S I THIS ll11.1L ] ' 13LE.UIfAIA tiATUItDAY JULY . , 1883. 'F'1l ( ) MAh A BEE. tut , khtil tcr7 mnrning , cxapt 5nnday. The only llnnday mnrnl iI l % . I AAMA RI Mul. Oni j tr , . . It Thn e ) Innlh + , . . ,1RI ) ttk 4onnn. . , . . , t.uJlUne Slnnth , . . , . . . . LOt 11W itrxxLT nkR , rt'HWbIIKn Ht xat wrexaaa tr. 1xsM + rostr.ua , onnYu. . . . . . . .Sto ) , , . , . . S ro 4k llunth + . . . . . . , . 1.00 inn Month. . . . . . . , , 0 Amrrk'nn Nex + Compmy , Sole Agcnt + New + desl ers in the Uufed States , ( waax + msnx4cx , All Cnmmunlc + tlon + rd.tIt to NewaandEditidal msttenshoublici hhe + + cd ti the L'atmn Or Tus itsr nvatsr 4 $ Lxttrars All Duslne + + Letter and Iteu tthnres shodd ) he + tJrt cdtoTintllxA I'raLt + iii ri Co4pAti , OMAIIA. netts , CheCks and 1'itnlare urler4 to ho made pay Able to the order of mho coui 4ny , TIIE BEE BUBLISIIING COI f PROPS , E , R08EWATEft , Editor. 'I'nn cholera i9 1ilereasiliQ In vinlelicu in ha' t'a.t. .I , Ii : tIuestion that it nut' agitrning p0ltttca cirCIOe to w'1it L1iei' II (1UAtnlmistL'r ( is a bigger tau tlau n I'uited Statcasem- ator. Two tunre nntttllut n ctltt4nw hnvu been trying thu diflicult job of lighting n duel , hat at last RCCntlltt4 110 etle ! Call less in- pu cd. SEN.1Tlt ( lbmlul'HO1t Hayti y'L'H alld set. ati 11'au 1Vyck Hayti Ito mild if the rope duef4'alt break Hilnetting it 1)Olltld to give way in the vicinity of Fifteenth mild Dodge strcuh. q'lut indignatinn of our cittzeIS mpun wheal the city cowlcil 1tl % C endeavored to fOU t a worthless sallrlstonu b lit fever pitch , it ft very tioublful w hetke' ihu tnacltine 11t8 yet neon oiled emuuglt by the Cut1ttaCtnns t1) make it w'lrk Hurely nud with rasp. 11'IIATEVEIt atep3 arc taken by citizenH interested ill time paving matter ought to lie taken at once. Tlicrc is no time to be lost in blocking the game thud itt about to force on Oaaha for paving pLtI1) cH , a material that is being cendeutiedovon ' fur street guttering , Let ( hoto of our citizenH who are interetteti , exanltne the 11nky : and 5hnly Htome that lien along 1 ; F'ifteelti atreot tuul imagine ihi value for I one in t11o middle of n hull trnvoled street. rtiEitt : is a report front 11'lLShiugt"n that a curtaili Democratic [ teprwteutativu in Jotgresa will on the lirst. day of th o Hurt Hossiou introdnco a resolution in the hl1)nsu t0 invcntignte the I1CWHpupu r cluarges COncoening the appointment u Staltley Mattiuw5 nit , Justice of tit Suprenu Court for a anIsidotlation u $100,000 ThiKiegood. 11'lti1e few ho lfeve a word of the ropnrt it mighItaH we ! the investigattal , l'huro ' arc nomlu peopl who Will believe the charge until it i refuted turd if the advocates of the ( hall ; i wish to furnish the refutation by nl 1 t IItNulH let then do so. Otooic huts again been heard froui , au d this tinto \Vushinglon. . After a lo coufereiteu yesterday with the ] 'reside [ ' nud Secretary Lincoln , Alr 'fuller win vinitel , and the indieafioms are that tam uunelusion of the talk was not to his mil i fug , Thu .Sectotaiy of the Interior iii I forms the Associated 1'ecss reporter thin he.Ihied , to turn thu police coutrnl o the Sao Callus reservation to the mil I tart' , bat that lie would nut hold 11iK (1 ( , pilrtllletlt I'CHlelHlltllt ) for the results m ihu ugtturcd Indians are permtitted to r c turn to Sou Carlos At preumt , accord ing to Dlr.'I'ollur , t1'u mtttor ms in abey ance. ft conmmo11 souse rules , the prom I ism of ( lull , Crook to the Chiricnhuaa vvi ho fulfilled to the letter. In this iuslanc ' < the chenpost way of solving the India prohlem in AriOlla itigq)01114 to ho tb best. 'l'ilt : printor's strike eolhtpswL yesteida turd fifty' Olen who had ateady' work tut were earning good wageslutvu been force b ) Heek employment elnutl'lioru. 'I'lea re Holt wan n foregone eoneluniun from tli atart. 1LtvnHluluntimely and tulprovoku IIOVt'111011t ) untiautuly because lit labor Intrkut is everywhere 'falling met unprovoked heeause the printers , at lot u in the BEE milieu , had beets treated wit uniforul wnsuleration. Time nut resu of the strike may be Hummed up in loss of nearly $2000 in wages and t1 throwing up of ffty , poriniinuut positu A ° by the Htriking 11ion , No cite ( lelius the rights of arty nut or any body of mL2i to refuse their 1nh ° when they sue fit to de so. And no o1 donioa the porfeet right of every moor i + ) endeavor to hotter hut condition. 