- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 ' TIIL DA1LX BI.L011iAIIsi FRIDAY JULY G , 1883. T HE OMAHA BEE. ruhllMhe.l stay morning , crttpt Sunday. The only Monday tnnrnhg dnlty. RAAA RT 4114 One VMr..t t0 o1 tceMonthsr.ltn0 SR Month + , . . . . . 7 . ) One Month. . . . , . . , . 1.00 TIIE R Vbtt RLA , Ft T0.I'tIED xVRAT ATD't. DAt. TRRMA eOATrAID. One Year . . . . . , . , . . . ' . . , . . . . . @ t0 sIT3lonths , , . . , , . , , 1,00 Ono Month. . . , . . . . . , iu tlne Ienn NCat ( nrp ny , Mete Agents Newbleal cr , in the Unlte.l Stalee roRRramrnrcCT. .Ill C inrnimlMtlnn + relating to Nets and E lltorlal matters she i I lie adJrc1 to the 1DroR : or Tile nrr RCAIar + A tRTTRRA. ttl Tndnw totter And ih'mlltnneeA Ahould pro a + Idn * e I to 'Fu N NA 1'cALtIIIae Oo 4PANY , ORAIIA. Umttq , Che k + and Po tnfltre order + to be undo pny' able le the order of the rompanl. TIE BEE BUBLISIIING GO , , PROPS , E , ROSEWATER , Edttor I'ItiNTI:1tS W1 NTf1) , Ten good printers wanted at oncu nt this office , for day Rnd night work. 1Vngcs its high as tiw highest. in Oiiiahn. Ix paving onlhrs the city "pays its ihImle } ' , " but don't take its choice. 1'iu toy pistol got iii its work to usual ( n tIw glorious Fourth and undertakes in $ CVe1a1 cities tCatify cheerfully to its zlMistatlCO ill stinllt(1ating trade , 'rite Amlericu1 eagle erns torn to tatters \1'c(1nesday , but 110 will gather iris fudlters in time for his annual ro appear ante uti the next Fourth of July , ll.wvoa CIiAME III I1isMpeCCll at Neligh nenhntted : Cenentl Crook for the PrcM- idcncy. It will 110W be in order for Gcti oral Crook to nolniuate Cd000I Clitse for the govelaorsllip of Nebruanku , COvN1111. t : BEIIM , Rultield and Thrane are on record as voting agaiiMt the sandstonu job. Ti.oru are soma coun cilulen TV11Onn the city will tnke good cure to re ienlher nnh others lvhont they will lake equal c i'u not to forgot. T)1E practical ope.ttiaa of the nuw laritf and tax bas began oil Motid11y , No Atunp oil ) hereafter ho required on hank checks , drafts , orders old Vullche'S. and tie itileraal tax will b0 leVied oil huatclu Cs. perfumery alul Oledicitlen. 7'h0 ' un ly goes renaiuing in force are tlosu un spirits , malt liquors Rnd tobacco in its various forms , nud un the dealer nud ulnnafacturOrn of thonu articles. I'1tu rate of the nuV tariff law will hereafter govern in the collection of duties. AS they bat u hues four months in anticipa tinn , the proposed cliaugo of interest from one not of duties to another , excites - cites very little interest iuaog the general public. The ehungol , taking the bill as n whole , are nut very great , add the present ( lldlliCMS of the Anleeic ii uuukCL and the low prices whic'.v pruvnil , will prevent the rcluct1ous f oi. . having the effect un our muuulfactu es that nth , C1.Wise might be expected. FRANK HATTON , the Slnall bore editor Auld smaller bore paliticjml fruit Iowa , is getting huts deaorts from the organs of his nwnparty. , Thu Now York7'inics rise s to remark that "it is altogether nntunr 1 tliatlllr. Fnmklfudton , First Aseintall t Postnnstor Crlcrnl and editor of the MO called organ which. eoustrtutly disgntces the nntielol ndulinistnttioll , should ho hostile to the lsstmru4ter of 'ow York , who attends to lils business will ) con , ncieltious fidelity Inid refuses to bu the cool of any clique of political muulgers. , his little conspiracy to ovate n vitc iicy in unu of the host julpartant FeduTtl of ices iii this city does not 111)P0111' to have tjlu countenance of Ills ohlicial supurios , but they would save thcntscl'es nuc1 , t'OllbhO and discredit and the country a great deal of disgust if they would rc Hove the Pestothico Departlllellt of a malicious - licious busybo4ly who seeks for unites in the eyes of the best public otlieinls we Iut e , while blinded by a beail : of unnr nlous diineniotm himself , 'rill : revised p0strd orler Sylstonl in 101W ill effect nod all nuawy order postetlices are ready to issue postal tiunley odes for amounts from $100 to $1 , or oVuti one cent if ranted. Iforutoferu $ tO eras the hjghest itinmtt. that the