiastcm' gomicral says timey : mi.o siiluomdiitt1e : of yotmr's imm aim otlicisti st.imiio. Inmi iii mesiect tom time ditties io. vulved imimomi titemmi by limo civil mctvice iai , 5111(1 rules ns mmmenmbera of t hmtt local lsmmrd of ersmmmmimmums , timimy mire mmml shmoimlil lIJiitiC1)elmluimt ) of nimy ntstimor'ity lumit that created soul conferred Ly iaw. Every olmject and spirit of law mt'ojtmmtu they imotiltl tue emitirelv ' free fm-omit amiy immterferemmcu ( in osm time lisirt of time' hteati of time ulhice , iii umiatters reisitiiig to timeim civil aemvieo duties. Jim timis CR50 I tlmimmk it eimtirely liriper that time clvii uer ice cuumimlimissiomi mliittmll cuimuimusmiesite directl' witim thmeiii iii ummatters rcimmting to their ( luti'S mis mimuinbers of time boatkl. Of commrsu it its to be prcstmmmmd time cuimmmnissiomi will do itotimiimg in timits lmlilithf timat will iimterfuro witim disciplimin iii your office , as timsit wommid 1ilauisly be opposed to time spirit of time civil service law. Dr. Gregory , civil service eoinmmmissiommer , amid Chief Exiiiimimmer Lymnamm , rotimrimel to \Vashtington. Eatomm mind Thommipsomm are expected this mmmorlmilmg. Time uxsiimmiima- tioii of mtpplicflimt.M fem clemieal 1miititioims in time exectmtivo dejartmeimts Will he held to.immorrow and 1' niday. 0mm Immmmmdred amid teum apilicstimts im ve hicemi smotiIiei to smppcsir each dImly. 'These ecstmmmiimttioims : rime for time purimose f creating a list of ' 'eligible" persoims from vlmicim vacancies imereafter occurriiv' ' ' in excctmtie depart- mmments site to ho iIl'i'edY i\lomit : ioo itPiuli- camits fem positiomma lu time ( luumattimiOlitil of civil service imi \\nmm.imimigtoii have becim imhmmccil on file by timcomnmissiummmers lip. piicmtimts roccmitiy Oxasimimmed iim ariomms cities b members of time civil somvicc coimllmmissitilm mind cimiof oxammmimmcr will ho mmotificd by lotion as to their staimuliimg us SiOim mis papers iii 1meir respective cmttes c-mimi be oxamflwdamtdpThMetlupuem. TIlE IflAl ) i'ItErATI. Arch 1tMim'Z' t-u1t1 ; , . . loMl . IimiiL ? $ ) I ( isl'coplv. C1NOINN.t'rJ , 0. , .Jtiiy 11.1'1me fmumera ( If Archbishop I'imrceil was nimo of time ummoat. solontim soiviceit ever sceim iii tin cathmcdral wimicim ime built. As ft o'cioclm crowds were at mill time gates scckiimg ad. mmtission by camtls ircviously distributed. L Time body ofcsitlmednsml was thmussoumm liiie 5Ll1l timeim otimems were sulmimitted to t.tammil itisititi time aisle. 'l'Iie commtre of . time susIe wsis kept cieai and seats on time pisitformi lmrovicletl for time imme. ' .i'iie pisicid bud ) of time arcimbishmoiu in ) ' sims yesterday imm s 01(50 at. time imemid of time mimaumm aisle vitl time face visible to those in froimt. 'l'imu interior of time cmmtimedrmil wmms Imelivill . ( lrapel. Bisimup Elder , enmuljimtem of timu . ( leCtMmsCl , wits celebrant of time occasion i'lmo 11ev. W' . .J. Ilithley assisted me r priest , 11ev. .1. C' . Auhmniimic its oleacoim Sili ( Rev. .1 . 11. i\i imnia ) . as smilu.iicncuim. 1'iiii' ' I iie hmimiidted 1uiicsts lim white imm sul ditinit tom time' luisimolu simmd sircim I bisimmitis jim iuimiP1o ( lii citimer ski 1 of time iimaiim siltar , wlmiitm time priests su led cii fem cimmut I i img I ucemipi cml Limo nmmiii . aisle. I t. msis shut s1meim time umgaim I cimmisneol time begi mmii i i mg uf t Im o ccmeii mil mica - 'I'lmu mmmtisie' wmms of si imigim tintie of mmmerit. situ ! wsms rcinlercd witim ( lee ] ; feehiimg. 