ti r7IL DAILY BEE---COUNCIL73LUrrS , FRIDAY , JULY G , 1883. TIIL ! AIL 13L E. COiJNoIL BLUFFS , Friday Morning July 6. SUiIscn11TioN ILITE8 : 11 ( crier - - - 20 rents iMr seek J , Nail - - $10.00 pcr Year - - . , - = ± - - - - OFFICE ; 1(0.7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway. MINOR MENTION. &u Joseph Itcitur's spring stylus. Cheap Ruilrua(1 Tickets at 1kidine11's. AdditIunnl lucid news nu seventh page , The Presbyterian church is having its exterior repaired , , f.uucs ( loulde. budl a barta bImwu aOWIt ml the Fourth. AdmiSSiutl to thu rrces this n1teruooa oldy25 cents. . . ltnby Barnes ( vas in the city yeitorrlny , arrumging fur ai cxIiibiLiou here , ' Cusiek ' ' ' tlrr'eatcd Oflical' 'ed01'IhLy' two ern + ouu unlned t ohusnn , the uthet ( fill eau ) for fighting. Low is Boling tuld Otis llolblook , both of omaha , were yesterday 1ve.l led by. Justice Abbott , Justice Abbott yesterday tie(1 the knot 1.etwccir .1 ( .1111 .1 , Dowell and : bury IIer111es,1)0th ) of this city , Sauatel Saugisun nod Be lhn 11 , Nel- ouu , bath of ( iiiSS county , were uuuried by Itlslice Sehurz on the 4th. Thu ifnru.uy lluud favored ti IC 1fEE oOiCC with a Rereoule , 'I'ltrtn. ; . Como again , when uuIVC of tis are iii. JLUUes DTcPllorsun i5 reported to have 1ee11 killed , at D1i.sutirl 1'liuy gill the I'ourth , by the bursting of it cuulon , 'ho puvder lotiRo ca9ui lltlve boll Coil- tiuued until the 12th , to aIIo v time for ] ( letting new Sites for new huildiug5. Among the gwi.n . n1er drunks in court yesterday , were ( leur u Pitts , Charles 15vn11)S ) and 1Vul. 11'Ilson , Each WILS fined fi7fO , A Colored uinu is heiug held by the police , { Irmo think ho is uue of those cerncd in the robbery of a woman on the Vl8bturh. Sonic reckless HllootoT , in ushering iii the Fourth , Hunt a 40-calibre hall through the flout door of DTrs , II . Leo' , tnillln cry estnblislmneit , Nhatteriug nahow Case A really beautiful deuvory wagon ap peared on our streets on the Fourth , as a public . iuuioullceutott that DlcClurg's new. cracker factory is gutting ready for business. A big train of Dlor7uons nusaed through lucre on tutu night of the Fourth ) Neuut westward. They were su . died here with old thousand loaves of bread + froui the Union Star Bakery. Rev , Father DTcltleuImuy , of this city , is looked upon by nu uiy its the plrlbable Successor of Bishop ; llcbhii min , who died on the Fourth. Ile would make a grind em surely. Rev. P , B , A1cDTeuuuly received a sad telegram on the Fourth stating that Ibsltop DfcDlullcu , of Iaveg0)rt , died that nuoiliug. Prather Ilcbleulumy has gone to attend the funentl which is to be Iteld today. Daniel ( , luinhut was lined yesterduy.t L atol torts for utssaWtirmg thus Epenete' on I the street. his excuse was that lm u thought. Epewtur hall thrown n eamwl crteke ngniust his leg as Iw wits svalkiu g along. e Jack Shields was arrested yesterday 1n aasiultiuu g one DlcCuire. Shields lulls al ready gained notriet as a thtuuiper , ] talub uuade n brutal assault on tiu old guotleatuu . Jeuliugs. Thu Union Pacific Railroad wants l1 get up lilt. the city close to business They see thnttlie other duputs are nor o couveuiunt and thitt they arelht uiujg trod e .Forthese eeitsotls the city council shat ej be alhold ) + and rublielJ ' tllauked , One letter out of the way dnusn't al 'way's natke se rodiculnus a blunder us it Tugsda's BEn , { vhem a kindly parugrqh ) alpt Aldo Sicduutull' wits tubule to turn hint Old Siedeuitulh Ile is far front be iug old either iii yeuus or feelings , DIr . Dickey met with gnitu a sniuu H Iessiby the stein , on the nfturnoon d Hf the Fourth. 