post. office authorjtios could issue in ululUy orders. Tim fee for oilers will he 1s follows : Not exceeding $10 , 8 coi1t ; fnnn $10 to $16 , 10 cents , fromn $16et $00 , 16 cents ; front S30 to . $40 , 20 cents ; ( ruin $40 to 850 , 211 cents ; from $110 to $110 , ; 10 cents ; from $60 to $70 , 85 cotta ; from $70 to $80 , 40 cents ; from $80 to $100 , 46 cents , The postal mutes will no doubt be found more convcuient in one respect than the fractional Ivor currency waS , since they can be obtained for any lnun ber of cents older $ u. It will be oL served furlliomlozt that , after the 1st of Odober tie cost of sending any sum under $5 by pnatal note will be G cents- 2 cents postage anti 3 cents fee , JonN ItOAru pas fecuroti all the um tracts for the new cruisers. All the oth cr ship building /inns / were frightened out of competition. Mr. Roach huts been notably successful in securing the favor . lag leniency of the guvonnnent , whe u other Contrtchre were held to a rigid obedience to the apocilcations tile ) hind obliged themselves to fulfil. If Mr. Itoltcl t has any reason t count on such favor ( btu tcutment in the execution of nth o liCwc)1Ihaeta , there need ho no sueprls e that he is willing to nndertiike who t other builders dare out attempt. On u possibility of the future , however , he 11111.1 not estimate at its full value , 11)1(1 that j a that the bulk of the work alny have e lie done uudur nit unfriendly adutiulatra tion of the ' ' nationulgovernulent. .1'h ii of n demtocmtio presidcut e 3farc114,1885 , mayonfurcusuch u faith ful perfolinauco of hits contracts as t o maku him understand what it is to ji nitltoula pwrtialfieid at court , , L 1 TIfA' rosr orrIcI : ' SCINDAL. T1In.IAS F. IiAtt , has published a Ctrl denying the chalge that ho has been dividiltg his salary during his inclnnben cy of the post o01ce , and $ ennlur Saun hers requests us to place on record his detial of any knowledge of such n trnns action , 'We cheerfully give both gentle- Inca the benefit of the correction , but this ) is rather a late day to refute a chnrgo that has been etrrelt iii the city for three years. Mote than two } 'ems ago thu editor of this paper Called the attention of Sunntor Saunders to the reports which ( were floating alwut , Oiuiha in regard to this tiuttlor nud urged kiln to detiy thorn , ' 1'he senator did out see lit to do s0 , and when 11a11's first trn. . expired - pired Senator Snulders hits told dolt his ro appointueut would Jul } ' re Uhir ol the popular belief. Since that thou evidence huts neunuulated that there svus the her hind the sluoko of the utlilevus scatidals which have euvuloped the Otiutha post. office , and in spite of which hall huts been able t retain his otlice nud soap his fhtigors in the face of his aceuse'a. If at the ulovetith hour it should he stated that Too I Idl l has not been lit ) jug blood ninnoy , in spit of his repeated utssertloils to tlmt upset , lie will stmld iii scarcely a worse position before the liub lie than if thu charge were true. The rmpor originated from the Ouuthu post- OGiCo , it tits Sprultl by the psthastr , : himself , and the public oust n1w judge which is thu truth--his iidigtiaut dunjal , ( hi his repeated nasu'tiuns thlnt he writs dividing - viding with his stgpe iors. 1hdll canu it be true , runt iii either case dlr. Ilull statids in a s'ery utieiiiable position. Jlltt aside frotil the gliustiotl of sthnry , all whin nro acputintud with the uliumgu cent of the ODutha p0nt otliCe are urging the prompt ruuovnl of hall font the position - sition which huhitsdisgraced. A chronic ibselteu , tumble to nutititutfn discipline anoug his suhordinntes , the public have sulkicd for mer four years from the in. Congatoticy of the posttilltstor dual the shailafil nusulaageuunt of the institr tion. Every principle of civil service reform - form hits Leon violated in Ilall'n retention mid Sunttor llinthduraon will siginlly fail in his duty if lie neglects to secure a prmupt change in the postnuuitorship. T1fR SITUATION 1A' Ollie. Murat Ilalsted , who js petiigls as well iufotnled about puljtjenl aflftirs in the Buckeye state tut any other titan , makes the fo1i viilg ( hinpaMShlllate estinllllto of the political outlook iii Ohio : All attempts to estiuutte iuyorities in the angling Ohio ulcutiotis are ahnnrd , 1111(1 1linthigutishie(1 stuutesmen svho : ulrcct to know how the election will go , so far as to fix tip the majority .1110 wny or the other , simply advertise the conceit of ig 1ininiice. 