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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1883)
- - - - - - - _ r - ; - f UE DA1LYEE---OMA1IA. SA'I'URDAY .JU LV 7 , 1883. _ _ IiA1LY - OMAHA. Saturday Morning , July 7 - LOOAL BREVITIES. -The firtcr1orul. of Gtorgi wutrnw1oit ozThet In the city Thursdsy. -Seefl ) itrnilnxl Mormon cnIIert ) ) a$41 through Or.hftThflh1y mornIng at I OCIOCIC tOUt ' ----The Onuh 1MkM hi'gan T1iurItty , ti , re. ftio taking trul tIo1ar. ! -Sallo ( Mdllrklo I tmtler : rrest oil thu VhM gfl f 1iavng 'OllCI ) mnn 1t1i whom hu s M OUt rhllng , of a WAtdL ntid eluitsi , --The mnny fHeniM of 1o. { 1. A , FogiI. t.trorn nd wife , pnstor of (110 Svelli'1i ' T.u. thicn church , s1II 1orn wtIi gtcat regret of the death of their nfsint dnughter , which oc- currelt Tl1lr5R. - ( Agent. lleuiiing , i1 the Anhon- , crau'c1t 1rowhg Co. , III ha e thdr lianit. * .onIo nCv tCllOhI'C ati1 , .tal1e'4 Ott 10th trcet crnTp1ete4. --.Anong uthor FnirLIi of .1 uly 8CVh1clt.M IU.Ut 1uIiu Uci it1n wai zwclienta1ly shot In the left flflI Ith a MnuLIl Ieolvcr IiIc1i ho nd i i1nynuto were examInIng. -Ilcnry VoM. went to Flotencu 1ke : zntI vent n 1ntlihig , IIea hig hI VlOtIlCM flu a Iarge , anu hen ho rcturn,1 , he fouiil that some otia hiul iitolen liI iocknt hlok CI. taming T anti uniio t1tIali ) atri. -hH4 Bttt1ir , vh , , was driver fur \VilkIn , , City Steam 1.annilry and veI1 knrvt to Inally of our cttzoi , died July 4th zoo ! st liurricil .TiiIy tt1i at 2 i. m. l'rsIeet ( hilt. Ho .Cae.4 a wUe but no chfltlren. -'l'hc oil bulldng s. , long nettiiihI by thu ehraika Nnthona Bank wiu yotori1ay iIIh1e1 in half and the Front iectioi , inn oti ijif up l'ar. ham .treot. . Twelfth lInolfloro cIenre ( , will be a % nht. hght mprosoI. ---A wedihing took Iitce the - - - qtiet on ee niug of the fourth In the parlorn of the ( raai1 I'aeific ; Judge Chadwick ohhiciatitig. Thu new y married couple , ? btr. niiI 1rA. .1. 1)nc iay , resIde in Lincoln. --Secretary Coiittoyer nini thu btihl4ing coni. -niltteo of the board of cducatloii laboreil on the } 'nurth of July , nmidng a tour of all the bidi. 4liflM ithi a slew to repairs. . -Thin St. l'aul & Omaha fly. hii decIi\ \ ilpohl Wakefield , 1)Ixon Co on the NorMk branch ZU4 thao starting uoint for It.i northern spur , and hzis put. a large force togruiing : there this week. Ynnkt.on vhhI h the eventual terminal ixijut. -1)an 1)oinney ) , the old lengitu uiiinio 114 with the ( ranil Aseiiue end hhl umpire twi. gaines. lie 114 8 veteran iii tim h)11141001414 , niiil will no doubt , g1I iatb.faetion to all. 11 will be one of the American iwoeiatiiii uiiipiriui iet year. -Thia luintlsniun biutcniler at .oio of our loading lintel. recently received notice that 11114 grand father hInd reineinberel iiltii iii hiin will : .nd upon : iiilying to hiM tittiiiiioys for further information 101111(1 ( that ho hit,1 , hieeii left thu Hum of one - - Th chlihlron COIlUhiCtOLI with the 1ntlii trial 14c111)ol ( if 'friiiity cathc&hial will lie at the Cathedral ut 2 o'clOCk ii. Ill. Saturday for their iiiciik at iLatistni iiark. Their Parcilt. are in'ited to taku tea % ith1 them at i I' ' . III. , shseii tim prize wii1 ho given , Oii the Fourth of J uhy a )11C1O.gO ) of hill. Ilers , inehilIlilIg 1111 ' ' 4iflCFlc2UL 1 tcin'.l" 100111 .n'anilniit ' book , ititil ten COlltrltCti4 for tIm 011111 ha Dhstrict Me.sunger Co. , was lost. Thu fouler sihl confer ii uiLvor by leaving thu ifiOlit lIt tllillOfhiCC. , - -Six trtuuIs VO10 flITCI4tCI ( III till ) chiitrgti n holding a 1111111 tlj ) Oil the iiighit of the F'ourthi near Boyd's packing 111,1180 antI robbing 111111 el : ir nil a razor. No money lvai fnuiid on thu jirhoners nOd they lYcre given UI days oii Iread anti vnter wi . -Jiidgo AlldOi13011 , iii common iithi thii ( Itiler , TllFltiCCl of the 1'enO , 11104 141)11111 ) cllrimIN I brought before hiiiii hut the first cab in vhiIchi hiti s io4 ever called upon to i..iii , a writ af rehilevell for a "ynhlor" dog ye.terclay i1 hg dog w 1U4 110 (1411111100 CUr 1 nit ii him VlltChl dog , which thhiljoiitt iltity for ( lutthioh , itiiii.ii. , ila1i 111111 i141t4Mrs Lang & 1iitick , who tb Inisi- uciul on 13th llfl(1 ( Ilitrucy itroets itiiil who were thio Plaintiffs lit the C8i40. TILe ilfoii,1aiit , , ISgiW 14 lOflIl iiaiiit'il l'oterson , II vegetiihilti veialor , who It appears hail taken the ilog home aiiiil tied hiliii U ) 10 tile ynril. 'J'Ile writ vas given Lu coli14tahi1i I [ 111114 'I'iilllil , lIhin IVI'lit , iiit fill ! got the hiloud.i catil iie alIt ! brought hiiiui I lilek , ! TlO } 021140 svill lie itii Interesting one. ---Anlong the Neiriuikans , 11111) howe chIll1hail IIIIII Iltihl flU cihilbilIg the hiiiltler of fame niiil lehililing l.oth ii foitiiiio 141111 f 11111110 , is the % ehI known arellitoehItr. . ( co. I 1. ' [ 'hioiiiii. 1.1)11 , of Phiittsinoiithi , v1u , recently in ' . en toil a fire eicnii for JI1h1llC luihhiligI i'hiieht 11111 been ii'0ii0uiicctI the fitiest ljxtlliIt. q'hoinpion hills recently return from a trip cililt , where he succeiisfuly introduced 11114 Inveiitiiit in 1411 the big eitki4 hiicliitihtig New York , At ; the latter city jtlt hiito lit International Hotel building inut l Public ox- llibitlOfl ghcn , at. Whilehi tim hIohicu 101(1 to called out to koei , the btrooti eleui.o , great wail tIle ctowil. A htock COiillllilyOf 100iUi'Cti men has bOOn OiglllIhZeI to hIUllilti the fire tcae , tiio ca1iital 14tock being fixeti at 81.000 , . 000. TIle principlil htoekhluhkr 114 Oscar ] tyder. Tile office of the coullIzill ) ' 1 at 71 % Vall street , 'i'hiu stun ( if 8071' . lIlus boon paid into tile Patent office at Wwihihiigton by Mr. ! l'hoin1iiiou , t.o 1ocure hiatoib , iii Canada , Elig. ] alld , France anti ( lorniany. -1)r. II , F , ] tainavclotti , vetirliniry sur ' -eoii , v1io Ill a grIulluItti of Ciliiiuib'iii Veteriii' : u-y Collrgo IIIIIs uhleilull an othitu iii HthVt'llllII'l livery stable OII tenth street , whici lIe Cliii b fUfltj to attend aI& ) bllhIles iii his 11110 , .A.ji tIlOJO iii nn iiillunhtei Ohs3Iliilg for ii first Cil114i veteiiiiary 14Ufljlifl here , 111111 104 thtoilu tii , thoroughly uriiloistauI IlI P1 ufssioii , ho s llfldOlIhitechIy 5(14)11 built ! ili l large IlIfessiiiii --ilattie the little . , thiee.yeor ( liii 1.011 ol : iIr , flu ! 