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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1883)
- - _ -z - - - - - - - - - - - - ; 11 . ' . , . ' - - - . , ' , - - --1-l - - - - - - - 4' " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - fl ------T------- - _ _ TIlE DAILY BEE--WEDNESDAY JUL ii. 1883. 7 ' 4N HARKNESS' BRO'S. Dry Goods and Carpet House. i IIic to ; CLOiCt ) pattttliq f ALII ; J Ever Brought to the City and at I1cwFiEt IE.IcE I I ThAN EVER OFFERED TN TillS VICINII'V. Do Not Fall to Call and Exaine Stock Defore Puichasin1 IIANESS Bros1 _ -I ¶ . 401 BROADWAY , . . COUNCIL B14FFS. WITD YOU TIME , TROUBLE , MONEY : . ' If you lI' ) otlr . I . ; ! . EIIIOLIERIES & PROYISIOITS , - 4 - OF - 13 ¶ 1 : ' cai- : 1 ( ; rtiii and 17 Pearl Strect , Council BlutFs. COUNCIL BLUFFS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Tile fo1IowIn are the titMe of arrival anil ( leparturo of tfl1t(3 ( IroII th IDC'II ( ( ( . The traltl4 staTt from the UIIIa ( ( I'aclflc IIejot a1init ten Ifliflhltc4 earlier than below tati , and arri u at the ile1 > ot about ten 1nlnute4 later. I'raln ( On iol lines aiiil K. C. nih cii CIilcao time , a half Imotir later tImui local. 'ivabash traln run mmmi St. Look t1mne , tenty mmilmiutei faqter than local. U. P. amil Lincoln traimem mu emi CouHeil lJiuff tIme. cIIIcAIIO , ILOK itt.I ) . % aI ) I'ACIFIC. lepart. Arrive. AtIanticlt . . .ro : p. mu. l'acifle lx..i . lm and 3all ! . . iii. I Ex amid Mali' . 0:55 : p. 'mm It Moinciac . .7:1mm.iti. I ilolmiem . s : 1)c ac. 6.3 , . in. CIIICMu ; , HClU.iMlroX .ii 8YicY. lepart. Arrie. Chicago'E. . . : : Counail IIIffC ) . . . . .9.4 lai1 and E . . . . 9 4 : . ii Mall ammmt Ix . . 7iO : p. iii. CIIICMIU amid olmTmImimim. Depart. Arrle. r// Atlantic Et . . .6:1J : p. iii. i l'aclflc E..t . . . .0:16 : a. in. , Mali and . .9tI : ) a. iii. i Mail and I- , . .au p. iii. Acconi ( Sat.5M ) : ) p. iii. I Acciim ( Moti ) . .1:45 : p. in. KANK ( ITV , ( IT. JOI { AMm VOU'CiL ILEU1. ( ' Ilepart. Arrie. Mall anti Ex..fl:5 : a. in. I E ¼ imre. . : l5 p. in. EXPresS. . . . . . . . p. iii. J lal1 mmiiii . . O45 ; p. iii. UNION IACIFIC. Lepnrt. Ajrie. Overland E' . . . .11.Oa. : iii. I Overland } . . . 3:00 : p. in. flMcoln E' . . . . .11:8mIa. in. I llcny r Ex , . . .8:00 : ii. in. Denver . . . . . . 7:00 . : p. in. Local Ex..6:30 : a. In. , 't Local E . . . . . . . . : dn. iii. I " E. . . . . . .9:05 : a. in. Emmmiraimt..J I , . iii. I Ex..8:00 : a. mu. \ . . AImASlm , , T. i.O1mii ANt ) I'ACiIIc. . - - ) . lelmart. . Arrive. \ daiI amid i : . . . . .9:45 : a. iii. Mail ammtl Ex. . .4:30 p. in. Cannomm ILAII. . . .4:50 : P. iIi. I Cannon Hall. .11:03 : a. Hi. IIOL ( III AXI ) l'.CIFIC. Depart. Arrive For Sioux City . 7:5 a. In. i Frmmi Sioma , Cit 6F : ) p. iii. ForFortNiobrarn Frmn Fort Niolirara NcI . . . . . . . . . . : ! . um. I Neb. . 6r.4)ii. : in. For St. I'amml . . . .7:40 : p. in. I Front stin : ; : . : rio a. iii. CIIICMIO , .IILWALhrr. AND T. A1fl. . Leavemi Ommmaha. Ariies at Omaha. dati cmiii . . . Tl a. mu. I PaciIIcE'c. . . . 9:45 : a. mum. S Atlantic i : . . . i:4O : fi. mum. j Mail amid Ex . . 7:2 : p. mm , . .li traimmi uaIf. ! cmuIcumo , nmrwtrhrr AN si. m'.tmm. Lca cmi Cuutmiiii Iflumffi. ArI % cii Cuimmicil IilmitTu. Mail amuul Ex . . . . 0:2u ) a. mum. Mali nit ! 1x . . O:5 : p. iii. Atlantic E'c. . . . ti : iu. in. Atlantic l' . . i91o ; a. mum. cOuNcil. mmrm'vs . mu OMAhA I4TIT R i LwAV. Leac Council lilmulTs. e Ommmaha. 8 a. in. 0 a. mm , ] Oa.iui. 11 mm. I 8 a. mum. I ) a. imm. ba. iii. ii lii. 1 p. mu. 2 mu. : i i. mn.4 a. in. 1 in. 21u. iii. 3 p. mum. p.m. 5u. mu. C iii. 4 i'.iuu. iu. mu. 6u. iii. Street eammu rmumm hail jiiuuirI to time Umulomi l'aeifluj dejuiit. 0mm uiumuIav tin , cars IeImu their triiu at 9 o'clock a. mu. , umuui rmimm remmiariy ( hiring the mlay at 9 , 11 , 2 , 4 , 5 , aiim ! U o clock , umal run to city timmue. GEATEFUL-COhTPORTING. EPPS' COCOA , " 113 Ii thornmigli kmnun ledge of the natmimal lana n hidi govern time olueratiomus of digentiomm amid mimitri. tion , anti Iuy a carefumi aiqulicatlomi of time limmo uroiuer. tlea of u cli umelected , Mr. Ep n lia proviurd our S Iureakfast talufea iitIi a du.Iicatjy flavored Ievcrae which mmmy umase iiuammy lueaiy doctora' lulls. It Ia by time JumdIcIumu UHo of iuumeh mmrtlcleui of diet that a Comm. utitmmtmomi immy imo graufmmaiiy built ulu immutil btromI tmmouglm tim resibt cery temudemicyto uliscaac. liunufreda of aulutie mualamileum am fluuatImm arommmmd iii ready to at. nj. . . tack ssluerever there is mu veakpoirit. We mony escape many a fatal , uliaft by keejuluu ourselvea , eli furtied nitli nure blood amid lurolerly nouriblied frammme. , - VIvIl 3erlce thizette. S ) i Made uulimiply n itlu boilimig u ater or mulik. tolul tim timoi omuly ( il imimut ill ) by groeema , ialucfett JAMES E1q' & Co. , llomno'patlmlc Clieiuists Lonulomi Fmm : lammul. "FOR TABLE 1/SE. " SS , 'time Natmmmai Mimucral S ' KAISER WATER , i From flirreuuborn opilhuuj Itlaimie. ltecoimmmemimleui I , t.Je Iulglmeut mneulicai auitlmuritleu. FItIf'I IIOLLENHiL : & CO. ' , S.lo agents for thy (7 amid Cnmiaula , 115 , 11'7 , l1 , 1Imo atreet , New York. a2343mo . JIrI&D1n Iyoup.r. atnugw.ak. ° I .aadtu7IboteJ.nof I.iitotlinaav.i our duttas ivui .u J. tLmaImitsfl UI. orumwirm.rv'aI S Hop IItor. ' WMtUINO , lIjee ala yoi and .roa ai dtporsUoo or aiu1p. Uua ; if ou . .i S rlid or slagi. . o14 or ' .QuAg.rmk.r1n ( c : poorb&IUi cur li.ngiiia tnij & b,4 AMI , JII $ on H op RItt.rh. qbc.r 7oUar ' oumaai , .a , ihsD..v.r YmU treI uaJ71roiu EI9 IItemn tOflhi.Iufli.i yogr cieIma12mfe. ton. w.u. tit r9ur itlinulatftig. 13Vr bauri.nt43 wj'tiouatfnto4ia9ui1. ' ! jj1imeIyu.aoi I.k. Hop ' uopr2tt.rj : 'I" . , . . _ _ J.ItS pyoid. - ppima , ktdnev . 0. . I. C oriarVoml. f plains , dli.e.II . lI.nm frregjzi ott. 'OIuOS ti C.UI f tewIe. Wooa S t4vsr Cl ii4TVl I . lus. o ojiOt Too will be IIObeoo5 curt4Ir1oiic1 IDoeuY. 1k : Hop Bitt. . ii EITEllS I U7a'4r.Ilm. re4oytt- ; S i1 we& and HEVE1 Ula , . S owttrUd.tr1 1' It , It mny S .av/oUr I. . AIL II , . . Ithal , aaod hun Li4a'5s S drodi. iT.1 , , O , , ABOOThM4 All IbOs bo flora ia4is.