1t ! no ttriko Kali over been successful when strong labor market and public sympatl were both lacking as they were in tl prctlent instance , Thu striking printe tried cuerciom and it failed , ' 1'huy Ia n v i lily thenhelves to blanlu that the nwvenent cnlal > sod. 77il 'S7'A7'Is ' OF TIMIh' , 1'110 Aix tnonth8 which cloned last w u were u profitlusH half year for tntl hot' the first time since 1878 failures ii , eceded thosu in the corresponding porn of 1872 amid 1873. Thu period Juts bat 011(3 of slow maid pailful liquidation , m it ( luaus with nearly nil raw ma turd at their Inw o8t point since ihu rims legs . , in 1870 , nud with moat mmmufactur 8I UCItH at tau tla1110 level. The tettli + of pricca i8 8lways acarotpaniud by iueeease of fniluretl sad thv moat t prisimg circuuIataticu ft thatt time hi year leas closed with cheerful prodictii along tutu whole line that the worst over amyl a recovery is 'closu at hint It 18 not oaiy to find uxaet hnsilt f ' " t husu 1n 'edictioust which teens to run t the three facts ; first , that cheap to ' will increase the purchasing power of enige inemea ; second , that the 1 a range of raw nuderials pronieoa profit ' the manufacturer tram a very slight + t " ' i Vance ; and third , that the crops , while tint pht'nrnnetntl , are large etlough to give oncnurngcutent. Thu foist two cnnlitionA ( existed in 1878 without doing more than tt pave the way for a hnomm uoxt year. The ( lops renaiu doubtful , 11'bent pro. miens hotter titan it did , corn has reached a critical point , with evcrytiitlg depending - ing on the comliug weather , and cotton is at best only fair in condition , with an in- e ensu of ouc lwentiotlt in acreage. Time prospects of crops abroad make it reasonably - ably certain thuat fund exportn trill only be at low prices and no imiport of gold is likely next fall willh the natural result of a boner in prices , Such prosperity as is predicted is in the direction of a steady amid enlarging fall trade at fair profits , Now that the very serious collapse in ( hiengo two vvocks ego has blotr m over , time signs of a fair fidi tntdu unitiply , fTIIER LdtY1Jti 7'i1 IN DUBS , Thu ( 'ouut 1)e Chmnburd , rhiof of time elder hittllell of the lhntrb1)n fammilly , amid know o to the Freelm Legilimii is as iluuri V , Icing of Frnuee , lies dying at his exile residence of Froltsdirf. Ohant- bm'(1 ( le the pJstltlmlo1ls son of Due 1)u Berri , the youngest sou of Charles \ , the last of the Borboun Eimgs , [ vita left France iii 1830 , prior to the ncces- HIOn of Louis l'hillippe , the citizen iing. ' [ 'WI yctlr , later , limo Count's muthor returned Ili Franca far the purpose of stirring up amt imisurrectiomi timid elaioimg ) the crutsv for lmur son. Slmu landed at i1Tnrseilles , but lindiug no slip- purt thuro she rondo herwnytol.aVundeu wimo u situ succeed tl in rallying a few ad- Ilurmtts , 'rhey hero quickly subdued , however , and sum tried to make bur way securely nut of the country. She wags 1w- trnycil , however , to Louis l'hillippu's Governucnt , tutu um a lu a prisoner in time castle of Bfaye , from whichl sit wan suquedly released , The Comtt duChmn- burl ; married in 18U1 a dnughtur of time Duke of Illudena but Ito hat no cltildrel mind 1 emnins the only surviving ntemuher of time Bourbnm fatally. blunt of his life has iwetm sped in exile lit his castle of Froisdom'f Clear V Ie1111a. As e81'ly'as 1813 ho received visittulM in London in time role of King of Frtatmce. 'rem years later be and the Orleans brunch of time flourlmmms ( h unionized their elaitas , mad yet during tutu after time FraumoGornuln war the count of Chnmbord cottinu811y posed as the rightful king of hence , assumting that title outright to a ps odannttfuu July rrtll , 1871 , It was mat thin lime though t thud ihu Legitimist amid Orhuanist factions ts 1)uld be able to mute iii a compronliso , accepting the things nccenplished , ton L ' aiming to ggvorm time country coostitn f tieually. But time coma followed this by repudiliting nil time result8 of tutu revolu 1 tine mold uutkimg the since 1mistorlc.1eclul u ation heat "Ileuy r etuumo t s ahauldom tutu white flag of "henry u And ho im mlelimtely ru I Limed free Franco , not to embarrass tit e yoauger Orluanists , who proposed ti solve the state whatuve wea (1mmu. ' 1'h two branclsos of the fiutmily were , huw g uvar , united tee yens ago iii n recogti ' It Lion of Ohamtbord as time 11011(1 of tit I5 royal housu of Frmlco , turd that putsoung o bus siucu recuived duluhdiotis ) , issue c- ptuulmm tiuns , timid written lmutiucrous lot furs uphnhliug his po5ttinn with unyiul I t ing m'igidity , proving hinmsulf time Pi Veil f iii ! Rnurbon. It is nctnally thuughmt ihu there htivu been junetures simee time con immune , when hat for this obstructive sat f 11idiLy Ilery V might have Leon king t Franco , iustemul of a inure natmle. Fr those lsvelro years Chnuibord has lived m the castle of Irrnhsduif , 11uar lriuwu like a country geltleouut ; filithfm l to h iI wife , l'rincess ] 1laria'I'huresp of il1odent 0 fond of lurtting , devout mum. . ! punctilios mm iu ieligtoo , null usury' wity'a respoctah l e sum , 'l'lte count of Paris , 51)11 of ti cutest sun of Louit Pimilippe , fa now tl hued of time Orleautst Ilourbous ; ( I : y elder branch closing in Chou lnmt-d. Ti (1Imtr'H of thu impending death of time 1 