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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1883)
- - - _ _ . - - . - , _ _ _ _ r Tn Al 1 . { TIIL DA1L I3EL.---OIiAlId WEDNESDAY JULY 11 , 13. J/ / - - . "I ' -III t" ' ' Oi1i Ll + Lr ' Plhf4ed Cet } mnrnlda,4e apt 9undaf , flit only MAn IA ) , tnornlug i1 IIyS t a ! E ' + RRx4 > rIUn , One Ya + r , , , . . , , . . leW ThereMnflhe , , .4t.ob paltMonth + , . . 5.00IOncMuth t' } .00 T/IR / W ? .P LY RRR , rl'RLIllIRD ) i f T. RDA R sDATF TRaxs rosrrMD , teeMonthRi,01i..ta1O . Sltrfonthe. . . . , . . . . 20 Aincrletn New ( ompanSolt 'egtnte Nca tdeal ere to the United 8tAtes. r w , ' tN 't . [ c0aatarotaexcr. Ii Oommunicatlone rciating to Noa , And y Felllorial 4rnMterrahouldloAddrtseed to the EDITOR Or Tuk nRR. ; Iw IaR + R LIt1MRa. : All alt + lnn.R t.ettcrt and femlttancni Ahould be i A,1dre + + ed to Tlhi flRR Pt'ALtMIItan OntleARYI OMAIIA , , Drafts , Chcckc and I'o + lolllce orders to he ma to pay' able to the onler nt the romhtny. t THE BEE BUBLISIIING COrI PROPS , E. ItOBEWATER , , Editor. y. ' 1Dox'r you go , Tommy ; don't gob"- 0. ( ( ' , foTI.hatf , l r 1VIIeN the Oniaha council tire of leer they brace up on brown Stout. t There are too many umimurrltxl uud emit - t tagul ; dohs relating at lnrbe on our i At reots. L Tee only happy men as they rend ( Ito 1 "rolairtt of the mragcs of the cholarn arc ( lie undertakers , i Mu. IIALt. ' $ first Joao of chit sorvicu 1 , reform sits on his stomach abuut as wall as a first elaas emetic. EvN.Justice : Dlillcr'S influence ought ( I t < ) be unnblo to 1)roveit tut invuatigation' ' ' -uf the railway postal service in tlesu parts , f ,1'IIE , Englitit Itotac of iprds , which is : ' ' , amguxcd ) chiefly of lahdloeds , reports that the land act works lathy. The ten- aita tell a dif'or'cltt story , 4 Ma. I1ALLCandOVOtohimsulf Oxchuiively thin summoner to isliiug oar Cape Cod mind e II' I running his Idaho saw mill. I la will not ls : disturbed by ollicial cares. pro Now that'tlo ( pea Illce mattuT Lila 1)0011 settled , there arc several other portions 'Sf4lrc , civil service ] tern or hereabouts' that tire at badly in ueuti of'rcfinuudiomi. 'Pale Political atmosphere is , thickening , , amid the voice of t1to curia orn campaign orator is heard from the stump. Glo- 2 1tnIISrecords { amid , glowing premises will not draw as many votes is usual this fall. 11r1LtT ill wanted in Olnnha at the ores- * , gent time is a city uaralial with a good % : I4 nose'fnr smells. Will Mr. Guthirie kind'- - ' ly kuep up the work of notifying property - ty owners that their allays aid back door yilyds need cleaning ? Tani stockholders of the Keoluy orutu r ' $ are raving with imidigantion because alto machinu Iufuscd to start On tlto 4th n [ July ab poaitivoly 'adyertised by mho in . venter. Tito Keoluy motor must be sou ( o r01aiuutto h0 Ttkianhoomn. , f t1.M.sIi1 , .oftlno naud'sGmu gutter in unFift"ehth'sLredtisputundercoyo r t aOOII it Wil flIIIkt b 1 ) 'iocck frout ( ho effect s of tho'ssmii Tile contnotors ti ( kuarattc o its pcnnlweuoy trill have to furnieln par ' Mei for evoryr 1elgth ; Af tbeiI CUrbimig. , tats , low alias t..xitised nt - irlsuiTectipn in unity hpadgminriers b y . : l : b isctdilig around a circular forbidding al f - - - - -work in ( ho. huad1 ( uurtors et ( Ito Sab bath , 110(1 prohibiting the use of any o the rooms for social c(3mivcrsobotwoon tin ' xtilC Tlhu General evidently believe 5 91 r flat ml 1'UIIII'lll la CLHalury ; A tt C.vuLtaf.ii of Kentucky says lei : I cltuiceaffor ; tliu Spcnk rahip of the box house of ROproscut tivas are as good a ' Air , ltamidall's and that tttu lnttor cnuun s s . 