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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1883)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - r p , I t t . I t1 . THE DAILY BEEOMAllA iYEDNESDAY UL : 1 , 1883. ' I . OMAHA. Wednesday Moflillg , July 11. LOOAL BilE VITIES , -'rho Irc again on the r1o. -Tho fire hydrant.q nrc being palntd grccn. -'Fho ncw pint of Pratt's nihiltioti WM fflc(1 'iI1i tiio county derk to.ilay. -A fcw drunks nnd other lr.linary cei were of In poilco court yotonIy. -MIisouri PAcific tranM leave only for the 1)TCflt at :3O : P. Ifl. 8fld arrb-e t t:5 ; : a. m , -Mrs. .lCflfllO Allison Iiii left for Mt. Car. ral , 111. , 'whem her mother rehle , to tic gone for , bout mouth. . -.Twge 4n1eroti tIehIei1 tiw 'ythhir" ilog ' , nIo in favor of the platntiftM , ( otthleh , 7.Itn. lner7nann anti k F'ntIck. -Officer Iltuchoy ha recei'.ed his voucher for $3O for the capture of one of the ile.ort cn who broke nut of the f1IftrI hirito'o nt. IFt. Omaha recently. -It b reporte(1 ( tlflt % the I'littstnouth : .Jour. no ) .uspem1ed itilafly itio with \1nnda nlght.'s paper. It 1f4 to he hopeti that the report Is on. fnuiideI q the .Iournni Wa. ; a great Crehlt. to juvuth not ! , iighit t.o ) uivc hecn ehl fI1) . 1 * rteil. rteil.TILe -TILe uiO4t IIC1I ) nir concert of the seao1i vI1I be given next 3ftturt1ayevonhI1g on Capi. tO ! 1011 from t th7 o'clock , by thin Oinnhiahi. . s4cal Utiliot llclln4tra recil nuil briu buid : ri1 prograninlu 1l1 bo Lulhihtel ( hi a day or two. -.The Antiquarian hook , toro wa riiot'el Un Saturday to Croulmo'H hOW llCk ) ( awl Mone uf the stock loft over St1I1la ) the ohi place , .Satiirday iilght , tlalovcn lroko hito thin oh ! 14thfl4 and carried away a tuinibor of looks , prohally , hilce Eugene A.rarn , having a literary tMte am ! no other neaIIM of -Mr. . .loltiiIIhIcr , malinger of Tim Itepub. ican city circulation , I. able to ho out ztgaiti ziSter a eriow ilhI1cs4. .hhfl caine near pv lug in hiM checkn , but we hope he b g0041 for many yen to coiiie , thu1 his friend are heartily glad to sec him back at work. -The children zoo ! frlenbs of the Eight. teantli Street Sflfllay school ntteuthiiig the iicntc blayVcdIIcMdayV.July ( ) 11 , wIll thochurcli at 9 , , 'cloek. 'rite trcet car wll leave at 9:30. : There will be a wngoii zt the church to care forthie lmsketI4. -A new cttler in soittli OInahI'b , recently built a corral cud proccelod to impound all hiI neighbor. cows fonnl naIning at large. He bok UI ) Kix belonging t ( ) flU party , anti kept them until the owner clalincil hut Mtock , in the meatitinto milldiig thorn regularly anti appropriating the hacteni fluid. lit ) chargoti . the owner six .iollarn for the cowtt anti the lat. ter titan turned around anti Hued Iziitt for the ralue of the milk. Ito was fineti $3 anti costts , mnouhting to $7.25 , to that the oct irnfit.s of the olcration voro tonal ! . -t1es8r8. Elkin.Vitlcner , Ititodos1aurnu anti ' 1'kctintu , of 1'Itilaiclphia , arri vet ! I it the city yc8tcrday cmi are at the Millard. TItORO gentlemen am the princllai officerM anti iiicm bcrs of the Unitoti Ga Improvement Co. of i'hilatlulphin , with htotn the Omaha ( hut . Manufacturing Co. iia.q contractni to louo its : works for a year from .July firttt. It Is suit. jtosetl that they caine on to see about the busi. nol. They are IttW rnhtuuiIug the gan works1 nail by October flout will have In nitoratlor their new ircoss of water gas. t -II. cv. Dr. Chin. . O'lcllly { , of 1)etroi ! t 1Ich. , central trcaiuurer.of the Irish Natlona ' league , is now In receIpt of a draft for 167 , furnished by thto Emiutet 1\Iouuutnont tutsociur I tion of Omaha. This stun is the net proceeti , i of the very succossitul ball given tuuidor the tot k1 ilCC of the Etniucts a short tune ago for th JJi . . - relIef of the rrsh ! famine sufferers. In defer , . . enco to us universal desire of the inotuibers , tiLl t . money watt withhold until the machinery ant CeOtrO ! ofliccs of the National loagnu were Ii F verfect working order. Dr. O'Reilly Is ro . r requested Lu the letter reinittluug the amount t 3 send It to those itortionM of Ireland where I : viil do tito uutOILt good in allovlattltug distres and starvation. Another evidence of the at : , knowledgod generosIty of the Etnuutotus in it t I having suffering. , -The vIfo of one of our best legal lights Ito 4 a little experience with the teheititono yestei 1 slay , which she lit anxious itot to have give : ' asway. , Site rang the boll ant ! calleti for number , stuty 999. The connection wuut intuit hut .hte got ( ) ( PS liuttead of the unniuber ash 1 , : called fur. She wanted a bntclaer sItup , tot iiatendcd to order nicat for dinner , "lEehlu ! , todd site. "hello , " wins the rosly. "how I . ; your meat" tjhuat tilti you H "lEave you good uiteat to.dayl" "I don't. air derastand you.Vhat ' sort of meat Ita' " ' ' 1 sltt taut. outlet Il f you for allnnur to-day ? ittatid , " and the lady hoard her , inquIry rt itcatod , ituiti tlao NttflhI , tf lutuagiator coin : over the telephone. "u'Itu is that talking ? , she autked. ' 'Blusliolu Oiarkson , " the rt . : itiyi "who are you ? " The phone vuut huauag o the hook iii short order , am ! the connectoi ! : iung cIT by tim lady , shao Itappeuted tu be on of this bishop's iuaHsiuiouaer. Situ is usuaxton not IA ) have her tiutino known , tutu ins tlae ic imrter Is the only one except herself usuati hits hand vhao know It , it shah rcmnluu a secrsit , - BucklealH Itrnvoa Salvo. f The greatest medical wonder of the worid ; Warranted to speedily cure Burns , Cotta , UI . coil , Salt Ithonun , Fever horcs , Cancers Piles , i Chliblalaut , Curios , Totter , Chapped htaailsani all askie eruptIon ; guaranteed I.e cure in over ti ' instance , or money refunded. 