-euIop , . siiussi of ctLrciiei us S uir.4. I , . , plriIs , pbc&iiy , &is,4 , .s4 uii.i * 1 * irfoimU Uf' dutk. provriy bq s.d p.r.I. b witIou iiOWU 4tmi' . Ewig.4 bLdtiI I LiilIt , , I tb. pissi. Ta , .W.d1si i44.Uy . &vi i Tb. S pus stizMlsg . ' , rvve. Ileblilts , I'hl.kel . La sloUT,4 bj 1111 M.tILI.TLIN iiILLL Lisa t eMsaa , imsrit slisrisis miitrsmou $ 54 tuiU asd at , . r..i i..oo.1. hUSII5S i5Ci1. cisi , , Ies.i& ( . .a4 f.m i.Iu. , co.slusU.s .mb pb.icts 1 : , . . I 1L4JLTUN JiI.ilIiIY CO. . 4G u. gj 85 , , sv ! .t. 1Nstero Cornice-Norks ; IIION AND iLATL ROOFING. C. SPECHT , PROP. 1111 Doimla St. . . Omaha , Neb. MANti'ACTUilER OF Ca/vanizec Iron Cornices 7Dormerimmuowa , FImitalq , Tim , , Iron aimul tIato RoolImi , Spcelit'a Patemut Metallic SkyIIht , l'atemmt Ruljiisteul lintehet Bar mmml lrackct SIiel % ium. I mmmii tIme general auent for the abne Ilmic of gooIs. lromm Femicimig , Cetinn. ilalumutrades , Veramidas , lromm Ihouk Itaiummmgu , Vimiduw liiimidn , Cellar Gimard ; also general agent for l'eersuuum 11111 Itemit Inside lilimuui. . DR. WHITTIER , 617 Sf , Charles St , , St. Louis , Mo , A ItI0ULAII GItAItTATI of tivo tumeulical eollees , lia.u beemu emigaged longer iii thu treatiumemit of CItRON. IC , NEItVOUS , RIN ANiHIOOi ) Dincau.cs thami numy tutlier Iulusiciami iii St. Lout , , as city Iziucra sluuuw ammul all old re.Iulemuta kmuow. Comusultatiunu free amuui imuvitol. \Vhcmu it I Imicomuvemuicuit to fsit the city fur treat. iiuemmt , iuuedicluon eamu luc seut by imuall ore\Iuresu eery. uIuere. Cmmralulc caseus gimaramiteed ; uImero doubt cx. IbtH it ii fmnuukly u.tateul. Call or nrltc. eruim3 i'ruhtratlofl , Iehility , Mental aumul l'iuya.IcaI - \Veakmmenu , Mercurial auut other atfectlouiuu of 1luruat , iklmm amid Jiomues , Iihusl lmmupumritleuu iummul Illusat l'uuinmi. lug , Skium affoctioiuq , Old Hores amid Ulcers , Immupedi. iuuemituu tim 1darriage , Itliemmiumntiaumi , I'iks. ijuecial at. temutioum tu ) C2..e14 friummu in eru iurheul bmmuium. SUltC ICAI. CASES recele special nttemitiomu. Ilsenhc ) arisimug fromum Immiprudeuuec , } cesnc , Imutlmmlgemucea , : LJ x _ muuarrywluuummlaymnt , nimy , cammuica , couusculumcmucc4 and curs. Sailed for 2tic ; intaO or uutaiflius. 9u1&ivly A Skin olBeautyls a Joy Forever. DR. T.VEI4LX GOURAUJ'S Oriental Cream or Magical Beautifier. TIunOrlemital Creammu l'uritlea as nell aq fleaumtlflea the Hkimi , Itemmuovea 'i'an , l'imuul'le , , I'reekles , ! ulutlu. Juatclmes amid ea cry 1ulemuulli Oil lueaimty andS uleflcsmlkc. P S Ia so luarmmulc. S. no taste it to ? . . . ho bmuro tIme of the liAr To ( a juatlemit ) : you laulleq will use timemmu I reeuuuiuuneimd 'flnuuraimil'us Creamim' as the least Imarmuufu of all thu tklmi lreluaratlomus. " Ouuu bottlu w Ill last six mumuoutlus , usimug it every slay. Also i'uuumdrui .1 ii n tIle remmmovea sumluerfltuous hair uItIiiuut lumjury tuu time siulmu. siulmu.Msur. . 31. Il. T , ( IOUItAUD , Solo i'rop. 4 ltommd St. , N. V. For aIo lu ) mill lnmgrlsta nmid Fancy Ouola lenl. era thrunigimout the United States , Camuada amid Europe. jqfIkmnara ( if base Immiltatlomus. $1,000 rcsuard for arrest arid Iuruuf of mummy oumo ssilimig thu ammie. J4.seosy.imu 2t.cW.6uii I S. . 5 hR AClNOVlFDoEI : , TO HR TlII 11l.ST BY AIIj ss 110 IfAYI l'trI TIiE3l lo A PIIAUI10A14 TlST. : AlAillD : TO Hard and Soft Coal , COKL 0WOOD. ? . dAt-AewRs iii BUCK STOVE CO. , IIAINT LOON. Pierci & Bradford iot : Aaiar FOR OMAHA - - - - - - - - LATHERINC LADIES. A B8rerous Expoiciic ! 1h a Po I math Shvcr. lIe It. Fcelui Iss Itae a ' .5'iIiilti $ triiis TIlrI'lt tIIilui a .1atiis. . Nee'k , 'iVittli' liii' I'retty tlet4u4 Of' ( Iii' itazisi' Sln4 Soap.Siietua Iistii 11is IttitIi. 'hlcago Timiusm. m5llnjp cut or a1ia t' , sir" ' 'Both. ( ; v iou ii elciut shave , s itli ft little llotlshe(1 ) its possilule , ItUhl uttt lii ) ' Ilnir short buhuiul. Letv' tlw fiuin prutty iinich as it is , though , still above all things 1oitt clip the bangs. ' ' ' . : II right , sir. 'l'lioso baiigui lo luik I t1o swctt fimi anytltiiig , " and the yotiig hilly b8rber throv ii eieck.eniieo ) bib arOtlilti her CUStOIliL'V , tticki'tl it ill be. tvcen his iteck anti coHar with thu saiiit skill thmt mm mother tll1p1o's in tucking ier eliihltcit aay in a titlItt11e.bcd , mmii eIergctiedIy tiasacil her Iiite , tapciiiig flIIgCVS through her ciIstoIllcr'H thick hair , Thu o1iciiitioii WflS going oii ill it barber. shop where the lmrbers nrc ahIcgei to be exclusively WOillCli. 'Flie idea of female barbers is aomiietliimm new mmiii nmvel III Chicago , mini there is only one shop in the cit , ' here the colnumnIIiicative imiasen- line ] uu bcemi Ruperacileil by time euuahly talkative feimminimie. 'l'l&o phiico is emi the \Vcst side , and aimico it. establishment , about three weeks ago , it Imas done a tlCliie11tOtlS litlailieSs , 811(1 mtttracleui so iminity customers frommi adjacemit shops that time lmrolrietera of time hatter are growing wild with envy. ' [ 'lie attractioll , of course , isu time female iuarlevs. 'I'hey are selected with a view to their good looks , and they are slIJi1)Oui. ed to be strieti ) ' mimoral. 'l'iiu shop is on the second liner of a tvo.stoi framime linihilimig , amid a sign is eonspmciuuusly I P3tCl tlovu be1uis' , i'iiichi remitis : ' 'Shmnv- ilig by Lady Barbers , i ccntui. " sIx LAI ) % ' IIAIIUEIt8 IiilLOVRl ) . J'cuiiul calm read it froimi time strcctcar , ililti it has attracted it great iletl of mitten- timimi , It catighit time eye of a reporter for the Times , alimilessly vnmiilerimmg about yesterday afternoon , mont in surulur ( us see whuit stilt of simavermi VOmIICIL make , amid hOW they act as barliers , lie ehimmibe up the at.tirs leading to time shop , mini foummd himself in mi mncdiumn.s'n'.etl ruuomn , vitii c'oi.y sigh of it large amid active tomisorial trade. 