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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1883)
I'IIL DAILY BEE --COUNCIL BLUFFS , WEDNESDAY , JULY 11 , 18s3. ? TI-IL DAILY C NC IL BLUFFS , Wednesday Morning July 11. _ . _ _ - -tiVBSCnu'nON ItATE : II Carrier - . 9) auto I er seek p1o.l . , year $ L'111. - ler r OrYIOE : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway , MINOR MENTION. Client Railroad Tickets at Ituslmell's. The hydranti arc huing seton , Bread. way. way.The Epiacu etliiln ladies have their lawn Part ' mt Judge shamea mu Thursdn' evening. George Christ , the dnrkey who stolu a watch the odor day , was yesterday Bent. onset to 16 days in jail. 1Villian Park 110W auflhrs a broken leg as the result of a falling Bca/Pold / at A. h01110'S house , which is being repaired , Stein , nn old lady who broke her aria by falling of is defective Bidevalk , now claims damages of the city , MrB. Gcor(1c ( P. Phelps' condition was yesterday Btll ) inlproumilg , cnusiug her a11xuOS friends ti take fresh hope forher final recovery , an event which would certainly - tainly Glleic nilleh rejoicing throughout the cnnilnunity. City Enginner ToBtuvin does not suemil to think Alderman Siedettof'n ) Inn for carrying Indian creek along the northern cityy limits to big lake as very practicnl. Still ho will 1(10k into the matter n little further nud report on it. Owing to time high license on all uxll css teams hero , J0lu1 Dunn is planning to L.tko his five tca its to Omaha , 'l'out Skinner oxpeetS to amid three over there , and others arc talking of going too. In fact , an emigration of cx1rruas wit6runs is thratened , Thu city council seems to appreciate the ufrorts IIULdo by Col , .Sapp to get the ne ) . Crescent arena to g' oed Bha pep nud lsas appropriated $100 to opening a ) Gale aveninide the city limts to lnke the enterprise coin plutu. The bridge over Mosquito creek near the paler mill is pronounced uusafo by City Engineer Tostovin , sumo of thio tnnbera being so rotten as to h u wholly unfit for further use. Hu Nays it is liable to fall any time with a heavily 1011(10(1 wagon. In Justice Abbott's court yestordny thou was a crowd from morning till night , the ciao of the State vs. Evans , for assaulting ono NugolschrLdor ( , being the drawing card. There were many witnesses , and time case { van , closely co11 teated , There are hardly any roads leading into tlae city by which country teens snit now . collie n directly , and easily , so nuuty bridg os having been weakened or their a p imoaclles washed out , both cit and 1 COinlt should tithes peed } ' 8tcI)5 t o sot nmtturs to rights again. There is over cunthetition uow ndn 's in the er glut grinding husinussp two blind luau setting bbusiness in opposition to he each outer t cornier of Bruuthvny and Mate struotyustonlny. Tutu should learn wis"dons from the blind stun who tort a those' other organs , the Nonpareil turd Globe , iuid turn together the srnio taw , , It will take moro deli one morning and 1 e - l ice evening edition to nako the puoplo believe that the Union Pacific h such a friend to this city that it should be rot - t warded with the gift of a $40,000 avenue or that the city council should give it away on the shy , or that it should give it away at all , at ast until it lets paid for it and owns it. s' Mr. Cheney , who succeoda Mr. Davis t as agent of the Sioux City route hero , has toed upon oflicu room with Odell & j Da } in Sulubart'a new block. He is entering upon hla duties hero with much enthusiasm and the businesa will doubt. lesr continuo to thrive and grow under his uuuuagunreit and as a result of his enterprise. p There { vas n lively talk o'or dufeetivo t ; aidowalks at the ) ast council nteetiu Aid. Jones was ono of thin most enth isl- 6 astiu