11u hnd just been raising Ili s r atoieu ud putting a now brick { wall uudu it. ( Thu run Ho u11derndliud the foum da . tine as to lutthu Iloer duw 11 oh ouu side , and damaging nut uuly the bolding bu t the sink , his 1(155 ( will he about $6)0 ) , Ilon. J , DT. I'hilli q1s lots becit elect ed an llalortt ' 111euber of the Lfticoh I'lEd + C. A , It of this city , be lntviu g .ouu given the honor t.o of being tin lost u nd'eul man tints fur in the stat ° of Iowa , { vhu hits beer granted such n L 'x ' yitiom. 'Ins nu ll g worth (1uitlities ( u ! lead mud heart , as sluwn tit so ouu. P articular Why , uiitilleS Litt to such plensiug recognitiuu. A caruleaa accident occurred at tut u Lotsu'of Dauiul llurd yesterday. Offs hurl'.sister , Miss Donnie Ioft.uv1tI the little lpo f the faintly , haul a cur ( ridge which ytiue ) ' were Iltlriujg to Ox to du II boring hole tltmu to tin oin i'owder ' and thn touchtu it off with , a' Match , In nutkiuu thug hole the cart ridge ux dodud the 1)1111 ul5eiu through : 31re lieu's hand rind striking the littl Lo' in the forehead , Thu later was bti Wouull ! neessittoa injured , but the young lad ' s ' and is quite serious. ( bur friend 0 , Carlisle , of Dlissou Valley , lards in the city n few days ago (110110 of his OCCaHwnnl visits , winch 1 Ulu mi'n' are not nearly us frelpueut ns hi s CODUciI B1uifu friends would like to hav u than. Ou tbo stuuu day of his visit i phut drunk appeared on the polio e doekut giviu g the natlmo Of 'I'houuui Car lisle , q'lue , ublication of thu taro iteuis 0110 11 , persolml the other a police tutu 10th iverm hula frielmds nn excuse to 'uk hiubn ) hli9 visit to Council 131u118 , It ii UrcdiCas to iuforin thou that the tw ( .wuru dilhcrent sort of Carlisle's altogeth er , but sonic stranger might think the ! fdentjlad , which would be a grave nuis take ihdeal. Open fur work , Pryor's Job Print mg Ofice , 7 Peal street. - - - - Dr. Neat , Dentist , 14 Pearl street. Jeurll tt'oiuu ' , I'utu Jousuu , a railroad luau , was sun otruclc on Tuesday , and despite all a t tcugts , at recovery ho rank rapidly min t diet1. The funeral services wore held u the afternoon of the Fourthhis wife at children being thus under the doe1io shadows of hereavenuent while otlre zero joyfully celebrating the nation : n I , Luliday , : % I 1 A BANS UP TIME. Firo-works From dhove and blow , On the Fourth , 'l'hc Doings of the TJay lnterccped ( by n Storm-The ! lace. To. Iay' anti To .lforroa' , The celebration of the Fourth iii this city , lend at least one element of a suc ceasful one , variety' . The day opeued Very pruulisingly , with 0110 or two light showers , so light as to Ilarlpy lay the dust , the heat being so intense as to speedily dry' lip the streets. There was n large gathering 0f people from the sur- roluldirtg country , told the streets luul nu nnitunted nppeIrauce , indeed , ' 1'110 street Ptuade svns not 11 very extensive ono. It collsist'd of the marshal u11d his aides , the police Innunte(1 , making in alI fifteen mcn horseback at the head of the parade. TIue11 cone eight or tell boys all hoseback. 7'he 111iou Pacific I a11d hdowed next , giving grand music. Abe Lincoln Post , ( h. A it. , marched about fifty strong , the martial music beinb h ) ' 1Vuu11 DleFadden's life ruul drI curia. , ' 1'111 veterans looked its ( realm as if they had uut heel ant all eight capturing the town , uud rousing uuj atriotlc aleop- 018 , br tiring cannon lire crackeis under their chuulber windows , Carriages next caulu rolling ,110111 ; coutniuiug the ulilyur , he platforw performers of the ul ay and one patfiotiu alde'uuam , Copt , Eicluer. The fire deparbuemt with its stetune , truck and hose cart very rrettify decorated with flowers 1111(1 rib. followed while the new tehll illnd 11.8 on of DTcUhtr'gs crteeker factory with citzels iii carriages , turd small boys oil foot briugiug up the rear. . Thu ) roces 50(111 V t5 lint very long of wet" crtulitidde' but the duy vas yit hot one , At the Irack there was quite a large gathering. The remitter of the Deelaratiou w'aw A. 