Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1883, Page 5, Image 5
.K .Kr I TILE IA 1..l. [ BEE UIiAIIA , SAI i. I11J.11 J UL1 , l3SA , 3 \ 1 _ a y .v r w gx G aAE-I ' 4 o nba uw axe EIx ooa < xAa . p. "Qrnw xa C Iu ,3 u Gaza. , ' mo - ° " iaxQW1 y "maH { r Z woz FHc 3zapw , , ; x z x as bA OZP4Wai0A s ® yaw ibz co w .A Illm w a d x.a x o W .a nobbww QHxx . . Z a1 oxzx g II W D . s. " , , . . ] w HtcWaW co eI uQ0 AW w tixx xwaWUa > w .4 "q H.1 "NHAOILHa co . ' eb. 'Otlloe u wH . , , au 'uyQ.l tLt7Qx , " ' x ® o o. w " mAHOa'"t7 0 0o auax 'Of c N Gw .z3aa aH m --z wAW6ao"z = - - 3ca7 a i3LLTuWit 1. . , At' . , + v t -.v r ) r r ' . , = o 11 i.j , 111 'i ult. l p 111 II'VLIj VAPOR COOK STOVE I , .At' ' Thelionecraudonly Vapor Cook Stoic that has .mod the test (1 years anti guen entire and perfect uti factlan. Over 100,000 , Now in Use ! ' Now Patent Hull Ovon. 1'ahMt remm'nllo and lntcrchae cable Jul Orifice , rendcungourhurncrhulestulrtib u , New line vahC ifnruer of Lo Nor Stoles. Neu Safety nc crrolr. for Snunnrr tic thew sGaes are hun.pcn + il1e. Fur turnw to agents , pate ilet and catalogue , Address l' iICLL VAPOR STOSft UO. , ! r je :0 d 111&0 2in v1nt Cles eland , e. 4F - - - - - - - - - - , 5f Railway Time Table. - U. P , it. It. , MAIN TdNi. LSArr. Amtlt'K Aally I xpress..12:15 : p to I Iaiiy Express , . . : : _ 'S Put renter Bgiress. 7:40 : p w Ienrer Fapre.e..7:3 : : : , n m 1 of iitnt , . . . . . . 0:00 : p in I I migrant . . . . . . .5:20 : t m 1) tAl1A ANh LINCOLN LINE. U. I' , DEPOT. La At'i : . AIII11t r , v , Llncuin 13x..11:45 : a lit Lincoln Le . . . . .It03 ' in J + , . . . . . . . , . : & ) Ilved. . . . .1:45pm : AUIMYTI411NS-111110(10 AI\'ISION. Au11nuy traln3 Ica ( a Omaha as folios s : 8:00 ( t lit , OeO : s 111,10:00 : a 111,11:00 : a ni,2W , p in , 3UU : p lit , tOu ( p in , 5:00 : p lit , (1o)0 p ui. Dmnuty ti aiin Ices a Cnuneil iI1ii f. ns f odic s s : 8:25 : d m , 0:25 : a iii , 10:25 a in , I125 a m , 1:1 ; , u , , C ; I , 3:5pin,4:25pm,52piii : : , 0 5puL Sundays--Thu Annnny lrahv Iri : a Ottuth t at Os : ) , II : O i a in : 2:00 : , 4:00 : , 500 and 0:00 : p in. l.t'nses Council IIIuiTi nt 025 auil 1150 ni , . 4:25 : , 5:25 : and 0.5 p in. 8,111 iiiIl0UtII ANA LUCAI. I'.Lssl\ftllt : : T1t.11Ss- II3I lit ; ) : lI1'1411IX. ( L:11'4 : nwAlll. LFA'S Cot 'CIL HJ + ri I . Nu. 2..7:45 : n m I I'as. Nu. 5 , . 7:2 : 5 n ut " No. 10. . .5:15putl : " No. 15. . .11r20ain " Nu , 4. . . . 5:4(1 : ( p lit " Nn , : I , . .11:30 a m i fsutgiantNu,0..0:15nm : " Ni.10. . 7:20 : In 1o. 7..0:00 : p ' No. t . . 7:00 : p us SIOrX CITY & PACIFIC-DEI'U'1' \ . 15tH leavii ( htialia for O'Neill tlaSt.l'.sulLhte for lflair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8p1 : : ant .lrrivrlroni NeIich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SInpm : C. , ) I. & St , I' . It. E.U. . I' , IEroT. LI Ai5. AIiii15'e. , ) laIISEx . . . . .7:15an : + : Mall & : . . . . . . : .tthudic1 x..3:40 : iii I'ncifle 1 . . . . . . 0:15 : a m IMlly. 1)1111) . S\'dBA41f , ST. IAUI4 & I'.t:11'IU ' : It , II.