1 . TIIE DAILY I3EEC ( ESDA7 , JULY 3 , 1883. THE DALLY' BLE. C IUNC IL BLUFFS , Tuesday Morning July 3. - SUBsCIt1I fON nATe9 ; 0 riot. seek By ranter - - - prr B ) Mall - - - - $10.kpCr ' 'ear OFFICE ; No , 7 Pearl Street , Near Droadway. MINOR MENTION. See Joseph Beiter i spring styles , Cheap Railroad Tickets 8t husltnell's. Dlrs , lhrndbury'N restaurant , 821 Diaiir street , It cost the city duly ? 8,40 fir its fire minute men dutiug June. CI elpenngh , 1'he presoIIt city council tuts take ) the bit in its mot ) ( and is 19u111ig ninny , Complaint has been catered ugainat a t + 0ama rammed Jncobs for keeping a row. dy house. Some of Pery Reed's ' f leuls me try. ing to get a ( loom stnrted for him as state senator. The poll tax collector is to hegh i stilts against dcliagiells next week , 'rhero ) lave been mhout 1200 I)0rao1)5 notified to pay up , but many have not yet cumplied , The case of .fihn Evans charged with : tasault on one Nngleshneider , using 1s club , l pia been COntitlucd until the 10th. A Sioux City officer was here yesterday : (1ul arrested on the streets two ilea . ' autcd there for burglary. A case of the great state of Iowa us Leo Partridge , n boy aged perhaps seven , and charged with assault , wan tried yesterday - terday and is to be decided today. The Presbytnriel young folks give a social at the church this evening. 1(1 li ° lit spring waged for sale cheep , Rowe & SOU , D A , Benedict hits $800 worth if 11(11150 painting tools , stock , etc , , which ho will 1(011 at $100. In laying the water Mains oh ( flan avenue , yesterday , ono of the iron sections - tions cracked , the first defective Ono yet 50011(1. A short time ago the city council con. 1101000(1 Danforth's burn , on Fourth Ave. 11110 mud Tcltli streets , as a nuisalco. A family appecutly in d0stitlto cirwtun stiices is now occupying the saute an(1 shall be inquired into. Dfogat's oveniug echo of the Nonpareil roil has not a word to say for or ngitiu5t the good gave of the Union Pacific. It ! s evidently under orders to keep still. 'rho drunks who appeared in I'Olicu Court yesterday tv'orc'l'an Burke , Frank Cray , Tllonlas DCllury and A. Cunning. ham ) . .1olur Smith , \Viii , 141110 101(1 . .I.V 000 loan were arrestoti yoatodny on a charge of disturbing the pence lit Yonikcnnllu'5 I saloon. The tletnoniutor stood yesteray afternoon - ternoon at 1)7 ) ( legrue in the shade. It was ( totter that that for the aldernuu r . WllO supported the scheme for letting t1) e I trnioi I'acifc gobble III ) Union avenue i The prayer locating at the Congrugu tional church this wuok , will 1)u held or Thursday at 8 o'clock in the evening , in stead of \Vednesday evening Its asua 1 mud tut annouaCed Sunday. Arriigantetts arc now' made by whiel r the dmnnry leaves Omaha at 1010 ; p , iii. reaching thu Union Pacific depot he'e it l 1050 ; p , m. and connoctiug with t1) u street car hove , which leaves the Ogdei uI Mouse for the transfer at 10 o'clock uver y night , 'fliis tliakes it. po55nblo for those desiring t ) 51)011(11111 owning in Onuiln to do so amid return the Niuiiu night. 7'ho City Auditor roportcdlasttight tln u total warnuits issued during Juno its CO , 901.48 on the general inert , mud $ Wfrli 0 4)11poliCefund. 