I d itimist pruteuler smut erupted nlsru r lens oxcitenuttt in Fr7utcu , mud time 0 d o luamist papers of I'm-is are calling ups time commit of Paris to assemitu tutu fit tu which is his by divine right , d , L Thu g11eetion of paupm' omigratinn Im ii linally boon brought into purlinuunt 1 It the rigorous action of time authorities Is Nest York. 14hun two ship 108(15 Lu llulpers are purentoeily furbiddon I land in the United Status , England so that it iii time to renlady an abuse f mm which her ew 1l avarice amid cowardice C leding with time Irisli tpmoitiom is atom Lo rusponHiblu. Thu Secretary fur irulmu ur nn Thursday iofurnted the Cennu ) it that HtupM would ho taken at once a mmccl the objuetioms of time Unitwl Stat Ly ittul time exodus from ! risk workhoua to may tlmrufore be expected to COAL The election of JJe11y , the 1'arnulli rs candidate iii Nonaghmt county , Jrelnu u tvllich took place last Saturday , is r fr gttmdud as slguille8nt of the doturnuim Lion of Ulster that the Gladstouo Lam act nutst ho mnondod. Fully 700 l're b'temlan farmers voted for Jlcal' . 'I'I result of time oluetlon SUVTCH notice tk Mr , Glndatole Ibtt unloaa the Lalul a u , is mlundud ! t # 4t + Opuca with time d , ) muds of the U'a4TAA farmers that Pa m null will return to Parliament with , platiuLily yo11d dohttatiiu ; of In eft umeubees , taut time Whig ptlty : iii Ulst al will CUIIHQ to exist , tutu that for ti ib futtna the f4oatost thu4'u must be [ nag between ttlo Toniuo as elf the Parnullitu amt slueh of Ilealyy x sticctss is no doubt tit iii to time spleuhd ctmmlaign it lmich ho at rug I'urnull couiuelud , Anothui f(8tumu an time uluctinil is time disarpuiuaueu 0f so lu'ianisnm , 'ii mu Catholics am iii I'roto o'Hutt wuru united un time simglu quustii lf of ( Ito land. All tlppenix to prujudi lie ,1r01utl , useless , ihu mattticks of ti rtl 1'a dal the teho ttccused ileum > it m ' ul im g 1'0IeIInultmu ) , a cme ulfuct ill , the mttucks of limo I ory om 6tntH it'hith d ur 11oUI1ccd ii11n ILs u1 uulissary of Raul oil Jlcnly is limo ablest of Punumuli's liuutu lid multi , a fact which namxt 11180 htti a co , tribted to his success , Ilad the 1 d 'blit u1 ( ahndidetu ivithihlatvm it commit ! hard iii' have haul anyy effect on time result. tod. d. 'l'ho cholera still rages with uualmat vigor fm1 time 1' ast , although its ravages , up to time present time , seem to be coni fumed ehiutly to the sottlenlets at the nmoilths of time Niiu. Time reports froui Damiettn , fort Said and Salonnud qivo fcnrful accounts of time filth aItoe wlmicit the scourge is feedio1St anti of the wrotclm el condition of its victims , mniru thalm n thnttsan 1 of wham hal u ah'euly died , 'I'Iio fright of Euro1to is intuose , nncl nil time countries on Limo eontineumt have now imstitated mu rigid quarantimme against s'os sols front limo The scourge first ap pciired last 4 tigust , in the Sooloo islands , an nrcitipeliigo hear Borneo , amid it is slip. posed tlmat of time population of 200,000 , as ninny as 20,000 died during time season. AA there was mm gllarantille , time disease soon spread to the l'lmiiippinu ; glbup , and in Su ) telllier ml t meared in ! a am tint ! AoIno Iharts of Chinn , and Aonu' cities Huf- fared terribly. Time pest made little erne no ptrogless during the winter , hat in time sprung began the ssestw'nrd journey , n-imiclm umny mum improbably emd in Sou Francisco. It ailitenl'ed in ilelnbay , mmd has worked along the old route thrmtgh time lted sea Lu time lsthunis of Suez , ' ' our osvmi 'I'Iuore foumtecu governnwnts , auonlg theum , have established quatau tine , matt it is said that l uugiamtl pewit- tad souse perilous risks to health to favor cuiumerce , and l.gypt today is time suf. fora. 'l'hero is only time Medttcranean letweemm infected pinees nndtlmeEuropeam ports , and the infection is directly on the grunt naval highway , it will be iemy fore tmiude if cholea does nut tsvicep thrnugim to Limo A llaulic iim'ing Limo sumimior , iumd , uurlur its usual cum's ( , our own great danger tv'ill comae a year later. 'I'll ( Htatenemt that lrrattcu antl Cltina ha'1 came to apeaceful tnderthumilimg regnrding'rnuquut is dcutetl by tic Chi nesu authorities , Still it is 11ot imlpossi- blu that a peaceftd ngroonleit will be arrived - rived at , ltoth eoumtries are uudeslrous of war. Chinn because time kuosvs tlmt it would result in inevitable defeat , amd Fmncu becausu sue femurs it troultl lead to serious trouble with other European pIl1S' ° It Is Sall that time Chilmese want lubitiation mud world have selected the Utmited States as mum iute uledinr ) except for our lestile atitnde toward her eni- gratiug citizens , It is an offer timat this country would mint covet amid it is rout probable thrat ht1' services will he 11ecded , there being ml willing mediator match nearer amid much more experienced in the dark ways of eastern dipluumacy. 