-U. 1' , 1)FI'OT. ) LBA(5. ARRI1'x. 1)rnahn 7/T : a m Omaha . . . . . . .1230 a in " 3:10pui : 1 " . . . . . . . . . 5.2'Ptn ) C. , 11. & 4 11 , ILU. . ! ' . AE1'OT. ARHIIS. L5Ay5. M(111'.7:15ain : Ixre , + . . . . . . . . OI ) a mil : . , . , . . . , . : in ' . . . . . . . . . . : N , Y. : Lanes Counull IAuITs ut 3:17 : p ud " " arnccs " " 8'iam : l 'Hmtdaysexceptd , tOuuhatluie. 0. , II , I. & I' . It , ILU. . 1' , IE1'OT. ) ARlliR. LR\R. 11ui1 . . . . . . . . . . . . .941aiii ia + ress , . , . .7:1 : sin + . , Eymwi , . . , . .7:0 : iIii Mali. . . , .5:10pm : & , , . ! ' C , do N.I\ ' . II , lt.-U. 1' . 1H114Yh. 1 ' . . . . . . . . . , . . : a lit Ix : + , . . . . . . . . : n lit , ' arprrsa. . . . . . .340pm ) laid' . . .7:20P11t : j 'Hunday'a excepted. ' , I 'Huntjay $ uxcupteil , H. C , & r. M. tt-U. 1' . AFt OT , MslIt . . . . . . . . . . .0,00 n m + res $ , . . . . . . . .0:50 a et Rap rtM. . , . . , , .6)OOprn ( Maul pln 1Suudays uxcepted. ; rr , PAUL & OMAIIA-NEIfitAHKA AIYlH1l1N - DEI'OT N , 15T1 ! HT. ? , . , . . , , . . . . : No. l . . . . . . . 4&O : in N0 , 4. . . . . . . , .18:45 : iin No. 3. . . . .11:15ain : 8untlay s excepted , b. C. , AT. Joi ; & C , Ii. It. l1-11 , tit M. DII'OT : , Nult. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5ain Faire RA , . . . . . . . : Rtpn s . . . . . . . . . 7:20plit : Mal. . , . . . . . .OO5Oapin : If. & M , ! N NFUItM KA. D mcr Fxprts1. . 8:15 : a 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5:35 : p lit LJucnin 13aprcat..6.35 p in. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0:40 : a m MIi5001t1 I'ACIFIU-U , I' . 1)1:1'OT : , ARIIIYi4 DRYAIir. hx $ , . . . . . . , Ex rcas..7:25 p u' Nall. . . . . . . . . . . 0:15pni : Ital. . . . . , . ,8:05uni : Trams Ica trig at 7,3 P m null urrlt lug at 0:50 : u ur rt111ure l'ullmat alcciers. Opening and Closing of Mails , RoUTR. OlnIN. ci.o s. aan , pan. Lilt , 11.1(1 , I,9dmgo&Northwestern . . . . . .11:00 : OO : t 5.111 2:40 : Chlmgnflock lsland&I'aeItfC.11:00 : 0n0I5:3O : :40 : Chicago , llurlhlgtal&ulltry..11:00 : 0)x1 5:10 : : 2:40 : Wabash. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:30 , 5:90 : Sioux City & I'aclflc , . . . 5IR1 7:0 cuhwt l'aeifo. . . . . . . , 4:0011:40 : : Qulalia & itepnhllcan Valley. 2:0011:10 : I. & 5L In Actmsska. . . . . . . . 0:00 : 7 40 5.30 Omgha & Nurlliaestent. . . . . 5x1' ( 72n /llsiIurl l'wIlkc. . . . . . . . . 0:30 : , 5:30 : / local malls fur i tate ut tun n Icne but onu + a + in ) , tit : 4:30 : u. In. A Lincoln null Is also Opened at 10:30 : a. in. ( v rule ( own Suotia's from 129s1 in. to 1:00 : p. m , 'I'I 1OS. I' . IIAId. , Po hiwstur. t' . . John D. Peabody , M , D. I PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , ( WFICI : IIO01I4 , 3 aid b 1007 FAIINAM ILaldence,171I Iaualas . . . . . Omaha , Neb LOTS FOR SALE. ( Jnly tai minutes' walk fiuul end of Street Car Tatck. J. C , W I L C O X , lark A'eliUe 1luuelUaucoa t'Iace , Jt 12dm , ST. PATRICK'S ' SAY , The Disltll iislicil Lobbyist Vtcd'iiilg 1110 SCCiICS of Fortner Glory , Ilseebrtnta tot 4'rosty ttrr ,11111111 . 