onus iii favor of making thee owners come to time right oil' . lie failed to say a1)ythiu , hotvovor , about time condition ' of the sidewalk along 1V. 0. Jones' Ipro ) j arty. That is horrible ; but sonewny e ' is not so anxious to hnvo it repaired as to have other folk's sidewalks tixed up , , , , Swudo Bill was yesterday acquitted of the ehnrgo of rohbury. It appunrs thin t e the prosecuting witness was mil Bill's sa- hoop , and refused to pay for solo drinks , and us inn alraady owed n bar bill , SWvdu seized his lint , a cheap straw affair , and C gave hint a little hlutr , which the follow ' 's did : ot take p but went out , leaving Iii s , fat buhiud , hill scut for Hint to one su . f Mack and gut it , but ho would lot , prefer riitgto hove Ilan arrested. The property ° wuen , along Fifth ava . Rue wanted the privilege of brnguig t1) street u l p to grade , ud so a titiomed th u council. N they it is going t t cost too much n to fill it all u ) at oonp bu t want to fill a part up , and thou wai t r awhile. 'l'hiu council halo already passed , an order to ho'u the street filled , an d now owing to time litter pretest the rdo . is suspended temporarily , until a flea y " order cur be decidd upon. 2 Ald. Keating was hot yesterdayy abou tt ' the nnaruiIresottatlois mndu by "tai t Iti oficial Japur" concerning his rmark s about Pierce street , inatlu in council meeting. Instead of desiring to urio ; era a contest with citizens , timid to mein o i cases in the court , ho sin ) dy wanted t1) o ' holes on l'iurou street filled up , timid t1) 0 1. street put in sonic sort of shape , l'roba } bl ' "tan official organ" will correct itsol tOydaYr but in tl meantime the Ivor k has guile on , and a gang of mot our I yesterday making nuuded iutprovononts e'Johul Chapninn is wig littg about greatly regarluig time Union avumiu tehcuie. 'Phot'o was so ouch quustiomiin as ty why he did not opunl ) adyocatu it his is ) cr what lie hul od slyly to lobb } through , that to get out of l suuuzu ( ho had a ru ortor write -up some 8m uib local giving roasom for tin' column as u g ' 'for thu council giving $40,000 to t1) Union Pacific , that the latter was losi11 busimiesa and ther roads gutting it. Thu - didn't help the matter , and now hits oven r jug edition , under another haute , tries t ' boa 11111) out b denouncing thouo w1) ' 01)1)080 thu scheme as blackmallurd , if n got u ) courage enough after a whit for himself. 1 to i1peak . The expntination of Jasper Canaer ! fo r murder eouunittod several ears ago ii Mlla county has boom taker on a clial g l of venue from Glunwood to Pacifto Juno , ( tiop , where it is oxpoc1As1 to colnmenc o to-day. CQI. Kcatloy , of this city , Is on of tie att mrno B for the defense. Ho do itaidod McOra rY on the iko charge , at d succeeded in laving the litter front hn11g ing , getting a sentence of iln ruonhtoiiL instead , which le is still serving. Later relatios indicate that Clansergwas con conned in Clio saute mttrdor , and Sheriff Farrell lately brought him hack from Colorado , whore lie arrested him , Dir. Ihnter has coaumemiced stilt against about twenty-five delinluouts ( oat poll taxes. Sonic propose to light. If udb viii matt is ranted against them it ho for $ I ) and costa and nothln is oxen t y settle front execution , I costs only $2 to tunicably' . A wandering tent show located on tow. or Broadway , seem to be trying to ape Iiardunl , and advertise Itself by hunting up its tent. The ex doafuu of n ] alit caused a slight bhaz0 " aunt it was sdcedil } sl uolclmed , shames S11tith , n painter , is enutplaiited of bitterly by his tvifo , who claims to be afraid of his killing hot. She svauts him arrested , but tIme officers hero failed to find hii , amid report is taint he has skipped for Onsaha. Another ' trouble