'rime ulevmitioim of time imnut wa msiarkcml by time iiitiitt imrfmmmul ( levOtiolism . attittmle ( timromiginuut time vimoie of tim crowded catimemimni. At cieveim o'cioclm i I beimmg eumiled , Bisimop ( I ihimmore dc t iivcrcd time eulogy. 'l'ime bishop gave t. brief biogrnplmical skoteim of time life c . time decemusod , ( lwuhhiimg witim eimmpimsuuia o I time severe labors 1icrforsmmed by time arcL r biaimo1u iii time early years of hmmzo iippoiiml mmioimt. to time diocese of Oimk - mmd aimowod time iiiigimty ( if time ( lcstl lurelmitu wielded i Catholic growtim in time yeat. 'l'ho fommrteemm lmriost of fifty years img imsivo immcrcaaed to four imummdrodammd eigim time sixtoomm cimimicimea tx five imimmidrod mmmi i time six thmommsammd ( isitiioiics to five imumi ( ircil timoimsaimil. Archbishop 1imrcell , i . wits true , was iikled iii mmodmmeiimg times t results. I I mit to hi imi buiommgs time imosm :1 : Of omitlimmimig tue gicat. vork. 5110111 .1 immg of his fimmammeini failure , tii . mqmemmker smmitl it wmia cilmmimluumted o :1 mimoat vitleiy , lImit mint UVOII time iittui :1 : eat foe Imsitl ciimirged Amcimliisiio v Purcell with pumsmu1 dialmummosty em cv . immtemmt. 1'uiim lie cailmo immto time womb , - I ' , J io I I ved soini iuio Ii I mu vommt omm I o i time SYulm1l. 'I'he jnmtimvay of Imims w iiol . life was ostiewim witim momkoo of kiimuimmw I thu \'imumm time , istsi OilS i liii : cal mm 1(1(1 ( , smimol i milliast jul ii ist4lry 114 svml ttui m 1 > mmmceIl's mimiiimmoiy iommlil misc fmim' ahoy f time simsilclw of meprommoit. I to lmiintAo U tim u iii ml ci 1)105 ) ( iii tilt id m limimoi miusm4 1mm ust. 1 , . vol md mictedimmmd lie vsms mint. guilty of vmolm ; . I I o closed svithm sin eloqmieimt tmilnitu I S thu ursoliiii chm.mmacter smmmd lmilSii ( ; womL 1 of time ienisw1 , 'I'Jmu prcolm time fomi mmcml smimu immsircim' I timrougim time stici , metumiiiimg I . ti' cathedral wimero it. ii f joi I 1(1(1 by ihu iieamsu ciiimtniimi I ig time mu (1 ( ma ii ti m u mim'cli. tliHiioj ) , mmmmd iroccedc t. time tlcmot. to take time trmiimm to St. ! uln ( I timma. ' , L'Iie 1)zummmnmors Convention , I. . Caivsi.tsii : , .1 iiiy 11-'J'ime .Nmitiomu Commvemm tioim of Conmimiercisil travellers tm If gmmmm it's ammimimal scasloim imumu to-day , fium I s delegates wore prenoimt muprwtommtimmg No . York , Now Eimglaimd , himdmamma time westem I. amid Ciovolaim44ssoomatioims hiesidos ii isirt ( I mmumber mmot duIeates. 'I'hme midruas welcomime iymis minnie by Lulimyor dmmmluy ae time respommso II ) ' nh. P. ( 'ohs of Ihuston time imrcsit1mmt tuf timt' sso'cimmtiiiim. hi.thIIt TItOUltlIi4 , Time t'riHIbe't i 0 14t m-iko ii I' 'r.'l'srmmimh * Olierators. Sr. 1otis , .1 tmiy 1 I . - It was simesorteti hmore to.dav on gusuil snmthmnsity that time eectmtiiti eomimmmmittt'o of time lirothmor. hoot ! of 'I'oht.gnipimcrs hmt.htl a mnootimig mit Nt.iwYtmmk last lStuimmdny , sit w imkh they dlscmmsseil the gi iovalmcos of time lumothier. hmtnl , mmml fuirsimulateol si denmammil fom' to- titess ( if timomim , ilmieii vili be prt'sutmttt'mt tim thin geimermil mmmmmlmmigcrs or time hmigim outliciala of tl meVest cmii t mm ion comimpmtsmy imext i\huuimiiay. \ I f this dtummmammd is smut mu'cedetl within 18 Ii mmmmmo rmftti iimt'se'imtmmtitmmm it is alleged a strike vihh be' iimmimmgmimated soul every imsommmi itti I f I lie imi , ut hmemin otl u mtit uiik. 