25 cents 1c 4j but _ _ DEATh JthCOlti ) . l lion. Whillatut Carnaby Called frUu Earthly Jiatles. . - . .1 _ 'I-'ho uiaiiy friends of JioutVillitunCiiv f naby will learn with surprise aiitl ooiro 1 that ho is no Inure numbered nuuitnig lii : i A dispatch was oh Monday rucoivus ) ) y lila eons from R.'whiiutr.0111j21g \ Hinting that. ho wa tltuatl5 Although iii particulars were received , it las 8UPPOLSU ( that some affection of the butin yats thii CLU8o. Mrs. Carnebywas with hiiuat thii tuutue of his death. 'rite deceased vaas ono of thu sldcas S einployus in the U. P. shops and was ni I uapected anti loved , by all who kiiew blot L huch wa 111.3 iurOiia1 worth and iiu L larity that in the fall of 1882 , 1w wa : I elected to the state legiaslattiru , notwitha standing the conteastiuado by twe PP08 lug caudidatea. lie serveti in that both , In a manner to reflect erodit ol himself aiitl lulas constitwaita nut : badt fair to hive , by ninny yiaras to couuic IL life of usefulneasa. lie tceweas a fin I faintly , onio of 1118 OutL being nlreatl ; ; tpOvn to maturity anti foowiiigu the I ¶ , Iather'B footastepa , Mi. Carnably we I ; 3uxL inrst aixty-ouiu years of ago. [ 'hiu rezItaiu.5 will naive lut tiuhat cit ' I tltt * ZoOflhliug , wad thu funeral wi L taku p1co at 2 v or. , 'flauay fret ih viaezcu , No. 17th astreet. ; THECTYCOUNCIL The SiisIoni Coiitracls on0rfflc. it lns'M ( Il ittuuit Inc Buasluiessus Tratu. Rant eti. The city council held a regular titeetilig 1n8t oveuuing , the following tneiiiburn being luresent : Antleraton , flehuan , Tuiii. ham , Ilascahl , 1Caufmaui , Louder , Mc. ( buckin , 1Turphuy , Itethliolti , i'liraiie , Wootlworth , irntl 1'reit1otit linker. IETT1N14 AII COMM V1'ATlONM. ( From thu tuanyor nl)1)rttvitai ordinatuco appropriating money for itnviig part of Douglas istrcot ; niaso approving ordinatic appropriating $18f70 out of the fund suf shistrict No. i , It ) nsply on cost of uaving in said ihintrict ; also atitewuil ordi. 11011CC levying a tax for than cotistructiasui auth repairing of aidewalkfi ; also aspeciuti ordinalico approltriating uutOliOyS unit of special funds to pay for construictiuig sidowniks. Filed , From the mayor vot4Jing that3 general approharintioui orlinnnco for , Iuuio , for thit3 reason Lhia Eugene I'icknrd haunt hoeui suis pdnticti front the 1)011CC force during ( lao uutonthi of lune. Evorytldng iii the ortiiiinnco is npprtweil except tint itcuti of I'iekard'o p83' . Veto was stislititical. . } 'iOhIt ( lie Inulyor ajjointing rOW1111 ledinuiat { , ( iustuw Auadersoui and 0. II. Bahloti , ito appraisers to assess damages iesulting fvouuu the osemuing of 28d street. Conuiruited. 1romn thin mayor : ppointing .101 iii Tuuiitbuihl itoh1 Frank \Vtilkur as 1)tuliCCuiiOfl. Referred to committee on police. Frotit City Attorutoy Council : Report- iutg that ito hind collected $1i02.liO the jiulginont uigaiuiust Charles Ilalbachi , auth ) ( thin stoute to thin city treaustuier. Filed. Frin thin city physiciaii , 1)r. Leiseui. ring : Stating that thin city is again free f smallpox. Thom vcuo in till tutu cases , three of thuuuui proving fatal , thio rent arc convalescent. Filet ! . From the Omaha Ouui ? stauufnctutring company : Itfuukiumg curtain pronusitions to light thin streoth. Referred to comuuiniteu on guts. Iromuu tint Northwestern Electric Liiit and Power company of Omaha : Making vropoMitiouus to light tiio streets. lie- ferret ! t4) connnittco on guts. } 'romn Emily J. Briggas : Oiikring to pay $ lOo for quilt claim deed. to at piece Of ground adjacent. to her lot. Iteforresi to conutuuittoc oui Public itiOlsottY. From , Jniiies Nevihio : Ofrurimig $200 for t1tILt claim deed for 1)art of Twentieth street , adjacent to his lot. Referred. Front Messrs. Falcoujer , lloyd , Cruight- tutu , Icaibachi , l'axtonValhiuuuis , , lhutmuige , itnil other I hilt street piolserty haulers , protesting against thin use of than Cabin. (10 saittistoiau ins at Iavitig uitab'iiutl au Unit street. Filed. 1roiut thin city etigincer as to thin opeit. iiig of 14th street south of the rai1wa track. iteforred to SccouidVard dole gation. From a large number of residents sr the Fifth \Vartl , arskitt1 for the exteutsiot I of thin street lighting in certaiui , PulrtM a ) a that \\'uird. Referred to the coininittes pruceediui'f Oil L Ji rota Anna M. C. MoCornuick , ii.e I testing against. hautving Thirteenth aui , Fifteenth streets pavc with Colorad . stuitlastotte , tool notifying the council the 4 elan will resist thto payuiiout of ttxes i : . such districts if such satidastone i 3 Ut5Cl. Filed. . Front thin city ongiueergiviiig cstiniatt of usidownilts couisiructod byYuai T. Bail I linger , during time quarter nailing .Tiul 1 , 1888 , amounting to $1300.70. Ileforroal . t Frotut several parties presenting bilia unforced to coiuunittee on ciaiuims. I ) Skinwaulic contract withi Chitulos Guiral t tier , and bridge contract. withu Ii. Ii \Valkor , were aiiupra > veti. - From the city attorney , concerning tim t. right. of way for tint North Ommmahia sewoa Tlio 1)ids 'uru accepted atmal mnoainy ot ii tiered to be jaautl out of thin sewer fund. . - Froiii niajority of propeity hioltiuras i Ii paying district No. 10 , Farumain streni auskimmg the council to order than stret a IutVCs1. ) ituferred to comnummittee nut aatruu I , uimd grades. C JtIU.UTItflH. ii By ] hIurhiy : 'I'hmat Limo city treatsuit ' 5 totitlul : tat thin 1outics entitled tiiuiuto thi , is , diniiagos uissesuied for time right. of way o . Dodge street. Atlopteci. I. By llauscauhl : That thin bonn ! of piuh)1 : 0 works withmout unlay aulvertiso for isit . . for the commstructiomm of Noi'th Onmahi IstaYer. . Atlti1utctl. BY Redliold : Tluit thin city clerk at 2 vortisu for bitis for miewaupapur adverti iuig amid