'I'ltit power is Itussia , tvho lots been Qtnlhmg withh the Cltiumese ever since time Cossacks appeared mu time Atnoo' in time seventeenth century and has sluice hntl iutimiuute intorcoursu with all the 'Tartar tribes of the Central Asian steppes amid ( Cates. 11'hliut ltmissia does not know nbnimt time inh'icattu ways of Oriental di- donntcy is superlinous knowledgo. Sinew her first troubles et the Amoor time has gettled every ditliculty she mums had with Chinn by petcefnl negntintiun nud has al iLy'H Celle oat w111111'1' . Thu lnst nuws front I'aunmut cenitins the report of time treaty of pence betw eei t Clmili nail I'e u , 8nd publishes time follow - img uhstract of its proytsioms ; Absolute cesstom of 'I'mm pacta ; the fate of Arica nud'Iacmin to be decided by a plebescit e ' afterward ; military occuputlei by Chili , Limo losing ontiom to receive $10,000,00 0 free time country acquiring the property Chili to pay osor to I'uruvian 1)1)11(1 holders ome.hm alf of the net proceeds n guunn takuu froui time deposits now ktiown to exist jut ceded territory. : thos that mity hereafter be brought to light tr pctlmu $ exclusive property of Chili ; tit o 1 private iute'ests iii the uitrato deposit I svillbe rot ) ueted by time govurmtuemL o - l'uru. 'l'ime iudcuuut' to be paid 1 . the Citilinnt tvho s11Ife1'etl losses ihrou' ' I o x ) ulsiun from Penm will bo discussed 0 solimu futtmro time. Chili will gise , ti Ii l'e u ono hmdf of the net Inoeecde to b d obtltiumed Elva gunni tit the litmus 1 - halls. Thu mmutmicipal mid lithe l'cim vnum mtllor'ities in the dillrunt town tlu oughont thu not'th have beet notifie I by time Clmilians than they are preptired t it sntbdraw front all punlt8 wlmuroloI I Yglesias is recognized mf Thu Italian Dlinister ofYtu' has ja . issued a diseoanlging report on the tut 1. joel of mmdaria to Nally , Halm ml statistict it map tlhowiol , ihu ptsitert 01 1iiu nmalarii u , dish-jets iltmti their rulutive shuttling i is m'cs1mectn ihu danger of , infection , At ti m preset time only six of the sixtynim pI Viuecx of ihu kiogdonm aitu ffec fro is time hoisetltltms cxllltiti0119 : , ail npl81t u of 40,000 soldier ( urn nlumually alketed t 1u a cunt to the guveemoett of ti2,000OU Alorenve , mttaeia tltt'uiyt tlcusuuds w uurknmenomit of unmpleyment , prutun li tam cultivaliom of large ltltcts of litnt le mumd i5 altngutlmr ant enormous ueellolll ) drawback , It it worthy of mote thin , with time cunstenctiomi of ntihvaystho in gym lirjitl wren hoe increased at mum alanuit I'into , time oxpliuudion being that time ii ; m evatiuus imnvu LrougiiL much stvnmp Ian to to the smfncu mumri iutorrapted lint 111 drainage , Iishessiug mopeds come ftom the fn aH ahoy dinnmond licids of Suutii Africa. ' 1' h Iltsof thocoummtry Ii memo hits boo ( 1 in rain for tireeo years , mud 11 mu you de IL of ntaevimm to add to limo ' coma ] tion of nftitils mmducud by the fuibmv tI ) tutu clops that ICimmbe 1 dianmui ) aim lit huts 11et. . with a surinun disaster , ' 1'1 or tuft debris has failed hack into thu mil iim in such quantities tied ejghteel month will be required to repair time excavation it - ' ul 'l'1tt Irronclt Ile nildic hall driven lit sharp imn sill with thin nmilmatl cot [ alai acs by uafn g as a lus urn go its right to bt e.1 ot Limo roads ILL A cost after curtain btt l Os riod. Each of time big lines agrees e , nsstinme the couslructiun of time now lit to ivhieh the ; royernmuuit ( ngiuoers eonsi ii tired nedoll on condition that time sta u fereg1)us its privilegu of buying thuni o a for ltfturn years , In addition , the rn u ! roads mollify their old ngruontunt as H dividing profits , with time goyernnmat me and the easlortm lines agree rum future tit pay two thil'ds of Limo profits over L,1 p ct cunt , time northuru over 4,0 , and tl u southurtl't.G 'Pitman are mill stops in ti r progress nnitimg in nil ESu opuau coil II hies ftm i idt state euutrol of limn rtlilrunt sum nud a division of their 111YIIltH Witlm tier or pubkfr trolsus'y : to Iighftun taxes , ID . - . uI1 .1 oue pnxtl'iding for 8 ministry s Scotch ntliutw haw been iuttvdmcod in tl lli'thslm cemmn11tllt. 'l'imo lmcud of this d and 1.amt munt will ho a eabiaut miufster. 'I' saltily it is proposed trill la , $10,001) p c tuunnn , ! 