'l'lmis executive cnimmsuitte'e is cuimimimused of omme reiunt'soimtat ivo it each of time se\omm districts hit ii which t hme bmt hiemhmulomi is dhvidcol nimd is saul tim Imave mtlumumhmto ; 11vem' to stet iii thus smitten. l'is-m-smmi' .1 mmlv I --'i'l I 1 lii m , . - - 1(150115 Emighes , Selret1im3 of t ii n bret imeihmi n umi , itmi il toi.ilay time m.tmiimrt ( mf mi mutniktu of telegmmmmimcrs is immmfommimtleil , \ \ t. ' lmmm' tmtmt loeiticui to mitmy iimcmcmtso ii m Images u ur so myt I i imig o1s , I to ammiti , simiul i f smny deimmmimol shmoimiti mitt tie di(1ttl. 1111(1mm , it vihl mmiii luem $ ( 't'iCti ) imimulo , mnmtl isti nttemmmpt will lue immmsde I ( I take allah u j tmdgimieimt . ( ' ) t lmom ihmmM01 is missort that. timti atmiko ihl take 11151cc mmext vcek. Nuvumtm , , .1 mmiy I I , I ii mefomommot , to time reicist plml'iitshmel ' me utunt If coimt oimm- lIlmttt'(1 ci mamiges imm I lie I mount If hal ion amid salamics , etc. . of emmmIlIycs of time \\'cst- era timiumm 'I'oiegm-mtphm. ciimefsmi immvest iga. tiomm ioolopt.s I lie' toll uviimg lao tM : ClimmlllstmmV 111mM itsut I mm c mist cmii pint m for souse t iiime them smtltqlti Ii f imew mmmi cit fom' time limlimimigolimolm t iii i I a hmmmsiiiesuo. 'I'i to cuummmmiittee immivimmg t1m immat ten iii cimmirgo hisi'iti 1)00mm imilldiug mmieotimmgs evumy iveek for thu lmmmat timree nmo'ntimmo , moot limivu finally simamle tlmeir repmlrt , w lmiclm himma loeemm adopted 1) ) ' thmti e'onmpaimy. ( ) mme of t lie ummost immmilturtiimmt jules imm the imei cud is timsit wimich duterimmimmemo time imuors of elimty mumd mimmiimmmeiof jlayismg for extra service , time muettloummommt of wimicim 1imcstiumma hits imithmurto 1100mm largely wmthm mnmtmorimmtcmideimts of time cimmim- lIStliY wimosu practice imsum vsinied sicdmlrtlisig Li ) time rcohmmiremmmelmts ( If time bimsmmicss iii- fected by vhimmmsmtie soul other cismiskiora- tinna. 'l'ime following is time rule suluptuil : ' 'At all immdopesmdemmtVestunmm Umminum of- hoes which imimmy be mequired to keep open all iimiy 5011(151) ' , iiiiO imommnmo of smctmmai sun- vice iii time lilly amid six dmsys iii time week , stud sevemm hours mtctumtl service mit. mmighmt seveum umigimts iii time week vihl coimstitmmtc a reok's womk. All aemvico iii excess of t lie above imsiummeil imummrs , i mmci mmul i i mg Smm ii. tismy , iiil lie regamICl set extra ammml vili 1o paid for at time reguimmr mtmimiry ; , tom time bimmo , ( If sevomm imumirs mi ( imi3. - - - 'rho Distillers , Clml'Mi ( ) , .1 lily 1 1 . - - TliuVestrsi Ex- lutIrt sislticimitiili , immclmmtiimmg distihlems of timu vest stud south , formmmed for time lummmi1sc 4)1 rogulatiimg prices sismd l)1ItlmmCtiImi ( , mimot hero to-day for time iitmrpso of commaitlur. iimg time terisms of time mmciv agmeemmment , tuimmt iisu' to that tuition which time iumsocintioim ii now opersttitm. It wait agreed to.tlsty t ( L ino1.u Vim't.,4 . . _ . . . . . _ , . . . ( hike efFect Septoummber 1st , or sit. mnmeim moimb soqimesmi ( lsttO 5(5 time executive cimmmmimmmttet I uiimiy fix , if lmecOsHaiy , iii order to secimmi time moigmimittimo of all ( listihienmo. - - - - - - : Sale of an American Vosol. Ii ANANA , .Ttmly 1 1'l'imo 1 immmlIhiC smile ol time Aimmonicsimm limig , Nottie , for vi.iintioi Of Cuhimum laws , wino priltested sigmiimmoot b3 [ ITmmited States CIimsimi ( i'oimensml Iimulosiu : Time LTmmiteml Sbites goverimimiemmi hint tmrg ommtly requested time emiso lIe iefemrcd ii 11siiril , limit. time lioimme guivermmmmmulmt. re p fmmsuml to intemfure amid timim whole immmittum W5S thmrowmm imitiim limo immimids tif ( imi1It m ( ion. l'eimilcmgiimiot. . - - _ _ _ _ - - . 