'ct.iilmt up more thntn sixty Yotus. DIr 1 ° Iy iiamidnll is too old a csrpaigmier to shot i his hand just yet but there are sfrs i1 auspicious that ha Lolls font' kings writ ] an ace lurrkhng somiteplimec in thu hank , t ground. f I Ita htrsu ) lutsalready buon stolen , bit t J ht Ix' evident that the , S' ( . Toffs Po sf tltiukt it advisable to look out for bto e . that , ' uuiy Lu in tllu ttllohereafter , ts'lmom % it thus satirically refers to ( Ito slditbcss neat responsible foe Hutch of the thuuag caused' ' by'hhglt orator iii the rlfsniasippi (179elrivetrtt n w'f lliug'amid'uu ; bbmms'th . , t , I . . , tune Hsu comes demob ih0 ' ss ill"hri n . e + :1J : , necessity for taking tiny protective nmcns : ; , nrOS'until t e next flood comes , Levee , , , are of mho usuluring low Uutur , " , e " ' Gambling in molda' will be the nag for somie tinio in NeW York an oxcbiiutg t , . . having bcuu cetabilslod whore future , . lkU,1)0 bought timid sold. Thu Now Yor _ ' . : m1 tal lxeltalge ) luny Prove of vnlto t legitimate business , mind ho followed , lik i other excbangea , by less violent flucttl n tints in price after it is opened titan b a aI fore but the necessity for elaborate ma I 'i elinery for dealing in small quuntitiea ( the various metals on margins is nbt a 1 i paruut , and it is certain to timid to lli . , gambling tranaacllons , svltoso nomhlt x , value is it'i ( enonlloua1y in excess of th 1 g , aunt reprwsonthng actual transfers , stocks , wite t , cotton amid oil. v , . . - r v. 3mOE'Tnu1t ' 1AN'xsolm bas becugoudu ' by Ioadloy's ' Cilmcinnnttl 11uwapapue but saying of the Ohio calnpa'gn ' , tlutt I'up h * 'L studds ht is simply u choice betwucn u r 0 publics and u political gyaumst , what " .4 r oluction muals t reorguuirutien of tltoo tea : democraratiu party anti time now duntoc rat te'e' ' ratn cy (1 ( boliuvo Judgu Ifoadluy calls it ) a , 1 a basis as unstablo"as the Candidate.him ( ekas. , , self , 1 will vote forludgu Forakur , it , * n becawlo I trulics o in rPj blics prht ci plenbutbptuusoI bulieyc that the d f0 e/ II ! L'1 Judge Ilowdluy 1 , prosurvp.tltoau ( Ito democratic party by puttn } ? I fluiot 1 i 1.a- fuh o future ou expoliclcy } Catiilida L" " ' who have ' no twliticii PriilclpIus ; Tlmo { is still room for a good deal of harutom 1 mnong ( lo Obto bourbons , .1 . i'i tr ' T,1 ' I , o , TO TJL 'C1 Sammie lt1 1lcyhu signs himself ' Pritfoasor'of uRatlral iicionc ss m the . . . a . $ L , 1w- ° ' ) ! - U ndsersttyl'it clunk , 5 n0 fsgracu to the college in wlrfchtllu holds a ehf'tir and n source of rliherellitlo the state which is tn Cell to , pay his salary. F'mr years ( bibs sciontifio mountubaik has furnished his pmfeliek hmi omidorRenent to gvury' , nos- turni Yliplio oWnurs sought his atdin , Ptlt- ting thuirl goods on thu mtlrkot , auleltha ( testimony as an "expert" has buon coirv'eniuntly on land to holster up Limo aoheuos of julbuft , aird t ) Assist in gulling a credulous public. If Dir. Aughey wits , like lnaay other so-called aeiuntists , n t'profcasor by brevet only , his conduct would call for no counne nt on the part of the press , Against helf lidvcrtised eharbatnne the public call protect itself. The ropufation of flu institution of learning amid Limo good name of no comleontvatllb is cgpnmprn mixed by their conduct , People of coni loon sense take the umidnmsemueIit5 mind re- comnmandations of such quncka for what they arc worth and time paper timid printing - ing ink ' wilicit is spent in advertising their flattering testimonials , tire wumtl : d On ( ice inlolligemtL Portion of the public , The case is different wlmerd a mm whose po5it1el gives brim an oflicial stamlimig in the community amid 1saupposcd to vouch for his professional nullity itnd panaonal integrity uses bibs position to as. aist gtlaeke mud swindbar5 , Professor Aughey for Limo past fire yeaus has beer prostituting Ida chair in Limo University of Nobranka and abusing bibs title as a Professional endorser of pntont nedicinus null bogus invuntions. Ile endorsed a uilsornbbo ufixture of ceineit amid ravul as nil nrtificiat1 nt'ono of larpe menial dung bility amid great s'nlliim ; lid "signed hut nnme as professor of the 1'nivor- airy of Ne1)raslot to n tusttmomind to time clrativu qualities of at Chegi ; lolui hog cholera cure ; lid pronounces Bill Stout's ' ( soft and alialy Colorado anndstono r paving material of wpndurfuh import- almco , , and studs rcady''o ) day to furnish his , professionnb endoraomnunt of any. thing from a lair restorer . ton cancer Cure. The intent and syorat exhibition of ( iuackery nit tub 'part of Prof. Aughey is tlio"fellowing teatitnonlnl , which appears fu n late number of a Lincoln paper ; t : ; misAD AN ! ) liE MA'rnwIFm ) . UN1YEIt.ITY of NEmIItAsKA , DEI'AIIT- SIaNr ( rF NATUIIAL SniaNus5 , LIN- CohN , JUNri 20 , ' 188g , I nun well acquainted with the conxtit ueits of