'I' , Flickinger , Col. .T. 1L Kepley der livered the oration. 11e isn't ' ouch of a cupyiNt , )11111 1114 % % 85 to bo expected lie struck out in is 11ew' Niue , and 5vi thout speldiug7auy breath min the flag , the ea1e ; , amid the lutrruth of a F.nrthl , hue proceeded top(1iut nut 8oao of the tel- deliCles of the liatinltt nand sonic , of the chntnuls into svltich it is di ifthmg. 1Vith- ut taking time to lllscnss the various citusea in detail old proposing reuiedics for tbeul'hme lIreseuited hints and suggest. ivu thoughts for thu hearers to take lminno with tlueni aul add to for tllenselves. Thu orttinu wits thoughtftd aul earnest , 'l'Ilu next event of the day vus the Barr beetle mit the driving pork at noon , It ran nut inuueuso success , weighing about 2,000 Pounds-Hutt is the three-year-old victiut. George Deaku 'superintended ' t1w ntf11ir , mud juicier , sweeter slier of beef never were given to a hnngr'Y crowd. Thu races jut the afternoon were lags ly nttundal , bait the rain old wind brake iii ) the apart , The first tutee called for svil9 the 2160 class , the starters Luiug , Dllnil IL uilterud by L , 0. 'I'arner , Jonesvi11e,1Vis. ; Larele , 1) ' 1Vale Cary , Cowieil llhluIFs ; Glouwuod , u' Suer l Cal- huouu , Bough , Dfontuua ; and Stu' Jack , by .loluu I. Redick , Cualuu. no heat was trotted and won by Dhetd II , , Cle1 wood , secmrd ; L(1relo , third ; mud Star , lack distnncCl. 'l'ime , 23fl ; . The first hunt of tutu 21fO , class was then trotted , 'i'he sttu'ters wore Dutch ( hirl , i. U , Turner , Jouusvillu , 11ksCOn 11'etutonnt , J , 1V,1)unn , Dluitlturd , iIU , ; Dlutggiu F , , uauicl Andeson , ltoh 111501 , Kau. ; DIny Clark , S. DL Beard- sley , Unutha. 1Vhhle they wore scoring r u few dropa of ruin bean falling , but it seenud to ho the beguuliug of another light shower 1111(1 the houses were given the word go. Thu rain inerauxod rapi(11y while the lmrsos sped nrouud the trite k turd with whul 1111(1 enter driven in their faces , cntnu down flue helm stretch fly- jug , it being's close struggle betwemt 1VustaOmlt anti DTnggiu F , for first place. 'I'he ltdtor , by a hint. , atop turd luuup , ntSsed under tutu hue about n nose ahead , Vestutuut Luiug si uarel on his feet , 1Vostuirnt , Nits % ivei the heat , Dimyg gin F. second , Dutch ( third DhtY Clark fourth ! . 'l'irlle.1h12 ; , I ity this tiuw flue raiiicauue duwu in torrents , turd nut oily' caused a eussatuu of spurt , but caused gecnt consteiuiatiuu niH iig the tkousluuls gnthured thieve. f { vied bhuw a perfcct gale , told for it time it wooed that the auphitlieah'es would be uucgofed , So ugtil tiriuliug ; booths _ { 'uru seat teed , and ulm eiblgs tossed nbuut , while two or theeu horses , h ighlt u11ed at the st mini , fruntieally tau away. , Ive"b(1d is'its dreachal to the skin by the sheets of water which iii the sleoii wind 1vvn5 blown thu' ugh the nun ) hithen I tres flout side to side , it writs a ncue of turret' 'et the ludicrOuS side , , vls : prunui- ount' white dresses , duck mutnlouu5 at- ' ) ncca coats , hIV shoes , feather uud rib. in.us beiug iii Oul plight. f Thu crowd scattu mid for hump its bust they could , and the day's sport wits at uu end. Arrangonue11ts lowe been rondo for Cn- ishlug the 2ir0 : and 2:80 : races today , if { renthur puruite. 