3 ltsitvu4 to I II ( c ; . it. it. 7 Clln'Atmc , , .1 imly I I. hihmu mmmcutimig ol time Culomsmmiu , I ( ) ( ) I AssIcimitiuimi t I m i K sifter a im 11)11 (1 ocitlud ti mtmt mill limes ii bums of LI mt ( rmiisd A liii ) of Limo I I u1umiiilic , rusmtiummtm , ( if States itlsur timmum Immimsuo ; mmmiii Nebrait 1(51 , \S1 ii 1 to i mmi ttcd to ret ii mm m finn - 1)emmvcr lii thin ii iSijIlilti liVt3m' sit mmiiy tiimmt U till tO ) i hg. :1 : 1 , ii 1(0 m P 10501 m titti m , mm i if t Ii oil - cimiti I i emit cit Lii t lie Ciii mini issi unum' u if Limo : m Cl mlormili ( I ' t l mit I ) emm von , i mimir I m t A img . litl m , cxcimmiimgi mig ti mci r Iti tim ii m I iCl1t son limIyimmg tW'tI duilimims miimii si huh for thu r mis'ihcgo. 'J'lme excimmimmgu I ickut iiiIl is I ) i utiti IVUF ti 10 I i mm ti iii ii ci m time t m ukut ml cxci mmmi iged onigi I mit I I ) ' m cmnl. 'i'ii is cx tum imL tulle 1(11' timuietmmmsmtiipiwuimly-siX dmI's IIglut liii ' .Viielc , of' 'J.'nmimms. ; : 'I'iritos'im.i.u , l'mi. , .1 mmly I I . - A ii 51 lii trmiimm frommm I I me Ci ty , cmiii tmii i mi mig sihiumi if 7(1 ( immeimmhmers of the Iu1i1MlmiU ) ilsif es , wimiii mm ictmmriiiiig froimm , Jsiimmtistmns'um , collided witi I. a freight iminim tuim t I mu I I ii hub mimmul South westurim sit 2 o'cloCk a , imi , , two similes frosi I Jimmmiestu uiyi m , immstiimmtiy k ihii i mg ( eorg ; ( i'mmtuiu , ciiiimltictir 1l. 1) . Colby , brake mm mmmmimm of the fmeigimt tntiim , itimol fatmihl iijiired \ % ' . .J. Jommcs1 another lirakeimmmimm (1 ( Nm ) ( limo iSSlit imiimt ( iii Limo uxeumrsiom L trimiim. 'I'hmu emigimicor simmil fmrommmnmm III d trauma weiro sin ed 1) ) ' jiommiping. hull L uimgilmul4 Were imiaithmod IA ) i)41CM smumi it 11111mm ) ' fiuigiit cars. 'I'hiu folico diovo tlu lu exulImioidImm couches himmek 2U foul , bmmt timu m. kejmt the tmsick. Cohhiy's limmminm wom . cmumsiicd to mi Jul ly. ( ntomo , ti I I ) cmmmtlmmi iii tOm , vmia moImmste ( I i mm Ii me lii Ii is. 'I'hm a cliulit mm of time steciohuumi wmis time fimilimme of tim , - cumuilmeul. Of time fmeigiit. to 0)110) ' omllums , i ; hail IioII.lmu3ImNomv , ) l'it. I ; 'l' ' 'uIt5 ) , 1.1 lily I I . 'I'lmu hiumri : if 4\ I d cmii m em m Lu dli ) ' i umi'mseti ( i'et ti mel mliii ) o Oi' $ % 'titAJ , thmuim m'csohiitiuim giviimg skiiltt us iI mol ii I mHIi ii led bmlit imeis I Ii time eim I I II ( ) o 'U ' time city 51 lmmilf buhiilmmy fmoimmm limo immumm u m , 111)1)1 m , ( ivur ) Siitmm 1.1mm . ) ' , mm mm t I I thin I lit I i ii Ii SuhitouimIlum. k - - " lumgit liii mmii L'ii relimise. IC , 1 ONill m : . % m , .1 III ) ' I I , . \ iiamm ] 'uh ' 1)1110 liii 4) 1 ° ' molisisuti ii ftccmi I iiuumsimmd micros of hum ii sit 51 oust tif si ii mimmil itsi smnmi fifty timoumamim m mm tiolhimma , fiuimim timu Niimtimw'eiot liiiil ; ( Jump : it. 151 my. i I tm i ml tel itla bni m igi u mg ci li mgi isi is mitum limo iomjttiommo. I : i I 111)01401 51 l'ilIIlihI , , ils. I. . lsNmA1' : , l1 . , .1111) ' 1 1 . 'Fl S tab pmmimibi tiIlm ( commven tioim mitssoimi1ilt to.ilmiy , li tmum ifI for mtivcjmumo oumly iii titi tied liv .1 .1 tu t 2(1. ( 'I'imi , iIIutfuLimm coIl il iluuimiis the onuirito Of hmotim pamlicti elm LI Li. hiLUIt ( fmiustPmi , favors emmfrmumcimmsuimum y of w'omiielm and thu ulCctiiIIm of all oluico w by time peoiuimm wimemi ( loitsihihe. F'lhltlil 11 is time tmciet. ; Chits , Evans \Volf , gee e onion ; K. 8 , Cuigmsuvu1 hiuiutuimsimmt. go if cruet ; l'rof. i. S. Pimyime , soemetary md state ; 0. II. Shave , trenaumur , THE CAUL-ED JADE. A Spook of War Rises in ftc of n1an , 'l'Imn lrtmu'lm Ielttieeittely tmmmoult tIm Emsglishi 1mm Maulngnuuenm-reat liicnmi'iit lii time ( Jommi- simon u. Ill iNCI : tNlm EIIl.tSuI. IAiN'tI , , .1 iuiy I -ilmulatoime I ( , iii to- lii- to ) Sit 81111101(1 NilithmeOtO , Rahil wimesi t Ito 1meist'hm ot'eumpieil 'h'mismi itttpvo , Tttmitla- gsmst'mtm. stint lImhltiim1t'l a stmto of siege , time limitishi t'uisuspml vas suimtflnismg froimi st'mimpms ilimnss. i I is secretamy wmis sit. . m'stemt iii tim Iumt'sm'iucLt of Admiiimil l'ierru , 1r.imeli cliitimuammll'm' , iiit ( ) OII(1t1m0l t ii e sick nistim t ii ltuivo 'I'iuimsit ( IVI , ) vit lii mm tI 1 muss. 