'it tO In llll' Irouet' 01' 111'1111' . 0'uttUh'ern-'Pitt' ( 'e i. " 1114 tielit'ni4' , Iigt'Ii IS upp1e44i\'ely sttu'ul , emit the tlu'rnunnelet' betwcel Vihratjng utnety lilt amid nn' : Innuh'ed , the batlnnuter without nldicntin11s of 17tin , and III , re. freshiuc hreurr except from the ulalaviuus precincts of S(1onpoOd1O ( ill the north , nud the 1'otumiuic tl1ts on the 81111th , 'I'hc PF1 Sldmll of ibo u , s , tuts retired 111 the 11111111 tgeous lit 1ett at thusoldiets' ho 'ill ' and indulging hhmisolf ul leuuilmiule and wntur it ( 1115et194111g 1/l'ttlt'lal / re fresluneutslilt , the kitehcu enhiuet , 11111 pruballjlitjes of tlai netiou of the cami Utn1\'eltio11 of ' 8I , 111 the relatIye 1111(11of the vvhok'royt1 family vitllits hnla cs to euuquer ( t stlOdglIt 149(1 ( ' of the purple. Nebraska i4 1,11111'11 , eeprusunted at this tins' ' tier . \donis inns utuHlm'imig around the urlid11r4 ; , of the old Nut 10unl until a frs i1it s8gn , huh ho hn4llepittted for tlte 'llYpe'bolcan lugiIlls , " presuwab1Y io lnoh uP NC1i 't'mick and prcpiux' n fen 11th. 1a\ its t'nt1131'11II1I tIi erluiuc of .Judge ( 'eatvfol(1 , ) r IO Ii liii { Viii ( trf Ills coast itU ency opposed the star route tllnt the post. ulnster gunoall squelched lust Satur ( lay. Congress iii 18(11 k'vicd e direct tax ( m8jmist the stite4 : nud tort'itories of t(1e ty mililliomis of do1l81'4. Nebraskli 41)Ortiuu of that tnx was $11,71) ! ( ' ) , In July 18112 the teT1tot ! ius of u\s , ti' jco , Nebraska and OnkotayaN releivod by out of Cml gross (111(1 thu tunmiey npPeoprinted to ptty tin'il ( t4SL'S4 I IH' ut , 1ltd 1111 (11311011111 of the negligemicu of 11111' nu'uibers of Cougrese till mialltel'Wins mint attended t ) , ( (11(1 tllo apptprintion ) m i)1'd ) , ( as cuv1rd into ti ( % ' ithOutel)8ddit10n(1l ( act , the stltte , I and tmiformcll Uy the flout 1 ) l1lphnllet' minist pity tills tax. Tun PlutcetltIug iugl hnt o ii 1 I1111:90 of settle- nuimit $2'4,9.12.11) of clnitlls of the state nud WI1011 the accmnding otlicmw of the ttemnry ( (1111111 thus ualney tit' any ph't of it , it will ho m'edjted to the state 811(1 thin nloilcy will not bu paid. This all uecllt's from the negligeco 1111(1 ignU1'iulce of hwnliC1s 11f the Iionso. I nv0 the 1,111 ; Senator Ililchcuck all the lnforluatimt about this ( lireet tax ten years ago 1(11(1 he prepared a Point ru4ol- utian on the subject , Vhnt became of it I do net now. Nebraska iaL4 hover had a 111311 in tlu , Ii01ISe who attended to the interest of the state , old it remains to b13 513011fethcr ] in the last cangressioutd dual we hone drawn two nloro (1111313134 or \vhetl1C' they clue arise above trading for patrunago , selling their votes , turd at- tnulpting to smirch good ii en , to protect tliellisilv'es fruul m imiliunlty (111(1 ( keep their bemicluuiul out of thu petiteIltiary. i have been ti-yiug to haVO the l' , S. eourts here invcstigato the frauds per. petratell UII the htst cong1'es4 Ill thin wetter of the contingent member. Su far they refuse to bring up the natter alleging ho crjul0 in tins district , 1 Lace intmn iu\vd