has neighbat'hond sr- risen miear the ILek , inland depot. As a result Mrs. Wallace hits had Mrs. Cyn thmia Odoll arrested for threatening to burn her omit. The latter is to appear hex ) ; Saturday and show up tutu filets , Sonic Connecticut geutleuten are talk. big seriously of o ) smug in Council lllutrs m wholesale house in the goats' furnishing goods line , llr. SVirt , of the BOStuu'I'at Coaquuiy , ) t'ill eiigago iii otlucr business hero on a wholesale scale , if lie can dtaposu of lam presunt retail business' .1 , P. Gnuldeui says the new boy baby is n bouncer , amnl will soon lie able to say .1.1V. Squire t Co , are imimproviug cx- terual and niternnl : appenrauee of their office greatly. Thu water pipes mire laud up Gleti as e- line new. 4 "OUR S11L1 ! " The 1''lre Iotds' Pet llnnilsonmely lie. rurtnbercul. ' 'Shop'is n well known Pet of the lire keys , and is ifs knowing a dog as one often 1aceta. No one knows quicker than h0 when an alanu of lieu comet cs over the wire , and ill ) One is sooner out and readyy to sound that alarm. Hu uses his hark viggrously on such occasions , and lie makes the run to a fire with as muchi zeal as the moat eithusia8tio fireman. He is always Honored , too , on state occa- aiots , by a prouinomt sent , and always attracts attention in any street parade. Mr. and . Ilnrding , of the electrical institute , yesterday showed their appro. ciation of ' Shop 1)y presorting hint as beautiful a collar as over greed the hock of a Council Bluff's canine. It was beautifully inscribed , the engraving being done by Mr. Kirk. land , the wnnling' beiu , 'Our Shop , Ijlufl' City , No , I. ' ' Thu ) resonbltion was rather nnfornmmd. Shop being called into the Ilnrding house , the collafastai ed about his neck , amid he thou streaked it for the engine house with nn evident appreciation of time situation , and mut apparent - parent eagerness to show tam boys t'hnt mainer hit friends he had in the world. Attached to thu collar presuntud to Slop was a neat little note , simply saying , 'm ' Our Fire Dog , 'Phu faithful nru ever deaurviimg. Ilan. Hardin' ; . " ' ! Clue fire hoys were greatly delighitod maid the kindly act will not aoon be forgotten - ten by any contented. Mr. amid Mrs. Ilandimig nru planning to short on an extended - tended western trip , expecting t0 visit Donvur , got 5(11110 uiountnin air , amid seek pleasure , rest maul reeroation , being utb- sort probmbly a month. Among the ninny who will follow thotm with good wishes , and wolcnlno atost heartily their return will be the fire lads std "Sae . " Bluff' City Engine cooan No. 1 especially desire that their sincere thanks to albs , hurtling mndu ntlic amid TILE Bit : : tout dies th the request , knowing that the boys ueaim it whn they give 1'EItHONAL3 , ll' , B , limit ! maul , f , l' ' . Cassell were Carson. itus at time l'nclfio yesterday , 1. Kunyun 1'owell , of I iiginud , Ivas in Limo cityy yesterday , on route fur I'orth lid , Or'gun , in thu semen of bettor health , . i ) . 8. Cnumpbcll , of Shonn11doali. brims I ii time city yesterday. 1)r. 'r. A. Lllly dimmed brlth his fmiuiul , Col. Cochrnmm , at the Ogden yesterday. , C..1. L , Meyer , thu big mmmumufncturor m m t b and du LuuVis. . , wits In tin city yesterday , amid at theIgduu , Iho was aeonupa muted by 0. P. Fomwo , of Vaud du Lot ; mtleses Flora amid ( ; mace Casual ) ' nru tiaitho g relatives him Illhmmlx. C. II. Shoridaulina started far time scni.horo , aeeoapnniud by Ids mother mud chlldren , Dr. J , 1' . Andrew , of ] Muir. Nab , , i. in th e city vbthms ( his old frfesmd , llon , limn Clark Dr. N. 1) , I.nurunct nud who arc now oil far Colorado on u few weeks him' J , lV , S tulres and funnily are low ni.ticat in Minnesota. -G. Clark , of Colunmbns , Nob. , Is at tam e Ogden , -0. A..1Vnhvd , of Iruhm , Clown , was him tit city yesterday. -J. Snumuols , of l'Idindulphum , was an Og don house guest yesterday , -David Iunklu , of Crescent , true ht tat city yesterday , uovhag ubuut unm lug Id t friummds. Ifols , said to be uatlug nn eye to ward thou Slurllbtlty. --0 , 1 : , Dutuoa , of Jinubmmg ( , rums Iii th city yestunby' and stoppud at tlmo Pacific , -\V. F. Clnvhugur std smile , of Logan were nt time l'ncific yesterday' , Itoal l.stuo Triumsfers , 'I'lmu following deeds wore limed for re cord in time county' clerks's o0iceJu1 } 10 , reported for Thu Ilia : by 1' . J , file i. Afalenreal estate agent. ' 0 , , R.1. A' I' , II. It. Co , to Niutroi + liege , lots 7 anti 8 , Klock 13 , Citrsoum m $100 , P. V. Poolaol to Reuben Dunklu , o , t awl- amid nwj s0 } 10 , 70 , 43 , $1,000 , g 'roderick Frudricksolt , lot 3 , block 0 r S Myluster's adl. , $250 , 1Vmim. ii , Fmntz toJaulea A. Sunuuurs ' ) a awj and no } nlvl 14 , 74 , 41 , $3,000 u Joseph Ihdlman to James 0 , ifollmum rat' a vJ ai swj llwj and , Tart IIaY t nw , :11 : , 70 , 42 ; also suk no f , J(1 ( , 76 , 43-$2 400 , ' 1' , ldaudovillo to F , L. Mande illu u t I a ] aw aw.l 8 , 77 , 44-$000. 1V , S odeuimoff to Brd got Clohuassy , hot . 0 block 201 Howard's ttnd.- 0. Total sales $10,030 , u Total sales for the week $33,250 , ---4--- Dr , Neat , Dentist , 14 Pearl street , AcadmnyAsplrnnts , 111 acconlaneo with time annouimcenmemmt ulado by Congressmami l'usoy , a numhor of young non gathered hero yes. tenlmy to oumgngo in n competitive oxalni- nation for au appointment to fill a vncaut cadetship at 1Vest Point , The physical oxaminatiomi was miale by Dr. Pi11noy , and the co11unittee to ace to time intellectual tual questioning consisted of Colonel Kentloy , .1 , 1V. Cooper , cotumty supcrin teuulemitof publieschoolsand Tuna. Ofliccr. Thu exa11iination was conducted at time Ithoouer school building , The candidates - didates arc : Ernest Ilopner , aged g17 years , Ilauburg ; 1Villiam Plumor , abed 18 years , Council ] lltlfrs ; Willis Charon. g0r , aged 17 years , Loam ( ) ; Willis lint- leek , n red 17 years , Extrm' Clinton Wit. soil m , red 18 years , illiscaLloyd ; Trout Y , a red 11) ) years , Council Blobs ; Jo11n lilul- reulim n6red 10 years , Council Bluffs , ' Charles D , Pnlnicr , umged 18 years , Ooml cif Ihlufl's' Ii' , J , Cllnthuru aged 18 ears Shelby ; F. W. Fitch , aged 20 years , At. . lnutie ; ilea P. Shiel aged 10 ars 1Vusuni. . _ - - - - - Autotimer Couneil Bluas Orator. Tanis city scut out a goodly nunmber of nratars for time benefit of time surromtd ing country nit time Fourth. ' 1'lmey all seemm to htav'o imGlmmitted thleillsolves well , as various press reports already given itt- dicate , John N , Baldwin vas time ono whom Clolnvood ; secured , and time people there were evidently inure Lunn satisfied. Thu Ulinioll , says. Jnhu N , luddwiu , tsq. , the orator of mho duty , wns next nmtrudnccd by the pl'esi11cllt. ] Ii r. Ihldwtmi is a young mnnn nud those who liunmrl imium could not fail to hnvu 1)0011 struck by his forcible mud pletmsimg delivery , haia sound thought , land native eloquameo. lie tines not write his speeches , amd we are consequently 11ot aide to tilulish lmis oration. A s o Isis would riot do it 'ustice. lie mnduusumo very fine oints on Line lmceds of the ov. erninuntr several of thdo passages elicit- lug heart applause. lie would have tame Ipp1)lo a hotterr avisor , purer , religious intlucnco , because limo history of Greece amid Ronne amid France hind deer o11strated that without such an intluunce the government would decmty , Intoutperance was a dau gerous mad insideoua foe to the republic. llmu stores that buffeted time ship of stuto occasionally were not as dangerous as the dry rot that silently destroyed its