'l'hcrc were sevemi cimaims iii time ainutniemit , amid all were occtmiiieil hiy cmii- tomiieis hmlt\'imig their haim' emit. or gutting suiaveti. Of the rievemm , four were mnnmtip- imlateil by fcmmmaies , amal the rest by mmmcmi , which vas not altogether accoidimmg to time sigh. Besutics time mmmcmi wimo rcro in time ciuurs , Uieie were mt dozumi or mmmorc imi time IOiimmt vaitimig their tmmrmi. Time ladies were mint at nil bad looking , and there vmus 01101 immileedvim ( ) \s'as liar. ticitiarly lrctt ) ' . Simo hail an iimt.oiligent face , a iiieasaiit voice , and siw was tirtussed ill tight4ittimiv brm iwmi costumimu 'vimichi ox- 1)05Cc ! time oiit'i'imies of a very liretty formmi. Her sleeves vero iulicd up above the 011)0W iou tiuuit thmoy sumould not interfere witii 1IeI wuum'k. c'cposu1ig a hair of diimmpied ulbows. 11ev iHtmluS were white mini clean , amid she scummed to ho skiiful in the use of time razor , mts she drev it rapidly up amid ( lOWmi lici' cimstonicr'a facenud dexterously whetted it emi the strap. Her feimmimmine colaborens wino equally i1uick in their itiovolii&uiitii , amid they also Reemmied to be fmcmniiinr with time biusimiess ; but time girl iii 1)IW11 vas time one which time casual viii- it5ui1 alSay8 1mioiiiuscml himself time novelty of 1)eilmg simaved by. It vum noticed that. tim MEN LINUJIim : : I ) LONO ER in their c airs after time3' immul been suitved Luau mmmcii cisummhiy himiger , uimiul t.hmaL they fomimid innearly every cumie a VimLce where time razuir hmmul not altogether pt.n- formuei its fiimmctionum. Each Imimili ilivmmriu- rinbiy cahicul time had ) ' barber's mcttcimtioii to it , 811(1 that. iieccsuituttctl time iattei"ii riimm- miiilg her hmuiln : ovem' time face amid mimmier time chum of time custoimiei , aim operation which secmmieul'cr3' mt'meeabie. After waiting for soimmo timimo , lmmimmg which time hiily iii bruavn sumaveti live mmmcmi , a iou1ua- ciolhs 30111mg feiiom with nuinmin cans timrei' sill his coat. : tmul took a piacu imi Limo chair vitim a decided mmpprecimctioim of Lime imuivelty of being sumaveil by a 'i'hie girl in brovim uikctl hmimim : ' 'hair cut or sumavel" amid , having satusuicd herself - self by tt critical glance timat ito mmeedcd ii sumavo il1l hair cut , mmmd wasmm't mmmcroiy at- tnictcd there , like a gooil mimmumy , by ciiri- uuiity , sue ymumkotl out. time checked ijib amll humocceded to imusummess. . ' .J list mcii it is jim front. , yunt lilLy , imimil short. bob iimd ? ' ' ' 'Yes. I slomi't care how short you cimt it iOiiilil , mimmd vieasc be cmrofui mint to clip off a piece of lily ear. " 'Ohm , I s' mit ilo that so bug as you limo miot too limigoty. SuimiU macmm vhmo comae iii here are so awftiiiy lmcrvOIms , ammd thicuy summike ahiout so , timat. I mtimm in miioititl fear all the tiimt , , I wili take oil' thou' nose or mi ice Of their chum. " ' 'Vhmy us that , do you suijmjmose-becaiuao they mmremm'L accimst.oiiied to heimmg shaved by Iaditnmmm ? 'l gilcuis that's it , though we try to imot gut too close to thieiii. 'I'Jmmt : is vhmat time boss told mum vhmuim we first. camimo hero. lie said that. ( IENTLSMEN A y $ flflf \\'imumm indies jsiit timeir imiminha oim timoimi. I doim't kmmowvhm ) ' timoy summinhmi. " ' .Ehme lady barber Ciilhei ) ) iLi'iI3' , while sue cimatted , and jnott.y sooim haul coin- 1mleted time t1Laic of ' Iiaii'-cimttimig. 3ime appeared to do It. very svehI although it immimat have required sonic courimio to sub- lnit to time opurictinim , knowing notimiimg wimatuvum' of her ability. After sue hint put a few Ilimusumimig tillriIea on sue dru time checked bib away , IIiuiiirndtImo ciip1)cd imair ti ; rotumrne(1 time bib to its former 1mimice , and hut time chair dowii with her loft hmamal , while sumo placed the right tinder lien suibjecL' ciiiii iurmd iiuhictl huh gently over iii a position tn get simaveti. 'rhiemi sue took out a 1u.or , hoimed it a few tililes mm ii. iong piece of suspcimdor , and iIruw it ILCIOSS time Palm of hem' imanui , 'rime lather wits mumphiotl } first witim ii brusim , aiid timeim sue mubbed it. jIm iitim her imaimd to nmako time stubby beard iimouiittii' and ionic suuscoptibie to time mazor's influence.Vhmeim iiuiu imiul got it mmito a sufliciuntly piiamit condition , situ opommemi lien razor , throw her loft arimi arommiid tim u victim's cii iii , iuimul coltmmmm omicoil timu iiuiaiiig j ° ceiui. F'i.uiy llJ % ' antI thomi iicm Posmtiumt wouiul be isucim timiut lien ii1us camime jim jimnvokiitg contact with item etmstniict's check. 'J'Iio relation of Limo shavum' to time shined was : mltoctimez' dos. em , titan that of : i waltzer to his immmrtmmur. \\'hmhlo time lady lmaiiuui summm'ciI iiuiu chat. teil , ' ' \'eii , " siam mmmiii , ' 'I like thti , hmims. 11085. I t is iiuttcr timitim fiOWilig for it living , becutmsu , while it is barth to ] mvej ii , HtiiHl up so hong , It. i11 III1EAI tMl'ANY Aima , OII ii C 110 ilIiili mmuw ( accm.Vo work from voii o'clock iii tue lflorlmimmg until 211110 at niiit , imut ye can step out. vhicii busimmu is shack , axmd then v have U great deal of time lim time forwmoon to Itit down , Wjhi you have your mustachio shaved ? No ? Wuil , I would if I were - - _ _ ill your iilco. No one vouhul miotico time I ilillireimee , , amal y ( mm Cili never oi'eet to have a mustache ummiless you simavo it. A little l'it , fimrthor ( hums way , please. 'Flint's right. N ( ) ' 1 calm get. at It bettca' , " 'Si humm did the gius learmi to simave mnemi " dilluretit ways. I begamm pnmcticing oh mny brother. i I o ltadii't any luemum'tl mmmd time that tiimme I siia'et1 imimmi iook'uL as though a cycioiio hum1 atrmmck imium. 