Col. Corkhill and his t.ssisttnt ( h the oliico of 1)ish'ict Attorney but they decline to have anything to do with it , 1 have triutl to iCIVO , Judge Duhdy and Llnnher24nu to halve this urtttter ia- rustigdCd bat (1103' ( iIn\'e (10110 llnthlillg ill tire miultter. I will be Value by thin 1st proximo 1(11(1 w11eu thin next U. S , grand jury COnveleH something nulst bo done to 111300 that lsasc811y piece of btisillcas whl1'e d Unions ( old uxone'nLU thnsu who though suliruliell , kiin\s nothing of it. I will furnish yoiu' paper with 11OtC4 of congress null thin (1Otalls of till. direct tax wleu ) I rutnrn. , PAT O'I Lttv1s : , . - - - - - II tOKsIANS (11t.lNU ( IIAZAIt. \IOL'7'0.tIEE $11.11 , 1t1AD' ' ItEA ] ) ' HEAD ! 't'his nit min(1 the S1.Ilnlrrfatlh : I41sT. IA idi1H' uutriulmed II tTH from 1013. IAAhiEs' 1'.trl'Im : 1I.\T4 mid BONNI7rs at lcss tutu 1(111 prjcu. bl1NH turd 1101' : . Stmt' IIRts 311)ust gisemi away. FANS fwd I'.t1L , U15'helf price. 111141 : vary cheap , 1lirrs and CLurls : half price. IIU7r11NH Onu third price. FfO\y131L9 half price. \\'IIITE Dnuss ( limos rcr ; ( cheat , , 14/11 'F ( bolts 11 .11.1' 1'1)IUE. ( I. EV111TE , Agt. , fill' ( ) inalta National Bamil' . _ . , - - - - A , I ) . MOItSE SUhf ltcliuble : ( nc I'rkt' Shoe , S'orr' , - - ltuy your Ruins' toll quo tee' sutluuer shines at A. P. Morse's. Largust Stock of Sh0e4 . -Sold fur the Lowest Prices. hest Assm'ted Stack inVidth Anil Quality. its'dl pity yea to look over our stuck before buying , , ) pposito Paxton emi 14th street. - . . _ Ir , \ r ah Camps Ollicu will be in Fr'elle'H Illock , itoen 1 amid t , over ElhlohIH & Erickseus , oil 1111(1 ( itfter the 1st of , lifly,1883. jut 3t LAIIESAF1 , : YODU FEAT1IE1U4 11114 tips to thin new dye house to have them cleaned , dyed 11nd curled , O(1jcu ( 107 S , 15th st. , opposite 'usttlicw. ' ( IIURLIIURT tC IL11l.LElh r- 1)r. Oscar Iluflinan , physician 4(11(1 stir. geutt , gtatblate of Belluvttu college , N , Y Otljcu No , 1112 Farumn St , : For White L01.d and Mixed Paints ( 'o to Ocodnlan's For building material go tt ( l. I. , Brlldiuy , cot' . 13th and California. jin)1 ) U ii f ( n1E1.'runM Lheo Marie , daughter of Idle C. ihhl E , A. Ftgulstornl , pn ( tar of tliuSWC0dish iii theun ChurcllJuiy5th , aged I8 nunthiH , Funeral will ttkiiplaco tonurrlns' July 7th lit 1) ) a , iii. from thin fnutil ' resaluncu 1912 1iurt St , Frjunds art nil invit'lh NO'PI Ol'k 1'heru trill be it spccitl mileetili' ' of thin Ouah ( i Club held at ; flux , \1oy u : s Ai 114113 IIalI'I'ucsdny Jnly' 10111 at 8 dcluck I. iii. tt 8131 oa nupin'tult luntters thintvi II lie presented by thedireetuls. It is 5puemi1l- ty rcquestcd that uveiy mulnbur be present , A. I. , STntNu , (2t ( ) ] 'residunt , _ - - - - - Fur fre4h umltry butter and eggs , go to NELSONS , 20th old Burt. Nice spring chiekeiis et WieAlur's ' , SOMETHINC EVERY LADY 011111h1 TO KNOW. . ' 1'hero c dsis a 111Ca11S 01.80 cnrin a soft luttl brilliant Complexion no 11111(101' ( 1101 toot' it 111,1 , ' naturally ill ? . lag11n's Mitgnolht halal is a delicate lull harmless tti'U- d o , tvitielt ius1antly'renloves F ro c 1.1 o 5 , Tau , lietlness , llou"lulcss , Eruptions , Pal- er' 111181iiiigs , etc. , etc. So oltcato and naturitl tn'o its effects that its use is not slls lertetl banybody. . 