Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1883, Image 1

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    ; I
[ if _ 1H EOMAHAS _ DAIL Y BEE. ' . : ' . I
. , . . .
The IIereditary Utool 1'o.on of tofti dedOp4
In the deIIcte titics of the lirain mental eknesu
M &fll lnflflUltk $ , Idloey anI tnaflUy. It enlarge.
Ui g1n o ! the trin ) , lnh1ara the tno of tneIl
anil tatc , or hrvak , Into con.urnln t1ctN on tee
ned It ( lCtTtC thu lmi. , or flhl them ut ) tub.
erctllotl.4 .ecretloti. It tat aay tln coating of the
totnaci ) , enlargee the ller , clogs the kdne. , ercatee
eontlpatlon , ant liidutvq ilk. The niu.elc. It ron.
tioc'tR atit triidexi Ihuerle. with rhctinatlsiii , shUe
the & 'r3etlotIs of the Joint. euntaininateti by It cauio
the Ialnful gout , IL Ioaiif the crilratloii ttli it. .
'VIrulent picn , Miting on flit Iii lii pot.go the little
tuk. or iorcs of the skin , viu.liig the ttrtirlng tlI.
figiratlon c.att rheitni , INorlacle , arni otlierltchingnd
sceiy dieaeq hltu ciiibitter life. It gither.t mor.
11111 centreq Into tunlor4 , ah.qceqe , and lite.eppIng
uleri. It .ln It tiiiileriiIiies the eontIttItlIn ! , aial Ii
the cniio of ticarly all clioronic ill
L'LTttRA lUso ; . % ! .T , the new blocel ) % urlflr , IM Rn
for all htinor Rn.l ilItaeq arIlng froni ItIIItI r blood ,
Inhetited hinior , nijil iteioui tli.tat. . it AbMo.
lutCl3 kL1l and ( l'l1 11rtuli , the tIO ci. , 3ldrieye ,
HOd vre o the MlJi the iIitape.gcnnq hich lIiit In
the blotxl , urine , and Ieril rfttlon , ftnhl thn pte.lIl
nint 1rIRnetltb cur , ' lwii all oIlier eo.eallel Iioo1
Iuriflere only the dIeae aol fall In the coil.
Cutictira , R tiwilicititil jell ) , &ican. ofT all , atcriinl
vviileneo uf dii.rn.e. cats nn tleid fleab iiitil i.kiti ,
Intaiitly zdliiy. Itdilngs unit lrrItatIon , sotttii ,
iiootlies , nitil IIeaI tilcen' taI oil elrc.
t.\ItICUrR Siia1i , IirLIreil friun ( iitkiira , Ii lIo1iIitn.
i..ablo in trcatiii Sklii For Itinigli ,
.nii ( lrcaiy Sklii , IUaekliead , iiziiji1e , anti nitior
Hklsi IIleiiiilic , I ifantile nod Itirtli I ttnniirs , It li ftn
. , .qtilIto Skin Itcautifler , and Toilet , Itatli and Miir.
.trv SanatI % e.
What curee ( if ltlooil atiil tkIii Elae lUlil $ iAlli
. 'l1ctIon , iti 1.o..i ot flair , rzn coniliaro itii tiii.O
I of the Iloii. VIlIIaiu Tu br , S lcIipertoll % Sit. , Ifiitott
f4tfttO Senator if Maec1itoiett. ( icrofulft ) ; ( 'bane.
lloughton , lsilr , S t4 St. , IbUin ) KezeniaVill ;
? , tclonnld , 242 Iirbonii t4t. , iiInigo ( Salt Iflictiti. ) ;
F. II , lrakc , EiiI. , Detroit MInh.Eczciiia Rodent ) : II.
i : . Carpenter , } : .il. , Itiiilen.on ( , . . U. ) I'horlai'l'i ) , aitI ,
Iwifly .ither , etetalli of hldi iiu. bo found In future
p I t iiitions of thiq ?
Cutlcura Itciiiiillcii , are tlio only real curatIvc for
dfeMe of the SkIii , Srnili , atiii Blood.
I'nlee : Ci.tIcur ltiolvcnt , 1.OO ir bottle. Cut.
? Icura 50c't. . lee lox ; large boei lOO. Cutlenra
Medicinal Eoilet f4OaIi , 2c. ; C'uticura Medicitial Sha.
In Sonti , lfe. ; Soul eery.henv.
O UTICWtA SOAI' . SaIcstIunIn lSSt and 1SS ,
1,000,001) cakee.
f B. COR VOR.TY.n. I
nhi Co.IIICII ) ) Ii now PrePared to teethe i.nleri foi r
SIOUX FAIA..S J.tSl'Rl ( STONE , for
Building Purposes ,
Arid IiLI iiiake figure. on round lob. for Prollilt deII % '
cry. The conijial y Ii sIilipIiig
: ; , , , Paving B1ock
; I both ChIcago andOmzilia , and .oIIc'it. correspond .
00 and orders from coiitractureciigaci1 in % I
treets in all ) ' of the ieitcri citieii.
SciaunsnxNr'ii OVYICP Chicago , Wet fly.
Ison 1f.aiIwfl3' , Chicago December 5 , 1SS.
B. Riwell , 1'reld nt Soux F Water Power Coin
. pany. ti.
.e. , Rflk ice-re.nod.rroni' yotir WPII. I-
Miioe October l1b , , iibout1UO * zloads of gmIt.
' paving blocka anti Iiao laId thenibetween the rails o
our atreet railway tmck. lii the heart of the city. oI
( have beoii .unlng material in thlR city for man :
,1 , care , and I take lIctLIlre In 14a3 log that In my . > iiiii
Ion the granite i' lint block. furnkhud by your co'n I-
IJaIw arc the most regular In tilialie aiii1 perfect Ii (
form , and au far tui I Iiac beeti able to jude , or
iioiesed of a. ditralile feature OM any watenial tIta
lia cvor twcii offered or litld Ii. the city.
Ytiure , JAN. K. L.tKI- .
, LCio. I
4. Louis , March 23 , ISEJ.
FhIs l to certify that I hac cxnnilntti a Piece C t
granite taker. froiti the Sioux F'aIl. ( Iranito ( .iarrho l
and , In my opinion , it is the best stone for etreet iia % .
big I have lecli in Aiiierlco.
( Signed ) hENRY FLAB ,
I , Iloani I i oWl. . Iniproeiiitiit.
( Stone Ic , ' ; , : ; ; 9 Purposes.
And any iiitiii liiterci.ted In iicIi linprovemuit I.
.Ill find It Rreatlv to his zulvaiitago to coinmuiiicat 0
ltIi'u. " , Vo Invite correaptindenco on the htlbjtcL
Tile general ijianageinent oiiii supervhlon of ( Ii
ciinpaIIy e ) iusliiess i ii , ) Iii the Iiand of 'iVin. 31c :
.ktidree your lcttei to
ml.m&e tf Pros. of Jasper Stone Co
Capital , - -
JAS. 13. ImARTWEI.L , Vreident.
L A. L. CLARKE , % 'lco.Pre.iidcnt.
K C. WEIIS'TEltjfreaourer.
C. I' . WEIISTEIL Caiihier.
Samuel Alexander , ( ) swnlil Oliver
, - A. L. Claiie , E. C. WeIi.ter ,
Ge'o. II. lratt , Ja. . II. Ilcaitwell ,
B. M. MeElilluney.
First Mortgage Loans a Speoialti 7
Thk Crnnpany fiinulIiei a lermaneit linino lnetiti
tlon where ecijool 1100114 anil oIlier legally Iucit ML
nielpal Iecuritlei to Nebrasl.a eon lie iiegotiatcii i ;
the inmit favnrahile terie. . Loaipi neiilo ( iii liIliro % o il
farm. In nil c1i ecttied counties ut 11w btato tiiroii ii
reiiOIiitdC local conreyionient , ci.
. 1 Cur. Water nniiCongrcs lti.
: 'I' c .
CAPITAL. . $400 OO (
¶ 8U1WLUB , - - - - - 40d,00 j
Traiaact a ciicrai ljatihiiig liiiiiie. lltii ( ( i4 tli C
' accounts ( if tiauk , caiikiri tIIIii iifIier. lrao ii forci
( eacliatgo anil iiiakei eaiiio truntert iii Elirniw all
t4iegroiiIiia traiiifer ( f inoie , tilniiii4Iloit ( ti I ,
Unltd $ tatt.i. 111(3 f RIIII ) ( ) i eminent anil 'itlin r
liii etnenta secui1tii' ' , aijul eeeiltis oily IjuIiie , ti I.
it , core1iolideflt III thu hue ( if 1iniiklii.
Iti. % I' . lrl'rElI , l'rtiiieiit. .
J. J. EII ) ' , J. IV , % % ' ( ) 'IE. '
C.i Icr. ib t .aliler.
- ; . , i4t' -
t ii I.
cELURATID ijulrtiiiuiti i I tIii
p ttniiai innileal plillo. . :
t ( 'ipIi3 ' % ) ( Ut rt I-
. )
tii 'i'rutvis aiiil ri ; .