'I'iuo cu immiomil ol k'ml limits smftem miftom' lie ree'emivcol must ictu , Admmmiral l9i'mmtm stopmeil tuiimmmutuimicmitimumms ietvei'im t lie I lii t isi i mmmmuum.of.wsmr iryiod sisimi thu simnie , ammd hem' eaittaiim was allowed t II smiake vomlIal lmrtest mtgmtimmst t I i ( ' Prt'cemii I igs . 'l'hmo Ilmgs : om f Oil limroigmm eoimsiiI imein imsusieti tinivmi , ( imuhat emi i ) smisu iota t oil mmmi lmmg1 isim lii ittaimli iiiyi' mmsisimed Slmav lout 110dm smmmest cii at 'l'imiimtt ( l C , Smiml momipaimia in itmlsummm . 'l'imn cimmirge ftgstiuist liimmi -mia smut kimmnrum. iumquu i mies immivim locems umiside regard i mug its imiitiimo , impit the iumml miimswem- received wnio timmit limo ismi mmiuist take its cotumse. ( Ilmiol- at , ' iii e'ommchmsiomsm asmid ' ' I ii ii' , , ii mimmimoumme- ing timutsu gmsLvo amid lIiiimftmi : olccmmrsmmmccs , I ' . mliii ' ( limit mmmimst siwsmit tiiO i'.imm ) 51t ) we mc- ( ' ( hilt f fummtiiem (1011015 , \\0 imitist also siivait these cciii umitummicat miss fmumm t hue imemmchi gonemi miimommt viiic1 m I ho case immmiy require , simimi which we immuim immtimmmatetl we expect , susmil wiiiclm it wnmmhol ham our dusty to simako smmmdtir simmmilmir oircsmmmmstsumces.1' ( himdntouie's memmmmimks voret received with cheers , ( hiildstlluie's atsitoimmemit smbout time Froumehm in 11muimigiimucmmr emeated a immiimmfuil imilitCSSimIi us time house.Vimile time ilro000diimgs ( if time Fmemmcim mire calculated to motraimi time presesmt teimitiImmts of Esigismmmd amid France , it is mmot. generally imelieved It murbmtmmo rupture nihi emmamme. No remly tI time dommmiumd mijuism the 1remmch govenmm. immemmt lot' oximiiiimmitiomms , muscle by time itritisim foreigum seemetamy , imsid been me- coived up to the iiIiiV of smdjoumnmmmmmemmt of time lioltitsO. it is gemmerwlly expected timmmt whmeui miii thin fuels mime kimowum , time 1rnmmch go mverimiiieiit will cx 11mesmo regret for time occumrrommces cusimplsiismetl itt mismil iili , sot si imimirk of lies dii4lipIiOmui , reemmil .dimuismml l'ierrc. AN I lii I tilt St. 0I 'tN ii. . , LoN is IN , .1 imly I 0. - Cimeidums , eimmmmm. cciloi' of time exchequer , stsmteml aim smgreo mimemit mmrrived sit hiutwecim time gouvenimsmmcmml smimd (10 Lesselut , j1mvfiimmg fem , Limo comm. mot suet litim ( If simmomt lien S mmcx csimmai immimi been ttigliL'i. 'I'hme miencmummai wmimIml lie emmm , , imhtitc(1 sit the end of time year 1883. A lE1't'sY ) imil'N'i'.fl. ( umim .Iuuly I I . - . 'I'hicre wsum miii exc'mt ing scemmu iii time cimsiumiber of dulmuitieii isuui oivemmisig , OWfl to Piutml do Csuismigmmac dc . clarimmg , iii tIme course of his reinsukit , thin t time time 'l'oimmjiiimm oximeulitiosm ( lime to I stock jolsiuisig mmmotivcs. Qimitmt was geumer . . . . & . titism excimudimmg Cassmigmmac fromim thu cimsumi 3 her for si furlimigiit , I TIlE ( IiOi.iILA. A l1IXAN1IIILt , .JIll ) I -'i'lmere sixteeim dcsmthms frommm cholera sit Smusmmmmim I. ommml ( ( ) . ( imly Eigimt. at 'I'iiimtnhi. I o'isiYo's : ' 1i'Tolt. , LoNIsIN , .1111) ' 1 1A despmmtcii frosm , 1)mmrlmaim (11(10(1 the ohm iii.t. says a grcmi - hmmittlo wmis fought. buLiuemt time forces o ) Cotowsiyou mIlii Olimimim , iiimd time lmitter clue . captured. L' IIEA1I. , I4OIN1SIN , .J uui' I 1.