tim laws. lie would not nulko a political allusion - lusion , but lee implored his hcarersif ever a coufliet arose between temperance and time saloon to plant thonmaulves against everybody Ivho would raise time saloon into - to powor. This sontinmont was warmidy n m ) lauded. Bettor education time road- juxtnlett of the relations between labor amid capital , time civil service reform , mint 111 time souse thmo ) lmtasu is used b o - eianB , but in a hither souse , tine speaker ( as iumportiwt. Ohio of time ways to reform time civil service is for bettor - tor men to accept office. If attention was given , to these things , America would forever ho free. Not hoe. All those who wore daumagcd by time dymiauiite ex plosion , also Col. I eatley , ere requested to meat at Max Malui's Saturday eveuingJuly 14th. Order of 0. ] t. MITCIIEi.Iy Clairnan. - . . _ - Broke a Leg. Yesterday afternoon Joinm Nelson , jr. , who lives near the transfer , fell from his horse while riding 11eartimeNorthwestern track , amid 1)y Liao fall broke his leg. IOWA ITEMS. A bulk of pottery clay has boon found near Correetmomville. Linn COmiuty farnle s have organized a mutual tornado insurance company , ioonsloru is without saloons , the $400 license having ulcanodth0nt out. A ruin stone at Burlington nn time 5th inat , clinked sewers amid flooded cellars. du view of time death of n lied Oak citizen by hydrophobia , Marslmalltowu is discuasimmb time uumr.zli6 of loose dogs. Thu pumping power of time Annumsa water works is to ho furnished by a neighboring - boring tvttur mill. Of eight streets ou which sewers were ordered by time Des Moiuos couuci111lon- dny night , two tveru to have brick sewers , and six drniim pipe severs. The drniu 1)11)0 ) ordered ranges from 12 to 15 incises hit duunutur. Tlo nttrnctiou atrinton on the 4th thw three-mill ' be. vas - ride-us-y'ou plaaso tweon Illissea l'orr ' mull Sluafr'ur. Perry weighed but 110 Pnn11uls old gut there easil time I(15 ( mnind Shafibr fnllu m3 out of thep box bufoio time and of time race. _ _ - Our Novo Lotum numd lmmpmovenmeut Co. Investigation ilmto time lmatter convinces us that ammo of time mast equitrtble , reason- 81)10 and feasible plans of building louses is that PtposCul ) nud iii openttioi by the ] llercnilhlu Lout , Trust mid Improve- meat coumpnny of this city , by invest. lug in shnrus in this institution , which is backed by ague of our bust amid most ru- liable business meal , it becomes possible lull eumimpanativuly easy for a inn of , nualuratu mans to secure a comfortable hone for hfumself and fammmily. In takimig a eortain nutuber of shares , at a curtain monthly pnymelt , to a fey years a nun cut own a house of his own for about the I sums its le pas mmontuly for rent. IVs believe time Aiioreantilo Loan tad Trust . commgnniy , by or'gunizimm r amid opcming up for hllailmess , hnvo filed a long felt want in Council Ithftb. 't'heir lama amid u s 'stunt of luaus will bear time most care. s fid scrutimm g mud oxamninatioim timid we hnvo no hosihuic in a onuancin g them rcasoumblu amid equitable , aamid backed by u 6 umitleuom of door amintegg , city , As utime eoumpnny exists it becomes at once au institution of vulio amid credit to our city I told those who desire Louie. . Their 0a , idont is 'I' , A. Kirkland' vice uesitlaeit , hmdgu 1'cnke ; socrubu I. It. Decry ; Cot. Iluobup amid their ollice ie ' iu time basunmott of Shubnrt & 11IcMm ' Non's mmmv block , turner First avcnuo amid . Pearl strcut , jam27 ly , I Swedish Movement . Cure For lluo treatment and cure of tin ' , lath , dead or talih + g lair or baldmioss , at 712 'liroahtty , 41uu11r11 Illnar , ( as suun as room , . are anupletttI ) ; anal that thou luquhru for Dr , lkslgv , arrwa the way , at limn Coy Iluu.u. Cun.ultatlon or caamuinatlua