( I
r ,
nYOMACH ti.tein I or ealo Ii _ v
Ui.'iIteaie ) ) *
: 1jr"r
lidUlu&U.Oid& It.
# qf
T h Attoritcy Gciieral's ' Opillion on thc
Shipment ofVhisy \ to
T he' 1'vlLleget. . ) t 1)kt Illin"s itot. I in.
fIet1 by tht' Tvaii..I'r.
vIl iOY EXt'OllTh.
\V.tSlIlNlIN ( ) , J11y 6.Oii 1lL ) 2lMt
S ecrettty F'olget' fld(1l1'SS1'l 8 letter to
S olicitov ( iL'11ern Ph1lips of the trevi-
tI PV _ ilo1iinttiii'itt 011(1 Attorney ( loitenti
1 ruvster , oskitig tileR' ( uIiIiiol regarilillg
t hu legiility of \ ( ( ( , ( if .hincstiu ,
( l iStiIICL ( Sitit8 [ ltI % FL'llIililIili ill ( tiS-
t iflui'y 1)Ohlde(1 wiit1ieiiiscs 'oiltjccL to tax
P aYll0 vit1iiit tlii'eo yetrs : friiiii ditto ( if
t ilCiP eiitry ilito SLL'I ltte1litlSeS , to
1 1itiiitIt.i , , fleiitititbt , it1i ( lie Ptl'1iSC ,
a ftet1nhllillg it tlitre , , of ) ) ) it baCk
t o Uits country aini clitering it ttit.lcr the
r evised tfltUtt'S L'III1CF for iininelinto eon-
li ) ( ( ) ol fni \ VLttCllOtlBCS.n1'110 i4&'CI'C-
t aI'3 thereupon : u.ks the following ques.
t inits :
F'it-st. - Is such Hllilllellt Of whisky
with such 1iLllISO ) tLItI iitteiit , to her-
1 11(1(111 , ( (11(1 IaltIiilg it thlClC , all uIrtt-
t Rill within the lllcallillg of the ieviiiwl
s tatutes , aiitl does the shti1iiiieiit 1(11(1 ( laud-
i ng there fulfill the COfllLtiOli of the ox.
poitation of bond nutd ( Iischingo wholly
f rom iuitornal revenUe tix
Second. - Ts such whisky uupout return
t o this country & 'ntitel ! to be adiuuittcd
wilier thu Stflttltes flit IL'l1IClt of duty
eqtial to tile tax imposed thei-eon by the
i nternal revenue laws ?
Third.--Is it eitit1ed tlJIfl ) illiUrlu to
this COflfltl'y to the rights auni privileges
of unported inerelutudiso tultder the vutre-
lucitiso law ; tlmt i , lila ) ' it be elltercl for
warehousago there to remain zit optioit of
the owner for utuiy pcro less than thrco
years withouL ltYiflelit : of internal u'evol
flue ta until withIlrawal of saBle front
warehotuuu within thu t hii'ee year limit ?
The Secretary alls thiumt the tituto tltitd
ing which payuiicimt. of internal reveumuc
tax upoit tsvelve millioum galloliR of whisky -
ky eXpires within the 1)rcscnt cab'ndav
year ; that the owners thereof propose to
ship said whisky to Burnunla as above
set forth ; that the exporteis P1'O1)S0 to
COluhy with the hmnv in rc3pect to uxpor-
thtioii of whisky so that transportatioum
illiti ( JXIOrt honds lie CiLIICCIICl tlm.1 time
vhmisky thmmus exported IW lt'gally disl
charged. fiouti the lien , time govculuiumoumt
hits : lljfl1 $ it for internal revenue tax ;
that ari-angeincuuts have been tiiado for
storuugo of whisky : mt. Bermuda for a lien.
o.l of 12 mouths and louiger at the option
of the owners ; that no uu-ntuueuneumts
1155 liccu uumade f o r r e t ii rut
of said spirits ; that tlwy svihl only be re
turned to this countiy in response to thuc I
clcuuiantl of time trade ; that cxlortimttont I
are being made for aimd plmrjosu of rcliev-
ilug time overloadel imouite uiarkcts. H& I
also atids that it is the intention of tia I
exportators to preserveiind identify all o r
the spirits exported so that if a uuimukel :
is fommumd jim the i.'umited States fomimimy.por. -
tioum of it , it , can be entered as dounesti ,
( l.tStiIlCl spirLts reiimi iorted , upon vlmLei L
a ( itity equal to that of time internal i-ev -
CI1UC tax vil1 ho levicCi mitt coh1etcd.
Thuescquiestio s imhiuiittel 'huitmi the so
hiion pumeral ( tit Attoriucy ( Thnenitl ap :
proving ) makes an extonded'oximaustiv ( i
respoIuz4e. AllrcssiuIg the Sec .
retary they iti brief say : Thummttimoumeauuiui
of tue W01l ' ' ' ' dictionar .
( 'export , iii its )
significatioii , is to ' 'Citi'l'y out of tlu )
country. " By the very force of hut -
guage this denotes only smucit act. its v1tei 1
Compieteti results in carl-ying omit , and iu )
act call be iio ( lCljOtCd if itt its c0011)Ietiou I
filO thu ilig CRFI'ICi has 1 eeum ictumu el . Ii L
is no illume trite in coluutnoim panlatuce titan
lB law tlutt a tiiuusportation of goods froit i
Saut Fimncisco to New 'iork is mum exior .
tatioum of timeuui , itititomighi between tlmci I.
cleliarturo toni aiiis'al tlmey he for swum .1
tinie in time ports of C'umiiao an&l 110) .rui : -
ciro. Fiurthmeiuuiore , it ii. uiot be -
cause imy the statute eoastwism
tEmllMhOmt4ttiOml can on ly take lilac. . 1
in .t Ii lenica u i I ott tm n mis tint I
such goods have lint at. any peikid u I
tIitllsit beeti expected. It would hi
equally trtie of goods iii course of tiitiiim .
poitatioli iii 13u'itisim loittiins fiouti Og -
( IcImehiung Vj 'Piii-oiito to Chicago. 'J'hiis I
tiieicfore , only hieu time xcciiteil ac no -
stilts iii carr3'iuig goomiM out of the count -
ti-y tinit its ito epcetmtinii. I ii spcnkiii ;
of umum aet , I incluitlu any tiaio.aetioui thiiim ,
jim tmce.intiuico : vi tI I t I me origi iial i i i t cut jot I I
110 iuuntter iamw ciiuimiilex op how iuitici I
breakout into bits. I ant , thetefot e , o f
Ojillijoui that in time case put by you ,
in wimicit aim iutwitiomm exists to caily thti
spirits tA ) Bemniudawitim the itiPOSO alto : I.
thu inuitliiig thiereif siiipiiiig back to thu. . I
( Jimiteil States.
there ivill 1)0 ItO 0X1101Latioli. on emitise -
( ltIelmtiV iiii1iontittioii , 5(1 fiti , at least , : u Fl
to entitle thin tiyiers , to uiiiy - S
connected svithi oxporantioii Iil iiiijioi'tut -
tioui'Jmetiieu' they 11103' subject thieiii -
selves to another client .if eiistouii laws ii S
o1ivioiisl' a tlifIoroiit uaimttcr anti will bus I
be tleeileml wiioii a specilie case arises.
IFii st. - - : No landi lug it 1 tern i iiihum , i i i t it. . ,
jimut by you iii the qmiestimeui , ii m
hmiithiuig iii t lie course of oxj imntmt : h o i . I
therefore answum ydmmmr IiIMt i1iiestimmii ii
the uiegative.
Second --'l'IIL' case iii view is itiL ii ith -
iii 141'CtiOli 2O { ) III time IUISCII stimtitte S
fom- time mi i'i itsiis of you i' secimu id mjmiest u iii .
'l'ii i rd-1m iiiitll V , sticim spin ts vi1 1 no t
be cut itleti to t he rights tutu puiviligo :
referred ti > iii e1iiestion tlmiee
I'ii& solicitor guliiim ; ti timeim illiects tiim ,
emcei'etiry's ; mtteiutioim to the ulI'oet of vtIiia -
ti.iui'i wiiieit Jut refers to iii that jioitiiiit it f
Ii is let tei ( oh htmsi iig t tienius i I I CitHOS Ii I
sthi id I I It it I i itig : mtij .etlmm . : 814 t I ) t liii i i it ( ii t ioi i
of thu imu.iiei s in shmi.iiiig . giiils out o I
j iuiiit i y. in ol mhi ole t I icy aceitli l mi i ,
thii ( ) ( ) $ , I I I sri I i1 I t I io i I it eiit iiiii iticer -
tal I I em ! , its to t Ii o iii tiiiiato itit ii III .
'I'hie sm.licitiii is i if I lit. ( ( flit-i'
1 IOi ; . 'I'hmnt if thic- i uth i _
ill telitloim I It imhmi ij j ig t I am gi ii ihs a ) ii i iii i i
lot ii moitthi st.inie in I tort ii mul : , t bitt ii
also n mOUsiiItOImt tit e , tim t ioi I . tIj1 )
siihicittii' ItiliflitJ4 tittuic tummy ho tise , I
hicmt-i Ii it ftc r I , i i ilimle ox poltiu ii ii 1 I if I ,
ui-tide , tim ioughi ci iii t i i igel i t. cimumuigu ii i I Ii i
state if t I is I uuuii'k-e t , i t IiflL ) lie lileili fit .
bit ti i ig thou i 1 ItCk . Siieim gmiiitlm (
iii II i 1 1 ct liii I , I it iuc cm , % tii lii I 'mu ' ai i i iii .