1 I is face was emit. in a ilozen places , mmiii for mu veek ho itmul to aleoll OIl his back. .fter 1 limit haul imimms ill ) I Pr1tcticel ( ill lii'.Oflflg mIlan. I ( liilmi't lather his face , anti % tmem , I got thmrotigiu witii hitit and Imo looked iii time glass ime got mmmd anti sahi I wits a ii of a barber , anyway , mmmiii wont out sf time Imoumso amid never cimne back ngiimi. I keiut oh pract.icimmg , though , amul by time tiimiu 1 s5a able to shave without slicing n immamm I imiuut used up lIly fiutimor muimd may ( ithmur lirmmther amid two czutii and a stntigimL imaireul dog , besuiles mumotimet' yiuumimg mimuin mmiii two tehlows viiu iiieil to t'olmmo mmmii see lii ) ' sister , l0mitiio. Now you ant sue youmrsueif imow proliciemit. I mmii , mcmi wimat 'a time mnntet'l ( Iiul I senupe 3'utu ? " " \'eii I shmotmhi timimik you uid. \ oum'v tiuliemi off pretty mmmdi the witch' side of may face. Great Juip'mtun ! ( lOli't yeul klmoW ammy hotter timami to suave a mmmii with tue fag ciii ! of a timm.pmum ? " ' 'Butt. it's a raiser. It. is NOT A TIN PAN. i jimat cimamiged it. ledmumse time uutiieu mmmc % .mtfi .gettimmg dumil. " ' ' \\'ull , tiuko time other out' . I ama op. ii&mmtl to fmgurimmg as a smmiiuil.pox suiliurer , " 'l'hmo lady minuion took time razom simo Immumi jusL ml'uscmirded amid continmucul ithm mc iittle better sumecess. At time smite tinme shim I commtiimucml tO talk. It. seommmemi to lue it grc'at relief to her (4) ( talk. ' 'I domm't thmhmk time ) ' have mtmm' iuiv lump- bers ammywimure else iii Chmicmgui hut hero , 'I'Ime gemitleiuumuii viuii o's'Ims titmus imimucu it soti1ii ho caal hmmtvo timoumght mm great tim I thomu. it. has 'orket1 'ury vehI , mmmiii he is mmmnkiumg (1011(1 loath of mmuuomoy. Nearly I everybody Wilt ) cOiilCM here , exeepLregumhmr custommuens , comuies for time fummu of gettii'g simaved by ladies. 1 dnmm't kmios but. that. ' . is muicol' , " site said , 'huilu situ showercul time suuIiirer's face witim sea foamim amid Vileml ) it. with a Piece of coll'eu sack. S ( ( gruatimmaumy yolmug fellows eunmie immive miotimitig luut ilowim mmii their cheeks. 'JI'hiat retmtimuhs mime of a joke ommo of time girls perpetrated mimic day. A yonmig mmmii with tight trousers amid tmmme eye-glass camimein about a week ago with a stock- yarhs (111(10. lIe looked nroummd leisurely - ly for it mmmimuumtc or so , mummul thou said to his friend : 'lleasiy ( bad , , loimn , you kmmow , to commie imoab , bumt it iilI be qumite jolly to say you have beemi uuimmivod 1y a girl , ' Aimuiie1 ivhio shaves iii time mmext. cimmiir , is a very miico-lookimmg girl , amid time youimig swell tpok oil' his coat mmmiii stretcim- 0(1 imiinuueif otit ill imur chian. 'I Ma ) ' , 1Imtr ) ' , how do ) 'Oil suia'e , yen kmmow , up or downi' Ammmmie winked at. mmmc mmmiii timemm looked carefully at. his face , iuiiil titeti saul : ' \Vo usually suave up , sir , bimt in this case I guess 1l1 Jmmu'e to shia'o slovmm , ' mititi she lUL 50 mmcli stress ampomi time last. wuund that time other ) 'oummg swell bmnst out laughing , and we laughed , timid everybody iii time sumol ) laughed , amid time swell imi time cimair looked am , silly you wiumulil have thought somnobomly hind sat ( lowmm on hmtmn. I've nearly linusumed now. Only it little wax 0mm yotmr mmmustncimo , amid timumi l'mii doimo. " Sue took time ends of time immcipi emit mmmuustacimo between her thumb mimiti in- dcx finger as site spoke , twisted it aroumimul mmmcc imr twice , and % 'iti1 a ' 'I'hiere , five cemits , pleitse , " dusmimussed time yommmmg mitmumi with a simile mmd called ' 'Neyt. - _ A Jsriiuicmkable Ti'i limit e. Siul muny Otmueimmimihiu , , uuf I'Ittuuluiirg. I 'mm. vm itt's : "I iiiio : uisuml 1)11.V'I. . JiAhi.'S BA I- SAM FOIt time 140NS ( mumumny 3eam1 uitim tlu mimuint gruttifyimig ie.suilt..s. 'I'iue rellnvm mig liullum. CiiCt3 of I I iii l's I iuiloumumui is vomumierfmmi. 'l'Imo Iu.mimm mimiul rack muf time Isuuly , imucidentumi tuu a tigimt cough uuomm dissai ueum' : I iy Limo Iiu ( if a s1 uoommfumi : ti , mlimecttomuuu. 1fy vtfo froummuumitIy sum iui for I I ali'um I iuuIammi iiuutcaul u if mc uiiysieiuum : uummul imealtim is sj utculily rutsoreut by its i mme. - - - - - - 1 % NegIt'eeL Ciol , . tJOumsilCiiIIg time ease vitii vImich it cam be raised mmmd tue active denmmumd that. iii. \uR'S exists. fuw it , imimeliwimumit is negicetemi to ft giemteu : extent tinimi liii ) ' grain iti. dmmceml in tiius comiumti'y. 1mm 1881 tue cmi- time imnioum mit muf I nick s'hiemt. : pn udiccd iii mmii tue states miiitl tcrm'itoriuum vmum mlii ) ' I.18i ) ( , . 200 liiisiieuii. 'I'liu immmgeiit. crop ever plo- duced was im 1880 , viicmm it. amimmimimitcil to 14,917ii35 iuiaiiuhs. 'I'his crop \S'ILM clumced on 822,8O mmcres of imuimd , amid wms worth 8U82.I88. Aiuinmt fomir-lifthts of timus crop Pmtdmmedti jIm time states of New Ymik mmmiii l'omimmsylvmtmmia , Scarcely mumy wits raised 1mm ammy of titmi 111010 sommt.hmirmi stittes , ammul Yory little iemmmtim of Ohio. 'l'ime greatest yield ruportemi vmus in ) ' 1ziiimu , wimuit , it. avtuiimgwl tweiity.livu imuisuiuis per micro , It mtimnlily soul ut. $1 imer immusutch Ii , local iiiilIuis. ( .smmsidumimbIu mviii in iported fiom it ( iiimimmdmu , % vhmei'u time 'aimio of Limo crimp is hotter appreciated timmum it. is imm thu cuitimmtry. hut a nmmmahl pmoportiusmm of the article aumiti imm cit3- mimmirkots its hmimckwhicmt. : lhuimm is lmiru , or tiuc ti ) Imilmile , I t is gemiumimily mm mimixtumus of time mmmciii of whiti , cmurmm tool varjouaj kinds of iIifemi)1 lttuuim' . ihiIiem's Itmiti dciii. clii often state that it is imupos. sibi u to i umcimi grain emiomigim to smtjijily time deitimimmul for buckwheat , limit , ' . I mm all miomtiicrim towns imuckwiumt. , emmices are hold 1mm high esteemit iii a lnemiicfmuit. dish , 'J'hiu use uuf bmtekvIieat. in tue coumiti' ) ' is liiiiited , as fiii'miiumim generally tin mmot rabio it , aimd tue lIuuiir is miot iculut. fiui smile by hiuciti grocers , l1uInmmnn amid dmmllitm ) ) ' miiihcns , vouiu1 ilu seiI to take imil. vmnmtagu of thu tlcmiiaiimi for gunuimme iniclc- wiiejmt. hour. It will soil muashiiy III tijwm , mmmmii comllmtr ? ' at tue 1umiee thu best qmiahity of vhiitu winter wimuat lioumeoiiiiiimuids , if it. is limit ill ) hi hugs % % uighiiiig froiti twenty-li vu to lifty j wummds , 11) ' jtidhcioius mimimimumguiimont. tue smiles of iiiickwoumt ] , hour could be greatly imicicased in all jmaits iuf tue coimimtly. Buckwheat is uxcoileimt food for fowls of nil kitohs. I L iii imhau , vury guomi food for hogs itiiml 511001) ) , ] kuo.kcujui'ii cannot ahimrd to be without a flout ( If bmickvhiuiit. 