11o lady ha thu 1tiht io present a disih"ured htco in society when rho lhlgnolia Balnt is sold by all druggists ' for 75 cents. EDWARD KUEHL MAilTIit ( ii' P.1T.M STEIt1' . .NI ( 'OX OITION Ahisi' , 411S Tenth street , mrtwn'11 I'ntsiant arid liar. nc ) , till , uith the all of guanha11 apirtis , obtnfo for ally 0110 a glaice of the past and I'a not , 101,1 nn ertalu cotuliliou + ln the future. hoot , nud shot's mad , to order , I'ctfn't MnMLteNtltl giitrai'twl E. L. 1VTorse & Co. , 11EAL ESTATE BARGAINS. 1822 Capitol Avenue. 1oR HAl r--T'sohnusrs mul Isla In ) cluntiah + + place,6L0OOandSituenslibalance ) on long thou at 14 'r cent. Two lots lu Hhlun s ntidltiou l7OO elicit 100 emsli , halnna In 5 tviual inmual , OsyIu nts lit S per tent , 171) n'a'farnt near errstnluwa , 10 neres Ilmhrr , 45 nrrtw rur11 , 2U ncre + tiluolhy and dater. 'Team + , hock , & tnnuing Implhucnly 11111 mu soul tli lhoplate If desirnl. l'rkt t 27 , per acre. rksen lots fu Sates and nettnddltion r" &A each 1i1 cash Irxlmen 1111111111 , ( 'hrapeat lots iii the cit ) . , I' ( 1 , and one half neres finely luq + ruvtrl anti nicely located , gtnd cottage hotise of 5 rcoina brick 'rllar ant I + ntl lcll , 1(0) bearlog fruit trees , besides other small fruits , till be sold at n mar nin , g"n l rcnaonsh'r lelling , far particular ( roll at iii lice. I'urty acres , 3 ndles N , tof cit ) , 2 houses,2bunw , 2 fells 1000 hearing fruit trees and grape tin , + , all under cultiudlnl , Price 131.00 ( . Tuu hundred ( crtw 1 roil X. ) V. of Elkhorn Station , a5 acres eultluthd , balance pastures. Ifnuscs , mini , and - lhing water. I'ricu 37.uw,1 cads bal. aura lit tl11te at 8 per cent. Tan huntireil nud sixty three acre 'tek farm lu Auuglas county Nom. , i11quot + vl , I'rlee$20. ter acre. McCARTHY & BURKE , UNDERTAKERS ! 218 14Th STItl + J.1' , BI''ll' . FAHNA)11 ANI ) DOUCi4AS. ltntterof Applicnthni of 1) , \Ieuchin ( : for hiynor Licoasu. NO'r1CF : , Notlcc I + hereby gtcn that U. 1..11thiekiii ltd uuori the 20th da } ' of .lino A. I ISNI , Silo his ap Iialiml to lhu minor nud city' camel ) of ( lniaha for t0 srll wait , plritunus and tiuon' llgnors at No. 314 , .ti , I , ; 1111 tool , ( hnnha Nth from the Illh tiny ut July , 1853 , to ale I Ilh tiny of OctulerISS3. II then , be Ice objcctiot , rcmon'trnnrn or pretest filed tltiiiii two teecks from Juno 2Id : , A. I , 158:1 , the 'udd Ilruusu till Ise grouted , I ) . I. . MrOI' ( ' 13IS Ai i1ilI non , TIm eliiaha lice 11en spaper nlll pulllsh the noose notice one each Leek for two necks at th0 capel.u of the a Ipllennl , Tliu city of ( hnnha it not to le chargeil therewith. .1. J. h. ( . JF\vETI'CitClerk , 3e 21 I NIw lliMoball11 & Taylor Or1'IIt : A NF\S' H'I'l'K ( OF' HARDWARE FI'IJ , , tS4Olrrli7sT 01' BUILDERS' MATERIAL. Newest sttlcs ht Itroivu Goole. Carpeuttrand Marhinl h. 4'ools. Warranted Cutlery and Buf falo Scales. 