1ilrs , i. i. Iitithilllyitchj , hiiiil Ill , Igllt 111111 LiflikOil at tile elhowThlun.ihll evening , while at Ilhily , 1)r. ) 1'ilooru et thu ViliillUi ( ] hnh , and it is to hu luipeI the hittlu (0111111 Will rap1dl' l1.COVt , -iIr , Vlhhiarn Neckol ihui.Irci ti , iittlfy iii JiOlboilNilot to tIILbt Ills 111(0 ( , 1.hizuhvth Nuekl ( ifl 1118 aceotitit iii , ho vlhl not hieroiifter bu ic 11100141hhIl for ill1 hills eoiltratelI Ii ) ' lit r , - - JhtciI 'l'hI)1n4n11Is , All over the 1(11111 1110 goizig 11110 ecista.y ese lrKingii 1\ew licoyeiy ) fo Coiisuxii1iticn , .iaIC r lililookOlt for Ii ' recovery ) thu tiiiiel' 111h0 of this great ilfo Savhii rellusly , Caii.u teem t4) jQ lleally % 'hhil In its iralse , It I arate to ioitivcly cute Svei . .oId , Ahzna , i iiyYuver , 1irQIlhjt1l Coughl14 hliarsu J&J ( : Ioiis of or ai.y nh1etioit ii t1l , hlrtJlt UIId J4U1llI. . Choice criuiflcry huttor ztitt fru8l country nt NO1tTON'S ogs ihul ; Bill IzIvclIpot. i v . A GOOD WORK. Tile Oriill aii Ojcct of Ihc Y , M. , ( Ueiioi'iil 8el'l'Ctilly l1ovsii'seitlssoiiii' hlIt'l'CMillg i4tilii4 lM , I ) iii(11(1 ( friejid ( erg ( ' ' 1' . 1 lotiser , for. lilerl ) ' general iecretary iif thu Y. M. (2. ( A , nt tliiii city , niul how assistAnt eciet- ' 3' lIt Chticngo , ? 4e11(1S liii ft Coly oi the 2i'thi animal z'ujort , which is quite an iiiterwit. lug ilocument. Those engaged iii the smiio work iii Omaha viI1 11)1)Vi0iRtC the following Mtfl. ti9t1c14 of the work hi Chicago : ( 'OMI'AIIIHON. l14tlhllat'r 1st quat'r 182. 18f48. Ml'inh)0r141111) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 1,100 2M7t Jt0011114 liseil in the work at 'i it. (2. A. hiuildiiig. . . . . . . . . . I I : i htOOIilll used itt the s , , rk lIt , rail. mliii brandIes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 21 11 % 1) fren icading rou1114 , 1I % or. age ilaily nttolllhlltico..1 1 1 10 ( yInlin.iuln , ay.'rllgo . ( hail ) ' ut' tendanec. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 11 2V' , lliithi 1114)1014 In ii.e. . . . . . . . . . . . 7 13 flathiM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 7l54 ; Esoiiiiig ehu.scs , PCI' 1100k 1 10 Etirtdhiuiciut Of iitii > ils. . . . . . . . . 1 10 1,210 Lectiirei. , eniicert.4 , etc. , iii iiieiiuhers' course. . . . . . . . . . . . fl Averagn attenilniuco. . . . . . . . . . . 6.'M 87t Jiiijiitiyiiiciit (0011(1 for mcii 11(13'S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e1fi n7:3 : llihigiouN iiiectlngs. . . . . . . . . . . 18'2 20f 4iitt14Ei l000tIngM 1)01' lift ) ' 2 21 v.'ragc ittttt1niio .lziy . . 7 12 8214 l'alwrui , iiuigaziiies , etc. , 11114. tiibtit4Mi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,000 ir'ooo 'rho welfare if , joiiiig loon is the 141)10 OljeCt of the Y. M. (2 , A , TO keup tliuuii from u11 , IllId 11,111 thom to be Chiristiuiii gontleineii , iilltliltl'iiilH woi'kiiion , good c'iLi'.ciis , loyal to their hiolluoM utnil elnirchi , 114 the itiriiso RIIII worK of the Yoiiiig 1iIeii's Chriatinii AIiMociatili. ( Its coiiiiii'it- tees niiil buildiiigi , ohhicoi'ui null all , hiive ; In ) other huh , 'J'hie oligill of thu aftiBiclil- tioii ill t111141 given : In 1844 Geor. \Vilhinins organizell a IiaYOl' meeting III 1iiiiiltiii , I ngland , for the young 1110)1 ) lii the b1111111e1443 liouKe where lie Wulil uiii1ilo3'cd , 'Vhs VIW the f'irHt ntu1i trwnril the orginlization of the 'Young 1.t0il'14 ChiriNtiulli AMHCilltiOlI ( , Froii tiuilt association lilul I4prnhlgkiildred WIBOCIfttIlliH :111 over the svoi'Itl , tiiitil thojo were how nearly 1,000 of t110140 in thiia Coliliti ) ' ithiiiti. 1ii J857' 0110 of flue gi'eatent. htinuiejal revalutiona ever ex1)eriunccl M'Upt over thiiii COtllltr3r' , fill ! while it wa ut. ith height , aiul sti'oiig IlIOJI wore atatuliiig with blanched. chicoka , iiut kiiowiuug what to do , while hoMiness 110i114014 ss'eru going (1)11'll , ( ) flO 1111111 , , J . 0. Lainjihiior , iii New' York , coiiiiselcd I)1'Lyul'ttnl ; cuthieti i iiuoii prayer lileeting for holaillesM 111011 ill the Fnltoii street church , of thllIt city. Thia was Sept. 22 , 1857 , ilil(1 the iioxt ilay 1w went to chuii'cli aiitl i'einaiiied thioio 1110110 for half an hour. At the ciul of that thou ho lvlLs joiiied by ituiotliui' uiinii , 1111(1 tcigotlior they pnlyed tuitil 1 ii'clock. 'Flint l1'itM the first noon pr'u' meeting , uiiuil fi'oin it sprung the fauiinim F'IIIAlt % , lltl'L'et l ° ' 3' ° " iiieetiiig , altil front this datul 1411011 IL 1'UVVi1l of rehigiout 104 exculleti thu filIlulcial roviil- 111011 , 1111(1 111011 begiui to hike hicait uiiiil i'cluiiihd their fortunes. Iroiii thiiu great EUViVILI the Yiniiig i'.Ieiis' Olivia' tiuil iaseiation. ( It vaa itisu uitatel lIt IL rticeiit uiitiiivoi' nary iiic'etiiig tlnit while the zusociithui : hail hieeii oi'gttiuizetl 141)ucifically for y.lililg . JOWl , it 1111(1 ( , ut [ 1111014 , ltlldo1'tllkolt Othiol . \Vl'hC - iiuiasiiiiiuii'yuttitl IcliUf svork , through its Ai'niy Coininit.tco , etc. IhhIiH Aiiiiy Committee i1Z1lFLliHL'l ( ( iflid 000 in carrying oii liii work. ' 1'vu iutl i ' hutif million tracts anti iicvsiiitiieri Well I diNtribilted in one year , 18115 , hcsidenov&n I half a million lkl)1c14 1111(1 ( hymn booka Ita Sundayschuool districts niiinbui'od fifty r four , iuid ff14 iclief work iltizing the $111111 ycaI' ropresentell HiiJ)1)hiubi iLlilPllIitiilg It r thu % 'flhIiO hf 21,00O. - _ _ L'IItSONAhi. 