-Time Very 11ev Asclmilmmld ( ) ' ( , I ) . ) . , religioluma wmitem' is ilemni I. IN ' 111515. - 'I'i'is , .1 smiy 1 1.-Tlme 1remmcli meceimtij m ( ( Si 1uimilteso lmacaumso lie omigmigem 4 jIm IL frsicmms ivitlm imsi oflicur soul time commm . mmmmii t jul sirmemot cmtimooed ummumcl i ii I feeling ii I tim o 1 1 ii I isim Cmpi ( Iii ) ' vimi , dcmummmimd ii is ye i I tistac. 'J'hmii Imemicl i mefmmse to immii md ii iii I. I IVOI. f ( I thmm I iii tish m ot imisuil anti time I mmmittes lists hicuim mefermud to time Fmemmeim aiim . I hi I itoim govumli Dm011 t. I . .ji i : i'iJm'iim : IIIolltANs. ; i 'I'hmoi ISIii ( liii ignmmmm ta vim ( ) ii'eiU it ) 1 f umimmemi Lii I mOisilill by omtlem of time Aimmemi a iti m p cities , 0mm time steniimci' 1tiiimesai it smsmml Sismili , wemu imumded sit ( ) mieullatimyl , yustemdsiy. All ' .tcciumlits mtgmeo imm mlii iocriiuiiig timemim lou IL wmutcimtsl cisiss of Ilti1l IIl , I liii ) fsmm u m fly c Ilmaistil ig of mu immmimm , wi f . stimmi use cimiidroimm , were left. ly'mmi 1111 tIm t wharf three ilmlumili hiefoto ofhicimmia vlm 1) imiul hilt 110dm lilViitetl iif thmcim coimmimmg m jlliviied for timumir wmimmts. ; rui : iAmilNI : iNquiRY. 11 LUN1MN , .July I IA iuuimmbur ( If Uli . smmccensfmmi luttemimitta immive been mmiiioio t V thin msteaiimer ] ) : ijlllmmo. Eigimtee botlies tlmuis fmmr immive been recouvtiroml , A 1 iiifli ) ' immst 'mtmmteil by time govorimsmmemmt t rm iiacertmmimm time cmitmso of Limo siccidemit , begin Ii mutmulur tiiO ( liructiomm of Sir Edward lteC(1 Li 'i'imo lniiloiers of time inpimmme testified aim 11 hmiuimclmed i m m ti me mmmoummil I mummimlmur , amid im . ftummr hind benim uimtoimtsmimsod of ( hsimmgem Li 'l'lmm ) ' ammiml time deck 'iii thu HtlOmIohmd Hid mmcii 1 meoiim mcmiii ped t m miii mm m i I ti mu imumi u I- C I uhsmtesmti iii tim o I 111111k immg am iii tilhi em. i m tsmtemim ii thmiit. iemo StOWed tom the oIlmen itsmmtS I lie deck , ammi mk lie r u umi ti m ci lIumt. mouiu. 'lii E itNS ii. : 140 'II iu : E , h4o.smmis . , .1 uily 1 I . - iltlmoumglm time juil : f cmliii mmmi ttco of t I me imoimso of I omdis so itt comm , . immumma mojccttiml thin immimsiiis of I4ammL ml ISSI I ( I'S mel uc nt , mismil tel ui ut. ii i fpniir i If of time tmimmmmel mmdci' tint Emmgiislm eimammmme f ml imuin I P iii ) ( l11 t.y of I I mu cum n mmni mb dillbme f till mmsiuchm ieliitivo to ) their meumsOsmit for vu i I mg imgsmi mmst i t t lout. ti icy mefismi i m fm'sim ' um . semi t i mig simm ) ' et II litet i vu stsmteiimcm m t. i f time i'bo na ti i mil imimmu elm I. SM _ Cmuiumuihmumm FIIHOhli. : 1 . ) ci' . , .1 III ) ' 1 -'i'lio 1 mivi I - inn immus mitsuI m to I 115 I u I mIlIlecemleim teul iitmigl mimmil thu mio.iimtmumctiuim of ImolIemty is femu fm ml. So ( sir mis laimasu m eight I mu autos lime lmcumm csmnmieml 1(1111) ' . 'i'Jmmeo ii k mmlVI I t ( I immivtm 1 itioi i ( li ( 1w. mud , am iu ! it it ; resumed thmsot mmisumuy otimeis immivu lIUtiltiiU I' ' hmiigui mm ummimber ititi muiisaiilg. ilams u iimn'im beumi inimmy by time score , mum m mailmoami travel emit. ofh by time wasim.oimt. c ii : time immailm limmu mit l'nttoii , Sidiimg , mim m time Ssmmimmimi mimsiml , lCoiisiimgtomm lIm'idJ amid ( ) xfuul mstmuet. bmielge Immive gone suits i ? _ 'I'lme stesummen Primmccaa Loim'mau floato V. uimlivim the tmtreammi mmmii emtimied muwmiy t III isolim btidgu , 'I'imu wmiteiwnrks mnmmmmtii imoiuau is iii great dmtmmgem amid is expect to gim. horses amid cattio immivo been drowmmcd by time atlTO. ' AT WCAN. Luc.s , Out. , suit7 11.