I itirtittitilu , limit i I time . in ly i'u ipi ie I
to i ihitniii , for a tiiii' imlvniitagu.m ( which i
sOitic fom-cigi a I 1mt gi % 'ul for i i iq ui 'vi i i
sPl1 ts al 1(1 I iiCitl iiJ i ilo of ucmji ii ig I ii t
snu hioiiie moelIiie : : UjIOli dii
luiestia spirits autil loXtnring aitcu' retmiut I
t lie muuiie hioumie levuimite iuvilcgo appnit -
jimitte : to fooigim I 'mubiiiit tint t
time ttttiitory icijuisito foi iiim tm1Iv I
s titiltl bovaiitiiug. 'I'ho solicitor , niic1tid-
in g , says t Ii crc fs ittit 1 iing i ii t his opi lImolu ,
LI P I SillJiSe 01 RIIY Otiii hart of tlt ( '
tr alusnetmoim which the uwuiers iii quiefitun
Cl iii ieiv 111)011 iii case thiti govemrnunt'nt
Clsh all ill time fLittmio be butter ailvised as to
it s u-igiit ,
Fl r' .
} : l..IIN , Ill. , 1tuly ; . - 'rite timrt'o story
b rick building owuted by I lenny I eister ,
w lmero Ime hits carried on the umunnulnettiro
o f lnowiimg inacimiucs , was btunuued titus
osi monluilig. 14)511 OIl building suud machut-
siti ny , 23OOO ; iimsmirancu. lOOOO. Other
te tiumitts iii time liuiidiimg host tiOO ; in-
s uranco , 8OO. ( )
- -
1Ieft3 I-uuubczzeuitt'uut.
UOSTON , July IJ.-'l'nmiotiiy Smith , a
t imistce clerk in the lintker'ollku of Johuut
P ickering & ? mlosely , is a defaulter to tii ( '
n uitoummi of $170,000 lost iii inmeket. sItup
s ioctthttiitg. Sittith was mt1rCStQl utitti
Ci ) iifVSSCil.
- _ _
Nev Ititutipslilr' t4t-uuitl oislilp.
Cu ixttii ii , N. I I . , .1 tily U. 1110 1'eCtl It
b allot tnkeii fort. , S. Seuiittumu'gave . S.
1 .8(1(1 1 , Cimamies I I . I btrums 1 ( limu-les
i lell 1. ( ihinitum i\Iitstoit \ 7 , Aumroim F.
S toscuis 7.1 , Juts.imV. . Pitttursmiui 2I ) , hnunes
F . llnigs 82 , hlvitu-d 11. llolhitus ' ' 4 ,
h arry lbuughmauui 80. Nceessau'y to ehiokti ,
1 24.
Btup4iIit4i4 Fitlitires.
Niw'outK : , ltily -Dmusiuiess futiltii-es
t hutotmghiottt time cotiuutry iii thu 1tst seven
Il : tys ntmiiihmcr 180 , which are cotitidemithuly
b ciow the Lmveuitge of time pmst ; teit weeks.
T here iiitve been mit. ; t few iummportitnt
f ailures anywhere , mtiul umoute in ? ew
Vouk City to epechtlly unto. Now ling.
1 011(1 States , 10Vesteru ; , 50 ; Middle , 18 ;
S outlicrim , 20 ; l'neitic and territories , 18 ;
Nei- York City , ; Citmntda , lii.
_ _
- - -
1"rlglutful 1)citlm Rate.
: ci'.w YoR htlly -'l'ime imof vave ium-
c icimses time (1011th rate. July 4th tue
i mmuumiber of uientims i-aq 170 ; out the ttIt
l ft ) ; up to utoon to.dny 20i. Jm. large
j im-ojIortiout of the victiiiis are chmildren
t inder five years jut time crovded teumeiiueuit
d istricts.
- _ _
Illinois "uVcigiiiktiIst'rP4.
Oiiit'.uuo , Ttuly o.-'rhmo liliuuois rail.
r oad atul varohouse comunnissitium hits iLl-
p i1ltCl ( loot-go 'I' . Tot-remmee as state
wcigiiuuiaster , niul JoltitVade , now ofli-
c mi weigiuiutster : on the lmott'd : of trade ,
i ts first assistant. 'l'htis is it new depart-
i ncitt created at time iit.t session of the
l egisiattire , nuid viIl be o1meiucd Atugust 1.
It gi-tiwit out of wiimtt was tlmoumghmt to lie
t hu arbitrary rmulc of the ntilroads in not
peiuimittiimg ovemseciuigofmvcighmuutastors.
tIIitIit Cutleul Out In ? Ciiitout.
I lijutii N ( iroN , \L. , .1 iuiy ( Lovemnol
1tltlStOV huts just et1iel otit four eoitm.
; nmlmies to utuell time iimstui-icctiou at Ely
J'hmo bufoninatiout on wimichm time govonimor's
j based is to time otIct flint
: ioo stnikeis , iucimmly nil umi-uiied aumd
f kegs of guiui 1)tivler ) ho-
tiugiuig to ti me ummiiiilug COi itotuiy , tiimeatout
destI-O thin town of Ely. 'l'imey ima't I
ulucitdy couuiuiuittcd nets of violeimce. 'J'ht I
gOCflhF will gut vitit thu ctiiuituiies :
ltlIl Col. ( I iccuileaf of time f'urst iegiitieuul
cointuiitntl. Time governor also ttile
gramiicd time treasurer of time muting coat .
liZliiY they uuitust be P1ePitICtl to pay tiut
mom at ; ojee.
Sjili-ltii Smut Altiouuul.
Niav YOJIK , July o.-- lo1)I'Cseiit.ttiVt 3
of the whisky expomtiuig interest o : I-
those who huaumchic iiiost of time wiiisk3
sent hoium Autmerica to EtuI'01)O , sailcl tO
( lL : ) , iult-iulg scout time full opiumioli of tin .
Attorutey ( ; uil in logititi to tue ox :
lmoltatiomi I if wimisky. I I ii is prcnmi-ed t (
say theme is mio caiist for umlatia or fo : L'
lltlu iC alum mug iuuiimtifacturei-s : , wi iici 1
niiui.I have ttitstiwl inul the ( leci.'ioui ac -
tiitily ; imeout sweopiuug 84 uiuigiit in. lIt -
fuited from time lust ; mimnoiulucuiiielit o : I
the oiiiiiioui. Jim futut if wiiisk-y is cx
Imitetl jut good faitim etiiul tiicui rettintue. I
to this cotiuutuy it is tint liable to (1imt
I ill ly viieii it is souL aimrotd : Pi i I I ic iii :
teiitiout of i-uttui-iming it imnul thins cvitdiitt , ?
time law timuit thai tax is coilectable.
- - - - - -
Iest rtietie Stotiuuw.
A O.----A heavy stoi-iim a f
% -iiitl , imliiu uud hail P1LS8Cl Oven time coiiim -
fry cigiuf miihi , sunLit of Imume yesterlay .
'i'iies , ice-houses utumul htu-iis : veio biowi
ulowii taut dainimgo ( lone to crops.
1 'i'I'Ein31 : ( ' 110 , , .1 i iiy ---Coiiiu i ; tium
itiljtciut : to l'etuishiiiu-g woue viiiitet 1
last umigiit by it violent mtom-iu. llaiim ful 1
lii tIllOlmtR. _ ituimmiicr of lnuiiulimugs inn I
hoes veue struck by liglitiming nimd sever
xml persons utuniued. ( Jieiinrd trees % vomi
tbuiumgcul : tuid teiegm-imjihi 'mt-it-es tire dowum
i EtVSSIIALE , Pat. , .J tI13 t-A ; tuicgt-aim
fiont ( Jruinby , time a1.liLmit : 'hmo startet I
fioiii hmejo on .Jtiiy 4tiint 3 p. iii. , sy iii
hmumuletl on time Catiukihl inouiuutaiiis in ii so
SCiti iitirrieniiu and hind it terrible time.
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Conleoti to Death.
I 'ii ic.uo , .1 lily G-'I'hiis afternoon whim Li
fit i p luteil were oimgaged cleaning a iioilQr ii
iii time sorks of thai North Chiicao Itoh ! -
lag Mill coilmiituiy Itt Sotitim ( ) hmucago , i
valve broke iettitmg steamut itt on then I
ititti they wore cooked to demithi. Thou r
it8uiics tC1C .J iiii JLuio imimd Ioi am I Loll iii -
( uuuiI ,
A Fittitl ICov.
Cmii.ttiii , Jmily ( I. - \'ihhiiun iEcCitrtim
WitS shot ut a street iiioleo Inst iiighmf , i t
in suijiposed l ) ' a young ittaum imumiue I
Fb-iiii , tiuough tue lattoi' deities it. Iii .3' .
chitiuiis fit immtvo bewi pasning it liLrtY : C ) I.