14tCiD000LAS BT. , OIiAIIA , J. E. 'BERGEN . . ' , H'rAi'LE ANA NANCY Grocerae s Cot' , 8tsteenth and Camtng fltraetu , JOhN T YL CLARKE , I Oldest Real Estate Agent , Notary Public and Practical Con- veyancer , ( larku polls lioliMs nud huts , ihsldeitt'u Lots and Ifutlitess letl nil oscr tlw city , aid all addltlons , Iw sides hnprutel and unhupruscd farina Iotur that ally ' lilac 10 M. Rr R SOON 7 ou'1 ' IllSllrallOO ltFl'11IYE51H : PhuuiA Assurance Cu , of inndo11 , Cash Averts. 11'estehvstur , N , V. , Ct1.I1td. . . . . IWO,000 ( x ) Thu Merchants , of Net ark , N. J. Cu1ital : ? ix'o. ' * 0lrard Fire , l'hllahi dda , Capital. . . . . . 1Goooo5 , , , , , . . , . . , . . . . Ii29oo15d OFFICE- : thorn ) o , 0uulq National 9fauk Duild Ing , Tdcpliunu No , 976 , SI'icily _ _ _ - - - . - - : - - - _ _ , t'-- I w I tom I CORNER 15th AND DODGE Below we give Jricos to convince you that goods are cheap and now is the time to buy. Our Motto , Uiierso1 , " is strictly adhered to. We mean to give you bargains in all our departments , . Ladies' Gauze Vests , 15 Cents. Ladies' Gauze Vests , Cents. BEATS THEM ALL ! Our lose Still I I Prices of Pans greatly reduced , Children's Parasols 25c. 'All our Parasols to be closed out. A good uI1- laundried Sllirt , with linen Cuffs andbosonl,45c : , The best unlaundried shirt in the city for 85c. Take one home or , approval and compare it , Very Low Prices on All Our Dress Silks , Satins &c. Closing Out.Our Muslin Uudorwou , Cllomiso , and Drawers , 26 Ccuts , 12ynrlsFroitofhit' : 1oi , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , $ , 1 3 yards Chovoit for , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 1,00 12 yal'dslh'ocado llresslloods for , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . I,00 12 y'atds ( loud Oimighuuu for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 I2ylrtIsC : ultl ( tlllghlluii for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 3 yards l'mibleac11el Muslin fur. . . . . , , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,50 12 yards Clisll'ru(1'elingfor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O 1- yards Irish htccfor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I5 12 Limon Napkins for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511 12 pant's Ladies' IIosu fur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , , , , , . , , , , , , , , , , , .00 13 pair lllnchino knit Sux. . fur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,011 Burt's Fine shoes or Ladies. ursine Shoes or Mena Prices uu nil our good , Imse takcu 11 tnulbl ( , Aftvr the stock h sold f we have cash enough Ii'fl , we propose to take a SUMMER VACATION L. Br SON. Corner Fifteenth and Dodge Sts. WD P I S1 LL5 1'IIE ' COOKING STOVES , IN THE OITY , These Htutes took the proudutn at the,1131' Turk Stain 1'alr in 1852 , there they wire put 0n actual trltl by ex + cricneu . l IudCA , in compel itiou nith larding 1aleni 1)rn11ds ) , which are tar au rkur to nil lyc. tern 4totas , us , tcially lu'Inalit ) of Iron , I'Inn Ililtug mid ceuitouiy iii all klmnds of fuel II , - I I JF i ! 