'tither 14)1(1 Itesulterry or ; 11 it. lfaxtur , a Scutclm radical nmeolbor of p a mil Iianlent , ivill be npunted ) to the u 0 Lq l mat r ambush ally , ttnxlur , IO in Tu prvuching flint dnttSVI mow utW U. tun to Itself than to time truth 1s nlwa e , bad. Time perImIclou8 smisttionalisnt mm , that which mlakos a comgregutlon tutu : mm , mnoro of time spcitkel's pecullnrities mil st to turd uocentrielties of manner tit otYtime religion lie sets forth. When by congre gallon rnlso limo Ireacher limo than : Ile } ' ) mnise God , they lmnyu bt 1015011ed nmitead of ( eden the liread ed We. IfoN1V ViIt TIJI hit 1)114. ; Quaint ligy diaudesigns it ssnr on tito iian .11011 of paragon Aud are henntthllly carted. Vrry pretty itch fans nrn leaf.shnpod , trlned nud shaded ht natural tint + , whit unt anal wood sticks , instead of bu etIet + , narrnv ribh5a + match. lag tlio chief either i11 the' crwtaee are tied urouul the wrists , Coaching parasol + mire of red , bleu and cream silk , with batultun ht mdlos , mad very gay outs arc striped iu the sumo colors. Ytonuter imntet + are fa4iionnbly triuoned With time linen con-a + rlbbotq w itlt a gilt curd on each rdge. It c inLlnc , well with dark you'd. riblmns. Tito knotted silk handkerchief is tw tulch used n4 eior. It is now produced In soft Cllna silk in aiI the art shadat , mad sores ht time ( mmtry e.4 su/Bcied / Ouish t ) a tnorniltg dress of gingham or sathto. Veils nrn now Scry little a + ed oxco ) L by tourists , and , thrrefote , the cimolen 11x4 very match dimlnisimed , tnauufactureM not hying stbmdated in the dlrertiou of novelty , "I doti t llko to hat a ray hushaud chew tor bncco , " retuarkedltyoutgmarriedholy , "hut I lit tilt with it for time tiufuil is just tam Lminly for anything alt dnitug up omy front crinpM , " "Nu , " said a bride ; ' I nom not williul ; that Olin wedding tutu' shotdd hmcludu the ehlow stoto park. Yeilmv don't ' agree with my cunplazioit , " i'retty but very cheap ehitmtz dreseeM are now worn on the street by ladles of tvoaith , 'l'imo fashion utt4 started by xcnsitlyo mots- tresses tvho wish to avoid bemug ndstakel for their servants , tvho wear silk , fu north llrnzll tlmero are ltu professioltal dreasmnkers , the liimc4 ladies usually making tlmeirowimcn + tumos , SYhem a moan hays his wife n S2 dres4 imn doesn't huvo to give her $111 to get it tutde , Themn am.t south things in north ltrazil worthy of fmitattou in this conntrl' , e1 llrouklyt l1cight4 girl , Ilisgutisod us a maidservant wushcd the sulnvatk of her fatlmer s resiIeu pith time hnso for the sake of getthlg n chance to turn time water on a dude 11th insisted as making luvo to her. A yuuug lady of Uttumwn , while out walk. hag with her fellow had her dross tcarly burned elf by mm spade ft uut his cigar , 'I'lte variation froui time usual tparkhlg routine was tutiumted. " 1 have often noticed that gailamtt vuultg minim w alkiltg with their Mweuthearts nlfer the left arm , Whlto devoted nmrried mint with their wives offer the right minim , 1VIty it this ? " Edith : "Thu left arm is nearest time heart ; the right arm is nearest tlto pocket heck. " 'flu tsonteii s a4sociatinu formed fu Troy , N , 1' , , sonic time ago proves to be a highly suc cessful eterprlMe. It is designed for the bunt alit of w'nrkiug Wotlen , nud pr mvides for their instruction itt etnbroidery and other arts , maul offers oppnrtutities for rriitmd sucinl eltjuy ntcnts. Thu youngest teleiraph operator iii the tvurld is pnVably a little girt 10 years old , IInilfo Ilutchhison by ltoulo , [ Vito lives fu 'l'exos , mad huts duirou of time telegraph utlice at the railroad station at 1'itieh she resides. ' 17me agora o ynuug lady wants at Icttst four feet of teat m n street car for n ride of six blocks , but Hhc t hll rudb half a day Smtdny squeezed intn a Buggteat beside lter ynumg tnnu and not find the east fault. -IMPIETI I3. The utmt 1'110 dropped a tilt tubu ; cu tai ; int 0 the tomtributiou Plato tams lac at least deserve 0a time credit of hasmg put n ) tau appearmtce. .1 New haven ( Conti ) tvomau joined tit c Salvation Anuy' last week , leaving her neigh hula tar look out for the salvation of two xnuul l chOdrel tied to a chair in time yard , A 1'uunsy'Iviinia 1'nttectiunist was shrike ( 1 when lie wont to clmrch and hoard the minis tenanumncotbntsalvotionuasfree. Next tha Y he std down tad write to Irma Cougrossu nn uskiug why. the mischief he allowed it to es p unpu time tariff hill , 1'he ] labtist pastor at Cherryvillu led , , due . f nut weight more than 12:1 pounds turf ono of hi . lady converts uo less than 300. The rite o I inuuersieu , tinder the circumstautecs ; drew ) groaterostd , and exIcetatinlts were realizem fir the unimmister and time cutdidate : lad to h helped out of the water , t A ratan tviitt had to go to Limo seashore 1 itl f hii fnntily every sinuner ex Itcssed an earnes o pipe that lie umight din a ch ist'au ' null g ) t t heave ) , as that way the otdy' place whore Iii It t ssifo oouldlt't get itm with six trucks amid con i ) itch loin to fight Pith lie custom's iuspectOrt. A good deacon mint a tltonsnud miles fl'u x til ) City being hut. . , at chuuch u hcru ft tens li i duty to mold servke , naked time cotgregatio L' t ) oxenso his tardiness , as hu hall been up m n til lute tlic uightbrfino , npiuiug time Iiihost Ii II of dry goods Crcr brought to town. 