'l'liutottlwarrants lNsitot I by the present council fr0)n ) 11Inrcll ID t ( .illy 1 is ; general fund , $18,213.t2 , pit lice fund , $2,088,60 ; told 8 ° 0,302,03 , Justice Abbott yesteday tied the kuo binding ill mutrinuny Oliver \Vnrt ouu I Laura Do\Vitt , both being Omaha per tics , A Number of the young own who wo u prominently collected with runuhng tli ° 'Alligator" in the coasting carnival las t winter hale formed what fa to be know ( I as the Council BhufIi Artheti ° club , and na soon as the Plumer and I'etws build. logs on Main street are furnished , the Y will occupy the 500011(1 story of the block Thu indignant citizet5 arc talking o f calling a public tneoting to denounce to ° action of the council in giving away Union avenue for thu sake of gutting i t U , P , Nwitc1111nat'a 111)1150 on Ilrondway Others are talking of injunction itt low About the moat eficetiil place to 1101(1 of I indignation meeting will be iii the pall N itt the next eluctiet - A young mint ) uunud S , Fingler , win has heretofore 1rot 'r1' a be0d 01unrn0ter , showed llinaself weak enough to yleld 1 t.O a t0nlptaton which 1UN 'pos'tio/ ' I in the p05tlfice hero presented to ltta Some tickets to thu ' 1'h0nuln eoucud'i 5 i were liadled to Iar ties here , thieve buiII g in the lot about $20 worth , 1)r stniipiii g the envelope , it broke open nod yutt ' ( I''lagler helped himself to two if them r nod dell , tU w vct his act , or for ethic i , i reason , burned the rust , Ito se01u very' politeIit about the iltlitir , mit till u steel 1an'8 Of l'nclu Snap will prObnbl y 0 1110kohInl suffer a pe0dty , though fricid ya are interposing ill his 1)0)011 ) ( , 'l'llo city GIUIICil llliUllf t gl'cht ) lli5tlk iii thinking that Union nv'caio belouger ? ' to then ) indivitlUItUy , It buloa'ud t l oh o city. It hkus soutu chuck to giv ' away other people's 1 1 rot tl ly without b { en giving its owteilx a clfnnco to spook. The council added insult t ) injury . the property owiwrs iilong the creek wl Jauflcred from tune flood. 'J'hey not on ] t hurriedly onierud then to till the n(1jae cont. streets at their own expense , Let s lieu the citizens tiled a putitinn to let the budden fall OII the city at large , they would not grant the petition tune couttesy of reference , but prautnptorily plncedit nu file , flight on the heels of this they gkti awn ) ' t'uiun nvenlea , piece of property - erty tvsting$80,0000r $ l0All ( , and which these citizens in eouunriu with irthetn helped pay for , S. S. Keller hiss lust a t'aluitblo family' horse by a 50(1(1011 iiltless , 'lino hotso ehowel unusual ittelligeuce , 'rho voter- hnay utgeon tells , who stayed all ulght attending to the hor1 o , lie ( loop ) ed down 851001) ill tIU lawi next. to the rope in- closure where the horse tv'rts. The horse when a fresh attack of pain collie on , w0a1(1 reach his nose over the rope 1nd mvnko the doctor , it did this seeuiigly of its ntvu nccnrd nOVC III ti auf5 during the night , An afiiiay accured last eight hetwcen twvl COloecd men , hen South aid 4iistiii Dickiusou , 'I'Ile latter struck SOilh ) with 11 shovel , inflicting sumo ( lush wounds , Sntith fired three tines in return with a revolve , (1110 shut only tuking ofrcot , the billet entering Dickinson's shoulder 1)111(11' . I ) . Dl , ( ) sborno & Co's self biudur No. 11 bents them 7l1I , Farmers , l l pr1ctrs ) of farms nod olhots interested in faro machinery should drive down to Streets. vills anti see the Onboru self binder at work , successfully binding up rye with. ( lilt 1i118SUlg al h)11nd1U ) , For sale by Buw n ° 1' , II. . hic' R CO. , 22 , d 24'20 Pearl Street , _ - - - Opel for tv'ork , I'ryor'slIEr.lob I'rint- lug Oll1ce , 7 I'omrl street , Dr. Went , Dentist , 14 Pear' . street , llityor Itow'11uua's 0. At htst evening's eoiuicil necthng I11nyui' III IWIIIllll returned unsigned the ordinance"giving " Union Aveun to union Pacific nnilroa(1. I10 tiled 1113 ( dtjtctilis ) they being : First--'hint the granting of such tight of w'ay wits n rulical divesiou of said avenue from its original intended use , lull W0ul(1 destroy it US 1(11 ILVOIIUO for public use. Second-'t'hat the ben ° lit it is clainned the city will receive will nut compensate for the loss of t1) ° avenue. fld-'I'h1t the company' i1 nut. 1)0011(1 to receive and bill Council Blull'a freight lit its Ilruadtvny depot , t ,4t11 = That the ordinance does 11ot fix raLes for freight ie iElNnellglll'N letw'eCll llroahvay depot nod the transfer. lSth = l'he ' council has no right to 110- feat the will of the people inn pur0hnniag Union itveule for a boulevard by giving the right of way t ) the rnilroadI lith-'l'1mo granting of the right of way to tire nlilway company ounlliut8 with the ( II'rlillllIlCe ' purltlitting tnf street 1101 way to use the atreet , Strcigth aid health ; , ( ) together. Oh- taut this happy 1 ) liYsienl state by using a bottle ( If Brown 5 irotl Bitters. - - + - - - Order your Ieo Crean freezers for the Fourth of IrVor , tCVIUOIIT 004 Brad eterry. . - - - - .Vords It'o11I oho % 'ext. J , N. 1Vouds , of Lost Nation , Iowa , Who went ant al the exCiirsioll of Tiny 16th , writes back for California to 1) , N. I10tn , the agent Of the 1nunigratiin 1(5 sociation of California , saying ; . \\r0 looked ( l 'or tint 5outheeu part o the state prittytnuvughly , tuulhnvei eei I hero tlnrou days. 1 think w1' will like thi s c ° tmty butter , \Vo like the , tate butte than we uxpuctcdVu luIvu hicoit to tilt oflhloof the ltunigrntiun Associlntion o f Cnlifornin and found lots of useful infer I nittion. 1 think tvu will like it buttu l' Nortlt than SuuthVu lutve become in teested in ShuRtlt cuiulty , i bulieVti h will suit us , We had a pluasnut ttll cuuung through. Wu stopped at Sal Lake City Intl at Sacauilodo turd restoil I All comnplnill here Of its being a colt year. Of 0 ° 11151) thu weather is ntnlilg e to t.5 , " CIIEAI' 1lALROAD'VICKE'GS. ; Chicago , $11 ; St. Louis , $10 ; St , Paul $10 ; iiauslue City , $5 , at ltushuoll's. .1026.111 L'EItSONAL1TII:9. Unto Bowman Is sllendhg a few days it the city , ho is at tlto l'ncillc , the old staopbl g grmuil , l'r0d lklse , sou of Conrad tfeise , I5 quit In , Ills ( miter is lit present at Culfu Spblgs but w'I I not be hunt for (1111055 Fred's collifitlol becoules t'olsr , - Our Nety Lolui anti Iutprov ° m ° nt Co Lnvestigntion into the nulttor convince us that (1110 of the lust oqu'ttblo ' , rcnson able and feasible plans of building 110115 ° is that proposed iutd in oporntion by t1) Dtciea ntilu batit , 'Treat rued Improve niollt ampany of this city. . By invest lug in sinntus in thin institution , witiclt i bitek ° d by 501110 of 0111' best 81(1 lust 10 liable bushiness mat , it becomes possibl U and coutpanttiv'ul easy for a nnu ol n1dcratu ( Aeons to secure a eontfortlb l U hums for ll'ulSelf ' and family , In Lakin g a tel'talll Illllldtl , ( If ahlllt 'S , a 1 t a eurtahi tulltd ) ' puyutemIt , in a few yearn a rata can olrn a house of his ( w't for about tht 0 51111101(5 ho 1115ulonthl ) ' for runtY e l lelievu the DlurcaIItilu Lint and 1 ri5 t company , by Otgnuiziu , ' and (111011 ( lug 1'l for bushiess have filled a long full want 111 Council lllnlfi. ' 1'huir 1111115 