-Timo severest. storism of thmmmmmder , ramsa and lighting lcnown for years over this vicinity last. nigimt. Time damimage done by floods to fesmccs amid bridgea whelm sire swept away in every mlirectiomn bu immusmeimso. Time railroad iii fltotlctl astl impassaimle. At several iilacca imirgtm soimmamis of mmmcmi are now at work ro- mmiring : time track , Omi the ( mmmd Trunk railway vest. of Lucius Nusmmbor Two exP - P ° traimm go'mmmg vcst withm mm large mmtsm- Iter of pmtssoelsgers is delayed hero. It. is umicertaist yet. as to wimesi time romiul will bn ready for thivel. THE WATER HIGHWAY P1'opa1'tiolls fol' a Urcat CoIiydntioll this Pabi , : ii lt4MIMMippi hmsmprovemsmesm ( . Sr. Llim4 , .huuiy 1 1.-Time comifcrenct emillemi tiunimiugim time elhismtio of time Tiler- cimmuitta Exchmmismgo to coimsider time qmmeatioit of time iuusproveineimt of time Tiuississoippi miytq mimet tiuiio mmmo.lumism" amid wait largely itttelmlcll. .1. 0. ETwnruia , presiilemmt , siimide mu simeocii of veicosmmo asmd declared. thumut time ( liiCstiilt ( of immiprovoimncmmt. vaa mmmttimlmmal imumul mint si local tine , ( lOll. S. Wright , secretary of time cx- cimimisgo , remmd mmli oiialonite , strgimsmmcsit , in fmi ( it f time imsmprovemmmcmmt of time river smimil $ itil time immiractcr of time isresemit. gatimerimig was olvilcmmce of time immtentioit. of time Ileolmie (4) ( Iul'mO thmoiir on con- grcss. 11. 1)ViOl5 , tmf time Now ( ) rlesums cuttomm excimsummge , was elected imcrmmsnmmemit cimmmiiimutsi : , AijIiitmmed to 2 p. 1mm. At time mtftermmoomm session time comnimmitteom ( iii resolumtiosms iutmlmsssitted time followismg repolrt , wimicim was sulopted : Ii'itOlt'(1 , 'rimat. it ill time muomise ( if this nmeetimmg timat ii river cosmvention be held iii Limo Tifississippi valley , time pimice to be hereafter ( lcsigmmmitol , smot. later than time 20th Of Novoimmiber , 1883. ikifli'CI , tissit it. its time duty of corn- mmiuroimtl lmdien of cities nsul towns mind of fsmrnmcra amid lsilmorera iii each commgressiomi- iii district jim time Missiamuipimi valley to 1metitiosm their respective rupreseistative ilk commgresa to tmjliiOil miami vote for ado. oiimate iulpmolim imitsmmtlo for time ummiprovornent , of western water ways. Ji'Cslli'Cl ( , Timmit in the selectiomm lmere- p , sifter of snemimimors of congress frossm time time 1lissis.si1l1mi valley , it simoimld 1)0 time r csiiccimii cam e of sill people immterested that. Iii , cmtmmdidmtto lie selected except those pmIimImmsmccdly in faimr river immiprove- . imuunt. Jc.olmrl , ti'hmat it tOtmlI.CIiimmimitteo 1)0 : cimosusm by tiuis smmeetimm to fix timmme and itimice for calhimmg time rmvur convemmtiomm , m ammul that. this commimimittee imrepmire in dime . fumimm sicaU for saul commvemmtiumm. 1Citoli'ctl , 'I'hmmit. tIme iocasommmimmg of timmm.i usia lIumt. rumud.ircd mimume ) valtmmmbie mmmiii. mmecesamiry to ) time lItmillic weal time ltc0cl- imigmo Of time ilissismmippi rmver mmmqflflVC. L . smmusmt cosivommtiosm , imeld iii St. Lotimm on October t6 , 27 sumd 28 , 1881 , mmd we t. coimmsiieiid its miotiomi to , time pimblso umimsul , ) . - - - . - I A. Jastsmm'dly 1)eed. - - * nrzmrJr.mTt1 umighmt four harvesters bomirded mu freight. traimi mit , Vhmito1mail , twelve mmmiios north of timis imlmico , to stemtl a ride.Vhmilo sit this 3 stsmtiemi four ( Itimer mmmii bommrlcd time sanmu , - emit mmplmireuutiy for time sammie purpose , but. after time tmmiimm usia imm mmmotioim threw revol. vera omm time first four mmmcii , stud nftormmmak- bug timemum deliver what immommoy they had , m ( lu-lIve timemmm tifF time smmovilmg train. One immmisi , umsimmmcml I'mitrick lCmmigimt , fell head. C . hommmg tumid was killed , Time fmumr trammmps I. rcshmlmmmmoillo for time (100(1 were surrested at. . . Brigimtomm yesterday mmsormmimig. Till : I'Ojm ( CITY MUluiFmi. : 1)s : iloius , .July 11.