E. Motlull's great rlounuatic compound , 'Vito elements of which it is composed of arc munotrg the most powerful - ful remedial n bgonta known. Li nil the cases where I have auull or kmiuwn it to be tried , it has produced a cure of riteu- mntism , chrome or acute. Thu above compound can ho hadnt 130 Southm EIev omit street , roots 8 , Lincoln , Nub. S,11tt1iu AuonEv , Professor of Natural Scionces. This of itself is 5ufliciunt tobrand , Mr. Aughey either as lot ignorantm quack eras as n venal finu ( . , ' flip pooplu of Nobras- t'have every rciuset to'blush that a professor fessor him the ' ntu Uuivoraity should us u his'ofltemnl art midi/tlirOndorsu'in / such tern cure' or.ri : mnptisutj a , chroui 0 ory acute. " Every rb utab10 , physmciai still ( nigh 'n fl 57tuuv , t { yLen'lio' lelrrli a that a certni t pru his becii fomul fo r chronic' rho urntham'anu ' tutu' it"sta td s ende net hy' Pr6tcsaor of thuk univoisi f Y t of Nubrnskn over his ollicinl itlo Ant . every chthret wlte hits 'thu ihte'esta im 1 ou.1chief ilmstifutioriof ienrutng mtthunr , i : sill be jumpy iibllgunut that' mime of it s : faculty a pufluitlerl to ( dlsglace its nom o by truing on his title of profcsairlu ( 5natural science ; fife coltlmeaa tettiol a. u [ U1 1)uutxl of lrogouts , w niihiis ( note it } s' , . this , matter , a , : ; ; , publm t scnmimhilwhich'bpghttiottoiblioyerloahed ; s inasniuelllns the good niuiio'of the umii t vcl'nity Dud the cowntuu setsu of tim lroarl mire 1)utlf soriqusly compromised b s' the quackery ofProfessor Augloy. - , sT1Uli Fd'f1 A'r ) X7'JUR rs , . Some of time political cnenmies of Limb pope' who hover caul npprove miytltiu ( lint thu BEE nut ) say or do luive mad t the diaoovery that the receilt strik served us right , They inmgino dust thi a strike hits shown cnolusively drat nl t strikes are wrong multi unjustifiable , aim therefore ( lint the lbw btnnh 5elf'col I u Victod of nbottilfg wrong hl uphldin oellalmiuu labor miS a check upon ca gal 1 ize1 , npmtnl.r ; Now there anu st1'ikcs amid strikes , elm ( Ito saute gclcral principlea nppby to al 1 S rl'Imis pnpu' Los been time colsistemit itdvt onto of orgaiticed labor its thu only horn e to ptntuut ( hut 1merLfon of society lima e catlnat protect itaulf in any nthet' wny a We havu Iiuvue umicouugod and only has k suxtaimicd thous when tloy becanie Lim o last resort of ovurworked naiad undurpni ( Inhor. Wu have hold tiuit (110 ( laborer' o ; worthy of bibs Itiru and think nn abl bodied mid ihdualrious working inn aught to emu unollglt to support himau If and family , 1Yhe1 w ltito labm ) - is put upon mho luvcl of time Cltinmma e tutu rcdmtccd to the abject cuuditiomi ai tltu slave it is upthtlud to public 5ymiip n 0 tlry mud auppOnt in its atruggbu fu of justice. Iu u'ory inskmco wlor strikes have 1)0011 forced by aturptio tvagea they hul'u received aid and comfo ii from the public. For inst micu , there a Hat prpsont a strike of minors at lib y t 1'tmliuelt , whuru Warkingtmct laid ma - beet paid oil' for onny weu 0 amid whuru their s'hua anti , chi lid drum wure aufl'a hng for food mum 'flu nilhurs rofusoul , . - clotltiag. ' tp wet n ally laugul' ; 01111 jq their mlpa n rata t elekQtl ; , grocery stores to gut brmnul ft of their families. L ) spbLe of this rcurt ( 'farce ' , p µ blbc' sylmtpathy wits with ( huh mil' and for qur Part war should regard such 4 , ptrykprms ? i , xuyL ugoiiIat tyranmi us 'I'hioro havu been strikes lu brtaha v'thjt tub sldorplud nluq rpfusod to { vurk at sGarv ro Lion wltgul. Tltuae wren had our uoth ty sympathy a411xtim4 of tw } public , mum they will always htave it. lit there are other strikes 'fiat begin without justice and therefore can' not succoed. 11'Imn workmen wlmo are eealing from f 2.2t to $1 a day , rain or shine , ( tinter and smmner , strike for higher wages daring a dull aeaSoli { Yhelr the labor nlarkot is glutted Hurl humtdruds of amen stand ready to take their pines , smell notion is the hoiglmt of folly if noth lag worse. 