books , blamikw , etc. , for one yea : I11 Thirauo : Tiiuiti thin street eoamiuimii ii shouter replank thin uiiilitury brialgu an It repair the Sixteenth street bridgu a Adopted. N By ICatufmnamiut : 'l'hiat all potitioums an I. cotiutnunicatuns to thin couuidil aumuast I. - proaeimtotl by a iueuiibur thiuruof , aunt that all other cornnutinicatiuuitu not tao soutted shall be ignored without readii : thu saute. Iteferred to the comnniltteu c . rules , forms and primitiiu. : . ] j ICusufumutun : Providitmg for curtail II itumproveuuiciit amid rcpair8 in Ilauisco : park. Referred to conunittec vim pubi proaerty cmiii iunlrovcummomuts. iuroitm or COMMtTrIE. On baiins : Allowing eurt1ihti bill Adopted. ntcr works nut ! sewerage ; Itecom I mnond1tigaccoptaico of the Union I'acmlic p1)01U0i1 to. build a suor tin-ought i , grouzids for 80Ofli. , itoport adopted. . ' ' ' Streets amid grades : 'l'hint 'Jliirteoiit r street be oxtomidoti southi. us putitiou Li for. Adopted. JtmthiciLsr.i liueouuiimiumuihuuig that curl log auto ! gttttoriiig of Fiftoomitli BtVCtit , i 1 twcnui 1)otmgliut hut ! llairiioy , be dulatyc i iuuitil tufter thin iiiatter of thin change s gnrtiu at thin iiltOtsCCtiImt ( of Fiftuemithitimi .1 Famnutuui truoth is cttIcd. Adopted. 1) .Judiciary ; ltcconmiimundhtig tiust in at Li C1LOCS wheic immoimey laM boon raid into H tveatsuiy , cbatiuuaoti as city taxes on bo : t ownotl by thin city5 tue semite bu refundc . with ititomeust , nut ! thmat the county con . uimtssioimnrma be requested to vufuumd iii ! uc . uiIoimoys received by time county. outuINAxCa.'i. . An ordimiuumico grading certLsiui atiun . utimil alloys Passed. y Au ouclmiiamicn oudorimig that a vtuat a ii Eluvummtha , Fotuteonthi and Fiftoouut :1 : streets be pavoti with Coloitdo aiadstoimi I , full oitlorimmg that jait ( if 'i'wolfths aui 0 Thiirteoutht sticots ho hmavcl with Siou hr FluhiB giamulto , timid requiriuig than board r publo ! works to have audi pnviiig ibm s was maitroduced timid read a soecuti tiuzu a.nd a unction vns mamiubo to pass. 7 At thui8 1)Oimiti Ctttiuici.lmiutui Bedlich ii inad ( lUmtO LI bug utiud eartiust Sj)000hi ) i n itciuilf of those srotestiuig against satin ittouiu. 1it , dejioumrced than pruceediui 'f thio council as an outrage upon prep. eity huoltiers SVhi ( ) hued declared their wishes for either uimatetial. lie claimed ( hint thou oxtrat oxpemmso woniti iuivolvo an exhuemidituro greater thmaui was iirovilctl , Ctomumcihrnaium A umderneai how' sisolce upon thin sjumestisuai , lartcImlarly in reuly to Hattie of thin statoimmeauts outdo by Itedlield. 'slr. ' Antlerseum clajitmeti thiatt. while usnuid. statue lasts it will mumake a spicuitihl ive- itmi'iit , , aims ! % vear sunoothi amid oven , while SIOuX } 'nlls will riot. lie should veto in favor of than ordinance. Coumucilamman Ilasenhl spoke at some bengthi impoti thiti orthinauco , ho being in favor of its passage. lie thought the peollo ) generally hind soiimethiing to say aiOtmt these paving ditstricth , as thin whioln city Is interested in the mmmttcr as vell as thiosn in numy Particular district. lie saul that this whuohit mmmattor sal pavimig it ; as yetnum cxpcrimntuuit. lie felt taatist'iQd that thin samidstoiio is ant excellomit mutter- in ! for itasitmu , auth that it is a very dora- bIn titoimo. If them sa a general chattier for himbtmrger chicetue wt'uuameuit lie would Ittut feel tmstifictI in fatvoriuig hiuitbimrgcr. Coumuicahuumaut Locater mmmv nmado otto of his hmnuimoroumus speeches , which aniuseti raLlier tiutui nuihighiteumed Limo cotummcil anti thin outsiders. As to thin Sixteenth street lie was for a'mihiatlt ) , no it was than wish of hits coumstitumeimts , bait. Ian was miot an "i- halt umatti haitimself. Now flint hue hint ! an opjtortuimity to Use his nwmi jtudgunnmut , ito jttluMCd to take ntlvauitng of that priv- ilege. nihio .ycauu aital umays were liumally takumi alum thin passage of time oadiuiaiuico , resulting as follows : \caum-Aumtietumn , Dunham , Ifascall , lCauafnmnmm , Lender , McGtackin , Murphy , \Vootlwoitha auth l'residont Bakor.t.9. NnyM-liehamit3 Ii tlfleld , 'l'hirnuio-'J. Au ordinance ordering alleys ma alley ftViuig tilustricts , uittuiilicrs I , 2 , 3 , 4 , ii , 0 , 7 , 8 , tJ , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 1.1 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , It ) , 20 , 21 , 22 , 28 , 24 , t5 , 26 , 27 amid 28 , rcsecttve1y , paivesi ; was itttsseti. Ama ordiaiaumco ts establiashi gradn of Touithi street from itstuhlar to Bancroft , vat8 referred. Au ordinamico leryiumg special tax for caumustrtmctjoui atmad repairs of sidewalks , wao referreti. Sat ordinance appropimattimig mooney to I oty for sidewalks , rats roferreil. Au ordimiaumce ehmauigimmg grade of 18th street froumi thin alloy mmext asoutia ofVul - hituma street usotatha to Vintoui strcot ; re- furred , An OihiliaflCn alaropriatiumg private 1)rolcrty for thin nxtemiajomi of 's irgaumiat utvnuitmo to Farumain street. was Passed. Au ordinamico atppromriatiuig $1602 , to pay for right of way of North Omaha sewer , wan ; 1)aS0l. An ordimmammce tt ) extend 13th street iii Bowery lull addition , south to Bancroft street , was Issotl. Adjourned. SUDDEN DEATH. , A Co1orc Laii Falls Bca Oil Cuiiii trcct. Thin Coruaier'ss Iumiesl nut ! 