-Particulars of thus immummlur of It. L. Cliumgaim , of Polk ] I City , bite ismni isigimt , sop fmtr as knowim , sire sot foiiowa : Tium. ( hiiigmmmm misil clerk , 1) . Chmiusmgur , vure cloiuiumg time store for time imigimt , svhmoiu two mmmcmi CiiiiiU to time door I aimti said , ' 'Goomi oveimimmg , geimtlenmen. " m lmsmwimmg mevoivems sit time moammme timmmo , mmii - witimmimmt. mumy wmiriming , ( mime timed sit Ciigaum , m time itmihl tiikimmg eflct just below time left. cuIilmmr 1)05mm ) . 1 ho OliOl imistmimitiy. No clime. Smjuitumlim of nmemm o > su imtmmseiiiicI spommt the mmigimt. acouriimg this regiomm. 'rimero is a rt51)miVt ) timsut time immmmsumems are oman on time trmmm.ik of time mmmuurdemcrs , two imorses they . hiatt motnuuuu , iilml mimltiemm umoarly to doatim , Li lmaviimg lio.'eum fomimmol mthmmummdommed and two immure horses stoicim there. It is gcumeraliy . atippoised timmut. this it time second chmsilter . Of time mmsymmtcmlomimo mimmiuder of Stisbbsismay. 5) or elf time 11111cc , last ) 'csmr , wimo was aiiot mm dusmd by mmmmumoked mmmcmi who esmtorctl his II bed moosmm. Oiimmgasi mumd lie ivero great , ( tiumuds miuid Ciiimgmtmm immut been taking mmmi muctiti i)5m1t iii foirretimmg omit lila mmumrder- ems , hANK lOIiIliitV. ; AI.imANv , N. . , July 11.-Time baumk mit mu Fiiiimklimm wmuo robbed winy this niorning mm ° ' silver , 'rmv ( ) faumilios being mmusir wore found gagged. The safe wins I ) mm biowmm Ojtii sifter two imoumr& work. The OXjIIOiliosm took out suomurly time whole front. ; of timcinmhitliiig amid set. fire to tim papers. , 'Vlmo ummommey of timobammk wsuoimt thu safo. I ) Closing Nail Miii. . ( I. 'irrsmuujLo . 11.-Time . , .Jumiy - regular mmmuutiimg of time 'SVeatonmm Nmiil iuusocimutiosu if iflM haul imero to.dsiy. After mm full dis. cusimioioii , dimming wimiim time trade was re- hIOittcmi to be vemy fair , it. was deuhiod ts simmopummil ( ihUmfttIiiuit ) iii mill fnetomiemm for a ml mmmomttim , legiimluiimg mmcxl Tilmmmdny , 'I'hmo i. mIiIject of this mimmive is to provcimt any do- a. imessutimi ist pliccil. 'I'imo csmmd rmito mit. mm iirosoimt is $ t.2 pum keg. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i nI A SPECIFIC FOR t. S EP1IOPBYi , - . EVER FAILS.Spasnms , Conyui. pm. . - alona ' , Ju'aiUtiU , Slckicsis , St. Vitus Dmmmmce , 4lcolma- LU' lit _ _ _ _ Bcrofuia .1s.'trig 5. . Iii ou I EuilUgiylllood. .e U' R I. Diseases , JJUsPCP. me hs , Nortouness , 5t1 : ( IO1NIQU1EIRIOR ) 515 Yeil'OUI lVtiiAsmeu , Brain Worry , lIlooI 8oru , mit hitliousimesa , Cost&.rneu ( . ' Neryoua I'r stratlou , KithmeI Tummtil(3 ( limIt J'5-reJJuarWea. ! $1.W. lii Hminmmllt Teistuituomilals. mU ° Samnasitamm Nervmnol. doiug wouderL" ' Pr. J. 0. hdcLcnmolmm , Alexander City , Ala. o ) 4j feel IL lfl ! duty to recominemid It. " o. Pr. 1) . F. Laugmlimi ) , Clrda , Kansas. "Itcure'dwhoro lIhysiclaus failed. ' iti Roy. J , . Edits , Beaver , s. Imu $ Curxespondeuco ( rely uzmswercd.g. Yor testiumommiMs sad ctrcular * r.ed stinip. im lbs Ii 5. A. Richmond HcI. Co. , St. Joseph , Mo , cli bold b all Drul.ts. (17) ) / I"