't ' 'n tix is the l'nm ' of year when time averag I. Sunday ncLml 1)1)3.1.10ka regrutftdly after Im penu } as it drops flt thu hat , and wonders the itttiu imeathnu wmumt4 flannel uuddrshii- i untl palmim-leaf few as had a51to wtutts to go t' 4t circus. I .In Erie , I'rniis it , pa ter prints a time ) d about a minister in Jlercer is'lul cared it dog d paralysis by jmlyiug iyor it fur : m hear. 'i is dntm t doubt It. .1 liray er au humir long , h ) premehicl's : , would miitkn a tvoodeu d i u I get ap aid irdk , 'lime only w ender is no le the Mercer iarsoi1 ( ' 0111(1 stand it so Inug hlu 11 self , is A Alaitio Item Las trilled 2,000titllu Jletl it 4)1114 church of his path a town un conliti that it gives tiI sieiabies. Ammy matt will hi if been drag ) ed It ) . iris sub ummonthudtee nmonth t tt taw chutcim tociahlet tvnuld Levu hard feeliu g 1 itbunt it that lme could not well keep duw'n , e cn tit tlia near mippruach of death. tot At n recent meeting of the Yuuug Alet i l'hristian Asstcintiun fn New York eat cute ii I rifling sturckeeprr placed ht cacim chair 1g Jnpaucse feu , with his udvertisetnent print t la red ink , .1 nit over part of it the Axsocil th tlon heal ptastod a card hearing n Icriptur ; ti xta , also 111 red ilk , 'Phu cuuihiuatiomt w , , mm unique tutu road fuilut-s "ihu , as : ingis m sin is death , Time gift of laud it eternal lit Illy ) baby jmnpersswings , velocipedes , hobb hot scs , griuttt , ( III II , mind toy's itt every v Ile iletl.n II ) AL tutu lit mrrtim , of the Limekihtdohtl t'"mnrnitteu un f1shet ° 's rrwnted ; the close ru lime season mul went drmchtrgel , , ' 1'lio Choi m ttunm eumLmltLnil : tim0 fnlloivlnr stati4ties ; Nm of her , f peti + one who went fishing alt Saud : me dutiugtimulust fiscal ycar G(41mmnber ; me Bsh eauhht by said wicket shimmers , 350 ; nut me bur ( J fish lion told in the last year , fl ,00 ( 000,000 , ; grontost State In the I union for tii lies , fleorgla , The cuuttnitten further r II. lmrtrd that it wits its solemn belief , futuid a , , on Limo nosult of n series of exlerimoum that there In twice u4 tuicli fun hooking ht a tetnppiesun n mtmtd'ht ( ; night tts torn e5 shtiug et a wet log Sutilay afternoon. my ' Su yin dui t ; ' replied time moan , " 1' u cami t gut tutu into no game mid ring ht fete to kings on tity jacks 1 I've traveled tam nom right on thin hunt I" 'Cho Iloctor tiloll giz L1 anti tuned awny "Do you know who tit mess you it + iilLtNi W ) gwwsly ? " asked the co to dueler of the btran ur , In on angryy tone , "N lit I don't , replied rite stranger. " 79at w ii. the Ihti' , Br , Tnimamge , n mlulskr of the gc to ; 1u1 , " "Just ny ) Infemmnl luck I" ujacuiat time man , ' 'ITat's nu denim tlrough I t , thought ho wits u card slew ; [ ( noun Itclti , to 1'd kuouud tau was musuru euough ndutstor I er huvo gee lit his Ilokir gnome In mu holy nhnt ) . to i euy , you go tutu nxpluln it to hhu nud t , hint hs cart use his iwa deck if ht ilk , . , , . ' ' IC is Yngni Ilridu Cat chUmg , to 1 re r'spunduet in Somni writes ; roumpany with ulr. Bate , who camito this pl11u with ulu froutlfo'tnosillo , I v' ' of ited time suttlottmt of Limo 1'mlui luditu w situated on fiat tiver of time suulu imam e Our entrtuicim wits ttnuotnmeed by t lIe bayhig mf time duos svhe , keeping elosu um ou' hol ncsi iie ls , followed us through ti r _ tnw'n , which lithos VOy little f1'out m ( ' urdiunry Aluxktlum village , 'Paw hmdia w time guvetamed by nn nletddu mmpufuted ) 8ntl thelluxicami ; guretanmietmt tvho is u mull their chief , fo' nlthottgh peace f auth lasvahidimm g time 1'aui ill tremindIli ° , w'illlttt , re ' ' of thuir ul i1 mace , Before this individual We were it k immediately mttmmtoted , amdllt. Bates , w ir' is well kmOWui to time chief , uatopueod t att object of otu visit , 'l'imo chief , who spa d Sittuuslt lhlunty , assured us of our W ; y come , placing apartnietsfnlmisOvirhom men it mur disposial , The oxeitenunt at of bustle wlueh it o intlgimudourtrrival Cu lid , thu chief iufonied us , wwas owing time nuarriago on time followimgdayof serernl ( lnughtors of rte tribe. Not wlsitin to lose a sight so intcrestimgns this pt-em msed to he , w o repaired early to the plnco tlhuro the ce nnons Ivils to be performed , which lord for mlmmstca salt of drum nccuntpnn icd by fife runt ! rood wilisthes prndtmciilg Wei rtthouglmnutdispleasing ( cuimeonanee 'I'hel foil nv sports amid gnomes , which last until Iv011 into time aftertutnt , wlmem timu real cerotnouy of "bride catchios her gins , The tvoull ( bo bride is stationed by her fatimersnuu ) hundred in front of her suitor , then at m givetl signs ) site starts for n goal distant about half a mile , to reach which and return , before orerlaken by her putwuer , releases her from his 8t tentieuts , ' 'lmis result , us you may imng- ; , ine , is not fret cent , as thesedusk omi(1- " their " morn favored sisters of civilized coumtries. I huvo never wituessud anywlwre a more exciting raeo thou thus. 