at Ll rummies free of clma pe. SATIBFAUriox OUAhtANTEl 1) , Malehit price for iinratty and bartwr treahnonl , $ hiarnpuo mil iwul whim .tlumlathig lotlon , etelt thuo 25t'ts. Slmuum o of heal ad hot hot lath , 50 cis cull. drew hallaprla. , Slauoe , of heath with atarrh lutloydlpping end. of lair for dyad or falling hair 8c , to tt. ChiWorn hall prlce. Hand uma netiu truahant for brad amid 1ct tf a eta Chtlrcn all price. ' scalp wlth .llmulathrg Oils tor bald. . . flung iwtsmmsball lultu. s well atteathmm glue to ' 'emus Cory weakly or mambject to hart afutlloums and young lwruua of miow developumuntin Puberty , Fstrac1margwwhuro hwfiesdesire treatment at the rc.Ideace _ j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b - - - To Our Customers ! In looking over the Sovmltysix days of our existence as a firm , we find that we have reason to tlmank our friends for time Very Large Sales we have Had. thought tumo people of this city would appreciate a stack tf CARPETS & CURTAINS Cmnmensurate with thin size of the city , and are , lensed that we were not ntis t.'lken. Wo shall Inut in this fall even n Larger Stock eVe f the New Choice Styles Only \Ve have arnutgel with smue of time largest ulauufachucrs to handle their GOODS IN PRIVATE PATTERNS , And lmenee can give our customers the benuftt of Special Designs. CASADY & ORCUTT , 502 Broadway , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS A , H MAYNE & CO. , IEALEIIS IN Liffle Louisville& 111C111nAt ; I'LASTEB , IiAIIt AND SCREII Pil'I : , if. 1tD ANI ) sot-rCOAL AT LOWEST i'lucr : . No , 34 Pearl Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. J. M , PHILLIPS WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOTS AND i SHOES ! f Fine Shoes a Specialty. 413 Broadway , - . - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , NUGENT & SMITH , . FIRST CLASS ODDS AND THE BEST OF WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEEDI 7 and 9 Main Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS nIR CTORF , CSOVNCTLs iLaIII'FS , IA. JO H N BEND & CO OENEBAhand TANInaF 1 , , 19 Stain street and Z7 1'earl street. L. B , CLARK & 0U. . Prescrlptlons Con.poulatled at as hour , . 100 Bradwa ) ' . _ _ . _ . _ - - - - - - - - - - MAX .OHN \ , Grocery , 2151Iain ---CIiESTlY Strut. Hotel ( 110USE. , 217 and 210 Main street. J. , M , BARSTOW M , D , , corner O nmtI ntrect and Filth arc. DRY J , F , WHITE , Corner ) lain and Fifth up staire OFFICE , Iksldence , , 600 Willow avenue. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , JD9TICio'Tlnl'cE , N. SO RURZ. . . OtBa over American Express. LIVERY AND FEEl ) , + - . S WAGNER , w'l13 contact far immoral , at reasonable rates. " _ Fourth street. - - - - - - - - J M S I P JOHN & C f J.CA H BUYERS { , , , , , . , > , try and indt. Ship to us. Draft by return urail. 146 Broadway. - - - - - - - NlwUOOTANI ) IIOE STORE , S A. PIERCE . , Corner Male and First avenue. Uro a.lwny Meat Market , PETEXBRIDGE & RERBERTZ Broadway , , 327 _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3iRIlCILNT T.lIL01t , JACOB KOCH , Stock Coaplete. Snitsnmadoatreasumiahlonicer. No.S05Main . .I - - - - - - - - - - - CO\TUACTOIt ANI ) BUiLDEI1 , G , p. S v1ITH. Corner 7th and Uruednay. Plana and apecl6ations furnished , - - - - iFALEII IN FINE HARNESS. 1'1 . YY , SHERMAN , 1 hoe the tarkty that brings patronage. 124 Mnln street. - - - - - - - - 1EItCIL\TTA1Let.-y- JAMES _ FRANEY , Artisllc Work and reasonable charges , 572 Rrnadsay. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HOWE & SONt and llouseliolti Supplies. FUIISITUItI:6TOt'E,9 : , 307 Dr.alway , LINDT & HART , Janney n + wk. ATTURNr ct , him . state and federal rnurts. + llauufacturers Finu 1'urnlturo , Upholstery leads , Curtalus. E STOCKERT & CO. , _ . , mrdwewlowSimile , 30711rundwu } . - - And bnUm house , 42i and 3 Broadway. L , Sotereigu , I'rop. l' , J , Mont. SANITARIUM gmnery',1rDrhyslelaam , _ - - - - - - - { ErEltINAlty SUIIOEON , WADE GARY , Onlce , Bray's stalk. 