'I'hu'o 111(1 many cluoluuts in the prohletil which have nut iuthuelccd the vote heretofore , old these , added to the gciuutl Iu1CCrtniuty of 111 Ohio clue- tiou of bite years , lake July attempt at guessing Ilbsuirtl. It is passible , perhaps , t.1 nay what the oath tk , is , butt beyond thin the must nagllciells lllall 111 the State , niul the bust posted politically , eantiot safely go. ' 191e Cunpnign luts nut fairly opened ; the far , liters are busy in their fields ; no public uxprUSS1oti nt all Siguilicant 11:04 : beell nadu ; the prolinliunries of the cruly u s have hot boom fully dule niuud. There is on thing that eau be said : Thu Suitt liur is steadily growing iii puibBc far Vor Its n practical , hillnillenn liku nud trot oppressive nncLsnre. 'Phie itupublicnnS arc united in its support. Indeed , the policy of the putty is clear upon local and Ilationllll issues , mild there in it Illtity 111(1 hatunny of fueling in support of the Cnudaiatoa ail plntfu uu which has nut huou seer ni Ohio aiucu 1880 Thu Iutlwunoy are not at present no unitcd in fouling : old purpose , add are comscioas ( if entering upon n cativ'uss without either positive principles or ag- gressivu policy. A very sure feeling ox- jilts , 8101 it ( liapenititlt to kick in the traces. But this is nut to be counted upon.Vhun ulectioii dray cooks nruuad the force of habit 1111(1 ( lineiplinu will assert itself , and they wj11 geuurnlly vote the ticket , though it go mocha ngninst their grain. Altogether the pr'oellect just Iuiiw in favorable - orable to the 1lulnlblieutnn , but we have yet to silo what ulunuges the uulvass may bring ubout Thu Democrats are , this time , well supplied with money , and pro , poM0 to tine it where it will de tltu most good , upon the prCsutnptiolt that the mans of the voters arc vu1utl. It was n that presulnptiohu that the ] lookwnlter campaign wits cond11ctud , but with a result - sult not highly satisfactory to those who put up their nwnuy. .t repetition of thutoxpurielco may convince them that it requires aonluthhng more than ntoaoy to influence the ballot of the iveagu Ohio voter , ANOTIIKIt $10,000,000 narrow guago railroad scheme hits boon utiginated anti will ho built as noon as tlw first rijlruid to the neon is opined , The idea would be more seductive in it * influence on cnpltal if it wore nut for the fact that thieve are 1u0ro rajh'oals titan puniness in the country mow , Two urclihishopn of the 1.Amau Cathiulje church have died within two weeks ; Archbishop \Vood , l'hiludulpliin , iud Archbishop Purcell , of Cineiliuati , Ono was it successful hlntnere , the other suns 1101 , - - - - - - - - 7'nE (101)1. rcductiun of the fiscal yun' just closud , which is the bust ntuutsure of ( lie available surpl)1s revenue of ( lie Gii'u4nuunt , has beer about $117,000 , . 000 't'his ' is a stroller sum ( lone wits expected at ( lie opening of the year by a t tenth , and a sonwwhnt larger (1110 than taw expected two nlolths ago , 'Phu ' recent increase in thu surplus ruveuue is due in part to the increase of dutlos in Judo , and In part to n smaller outlay IE'1 for pensions ljmn sppenrul prohablc earlier. So little cat he predicteI ( of the coiling revenue under the new tariff , wWelt tvmlt into utfect oil the Ist , that the iiuiedinlo future of the Fcvlual Trcasnry is extrcnluly doubtfil. ( ) nu tiling is certaiti mid that is ( lint with .tll . the pr'etclulud tar ! ! ! rednctiou we slutll still lolt'e ini ilinllmuse tIcash tV suplus. The net ihu of tlio city eoulcil oh l1uos day evening in dividitig the streets uulcr ed paved between the griulitoiuid Cob- ratio snudslouu coiltnueturs is a hold doff. Iuiici hf pllldic seiltitiuitt which caniiot ho pe ulitted to pass byutinoticcd. At