and 5yst eit of lolls will buar tlru niiSt cure ful sceutiu ) ' and Uxnilitlltun , Intl w I have n1 hesitancy in 'Ir00000cilI ' ; , thel 1 a rw us0nnble ilnd cIulttblu ; , 1ud bucked I r gentl10ne1 Of huuur nod integrity , , l tlm company exists it IIUCOIIICN at unco nn n a institution if value turd credit to our city nod those who desire hotltes , 'l'huirITres 1'dClit is,1.1 ieklnnd . ' vice ' .1udgo Puaku ; secretary , 1 , It , ] leery o lrenaurut , Col. 11001)0 , iud their utlice i 5 1 i1' thu basenOn t. of Shubmlt & (1e1\1a ( O hen's rev 1)10(1k ( , C ° rnul' Fil'st avenue oat ° Peal sheet , jan97 ly' , There Is ado curlous feature about t1) t.0 many attempts to assasslnnto royal dig nitaries In Iuro ) o , and that Is that ill u , ,110 „ selected to do it were alt such ) I ON y lllooters , ITN IlN 'rill : FOCltTll. The'l'eS1 Spel'lerswhinii IOlIIei' , ' lit the IGn'e" . Thu entries for thu ritcelIon the I'ontth they how being closed the following be- jug the list : u hnStsDAt : , .m tr I , 4IO : 1'.w + , Saa'I C.16nui , 1't. ( ( ) , 1loatain , eh , . Iflrnttayl. Nola Carey , I'rnucil ) 1litmus. blk , m. Is , roil" . L i1.'r"rtu'gJnnoOtllle , . % ii. , chi , I5. l1 , ii , ( ; 11111111 , St. 'rllnmu , Int ) „ 1 , , g , pair I J ohi I. Redick , IlamhnX.1t ; , dl , g. Slus' stIE ntt { I tl..ls9 , I. . Il , ' 'tinier , 'is. r,111 , U(1tch Illrl , .1 .1V. . Ihi mi. , llnitlrnul,11n , , b , s , ' + t e alult , Iai'I ) .1iides11a , Nubhlsnn 1(1(11. , 1. , u ) , ybiggi" F. S. 11 , Itclulsle ) ' , Iluutlul , Cub „ ch. ) u , 11ny Clark. St'9l.tt-rlli.t : ) : iIll ( All , . C I1.1'ileni , ( iiicil illotls , h , g , IJttln Sinus , \Y , \Vnlsw"rlli , St , Clair , Jlich. , b , ii. LIcrrce. Isrw'lilcallt. Pleasant , 1110,11 , b g. IOg S4)np. 1'IIL'IISItr ) , JCL. ' i.-2It et'S , .1 , IL Ilelmi , Kaunas City , b g. Cnniachu ) Chief , 7' , IIalllek , St. Cllr , 11loll.,11r , s , Cnledon' In Chief S 11 , iteard.1e ) ' , Vanilla , \e1) , , chi , ill , yluv Clark. A , Ihotiry , iCIII.UII ) , Iowa , hr. g. , Tuck i'e'guy , sAUr D.tt-2IO : CI.tsa , Snni Culburn , F'L Iranlgll , Jluutai11 , chi , y , ( flclnvald. Wadu Cary , Council ill ills , lien , hkl , mu. Loriee , I. , 1) ) . 'I'nrne' , ,1aest ) tileVis , , , chi , III , 11ad 11 , It , I ) . Sperry , lied flak , Iowa , clt , g Sun. s6hm. s.tME IAt-i:2 : : ct.tsn , C , ItI9lsnn , Council INnlls , I,1) g , I.ittle Si"ux. Um ) .111401,111 , , NubI11.1)11 , TCa + , , b in. Mag1gill F , .1 , 1V , Ihuiimlaitlnid , tlo. , h sVe t- nlnut. \V..1 , 1V111s0v"rth , St. Clair , 11Ich. , b I miereeo , Lew Clei ) , Dtt. I'leasnit , b g , Nig Sunp : 'I'Iun1ltr1hyhtt11" gCatlenclisrulstfr , silt. gin 111)11(14)1161" ) , nod ti the fast race , hill clout this evciing. he CA UCIIEY IIOusi o t Broadway is ouu Of the best hotels of its size in the tvest. Civility is to a man what beauty is to } wonuul , It creates rut Instnuttuteous fin Iression in his behalf , while the op. silo tutlit excites as quick a prejudice - dice a gBust 111im. It is a real ornunent , the mast beautiful dress that a marl or WOtunI cut wear , 1111(1 worth more as a steads of wiluiing favor thou all of the lolvuln over wnrll. . - - - Foradlol of 1)ew. Dow ha at sign of 11110 weather and 1s never seen except tinder a cloudless sky.Viiid nod clouds are mire preventatives - tatives of dew , from the n'mplo ' reason that clouds are 111)10 to retain some of the solar heat ; amid , as they can give forth warurth , the rldiatiet from the earth is checked , amid t warmer tempe - attire preserved , \Viud cvnpom ttes the moisture as litst no it appears ; and if the wind is westerly , there is llttlo dew or cloud to ho seen. The cortrar ; ' is observed with an easterly wind , but n west wind blows over a vast expanse of land , old having lost its vapor , dries up any niolaturo it may come across ; whereas - as itn east wind crossing the Atlantic , is full of vapor and shells dew on all sides. These renarks , of course , apply chiefly to 1larticiilar loct1ILias , but tire iulluehca of n west wind may be seen in too Spring. Dow is more copiously deposited in Spring and Autumn than in Summer , as there I1 usually a greater difrereree in those seasons between the tempera- tore of day and night ; hr Spring , however - or , there is a small deposit of dew ryIien a WOst wind prevails abut in Autumn ( hiring tlio BOIL inlluencca of south and oust inds r tim earth is covered with moisture , It has also been observed t1n51 there ieagreater formation of dew uetween ounset and midnight. , Mr , George Dlacmi , who has mode ox- lensiveexporimentsand observations on the formation of dow , tlndcthat the dept ) of deposit inTnglnudInnnovcnhm mu. ly exceeds an hundrotlt part of an loch ; red thattho average nnunl depth of 11w deposit upon the surfco of the earth does not exeer an itch add a half. - - - ® - Curlous Bibles. ' Certain editions of the Bible , owing to ; 1)u errors they contained , have received t manly odd names. What is known as the' Breeches Bible" ( Geneva 1600) ) , was ' so called because Genesis iii. , 7 , woe t tnulslated : " 'They sewed fig leaves together - , gethor and made breeches , instead of aprons" as in the Englishe version now 1 used , Iii the Treacle Bible (15(18) ( ( ) , Jere- rniult viii , , 22 , was made to read : "Is there no treacle hl Gilead ; instead of 4bnlur ; ' and in 1600 tlleword vine chnngd k ) rochi ; balm' wtai frst used in 1161. The "Vinegar Bible/ printed in Oxford , lit 1717 by John Basket , derives its name from the heAding of Luke xx. , which war made to read : "The parable of the vinegar , " Tile book hind many olho 0rrors from which it 1109 also been called I after the rinter'e none , "A Basket of .more. " In 1031 a Bible was prlnt ° d fu England , and in 1933 another appeared hi Germany , both of which made the ° seventh cmandment rend : "Thou , shalt commit adultery , the word "not" I behigomitted. It line very appropriate ' been calked 1..Y--- , . . - _ - - The house In widen donor Xnutt , the ' Scotch Iteforutur , lived and tiled Is yet 5 standing lit that part of Edlubulg11 - knowntiltheoldtown. Extendhlgover s the entire ( rout Is llliS Inserlption In ) large Rolnat letters : Lufo Gd abufo - ill. std yl nyehtbour as y1 self. " N SPECIAL NOTICES. - f SO'1'IC-Swclul , ndlertl.c11Icnts , Yuch US malt , Eonnd , TO 1,0.111 , Fur halt' , fn Ilrnt , lt'unta , Ilianl lIIg , etc. , well It hucrltM1 In this rohu11n at the low 1 ratu 'f ' 1'N ; cEN'ni I'It : IJSI : fur Ile hint Insertluu I end i ivi ; cS'n3 : 1'n : 1.iSE for cudi.ub.equertt In. surtlun , Ivi a melt crtlsunlenta at 010 'hilt' , Nit 7 I'earl Stn'et , near lirluh + uy WANTS , l7.tN'1il1'hreu ) lIn ros'n by ( ' .tIt1.181. } ; Iirua v 1 Jllssourl Valley luau , FOR SALE AND RENT , 1 OII Il1STl : etch tind.htd ltdrouw ( Or shirr 1I auueldlen4ul. , ljq'l , at Mrs. A , A , Smlui. , 112ioulh tlnt stcet 'iIIil:1 ' : \ ( + + hon.el10 Pint Atcnne , Setup ll rsu"r , old In.1111q.'t Il , e.l lll'r 1stl al cello anti 11th Rai Satin , i 111c IOUdnut Y'urpto + und hou.eklrplnutenlla In 11(1.1 Su , sic $ hIII A 111111. .11mo.tIUa and Cara Ialli11.etl , 'Itlurnlturs ) aasuiadut" onler iyt , I II. Daruuplt , IlOstnn , ) hew , and egat. arc Ingll.h : utter ) 1111.11"lpnrtnl by 1'ono , , lirlght & 'Ii ov ) of 1.1.10 ( , ( 'ail be ace n 0arh daybela00114 ud 0' l1' 'I'IludntIIiit IIIEixthtt0uul + for 5510 nr raft Etlrly' + a u.siuu tun 1) glten. Al. . 