2i1ri.eorgo ( b. i1Ihlei' , left i.LhIuLslay ( ii I Cahifonila to I iit [ 'rofessor .1 I [ . KehIiiii'i fuuudly , with i'll0ili i'iio Ivihl lCtlll'il I it ii fo 'eeks. ? ilrn , Cole 14)'IiOil vife of the IIUIHirhlltelflleil of the I ) , & H , a. fly. : iii,1 , sister of Coiulucto , Shiiehla of the 'I'flhlllL l'iieihilc is is1tiiig Iii till city , I h CV. 'J'hio. I' , I I jill , siii , of 11ev. .1 id iii I I uI I ) . 1) . , iii NoW \'uik , , has arrived in ( Jinahu niiil 11111 Ireacii ) hex I ; Siinihuiy itt the Sulitlove14 I 'real lyLc'riuLul chuiuichi. ? iluij , Clarkiani , of Schiuyluu' , left for hiiiii , ( ii I tile 111)011 trnhii , 1)r , i1. IL'reeglirileul , .1 niuhir ( I 1:111,1 , 1.Vuirileu Of the ( i'uiiii Couiunaildery of 1uiighits Teiui lillIr , \Vi.coiishui , IvIul iii tilecityylstelay Cii' rouitti to Cull ( ovuiia to iitteiuii ( lIe 'I'rieuiiula CoiieIavi. \1 ls Elicit .Setiii utusil il 11414 1 I itti I ) uiulclu left to..huiy for Sitit , Lake City iuiilcr tIm escini ( If l'ro ( , I , . O'Iiieii ! , of Crvighitoui cohlt gn. Snj it. 'IV. 4 , 1)euel , if Cluiycuine , is iii thu city. ( ; euueu'ai HtiiiL. P. .1 . Nichad. , 110(1 1 I , , rlt ( Ntiwiuiuiii , 'lll return to'ihuiy ] fiiut tutu I last hitisinesM trip. ( enerlL1 ttuinitgeu- Clark , of tile Uuiioui I'll chile , hla14 roturulcil froun New York. Mr. audMrs. ( leorgo 1. ( Ulbert left 'l'hinrs day for Viiuiiiuit , to ho ullihent several weeks hI1ss Sophie Stebbuils , of Sjiringfielil , Is tilt ) guest of Dr. unit Mrs , Billings. ( hjui , Thtos. Sherwin , uniditor of the Auwri ( 'liii iteil ' ! 'uiojhoiie Cu , , of Boitiin , l a of the ] 'axtoii Ceiiner icCuuio , ci Osceolli , 114 a gillIlt of tb leti'opohitnn. 1 . lt , 'iVIseiuiuiii , of (1 ( rand Islanil , Is uit tl l'l01t4)ui ) , - :11. : 'v. Jii'tiwi uiiiil svlf , . , hIs ] htrencu L . ' Brinui , 'iIiss Jorll ) 1' , $ uuiluy iiit1 ( ko. V I } 'uibelli , of JIiucohiu , eru guc.t.14 of the l'axtoi I yCstiii'dll ) ' , 4'tilgilstiui I ) uily iiinl 11114 stars 111(1 iiti 11Piuig a . tile l'iixtuui , I' 1ouitlhiliil , I if thu ariui' , Is lit the l'llx toil L .F C. Cllti uiiiil 4IIh14 N , 1. Ulitik , of LIii I cclii , iou giiunts at thai 1'n toit. 4 Chats , S.tillei' aiid wi Ic , of i'airunoiiitt , un 11111 at ( lie hlnitoui , ; Jihlileritack' , if 'l'iiu Athuiiiie lahIy 1)eii , I ' uciat1 is at the Piixtun , A. II. ] 1ishiip , of 1Cnnsa ( Jity , ltigi.tertM ( II 1 the Pa't.iu hlI14t Ilight. : D , Jwyeu' asiti I ) . Ciuthi. III North I 'htt. . , ar . at the . .1hhllll4I , .1\ , I 1. Slvliiu , 1'V. . I 4ifiiiit iiiiil I I . Uq i illurt , 01 Chioyoiuie , iii u at thu Al ilhiril. 4. ii. flalluy , III .1)ouivor , Is at (1w iI1hlatt r ' . 'i'buuui it.ij , of I 'llIttsluiOli ( hi , Is lit ( Ii L . thhiluiiil , I ra 'l'hiozuii tsuii , of Oakland , I. in tuvii , ? ilrs , ] , It , V'igg niiil ? iliss ittoio 1'&I , I : ] leatrlcu , flU lIt ( Iso IhIlaul , 11. \ V.'oI1 , efStehla , i a giio4 of the ihi bUd , 11110,00 ( ircgg , I , liieoln ; .1 , 1 1. : i I idihilt' , Vili I Iniry ; H , 'IV. ' 1ztthioa's , tkiiii'n ; , 11. Fe Icr nod lfe , and :4Iz'u4 .1 , 1' . Crasvlurtl iiu child. 1)'cntur ; F A. } iddoo , elJrMkfl City : 1 , liornhtihl and Mr. .1. 11. Mclitiicl , Aiim. 1os : Chink , tf , Meyiiarh , A14hIlnnlh , nut ! tiunt' F'oley , Blair , are at ( lie Millard , Cohiii . \fckciizit' , of Scitlaii,1 , , rcg'istoueil sit thin i1il1ar.l Isit iulghut. .1. 8. 1ob1iion { , ut Denver , i at the i1etr , . s4Itaii. .IOhiil 1tI(14)FOV. . If , Jiocknuaii anti Charles IS , Bell , of Daly's ctinany , tire guets at. tim Metropollaii. ( : i. v , Iuohianiion , of ( ) giien , is ut tim 3tetrnpolhtaii. .1r. l. Schuuus1er , of l'hulladelphiia , Ii. at. the Metroiiolitaui , \his Maggie Wuilunun nail Mi i11a JUstice , iii I'onca , are at. \hltrlxhItJlIi. : . (2 , A. ( hOOlWjfl , , tif l.ini'oln , is sit the ? .fetr. , . i'ithltati. 1 : . 1" . WchbcrV. . ,1. (11lert , Chias , 1.ccha' roy , 8. Coduiiniu , It. hovney ) nut ! wife , iirs. lrvliig , I : . ii. Van Slttcrt , of Jaly'n Thiontrn cluulilllily , are at the Grauuil Pacific , I 1. 11 , flil uituii lady , I hwitiuugs , tl ichi. ; 1. 31. Arthur , Jiurhluigton ; A. L1. 1.awtoui , E. U. I.'crkiiis , Colorado Cti , g itiitl Ii , U. CMI' , Chiicuigii , arc itt tim ( ranil l'acifjc , l1i''intern , viii , 1.'iiit his sadly erilthllell condition , has for yearn annie hi1 II WILY iiuicces.fuhly the il and ftiniierly Ilveil here , I. iii ( lie city lookhig , after 140mb rierty liuterests. It is iiuito ut tr.iuble for it man s'hio has to vhiech hiiuiisiul f iii iout iii a little wagtiul iiit1 kcc1i on tim iuuort'tiver twt'iiy ihifTerent stAteS. . \v. . 1' , Brewer anti fiunlly have g.iiii' to \IIiuiieapufs ! ( lii 11 shitirt visit , 'iir 1oouiuls , 111th lhiviil lirnilloy & ( u , , iua.s ietiiruictl for his i'astcru , buisiiies trihi , hlOlit. Colluoll , Irbnuid ; Frauik } 'uiulkiier , Schiuyler. ( ; , I . ( flutrk , I udlautoht ; 'robiu : ( 'astor , 'iVilber ; U. luck aiiil i , Pcrkiuus , Au. vera ; FI. . 1)iirrlggton , Vlatt.unoutii ; . L. \aii Abityne , I .iiiculii ; F.Y. . jhIeui , lihdr ; T , C. Mol'lifl103' , l'lattslilouth ; ! tr , Iiilon , North Phuitte ; 1uugeno ! l'4tflhulill , l1Tahelut'ine ; Chuvi. , Norfolk ; Alex. Vuorhoes and Mrs. M. I ) avisoui , Sf , Elwuu'ds , auth , Johuui .1. ituigait , Ifastluigs , are urnng the Mebrika folk whui , registereil itt the l'axtoii yestordoy. - UF1diVUE CO14I4ECF. Thin ( .iz'uuer itoiie iahuug 01 : Veil tiesti ny. \\'niit of space yesterday 1)rovoiIteII a vtil.y ( till uiccotiiut of the exercises attending - ing the haying of the coruuer Rtono of the flew college Itt lkhluviiu. 'I'hio occasion drew : iulllidrod14 of visitors inoihI : 1)Otilt4 l1lOhit ) the eoiiiity Oiiinhiu fu vu ialii iug i 18 4 IUI , ta. 'Vhuc , i'o. gi'IUIIIIlOI'Ii14 as follow's : I1eetiiig of ( lie Board of 'Priistees utt the Ohairchi at 20 a. in. 1cerciacs at Laying of the Corner Stone itt I I a , Ui , Ru' . A , ir , ( Iiltncr I'residing. \ \ ' . 