I jmuimrrchhimig and ibunketi timoui , muimoim ;
thmuiiim WitH i'mlcCaniiiy , aunt tiiitt time hatte : m'
vius shot 113' umimu of - imis eomiuiitmi : ions .
11iirtIm. : ( diemi this afternoon ,
. - -
4 % Itiumulc ' .ViiIluI , Ciimm.
Si. Limiis , J uly ( i--.Joluim ( kti'hiemiisui ;
ifleiihCllgei' of the Oeiniimt : Cmiiitiiiuiitit
Ihimi ii : , t ii -tftei-imooi i I aid ii is trithlet coim .
timliii mig $2OU ( ) ; enl seventh ehiceki
iVluitc boil fiij i m i I ii mi I it ftc m' it ihsiuntt ;
stitugghu ( (5lintti.sel' diaseul tin I
thief tiucu Iiiik , 1imi iot tmack iii iiiiu m
jim time ciaiwul , 'lime Liiiaf ticitpcI ,
- - - - -
( ntl 'ti IlICi'I , Hi rlk- .
SiaisoiliIit , lll _ , J iily I.-- , . 'I'iiu stuila 3
( l 11(11 ( ig ci uiti J I I I i iel li I I I Lii i ( hiHtulct JiltS Ii ( II
hmucoiii gei ictiti yet. 'l't i m ii i ites I ii LI iii S
ci I ) ' , ItIigituuufIi 1 BI iii I Inrek hey , I mayo iii -
ii iseu1 ciieck voigi ml , tb I , lii iii mire iayi ii ;
5j ccimts K iiiishuel fat imliiiiiu' ' , 'I'hit 1
other moines i'cfuie to PitY over 2 veumts L
huisiicl iiiiil emtue itli cvhig cued
wuigimrimaui ,
_ -
'J'it it t ) O Ia l'i igil in ng ,
( ill Intoo , , ltiI ) ' Ii. -.rmauioinuiits Imavi S
been cntplutwl for time ) iIguimiiumgu 0 I
i Jttii Cuiitiimnimdem'y , of thus city , to Iti .
u- out. i ( hiitii 'IM tiiudert8koit itt lieu of at.
etuliutg ) the t-.mtttinl ! couieirtvo at San
F taitcisco. 'l'imu Sir iCitighis ihl hetvo :
C imicago next 'I'uitummnlay , itt'ii'iimg in
Y ork City Sattit'uhiiy , attut altom' iutrukiuug
a itanmehe in that city , timey willboat'd the
S teiuttor City , ( if Itouute. Arrmvitug at
E umgliind , the iart' wIll go itt once tO
I OutIoIt , VimL'ui a m-ecepttnui vill ho bit
Id omed Ity tilO Knight : i'vittplnrs tImem'e.
A fter teaviuug Loiutluium , they will intit _
r ate , ittuittul going to F'lltttCe , itiutl tiam no-
un aiimdtr to other poummts of uuuteiest on
tl mui cot iuteutt. At Now un-k tluu- i ill
li e juiiitel by a ululegitttotm of ( 'lt3tOlti
i uuiglits , ititti the eittimt' tielegatinim t ill
u tiunhit't- about t wo iittmtmltcul ,
- - -
Tile Tutvf ,
( ilitAlO ILVNNIN1l fluis.
Ciium'umo , , ltiI' -Snventhi nini lat
r egtihtr ( lZt' 01 tlii situnuiter rmiutttiuig uiietit.
rit ig of titti Chuicmuo lti'iuig liimrk ; vtmttln'm'
v iti.imt nitti clottdtnick iit'it' , ittteumdituiee
li ght. Notthutit stakes , two-year old
c olts nttd IlIhies , tim oo-foumtims of a uiuile ,
t iuI stuttetl 'miitkiiuug - wotm 1- hi ii I
l eimgtlis , itiss'itttIs ( favorite ) secoutul ;
t iuitJ ! , I 2fl.
Flit. utotm.wiiiiiiutg two-yettoihihii : , I vo
f tii'iongs , 1t'iulget won by a Icutgtim itumd a
h alf , Biciiard ii second , ? ltihiiit Colt
t lmit'd ; tinmo , 1
Cliaiitpioum HtiLkCS , l'cust MeCliMtitkus , all
a ges , iuiilo aini a hail , Iivti started , latke )
C arter tititdo utuuiuiiuig from eimil to eiitl ,
w inning itt tvcitty loutgtlui , iletlitimtor
( fmn'oritu , ) secoitti , otiiiii bcittett till ; blame ,
2 :118. :
Ownums' imatmtlical ) , alinges , ummiio iii'itts ,
Ohivotto ( favorite ) wait , Bonnet- Bird
S CCOutl , I uitogomuo third ; tinme , I :112 : , 1 :117A. :
Selling jttmo , nil nes , mile ztumd a quar-
t er , ( bongo It. ( favortte ) oit Ity a leuqtlm ,
\ Vmisimhitiuite iiocoitd , Blintoii timirti ; tiutte
2 :24. :
'I'hie wiutuct' tattered to sell for 711I )
tts botigimt i ) ,1oimim Forbes , of Cnumadu : ,
f or $2020.
tumtlUlmTIN ) ilEtCit iLt'E $ .
uiIiOlLTON nP.ACit , July ( ; . 'nit-eu year
oldim , utile , Gloumulleit won , Ilitrry Ilaumor
2uitl , Simolby Banits , 3rd ; tune i 48A.
l 'mEilc autti a quarter , l1a3'mr litighies win ,
ilolliwietta , 2nd ; BilL Bird 8rd ; tiinti
2 IOj. All ages , tulle and a fturloug ,
Chmtrliui Epps watt , Assttrauiee , 2nd ; hut
1 3 , 3rd ; 2 02 , Maidens , all ages ,
t iireo faurLii of a uttilo , Zirmmitdauunuu won ,
Egyptian sceoiid , Evasive third ; tinie
1 17k. Steeple cittuic , slmomt course ,
Bmmcki-a Won , Abi-ahmauum , secumd , 'Viritimtlt
t iiiul ; time 2 413A.
LeNnox , liiiy ti.-'I'lmo 1)nily News'
I litancini article say's a ntuiutber of htoltiers
of Coumfederate bonds imitvo siilnciibcml
1 ,000 for use iii eimdcavoriuig to iuitluco
the states , visiming to reestablish thou
cuethit to rccoginzo POrtiOiIR tif their uleht.
iitmnulmed itmouiibei's uI a Itihmo of
IithIit ItittIVUS attacked i't1eL-mtciiitmeimt uif
1ritislm (100113 ( which , it political
itgeumt , hind boeui soitt to cliiumtise a no-
fractory village in Acsamn. Time iumttivcmu
were iopulsmal with II bus of fifty killed.
'I'hie Britisim simlloI'el no loss ,
'l'ime lttisitiitui govtmrnnumuit lout orlel'cul ii
strict uiUarafltiflo on time ] Ilack sea to jiro-
vcuit time introduction of chmolorit and Inn I
forbidden time uittial pilg'iimtago to Mecca ,
One death front chuti tt-Aiexaiidrbi :
to-clay ajid 10 deatlms .FniiniuitinL yes
Coummpto DeCimanmbcrs yemmteimhuiyrecoiveii
time last sacraitiutits , refimimuing fmihl calm.
hess. 'l'othity lie wuu able to take a fo
spoouufiuis of soup anti wine , itimd to mmd.
dress it few worls t ) imiti oumtoimingc I
lit time trial of time , Jens at Nyzcghiimnut p
l1tiiigumi' , the irisomicis accused of iumts'
11mg lihItCCl time ctii'isu iii time river with i
of passing it air as Estimer Salosiuty1 I
% 'itOiit time prisomuci's 1m10 climmged : with I
umiUl(1O1iuig , declared timeir coiifcuisioiui 4.
lint ! lueum ( )1)tltjltCd ) by titreats to tittinulot .
timoiii iii prisouI. Otue wits coumpelluc
° drtitk lingo uimuitntitici
-If water , ( lmtggcl : by the hotly imiud simowu
' ' . ( ithici's were beatcum niud coin
liUIlc(1 to gaze utt time muim. It imtuiumber ul :
vitncsses testilicti its to time simockin
ti'cttuimoitt : icceived at tIme iinmmtls of tin )
umuithioritios. Cotuuisei fat' defciiu iuoiumtet
umuit that time icoiito imavo beeti tuiuigit t ,
that it wits lot , vmommg fm ) testify false1 ,
umgitimnmt the Jews , the interest of tin ,
citliitly reqtiinimu' ' their coitvictitiii.
Atei'iib1etnige1yis i'OloltChiLtltiCkatOmi I'
iictu. ; llciiiii , tiio wife of ii siiinil siioi ;
kocimer cut tue tiiioats of hei two ciiui
tlteti , titeti time Imtitmse , aimtl then ctmt. hem L.
OSli throat. Poverty was time cumuse ,
( il'NERAlj F)1UICN Nfl\'S.
LOUION , .1 mily 0.'I'hmu Ainenicamm Itilu
'reaiim iuiive beeii olflirctl time iuso of toiitm
eltirimig their stay \Viumubluton , limit ulo
dined , prefoiriimg imlivuttu ioigimiga.