1Vhilo capital often imposes ( lit Inhor , orgauiied labor led by bat headed mcn may be equally unjust in its denandu upon capital. Our position is miow aild has always been , this : that mill differences betwemt employer and muploycd aitoultd be atd- justemi by arbitration amid tntttunl concos sinus where natal cmcessiolna can be 1110110 , if the striking printers lad fol. lowed out this irlca in time first place we have lm doubt that ( bore would havu tCOII ate strike. As it was thuy embarked rashly hmi an unjustifiable war and they have failed because frolm time outset the schiolne was iii alvised. ( ' 1'111 lsrr ll' r'08J:1ii4Fr r1. Dr , C. K. Cott11lt hits Lerch appointed postmmustar of ( hanha , timid will soon enter upnu htis dtltios. Dlr. Coutant is purely the choice of Senior Ddandermn , to whom , in aceor'dnucu with 1)1(1 ( established' ' usagu , the department concedes taw right to select time poatmimster iii his own' ' trssn. In uuakimig this choice , Smmtor Dlnuulurawm bar acted without refer- ailed to outside pursanal or political - cal ildluonces IL is tvcll knowmi tint in Politics . Coutnnt has haver been allied with the nuti mnmopoly wing of time republicnh party. 11'e have often fotlglrt hump iii political couvontfons , op. postal itilll its tt caumdidntu and criticised hint as n legislator. At the samile time , we have conceded his sterling qualities as a ltailiCSs luau. It ix on this account that we hail the chnmige in time ( Inaba postotlicu as a relief. 'l'imn ' BEE is time largest patron of tlo (111100 and it has nothing Into to ask of time pustnaator thou aim wiegetic tad basmmiess liku conduct of the office. Time rotiriug postmaster hits Leon a failtire bit this respect amid should hove been rumoved hang ago for neglect of tluty. We arm assured that Mr. Coutant inteals to devote his emitiro timito to the alfmbrx of time Omnhn post- oflice. 1f ho does rte he will have our cordiitl support ahd good wil , , whether { se agree with hhul in politics or not. IiissLAIwK , Dakota , is finding omit that thoae vlmo dance must pay time Ilipur and that deferred payments are very oxpuIt- sive.Ylion ( lint town bid for the Inca- tine tpf time capital , it oflerred in addition to n large numouut of land ( valued at 8300,000) ) , $100,000 cash , for which it was acid it ctsh on preaettation check would be given as soon mix the question of time loeatiolt of the capital was nettled. Bismarck got the capital , stud immediate. 13' the towmi wits giver aim immense boout , time red esstatu sales of a few sviceka 'autotntting to several million dollars. 11 I suuums strange that time capital catunis 5tnn did net ask for ( Ito 4100,000 a1 I oboe , but it didn't , anti now those wi ( have sold their laud at au hulnhehsc Pguru have no particular interest iii the chduiC ivhile'Uulau'tvhe ' bought 'f.mol ( limit they have invested so nuuell Money that L , ( lacy can't rlltlud it. , , s , lnuotifg of tlnl f suppose ( ' Wcaltlty mua of liismilmuck wa ; t hold Inst wetk , for time purpose of atisinp taw $100,000 , and after a dospetrttu chlurl . tlmesubscriptions aurountuti to , $20,000- I. onu tiftii of time nnmult' moiled. Thera m 19 mill tiotdrt that satmieboby uuulu money t at Bismamuk , mind there is min doubt also o tlmitt a good miuuny put it in n hole where + it will stay n long vvhilo , ' ! 'hose growing - towns him time territory , who hid for tut a capitol , fed whose etizemts aimed bittem y' tours at thuir failure to gut it , are con , themselves over their loss. An Outrage. S Clear Slandnrd , Yaslurdol' murmiiugC , Linage , nh honest , g gu am wrrkumg maim , canoe to the P. 0 , u rd aakud for his mail , u'luelm w7ls ilamtdel a hits , opumiimm , a curtain bettor him fniied k s rend it tenthly and luhmded the , slums t ( . I mix to read for him. it Was it polite to , 1 ( 1 n eatof .I. I ) . lluh's'hod ' of time 11. & M , I lnuti ollicu to comme iii amid pay bloat Conmp tiny live lntndrud dollars for u'luat Dlr. g Ilaugu supposed all time tiaielmad bean ] fir hemest01t1 , Fur twelve ycans la hail heaved uv'emythhig to secure this hit iuhurilmec. I t seomiia him got nn hat od(1 ( d section. Ilu truvud ( ii ) , got frunl rcccipl . and ) ' g but his 1misted. Ar ' discuasie' ' , omit'ageous imioquihmblo of time eom'ts cuulit'nt thasm s lnumis lit lime ceulp.mmy . uotwitbsttutdinp It thu rigldeuus entry , pm' of mind us'eythiim ' , necusary fur the recelvulg of the pnlent 0 Ihagu with tea , ( in his eyes jusll reuarked you h0vo no guv'uronmeimt w'lmicl ° will permit such met uutrmgu as tlmix upnr (1 n poor eau. Dl r , Ibmtngo declared h1 is Wallld simWt ( the fist Ilan tvlmo set font mil lb his lmuul. Certmlinly the uggnivntion u mm great , but unit qutliciu mt to plstif such course , It secuta to us DD' . AlluFnrl.utt if amid time B. S 1. calm nlfurd to lot ( heal IT Derv POOPiu a1T easily' . 