1iiyoeatiiiii--Chit1i1itiii 1 iyiiiu---Huv. . ileCaiidishi. Scripture-il cv. .J . ' 1' . Baird , I'i'ayoi'-Ue' . A. N. Giltiicz' . Placing corner atoito. Bonei1ietioii- . E. Beiisoii , 1'cei'ciscs iii ( ho glove : tt ; 2 p. iii. Auldi'csses by l'iofV. . .1. Bohliuian , ( k'ii , 0 , 0 , liowitrtl , Prof , 11. E. hitch. cock , of State Uiii'era'iLy , uttiti 1tu' . . 't. Ujitnot' . Roy.Y , .1. 1 inrahia rent ! In : iuitCI'Cht- ing hotter front Rev. Tililhunilton , of the OlilItliut uiiiasioli , 11111) WII14 It Iuissiohl- ' utI'3' at ( lie Indian lii'issioii thirty ycara . uigui , vhiei-o lJollovno is now located , 'ihie utuiiuiutl iuicetluig of the 1)oal'ct ( if I trustees of liullevue College was hielti at . I. ( lie church niitl it large aniount of 1)1151. . 110145 jel'tlunhihg to atarthig the college was I - iraitauteted. 3 Thu following ofhicers wei'e ulected for ) ( lie ciistiiig yea : ' : 1''csideiit--l I cniy ' 1' . Clarke , Behiovuo. yicopicsiloiit(1o % ' , f , rl liutird , liattisiiioiithi , ( eo , 'I' . Cfisshnahl , 1ear. lie ) ' . r $ eci'otuiry-'l'lion , A. Crcigh , Omaha. 14 'E'reasui'ei'-O , F' . Davia , Omaha , Executive comiiiuiittce-Jolin it. Clark , Liiicolii ; Boy.1iui. . .1. Ilareha , Oniahia t Itos , .1. Itiudo , Puip'illion. Thu college s'il1 be opened Sept. I1 with u full col'luu of totchioi'a. Li expected the luiihiling will be coin. I ploteti iii uiiuiplti time. iIi' . l-loni'y 1)w. : I i'iW , of Omaha , is thio architect , niul iii iiitiehi 8lhfliI'Cd those 'hii t , Plulhis were ( by cxiii iiiiietl , 'l'iic iiuiuii ho ildiiig ivill be ii beautiful three story hn'ick tiOx7O , cohlvtun 1 ieiitly ulvz'ulgel : ( for : 'ecit4ttion l'oomnw , li lh'lli' ) ) , chiutpel , 'c. - OiIt1tOIjtj-ICNOX. I 4l l'leuisuiit ' * ' ( ' (1lhIig 4)11 t lie Itur(1i ( of' .Juih ) ' , 'J'hiii fourth ( If .1 Ill ) ' just utat vitiiesct1 I liii 14(11(14 4)1 colobruitioiis , but purhuls ( lit 1ileuiiitcst : of util , c5)L'ciulIhy ) to the par. I ties CoiicUl'hlel the ' which . ( , vuis s'eddiiig took iiluico at No , 1020 Capitol Avenue. 'J'lw high contracting parties s'cro l'ilr. , Johu : i1 , Cunrohl , itighit porter at ihic ( ; ruiid Pacific hotel , anti ? itiss . Aiiiiiti Kiiox , f.irinurhy of india. , iiilliOliH , but foi' soiiic tinjo . I resident of this city. I'ht ctireiuiouy Wftll jerforhltul 1) ) ) ' 1uv. 11. . ? ilitchiiihl of ( lie colored ! it , E , church anti t. 111114 W'ithIOtlScl by a large party of fi'ioinls itiiil imivitel guests , including nlout a 1111111) ' vhiitu friends us there were of thic ii ( ) lioHito color , for Ifr. Carroll is highly esteuiiied ly all 'ivhio kiies' iiiiii utiul it U lVflS coiia'ttlered in : hoiior to be invitcil to this greatest event. of his life , 4hnon8 . the guests from utitronil wove l'ilr. uiiid : II1'44. llciiiiiig fromi : Iiitlitiia1iohi : am ! 11t1i , ; lti's , 'L'hiohnuu , ( if lcniisui : City. . ' lai'gti iiuiihiu , : ' of tilegunit aiitl costly ( jreaeiit I'O&O zeceivell itiitl an oxechleni collation vuts slti'eiiil fin' thu rcfresiiicnt ( if the guests. , 'j ( l I 1111)1) ) ) ) ' Cl topic itt 111100 lii.'giui 11(11150 . keuiiig ; utiiit dti so with ( lie bust vishits o thou' lilluily' fi'ioiitls. - - 0 41'hil3' Oi'tIel'H , ( Jhhiciuui llOtihit'Ltiiii : havimig liucti iccek' . cii from thu iiuululIllllittii'14 tif the iu'iiiy , 01 the pioiiiotion of 1st lieutenant Chilurlel t ( 1 , I'tiuiioy , ( flit Jiifuuntry , ( Coinnuiy 1I , to ho captain ( Coinpuuiy li , ) v'ueo 1400 , ru 0 icul , fromii active aoi'vwo , lie s'ill join liii ' ' . 1ui1110i' Ciiliililthiy' Oihieiuit iiiJtif'it'LLiii , Jiniiig been vouch' ( ( i ' 101 ii I I iti lucuob uu t ci's of ( ho uu'niy o1 I , t I it , ir * ulillittill I of 2t1 I itii ( ciiuuit Chunici ' lt to ho Isi ii inguills , ( Oomilpaiiy' ) ItUuitehilLilt of suuiiio ( ) uilluiy : , vicu Pumi 110) ' , ln'tiiiiotcd , the i'uiio ; is nunolineet foi' t lie ii , feii iint ( if 1111 ceiicuiiietl. if 'J'j10 te1cginihiiu imist'twtiomis ( if thu 21 utt.junit , futuin thirso hiUld(1U1111OV5 ( , direct I. liih l1ihilji' ( ) 1 , 1) . 1)ollussuy , 'Ithi inmniitiy to n'oceed fiiin Carte : ' StiutioiiVyoin \ lug , to Oiiidm : , Nubntskn , ois public busi I" lieu-oh3' 0lhihIriflel ( , th .F'i'csh 1"isli at iEot & Iosoitstoiiis ! , WILFUL MURDER. Martin Kiliglit Bs at St. Joseph's ' hospital , hiM Miirtlerer Still at lausrgt' , Martin 1n'iglit , the 'ictiiit of the shiciotimig nfi'air iicar (1w 12. 8. corral ( hors. ( if ) ' niorliing , a. account of which has already beoii given , died about H o'clock this inoriilng at St , Josephi's hospital , to whichi lie was rcniovcl for treatment. 11w relnailia Wore iV , , onCe removed to Coroner Jacob's cst.abhishimeiit , where an :0(10(1st wa : ; hold at : i p' in. 'l'hiero is considerable iiuligiiation ? 't' ( lie fact that the poBce were miet otificd of ( lie shooting until hours after it took dace , thins giving ( lie inunlerer , Scars , it wig thou to make good lila escape. The trouble as usual utroso about a we. 10811 , a iiotirions character , with whom Seutia w'aa intinmato iou ! comicolning s'hioin lie hiul : htlcii twittell be Kiiighit. On time night ( If time iiuirlur lie stO'el ( with this S'liiiiflhi tititil nearly the tiluia ( if ( lie tragedy ailil left for hiotise 14ayilig that lie vis : go. ilig to pimiiui Knight , which ho Mccii after Proceeded to ( II ) , lmsiiig a cliii ) iuiuulo of a hoe handle saweul ofF. Kmiighit.'s hicail % a $ ctit , iii several 1)1110014. ) his hose IVBM iiushitul : , his eyes hlackciied , amid his litis cut aiid M1sellel. ( his cries arc 0140(1 ili' . Bedrlr uinul a imnun iiiumictl Adamius , s'hiatart- ed to 0(11110 to lila icacue , .1 iist flfltit this timmie Kiiighit iminnaged to gctto his feet nail iiiitku it utttemiipt to escape , when Scars ( lt'ew' a revolver , 88 calibre , anti saul , ' 'NIIIS , b--li I 'II kill you ( l-l soil of a - - , y'oui , " niitl lie Ilium : fired , the ball emuterin the lower prtiomi of lCiiigiit's stolna cli 1iiighit fell ( ii ( lie floor , fatally Would oil nini the hiiurlcrer coolly 1t'alkel out of 1101150 w'ithi lila smnokiim revolver in