AN INCENIlAltlnS ) mouio. :
ft dispatch front Copwtimugoim says : I
umnisoltor named Nitmisomi , who 'wai I
ciumu-ged with cuiiummiiittiim arson here
hits coiifessc(1 that hum set tire to time Vie -
tom-ia docks iii Londomi in 1881 , with i
view tei obtxtiiuing hihuimuui'r. 'l'liu l)1)iitiil ) m
hieitjhiftii'o ciiturtniiied -
megmii-diimg tin
origimi ( if time uii'u , was that. It wits tiit J
vflrk sf funianmi.
( AlmiY : i ; I'l.iunrr.
'I'iio 'l'iines coi'iesjmoimuieimt itt Jtibiii t
Wilts timui tCjPIt tiiitt .Jutlimel4 Cimrcy , tin i
infuimimier , has loft h-tilaiiul in dhiguise.
IIIOTImLlH Y.nruiitiiE.
1I A leo : i I.iiui , 1it Ni i , .1 lily I I , 1'oui r
hmuill-o(1 1 timlinits , ouiuployeul ill time oi
factAIiy tlieitJ sti-tick yentuiiulny uuimil tmatlea -
'oueu1 to treck the ' '
factory , 'I'iioy wetu 1
( hishiei'sCl ( by phicuiimuim thmo dun-got
limumii witim ilrns'um woi'ui. I 1 ; iii fuam'ei
tiittt tlieiu niiI ho it ieiuwtti of ziotimig.
P1,0(1101 IN INI)1 , % .
( ' .t i m u'm-r. , .1 iiiy ii. I I eas'y El utotis hmitvt ,
( % ' ( iii Utit-at , eatim4img gi tmitt dittuingu
to j no mcmi ) ' iiiiul smuli mu of I ife. 'J'li
viutteis imiti iuitlislul iiu , 'I'niiflj c ( ii I I lit 3
i-imilwnys is liutonnuipteil.
( IIIEM.i'IEI ) .
tOti I : , .1 iil' ii , 'I'iiti i-cmmntiium , of Suiiii' -
tom yi i miumimi I b no u veme ci iii iimmted ii omo ,
'i'im is is thu o ii i'st CiiSU of end i a ti am i j m
ItililC ,
I In migeul Ilit' Ittu pm' .
Fl1itsii ; , 'l'ox. .Jtity , 6-- .J1150111 , Ru-ovs
tet 1 ii u 51)1(1 ( I em vlii wts Ii ii mmii gil ilty ui
iiliiu Oil 1ti iS. imvis mit Ft. lavI ii yea : m'
itgti , w-iis imitiigtmul mituieta , ti i is itftciiinoim
lie iiiiuiu ho comifessitiii _ A
dcli 'uietl : m flPdCCii , mlii i-i I ig wiuicli ho tnil :
tvui , big uli-iiiks of whiskey , thu iies1 In .
kiimg tue liottie froiim. Once tiio hiatt tram i
tied jim a btungliiig svimy imftemthu fml : 1
Jiromvstor wi'itiiuitl tuii-iliiy then Limo imila . ,
sl ip med : ti iti ho Bt : $ I numicil ii front timi . )
tiaji mmd upon tue jilatfomumi. 'l'hiu m'ujii , , )
vas iupiaced imumd tue luau snas thiuii ic .
hiuiimir _ I
, . #
G on. Greek PoilltiI1 Out the SLraiht
au Harrow Path tu Ilithait
Fcaco ,
T IuO ( ott'reituui tItht thu l'resltlettt
nutul 8eeretitry of' \ VittTIic 4Iiot.
f.tuit lit 1'eas Nnal Cnuhu'ts.
\VM1IINi1OX , J ill- ( I. - 'I'Itti I 'r's'iuloutt
ettimitcit fIittOLV \'uit-k lititt Imigimi on
th io late train nutti w eutt to tlmti Soitliers'
I Iouuam , whture Seertmtat-y Liumemulut niuti ( hut.
C m-oak ate 1tO % ' lit coutetiltatimimi with hint
cc iimcei-uu iitg I ItO d isjmosi I iuimt t um lie uI
th e cit1ittimcd Avutchit'n.
TEIiEut's sA\
Secretary I 1ittcolti , nct'ouit tuit : k'ul by
( h'ui. CrOulic , imimd it emiutfcm'oimco itii See-
it 'titt , ' tI'oltuttaduty itt tt'gnm-d to the ( us-
im ositummum J.f ) time ( ealltiv'H , Scemec
fi lmy 't'eller iiifommumc'tl I Ito ssociit : ed i ntss
( l int lie hiati dechiiit'ul to ieeeivo thu Ctp ;
t ives alt the Situ ( 'ni'hos i'osomva-
t hum tutu 1 to toMb n isibie I , a- t hmei u'
g uiod lit'hii : itmm. 1'hi.i qo rd Ii. . ii t
tt tntlui to ttttit over to tltim \\'nnleptt'ttumt'utt :
t Ito P' dice tumu it i-oh mif t I itt rtua'rvnt jolt ummuti
t o immitl thitt : ulejntttuiteitt t'cs1omusibhm ho's
I I mc good hel iltVtur iii tin , I imdiimits hut t Ito
ui uittter is left in ala'yatmmco ' him' limo liresoltt.
\\'is1umsuToN ; , lttly hi. - After leaving
( lie littuirior ulUliitttulieiit tO-llty Ssn'ru'tiiry
l 1imteolut itutd ( Jeumomtl Crook ' ' ( to
t iw Executive iInitsiout , wii'rL , timey n't
t ime l'rcaidont. 'l'iio muittiatioiu of San ( 'an-
h its Agency vts : tlioioughuiy uliMciimustd : ,
A disposition to ituiut imitsty t'outclmuiuii mum
vas muhuos'mt aimd otto phitmi u-its dumt'iimitsmly
a greed upout. lii uuitsweuto aim imiI1iuit ) '
f i-omn it relorter , Secmetmtiy Liutcolum sitiul
t lucre vmts ito pm-ibltbil i t y of ci istgtt'o- :
t iteimt lotween ) thttsumr ama ! interior utti-
p at'tittommts tllttiit bids qtidstiuit.
' l'ltui hieadmu ( if ( hO ( lelittmmtdltt : tb
i ttit ( listgu'ce : , saiti hue , wimout
b - stt'iviitg fia ,
uoy un-c a eouimumtutm object--
( lie itecuful soltitiuom of time ltttlimtim qttes.i
t Rill , 'J'imum sucuc'tat'y tlmutigiit a imimtut
t titiid be ( beciied tipiim vitimimu a thty : om
( m ( I.
Tilt : 'AlET EO1NRCimS
c lass of 1881 , wlmo Imave beoit ttotil'ied uI
t heir disittissud froumm thu utavy tumiler pr-
ViSiOuiit of tlto act of .ugmiet , 1882 , no-
ftmsetl to imecupt their ( hisciiarge autd year's
l ) ty teuuulorod with it. 'I'lmti cottrt mit
ciniutis tiecitleti timis net intd ito itiiimh'icn-
tioim to these yctmiig inca , wimibo tim seemo
tary ( if time umtvy : decitbial directly cuui
tt-Lty : _ 'l'hio CLlCtM feel hiotiuid to mespoci :
ti iii dccisioiis of t iio comi rt _ I t iii ii midur :
5(1 ( niti tue seeictitt'3' vi I i i ii it tqmosmt t I a I
testuttiuum : of these catbets to time somvicu. I
by time mioxt cuimigmess.
i'OLlJ'leA m. : itmM i : .
'I'ime Attoimiey ( henuini imms : iccoiveul C
teit'gimtut : fmuiiii 1lvitrd ( 'utiit-it1go I
timiited States 4ttmniuiy ( ( , dated iiieolos1
'I'OXts , sayii ig C'imntics I I uuugiiui , late j mmdg I
of i1lmtjiiui : cotummty , 'J'oxits , ILI iii t h i o 1tii it -
ciiml : witmuemimu aim time mlumniuiit cmotmmty dcc .
tlOit CitSdii , V1Li $ uiitittlei'titl tltti thud iumst .
ZUi iitiiposcul by litrties : indicted in thu. . m
United States court. 'l'hiu itttortto ,
gummemti inittrttcteel ( lutin1dge to uxitutmiti U
carefully and report fully upon tue cir , -
etuumlmmtanc-1 Mouttiay.
tH ii rt'tuht of tin , couifereutco with Fm
Secretary 'i'eiier to.dny , Chief Eost' mm
ngmcetl to smunu'omttiem- is i'emiemvittioim ii rm
\Vitsimiiigtouu 'l'cimltoiy itiitl seltie witim iii rmH
hidophui oh bite Ccilvillo i'estiuvittioim ad .
_ _ _ _ - _ - -
tltm : I iou I mu l"i a iii :
'rI.ANTm u ' , I m VA , .1 tily il. - - ' ii I mouth .
cd aieimuiuiso of the Atiitimtiti Alcoimo
iUl stiiick by liglmtumimig ycstcm
( liLy aft cmiii iou i , anul I uiuiu med , amid novena I
Jmii uttlucil 1 mtumeis ; of iii cu ii ii il sIt tied I it the Li
bii i Idiuti , ' . iiimmiiuiied ' '
m'une c. . 'i'iitm ltmnmt i H
.920,000 ; immsmiretl $8,000.