luCC a svroog to the property Jwtier..liiost iti- tulesteil luht to oil' cituets who will h , taxed to pay for the street iutesectiilns , it anises grave suspicions ( hut the begin. ing of puhlie hnpmveueits ii Oitialiui hnf been uuirked by the cruatioti of a TSVeet ring w hu peupose Carry Jilt their ( sari plutiIM regardless of the spirit (1f our Charter nr the wishes of our hIC(1 ii u. Thu e.uticil wee ettiluly without uxuuse far Illcit' aeU.1ti. .1 tilltjurity of the prop. city o viiuis iii flue paving districts had sigliified the 111ute ial wiiiell they desired used far paving in font of their 1(1(14 ( More tlnut this , svheu Colorudo sand- ntoou hind been desiguuted by the hoard of public works , nu earliest 111(1 utnner- onslysigtied petition protesting ngniust its adnplion was handed iii to the cou t- cil. No ooinber of ( lint baly terns ignu- rout for .1tio instant of w luut ( Ile peoplu wanted tutulvliat they did not want. Thu result , is 1nosttlhcolinlglltgte thliiso of our citizens w'llo helieved , ( hint ( air umlcuded charter wan suficiently rigid is its protisintis to protect Onmtla from jobs : nud rings. Eleventh , Fourtountlf and Fiftecutlu streets will be paved with a nateriuti (1f svbielu no (1110 knows anything good , : out vhiicli is deiiounccd by uxpurts as worl.hluss , svhilu 'I'velfth and ' ' teeltIi stlcuts frill be laid with a good paVehIIout , hot unu ssllich ( lie property nw ne's do not desivu. The svo st fr11ture uhoutlie entire nll'air is the hrtzun disregu'dof : ( iuullhiesentihhlehit shown by tlw servautn of ( Ito people ulectd to do their bidding , dir. Iutihail even went S.1 far us ( u Ilehi111111CO the petjtiois of the prupety nw ners as 'ins'lelt.u dlow long has it beuu sinpu the right of putitiui ii ( ) ii aha has lIiCOhiiU itiso- Icnco aul why should lhu tiii Duuhhm , n ses illit of the pu(1plu iii Cue city council - cil , ho insulted by a respectful prntent ( ruin his sov'u'eigns. ilr. Ilnseall svhu stid : hue was ' 'in favor of giving all paveulents a fair sloav'tank good urethatColorado saiol sumo should nut hu laid dow u el 'I'hir- leenth street , in , which he is particularly itutu'ested , but vuted to placu it on three streets ulotig whiehi every property owner had prltcnted rlgnnist its tine. Nosv ( lint flue job has Lech rushed through f the cauunciI , it reuuuius for the pcoplC to tale such action as the case watTTUds. If they 1(0,4140145 (1w grit which they showed iii the ( lolly light , they will yet force the city guverunont t respect their Sovereign will. One ding is certniu ; should ( lie nuuwlstonu job be wusuuutiated it wilt be a serious ( plesti.In whiutherothu publieiilprovctilults shall bu begun in Onuthu until the eharter huts been So aileu1Cd 1 , } ' thu legislatn'e as to uflctualy prurett ( ho repetition ( If stiy such brawn deflatCU Jf puhhjC opinion 1111(1 ( bold disregard of the popular will. The 1Gpuflican : Folly in loavl. 1'lunrer Prix. ' , lIw il iS iii isolated rm'ul couuuunity , Ieo1)lud ) hugely front Now Euglnltd , and inhuming the ehinrncturistics of its Puei a tan paturnity. It is without cities of nay CInsequonce ( , to perform the (1f11CC by whichl cities , in coliipennatiut for ( lie evils ihuyutigeiule , reader such elmr- uions lwnetlts to lnumotity and civilization - ion , by hritigitil ; large nmsnea of net , with their intmitu diversities of ideas nud muumes , into oontuwt with each otli- ur , Lind lvitlu the Ii ' rhly urganizud , coui- plox , nunlySided 'life which results therefori mud enlarging their ititelli. guile , ( heir syngsdhien ford their chari ties , ( ; teat cities nra not simply "rent cotltes of in aturial coauiiurce , ' I' nut greitt oxeh.tiges . ) of ideas. They urn thu Host putuit Cdncittes and civilizes of thu race. Dulling with the ih'ublnl of hutiauity on a large Sc(1o and iii nil its nudtifarious aspects , they un derstaud ( lie difiudties of ( he problem 81111 the social compromises netessary t deal with evils which can be regulated , but ant eiolicated , 'Pile ) ' the cosnwpoli tutu habit of large and catholic tolerance for the opinions , tastes , and even the vi COB of