Ins bunt to clear hula 1)11(11 , if miecoasuiry He stood for IloIflo little time on ( lie well curb near ( he house unid ( lieu vemit oft' , no ono : ittemnpting to arrest him , Di's. Pealiotly and Orossmiiaiu both at. tetitled ( lie WOUiilcl mnami and prouioumucei ( he idiot fatal ( rout ( lie first , 'I'iie .ShuerifF niid district utttoriioy were calicdlt.i 1idghit'sbctlsiulo'rhiurstlL'iiighit , ( take his ante-mortem shttciuiciit , its it VIU ( ovitloiut ( hat lie could iiot lh'e long. or tluui tliu'omghu the night. Sear's vits a quiet utiul siihier luau , amid there is nit explanation of hiiscnduct , , , cx- cept that ha hind a violent aiid reveiigeful disposition when aroused to anger. lie loft a good trumik , sohiw new ClOthIei4 , It valise niid sonic money. lie is said to IllIVe lcehi ml cowboy , : uul that his home s'utis at Chieycmine , or in Uutt vicinity. his lutcrs iiitlicate ( lint lie is a iiiarried lfliUi. lfliUi.Au Au active scuuchi is lcing iuutlo : for' liimui mid if lie is uicculcntnlly overhauled lie will have it hard iow to iioeas alluceoniits irvu ( lie imumuder to be a cohtl.blootletl anl tlehibcrittcono. , 'l'hc fimgitive isprob. ably still concealed nomiiewluero about ( lie city miii ought to ho found , if lie es. Clilleit it s'ihl lie ( lie sccoiul iiistaiicti iii siiichi : t clcirly coiivictetl iiiurdercr has OsCitlieti ( lie clutchics if thueiutw. lhiiglit \1IO4 ILbtmt 23 years of uge : tiuil : ut lndiaii- iltii by bim'thm. Tin : INQUEST. 'L'hto cotonc : ' inipaitnelled a uiy ccii- siating of F. J. iicShiaiieViii. . 1itotts , E , A. ItIcChiire , 1)aniel Sullivuiii , .Eos. Fet-iclia amid ) , \Vclcli. 9'lte testimony 11115 Iii the uuiain 'hmat hmuis utlri.nttly hiccii givemi. I a atldi'icu to lcdor ! , tle lrohirictor of the boarding house , tWt boarders , uauimcd.dutins : uuil Yatca testified 1111(1 the buiidemi .if ( hue : os'idemice 'ciit tO show ( lint it SVtS a cold hiloodcd nun deliberate murder , The vcid'ic ( was that Knighit.'u caiiie to I lila iicithi by a pistol shot voinsd , w'hiiclu shot was tii'cd by 1l. Scars fclonously uuiitl i'itIi intent to cimninit imiurlier , Kiuighits' funicral will take place at 1(1 O'CllCk ( mu. in. , . front .18001)8' uiulor- tnkiuig roomiis , the body being interred at Prospect lull cemetery. Messrs. With. miell Bros. , with their accustomed hihicail. it ) ' , Jilt ) ' uuil ( lie fumicral expenses. 'rho ofhicers ' ' , thai ' , w'ei'o uii wn'pathi : yesterday - terday nftciuoomi , nail were hot cmi ( lie trul of ( lie minurtlerer. A baggage wutgeml S'ItS ilehit ( ci' his triiimk , anti it was takemi l10S508Mii1 ( if oii a writ 'f rcplevimi filed by a iictoi'iiiiis womnami naiiied Nettic 1111(1 iado athiilutv'ut ( lint she vius I the wife of Scars. I u1Jcai'14 } ) ) ( lint Sctu's was imutciesteil iii . a ii)1t' liiii : ltiilt 110111' ( his city , amid - thimmiking liii ought have gomme omit there to cihlcct atluile mOoney , two ofhicei's fol- howcd hiimiu. 'l'hiO ) ' iiiisscd huiii just about ( woiiy mnimiutes and on ( lie retina trip it WItS asccrtaiiictl that Scars hind gone ( e Fort Oiiuthiu : liiil Otreleti IA ) enlist iii the I Briny. lie tiltS too lutte to emilist 3'estci' tluty' but his imamimu 1'lI8 enrolled and it siu expected flint lie wotild put iii au ltppelir. u1ico ihiis mmiormiing , when , if lie does , lic L Will lit mice be arrested. The ofhic'erm I are clhihilcilt of securing _ the fLmg'it'ivo before - fore tit.iiighit. - _ _ _ _ - L ltmn'khem'u ti'itIvit Salvo , 'l'iio greatt iiieihical vouuuier ( If the s'oihi1. \Vnrrnmitetl to sioeulihy cure Bin-his , Cuts , UI. I curs , Saltitlucuin , Fever Sores , CnuicersPilo.s I Ohiilhlahil. , ( 'urns , Totter , Chiuipped iunuiulsaiuii , nil skimi eruihutilmis , guaramiteeti to cure iii every immstauce , or miuouiey refuuided. 25 cents per box , Real Estate TruInHl'tmi's , 'l'hio following deeds were fileti for roe' I tii'tl iii ( lie COliuit3 , ' clerk's ohiicc .July 5th , reported for 'l'mii itia : bymnes' real stte utgemicy : : Kohhiicr mitmil wife ( A ) .1 , l4ohiheimu v. d , hiltit hit 7 111k. 7 Smiths 2nd Add350 , [ E. F. Cti k iiitl wife to SY , 1. Allcii1 l1' , ii. lot 2 111k 18$8000. . IIV , Kuhimis amiil wife to School list , . tif Oiiiuihia , it' , ii. hits 1 4' ; 2 blk. 15 , l'nik 01'14 Add. . - $1550. F , 0 , helium BUd lnusbamul to D. L. 'I'lut I iiilii3 IV. ii , hart block 0 Shiiinis 9 Auth tioiu $500. 11 , ltutiiscmi to .1. , Iorst , tv ii , see , 5 . . if r iti$1200 , \I. A. Sylvester et at to Etls' . hcoipii 'S uh , lot : i Sue , I , ) j5ii. : . - - - ' \'miNN. : Cciii Iteiiio'ot' mis a mt mu ; uiiu 1' i'.tiNI.Ei.i CUi for Corns , anti is gliulillil 4 tectl 'l' ( ) cL'iI ( ii' iiiunoy umru.'IirIt. : ; l'ric , ) 25 comits , ior suhu ; tiily' by F'nuuk Ibig - 01 $ itt the lihinrd I lute ! l'hiuumuiaey. 18-liuio - . _ 14 - - Iiwuit , gi'iw'mm itislIhiurrics hlvat uutNll SON'S , utmiul Biu't. SIS'I'CIH. . II outgo ovvlIl ( , ltoula Out hiium'gtm ios ) oh' IuNIit'o. ' ) Votei-uluiy' ntui'miuon .JutlgQ Newell - trill ) tiheil the ciiiimiuiuil docket in the Iis : ti'ict coimit , v'omiouiuccd somituncu eu ( lime . of ( lie comiviototi pautius , utitil one of tiws .u1s .1 iii Ki'ugor , vhio ituiglarizod tb i'csidenct ) of Cob 11 , B , lturnliamn soiiu weeks ago , I Lu m'tt sentumlocti to ii'uii - - - years iii ( lie peniteiitiary , nail double time tulle stiiild about atoiied for his offense , luncamm , charged whim incest , was seli tcnct.l to Ifi year : ; in thai penitentiary. time longest 1ossilile pt'i'ioil. himg Mngiiire s'is sciit to the reform school , to be kept iiimtii sniiie nrrnhige iiieiit is matte , Till , VU umi ( , iIest 1(111 , Ask the Ih1St ( ciiminexmt ihmysician Of nny school , what is ( lie best thmimig in time 11(111(1 for quietimig amid allaying all iriitatiomi of time mmervcs amid clrrimmg utli forums of imervoums cnmnpla'mmmts. giving mint- iiral , childlike , refm't'slmimmg slecim always ? Anil ( hey will tell you