'Flue races for 6eitlu L n.ot's madStorf , dotlblu team , will elan be . tb day. To-morrow ( Saturday ) thloruwihl he the freo.for.ahl and the tiileu for jgeltluuien's ' aim lu'ro8dsters ; also the exhibit of Ia. . dies' o1 uestrianisnt and boys' riding. Thu fireworks pmulisud trill ho given I ut the pnrk this evening. Jtt'nI ENtnm Truu.ftlrtl , 'rho following duels were fried tor record cord iii tluu county clerks's olllce.lnly fig reported for Thu LEE by Itosu & . DIoMahon , real estate agents , i'etet' 1Vuis ut al to Nicholas Ihtimson ; lot 1 , block 5 , 1ingg's uxtuusiott-$700 , L 1 honmas ( Juicer ut al t0 Dhtry 11 elch loth , block 1f , Curtis & Raulsdy's ' odd- $500 , , IairJlbeth Ileehtele t. Dfirthn E llatllh part of lot Ni , ori'itnj pluti-$1150. \V.1'OI11t01nnuuI.1'odd'lots lot 14 , 15 and lo , block 15 , Neoht - $2000 , 0 , , lt. I , rl 1' . IL it , to F , 1V. ! low. dun ; uw' qr uw qr , 1.75 , tfo - $ ; 128 , m 'Pond talus , $1,073,00 , JBm Chupmat huts buuu prodded s ( slua'ply forr nut dewing to eml0rse tha . Llilon itveruu sclueimio publicly in hi a paper , ulthou'It giving the sebeulu al the lobbying itu could give , that lie het H at list ordered his load editor to uin sonulhitlfl fuvnrubhe about it , Thu hit ter uutkus sail ( work of it however , 'Flit only ruasot the Aoupaieil thus gives fo 1' - favoring tutu seheutu 1s that the Uniui td Pacific tvuuts the nvenuu , lhio peophi kuuw that before , but bocausu thu Cumin n I atcilo folks n ant $40,000 of city proper d ty is a ltour excuse for giving it to then at ! hu N'uihbaroil I + through its lard udst ra says : "They ( thin Uuioi I'acifto ) sue thin l thu other llu lots are wuru convenient although they are loatb trtdu , " It i butter that , words were uus , okeui than to thus endorse the giving of 210,000 worth of city proporty' , time only boulevard in the city , to the yahoo Pacific because fniuuoot"time' are loiing trade " as 501110 other end is ettiui g IL llut oven Qie local columns of time bUnion Pacific organ do not cant the livelihood to el- dorso the sly way or unsemnly haste by w'Iiicli flue nldcrutelt , nssel the ordinnneo iviuu not their ' . ' but away , ow't .t mrty' the cit''u oromrt' . Perluas lolul Uiannau l driven ettin may o to nit n o g for sch action rut iii a c rmn r ofstillio advertisirmf3 columns before he guts through. A priutur who worked at the case , Ihtrt his aria in a typo setting race , lie hnd to ( uit work , St , Jncobs Oi ) did jerk , T hu imitt clean away from its base , IIECIESS ItOijICKEiU4. 'J'Il'y Cause ' , I itch llfselllet ' .I ( lt 'nc h' % VIld Shooling of Fire WOuk14. On the night of the Fourthm there writs n cimvd of reckless fellows { s o were gathiered (1n Broadway , nearly opposite ( he l'aeifie Ilouse , uud Ivho indulged in what they deeded the spout ( If firing Ito. uuut candles , rockets , big fire crackers , etc , , at imssei's by. The scene grow worse and worse , until there was nit np pareutly titter disregard of laww or order , or' decent regard over for { { nntel 811(1 children. A tVi11dW in Ollicot' eC Pusey's hlumk vas huokemi , ono also , iii the 0. 0. 1) , clutlliug stoic. Time carpet in ono of the roouis (1f alto l'ucil'c ' I1(1(150 ( ( 11'88 not out fire by a shot through the iwiudow , ? dlr. 1'jC hullos and funnily were wade the t,7tget of n feckless volley. Seveutl (1thoi' Pelsous { ecru lutet , A lady froze Clatiuda w71s struck iii the hrunst Aud her dress set on the , burning Ile' II ii ( U Molly in ono place , James Smith 1vts shuck near the eye endangering - dangering that organ , 811(1 causing a paiu- ful wound , Judge Ayleswe th , { wlto was Ileac by 1(1)kel ill vat ! ) for some police- Ilalll t ( 5t(1p ( ho botrlbardlulctt. At lust lhtrslutlJucksuu appeared , Ile { vas struck by a lot of I'ruworks ' on the cheek uetr the eye