Oimim IIiuiO Ilti i'mieml ,
4r _ 1'.turi , , .J uily 11th. A limo caught ii I
Li it.i giedl m 1(11)11 ) i of 'iViii iii 'n ( ) Imtma : I I oiis a
itt iii jul ii igi i t t ( ' 1 u igh t , mu iii ci u t imumly ulti
mitiuiyeui it. ( oi. .1 . I I. Vnithii , lessee ama i
I multi ntger. 'Ph ti iiui hi lug mmims u iSIiCl i i V
1'luiitiuitt-ilt ' , A vatiety nu-Iiinimiituicui : I
j mist cluised ttiitl mci 'i mb mt'uje u iii t i if I ii ILi
hiuiuiiio. 141155 , $111,000.
- -
tns lumim : , In. JIml ) ' t ; - I'iiiIi1. .1ox -
Ituiltir ( , tuum yemrim : .ild . , nits uinmnvuimmub a t
Osceohmu yost tmidiy. : I I U 'mLi I It tsvo c miii -
ulayimmg by a 1'inli P uitl ii ii I
fell in , 'I'hio iody was lec'erdLI aim hmoiii I-
after time drovimiimg.
1"itlni Coliislomu.
I'Rl' Ihoi'i : , ONAimA , July Ii. - 'I'isu )
froigimt , tuiuimis collided aim tue ( h'aimt I
'I'i'iunk Litic it siiuiit uhistmiico east of l'4)m' I
I IIIIIC iitittitiiu to-day , Itmmtlm locenmuotivc i
zmil twuhs'o ' the
citrn % VeI'IJ couuipiutuly -
strumyunl. it tii traiim hiniitls euuci1ied iii .
jury except a iiinkeimunim tinmiicd Iirtor
t'iimi in imioiiti : ii ) ' fatal ij , . i iij ii itd. : Icis : ;
$200000 ,
- -
1umiiier ( inimnxmttloiu ,
5yjy Nv. % Suii'njiV.t ; m.m , , I ill ) ' lb.-- .
4' Jreiicli I I liti I u ml s-imm' hits lutist tid I ii Li
Imoimclt flag miii tIme N'ow I luhilembliL Liit
I Igeim' I tufiIl ( ed I ) u'I'utii I.
1IIliNA : : , .Juiy I ; . - Nuivti ha 14
iietmii uvcui 'tml brett a t lie i i auth ( hut t tim Ii
fiummijimu iiiiulun coiiiiiiaiiil iii I4ieuut.bioI
i igemu , ( if Fm itt A misi i i itimi iuiiuio , I iii f Oh I
i4tilt to ihi'ivu back thu hliltimihi Ci'tmtui
I i uet t ho dii lii3 thiimm sub i if I iio ii iio , 11 r
'l'iiesuhiy ; , aiid n'ciui deleitteil by ( lie Iui .
muiiiu s1 in giemt : ly mitt uttu m i il umiunl tim 0
f ii . rcu mtit : iciiim : is m if t ho engage .
Iiieim t hits' , , I mmmci i I oumunul : : , bi i t. tim ui i'u mmii 1I 1
iii tiiiit tim u cotiul el mma semi t i i i iii 1 hunt a f I I
h1'outssiuiiuiihiiiuiu fumi' uuiimfmietiiuieuits , k ,
'Vito m'etiom t ui I lgemi' it'inmlsu is ut iuilit ti 1
iicic , its ho in ii , m otlicci' vimt , , cviii i t i m
siminil coiiiiitaimii , voiil.I . iimnke ; t lotei
iiuiiienl mifautil.
I"mitsiom' $ lioguiti lsmiitl ,
( 'umnAulu , , , himly 0. . lii thu laud ipivesti i .
gittioum hiufuiiti , tIme bcitmd ; 'if timilo eoiiiiuiut -
I ( itt , lit mt Ii id i Ic ( ; uuicht el mum igen I. . imtl ti I ,
I I ion , tn tii imtl ii I t uinmtiu ml i if iii ii it , si ummt II I I
laid , I I uc case u if I Ii u ul clot iso nits ci iii
ci iiuleml t Ii iii aft cimmo ii 1 IV I I it t I ; o I omut i iliuii
of l'imf. hiuuhiolil , if thu Ittisit Alethini 1
cal I ego , vi ma ox I m iiij teul a m4elics u if uiingi mi L-
hut ! i iii. . di igI n P1 IS uI litimb it u iul td : k iw ,
' tiiuit' uhitli.iiuimcun '
siimns'iiig iii di'yntahi74m , -
tioii , toguithet' vith sjiucitiiuiun mu umilultuiti L
tomb laid. 'i'imo imioscutitiutim timeut hut a : I i
( ho stainIj : utii I , furiii cml ) ' fiimei iui : : Ii
l otFiWIer ill-Os. , vimu , emirnitberitteul thai
s ttciticittn ttiathi by ( mtiiel witutesses to
sn st t ime i'll'ct that tallow auth beef were
n tixunl with hog ( itt and PLit into time re'n
bti b oring tubs , nutt thai prodtmct Pitt iii
ti autd inbehled ' ' "
erees 'priuite umteauit , lie
kti umuw this iemsutis-u1y because Ito Itad on-
ti re cimarge of time rotmdcm-ing ; timat. in lie-
c eittbcr Inst botwet'ut ( , QO0 ittttb IJ,000
tii erees of timis sttmtr were tumade by Ftfl % icr
i bm-tm , , mumd tiemi-ceub a. Priutt sttiflhut lard.
'l "iiii ; i'idt'itco CiImtmtthiCtS that givelu by
1 i1f ) , lt)5Li cliu.uuistfom Fow'iev hiroM
TlIjl(3lttI'1i NOTI.M.
\Vilmuoui llOilrtl , itti killed , ltiimum
i tltli ( ' , mitt itt tmciirmuiumit tBtiil at toituutl
C ii ) ' , Ill. , vns takemut frotti b'ttlaski cottlity
j ail , \ltittttd Oil3' , by uutnnkt'd iuueum atul :
l yimehietb.
'Uln ( 'X'CtttiVti L'mmiiferC'tttti Lif clmaimiiteut
o f couiititittt'es tilt iSSii45i1)i tiver itul-
u m ay uitimeitis , htich have bicoit appointed
m it vaiiumtus citiem attil towummu til the vitita
l Ily , tiIl mitcuit at St. 1.ttiis .1 tuly 1 1 , at time
S niutiietui I lumtel.
't'iitm 'l'euttteumnee state prisoum , itIi its
c oitvict lithior , was leitse'd to the 'l'ottiies-
IimiIm'tctub Coal tuma trout hum'
5 (111 , : enuimpitity
mi ii years , at : I'2,0 ( ) ( ) iier utitimmiumu.
I imdicttthtut fem- time tippetuLississ'ijmpi
ut ial .I Isnttm'i 'nlIoys :'.al utitmim , fol-
iu mwu'ub by coolcu' , iIti'tly chattily weathmt'm'a
i ii titO tmotttimoi-um , vmtrhtbiu w'iutds ,
g eutt'uimlty fioiut iuortlmw'est to SOtttitVtst
s tmtt iouiitty or m'ising bntt-ouitotun- .
'l'lmti utegro .JolHt Coite , for time rhpo of
a wiiitui woumuan , ! ilm'mm. Scott , iut Jututuam'y ,
1 882 , nits iututg in them jail itt hlutulItCIli ,
't 'e'LuUi , iii the it'estmmmco of 1X ( ) imeolmbe.
'i'iium roitunins of Bisimop Piutktuuy vero
l ast ovettitig d1itimutted in tue imntttiary
c iuitlioli Oak I 1 ill cmuuett'ry'mtslm'iitgtin ,
a nmitist. it)1&'ttUt ) 1111(1 iltupreissivo sun'v'tceim.
'I'ivomitysix mmmses of stittuutroku autil
l rumstnttium ium New Vumt'k yesterday , nuid
mm ix iii i'imiitdclpiiiit :
Sect-etary ofVutt Liutcohut nuid l'oiut-
t nim.tor ( enertl : ( h'cmiltnmn a week or
ii , ) iilt liit Islauni coitmut.
'rime ntiimmouuium hinigo of Ii to I uthipen.
u betit OmdciuI 1 uiuiutitcttlntu'ii , ( colored ) ,
v uttcd $100 tO\VLtI'l ( ito ( htrtiold tuuuiversity
i tt totttgimutmom'y , Alit. Time ttuxt. immotitimig
will be Imuilti at 1Icmtt1mitis , ill .Ittly , 188-i.
A ' ti'itiit will the
slit'Ciiti commvumy vut
i nimimui of Arclthiislmop l'tureohl fm'ounVest -
hot-a to ( lumciumumnti ti-hit ,
'l'ho IOuiCtCtlit boatd of heitltlt imami
institul it 1n'iaitmittioui : thumb all vessels
froimi iiifeetud Piitt.M iu't'iviitg itt l'oitsitco.
lit. ivitli _ yellow bevemiii hoard umlmabl vu-
lilaitt at uliittitmttilue : statiouus utmtil frost.