12 Scott strcut. _ _ - - - - P , J , BENNESSY , TlmloSuppl1e4 Manufacturer , Sthetreetbctncer0thaisl7thare IIOILSECOLLAItS , , - - JUSTICE OF TIIE PEACE , EDWIN J. ABBOTT ' , . , Notary I'ublicnmlGeneral Consoyaticer 415nnswtway. _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . k NORTON , REVtJRE _ HOUSE , Broadway opposlto Now Clefs ( louse , Refitted 61 , QLSUPer day. DE CAY & CASSEL , CUNTItAUr01tS Corner ANTI SlothatnetandAvenue IiUIbHElt9. _ - NEW AND SECOND-HAND 110USE11 ° LD 0001)9 W , H , ALMY. nought cud sold. 212 Broadway I SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE.-Special al.crtheemunte , such ae Jowl , Fnminl , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Pants . tug , etcx111 Ie Itrurtal in thle eulutnn at the low rote of 'TEN CENTS n'ER LINE for the drat Inscrtlon and FIVE CENTS l'EIt LINE for each eubxvluumit In. sertlon , Lone alsertlsenwnb at our oilier , No. 7 Pearl Struet , near ] ) roadway FOR SALE AND RENT , l Olt SAID-A : house , bani and sesntecn nrree of , 1t or hand , and other Improsumeute , al. . ) dairy hums , haves located at head of hroadlta' ' , 'l'arnrs lea amid long new If desirutl , luqulro of 1'houas Johnson on pnulsea ' I"oe Solo , Thu hanituro agwts and hou.ckecping utcnslts hum Imes , No. 812 Shtlr At mme , Almost nuo anal rare. fulls ueerl , 'l'imo fmrulnmro was iuadu to order by A , 11 , Ilarmgmort , htoston , Maes and arheta mire iugll.lm : uud iniorted by 'fancy. Bright S ( 'iapwit of W.ton. Calm he M VII each rla ) ' iwtw eery 4 alud 614 mil glue ilar111ng 818 8ixthu Atenuo le for sale or rent. Ihrly' ioscesim ) can la ghcn. Alee t Ualdard lattenr buggy built by lauoud S quhmalcr of Boetou 31ass. 1 gold nuouudal light douhl , hanuces 1 gold mou"tal Canall Ileruees. outer been usai. 1 buggy harness haetra4 semi , use Cardagu and harness win be scerm at lawny' tahla Counrll Rlune , la. July 2. 1)Issolutlon of Coparlnershlll. Nonce l beret ) ' ghlen that the iwnrtnerchl' ' , lately exlatlug Iwtsectm 8 , 0. Rose amid I' . J. Ito Mahlon of Comm111nuils' lowa wider the fimr of Itoec amid 11o mahouex1plredOft th , thirtieth day of June 1tk3 Pursuant to time tentumof the articloof corarirrehlp. H. I' . J , McMahoir ho burlneesiullh be oonductod la future by 1' . J. ) lo n'hoir. ftlANU00D ' tlroly Ite t.orwl In ( wotwo t or 1111 da3 a by tlealoau Vegetable Confoctl n , F { 'rtlculan addrea Sau Motto Medial lb. ! . 0 , Box , 2181 , tlt. Louts , Ma jalldax.Ynay ODELL & DAY , Loans , Real Estate AND INSURANCE , No , 39 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , City. Property , Wo has u vacant lots hi mill harts it thu city at from 85o.DO up , for sale mum mouthly tmymonts. No , 5'S llmwo , o roomms , a ell , dutern , 4 large lot. , plenty of fruit on , Benton street ; chcup , ( 2Jo0. No. 30.-A desirable rosldcacu ma tiuscnlll street , near Illooumer school , hulWiugs nearly , few ; tuae ) , No , Pd--Nlnety feet trout , turner I'arl 8t and w comd as urine , opts + sIte court house ; (0,100. Businen Chances , No. ° 6.-For .alo or trade , a stork of hardware , at a gw el boshmss putut hi tvesteui lemma , w'iII trade for farutor city , mruwrt' . No , 5l , Motel , the ady mime hatown of 7001uhah' Ital. , 25 rooms , with good lore , well bated , x111 sell cheap or trade for a tans , No. 10.