causing a fledi wound. A11 at teupt Ivris them mule to stop the nllnir by arresting a uumbe in the crowd. Aumo11g , ( bout wuru S. F. ] trod , Chsrlcs Shfebold , Charles AIIeii , John Allerd , 0 , C , Cau 11(111 , nod Jnhi1 Sahang. They appeared in court yesterday , 1111(1 their cases were c0ntintled ulttil Saturday afternoon , with the uude stnnding that if they weld sot. tie up for brokeit wllmdows , etc. , ( lie eases would 1)0 dropped , It is uohloui that you twill feel unwell (1r tdlor from indigestion if yen use Brown's Iron tters , As may be scup by notices in another eoluoul , Itoee and Dloiilnlion have din. solved partnership , DTr. DfcDTahon to go o n with the real estate Lusiuess , while Dir. It.Ses iilteltiIii ( being , ( after' llisjos- , iug Of household furuituro and settling sumo of 1110 busutess , to return cast , Dlr. Itose has proved himself it 11iost Vr thy citizen and valunhlu addition to buisiiucss circles , itn(1 ill will regret that hue is to reuwVo fren the city' . his own home life has beet sadly shadowed by sorrow. during his Ntny here , two deaths having occurred in his 5uuily , and oven the uuuty bright phase of llls life here ctn hardly bring sunshine enough to clulsu thosu sbtdows : Sway from his memory - ory llu Itul his will altmvs be tenderly and kindly ruulonube'cd , however , by 111:1113' : friends lucre. Thu bnsiuess which hue thus leaves will contiuno to prosper 811(1 grow nude' the nlautgeuent of 1' , J , D1ePblh(1n , whose ederprise is known by nil. _ . - _ _ 1J thy's ttppu8l. ylvhnt makes I cry a.d folks say Izo naught ) t ( , to u stuulach ache , and sour is Iii ) mumT % ; I Cinsu , tag can't sleep , mud venous biter ao foul ) ; "Puler" z , sat' ( ciu ilk. I nos icily. ( inusiourlsttJkNernicknod tlcluda , w henMna's , gmlu , turd duet have Catora. "t'uh ru right , ( hey i.drly ) ell ; ' Theres , Unrie 0y Uoudu Frsrik hire Cartorla , hu dent t'ry' , Our \o v J oua and Jutproveuleat Co. htvestigatinu into the uutttor convinces tin that nnu of ( hue nmost equitable , rcasou able uuul feasible plnus 0f building houses is tlult pm upNred mud in opurntiou by time Dle etuttiie Lone , 'trust and tuuprn u umcrlt n uilpluy of this city , ! ly iuvest- ling iii Alltir'es in thus institution , which is latched hy' suulo of our bust and uiost me- liable busi11uss mien , it LCeoltles possible amid cougpanatively' easy for a aulmm of uuderatu meals to securu a cMutftable honoo for himself aunt Onnilp , hl tnkiumg a certain uuulber of shares , at i certain monthly payuleit , lit a few years a uuum Con owe a hnusu of his OWii for about ( lie nauuu its he 11:13's : uunthl for remit. 1e 1)ChiUVO llw Dlereautilu Loan mold Trust cuuipnny , by o'gnnixiuigg turd opening up fur bumsi11ess , have tilled a lung felt want in Council lintF , . Their plans amid system of hxtns will hoar the nuad aue ful seutiuy and tLra111iuuaion , and we have 11o hesltlncy in ) truouneu g thou reasonable anti i uihtble , told b11ekud ) 6 eutlcuel of honor and integrity. As 6thu eoupnuy exists it bucolnus at once nn institution of vidtlo Bud credit to our city itnd thsulwho dodro homes. Their rtes- ideit is T. A. Kirkland' vice ) resi(1a1 ( Judge I'e.ke ; secretary , I. it. ihee treasurer Col. . Beubu etheir oflie is in thu h itneiuuuitt of Shugart c' DleDht lion's new' bhnk , corner First avenue aid Pearl street , jan27 ly , SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE-Special udrurllsenlunts , .deli as Lo.t , 1'umnd'I' , , fawn , 1'ur Sale , ' 1'0 ! tent , Svnuts , lluant In „ eta , x111 bo Ii crlc.i In this colauu , at the low rate of 'f IN CENT'S 1'IIt : LIN Is for llo first Iuisertiui , and FIVE (1N18 I'EII LIN1 : for eaeh.ubsequemt in. wdlnn , faavu adtutl.uuwnb at our oifcu , No. T I'uad SOcet , near linwrh.ay WANTS , 'w w FUR RENT lulu IIIN'I' : Nuw Leas 110 Plnt Aicnu. , , Setcn rlows , John 3hllyecni nrurr I.tyutcnuu a.d Dlh 518(1 , A IISItIA IN-Totigdtteue lit uf hou.v .aluliiigtols and shook , worthKu.ifursidefuria. Inqulru : at : t1T liulaltIIII por.ho µ n , A , liENjallcr. L'oa' Sitlo. 