their neighbors. But in Iowa there are no grunt cities tocounteruct an d correct the narrow provincialism which ( i a chaeaetoristie of tut oxclulsi rely rurnl or vi ] Ingo population , ' 1'11o cotiditinoS o f rural life nro such ( hint the good jeo de who are not uxelusis'udoccu ; 110(1 ut the cuntoul ) lotion of their own l virtues hao plenty y of time to pry int o the uutfities affil ru date the nlapry and m etals (1f their neighbors.Vlueu those good people have ulutormined ) recisel whut course of conduct wouldibe awe t agreeable to them , and what in ( hei r judgment would , if universnll'practiced , Most conducive t0 ( he uibhu welfare , the' hive not ( lie slightest doubt that i t is their duty , its good citizums , to compel their nei rhlwrs to conform ll to the rlibo 0 f action tun } ' have thus ado1ltud for thunl solves , It is , therefore , uusy ( ii undurstuu ti th u strength , the intensity and the intolonune 0 of the pruhlibitioi suutnient iu a Status ( predoiltnuntly rural as davit , with a plop uliuton 13(1 liu'guly of i ewI'nglnnd : origin. In n state whets ( hue wan a grunter di. t ei'atly of Social life , resulting foul ( lie infhtelce of gtent rtlauufwtu'itig ou t I cuuuuuiejitl cedes , the propositiel put into ( ] w cntstitution nR arbitrary iirovS iunal code of iunality in Conflict with the usngus iuul upitiiotis of the civilized svorld siiwu tlw dawn of history -fund in the fltee , till , of rho univtusltl uxpal iutice of its jai . praeti'sbilitY wonl(1 have boon to n ' : led tundra' fuut : tea a tyranuical at tuul it to iute furu with the h'iiuu ti"I t of ( lie ultizetr , No other western Stiate ollinn so pnhnistng a ( bold fdr thu rash uxpurllilent its Iowa. It is doultful , , rltaps , whether even in IewuI , which huwwconided its Ru ublican uuujoritits by ( lie twits of tlwtisntids ( lie art whiohha is 110W sl Uarul ltcCU ) ted .ta its own th u luust xtreutu fora of Atha urohibitio n futatiejan will not si nk undo the ( re nteittlous load it luus undertaken tO curry t The prhibitiou auenhnett ( ssas cut Tied before in Iowa by the votes of llnUusnits who were opposed to it , but deemed it Cxpcdient to truekle to thu in tolerant duuuulda of ( lie ( prohibition lnrt , Siicu then the lines have beet more distinctly drawn , 'Phu rural strop r will holds of typo lrohibition fnnnticsiu su Dort the tickut of the party twhliclt lieslsurreudured to its lhctuttion by the usual mal'r'ib'ss. llut iii the citis of Iowa , cold all the ucutets of cuinllercial an(1 manlfncturing activity , thole are in- dicttions of 1 wide spreml IopubliCVI ( revolt against the faction of ernry extreul- ista which is represented in the ticket and the platfovl. And the Itepuhlicui ' ) arty of Iowa could far hotter afford to ho heater thnu to succCCi upon n plaUunn which cotii nits it to thu ItlJst shilletldeliw folly of ( lie ago , It ( (1111(1 fm' better nlhbrl to be beaten ( lion to snceeed as the iust nnlult of ( ho fnuntiutl velgcatice of the prohubi- titilelM ( ) , iii strk.llg.bat . it it judge of the s11prene court whasu nil } erinlu Was flint ho hind the con ntge , iildcpeudeticenud Iii. togrilytodecluu ulie lawusitsvas..lutung all cihzufs ( f ltwut who know (1w ilcu less snluc of an iulu ( leudcnt 1111(1 liunest j udicla ' this Cae hid of the I h ohibj tiuuists ut , 'h ' oMCribo oval ud ro t hu is trot cnvaTll' cirri'It am 1 uo 11'ihiCi tied eliou phi ( A ) uCCOIIIIIIIdfltC his decisiuns of legal ( ( (1 ( lie uditicnl interests of ( lie rid in ' facliou , Iuod to lack the su Cite co'iet with the servile tails of this hnloleTutt nud fercious of all forms of sucta inn bigot'y , uauht , fail to excite a deep mid abiding indignation. ' 1'hatsltlnieful net of ptoscrtptoti , which , if ratufied b } ' the people , would strike down the indepeudulce of ( lie judiciary lit Iowa and substitute a reign of factious terrorism for ( lint of Ian , lugs perhaps Bono inure thuul anything else toopml flue eyes of thu pe(1plo of low , t to ( lie radical iuunorality of the prohibition factioli. It is a startling ruvelution of the esseltinl lawlcssuess (1f tluc fanatics who are nosv seeking