'I'Iiu hmiousummius alflsr(1 a lunge flhiimUiit of mmiiniuy ut. titneis viieji hittiutam , ho ( Ibtailled ( rout ( ItiteE sumlircos Sail is not iiiijiovemusimmtI by mimusuiig buckwheat 111)0h1 ) it 115 it ; is hmy miuusing 111(1st. kimohs III grain , 'l'iiu 1uiniits JfliIlCO ) ( Ii % 'ery douse shade ( luring time imottust. vIit ; ( If time sea. 5011 , viiicIi greatly bcicfits the soil , 'I'hiu cmlI ( CflhI iu sovii imimil hiui'estecl : mit. a tiiiiu viioii oti id an itimimi ci'ius in1liiiu I j j no atteim t iou. Nmut ii ii lieu lIeu thy a gou sil yield is milittIii cii fiu III , liii iii vetted soil i 'ii % 'iiidim mm doll of grmsis ; hums buemi gmuaJi alm(1 cut. tue saini.m season , I t iu ijfttmii juiaeticuul to 111150 ii gminl cviuj 5 of biscic. wimmait ( iii Immuici that uims tui , yet to I1huI1 mmmii H0 % % cmiii ) I i i t lie SCitliluli . I t hilt ) ' iii- tuim be iausei1 to :1(1 : % mlmtage Whiei'ti Iili ( Ii. stimuli gl'iiili thiumviieii titit , I t i time geimural etistommi to biuv ( hiilcicwhieit : on lucia , ImmI iii that iii vuiy , uIiiy lumolumIiol. If a fiujimem himis suliiu laud tiiutt is to Pui 01 to iot. to 1 t'ae ' for mmuiy ( it her em i 'p ho iii likely to ow buclewhmeat omm it. It is time goimenal ojiiiiOIl tiumt any kimmil ( ; f soil , ProIuar1 iii Lilly soiL away , vihi itro. deco a payiimg crop t bucicwhmoat.Vliiio t S ii true ticit it will grow on inferior sumil that is poorly prepared , It is 8180 true thit lucre aimit 'I luetter gnuilm calm luc Pnlmmecml tumm good mini ( lint i. velI hroiaue1 as for otiioi grnilms. lii timus lattitumlo it is cuustoummary to iiui lnmckwlmt'at fromuu thio I st to time 10. ( If ,1 ui3' . I t. will 1,0 mcauiy to imarvest luim- fore time wcuIVelmce ( if frost , It mumny iw cii t t it a sick Ic , enuullo , ito iviim-uuincim imm e ( ui diumimiflhumi scytimo , I t is ( Mush ) ' I uasimm'J vitim a 1 mud thu I. I I ii eums are muiIo ed t a mmlii I i'r t im e humid aft cm t lie cm q ' is liii iv - ( 'iit'il tile ) will pick "ii umuost of t lie gruuimms ( hut iutvo : fitlioum manmithic attuiks. l'oumltry aim CIIeLuIi tuimmat. Outs of tIme PrimmciPmti ililllcnitics cmi- uuected with nilusuuug fuiwl t'uuiuiiuiitii iii himmmi lug ii suul table iulacu fmmm ke'1ui mug t imtimim . l"owis kept , iii ttmwui mime cumenthly comm hued in execcilimigly 1mmmurov quint cmi. Souuietitumes tIme ) ' flt0 miilovcmi the mummu of mm nruI , limit often they are 1ept in mm bmmilti I mug ( lXCOImt tlumnimm mu few imoums iii time duty. if time flock is quite large tile ) ' do em l1Orl ) ' . 'i'imO ) ' immt' iii it sit thlci emit mn'mmmu fur exercise , iuiitl time ) ' sumtli'r fromut CmiiiI I t'miiemmiont. ( ) mm farmns wln'mo uumimst ( mmviii mire kept tiit ) ' itmo gimmuermilly iuiiuuweui a free lunge dumniuug time siumtem tumid mit otimer thmmes uuf thmey mimi not immtm'ufeme vithm gamv. immg crops. I t is thu custmmin to Loch t hemmi iii jirot ty eloummi cimut'mmucuumcmtt miuiriumg t hue immomithus iiemi t imoy vuuulml ihumivim t imt nimnit iulauutage fniumm nmmumumiulg mit image. Frommm 1mm ) till Nveuimht.m' tlit' iiI , if album cmi t I ) waitil cm nbouit , collect mimu ust m II t imo fu " tlmoy teultuire , 1uicim of it v iii. be of 1mm vitimie ( iii. their lmmmm'Imums'M , 'I'lmey will t'mit immsects of all sorts. tue ste'ds of gmimss :111(1 : vcemus , vitnioums kimiuis of vegetables , mmiii fruits.'ith mu lremtt { variety of ( mmmii mmmii imbummmuimmnt exercIse they uilt keep imeitithiv , ln mmmimny eggs , mmumii ilicicimse iii amati. 'J'Ii imy mviii , I m uveir , mu ' immuclm ulammuage. 't'liuy 'vi ii l.u ummuli tm.'m meC t ( I ' . % I urk ut time gantleit 1114 iiuumutt aim time t'mnit sumuliig ( mm. plowimmg is dumuue , tumid vili cuummt june their ( iperatimumus till time last fruits iuuuui vegetables numm gmithicmemi. 'I'hutu ) ' 1tl scrittelm im , sem'ds tltuut have iuoeim i.iaumtcml , bite oil vegetables its $ ( uuilt Oil ( liii ) ' Olii'lti' ) almo'o gmommmmd , sumumi , Ie :1 : 1 I t I a' liii it , mmii it i egi mmii tu i cimimuige cm ulor , HI ml I iae it ii i mmii of groumu pt'umM iunum. liufiurt , t lme iimemmml moms uf t ime faui mily tim i. ' ( 'hey iv i I I iml 1mg' ' 1 mumiumut - OCR RS 1)1)311 (10 ' itteitimimimuims to imscemtain if tilt' ) ' 1110 111)0. ) 'l'hmcv mviii immmdst mom hmmmvimmg stnmmvlmeriies , cimnammitsu , mmmiii otimem' smmuaii fnuuitum u'ery immuuil in thai day viiiie time ) ' mire iii scimsimli. I f kept. iii cou i Iuuemm iemm t aft cm I uei tug iii- loweul thteim' hibumty fur 5(11110 timin ) fumwiim luticoimie very ulmucasy. 'l'iiuy viii ittimice e.e1 ) . ellit tim cuiciuime from time immuihmliiug OF ) 'ail wimero time ) ' mime cunitimiemi , imummi 'jll t'cmiev timeir muttummipts aim umften mmii there itqicmtm's to lue imity lirmusPiuct muf site- cciii. Tlnusum limit. limao \'mimumg ) . vili tmhcu vor citie m if timummu . 'Fit ui mm utmimi uer of eggs droiiitcd will be memluiceul itummi tue himmii s'ihl gelmcruuii3' fail mull' ut Commmlitiumi , 'I'iie expeniuumemmts titmit iulL'O hiccit mimmudu in keepimig fowls iii large inmimibeis in limited litumirtems lia'u beomi umuumumecessfuml. 1 imw- ever vuhl time bimiidimmg unity hmu hulmmliImctl , miii iuowever excelinuit time emmlitiuit ) of time ymtil mommy be , tue birds do imot thrive iii thuiim. A high degree of cleammiimuess huecomimes itnact icali ) ' immmpossibio viiemm iitie imuiimmbens if fowls are kept togetiwi. 1)ms- eases sremLd,1'apidly imnmummg fowls kept in comufiuiemumommt. l'mlmmcii ' of ( lie food given is wasted , timid it. becoitues mlillieumlt to supply time 'ariet ) ' ni'quirtud. 'rimume zinc always dihlicultiemi in lmatcimiiig eggs imere mmmnmm' itens mire kept imi the smammme lnmiimiimug. 'I'imo sitters imbimualomi their utests for those ( limit reseummhmlo themmi amid mirci mmcmii' to thiemim. There iii often qumarrulimig hietwimeim time ummotimens of ( litleremit , flucks of citielcemiui. \7unimmimi is generally euumimlaomm miuummmmg fowls kept. iii large miummithuens imimmi iii himiu- ite1 qtimtiteis. 