1 lllstdant lattcrn htlggy built It' 1:1001111 : k e l + ul11sler cl proton Maw. I geld modal II 1it - unable hunt , ' . , ' , gold nulmttd Carruil Ilantc. I + e Uvltr lawn 11.1. 1 h'kg ) ' llamcse Ilan hind oto lLrrtYiiu and hurne.s run bill stun at luau 'Y stathw , k , ( ' . Iloe , l'ouril Illos. , la , Jul ) 2. N. C 'ADY , F. II. QIICCTi' . CASs DY & ORCUTT rel r ® ' Carpet Only one 111 the C itY. Stock now Complete. MAIL ORD7 :1 F1 f30LICX' D. CASADY & ORCUTT , 502 COUNCIL BLUFFS. Broadway , - - - - A , H. MAYNE & CO. , 1)IAfdIfs : : 1S Liffle Louisville MICI11AN 1'LASTOII , IMIII AN ! ) SEw'Elt I'II' } : , IIAUD ANI ) SOFT C0,11 AT LOWEST I'IIICE , No , 34 Pearl Street , - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. J. M , PHILLIPS w1101.EsALE AND RTAIL BOOTS AND SHOE 1 Fine Shoes a Specialty. 413 Broadway , - - ' - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , NUGENT & SMITH , MerchantTailor FIRST CLASS G00DS AND THE BEST OF WORKMANSHIP GDARANTEEOI 7 and 9 Main Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS DIRECTORY , COtiNCiL I3LVF = ' , IA. JO 1)N BENO & C0 GENEtAL Le rl , ) 1B Jlain yh ect anti 17 Pearl street L. B. CLARX & CO. , Prescription , Compounded at all hour' . 100llnhoduny , - - IIIISToN ( OUSE. MAX MOHnT , Grocery , :15 ) lain Street Hotel , 217 mid 210 Maui street - - - - - - J , M. BARSTOW M , D , , t'urner OFFICE Fifth , strert and Fifth ate , DB. J , F. WHITE , Corner Main and Fifth ( p stalrs. Itesidance , 901 Willow avenue. - - - - - - N SC RURZ JUSTICE OFTIlEPEACE , , , 0111ct o0cr Auterlean Express. . . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 LIVERY FEED , , S PAGNER , w'll1 Contract for funernlt at rcasmiahle rates. 22 } 'ourth street , J M Sr JOHN & CO.CA C E BUYERS ' eggs , maul' , , , . , , try B'i' us , lralt ) by return malL lee Broataay. - - - - Xuly : nOOT.IND SnOE STORE , S A PIERCE , , Corner Main amt First a0 enue. - - PETBYBRIDGE & HERB ERTZBntvlaay ) feat Market , , 3.1 Broadway , JACOB KOCH , Stock Complete. Salty nude at reasonable prices. No , 805 Meln St' - CONTItA ( FOI1 AND IIU11JEIt ) , G' F. S M 1TH . , . ' . ' Corner 7th and iirtadaoy. I'laus and spcelOeatblI + fttrnl0htd. - - - - - - - - j ' - i/flat / IN } 'INE IIAIINEss , 1 , SHERMAN , I hate the inriety that brings patronage , 121 Mali , street , - MEIICILIN' ' TAnOII. JAMES FRANEY , Artl + tie Turk and reawnablo charges. 572 imrnadaay , - - - - - - I'UIINITUIIE S''ot'Is , HoWE & SON , and Irousehuld Sulphas , i(13liroadnay , .tT'rolNivs : ' 1' LI N-DT & FART _ , James mock , Practice to state and federal courts , Manulaetirers Flno Furniture , Uphol + lery Geols , , Curtains , E STOCI ERT & CO. , . , anti whulowShadus 1io711roadway , And bath house , 421 and 4L' Ilra(1an , , . 1. . So0ereign , I'rop , I' . J. Mont- SANITARIUM glllllerl'M.I.l'hsielati. { 'rnluNAm' smturoN , WADE CA ftY , Otllre , llray's stable. No. 12 Scott street - - Manufacturer of .BOISE CGI.LAItS , P , flENNESSY , Tmdu Suppllcd , 8thstreetbettuen 0th aol7th are , - - - - JIISTICEOpTInl'ACF. : : , EDWIN J , ABBOTT , Nutaryl'ublleu1110eneral Conteyarcer. 