11'0 cull time at n tuition of our delegates in Congreas tun of thouu hanlships upon Nobrasku citizuh amid ask thump tA , sou that souolhimig b , ' d(1mta to ncougpetau such ale ) , a. --.o-- e Ant1 vlltugpol ) ' . Neu York Star. It et Ihdupembuuco 1)111' was apprelh'iatol' chosen for than ntuutnag of time Aatieui is Aati Dlamiopoly' canvuntion in Chicago , 'Pao mission of the atti utono1rolista is t t (9' elFm ct to the primiri des laid down it kx time hislorie chnrter of tibueties which w couuuuameTttu an the Fuurth of July , mua I- savor inure tluum nuts did we need to ill d putt vital force ( a time tlooriua fonlwilate .k ra that ilnntortul xyllmthus of poUtlco fightsundtlutiea , Wt . Whun favored euhpeutions uru suiriu ii. impel millions of Beres of the publie du o nuumit , mind whet time drift of federal lug 1 , islntbon tends steadily to build up tea nmoraeluxs molmupolioa , mt curtaiuly is tun a llmut thu titou'htfmi ; judgllmelmt of tit 1' count' hould he ttt on recunl dehibcr ri ably y um duttiei.h1 . , in n ) ) Oaitiuu t tomiduioies Duiiit the lust a . eimeim , two d' ' ovurnuiult bou years time fudenil hex U 1 rani pelt bed in the ihtureat o d favored coruoratbomle , amid time rasp him t been n phomiomiminally rapid productic , of a thousand PauP0tw to one million giro , 1411nt should time anti mono ) olists dote to mrtrmoto time refevls which talc advo caiof Two courses are open to tiletll , 7 hey can echo r emideavor to establish n diatnctive political Patty , ur they calm ahnto wick ! time balancoof , Ower'betweemm the two old parties. ' 1'lie tatler policy is manifestly y time memo scrosihlo and ) racti- call one 'l'ime Nntiouitl'n ' cour entioim nLucid art attumimt ( to 0r6u hw n third 'party ' , lime utter defeat of vvhhiclnwould bo assured fn adsnneo , but should seek to impress its own views upon one or both of time great parties al renly in oxistencu. This wits the course puraued in Ne r York state , amid it was prolific of good results. If the democratic - cratic Party in 1111 (1(305 ( not plant itself firmly upon an nnti mimmmopolyplntfor i it will Ilcsen'u to be beater. - - - - - 'IaC Gabor of CImIIdrt'n , I'hlladelphtt It , con1 This week a mirw lass goes into effect in New Jcsoy. It is designated to rcgtr late time labor of chlhldreim , and prohibits Limo empluymilemt of boys under 12 and girls under 14 years of ago in factories mud mines , it auto lflnils the dally labor tluat unity bu required of children unbar 14 to ten hours. blow it will work re- nains to be Seel At font thought theru appears to lie nu very good reason why it almould not lave a wholesome iufllmonce A ainiiinr m w is in force iii Limbs state mud A1htismcbltmsoLtf , wmtit time ditreremice , how. over , iii time hitter' state that it likewise ] faits to trim hours the work required of women. Like limitations exist mil England - land , ltussia lams n law prohibiting time omploynm imt of children umider 12 years of of0 ; tumdor nay prctemise , and fixing time time of labor at 8 Lours for children under - der llL 'l'ime Russinn law further lire. videa that timesu clmildncn mast attend school at least three hours a day. Time regulation (3f time uaployiuunt of yotmg clmildmemm in workaitops and foe- tories is a matter of grave concern , 'I'ho practice of nutkimi yoalg ehildret work steadily mit one tlung , without the eliamice of er relaxatoa , Las been prot b' ) ht'stcians amid ( , hilantLro" ists ' n iul uu tint Limo ' are tints de- fnumded their ri 'lmt to' cat , sluel ) amid grow. " Certain it ma that although time work required of cliildrel iu factories is gcneinlby Itut of time sent which calls for time expenditure of much physical strelgth , it is very lltonototmons amU1 5oor t wearies both mind amid body. Children require variety of tlonght mua occupa- tiou amore thou ; , 'r nvh people. For tiua reamsomi Wise tee mess du nut kco1 tlhunl mi t one lesson very lung at a time , but give titan frequent chumge. : To offset these reasons