unlies'mtatimigly "Seine forum of hops ! " ( il.ti'rEiL I , Ask niiy or all of thu iiist emimimiumit Phiysiciuiila : ' 'W'Imuit iii (1w best amid emily remedy tlmrut cami be relied on to cure all diseases of tIme kidiieya uumitl imrimuii'j' orgaims ; such as Bright's disease , hinbctes , rutomitmomi or immabihity to retaimm ti'imie , auth uill the diseases - eases amid aihnuents pecmihiai' to wommmcmm' ' I 'Amiti the3' s-i11 tell 1'oiI CXIllCitl ) ' immd c'imi phmuuticahiy ' ' I ! umchiii . Ask the sumac phiysiciamis \VhitL : iii the mmlos ( reliable amid unmmcst ciii'o fom' all liVOi' diseases or dyspepsin , ( 'Oiusti1lltiOuI . lnitlget iOn , hIhiioii.uues , nualarlal fei Cr , ulupic , etc , , suit I iit' is hI tell ? on : Misntlrnkc ! or biin,1eIiiiu' , I icuice , . lieu thuc14e reineihics tire cuuulilnuil i. ft ii uititers t-iimaimy % ahiirillo I " isi Colllwiiuulded ( luiti , flop llittCr14 , Mmcli a teonehluiled iiut iicek.l - - Thhl ll4IIL'J'lIS , flight ilhhhiuiiy' Ct'hmimhmmnls Still at Large. Eight mmiihitur' crimnimmuils , shiu csca1mcd from the gimard itoise : it Fort Omimahia , uiro still : it lauge. Thmuy are Fdwluil .1. Murphy , eiihistccl at 'iVashiiimgtomi ; Thomimas Fitzgerald , enlisted at Bosoii ; F. Antler. Roil , emihisted at l"ort Oiiiniia ; Alomizo Bl1ilCim , cimlist oil mit Cleveland ; Framuk'limi lr.itt4)mi ! , enlisted at Chicago ; \Vilhiain Cahlunmim , emmlistcd mit Fort Elliott , i1exrls ; George Price , emilisted. utt Albany , N V. HeiiryMnitiii , umilisted atFort MeKinmicy. All hind hieeii cotiVictetI of ( lcsertion , amid BemmL'iiccl to four ycai's at Fort Leavemi' worth , where they' were to be tiiken in a few days. The ohhicema says ( lie ) ' arc all desperate mmmcmi. It ; appears ( lint tlierii were milneteemi comivicts iii mill iii the guard house , all for desertiomi , amid iii order to mimako their es- ( mliii ( hero were ( hireeguards to ovcrcome. Ommo of these gimartis stood ( mutsilc , ( mile 111 ( lie ronimi used for gemienil prisoners , and omit : iii ( lie eoiivicts' i'oomii. It was ( he latter who was seized hucklcdaiid gagged , aiid iiiHtCitl ( of ( ummmiehliiig their way out , ( lie imiemi simujly emit a luile ( ln'oughm time floor. floor.A A fourth ililiii , minuted Alouizt , Ituirton , vlui claimius to have bccmu ( lie sccoiul mmmuiii out t'as arrested by Othice : ' hhiiichioy nat night. I ho gave Iiimimself up s'ilhiimg- ly' amid omiileavoi'cd to explain ( lie deser- ( jill. 'l'Iie oliicci's at Ft. Omimahia w'ert.u telephoned of the arrest nimd it is Pi'ol- able thimit s'ih1 his Himmehey get ic- WlLi'l fin' mimnkimig the an-eat. A Blesshmig to all ' * Inumkiuul. ( ii thiee tinlos ithieii nuui' Newsiiaier are fiOOiCiltithi hiiteuit nuedicimie advcrtiseuiients , it iii gu'atify'iulg to kmuow slitit to jii'ciire that vihl ceratmuily cure you. If yini are 1ihious , blood ( lilt of ortler , 1 ilCi' i uiactmvti , om' gouueruilhy Ieiiihituitcil , there i miothuluig i ui ti Ic vorhul that will cure you so quickly a. ' . Electric Bitters. They are a hlei.siuug to all uliulhik'mhul , , uiil can lie lund fur omihy fifty ctuitii a lottle of C. F' , ttuul. , mliii's. S. P1 MORSE OO. \ve have aildcd t ) oUt' lace counter 100 ( i(7 . yai'di4of ical torelionlaco iii hmmequabty : tt U j , 8A , 10 , 1 Sc , % II'thi iiboiit ( louhilu. 60 hmiecos all silk Spanish lace JOe , 10 pieces cmeaiii luiidcvio , lace 25c , Imu cottoml laces we sliot' abeautifimi hue of mmariow ci' wide ( Ji'otoiimie , uihomicoii or Brabamit lace ut 10 amid. ISo. A splemidid bite of imimitatioii Dutciiesse lace at 25e ( IntL is its pretty utmiti ctt'eetivo mis time real 1)utclmesse at $10.00 pa" ynid ; all our cot- tiimt laces uui'o % VluIrltiltctl t w'nuihi , hiavimig I becim lumrchiascl ( 1) ) ' our rcsklemmt buyer iii New York at hiutlf price. S. P. MORSE & CO. ; FOR.SALE. Au chegamitly fitted up phiotugriphiie : stiihiO ( , With lixtuics ; tuml , : tjpai'lttUH , is ofl'ei'cd fe : SIIIC oil uiccotiimt .if ( lie death : of thu pI-tlhmi'iotoi' _ IF'ui' , heiiticiulais cill : at the ofhice of ' ' 'i\'estrn l'ustoii , " 16(1 ( : lUll ! Fuiimmhiniui streets. jy7.'Jt ; , ? thiss . 'imimuu P. 'i'm'uilutiid s'ilI emi Sumu- I maci' school : ut the South S'chioh , iEommtlui ) ' I .1111) ' ( Ithi. _ - - 'I'he Swedish Pro , Biothiem'hiiod , ms'iil iiuhtl their ' ' ' ' 4atlmrdut ' i'gulai' iiht'etimig ) eve- I mmimmg .liil ) ' 7th uit 8 , telock sluii'p itt tIme I 1letlud'mst 1 lull , No. ( 'II 1 6th St. , hot- wecim Cal'tfoi'miiu utmiulVeltstei' . hly tu'dorof \Vnlgiemi , See'3' . BAIL'S ' CORSETS Every Corset he warranted sa.tIi- factory to Its weaer In tycry way , or ( ho money Will be refunded by the person trozn whom It wu bOUbt . ymaonmycoiet pronouuetd Lu our ie.&fl rhLh1ctA2 ° rb iii4e. " 1 I'U1V5by PAiiii , l'o.tgo raw. IIta1Ib I're.crlng , * 1O. $ , ifAdlu1ttIE , $ Lb0 Abdomt..I ( eztrM bravi ) $2,00 , 4urs1og. Si.C Uc..ii 1'rterying ( SR. routli ) LOO. 1'Z'gG& kirt.uppofliug. iU for . &l. by Iea4iDt itciali lJea.lcr vorjwhClS ' flIOAOO U1UUT VU. , VWtQ , m. hs4xU ( 'Olt IN I ) I1ASSI'I'U DI' , . SO CL\1MON ( iN ' 1'hll 5P1 ! INU , INI- ' ' ' ' ' ' OF 'I'i I l O4'i'l A 'J'UIIPII ) CNil'I'ION ( LI ViR .Nh ) A t4l41ThiSii ( 01 ltCL.TL. . ' ' ' , FLL'hI ) . TRN th 'I'hil LIF'I-ILVINU ( p ' ' . ' 'l'.tlt lt4tN'I"S A 'i'lA.S1'NFI11 ( oF . $ il/1"/dl I'Flt1 I'N'l' iN A U l4SSOF \\4ThhL hiAhi" AN JUTII ( 111F)1tl ( 0 BIt EAKVAS'l' Li. ( h hN'11Y It ELI E\'J U ANI ) 1tht1IATIThIl blV1ht , Qt'IOK- ] : N ANI ) l''lIl"V ( ! T11l OIlCUI1AT1ON , I ) lMl'Ah'I'S { NiLIVl AN ! ) VIiht ( ) 'J' ( ) 1) fl't'iltV Ft'Nl''ItN ) OF 'Fhll hiOlY , , 1 . % l1 } ( \gJJ _ w I : jj ; 'A ' -N LLJJ -S - . for Infants and Children. Cnstnrlapromtiotes Iigtiosm nnd overcomes Flatutemicy , Uonatija- tioim , Sour Stomach , liuin'lnva , itimil Feverisiiimeis. It imisurt's health :1:1(1 ( ziatural bled ) , without uiorphu I Ii C. , I Ca-'torha is so 'woll atiaptii to Children that I recounmend ii ulssujl.'rlor to nmiy prrscrlhtion known 10 limo" 11. A Aacmmxn , 111. I ) . , a2'roruhnnil Ave. , hirooklyn , N , 'i' , What gives our Children rosy chtck * , SThat eUrt' their fevers , makes them Ieep ; 'TIA Cstorl * . k When lolk' . fretnnl Cry hyturn. , What otmn's their colic , kills Uuelr worms , lint Cusstort , . . What quickly eimres Constipation , i4our Stomumacim , Colds , Indigestion , Ihit C.uitorla. Fnr.'welI ( lion to Morphine Syrups , Cnstr Oil and l'aregoric , fluidhail hail CntorIl CENTAUR LINIMENT-amu zdiu1uito euro for ithosima- . tlsiui , Sprahims , 1iuriis , Onhis , . 