'limo nmidels , straight amid [ veil fainted , stauwling in their ttmic dresses reacktiug from the swelling biro ) to time knee , ox siug yet couceal- fm 6g their charums stood omhattimm 1g with each otlior umtiltimesigmnlis gisumwhen , tres- to ! nsylt' like time wind limey 's l ted , follow.- ed by tu' yoougbucktyltnMO , mm iii m11ttmisit- es time distance betwenu them , iwd the uurriage ceemiomq' is conlpletel , after tylmiclm their gin mes cotltinue until a late hoar , slmun time village again tmsstlllles a ( lliiutlmei9 71111 ! silt'uce nml ) broken by the baying of time dogs , which in'e a retll pest iu all Illexieul towns , as [ cell as ntnomg the Indiul : tribes , a III4UWIIWUUVUTAlWIWV THE GREAT GERMAN l U nmMlttirsj REMEDY smllfl flMI11 ! IOfifuuIi IuuIBN01) ) I nllfilsl ' , J 'iillumil nelkrisnudcures , D'11111111 ; ; , p r pal. sdlllllln r Nn u ralgla , 1 Sciatica , Lumbago , wlhIlllllgllllfls - Ila4'I (11E. Ilia" " "w hIEADACHET00TIfACDE , 4mIUUIUIUUUaa I SORE T1tB0AT , m" Gl QUINSYBtvnLLtNn8 , ! 0u7 1umim ) i , til ILt11vs. Itintatitti mtfatl hi Soreness , Cuts , Bruises , ' ' ' ' , ' rilos'l'm1'1'n. Ihui leb.all ; II11BNR , fi\LDY : , And all ruler tsldlty nchea Alt nimitimins ago amt pales , l 11 FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE , hlP Soldhyaltlmggistsand neatens. nirectiuns iii 11 I I1n11 lu ell tumgunges II Illplh The Charles A yogeler Co. U..ntlmllll t&.e.mnw AvWrLERaco. ) hii . . . , . , , . , I h.lllm.n. tta , c. H , A. REALESTATE SHRIVER & 'BELL. 4f 4x a Opposite Postoffice. au 1 u 1t t Bargains in Improved Property. l 4i ' No. 109 llou.e 6 rooms anti busemeut , :0th and bhisot------------------------------------,4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 173 ( io l huume , hang , Cuming s and 25th std. . 2 0 s 172 ll ) Imo c 6 room , , , it Ica + ed lot------------ 42 II 170 llou + u b realms uu l'nrk at rnur , comer , I cheap. . . . . , : ltC : of 107 Ibamse onr Saunder4 btrett , limit lot , easyy terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rroo 100 Iloue 6 rootss2 stur3 on 11th street . . . 1 6 W 0 tai IIUlise 3 rl/0nmi , lbttt amni icatentrurth it. 1Q's is 104 house the rooms , lfamlltnu strict near I'harles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 000 103 houses , full huts , 26th and Ilaniuy. . . 1 0 00 s IOl Two etury' housc uvar 15th street , comer 0 COt ' ) 100 house tun rooms , lull lot , 27thh and muug- Ins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 0 1L6111onbc 5 rooms , 20th axml Clark . . 00 l 1f0'aruacres untYuninghnpruved , . . . . . . SCo if 1651Iuusc4rooms , barn , otl.street . . . . . . . . 12 ors 164 Ilouso 2 rooms , kitchen , etc. 12tH street. , 0 153 0 houses , rents for ou r. ur ul"utll , 2 full Y lits mt Leateuwcr0l amt 16th streets . . 10 600 162 'llvo houses a and t rooms , Latt1 , rte , Limit I' . pflot , lavenp.rtnud ) 2tth strict. . . . . . 0 Oa m I5o house a rooms , nit ] slim , on mar line. . . . . I b 149 house 0 ru"nlr ml 20th. umrl'aul. . . . . . . . 2 144 Ibntw It ru"uw , 6arit , .vnh nud nud Clark 2 I ( I 147 Iiou.e I rooms , 2lots , 30th strict. . 1 50 , 0tu 140 IIousc t r.sa0s , 70111 and Clark. 1 50 is I8 Ifouse a rants , mivlslou streetcbcap . . 2 f0 lb0 Iloue I uomstrees , 5tlm street . . . . , 1 b 011 o 1311foeOronntsuewShlnnxnddltlml , . . 26 OU + 131'rreellnmuulapitnl nienuo nit 10th s'street each . . . . .1 00 150 Ilouso 5 room ( , I'hcal.umt street. . . . . . . . 1 6 s 122 10 acres , house , gunmen , etc.----------- 1 b 00o 110 Ilouso 0 rooms , 21st and Leavcnwurth. . . . 1 0 : F- r91 lhamble iiIitNO ) 4 ruunms ) n 21st strecr , . . . . 2' Ii Thu hnusrs , Lull hut , loth and ytasoim . . , 2 ! AU d 1011ItencresSauuder'street . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'i 00 I101 Slots and house , 0th street. . . . . . . . . 1 lx ti .04 lluusu4 rooms,16tlt street . , . . . . . . . . . moo Ut Two houses , lull lit , rent fur 87f. per mouth , 13th and Cast----------------- 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ) i So house 3 r ants , nudge and .7th. . . . . . . . . I 00 y u : Unimproved Property. 325 Let Cabs and 221 . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .1 00 to 321 Lot neur ar lirw 1 IX ) of 30 0lots tearl'arkntetoeemieb. , . , . . . . . . . . 07 r. 304 16 lots I'arkers oddllton ouch 8100 to . . . . . OUl , 303 11ut 2Stlt and 1ti'cnport 2 o , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ) w - ' 207 7lots rortero addltli ) & 0 tor' " . . , . . . . 0 il 291 5 tots on ! 'ark avenue , make an offer. . . . of 20o [ Matson kiln street , . . . . . , . . n 26361 acres ottQulncystreet , , . . . . . . , . . . 11 . 160 ! louse 6 rlnno corner 5th street , . , , . . , 2 511 { al 50 lots ln Lowo9 midltloit eacb , . . . , . . .Qloo to S 5o i. 175 rots in ' uddltlin , each------- 00 t" 100 lots In llan + com l'laeeentlt . . . . , 350 to 1 600 a l 20 lots In Burr Oak addition , eseli. , . . . . 