wiry time btu putting restraint upon the overwork o f young children should become popular , it must be borne it mind that time pareitta do not take kindly to any law which they consider nit interfuremcc with their par ental rights. For this natural reason time rule of compulsory education is not op preciated by the class it was designed to benefit. Moreover , it is often necessary for time oliildrel of very poor parents to Login early in life to earn time bread wlmich they put in their mouths. Self preservation is time first law of nature. Tat live and grow all these ciuildrou must work , even though they do not live s ( bug grow so well as they would trade r m orfavorable hygienic ircumstances. It is a nice ( uestio tt to settle , in all neat tens wlmero the faurilS ' is cocerned , a what point to begin 811(1 wlnero to bear e ofl : The law in this state is practically m (1011(1 letter. Neglected Stsulies. Chklgo herald , ' 1'Le ' Des Moines Register relates al anecdote of General George W. Joncs tine of time two first Senators from Iowa { timich , though old , is rich ; Presider i'iemee uotifted Jones by telegraph of him appumtumemiL as Dlinister at Bogota , P1m Genei'tl ; replied : "I accept ; but , Frank where in h-i is liogoh ? " The Gemienal' I geographic l studies Ind boon neglected limit mis tlmmlt lvns before tlmo days of tin I Civil Service Comuuission that was not n OhSblCie to his fa11)eillttmtehtL 1'ou Cull time 'rimmii. some Itegl + ter. ' Time Omaha BEI : celebrated its 18th birthdam'with a handsome new ( Less ant a comisiilerable unbar geuunt. As a vows , cr time lima : lmoldsia fall Land witile it timme 1mlitietl 6ammie + Wllemtits onemmmies thumb flies' amra about to euchre it , up conies tam I little joke amid rakes in time trick , DIl Rasewitter aumd his BEE aiwaysumake tlmei , prusemmee felt , Timanksl latan Ynlle ' Herald. 'Yuri ' Ovi iitt BEE on Moudny comae ou ill a now dress , and slightly enlarged b time sv'idemng of Lbw columns to start numb nt01usuru. Despite its idiosynerasie ill following afte'stt amigu political gods I time fact is patcut t , , all that'1'iiE BEE f ' the best NEv's pnpat' in time state , or fo that natter , west of time Dlissomi river - - - - TLo Ilnadsomiest ol'Ail. York Tiumca 'I'an : ( ) JIAIIA listlas booms emilarged au i greatly inr , revdd in nppearancu. I t cam I omit ou the 10th with sun entire nut dress , ahd is uow the lmendsomest daub ; ( of time Mississippi , Thu 'EEKL I liha : hums also been iumprovrd in time sam I . . way ) A ( tmalllled Compllment , I' + drbury ( luutte. 'l'iarOMui.tIiuE : appears iu n not dress , amid hunks its bright as a silver do li m bur , I'oliticlby , , 'Pun : hEK is unrebiobl limit its n nusvspape it mauls numong tin I best in time state. I m , A flue ABpearanao. m i esanmitrlater , 'I'ii ' OSIADA ItiE : eclabrated its tlmil 1 toettlm birthday a fame days shnco by con i ing rut in a nuw dress of neat lookfmi type. It proscuta n lieu upp0aranre. s .1 Paw PEOpor'I'crun , Nrhraska Signal , Valentine uru 1'nriYyckVice an Virtue--1f Ainudorset know time publ semlimett of Nebraska , him Would bite i' up with fouler boss , l A 11ons y Cluu'ge , ' :1 : l'lllludulphin l'ress , i l'1'vsideut Arthur , it is said , weau s u rod necktie and lavunde' pants. 'l'hms l ( lip duly serious ehnrp0 ; yet muule agnmmm his aumuutetnitioim 1 - 1 NotOmily ; l + 'OV Man , Iitnsuamelm , turfnmun , slabbemmlel aulI um y St , Jncobs OJI in hie su nihmmelta , ' kills lutilm. . Tnlntctl l'cdlgreo M' Spmtinht Klug , C Front a ! 'ails Letter , u Meausured by , the ytsudiu d of L1 Anmoriean'slayo States , Alfonso is a roy o quadroon-doubly runiovod by time vioiu ulliancos of ttta ' rurulnwthur jAnd of ti u r uuen wlobore 'imiut from tie real auece f to time crown. 