1uwhii are gregmmminmlus , lmit. ) the comimunimmities they forimi slmeim imm mm state of mmuture mile suumitenlimit. limitited. A flock of vild fowls of ammy kiiiul march ) ' miummimbeis moore tiiamm mm htuimiuhicul. Like hmiliiuimi uimimi imuhlaimes , time ) ' hike to a wide ruuuige. It. is mimivustlmlo ; tuu kee1i fov. is at a dustimmico froitu ( lie farimi huiuiidiuigui mitimi gnrdemm if practicmmbio.ei ) ' excuhiumit i.e. sumits ituive foilunved limo imimmim of keeiuiiig I I iii mmciimmnths. 'I'iil ' emit. ' i mom ii ( ) mimimi I ) mm- sects that injure fruit , flutil aim : igmceaiile iiiiitlu : uuiidci thu bramicites muf ti'ceuil'hiidhI serve mmmi uxcuhiemit I'P' ' ° mus ruushs. Iii Emighimmid good resumits immivu fuiiumweul tue k iO itg of fuvhs i I I mum ivmmh mb I totmuics im m imuHttllCM. I m m mitimny ) 'liut Ii uif I I to comm m tm'y t I tome mute c.umusidcruthiu 1)0(1105 of Iuumiti miuut. veii inlap- ted to tilhmge : on muccoummmt of its buimig brokemi or pirtiy covtmruml mitii Iuiisitus itimd sutiali trues. I t is likely timat. timi inimmi cliii he umtili.ud fuir maimsimig fuviui bottom' timaim for iumm' oilier limuliumiso. 'Ihio trees mmmiii hushes % 'il I ithli , tui summido iuimd roost hug- liiiCeM fet tiio fmwis. 'l'iie leaves will lie useful for funimiimtg mieuits. Suuhhicitumit. grass mmmmml clovci' can be gmowmu to fmmnimusim all tue greemi food icilumimemi. Exceiieiit places for 41eiitilmg ) } ail hiatcimimig eggs mummy 1w fommmmd in summahi thickets 811(1 Ii ) ' tue smiles of trues. 'l'hioy cmiii ho cos'ereul so its to Pruitoct thmciim fiomit stom'iiuui svithm SCIy little trmmihlu ) ( ii' 0XICi ISO. 'I'Jio mmmliii img of j uigtuomi N 11111) ' ho uiiiitcul with tue hireeuhiitg of Immigom lii muls iii ii jiiiicu ( if thus kimni . t I I Ic i It i is ( if fuswhs iiko ii muide mango toni ( ICrivu hiriuhit fmuiim it. It iii mimoro ihif- ticiii I. ti , ( aim im1ulet ely iimni i ciii jail I ) i nh thmamm aniummumis. 'l'hie mid vihih iii. st itict hunig mci I ilLj as in ti t I ii ids. C ; utinea fowls , iiem.hieius : ltmii tuimkeys mmuver liIIlIcal Eu I I tcciuiii ii Comm I ii ut ( ii ) ' ( juuiiitjiitj. ctcd , A t. cuitaimm timmies iif the year tile ) ' delight hum viuiidei uhF ltmil live ii ) ' thitimim. selves 'I'iiuy jumufum to him ) ' their eggs tiiiml hut cii I I mci m ) ' ( Iut ug i mi I iiitces i'hmerit they are cortimiit time ) ' will miut. be tiuscoi' tireti. liemus gumiurnily hmiitg uhf tue lang. sust. itmimiibwm' ( if ciiiekoimii suitcit they ' 'stumil thimiii tiests. " 'I'hme like is trmiu of geese , ihuickii hum1 turkeys. If it snimmil body of water or ii atmeamit calm be diutmimicul in tutu vicinity of land emvciinh in jnmrt Imy trites iim1 bitsutemi , lAte hiiciitiini will lie % 'ory fii' ( immilihu fum rmmisiiigahl kiiuls of fom'ha. Sun. flowers , whiicim jirothtieo excellent food for fou'us , cumim lie raised itt large qumiimmtilieim Oh lhhimi PmirtillilY octmiliitHl ! by tiucs. 0th- or kinds iif fooil can he i-mused mu goomi humid I Ii tutu viemmti t.y amid brommgiit m in titti grouiuid mmii it. is S&lmitfth. ( ( , ; I CItAITEIt II , wumitui.t ( iii : mimd iisyst&miuuusctmniitivu , , iiowc. is ( ( ( sii icim is sti s'atlcd I it I Is i iiiutim- timitus titat that. ins iluscuuso or ill iteumlthi can h15uuiuiY exist mm iesust its power , mid yet it iii I Innim ii esus f ui t lie i i oust fi iii I wom imaii ueakel4t ilIVilhiti lit suiimtllest cijilmi to misc. . I 'iitIilitui I imiuist. ileucul in , tiumaily (1)1 tug' ' li in ) Citiii , III iul gi suit up by 1iiiYuiciiimuui of lIt ighit's iuiidotiiei'kkiiiey ihusuasus , livum Cu Ill ii ii I I tim , aevumu coughs cal I oil CoIl H It I I II P. tOll I , hiliVe I , cuii c Ii I cii. Ilimul i gum i e 110:1 : ii ) ' d1i1Z ) ' ! J'i ' uiit agmi ty u uf ito mmnmmIgimt , iieiv uuus'i tuss mvak mfmil I tess itt i (1 % iitIu illS I I usomuses mecii I jut I tu I biliiei I. I ii U ( I ili ii I mit t ( if si to iue fiuii , I exetmu immtilig uaugs of Itiiuiiitmiitisn , , I i ihliit it iiiit ) ' ( cii to , ho mi S U hlumi tig fmont sciofulmil JrysIteiumsi Malt. nhmulurm lihuuud uusoimhmig ! , mlysiietiula Iii. digestion , itIii Iii taco alomosut ailiiisouswt hall Iaqru is heir to Ilavu boett ciurtat by lion hitters , imroof of which caim ho found lii every ntulghmboriiooml tim time hcmxuwmm world , FURNITURE ! -TI I E- . CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY hi A'l' DEWEY & STONE'S They always have the. largest and best stock. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB ELEGANT PASSENGER S ELEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT FLOORS. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Amt ext'mIlent nuiictltng tommic of S eau mmIIt ii thu or , moms' mmmcd over ( ho - . rwimolo mm mrld. emma's lyspepsllm - . - i k lluuriuums , i4'ii't mmmiii .Agmmo , and al . - . ' . . ' 1 dIsmuk'rsifthm Ilgcsllvo ) Organs , - ' . ' ' V " few dmopum Inmiunrt It delirious A fluuvmmr to mm glass uIcluuanmpsgmie , and I to mull sumuuimer drlmil. . , ¶ Vry it , limit . - ' luemu muru ( it coutmmIuiieit. .Atmk ommr gruwmr or drumgglst ( or tlu gemummlmie minute muummmutuicummrccl by Jilt. .1. t5 ( I. ii. 1411clmcItT .t tION8. ; 'ii , J YUPEBMAN , Solo Agent. SN..fie 3 , W. liu'i. lapca2 arTT Broadway , N. Y. ST. LOUIS PAPER WAREhOUSE. Graham Paper Co. , m7 amid 1l0 Niurtli Muulmi St. , St I.uuumli. v I ii ii .Iu4Alu I ul.ti.lliui : : I N imnon , i c WillimNO , NIS , , St.lIAlt'lNO . I NEl.O i'ii : , tIuI tmmAII ) D AN Ii PRINTERS' STOCK , tiru1m 1iiul fuur Itag' . muumui i'npcr S el. , Scaup I remu muisl Iutatm. l'alnr Stock umrriuuumn , l20 iii IE Nuurtlm SItlm treet. miuuv2lamn - Iuutt er of Alplicutt mu mit I i I tmmIII fuur ilumimur 1,1. cemi"e. Ni rrimt : . Not lie is hem mutu gim rim tiunt I ) . I luuilul ,11i umpo , . the 25th ululy hf .1 utuuv , A. ii. iSii : , filti lila uupulientIomi to t liii muuiyor mtuuil mit y euuuuiiIl , of ( ) imualua fur ltinuuMo tui sell muuuuit , slulrituumim miluui lmnuum'm iitumuurx at No. Ste Suuuut I u lOt ii 'trtit , lIrut mu arul , ilumuudua , Neiurut.uka , frnmm hue I I ti. . slay muf .luuly , hNSl , to tue u ittm tuf Oct uil er , : I I tiutro lui , mimi niujeetlomi , cc imuuuiustnmmmim mr lr.uteMt titei ' 5 itlilmu twu , a eck. from .1 mmmc 2fltmi , A. I ) . 