7ertiIet. Abtutat 11 a. iii. yesterday at soits- attioii wars caused oat Ctmmmuiuig Stieet by the : stutidemi death of at young colored maim uiauiied Tout Lee , vhio dropped dead out r the sidewalk , without. at uiianmieiits warn- I jug. f L was mint over thirty years of ngc L umtd. haute ii. wife toid three eiaiidremi down jut I\Iissouri anion jubaco. His father-ui I ; iatv mutt ! irothier-jmi.luw icaicbe iii this city. Li l appears thmnt hme was subject ta : 1) lutimis iui his buick aumd ehsewhaoro atmul tImid t ; his father thou of heart disease. Ho hind Ii worked for semite timmmn on thin Douglau s street ltatvouutomit boat recently quit that job. Yesterday mumurmiiimg lie wont into thin s I- Li loon ko1)t. iii coiiiiectisii witha time Grea - \Vesterii Brewery auth drank two glassea of beer. lie stayctl them for an hioui . amid left perfectly sober , its han was not a I. diiiiking ummauut aut all. lie hind goumo hut few stops on thin sidewalk vIacui han such - ( homily fell. Tam. Lumens , time grocer nut t L , luau aim ! tmuniietl iiiiuu ( tver ama his back t'haeim un saw that time POOr fellow watt . 0 abet ? . . A tehephiomme imiussatgo w.aH sent to Core mini , Jacobo who wont up antI hinhd an iiiqutottt. but tIme july ruturned at vordic Ii thin ciocenuseal cammie to Ida death fromi I : , ' uuiikflOi'ui to theta t4tiiiO Catuso 01' causes % it. 'I'hmn rcunnimis worn roimmuved to than roomumi Lo of uuitlurtather .lncobs , froumi whiicia ithatca than fuumou'atl viIl tithe jslatco. . It was thought by uamatmiy that tIme deatl ii watts taccasiotacib by suui.utroko but. that Iit faictum tIs ittut watrotmitatny auchi belief , in CA'I'Alhltli OF 'FIlE BLADDER , las Stiimgiumg irnitatioma , niillamiiuliattitn , ci lit $ idimoy mad uriimairy culaqhaints , curoti bj ' 'limichan.pailaa. ' ' 1- - . a.- Cili$1 AT NEbIGII. 1 Tim Colonel 1aka'H a Tolling tpect'I ci Frouui several phuasaiit mioticca iii Tin so Nubigha Advocate , cuiicea-iiing 1Tuiyo : it Chmauuo's Fourth of .luby oration UI ) there - we Clii ) than fohlowluig : ig OttAisn , MAY0II OF OMAIU , It "mvauit tf tiummo anti space lrevciita iii giving ovnmt a synoisis of thin oloquoum LII eolsimob's utduuiiratblo oratiomm , amid vo in ! Iui _ umieruhy say that it was uboqueiit , we ! to delivered , and uxcecuimugly aippro Lriato for than tccauuioii , Jt was tupluta with asouamid rg , muouisibhu advice , N. ciii ! warumi duatuticiation of souuin of tail iitoru Proiiiiiieuit iuuitioiaal faults , It fatirl3 Ii. slacrkIotI witit telling haita , brilliant illus u's truitiomis attic ! Iauughaabbu auiectlotes , attn ts closet ! ivitha a well wortled peroration bIEr. Chtausu spoke athouit omio hour , nut ha hold thin Cltist iattumitioiu of hais ftuidiuiic th to thin close. After than orastitom 1r , Clumamniat Chase Luson ( at thin Coloimoi , amid reitorter for thu di. Ouimhaui lInt : , whom hats just gi'attltiatte oh fnmmm tIme state umuiivemsity utt Jincolua , wan f calleti tuofl , ciii ! respomnical to thu sumuti iii umient , ' "l'hie llitor , " iii at mamaiuuioi which mint oiiby shatiweti great fatuiiihiuuit ii withi his subject , but leslokt ) than carofu an ti'auiuiuig lie hits received fromim hijas athtuiu Is ummatter. iii at few years , if thin ( titian : tl ( htCttui't look to his laurels , Ian isill ha eclipsed iii oratory by hiis son , ha Col. Cimatsu i'ettariied to Omaisima 'Phiurs day meriting , mull PhL'asetl with Nobigl timid the Elkhmorma'ulhuy , 'l'hais is Iii : Is fii'mut ti'il ) most ofrest I'o'aumt , iiiiul Iii ivatta austonishacib with thin beauty of thai f 8CCtiC' ' , featilit' of thin ssiil and extant iiittl cost of time ttmaprovtumoumt iua this ue' cmtiiitry. It wotuhti Ito at good thing if a ! Lut the leuliuig mmmcii au Outaohin moult ! i'isi c rich atiati 1)cfltitiftul vahloy , attic ! en f bingo thwir jtieuts iii i'cgai'tl to it , c$1)tCial ) , ly thin cotamitry ut'est of Norfolk , whaicla ii ' a terni iiicoguiitai to iiaost of thaemu-Io 'a ugh Advocate. ci Ii Stroiigtii utah health go togntiaor. Ob 1tam tiaius happy physical statu by using a 1ff bottle of Brown s Iron Bitters , THE WILD WEST. Buffalo Bill l1kcs a Bi Hit Ill the East5 luieltientus lii Ills Caunts lalfe-A Trip to I'tiro ) ( , ! \Villjatni McCuume , forunerhy of thin I)0hiC0 force and now assistant general iiiauiager and superiuitouitUunt. of the cnmni for Buufhiuho Bill's "Wild West , " ha iii tiao city , haiving arrived from Bostoma on Sat. uirdaty , : i1itcCtttmn reports the ' ' \ ViIilVeqt" as hmatviumg , unatie an iimuiaeumso success on its trip east , auth Messrs. Cody and Carver are reapiumg P. goltleui harvest fromat their enterprise. Tian show exhiihfatcd at all thin leadimig towuis ( rout Oamiahma east , nut ! averaged ( rout $2,000 to $8,000 per day iii its re- cei1uts , which oftcui ivciit away above those figures. Thin only fatvtr.iblo , grouumaln for tian , ulaow morn thin mu' groummds at cccli place visited , a hinlf maul0 or utile track hieing iumdispeuu. ttthhe to a good exhibition. For this i'easotm time Isairty did better at towuis like l'conia , llhoouaiumgtoii , Cohumumabtis , Buflitlo , etc. , thiami itt cities like Ciutcinuiati , whacro they iaaid to give their eumtcrtainummemit iii thin Zoological Gatrtlcui anti mere crauiipctl for roomum. It n as at thin latter place , however , that thaitigs inure got cloivut to a regular systeni amid while than auttemitlauco wait uitit what was desired ( hey left time city witia ti lnlance in tiacir fats'or , Thin reported ' 'split" bets'oen Cody and Carver , ? slr , TslcCune says , is with. out foundaitiomi , 'I'iie two mmmcii awe work. 11mg haai'imitiiiotisly amid there is imo reason to aiuitiCuIatn City dissohtmtioii of partner. shaip.Siiico Siiico the "WildVest" heft Onmahia there imatvn becut two births timid three deaths iii thin uLrty. 'iVhiiho at thin Zoological - logical Gardens omio of thin Imadiata squasras gave birth to twitis. The tout iii whachi shin lay was a foot deep with water but before thin chdldromi u'cre tout muiiui- utcs old thin umiothmer got tml , , amid takimig Olin of thin PlO055 ) iii cacia hand , iou a cat wouhd take its kittens in its uiioutha , umhio iu'alked over to thiellor- ticuliural.hiall amad. showed them to Ball , asking hum wiiatt lie thiouhit of thaeni. 