41511roa(1aay , _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 S11IT11 d NORTON , REVERE HOUSE _ ) uroadaay opposite Sew Opera House , llefllted 41 , 11,50 i cr day , T' - w T CONTIIAC'rolts AND BUILDERS. DE CAY & CASSB.u. Corner Sixth strict a11dAve'nue(1. AND SECOND ] iAND 110USEIfOLD GOODS , W + H , ALMYNEW , 212 Broadway. Swedish Movement Cure For 11111 treatment and cow of dry , harsh , dead or fallinghair orbublutns , 1't 712 Drualasy , C'u11e11 Ithrfl , , ( as aisir as nallla are t'nrupletcd ) ; until that tintu hlquiec for Ur , Ihslge , 5CTON the au at the fey Ilouse. ( 'u11ltltatlu" or exanlitadun at ids no11l.fire .1Chsry . , u. s.vrIsvAtrruN ) GIJAIIANTCED. Tie dnt'tur ha vii sale tilt great Shakcrand Dtdlan ill.asl hourly , for tire cure 1'l tutarrh x111 ronuuP thin. lrltui1'rents llttnrrh la of sun oral dlffeent kind. , or grades ; No. L khUnlua catarrh , Is much like a tOIIIIIIOll t0ddalllnnutatwdbchalgtw trout the head , m.e and lhrsd , No. 2. Dry' catarrh , a Ith lent Iii the fare and head , hue dlsadurnl .1.111 , dq' , hnnh , dcud or faUlug Itnlr and laldnest. No 3. SrmfIIIOa catarrh , l + kina n by exces.lvo dandrntt , and a niptiour'do ; ' a11d h i.lll11g lisle , lad beat ) , lea spldta , lorgetfuluc.a , lint dreams , lend. echo , hinteaterdhelagofront"iwo and eta , new- rallela , allh laddllII Su1111dio ( ' ) ' , \u , 4 , llcucral catardl Ul lho blood , results In acakecs. , deblllty short breuthlngnunllaink pule , heart lruuhle.,1.1,1110) nlft0tluna , alth III IF 00111 plalut mud InJI cstlou , wltir Its att11dalIt Irprita dla ltd0ratiunaIltile aktuand glaav , . ) ) Ikt'ti npltan a11e f the 5e. - T. EIt1ILU.XE. S. ) r Cor. Farnanl and Tenth Sts , Buy's CASTOFF Ci.OTIIING. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID. ant call or sold l4 > 6Wl Cant , _ Tunis & Kneller I3. D. ! . D ENT ISTS , 1107 FAIINAM 8'I'IIEETUpStairs. ) 1'un Nitro Gatdo Oas knit constantly mI hand for for srdrlw , extractlun of teed ( /12 / ] 01 ODELL & DAY , Loans , Real Estate AND INSURANCE , No , 39 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , City Property , hat u taCahit Iota In nil tarts I t the city at fral eOJq , lip , for salu on "tontldya , ) uwnt , : ' ; o. 5L Il11uso , d nn1a , a 016 d + tern , 1 largu lots , .dent . ) ' of fruit , all nielltnll street ; cheap , ( r2ulq , Nn , milt - A ilesirablo rc.ldene on t + vlculh street , near lllnimler schisd , bnlldinga aeurh 1104 ; t + t,0al , Sit 4'2.-SIety feet front , corner l'earl St and su roil ate0nu , olailtu , court 11011.0 ; ri5DlJ. Business Chances , No , Pd } 'or sale or trade , n stock of hanbwao , at a gia.t I IIalllea Iaillt III aetern lull a. will tonic for ( aria or t Itt'1o ' trt ) ' . ' No , 51. 'Muter , the mule " 1'u In iitoan of 7 W Inhah Ito"ta,25rl.lllatllttrgiadlath , null heated , sill sell rhunp or trade far + faun , No , ltd--A Isle repnbllran iuI or In ae.t0nl 1111) ft , nrtleial county lus'rand , lar vwtrulIagc , , rtrytlItnp If soul 50111 , wt a ! . . bale a nnmt er of choke ( trios ii , u estent loan , for sale chant LOANS , w u liar u 01011(3 to lan , On farina nu lcit ) pruittI ) , at ( rum 0 to 1(111 ; r'ut Fire and Tornado Insurance , that of cougalIiCt represented , I I(1ltnidu rates Sill fair Ireatnani. I.i sui adlntt01 and 1.511 at tiii. uhIe , Mrs H J Hilts 1)I ) , , , l1 , D,1 PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 239 Broadway , Council Blu/is / , ' I To The Trade ! \\e take plcavul0 in coiling your ntleutiou to the fact that we11nvclnade 3001 aresnge t , lilellt9 85 will 01111)10 us to sell you Rio1 , Here , as Low as you can buy them East , 1z'rite for further info'ntatiel , CO. , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. . , . 