18 $ ) , time Maid Ilecuiuue mm iii lue gratut. tui I ) . I 1 UI ll ) , Appiicummmh Thu I immualumu lIeu mucus stuuuluer nih uimlulimlm the mtiuuii ii mat ice uumuuo tuuuIi ms cek for am o ms ethum at thu umuemumo of thu muppilcummit. 'Flue city of Ommmalua I. not to lue tluuirgi'uI timorous liii. ITh'.2t.leok .1 , J. L. C. .miwi'rr : , City ( lurk. Matter of Aiululiu.lut of HctmmiluIt. .t ( lumluler for lluiuur 1.Iccuuse. NOTleI Not un k luereluy irtuemi tuat ) Scuuuiuit k ( luuulur % mliut tiluomi the 25th ulum ) of .lumuue , A. I ) . 1888 , flhum him niululuca. t inmi tu. tIme IiuuVur nhuul city moimmucil muf I ) mmeulmuu for Iluemimu tuu sell muuuuit , slulrmttuumm nuuut ml miumli liuluuuurs at Ni. . isi : Futrumamuu $ trcet , 'ilitrut varuu , Ouuualuuu , , uulu. fromum thu I l t Ii tiny . , f .1 ill ) , I Suhi , to t lie I ltli ha ) mu m ) ctoluer , 1858. II tluaru lie mum uul.jeetlomm . , renuam. itmumuem , or irutest illeul n itimimm um n eekum fruimmi Jmiume 20th , mssm : , tim sail iicuum.c sttl iue gramutel. 801 IMI III' k uAllillm : , .Iituiicutmitq. Tin Ouniilua flue Iimovslsulcr n Ill the nluu u muotite ilium , cmiii. . % i .ok fur t is uu m eek at I lie e lumumo .uf I ho uujuiullt.umut , , 'ilie city if ( immualmum ii lit ii , 1 in cluargeml ttmemmussitli , 1l9.2t.mus k .1. .1 , 1. . C. JIS'i'IT , City Clerk. l'lOi'OSAI.S { ( ) SB\Yii IftNI)8. ) Ciii 'l'miaAmm'uieuu'm. tummies , tumAuis , Nau .Iiulv 2uuul , usl. : Smalul lirol ( : iM ? is ill 1'u' rrevi ti lit flu I. , , .flIo mumutil .11113 1 7 , hiiMt , at 12 umunimi fur tiut' limruIuu.o I uf ultOmiI ( ) If i'css or I tuuiui. , series tsvuu , 1 t lie Clti u.f . ( luimahum. iatul iuuuuul'm uirml mlateul .1 ummuu I , lssi , are ml ut' ii. . ts , emuti , meutra fromu. . their ilatu , arc 1mm ulumims 'If mlNNi macli cmiii liar Imiteret froumi their unto mit the mate u.f sk ; emutummui lie uulimuuumum , uu utile tummulituimmumilly mit t lun .uf. flu'o uf iiuuuiiut7ui unit hers , .Nen 'uurk , , iu. . mu i uremeuu. tuitiomi if euuuut 'mum mit tauliel. 'limmu IrIuiclIal su ill aiuui liti jim ) milulo mit tim scum llau' . iulut Iii umulm miiu Issumul imimuler Uuu eluartmr in er muf sushi city , miller tIed I ui uluuly held msiutlmiuriMiuu I heir iiumui fiur thu uuurtmuumn ut lx ) tmui 'for the umurumtmmmetimig .iiui mmuumimut4miuulmug uf sea cmi. , ' iii si imlili cluietiumi mmcm tim , itluli ii if t li uitum mast ss cmii 1mm fuim mr of umlul : lsuoir , 'Iliese luomuuls mmiii lu leiivcreul ti omm 3) iuuemit tiutrefor at I ho City 'l'ieuiauury iii Ommiumimum , mom Mmi.pu4 I isst. : ImIlm us hI ho aullrcu'ui h time umiuuierslguuc.l , ntuul miuarkvui ' I 'rijuumalm fuur l4oaer lluumeli , " amid iuuuu4 suite tutu mullion cmii muilulrem ut time iuiululerm. tluui amumummiut of still luuuui. uluslreul , cmiii thu Irico to ho hall iii uilull tiuuum iii luutermet , imurrmmel limo right i i , "utrs el to rtJtut mummy aumul ci I lulls. IIIIIMAN lllJCK , CIt 'l'rruiuumrcr , l.Jumi3 ti.itwj iiI'A'Ii ( II ' N tlmi : LASRA , J luutmui , mm ( 41u1TY. I At I ii , , euuiumt m euuumrt , lucId at t lie e.uimimt cuuurt , roomum lii miiuil fur sail ii uuuumtv.lummuuj aitim A. I I. 1883. Iriti iii , I. i. Cluuulsskk , c.uuiuty Jumulgu , im. . time mmmiii termuf ( state if l'iitrkk 'ulr ( him ock leutmm tul. I lum rcuiiiumg mmmiii flliuug the ltitiuui of Alexaider , .fi ( his i .k trot her u if mliu'cuimeii I urayliug tiuti auimmmimmhm. t rid I ui u if , , uilui cIuito , uumiy to 'i imutmil mliii KLmit Irluur u rulers fur iuearimi g miii. Imau hug heemm iumly . ( IruluruI , 'timid . ! muly 24th A. I ) , l3l mit IU tIork A. M. , k uusulgu.e.l . fur lututrimug sulil titiuim. . , us liemi all lursummm luitirouttul 1mm suilil mmumtter , miuxy miuuur at a ui uimmuty tmuuirt to iue hell , 1mm miuml for salt tulummuts , mummul shut , ejiummo n iuy I hum iinitr if uetftliuuuer , .imiuuilil hut lit , gramiteul ; xiii I luat uuuutice , uf the imilomuuY if uuuiid l'tit Iuuum mimiul t lie iutumriuujg timmrtuif ho glu cmi tim mull her. , iumm ( Imiterestel lii sail mumattir , iu.l i iimtui islil mug a umpy If this urulur imi time ( immiatma laii ) lieu it mmcii .iuam icr JrlmittMl lii sahit tuouuuut3 , fur tiureu suiccesslie ovek , lrluur tim miiul lIlt ) hf Imearimuj. IA tnmo emily. J A. t. ( IfAhiVl0iu Jmi miii mit.lmissk Commiuty Jumdgu. JOHN C.JACOBS. tiurmumerhy Oti. . & UNDERTAKER. - M. R. RISDON , Oll'1 ' IllUffl1CO .AOilt IIl'.PI1E8ENT $ : Plminmmhuc Assumnamico ( Au. , of Lumiu1omi , ( 'ash Mmc. . . , ' 4' . . . , % Vestriucskr , N. 'm' , , Ciuitil . 3,000ouu.oul Tutu Mrrmhmauit , , of Neusmirk , N , J.1 Caiuit&i I , flhimiio.oo ( lirarmi Fire , l'iullauieljiuli , Cahuital , . , .2OOOOOO5 l'Ireimivmu'i Imimiul , Ceiultai . . . j,2.iaoItj.uo ovFlei-liuimiui : : ID , ( Imimatma National lhimik JmumiIl hill. l'bpzzu ) Nu , . 57. iv. ' mally H. H. MARHOFF ijIlN _ - . - , . 'Ill ' _ . . . I ' S S ' C II. . ; . . . II 11I p. - , ' ! MANUFACTURER. WHOLESALE & RETAIL MIard Hott'I Block , OMAHA , . . NEB. ' " ' Tin muse of the tcmi " Short 1,1mm , ' hum tohimuim ( liii i liii the S H 0 R'I" torhoruste Imaimuo if it greatroad , i'mimm " .m iou 11cc of just ss tmat I , siuulreui ly time I rim rhimug uuumb- I. ti hi a Stun liue , , ( umlck 'limo I E amiul thu l.e't if aieomummuio.ia. . . N t mmli of ss iultlu moe fimrn' imlmmml it I ii grcutvt raihis a 1mm Amuierlea. CII1OAUOMILWAUKEE And St. Paul. It ins mum mimi nIt niitm n em IriIO muuliem of nail 1mm Niirtimem mu hhlimuoim , in.nmsIum , .l lumuiesta , Ion .u anul hiakuuta ; mmmii cm it . . muualum I iumm. irumimchut'u mmiii ( suimmec- S lluuiii rametu mull the great iimsiimc.u cemutrem of the Nirtiisscmt slid t'uirVct , It muatuumalhy amsaerm , ( ho uliCrlluthiiuu of Short iIuuti , mummul ilest ltmnmtu , iuetsseemm ( huleauco , ihsmuumkee , lit. i'ammh mcmiii t immmeapudlm. 