'Tie qualities whuch II I a haw pudoninbly inhcritod conmpel hint I n time coar uimuss and utfrontry witch , ion I simadowed in his mother , arc beginning to burst out in full 1)btcsomn in his own case. That this grTSdsen of time Duke of Nor- vacs , itkiteluet hnndaull ; ( hlason of Dlar shat prim , n mere miiitary ndvetturer , hats so insulted the mroud and ancient hottso of lln I rsburG met tun ) neglect. labs wife for a clmmnoim n'eual of tnfa0mouscharac tar , is regarded lore by our social pull- osnpiters of I'aris as nu expression of in disputable logic of human natures , i'orttuutto nil Arouml. N 1 . Time. At Inst it hits heel decided ( lint time Clmricahua Apaches are to go upon the San Caries reservation , but they are to be fed and cared for by time war department , and the same depnrtmetlt is to have entire - tire 1)oliee control of theta amid of the 4,000peaceful AIaCil0 $ wile bravo occufied ) the reservnlinn for several years. Flue war department is to ndminlstor justice , punish time refractory , mud protect the ludinu urgent. It is said that this settle. nlmlt of the qucstmmr is satisfactory to ( ben , Crook , although time eomifIneuent of tlmu Chiricahuas in some cnruee of the reservation apart from the peaceful APnch0S , I well hardly be mil accoidaou witlm his description of time treatment titat votild make theul rem telled , They mire , however , to be under his supervision , turd n knowledge of this fact tvil1 give time inhnbit'ats of time frontier - tier a feeling of security. 'r'ime result of Crook's ' cammipalgu seems to show tint time iutcrior departmiment is capable of taking care of Indians Duly when tlmeyare pencw 111 , and is not able to gum'd or feed those wlt ) liaise lmeuu on time warpath. It is fortuuatu for the people of Arirolnt mud New Dloxico that we have a tar depart- omert , mid thait time war depau'tmettt has so intelligent amid sensible an olibee' as ( feu , Crook. 1'O5tal Dlutter5 , i'ostdiiee ehamiges in Nebraska duriin' time week caching .lily 7 , 1883 , furnishes by 1Yuh.1'at Vleck of time 1)ostollice do- partament : Discomitimiued-liutimel , Murrickcounty , Postmasters Appointed , Duncnm.Platet countyChas. S. Webster ; ll'ebsterDudge cotuity , .hones Ferguson. PustoGCU cimailges in Iowa during the week emliug Judy 7 , 1881 ; : Esttbliahed--Clresteriold , Polk county - ty , .ioab B. Idicrominus , postmaster. Discontimiued.-DodgeCimuthriecoumity. Names ChamigedArmstrong Grove , Emuumetcounty , to Arnnsfroug ; Avon Station tion folk cuumity , to Avon ; Gulden Prairie , Delaware county , to Golden ; Hickory Grove , Monroe county , to liick- ory ; Locust La mme , 'SVilmmicshcck county , to Locust ; Mackay Grove , Boone county , to Mackey ; Manley Junction , 1Yortlt county , to Manley ; Panther Creek , Dallas - las county , t(1 Panther ; Polh : City , Polk county , to Polk ; Sergeant Bluffs , Woodbury - bury county , to Sargeant ; Swaut Lake City , Emmet county , to Swan Lake ; Swetlauld Centre , Muscatine county , to Swetland , Postmaster Appointed -Ilanover , Al- lluuakee county , Jolunl'ard. . GENTrK mEN-Your Hop Bitters have been of great value to Inc. I was laid up with typhoid fever for over two months and coulclget no relief until I tried your IIopBitters. To those sttffer- ihlg with debility or any ono in feeble health , I cordially recommend them , j. C. STOETZEL , 683 Fulton at. , eChicago , Ill. t Seltenek's "Bey. Spucial to the Dn ton Reread. WASmu.GT0N , July L-Gent. Bob Schtonek left yesterday for Cobourg , greatly regretting that his engagements 1 prevented his awaiting thu arrival of Gen. I Crook , whom Ito Neat to Pest Pointwhen , a boy front near Dayton , 0. Talking to t n reporter , just before leaving , about s Crook amid his appointment , ho said : " 1 o hail looked over time district to find a , bright lad to nouminatc to 11'est Point. I a hmially rmnembered that 'Squire Crook , , a flute mild \Yhig fa'merautd frield of mine , u had seae boys , and I sent word for ] tin n n to come to town. Ile cline in , and 1 en quired if him had a spare boy he'd like t 0 send oil 'toWrest l'oult. After studying avhile , Imo said Ito didn't ktnow but he lad. I suggested tlutt he scud him th. t lie did so. The boy sett was exceed- 1 ingly non conunuuicatlvo , lIe hadn't a t - stupid look , but lhowas quiet to reticence m lie didn't seem to ] mule time shighltest in tereat or nnxiety about my proposal. 