300 to " .5 , (0 lots In Isaac do tclden'xadtiillou. . . . 850 to 6 ur- lot. . In ltnlick'a additlun . , . . . . 7W to 1 5W Is 10 acre lots , lark place . . . . . . . . . . . . . SW to 1 6W 4 acres eta ( 'minting street . . , . . . . . . . . , 5 3 50 lots In ratrlck's addlllun. . . . . . , . . . 400 to 660 ) u 35 lots to Hhlnn'd addition. . . . . . . . . . 400 to 1 000 or lllute Inliagaiiauddlllon. . . . . , , . . . .300tu 000 dm 131uts In E. V. teltli s nddltlcn , , . . . . 400 to 3 ed 3lots In 1lurhaclm s 1st addlmut , caell. , 1 ut at 1.011 In mull parts of the city , and In every addltl a , ou rA $ te11lh' l'1il or send for dew'rlptlyo loin phlets. tw Five Acre Tracts , 'ii Just wcut of city , * 125 per acre , 81oo rush , llalan I on titnu at U i' r tent. If 'llmispruwd , ) is solmlrably shytal to gardunl ' ,1 , purpisr , . " - - - - - - - - - - .0. ii HTATKlh : , IwouLAs curler. .tt a county court laid at limo county entrt ream timid for sdd : conuty , July 3rd A , D , l'L'l , l'resent .1. II . Uhndw le k C muty Judge. to limo utultt r of thu fatale of Martmum V. Kented , Ih + 'lA6Cl1 ' , 111 It ( rrnding and Illlug time prtitlun of Thmta + to Ittxtuorri + , pray tog that a ecrtahm hlbtrmiimtellt ( II , ft in this court maullIurpurtiug to 1st mho last will am lubtauiiut of sahl dcremcsol nud mitt , a suvuI halt mob , uitvmt uu nlu hid pursmrllug , to III u cNllcil to sal I ) will and telunlcnt limO Iu dtdy pnd.atel , Ure I a1 rea.nlwl as time lost w Ili mud tcstaolrtd of sold dccea 1me 0l nud as u oulkli lheretu and that i eIItloner al lu Jamca A. Creighton uiay I. . apsmwd , exeeulu thenoL lo ( irdcrotthutJule:0th..t.1).lad3 , , at 1iiielI 111 , t. .11 , ls avslgned fur hutrbmg bold petltlon , whoim Ile. 1'crs mils lnlerestod In bald mtalrr mui upear , at tummy court to to hel 1 , In and for said anumtI mil tI ) show' iuuse why the Payer ( If prtltloner bhadd u a- lie 4grsutnl , aid that nutlco of taw , wudau ) oI sit ill 1'etitlon mid the hyaring thereof be giten to all pi was bnerrtcd In said ! Batter , by puhli.hlar n tut mu ! titleonlerlitthe Onaha ) Dally' Ike , a ucwsimp rtl priulc + l Iii sill nnaty , fur thrcesurees.lsowte prior lu sahd day of heating , . ll , t71AIIIVICK , mm- IA truurom.h l'mmntJude , Ile _ Jimmy ke JAMES MOVEY ) 01' itlo Practical Horse Shoe r itloil . ) lairs a slxr2tll } ' Iluwlstrn / and lendrtfoot h o is.bCe. . Hhojw , nlxtgu rlrret att. 11th umd 12tlm , I to DiUet't' ln..c H , WESTER TAN ] ' & CO. , INrOBTEBS of QUEENSWARE ! China an Glass , 608 WASHINGTON AVENUE AND 609 ST. STREET St. Louis Mors . . , , In12.3n1 Dry Goods ! SAM'L 1 ' Waslffrlgton Avenue and Eifth Street , - - - ST. LOUIS. MO , STEELS JOHNSON & CO. , - ; r Grocers e AND Jomnalus IN FLOUR1 SALT. SUGARS , CANNED GOOI N , ND ALL GROCERSI SUPPLIES A FU11L LINE OF 'l'IIE BEST BRANDS OF Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco. AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO. J. Aa WAKEFIELD , IC1101.ESAlI1 ANI ) ItT,11L ntAldlt IN , , lil gies9 Pi ckets , SASH , DOORS BLINDS MOULDINGS LIME CEMENT PLASTER &C STATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB , C. P. GOODMAN , Wholesale Druggist ! AND DEALEat IN Pll1 ! , Oils , Yrllisllos iii ¶ illOV fflss , , NEBRASKA. ® ® I e e 9 DEALERS IN Hall's Safe an roc om f . ± r FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF . ! , ' SAFES , VALTSS LOCKS , &o. :020 ] Paraanm trot.mzLb.ca. ) LEiIMAN a t .JO1iti'llt ! OF ) I 0 ' I Paper fluid 1llO S1iaes. o t EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED , 1118 FAItNA1I S'I'ItEET , - OMAHA NEB. M. HELLIYIAN & CO , Wholesale Clothiers ! wW W 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET , COR. 13Th , , OMAHA , NEBRASK 00 uo LOUIS BRADFORD , IKALIat IN icl un LllM1' , SII , ! Blills , 11ll1OS ! , t1i ETC- LOW PRICES , % ND GOOD GRADES. 10 mix Call and 1etMy Prices Before Buying Elsewhere , Yards Cor9th ant , Douglas , Also 7th and Douglas , ' GATE CITY J. PLANING 1YJILLS ! d , i "h' ' ) tA11 IAlrf EItS oI' s ell ck and rs i h pente& Mater aIs , I' ' Al.No Sash , BO FS Bull s Slalls Stall Raililigl s Balitstorsf Wtadoo ! & Door Framcs. &c , , r I1relasrfa & kludsof 5tonldings , I'kimltm old Matehiug a t1xclaitr. 'I' ' Orden from qmu euuntry will Lu prmigdly excrutd. , kb Address till couuunnlctmtlon to 1 sluyvlt , I'rnprletor. . UNFORTUNATE. . , fSitarrh Lt one of time wont diseases tit the , arum tlmr , llundr + vls ere au0urlug with It what thq , ram t . , s reklv ( + t at once. I w Ui gtmurant.4 to cure lime wurs4 rase of Catarrh In threu mouths or rtfurmd the ttotmry. 1 Tltls tntdlelne ls good for only the one disease. fly irndhm g m e b2 . W I sW stud lam molllclno prel 1d by 11 eipnss or awtL Do not sutfrr any longtr whet f ow ( vu t e curr.l for w small a stun , S , I' 5IayE1L , care of lox 1A1 ( , Otu ha , Nub.