8iio thou roturmicci to haer tout amid wrapped thin chiidrnui ! lip Iii blankets , as tightly as if they laad been wooden dolls. Uumfortumiatoly , one of time twins died at Spriumgfield , Ohio , and thin other at Duty- ton. ton.if ( if course time Wild West huts laad its vicissitudes bike siumailar organizations. Thiny hind conshlnrnlihn trotuisle with thin Lake Slaorn road , over wlmicha they imired a special traiui to take them to Buifltbo Thin traiut was two laotmrs late getting iii auth over snvcui thiousanti Peoishe vcro tinned away4 On thin following day tiiey exhibited to ten thousand 1)eolie. ) Mt. Cody talked strongly of sueing the road for daummgns. Pliny often haul to make long juumips , which tired time people out. Sonic trouble was experienced with than Intliatuis , wiaommt lhmilhlu Bibb fed hto well , furnishiiumg thoni w'athi steak amid other good grub wiiich they hind. not beomi used to , They st iuadepcmidcmit , tutU sassy and waujied puu tumid cake and if they saw aiiiytiiing oil thin table at thin hieatlquau'tci'us tent wimicia they did 111)1 S hutvn they minnie at grain ! kick. That L trouble was that Bill treated thieni too . well , Than vaity ii ; now at Bostomi , whaor than mumutmiagers ate awaiting the arrival ol ; ' at gnnthouimaiam who mill confer with thou L regard to it trip to Europe. It mnat a be ibecideal to go across 'than big pommtl' ) timis uteasoli , but if uiot , they will won I tiaeir way back west to Otmiahaat. , go south 1. during the wititer uumiti go to Europe earl ) 3 uiext s1namm' . itbl in all , the shoss is mmiakimig as alecid I ed at success as its friends could ivisha fem I timid it bids fair to become famnomma itt . OVttt tIme world. ) - tii Aumsiuci' Vaitnt1 , Cuni any ante hi hmg its a case of khhuicy at liver couamluhaiutt that Electric lilt . terus vahl hot s.peethily' cure ? \Vn say they cat : i muot , as thtousatislas of cases aireashy vciumixtuiouit t h cuimed and who are tinily nocoumtuueinlin Electric Bittern viii l' ° ° - Biigiit's disease , I aliabetes , u'cak back , or any uriuiary csuuuiithutiui quuickly citreti. 'Pliny purify the blood , megim. m late thu ixwebs atual act thhccthy aim thou slis outset ! Iuints. Every bottle guieratitced , Fun stile at IuOe mu bottle by Ci , F. ( iosuthtuimiui. IEIiNAI. Seth Mabry , of lCutnsmus City , was _ iui towi ycust.t'ruhay \v. l. Suitoot. of Ililhimugs , aIoiitatiut , is ui 1 thom Faxtomi. % IjVtitutOIi , Of ia11hiti ) , 15 at the l'ax tout. Iheorge S. Ticiiiane ! , of Vrenmouit , is at that I'ut'toui , l'ruiiak Folala , of liastluags , was a gumeust 0 a the l'axtoum yesterday , Ihum Coutulunu , of thao Oregon Short Lliie tumui i uiuh , Is. mit the l'utxtomm. r 'ihllimi It , Cox , of Tcuiver , Is at the Pox , toum. toum.J. J. B. Klljiatnick , of Itishmo , Is iii town , as " C : Catliorwoosh , of West l'oimmt , is at thaI t l'axtaua. N.V. . Collhti , of Kcaraioy , i Iii town. ( iot B. C. Catraus tumid Joseph Corn. , of Sew - aural , are at the Paxton. If. A. Shumuk until 0 , 8. SValsli , of Dumbuquo I. art. , lii tsni'ti , P lieu' . .Johimi A , Ellis ) ) ' , of .tmthieIaim , Coh , , is Ii ; tini city. I Liasut , Cal , J. hi. Oliver , of thie BrItashm ! noisy i is ait thou \Ithlarsh , ) F. C , lodge , ofVooth Jilter , ouio sti that biggest itockuneut lti thu state , is at thou M'al , hart ! . I : . ( I. $ swyer , of Falrmuauattt , is at tluu slIl hututi , S .1 , 1' . Stat ) ' , ( if thu army , is at the dillat'tI Mis. 0. M , St , Johiti nut ! Miss Amiamlo Mu p' Ica , ad Laku City1 Jut. , atnut gumesbi of tIto Mi ! I lots ! , : : i ; - , .Shilesly ! , of hatnszis City , Is mit this .1 l'axtsuii , .1 autos . I .cytht'ui , of thug army , nuu. alt this - I'iCttsIi ) la.t a , \'ahtain ; sf lihaim ; U , 0. I'atersoum , a \VzluttY , titus ! Butt Jeymmuhsh ! , of 'sVyutmomt' , irons ) guests of tli Paxttsum last night. I : hiatt , 8 , .1. 4lOxflhitlei' I lii the city. o Irvitin uiuad . ' 1' , hlabbitt , of Clicy mum , are at the MIllard , - . slrut. ilewehl unit ! MIs iora llowell , 01 . .1 . ( acolat , amo guiustIs itt thue stiiliul , S I ) . J. , IilcLauughtllia1 Tekatuala ; C. Lulatit . Timorp , SLuiton ; P. Cnnvell Freumioitt ; S. E Ouiio , Blair ; If. tI. ltttb1o tumid xuifs , Araini boo ; \\'atlt. M , Sceloy5 iieimmaott ; Louis liorbil . iIytLtCUbOS'mui. . Itobare , St. l'utul ; Johiat L I liuunli smut ! ii. Nlsoum , OnthJ. ; Ii. McCoth Daisoii Cu , ; Juts. A , Cliaw , hastings ; J , It ! Cnuickshunnk antlwife , Northil3ond ; (1mM. Itt. MzsynartlAashhanthiC. B. liorlwohh , Tehaumah I : ' . A. Ilyhe , Liuacoluu ; S. II. SorumbcrgerS'n. . hoe ; Chanuicy Ahbott and wIfe , Schiuyler , ntis ! N. 8. WycofT , Norfolk , sire aniotig the Nelra- kans nt tht Itlihlsrsh yoiteraloy , Mrs. ti , S. Carznchtncl , of 1"t. Niobniura , Is at , the Itlillarti , lion , l'at 0. llawes lies rctumrmmed from \Va.hIngton. Misus Nellie Lohinier returned last , ss'eek frcuiui Philadelphia. Itirs. Col. iiurnham hiss rsutnruued from a trip south , accompanied by haer daughter , the info of Llcumteumuutit Merniutun , and cmlhlren. ! ( hencral Manager Clark nut ! Geaiornl l'tcs. senger Agent Morse vcnt oa't on a .podnl car last evemming , Mr. N , 0 , Ramsey loft yesterday for New llniaip'shilre , to iias the nemutimider of thac sum. uner. uner.Itir Itir , Johuut l'klwarti , at umephiew of It ! . .1. V. Scott of 1"iomence , anniveal lout et'ctiiumg kate Souutla W'nhcua ntis ! mill settle lii this couititry. - - - A hiVe Savltmg l'reseuit Itir. It ! . i' : . 