4iuieagu , , 'ul lIt , uuumkec , l.a I.'rus.n' auulVlmuummma. ? . ( .luheugu' , 'uh thu aumli' , , liemmIetmu mumiul I31.uuulahe , t'huhcuugu , , i ils mdee , imuum : ( lustre ciii St Illss uster. Uluirumguu , 3hilnnuukmoVuumsam amid Merrill. S ( 'hukmmgui , t hiss mmdcc , hicuivcr 11am , , alimi O.iito'uh , I 'lukusgo , M 11mm nmkm. , ' , Vmimukesiua cmii Ouuuuuuumumuussiuc. Ciulcuigu , , h lbs mimi cc , mhaIhsomi mummul I'ralrlo mlii timhen. ( tuIeago , ! uhilss aumkeu' , I iui atuuimmumu mtm.uI 'mtlriluauiht. ( 'tutimigu , lielolt , .hmmmueus tile mumud Mimmemmil h'ulmit. tluhumiguu , Elgiu. . , ilutkfurul nmmuh humluumuiume ( 'huhemigu , , ( 'iluitumu , hock Islamuil msuuul Cedar tiaiuihm. t'iuitmigu , , ( 'iumumuII hmhuulym auuuh ( ) umaluuu. ( 'imhmigo , Shiui t'its , , Siuii I'itllq msmmul 'umim1.t . , m. ( 'lmmtngum , i tim mtuukce , thltmlicii cmii Ciimnmuiuerhmmiim. Itiuck lulammui , , I Puituumutume , Mt. I'uomi mcmii l hmmuuquulia. , liu eluluort , Cuulmiuar , St. I'usuui ammt MhummmmahnI IS. S t'umihmmmmtui sitchtrM auudtiuul'iummnt tflmuimug Cmmr.u in ( lie is uirlii mire rumim uu time muuuilum llmit'i of tIme C H I C ACO MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY Rmuii ( Is C ) ii I rtutiuum ii halut to h.tMM0mi8i toummte. I' ( muim cuuululo vs of tiut' eiuuuhumtm . is S. , lhlmIIil.h. : , A. V. ii. CAmmh'tNTRIt , I lcmmh .huuiuumgem. I ietm'h laua , Agent. .1. 'I. ( 'hAliR , P lt ) , I I , I I EA I'FOtti ) , ( Icuil Stihu't , Auut ( lemmi h'asm. Ag't. PLAIN TALK ! , \o mire a\sarti that sm , are ruamluating a Iuremaihimmg iruiumullt't if the hrofeqsiuium mumuui em,1e n lieu ss e aMmert that we camm mtmiui mb euro miIeagt iii the huhumud with * megethble rrmuueulyl Ve mmimruohve , were mmot easIly Commu humeed. limit uioe it muako nmvvthtn lesi a fact .Immuii3 iccammso ) ( ii miii mint uuehmeso CLI Tumrmu to lulutory mmmuul read thu aceunimuta of tluo tUe. Coserv amid ahuliltcathuumm mit steani , raihroutttiu , electrlcl. ty , eLm'S'ero muot those ssimtm iurcachulut that it was nusshhIc to aectmuuiiiisim suitli gramul results aim aesce realized tuitlay , rrumommev crucryl Aiiul dlh riot. ad- cmmtlsts say : 'mNmnsmmuum.r.'tu miii mmmii ak ttuat you miemuhut our n mmii We lurhmug cumroiuuurathmug te"tlmnony. 1mm simort 5i 0 ulemuomiutrato luy lii hug , remiustuhe n itnuiuicui that everm sorut no say Is true. Aek ommruclf time iltmestlumm roumlul muiemi tIme P0iftit'jtI , social miuuul iimmamcial lsulthuuum timuu'c immen ito , mmffuurul tui tummulurso thuiume vmmgngeul Imi mu suurk of .Ie- t'ettoii mimuui mt frammul ? Now let tiuoimm speak. 'very normi sic say lu. regard to uusmr remimetly ii t rime , atmut time ( ertifitat cm s o iulutlImiu mire fromum mien of mmuuukuuiuteui i cnuclts , . 'riti : swhrr 5lIC1F1U CO. AriTA , (1 u. . 1 , ISS2. te mum' , ' ) uicihmuiger4 of t1ii Sun/I Sjucciflc Co. , an4 mill a ritruZliu.y . juirt of f/un stuick of , uimit ciunujuahig ( I iii ! euufuivc cri.riu.urI , utf.ed ii ! lhutuu. 1.1 .11.1 It , 11.1 jigi .V & iiii.u J Ph/uIcsuk InigUdfi ( , ATm..cTA , ( is. , August , 18m , % 'ti l.uurmw liii , gemithcmmueum cummuottuug LImo firm of Liim.uu , htsiti , c ismm mum. ilucy uume hrmulmutrumt cIti- ruumma uf uuii' State , imucim of muueamiu muuiut if ) iIg ) etmarac. icr uuid stonilirug. .1. 1 % ' , ENOI.i Si IIam I , i'm oftt tmmuta. . .1. I 1. i'ltilIi , Cmsluler ; Mci mhemd m huauuk. I , . IU)3tA hR. CucmIuier .ithamuta Nut ii hal Iluimik. A. I I. IlAc'ON , Siutuuhimi I Imium-tu 11(1's , ( Ia. A 1.1' . 1 I. Ci.Quili'l'lou ) ermuur of ( lii , % % 'rltu for a Oiuuy mit thu little lu.u.k free. $1 000 Reward will lie lwiIuh tim ammy ctiemumhut who 0 III ii mmii miii thin amuch 'Is u 1 lUll isuttlos H. ii. Ii. one luarthelu of Mercumr houthulu l'iutasulummmu , or uiumy nhn. cml , imlu.tmmmicu. S II I i : ii\vi hi' SI lCi FIC CO. , trmuwer 8 , .tThA5I. % , fit. I IJR.IIENBERSON I A regular graduate in . miuethielmme. Over sIxteen I tice rmui (108 Vmikutto i eara huractlce-tnctveiri hANHA8 CITY , MO. Chicago , Amithmuuriztmi ) uy the state to treaS Cimrouilu , Nervouma armul i'rlvato diseases A u Amitlumuma rluiheI)3. lihmeimmnatimu , , l'iles , Ta1uuormm , , Urimmary cmiii Kktmi Di. . easel , SemInal Wcakumess ( night houmsen ) , S $ ommah lebhiityhcoms ( of sexual uoicer ) S etc. Curt. guammcritcui or immommey refimmitleul. Clmarga. huuw. Tliommsammuli $ of cases rimmed , No hijmmrlou'm mmmdi. cimica umeti. Ni' miet.emmtiomm fronm bumsimuesum , Alt nuuumlI. cimmwui fmmrmulslieui Os cmi to 'aitiemuti. mit a mlhetammee , Comm suuitathomm frrmi cmii commkiommtial-emull or write ago experlemmco are tnhrtilmmt. A 1300K and for both sexta-llhim.tratemi-armml circumlara of oths ti.hmugui sent , iomiled for two ritai : 31518 iUIuf , .mieod.w1y DR. FELIX LE BRYN'S GG. I'JuEyENrls'E AND cuiu u'l FOR EITHER ' SEX , I'liuhsrcmmieuhy hmclmmg Injected ilircctiy to tin , ceat of mliii ultuoiaise , rt'utuire' ' . miii vhmammgii iii diet mur mmausooua , immemcmmrinl or iuiisumiOmm immeuhlmhtuea to ho t.akcmm intern. all. Vhiep , used mu , a iremcumthvo by eIther sex , it I.e lmiuuouiahiuIu Li ) contract ammy hurivatu dlseaso but in the Cmme of those aireamly minfurtummatoiy nJIIICt4 we gear- suRe thmreo lioxtis to cure , ur we stIll refund the iumuumiiuy , trice imy iuiaih , postage iaid , 2 vcr liqii , oe timrtu huii.ui . ( tur t5. v1uhvrEN UUA1LANl'EES Jaauah by alt authorized agent , . Dr.FelixLeBruij&Co 1501,1' PBOt'lIhE'rOlt $ , C. } ' , ( Joomhimiaum , Druggist , Sole Ageimt , tom Onaha Nub. & lii&owiy Health is Wealth. 'i.e I , flA.Uui Pr. E. Li. Vest's Nerve amid llrain Treatment gimttamutecuI sieiiic for Jtsteha , , a slommum , ilta1 'scvuuu , NeuralgIa , hfea.haclie. t'ruuatratimumm . Nervomi. , cuiOmot lix thu use of ahcoiml ' or tobacco5 'akefmmhmueaa Mijutch Jhiiuresaium , , , iioftmimiiiig of the Ilrahmm mesuitimig , ( i houmamuimy amni decay it'ud dvatli , i'rcmuuatuit , Old heitlimig to imuhs.emy , S Agu Ilarrummuiu , , , Iu54 of iiosser 1mm emur sux Ilivolumutary Lossu $ luerimuatturrhuuuii Cumiii,1 tu outur ( Jxcttiuiis . of britmm eif.&bumuso u o.imiiuigemi ! , Eachb t.ntmi. one miiuithis tri5.ti3ieflt _ el.oo boxc for j..uo. thnt b mail Lox , o pricc , preluald ui * : ecei4 \VE UUARAthj ix BOXI Tm ) cure any imuse , WkIi ' &c1t enter for hx boxca acooinUaimiid xum WQWW/ , puxciiaser our Wrlttem guIrt4ite0 if time treatment mInes not aUe. thccfundw Isiut4omdyby C.kV. UOOp u&O w331 , DOgltd , S ;