-A Iite republlean tai er In svestenr lean , o5dcial ruunty lalwr and large latronae , vcrycheap if odd wan. W , alsu halo a mmmiber of choice fans. In w etenu Iowa , for sale cheap. LOANS. Wo have money' to loan on fame andelty property , at from 0 to 101wr amt. Fire and Tornado Insurance , Best of congxmles rvpreaentwl. Equitable rate. amid fair treatment. LoweS adjusted and paid at this unlace. Mrs II. J M D. , . , Hilton , . , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 222 roadwayocucu ; 81ufa , . ' + * vt'.y y yr. .y , , . . To The Trade I i 1Ve take plensure in cnlf11g your attentimi to the Gtct that wohave ntndo such arrange- ntcuts as will ennhlu us to sell you Siloeg , Eto1 , Here , as Low as you can buy them East. " 'Write tom' further inlornmatiomi. zs T CO. , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , CreaffiFruhts , ColiIectioliel'y I attics , Socablea amid I'icutcs supplied on short notice , nud goods delivered to all parts of time city. W. T. BRAUN'S European Restaurant , 40411'ost Broadway , ' - - - COUNCIL BLI 1''FS. JOHN R , MARTIN , Pliifibol' , as aild Steam Filler. 11av a full line of Bath Tubs , Sink , Dollars , Brass amid Lead floods , Lead and Iron t'Ipes and fittings. Job. bing Promptly attended to. First-class w ark guaranteed , , No , 11 Pearl Street , - - ' - COUNCIL BLUFFS Broadway Steam Laundry , f 7S4 wES'Z' SROAI W AY. A , C. LARSON . , - - - - - Proprietor. LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY. II ft i'd AT a re. 504 Broadway and 10 and 12 Main St Council Bluffs. PROMPT ATTENTION AND CLOSE PRICES ON MAIL ORDERS. HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS er $ uf ht and Sold. Money Loaned Abstracts Furnished ! P' J MoMAON No. 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , . DEALERS I\ rocorio , Froylsiolls , Boots aii Shoes I > a/I3A2IGRATION AGENTS. DRAFTS 0N TILE DANK OF IRELAND , DtrBLIN , FOR SALE , 513 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS CRESTON HOUSE MAX MORN , - - - - PROPRIETOR. 215 , 217 izstd 2 L S. Muixi , Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA - - - - - - MRS. D. A , BENEDICT , TIIF LEADING DF tLElt iK T 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. . Little Windsor. 531 BROADWAY. .e 1 , ' etatiraiit And Day Ikosrd , All the ncllaeles of the season , turd the anent table In the city. P Overton , DEALEIt IN Hard Wood , Yellow Pine and Red Cedar Lumber , ( Ink an.l Red Cedar l'IIIngCedar Telegraph t'oleaud Polite Pasta , oak Uimensian Stuff , nritL u 1laterlal of all kl11d , , at lieu Rock i'rlac , A Spetlalty in WOOD AND COAL far black ) ard pugoses A full supply hit wool amid ctal alwuye on hand at yard , 502 all 8W Main street. 0111x , 605 First Ascuuc , between Maui and ! 'earl streets , r - , Tumos , orricxn , ml , , . , m'L'sey , OFFICER & PUSE Y BANKERS Council Dduas , ! a , Establislwa - - 1856 icalers 1n Furglun and Domestlo Exchange and llmno Securities , WINTHERLICH BROS. Iroll & Brass Follllry Cor , 0th St , and 11th Ave , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOw.1 , WI R.VAUCHAN Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Bluffs , Iteal erlte and collection agency. , In Odd Fellow's black , omot ravings Bank , jau8 U MRS , E , J , HARDING , M , D. Medical Electrician AND CYNECOLOCIST I { 01111 Omduate , of Electro pathlc Inetitullon , I'hlladelpl.Ia . face Con Broadway & Glenn Ave COUNCIL. BLUFFS , OWA The treatment of all diseases and painful dllacultiec ueuliar to fnmale. a specialty MORGAN , KELLER , & CO. , UNDERTAKERS. Taw finest quality and largest stork wet of Chicago of Woolemm and ! [ italic Cast. . Calls attended to at alihours 11ntidy unnmpttitiouiii qualityof goods or prhes Our Mr Iuogalmharserved a.undertaker for forty years ant thoroughly unlentan Is has bust. ! mess. { l'areroontr,311Broadway , ' . Ul'lIOI.9TEl0NO In all it. . branel.e , promptly attended to ; also carpet lying and Iaumbrnluina. Telegraphlo and mait refers filled without delay , .d DUFRENE & MENIJELSSO/IN a'r a' ARCHITECTS r UILDINO. Z rltEMOVED TO OkXAIIA NATIONAL RANK