I'muglitiuui'M Ilmicle Doom' .
Li mu IN , .1 1113' ( lIlt . - In tIme ouutiimu miti I
totiigltt 'I'ioveyllitut , cimiuf socmtitai'y -
i'ehitttl , i'elyi u ig to t ito u jtmomutioui of ' . " . ' ii -
I 0' I tm'iom m. u uioii ml aim' I. . n .im1 allov , an h I
viietimom , iut . umf tue m'ucumtt zictiouu o F
I I me eumdgrttt iou coittitu issittutcu's at ou
Vomk , tlma deioutittioui ! ut imamipom fm'ouu m
litmltiiub : to thai tlmiited Stittuii : will iiuj mitol ) -
.eilseitb . : 'mit vkiw' of timtt : imuitim ii m of t ito couit -
lmtismuimmots ) , tit'ilein htiiti Inion gk'oit to sus -
i.uiiil . gmtutts : of iuioutey iii citsus vhiot'e it im
mutippu mmmcml I luat I Ito fot'uimum ii muumtte : a : I
' .iu'hhiiimisen itio nut. . ittg th icimut tbemmiuiutg t I
tmuiiigi'ato. Josu1ilt Coweum , nitulical uitummim ,
bct' fem New Castle , out Tymiu , : udied wluui -
timum' Atttemicmt wottlel utlltnv ouiuigntittn ti Li
litmtd if Cine.'tt. ilnitieimm nhiuwutl thiemiu nmeaum ii
of mmttmttouunumco fur the jn'csuumt. Truvuiyh .
litut u' lie hieiiovod s'ery femm iumduoi ml
of state iticbcti eimuigi'iulmts Welt ) liittilOi'H mlL1
litit he vmm still imtqtiit'ittg into the mutt ! : -
juct , amid tlmommgiit. it wium iiut. hiecaiise of it
fosv potimttts iuioro iii ieuis hunt oumuigmtitt : H
iuttti'itutl , If ( ! meitt. iht'ititiui coimb 1
hy iLl i it omsihile iimoituimu lii cuit ti me o1)jccthni ii
, if A ii ici-ica mihie voi iii ! ittlojit smicim um iuiuis I
hitul liii feared ctmimtrihmiitioitmu of Imuitil C
Ii iui iii' ' .Vli itt imuit u uueuit t I ma oh mject iou m ,
4t Itiuuitoietl Imiul.
N i : VOiLE , , J 1113' 11 - - I t 15 m'uiuimuil'ci b
tlmimt .1 m iii it j . ici Eu i I. . o' . if 'i'imxamu Si fLing H
ititti ltviul 1 . Si mt'ator t I to muctil j mliii' hit. . I
a hiiimit'iu uiuuutimug uit i I 4uiuig I siaimd ituid timit t
( I me I , mini or received a II inim vu minim ! , 11111 U
Iiliiimii lituks cam m ii i-u miittio ii. 'I'iiuiui vorl Li
proutu'ntiouis by t lmti gi'ent Itumnt tim
thity , imoiiuo fttiil cases.
4ftQi' JiIVl
1Y . -Sjieciit 114 rol iim't. Li
at'i'est met iowmnmrs ) i4Lko , 'ul ' iuuum. , of Jolim m
umeul , mi' ho tmvui t'ft y'eimiH nmgm I iulitt itiii I
h-ihIeil .Jumtii ; 1'icL'im'iiimck , , it , yiuluig gui it t
Siiiti ml ii iiuit , I I I . , un'i I ig t t her rofmimeml ti 1
miilti.i.j , ' iiiiui. 'I'lmo uumiiu ulor m'mn : it iiucmiiiimm'i
at ii cim ills oil ti am iii I teeth itt ti ic ti m tie m'imi mu
tiiru'imteiittb : with i4yumdhi l1inv. \'iuiim Li
lying iii jail iom'uiitiuig tmiiil lie uimnuiagcul ti I
efhi'cI ii is CbiCilI itt imiuti his t'imcm-oahii itit : 14
ii iii itti'est iiitvo hecu u iii u k iio'ii.
. _ - _ -
A V1t : liii ni' 1ust.
0 rimiium LA KY , .i . kb. , .Juhy 6.A sioc . .
hal says that Aiuixauuuler l'oi'ry , 1) year : ii
tilti , iittuuujited to ( : umtuJL tue huuitusui o I
Atpuiis hlcadwemIl , whet-ti time yotuiig wife a f
thu lattum trim aluiimu , mmd hui imint 'initem I
thu u I iti muse u rh tin i mm tue day bmm t haul huh I ,
imfter m mink i i i iii ulrm q mum' umytm'Lti : men to her ,
\vl mtmii liii sviimu u ii inuirs'tal tq ' u-match hug tie El
HumCiii(1 tiiuio liti SYILI4 sau-iicl by 1'.Ims ' . , -
voi I iti itb fimi I i u ig t ii ii cud sue imimot nut ! kill -
mmii lmiiui witim \Vimmeimenter i'ilI.m. .
- -
'l'lmn itlltul Me.iuiu'ge.
, ' iix.'iuumi.A : , .Juuiy lbLI , iiii-iiig Li
tt'oiity-Iimiiu' iiiiiiis t'uuthimig at I ) o'elocl
himmut uvei , m i i ig I ii time mt'eio uo i o ii ii I itlreul iii it
I I hum ultiti I is I iy ci ii , loi'n at 1)ammm iettn , nun 1
six t y. cigim t a t. i'm ! iii in uii'iti i. 'I'iiti LILL'tirotti Li
ILL Iimmyiuiiit is eimauiutl s'ithm fugitive mu
Ito , iu Igy it , 'l'l ' i ui nhlitotit of tiint i immuti -
j u'imfttst , ti , lUluili t tiny inotem '
l'mtt'uiui' 'mVom'ks 18umvntt'iI.
ui : , J a ly ta , 'l'hi , vu miks
I ' ( it. . , , Ii icitteil i ii t ) gdtm ii ciuiyuiit , tix
1.11 . iuictl ( I miii ovm ii i mig , I uluar ii ig LI to I uttiluli u .v .
itt iutuiuiis , iumstliliti ) ' ILillilig a nomim uuimuiiui 1
'u n'tei itt iub i i ij ii ii I ig $ O'ti mimI u it her t'm miii : -
iuiim , 'I'J ciiitiiuitl i'uiiiiii I I H of I 'm mit m 1
' ml v I t ii it 1 iitl' ml ui ' ( il i limit iiighi Iii :
imu'cl 1i3 tiiti foi'uo ; of limo ' \ . . : _
. -lISH ; ; ; ; ( lti : : l'i'Isuni ,
SAN \ i osit , , rmii' li. 1imyoi'Vio i-
mmiii I , ulufitisi t i m ig amy ii itstur gem icnid , gino ii I-
limb i iy I iuiit , I Immit html t itt id t lmncu u a ui-cu iii : I-
iii i minim II itmml i tIhittim's , slatted this tnut'iI ) in
iou I ea'ui 1 LV ( mit hi , ( i as ) ito i I ii I em m t iut-y I
noire miut his 18 uiiiiimtimiu. I Jo tlunim'etl 0
I iiil ii mit it Iii it i m c'i stittuuiiu I I t ha t ui-in im -
imli mm I m'iei ul cli i it ! ,
I'umuutm'Ing I.ntiitm Scunimgu , ,
_ flt'i u I , .i liii , 5. - u'cfiuguo armust oil i ii
tint stmeuf imuuu died jim thu hospital. I It
is mutis1iuctetl that death 'mtmu ctusetl : hi y
( iuu iloiii. 'I'i i o gmidi'ui iiiei i L inc 1m'opu-i ; ii g
tue Itaim-Eltin iIisjmititt ( fii' use , imuid tw 't )
liii nil iou Imedsi I I htm i'uiou'vuub fun Etmi-u ) .
hU1l5. )
A thtioiia1 Details of the 1unror of the
Officers of Uraii GUilty.
l ) rteruminu'tI l'titHimlt. or time tssasslmus
-OIlier Shootings anti Itobbertu'sa
lKNVIn ) : , dimly ILI.nter ndviecs fm-imit ,
( i-aumtl County dcvolopo time following ( nets ,
A t tIn , electiumit in 1880 thud liu'ople lm a
v aIn chmatigeti time euitiiity sent to Oi-nnd.
L ake. 'Fiui3 tutattuir vas tAketu to the din.
tr ict , court , \1eaiiviiiio time hatred oxis-
ti utg hietweoti tito two factiomts , giunniumg
il l iiitotisity , cimlmuuiitatcd in yt'storday's
b loody wuirk. ( nmutd coiummty huts tlmro
. Oittttti5iiitiiWtit Buutoy : Day , A.1ills
itu mtb E. \\'ohlier 1 a utajority of vhuonm
( l ) mty numb ' .Iibls ) wtwo lit favor of dechutr.
ta g time 'oto illegal ( lint created ( h'flhIl
L ake time cumiuuuty scat , and m-oluiovitug the
rtl ecortls back to Spniitg. Last i.Ioumday
tl iti ( 'Oiiiiitissiuiimtifli hail it regular timeeting
it t ( nmmtub : Itko. , hmmst whuuf ras
ub oti. . , iii ttot kimowut , bitt it
ii i t'tpuitetl timey deekicut to duclat-im the
u ) thlcui of tim. . , commutt' treasmu-er vacant btm.