4hhlnoui , iimmtchaiuisomi , lamt , Sated his life isy a siamiple trial bottle of Dr. KIng's New 1)IMcovt'ry forconssummnptloum , uvlmichi e'tscul ld'mi to vrctmro a laugo bottle that coiti- lsletnly n'mn'tl hultum inhieti thoctorus chiaaigo of clituusuto .otd everytliimug ehso had fatilesi. tsthi. itia , In.ntchuitis , Itoarusetiess , evenocoughis , nimal all throat anti hummag aliseaseut , It is guarutmuteed to cure. Tuiah botthes free ait C. F. ijoothmmiamm's drug store , Large size l.0O. AN OBNOXIOUS ORDER , Th 1ii1lary Hourtcrs to C1oe oil iuiay. The Officers Not to Meet. Eveum for StClttl Iumercours4e. Geumeral ILWittd 1)clinVeS iitSuntlay oh- servance. lIe observes Staitibay hminiself by engag'uumg iii general mmiissiouiary work fhinoughioumt thin city auth state , amid lie xs'ats naturally paiuie1 last Sunday to fimici several staff ollicers opening their mail at hicadqtiartcrs at at time wlaen citizens geuicrahly who ) felt si ) iiuciuied t'ore engaged - gaged iii thicir ds.uvotiouis ehsewiierc. As a consCquaeumce thin statE ott .Mommday were lreseuttetl with a general circular - cular whmichi forbitls in thin future all work on Suiidays iui time miiilitary headquarters , ant ] . in 'tddi- tiomi prohibits thin use of anyof thin tootims jut the headquarters buildimig for informal social iuitercourse aumtnmmg the staft. This bitto bommibahioll is indignantly rejected by the stair as a needless piece of linda- gogical iuterfereiicc. No work huts been required of clerks for years emi Sunday. Officers iu'iiosn toni ! conies to their office generally in Omaha , its at. every other immilitary iieadquat'ters , spemid ate hour or so out tlaatt day jut opeal- lug it anti jut amasweiimmg their private conl'csIondeumce. At General Popes imcadqumartcrs a regular hour of informnual social intercourse is hick ! every Sunday in the coiaimmmamidiug goaaerals t'ooima and it is the invariable custoun at military of 1)OSts for the ohilcers to uitcet for cmi . hiutlf nut hooter so every Suitithuty amid talk over armaty mmiattei's socially. C eneral llowards' ittenmiatl ellsrt to ungulate tint ; habits of his stall' iii respect to Suit- i day obsoi'vauicu is violemitly resumtttl I amtd there is a grett ; douti of suppressed imitlignatiout atmnoimg oflicers , t sonin of wlaomn liaviimg served longer iii r thin alimmy tlqut ( hemieral Howard , object a IA ) beiiig phaced on a par with thin Sumuiday ? school scholars wiaommt thin gemmeral delights I to addict's. : It is vei' unfortummate for tue gemicral 1 tiiltt lie iiivutriutbly simecceds in mtiakimmg lainisebf i'ilht than ' whiere- r tlmulolUhutr at'lmiy - over lie is sstatioamed by sonic such silly . atuitl uumcailcil for regulation as the one lie . imas just issued. As it does itot comae out I as a general order fromut departumteutt head. quarters , Geumenul Shieritlamu will itot be giveit au oJportummity to outbor its i'evoa- tiomi as ian did than order forbiddimmg dress parade out Sunday iii thai Deptrtmncmmt : of ; time Platte. - - NEW INCOItI'OIt4tTION. : itjtIcIes OfftiCOu'lOi'JttiOu ) filet ! by ( lie : "Omtttimat Utiloum I'iibllslilaug Co. " Articles of iumcoapoi'uttioit of tlae ' 'Omuia. hat Union Publishaiimg Co. " weie filed. with thin cotumity clerk yesterday. 'j'hie thijCCt of this coimipany , is to li'imtt timid lttihhisla a liewaspaper iii Omaha , 'l'hme capital stock is $2,500 in five haunt ! . tot ! shmutres tf 5.OO each. ' [ 'lie juidebtealmiess milieu aut no tiimmo ox- cecil l1,6O0. Tue attlhiis are to be govoruied by at 3 Board of Directors , a l'resitbeutt , Vice Presidetit , Secretary auad 'l'reastu'er. f Time directors itt pmsunt are K. 0 , Gould , .J , It , Lewis , Cl. W. Mairtiut , , l. . L. Livesoy mmd Leroy Siuimpstsn wiusu -'no also than inconlxratons of - - . ) . IIAMEL--hlildui Victom'umt , slamugiits-r of louiltu maid Gustav llnnich , July 'Jtlm , aged I niumatlu unit ! 20 tiatys u Fmuaiernh xviii tithe place .lumly 11th at 2 p. iii. , fromua Sevoutteenthi amid 1)orcas streebs. Frieuid all Immvlteth. tlIl4TjEhi-T _ Amattnm , tout of Cecilia tout ! .Johumm l'slliler ' , Juhy 'Jthi , ages ! 1 mnntli and 10 duls. Ftanenah vilh tuiko luhulee Juiy.1lthm , at 9:30 : a. p from Twenty.thiirsl atis ? , tasoti streets. FmIeutihs all Imaviteti. : _ : CORSETS EVtm7 Couet l warranted matte. r t&ctory to Its wearer in every way , or the money will be refunded by the lcrsonSrcunthoin itwa5 bougbt. Tb,00hyOOrutpr0000000d by our Ia4Io hystcni nsa ltJurIoua to itue w@.ur , .zudendonscd cy i&dtei &i , th.1uosicutorabi , ansi pertscd Ctttn uun vci 1.lucEs , b : 5aU. l'o.t.xo I'I4S ueaI 11.50. 54t.AdJu.ttut. 5150 S bdumi.l ( extra bsay ) 42.00. 1'irsiag , $140 ILcalt l'rsarir.a ( In. souttit $5.00. 1'arj Bktt-upperttui. 51.50. V. ' i&1. 1u7 its4iig UtU Vealt'ru .vsrywbta. IIEiCAQO UO1iZ' 00. . VtiXGsjo , 1. 'a , Infants and Children Without Moriihtno or Naroofje , What gIves our Children rosy chmeaks , Wiutteures their fevers , make tlaemui . - . . . . , 'Tis Ca.torja steep ; I Babies fret , and cry by tumrn , I cures their colic , kilbi theme wornut p. , lint cathrj , . . Shat quickly ciuroq Constipation , Sour Bt.omacn , Colds , Indigs-stion : s litut Cuxitorla. Farewell then to Morphine Syrups , Castor Oil and l'aregorlc , anti hail Cautorla. Centaur LlnImont.- & . sointo euro for RhoumAtiaxn , Sprains , Burns , Galli , &o. , ami1 an instantaneous Psdn-rollovor. Grand Pacific Hotel cOhiNiioF NINTH AND NARNEY STS. . . . _ . OMAhA - - Nnul. OPENED MAY 17th , 1883 , This Hotel COtitaiui 100 roomut' . , oil outuldo roonus , amid 30 roomuus out the first floor , c'.jueehtliy adapted for Iamuio uncut. A ctikluue of superior oi.ecmuouuce. head. quarters for the u.t.tte trade. specIal luolticcmnentus to the theatrical Isrufeioui. mfotel aslttiattd live blocks trout depots. horse cars isa the duets both voys every Sne mhututc , SAtSNEAN & AlL S1iYOIITII , J , E. HOUSE , Consulting and CyiI Engineer and SURVEYOR. Special attention to Surveyhui Town Addit on. ansi Lists. I'siroishc iu.tluusatcs of Lxix' , atlouit , 3uakluig Status , l'lnns. &c , oFl'icn OVER ThU FIRST NATIONAl. flANK , tflO1 OMAIfA , NED , ? _ Tunis & , Kneller , xx. : D. . D ENT ISTS , 1107 FARNAM STILEUT ( Uis Stolr , ) i'uaro Nutro Oxide Oa kept constantly on tunussi iou . the isaluutess extuactisn ( Si teeth. Ji'2.lm 1.'a TREAT TilE hUMAN MAChINE GENTIjY I NEITHER CONSTII'ATIONCOLIC , DuAIIRuItEA , uii'si."rntcv. out oTurIu : fl0\Vih : csaui'1..t "l's , CAN ItE CUIIEL ) BY ABUSING TIlE i)1l.tCATC MACIIINEttY OF ' 1 lIE sVSTE3I W'l'i uu ruinous l'tItIATIVtHTIIE { BEST AI ) SAFEST mtn.iiuuv , i'AIITiCULAitIX A'r Tills SEASON. IS A TEA. Ht'OONFIII. OF TAJUtANT'S SELTZEK APEIt- lENT , TAKEN IN A ( i1.ASS OF WATER. WiliCit SWILl. flENTIX lELIEs'E { , WiIILE 'rosa NO .NI ) uIEATlN ( ; TilE IRIII'I'ATtD I . 