'Zc. The imiost I'ovcrfuI mid iono- trating l'alit-rehievlmig mimuti llcahhimg Iteimlely known to maim. Grand Pacific Hotel ( 'OiiNi-li 01' NINTH AND IIARNEYSTS. OMAHA . . . . Nlll , OPENED MAY 17th , 1883. 'fluI i iOtCt eontiiin. lOt ) roonis , all , iutiile iomuus , and 80 reouuvt on the lust floor , e'i.ciahlv ' nlaptt.l for sauuu'io mcii , A cuisine of superior CCL lm0nCC. ile-Ild' quarter. for the ' , tate triule. 8ptcmal inilneeuuieuits to the theatrmcal mrofeil'uu. lintel sltiateti'tiit' , 1,10(101 fruln ( it1ots , ilouie Culls l11iM the iIlXt'l bitIi ii a S esery tite mulillUteM. SAbSli & AYbSViOIITII , SPECIAL NOTICES. trSpec1a1s will Positively not be inserted unlecs ja1d in actvauci , . - TO LOAN --Money. ° ' ' " TO 1l'NTue omaha Siiluug. hank ii - I ilIW } reu eti to iiiaku Ioaui. out Oulluila i'It , ' or iiOilgIfl.M ( 'lilult , ' real estate ut current rate of iuitcr't. No cointiiisioui tiuiireiI. 8s8tf ONETi ) L0.tN 'I'Iiu illOC't r.ites of huiterc.t i Beinim' LIaIl lIJIll'3 , mMIi & iouugiai. ! : i1tf - ' , 0NE ' 10 LOAN -Call at lao' llkc ut I ) . L. i 'l'hulnas , I 1111111 8 , Crc'uiiitoui il1oe1 _ ( ) NiIA.tNii ) ) out cmiattem Illortgllgc , iOOulI 7 _ i Nc'1raka Natiouuai ii.uuk linlidlog. 184-ti HELP WANTED. -T. ' ) TEi IA ii iuing room nuii idteiit'ui girl , lIlt ) V 1 L'nilItoi ai C. : mw.n yM1'Emi-.t goti girl IutuuiitilI.itely lit S. 'it' . cor- 1 11cr 22utii nuiul St. ) tart's _ ai e. Mu.t he gocieook , Ii asher 1111(1 irouuvr :178.7 : T\r'NrEc A tiliuhiug roolut gill uit tiuc Creightoli , iloue , :192-ti : TT.tNTIO'i'iio , uulikers III 14uuruitle.rll T\T.tNTIO 1' lalry ) , : mn-n : ) - a (0.)1 III ) , I chIflhllhCrllilIlII _ hi' \TANTII-WSuU S 'i'uIri ' L'allfi.riiia iiOtl"O trulcr iitii iuiiI lt. :19:1-lit : : s'm'mnA : eool at tue ilanie It , ri-tauuiauit , W ( ioi.d sag :190-st : 1 \rtN'rnD-ulri to iii , geilt-ruli muoli.e0 irk at I III ) , 'tiriIiuii , :1(19-6 : : W"NTFm- : ) lllC , It i1ilIlg gin for general S iiiui.enork uit ' 4 e ( ' 11111Cr i3tml and Ca , ' , strLt'i , - A Nimi I - iOO tOtekillill , ( .1) ) llilrri 111th , C Ii Ii- ' \T iiijrt-rs for 1-It ) ii .rk. I I - M.tN'Vl i , : tO-Tf 1111 * St. uiir i'aruiauii. . flesh .gt. -1 , N'1'Fi ) - A g' ' 'li ' 1 ilIlluli took , City I intel , . - 'r ' S ititli nujil I tarlicy 't. : : Gu71 - ' T.N'rl1I ) - l-iccoliI cook at I In , Euuinct iioue. , W'iiuiuitui ilrt furred , 2S. , 111 - \ \7.NTii ) - _ % t ) iorougily ) Etulipt-teli I girl to ilo gnu-nil lIotiMeo uirk lui i fauiuli of to o. t1 Ill ) 2121 touuglai it. : e19-7 : -I Nil Il I - I lirl t' ' , to . ( , , ; . , . : , . , Ic &om Burt ' St. 81i1-7 PtUN(1 )'i' N-I-i : m - -i-i , it-am short Iii , ad , I eiare , $ itillitioul St lieu eolnj.eteii I , "Steno , " lieu , itllca. : ll7.7 1TAN'flD- Ihilullig roonl gmrm ut l'Iiiutcrs : 1' 16th uuuiii li.igi- . : iis-o ; rfl % gisI gt-uieram hI-ri.siuuhtIi. (10(51 S wuiges aunt st-wI ) s iirk liii , 1 tar rouud. L0Sii' . MAIlKfl , i'ueiiiiiut Nti , . 3S-iS W tNTEDtOrI at iauI-r io tactir , 15 S. 14th St. - ' V \TAEI ) - ( In ainiiy of two 1221 North 111 St \r.tNTEI-i'rim ) llnilts , sinks , and ets-iwiols to y \ ( ILSul sill , . .tuiitar3 i-ieailt-r , i44ueimullgilar. Rhltetli. .1. 3m. SiuttIi 11(1,1122 Oillalla 916-i inc 117-AN'riI : ) TO iXCiitNiititnulan ie.ins fer v visiti IL'-'s'lll } $ 1i a iittl eIr1tictd , Iii thu Sit. VeiirJrCOiliUiNltIlililli.Uieththl , . 'tlIlrL-i $ M , City. -'V \T.tNTEI--A gIN. ! iiuiati % 'uieS 'tI i-r iteek. Inhlrt-i-s "Cooi. Ike oltice. I73-O - , I 1111-2 gutsi incus lii work , I-irst it \ ' fair gmiiiiiid-i. 'i'olisit jlrii , hilt-ti - ' \T.NTEI ) -.t cniuipcteuit girl , CilCTai hiouso ii tirk. (10011 isageS I'Jii ) I)41Lllj'irt lit. i51-if \txrtI : ) , t girl for geiut-rnl 1ioiic iiiikuuiut be V gISHI took , uatiur uiuuil Ironer , .imly at 2420 ulnria-y St. .Mr. .1. iI. TIlilrtui \ 1 ' ( NTllA utn''t iiii iiuiui. , % 1i11 % at , iltiee 1 Nt-linialui 10111 I IIII 1 I iusilraueel , 'ocipali ) 21 (1 1(11 Ii lit. 110911 ' ' .INTEI I - Ilir for gi uivr.tI ltiiu.vrk. ltlll.t I'll 1 \ gissl esk 111111 lauuuilies. , S1llISat m7itl L'iili. firilla strict 214-ti I uuhi ( II'OIJNIh ; MIN lii ( , 1) CC oIliuItr ) , .4 take uilee , II.-iI ) ci iii pIca-.ituit si i L itt t IIL'Ir ( 'it-li iiouiivs : i' to i'.i , i 1111) ' 011911) uitl lintel 1,1 iuIlillu ; it ( ri , stilt Iit _ miuaii ; ui' .405 ii , % lilj : ItO slUillil fir ri lv I'lra-'u address IL-Jluille 91 alilltiu-t lurIng Coiuliiuii . , i ( lr-ilit-r 'I'L ia-tii-tIi-sut till J ) l SITLLtTIONU WANTED , A VitlIig 01101 U ill iec1 , set i.f Isioks or il ' aui ( 'lli ) lui t'i elluligs , . 'tiiilI UsS .1 , m I. 11 ' lilt 11-31-9' ' ' , -t tI 1:1 : I Ii ) ilTi t'it iuvii4 ( .ouuug lath a m'o.ltlou I S as ii-istaui ( i.wji.ktei't-r III .t14tiltr. lh. 114 lath St. 1ity , 1111-91 ' ' \ ' : -lhIiI-kUeliIOf I ' ' 111 tIn i cit-lihuugs AuIilrvs F' 11 II. lice tlikv. lti9-Dt _ _ _ _ _ - \rNTEi ) -.1 sltuatluui I' ) 5 )1iill 10411 Iii Ii storu I ui OlSet. Iltii Iiatdt'miral 3uars experieul-e iii 11 lhvuit-I-uij tor. t , N , lhu pilke. 