( ' Amuse of hum ieltmstI : to tile a satisfactory
b oimd. liuu'immg time nuuiotiumg lay , 'iVebber
a nd l'att , stuqmieil at uirs.
h totu'tb'uumg : imotiso , a ujmuatter of a nub
m uouuttl t Ito Imead of Siutall lake. Tlmu nmnd
l eading fm-aiim 'u1rnomttmg's to tow it in
t lit-otuglm thickets of imimmall imiute's. Yemuter-
d ay lmmoruuiimg , jtumut lieforu 10 o'clocki time
t wo eoimtuitimusiomuou-s aimul clerk stat-ted ut'oun
t int itottso f.m go to time place of immeoting
n umd t'iumisim up time biisitues before hiutail
um iljotuiiiiitg.'imuui abtuot tumidway tiiromi
b itt. , thicket tlmruio iutuuked : nmomm umudleumly
s ItAitg timut of thai bushes itint coiutiitettCel
sf mriimg , iuitouitiitg them all ibowut aluumont. in.
s tmtumtly , Bofote time work had been ulono
t hu counhttismnumumors retttruied ( ito l'ute , mit-
mu taittly kiiliimg ammo of time ttsassmums. 'I'hmu
( mtimm3t- two mimanked mmteum , , titimtkiimg tlmiy
h int killed it11 timi'et , of time itrti this-
a pit'ai-ed in time btinimes.Vhon
t hiti mutartitul e'iti/tuimu : arrived itt time vlzwe
of couiulmat , it tumuiuimmtitt litter , ( hiy fottmul
I ) ay ( bend , toni \\'eblier ittmd Deaum umiortahiy
votiiiulcu1 They tom-u the muask [ mmmi time
u mtlmmnieta : aumul fomtmtd Ito waa l'iuills ,
t ime otimcuc.ittutty . couimumtisnioitur. 'l'imo fs'o
oIlier titeim tire itot k miunvim. Suspicioim
m usts tuimoim tvo imotcub deiqieradocs , 11111
ltudmmntti and Lou Catl'imm.Vhcu time mtows
vns btummigimt to limit Smilpimum' Spm'imtgs it.
i noduced time very gt-oatest stir amid utmost.
uitteimso cxeittiiiteumt , aitti shortly before
dam'k last niglmt tt Ii' ) ' 0f twemuty horse.
uituum , seh1 : tm'iited , lull ( tin ( ritmiti hike muni
it t.erm'iliiu light is epectetL lTp to titus
haiti(10 ( o'clock ) it , , into ulown has beoti
ru'ceivud front tIme sceume of tint tragedy.
Aim ' ' ' miles the
it ciiuit'itii m'itliimg t'mfty ever
uiiflhiultltilis is tlt.e only uttetmtiu of ciiitmlmluuti-
cittiumut it. iii hummmusilibu titemo vtl1 be ito ftmr.
t lien uuovmu liii til tmmoruiumg.
'rut' Iumel.
Nnv Youtn , July Ii.It is i'o1momtetl
this utormmimtg tltitt thue dtmel alleged to-
hmn'u been fomuglit betweeni hIm' , Aruumen
ltmox ammul 1) . B , Slmeimiman yestem-day , imn
vimicim resulted ut time woimnd'mng of 1mtox ,
usmt : imuatx stud thuitt pnimmcipal umevor left the
city. Miuty iu-o nh tint o1duiomm flint time
witoin tiuiuug is a pi-neticiti joke , ot'igiuttttstl :
by Kimox iii his os'mm interest arni It in.
curtain lie Imitd un iutteuitioum of uigitting.
Neitlmur ition imavo simowui timeniseiven ' '
niuui.'e time lirtit ruilom'tenb breach botwcoui
ituiul nothiumg definite is knowim in
icgimi'd lu , tiioii umuovouiueumts.
IIeity Fire.
i'tliNNn. i'OLIS , .1 itly special ro-
Pt'l5 IL ( iiiCtRtlitis tim-a itt } vaimmu'ilIe in
tliii4 mitato tweumty-miix bimiidiitgs tbentu'iyed
t I io lemns 1 iu hug a iii imit $ I 110 , 000 , N. ) jiimut.-
CII lit iii ,
- -
Itmoi'gitimlzluig Imitumon.
. ' , .1 tily 5. - tumove-
uuiuitt to ru'mimgitlii'/o thai Kutigimtii of Labor
uiu. estithihisit iii its place ii federatioum of
tu-atles cimeim itutlupemmulciut of time uthttir s'ima
uumtiiirtuLl 11 muiimim't tiumue ago. It sconus to be
gmmiiiug : mmtmoimgimt. 'tue itft&iuimmioit Soci'ct-
imm-y 1'luiu'tuiui said flue A uuinhgaiiuatotl Asso-
ciati.iii . whukim is time stioiigomut tm'ades timmion
jIm the : coimnti-y hums hicetu itt favuim' of ii foul-
( lii , I iou of ti'itltH 1. . n live yours. 'J'ho I roil
oiiltioi's Uti iuii uI Noitim it tiiet'icmi hiit
tulsa tlcchat'uitl fimvoi uf it umuw iuiovuimimeiit
id Limo lumhmor 'I't'ilniiuu % 'i1icim is tue om'giti
of tue imoim wom'ket'n , glass vom-kej-n uimiimez'ms
aimti othini' ti'ztdemm mumyn iut itiu iumsmuo toulay
tiumit thu uuiaumitgeuimeuut uI strikes vitn tiever
iimtmmmbcl iiy them orgium to futip tIme iimigimt.s
lflhuI' ) ( until itnmiunciiiumury will bu fotmnd
( lOfOi.'tivti in this tes1iuct a call ham' a Na.
tiumiusl Cttim'untiomuts'illbo isnuteub imhiortly.
ItIittOlit4 iIIuuers.
iluSTON , .Jtuly 5. - A special fmoiim Saint
ltnyitl4oui , VL , says tiiwo iii groat. ezeith.
iimeutt at time ltily lmtinemm a imtmtmdred nminoz-n
are ummgaguu hi a m'iot uin aecouimt of back
i ° y itimd hiimvti ( orcemi Cia/mum , Limo suporint.
tnmdtmmt lu ) leave tmnvim escorting hurt out.
'I'huo utah Limt'umimtuneul to bmurim all pi'ope-ty
if their wages wem.uu not paid toimighit ,
iimclimthimug the elegant residences of the
iuiiime owuium's. 'i'hmo iumiutmn'n collected imoaps
of muteiimuimu iii itutici1iiitioui of a row , 'i'he
inilmurit itm'u , said to imavo lmo&mcssion of ill
mmiuii ji. CixiiIimni'L'mu.
l"igIil hug 1tiiiuIuig' lItt ,
l'iuIiWALKEEis. ' . , .Jmily , 11. - Omuborno
mimmul Co. of' Aulioiiu'ii , , N. \ . , iiavu bromuglmt
mitt for $1t1,000 ( in limo ( Juuitunt States
Commit xmgitiumst Easterly ti Soit mufVimite -
vatur , 1inim. 'I'Iio itttmmu'uieys bom' Osiimn'ime
chititit Limat EILItttii'ly numit utmt , cii'cuhitm-s to
time ellimet tiimt : ( ) sliiui'iiu m'ami iimfu'iiigimug on
t liii A qiltmi , ' pat ci it mu imimed i' than ii ,
CImuIt-i'iiirt' , Coin-se ,
Luis io , , .1 uly nIh , - A coi'tesptimtulu.mmtt
itt lu.ixuimnhiiim says lime Egyitiaui timothical
sui'vic'o is ut ii state of dittos , \\'uuks ago
thai at Dimiummuttit wits noticeable
toim mimilen uitI , aiiitl uluatb aumiiimals ate stiil
hmtii'uiiittv.b . I m m lliitt : hi t ii 0 Nile ,
1'iofesitt 'J'htulmiiLs kiLn beemt elected
1)i'tsileimt. cii tiw l'uiyitl ittiuuety.
- _
Fimm' ( tumult camuimti'y hitmttom- tutU eggs g
to NEI4SJN'S ( , 20t1m itumtl 11uit ,
I lumuime gu'tnIi : l'iaekimuiul red rimsplium't'ietu
itt 'iVieiimei'am ,
oI'i 141 FOItNI lihtilums 2Ou iem' can mit
I I E 1 ALIU ) 1)8 16th street ,
Pleumtyuifimoiimegtawmm vegetables at 'iVie.
utmuir's ,
iluiio gitnvft ltmtspbenu'ien limnt itt.NEL-
SONS , 20th inni Burt ,
- _
CA LI FItN 1 A ttlmricotit ittnl - 1)Ct1 , itt
2ie vc' citum , at , h1FC'iu1tQD'S , 10th st.