'ntu , and hou.tkeeping utensils In lunuu No. 813 Sttth.lremuu , .lhuo. u uw and rate. ) hill , u.ol , ' 1'Iw atrnlturc uu.IIadu , to order by A , I II , I.JIcipart , Ikulial , Sla.s. smi tart. are l iglt.h IuttvroIii luilortr41 'I'onry , hrlght S Chwm mil Ilu.tol , , ( ati ho .ecrl each.la ) lwtw evil J mod A , ut. 1 1'hudx.llingMiIFlrll.triruuuIsfor : uinu or reo6 Earl ) 1o.c..luq cmi be ghui. Al. ) 1 caldanlattunu ; i.lIO built Lit Entond S . ! llln.kr of Ikl.IDli SIa. . , 1 golf mouuhsl tight , fmtblu liar , . , . . , gull nuoatcl [ 'anal ! Ilarae.s. uc , ( r lawn i cd , 1 hugg ) I larnvs haIlard umuu u.u ( onisge and lorawa run be .eon at Ira ( ) ' . stable. , ' h. C. Boat ( 'mmvil Iliua. , In. Jul ) 2 t I IIssulutl"n of I Nubia h hcrvby ghw that the lartncrhip latvly utl.tiu hLtwecu S. C , hose mid i. J Mc Mahon a f l'uuuelf Iona. ' lung twder the llnu of Ito. , , mid M e Mahoui et 4nd ou thu tldrtkht day of Jwa , 1 bS3 1 nui ofthuartlcicuf cop.artnur ip t S , C. ) tow. 1' , J. McMahan , Thu bu.lutar a hi b , ccududud Iii fuhuc by ' I' . J M e a Mahvu , . CASAOV , El If. nactrr. CAS ADY & ORCUTT 1 t ---L c- - . .1rIWl UUIJUI OnlY one in the City. Stock now Complete. 1 : LIL ORaTIRS SOTsICITZD. CASADY & ORCUTT , 502 COUNCIL BLUFFS. Broadway , - - - - A. H , MAYNE & CO. , DE.tLilt5 : I , Liffle Louisville& MI Ii1OAN rbASTEut , ILut AND Silvla : ru'n , ILutu ANI ) 501T C0.tT A'r Lowr9T ritien. No , 34 Pearl Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , J , M. PHILLIPS . Ivioi is ti E AND ItiTAIL BOOTS AND I SHOE I Fine Shoes a Specialty. 413 Broadway , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , NUGENT & SMITH , MerchantTailor FIRST CLASS GOODS AND THE BEST OF WOflKMANSfP GDARANTEEDI 7 and 9 Main Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS IRICTORY , COTJNCIxJ SLVIr"F'3 , 513. JO N BEN O & C OiNEItAL 311ItC11ANDISE : , I J. , 1S Mahn street anti 171'oarl'stteet. L , B , U J.IJ & CU. , l'rescriptlon. Cornpolmded at all hours moo Bnratha ) CItESTON hOUSE , MAX MOHL I , Orecerf,215Main Street. Il ei,817and210'Mainstreet. ' U M , BARSTOW M. D. , Coterl7nh.trertantiFifthate. - - - - - - - U } i , J . bVHIT , ConwrMaln nut ! Fiftl , upstairs. IteskIonce , , 01)9Wgliiow a enuc. - N SC N URZI JUSTICE OFTIiEi'EACE , , Oaico oer American Eapress. ; , - - - - LIYLItYANi ) 1'iEI ) , . S PyAlJt L1 , { vlll Contract for funurt at rca.unahle rates. :2'boii rth strvet. - - - - - - - - J M. SL JOH'M CO..CAL H BUYERS hulesate bntteregs ; , puml . . ' t . . , t , . Ship us. matt by return maul. h0 Ikcadway. - - - - - - - - NEWBOOT AND SIIOISTO : nC-- S A PIERCE , CorllerMatllarolFirstasonce. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PETHYBRIDGE & IERBERTZ Broadway 31oat 3iarkct , , _ aIlttealun , ) , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T ; LCIiANT TAILOR , JACOB KU CH , Stock Complete , Sa ltsFLCIi at reasonable prioes. No. Soy Mahn SL' - - - CONTItACTOIt AN ! ) IiUILIEnT- G , F , S v1ITH Corner 7th and uroadway , flans and speciacatloris furnlsheL y- TAT iElu.EaiNFINE ) iLUtNES $ . VV VY SHERMAN , Lhave thutarletythat brings uatronago , L21Mai.street. . _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - EIlChAST TAILOII , JAMES FLb IN , Artistic Worknm charges , 9T2Bradway. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1'UItSITUll1 : ST01'EB : , HUWE & SON. and 1luusuhuhh Snppllcs , O3 mtne.da-ay. . - - - - - - - - - - - - ° - - - - - ATTOItNIIB AT LA w' , LINDT t31 BART ) JallledraCk , , I'racneu In .tatUmUlfederaleollrts.- L Nauulacnlrcrs FItiu 1'mndture , Upho.tsrv : Oa.b + , Curtains , l' STOCKE lb tJb CO. , andVin.iuwSbadus 3dBnadwu ) , nd bath h.ttsu , 4th and 423lmroadwny , L. Sauru9gu , Prop. P. J , . S L.N ITAR I U M , M , D , rlyslclati. Y1TIRINAIt : : ' S L'1t01lti , W ADE CAiiY , OtllcuRrayx.tablu , No. 12Scott .tfcet. P , J HENN ESSY , 'rradefiuppllod 3lm , udacturcrof Sthtrcet.butsccuUthamd7thAye. 1101tSISCOLiAliS dSTSTICI ; OP Tllla'EACF , ' EDWIN J , ABB UTT , Notary 1'ublicand Urneral _ Co.v ancer. 415 Bradua3 . REVtRE HOUSE , _ Bro.dsa ) opposite New O.em Iluuse. [ teatted $1 , $1,50 per day. - - - I CowrutArrolis AND BUILiEBS , DE CAY C CASSEL ConorSitthalreetsndAvenuec , ; ; i. NEW AND SECONO IIAND iNUSthow : coons , 11 H. AL Y Doegbt and ecid. 212 Broadway. Swedish Movement Cure For the treatment and vitro of do ' , harsh , dead or falling hair or baldnvw. , at 71 : Itmadway , Cuuncll 111ua. , ( u , scan n ( tout. are laugdeted ) ; until that tins hopuiru for Ina 1)algu ) , acn. , thu xcy , at the Coy' Ilause. Cuneultalioit or e authtattan at his moots free nl charge. BATISF'ACI'ION au.thtANTCEI ) , 5rnlu of trice fur umrscry atwl barber treatment. Shainloo of head ulth .ttmtdatblg lotion , run , tlulc 25rts , Shorn au of head and hot fad hi , , 50 cts , cldl tire , half price. ShaulIso.f head rrlth rntattlt lotlonrtlpphtre. , . , ii of hair ( or dead or lulling hair Sc , 511 its , Cltltdren half pare , Ilmu ; uugne.tiu ticatiuenl for head umd fcet,5O ct. , Chlldrvu 'lalf prim , lttn , mrersrulpwBlu dhnulatimu Otis forlald bong n'r.un.loll prbu. $ wdal attmi luu guru to 'wrsuns ' ( cry' ' oeakly or .tubycrl to heart ailedtluns ati11 7(11:11 : ; i er.tIit. of .low tietulupluctit in I'uherty , Eatnts'harge.whcre pnrtlc.dc.iru trratmnent at their rt + lttttr e I m1 m1n BEWARE OF CCUNTERFEITS An excellent sppctllug tonic of oxqutrlloltat'or , uoW use over the whole world , cures Dpepaia 4. 1)larncceaFever andA uoaudsit t dleordersoftbeJIgoetFvulrgane , A fewdro' ' s 1tnpart a delicious . . + g t4vortoaglassotchampagueaad : to sit summer drinks. R'ry it. but bewareetCAOUterfetts A.k iour grocer urdrugg.tforthep ( 'NUaInO arncla , maaufactUred b it. J , ( I. J1. BiSonirr m 110116. LW , WUPPERYA8 $ , Sole Ageol aua ao.wi J. W. U..cur , " "a 61 Broadway , N. Y. ODELL & DAY , Loans , Real Estate AND INSURANCE , No. 39 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , City Property , 1Vo Iar , o vacant lat. In all Tarts of the city at trout O o ( ) u up , for solo uu wonthly tayun'ut. . No , 52 , lion e , a nons , troll , cl.tcut , 1 lair.lots , plenty of fndt , on lientml.treet ; cheap , No. 30.-A deslrabin ru.bleneo on $ utuntlt street , ucar lulootuer school , budldiiigs ncarh ilea ; e5laNl , No. (2.- Ninety fc.t front , coruer I'eatl At. amid su. rood atmnte , 011 Oahe cuurt hou.u ; $ .5,500. Business Chances , No , 20I'or sale or trade , a stock of hanlnaru , at a gael bnsiuuss i.dut iii su.tcru lust , 1VIli trade for fans or city m.'w ' rty' . No , 51.