1 a cxplninul to lint the requileuetts au ( I labors of a military school , amid fimiall Y r asked Jdm , ' 1'o you tlmiuk you cut cmt quer.all that t' } Ifs monosyllabic reply lvlla'I'll try , ' amid so 1 scut hint , anti h e come tltruuglt finely , ' ' - - t It scouts impossible that a reumedy g y rondo of such ealmmmon , simple plants a , 1- } laps , Almmdunke , Danduliomh , &C. , 5110111 ( make so ut mm , multi such great cul'es n s S ' 1Ir1)Ilittem's mllp ; lint wlmen oldaudyoung y r'eh ' mmd pear , paustot uud doctor , I awyu r and editor , nil testify to having been cur ed by them , yea nnmst believe nail try than yourself , mud doubt no longer. - - - - Iteal Estate Trnnl + l'crs. I 'l'imo following deeds { sere filed for roc u end in time county clerk's milieu July 7th , t ; reported for 7'uu IIEE by Amihey peal , estate agency : U P , "uVilcox to M , II. Wilcox , w. d. , pt lot 4 hill , . ! 137--LO0. Plat of lluwver subdivisitmi :11-15' : 13 , .1. Id. Jackson of al t(1 G. Bates w , ml parcel sec 20-I-12-$2500 ( ; , G , I' . lienis auul wife to A. . t1. Unit t , w , ti let 3 blk " 11" , Prospect T'lace.- $350. 11' , C , Aimiswoetlm to Jolum I lledicks w I parcel sec. 31-10 13-$8000 , Ii , id. Clark of lid to 11 , 11. Delmig , t C. , lots 1 atml2 , blk 18,1V'uterlou.-S lOD O , Brigga and wife to Ponty nod Salk u w , d. part lots 5 and 0 , ldk , 250-$2000 .I , 11' , Guminett lumd wife to 11' . Sclk , ut al , q 0 , pltet lot Ili , blk 250.-$1,00. I , 11' , and A. Sugelku to G. I'onmy , q c part Iota 7 mud 5 , hlk 250. $2000 , ( I. I' , Bombs amid wife to ,1. It Norris w , d , , lot 7 , bik Lowes 1st. add. - d $125 , iu lh uu a , a lw TNEGREATGERMAN i ' g = rnti REMEDY Ipil Idgghlllligillf00 . Ip Ilellerm anndrunw am I iCIIL1I Q' ' 1 1I I , is I I : lla1'1'ISD ' [ , at Noural0lm , mill 0 Sciatica , Lumbago , L uA/'ttACne : , IIEADACNETOOTB JtCDE , 0 tisais SORE THROAT , It QUINSybvELGINOEt Nt'uAiNN , 5oreneu , Cult , 6rultet , . FItOSTnlTrs , DURNN , NUALDN , ma al And all ntipallyuchea u s FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE , me tioldbyamiDru Rntaaud Dealers. Dtrectloot to ml as teuCuMea. U , The Charles A. Vopeler Co q , uwwnaa TooaLLaacol 0 Dammtr..e rtL b H , wESTEiMPOfTERS & CO. , 3) ) iMPOfTERS of 1 ' QUEENSWARE ! . , .i China an Glass , 608 WASHINGTON AVENUE AND 609 ST. STREET St. Louis Mo. m4Pam Goods ! I , ' L ! . .y i t Washington Avenue and fifth Street , - - - ST. LOUIS. MO , STEELEf JOHNSON & Coe f Wholesale Grocers ! AND .iODUEKS IN FLOUR , SALT , SUGARS CANNED GOO ! S , ND ALL GROCERS' ' SUPPLIES A FULL LINE OF TILE BEST BRANDS OF Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco. a AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLiN & RAND POWDER CO. Je Ae WAKEFIELD W1101.ESA1.E AND hlgTAiL DEAt.EIt IN LuMber , Latli , . Slia1e , Pickets , SASH , BOORS , BLINDS , MOULDINGS LIME CEMENT PLASTER &C TATE GENT OR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB , Ca Fe GOODMAN , Wholesale Druggist I AND DEALER IN Oils Glass , , , OMAHA , NEBRASKA. : E. O .tJR ® ILi cc. , ; DEALERS IN Hall's Safe an Lock om f . ; ' , ' FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF VAULTSLOCKS&c. r t , , . 1020 'arncLm satroe + t. Omzliit. I. HENRY LEHMANN t JOBBEII OF , + 1 au j , EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED , 1 1118 FAItNAM STREET , a OMAHA NEB , t sr j r 1W. HELLMAN & CO. , ' r .ra i Clothiersl 1301 AND 1303 FAR//AM STREET , COR.13TH , t , OMAIIA , - NEBItASIC GATE CITY t PLANING MILLS ! 1 SIANPPACT Emit of Carpenters' Materials , -AfSO- Sash1 Doors , Blinds / Stairs , S air Railings ; Balusiors1 Window & Door F ramCS , &Ca Flrnt dae + taellitke for the manufacture of all dials , of Mwldina , l'laning amid Blotching a alty. I Ipee Orders from the country will be promptly crecuted Address alt ronununlanomlato , SMOvEltl'roprietor. , - aii MANUr'AUrulmln or' r'Isn llhiios , Cn'os ! tl II ) ' Itefk Itoq la couttantly filled mRh a eeIect stock. Ikat 1s'orkmanahlp guaranteed. Office an/ factory S. W Corner 16th and Capitol Avenue , Qmaha ' ' ' ' ' $ I'EOIAL NO'1'ICE'I'O Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR A't7'iNTION : TO Oil Cake. It h the heat and cheapest teed for stork of any kind. One pound Ii , equal to thrco , Stock led with Oround 00 Cxke hi the Fall awl Whiter , awtead of , lauude of corn . running deaD ula lucrcaau .mid i e to good marketable condltlon in the epring. Datgpren u s.c1 ; as OUers , , who It In uelght . . uae . taam , It. meritg. Try It and fudge for youtelmrs. I'roe 92'mAa per ton ; no clmrge for eaeka. Address krtity to o4-eod me WOODSiAN LINsm au ' , OIL coStm' y Ullatu , Nab