'rESTINE. SPECIAL NOTICES. terSpec1a1s will Positively not be inserted unless - paid in advance. TO LOAN-Money. ° TO IAAN-Thu Oussatsa Sittings Baiuk Is l : , I now ProPareui tO make loomis oui Outialta city or louiglas COtuutt3' real sntatoat current ratoot interest , No coununistiomu charged. 558-ti ONETO LOAN-The lowest rates of Ituterest I micuaums' Loam , Ageuscy , 15th & Douglas. 234tf ' , liNEY TO LOAN-Call at law otilce of 1) . 1. , fli 'i'houuias , room 8 , Crelghtoua lilock. oNE LOANEt-Oua Chatt&l mortgage , room 7 .1 Nebraska Natlominu ilausk Ilulhulng. Isa-tm HELP WANTED. ' TANTu-A : o.i steasiy bother. I5i5lY No. 1(11 ( 1' 10th St. t'oruuer iii its ansi lotieSts. Csim2 T.tNTEIA SOttilif 111015 lB ) eaus old , uelirsessuui. " \T.tNTEI-- etided , boaruIlui itt titsuuus. ' . To a'It Its liar usuisi l'ool roottu , Oil S. loUt St. 419.iIt ' % 5tNTEI-A girl itt a fsuuuii3 ( If 'Fit o. lasiadre , of 1 1 firs , N. .1. Eslhtslmia2iil Ciukago , St. 481.12 . % N CIOR-W'auatcd ust I'loreusce Cut-oil. In of .1. dY , Muursliy , at the works. 415.iti I ( lOt ) STONE MASONS-Catu mlxiii workultitSith. hiatt & Heck , C'aestouu , loon , 414.13' ? % 5I . ANTE ! ) IMMEIIATEIY- broass baud. Six v' lultecs. 31u't ulouble In ornisettia , tlth Yankee liobhasuui'ut ItalIroxil Show. , tlO ) IL COIt5155tOalt agent. Long euiguugenaent , Atilresss , s'tatin tutsest terms , clue iseek , Ite'dCltsusI , Nub. 430.12 ! - - hiuutsektsIseruuerhtaum prefrr. ' T\TANTED-aJood . it'ti. ( issosi isages , tilt ) ' joshtio. s'oisvtnicnt t ( city , Mnt hsue good refercuceb. ? .shlrcs " 11. If. " lieu usilico , 410'12 % \rANTE1)-Stroums acthc boy , IS , tars old. tier. \ V loam , Ireftrrvd. Call frotel toYno p. to. 1107 llamcymstrtat. 411.111 1'ANTIt : , ISIMELHATELV.-A secoumsi girl. fiat S iso heat until utromug oust a gssosi waltrv's. Itefcr- clues , . required. i'ugws ii5.D ) nr isack , .i'i'l ' itt toi 412.121 , a. T. 1'atricks , $ ausulvr street , ticer ( iruec , WAu-u Iris mit thu iavetiiuo hoes1 is ages ' 147.15 ! ) - ttIiulturtoan girl at thu OcIsleaita \yANTEI-A iuuiuumedIat(4) ' . _ _ _ _ _ ' 44tf 1TANrn1)-In us isrivatu taumuiij'itsiaiiut gut I I uaturseorhiuus.u girl isy gIrl 11 3e111'st olti , salary tit Itutlstirttat. , ttldress Mlusmmlo Selsulu , care Wsirumer . 'sltzIer , Ott ) ' , 413-Il --r---------- - ' \rdtN'rED.- Tiu t ) littilU'S alit ] 5 5)UIl ) 10311 to lusastruet in lsossk.kecjslumg. ( boil asituat louse hurst ishial. J , ii. SfITI1 limO fsrnmgla. , 130.1 $ ! 1AW1I.U-At 1611 tints street , a cotsslseteamt girl S 1 for geuscral lmou'sitsork , 430-lu yArtn-oood ; batber ( ulmite ) to ruum a asss' on S share , . 25 amid ( sIc userk. Atldrea' , Ii. ltaaior , shuluucy , Nil. . _ 412-12' 'V .IN'l'EI ) A gIrl at 2115 isairnIsolt street , V 405-il \7.tNTEl-tioo'i ) girl , ( flernuami hsrtfrrrtI. ) 23rd 1 1 street , 01 usortla of Farmman. liSliu ' ' , , t1'a- : . ultuuluug roomum girl at I IueCrelgItoii S 1 house. 'lTAh'TE1)-Sevoitt cook iii tue Emiumnet hsotuse. 1 1 ii'oinaaa ! referrl. % AXTEh A goosi gsaieral blteksiuith , ( load 1 1 sancs and steady work tItuLar round , LOi'lt3tAIIKEY , t'rtiimoiut Mb. 58Sl5 % % 'ANl'EIl'rivy uault , sinks , atil CesolussisIl to i I elton isitli saumltar ticituitir. Satl1artiouiguar auatecd , .3 , fl Sumiltli box 422 Onmaha. 8i5.lmo ITANTEI ) To EXC1IANOEOennaau lessont for I I ibeOi lesitomus bi' a iady nxperlcumced 1mm thu Sa. I cur or cults ersatlouiailawtmutxl. Address 31. CIty. 308-Stsatt t/ANTEfl-U1r furgeucral hseususvrk ituti. . S V good conk amid liUdrtt. Alsisiy at 1708 Cal- ! fruuta astrect , :14'tf AllIES Ofl YOtISO MF.N Inclyercotntry , I A take nIce , ilght and ) w 1k aLthrir. on ' homes ; 2 $ , $8 a dasy esSuly andjuiletlymuule ; , woik' ' .ent by mall ; no esuismi ssing ' tmo"staiflp for rsoly I'lea.e as1slret ilelll'1e ' Mattifac'turing Coin 'any , it , , / drawer 'i-n. csat tiI In 21' - SITUATIONS WANTED. sATufs : n4csspy- % l.t. , bhltr' " lt."ZO.i ilthastrt'ct , 182-1511 ? : ' In torr ornillec bra smnxrtba ) , \\7ATIIfi'1aee ( insusl etunmm. C. 11. N'l.on , MI South , 10th trvet , Onrnhua , Neb. $10.10 $ MISC'.LLAN1OUS WANTS. asAlu,1tanw.tN'r1o.At1212'R.ltom , : : snenue , I3 betseen 12 ustid ii : Sts , Ed'tt _ FOlt ItENT--Ilouse8 andLots. ' I EOUCEI JIENTS , lit $25 house for 520 $11 $ niouith , ' 4' ; 6i hottetI for Va ) lser mnotith ' ' Si'2 hosio for 510 lr inssuutha. S'2s1 house. for i3 cr tussiuth , scum hotis , for lImo user unnaith. Thu abote to goosi tetasuiti tsho nih lusts. . fs one 3tnr. 110(015 & IIII.L. 41711 I I ( Ilt itiyiNew : isHflhI fstrtul-lmul or tuusfurnl'shMI , nltla tuusoul , ilcfcu-enceq resisuluesl 1610 1)airn. lrt. CsJtf - - - - - . . . . - - - - ' - - - - - - - Foil ILiNT-Iiatsultamtacly : fsutuslhs.l rossumus wltlm tumtslerui convcuut iice4 , .4slsl ) ' tit thuS Ioulge St. H . 4rr.161 I-- ' liiiiie rsss.iTTiimg , I clss-ets&c , 15th sti ( Vt Sti tills Of St. 5lat sat e. Iii uiuuhuc7"3 Momttlm lfth htrs-et , , 420.11 ! 