-itiutui , the Duly ono Inatmctl of 700 hlhah itanls25rouutewltIiglollarl , well lucatud , ulit sell cheap or traiu for a fart , . No , leA Ilse republletui proper In ue.tern law a ; ntllrial trounl ) paper mad large trmiage , tar ) chop If wld suou. Wu aisu luau a uumler of choice faun , in sc.ten , Iowa , fur sale cheap. LOANS , 1Ve ha' o looney to loan on farms andeity prolwrt ) ' . at trot , a to to per cut Fire and Tornado Insurance , ite.t of cougattiu , reproseulud. li1ultablo rates and fair trvatuwut. Lhasa adjusted and pall at thi. eiuicv. Mrs H. J. M D. , . . Hiltout , . , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 227 Broadway , ConncU Blue's. To The Trade I 1Ve take pleasure in callingyottrntteuition to the factthnt wuhaveuutde such arrange. tuents as will enable us to sell you Rilbilel' Boots , Slioe , Etc. , t i Here , as Low as you can buy them East. } ' \Vrite for further iufnrnmtiun. zs CO. s . , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , . tea. MRS. M. McALLISTER 7 TILE LEADINh DEALER IN Millinery and Notions. , Stain Street , lotulcil Ulutls. JOHN R , MARTIN , F11IctioEI1 Nllll1O11 , [ lllil Sto Fllo. ! has a run hue of Unfit Tub. , sink , f..ilars , draw anti lead Ouals , Lead and Iron flies and 6ltlrs , Jub bhr ; itrnmpti ) attended to. Firt class work guaranteed. No , 11 Pearl Street , - - ' - COUNCIL BLUFFS. L. C. BRACKETT , 224 AND 226 BROADWAY BOOKS , TOYS AND NOVELTIES , Oreatav Y.dety In the City. No stranger shunhl fail to rielt my eture rooms , Broadway Steam Laundry ! 72L W'I' A C. LARSON . , - - - - - Proprietor. LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY. HOUSESLOTS , AND LANDS ISo L b.'t anal mold. Money Loaned , Abstracts Furnished . J 1d2cM © IfON No. 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. ' SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD r DEALERS IN 1boooPos , P111ISiOli , BO0I ll1 i1OOS. I IMII3IGRA.TION 1LGZNTSi. nut.IPTS ON TILE BANK OF IItELANO , 15 , BUN , FOIt S1LE , . 313 BROAD\YAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS B. S. TERWILLIGER 7 IEtOIttTOlt ) AND DEALEI(1N FANCT . -c7. ; AI e , L6C. . . I E I t 31 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa , CRESTON ROUSE , MAX MOIIN , , - - - - PROPRIETOR. 210 , 21.7 and 219 s. Mein Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - - - - IOWA. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , TIIE LEADING DIAI.E8IN 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. r ! ' Overton , DEA.nR IN Hard Wood , Yellow Pine and Red Cedar Lumber , Oak and lieui Cedar 1 tnngCetlarTelegrap1 , , Polesand Fenui Posts , ( Ntk Dinlen..ion Stuff , Bridge Material of all ktuti. , at U.d Itoek ] 'rice , , A Specialty in WOOD AND COAL O r hack yanl pnq , . > su4 A full supply of m oo.l mad oat nluays nn tend at hurl , 802 anti 841 Main Street. Oalee , 503 First Arcwe , hetesevu Maul and I'varl streets. L. Ii. iI13xj r , 11'IIoLrx ILK nStLER is rJ1 : ° 9. ] P- Prompt Cash Paid. Norvmuuisslun clarsi , Sued for Quutatlons , 512Iq'awloay , Cuuucll itluas _ trod a11Crit , u. M , rt'rv. OFFICER & P USEY BANKERS Council ) ( lull , , la , Establislea - - 1856 ncalen in Furyden and Dowe.tle pxchange : aad lluuui Securities. WINTHERLICH BROS. ll'oll & llrss Foilfidry Cor , 0th St , and 11th Ave , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . IOWA , MRS. E , J. HARDING , M. D. Medical Electrician AND CYNECOLOCISi" j 0 ra eluatu of Electropathic Institution , l'hlladlphla . en u. 111 co Cop. Broadway & Glenn Ave COUNCIL IILUFI'S , Ot"A The treahneut of nil disease. mul painfuldlaleultlos u culiar to females a s.ecialty ; MORGAN , KELLER , & CO. , UNDERTAKERS. Tuo finest quality and largest stock arrest of Chicago of Wooden and Metallo Case's. Calls attended to at all hours. IVo defy coItgetitlun iii quality of goods or . Our Mr Ftorgan has scald ae undertaker for torte' ) ears anu thoruughly understands hl. bu.i ties. . li'arerasme,3ltPruadxay. Uu'IWLsTEItiNa lit all its branches prorgltly altendol to ; also carpet laying and Iantbrquho , Telegraphio and mall rd.r , tilled withoutdelay , W. R.VAUCHAN 1 Justice of the Peace. Omalun atld Council BlufFs , steal estate and collection agency , In Odd Fellow's btockolcrSattugsBank. jauf tt