to convert the law into nn iustru nett for the suhvtlrsiou of those private utnd pot'nonitl rights whicht itto as old as rho hunuut nice. OCCIDENTAL JOTTINGS , \1'yuuilag. Chioyeuuu's total valuation b. 51 ; Iliiti : whick fMsafdtohe. ailslilt1)110liuhf of its real value , ( llmunl hay bee11 brokru fur the soda works atLnramie , 'rho aaup/ol' will hasteo the cent'detlnr ' of the works ail shave than in up- cratlou ay ( II ( Oil ay pu + iule. Thec ude mat iiul is lialll 4 eighteen npfles by tour + , lint a track Tvill prabal lv ho hufit to tlw odlt rlepo.ft. . Cow lsyn , non' revel in the , : rcrtt of ( 'hey. emu , Inulunio f + to have a non el tool Louse. I'Iw high .tngo III vah'r in the l.uanioriver : f. doingnutt daluuge Gl the bridgay scattered along that stremn. Sacettvnter cnnutV it. 'M.eS cattle at 5-t a hoa.l , all ruuud , and sheep at Uiiutah county rates cattle ut $1 i a head mud sheep 52 , inuncoe petmleuuul 1111111 $ Mate jest hceu dneu ered in uorthwestenl'yomiug. . The Lartunic Ibsn11culg of the 27th Sny. : .1 nuw mining discovery is bciog whispered about auopug the knowiag hues , 1111(1 several hurtles hale secretly , left the city during the hiu.t tveuty-four ] loins.Vo have failed s" far to ebtafn 11113 reliable ii.fornlatiou colceruiug the alleged strike. Free uuilliu cutIi ' laa , been lOoaecrcd only forty stiles from fheyenue : , 111(1 there is ankh. . exeiteuumt over till strike. Tin , ltnw11.4 ail Platte rouml.pp report cattle in gaud cn11dition , eery few dead ones , 111(1 the calf crop hardly up to avelare. ' 1910 Suuki river uonnd up ie user , ' n dead cattle were fuun(1 I uai lhu ranges , 811(1 the calf crop IS unusually large , lra ; + s is in splen.lid coil. ditie11 and cattle are fat. \Vyolning will nuak0111 evtcn ivo exhibit at Itt the Iehver hurling Cahn.-itfnn , ( 'olorltdo. 10i t Culfiii.i. ; rot illg rapidly , 3laiuy pro.pccbns we going t. ( tlue unss' car- lsnahtA aup fu Cntticld cuuuty. PLac'r Illhtlhg fa attracting uuo attention at LC8.lVihle. Ore furs the lusniarek niiuu at Silver 1'hlune I I lnc.ging $2101 ton. Luke City rgicct. a railroad before tIm close of the scoou , lull a. seem 114 it iy cv111- pleted u'1hl sllfp'IXl Get. of or0 a day , Over 100 l ( 1 ldctois ( Are outs" exlotillgtho ) Ceulcnt Creek regiun. :1 large strike of gold lull been tnodu in Spring ( , tdch. Spiritualists are operating h ) Moulder. 'like e'tCusiou of the 1)enver and New ( h- leais raflrond fs agitatiuig Ienver. \inyo gulch , iii Snututot county , still con- thapes to ) ield a huge tuunago of ouo per day. Dnfly shfpnleuts to luuth Delver 1111(1 Breckin ridge are maintained , LaabVuhhu's mines continue to produce 10 , . 000 torts ii week. Montana : A $ :10,00 ) eaurthotlsutnd a 5111(100 ; ( jufl are to iw built In Chateau county , \I.1' . A umv JLtsmtio tenpde , 60x80 fact , is to ho built atVhib ) Sulflhur Springs , lI , T. It is believed non' ( lint the National Park branch of the Northern 1'ncliic will nut he canpleted fn Clew for touch tourist travel this year. Boiemaul , Jl , T , bids fair to rival Chicano iii the divorce line , Six ill nlatod couples st'0re nude happy there last week. It is C.tiulntnd thnt thtt nthiers and nlochnn jell of ltuttc , tit , 'I'.1 Intro on do'kRtlt ' at the three banks of that city Moot $900,000 , Iii the Upper Judith valley , 1st. T. , last full , .hake IIoovcr killed 300 deer , 14 elk 16 hems , 2S mountain sluoep and 2 mountain ions , IJvIngetoo , Di , ' 1' „ has no jell :111(1 u + a anisquenre , wllei as arrest is nuufe thole the oflicer hats to caulk the lrisoucr around out (1(101'S until trial , ba tie thou outs lour or oun your , Nitro eompadas of the Fifths Ininhtry , stu- t d at } 'Olt Cough , 11. 