521 South Tenth Street , r II r l r' , , . ' ' r. M I : v ' ° . : . Jewelers Tools and Materials. AL'10 WES'I'EitN AOENTS FOlt'I'11 ' } ' OBIiIIItA'I'EI ) STAR TINTED SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES. Diamonds in all Qualities , RAILROAI'rM'ATi1E'4 [ 1A SPECIALTY. Scud fm' Prices , Full Line of Silvurwaru nud Jn s'ulry outdo to1'Ier , 1''ull line of Shat Iltusic. ELYlcrn ( 111(131111 ( dupljutie8 , Edholm t , Erickson , 01111 situ the PoslutllY0 Omiutha Nubrttska , J H CIBSONI CAIIRIAE I IIFACTORYI CIINiIt : TR'ILI'ril : A' I IIIa'AIiI 'lIik67h , . . ' . r r r r I0T'T'1 t'artleular utluntlon gh'ce to relu'irlu t Hans Ott I vuaiuulucd On Long Tilno--Snlall Payments. Fricos. A4 lloso , Jr 15191)OA01'4FIIEET ' , OSLIIA e C _ _ A . / M s c I Jo B0 DETWILER Invitnwltht attontiou of thin public to hit r Large and Well Selected Stock ' 017 - i it JALI Th 9 9I I Embracing air the Late Patterns in everything in of/w { Capct Line , J1 I lVatti1 [ ! ° " I , il Cloths Sliadeg.i it i i IN LARlE QtTAN'I'l'h'IES ' AND AT : ® ttcDm I rice e LACE CURTAINS A SPECIAL 4 ; r. . m-118(1 P IImEtE9 : 1313 Farnam Street , - - Omaha , Neb. - SALEM FLOUR. Tots I'Inur le nod , iii Sdnt : , Ilichanhun ( cur , lelnlkll , In thu U + nlLtnuti , holier Htuuo System , No I gh u I\Cit Sl 'I. Idu , mil our flour to nun II rat lu a plat' ( . N o hat01111111111,1 n brwuch at 11115 O ipitoi nvunuo Outnht'riteforl'rkcs. . , lddirsscllhur V1a LI3NTINt ; aH XL3 X.- , h nliOul.0.Oui Hnlein or Onulm ; Nels FiREWORKS , FLAGS , I31 LLOO J , Fire C11aoo11s ood. SEND FOR PRICE LIST TO THE HEAT1QUARTERS. 1@/1Cll r :1Its : er c , moo. t \ 0 , t . 1 s ® P11f l1oSSTI : 3MRIO7s7rdrT4 ' .t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , t Double an/ Single Acting Power and Hand PUMPS , STEAM PUMPS , Eligillo'I'ri1111llitlgs , 1iltillg ltlilcilille1'y , lieltitlg , Ilose , BI'tss atilt lroii Fittin H , Simuu Packing at whohusalu and ruiail , IIALLA DAY 1\1ND 1T1LLS } CHUItO.L F A ND 501100(1 BELLS. ' 1f 1 f Corner 10th Farnam 1St , , Om ha Neb. Anheuser-Busch t Apb \ ; ; , BREVYING ASSOCIATION I i t ' ) CE LEBItATED v , , t } , 'l . .1. ; Ke and p ottled Beer ti , . : ' ; + ' ' . l 'I'bis EYcclleut liner speaks for it8elt. ) yli , f tI Aq h ps s ' , i 6 . ( )1ill141S ) 1'RObf ANY IAltr Ol' ' 2 41 ' , R , BUS CH SftE . ' , . > , ' , 5 1 n I ' opt 1111(1 ENTIRE WEST , STlOUluMO. Will be Promptly Shipped. ALL OUR GOODS ARE MADE TO THESTANDARD ® f ® -u.r G1-uarai.tee. . GEORGE HENNINGf I Solo Ageit for Oluaha and the West. Ollicu Cornur lath amid Ilarnuy Streets. S 7 MitNUFAUI'UIElt ( OF OF H17111'IX I1WI'G4 % $ * , . . v w 'i bald 6 Ia - a dls \ ) -c cO p'n'Ht ciass Peultiug ( mild 'I't'uutniug ' ' , lloairiug ) PIYenptly done , 1311) Iluruuy Street , Oi\tA1iA , NEB. A II h.AII 4EM ' MdNUFA ( I'IIfE1t OF' t'1NF Bll&ios & , Cares aild Sprtll ¶ aou , Lly llepusitory it attstantly 811ud with a aulect stock. L'eat Woritnanahip guarantoud. Office and Factory S. W. Cortior 16th and Capitol Avenue , Qmaha t v ' .