4 MRS. M. McALLISTER 'l'IIE LEADING DEALEit IN Millinery and Notions i " 5 Main Street , Council Biufft , JOHN R , MARTIN , Plumber , as aM Steam Filler. flay a full line of Bath 'Yobs , Siuk , ltallars , urns and read Gnuds , Lead cord iron i'tt.es and flttinga. Job. plug pruwplb attc11dcd to. First clays work guarantee 1. No , 11 Pearl Street , - - ' - COUNCIL BLUFFS. L. C BRACKETT , i 224 AND 226 BROADWAY i BOOKS , TOYS AND NOVELTIES , Greatest Variety In the City. No stranger shodd fail to rkit toytore rooms , Broadway Steam Laundry 724 w > s'r BROADWAY. A. C. LARSON . , - - - - - Proprietor. LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY , HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS Imought aril ! Sold. Money Loaned ! Abstracts Furnished ! xL ds MoMAIiON 1 No. 4 Pearl Str'eet , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , t DEALERS IN T rovisiolis , Bools liOOS IMMIGRATION AGZ1'JP . DIIATSON TilE BANE OF IRELAND , DUnmds , FOIL SALE , 313 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS B. S. TERWILLIGER ! IECOBA'I'OR AND DEALER IN } 'ANC1' WALL , I A E ] P. 31 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa , CRESTON HOUSE , MAX MOHN , - - - - PROPRIETOR. S11i , 217 and 219 . Mains fStx'oot , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - - - - IOWA. MRS , D. A. BENEDICT , 'I'IIE LE.IDING DEAhrlt IN I 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. P Overton , DEALER IN Hard Wood , Yellow Pine and Red Cedar Lumber , Oak and Ited Cedar I'tl11rgCedar Telcgra li 1'nlesand } 'onto Posts , Oak Dku elslon Stuff , Bridge Material It all kinds , at lied Ruck I'rleet , A Smtclalty In WOOD AND COAL for brick yanl pugxntre. A full nqpiy of a oal and coal ula ays on hand at ) 'aril , B0 : mud 814 Maln abet. 0ttice , 505 Front At mum , ietucell Main and Pearl street. . L. : . fiIDLI7Y , a'ilonaata OllALYII IN ] TI'TT'ER' ' Prompt Cash Paid , So rimllld..1011 rhary t + l. atoll for ( , 512 liraulaa ) , ( uitc /tlutb I , 1110' , o.riCts , IL It ) 'l'sly. ' OFFICER & PUSEY CANKERS Council Bluff , , ! a , Establishen - - 1856 lhalera to Furglut aul Douetiu , Iacltaugu : aul Ilumo Securittu. . WINTHERLICH BROS. Brass Follllthly Cor , 0th St , 011(1 11th Ave , COL'NOIL BLUFFS , IOWA , MRS. E , J. HARDING , M , D , Medical Electrician AND CYNECOLOCIST I Graduate 'l F.lectromathic lnatltutlun , Plillalelphla ten" . Office Cor. Broadway & Glenn Ave CoONCIL nLUFRs , 00t'A. T11utreatnentofalldbenseyalit b infuldillcultiee Iar"llar to femmes a q eelalty MORGAN , KELLER , & CO „ UNDERTAKERS. Tito flnestquallt ) 1(11(1 larest stock west of Chlcago if tV'twlen a11d Metalic Caea , ran. attended to at all hours , w'o defy eanqetltlou In quality Ut groda or pricy + , Our Mt atorgan ha. serlII as undertaker for lurtw years nnu thuruughly understands hii bust. neat.Varvroouu , ill lintulaay. t'1'11O151'CItl5G III all Its branches pr01uptl , attended to , al.u Carpet laylug mod lanbrequ11ls , Telegraphic and 11fall orders 1111)01 without delay. WI R.VAUCHAN Justice of the Peace , ' . Omaha nod Council Bluff's , I , . , heal estate and collectlol agcue } ' , l1' Odd F.Ilow' block , uerSatlllgs hank. ) ani tf