'tOht itINT--Tu tulecle , I - - futrusllwl rssauuu's for light Iioumekst'gsIumg. llegit $ lSoo mimouttlu , S. iV. cor. 5th ususil I lost gum il , $31 $ . I Ut Fall I1ENT-Neat hy furumi..lse'd T0OI5t4 ' .5 Ith , 'rIthi. , simtisssard , 414 20th S cssrncr ( . , . , 122.14' - 1 it'ltNISftgi , lioumim to remit ii i tiuliforuslut fit. 421.umt OMS Foil lilN'I'Suultabiofor taogeastleuicumloao 's" I , 'arnanu. 113.10' 'Olt 1IENfllssu.u : ' - . I .4 I umsinlre I' . ltsilslslti , 049 Sstsiuis1vr St. 401-met IoItittNrhostu : itt gootlrelotrre2a ussrthloth ii St. 884.121 I0h1 nmST-ukgatst : : fiuruilsiucti noun ISiS Dodge. oufliiN1Cmuofuud : nuiistl , aU1odj Streets. Euiqmlre ut 1318 I'nrniituum Street. _ _ _ _ mtENIsstusjjTdI1 ioe. auth isa'wtncnt II just beitug fluslssliesl 834) . three hoer's north of Nob. Satloumai hlamak. S. 1.EIIMAN. : au-tf 1 IIENT-To lady only a ctszy mlttk' turulliod , rOomil , wIth gas , tsuil' , ntIrtalatii2OO ass St. $ iwo Csttages for remit i1th 3 ronnie ii , lach at 8. ' a a itiomuth on Seth St. betwecam i'aruiamuu and Ioug. ) Ia..inqulrc out the - - . 358-10' IIENT-Large front rooaut sith 1otidd VOlt wIth board , usodenu lutuprovetnents i718 Dodge. ,583.ilt - - ' ' RENTituontu w Itlu board , utorthoost corner IF'0tt oust CalifornIa at. 287.11 Ott IIENT-Fiuc room cottage uith good barn , I Aml lum excellent condition and well moted. C , 1' . DIIISCOLL. UiTNDflOAlW-3loderumcen euiejbees. ! iSi2iodLOat. 9944uit yOBSALE. ; . . ; , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EESE } 'EATflEtIS poll SALE-Mrs. Keen , Izard G street , bet. 1'th and 20th. 430.iCI ' SALI011 tIEN'I'-A Sic rootmu hiota'so , barn , Foil , sterfl , large lot , gusod locatIon. Apply to S. 0. Stevenson , No. 10i3 Cas's street. 434-U - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SALL'-'tso fresh miileIm ! cows , at 51 I south I Ith l 4 , trect. 135 llt 0h1 5tLE-Agoosi set of heavy ivagouu hanuess , I aumui te 0 uslulcusdlti htors.eis-wiII slr'mve doubie or sIn- gte. Call at Norton'ssgrocery ttoie , 111th atul Daven. Port. 1&l'tf -ru SAiiVet'vStmperIoriluue'bretl , frc'.t much tote amid calf ibOS South are. 427-lit . rraAit . .4 60x200 feet. iuiqum'ire ssf S. 0. Dauuuoau , or 1 % ' . V. ( list , , 13i0 } 'arm8tmn stuect. 417-IC - . - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - SALlA good isalno at reasonable rate. Ad. \ / 1 dress lDm4 Webster Street. 399tf. , ' V SAl.E-12o for choIce acre tracts utcarcity. 808 10 i'ucn , 'P. 1'otsstlicc. Foil SALti-1fon'e , Wagons , Ilargue's , EtCat umuuugrama Stable , Cuimusungs sticet , 219.itn I.uoui - sxii-o : Iueadyeariuusghelfera. p head 2 year old lielfera. 450 " 3 , 4 and 5 year omd hmelfers. 300 " I amid 2 year old steers. 400 " a muitl 4 year old steers. 300 " unlxesi calies STRANGE liROS , Cattle contractors , hide , Wool amisi Tallow dealere , e' Sioux City , I5)Va. 589-ItnI IF" ° 11 SALE-Old newspapers iii large and small quantIties at thIs ofilce. tf iOltSALE-1ax mill machInery coamsbtImji brake , 2 , luters , beater , Picker Irc-s , etc. Can I work either rotted or green stock. also shaftIng , pum. heys , atsul 1eitlng fog tim-lying thu above , also tiuue 35 H. i' . coguute with hustler , smnokes.taek amism all flxttwes I complete. Address iVILLIAM TAiT , Cimaults stty , uowa. 288-3m1 1 SALE-A first class second hgauuil top liturgy. cutmi at 1310 ularaiey street. 897tf 1iIISCELLANEOUS. iltll oisl'mNSARV-TIuo : free tlh.seuisary lam cob. 1 uscstlsn , ith the ChIld's , I Ioj'Ital aunt Ilomno has beemi locatad oum tlia curlier usf lOla amid 1)ouuglas streets aumutil the mmes' hiullsilmig is iimmishmesl. Attt'uuilaa-e ti I lie giveum cvcrs mmuoruuimig ( Sumunta ) ' Cict'1.te-sl ) front 10 I to I 1 ( , eluick for the trt-uttuuemit of tIme uie-etly , skk and I smutferlog. :178-tf : I iiIAVEii-A tIiI lsi Tumm Ctsl.rctlit ! i Suitable rots utrsl ti III 'he paid If retumu mini to .1. N. hitter , olslsoiito I'aurJrotumislgate. 137.10' A. It1)OIXN , attorney iii lan of fAraluthiOc , CT . Nd , . , w Ill luolim the city a few slays iii abe attire of (1. iv. .tmn. tue lass aiialf-siozemu tras-t'u of lamuti 1mm h'murpuas. eommmiti , out ittisublicamt ulcer , s ithi Ousulser atist tiuitcr , whilchihiu ehi1 sell at it bargain , fur cadi , 428.121 . -3 _ _ _ _ - ' tUNIA iockct hook t-ustithhuuIms asuuimumof umiomit'v 'F timid soisse hIslerss. : , thvmieiiui hat ii sonic by call. hug ut lucille Li.l'resss 0111cc , ansI 11153 lug charges. 458.104 fltAYEl.omSii'sathUnomio hay titaro told. islazesl fat-c ansi is bite hslmusi toot. Lhibernl reward vlll be Isalsi for re-tnt-ta to .lno , lIon. ter 2Stia amal Citbs , brie-k yard. 541.101 1 Sti.l--4u acres , ftotmeIsarmm , , trees , &o , near } 'lorcmace' . Will eaehsuuuge' for titan land , 17.m0 tiuuitlyEut ItELL EDWARD KUEHL , . ' . MA(1ISTER OF I'ALMYSTERY AND CONDITION. ALIST 498 Tenth street , betweemi Farnarn and lIar. lucy , will , ulth thu aid of guardian spIrits , obthln fo any otto a gianco of the lutist ' slid presemmt , and oat certaIn conditlomia in the future. Root. and Hhoeat uuiadu to order , l'crfect satisfactIon guaeam'teed. S tatnerlngiusdall Siseecha imnhbnhIunentsiwrimeenntj t cities ! , byflr. ILIIIILuihurgrmaqthe CanOclul house , , , Omaha , until August lIst. The doctor has made smite-rh imjsesllment a specialty the last ten year. , and is so well uit'smumalmatesl utith the nature , caue and cure. that hue gutanitees all a-asses taken ummutler treatment. Clrculars amusl references seust on atpphkatloum , 418inis - 2t 1 OY4 U' I 4'i. . 4KIM0 POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thi1s powder neier tane. . A Inane ! of purity strvtigtli and usboieonueuesg. More ticoziomjil than , thso ordinary kiod , , amid cauinotbc sold in conujet tloui with thut multItude of low test , short weIght , at u a o 1ihoiihatc nder. Sell only in eSuis. ' SIOTAI man i'uwiuta ( X Wa. ! treet Ntw York.