3S8-91 % . % NTED - A .ituotiiui iii .iuuac store , t , a cuuiig I S uiiaui is taluliug tu Itarn lilt ( ItislIlibS tilress 1) " - ml Ike QI1IVC , MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. I l.I ) Inns \-Nm.i : : , m iii now all. to , ie a few ' , i-al-I of CISi't st-ram , Iron If It cult I. Iniglit : it usi tr3 ( iii tljiirt' , ( 'irrvqoiuIcnio.oIltlt oh. , I U , Ouch- nit 'nruier IlI.i he null : l2l st I ) ( 'ti % I-C I i rtlo. roIt iENT--Houseui and Lots , on lti-N'i I t'li-u In good ri-pair 1 t2Ii flirt 11 i9tb L t , liSt.l2l VOlt ItmNT----rIO.u : I liits rt'oiui iithi ) oaril at 15i9 _ : _ - - - - - F Oil lmNT-Euegitut : filiuihihttl 1,1Iii Isle flolgi- . ' ' 4 I ( Ill I t 1N r i Itut' Chicago St. ia-ts c'ui I Itli , ' . II I 1911 , , lfl'iiliie at c"ruuer Chicago and 19th. 00Ms loll IIENT-i-OiltilIe for ti. , ) pntlenu-n ' Ii itli IitrI ; , i903 Ihitecuitli uiuiti Ci'pitul ate. 901-61 I ' imt mIENTltouio iii 9 m-uinliis Un i8tiiituil lhslge Strt-t-t , iuuiiUlre at 1118 } 'utnihaun Street.3'itf 3'i-tf mNT-Tmuc : fir-st ihisir antliiu-einent it ! No. I 2015) ) Ca's .St. i'he muost de-drabie hoiue iuu ( lie city. WIll t-xeluango ruiit for boiii-d , 9th. ) ti : i -i hI'u-.c-t ' , atuti 3 Stores for rvtit. , lo1iti : itoillius I corluer } 'aruuaiim and 13th St. IEN'i'Tis o snuali lirIrk stores auil hastuuiuit , F just it'iuig fllihiuel v(10. three rlots north of N.h. Nuthiiual , ilatikS. . 1lllt1AN. I 'om iuNm'-hrie : liii L'iiutui ihilL iIujulrl- % a Comity Treasurer's oIili-e. 370-71 fllt'lilNT ) -'h'ti hub nude a eel ) iitti. ' furuiLciued ro'ni , ii Itti fla-i , cull ) iO.OOmt-r uionth t04i9 cai Si. $79-if. - -i ( ; uicaly tiiruui'tlu-d Cool flolli 5.11)1 i'iaiio to - i-ti 1615 ilotige St. $ :2.T r -Vfl Cottages for runt wftlironin-i luilacliat It mont Ii on .10th St. betis ccii l-'aruiiuiu , inil 11mg- iac. huuiuirt- ( 'li ' tue . _ _ _ t.iiIiI' -wii I'uuruiliiied roulifor rent in 'iusd , , ' geuitlctni-u .1.piy to 11319 liothgc St. 394.7' Oil itNTiare friiuit ritouli ii itlu ita ii huithins F with board , iliolici-u , iii1Irili eicuit i 17 I S iodgt- ) . 399-lit 'loll mtl"iiloouui' : , isitli loari , , iiu1Ice'-t conler I I lath auuti Califou-uula it. 267-ti -umi RENT-Fiie renili cottatu iiltii good bin-n. I All iii etvlleuit couiditluuu alai is elm lo-tt-.l. , l63-tf C. 1' . 1)iIisCOl.L. , IUIINISIIII : ) mutMsANI ) BOml1lModern t'oui I 4 iclileliccil , 1S12 iodce si. 99i-lulut r -'o tll'-ltoonlS anil 1citnl , or fuiriu istied llnl-u fur somber , ISOS California street. i17-1uiics - Tomtm Foil itl4Nl-Coruier of lath haen- liOit , Inquire 1610 Daicuiport street , 469-ti ii111:91 : I Mild , ( ' 011 for i.ale. I ullIulhru Oil , Ii. I lit I , ' I I 17 sonth , 11th St. FOR SALE. - - - - - - - - - - - - - lOut St1LInih' iilcuoiIil luiii't. . fouitlic or I hciu I , I 4 lile , iri'ers. N4)lttui' ) ) $ (1rUICCI ) Store , 8114 N. 16th street. 27-I-i ! , : _ _ iros , Wngiiius , I lanicEte , , at. h-iillgruult Stable , Ciuuiiiiugi Str-'t , 29 iiuu - ; 'iout SALi-GhJO head ycarmhig helter , ' , floe Iie-ul 2 sear ititi lielfeus. 450 " 3 , 4 auid S , ietr (1.1 heIfer- ' , :100 : ' I auid year rid steers. 4(4) ( ) " 3 fluId 4 3enr old steers. 300 ' iuui'ied cithies - S sTmuNuF : iuuio , - ' Cattle couitractors , iI'ule , % 'uoi auid Tallow dealers. f ) l-i . - - - - - - - - _ s on s.Lm-o1d rueisspapei-s in Large aI , , inal1 cluialitltlcs at this 0111cc. ti lXuE- uiuiil uliaciiiulei-y ( ' 011.1St hug of 1 in-aki , , 2 luters , beater , li'cIlr , mrcs , . .t ( , Can ii ork either rittt-d or greeui stuck , also i'liaItliiu , 1,111- 103 5 , auiii belt log for urIs iuig tue nloi , i , ni-n tiuie 3t. I I . 1' . clugIllo ii itli boilcr , sinoketick uiiid al I II 'it lure , . Couilpiete. Ailtiress'l LLltM 'i % Ui' , Ciuti ici I' ity , liii , a. ! ,9'n * 'OIt SALII--A first cia-sM sccouil hand to1 , itiugg. I 1 at 1319 miarucy street. $9t1 tihtili-NT---Cottiugc of U rcouuli0 it uii"uiitu , T 2291 C.alifiula st. 37m-l1 I 1)1)3114 VOlt JIEN'h'i-iuultnile for 1110 g&-uitk-unt-ii 1619 } ' .irulnln , 3l1I-7 IdI11CEL1Ah1Uh. A T AUCTION -F'or sate , t liulils itt bridge tt'ck _ t ' - arlo , Satiurilay at 0 a. , uu. , ztiitl 2 b ' - uii oil Iit Isittiug to 1 ur-ilau hi I ire tlitt ii utap , , ii , , so ielliliuig itt tluc aboic , liec. 390-71 -tl'nit , 9 i , . iii h uui 3rd , a u-inn-il , i-.illi-stmii I _ d I If ullilultiletitceii , hlriIiSt're ' auud 1Ii.-llulIc ! II muili ulit thuiiier liii ! lie litieiauiy roil uili-il ( li ri turuu . P ig It to thims iItii-e , 3(11-71 ( 'phi I i ii hiouu'o anti 1i-ildluig Ii. lit litli i 14CC. I 14 ( oil .tt 1:11111) : i-I. _ truuih1 Ni , . 12111 Nstii 18th St. 3Sh-Tt - , ; his InN S'tli\--'liit- iIi.Il&uI..arv iui eon- -I I ne-cthuu wltil the ClulIls mlt.-qitiif utuuil hlouialiii _ , loeatt-l Oil tini jitruter iii I tithi : iulil 1)ugizis ) strt'c ti liii iii tlit ia iv 1llIhlliIlv Is ttlil'-ilttI , , ttt-iusliiui-e is imu 1 , . , gii to t--ry ullorulhiag (14iluulhli ( . - ) trout I 0 lii i I o'clock for the tr-atuiu-uut of tIle 2101 ili _ , ' .ik an I siulleriuig. 3713-ti 'iL'ElI-I'rouui Shliiui' . ndlition a 100 , st-ar old ba' iiiru cclii , lilazeti face and s bIte iiIiu.l tout. 1lillt-ral renur.l isili lie ild for rt-tiiu-uu to .Ino 11th- tt-r 2Sih nail ( 'as. , lint-k 9-ant , 344.1l ) 'AKEN IJI'-liy the uiiitlerslgit-d , , a red CiW sith silulti , sisits Oil boily aui,1 face' , . ' , Iso a cut hu each ear. ( low mias isithi calf vhen fiiuiiid. ( isn-rr-an iiuae bailIli l } euttliiuv Oil I' . Larson , Juuiestrctt , be- tieeui titli ailti 711 , , aunt la9Irlic t-huarcs. 'J70-ltitt-ii I S.I.140 acres , lie , * , barn , trots , &e , lit-ite i-'lreiitu. 42,545) . t'Iil ts-iiauuge for fanui mauud , 372. 10 Si I Il I VEIl & HI : i.m I si.r : ihoiiiu authhioItu eorult-r lot uaiir U. I , . lIt-lot. I2945J. 9iii. ) 015)1 _ ) _ balguit- , , Iii illoilthhy liaineuits tlt1JIiY _ & JONES , 1300 _ JlrlttSt. . Ouiuuhua , _ _ 3 1.1 t _ itOY4i ro A1 JI0 POWDER Absolutely Pure. This jxiiilcr never 1aric6 , A maritl f iffy , btrcultIi auuil % tllOiCbOmli.ilebS , Muru t-t'OlluhlllCa thaU thu ordinary khiids , auui cauinotijo aohil In t'oiluIt tIe tltli tlio iiuuitltudo of hem. tebt , short aulghlt , I i 0 iliosphatu I'outh-r t .14 wIly In caii. lti 181e l'pri : Wi. ret-t New York , - - - -