'P , ! lair 1s en or. out to cut thelu.ts ; next muter sigppl of fuel , 'l'ltuboys : with thonrUlgeulet , Amtelo1 , , in great nulnhers are soon at this seuun along the Northern l'iclfc for a great urtof the distlmai I > vtveen ilaolnn cold . ( , 31. ' 1' . Oregon and 11'nsllingunt , Twentythtlvo Chlnamen were killed 1st week by n collision at Huron stutlon , A lhorougll oxploruthm iA being made of thll 1' 'hothead valley nu the futerest of the North. ern 1'scitfe , Janea Palklrow ) ii , of Jeckset comfy , Or. , has been sentenctd to thirty years in the penis tertiary fur outraglhg his en a dnughtur , It is pnlw.ul , sown ) to construct a telegmill line from l InluOy to sledkai I.ake and thence to ( lie IIIg Bend coeitry , The hue will hC nenrl 109 11dirs lung , It is stnte4l that the Northern Pueitiu Ilall- road Cowpatny Ins nmdu uxteusit c .ui'olLT.es of''uter'inothots alert burut ndlew below Porthnud , r1uere grain clevnt..rs of hnopelsn Capacity' ant to bu ctected , It kb sttiknsof ul(1are reported fruur the :1losew nt ( uvo ill \Vushingb \ n'L'euritury , ( holdhpaLuett dlscouercd on thud ( ; runthl Ituude. Patalut city' Lis er lulized a bulhUuig Assu clatluh , ' ( 'Joie i , afemudoeoiuetbaudattun , Iolles ) , Or , Cnlllbrnlnt 'I'Iw ( ilcun murder trial i , hl .pla.otw.s u t r A gonural strike 14 pr ( uloot along thu rail road at Shasta , hlCjorts , fnin ( iii , wheat tle1di give proud , 0 of u uuaguiticent Groh 'rho waterworks at San Irunclsar urn bcln g onlargal , California lhuns are prOVhlg troublesome to . the sliaepatci in Ihuttu county , 'f'low is tmubbo unwng the brewers ash bel lea lit Sneraulroto. The wehiers want a re(1uc tlon in the price pcr bnrrel nud tllrenlcu luck + s it is granted t buy their beer Iii San Icror ci co. 1 frthnln hla ehAhl club i4 to he 111 snlnsl at Chlk0. 'Phu Cntllolicy ore bnildiug n ebnrrb lu s11tn lfuoica to cut + t $1004) ) , All theAaa niill + at iutigrlult : ( iap me unu' nttudug. 791eyexpect to cat uoo1,001) ) fort daring the nuuuner. 'flue Jlulejo placer alines uu the peuiJddrl rte lewer ( Calltarofa , frnnl n11ic1I such glewiu { , ' acruuuty teem recelced Gahm tium sauce,111(11 which were characterized as n boy El Uoua(1n. hate proven to ho a fdllro. Oakland iA to haw large jute stork. . ' ' al uhaionuts of the 'I'roable bctwec 11 the ii t oil lu ills \'entllrn unutty i + nppreheudrd , as Toth clahnnuts hinvu Idre(1 Lauds of armed tarn. It is thought Hutt the morn III Sal Ieulal' ( ill no is built IVcra bnricd fnrrst 1I'can.u ' .t hen eiuking tcelh in thnt Senior Ings , etc. , nun trenched at great depth. . Strength nud health ; , 'o together. Oh- fnin this happy \ ' state b } ' usuug n hotllo of Brwn 4s Ir(111 Bitters. l'III.IORIL'1' Chtuiges lu Neht nskl 011(1 Iowa d11ring the week enduui J11ue 22 , 188,1 , , furnished by'ut. . Can Pluck , lf the pustntlicc depaetuutit , NIIIILt4K. : . I'ostunasters appointed-Lena , Caster county , Fred Field ; Longwood , Custet' county , , iauies' If. Lute'il ; Diouroe , I'late comity , Jolo Svishle ; Norris Cedar COunty , Snn'l Caulield ; fork , York comity , Lenucl C. Gandy. 1O1t'.t. PIbt111antCI's Ilnw ( uppoitited-ifusti , Ctrl cuuuty , A , A. Cade ; Cordon's Ferry ry , Jackson county , 0 , h , Siuipson ; Lmlgworthuy , .roues could ) ' , John Jacobs , Names ehnal red.-A geney ' Cit ' , 1\11 hello euuut tto :1Ckarroll ; Car'oll City , ( hurled county , to ; 1)nntvn City , Onnwa county , to Onawat ; Vobvl City , Clark county , to Volga. Discontinued-Tore Brute , 1)ecntur collily. ( HSU6 , MgRk rr : . , . A THE GREAT 1 F ® P.INT. CURES Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica , SorcTl roa4Socin na.SpruIn.lirul . ca , Uirnw. Strobl , 1'row6 Ultra , Ali ) ALL tIT1icn tiO111LT PANS .1511 .Itln:9. . Deder.eeerwhere , Fin7Ceunabottle. son Si Orutti'l.pmd ) alreen.ae 1011 1.mgunle. . T'tti : CIIAItt.ES A. t'di i.lar CO , tua.nano. ( votLLaavo. ) It.np.l.re , ndr.s. 1. c b ,4 fr _ Monitor Oil Stove ! The oily OIL STOVE thptt will burl allreadesofketoscuewith ; ' ABSOLUTE SAFETY. " Send for descriptive eiecu- lar , or call nut ! exnluine it. Address MILTON ROGERS & SONS , 1321 and 13".4 t'AitN Ui 51'1t1:1T. : sat won wnt.2n1 JAS. H. PEABODYi l + & J. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , Be4dcnec , No. 1107 Joucs St , Gtllco , No , IO7 F'nr- haul strict. otiice hubs , 14 m to 1 ' ( , nl. , autd a ry ill. to 6 p. In. 'l'clephione for ottice , 07. ltcsldcnce , John D. Peabody , M D. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. ocrlct : ] :00)18 , 3 atilt 111507 FAitNA31 , Resldence,1711 _ 1MUCtas . . . . . Omaha , Neh E B FELLOWS , UPHOLSTERER AND MATTRESS MANUFACTURER , All Units of llphut/tertug / done to order on short notice Furniture repaired , ChatrY rtseatorl , ote. No. i O North Slattentll .treyt. - - - - LOTS FOR SALE. Only ten minutes' walk front end of Street Car Tt'ack. J. C. WILCOX. Ynrk Avettue Ilotsclllanscour 1'lace. Jol : hn - J , E. HOUSE , Consulting and Civil Engineer and SURVEYOR. Nlw'clal atteullon to Sar c3ing Town Addit ons and I.uts. Furnl.hes E.thnatcs of Eu'atatlons , Making Maw , I'laiu , .tr. OF'ICB 01'Eit Thin i'iiuiT NATIONAL RANK , in 10 ] y OMAN A , NEti , McCARTHY & BURKE , UNDERTAKERS ! 218 14Th STREET , BET. FAINAM AND DOUGLAS. - ALMA E. KEITH DEALER IN Fine Millinery. ( ll.tllt GOODS , VAVi S , BANOS1 uTe Stock Entirely Fresh and New. 1051r tlt Street , Opp , PostuthIco , s7'.t'rOI' : Ninit.lsa.t : , ss ioCL ( % $ Nu'aTY' . Au u tounly court held at thu ( . ' ( ntlt n.ua nknu ii nudfor.ddeaoat.1u1 ( lint. . D. i sl : t'n v. "t .t. lh rlludu ick Cuhut ) Jud t' . in thu mutter ut thu I.Intu : on Matth ( V' , heunudy , dts twsaL ( /n / bailing and flllug the pttitlou (1 l'huiuaa J. I'ttutoltb , prtI og tltO u eertuhp Iu.trnataatoa itl ( . In tbtS n.un 0odi.trpurllug lu iw the last wlli and t testauaiI ( of sd.i dtkuut t aad uleu a.enud lii ire i eut un Ille nud puriwrthpg to be a tailed to sald will mil tuueut a oV IMl ii td ) prullnttrl , IOnl 0111 i rtsurde4 as the last + s 111 aped IUtt ttptapt of ukt de tas ' t + r 1(1(11 ( a. a oMu'u therth , and that prtlllouer uul Jump A , Creighton ups ) Is ; apladatal au cutu r" thcreet , Ordcnttthat.lultuts .t. D u si : tut IUui luc r"k AL M. , Is as.Igunl tar heuhu g odd II dituu , when ill I r" lllteltstt4Ill .aid Illtatlr una ) splcar at amply Oturt to is , hdd , la and for .ald county out blluw teuw wh ) Iho pruvur of pellthner bhotlbl ne 1 tvgrallteii.alulthatuotlee of Ilte Iendenvyof..111 144iulon and the bearlug tltertaf be men to nil per dl ( ( Interested 111 bald mattrq by Iitidbhblg a cot ) uftliI , ordrr hu llw Ouuaha inhir Uce , a newupape prhtol In Paid rouuh' , fur threw bumwlho xtrk prlor to said ( lay of hcarhtg , A. L CiIAiIVICK , IA , true oh } I Fuundy Judl-e. July 531 I A I He WESTERMANN & CO. , 1M1'OnTlals OF . I QUEENSWAREi i ina an Glass , I 608 WASHINGTON AVENUE AND 609 ST. STREET St. Louis Moo tnC.3n I-IOTiEnS.A..T1 I-1 _ ; Dry Goods ! SAM'L CO. , Washington Avenue and Eiftll Street , - - - ST. LOUIS. MO , . STEELE1 JOHNSON & C0. Wholesale Grocers I NI JOiuiuiIS : : IN I 1 FLOUR SALT , SUGARS CANNED G001 S' ND ALL GROCERS' ' SUPPLIES A FULL LINE OF TILE IJES'I' BRANDS OF Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco. AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER B0 JY AY WAKEFIELD , , , , . R It01i 4ud : AN ! ) iturtl4 DEt1.Eit IN LuMber , Lath , Sh1es , Pickets , SASH , BOORS , BLINDS MOULDINGS LIME' CEMENT , PLASTER , &C ' FOR TATE MiLWAlI'L ' . GENT : ' > ; CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB , Ce , F. GOODMAN , Wholesale Druggist I 1 r AND DEALlat IN EIIII1S , Oils , fflss , OMAHA , NEBRASKA. 4 DEALERS IN Hall's Safe an ® c Comp'y. . FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES , VAULTS , LOCKS , &c. 1020 i'aranam $ trocst. Omaha. HENRY LEHMANN , JOBBER OF R Slia ffes Il EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED , 1118 FARNAM STREET , - r OMAlL1 NEB. - SALEM FLOUR. f 'h.is Flour iA . wrulo at Salem , lticl.ardson . Cor , Nebm.ka , , . Ill the , Combined Bolter stone Sstetn. WI. 'rho R\OLIISIVi. , Sala of . our flour to cute ern In a place ' .o hut a opened a brmch at 1619 Capitol ants i Unlnhn w'rhu for Pricer. Address either V .Eh LZ ± NPI1' itc udO/u&e Om Salem or Oulahn ; Neb. p M. HELLMAN & CO. , Wholesale Clothiers ! 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET , COR.13TH , OMAhA , NEII1tASK w FURNITURE ! ---'I'I IE- - - - - . CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY Furniture IS AT - 1 DEWEY & STONE'S ! . They always have the largest and best stack : . NO STAIRS TO CLIMB. ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT FLOORS. 1